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<t*i *.-t i. ttfgtHll*illiqpQi^lmtrimiirK**-»-f<f ^«Se«^WW«^wi»w!f5« J.U— J' -I !•• LAI. :; ^%<^ESfe... E? 1 F«* E *V f * w a * 3| -'- **f S fo3- 1 1V , *- 2 !•»• $L-a 8K I bul aS-f. • 5F§I HHT I W i 1 | €8r** FS ms JH « ill* Sf V s 9< * K^t MSil BIBCTHIC MM* rMivrnrmoritiiTOfi ^sssasssBsawf! cae^cOosaa May 13U 1939 mt>m& mmwmmmrst! pommwom T QWMW oof »!«§»' ^y* V; if.''' * /AMINE C '•.A',',f ', [ • T ri CJ LE.HILDRETH OPTOMETRIST :'« ".'T< A V F VJ READ THE CATHOLIC COURIEll For Hits The*? Set |he S=9>lfr- Alt Cetera— leel«»1i| Wkftu $l.t5-~$2.IMs«**5 GRIFFIN HA"tS 154 SHERMAN J T M 3 T 0i«» » t. » CHm wt-w tf Ova* f* fit ft. *t Shall *M« iim&iti+itihmt e wild, ^irtc.r. 0 :;;"^;;^ ALL-STEEL CABINU *.v WW mMtiyu * #****• Cin*tkl EUtltic MfoJil* i»Uh s l U1rctivmi|*eQMDiriPNi BUttTH JFWOR' Courts** D*amn|, 4 C*rt»fcclt As the ant,**! OneimKHltjf OWmt mnnlf* W*M* lot* Jtlihrear MonsWy evening M eflkcsai aperilng dirnicw, fttmtiHM r«H*»*mK, tateeea sad «t»W feetler* "wire em |HM4 et the Chamber »f O m m e m t* nllmulBfte fWH(^l«n w#rk»r» <#wif* »»<M«I, A m i n f tk«M»> «l t h » nwaiteri' M t t o (*)I«WII •!)•«« ( » m k f l ) went G a - iliiiffjiiiM w irt HI iniiiVi "r"" "JIIMW^>W»—a i nun i i_niin i"i'i urn m _i.n»iim i un n r fext o f Bishop's Sermon On Chest Drive <C0MlnMt(t ttmsa Hi* 1) ltV» t>t th» «Jioi*nt pUfltrcJil tbilp ?.omjiiWMtlonM* Un4«»Mi (of til* *M!f<it«tl £ ^ ncorditl by Hiir ln»|ilrea vrr|i«!-3M» * {t««iiitnr (i|)|u of pf»l«i; ami lii t i n l u t iAiiru^tiatxi vrhifa m h»Jy Tobl- IIK b*fiu«»tli»<l to l«:i> ion, hi t«c- pmmwulii »h» prwrttci of nurcy «| hi vul^d hf» «e«(|it»Re« with tiid'Aimiiftty. Uke th» ni«re)fial liolrj* (ram wdom Jt emiui«le«J, lite Jewltb jaW.brtiUhed t&fi..telllil«t»t corn- |iwi»lon ttwftfcts th«s poir and the nfdieted. N«y, » ^orllon o( the llthw tit mty f*amlly t+ nervid lor thalr r«elldi *nd In «nthirln« In the h*rv«»t (h« wldoW- mi the orpfJim wart not (of|0trt«. "Wbvni ihBU hut tmttX tin cum lit thy (laid, ind Unit forgot Mid Iff t * ihtaf, thou ihdlt not t»tum to t*kt It »wiy; but thou ihalt autfair th» atmni- «f, lha fulhtrl***, luad tht widow, to ttk* It away; th«l tha Lord thy Qod winy b l u i t l i i i In nil tha world of thy h a n d * . 11 thou h»v« K»th»r«d (lit ( h i l t e( thy ollva- tnu, thou »h»lt ruel rtturn to Mthlr wh«t»oav«r r*miln»th on the t r « o , but a h a l s IHV* It (or Hid •trangef, for t£t« f«th«rl«i», «ntl tha widow. I f thou mike th« vlntat* of thy -wMi-yard, «nd thou ahklt not g a o i t r lha clun- teri that r«maln, amit Ihcy (halt ho (or the i t r a n f t r , tht futhir- Itit, wid th* widow." Such li tha ehtfltablt MlicItuiS* that WM Mcommttidtd b y tr** Old Uw for rallavlnr th* mUtiKi of our follow- c m f u r t a . JRCacomrriandtdl, hnvs I »*ldT—no, b*it commtnd- oil, ilnct tht pmcaaili X hlvo clttd a r t concludMt by thl* im- phttle prtctpt whG«h nwaktna companion by th« i^acollictton of ilmlUr miiery, "Remember that ,FUftCO. "fc ^mo.iwc &frr* f«4M.„ 20S 351 Btblnd th* trlplanjucnfcl»d* meruit doon of th* Bwnbtn o f lha Txofiw 1 Colcl Slowqt Guild ttt cdwoys -wiat«r ; •» That« whir your ium at» n4rl«>r U th« vctulti of nwmbtn of lh» FCSG H » r « , In t h t natural wiimNr tn^ironnttnt oi jin» lvuni 4 no moth can HT». lust en th* p#U Qf fur-b^atlnq animal* gragwn llnt>r. thiclnr and w o w jslttk Sn )h* cold winter month* your U^ ytift la^t lon^r and ICM»P th«lr natural l^utw and ih«Mn Ipngwt) you •tor* Atm In an artmo«|>h*r» h*ld <rt natuw'i mat i|>rot«iB|it» ttm» Locftkkxf t&« lock 8«tlTatj—youttjuaremtoo oi fe^irottrhiw.^ 1 IERS COLD ACE CUILD FCSG MEMBERS J. C MIRCUEr, INC 108 Pl.tt St. M-alr, 2435 SHAFER COMPANY 27 ClbM St. StM« t l HARRY LEVIN WODES 1 Clinton Ave. St, Sttnt70l« ' : ^ : ' '•' §j< 3 ff 'Cu«^«4 H»Ji»»t «tt •— " tiuVlgariilil 1 !^ thou alto watt a otndimiM in JC*ypt, »»"*. ther»(ort, I com- mind tb«t to do thli thin*" t*KW LAW SANCTION And hit* the Almighty utmn- ilontd the cart of tht undar- pflvllegdU uundur tii# Ntw Uw? A(t«r Jiavli»x p«nd«d th«m with •itch ttnd«r lollcitudt undtr a leu perfect covtmani, can we aupposc thav£ fit iim ncjlcctcd their protection urultf the Chn«» Man dUpenatatloiiT No: He who lived with t i n poor, convened with the poor; nod whoat »uf- firing* eng«sc(l lli* moat active oympathic* wlillo o n earth did not forget t_hem ere Hit mccn- alon into heavu. Charity, then, cornea to u s not only reconv minded by thi grmteful feillnga which It dlffmea ovtr tht hu- man haart. Hut trtXoictd by the poiltlva pre»-cepti o f our Divine ntdltmer, anil aatnolloned by Hla tntlrt autkos-ity K you doubt It, h*atr lha lawful aentence which Chrtat will pronounre upon the reprobate in tht lut day: "Go. y e ourased, Into tver* laitlnc dro pfopareJ (or the devil and hXs antala." And why thli trcmencSoui lentenceT "Be- came," Ha *ayi "X waa hungry and you faire Ma not to cat. thirsty, and you f * v t Me not to drink; a atranjtir. and you took Me not to; nuked, and you clothed M' not; sick and In prison, and y o u did not vlalt Me." And tha repz-obnte shall exclaim "Iiord. whet* did wt ite Thee hungry, or ttxlraty. o r a atranier. or naked, or- tick, or In prlion, and did not minuter on Thet?" Then Ha iteaUl answer, pointing to tht poor: "Anrnn. I «ay to you. aa long as y o u did It not to one of UIOM l e a s t one*, neither did you do it to Me." (Jan you think any longer thai to luccour tht distressed a n d lo ausuoge their afflletlona i s not at precept, or that It la wtaat yoa are at lib- erty to fulfill, or t o violate? "I might thlntt io. too," iayi St Gregory of >f«»l»naen. "were I riot terrified by t i i e laaxuage with which C3irlit siiall confound the re probata*, since- that cannot ha any other than ea precept, (or the omiaalon of which they art loat for ever." Lit those, then, who arraign the dlapenamtloni of heaven atand be for*? the tribunal of Chrlat, and learn whither God Himatlf coutdt have more merci- fully provided for the wants of tha poor than by transferring on the more fox-tunale the obliga- tion of relieving them, under the awful penalty of their own rep- robation. Or could tXte Redeemer breathe a rtvor? tender compas- sion for their- lot than by Iden- tifying them -with Himself, and pronouncing that He was re- lieved or Insulted by the mercy or the c r u e l t y that was shown to Hli creatuaretf Xn pronounc- ing the verdi<rt of Us* reprobate. Chrlat alludes only t o their hard- htarttdneaa, asaslgnlxxs It "as the aole cause o f their- condemns- tlon: "Bectiuaar I was .hungry and you gave Me not to eat." DEFINITE OJmtKJATlON It matters but Iltt3e what this obligation m a y be ctaJUed. It is of little Iraportaxjce wkather It may bt named justice or charity. It It sufficient f o r us t o know that It springs f r o m the will of the Almighty. *.nit that i t cannot be violated without forfeiting our. own happiness. Ut none, then, boaat of the profesaion of the Christian relSsgioit, without the practice of t*la vtrtue, since without tta u*Tl\ience> the soal o( religion la gone. "For Million. pure and undefUad with dod,** aays the Apostle, "la to vim the* (itherlesa and widows in llietr tribulation." Those, then, to whom Clod haae given the gifts of materia] com- fort are celled on, aa they valu* Hla favour and their own hap- piness,, generously to share a. portion' of their wealth with the Indigent objects that claim your compassion. T h e y arc children of the aame Fattier, they have hcen purchased b y the anme re- demption; and. after being puri- fId by the trying affliction) o f this life they a r e dealinml for the same everlaattng inheritance Without the Rullt of extrava- gance or dissipation, ninny o f them have bean reduced to ihetr present forlorn a n d desolate con- dition by a train of misfortunes which It was not i n their power to Control. rKACnCAL D E E D S The consequence Is. that they must perish or b e rescued from their fnte by your seasonable in- terposition, bet n o t your char- ily, then, be confined to words.. It must manifest itself by the more unequivocal proofs of prac- tical deeds of m e r c y , insult them not by such lronlc-«! commncra- tlon as that mentioned by the Apostle: "If a brother or inter be naked and w a n t daily food, and one of you s a y to them Go In peace, be you warmed and filled: yet give tiicm not those things that are necessary for the body, what ahatl i t profit , " Vet such would be y o u r conduct If. with a verbal admission of the existence of distress and much apparent sympathy for human lufferlng, you w e r e to withhold ell practical relief from Its vic- tims. Follow the advlco of the Wise Man. who tells us Hon- our the Lord with thy atib«Unnv and thy barrn aball be filled with abundance" Do not ex- pend In Iho service of your pas- aiona the wealth which you re- delved for the nobler purpoie or charity and benevolence, lest yoia ahould incur the reproach of the prophet Oseo to t h e unfortunate city of Jerusalem. "And ahe did not know that J grave her corn. and wine, and o i l a n d multiplied her silver and g o l d , which they have used In the service of Dasl Therefore will I return, and take away my corn In i t s season and my wine in its season, and I will set at liberty my wool, which covered her disgrace And I will cause all her mirth to cease. and her sabbaths and her sol- emnities," What an awful warn- ing to those who m a y havi hith- erto forgotten the e n d for which wealth was given, nslnlsterlng to their vanity out of the Just pos- sessions of the p o o r ' ADMITS NO D E B A T E But It la needless to multiply further Instances in enforcing the obligations of compassion and of mercy, No: I shall.not . exhaust your patience in lllui- trattng a truth w h i c h cannot be controverted without controvert- ing every part of that twofold covenant which God has given lo man. since whatever may be the clearness or obscurity of Scrip- ture, the charters o f meroy are like Illuminated letters, striking the reader at the first glance. whilst they cast t h e i r lustre over every page of. the sacred volume —a truth which, w i t h more forre than writing, speaks through every monument o f benovolencc I (Continued on TPngt 7i • M O N U M E N "TS * MAUSOLEU IvIS TROTTBROSCO.Irtc. MONROE 57th hOtONgO* 72 YEAH 71 1120 MT. HOPS AVI, at STTIWAUT ARE YOU TIRED OF WALKING A R O U N D TOWN PAYING BULLS? Your Solution Is To SEP© REGISTER CHECKS AVAIL-ABLE TO EVER YONE NO HANK ACCOUNT REQUIRED COSTS ONLY 10c EACH jink About TlttM New, Safe Conretnrnt Stmcc At The Bank 0/ Peitonal Service, GENESEE VALLE¥ rRUST COMPANY Exchartse and Broad Member o/ P. ED. /. APEX MOTH VAPORIZERS MotH l-'C C*nr>0» e*tjt n |nv c"tOHt or locker when Ihe contend i» <0n- t.Ofd W'fH «« AOt?K V,f0O"!t' MB»Otn killing vapor penetrate* §*(•> peawoui rnjte* 4< but 'Caue* 'X) odO' l-~Un% One >n vOu' C'olCt jr\d bt lU»**-» 0' moth pfOtcct-O" 49c It'i l i t t e r (• •ring Taut fnscrlplien Te fsi(i«'a TlVjn Te Wuh Y»y Hif rhe PAIME DRUG CO- Aaelhicariti 24.26 EAST MAIN STRICT fatislishee' 1120 'fttue Mats 1110 TELEPHONE OR M A I L ORDERS SENT CHARGE OR C 0 O. DELIVERIES POSTPAID AJMYWHERE IN NEW YORK STATE -V V FURS Is another w a y o* laying STAUI'S— because th* ervenly frigid cold air temperature o# our vaults preserves tha natural beauty of your Furs! Staubs Frigid Cold Air Vaults is The Logical Answer! >h KftjuieBt-ant In $fetce ^ mma, Atma, died *««Y 6. fun«»i. May 10 »» Holy tateaiiy C*«i«h. O-eaitN. j N t * * e * died Klav 9. fumnt. Mw 13 »t St. A*frn'l Chvi«h. . O'eOHMWl. n e w , died Ull week with ft«ie>»l servises »«Uv 10 at S» Kler's thureh. l * Rev. , M I H I R . C h i r t a s , died M*i I I . Funeral. May IS af St. S**e>«»'l Churth. 0UINUH. t s t a a t , wife «l |ohn. died Mav I < rufieeal. sway IT a t Sacred Heart (•ee-Cafhedral atJCH. t t i t t t M . wilt o f Conrad dieo Mav 0 FuncrsL, a«lay U et Holy r>«» Church. «VAN. Tfcwnts, JMilbintJ ol Anna, died Mlv I I Funerat svtav IJ at Si Patrick - * Churd*. Vietcf. died May 9. ftirWasi. May 12 at SS. feter snei Wul's ChuecK leoTT. analit, eHel a»«y U Funnel. Mav IS tt St. PaWTKk't CrajKh, IIXTOH. Aeelh. VHi o* Timothy, died May 8. ruCT«t»l, May II *,t St. MaiR't . JHANAHAM. a«at(M, <#ed May ». ^«fetey V ?.^ Mav,»#«j.leys*i^fhi**t* ; fefaisar^tttoeslt,' iMerU.. iftweteT, y. Funatalj *T»t«t»W." ft*i, dted tsiay % tmiA-.: Wev 11 *t Ow lady et Victor CKuRh. •tUKKIY. Maty, died M « y V. runeitl. May U *t St. BrTaret-s Owtreh. „.l>nwn,aiNkSett. Mat* l i - fWHil,! "- 1 - -AasaVew.TSd * « * y It. Iwerel* - ntHfctJWft.^a.tiaawrry. « « Mto Ti itinttai^Mer l*» «! iHr :<3wcn?e''» '~' i - > \t^fa>«tKt-*^(r*rSoiu*l,. •-• )tki«t tn>mm,**»isrmimem J C W£SWAJ£ $Mm> dM **»Vt.iywil, 1 -»i vteeaetr. 3e»t}a»ve*«. «***&.* "ane hmtmrni *t fh'iaHrti. m -•uanefati, sas«y:.i»..«JK AUDH. WALJM, RillMiki*. <fi»d MJY 8 Funtial. Ktay •• »» hnmaciilite Cer««Dll(>n Churth. SAUM. Catketlmr, di*<J May 8. Funeiat. May II at SS. atl« and Peuit Churth SaiCKlW. |u«e1>. K«st!«nd ol Helen cfied May 13 Funeral. Mary K at Holy Ortia Church, CINO, Vlmtnl, husband or lucv tied May 12 Funerel, Mav !e> «i Our LIIN of Pwwhiil Help Church. ttta. Mirle. w.le o-« Ptorent. died Uiv I* Funcr*!, May 17 at Holy «.p«iies Church fOlir. * • » , <jird '0 funt'il. Mav 12 a! St Pelefs Church FOat>. Ann |«»«. wif» of Ccwrje. die* May 11 Funef tl, M»y IS at St Monet's Church, roSB. MkhMl, husb»"rf 0> Ellen rj.cd M t y 13 Funeral. M«v I s at Sacred Hciit Pro-Calhedr-sl. rOaiYTH, Arlh.r, hus£>arid ol He!,,,, died jt h« V»rt* Ft*<er»r«. May 10 ii SS. F*et«r and Patrt's Giureh, CUllNOv l»«hK died May U. Funeral. M*v-.%** S f frandx Chtwch. HtlMTX, |Mtea, huM»rxi ol tlitibeih. di«d M » IO.. Funeral. M « y 13 jl 55. Petrt Kiwi P«ia> Chtn-eK. ._ . >_ M I U . M»«v, diet) MaV » & Fimf'tl. MK : 1 5 a » m i v it»at<y4*tiMr<a». ," .,„»lo«gT*,A«*a. wtte c#JDyotWii«. Ad W e arc m e m b e r s of t h e "FURRIERS COLD S T O R A G E C U I L D " . . . your guarantee of perfect Fur Storage. Our modern, spacious vaults are located in o u r own building:! . PHONE MONROE 6600 5TAU8&S0K loBtaaaMeaV IMCOKPORATKO iMaaaasMH flint—951 Male St. East Iraneh Store—12 last Art. 133 Ml ^ ;**«» May „)».. 1'ih 8 ^ 'M^teel'sChiKih; | c . MMOUttt. "ft»r(*tar. May .«fat"«v Ss^Jej** - ... - f*** •Qiuteh. Special GOLDEN JUBILEE Offer "" .• SUBSCRIBERS to th* CATHOLIC COUHM whtia itcurt or ijaonior a iub»ctiption ord»r (or a ntw suiMcribejr will b* git»n ipt>e=ial mtntion In fcont pag* announct-. niELlstob» publissbtki ax such ordan an rtctjamd. ItSMblJ mg^mS^msA'-^^^i^i^^'^^c^i-

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ttfgtHll*illiqpQi^lmtrimiirK**-»-f<f ^«Se«^WW«^wi»w! f5«

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cae^cOosaa May 13U 1939

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For Hits

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Alt Cetera— leel«»1i| W k f t u

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^irtc.r.0:;;"^;;^ ALL-STEEL CABINU

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#****• Cin*tkl EUtltic MfoJil* i»Uh



Courts** D * a m n | , 4 C*rt»fcclt

As the ant,**! OneimKHltjf OWmt mnnlf* W * M * lot* Jtlihrear MonsWy evening M eflkcsai aperilng dirnicw, fttmtiHM r«H*»*mK, tateeea sad «t»W feetler* "wire e m |HM4 et the Chamber »f O m m e m t* nllmulBfte fWH(^l«n w#rk»r» <#wif* »»<M«I , Aminf tk«M»> «l t h » nwaiteri' Mtto (* ) I«WII •!)•«« ( » m k f l ) went G a -

iliiiffjiiiM w irt HI iniiiVi "r"" "JIIMW >̂W»—a i nun i i_niin i"i'i urn m _i.n»iim i un n

rfext o f Bishop's Sermon On Chest Drive <C0MlnMt(t ttmsa Hi* 1)

ltV» t>t th» «Jioi*nt pUfltrcJil tbilp ?.omjiiWMtlonM* Un4«»Mi (of til* *M!f<it«tl £ ^ ncorditl by Hiir ln»|ilrea vrr|i«!-3M» * {t««iiitnr (i|)|u of pf»l«i; ami lii t in l u t iAiiru^tiatxi vrhifa m h»Jy Tobl-IIK b*fiu«»tli»<l to l«:i> ion, hi t«c-pmmwulii »h» prwrttci of nurcy «| hi vul^d hf» «e«(|it»Re« with tiid'Aimiiftty.

Uke th» ni«re)fial liolrj* (ram wdom Jt emiui«le«J, lite Jewltb jaW.brtiUhed t&fi..telllil«t»t corn-|iwi»lon ttwftfcts th«s poir and the nfdieted. N«y, » ^orllon o( the llthw tit mty f*amlly w « t+ nervid lor thalr r«elldi *nd In «nthirln« In the h*rv«»t (h« wldoW- mi the orpfJim wart not (of|0trt«. "Wbvni ihBU hut tmttX tin cum lit thy (laid, ind Unit forgot Mid If f t * ihtaf, thou ihdlt not t»tum to t*kt It »wiy; but thou ihalt autfair th» atmni-«f, lha fulhtrl***, luad tht widow, to ttk* It away; th«l tha Lord thy Qod winy b l u i t l i i i In nil tha world of thy hand* . 11 thou h»v« K»th»r«d (lit (h i l t e( thy ollva-tnu, thou »h»lt ruel rtturn to Mthlr wh«t»oav«r r*miln»th on the tr«o, but a h a l s IHV* It (or Hid •trangef, for t£t« f«th«rl«i», «ntl tha widow. I f thou mike th« vlntat* of thy -wMi-yard, «nd thou ahklt not gao i t r lha clun-teri that r«maln, amit Ihcy (halt ho (or the i t r a n f t r , tht futhir-Itit, wid th* widow." Such li tha ehtfltablt MlicItuiS* that WM Mcommttidtd by tr** Old U w for rallavlnr th* mUtiKi of our follow- cmfurta. JRCacomrriandtdl, hnvs I »*ldT—no, b*it commtnd-oil, ilnct tht pmcaaili X hlvo clttd art concludMt by thl* im-phttle prtctpt whG«h nwaktna companion by th« i^acollictton of ilmlUr miiery, "Remember that


"fc ^mo.iwc

&frr* f«4M.„



Btblnd th* trlplanjucnfcl»d* meruit doon of th* Bwnbtn of lha Txofiw1 Colcl Slowqt Guild ttt cdwoys -wiat«r ; •»

That« w h i r your ium at» n4rl«>r U t h « vctulti of n w m b t n o f lh» FCSG H » r « , In t h t natural wiimNr tn^ironnttnt oi jin» lvuni4 n o moth c a n H T » . lust e n t h * p#U Qf fur-b^atlnq animal* gragwn llnt>r. thiclnr and w o w js l t tk Sn )h* cold winter m o n t h * your U^ ytift la^t l o n ^ r and ICM»P th«lr natural l̂ utw a n d ih«Mn Ipngwt)

y o u •tor* Atm In a n artmo«|>h*r» h*ld <rt natuw'i m a t i|>rot«iB|it» ttm»

Locftkkxf t & « l o c k 8«tlTatj—youttjuaremtoo o i fe^irottrhiw.^ 1



J. C MIRCUEr, INC 108 Pl.tt St. M-alr, 2435


27 ClbM St. StM« t l

HARRY LEVIN WODES 1 Clinton Ave. St,


':^:' '•' §j< 3


'Cu«^«4 H»Ji»»t «tt •— "


thou alto watt a otndimiM in JC*ypt, »»"*. ther»(ort, I com-mind tb«t to do thli thin*"

t*KW LAW SANCTION And hit* the Almighty utmn-

ilontd the cart o f tht undar-pflvllegdU uundur tii# Ntw Uw? A(t«r Jiavli»x p«nd«d th«m with •itch t tnd«r lollcitudt undtr a leu perfect covtmani, can we aupposc thav£ fit iim ncjlcctcd their protection urultf the Chn«» Man dUpenatatloiiT No: He who lived with t i n poor, convened with the poor; nod whoat »uf-firing* eng«sc(l lli* moat active oympathic* wlillo o n earth did not forget t_hem ere Hit mccn-alon into heavu. Charity, then, cornea to u s not only reconv minded by thi grmteful feillnga which It dlffmea ovtr tht hu­man haart. Hut trtXoictd by the poiltlva pre»-cepti o f our Divine ntdltmer, anil aatnolloned by Hla tntlrt autkos-ity K you doubt It, h*atr lha lawful aentence which Chrtat will pronounre upon the reprobate in tht lut day: "Go. y e ourased, Into tver* laitlnc dro pfopareJ (or the devil and hXs antala." And why thli trcmencSoui lentenceT "Be­came," Ha *ayi "X waa hungry and you f a i r e Ma not to cat. thirsty, and you f*v t Me not to drink; a atranjtir. and you took Me not t o ; nuked, and you clothed M' not; sick and In prison, and y o u did not vlalt Me." And tha repz-obnte shall exclaim "Iiord. whet* did w t ite Thee hungry, or ttxlraty. o r a atranier. or naked, or- tick, or In prlion, and did not minuter on Thet?" Then Ha iteaUl answer, pointing to tht poor: "Anrnn. I «ay to you. aa long as y o u did It not to one of UIOM l e a s t one*, neither did

you do it to Me." (Jan you think any longer thai to luccour tht distressed a n d lo ausuoge their afflletlona i s not at precept, or that It la wtaat yoa are at lib­erty to fulfill, or t o violate? "I might thlntt io. too," iayi St Gregory of >f«»l»naen. "were I riot terrified by ti ie laaxuage with which C3irlit siiall confound the re probata*, since- that cannot ha any other than ea precept, (or the omiaalon of which they art loat for ever."

Lit those, then, who arraign the dlapenamtloni of heaven atand be for*? the tribunal of Chrlat, and learn whither God Himatlf coutdt have more merci­fully provided for the wants of tha poor than by transferring on the more fox-tunale the obliga­tion of relieving them, under the awful penalty of their own rep­robation. Or could tXte Redeemer breathe a rtvor? tender compas­sion for their- lot than by Iden­tifying them -with Himself, and pronouncing that H e was re­lieved or Insulted by the mercy or the cruelty that was shown to Hli creatuaretf Xn pronounc­ing the verdi<rt of Us* reprobate. Chrlat alludes only t o their hard-htarttdneaa, asaslgnlxxs It "as the aole cause o f their- condemns-tlon: "Bectiuaar I was .hungry and you gave Me not to eat."


It matters but Iltt3e what this obligation m a y be ctaJUed. It is of little Iraportaxjce wkather It may bt named justice or charity. It It sufficient f o r us t o know that It springs f r o m the will of the Almighty. *.nit that i t cannot be violated without forfeiting our. own happiness. U t none, then, boaat of the profesaion of the Christian relSsgioit, without the practice of t* la vtrtue, since without tta u*Tl\ience> the soal o(

religion la gone. "For Million. pure and undefUad with dod,** aays the Apostle, "la to vim the* (itherlesa and widows in llietr tribulation."

Those, then, to whom Clod haae given the gifts o f materia] com­fort are celled on , aa they valu* Hla favour and their own hap­piness,, generously to share a. portion' of their wealth with the Indigent objects that claim your compassion. They arc children of the aame Fattier, they have hcen purchased b y the anme re­demption; and. after being puri-fId by the trying affliction) of this life they are dealinml for the same everlaattng inheritance Without the Rullt of extrava­gance or dissipation, ninny of them have bean reduced to ihetr present forlorn a n d desolate con­dition by a train of misfortunes which It was not in their power to Control.


The consequence Is. that they must perish or be rescued from their fnte by your seasonable in­terposition, bet not your char­ily, then, be confined to words.. It must manifest itself by the more unequivocal proofs of prac­tical deeds of mercy, insult them not by such lronlc-«! commncra-tlon as that mentioned by the Apostle: "If a brother or inter be naked and want daily food, and one of you s a y to them Go In peace, be you warmed and filled: yet give tiicm not those things that are necessary for the body, what ahatl i t profit," Vet such would be y o u r conduct If. with a verbal admission of the existence of distress and much apparent sympathy for human lufferlng, you were to withhold ell practical relief from Its vic­tims. Follow the advlco of the Wise Man. who tells us Hon­our the Lord with thy atib«Unnv and thy barrn aball be filled with abundance" Do not ex­pend In Iho service of your pas-aiona the wealth which you re-delved for the nobler purpoie or charity and benevolence, lest yoia ahould incur the reproach of the prophet Oseo to t h e unfortunate city of Jerusalem. "And ahe did not know that J grave her corn. and wine, and oil and multiplied her silver and gold, which they have used In the service of Dasl Therefore will I return, and take away my corn In i t s season and my wine in its season, and I will set at liberty my wool, which covered her disgrace And I

will cause all her mirth to cease. and her sabbaths and her sol­emnities," What an awful warn­ing to those who may havi hith­erto forgotten the end for which wealth was given, nslnlsterlng to their vanity out of the Just pos­sessions of the poor'


But It la needless to multiply further Instances in enforcing the obligations of compassion and of mercy, N o : I shall.not . exhaust your patience in lllui-trattng a truth w h i c h cannot be controverted without controvert­ing every part of that twofold covenant which God has given lo man. since whatever may be the clearness or obscurity of Scrip­ture, the charters o f meroy are like Illuminated letters, striking the reader at the first glance. whilst they cast the ir lustre over every page of. the sacred volume —a truth which, w i t h more forre than writing, speaks through every monument of benovolencc

I (Continued on TPngt 7i

• M O N U M E N "TS * M A U S O L E U IvIS


7 2 YEAH 71 1 1 2 0 M T . HOPS AVI , at S T T I W A U T


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>h KftjuieBt-ant In $fetce ^ m m a , Atma, died * « « Y 6. fun«»i.

May 10 »» Holy tateaiiy C*«i«h. O-eaitN. j N t * * e * died Klav 9. fumnt.

Mw 13 »t St. A* f rn ' l Chvi«h. . O'eOHMWl. n e w , died Ull week with ft«ie>»l servises »«Uv 10 at S» Kler's thureh. l * Rev. , M I H I R . Chir tas , died M*i I I . Funeral. May IS af St. S**e>«»'l Churth.

0 U I N U H . tstaat , wife «l |ohn. died Mav I < rufieeal. sway IT a t Sacred Heart (•ee-Cafhedral

atJCH. t t i t t t M . wilt o f Conrad dieo Mav 0 FuncrsL, a«lay U et Holy r>«» Church.

«VAN. Tfcwnts, JMilbintJ ol Anna, died Mlv I I Funerat svtav IJ at Si Patrick-* Churd*. Vietcf.

died May 9. ftirWasi. May 12 at SS. feter snei Wul's ChuecK „

leoTT. a n a l i t , eHel a»«y U Funnel. Mav IS t t St . PaWTKk't CrajKh,

IIXTOH. Aeelh. VHi o* Timothy, died May 8. ruCT«t»l, May I I *,t St. MaiR't

. JHANAHAM. a«at(M, <#ed May ».

^«feteyV?.^ M a v , » # « j . l e y s * i ^ f h i * * t * ;




y. Funatalj *T»t«t»W." ft*i, dted tsiay % tmiA-.: Wev 11 * t O w lady e t V ic tor CKuRh.

• tUKKIY. Maty, died M « y V. runeitl. May U *t St. BrTaret-s Owtreh. „ . l > n w n , a i N k S e t t . M a t * l i - fWHil,!

• " - 1 - -AasaVew.TSd * « * y I t . Iwerel* -

n t H f c t J W f t . ^ a . t i a a w r r y . « « Mto Ti i t int ta i^Mer l * » «! iHr :<3wcn?e''»

'~' i-> \ t^fa>«tKt-*^(r*rSoiu*l , . •-•

)tki«t tn>mm,**»isrmimem J C W£SWAJ£ $Mm> dM **»Vt.iywil,

1 -»i vteeaetr. 3e»t}a»ve*«. «***&.* "ane hmtmrni *t fh'iaHrti. m -•uanefati, sas«y: . i» . .«JK AUDH.

WALJM, RillMiki*. <fi»d MJY 8 Funtial. Ktay •• »» hnmaciilite Cer««Dll(>n Churth.

SAUM. Catketlmr, di*<J May 8. Funeiat. May I I at SS. a t l « and Peuit Churth

SaiCKlW. |u«e1>. K«st!«nd ol Helen cfied May 13 Funeral. Mary K at Holy Ortia Church,

CINO, Vlmtnl, husband or lucv tied May 12 Funerel, Mav !e> «i Our LIIN of Pwwhiil Help Church.

t t ta . Mirle. w.le o-« Ptorent. died Uiv I * Funcr*!, May 17 at Holy «.p«iies Church

fOl i r . * • » , <jird M » '0 funt'il. Mav 12 a! St Pelefs Church

FOat>. Ann |«»«. w i f» of Ccwrje. die* May 11 Funef tl, M»y IS at St Monet's Church,

roSB. MkhMl, husb»"rf 0> Ellen rj.cd Mty 13 Funeral. M«v I s at Sacred Hciit Pro-Calhedr-sl.

rOaiYTH, Arlh.r, hus£>arid ol He!,,,, died j t h« V»rt* Ft*<er»r«. May 10 ii SS. F*et«r and Patrt's Giureh,

CUllNOv l»«hK died M a y U. Funeral. M*v- .%** S f frandx Chtwch.

HtlMTX, |Mtea, huM»rx i ol tlitibeih. di«d M » IO.. Funeral. M « y 13 jl 55. Petrt Kiwi P«ia> Chtn-eK. . _ . >_

MIU . M»«v, diet) MaV » & Fimf'tl. M K : 1 5 a » m i v it»at<y4*tiMr<a». , " . ,„»lo«gT*,A«*a. wtte c#JDyotWii«. Ad

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