old fulton ny post cards by tom tryniski small/newspapers/fairport ny monroe...to t*pirnet ijqufm...

zm • -• .• • \ • * * *•••«•.< -ft^TJr^f,- t Reporters .;'R f Bnahart,?V*'B^SBh:, K. AldHdre, r CeoM^.BropkiN .-.. v .. / TJ*B«xioWttH. H. WUer ; F>Ktn#, tf. »BsJ*'M^Boli» K. WU»on. J. H*r7, N» Cobb- '-The:tferald-MaU.^SSn^njteffijif); XTThvipeBIiiirr^pnri«aaUoirTiSia5«^t| '.eop'iwiU be reproduced «* It U e Janet! Hamme37^A.r\Y«o"d . DIRe^iy.'qjWWt^Ie ; U\^pple^B^mMj^ ^^W^M^I^trtxeldllvely to the. fllgh Schopl pjpw'* editorial lUff In each awe, end, ~}Va$wheteter f tncdU or demerit* .it'toly^eorittln,^^[-_^ T - : _•_• Jj...x^*-" : .'' ; '-'^ Y=JAN=T5FT942 ^^fumber^l6 3=±3 SamUel story oi al 17 r year-oId•;' hoy. who falls in love + wjth a baby-talk latoy. "The -following* is a. list of the "par- ticipants and, the part, which they will pfay: Robert'Hall,'Mr! Baxfcers-Elea- norJrlaine, Mrs. Baxter; Henry Kohl. Will Baxter; Dick Hill, Mr. Parcher; Alice Jackson. Mae Parch or; Andy Martin, Joe Bullit; John Deal, Johnny Watson; George Wjagner, -George Crouper; Barbara 'Pierce," Leola Pratt ;_Robert Hockenbury, Genesis; Frankf Hartigan, Wally Banks. ; > /Sodiis'Hjgb^ ad ^Be^nb^^me^tofits^strihg^of•: victims t- team :cpme~ to - a- victbry^def eating? by|virtue' : of a 30 r 23 se't!h^ct-at'Fair-'Sodus 26-20. The "game was played pqj-fc T u e s J a y m g h t ^ ; J a h . 6. O r «Tuesday, Jan. 6, on Faifporfo court. Sqdus started the game "oft with af iW/Sixth Vietory: -----~* Once agaifi"! Fairport High's second; "Thdj firs t half; was < very closely con u^ing^the- first-half— the-Beoler^was a !^"^^E? 1 ?' ; -'-£... •'•-" ••^'•y^rJf iV:-.' ! -:•.-•'! tied, putting -much interest in the: ^^e^Mfd^qdarter-Hsaw^theMHSitoi*^ TaxftnKalpb- ; Wood .F«rp^^tmiiri.t.rj __r of- the game. Keurie^apd^fea*-; trrir^i >:'boye11i : ^ . G I^T^—^^pdnits^^ •y-.li.- ^TOfiJrim«>xOTfri: ~ia «r»inf«^ v * V'.. %j Burke f :.-. : .•„ .... -'2* lne%iwifU::i3: points^ I Burke ^ACobb -3 4 "^ ^y^^Tbtar 3.2...^:...I:.k- 9 rnifknz^:^ 5'"::23 7 Uenn6tt F. T Baftblotta 1^,: ^Hpiter:^-:; Gaflo ck-- 5fc ~3£ •a£- 0 0 a' o. o o 0 : ^ l Oval,'*. *^**" i ".—«".«*-''...- aro -.-...-•..... v.-../. •.-..?.-.'..• . i-. - •._-. u :£3vSantini,^.„.:. „„„'•.£:... 0 0 ;2^;;, .Total ;.....: .....;., ; 10 : 5 0 0 0 -0 1% -3BSi^t^c^A^ivities=of 30tEllia^ -:;k 3ohhsbn\ ^lecheF" , which pitarre ^ •= ;-: v w.asj]a7suggestwrr*f6r 'a pfehriy :socidl/ ; v: :WhlcB^OTll-Kh1^ ? diara glii^;pim4d^tHife^x^imee^ <i^hbrbuj jTefre8lffiients'-w6re servea ana.enjoyea New Duncan Gross 0= 2 : 01 2 3 0 ^2 0 25 2 7 0 6 "^8 and!' from t h e , office off tbe:^cdprity er ,Roleo)f^Brbther^Rat^ " -Oiie!)bf. the'.^aifi"attractions about Fairport High"' school "is "no longer an ^KQtic>debuten^\^fying: a new hair BtyJe:;nimrohtto^ theTdiBin^scrof^tnie^tuF dents^buJt "lby;fats. The^iYhite "mom" •'yoji*' and four Warner said, "Even th£ little ine riow^nd^^e]aKT5tft"iiV Somehow this is-puzzling o are- jus&be- wjggle abbut ste^pebT elecfe^lfiafe^ as g follows lkr.^x^W^9^t,^f^yfy^-^---- One-tiny; Babyiwas let ini^sing, thus i=£f«-*""S'^°» ? j^v^^"? "£"i ^"°"4 i "' leaving fo^irV' Finding one' dead! rie- :i T : :;^creta1yp^nk-Hartigan; treaau|e|, •.pi g feifi^a^sittihg--position-to-greet &:<C: ::; ^^seMaarraTicor sergeant-at-ar^rTs,- sonife . unaware - r f ^ the next ^ r t . "John ^uike/ ink's.' biology., cjass. : ei$$&} : M ,v*A - • ^s^e§^fflf re-^po^r tb' "Pop^-Wjirper-who- 1 to^his neAvly found friends. il'i^: ; -'' :r ::V^I)u^i^ffieiCab8ence''of-'JMr^'Garroll" xriiv^vwv. v=i -^ '- ^yahceflds^ Tuesday^ and Thursday^ ^ U m o r _.__-, •£Z* . Mr.^^ : ^ the | Mr. Lynch: Wljat was that explb- •-^r^i^rls^-glw^clubl:;''^^^ was quite a sion th|s t afterhborf?"" * ^k":'•:•:-- i r ; r C h ^ g ^ «?^?*.^Itedale:;. Oh,_.young. Eberts $*•:.'. :. _j :sweral '(^fierenT;/girls ?tb UffSct if"^fail¥d^cTRemistfy agath. " * ; &r^ii£lJ^rfft{^ATriohfrlthem-wet«:-^Hazel Ann- -'—- _i—,—^_^ >_ : The Herald.JJall ha» arrmngeac.wltb: tht- QfKn of'Informittron of th&ifa^bnti&Sxr _CoUe«u of. Aurlfulfifre?eh* BJrfeLE«ri6rolei! to t *pirneT ijQufM question*; aboxjt? problenjBjbf buff If lrotf;,eireloije * «eif*eddre>5qdi) ete^mfi^: ^ ydo »>«^^r^pUpa^ib^r^^-Qr~yoy, T paper, = yoa wlU^rePEWei*. dlrert'rww^tft-jrjrai nSn^^th^5S^r^ enxth^Bvbrfrohirth«77lexgeetyferro -eoterpri»et• «j e ..teble^oth-dSdrrSra^ird^^ iuer*>:fr IW& ^ffengT Weighjs and their liveweightLTMklisI.sfiowh in table 3$ pa"ge^6^of*^Hie^Ubulletiih E-3§3L Qn' feeding- dairy >calv63 "and Jieif- 'i^r e^earjbfgirih^ueasujremep sn an r , s^ately^rall^&UHi^^i-J^^wSi^ ma^^tRefi be re^d ffom -tlfe^tableteri0 , "Weight-: tape^mbasuife^ are^tib^ available_.from .various feedcompaniesL agricnlluraLagent4-,TAese^tap r iferMa ure8 -show the : weight- directlyr'^:^>: Big^CirrotjLbsst '--•T: v =i^'^:^W.--it-;==vi^ son we almost lost oufenar|rcrlbp fl( ^r ahe t d -? 8 :J?' -Vffliity^Oagers— T3±rr ...:. Vsr Spencerport —"~" - The Fairport High cagers will play Spencerport. probably their toughest league opponent since Brighton, on Fairport's court Friday, Jan. 16. Al- though Spencerport has lost two games it s&U is_counted^ as-one - of the league's strongest teams. If has lost Brighton and East Rochester, the other two teams "rated as champion- ship contenders before the race started—Last week" Joe Elliott, a valuable team cog. was lost by them, If-the Red and-Blue "can get''by get by Spencerport, they-will-have passed: a' majpr barrier. Plenty of "ifs" are ahead of us.* If Bjlj Williams re- - c t gy|,rs his eye;_j^ Pick„Hiil.Jias_an. "onj', night;. if_B,alph. Wood can come through as usual and if Jack and Nick are hjttipg; on all eighCcyija^ ers; if. all these "ifs" come through the_game„wi)l be. ours. "Potentially i we ".have a very, gpod team. Now that gr -they-haye-8tarted : comihg^hey'wiU'be' hard to stop. The coacH is doing; all in his power, to have a winning team. Luckily the gamea^wer-have-dropped liSVe~beeT[r no^league affairs. That heart-break- ingone point defeat by Brighton, was thev only league set back we have ha'd* Remember no one in the league is undefeated. We have as good a chance as'any. _ _._, Lets.see a good crpwd, out Friday: togethej; with' lots" of pep and c good " a n s h i p ^ ."-" _»—"" Fairport Noses The Fairport High tossers traveled to BrockportJo bring back'athrillirig^ 41-40" victory on Friday-nigh.t, Jan/9. - The way" things" ^starteoVitlbSEed- quite doubtful, for the opponents piled up I3 T points Tiefdre Fairport 1 could get two.", .It was^a disastrous •first half-with: Brbckiior't leaving the floor of 75 tons of "carrots" : b^cau&e^bf" : magi:' . A j rr«f»-* *ir\,ijki.':-^ii,-- ^x^'AA<Ji&A*i-\**frxviJ used a man-to-man defense, but in Throughout' the first, half Fajpport gots, whicli' we iieVer:: had;, : before 1 . What, can _be doner abjput^tbis so_^it won't happen again?" the second half they shifted to a zone, A noticeable difference" resulted for Pxof^RlJ«.Jfeib^fjjfr^ .™ J f e J h * * 1 -Pe.PO^B^^PglLggt but *•/•*?= ?-->^ ogy department answeif: sect causing-. the injury f is the^lar^a or maggot stage of the^ carrot rust fly. Undei 1 separate cover- we sentTyou jdetailed recommendalioW/dri A9tt&pi*^icl\;Lm^xmy-Q^ in .planting^bbth'.as to time and- piacei It" nia^: be weli",' tooj to• seekiyoBV eou^t^'ajgllclilTOral^-ajgerit. for Xbirtuejr helpVin^sKvpgfcydfil^caTfot^rpp!'^^ y^^^Mfe^fe^bnps~rT-- ;;- TeipAtp^spuj^iipperhaps^ a _ little 'triclqerjtb' make tlian othe'rjojids of are, a^few tips to : Bset^uitt-parts-of id"tomato 5 juice, or a lit r Ifeag^^aatj^.juice.' JVIix -them=^g^th'b£^Mle=^oy^e=c<>bl=alT3 heat-tfiefii together until' the mixture is .itiotj/but^dblribt-boil- it. Serve the soup*:"' immediately after it's heated. Never: add: soda. . Alier^a'Iiplfd&y meal, or "a. Sunday orj ; epmpanyf meal,. left-over vegeta- bles^aiu be j Qged,rto^ make a vegetahle mil^ -ipr^crfiamv.HP'rip. ping off the big deficit under Wood's 1& points and HillV 10' points. In the fourth quarter- Brockport still- led: THen inr.came-Barra^coJlwh^toEsed'in. six pbirits^tb put GFrilrpbrt-in the lead. But BwckpTsft^caffle^ba^k^ana^trell^it up, It looked like a." siire - overtime battle when Ralph' Wood was fouled' and made but one of his two tries 1 j*rHtni-gi£flnd.s^leIt> The, gfarnfeended 4^fe^e^geekporfc=egold! £rjeam;7bf^€arrp^~Soup7 ^~ i^ typi of^cobi&jdrcarrots —l-teafipdon^of- salt •~\; ^.CTlsbi'd^';pyc^^F6^t^"M^ ' Trahip (Gordon' Valentine^: Lady, i^^^'^Ni^^^etr^ij^^^^;!' 2,,..:- _^: could-you-give mean-old coat?" J " __ ;li^^f»r^His^p^cedure, Mr. Lynch |, Lady .(Jean. Yeung).::__Why, .that : ^'chl)se^three;r r first; sopranos, Leaitrl^ce^cbalirypu hayepn looks like hew. ;Sprgif Jeaiihette Fisk, &M~JokfQHanV^ Tj^rap (Gordon): I know it, mam, ~:*^t\^d^^tt«§;-.^Nancy? Detro abdr^a|TWd^it's^t1iIsT~c6a^tSat'r-fT3inin-? TnT ^ u ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ K ^ ^ ^ u ^ i ^ iMineggl"- ' i\ S^ng as a- sextette; quite a iiumberrdfi % i llrlftipwri*• "* sori^i.r, Eyery-oW' -ilkfeu . tH s very inUch: a^dvskidltitef!^^ would LT-like1 :tb have it niofe* ofteri;^?^'V- - '•-" : "^ll: : ;-s^:, :'trv.: ;'...--.vV : '^^K^v : ;-v:-"•' ur*":". i Maty.: Boo-hp6j * tfie dog ate 'all the'c^e;L^made. . r^ n - J ~," r \Nickf; DoQ't^cVyj darling, we'll get anotjifeis dog"''" r • ^ ' * • I Dick- Dudley:^ Can'. yoU stand i on ybuFhead? ;*"•'• :/*:' .,V.i- f - .-/1 TLemah Bbwh: No. it's too-high, grind Jagain.ybut-we should teelrthat-—-—-^ •—-—~~-i+r-r-^--——*M—-. Moafollwik^td^be^b^c^^ *^ ...... _-.;;>/. . vv; ?:JJ-'*£^^A~ ;e ^W^lf^it^i8'^M^'t6^get"'£.ddwn^tel : M Helen HugoJ Ijnf• md^iry maid at VifeWjS'iBiifjftaU-buiidihg^upfor^that the^npVfactpryf^ J^fe^'r^^:^ -firrindiab "~1~- --rr ^tv .-*-*.r~ Sa^ful-iet db^;^midyear;exams. t^e:;vJean ^^pnmn^Wh^^doyoU^ „'t6-be pretty tough f63f the\^col- fee people because 6t ,the-thr^Lyear, &Wr:&* )st3college&r m >re workls^golh £K# ; '•'>•:'•&college"studeiuvv^^/A'iVJ^r^" ti-Mf' •'-• U 1 r; *J~J •Sos.-..,:; -v 'Everyone;'greeted : the r gla,d r 'newa ;- ttjatj circled afotodrschdolu-BU^tt-ring* ;P:>iinhny; Coach Cummings, former ath- -/•V^iic; ditectbriat Fairport, : is , now $j£-^Daddy^. to a^lovely, eight jpoiind baby "*••"£ bbV born Dec; SO, 1941;V, Jphh- Steven p v Art ,B^rmbtti.'DaddyV whai do you tio witmyMt/old razor blades? . Jerry Bennett: Shave 1 with 'em! I hi f^SpbpiLof'gjated onion ^eups^f-mediUm white sauce .-—Rub t h e - carrots - through a sieve and~^d'th^m7^blg"(§ther*with the salt an|d^g^ted'-^piuon)/^tp; ! .the.' hot white sauces'/Heat the mixture for about l<^minute"S.-f-'-I'f~the-mixture is too thiclr. add: morej milk until it is of thfet;d$siied consistency< This recipe mak^8jBixv8eryjngS;pf.:% cup. each. Creamy oi- Corn Soup v ^jcups'of. medium white sauce J --2|ctapB:>of > nlilk , : ^— :4,cu»^bffc6bked'dOrrt ", . ^X*tfe'%fi&o£JBilltr: Vi' teawodn 'of r grated- onion A'dd^the<milk^ graddally'to the hot white"?fsallce;* s t i r n n g i it continuously. Addi ti^corrfA the^.salt," the onion ju|cei "Cdokif.the^rnixture for 10, min- utes. : . Serve : tho soup immediately, without letting, it "StApd. This recipe gi^SjSbcCsejfvings of.J%: cup each. ;VA ; pet'Son with- a healthy .mind wiir avpid^'ffcfeling^'icbhtplafcent' andf self- Batisftedyr.'awd^ also/'avbid« constant wprry" V bVew past-nlistakes, ! psycholp- g^ta,Bay;v; v- . .• - downc the courts Brockport Ellisf^f::..: Larber. lf ; < Fleh^iagj.c Jep1qpg>?c ..•.,..;••, Belknap, rg -8- Myers,Ug r ".Total : & 1 - 0^ 6 0 1 1 18 0= 3 0-. 0: 0 0 0, 4' m^*n&M%-^ «JOP^* ~&5$$£? High Test r Cow Feed SR; Lajdng. ^s^h Hunt Oliib} Dog Food Custom Grinding ii Falipuit —— Tirabofelli, rf Ee*nAy, £ lf Bfilrranco, If ... Wbi&d/Ic:-....„... Hin/'c^...; Williaftis, rg . Anaulfii^ilM-l- •onHg 2 0- 3 .7- 3 2' n; Lazersbn "tnrrTorai "*' 0 IT I^irport Reserves Chalk tl^ ^bother Victory tinder" the 13 points made 'by acting capteliL } _£sJd,_Kishbaughl_.FairpottZs: reserves won its seventh victory for the-seasoriit - The* last- game—was a victory_ over_the_ Brockport reserves by a; score, of 30-22. iJlf'the early stages of the game the Fairport'lads took .the lead and! neyeti relinquished* it throughout the renfaimi^ r of-the "game. -Mr. $)&f ^AlWgi:: .Cjbjistmas ^ vacation as you'll note from my' column.;•.^ *f=tW6 UkideratrandTthBt^atiB^Jabirat- 18^g^jnj^i*8tfe'aay»yith J a c k D i x o i v W e 4 a nice time - at acerv Years eVe<- ^. -\ - -C-;-"^; and Kenny Maine seem* to do all right together. : ; :: What^i tumi hear about'Xarrjr BoaS -and a :certain.,soyehih 4 grader named Louise? \ V-^r;,.iih^x \\^;fc''<. ;*Jimmy.Fairchild:;:after.-returning; from la. ya(Jatipn .in/1^)bnda-^dbesnty B|^mto"-haVe. 'a^quire'd-a^lahV^'Maybe' hevdidhlt go down ^to: ;6wini. - ^ h e r i asked) -'all he docs;- ia smile 1 A.lveryj wise ; smile i He does v admit Ke' had ; aXsupet-sweir. time. , i ^ r ; MoYwilT'pWfieht on^TTnTrsday, Jan. i&'Cundefi tHb iJ direction: of- Mrs. Rought, English arid civics teacher, a fiMaofciDlay. , ^evehteeh> , ; , byr^ooth;, TArkingtomr'• The! pfay, which is by ' Bchoor^af-cooperhted^twhole— hea i \ifnrfT g;~: Vit; r- attmir^rs^^ay^a WM^mm Boon^k^mm^^i^mi^ 5 ° ^ Koehl6r^ompany^ea^Helen ! ^£k ^ix**!*- - * i i j » V»*i; K & nmrwC'wiwrA: ;7 X: [ WEDDING . INVITATIONS on "ANNOUNCEWEriTS 25FO^3 SO tQR i4.2S ICO FOR $6.?S some J Birter," Girl' Graduates , Cohimoh Profession ^: Changing the subject ( of r ^airport, boySriy^arefiii, the* army, this 3 week the'girls will be" mentioned. T Although, there,.are rn^hy, who are working Oh- defense ' pro; _m8, there aria<! still -several^-girls folliwing; ah erijireljr; different; profession. It's a' caTeerj/imimarrmge.- Sbme who. are engaged in this are- Beteey> Bell/ NevahvTbbiri; Carol Trew, Huth Sal- mori]ahd>" Evelyn-Sharb. te % Coffee; Outline^ * Soliooi! Defense^rirocedure ^-IHirlng^preSeht situatioriB, everyone re.MR#lthktipt'epitedhesSl is' one of tne~nfbst important es^fehtials iri^ the defense: program; In harmony, with 8everaU"other precautions taken- bV the iFnirflort- population/:- the ••- High edly. Jttr. Cpffeoutjined the futuTtTplans as thus': At : dift*ereht intervals dur- ing the'preceding months,' fire drills andjifr raid drills will be carried .on. Wrtnglflre ; drills,the piipila will do aB;hasr been the cus^onu^but during a _r,raid,drills the grade rooms and high .school students, having classes St.that time; on 4hc first floor, will ^elayd^thjB first floot arid proceed'.into W rieK GiPirGas-Range 3 National Favorites - t Glenwood Universal Magpie Chef C.P. Means Certified Performance "Best in 22 ways" J Save with C. P. Save health giving vitamins that usually go down the drain. Retain essential meat juices. Cut waste and shrinkage with controlled heat. Use eco- nomical sinimer-save burners and get speed and quick action with giant burners. ' * Terms if you wish ester '20 8, Main St. JEaM3>prt473- 35= m LJ2 IT? &t3#l&*\iW tnre'has^riierit c6rViaors> fnTikb' niah- <IIIIU^I|| l |J|ljlll.lWllll l Himilllllltf|l l lll We have the facilities for turning out Neat; Attractive Auction Bills v i " - - - * < . . > > . * - . . . - , ' . - : . * . ; - . ' ' , . ' - * - - . . mm .'-•• \«vll Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

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Post on 08-Aug-2019




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Page 1: Old Fulton NY Post Cards By Tom Tryniski small/Newspapers/Fairport NY Monroe...to t*pirneT ijQufM question*; aboxjt? problenjBjbf buff If lrotf;,eireloije * «eif*eddre>5qdi) ete^mfi^:

zm • -• .• • \ • * * *•••«•.<

- f t ^ T J r ^ f , -



.;'Rf Bnahart,?V*'B^SBh:, K. AldHdre,rCeoM^.BropkiN

.-..v.. / TJ*B«xioWttH. H. WUer ; F>Ktn#, tf. »BsJ*'M^Boli» K. WU»on. J. H*r7, N» Cobb-

'-The: tferald-MaU .^SSn^njteffijif); XTThvipeBIiiirr^pnri«aaUoirTiSia5«^t| '.eop'iwiU be reproduced «* It U e

Janet! Hamme37 A.r\Y«o"d . DIRe^iy.'qjWWt^Ie ; U \ ^ p p l e ^ B ^ m M j ^

^^W^M^I^trtxe ldl lve ly to the. fllgh Schopl pjpw'* editorial lUff In each awe, end, ~}Va$wheteterf tncdU or demerit* .it'toly^eorittln,^^[-_^T - : _•_• Jj...x^*-":.'';'-'^

Y=JAN=T5FT942 ^ ^ f u m b e r ^ l 6


SamUel story oi

al 17ryear-oId•;' hoy. who falls in love +wjth a baby-talk latoy.

"The -following* is a. list of the "par­ticipants and, the part, which they will pfay: Robert 'Hall , 'Mr! Baxfcers-Elea-norJrlaine, Mrs. Baxter; Henry Kohl. Will Baxter; Dick Hill, Mr. Parcher; Alice Jackson. Mae Parch or; Andy Martin, Joe Bullit; John Deal, Johnny Watson; George Wjagner, -George Crouper; Barbara 'Pierce," Leola Pra t t ;_Robert Hockenbury, Genesis; Frankf Hartigan, Wally Banks.

; > /Sodiis'Hjgb^ ad ^Be^nb^^me^tof i t s^s t r ihg^of• : victims t- team : cpme~ to - a - v ic tbry^def eating?

by|virtue' :of a 30r23 se ' t !h^ct-a t 'Fair - 'Sodus 26-20. The "game was played pqj-fc TuesJay mght^;Jah. 6. O r «Tuesday, Jan . 6, on Faifporfo court.

Sqdus started the game "oft with af

iW/Sixth Vietory:-----~* Once agaifi"! Fairport High's second;

"Thdj firs t half; was < very closely con

u^ing^the- first-half— the-Beoler^was a ! ^ " ^ ^ E ? 1 ? ' ;-'-£... •'''•-" ••^'•y^rJf iV:-.' !-:•.-•'! tied, putt ing -much in t e re s t in the: ^ ^ e ^ M f d ^ q d a r t e r - H s a w ^ t h e M H S i t o i * ^

Tax ft nKalpb- ;Wood .F«rp^^tmii r i . t . r j

__r of- t h e game. Keurie^apd^fea*-; trrir^i > : ' b o y e 1 1 i : ^ . G

I^T^—^^pdnits^^ •y-.li.- ^TOfiJrim«>xOTfri: ~ia «r»inf«^ v * V'.. %j Burke f :.-. : .•„....-'2* lne%iwifU::i3: points^ I Burke


- 3


"^ ^ y ^ ^ T b t a r 3 .2 . . . ^ : . . . I : . k - 9


5'"::237Uenn6tt F. T Baftblotta 1^,: ^ H p i t e r : ^ - : ;

Gaflo ck--5fc ~3£


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• ^ l Oval,'*. *^**"i".—«".«*-''...-

aro -.-...-•.....v.-../. •.-..?.-.'..• . i-. - •._-. u :£3vSantini,^.„.:. „„„'•.£:... 0 0 ;2^; ; , .Tota l ;.....: .....;.,; 10 : 5

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-3BSi t c A ivities=of

30tEllia^ -:;k 3ohhsbn\

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, which pitarre ^

•= ;-: v w.asj]a7suggestwrr*f6r 'a pfehriy :socidl/; v::WhlcB^OTll-Kh1^?diara g l i i ^ ; p i m 4 d ^ t H i f e ^ x ^ i m e e ^ <i^hbrbuj

jTefre8lffiients'-w6re servea ana.enjoyea


Duncan Gross

0= 2:


2 3 0

^2 0


2 7 0

6 "^8 and!' from the, office off tbe:^cdprity

er ,Roleo)f^Brbther^Rat^ " -Oiie!)bf. the ' .^aifi"attractions about Fairport High"' school "is "no longer an ^KQtic>debuten^\^fying: a new hair BtyJe:;nimrohtto^ theTdiBin^scrof^tnie^tuF dents^buJt " lby ; fa t s .


"mom" •'yoji*' and four

Warner said, "Even th£ little ine riow^nd^^e]aKT5tft"iiV Somehow this is-puzzling


are- jus&be-wjggle abbut


elecfe^lfiafe^ as g follows lkr.^x^W^9^t,^f^yfy^-^----

One-tiny; Babyiwas let ini^sing, thus

i=£f«-*""S '^°» ? j^v^^"? "£"i ^ " ° " 4 i " ' leaving fo^irV' Finding one' dead! rie-

:i T : : ; ^ c r e t a 1 y p ^ n k - H a r t i g a n ; t r eaau |e | , • .pi gfeif i^a^si t t ihg--posi t ion-to-greet &:<C:::;^^seMaarraTicor se rgean t -a t - a r^ rTs , - s o n i f e . u n a w a r e - rf ^ t h e n e x t ^ r t .

"John ^ u i k e / ink's.' biology., cjass. :

ei$$&}:M ,v*A - • ^s^e§^fflf

r e -^po^ r tb ' "Pop^-Wjirper-who-

1 to^his neAvly found friends.

il'i^:;-'':r::V^I)u^i^ffieiCab8ence''of-'JMr^'Garroll" xriiv^vwv. v=i - ^ ' - ^yahce f ld s^ Tuesday^ and Thursday^ ^ U m o r _.__-, •£Z* . Mr.^^ :^ the | Mr. Lynch: Wljat was that explb-

• - ^ r ^ i ^ r l s ^ - g l w ^ c l u b l : ; ' ' ^ ^ ^ was quite a sion th|s tafterhborf?"" * k":'•:•:-- i r ; r C h ^ g ^ «?^?*.^Itedale:;. Oh,_.young. Eberts

$*•:.'. :. _j : swera l '(^fierenT;/girls ?tb UffSct if"^fail¥d^cTRemistfy agath. " *;

&r^ii£lJ^rfft{^ATriohfrlthem-wet«:-^Hazel Ann- -'—- _ i—,—^_^ >_ :

• The Herald.JJall ha» arrmngeac.wltb: tht-QfKn of'Informittron of th&ifa^bnti&Sxr

_CoUe«u of. Aurlfulfifre?eh* BJrfeLE«ri6rolei! to t*pirneT ijQufM question*; aboxjt? problenjBjbf

buff If lrotf;,eireloije * «eif*eddre>5qdi) ete^mfi^: ^ y d o » > « ^ ^ r ^ p U p a ^ i b ^ r ^ ^ - Q r ~ y o y , T paper,=yoa wlU^rePEWei*. dlrert'rww^tft-jrjrai

nSn^^th^5S^r^ enxth^Bvbrfrohirth«77lexgeetyferro -eoterpri»et• «j e ..teble^oth-dSdrrSra^ird^^



^ f f e n g T Weighjs

and their liveweightLTMklisI.sfiowh in table 3$ pa"ge^6^of*^Hie^Ubulletiih E-3§3L • Qn' feeding- dairy >calv63 "and Jieif- ' i ^ r


sn an r,

s ^ a t e l y ^ r a l l ^ & U H i ^ ^ i - J ^ ^ w S i ^ ma^^tRefi be re^d ffom -tlfe^tableteri0 , "Weight- : tape^mbasuife^ a r e ^ t i b ^ available_.from .various feedcompaniesL

agricnlluraLagent4-,TAese^tapriferMa ure8 -show • the : weight- directlyr '^:^>: Big^CirrotjLbsst '--•T:v=i ' : W.--it-;==vi

son we almost lost o u f e n a r | r c r l b p f l ( ^ r a h e t d - ? 8 : J ? '

-Vffliity^Oagers— T3±rr ...:. • Vsr Spencerport —"~" - The Fairport High cagers will play Spencerport. probably their toughest league opponent since Brighton, on Fairport 's court Friday, Jan. 16. Al­though Spencerport has lost two games it s&U is_counted^ as-one - of the league's strongest teams. If has lost Brighton and East Rochester, the other two teams "rated as champion­ship contenders before the race s t a r t e d — L a s t week" Joe Elliott, a valuable team cog. was lost by them,

I f - the Red and-Blue "can get ' 'by get by Spencerport, they-will-have passed: a' majpr barrier. Plenty of "ifs" are ahead of us.* If Bjlj Williams re--

ctgy|,rs his eye ;_ j^ Pick„Hiil .Jias_an.

"onj', night; . if_B,alph. Wood can come through as usual and if Jack and Nick are hjttipg; on all e ighCcyi ja^

ers; if. all these "ifs" come through the_game„wi)l be. ours. "Potentially

i we ".have a very, gpod team. Now that gr -they-haye-8tarted :comihg^hey'wiU'be'

hard to stop. The coacH is doing; all in his power,

to have a winning team. Luckily the gamea^wer-have-dropped liSVe~beeT[r no^league affairs. That heart-break-i n g o n e point defeat by Brighton, was thev only league set back we have ha'd*

Remember no one in the league is undefeated. We have as good a chance as 'any. _ _._,

L e t s . s e e a good crpwd, out Friday: togethej; with' lots" of pep and c good

" a n s h i p ^ ."-" _»—""

Fairport Noses

The Fairport High tossers traveled to BrockportJo bring back'athrillirig^ 41-40" victory on Friday-nigh.t, J a n / 9 . - The way" things" ^starteoVitlbSEed-quite doubtful, for the opponents piled up I3T points Tiefdre Fairport1

could get two.", .It was^a disastrous •first half-with: Brbckiior't leaving the floor

of 75 tons of "carrots" :b^cau&e^bf":magi:' . Aj rr«f»-* *ir\,ijki.':-^ii,-- ^x^'AA<Ji&A*i-\**frxviJ used a man-to-man defense, but in

Throughout ' the first, half Fajpport gots, whicli' we iieVer:: had;,: before1. What , can _be doner abjput^tbis so_^it won't happen a g a i n ? "

the second half they shifted to a zone, A noticeable difference" resulted for

P x o f ^ R l J « . J f e i b ^ f j j f r ^ .™ J f e J h * * 1 - P e . P O ^ B ^ ^ P g l L g g t but

* • / • * ? =

? - - > ^

o g y department answeif: sect causing-. the • injury f is the^lar^a or maggot stage of the^ carrot r u s t fly. Undei1 separate cover- w e sentTyou jdetailed recommendalioW/dri

A9tt&pi* icl\;Lm xmy-Q^ in .planting^bbth'.as to time and- piacei I t" nia^: be weli",' tooj to • seekiyoBV eou^t^'ajgllclilTOral^-ajgerit. for Xbirtuejr helpVin^sKvpgfcydfil^caTfot^rpp!'^^

y ^ ^ ^ M f e ^ f e ^ b n p s ~ r T - -;;- Te ipAtp^spuj^ i ipperhaps^ a _ little 'triclqerjtb' make tlian othe'rjojids of

• are, a^few tips to :Bset^uit t-parts-of

id"tomato5 juice, or a lit r Ifeag^^aatj^.juice. ' JVIix

-them=^g^th'b£^Mle=^oy^e=c<>bl=alT3 heat-tfiefii together until ' the mixture is .itiotj/but^dblribt-boil- it. Serve the soup*:"' immediately after it 's heated. Never: add: soda. . Alier^a'Iiplfd&y meal, or "a. Sunday orj ; epmpanyf meal,. left-over vegeta-b les^aiu be j Qged,rto^ make a vegetahle mil^ -ipr^crfiamv.HP'rip.

ping off the big deficit under Wood's 1& points and HillV 10' points. In the fourth quarter- Brockport still- led: THen inr.came-Barra^coJlwh^toEsed'in. six pbirits^tb put GFrilrpbrt-in the lead. But BwckpTsft^caffle^ba^k^ana^trell^it up, I t looked like a." siire - overtime battle when Ralph' Wood was fouled' and made but one of his two tries1

j*rHtni-gi£flnd.s^leIt> The, gfarnfeended 4^fe^e^geekporfc=egold!

£rjeam;7bf^€arrp^~Soup7 ^~ i^typiof^cobi&jdrcarrots

—l-teafipdon^of- sa l t

•~\; .CTlsbi 'd^ ' ;pyc^^F6^t^"M^ ' Trahip (Gordon' Valentine^: Lady, i ^ ^ ^ ' ^ N i ^ ^ ^ e t r ^ i j ^ ^ ^ ^ ; ! ' 2,,..:- _^: could-you-give m e a n - o l d coa t?" J" __ ; l i ^ ^ f » r ^ H i s ^ p ^ c e d u r e , Mr. Lynch | , Lady .(Jean. Yeung).::__Why, . that : ^'chl)se^three;r r first; sopranos, Leaitrl^ce^cbalirypu hayepn looks like hew.

;Sprgif Jeaiihette Fisk, &M~JokfQHanV^ Tj^rap (Gordon): I know it, mam, ~:*^t\^d^^ttǤ;-.^Nancy? Detro abdr^a|TWd^it 's^t1iIsT~c6a^tSat 'r-fT3inin-? TnT

^ u ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ K ^ ^ ^ u ^ i ^ i M i n e g g l " - '

i\ S^ng as a- sextette; quite a iiumberrdfi % i llrlftipwri*• "* sori^i .r , Eyery-oW' -ilkfeu

. tH s very inUch: a^dvskidltitef!^^ would LT-like1 :tb have i t niofe* ofteri;^?^'V- - '•-" :"^ll::;-s^:, :'trv.: ; ' . . . - - .vV : ' ^^K^v : ; -v:-"• '


i Maty.: Boo-hp6j * tfie dog ate 'a l l t he ' c^e ;L^made . . r ^ n - J~," r

\Nickf; DoQ't^cVyj darling, we'll get anotjifeis dog" ' '" r • ^ ' * •

I Dick- Dudley:^ Can'. yoU stand i on ybuFhead? ;*"•'• : /* : ' .,V.i- f-

.-/1 TLemah Bbwh: No. i t 's too-high, grind Jagain.ybut-we should tee l r tha t -—-—-^ •—-—~~—-i+r-r-^--——*M—-. M o a f o l l w i k ^ t d ^ b e ^ b ^ c ^ ^ *„ ^ . . . . . . _ - . ; ; > / . . vv; ?:JJ-'*£^^A~

; e ^W^l f^ i t ^ i8 ' ^M^ ' t6^ge t " ' £ .ddwn^ te l : M Helen HugoJ Ijnf• md^i ry maid a t VifeWjS'iBiifjftaU-buiidihg^upfor^that t h e ^ n p V f a c t p r y f ^ J ^ f e ^ ' r ^ ^ : ^


"~1~- --rr ^ t v .-*-*.r~ •

Sa^ful- ie t db^ ;^midyea r ; exams . t ^ e : ; v J e a n ^ ^ p n m n ^ W h ^ ^ d o y o U ^

„ ' t 6 - b e pret ty tough f63f the\^col-fee people because 6t , the-thr^Lyear,

&Wr:&* ) s t 3co l l ege&rm >re workls^golh

£K#;'•'>•:'•&college"studeiuvv^^/A'iVJ^r^" ti-Mf'


U 1


*J~J •Sos.-..,:;

-v ' E v e r y o n e ; ' g r e e t e d : t h e r gla,dr 'newa ; - ttjatj circled afotodrschdolu-BU^tt-ring* ;P:>iinhny; Coach Cummings, former a th--/•V^iic; d i t e c t b r i a t Fa i rpo r t , : is , now $j£-^Daddy^. to a^lovely, eight jpoiind baby "*••"£ bbV born Dec; SO, 1941;V, Jphh- Steven

p v Art ,B^rmbtti.'DaddyV w h a i do you tio wi tmyMt /o ld razor blades? .

Je r ry Bennett: Shave 1 with 'em! I

hi • f^SpbpiLof 'gjated onion ^eups^f -mediUm white sauce

.-—Rub the - carrots - through a sieve and~^d'th^m7^blg"(§ther*with the salt an|d^g^ted'-^piuon)/^tp;!.the.' hot white sauces ' /Hea t the mixture for about l<^minute"S.-f-'-I'f~the-mixture is too thiclr. add: morej milk until it is of thfet;d$siied consistency< This recipe mak^8jBixv8eryjngS;pf.:% cup. each. Creamy oi- Corn Soup •

v ^jcups'of. medium white sauce J--2|ctapB:>of>nlilk,: — :4,cu»^bffc6bked'dOrrt ", . ^X*tfe'%fi&o£JBilltr:

Vi' t eawodn 'of rgrated- onion A'dd^the<milk^ graddal ly ' to the hot

white"?fsallce;* s t i rnngi i t continuously. Addi t i ^ c o r r f A the^.salt," the onion ju|cei "Cdokif.the^rnixture for 10, min­utes. :. Serve : tho soup immediately, without letting, i t "StApd. This recipe gi^SjSbcCsejfvings of.J%: cup each.

;VA; pet'Son with- a healthy .mind wiir avpid^'ffcfeling^'icbhtplafcent' andf self-Batisftedyr.'awd^ also/'avbid« constant wprry" V bVew past-nlistakes, ! psycholp-g^ta ,Bay;v; v- • . • .• -

downc the courts Brockport Ell is f^f : : . . : Larber. lf; < Fleh^iagj.c Jep1qpg>?c ..•.,..;••, Belknap, r g

- 8 -

Myers,Ug r " . T o t a l :

& 1 -0 6 0 1 1


0= 3 0-. 0: 0 0 0, 4'

m^*n&M%-^ « J O P ^ * ~&5$$£?

High Test r Cow Feed

SR; Lajdng. ^s^h

Hunt Oliib} Dog Food

Custom Grinding


Falipuit —— Tirabofelli, rf Ee*nAy,£lf Bfilrranco, If ... Wbi&d/Ic:-....„... H i n / ' c ^ . . . ; Williaftis, rg . Anaulfii^ilM-l-


2 0-3

.7 -3 2' n;

Lazersbn "tnrrTorai

"*' 0 IT

I^irport Reserves Chalk t l^ ^bother Victory

tinder" the 13 points made 'by ac t ing capteliL}_£sJd,_Kishbaughl_.FairpottZs: reserves won its seventh victory for the-seasoriit - The* last- game—was a victory_ over_the_ Brockport reserves by a; score, of 30-22.

i J l f ' t h e early stages of the game the Fa i rpor t ' l ads took .the lead and! neyeti relinquished* it throughout the renfa imi^ r of-the "game.


$)&f ^AlWgi:: .Cjbjistmas ^ vacation as you'll note from my' column.;•.^ *f=tW6 UkideratrandTthBt^atiB^Jabirat-18^g^jnj^i*8tfe'aay»yith Jack D ixo ivWe 4

a nice t ime - a t a c e r v Years eVe<- ^. -\ - -C-;-" ;

and Kenny Maine seem* to do all r i gh t together. : ; ::

W h a t ^ i t u m i hear abou t 'Xar r j r BoaS -and a :certain.,soyehih4 grader named Louise? \ V-^r;,.iih^x\\^;fc''<. ;*J immy.Fairchi ld : ; :af ter . - re turning; from la. ya(Jatipn .in/1^)bnda-^dbesnty B|^mto"-haVe. 'a^quire'd-a^lahV^'Maybe' hevdidhlt go down ^to: ;6wini. - ^ h e r i asked) -'all he docs;- ia smile 1 A.lveryj wise ; smile i He does v admi t Ke' had ;

aXsupet-sweir. time. , i ^ r ;

MoYwilT'pWfieht on^TTnTrsday, Jan. i&'Cundefi tHbiJ direction: of- Mrs. Rought, English arid civics teacher, a fiMaofciDlay. ,^evehteeh> ,; , byr^ooth;, TArkingtomr'• The! pfay, which is by ' Bchoor^af-cooperhted^twhole— hea i \ifnrfT

g;~: Vit; r- a t t m i r ^ r s ^ ^ a y ^ a WM^mm B o o n ^ k ^ m m ^ ^ i ^ m i ^ 5 ° ^ K o e h l 6 r ^ o m p a n y ^ e a ^ H e l e n !

^£k ^ix**!*--* i i j » V»*i;

K & nmrwC'wiwrA: ; 7 X:



2 5 F O ^ 3 SO tQR i4.2S ICO FOR $6.?S

some J Birter,"

Girl' Graduates , Cohimoh Profession

^: Changing the subject( ofr ^airport, b o y S r i y ^ a r e f i i i , the* army, this3 week t he ' g i r l s will be" mentioned. T Although, there,.are rn^hy, who are working Oh- defense ' pro; _m8, there aria<! still -several^-girls folliwing; ah erijireljr; different; profession. I t ' s a' caTeerj/imimarrmge.- Sbme who. are engaged in this are- Beteey> Bell/ NevahvTbbiri; Carol Trew, Huth Sal-mori]ahd>" Evelyn-Sharb.

te% Coffee; Outline^ * Soliooi! Defense^rirocedure ^-IHirlng^preSeht situatioriB, everyone re .MR#lthkt ipt 'epi tedhesSl i s ' one of tne~nfbst important es^fehtials iri the defense: program; In harmony, with 8everaU"other precautions taken- bV the iFnirf lor t - population/:- the ••- High

edly. J t t r . Cpffeoutjined the futuTtTplans

as thus': At:dift*ereht intervals dur­ing the 'preceding months,' fire drills andjifr raid drills will be carried .on. W r t n g l f l r e ; d r i l l s , t h e piipila will do aB;hasr been the cus^onu^but during a _r,raid,dril ls the grade rooms and high .school students, having classes S t . t h a t time; on 4hc first floor, will

^elayd^thjB first floot arid proceed'.into

W rieK

GiPirGas-Range 3 National Favorites-

tGlenwood Universal

Magpie Chef



Certified Performance

"Best in

22 ways"


Save with C. P. Save health giving vitamins that usually go down the drain. Retain essential meat juices. Cut waste and

• shrinkage with controlled heat. Use eco­nomical sinimer-save burners and get speed and quick action with giant burners.

' • *

Terms if you wish

ester '20 8, Main St. JEaM3>prt473-


m LJ2



tnre'has^riierit c6rViaors> fnTikb' niah-

<IIIIU I||l|J|ljlll.lWlllllHimilllllltf|lllll

We have the facilities for turning out Neat; Attractive Auction Bills

• • v i " - • - • • - * • • • < . . • > > . * - . . . - , ' . - : • • . * . ; - . ' • ' , . • ' - • * - - • . .

mm . ' - • • \ « v l l

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