fairport municipal commission

February 1, 2013 Hon. Jaclyn Brilling Secretary FAIRPORT MUNICIPAL COMMISSION OPERATING THE CONSUMER OWNED MUNICIPAL LIG HT AND POWER SYSTEM 31 SOU TH MAIN STREE T FAlRPORT, NEW YORK 1445) New York Stale Publ ic Se rvi ce Co mm ission Three Empire Stat e pla za Albany, NY 1222)· 1350 R e: Case 04·M 0 I S9 Dear Secre ta ry BriB ing, Proceeding on the motion of the comm ission to examine th e saf ety of electr ic transmission and di st ri bution systems. Pu rsuanl lo the Public Se rvice Commission's order directing utility fil ings issued January 5, 2005, in the above referenced proceedings, the Village of Fairport submits thi s comprehensive comp li ance report. The repon describes the Vi ll age ofFairpon's stray vollage detect ion and equipment in spection program conducted from January 1, 20 12 to Dece mber 31, 20 12 . If you have any questions concem in g this report, please conta ct the undersigned. Re spectfu ll y submitted, Matthew 1 Hegarty Dist ri bution Engi neer Cc: NYMPA MeW

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February 1, 2013

Hon. Jaclyn Brilling Secretary




FAlRPORT, NEW YORK 1445) 585-Zn.9~

New York Stale Publ ic Service Comm ission Three Empire State plaza Albany, NY 1222)· 1350

Re: Case 04·M 0 I S9

Dear Secretary BriBing,

Proceed ing on the motion of the comm ission to examine the safety of e lectric transmission and distribution systems.

Pursuanl lo the Public Service Commission's order directing utility fil ings issued January 5, 2005, in the above referenced proceedings, the Village of Fairport submits this comprehensive comp liance report. The repon describes the Vi llage ofFairpon's stray vollage detect ion and equipment inspection program conducted from January 1, 20 12 to December 31, 20 12.

If you have any questions concem ing this report, please contact the undersigned.

Respectfu lly submitted,

Matthew 1 Hegarty Distri bution Engi neer


Vi llage of Fairport Stray Voltage Detection and Equipment Inspection Report

On January 5, 2005 the Public Service Commission (" PSe") issued an order instituting Electric Safety Standards. The standards require utilities to conduct an ann ual system wide stray voltage detection program and an equipment inspection program to mit igate stray voltage ricks to the public.

This report describes the Village of Fairport's stray voltage program and equipment inspection program conducted in 20 12 and addresses the following.

1. Cert ification of the Stray Voltage and Equi pment Inspect ion program 2. Results of the Stray voltage testing program 3. Additional stray voltage detect ion 4. Summary of the Equipment Inspection Program 5. Resul ts of the Equipment Inspection Program 6. Adherence to PSC performance mechanism 7. Analysis of the results 8. Add itional stray voltage related initiat ives 9. Fut ure improvements

Overview of the Village of Fairport's Electric System

The Village of Fairport Electric Distribution System consists orno transmission facilities, five substations, and thirty three circuits of combined overhead and underground distribution lines. The electric franchi se is approximately twenty six miles wi th approximately 16,726 customers utilizing 4,653 wooden d istribution poles, 2204 UG pad mount transformers, 3,600 UG underground enclosures, 73 metal street light po les, and 5 substations.

Vi llage of Fairport Stray Voltage Detection and Equipment Inspection Report


State of New York

County of Monroe



FAIRPORT, NEW YORK 144&1 585-22J..9SOO


Matthew J. Hegarty makes oath and says: I am the Distribut ion Engineer o f the Village of Fairport and am familiar with the stray voltage testing program performed annually and the various program procedures and forms assembled to complete this confirmation. I certify the program records are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. As to elements not directly stated upon my knowledge. the source of my infonnat ion and the grounds for my belief are as follows: the departments various operational reports. repair orders. and work schedule.

Subscri bed and sworn to before me on

\.sf -1

Th;s _----' ___ day of ~vb , 20.lL




-kM1I...Y Cl 8l l",-Signature of Notary

Village of Fairport Stray Voltage Detection and Equipment Inspection Report


State of New York

County of Monroe





Matthew J. Hegarty makes oath and says: I am the Distribution Engineer of the Village of Fairport and am familiar with the Testing Program performed annually and the various program procedures and forms assembled to complete this confirmation. I cert ify the program records are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and be lief. As to e lements not directly stated upon my knowledge, the source of my information and the grounds for my belief are as follows: the departments various operational reports, repair orders, and work schedule.

~garty Subscribed and sworn to before me on

Th;s _ ->1_9 ___ day of 1 c...b 20 13 , --



MY COMMISSION EXPIRES DEC 6, I 4 t==:::.:.----.. -.. ---- .-- ---

1JuAU (}.. ~~ Signature of Notary

VIUage of Fairport Stray Voltage Detection and EqUIpment tnspection Report

Introduction: The Vi llage of Fairport conducted a separate test program for structures in each of fo ur systems (Overhead, Undergrou nd, Strect Lighting, and Substation)

I. Testing Program was started April 1,201 2 and completed November 1,2012 2. Testi ng was performed by Village of Fairport Electrical Department Employees

Overhead Scope

I. 2. 3.

In the Village of Fairport's electric distribution system there are 4,653 wooden distribution poles. All OH structures are publically accessible An electronic list of structures was created from gps coordinates in the G IS mapping system and down loaded to a handheld electronic device. The device logged the date and time of the test and ifany stray voltage or other hazard was found in was keyed into the device. The data collected via the electronic handheld device was then transferred to an access data base, backed up daily, and auto created a work order to be used by staff to correct Ilny problems located.

Test Procedure I. The HD electric LV-S-5 Direct contact Low Voltage Detector (LV-S-5) was used to test publicly

accessible structures. 2. Village of Fairport electrical department employees performed the testing. 3. Once a structure was located via the gps device, the faci lity was tested by touching it with the LV-S-5 4. Prior to testing a structure, the L V-S-S was proof tested with a companion HD electric PT-LV-S proof

tester. This process ensured that the tester was in good working order.

Results: I. 100% of the 0 1-1 Poles wcre tested and on zero occasions' stray voltage was dctccted and no rcpairs

wcre needed .

Undergrou nd Scope

Village of Fairllort Stray Voltage Detection and Equipment Inspection Report

I. In the Vi llage of Fairport 's electric distribution system there are 2,204 UG transformers, 3,600 UG enclosures.

2. All UG structures are publical1y accessible 3. An electronic list of structures was created from gps coordinates in the G IS mapping system and

downloaded to a handhe ld electronic device. The device logged the dale and lime of the test and ifany stray voltage or other hazard was found in was keyed into the device, data collected via the electronic handheld device was then transferred to an access data base, backed up daily, and auto created a work order to be used by staITto correct any problems located.

Test Procedure 1. The HD electric LV-S-5 Direct contact Low Voltage Detector (LV-S-5) was used to test publicly

accessible structures. 2. Village of Fairport electrical department employees performed the testing. 3. Once a structure was located via the gps device, the facility was tested by touching it with the LV-S-5 4. Prior!o testing a structure, the LV-S-5 was proof tested with a companion HO electric PT-LV-5 proof

lester. This process ensured that the tester was in good. working order.

Results: 2. 100% of the UG devices were tested and on zero occasions' slray voltage was detected and no repai rs

were needed.

Village of Fairport Stray Voltage Detection and Eqwpmenl lnspecUon Report

Street Lightin g Scope


2. 3.

In the Village ofFairpon 's electric distribution system there are 73 metal street lights uti lizing a metal pole. All street light structures are publically accessible An electronic list of structures was created from gps coordinates in the GIS mapping system and downloaded to a handheld electron ic device. The device logged the date and time of the test and ifany stray voltage or other hazard was fou nd in was keyed into the device, data co llected via the electronic handheld device was then transferred to an access data base, backed up daily. and auto created a work order to be used by staff to correct any problems located.

Test I>rocedure I. The HD electric LV-S-S Direct contaci Low Voltage Detector (L V-S-S) was used 10 test publicly

accessible structures. 2. Village of Fairpon electrical department employees performed the testing. 3. Street Lights were tested after dark while the street lights were all. 4. Once a structure was located via the gps device, the facility was tested by touching it with the LV-S-S S. Prior to testing a structure, the L V-S-5 was proof tested with a companion HD electric PT-LV-S proof

tester. This process ensured thai the tester was in good working order.

Results: I.

Substa tions Scope

I. 2.


100% of the street light poles were tested nnd on zero occasions' stray voltage was detected and no repairs were needed.

In the Village of Fairport 's electric distribut ion system there arc five substations. The only publically accessible structure at the five substations is the chain link fence surrounding these substations. An electronic Jist of structures was created from gps coordinates ;nthe GIS mapping system and downloaded to a handheld electronic device. The device logged the date and time oflhe test and ifany stray voltage or other hazard was found in was keyed into the device, data collected via the electronic handheld device was then transferred to an access data base, backed up dai ly, and auto created a work order to be used by starrlo correct any problems located.

Test Procedure I. The HD electric L V-S-5 Direct contact Low Voltage Detector (LV-S-5) was used to test publicly

accessible structures. 2. Village of Fairport electrical department employees performed the testing. 3. Only the publically accessible fence structure was tested . 4. Once a structure was located via the gps device, the facility was tested by touching it with the L V-S-5 S. Prior to testing a structure, the LV-S-S was proof tested with a companion HD electric PT-LV-5 proof

tester. This process ensured that the tester was in good working order.

Resu lts: I. 100010 of the substation fence structures were tested and on zero occasions' stray voltage was detected

and no repairs were needed.

Village of Fairport Stray Vol tage Detection and Equipment Inspection Report

Section 3: Additional Stray Vo ltage Detection:

At this time the Vi llage of Fairport docs not test for stray voltage as part of routine work. This is based on lack of occurrence of problems involving stray voltage in the past which is va lidated via OUT annual tcsting along with the expense of the equipment and the time constraints associated

Reports fro m the public: I. Total number of calls received from customers: Zero for 20 12 2. Responsibil ity of substantiated claims: No substantiated claims

Zero substantiated claims, zero unsubstantiated claims.

Sect ion 4: Summ a ry of the Eq uipm enl lnspeclion Prog ram :

The Village of Fairport has co nt inued the inspection of overhead and underground distribution equipment which started in 2005. Electric line department person ne l conduct inspections as part of rout ine work along with occasions specifically just the task of inspections as schedules dictate. The Vi llage of Fairport completed 100% of the inspections in 2009 and continues to inspect over 20% annua lly of its d istribution system encompassing the overhead and underground portion along with 100010 annual ly of its substations as part of routine work. Th is allows faci lities to be inspected with in a 4·5 year inspection cycle typically. Facil it ies are veri fi ed via electronic database that they arc inspected at least once with in a fi ve year cycle.

Village of FaIrport 2<11' 2011 2012 2013 2014

2010· 2014 To'" ...... lls ...... It. ...... lls Ulil • "", 2010 . 2014 2010 · 2014

Inspe ction Summary Sy, lem ...... It. Percenl !.killS Completed Compleltd Comple ted Complet,d Completed Comple ted Completed

Dis tribution Pol .. 4653 1,035 3,520 98 0 0 4,663 100.00%

Underground hclllU .. 5804 1,203 254 2,102 0 0 3,559 61.32%

Street Light I Tral1le Signals 73 34 28 0 0 0 62 84.93%

Substat ion Fences 5 5 , , 0 0 , 100.00%

Trlnsmlsslon 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O.OOok

Total 10535 2,277 3,807 2,205 0 0 8,279 78.59%

Section 5: Results of tile Equipment Inspection Program:

Please see attached.

Village 0' Fairport Stray Voltage Detection and Equipment InspecUon Report

Section 6: Adherence to PSC per fo rm a nce mechanism:

All publicly accessible electric facilities in the Village of Fairport's electric service territory have been inspected for stray voltage. Inspection was conducted typically during summer months during both wet and dry weather. Of the 10535 facilities that were no occurrences of stray voltage detected using the contact type tester.

All publicly accessible electric facilities in the Village of Fairport's electric service territory will be inspected within the given five year period starting in 2009, Inspections are performed by trained and experienced Village of Fairport Electric Department persona l and they and their work were supervised by me and other engineering staff.

Section 7: Analysis of the results:

During the 20 12 testing program the Village of Fairport tested for stray voltage on 100% of their structures and inspected at least 20% of the publicly accessible structures. These include poles, guy wires, ground wires, risers, transformers, metal enclosures, hand holes, streetlight poles, and substation fences. As no occurrences were found on ilems, electric distribution system trends or common causes cannot be found .

Sectio n 8: Additiona l stray voltage rela ted ini tiatives:

The Village of Fairport has followed the Public Service requirements and is satisfied with the results and we will continue to look for efficiencies in performing the testing and inspections as we continue to implcment the program.

Section 9: Future improvements:

The Village of Fairport is satisfied with the way the program was carried out thi s year and will continue to use the same procedures to complete the program in future years.



Summary of Voltage Findings

Initial Readings Readings after Mitigation

1-4.4 V 4.5-24 .9 V >25V Totals < 1V 1 V-4.4 V >4,5V Distribution Facilit ies

Pole 0 0

Ground 0

Guy 0 Riser 0 0

Other 0

Underground Faci lities Service Box 0

Manhole 0

Pad mount Switchgear 0 Pad mount Transformer 0

Vault - Cover/Door 0 Pedestal 0

Other 0

Street Lights I Traffic Signals Metal Street Ught Pole 0

Traffic Signal Pole 0 Control Box 0

Pedestrian Crossing Pole 0

Other 0 Substation Fences

Fence 0 Other 0

Transmission (Tota l) Lattice Tower 0

Pole 0

Ground 0 Guy 0

Other 0 Miscellaneous Faci lities

Sidewalk 0

Gate/Fence/Awning 0

Traffic Sign 0

Scaffolding 0

Bus Shetter 0 Fire Hydrant 0

Phone Booth 0

Traffic Control Box 0

Water Pipe 0

Riser 0

Other 0



Summary of Shock Reports from the Public

I. Total shock calls received:

Unsubstantiated 0

Normally Energized Equipment 0

Stray Voltage: 0

Person 0

Animal 0

II. Injuries Sustainedl Medical Attention Received

Person 0

Animal 0

III. Voltage Source:

Utility Responsibility

Issue with primary, joint, or transformer 0

Secondary Joint (Crab) 0

SL Service Line 0

Abandoned SL service line 0

Defective service line 0

Abandoned service line 0

OH Secondary 0

OH Service 0

OH Service neutral 0

Pole 0

Riser 0

Other 0

Customer Responsibility

Contractor Damage 0

Customer EquipmentNViring 0

Other Utility/Gov't Agency Responsibility

SL Base Connection 0

SL Internal Wiring or Light Fixture 0

Overhead Equipment 0

IV. Voltage Range:

1.0V to 4.4V 0

4.5V to 24.9V 0

25V and above 0

Village Of Fairport 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

20005-2009 Total Units Units Units Units Units 2005·2009 2005·2009

Inspection System Units Percent

Summary Units Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed

Distribution Poles 4789 837 924 1,331 2,335 3441 8,868 185.17%

Underground Facilities 6853 453 1,237 1,737 1,513 4929 9,869 144.01%

Street Light I Traffic Signals 864 234 274 197 215 265 1,185 137.15%

Substation Fences 5 5 5 5 5 5 25 500.00%

Transmission 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00%

Total 12511 1,529 2,440 3,270 4,068 8640 19,947 159.44%

Village of Fairport 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

2010-2014 Total Units Units Units Units Units 2010 - 2014 2010-2014

Inspection Summary System Units Percent Units Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed

Distribution Poles 4653 1,035 /3,520 98 0 0 4,653 100.00%

Underground Facilities 5804 1,203 254 2,102 0 0 3,559 61.32%

Street Light I Traffic Signals 73 34 28 0 0 0 62 84.93%

Substation Fences 5 5 5 5 0 0 5 100.00%

Transmission 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00%

Total 10535 2,277 3,807 2,205 0 0 8,279 78.59%

Visual Inspection Prog ram Summary of Deficiencies and Repair Activity Resulting f rom the Inspection Process - Distribution

Overhead Faciti ties 2009 2010 2011 201 2 2013 Priori Level I " '" I " '" I " '" I " '" I " '" With in With in Within W ith in Within W ithin With in Within Within Within Within Wit h in Within With in Withi n

Repair Expected 1 WHk 1 year 3 y.ars 1WH k 1 year 3 years 1 WHk 1 year 3 years ,-, 1 year 3 years 1 week , year 3 years

Poles Pole Condition

Number of Deficiencies 3 22 2 13 8 Repaired in Time Frame 3 22 2 13 ~

Repaired - Overdue t , .. ~

Not Repaired· Not Due 8 ~ t t

Not Repaired - Overdue Grounding System - : - - t

Number of Deficiencies 1 0 ~ -Repaired in Time Frame 1 0

-" , + t + Repaired - Overdue • T ~ -Not Repaired· Not Due . + T - ~ Not Repaired - Overdue

Anchors/Guy Wire ~ • ~ + + Number of Deficiencies 1 + t

Repaired in Time Frame 1 + + - -Repaired - Overdue L

Not Repaired - Not Due -Not Repaired - Overdue - +

Cross Ann/Braclng Number of Deficiencies 4 36 1 3

Repaired in Time-Frame • ~ 4 36 1 3

+ Repaired - Overdue T +

Not Repaired - Not Due T ~ Not Repaired - Overdue

Riser + - T Number of Deficiencies 1 0 L ,

Repaired in Time Frame 1 0 + -Repaired - Overdue - + ~ Not Repaired - Not Due I + + ~ ~

Not Repaired - Overdue


Visual Inspection Program Summary of Def ic iencies and Repair Activity Resulting f rom the Inspect ion Process - Distribution

Overhead Facilit ies 2009 201 0 2011 201 2 2013 Priori Level I II III I II III I II III I II III I II III

Within Within Within Within Within Within Within Within Within Within Within Within Within Within Within Repair Expected '_k 1 year 3 years "' .... 1 year 1 years '_k 1 year 3 years 1 week 1 year lyeart ' _k 1 y*lr 3 years

Conductors Primary Wire/Broken Ties

Number of Deficiencies 13 6 Repaired in Time Frame " 6

Repaired · Overdue Not Repaired - Not Due -Not Repaired - Overdue

Secondary Wire Number of Deficiencies 41 2


Repaired in Time Frame 41 2 ~

Repaired - Overdue Not Repaired - Not Due Not Repaired - Overdue

Neutral ~

Number of Deficiencies 3 1 ~

Repaired in Time Frame 3 1 T ~

Repaired - Overdue ~

Not Repaired - Not Due + Not Repaired - Overdue

Insulators ~ r ~

NumberofDer~endes 2 , ~

Repaired in Time Frame 2 + ~

Repaired - Overdue Not Repaired - Not Due


Not Repaired - Overdue


Visual Inspection Program Summary of Deficiencies and Repair Activity Resulting from the Inspection Process - Distribution

Overhead Facilities 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Priori Level I II III I II '" I II III I II III I II '" Within Within Within Wothin With in With in W rthin Wrthln Wrthin With in Within Within With in Withil'l Wrthln

Repair Expected ,-, 1 year 3yeall! ,- , , ,.., 1 years ,-, 1 year 3 years ,- , 1 year 3 years 1 w eek 1 year 3 yeillll

Pole Equipment

Transformers Number of Deficiencies 17 3 2

Repaired in Time Frame 17 3 2 + ~

Repaired - Overdue r Not Repaired - Not Due

~ , Not Repaired - Overdue

Cutouts Number of Deficiencies "2 "

7 , ~ ~

Repaired in Time Frame "2 , , " ~ • Repaired - Overdue

Not Repaired - Not Due Not Repaired - Overdue

~ , Lightning Arrestors ,


Number of Deficiencies , 27 2 " • ~

Repaired in Time Frame , 27 2 " ~ <-Repaired - Overdue

~ ~ • Not Repaired - Not Due ~ r ~

Not Repaired - Overdue Other Equipment - - ; - "

Number of Deficiencies <-Repaired in Time Frame -- . " • Repaired - Overdue - • Not Repaired - Not Due

'" r Not Repaired - Overdue


Number of Repaired in

RepairE Not Repaired -

Number of Deficienciesl Repaired in Time Frame

Repaired - Overdue Not Repaired -

Number of Deficiencies Repaired in nme

Repaired -Not Repaired -Not

W ithin

lWH k

7 7

W ithin

1 year Within 3 years

Within 1 week

3 3

Visual Inspection Program the Inspection Process - Distribution

Within 3 years

Within 1 year


W ith in 3 years

Visual Inspection Program

Summary of Deficiencies and Repai r Activity Resulting from the Inspection Process - Transmission

Transmission Facilities 200. 2010 2011 2012 2013 Prio Level , II "'

, II "' , II "'

, II "' , II "' Willlin Within Within Willlin Within Within Within Within wnhln Willi," Within Wrthln Within Within Within

Repair Expected lwHk . ,.., 1 V-'''' 1 week ..... 1 yurs lWHk 1 V-" '''' . lwH k ' V-" ''''. lWHk 1 yu. 3 V-''''

Towers/Poles Steel Towers

Number of Defidencies Repaired in Time Frame c

Repaired· Overdue ~

Not Repaired· Not Due Not Repaired - Overdue

Poles ~ -Nu~rofDeficiendes · .

Repaired in TIme Frame " - ~

Repaired· Overdue - - • Not Repaired - Not Due · , -Not Repaired - Overdue Anchors/Guy Wire

Number of Defidendes -Repaired in TIme Frame , .. Repaired - Overdue

Not Repaired - Not Due Not Repaired - Overdue

Crossarm/Brace Number of Deficiencies ..

Repaired in TIme Frame + , +

Repaired - Overdue Not Repaired - Not Due . Not Repaired - Overdue

Grounding System . - . Number of DefiCienCies

" Repaired in Time Frame · " Repaired· Overdue .' .' " Not Repaired - Not Due · , -Not Repaired· Overdue


Visual Inspection Program

Summary of Deficiencies and Repair Activity Resulting from the Inspection Process - Transmission I

Transmission Facilities 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Priori level , II "'

, II '" , II '"

, II '" , II '" WotfIln Within Within Wotflin Within Within Within Within Within Within Within Within Within Within Within

Repair Expected ,.- , ,.., 3 ynrs ,week 'yn, 3 )Ie'rs IWMk , rnt 3rnrs 'week I ve" 3 y.,rs , week , rnt 3 ynrs

Conductors Cable

Number of Deficiencies Repaired in TIme Frame

Repaired· Overdue t Not Repaired - Not Due

Not Repaired· Overdue StaticlNeutral

Number of Deficiencies Repaired in Time Frame ,

Repaired · Overdue , Not Repaired · Not Due . Not Repaired· Overdue

Insulators Number of Defidencies

, • Repaired in Time Frame ,

Repaired - Overdue • Nol Repaired · Not Due e <-Nol Repaired - Overdue


Visual Inspection Program

Summary of Defic iencies and Repair Activity Resulting from the Inspection Process · Transmission

)n Facilities 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Prio " Level II JU II JU II JU II JU II

Within Wilhin Within Within Wittlln Within Wilhln Wilhin Wilhln Wilhin Wittlin Wilhln Within WIthin Wilhln

Repair Expected 1 wHl< 1 yoIar l)'MfS 1 week 1 ~"" l years 1 week 1 ~ea, l ~ears 1 week 1 yea, 3 YH rs 1 wHl< 1 ~ .. , 3 ~ .. rs

Number of Deficiencies Repaired in Time Frame

Repaired - Overdue NOI Repaired - Not Due

I Other Number ofDeficie~s

Repaired in Time Frame Repaired - Overdue

Not Repaired - Not Due

I Total Number of Defidencies

Repaired in TIf11e Frame Repaired - Overdue

Not Repaired - Not Due ~ot Repaired - Overdue

- MiS'



Visual Inspection Program

Summary of Deficiencies and Repair Activity Resu lting from the Inspection Process - Underground

Under round Facilities 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Priori! Level I " '" I " '" I " '" I " '" I " '" Within Within Within Within Willlin W"hin Within Within -'" Within Willlin WMin Within Willlin WotI'Iln

Repair Expected 1WHk I ~"r 3,.. .... IWH_ I ,.. ... 3 y ..... 'wH_ I,.. ... 3YN .. IWH_ ''''' 3 ,.. .... 'week ''''' ''''~ Under round Structures

Damaged Cover Number of Deficiencies 21 2 3 2 4 4

Repaired in Time Frame 21 2 3 2 4 Repaired· Overdue

Not Repaired - No! Due 4 Not Repaired· Overdue

, Damaged Structure • + ~

Number of Deficiencies + • 1 Repaired in Time Frame

Repaired - Overdue + • Not Repaired - Not Due 1

~ . + Not Repaired · Overdue Congested Structure · Number of Deficiencies · ,

Repaired in Time Frame + .-Repaired· Overdue · + "


Not Repaired - Not Due - + + + Not Repaired· Overdue

Damaged Equipment ~ Number of Deficiencies 2 - ~ 2 Repaired in Time Frame , + · Repaired· Overdue • +

Not Repaired - Not Due . ~ Not Repaired · Overdue


Number of Defidendes Repaired in Time Frame

Repaired - Overdue Not Repaired - Not Due

Numcerof Oefidendes Repaired in Time Frame

Repaired - Overdue Not Repaired - Not Due

Number of Deficiencies Repaired in Time Frame

Repaired - Overdue Not Repaired - Not Due Not

Deficiencies Repaired in Time Frame

Repaired - Overdue Not Repaired - Not Due

Number of Oeficiendes Repaired in Time Frame

Repaired - Overdue Not Repaired - Not Due

Number of Deficiencies Repaired in Time Frame

Repaired - Overdue Not Repaired - Not Due

Visual Inspection Program

Summary of Deficienc ies and Repair Activity Resulting from the

Within IWHk

Within IWH k


3 3

5 3 5 3

Within IWH k

2 2

Within 3 yurt.

• 4

Within IWH k


I Y'"


3 y.'fS


Summary of Deficiencies and Repair Activity Resulting from the Inspection Process - Pad Mount Transformers

NumberofOer~ncies Repaired in Time Frame

Repaired - Overdue Not Repaired - Not Due

Number of Oeficiencies Repaired in Time Frame

Repaired - Overdue Not Repaired - Not Due

ired - Overdue ,.:--

Number of Deficiencies Repaired in Time Frame

Repaired - Overdue Not Repaired· Not Due

Repaired· Overdue

Number of Deficiencies Repaired in Time Frame

Repaired - Overdue Not Repaired· Not Due

Number of Deficiencies Repaired in Time Frame

Repaired · Overdue Not Repaired· Not Due

ired - Overdue "'-_.-

Number of Deficiencies Repaired in Time Frame

Repaired· Overdue Not Repaired - Not Due Not


1 w eek

3 3

7 7

12 12


1 w eek

5 5


2 2

4 4

1 1

2 2

3 3

1 1






1 w eek

Visual Inspection Program

Summary of Deficiencies and Repai r Activity Resu lting from the Inspection Process - Streetlights

Overhead Facilities 2009 2010 201 1 2012 2013 Prio Level I II III I II III I II '" I II III I II III

W,lh ln Wilhln Wflhln Wilhin W;u,ln Within Within Wflhin Within Within Wilhln Within Within W;u,ln Within Repair Expected 'w_ 1 ~a, 3yu ... 1 week 1 yu, 3yu ... l WHk ' -' 3yu ... 1 week ' -' 3,u ... 1 week 1,u, ,--

Streetlight BasefStandardiLight

Number of Deficiencies 2 Repaired in Time Frame 2

Repaired - Overdue . Not Repaired - Not Due , Not Repaired - Overdue

HandhotelService Box ~

Numeer of Deficiencies Repaired in TIme Frame

Repaired - Overdue "-Not Repaired - Not Due Not R~p~lred - Overdue +

Servicellnternat Wir ing t t Number of Deficiencies

t-Repaired in TIme Frame t Repaired - Overdue t T T Not Repaired - Not Due + + + + Not Repaired - Overdue

Access Cover + . + -Number of Deficiencies 2 + l- . -Repaired in Time Frame 2 + - .

Repaired - Overdue - T Not Repaired - Not Due - -Not Repaired - Overdue

Miscellaneous Ott .. , -Number of Deficiencies

+ Repaired in TIme Frame t

Repaired - Overdue I-Not Repaired - Not Due • Not Repaired - Overdue

Street! i ht Total T ... ,

• .-Number of Deficiencies . . . . . . .

Repaired in Time Frame . - - -Repaired - Overdue -Not Repaired - Not Due + -Not Repaired - Overdue


Summary of Deficiencies and Repair Activity Resulting from the Inspection Process - l evel IV Conditons

Overhead Facilities 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Humt..r of Humt..rof Humber of Humt..rof Numt..rof Number of Humber of Numt..rof Number of Number of CO<ldlt1ons CO<ldltion, Conditio'" ConditiO<lS Condition. Condillon. Cond1tio<ls Condition. Conditions ConditiO<l.

,~" R' Pl'.<fti ,~" RsPl"r~ ,~" R'Pl' jfSod ,~" RtPl'ifSod ,~" R'Pl'ired

Overhead Facil i ties Pole Condition

Pole Condition Grounding System Anchors/Guy Wire Cross ArmfBracing Riser

Conductors Primary WirelBrok.en Ties Secondary Wire Neutral Insulators

Pole Equipment Transformers Cutouts lightning Arrestors Other Equipment

Miscellaneous Trimming Related Other

Overhead Facilities Total Transmission Facilities

Towers/Poles Steel Towers Po"" Anchors/Guy Wire Crossarm/Brace Grounding System

Conductors Cable StatidNeutral InSulators

Miscellaneous Righi of Way Condition ou,.,

Transmission Facilities Total

Underground FaciliUes Underground Structures

Damaged COlier Damaged Structure Congested Structure Damaged Equipment

Conductors Primary Cable Secondary Cable Neutral Cable Racking Needed

Miscellaneous Other

Underground Facilities Total Pad Mount Transformers

Underground Structures Damaged Structure Damaged Equipment Damaged Cable Oil Leak Off Pad Lock/Latch/Penta

Misce llaneous Other

Pad Mount Transformer Total Streetlights

Streetlight BaseJSlandardlLighl HandholelService Box Service/Internal Wiring Access Cover

Miscellaneous Other

Streetlight Total Total Level IV Conditions

Overall Total 0

Visual Inspection Program

of Deficiencies and Repair Activity Resulting from the

Year Repair Expected

I Found (Total) I Frame Overdue Not Due Overdue

I Within 1 week II Within 1 year II I Within 3 years IV N/A

I Within 1 week II Within 1 year III Within 3 years


Within 1 week II Within 1 year II I Within 3 IV

Within 1 week II Within 1 year II I Within 3 years IV N/A

Within 1 week II Within 1 year II I Within 3 years IV NIA
