ontogeny of [3h]-neurotensin binding sites in the rat cerebral cortex: autoradiographic study

$151 THE INFI/J-£~CE OF CATECHOLAMINE ON NEUROPEPTIDE Y-LIKE IMMUNOREACTIVE NEURONS IN RAT CI~,EHRAL CORTEX AND BASAL GANGLIA MASATO MIYAKE I , HITOSHI OKAMURA 2, TOMOKO SUGANO 3, FUMIO KAWAKAMI I , ~JI FUKUI I AND YASUHIKO IBATA 2 Department of Psychiatry I , Anatomy 2 and Pediatrics 3, Kyoto Prefectual University of Medicine, Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto 602. Neuropeptide Y(NPY) exists in very high concentrations in the central nervous system. This peptidehasbeen reported to co-exist with noradrenaline or adrenaline in neurons in the brain stem. For elucidating the interaction of NPY and catecholamine, we investigated the influence of catecholamine on NPY-like immunoreactive fibers in the rat brain by using peroxidase anti- peroxidase immunocytochemistry. Male Wistar rats were used in this study. Chronic haloperidol treatment (25mg/kg/day, 6days) markedly increased in the number of NPY-like immunoreactive fibers and terminals in the cerebral cortex, especially in the cingulate, insular and piriform cortex. NPY-like immuno- reactive mossy fiber endings in CA3 intensively increased their immunoreactivity. On the contrary, immunopositive fibers and terminals decreased in the caudate putamen and the nucleus accumbens. Treatment with sulpiride (330mg/kg/day, 6days), a dopamine receptor blocker, led to similar results to that of haloperidol. On the other hand, in the cerebral cortex methamphetamine (20mg/kg/day, 6days) treatment decreased immunoreactive fibers, and propranorol (10mg/kg/day, 6days) treatment made no remarkable change. These findings suggest that the NPY- containing neuronal system in the cerebral cortex and the basal ganglia is under the strong influence of the dopaminergic system. ONTOGENY OF [3H]-NEUROTENSIN BINDING SITES IN THE RAT CEREBRAL CORTEX: AUTORADIOGRAPHIC STUDY HIROSHI KIYAMA I, SHINOBU INAGAKI 2, SHOZO KITO 2 and MASAYA TOHYAMA 3 IDept.Neuroanatomy,Inst.Higher Nervous Act., 3Dept.Second Anatomy, Osaka Univ. Med.Sch.4-3-57 Nakanoshima Kitaku, Osaka(530). 2Dept Internal Ned. Hiroshima Univ. Med. Sch. The ontogeny of the neurotensin-binding sites in the rat caudal cortex such as the retrosplenial cortex, the visual area containing area 17 and 18, the caudal somatosensory area and the temporal area was examined by autoradiography. During the early postnatal period (from birth to day 10), a very high density [3H]-neurotensin binding site was observed in the caudal cor- tical area, but the number of binding sites decreased markedly with age. On the other hand, the ventral tegmental area and substantia nigra pars compacta had a low density of binding site at birth, but the density increased until about day 15 and remained even in the adult rat. These findings were confirmed by the biochemical binding analysis.

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Page 1: Ontogeny of [3H]-neurotensin binding sites in the rat cerebral cortex: Autoradiographic study






Department of Psychiatry I , Anatomy 2 and Pediatrics 3, Kyoto Prefectual University of

Medicine, Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto 602.

Neuropeptide Y(NPY) exists in very high concentrations in the central nervous system. This

peptidehasbeen reported to co-exist with noradrenaline or adrenaline in neurons in the brain

stem. For elucidating the interaction of NPY and catecholamine, we investigated the influence

of catecholamine on NPY-like immunoreactive fibers in the rat brain by using peroxidase anti-

peroxidase immunocytochemistry.

Male Wistar rats were used in this study. Chronic haloperidol treatment (25mg/kg/day,

6days) markedly increased in the number of NPY-like immunoreactive fibers and terminals in the

cerebral cortex, especially in the cingulate, insular and piriform cortex. NPY-like immuno-

reactive mossy fiber endings in CA3 intensively increased their immunoreactivity. On the

contrary, immunopositive fibers and terminals decreased in the caudate putamen and the nucleus

accumbens. Treatment with sulpiride (330mg/kg/day, 6days), a dopamine receptor blocker, led to

similar results to that of haloperidol. On the other hand, in the cerebral cortex

methamphetamine (20mg/kg/day, 6days) treatment decreased immunoreactive fibers, and propranorol

(10mg/kg/day, 6days) treatment made no remarkable change. These findings suggest that the NPY-

containing neuronal system in the cerebral cortex and the basal ganglia is under the strong

influence of the dopaminergic system.




IDept.Neuroanatomy,Inst.Higher Nervous Act. , 3Dept.Second Anatomy, Osaka

Univ. Med.Sch.4-3-57 Nakanoshima Kitaku, Osaka(530). 2Dept In ternal Ned.

Hiroshima Univ. Med. Sch.

T h e o n t o g e n y o f t h e n e u r o t e n s i n - b i n d i n g s i t e s i n t h e r a t c a u d a l c o r t e x

s u c h a s t h e r e t r o s p l e n i a l c o r t e x , t h e v i s u a l a r e a c o n t a i n i n g a r e a 1 7 a n d 1 8 ,

t h e c a u d a l s o m a t o s e n s o r y a r e a a n d t h e t e m p o r a l a r e a w a s e x a m i n e d b y

a u t o r a d i o g r a p h y . D u r i n g t h e e a r l y p o s t n a t a l p e r i o d ( f r o m b i r t h t o d a y 1 0 ) , a

v e r y h i g h d e n s i t y [ 3 H ] - n e u r o t e n s i n b i n d i n g s i t e w a s o b s e r v e d i n t h e c a u d a l c o r -

t i c a l a r e a , b u t t h e n u m b e r o f b i n d i n g s i t e s d e c r e a s e d m a r k e d l y w i t h a g e . On t h e

o t h e r h a n d , t h e v e n t r a l t e g m e n t a l a r e a a n d s u b s t a n t i a n i g r a p a r s c o m p a c t a h a d a

l o w d e n s i t y o f b i n d i n g s i t e a t b i r t h , b u t t h e d e n s i t y i n c r e a s e d u n t i l a b o u t d a y

15 a n d r e m a i n e d e v e n i n t h e a d u l t r a t . T h e s e f i n d i n g s w e r e c o n f i r m e d b y t h e

b i o c h e m i c a l b i n d i n g a n a l y s i s .