october 13 - 14 2017 locarno - cytology.ch · invito al 56o congresso annuale della società...

October 13 - 14 2017 LOCARNO

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October13 - 14 2017


REGISTRATIONDeadline 30.09.2017

www.cytology.ch (Events)

Locarno, 13-14 Ottobre 2017

Invito al 56o Congresso Annuale della Società Svizzera di Citologia

Gentili membri, Cari colleghi,

E’ con vero piacere che l’Istituto cantonale di patologia vi invita a partecipare al

congresso annuale della Società Svizzera di Citologia (SGZ) a Locarno il 13 e 14 ottobre 2017,

presso la Scuola Superiore Medico-Tecnica (SSMT). Con orgoglio avremo l’occasione di

presentare i primi diplomati in citodiagnostica, esame che viene ora proposto dalla SGZ ai

citotecnici sul territorio svizzero.

Il programma verterà sulla citopatologia dei versamenti, la citopatologia delle

metastasi da tumore primitivo ignoto e la citopatologia della mammella, con relativi

workshops microscopici. Altre interessanti lezioni tratteranno della Ibridazione in situ in

fluorescenza e della “Next Generation Sequencing” in citologia.

La scadenza per l’iscrizione al congresso è fissata per il 30 settembre 2017. A causa del

numero limitato di postazioni per i workshops, gli interessati saranno presi in considerazione in

ordine di data di registrazione.

Con l’augurio che la piccola città di Locarno e le sue bellissime vedute vi incoraggino a

restare anche per il week end, vi salutiamo cordialmente,

Dr. med. Franco Fulciniti

Caposervizio Citologia Clinica

Istituto Cantonale di Patologia

Locarno, October 13-14th, 2017

Invitation to the 56th Annual Meeting of the Swiss Society of Cytology

Dear Members, Dear Collegues,

On behalf of the Istituto Cantonale di Patologia, it is a great pleasure inviting you to the

2017 annual meeting of the Swiss Society of Cytology (SGZ), which will take place in Locarno at

Scuola Superiore Medico-Tecnica (SSMT) on October 13-14th. On this occasion we will also

proudly present the first three diplomates in cytodiagnostics. The Diploma is now being

administered by the SGZ, and represents a new opportunity for all cytotechnicians on the Swiss


The main topics of the meeting will be the cytopathology of effusions, the cytopathology

of metastases from unknown primary tumors and the cytopathology of the breast, all of them

accompanied by microscopic workshops. Other attractive topics will deal with the applications

of Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization and the usage of Next Generation Sequencing on cytologic


The final date for registration to the meeting is September, the 30th, 2017. Due to a

limited number of microscope sets, applications for the workshops will be considered on the base

of the registration date.

We hope that the nice small city of Locarno and its beautiful views will encourage you to

stay over the weekend to enjoy it.Looking forward to meeting you in Locarno,

Dr. med. Franco Fulciniti

Head of Cytopathology Service

Institute of Pathology

10:15 Registration / Sponsors' Exhibition / Poster session / Coffee

11:15 Welcome speech and presentationF. Fulciniti (Locarno)

11:30 EPS Federal Diploma in Cytodiagnostic: graduation thesis. Presentation n. 1G. Baston (Aarau) [G]

11:45 EPS Federal Diploma in Cytodiagnostic: graduation thesis. Presentation n. 2D. Fricke (Bern) [G]

12:00 EPS Federal Diploma in Cytodiagnostic: graduation thesis. Presentation n. 3D. Corboz (Locarno) [E]

12:15 Update in cytopathology of effusionsS. Savic (Basel)

12:45 Cytology of squamous lesions of the cervix: role of biomarkers in diagnosis and prognosisI. Raineri (Zürich)

13:15 Light lunch

14:15 Differential diagnosis of metastases from unknown primary tumor of FNA samplesR. Dina (London)

14:45 Safari of glandular lesions of the genital tractS. Taylor (Genève), J. Barizzi and E. Merlo (Locarno)

15:30 QuizE. Obermann (Basel)

16:00 Coffee break / Sponsors 'Exhibition / Poster session

16:15-17:45 Workshop I: gynecological cytology. Squamous lesionsI. Raineri (Zürich)Workshop II: cytopatology of effusionsJ. Barizzi (Locarno)

19:00 Apéro/ Dinner

Friday 13

07:30 Registration / Sponsors’Exhibition / Poster session / Coffee

08:30 Application of Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization (FISH) to cytologic materialB. Bernasconi (Varese)

09:00 Fine Needle Cytology of the breast: why we should keep doing it?F. Fulciniti (Locarno)

09:30 Next generation sequencing in cytopathology. Role and applicationsL. Quagliata and S. Savic (Basel)

10:00 Coffe break / Sponsors’Exhibition / Poster session

10:30 General Assembly Swiss Society of Cytology

11:30 Quiz Solutions. Prize assignment.E. Obermann (Basel)

11:45 Fine needle cytology of soft tissue lesions. Diagnostic applications, advantages and limitationsB. Bode-Lesniewska (Zürich)

12:15 Workshop III: cytopathology of metastases from unknown primary tumorR. Dina (London)Workshop IV: Fine Needle Cytology of the breastF. Fulciniti (Locarno)

13:45 End of the meeting / Lunch bag

Saturday 14

Thank you very much for the support and contribution


Beata Bode-Lesniewska

Institut für Pathologie und Molekularpathologie. Universitätsspital Zürich

Barbara Bernasconi

Dip. di Medicina e Chirurgia, U.O. Anatomia Patologica. Università dell’Insubria, Varese

Sophia Taylor

Viollier Weintraub SA, Genève

Roberto Dina

Hammersmith Hospital, London

Luca Quagliata

Spasenija Prince Savic

Institut für Medizinische Genetik und Pathologie. Universitätsspital, Basel

Ines Raineri

Institut für Pathologie medica, Zürich

Franco Fulciniti

Jessica Barizzi

Elisabetta Merlo

Istituto Cantonale di Patologia, Locarno


CREDITSFriday 13th October: 5 PTS GSPath / 5 PTS IAC Saturday 14th October: 5 PTS GSPath / 5 PTS IAC


Organized byISTITUTO CANTONALE DI PATOLOGIA (ICP)Director: Prof. Dr. Luca Mazzucchelliwww.ti.ch/icp

Illustration of the new Institute of Pathology that will be finished at the end of 2018

REGISTRATIONDeadline 30.09.2017Registration: www.cytology.ch (Events)


CONGRESS LOCATIONScuola Superiore Medico Tecnica (SSMT)Via alla Morettina 3, 6600 Locarno1st floor: conference room, sponsors 'exhibition & coffee, 3rd floor: workshop rooms, level -1: Friday lunch

TOURIST OFFICE (FFS Station)www.ascona-locarno.comTelephone: +41 0848 091 091Piazza Stazione 1, 6600 Muralto

FRIDAY SOCIAL DINNERBlu Restaurant and LoungeVia Respini 9, 6600 Locarno






Contact:L. [email protected]

Istituto Cantonale di PatologiaVia in Selva 24 / CP 5616600 Locarno