oliver twist preview


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Page 2: Oliver twist preview

In a certain town, among the other public buildings, stands a workhouse. Here, nine years ago, a young

lad was born. He was named Oliver Twist.

Oliver’s mother had been found in the street. No one ever knew much about her. She died

as Oliver took his first breath of life.

After ten months at the main workhouse, Oliver was sent to a branch workhouse. There he stayed with other juvenile offenders whose only crime had been poverty. They lived there

under their elderly matron, Mrs Mann.

Mrs Mann! I say, Mrs Mann, are you

in there?

*Parish official

The board made regular visits to the workhouse. They always made sure to

send the parish beadle*, Mr Bumble, to the workhouse the day before they arrived. It

was Mr Bumble’s duty to make sure that the children were neat and clean for these visits.


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Goodness gracious! Is that you, Mr Bumble?

Really, Mrs Mann, do you think this is respectful or proper behaviour, keeping a parish officer waiting? I’ve come on business, and have

something to say.

It is a pleasure to have you visit, Mr Bumble. I was just telling the dear children, who are so fond

of you, that you would be coming today.

I’m here because of one child – Oliver Twist. He is nine years old today.

He is too old to remain here. I have come to take him to meet the board. So, let me

see him at once.

Susan, take these brats

upstairs and give them a wash.

And the next time you complain

about being hungry, I’ll lock you all in the

coal cellar!

Pompous peacock!

I am sorry. I forgot that the gate was

bolted on the inside because of the dear children! Walk in,

Mr Bumble, please do.


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Susan, please bring Oliver to the

parlour!The parish has never been able to

discover his father’s, or even his mother’s


Ah! Here is our Oliver now.

Make a bow to the gentleman,

Oliver.Will you go

along with me, Oliver?

Will Mrs Mann be going with


No, she can’t. But she will come and see you sometimes.

Oh, my dear,sweet Oliver! Be good

to Mr Bumble, my lamb!

And watch your tongue, boy!

We name our orphans in alphabetical

order. The last was an S, so I named him Swubble. This

was a T, so Twist.

Why, you’re quite a literary character, sir!

Perhaps I am, Mrs Mann.

How does he have any name

at all then?I invented it.


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Mr Bumble walked back to the main workhouse with Oliver trotting beside him. The boy asked every quarter of a mile whether they were nearly there. Mr Bumble returned very

short and snappish replies to these questions.

What is your name,


Hmmm! It’s obvious that this

boy is a fool.

You know you’re an orphan, I suppose?

You know you’ve got no father or mother?

I hope you say your prayers every

night, and pray for the people who feed you and

take care of you.

You have come here to be taught a useful trade. You’ll begin to pick oakum* tomorrow morning at six

o’clock. Dismissed!

Oliver was hurried away to a large room. There, on a rough, hard bed,

he sobbed himself to sleep.

*Tarred fibre used in shipbuilding

Yes, sir.

Answer the gentleman.

Oliver… Oliver Twist.

Shortly after they reached the workhouse, Mr Bumble informed Oliver that the board had said he was to appear before it immediately.

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Oliver soon got used to his surroundings. When he dined with the other boys, he enjoyed the one ladle of gruel. Like all the other boys, his

bowl never needed washing after meals.

Oliver and his companions suffered slow starvation for three months. At last, they got so wild with hunger that a council was held.

Lots were cast to decide who should walk up to the master after supper that evening, and ask for more. This duty fell to Oliver.


Please, sir. I want some


What is it? What do you want?

What? Why you little--

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Oliver Twist's life has been a hard and desperate one. With his mother dying during his birth, and having no idea who his father was, Oliver has spent his fi rst nine years struggling to survive in a world that has little pity for a poor orphan like him.

After Oliver gets involved with the nefarious Fagin and the sinister Bill Sikes, he is wounded during a burglary. Oliver is rescued by Sikes's intended victims, the young Rose Maylie, and her guardian, Mrs Maylie. At last, the boy fi nds a loving home and people who care for him.

But how long will Oliver's happiness endure, especially when Fagin begins to conspire with a mysterious stranger, who has a link to the boy's past, in an effort to ruin Oliver's reputation and lead the boy to a life of crime?