october 24, 2013 the artichoke times...the much-anticipated pizza to the mega fun obstacle course...

Center For Civic & Global Engagement Volume 2, Issue 1 S TUDENT L EADERSHIP R ETREAT October 24, 2013 T HE A RTICHOKE T IMES A publication of Scottsdale Community College’s Student Leadership Forum By Lenny Lim I was lucky to be selected to be one of nine SCC students to attend the 2013 3-day Maricopa (MCCCD) Leadership Retreat September 20—22 in Camp Pine Summit, Prescott. This was an amazing opportunity to connect with people from all of the Maricopa community colleges along with some other schools. The retreat was a chance to get to know people and learn different leadership skills. The retreat was successfully attended by 180 students and 27 staff members from Maricopa Community Colleges, Coconino Community College and Central Arizona College. This year's theme was Leadership by the Book because the workshops and activities were based off of various leadership publications, thus encouraging the students to engage in the process and learn about themselves and what makes a good leader. There were six workshops based on books about leadership: Building a Team, Strengths Quest, Leadership Lessons, Career Anchors, Ben’s Bells and Don't Judge a Book By Its Cover. One of my favorite leadership workshops was Strengths Quest, which helped me determine my top five strengths. These workshops about leadership not only apply in an organization, but also work to improve personal relationships. O UTDOOR A DVENTURE C LUB By Diana Hernandez , OAC The SCC Outdoor Adventure Club is a free club run by students for students. Our efforts are dedicated to bringing people closer to nature and the environment through leisure and recreation while raising awareness of minimal impact through Leave No Trace principles. We provide you with the opportunity to have great adventures while building lasting relationships and memories. We hope to see you out on the trail! Find us on FB at SCC Outdoor Adventure Club and on campus Thursdays from 4:00—5:15 PM in PE 137. We hope to share an adventure with you! Students representing SCC at the 2013 Maricopa 3-Day Student Leadership Retreat Members of OAC on hiking trips throughout the Valley

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Page 1: October 24, 2013 THE ARTICHOKE TIMES...the much-anticipated pizza to the mega fun obstacle course and dunk tank. ... some yummy hotdogs and mouthwatering ice cream sandwiches. The

Center For Civ ic & Global Engagement Volume 2, Issue 1


October 24, 2013

THE ARTICHOKE T IMES A publication of Scottsdale Community College’s Student Leadership Forum

By Lenny Lim

I was lucky to be selected to be one of nine

SCC students to attend the 2013 3-day

Maricopa (MCCCD) Leadership Retreat

September 20—22 in Camp Pine Summit,

Prescott. This was an amazing opportunity

to connect with people from all of the

Maricopa community colleges along with

some other schools. The retreat was a

chance to get to know people and learn

different leadership skills. The retreat was

successfully attended by 180 students and

27 staff members from Maricopa

Community Colleges, Coconino Community

College and Central Arizona College. This

year's theme was Leadership by the Book

because the workshops and activities were

based off of various leadership

publications, thus encouraging the students

to engage in the process and learn about

themselves and what makes a good leader.

There were six workshops based on books

about leadership: Building a Team,

Strengths Quest, Leadership Lessons,

Career Anchors, Ben’s Bells and Don't

Judge a Book By Its Cover. One of my

favorite leadership workshops was

Strengths Quest, which helped me

determine my top five strengths. These

workshops about leadership not only apply

in an organization, but also work to

improve personal relationships.

OU T D O O R A DV E N T U R E C LU B By Diana Hernandez , OAC

The SCC Outdoor Adventure Club is a free club run by students for

students. Our efforts are dedicated to bringing people closer to nature

and the environment through leisure and recreation while raising

awareness of minimal impact through Leave No Trace principles. We

provide you with the opportunity to have great adventures while building

lasting relationships and memories.

We hope to see you out on the trail! Find us on FB at SCC Outdoor

Adventure Club and on campus Thursdays from 4:00—5:15 PM in PE 137.

We hope to share an adventure with you!

Students representing SCC at the

2013 Maricopa 3-Day Student Leadership Retreat

Members of OAC on hiking trips throughout the Valley

Page 2: October 24, 2013 THE ARTICHOKE TIMES...the much-anticipated pizza to the mega fun obstacle course and dunk tank. ... some yummy hotdogs and mouthwatering ice cream sandwiches. The

By Sabrina Horton, OAC

The Four Peaks Wilderness in the Tonto National Forest is

bombarded daily with JUNK! People bring random items into the

desert to be shot and blown up then just leave everything behind.

To help restore the area, the SCC Outdoor Adventure Club is hosting

the semi-annual "4 Peaks Pick Up Project." Last spring the SCC OAC

removed over 22 bags of garbage and lined the dirt road!!! Not only

did OAC positively impact the area, but also the people by raising

awareness. This caused many of them to talk to us and most

importantly think about their actions in the desert. SCC Outdoor

Adventure Club was awarded with "Best Community Service

Project of the Year" last spring and plans to far exceed last year’s


On November 15th, we plan on doing it again, but better of course!

The Semi Annual 4 Peaks Pick up Project will now include another

club on campus — CNUW (Center for Native and Urban Wildlife, a

chapter of the Wildlife Society ) — and Sculpture students who will

be making a "found" art piece. We hope that more SCC students will

come show their support. Your time donated can be as little as an

hour; it will all make a difference. A few of the donations in need

are garbage bags, snacks, Gatorade, money to pay for dumping the

trash and work gloves.

Students will meet in Parking Lot A on Friday, November 15th, at

8:00 AM. A school van will help transport you to and from the

location. Find us on Facebook at SCC Outdoor Adventure Club for

more information about the event.

H O M E C O M I N G W E E K 2 0 1 3 By Leeza Romo, SLF Special Events Co-Manager

October 9th-12th was indeed one of SLF's best Homecoming Weeks

yet! There was endless amount of fun at the Homecoming Kick-Off

from the deliciously sweet cotton candy, savoring snow cones, and

the much-anticipated pizza to the mega fun obstacle course and

dunk tank. It was pretty amazing to see how much fun everyone was

having, and seeing everyone's smiles made all our hard work worth

it in the end. SLF students decorated a banner with a “hot” beach

party, a “cool” Artie and “SLF” embedded in the scene. And the

banner (left) won the “Best Use of Theme” award! During the

Homecoming Tailgate, many students, faculty, and family members

joined the Student Leadership Forum team to “beat the heat” with

some yummy hotdogs and mouthwatering ice cream sandwiches.

The awesome DJ Blake made the evening exhilarating and pumped

up the SCC fans for the night. To top it off, SCC’s Fighting Artichokes

beat the Glendale CC Gauchos at Saturday’s football game and rose

in the NJCAA rankings to their current 6th place spot in the nation.

What a great way to end a great week! Juli Fernandez and I, Leeza

Romo, want to say thank you to all of those who had helped make

both the Kick-off and Tailgate Party amazing events that students at

Scottsdale will never forget!


OAC Members volunteering at the “4 Peaks Pick Up Project”

Student Leadership Forum loves Artie & Homecoming!

Page 3: October 24, 2013 THE ARTICHOKE TIMES...the much-anticipated pizza to the mega fun obstacle course and dunk tank. ... some yummy hotdogs and mouthwatering ice cream sandwiches. The

H A L L O W E E N L U N C H E O N W I T H D R . G E H L E R A N D H E R T E A M

On October 17th, members of Student Leadership Forum along with representatives from clubs all over campus had the

opportunity to mingle with the school administrators. The president of SCC, Dr. Jan Gehler, and her team of VIP’s were invited to a

Halloween-themed luncheon where everyone was encouraged to dress up as a leader they admired or bring a prop symbolizing a

good leadership quality. Upon entering the Turquoise Room for the luncheon, people were greeted by SLF members in costume,

and a room transformed into Halloween-themed fun. Guests had the chance to meet other club representatives and administrators

as they helped themselves to some delicious turkey, mashed potatoes, and pumpkin pie! Along with having a fun Halloween theme,

a Q & A relating to the leadership qualities the guests dressed up as, gave everyone a chance to gain some beneficial input about

leadership. The overall purpose of the Luncheon was to provide Student Leadership Forum and club members the chance to learn

leadership skills from school administrators in order to help improve the quality of their leadership positions throughout campus.

Member’s of SCC’s Student Leadership Forum pose for a picture

with their costumes and props representing qualities such as the

“true grit” of cowboys and “dedication” of police officers.

Administrators Donna Young and Gia Taylor dressed up as

their admired leaders, Queen Elizabeth I and Gloria Steinem.

By Maia Fruchthandler , SLF Public Relations Co-Manager

A I D S W A L K P H O E N I X & 5 K R U N

By Karina Cabrera, SLF Public Relations Co-Manager

This year, SCC upped its participation in the AIDS Walk Phoenix &

5K Run. Students from SLF and the SPARK club, Artie the

Artichoke, and a few administrators attended the event. The event

was held near downtown Phoenix and was organized to raise

money for Aunt Rita’s Foundation. Aunt Rita’s Foundation proudly

funds Central Arizona programs that prevent HIV/AIDS and assists

those living with HIV/AIDS. The 5K also allowed for pets to

participate which helped result in over 2,000 participants raising

over $333,000.

I am very proud of the SCC team that got together and helped

fundraise and cannot wait to continue participating in this event

every year.

SCC Team & Artie at the 2013 AIDS Walk Phoenix &

5K Run

Page 4: October 24, 2013 THE ARTICHOKE TIMES...the much-anticipated pizza to the mega fun obstacle course and dunk tank. ... some yummy hotdogs and mouthwatering ice cream sandwiches. The

“Thanks For


By Michael Melgaard, SLF Student-At-Large

On September 17, SLF sponsored a table to help spread information about the U.S. Constitution’s history and importance to American

citizens. Communities all over the United States celebrated the 226th anniversary of the signing of our nation’s Constitution when

delegates from the 13 newly independent states finally reached consensus on a new paradigm for our government—- one “beholden to its


Why did you feel it was important to dedicate your time for this event?

I wanted to dedicate my time for this event in hopes of just simply raising awareness. Many people have no idea where our rights come

from and just accept certain facts of their daily lives. As SLF Chair Theresa Sweeney said, “It is important to donate time to an event such

as Constitution Day because students need to have the opportunity to learn about civic engagement and get involved in the community. “

What is the most important facet of a civically-engaged life?

I believe the most important facet of a civically-engaged life is simply caring. Whether you want to care about your community at large or

yourself, decisions that are made are going to, in some way, affect you. If you don't care, then you essentially allow others to have control

over you without your input. I don't know about anyone else, but I find that thought alarmingly uncomfortable!

The Civil Dialogue concerning public education was a wonderful

event that I feel should be done more often. The event was co-

sponsored by the Hugh Downs School of Human

Communication at Arizona State University and Scottsdale

Leadership Inc. The structure of the discussion included displaying

five chairs in a broken circle starting from left to right with the open

break facing the audience. Each chair was labeled with an opinion

on the subject at hand. Either you: Strongly Agreed, Agreed, Took a

Neutral Stance, Disagreed or Strongly Disagreed. Once the subject

was presented, members of the audience voluntarily stood up and

took a seat in a chair which they felt fit their opinion. From that

moment, the audience members seated in the chairs opened up the

discussion with topic point sentences and discussed their points of

view amongst each other. Following this, the rest of the audience was

able to chime in and give their opinions as well.

I liked this setup simply because it allowed a few people to come up

and lead while giving others the courage to speak up after listening

to the discussion. It basically was what it sounds like — a civilized

discussion among people. I hope to be able to attend more of these

group discussions that have multiple dimensions of a subject

presented to you as it forces you to critically think and examine your

own opinions.

C I V I L D I A L O G U E O N E D U C A T I O N By Michael Melgaard, SLF Student-At-Large

Michael Melgaard and Theresa Sweeney facilitating

the Constitution Day event.

Theresa Sweeney, Chair

Michelle Sasonov, Vice Chair

Leeza Romo, Special Events Co-Manager

Juli Badilla, Special Events Co-Manager

Maia Fruchthandler, Public Relations Co-Manager

Karina Cabrera, Public Relations Co-Manager

Vivian Warrens, Secretary

Gilberto Rubio, Mascot

Thanks to all the SLF Members of Fall 2013!

Nick Balik, Student-At-Large

Anne Borges, Student-At-Large

Ferrawanti, Student-At-Large

Bella Hibbs, Student-At-Large

Zainab Hirani, Student-At-Large

Michael Melgaard, Student-At-Large

Sudipto Paul, Student-At-Large

Joshua Robins, Student-At-Large

Chris Simmons, Student-At-Large