oliver twist - tooele junior high...

Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens Once you have finished reading the book, write a teaser blurb. This tells the reader just enough about the book and characters to get them interested in reading the book without spoiling the plot. ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens Name ____________________ Period ____Book #____

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Oliver Twist

by Charles Dickens

Once you have finished reading the book, write a teaser

blurb. This tells the reader just enough about the book

and characters to get them interested in reading the book

without spoiling the plot.













Oliver Twist

by Charles Dickens

Name ____________________ Period ____Book #____

Chapter 1: Treats of the place where Oliver Twist was

born, and of the circumstances attending his birth.

Summarize the chapter. Describe the events and the

setting. Use sensory details.

















Chapter 53: And last.

Write what happens to the following characters--









The Bumbles—




Charlie Bates—




Mr. Brownlow—








Mr. Grimwig—




Chapter 52: Fagin's last night alive.
























Chapter 2: Treats of Oliver Twist's growth, education,

and board.

This chapter discusses the “relief” that was available to the poor,

but that the poor were afraid of the relief because it was

“inseparable from the workhouse and the gruel.”

In your own words, describe the workhouse and the gruel in your

own words and explain why these might make people afraid.

Gruel (or meals): _______________________________________





Why might this make the poor afraid? _______________________




Workhouse: ___________________________________________





Why might this make the poor afraid? _______________________




Chapter 3:

Relates how Oliver Twist was very near getting a place,

which would not have been a sinecure.

Summary—Oliver is beaten and imprisoned at the workhouse

as an example to others who “step out of line” asking for more

food and such. A chimney sweep, Mr. Gamfield, has had several

apprentices die under his supervision and is in need of a new one.

He approaches the workhouse authorities to bargain a deal. He

accepts Oliver at less than 5 pounds due to his record but Oliver

begs to not go; he prefers imprisonment to the work under the

chimney sweep. Oliver gets his way, returns to prison, and is

advertised as an apprentice again.

Write at least 2 sentences about why Oliver preferred to stay at

the workhouse rather than work for Mr. Gamfield.









Chapter 51:

Affording an explanation of more mysteries than one,

and comprehending a proposal of marriage with no word

of settlement or pin-money.

Why is Oliver so excited about the trip they are on? Provide textual

evidence to support it.








What happens to Mr. and Mrs. Bumble?







How is this ironic?




Chapter 50: The pursuit and escape.

Summary—Fagin and Noah are captured by the police. Bill

Sikes goes into hiding at a safe house and Bulls-Eye arrives right

after him. Charley Bates enters the house and calls out for help to

attack the murderer, Bill Sikes. Bill attempts to flee and runs to

the roof with a rope to climb down and away. Still wracked with

guilt over Nancy, Bill Sikes stumbles with the rope and ends up

hanging himself by accident.

Draw a picture based on the summary for chapter 50.

Give the picture a title: ___________________________


Chapter 4: Oliver, being offered another place, makes his

first entry into public life.

Summary—The parish undertaker, Mr. Sowerberry, takes Oliver

as an apprentice, as he feels that having a presentable, innocent

looking boy as part of funeral processions would bring business.

Mr. Bumble harshly reminds Oliver to be grateful of his new

situation and not to complain. Mrs. Sowerberry, the undertaker’s

wife, expressed concern about Oliver’s size and that the only way

he would grow would be eating all their food. She addresses her

own concern by feeding Oliver the family dog’s scraps, in which

Oliver eats with gusto.

The word gusto means “enjoyment or vigor in doing something.”

What does it say about the food that Oliver is used to eating if he

eats the dog scraps with gusto?







Chapter 5: Oliver mingles with new associates. Going to

a funeral for the first time, he forms an unfavourable

notion of his master's business.

Oxymoron is a phrase in which the two words seem to contradict each

other. (Examples—smart fool, silent scream, etc.) Identify the oxymoron

that Dickens used in this chapter.







Now write a two sentence summary of the chapter.













Chapter 49: Monks and Mr. Brownlow at length meet.

Their conversation, and the intelligence that interrupts it.
























Chapter 48: The flight of Sikes.

Summary— Bill Sikes escapes London in fear of being caught for

the murder of Nancy. He is wracked with guilt and haunted by

Nancy’s “dead eyes”. He stops in a pub and a stain remover

salesman notices blood on him and offers to get the stain out.

Scared, he leaves the pub and hears that the post office has

gotten word of the murder, so he hides in a barn. The barn

catches on fire and he helps put it out and decides hiding in

London may be a better option. He fears that his dog, Bulls-Eye,

may give him away and make him recognizable, so he attempts to

drown him but the dog escapes.

Read the following quote and answer the question below.

“At times he [Bill] turned, with desperate determination,

resolved to beat this phantom off, though it should look him

dead; but the hair rose on his head, and his blood stood still, for

it had turned with him and was behind him then. He had kept it

before him that morning, but it was behind now-always. He

leaned his back against a bank, and felt that it stood above him,

visibly out against the cold night-sky. He threw himself upon the

road-on his back upon the road. At his head it stood, silent,

erect, and still – a living grave-stone, with its epitaph in blood.

Let no man talk of murderers escaping justice, and hint that

Providence must sleep. There were twenty score of violent

deaths in one long minute of that agony of fear.”

What is it that is following Bill Sikes? Why is it following him?





Chapter 6:

Oliver, being goaded by the taunts of Noah, rouses into

action, and rather astonishes him.
























Chapter 7: Oliver continues refractory.

Summary—Noah rushes to find Mr. Bumble and over-

exaggerates the preceding events. Mr. Bumble tells Mr.

Sowerberry that feeding meat to Oliver is to blame for this

aggressive behavior. Mr. Sowerberry returns home to beat and

lock Oliver in the cellar yet again. Oliver escapes and runs away

the next day. He passes the workhouse to find his friend Dick

outside, after an exchange Dick promises to keep Oliver’s escape a


Why might Noah dislike Oliver so much?











Chapter 47: Fatal consequences.

Summary—Later that night, Fagin and Noah head to Bill Sike’s

place and relays the story of Nancy under the bridge. They do not

share how she asked for protection for all of them. Enraged, Bill

Sikes beats Nancy to death.

In your opinion, if Bill had known that Nancy had asked for

protection for all of them, would Bill have acted any differently?


How would he have acted differently and why?












Chapter 46: The appointment kept.
























Chapter 8: Oliver walks to London. He encounters on the

road a strange sort of young gentleman.

List 3 descriptions of Fagin

1. ________________________________________________


2. ________________________________________________


3. ________________________________________________


What does Fagin symbolize? How do you know?
















Chapter 9:

Containing further particulars concerning the pleasant old

gentleman, and his hopeful pupils.

What does Fagin talk to himself about when he thinks no one can hear

him? What does this tell us about his character?







Describe the game that they play.









Chapter 45: Noah Claypole is employed by Fagin on a

secret mission.

Summary—Fagin pays Noah to follow Nancy and report back.

Chapter 44:

The time arrives for Nancy to redeem her pledge to Rose

Maylie. She fails.

Summary—Nancy attempts to leave for the London Bridge on

Sunday night while Fagin is visiting with Bill Sikes. Bill Sikes ties

her up in the other room to keep her from leaving. After Sikes

leaves the premises, Fagin agrees to let Nancy go in hopes of

following her and catching a glimpse of her with another man, for

he thinks that she is cheating on Bill Sikes and wants to blackmail

her. Ultimately he wants to convince Nancy to kill Bill to get him

out of the picture, as he is a threat based upon his botched


What is it that Fagin thinks Nancy is up to?






What is it that Nancy is really up to?






Chapter 10: Oliver becomes better acquainted with the

characters of his new associates; and purchases

experience at a high price. Being a short, but very

important chapter, in this history.






















Chapter 11: Treats of Mr. Fang the police magistrate; and

furnishes a slight specimen of his mode of administering


Summary—Oliver is taken to jail and must face the magistrate,

Mr. Fang. The victim, Mr. Brownlow, does not want to press

charges and further believes that there is something familiar

about Oliver’s face. The magistrate continues to pass judgment

on this street kid regardless of the victim not wanting to press

charges. Mr. Fang asks Oliver’s name, but because he can’t hear

him, the Court Officer makes up the name Tom White for Oliver.

Oliver is ordered to serve three months of hard labor and faints.

A bystander enters the court to explain that they witnessed two

other boys commit the crime and Oliver is cleared. Mr. Brownlow

pities Oliver and takes him home to care for him.

Charles Dickens chose to name the magistrate or judge

Mr. Fang. He chose this name on purpose to symbolize

the character’s personality. What do you think a man

named Mr. Fang would be and act like. Make a list.

Characteristics and possible actions—

1. ___________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________

4. ___________________________________________________

5. ___________________________________________________

Chapter 43: Wherein is shown how the Artful Dodger got

into trouble.

Summary—The Artful Dodger is caught stealing and Fagin sends

Noah to the courts to find out the status. The Dodger is found

guilty and sentenced.

Oliver Twist Story Map

London 1837-1838

orphan boy


undertaker apprentice

street gang of thieves

saved by stranger

kidnapped by gang

forced to participate in a robbery

saved by another stranger

Chapter 42: An old acquaintance of Oliver's, exhibiting

decided marks of genius, becomes a public character in

the metropolis.

Summary—Noah Claypole and his now girlfriend, Charlotte, run

away to London after they rob the undertaker and his wife. The

head into the local pub and meet up with Fagin where they are

invited into the gang. Fagin gives Noah the job of stealing from


Draw a picture based on the summary for chapter 50.

Give the picture a title: ___________________________

Chapter 12: In which Oliver is taken better care of than

he ever was before. And in which the narrative reverts to

the merry old gentleman and his youthful friends.


What did Mr. Brownlow discover about Oliver that surprised him?




What was Charlie’s reaction to the whole affair?




What was Dodger’s reaction to Charlie’s reaction?




Which two personages did Oliver feel (not who actually did) visited him

during his illness?




Oliver was given a new name by the courts in the last chapter. What

was it and why might this be important?




Chapter 13: Some new acquaintances are introduced to

the intelligent reader; connected with whom various

pleasant matters are related, appertaining to this history.

Summary—Fagin is outraged to hear what has happened with

Oliver and he becomes concerned that Oliver will tell

people/authorities of the gang operation. Bill Sikes, a vicious

mastermind criminal, once in Fagin’s gang is at the house with his

girlfriend, Nancy. Fagin sends Nancy to the police station

impersonating Oliver’s sister to find out what is happening. At the

station, she finds out that Oliver fell ill in the courtroom and that

Mr. Brownlow took him home with him. Nancy returns to Fagin

to report her findings. Fagin sends Nancy, Charley, and the

Dodger to the home of Mr. Brownlow in Pentonville to find Oliver.

Fagin gathers up his pilfered treasures and moves his operation to

another location for the night to be safe.

Chapter 41: Containing fresh discoveries, and showing

that surprises, like misfortunes, seldom come alone.
























Chapter 39: Introduces some respectable characters with

whom the reader is already acquainted, and shows how

Monks and the Jew laid their worthy heads together.

Summary—Nancy is caring for a nasty, ill Bill Sikes. He demands

money from Fagin and Nancy is to retrieve it. As Fagin is getting

the money for Nancy, Monks arrives and demands a private

meeting with him. Nancy is given the money and sent on her way

but lingers and eavesdrops on Fagin and Monk’s conversation.

What she hears upsets her much. She brings the money to Bill

Sikes but he notices over the next few days that her behavior is

odd and nervous and keeps her very close to him at all times. Bill

Sikes falls asleep and Nancy slips out to request and is granted a

meeting with Miss Maylie (Rose) who is staying at a posh hotel

close by.

Chapter 40: A strange interview, which is a sequel to the

last chapter.

In one sentence, report the most important thing that happens in

this chapter.










Chapter 14: Comprising further particulars of Oliver's

stay at Mr. Brownlow's, with the remarkable prediction

which one Mr. Grimwig uttered concerning him, when he

went out on an errand.

What is the symbolic significance of Oliver selling his old clothes and

receiving a new suit? (Remember to take into account where he

received his first suit of clothes and what this made him).







Write a four sentence summary of the chapter.













Chapter 15: Showing how very fond of Oliver Twist the

merry old Jew and Miss Nancy were.

What is the first thing we see Bill Sikes doing?




What might his behavior in this scene tell us about what Bill Sikes does

to the things that he loves?





Describe the kidnapping and explain why Nancy and Bill did it this way?













Chapter 38: Containing an account of what passed

between Mr. and Mrs. Bumble, and Mr. Monks, at their

nocturnal interview.






















Chapter 37: In which the reader may perceive contrast,

not uncommon in matrimonial cases.

Tone in a story is the emotion it evokes.

List 3 verbs and 3 adjectives from the first paragraph.

Verbs Adjectives

Finish the sentence: The tone of this chapter is…



Write a summary and answer the question—What happens to Dickens’











Chapter 16: Relates what became of Oliver Twist after he

had been claimed by Nancy.

Quote page 93: “But Oliver felt her [Nancy] hand tremble; and, looking

upon her face as they passed a gas-lamp, saw that it had turned a

deadly white.” What might this foreshadow?









What of significance happened with clothing in this chapter? What do

you think it symbolizes?










Chapter 17: Oliver's Destiny continuing unpropitious,

brings a great man to London to injure his reputation.

Summary—Mr. Brownlow, concerned for Oliver, creates flyers

offering a reward for information about Oliver and/or his location.

Mr. Bumble comes across this flyer and visits Mr. Brownlow. Mr.

Bumble portrays Oliver as an aggressive, troublesome boy telling

Mr. Brownlow that he beat up poor Noah Claypole and that Oliver

was a manipulator. Mr. Brownlow believes Mr. Bumble’s story

but Mrs. Bedwin, the housekeeper, does not.

Draw what the missing flyer for Oliver might have

looked like:

Chapter 36: Is a very short one, and may appear of no

great importance in its place. But it should be read,

notwithstanding, as a sequel to the last, and a key to one

that will follow when its time arrives.

Summary—Harry and Mr. Losberne head back to the city.

Harry asks Oliver to secretly write to him on the status of Rose

and the goings-on. Rose is sad to see Harry go.

Explain, using a complete sentence, why the title of this chapter

makes it ironic that there is a summary here rather than the class

reading this chapter.









Chapter 34: Contains some introductory particulars

relative to a young gentleman who now arrives upon the

scene; and a new adventure which happened to Oliver.









Chapter 35: Containing the unsatisfactory result of

Oliver's adventure; and a conversation of some

importance between Harry Maylie and Rose.

Summary—Harry and Giles rush to Oliver and after hearing his

story, they search the surrounding area for Fagin and the man but

do not find them. Harry proposes to Rose but she declines not

because she doesn’t love him but she feels her background/class

is beneath him. Harry tells Rose that he will ask her once more

and if she refuses again, that he will ask no more.

Why might it be significant that Harry and Giles cannot

find any traces of Fagin and the man?






Chapter 18: How Oliver passed his time in the improving

society of his reputable friends.

Summary— Oliver is left locked up for days with limited

contact. Charley and the Dodger continue to try to convince

Oliver that he should just get with Fagin’s program because it has

worked so well for them. Little by little Fagin allows Oliver to

spend time with the gang. Fagin hopes that the more he allows

Oliver to be with the gang, the more Oliver will come to see how

grateful he should be for the opportunity to be a part of this

“family” and will get with the “program”.

Why is Oliver so resistant to get with the “program?”









Chapter 19: In which a notable plan is discussed and

determined on.

Describe Fagin and Bill’s plan using all the available lines.
















In the 2nd to last paragraph it uses death symbolically. Oliver will not

literally die. So what will symbolically die?






Chapter 33: Wherein the happiness of Oliver and his

friends experiences a sudden check.

Context clues

Quote: “Mrs. Maylie being fatigued, they returned more slowly home.”

What does fatigued mean and what words in the sentence gives you the






“There was such peace and beauty in the scene; so much brightness and

mirth in the sunny landscape…”

What does mirth mean and what words in the sentence gives you the






Summarize the chapter using 2 complete sentences.









Chapter 30: Relates what Oliver's new visitors thought of


Summary—The three visit upon the thief and Rose is shocked to

see the small boy and is convinced he was coerced to be a part of

the criminal activity of the night before. She begs Mrs. Maylie to

have pity on the boy and not send him to prison but Mrs. Maylie is

unmoved. Once Oliver is aware of his surrounding he tells them

on his past and story. Mr. Losberne asks the two servants who

witnessed the robbery attempt if they can clearly identify Oliver

as the thief, at which time the police arrive on the scene.

Chapter 31: Involves a critical position.

Summary— The police investigate the scene and ask questions

regarding what was witnessed. Mr. Losberne tells the police that

Oliver was not the thief but a boy that was injured with a play gun

just recently. The two servants also support Mr. Losberne’s

protection of Oliver by stating that they cannot clearly identify

Oliver as the thief that they shot. The police leave satisfied that

Oliver is not the thief.

Chapter 32: Of the happy life Oliver began to lead with

his kind friends.

In one sentence, explain the most important even that occurs in this






Chapter 20: Wherein Oliver is delivered over to Mr.

William Sikes.

Summary—While Oliver is waiting for Nancy to deliver him to

Bill Sikes. He is given a horrifying book about criminals and

murderers. Nancy arrives and they are off. He wants to cry for

help and escape, but Nancy explains that if he does both of them

will be killed. When Oliver arrives, Bill Sikes shows him his pistol

as a threat. The job will be early in the morning.

Why might Oliver have been given the book about criminals and

murderers? Write a paragraph sharing your ideas.









Chapter 21: The Expedition.

Summary—Bill Sikes and Oliver travel all day into the night to

“the job” in Shepperton.

Draw a picture for an event in either chapter 20 or 21.

Give the picture a title: ___________________________


Chapter 27: Atones for the unpoliteness of a former

chapter; which deserted a lady, most unceremoniously.

Summary— Mr. Bumble and Mrs. Corney resume their tea with

a bit of a spike of alcohol. She does not share what she learned

from Old Sally. Mr. Bumble expresses his interest in becoming the

new master of the workhouse and suggests marriage to Mrs.

Corney and she agrees.

Chapter 28:

Looks after Oliver, and proceeds with his adventures.

Summary— Oliver drags himself from the ditch to a nearby

house, the one where the botched robbery took place. Mr. Giles

and Mr. Brittles who are servants of the house and the ones that

defended it the night before answer Oliver’s knock at the door

and recognize him as the thief. The mistress of the house shows

compassion for Oliver and calls for a doctor, but also the police.

Chapter 29: Has an introductory account of the inmates

of the house to which Oliver resorted.

Summary— Mrs. Maylie is the matriarch of the house and lives

with her niece, Rose. The bachelor surgeon, Mr. Losberne arrives

with concern for Mrs. Maylie and Rose because a thief is in the

house. They share that they have not seen the thief but heard

stories of the robbery attempt and shooting from Mr. Giles, one

of the servants.

Chapter 26 Continued: In which a mysterious character

appears upon the scene; and many things, inseparable

from this history, are done and performed.

Now that we have read the chapter, write a paragraph and tell us

about who the mysterious character was and what they did.













Chapter 22: The Burglary.

Write a summary of the chapter.























Chapter 23: Which contains the substance of a pleasant

conversation between Mr. Bumble and a lady; and shows

that even a beadle may be susceptible on some points.

Summary— Mr. Bumble does his rounds to visit the

workhouses and shares tea with Mrs. Corney at the local

workhouse. He is very sweet to her, but is constantly sizing up

her possessions (possessions gained from thievery). A woman

interrupts tea to tell Mrs. Corney that Old Sally, a resident of the

workhouse, is dying and has something to tell her.


Why is Mr. Bumble checking up on Mrs. Corney’s possessions?




What might this Old Sally need to tell Mrs. Corney?




Chapter 26: In which a mysterious character appears

upon the scene; and many things, inseparable from this

history, are done and performed.

The title of this chapter lets us know that someone mysterious is

coming. Write a paragraph telling us who you think this

mysterious character might be and what they might do.













Chapter 25: Wherein this history reverts to Mr. Fagin

and company.

Summary—Fagin learns of the foiled robbery attempt from the

newspapers and the report from Crackit. Crackit explains that

Oliver was shot and he and Bill Sikes left him in a ditch as they


Draw a picture for an event in either chapter 24 or 25.

Give the picture a title: ___________________________


Chapter 24: Treats of a very poor subject. But is a short

one, and may be found of importance in this history.

Properly quote evidence that proves "it" (the golden item) was

important to Oliver's mother.







Write a summary of the chapter.













Vocabulary looking back…

Look back through the chapters that we have read. Find three words you found

confusing. Fill in the following pages.

1. Word _________________ page in the text _______

Write down the sentence from the text: ______________________



Circle of the word is used as a noun, adjective, adverb, verb, other.

Definition: ____________________________________________


2. Word _________________ page in the text _______

Write down the sentence from the text: ______________________



Circle of the word is used as a noun, adjective, adverb, verb, other.

Definition: ____________________________________________


3. Word _________________ page in the text _______

Write down the sentence from the text: ______________________



Circle of the word is used as a noun, adjective, adverb, verb, other.

Definition: ____________________________________________


Vocabulary looking forward

Skim forward through the chapters that we will be reading. Find

three words you don’t know. Fill in the following pages.

4. Word _________________ page in the text _______

Write down the sentence from the text: ______________________



Circle of the word is used as a noun, adjective, adverb, verb, other.

Definition: ____________________________________________


5. Word _________________ page in the text _______

Write down the sentence from the text: ______________________



Circle of the word is used as a noun, adjective, adverb, verb, other.

Definition: ____________________________________________


6. Word _________________ page in the text _______

Write down the sentence from the text: ______________________



Circle of the word is used as a noun, adjective, adverb, verb, other.

Definition: ____________________________________________
