ociated'press newssbaptsr in tw!n faills n t w ir s •i...

J . _ T w irs VOXke..HO.«L lE E iE n JSCHOSE FO I ,.r, . JLUrSDEIlTli ^ !----------- rclal President Obregon Suspects ex-Bandit Leader’s Enemies,SS” Retaliated for Injury; Com- a » mander Reports - ■« ' mon MEXICO CITV, .tu ()'J l OB—Proii- .dfittt Obreeoa liitliiiiitiii'r*mir'»iwiili_|[ii> that FrancUeo VilJn'a aasaniaation was duo to a pcrsoiuil feui, in a state- i meat given to tho uowipnper com,- apondent* this afternoon, “ It is dlBgraeoful tlm» tha Jogger , r ' . and trsasoa are still mployed,” tbo- presldoift doclarod. “ Villa had numer- 5 ^ . ous onomies; it Is uoasiblo that onu o f thorn rovenged hliaaclf trcachor- ,2^ ously. 1 bavo not receivod any advice i . tbat would allow mo to express an ®,, opinion aa to causes of 'the oasassina- .tfon. It ia certain, however that Villa “ * having been given guarantees of se- curity by tho gpvernm?nt, should have J bad an opportunity to enjoy them.” UK A supplemental report to President Obregon from J. Foltx Lara, comman* dor of Uie garrison ’ nt Parrnl, roia- nc tlve to tho killiog ot Viilu. says: AwaailM Waited io Hoose. . “ Tbq aaaassids eatiuated at between ^ seven and niae, irftited for three days in a vacant bouie a t the corner of tue BeniQo Juojcs and Balbino Barr^do f atreot from wbteh thi'y oponed fire. ^ “ Tho dead were VllU, Trillo, Danipi ^ay Tamuyo, Villa's aaaistant; Bosnrlo Ro- tn® eales, V illa's cliauffour, 'and an. un- identified civilinn, who unfortunately was present. Two othura of VUla^it oscort were wounded. ' “ Forty shots plercud tho nutomobilo, P“ " while. Villa fell with nino bullets through bis body. TI jo wounded cannoi an i identify the asftailaiUs; they aay.tlml that V illa wos without a chnn<:<» to nre"nis soRt fnmous pistols. It l» htlleved tbat the nssatains had been following Villa for fieli 'four or fivo days from his much at T Canutillo. A hundreds shots- Vere west fired.” ahs( Want Troops Withdrawn. ' to ^ A lolegram to the president from the soporintondent o i^ llla ’s hacienda WU . at CanutiUo, bogged 7l;c president to ■order tho troops which aro proceod- L •ing to Tanutliio to Mrhhold as tho for v;Vflllataa at that jplaco aro fully en- non .• •Pitilil of A « tripjrtj.. Aboot mix a year a ^ Villa d^ared that he bad ,^2^ V 1800 men fullv arnicd upon the haei ' enda, or within ealf. MME r FLOOTS BOLNG ^ Vlundreds of White-Robed Fig- ures Marcli in Kans^is City in Spite of State Order TOPBKA; Kansaa, July 21 OPh- Hundred* of white robod Knight* of the Ku Elux Klaa in foil regtdla. in- eloding masks and carrying fiery ' CToeaes nnd other symbols >of the or- ganization, bejTtn a parade on Kansas avenuo, tho main Bir«!0t through thii city and North Topeka, promptly at 0 ^ ’clock'-tonlght. Tho klansmen worn .nnska, despike nn order issnod by.Attorney General C. B. Griffith Ute this afternoon thnt Sheriff Bobert MUcr nnd Mayor Earl . Akers prevent thorn Irom-so doing. The city’s pullce force wn* busy keeping fcrcat crowds back to leave '’ room enough for tho marchers In thu street nnd no nttompt was made to atop tho parade. ' - There woro half a dosen float*, one carrying a miniatare aehoot-house, and a largo placard: “ One po^lo, one flag, ono language," and “ -we want protostant teachers {n our school*." On a long banner carried by a acore ol- more marchers was the sign: “ Threo million o f us In tho United States; 100,000 In Kansas; 0,000 in ' Shawnee county^” DATE SET FOR HEARING MOTION IN MURDER CASE .Astunents of Befonse on Action Seek-' ingto QnaahUnrderOliarge AgaUit BrovnlnigB to Ba Uade Monday SALT LAKE, July 1:1 (/P)-.\rgu- Tnonta on tho defense motion to riuanh Iho chargo of first .«pprcc murder (.agnlnst Mnrrlnrr A. .nnd , John W, UrowninfT, Jr., in conn'>c,tlon with tho slayiug of tho ln tte r’» brothcr-ln-l.'iw,. Bcn.jnmln P. Bnllnntyno, were sot tn bQ heard in tho dinirirt court next IWndny by Juilpo 0. A. Iverson to- -day. Tho caso wa» continued today by stipulation of counsel fur both sides, becauso of the nbsei.ri* from th j city of District Attomoy K. A. Bogers. SEC A ^ TOTJ.BT) m BIOTXNO m OEBUA2TT BRESLATL Goiroaay, July 21 UP>- fiiz person* nave been killed and,fif- teen Injured In rioting which broke out hrro yesterday and kept up until ^his morning boeauso of the rising cost of living. Large crowds of peo* plo gathered in tho important .dla- irlcts of tho elty and made raid*,bn tho shops and hotels, earryisg oft oU kinds of lool. THE ONLY ASSOi •i-'P A ] bailors Unable to n Resist Charms of f South Sea Maidens 'HONOLULTT, July 21 ‘ (iPH-Tho harms of two youiig and ueuutifu' I lative maidona of Futu, li>lnnd of Nlu- ifnu| in tho South sens, {-roved stroDgor j han thc^coll bauk to civilizntlou tor I wo members of the ro.;cutly wrceked' ' 1 ebooner Alert, according to tho storv elated by Captain Pmtiel McDonuid, unster of tho Alert, who arrived here',,, odav aboard the Xi<ii;arn, with six WQ aonibors o f his crew. Thcv aro on their ray to tho United 8 tuK-i*. J< A suddon squnll threw the Alort upon < L coral roof o ff Pntii nu Juhe'lO, Cup- I aln McDonald snld. The rnptnin and ho crow waited at tho placo for n 0 nonth for a passing nhip to pick thom ip. Meanwhile Uany Jerry and A. 01-, 0O^.membors of tho crow foil in love rith two nativo girls and when a res- uo ship finally nrrived they refused | 0 accompany their Blr-immteB back toiJ*^®*' ivilisatlon. I \ The mariners mnrrled the (rlrls, Cap- Utnl ain McDonnld said, nnd nddeil: v l an’t blnnio Terry and Olson, for tholr irides nro vory buoajtfui and cxcep-| lonnily good hou*f>wlves." i-**. Tho skipper snld no suffering fol- Soil’ owed tlio shipwrcck. . The nntlvos, he aid, nro verv bospltnblo (ind tho worn- PJ<^F •n. especially the younger ono, ure ' ‘very beautiful." 3RDER MAUGHAN’S RETURN £ ' --------- es.o Irm y Pilot Oiven Instructioas to Be- U port, at McOook rield at Dayton; rive WIU Betorn to Visit in TTtah to si —— , -hom ROCK 8 PBING8 , Wyo.. July 21,OP) com —Orders to return by rail to McCook,noui ^eld near Dayton, Ohio, and to 'ex- >rc9S his disabled aertfplane I4 whieh QU le was forcod to land here last Thurs- Jay while nttomptiag to fly across „ he continent between dawn and dusk, 0 the snme placo, wero rocoived horo onight by Lieutenant Bussoli L. Maughan. Aaaertlng that tho work >f tearing apart tho plane and pro- )arlug it for shipping would bo com- doted by Tuesday, Lieutenant Mnugh- in said ho expected to lenvo horo by " :hat day. or on Wednesday. Tho ntfiii. .age received from McCook. field said; ‘Ship pla'^o by express io UcCook field and return by rail." ? f Tho flie r said ho expects to roturn vest within a fow months, if Icavo of . thsenco is grahted by his superiors, :o visit relatives in Utab. WIPE o r TOM MOOBE riLES DIVOBOE SUIT LOS ANGELES, July 21 OP)-Sult T for dip>rcc against Tom Mooro, mo* novi cion picturo actor, brother of Owefl kno tfoore aad - Matt Moore,' also sereea not itara, was filed ia soMrior eoort here erai today by ^ o e E. Adoree, screen ae* for twtt, who' charged cruelty. the WE HAD »0P ____________ 'ARO BUT IT ISN'T OODTO TODOM - XT -TXra NEiaHBOBS A OCiATED'PRESS NEWS LLS TWIN FALLS. IDAHO, SUIO] 1EHESSM IIDE« HO£E PU INT F IIT !iOD IlPO I1IT I“ ______ 1 Vorlc on Electric Power Pro- ^ ject Advancing Rapidly, s' ficials Claim; Will Be Wie p of the Biggest in the W ^ t ' SALT LAKE, July 21 OP)—Construe- i^i ion work on wh.nt Is raid to be ono f tho largest hydro-olrotrk power pro- ’cts In tho wost Is 'Well imder way I ^dn Point, Idnho, offleinls of the < i>o tnh Power nnd Ught company, build- jg, r of the plant, nnnotitreed hero to- y, ight. , V th Five hundred men :ire actively at •ork' on the project six miles from odn Springs, hulldiYCs coffer dnms nnd ' , X(;aynt|ng mnrerinl i/w a river of rcpnfflt'ory to pourUu tliif'TOYgi' mnJw f ron'*xotP which w ill form Uie dnm’ j„ nd power house. Tho plant, which will nve nn instnlled gincrnfing capacity f nbout 20,000 borsepower, la being ------ (lilt nt n cost of npproximatolv 3.000.000. irjP Utilisation ■'of wator o f the Benr M L Iver for generating ihe electric powor 1 supply tho demnndn of Industries nnd omes in this wctio»> will mnrk the ^ omplotlon of tho project, It wns nn- •ounced. SHOPMEN GET WAGE RAIsl kS ---------- Wyc kfea W2io Bamalaed at Work Daring yonr 1922 a,Mke and Strlkebroakm won Qlreq. Increase to Total $320,000. Fred —. h'ns ST. LOUIS, Mo., July 21, (AO — nnd :ho Missouri Pacific railro,id todny his mnounced Increnses in pay to Its horo hop employes, numbering nbout 0,000 thre nen, tp tako effect from last Monday, ^uly 10. Tho inerense is two conts who in hour for tho skilled craftsmen and her me cent an hour for apprentices and yeoi lelpers. A Tho rncrense, accordlnjr to na esti- wns nato given out by President Baldwin, esta rill amount to $320,000 a year Cho; The men who rocoived tho increases ire those who remained nt work dur- ng the strike last summer or those iho took their placei. W Tho shop employes of tho railroad *poc low have an organisation of tho kind ^'itl: cnown as a company union, which la todn lot affiUatffd <rU\-tW Am «>liuuu^*. ropv iratlott o f Labor. TbI b-. negotiatloni* elar !or the incroaae wero conducted by crea be management with thb union. coal )PES OF A L IH L E PEACE AND lOUND THE NEIGHBORHOOD ' MUCH OOOD TO OETBID OFTHE TB ' , f c mn a lilw *■ 7 i (> -.OS^F ABB OOINO TO STABT EIGHT OU ^pyright, 1023, SBAPtSR iN TW!N FA D A IL mAT MOBMINO, JULY 22. 102S. Commission Gra For New Road SOVERNMENT WATCHES. P| ■1. W. W. SITUATION ' PORT AIITHUR, Texaa, July 1 51. W)—The foderal govornment :oday took a hand in tbo I. W. iltuotlon. Special Agont A C. ^ Bulllvan nrrlved this mornlnjj ind apont 'the ontiro day inveati- ^ gating conditions and causes load- ing up to tho alleged mistreat nent. of. James HoUaBd|Aj^. W. irganlusr. “ Bo f.ir as I can^H V from An] ntervlowing pcaco officers," said Bulllvan, *4he press reporta have | R jeon vory accurate." Ho ia con- :inulng his inveatlfption. Sidney n ferry, district organii^er hprc. aald ;oday that John McColHstor,' of /) N'ow Orleans, who is saying that tho trek toward this city ao far interrupted, does lot ape^ with authority. ({ The trial of tho four members ' te »f t h t - 1." W. W. was again post* di loned in tho city court this morn- gc ng. It is prolmblo tho cnsea jq will bo called Monday. le ___________ : _________ ^ _ pc --------- .. s . IDNAPED SON IS FOUND » w: ed School, Taken from, Pamlly u when Two tyaars Old. Diseorars ec Brothers Aftar Abseoca of 37 Yoan --------- h: CHEYENNE, Wyo., July 21 OP)- rt iilnaped from his homo in Laramie, at yo., 37 years ago, when he was two T ars of age and his baby way* had tl >n tho henrt of a childloas woman, OS ed School, of Og'don, Utah, finally s located his family in this olty Tl d has learned the truth rogardlog niltt I parentage, it was made known com ro tonight. Ho la a brpther of and ree Cheyenne residents. tho mother, Mrs. Henry School, peri 10 never hnd dcsn'rod of finding S( r lost-child, died hero about two the' ars ngo. Pnci An item in a detective magazino as IS responsible for the Ogden man men tabllshlng communication with hja stoa leycnne relatives. two tlon WANT apEOIAL BE8 M 0 N WASinNOTON. July 31 0P>—A tho ecinl session o f congress to deal wns ith the coaf situation was advocated sect dny by Bopresontativo Treadway, Ii S f S ’. eatiag a federal agency to regulate a! prieea and distribution. ' ^ reee tim< Por not D QUIET J«t of was ----------------------1 8< ------- ... / tifL -S i Une Ball t Jos« Y t N of 1 7 ' ■ ti* I PJa' ^Vi^S5s— ^ ®8®' .aKygL. mat _ rect \ S” V ' "SSf WOU j TN, Ii VCV Vy eom , \ othi y j —^JL \ p“f JO-v niai of I to . nee I . ■■ cef ItOUBLBSOMB WABD008— FT” . ^ \ cor ......... . S. ' tf --------- u *tr •UT BAZSIKa BEES !3, by' tho New Yoik Tribune, Inc. mi iLLS COU n W Y m mis Permit Jj| Construction pr ER IOD OF c WA ITINGJS NOW ENDED t --- arc ithority Given for Building Rogerson-Wells Litie; Ex- g;"}; pect Work to ^e Started About 30 Days --------- othorw WAflHlNOlbK, D. 0 .,-'jruly .21 [Special to Th« Nawa)—Tha In- Mrstata commerca commission to- 1 . lay Totad to anthorl*a tho On- ron Short Lina to bulhl 07.7 t Bi Formal annooncamant of this * <<Th ictlon will bo mada nart waok, „,io- , rhan tha commission w ill state I!. rally tba grounds npoa xrtUch it lasned tha certUicat« of poblic tratloi jonvenionca and naeaasity. to hei According to assnrancas glraa nrices by tha Short Lina this n«w rail- dltlom road vlU ba complotad and in op-- station by Dacembar 31, 1924. ' Total axpenditares to ba mada os "Tt Cho rogid ' ar« ostlmatad st fSL procce )H 000. has n --------- of wh rhe granting of tht- cerUflcntc per* war a ttlng of tho Boad'.i construction tho wi nes ns tho definite icsult of a stoadv was ui ll jwmlstent effort, oa tho nnrt of was di a Twin Fnlls ecunlry covoFlng a kept. 1 rlod of yenrs. millloi BometlUng like 10 rr 12 yonrs ng.> have I )• milt ter of n rnilrund outlet to the “W clfio const begnn to. mako Itsoif felt ia, «o a subject of conv^raatloQ among w ilt c n. Tho topic gruY in populnrlty price adlly nnd within the first year or 0 fnnds wore raised and n detega- T I n sent to Oakland in an offort to I J crest Cnlifornin rnplt.il. The plnn I 1 ■ved to attrnct further attention to | | 5 project but no, definite progresa ,» mnde towards the actual work of Ir :uring tho lino. i IIV In 1013 what was regarded as dofi fl| :e nsauranco looking to the, eztanalon th«vHoUist«r. braadi to a jnutiflB th this C U t^l Parlfie at Coore was . !oived ia Twfn Falla, the road thb' ae to be bnllt by the Short Line. ^ r reason* whieh it b claimed eonld HK t then ba foreseen, however, the pro- t wa* abandoned and for a number uV years bnt little attention locally a given to tho mattor. BurTaypri Pnt In Field. ^ 3ome two or threo yoar* ngo a cer* eounti icate of necessity to build such n they e was granted to tho Idnho Central thb i llroad, a corperalion, orgnnixed by sldera seph L. Stowart*>«nd assocJntes of Jule, kiand and San Francisco. Tho death Johns Mr. Stewart was shortly followed indict n transfer of mnnagement which eret ( iced Conrad Wolfle in control of a res 1 project and under the' management ging himself and Bari J. Ahern, survey* 14 la I were placed In the field. Mrs. While the project wa* in thb par- Foil ular stage a''grouo af Twin ^ Ib oa tb in sneceodod In interesUng H.. W^ T. A att, vice president And general mnn- sod t er of tho Oregon Short Lino in the groe itter of the line nnd later Twin Palls would :oived a v b lt from Cart B. Gray, penali esident of the Union Pacific. M r. releaa ny offered this group definite ansur* Wh CO that tho Union Pacific system floggl luld undertoko to build tbo ro u . tho e la-tho Interests of •]uiek action eome who 0,000 wa* raised over the county and with mo two montha ngo the stock and all count her assets, including tho certiflcnte* aontoi necessity of tho Idaho Central, wero j^ya irrhased outright and application guecQ, ade to Idnho oourts for dissolution the compnny. Tho tffect of this wn* jjoOl removn tho exlstln? certificate of de’iicc iceaslty as nn obstatlo to tho grant- vestli g of a new permit in the Union Pa- n,ont fic syatem. AppUcntlon for such new rtiricjito wns duly •n.'tdo by the Ore* ^ in Short Line, the.matter being before wUU 0 interstate commerco commlsBlon >r action until the "ranting of the Oonsl ipllration on Snturdny. (2,1 Terminal Sito ObtaJnad. About 20 nrrcs of InnO wns secured pC ider option for tho kiilding of round- s^lo )use nnd other junction facilities Jq. on win Falls this npriti;', upon advice' Crool ? the, Oregon Short lilue. nnd tho pur- qqO inae of th i* ncrengo wua consummated twee K)\it 30 dnys ngo. The rlnns of the q{ )mpany provide for n -division poin* Eucrr t Twin Palls, this citv being Almost ]uldistant betweon i Porntello nnd i, reUa, Nevada, with approximntely 120 liles of lUiP'out of Twin FnHs in ench irection. Plans provide for severnl uildingB in addition ts tho round-houso nd the belief is ronfidently entertain- ^ J that repair shop? and other necea- m- activities in cOT:»i.ctlon with tho . ow line w ill result in an importnni ddltion to locnl population. BI Under the dlrccth.n of W. B. Arm* Bllll Irong, chief englnoi-r of the Oregon weat Jtorl Line, two croivs of sur\’uyors govo fere placed in tho field simultnneouslv 102 1 th the nppUcntion- for u ccrtlficnte threi f necessity and niu'-h ol the prclimin- erioj ly im rk 'o f ^tirvoyintf haa nlren(«iv pros oen dono. Tho rOml. It is said, w ill ontain no grades in excess o f 1 per 'WEj ont. tlip principal fiUture of tho con- (Oontlaaed on t*ago Flva.) A' ----------^ ------- -------- ‘ Mur IDAHO WEATHEB. mor< Bunday: Unsettled; ihunderatorms in beeo ouUieast portion. terd V 5W |- PBICB FIVE OHSTS OL ID imfllE REPOB ilC IIN Ii IS - SENHT fST lE II ess Tells' G. 6. P. Meetlrig that Party Must Stand on Firm Ground or Risl< Haz- ardous Political Experiment OINOINNATI, July 21 OP)-Com- entiiig on tho outcome of the elee >n jn^innesotn, Unlred State* Sona- t^ p e b n D. Foss, Ohio, today do- ired at a large gathering of repub* lana hore. thnt republicnns mnst and firm on sound ccoiioTiTTc doctrines, horwlao botji tho party and the coun- y will entor on nn -jxjwriraont, tho end ' which, no mnn can see. Tho Minnesotn election resulted ris it d becauao tho farmer “ .Ss^sore" Sm^ or Peas said. In n htntoment mad<* lor to tho meeting Sonntor Poss said at “ the republican uilminlstration is I t ' going to bo led astray becnuse me demagogue arises nnd offers a inacea for nil tho'fori.iera‘ ill*." “ Tbo farmers' suffering and the low ■lee of wheat has bon brought abont r natural causes ani it will be nd*. ated by natural mcuns,, Th^ adminb- S atlon will do all thnt cnn be done I help, but.it has no intention to fl* -ices and thereby throw bualness con- tloni into chaos. Soimd Frinelplas. “ Tho administratioit " ho paid, “ b ■occcdlog on sound prinrlples and it IS n definite policy. The low price ’ wheat ia a natural i-onsequence o f ar and post-war oonditlon*. During >0 war t f eryone, including tho fanner, ns urged to produce c.) the lim it. Thb as donp an^ after the war tho farmer snt. It'u p with tho con*c«iuenco *tbat ' illlons of bushel* nf snrplus wheat ive been prodyeed. . “ When tho farmer lonms that there no longer a demand for whent be lit cease"prodncing M> much and the rice will I roturn to normal." [NREEMEOOF ByiT MEE' iaiultted of’ Floogfiig Wo- men; K l^ Investigator Is Given Fine and Jail Sentence LUMBEBTON, N. C., July 21 OP)— , verdict ef not guilty on - three )unta of ah indictment on whi^ ley wero tried waa returned here lb afternoon after 50 minutes coa-- ideraUon by the jury in the trinl of uie. Bro{^ea, Mike Lawson and ohnion Hed^th. The men ware, idicted and tried for kidnaping, so- ret a**auU and assault. on womea as result of tbe kidnaping and flo|r> ing noar Proctorville, N. 0- on April i lut, of Mrs. Mary Watson u d Irs. Hattie Purvb. Following the verdlot of not goUty a the tbcee minor charges. Soueltor . A McNeil Immediately nolle proa- Bd tho indictment charing fln t de- roe bnrglary, conviction oa whleh rould have carried with it the death enalty. Tho three defendants were- eleosed. Whllo the jury waa out in the logging case, Judge Sinelair heard ho e>1deneo against H. A. Tallaforro, rho waa charged with tampering rith ’ state's witnesses ou three: ounts. He was found guilty and ontoaced to a fhio of #250 and S(T' lays in iail oa each couat, to run uccessively. Pending a probable ap- leal Judge Sinclair fixed bond at , 15,000. It wns devoIoMd in the ovi- .. lence tbat Taliaferro ia a apoelal in- X ' restlgator of the intelligence depart- ' nont of the Ku Klux Klan. JLOSB’ HUGE TIMBER DEAL . Consideration Amoimts to More .than *2,000.000 in Bale o f 72.000 Acres of Pine In Orook Oonnty, Oregon PORTLAND, Ore.. July 21. OP) — Salo of 1,100,000 feet of pino timber in 72,000 acrea in Ochoco region, Drook county, for moro than $3,000,- 300 wns negotiated hore today be-' Iweea tbo Bogors. Timber company of Mlnni-apolin, and B. A. Booth, of Eugene, and associates. Tho latter nnnounccd formation o f a company lo be knoiyn as Tho Ochoco Timber rompany w ith 12.500,000 capital. A largo sawmill b projoctod at Prine- ville, which is witnin 18 miles of the Rogers tract. BILLINaS~SWELTEBS AS MEBCUB.Y BEACHES 103 BILLINGS, Mont., July 81 0P>— Billings , exnerloncod tbe hottest weather of lh,o year whon the offlelal government thermometer mounted to 102 this afternoon. For the laat threo day* the morcury has beenhov- eriog around tho hundred mark. No prostrations wore r ^ r t i ^ WEALTHg~FUBLMHTat~ BEFOBTBD DBOWSBD ATLANTIC OITT, July 81 C»- Murat Botbschlldv a wealthy. Balti. more publisher, is believed-to Kave boon drowned while bathing heA ree* terdoy ,

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^ !----------- rclal

President Obregon Suspects ex-Bandit Leader’s Enemies,SS” Retaliated for Injury; Com- a» mander Reports -

■« ' monMEXICO CITV, . t u ( ) 'J l OB—Proii-

.dfittt Obreeoa liitliiiiitiii'r*m ir'»iw iili_|[ii> tha t FrancUeo VilJn'a aasaniaation was duo to a pcrsoiuil fe u i, in a state- i meat given to tho uowipnper com,- apondent* th is afternoon,

“ I t is dlBgraeoful tlm» tha Jogger , r ' . and trsasoa are s t i l l m p loyed,” tbo- “

presldoift doclarod. “ V illa had numer- 5 ^ . ous onomies; i t Is uoasiblo tha t onu o f thorn rovenged hliaaclf trcachor- ,2 ously. 1 bavo not receivod any advice i . tba t would allow mo to express an ® ,, opinion aa to causes of 'the oasassina-

.tfon. I t ia certain, however that V illa “ * having been given guarantees o f se­cu rity by tho gpvernm?nt, should have

J bad an opportunity to enjoy them.” UK A supplemental report to President

Obregon from J. Fo ltx Lara, comman* dor o f Uie garrison ’ n t Parrnl, roia- nc tlve to tho k illiog o t V iilu . says:

A w aa ilM Waited io Hoose.. “ Tbq aaaassids eatiuated a t between ^ seven and niae, irftited fo r three days in a vacant bouie a t the corner o f tue BeniQo Juojcs and Balbino Barr^do

f atreot from wbteh th i'y oponed fire. ’^ “ Tho dead were V llU , T rillo , Danipi ^ay Tamuyo, V illa 's aaaistant; Bosnrlo Ro- tn® eales, V illa 's cliauffour, 'and a n . un- ‘ identified c ivilinn, who unfortunately was present. Two othura of VUla^it oscort were wounded. '

“ Forty shots plercud tho nutomobilo, P“ " while. V illa fe ll w ith nino bullets through bis body. T Ijo wounded cannoi an i iden tify the asftailaiUs; they aay.tlm l that V illa wos without a chnn<:<» to nre"nis soRt fnmous pistols. I t l» htlleved tbat the nssatains had been follow ing V illa for fie li

'fo u r or f iv o days from his much at T Canutillo. A hundreds shots- Vere west fire d .” ahs(

W ant Troops Withdrawn. ' to A lolegram to the president from

the soporintondent o i ^ l l l a ’s hacienda WU . a t CanutiUo, bogged 7l;c president to ■order tho troops which aro proceod- L

• ing to Tanutliio to M rhhold as tho for v;Vflllataa a t that jplaco aro fu lly en- non .• •P itilil o f A « t r ip j r t j . . Aboot m ix

a year a ^ V illa d ^ a re d that he bad ,^2 V 1800 men fu llv arnicd upon the haei ' enda, or w ith in ealf.


Vlundreds of White-Robed Fig­ures Marcli in Kans is City in Spite of State Order

TOPBKA; Kansaa, Ju ly 21 OPh- Hundred* o f white robod K n ight* of the Ku E lu x K laa in fo il regtdla. in- eloding masks and carrying fiery

' CToeaes nnd other symbols >of the or­ganization, bejTtn a parade on Kansas avenuo, tho main Bir«!0t through th ii c ity and N orth Topeka, promptly at 0 ^ ’clock'-tonlght.

Tho klansmen worn .nnska, despike nn order issnod b y .A tto rn e y General C. B. G r if f ith Ute this afternoon thnt S heriff Bobert MUcr nnd Mayor Earl . Akers prevent thorn Irom-so doing.

The c ity ’s pullce force wn* busy keeping fcrcat crowds back to leave

' ’ room enough for tho marchers In thu street nnd no nttompt was made to atop tho parade. '- There woro ha lf a dosen float*, one carrying a miniatare aehoot-house, and a largo placard: “ One p o ^ lo , one flag, ono language," and “ -we want protostant teachers {n our school*."

On a long banner carried by a acore ol- more marchers was the sign: ■“ Threo m illion o f us In tho United States; 100,000 In Kansas; 0,000 in ' Shawnee county^”


.Astunents o f Befonse on Action Seek-' in g to QnaahUnrderOliarge A gaU it BrovnlnigB to B a Uade Monday

SALT LA K E , Ju ly 1:1 (/P)-.\rgu- Tnonta on tho defense motion to riuanh Iho chargo o f f irs t .«pprcc murder

(.agnlnst M nrrln rr A. .nnd , John W, UrowninfT, Jr., in conn'>c,tlon w ith tho slayiug o f tho ln t te r ’» brothcr-ln-l.'iw,. Bcn.jnmln P. Bnllnntyno, were sot tn bQ heard in tho d in ir ir t court next IWndny b y Juilpo 0. A. Iverson to- -day.

Tho caso wa» continued today by stipulation o f counsel fu r both sides, becauso o f the nbsei.ri* from th j city o f D is tric t A ttom oy K. A. Bogers.


BRESLATL Goiroaay, Ju ly 21 UP>- f i iz person* nave been k illed a n d ,f if­teen Injured In rio tin g which broke out hrro yesterday and kept up un til ^his morning boeauso o f the rising cost o f liv ing . Large crowds o f peo*

■ plo gathered in tho important .dla- irlc ts o f tho e lty and made raid*,bn tho shops and hotels, earryisg o ft oU kinds o f lool.


• i - ' P A ]

bailo rs U nab le to n R e s is t Charm s o f f

S o u th Sea M aidens'HONOLULTT, July 21 ‘ (iPH-Tho harms o f tw o youiig and ueuutifu' I lative maidona o f Futu, li>lnnd o f Nlu- ifnu| in tho South sens, {-roved stroDgor j han thc^co ll bauk to civ ilizntlou to r I wo members o f the ro.;cutly wrceked' ' 1 ebooner A le rt, according to tho storv elated by Captain Pmtiel McDonuid, unster o f tho A le rt, who arrived h e re ', , , odav aboard the Xi<ii;arn, w ith six WQ aonibors o f h is crew. Thcv aro on their ray to tho United 8 tuK-i*. J<

A suddon squnll threw the A lo rt upon <L coral roof o f f Pntii nu Juhe'lO, Cup- I aln McDonald snld. The rnptnin and ho crow waited a t tho placo fo r n 0 nonth fo r a passing nhip to pick thom ip. Meanwhile U any J e rry and A. 01-, „ 0O^.membors o f tho crow fo il in love r ith two na tivo girls and when a res- uo ship f in a lly nrrived they refused | 0 accompany the ir Blr-immteB back toiJ*^®*' iv ilisatlon. I \The mariners mnrrled the (rlrls, Cap- Utnl

ain McDonnld said, nnd nddeil: v l ‘ an ’ t blnnio T erry and Olson, fo r tholr irides nro vory buoajtfui and cxcep-| ” lonnily good hou*f>wlves." i-**.

Tho skipper snld no suffering fol- Soil’ owed tlio shipwrcck. . The nntlvos, he aid, nro verv bospltnblo (ind tho worn- PJ<F •n. especially the younger ono, ure ' ‘ very b e a u tifu l."

3RDER MAUGHAN’S RETURN £ '--------- es.o

Irm y P ilo t Oiven Instructioas to Be- U port, a t McOook r ie ld a t Dayton; rive WIU B e to rn to V is it in TTtah to si

— — , -homROCK 8 PBIN G 8 , Wyo.. Ju ly 21,OP) com

—Orders to re tu rn by r a i l to M cC ook,noui ^e ld near Dayton, Ohio, and to 'e x - >rc9S his disa b le d aertfp lane I4 w h ieh QU le was fo rc o d to lan d here la s t Thurs- Jay w h ile n t to m p tia g to f l y across „ he c o n tin e n t between daw n and dusk,0 the snme placo, wero rocoived horo onight by Lieutenant Bussoli L. Maughan. Aaaertlng tha t tho work >f tearing apart tho plane and pro- )arlug i t fo r shipping would bo com- doted by Tuesday, Lieutenant Mnugh- in said ho expected to lenvo horo by " :hat day. o r on Wednesday. Tho ntfiii..age received from McCook. fie ld said;‘ Ship pla'^o by express io UcCook field and re tu rn by r a i l . " ? f

Tho f l ie r said ho expects to roturn vest w ith in a fow months, i f Icavo o f . thsenco is grahted by his superiors,:o v is it relatives in Utab.


LOS ANGELES, Ju ly 21 O P)-Sult Tfor dip>rcc against Tom Mooro, mo* novicion picturo actor, brother o f Owefl knotfoore aad - M a tt Moore,' also sereea not itara, was f i le d ia soM rior eoort here erai today by ^ o e E. Adoree, screen ae* fortw tt, w ho' charged cruelty. the

WE HAD »0P • ____________ 'ARO



XT -TXra N E iaH BO BS A

O C iA T E D 'P R E S S N EW S



IIT!iODIlPOI1ITI“______ 1

Vorlc on Electric Power Pro- ^ject Advancing Rapidly, s'ficials Claim; Will Be Wie p of the Biggest in the W ^ t'

SALT LA K E , Ju ly 21 OP)—Construe- i^ i ion work on wh.nt Is raid to be ono f tho largest hydro-olrotrk power pro- ’cts In tho wost Is 'Well imder way I ^ d n Point, Idnho, offle in ls o f the <i>o tnh Power nnd U g h t company, build- jg, r o f the plant, nnnotitreed hero to- y ,ight. , V thFive hundred men :ire actively at

•ork' on the project six miles from odn Springs, hulldiYCs coffer dnms nnd ' , X(;aynt|ng mnrerinl i/w a r ive r ofrcpnfflt'ory to pourUu tliif'TOYgi' mnJw f ron'*xotP which w ill form Uie dnm’ j „ nd power house. Tho plant, which w ill nve nn instnlled g incrnfing capacityf nbout 20,000 borsepower, la being ------( lilt nt n cost o f npproximatolv 3.000.000. i r jP

U tilisation ■'of wator o f the Benr M L Iver for generating ihe electric powor 1 supply tho demnndn o f Industries nnd omes in th is wctio»> w ill mnrk the ^ omplotlon o f tho project, I t wns nn- •ounced.

SHOPMEN GET WAGE RAIsl kS---------- Wyc

kfea W2io Bamalaed a t W ork Daring yonr1922 a,Mke and S trlkebroakm wonQlreq. Increase to Tota l $320,000. Fred

— . h'nsST. LOUIS, Mo., Ju ly 21, (AO — nnd

:ho Missouri Pacific railro,id todny hismnounced Increnses in pay to Its horohop employes, numbering nbout 0,000 thre nen, tp tako effect from last Monday,^uly 10. Tho inerense is two conts whoin hour fo r tho skilled craftsmen and herme cent an hour fo r apprentices and yeoilelpers. A

Tho rncrense, accordlnjr to na esti- wnsnato given out by President Baldwin, estar i l l amount to $320,000 a yea r Cho;

The men who rocoived tho increases ire those who remained n t work dur- ng the strike last summer or thoseiho took the ir placei. W

Tho shop employes o f tho railroad *poclow have an organisation o f tho kind ^'itl:cnown as a company union, which la todnlot affiUatffd < rU \- tW A m « > liu u u ^ * . ropviratlott o f Labor. Tb Ib-. negotiatloni* elar!or the incroaae wero conducted by creabe management w ith th b union. coal



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7 i ( > - .O S ^ F


^ p y r ig h t , 1023,


D A ILm A T MOBMINO, J U L Y 22. 102S.

Commission Gra F o r New RoadSOVERNMENT WATCHES. P |

■1. W. W. SITUATION 'PORT AIITHUR, Texaa, Ju ly 1

51. W )—The foderal govornment :oday took a hand in tbo I. W. iltuotlon. Special Agont A C. Bulllvan nrrlved this mornlnjj ind apont 'the ontiro day inveati- ^ gating conditions and causes load­ing up to tho alleged mistreat nent. o f. James H o U a B d |A j^ . W. irganlusr.

“ Bo f . ir as I c a n ^ H V from A n ] ntervlowing pcaco o ffice rs ," said Bulllvan, *4he press reporta have | R jeon vory accurate." Ho ia con- :inulng his inveatlfption. Sidney n ferry, d is tric t organii^er hprc. aald ;oday tha t John McColHstor,' o f /) N'ow Orleans, who is saying that tho trek toward th is c ity ao far

interrupted, does lo t a p e ^ w ith authority. ({

The tr ia l o f tho four members ' te »f t h t - 1." W . W. was again post* di loned in tho c ity court this morn- gc ng. I t is prolmblo tho cnsea jq will bo called Monday. le ___________ :_________ ^ _ pc--------- .. s.IDNAPED SON IS FOUND »

w:ed School, Taken from , Pamlly uwhen Two tyaars Old. Diseorars ec Brothers A fta r Abseoca o f 37 Yoan

--------- h:CHEYENNE, W yo., Ju ly 21 O P )- r tiilnaped from his homo in Laramie, atyo., 37 years ago, when he was two Tars o f age and his baby way* had t l>n tho henrt o f a childloas woman, OS ed School, o f Og'don, Utah, f in a llys located his fam ily in this o lty Tld has learned the tru th rogardlog n ilttI parentage, i t was made known comro tonight. Ho la a brpther o f andree Cheyenne residents. tho

mother, Mrs. Henry School, peri10 never hnd dcsn'rod o f find ing S(r los t-ch ild , died hero about two the'ars ngo. PnciAn item in a detective magazino asIS responsible fo r the Ogden man mentabllshlng communication w ith hja stoaleycnne relatives. two

— ■ tlon W AN T apE O IA L BE8 M 0 N

W ASinNOTON. Ju ly 31 0P>—A thoecinl session o f congress to deal wnsith the coaf situation was advocated sectdny by Bopresontativo Treadway, I i

S f S ’.eatiag a federal agency to regulate a! prieea and distribution. ' ^ reee

tim< Por not

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Y mm is P e rm it J j | Construction pr


ithority Given for Building Rogerson-Wells Litie; Ex- g;"}; pect Work to ^e Started About 30 Days

--------- othorwW A flH lN O lb K , D. 0 . ,- 'jru ly .2 1

[Special to Th« Nawa)—Tha In- Mrstata commerca commission to- 1 . la y Totad to anthorl*a tho On- ron Short L ina to bulhl 07.7 t

BiFormal annooncamant o f th is * <<Th

ictlon w ill bo mada n a rt waok, „ , io - , rhan tha commission w il l s tate I ! . ra lly tba grounds npoa xrtUch i t lasned tha certUicat« o f pob lic tra tlo i jonvenionca and naeaasity. to hei

According to assnrancas g lra a nrices by tha Short Lina th is n«w ra il- dltlom road v lU ba complotad and in op-- station by Dacembar 31, 1924. 'Total axpenditares to ba mada os " T t Cho rogid ' ar« ostlmatad s t fSL procce ) H 000. has n

--------- o f whrhe granting o f tht- cerUflcntc per* war a ttlng of tho Boad'.i construction tho wi nes ns tho definite icsu lt o f a stoadv was ui ll jwmlstent e ffo rt, oa tho nnrt o f was di a Twin Fnlls ecunlry covoFlng a kept. 1 rlod o f yenrs. m illlo iBometlUng like 10 r r 12 yonrs ng.> have I )• milt ter o f n rnilrund outlet to the “ W clfio const begnn to. mako Itso if fe lt ia, «o

a subject o f conv^raatloQ among w ilt c n. Tho topic gruY in populnrlty price adlly nnd w ith in the f irs t year or0 fnnds wore raised and n detega- T I n sent to Oakland in an o ffo r t to I J crest Cnlifornin rnp lt.il. The plnn I 1 ■ved to a ttrnct further attention to | | 5 project but no, de fin ite progresa,» mnde towards the actual w ork o f I r :uring tho lino. ■“ i I I VIn 1013 what was regarded as do fi f l | :e nsauranco looking to the, eztanalon th«vHoUist«r. braadi to a jn u t i f lB

th this C U t^ l P a rlfie a t Coore was . !oived ia Twfn Falla, the road th b ' ae to be b n llt by the Short L ine. ^ r reason* whieh i t b claimed eonld HK t then ba foreseen, however, the pro- t wa* abandoned and fo r a number uV years bnt l it t le attention locally

a given to tho mattor.BurTaypri P n t In Field. • ^

3ome two or threo yoar* ngo a cer* eounti icate o f necessity to build such n they e was granted to tho Idnho Central th b i llroad, a corperalion, orgnnixed by sldera seph L. Stowart*>«nd assocJntes o f Jule, kiand and San Francisco. Tho death Johns

Mr. Stewart was shortly fo llowed indict n transfer o f mnnagement which eret (

iced Conrad W olfle in control o f a res1 project and under the' management ging himself and Bari J. Ahern, survey* 14 la

I were placed In the fie ld. Mrs.While the project wa* in th b par- Foil ular stage a''grouo a f Tw in ^ I b oa tb in sneceodod In interesUng H .. W^ T. A att, vice president And general mnn- sod t er o f tho Oregon Short L ino in the groe itte r o f the line nnd la te r T w in Palls would :oived a v b lt from Cart B. Gray, penali esident o f the Union Pacific . M r. releaa ny offered this group de fin ite ansur* Wh CO that tho Union Pacific system floggl luld undertoko to build tbo r o u . tho e la -tho Interests o f •]uiek action eome who 0,000 wa* raised over the county and w ith mo two montha ngo the stock and all count her assets, including tho certiflcnte* aontoi

necessity o f tho Idaho Central, wero j^ya irrhased outright and application guecQ, ade to Idnho oourts fo r dissolution the compnny. Tho t f fe c t o f th is wn* jjo O l removn tho exlstln? certifica te o f de’iicc

iceaslty as nn obstatlo to tho grant- vestli g o f a new permit in the U nion Pa- n,ont fic syatem. AppUcntlon fo r such new rtir ic jito wns duly •n.'tdo by the Ore* ^ in Short Line, the.matter being before wUU 0 interstate commerco commlsBlon >r action un til the " ra n tin g o f the Oonsl ip llra tion on Snturdny. (2,1

Terminal S ito ObtaJnad.About 20 nrrcs o f InnO wns secured pC ider option fo r tho k ii ld in g o f round- s^lo )use nnd other junction fac ilities Jq. on win Falls this npriti;', upon advice' Crool ? the, Oregon Short lilue . nnd tho pur- qqO inae o f th i* ncrengo wua consummated twee K)\it 30 dnys ngo. The rlnns o f the q{ )mpany provide fo r n -division poin* Eucrr t Twin Palls, this c itv being Almost ]uldistant betweon i Porntello nnd i, reUa, Nevada, w ith approximntely 120 liles o f lUiP'out o f Tw in FnHs in ench irection. Plans provide fo r severnl uildingB in addition ts tho round-houso nd the belief is ronfidently entertain- ^J that repair shop? and other necea- m - activities in cOT:»i.ctlon w ith tho . ow line w ill result in an im portnni ddltion to locnl population. B IUnder the dlrccth.n o f W. B . Arm* B llll

Irong, chief englnoi-r o f the Oregon weat Jtorl Line, two croivs o f sur\’uyors govo fere placed in tho fie ld simultnneouslv 102 •1th the nppUcntion- fo r u ccrtlficn te threi f necessity and niu'-h o l the prclim in- erioj l y im r k 'o f ^tirvoyintf haa nlren(«iv pros oen dono. Tho rOml. I t is said, w ill ontain no grades in excess o f 1 per 'WEj ont. tlip principal fiU ture o f tho con-

(Oontlaaed on t*ago F lva.) A'---------- ------- -------- ‘ Mur

IDAHO W EATHEB. mor<Bunday: Unsettled; ihunderatorms in beeo

ouUieast portion. terdV


OLID imfllE REPOBilCIINIi IS- SENHTfSTlEIIess Tells' G. 6. P. Meetlrig that Party Must Stand on Firm Ground or Risl< Haz­ardous Political Experiment

O INOINNATI, Ju ly 21 OP)-Com- entiiig on tho outcome o f the elee >n jn ^ in n e s o tn , Unlred State* Sona- t ^ p e b n D. Foss, Ohio, today do- ired at a large gathering o f repub* lana hore. thnt republicnns mnst and firm on sound ccoiioTiTTc doctrines, horwlao botji tho party and the coun- y w ill entor on nn -jxjwriraont, tho end ' which, no mnn can see.Tho Minnesotn election resulted ris i t d becauao tho farmer “ .Ss^sore" Sm^ or Peas said. In n htntoment mad<* lo r to tho meeting Sonntor Poss said a t “ the republican uilm inlstration is I t ' going to bo led astray becnuse me demagogue arises nnd offers a inacea fo r nil tho 'fori.iera ‘ i l l * . "“ Tbo farmers' su ffering and the low ■lee o f wheat has b o n brought abont r natural causes a n i i t w ill be nd*. ated by natural mcuns,, Th^ adminb- S atlon w ill do a ll th n t cnn be done I help, b u t. i t has no intention to f l *-ices and thereby throw bualness con- tlo n i into chaos.

Soimd Frinelplas.“ Tho administratioit " ho paid, “ b ■occcdlog on sound prinrlp les and i t IS n defin ite policy. The low price ’ wheat ia a natural i-onsequence o f ar and post-war oonditlon*. During >0 war t f eryone, including tho fanner, ns urged to produce c.) the lim it. Thb as donp an^ a fte r the w ar tho farmer snt. I t 'u p w ith tho con*c«iuenco *tbat ' illlons o f bushel* n f snrplus wheat ive been prodyeed. .“ When tho farmer lonms that there no longer a demand fo r whent be

l i t cease"prodncing M> much and the rice w ill I roturn to norm al."

[NREEMEOOF ByiT MEE'iaiultted of’ Floogfiig Wo­men; K l^ Investigator Is Given Fine and Jail SentenceLUMBEBTON, N . C., Ju ly 21 OP)—

, verdict e f not g u ilty on - three )unta o f ah indictm ent on w h i^ ley wero tried waa returned here lb afternoon a fter 50 minutes coa-- ideraUon by the ju ry in the tr in l o f uie. Bro{^ea, M ike Lawson and ohnion H e d ^ th . The men ware, idicted and tried fo r kidnaping, so­re t a**auU and assault. on womea as

result o f tbe kidnaping and flo|r> ing noar Proctorville, N . 0 - on A p ril i lu t , o f Mrs. M ary Watson u d Irs. H attie Purvb.Following the verdlot o f not goUty

a the tbcee minor charges. Soueltor . A M cNeil Immediately nolle proa- Bd tho indictment c h a r in g f l n t de­roe bnrglary, conviction oa whleh rould have carried w ith i t the death enalty. Tho three defendants were- eleosed.Whllo the ju ry waa out in the

logging case, Judge Sinelair heard ho e>1deneo against H. A. Tallaforro, rho waa charged w ith tampering rith ’ state's witnesses ou three: ounts. He was found gu ilty and ontoaced to a fh io o f #250 and S(T' lays in ia il oa each couat, to run uccessively. Pending a probable ap- leal Judge Sinclair fixed bond a t , 15,000. I t wns devoIoMd in the ovi- . . lence tbat Taliaferro ia a apoelal in- X ' restlgator o f the intelligence depart- ' nont o f the Ku K lu x Klan.

JLOSB’ HUGE TIMBER DEAL .Consideration Amoimts to More .than

*2,000.000 in Bale o f 72.000 Acres o f Pine In Orook Oonnty, Oregon

PORTLAND, Ore.. Ju ly 21. OP) —Salo o f 1,100,000 feet o f pino timber in 72,000 acrea in Ochoco region, Drook county, fo r moro than $3,000,- 300 wns negotiated hore today be-' Iweea tbo Bogors. Timber company of Mlnni-apolin, and B. A. Booth, o f Eugene, and associates. Tho la tte r nnnounccd formation o f a company lo be knoiyn as Tho Ochoco Timber rompany w ith 12.500,000 capital. A largo sawmill b projoctod a t Prine- ville, which is w itn in 18 miles o f the Rogers tract.


BILLINGS, Mont., Ju ly 81 0P>— Billings , exnerloncod tbe hottest weather o f lh,o year whon the o ffle la l government thermometer mounted to 102 this afternoon. For the laat threo day* the morcury has beenhov- eriog around tho hundred mark. No prostrations wore r ^ r t i ^


ATLAN TIC O ITT, Ju ly 81 C » - Murat Botbschlldv a wealthy. B a lti. more publisher, is believed-to Kave boon drowned while bathing heA ree* terdoy ,


-- - t t : 1” "Shroud of Secrecy -Surround- n

ing Reply to German Pro- [ j po53ls Brings Pertinent Re- j marics from-Editors . ; I

Pa:518, Ju ly £1 W —The ahroud, o f o fiic in i secrecy thrown about the British noto ou ropnrntiona and ac- conipanyiug documeutB which wero iDcolvod from London this niorning,

'docs not prevent tho prcaa from dl- , Iftting on the aubjcct. Tho Prencli papora, however, cyiifino most of tho ir attention io discusilng tho . British commenta und dispntchca, 1

Tho speeolntitraa thua vvoivod aro fal firs t ly that llfo British cabinet ex* me presses ils npproval o f the appoint- tic

'm ont o f a eommitteo o f cxpcrfa to tic ronaaess the German debt, auch com- ox.

' mittee to bo nonilnateiJ by tho repa;^'wr rntionB commiaaion .iiu l to act aa uil- viaora to that commission, tbo In lter Je elauAc bc'ing added in "order to com- Jio p ly , w ith tho tcrniii o£ tho Ver- ■

( la illcs treaty. islOppoM EeaBsejwnont.

8ueh procedure la generally nc- th i copied aa possible on ju r id ic a l,

»rounds, but tho Tompa nrguoa that^ le text o f 'th o Ire iity doin not jua -( t l f y it . Tbo appointment o f this »<i coiomittvo ia condemned os fu tilo isl

and dangerous. The opinion ia al- t it most unanimously expressed tha t t t a

- would bc ecrtnin to base its estimate no on the Insolvency, o f tho OcnK«n ex- o f chequer, rather than on tho produc- fn: t iv ity o f German inJostry. . by

Secondlv, thnt tho noto avoids con* ov domning 'German passive realstanco, th; but comments ou tbo rcmarkablo cf- Ini focts o f the Buhr alrugglc on the th: f'CBcr.il rconomie condition. Thi* gTi point givea opportunity fo r a repe* uri

• t it io n o f tho. atntcment that French ag public opinion w ill not bo aatisfied o f w ithout formal and effectivo renun-, elation o f pasaU’o rcaiatance before i'tanco cnn renew negotiatlflns w ith ' Germany. . i

Mnst Settle Debta.'Thirdly, that the noto doca not pri

refer to tho quostion o f Intera llied co dolits. The papers attoH that tho po I ^ n c h view cannot'bo changed nnd tha t rcporatloas and Interalliod debts ao ara inseparable. • , ha

The ncgotlntiena now under way nrc generally regarded a i certain to bo long and laborloua but i t is be- bu llovod they must end in an agree­ment as a rupture among tho allies n i» conaldcrcd unthinkable.


' BeUoTno proprie tor o f Detro it Photo , to m p u s ; 4nd P ilo t Lost Liv«s ftrom I ^ e e 1000 Toot In A l t j

DETROIT, Mich., Ju ly 21 Howard N. Neai, proprietor o f t h e , ^ Detroit A ir Photo compan)', aud a tnl nan believed to bc Eugene Itnnchard,, wi an ain)lnne' p ilot, were burned to f« death Jate today when nn airplane In which they were rid ing burst in to l flames 1000 foct in th o 'u ir and crash- . cd in the western part o f ynndwlcb, township, Ontario, about 12 miles “ southwest o f Windsor. i

Tho bodies were badly burned and death is believed to have eome al- p( most instantly. | B

Identification o f the bodies waa made by the w lfo o f Howard Ncol, who flew to the secno o f tho crash in nn nirplanc piloted by Eddie Stln- •on, a' comnjereifll aviator. «

Investigation o f tbe croah was be* j i gun imniMiiutely by the eoroaer. The ki plAne wiy« ao bhdlv damaged tba t tbe Jq causo o f the accident eoold not be ^ determ/ned, follow ing a ha ity exam- in a t i^ o f the wreekage. ^

Fi/ e leaves business hiHOUSES MASS OF RUINS ^

h<B1«m a t Salamanca^ 17. T , Spread l>7

QasoUoe and Syiiam ita Bxploeloni, 2>o«e Damage Esttmated at »&00.000 ^

SALAMANCA, N. Y., July 31 C4»)—l ‘'irc . spread by gaaolino and dyna­mite explosions, thia afternoon swept i t through the buaincss district o f Bai- tii amanca, le ft the cUy hall in ruin,a al ate Its way in to three other business buildings, nnd jumped the main busl- ness street and spread Into the rcsi- ^ dence section. I t wns believed to have sta rted 'in a frame warehouse.

A t Icaai five persons were reported in tho c ity hoapital w ith burna ^n d tr cnta from fa llin g timber and gloaa. n Many were overcome by tmoke and f( heat. No deaths had. been reported, q

A t six o'clock tonight the f ire was q] onder control. Tho loss was estimated

•a t $500,000 to 1600,000. J


We are tbe Ptoneer wholesale bnysn “ Boyei* In all

T he F u lto r164 FOUETH AVB. SC

The largest cosh bnyers o f p


M in is te r M a rrie s■ A f te r C o u rtsh ip

o f S ix t ie n Tears.•> ‘6h IC A G 0, Ju ly 21 o i^ T h o BevJ P. W. Ktiappe, Sr>, pastor o f tbe Saint Scbali) Luthernn church of Straw-] berry I ’o int, Inwa, and Mlatf M ary. Knluslio, who come all tho wjvy from I QL'rmany/ were married here todny a f­ter n correapcndeueo courlahip laat*

I ing 10 yi-ara.


S e n a to r L a d d C la im s R e ta l ia -

I t o r y M a n ip u la t io n b y . S p e c -

I u la t o r s W a s R e s p o n s ib le

I W ASniNO TO N, Ju ly SI m —The fa ll in wheat pricea dunng recent months was attributed to manipula­tion by grain speculators In retalia­tion o f tho regulation o f tho gnUn oxehangcs by'congress, in a , le tter

'w r itte n by Senator Ladd, repuWican. N orth Dakota, on tho ove of his departure fo r Europe, and made pub­lic today a t hia office hore.■ Nino dnya nfter the regulatory leg­islation became effoctivo, the sonn­to r asserted, • “ tho wheat mnrkct started to slide, and slnee thn t time thero hoa been n Btea'ly decrcnao.”' Law w itH “ TeetH In I f 'I “ For, th ir ty years," he continued, “ tho spoukcrs successfully fought leg­islation tha t would curb the ir aetlvl- tles. Now fin a lly this now law w ith a few teeth in i t is proving to be an­noying and thoy inaugurated a period o f s tric t discipline fo r tho wheat farmer and tbo farm bloo in congress

I by, whieh discipline they hope to ovontnally convince tho wheat grower th a t ho was a ll wrong in dcmnndlng lawa which enrtallsd tha t power ana . tha t be must eome baek nnd ask eon- ffT£ia to repeal tbis annoying meas­ure, tako the teeth from the law and again truat to the generous mercies o f tbe wheat sharks.

Short S ^ g‘ ‘ Their system has worked vory

cleverly during the last three months j in d riv isg down tho prices o f wheat by means o f heavy ahort aelling. The propaganda haa been clever and tbe consistent crop estimates, weather re- ports, foreign supply nnd demand, do- meatlc needs, po8sibillth*a o f tremen­dous surplus In the growing crops, a ll

t havo beon cleverly used to force the nutural "buyer out o f the market In the belief tbnt he would eventually buy n t a lower price.’ ’

ONE OF BRITAIN’S OUTPOSTSUlfcnd ef. Mauritius Juet amall. P ^rt

o f Qr'sat Empire's ‘‘Far.Flung I Battls Line.'*

I nave 70Q ever, heard o f "Tbe Island- o f tbe Dodo?” Sounds like the eame Island ^ the more or less mythical

I Idy l o f'l*a u l ond Virginia,I However, there 1# such a plnce. be*; cause L . C. Bnrboau h hea,lth com­missioner o f thla. Island, and recently

, wb8 a delcgnle to the national con* ference o f social workers, held at Washington.

[ The Islnnd o f the Dodo, better knon-n na the Inland o f Mnuritlufl. Is

' a small principa lity under the British Igovcmment off the soDtheaat^-rn coa»t ^t>t A frica, east o f Madogascar. It's population consists chiefly o f Ulndooa,

I Britlah, Dntch and adm ixture o f all three.

•The Island,'* said U r. Bartoeao, “ Is often apoken o f as the *star* o f the Indian oceiin. but I prefer tbe name ^ 'Bogar Island.' by whlcb i t Is also Known In onr pnrt o f the world. I t en­joys a delightfu l climate and exblbita a quaint combination o f tropical.and temperate sone scenery. I ta soil la completely free from beast o f prey o r , Tenomoos reptiles. Tbe death rate, bowerer, from disease la 'h lcb ." '

Thla Island la In the aoatbent c o ^ flnea o f the tropica. I t waa once, tne home o f tbe extOict Dodo. O riginally colonlred by the ^ n c b . I t waa con­quered by t M EngUab daring Na­poleonic wars, and baa remained B rlt- lah.*' Because o f Ita excellent barbon and

Its slioatlon on the tea route be- . tween India and Sonth A frica It was at one time o f mucb commercial Im­portance, bat tbis has beed mucb re­duced by tlie opening o f the Suez canaL

D r. Barbeau’a problem fo r public health work Is that o f-a whole coun­try w ith a population o f nearly ha lf a m illion Inhabitants on an Island only fourteen or fifteen mllea In length.D r. Barbean Is a graduate in medicine Of . the D n lre rslty o f Edinburgh. He la director o f the goremment labor- a tory In Mauridns. ______________

the M arketLTKY. W HAT HAVE YOU?

yera o f poultry In southern Idalio, a ll T om u.’ ’

n M a rk e tSOUTH, PHONE 175

f pou ltry in Idaho and Utah


I J I I P T <t e a a a a a a


S e a s o ]Swing I

M a k e a c a re fu M y o u r s e l f , a n d th e n j^ in g . T h e w is d o m ( t h e p r ic e s i n t h i s a(

D ra p e ry D e p a r tm e n tOur entire drapery . de-

Sartmcnt w ill be on salo" B lF in e F i l le t C u r ta in

- N e ts n«1.C0 qaa llty fo r------H.29 p l j♦2.00 qua lity for.----- 11.69 _____♦2.25s quality fo r__...41.76Ecru fh lo t, *1.50 quality,

fo r ....____________

F i l le t N e t P a n e lso n S a le T " "

ll.o o p im cli fo r «1 • • c land

C re to n n e sL o t! at 19c, 2&] u d Sfic I j

H a n d B lo c k e d F u l l ' C re to n n e s t i o t i i

Veledge, b right, beautlfnl, *atho finest <1.00 regular, ‘ elesranco sale, y«rt...._75e ♦1^5 Town & Country

fo r ............... ..... .....J 1.00Hand-blocked. French ere- PpGC

tonnes in these . « lip g30-inrh mercerized Mar-

quisettcs, ynrd ______ i6c3G-inch tape edge curtain pvoile, COc quality,- a t v (ynrd ........ ..... ......... .... _3Sc

......— In

^ \RatineOlearaoce Prlcoe

JOiach, n il eolora.... _.39c m Ofit

♦ 1.00 aport quality colors y e a n_____________________86c

♦ 1.25 ratine, fine, fo r t l ---------

♦2.50 W affle ratine,y o r a ........................ 12.00 W s i

____ Porn(bad

S P E C IA LS Kman I

G in g h a m „ ,30->cb tijaue, 25c yard, good *quality—good pa ttcrn i.

3 2 - in c h S i lk T is s u e , “ “ J

5 9 c y a r dA ll our prettleat and beat 75c ' allk tiaiues a t ----------------6©c

S c o tc h T is s u e s 4 9 c Y d .Glaaboro—fine , p re tty Scotch tiaaoe, laat colors.

Utopia, 19c yard27-inrb zephyr, you don’tg e t |such good fast gingham a t ^19c only a t our clearance.-' ‘

R ip e le t te G in g h a m 3 5 cWashes fine , wears better, > w ith needs ao iron ing; yellow, ^e n pink and bloe stripes. ntidl

- Peter Pan '. ftSc quality --------------------69cP la in ____ ______ ________ 60c

P la y S u i t in g , 2 5 c y a r dFor ehjld's play suits aod _ dreues noth ing, better; sold O l ] at 30c to A5t.

. OUjannoe 26c

F a n c y S k i r t in g s o fCLKABANCE PBIOES

Beautiful wool, s ilk and mix- V ’X ed skirtings, mostly in ak lrt X JC lengths, the season’s best and prettiest. W ill be sold onc-tbird o ff. r-

A n o t h e r




n a l D i s[nto Its Secon yalues---Everj^ n v e n t o r y ^ o f t h e n e t

‘( C o r a e T i e r g a n d s e c u i

o f b u y i n g i n t h i s s a L

i d v e r t i s e m e n t .

mported'Jap Cr<eavy Ja p Crepes, a l l the

w a n ti 25cN urses C lo th Ik

Ja d e e s p e c ia l ly f o r n u rs e s ’ o s tu n ie s , f in e f o r d d r t s and ip r^ n s .>0c q u a l i t y ............................. .35ci5c q u a l i t y ' .................. ....... . 49c 5<

G ^ a te a 25c^ fe w p ie c e s ^ n c o lo rs a n il ; tr ip e s to c lo s e o u t . Y o u k n o w 3i v b a t i t ’s w o r fh . . O n tsale..25c I t

3ath Towels, 25c and 50c

fw o lo ts o f r e m a r k a b le va lu e s , 4 : ) la in a n d fa n c y , so m e s o ile d . t<

U n d e r m u s l i

id le s a n d O o w n s — ^We h a v e g ro n p m e n ts , a w a y u n d e rp r ic e . L a c o t rI w h ite . L o t in c lu d e s r ip le t t e b lo c

LJngette S lip 8, $ 2 M LI I m e a s u re , g o o d f i t t i n g , f in e ^ th , h ig h ly m e rc e r iz e d ; p in k , ” i te , o r c h id a n d p e a c h .

C h ild re n s U n d ie s . ' - ^

E^cial p’r ic e s o n p a n t ie s , a n d n i J8. See th e m .

C o v e ra lls $ 1 .0 0 W e e k -E n dVacation, motor

ta n a n d b lu e , iripathem. Very con

i k i . a n d d e n im . S p e c ia l S

jk e n s izes, b u t y e t 12 to 15 inch, brown, near leal

8 t a l l s izes, 3 t o 10leather,-W.OO np .rs. ____________

O rgand iearm veatlie r baa XaTored organdiermanent fin ish, fu ll w idth, pastel

___ 42c ■00 grade wide organdie, per- ment finish, yard ________ - i Ov»

Hom espun R a tinexed liko wool homespun, very pme*al, mixtures In lavender,je and rod, yard---- -------------f t S f C '

Fancy S k ir t in g s 39c Y a rd

no wbito skirtings w ith stripes,>ko boautiful skirts and mneh used r bed spreads and other 9 Q a .. acy work, 75c quality______O v U

Fancy W h ite Voiles 39c

136-inch fine quality white voile th splashes, dots and ehecks, a sat b ig value. Buy I t fo r dresses, . dlss and drapes. I t ’s dandy for


l u r i n g t h i s s a l e w e a r e g i \

E ? 1 . 2 0 f o r D e l i n e a t o r 5

B A R . R e g u l a r ? 2 . 4 0 , n o \

r Packag((OTH MERCAN1



S S S S S B S S S & 9 & B 9 B B


sposa l^id W eek w ith^4)epit:.JParticipaeds o f y o u r fa m ily , y

re th em a t a remarkE le is obvious and is su

epes, 25c Yarde sp o rt co lors, a l l you ; ya rdMercerized P o p lin 42c

F o r 3 6 - in c h , 8 5 c q u a l i t y ,

- M erce rized W h ite S u it in g 35c

50c. .s u it in g f o r b o ya ’ b lo u s e s ,, f o r H k irtH , p la y s u its a n d lik e .

G old C o in P o p lin3 6 -in ch 75c p o p l in in b lu e a n d la v e n d e r to c lo s e o u t, y a r d 39c

W ool School P ia id 8 ^ .$ U 5

t2 - in c h w o o l p la id s . I t . w i l l p a y to b u y n o ^ ^ ________________

ins, $1.00ped here some wonderfu lly good rixnned o f good quality, in pink omers. A valaahle offering.

L inge tte K n icke rs , $1.75V d a n d y , a b ig i t e m , . c i i t f u l l , •e in fo rc e d , h ig h ly ra o rc e r lz e d , v h i te , p in k , o r c l i id a n d p each .

Child’s Play Suits ^ '? r e t ty l i t t l e g in g h a m ro m p e rs , m d p la y s u its . C le a ra n c e p r ic e......... -................................................... 59c

I Bags Child's Ginghamr trips and)s demand rireccoenvenlcnt. UreSSBS$4.95 .1, blaek or ^ .itho r grain-

ateci clasp 2 to 8 v e a rs , p re tt> ’ Beal calf .

p. *_ _ _ _ _ _ o n e s o n sa le .


Theo Ties, $ 7 MB r o w n a n d g r e y suede , S p a n ­is h n n d J u n io r L o u is hee l. A r e g u la r $10 .5 0 * s lip p e r .

C o lon ia l Pum p, $ 7 MS m a ll lo n g u e , J u n io r L o u is he e l, b ro w n k id v a m p , o t te r w ie d e fo x in g a n d hee l. A $10

•‘ S lip p e r .

G row ing G irU f F oo t- ipear $3J95

larKO a s s o r tm e n t o f s tra p s l ip p e rs a n d o x fo rd s in p a te n t • le a th e r , b r o w n a n d b la c k k id , a s p e c ia l.

v ln g jfQU a special o f fe r


^ $ U 0 . *


............. .......................

S a l e stl New .>ating. ^y o u r home and

k a b ly la rge sav- substantia ted b y ^

Toilet GoodsPabnolivo e(hampoo_..S9o N ’Odor, re lie f fo r per- .

spLrotion ---------------- lOo[clba nail polish_____19o)entBlnxo tooth paste-lOc ^Icrgena V io le t glycerine

shampoo -----------------39c05c' BorU face powder-S9c D jer Kiss double compact,

4 re fills ...... ..— n.00. Pound absorbent cotton 42e

♦1 Colgate’s to ile t water ^___________________ .7Be ▼

r Colgate’s ta lc u m s ------19cColgate’s dental cream 190

1, Colgate's floating bath[ soap, 3 bars _______ 26cl’ .01.00 Melba opera poyder

- ♦LOli- .ra lm ,Olive, Cleo-patro. Divine face pow- .

I, dcr ------------------------69cB Ideal frocklo cream___S6c ’0 D je r 'K is s Nailnatre.._36c

Phyalclans and Surgeons ^soap, 3 bars —___~ ,25c

SOe Elcaya Complex Pow­der ------------------------39c

40-inch Voiles1 . . A t Olearaaoe

Figured voiles, amall lo t 4 ^ 'Y - i ____ _____________IOC

Nieo patterna, good onrt

Fancy voilea, fine — 30cP lain voilos, fino qual­

ity , 40-lnch, sport col­ors; 75c grade — —3flc •

S P E C IA LS \R u b b e r T ir e d W a g o n s

5 0 o-Sheetlron wagon w ith iron

wheels, rubber tired, 4 1-2 by 9 .Inches, very suitable |fo t boy or ^ r l , each_-i.60o

R e m n a n tsA la ^ e lo t o f remnants, wool, silk and cotton, go a t remnant prices.F ib r e S i lk V e s ts $ 1 .1 9 . «Very lualrous and silky, bod­ice top w ith tape; colors or* chid aad peach.B a th in g S u it B a g s 6 5 cRubber lined navy cloth b a n for carrying bathing isuits, fasten w ith clasp and haa handle.

Olaaraoce Pcle« 66cK a y s e r L o n g S i l i c , *

G loves $ 1 .0 0Black only, in 10-bntton,

^ Kayser ailk gloves, pair..$1.00S h o r t S ilk . G lo ve s 8 9 cDouble tip , Kayser and other s ilk gloves, blaek onlyj, pa ir ______ :_____________ 80o

R e m a rk a b le O f fe r2-button kid In brown and . . t;in shades,' .sizea only C to 6 8-4. Good .onek _____11.59

F a n c y B e a d s 7 9 cChoice of a largo lo t ia ye l­low, blue, green, ete. Very protty, greatly reduced. ^ ^

B o o t h ’ sT

. *1


— !------ Oia

Brookhart Claims Progressives r. _Are Gaining in Strength and s”

Jfeys Recognition by Conser-151 vatives Is Welcome News - n

OHICAOO, Ju ly 21 OPi—Tho pro- groMlve clem oDt In coiiffrcM wcleome* ih ft Btatomoat a ttribu ted to S«Bator 2 fous"D f New HampMiiro in WoJihinff*

ton yooteriiftf ealllna fo r cooporftRon o f tno eoDsorvativoB 'Of both pnrtiea to meot tho "racnoco o f rndlcaUBtn” and w ill w in whon tho point comes

* . to iBauo a t the bcRlnnlnff o f tho next p r confrma, Bonator Sm ith W. Brookhart

y o f Iowa, aoid . M a y . i*‘ Tho Lincoln ropubI(<'.anB 'and tho

_ Jo ffo rw n domop-rata w ill bo prepared , i * fo r a uniting o f tho lo ry republicans •

oad the bourbon democrats when tho t t « t confess convenes,” M r.XBroot • I hart, who poMod tbtough Chlcnjjo on woi his way to l iis homo in'W nahington, w it

• Iowa,-aald. _ . • T nW oll Orgoolred.

ComHfcntln|^ on the-'Statemcnt o f plli» 'Senator Moms, who Ih (hnlrmnn o f thn mn

republican iscjintoria] eunipoien eom* tlidmittee. M r. B rookhart f.ild that the Coc

__progr««lvt8 ’ wero “ p ro tty well organ- serized now,” and th a t tnev wolcome tho outpublic statement 'vrblc^i roeoi;nls«l 2them to the extent o f calling fo r a com* PU

^ blnatlon o f conservatives o f both par- Boi' ties in order to meo: thom. I

Tho fttrmer» now Ti-allxe tho sltuB* Ooition, rcallzo thn t t b ^ never have re- 6 mcelved a fa ir prico f t r the ir products i

' and. tha t a large rVuinber o f them aro P it^ faced w ith bankruptoy, M r. Brook- Boi■ hart asserted. 1

“ The intercflta o f the farmer and ler, tho laborer nrc m utual,” ho sold. “ The laborer Is the principal conmimcr of

“ the fa m e r, «flid'tbo farmer is tho prin- .clpal Wnsumer b f tbn laborer. The * mlddlo profiteers nro common enemies of b o th ."

Another point on which tho farmers■ and laborers nro united, Sonntor Brook- ^'h a rt aaid, Is tha t o f squeezing “ tho 5®’woter out o f tho railroads.”

» . “ Tho InterBtfttfl commereo commis- , sion plared n valuation o f $10,000,000,- :*000 on tho roada, but. rho mnrkot vnluo of tho stocks and honda at nil times has been less than $ 12,000,000,000. " ho tht

• a!


Game This Afternoon Between Idaho Falls and Twin Falls ^ Promises Much ee

Idaho Falla ' baaeball team w ill ar- rlvo on tho noon, tra in for a game ^ w ith tho 'locals. - - fj,

► Tbis la itse lf oasuros tho fons of^a 5^ gamo that promlaes to bo one o f thp best o f the aeaaon. Tho invaders eome g, hero w ith a lineup that haa tho pick of eastern Idnho, and iho magic c ity i<, b o ^ w in have th o ir handa fu ll when th«y bump against Marager Oourley’a o» ou tfit. M,

Tho local managem<!nt w ill put forth its strongMt lineup, oUhougb the bat- m ting order w ill be changed a trifle .

, Captain Bob W hitcol, *«ho baa shown snth. marked, improvoment o f Iato in his batting, w ill be used aa clean-up

p. h itter. Bruce Watwin w ill s tart bos- cn tlllU e ii w ith the wiliovr, followed by hi Oeno Ostrander. J im Sellloy w ili bo 01 tho next in line, thBti VVhitzel and then in comes S a rry B llo. H ir ry w ill do the

' catching tb la afternoon, w ith Don " L inv illo throw ing tbo back bonder*.

Doa baa been w orking hard all week gettlng.h ls ba tting n m in ahapo, and lie says thn t he is !n fine fe ttle for today's battle.

Following B ilft at^tho bat w ill bo 61b K le ffner. tben JaeV Bsdley, tho team'* new outfielder. Jlm inlo Hulihan fol-

# lows Jack and tbbn. tho peerless Don- W ith thla ba tting in order la effect.

It Is readily soen thr.t the ta il <‘nd o f the lis t is a* porrcrful w ith the 1 war club as the londcrK. and woe bo

. unto tho opposing pitcher when the ar­tille ry breaics loose. ' - • ••-

Manoger Oourlcy of tho opposing team hns very l i t t le dope, to offer conoeming his toam, nUIioogb-he stated that ho came down here to win, nnd would.fool hurt I f ho lost the gamo.

proeoodji o f iho gamo 'today • w flr bo used in paying o f f tho indcbt

ejness on tho b a ll p irk , nnd n largo crowd o f loyal fans hnvo signified

^ the ir willingness to .1a the ir b it.^ Tho gnmo w ill atnr'l a t 3 o ’clock


S H I PD a ily F re ig h t Servic

^ R upert, BM a rk e t yo u r pre


P o ca te l• Phone 210

I- ' c- , V '

% i n N F A L L S D A I L Y N


8TAKD IN O OF T H E 0LUB8.Woo. Lost. Pet. •

Now Y o r k _________ 37 31 ,e4s No»Cincinnati _________ 03 32Pittsburgh ________ 38 34 .QOHChicago - ___ ______ 47 43 .522 ChiBrooldyn __________ 4 t 42 .512St. L o u is _______ _ 43 44 .500Philadelphia ...______'0 ^ <30 J02 WftBoston _________ ___-62 .27® Bos


Braves Lose Two fo Contend- Le ers; Reds and Dodgers <

; Split; Giants Win - 'BOSTON, Ju ly 21 (/P>—PitUburgh I

games o f a double hood* w ith Boston today, 14 to 4 and 0 to 4 . Traynor opened tho Hccond Inning o f 8 ht tho f irs t game w ith a homur and later no" in tho samo inn ing singled, W ttsburg rop puing up nino runs bcforu tho th in i "'h' man waa ouL Captain &outhwortli o f 6 UIO Braves mado a houiCT In ca^li game. Coopor won bis se*on«l-eamo 0? the Dd series although his toaihmatea woro ^ ou th it in the second yunio. Scl;

F irs t game: - R. H EPittsburgh -------------- ---- 18 2Boston -------------------------------4 0 1 -

Battorie»—Morrison nnd ScJimidt * Oooch; McNamara, Ooschget and L \ 6 mlth. - “ poi

Socond gamo: B. H . E.Wttaburgh ........ .... ............ 0 12 0 “ oB o a to a ............ .... .... .............. 4 13 1

Batterio»:-Coopcr and Schmidt: M il- ler, Bonton nad O 'Neil.

-------- St.BED8 B B £ A R C T E K . ^

BROOKLYN, Ju ly 21 W>>—Brooklyn and C^neinnati sp lit < ven In a double I’oador today, the Bods Iberoby winning ‘ throe o f tho sorios o f i iv o games. Tho ( \4sitors won tho f ir s t gamo, 10 to 0, Wt getting 18 h its of£ Orimcs. Luquo was sco effoctivo un til ho rotircd in tho sov- dei enth from exliaustlon. Brooklyn won da tho aocond game, 5 to 2, through tho the effoctivo pitch ing o f George' Smith. Ian Couch was knockod cut o f too box In sar tho th ird inning. • lioi

F irs t gnmo: B. H . E. inc(Snolaaati ______: ............... 10 10 0 WiBrooklyn . . . i--------------- ---- 6 12 ^ C1«

Battories—Luquo, Kcck, Donohuo and 1 Hargravo; Qriuoa, IX cn tu r and De- Ru Berry. ' <• q '

Second gamo: R. H . E.,Ciaclnnatl _______________ 2 7 1Brooklyn ________ _____5 11 3 ,

Battorlee— u c h , Keck, Harris and . ' W lngo; Smith aad DoBorry. ^

a iA K T S BE A T CABDS. ' ■ ^NEW YORK, Ju ly 21 (/P)—The Now Be

York Natlonala raised their 1921' Cli w orld ’s championship flng and 1022 Natlonnl league ponnant hero today and W eelobtatod tho occasion w ith a 14 to 7 v ictory ovor tho St. Louis club. Tho Be Giants d,rove out 1^ ht% Groh starring Cb w ith two double* and throe singles in fivo times up. The gnme was pro- R< ceded by a parade to conterfiold In _ which tho ;wn dubs, Commissioner o f Baseball Landia and John Heydler, « presldont o f tho Nationnl league par- tlcipated.

Score: ' R. H . E 01St. L o u U --------------------------- 7 13 0New York _________________14 19 1

Battorios—Barfoot, Stuart nnd Aln- O smith; Kehf, Bamss and Snydor.'

D i v n a DO UBLB HBASEB.' P H IL A l> B L ra iA , .Tul.V £1 M>>-Ohl- O ’ cago and tho Pbilllos sp lit a double- ’ header hero today w ith tho home team * on tho long end o f a 17 to 4 scoro ac I in the opener and tho C'ubs w inning tho yi ^:


i \0 I f 70Q w a nt a home, shady

ahrabbery, w ith good garde fx in iitn re— th is is ;

r ,’ r o m K O O M S — M O D E

[ $lfiOO takes^it—f e w ):o^ ' I f in terested address W.k

B Y T Tr i c e t o P o c a t e l l o v i a E d e

B u r l e y , D e c l o a n d A ' m e r i c

) r o d u c e w h e r e t h e r e i s a

W e d o t h e f r e i g h t i n g

) o t a t I d a h o A u t o & S u p p l ;

J llo -B u h l True

N E W S , T W I N F A L L S , I I

B A L L l ^" •' ________________ )


A M E R IC A f ir L E A G U E [

STANDINO o r T H B OLtJBS,Won. Lost, Pet. J® "

row T o rk -------------- 53 33 .074Hovoland ______ __ 48 4.1 .539It. L o u is ______ i ____ 4 t 42 .512Hilcago ------------------ 42 43 .4J»4>h ila d e lp M a----- :___42 44 .498 o)o tro lt ...'---------------- 41 4.'J ,483 o -Vaahington ...... ........ :i8 40 .474)oeton . J..---------------i l 52 .373 ^


------ ^ Sal

L e a d e rs Ta l<e 3 t o 2 G a m e , o i

w h i le W a s h in g to n B e a ts 1

C le v e la n d ; W h ite S o x W in S S______ B

DETROIT, Ju ly 21 OP)_New York Sch ■ouplod hits behind D etro it mispinys • md defeated D etro it todny, 3 it> 2 . Jhawkoy wns effoctivo, but hls wl!d- 10M gnve Detroit ono run nnd lie wns I •opincfd in thi? elKhlh bv Sam Jones Ifl ■vho atoppi'd the Tigor rally. the.Score: ' R. H. E. “ eNew York .............................. 3 7 0 ' •Detroit ................. .......... ....... 2 i ' ' l

Bnttiono.1—Bhawkoy, Jones n n d “ Jcliang; Dauss, Colo and Bnasler.

--------- yoiW XLLIAUB H IT S AKO THEB. Uft

ST. LOUIS, Ju liy 21 OP)—W ith two * = )u t in tho sixth Inning, 8 t . Louia pounded Horris fo r e ight tons. Includ­ing a homo run by W illiam s w ith two I men on bnso nnd defcnflng Phlladel- *, :ihia 10 to 3 today. Scoro: '

Scoro; B. n F-[’ hliadelnhia - ........- .......... 3 7 23t. Louis .......................... 10 11 0

Bnttories: Wnlberg nnd Perkins; I>nnforth nnd Scvereid.

SENATOEa W A LLO P tU D IA N SCLKVELANT), O.. July. 21 ( /p )_

Washington cnmo from behind and scored fivo runs In tlio eighth innlijg, defeating Cleveland 7 to 5 lusro to­day. The Nationals drovo M orton o ff Iho mound in that inning, w h llo Cleve­land chn*cd Znbniror in its h a lf o f tho aamo round. Speaker h it h is- th ird homo run in three daya. In tho fourth Inning.Washington ................... . 7 11 0Clovelnnd ........... ............. 5 13 2

Batteries: Zalinlzcr, Russell and Ruel; Morton, Shauto, Stephenson and O 'Ncn. _

TWO FOB TH E W H IT E SOXCHICAGO, J u l^ ^ l OP)—Chicago woa

both games o f a doable-hender from Boston today, 8 to 1, aud 2 to 1, the sccond gamo going 10 innings.F irs t gnmo: R. IT. E.Boston ............................... 1 0 3Chicago ............................. 8 U 0

Battorios: Murray, Fullorton nnd Walters; Cvcngros and. Schnlk.

Sccond gnmo: B. H. E.Boaton ................ ........ ...... 1 3 2Chicago ' ................. ............ 2 4 0

Batteries. Ferguson and P iclnicb; Robertson and Schalk.g ii ' Isecond, 16 to 9. Both games wero fea­tured by hard h itting .

P in t gamo: R. H . E.Clilcago ... .... ......................... 4 7 2Philadolphla ----------- --------- 17 12 1

Battenos—Osborne, Fussoll a n d O Tarre l), W lrts; R in - and Wilson.

Seeond gamo: R. H. E.Chicngo ___________________ 10 17 1Philadelphia — ....... ......... .. 9 12 3

Batteries—Aldrldgo. Koon a n d O 'F arre ll; Hendbltts nnd Henline.

I f your properly la deilrablo nnd is advertised in,.tho c lasiifiod—yb u ’l l find your buyer.


y lawn, fm it trees, berries, den and $460 w o rth of s yoor opportunity.


' hu n dre d w i l l ha n d le

H. care News o ffice .

ElUCK 1l e n , H a z e l t o n , ' P a u l ,

i c a n F a l l s

I d e m a n d f o r i t .

lg.) l y C o .

L c k L i n eT w i n F a l l s , I d a h o

: D A H 0 , S U N D A Y MOR>-------------------------------- ----------------------- - IT A


Won. Lost. Pei. i ta lM Fn iaclseo______07 44 .604 , ,oicramoato'............... 'i2 4(7 .509>rtlaad .............. . 54 55 .495>s Angeles.............. 53 54 .493«ttl© - .............. .... 52 '55- '.49(1smoo ___ :.............. f.1 Cft .40Hat 1 ^ 0 - ________ 00 - 57 .467 PeIkland ................. 13 64 .413 aiet

— 5— looSATUBOAT’S O AM B& ^

Scoro: R. H . t . Mla TYanoisco ........... .......... 7 13 ios Angolos .......................... 0 17 2Batteries—Gary, Scott and Agnow;>nes, Wallaco ond Baldwin.

Scoro; R. H . F..emon ..... .......... ...... ............ 3 8 Iakiand ........... - .................. 4 l l 1Battories—Foster and P. M u rjih y ,'

ad Hannnh; Eromer und Baker. I

Scoro: R. H. E.ortland ........... .................. 1 8 .1a lt Lak6 ............ .............. 8 13 iBatteries—Plllette, Middleton a n d

iiiplow; McCabe and- i'otors. ^

Score: B . E . E.oattlo ................. ................10 17 1)Qcromonto ____....... - ......... 4 7 0Batteries—Blake. Or-«gg and Yaryan;

itto ry , Penner, C ^ft-.'M , TIughcH »mi chnng. Shea.

Cultlvats Chserful though ts .No ono can do work wben tho miad

s clouded with nnbnppy or vicious houghta. Tho mentnl sky must be lear or there cnn" he no entbuslnsm, lo brightness, clcarocfls, or elflclcncy □ our work. To do the maxltnum of fblcb you aro capable, you must keep 'onr miDd Sited w ith cheerful, ap- Iftlng tboughto.

■ I - B I

T o k n o w h o w g o o d a c i g a r e t t e / V r e a l l y o a o b e m a d « / y

y o u m u s t t r y a r V /

/iuaS\llSTRIKEjJ^ ^ G A R E T T ^ y

There’s Di in Clothes

IDAHCD i g n i f i e d , s t y l T h e o n l y w a y ;

i t y — a n d t h a t ’ s t a i l o r i n g . W e

e x t r e m e v a l u e .

T H E ID .“ I f i l

L __________________________ _______

ISriNG, J U L Y 22, 1923.M J i l t v e sse l EBPOaTED


LONDON, July 21 W l- A “ “ “Lloyds from Alexandria says the ’

lUan vessel Pietro Brlazolari, of 64 tons, has been lost. The crew s saved. •

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Oaetempoi

Stray Bit o f WIMom, ' t id e ei ^or a m an In a great poAiilon one Tbe o; !my Ib too much, a hundred friends had d I few.—Italian proverb._____________ they ^



“ I in tend to save mone -b u t somehdw i t ju s t m a t the end o f th e m ont' in g le f t to save.”W h y no t reverse th in g a fixe d sum o n 'p a y da; w o rk in an in te re s t b( a t th is bank? L iv e o you r sa la ry and you th e se lf respect and pi t in g ahead.In other words, pay I t makes a w o r ld o f one’s p ro sp e rity accou

0 a

F irs t Nation . o f T w in '

We seek m ore businesi

u n K jE i.

ign ity and Rel 5 from the Me

a t the

) DEPT. Sflish -lo ok ing clothes; you you can ge t them is to bu s in th e a ll-w oo l fa b rics - e specialize in these th in g !. See these su its a t

AH O D EPT.it isn ’t ju s t r ig h t b r in g i t b

BBSW)5$UY JS ,N'BW YORK, Ju ly 21 . X4»>—Kohl* kaa brothers brewery atT jn ieav ille ,

T., was solted today by pw h lb lj,. la offio la la fo r n iakiiig real beer. -

Queer Advloe. oae o f onr' most highly T iltje d eon- npomrles receatly cootalned an aj>- le entltleH, “ Tan Y otir Own H Id i* ." te only pereona we ever ta w -w ho d dooe th is were llfesa&rdf, lin fl ey were a aight 1—Farm Life.

i t l l l l l l l l i l l lH


ney every m on th m elts aw ay and

n th th e re ’s n o th -

ngs and ta ke o u t day and p u t i t to b e a rin g account

1 on th e re s t o f ou’l l experience p leasure o f g e t-

\y y o u rs e lf f i r s t .o f d iffe re n ce in ount.


mai Bank 1 Palls688 071 o u r record .

. ■ /

efinement [en’s Shop

STOREou w a n t them , bu y f in e qua l- :s -and e xp e rt ngs as w e ll as

\ STOREt back”

iFODB: • ' .. T ’’

I - ■'t" \ r r \ ^ o » n *«Kfc'. / W W H - \ W RMOX) *W M

/ ^o t> r\\ 'WCT w c n o c ii1 1 N w v%X k \ OF MOO yJ : r S L o w I *t^U, Wtit \ >Ni

c o p » e t w 'w w

. ; \ W W EMtA!!^Eb VOS.' S fem — I CAH Josr; ( W\^ w w ? R . v ) i 1 \)V ' t b ^ o iw tI « B I I w y t - ^ r r t ? s -

^ S \ \ ■««^ ' ^ W i M ( i . \ \':C 0M 6ft€5U A M

‘ • 1 ® HfflJi ^ c o tx j

i i \ u • g u


L e w T e n d le r , B e n n y L e o n a rd ’ s tin

O p p o n e n t M o n d a y N ig h t ,

■ H a s V a r io u s A d v a n ta g e s f “,--------- H i

NTW,- YORK, Ju ly 21 W>>— Low Tendler,' Philadelphia challengcr fo r “®' Bonny Leonard’s lightweight tltlo , nn w ill havo advantagcB in age, height, do and reach when tho p iiir Btty in to tho ring Monday night at the Yankee ata* dium. Tendler is three yciirs young- cr, 1 3-4 inchcn ta ller and has a xdOT' * ‘8 gin o f ono loch in roach. . ^ 'MeasurcmcntB o f tbo two boxcra, ta- “ kon today,.follow:LEONARD TENDLER nn>27............. - ......... n g o ........ .................24»oi134 1-2....... . weight .........T.... 131 8.«» in ......................reach _______ ;...70 in-iFa5 ft . r> 1-4......... height .. .......5 f t . 7 in. ito0 3-4 in .............. w rU t ..... ......„6 3-4 in .jJu '14 in................... biceps ..... ....... -...14 in .lno '141-4iD..._-..... n e c k ......... ........ 15in. Rni86 in .......oh'e«ti (normal)................... 37 in. >'f38 in -.......... chest ( « p ’d )___JJ91*2in. Va

'27 in ................. waist _________ Slln.,PU 'S in ....— ........... anklo _______ 8 1*2In.!14 in------ --------- ca lf __________15in. MJO 1-2 in..,._..... foroaro ........ In.

. m Psrfect Conditloa- FaBotli Itoxors were (ironounocd to >>o

in perfect condition today when thoy wound up their tra ining campaigns,

• tho champion at Tannernville, N. Y., in tho CntHkills, and the challenger a t Delnnco, N. J. Roth nro bflow weight now, i i was n:iid, Lcounrd wal* y * ' lug 134, a pound umier tbe lim it. The t it le holder w ill Ti-«t up tomorrow and Mou.lay in Now York, whilo Tendler w ill Hpi-nd the interval bo- foto Iho ( ish t In rhlln.U.lplil».

S P O R T G O S S IP S ' D IS C U S S ^S!


N ow 'Y o rk S«port H as I t That M iEos B«en Arrattged aod Date to Be mii r ix e d ; Qlbboa# Makes F lat D«nlal .\lj

NEW Y O im . .h ily :•! C/P)-Tom Oilj- Se. bonn, light lienvyw»ii;.il of St. I ’ ;iul. ia i who K“ Vo J;»-k l)«'m]i«V\ ii ntill Im ttlf n t Wielby, Mont..- Ii:i:. li.'cii n>iit<-hi'<l lo figh t D n ttliiii ' Siki.-S<'iifKn!eso lu-Jivy- >toight in II I.I round I’out at tho Yiin- kee Hliidiuiu, it vvnn knm rd iQilay. Tho . dato haa n<i| w t lmt*n dci-idrd.

l;iB••N O TTEU E,’ 'S A yS T O M M Y . ■‘V-

RT. I'ATIL, Minn.. .Iniy 21 C/P)—A ro- port from Non- York tin it Tommy Gib- p_ bonn o f at. PniiJ finrf Ocen mn(-fu'd fo u „ meet nuttlin i,' 8 lk i wru denied here tn -j • night by Gibbona. Oibbons declared p ho hiid never roosidercd fighting S lk i ' „ i; aad never‘would. * -gp

y o u t h ” w r a s b w im e a o e- P H lL A D jiL P n iA , >July 21 Edword Keating o f the Boys’ club, Jiu Now York, wen the national 10-milo L i( championship iw im race in tho Dela- Cn ware rivi-r horo todny. Thomas A r Blnko o f life Los Angeloa A th le tic Id j club, winner o f the racc laat yeur, finiahod neeond, and John Petri, of ] tho Philadelphia Turnegcmcinde, waa ilytb ird. W i

lJni>ff3ciaJ liguTct tor K ea ting ’s Jaj- timo were two hours, seven aiinutca O.

and 35 seronda. dot— I I len

D E M P S E Y G O E S f lS H I N G

BskTTwtlgbt' Cbomploa sUps oVer in Nffw M exico, oa Way to Enjoy j j Ontdoon in Colorado Na

QALLUP, N. M., '5u]y 21 m'oJock Dempaey, heavyweight champion Qo o f the world, Dpent today in GoiDap, En slopping over hero for a abort rest Mr before contiauing hia automobile tr ip over the Navajo reaervation. I lo l l on his way to Colorado on a flsblag trip . Dempsey waa reared ia south- western Colorado and is fam iliar .wlSi " tbe couatry and roads.

________________ th)M ILW A U B X E SLOOP L b XSS.

ABOAIID U. a H llBCilASEK 419, ar M IC H IG AN OITY, i i i i ! . . July 21 -fa

* Commodoro J, C- Vftndyhe’a big slooa Dorello, fly ing the cj Ji'ru o f tbe M il’ wankee Yueht rhib, kd tlio Mackinac racing fleet a t . Sunnet, in the eiVi^'

^ boun o f tho oolling r t 'th e aixtceulli ) annual Muckinar cup' r'ice.

■ ' A ligh t bending w inil mused the rac-. r« \ cfs to go on d iffe ren t i/icks nnd pro- on ■ vented great speed, rh o ’totteat fig h t ^ Vof tho race iu the en iiy hoyrs o f sail-

' Ing dcvelopti^ between DonaU P. Prff* -_ ttjeB'a\.aIoop Intrep'^ l, thfs y W ’s-cup

. 1 d e f ^ o r , and Mnvourncea? sailed by J. -™ ' ’ "O. fOinvcr, winner o f the>)i)U cup. " J

T W IN F A L IiS D A IU y N ]


rtKH j u r r 'to U l '< 0 0 s t t \ ' „ , O C rtW H 'W N X i I •0 ws\H(> o n 'w w R O W I ^

KT VtKBT TV4tUTt fe AW t» O H V t Wk.H't O M t T,)«. ' W t PMttOR. « 0 C H E T tC ^ o c r r V JU M v c h i> o r fk MPkH.V IK ^ s o \ CKM H tIAX fti m C

- ^ l f I I S


Mra. H . M. Vanderpool o f Hanson^ SuoB fo r C&aoellatlon o f Incum- Dranca Asolnst F a m Property.

1 Asaerting that ahe :i"ncd n mort gago covering north bul<! farm property « uador duress. Mra. Corn E. 'Vi^ndoriwol

.o f Hnnaon, through her attorneys. T o r-jter and 'Witham-ana 8. T . Uam iitoa,' Saturday inatitutod uii action in dis­t r ic t court hero ngaiu it the Bnnk of Ilnnaea; E. W. Porter. Idnho eumntlH- sionor o f finance, aiMl tho federal ru- servo bank o f San rMaclPco, fo r .can- poi cellation of tho -mortii.igc nnd iasii- anco o f a court ordor to rcatrnin^the .. defendants Jrom foreclosing or diaiH><t-i ing o f ' i t . - [W l

In her complaint Atra. Viinderponl>pla alleges tha t in Noy^-mljor, ll»10, she ] aignod ns aurcty fur'AVrTltor H . Buak, nd' a aoto fo r 96000 in fnvor c f tho Bnnk dci o f Hanaeo, which was closod by order fro o f the state finanee i-ommiaitioner De ,Ho cembcr li^, 1022. Upon roorcacntatiuns' j nnd threats affecting, her liuabnnd. nnd daj non, which ahe alleges wero mado by J . for

'8 . Buaaoll, vico prcaiiloat o f the Tw in thr . Fulls Bank and Truat ecmpnny, u ered- dei l ito r o f tbo Hnnaen bAok ^lic waa in - j 1 duced to sign )ho mork'ngo which aho pla

Inow aeeks to have annulled. The mort- ott gage auba0(|U0Dtly piixsj'l in to the I^nd^i a a o f tbe federal rcaorvo bank, which Mrs. ho Vanderpool alleges, is not nn ,innocent .Va purehaaer or holder '>i it . j

MISSING LAW IS SOUGHTFom ita. o f W««t T irg ln lA Yontlt, B»-

lioTod to Hava S m o d la W orld < W ar. E n lis t A i i o f Bad Cross ,Thi

~T- . ' whAasiataJipo of the Red Cross bns 1?''

l.oiMi (‘nlisted in the pnronta’ aearcb |o<’ fo r. WiHin'm-DnnJ.el L.ainbct1, o f Weat .Virginia, who haa been missing sinco January 1, lt»16, and who is belioved to .hnvo Horved in tho army, navy or ' marine corps during tho world war. Lambert was born Doccmbcr 10, 1000, at Red Jacket, Mingo county, West "VJ Virginia. I^e le ft Itonnuko business **'• colloge, Roanoke, Va., Juuuary 1, , 101 5; and is believed to have gono west, .\cenrding to dcacripton fu r- I, iiiHhedstho Hed Cross, b is hnir was , " moiliuni 'b row n, and Iris eves grey- I'.*** blue. I t ia rctjui-nted thnt any Infor* mntiun bo addressed to his parents,' M r. nnd Mrs. 8. J . Lambert, Xlnte- wanr West V irginia, or Home Serviee ' Sertion, American Red Cross, W ill- « „ iamson, West V irg in ia . -

A T T H E H O T E L S |‘<—W illiam liillig n ire r, Sut­

ton, Neb.; William Boa'n and w ife, Ouk- . Dempsey, S ilt Lake; JohnA. ^ \h itt le r, Portland; ^^urray Brook- iiiaa and fa m ih i lU ch lid d ; L. L . Lang- don, q. J . Wagstafr. 0., F. Herrick, Pocatello; W. F. .MpAnley, Oi-or*;o Haves, W. L. O'M alley. J. L . K a rr nnd w ife , IL Garrett, Jobij B. Platta, R. H.

SiUt Lake; E . «,.Densing and w ife , Ii. D. Hanien and wife, Miss Anna 'Bennett, A . 0 . Gridley and w ife . J. O. Gridley and wiJo.'-Mis^ Aliirthn Grnvelv,

,J. A. Steele, Boise: .Mrs. PaulC. O illm jin,

J M ftia a i} c . Ira Wadsworth, Burley: Lieutenant Colonel Ooor^fc H. D;ivi», CapUin W. C. Vernon, 8ar. Prnncisro;A;- H. Armstrong, J. D. Arnurtrone. Idaho Falls; B. A. Banka, Contact.

BOGERSON-John Cumt-r and fnm- I «ly, Mrs. |». J. D i*. OK'tlrn; H. R. Tollv. Waahington, I). C.; E . C. Edaon, O. H. Jansen. A. C. SuIJlv.cj, M r. aad .Mr*.O. C. Pavoy, Louise Pavey. IL C. Dear d orff. Miss Agnes M c?>lll, Mlaa Chnr- leno Sima, c. C. Chcrrin(;ton, Salt L a k o ;,0 . G. Goodwin, Denver; Charles Ses­sions, Shelly, Idnho; ilra . F. Weaver, Indianapolis, Ind.; W. W. D illon. Port­land; Ida M. Dickson, cMcago; Charlei M. M iie r , .lames HamiUon,' Donald N apper,'Ph ilip W arnc', W ilbe rt M ay­nard, Chitjjg^ Chautaiwiua; E. E. Cole­man. M r. ond Mrs. Do:i M. Yost, L . K. Goodwin nnd wife, M r. cnd-Olrs. L. W. Ensign, A . M. Water.i. Boise; Mr. and Mrs. P. A . CofriD, Seattle. .•

* Cracked F u rn itu re .U any of the. fonxlture has bccome

crackcd in moving, softea iieeswax u n til I t Is o f the consistency o f p u tty ; tbi*a w ith a tb ln atcel kn ife press It firm ly In to . tiie crucks. Sui^pnper aroua<}^iha fllled-ln purts and work the '9a»b^dotoclii^'-im iKJ»x to give i t a wood color und .-«)rea the fu rn itu re is ram lsbed the repair w ill n o l bo vlslbl^V

'VeunB Animals Fed; ^ Bottle.' L!<^b tuid tiger cubs Br« frequently raiMt4iOft the bottle and In ter aro fed- oo fron iu ] pigeon meat, says N n tu i^ fiiagazlae. Bnby elephants rellsli bread and AilUe. Some u f the best cnmcls^ now la Am erlc«D-"roM ” have been .raised on co\j''s m lllt i^lvcn In a nurs­ing bottle.

F A L L S . ID

a V M i s — r O R T H

I • / >HVXH K W C t / n VIC

I I CWt^^'^^AK% ?I

« \ MwI I 'THIK6 TCI - ' _ \ ? oox> o? eo V


---------- ■ PelSpeedy Aircraft Dispatched

from Washington with Im- m! portant Official Papers ■

- — ■ - "'SWASHINGTON, .Tuly J l (/P)— A mail Mr

pouch parked w ith ui portant papera Col nnd communications fo r President Hnrdin^f and members o f his party le ftWiuiliington today aboard a postal nir- lynplane nddroased to Vancouver, B. C. ing

I t in cs])erled to re iirh there well in paiadvaaco o f tho a rriva l of tho presl* Jdcat next Thursday on bis return trip lanfrom Alaska ou tli9 nnvol trnnsport theHondersoti. <)ri

Another pouch ^ 1 Lo aent on Mon-, neaday on nn even faster sehodule, calling Ifor delivery Qboard ihV Ucndurson .otrthreo days and three *hour» n fte r Its. hocdenarturo fro n j^a s h io g lo B . vau

I t w ill go b jt r n i l to Chicago, by 'n ir- ip ipiano to Cheyenne, again by ra il to Re- p riattlo and thero w ill be piaccd aboard OOCa seaplane iinder ordois th n t^ Innding }1-0 mado nlongsldo tbo transport ia oitlVancouver bny. - thi:


— ■ tOLOREAT FALLS, Mont., Ju ly 21 W>>—

The Stanton Bnnk nml Trust companv, which closed its doors Ju ly 9, wns n'l- lowed to go into voluntary liquiilntion today afte r L. Q. Skelton, state aujn'r- Intendont o f banks, Imd completed a J ten dhv examination o f the in iititu- vai t io n ’s affn im . rIc

The nsacta o f the l>:uik were civen in tho Inal p«ll at about. SI,000,(>00 nnd tlio linb llltics , not including .capital f. stock nnd surplus, nit $72.1,000, o f which ♦ O.’iO.OOO aro deposits.

George H. Stanton, president o f the fw bnnk, is snid to »i<ivo Inst heavily doi through the Demp^e.v•fiibbonR fight finscoTx He hna xlt'iiie il t 'ln t the bank hnd nny pnrt in 'the I'rotnotiou c f tho f if f l 'l . . . , , I

, V cot.. Usa fo r Coral Debris. be

Tbe deb^B le ft from coral made Into fletJewelry oad ornaments Is cniahed, doscented and sold ns n tooth poNvder at Isa high pride by the Itn llan perfumers. Qrl

A n n o u m

S lim ^ rMov

To Larger C w ill be Of

ready fo nes

T u e s d a yJuly 2

LY;0 NS an1 4 6 S E C O N D A V I

O p p o s ite S a le !



~ ~ N / w iwA S O W » \ “ W K f l

JO»UX> A \NIMt>tW«V, 1 T R E 6 W V W > .N O « « . I S W O \ . \ i U H C lt V.v»0 ' t v \ 'fc « U T T t l t o M V K 6 H I IA /F • l v \ t , g 'TOv^

'— Z r /■------------- I T ' n 'T H t

J g X ' jg g g J ^


•nrcy a. wmuuia. m o Staittd u * " SB a W.elc n tm ty Wan. D im A it« r

T J r * o f Interesting Eventa * '“ j

E ASTISLIP, N. Y., Ju ly 21 0*>>— ’ ercy G. Williams, who started l i f e ‘ ncc n Bnltimoro as a ‘ ‘ stagc-struck k ld 'M } eith R $0 a week job na theatrical* it i l l ty man, died a t hla estate, Pine Icrefl, today, internationally known ,a a vaudevillo theatre owner and Y'® •roduccr. . . I Jf®

Born in Baltimore 00 years ogo,Jr. W illiam s got his f irs t job from 'olonol Siun, who was maaogor o f| ho old Front atreot theater there. ,, .rfiter, when Sinn camo to Now Y o rk ’ , '!0 tako over the Pork theater, Brook-yn, W illiams como w ith him, work-l®^° ng as a member o f hla stock cort- * * lany a t «12' a weok.

Accumulating a small stoke. W ill. nms f in a lly sent several shows on 'Iio road, only to go broke and be rlvea to tho patent medicine busi- ess ..to recoup. ^F ina lly lio' b u ilt tho Orpheum the-

tro 'hero and in a few moro years up ad established o string o f a, dozen cor audcville houses. He aold them in to 012 to tho Keith interests fo r a tue rico reported to Lavo been $12,000,- 00.M r. W illiams -drew heavily on the

>ld World fo r talent, bringing to his country among others Vesta » Hctoria, Vc'sta T llloy and ’ A lbert 'hevnlicr, wbo rocently dlod. Hb Iso b ro u ^ t Mrs. L ily Lnngtry nnd Jrs. J . B. Potter to America forours. __

M r.--W llllnm s Is survived by his ~ rldow nnd ono aon, Harold G. W ili­ams.

F o lly and W isdom .A man can never do anything at

’arlance w ith his own nature. I le car­les w ith him the genn of his most ex- •cptlonul actions; nnd If ne wise peo- )le mnke fools o f ourselves on any pn^ Iculnr occnslon, wc tnust endure the egltlmate conclusion thnt we carry a 'ew* grnlns o f fo lly to our ono o f wla- Iom.— Goorgo EIloL

Ploa fo r T olerance.No fau lt is great enouch wholly to

ODdemn ony man. Grent ns It may le the fnu lt Is too frc<iuently mngnl* led by friends as well os enemies, dl*- los ing 'a fau lt la them. Let him who1 w itlio u t sin cast tho flrst stone.—J r lt

cem en t!

i d B i l l

r e dQuarters— pen and j )r busi- Iss" ' . - ■ i

M o rn in g24th

Id HELMVENUE SOUTH e s G ro a o d s |

JING. J U L Y 22. 1923.

J M <

W O H W T . / \ C kM '■» e H o \x » w - 'i? t f« e 1 ,Mb'W VS T H m 6 XW) . 'tu A .T «J|OMSUt- 'W W O t '6 •V<) W\W . 60 AlOHO •

I Ciomfc OH FOR \ ™ i. ' t lM t HOVrf —

V V ttV fc •BTMH'Xt C>avHC> 'TO ____ ,rv VT - RSMEMBER j

WSOH VJKS J im^•ws> NWort- r


B INGHAM , Utnh, Ju ly 21 M>>—Pro- mine ■cted by armed guards from a .nud* body’ ;n t on lynching him following tho nying tonight o f Cnturlno Martino, 42, m inor,'In B inghnni's crowded main ■—

rcet, M. Poner., 35, a fellow worker. inlght wns in ja il here, hold in con- pction w ith tho shooting. ^Fonez wna nlleged lo ~hnvo killed ^ [ai'tino ifollowing in .Utorcntion in S L le Htreet. Scores o f persons, mostly | B inors. watched thi.' two battle w ith leir fis ts u n til Fonnz, i t wns nlleged, row a revolver nnd fired two shots ; hia opponent. One went wild. The 'COnd found Its murk and M artinoII dend, nlthoritles reported. ” While tho crowd fou;;lit to get the ,,m

lleged shiV(T. deputy sheriffs who * id arrived jua t at* tho time o f the looting, fook Foner. I'lfo custody andished him to th" ^iiil. "The crowd Feaaa disporsed bu t officers tonight were in 1atloned oronad tbo ja il to guard tho ei •isoner nn ii precautl»>nnry mwisurit. ..

rows W ill Plek Up Human Speech.Nearly n il the tme crows, as well aa any o f tbe lr near relatives, w ill pick A ;> more or less of buman speech la- uda; ip tU i t j j and I t Is sometimes hard • believe th a t the slyness w ith whlcb ley Invest the ir rcroarks, their apt- Ms and Intonation, ore altogether ao- < dcntnL

l(Rd What Would the Papers Do?I f I t were not for our. inlstakes i t f * I< Dald be pretty tnonotonooB.—Boatoa ranscript.

l £ i i 9 Jt h b s d a v f d T r ^ v r i

' ■ I

f V ^ H .

She Hated .Him—

yet sholoved him. ^

I t looked as though th is bandso

come to plot against the vast grandfather. She did no t knov

friend she had in a hot-hed o f st lawless N orth country in to wh

Here is a s tirring drama of

women in the frozen N o rth . A

DUnNCnVEPKIDBESOaDHI^w u , m K i ^.n ^ E d U t i^ a ic ru

“ T E A N T E A ” _ C a . P A T H E NEW S

— — ' ' r . ; ■

rt "TONn A V»S 5 K H 0 « » 4 /

VUOOVVl 6 E T H t // —

« V lH t« HE t i c

I T I I ' i ■A j il i ■*

' ' ' ' 'Wise Ixaak Walton. -

I remember tha t a wise itrlead of. nine d id say, **That which la ererr* lody's business Is nobody's boalneM."->Ixaak WaltoiL


Matinee and Evening *'

Tho noted production entitled


Fc«tur]« |!.H EN R Y B. W A LT H A L 'in his best portrayal since he'ploy-

ed la tho B irth of a Nation.

‘Olher p l ie r s : Ruth C lifford, W al­ter Emerson, Frederick Sullivnn,

Alma Beaaett.

A great cast and a great story adapted from America’s wcU

known poem.

Two-reel Comedy entitled


l^ le rna tlona l News Weekly

Ico cooled ventilation—100,000 . cubic feet per minute

idsome young stranger had

ast tim ber estatea of h e /

now tb a t he was the only

>f scheming crim inals o f iB i w h ich fate had cast her.

^ ro n g men and beautifu l . A re a l th rille r.

m u

S ih M ^ 'u lM a

Cameo Q jm edy ■;Idrnt Harding in Y'cllowstoiie. y other Interesting items.


- r a n' OF BEON ON 01

mLIEpOEIf■fteport ol Investigator Shov

Germany Stiil Wiiling „Expioit Dissension of Oth ^Nations

NEW TO BK, Ju ly 21 W l—Dl»< abn osionff tlio allies is the root many curront intcrnntional d iffie tJes because Germany, “ atUl bli and unchanged In characlcr, 'belles i t poasiblo .to exploit this dijsi

^ Bion,” ' Profeasor H cnrl Lichtenbor( o f the Sorbonnc, who wos comsi sinned by the Carncgio endowmc fo r international peace'to investigi tho world crisis, snys in a report.

In nn introduction to the repo d ’Estournolles do Constant soys: “

■ m ifl essential fo r tho future o f civili: t io n itao lf tha t tho olHes o f Fran should not abandon her an<} this i the ir own sakes, the reunion o f 1 allies must b<i established."

Presideat Nicholas Munay Bull . Columbia university, in tho forewo

dci-lurcd thn t dcaiiltu tho d iff icu lt arising from varying national vie polate, thero is- Jireaont around : hopo tha t a t do distant day a ai fltantia l agreement w ill 'b e arrived betwi'cn tlie Feneh and German gi ernnients."


• I_ast of Three SurvivinrMetbers to Get Honor ofDrin ing Bottle of Aged Wine

STILLW ATER, July 21 (J .I ’ctcr H ull, Stillwutfir, VS, oldest me ber o f tho I^ust U u u ’a club, which h< its nnnuul reunion hero toduy, v olected president o f the organization

_ Bucceod Adam Mnrty, orKuiiizer o i>rcsidunt o f tho club, -.rho died Ii winter.

Only three members o f tho survivi fou r u f the famous club, which or iaated 30 years ajfo, wl.ou 34 mcmb o f company B, Miune^ota volimtec met on tho anniversar/ o f tho battlo Bu ll Run. A bottlo u f wine obtali n t tho f irs t meeting, i t wus flgreed, to bc*flrunk-4>y the lust membor,..-

M r. H n ll acconted tl.o-prt>aideucy w a short expreasion o t grutitude.

Analrersary Banqnot “ Our constitution jiro-ide*,” he as

V “ tha t when a ll bu l ono o f our nu bers arc dead, tho lu jt wuu shall tend tlic unuutil buniiiiot on tliC nn verHury o f tho buttle af Dull Run, usual, nnd w ith this bottle o f wi which hus been kept iutuet aince IS drink u f a toast to iiio Jeud comrai

W ith th is rite he w ill oloxe the bo' o f ' ‘ Tho Luat Mnn Club.”

“ But i t hu» occurrfd lo me, na i baps i t haa to you, tlm t the Inat b quol would bo n vi-ry «nd Bcensi

» lliioh bunnuet fo r mtiny yfiira hns b saddened by tha rajnd inr/'mla o f dei u n d 'l wnul to make u >u/j’e*tion wh wo can consider for imotlier vcnr, i

.decide ujKin u t our noxt nicoOrtp. T is thu t wc changc our (oiibtlution

~ thn t the Inst two nii'u i-liali drinktoast und breuk up the club.’ '

Bnggntlons Tdode.The qucatioQ o f , t i l l* <li«i)OBltion

the bottle came up an«i several fcliei • were suggested. One o f ihcse wua t

tho bottle bcacnled it: a cuse ; jirosented to the M ’uuicaoJii ttta lo 3

'#■ toricu l society, but th j one thut ae cd to meet w ith the greatest uppr( wns thu t a fter tho luHl toast .had h drunk, tho bottlo, w ith tho remaii: wine bo scaled und proaented to Btilw uter post o f tho Amcricun L’fcg which is to form a siniilur luat i club, and tha t i t be passed on uud un til, I fc v c r , tho nutloiia of the wi combine to make all wur impossibi

L A rO LLE T T B TO BAIL.MADISON. Wls., July S l 'W ^ S .

to r Robert M. Lu Follotte w l l l« ■0- Madison tomorrow ofterncon fo r W

ington and oa August 1 w ill sail Europe. The Bcnutor i-'ipecta to buck in the United StatCs curly November.

Bworda »nd Fkh. Ind ian* kUII Bpcar fish on some

oadlan rlTeni w ith tho old-faslilc tr id e n t Hot In BaiU the natives a ^achete . aa tbe lr hug*- swonl-

‘ .^Ifclfe Is called. The waters aha along the H aitian coast in nm Daclcerel, klngflsh, cordine*. rod m

- pers, white fleh,'and many o lh rr rt«U c t.o f fflfcrtlent food flsh. the <mon method o f fishing by tho nnt is th a t practiced a t night—by

. means o f a torch and a sharp mad ‘ The lig h t da*ea the flsh and the ex natlVfl klUa i t \( ltb hU lostrotoent

. - B f Bread.”Bee bread is the pollen, 0 fine yc

'*• dust, collected by the bees from 1era. T tils Is carried ^ tUc hind o f the bee, the middle Joint o f w is made ’broDd and furnished wl

^ rim o f strong hnlrs, ao ns to for basket, admlmbly adupted for iho poso to whlcb It Is upplled/ Thla bread mixed w ith honey forms food o f young bees, fo r whlcb use 1 It is collcctcd.

One B ftle f Not Sufncwnt Tbe Inhabitants of some o f th'

- mote pa^rts o t ClUiift have tho# . the grejiter the number of 'relii

beliefs they profesH tho more ce are tbe lr chances lu^the noxtw-orl

T N e g ro L a d Saved B y Suggestion o f

_ P ra c tic fd Newair N EW 0RLEAN8, Jn ly 21 (jPh- 1 _ In the Jim Ctoir-rmi o f a tra in

T speeding to New Orleans last n igh t a aegro fa iber hovered over his small sob. OlamsUy a t intorvnls, he removed clothes from tbo boy’s leg, soaked thom in ico water and replaced them —obeying orders o f tho doctor o f

lOW Sj homo town.. I Then camo tho time w^hen i t

I I0 i | seemed tho angel o f death hnd I t h p r W ith hla cryr u ic i fo r _“ 8ee*gnrs. cigaroltes und

chcw in ’ gum” the "newa butch” strolled in to the car whero doath

„ . had apparently visited, to e a - --^Vhy don’t cher try hot

t c lo th a l” ho suRgcsled. j PoBsengers aided in getting hot

blind ,,.ater. §obn the hot cloths, were npplit'd. Tho boy’s putao flu l

lisson- tered. Ho gasped. n is oyei borger blinked. Seemingly he had bcon nunla- brought back from tho dend. Aa.

tounded negroes nnd white pas. tlgftto aongnra looked on.

Hospital nuthoritics declared i l tho boy lives iH; w ill owe his life

iill4- nc'».boy.

O R D ^ RECONSECRATiOf tho •* ' A _____

BttUer o / f ^ ^ n Plctores ajword, Scroealng o f Itoted Edifice B r ir :ultics Order from H e a ^ o f CathoUcs ' view- - I I.

a fo r BUDAPEST, July ^1 (;P )-T ln- pm I sub- nuncio, upon inairucthmi from the poi od a t hOB ordered the fanioua cnronati I gov-,church o f Sninl .Muth!;is cloned un

i t hns been reconsccrnted becunae him been dcHerrutcd through uro iih

I 1 site fo r n motion pirturp.I J The fnmouH edifice whh iitili;r.ed I I sereening a film druinu depicting t P U Turkish invnMion o f the fiflee iith ei

M M tu ry dcecrilied in the hintOTlciil vin\I r o f Gezu Gnrdonyi to nhow the coroi L L tlon o f one o f the IVunahurg kin;I I Tho-lilm 'com pany got pornjiasion fr<

the c iv il und 'eccloHi'intlrul .nuihorlt to atago tJio rorottiiticii rfrcmouy

J p n i- idenlir.nl spot o>i which a ll t r iC lll kings from Arpiula to Ihe Iuto-EniiK*] r in k " wore crowned.

I Permission niao wns given to ono 16 ,tho actors to wear the corontition ro i

o f tbo archbishop, bat na i t wns fon fjjyy tha t in the hem o f this gnrnient mem- bleaaed bj; th<3 jiope hud be

I, ,«owed,.thc authorities would onlv u lliwurt " " ‘J Bish

ion to participateil in the* jduy.and nsaumplion o f the role 'o f

1 actor by the bishop ciirngod tho poj la tion which atormed '.he building

J I n ight while the play w.t> bcini( filnn . 1 ® One woman flung luMhelf high on t , * n ltnr snying th iit Hhe would prot<

church front Dolliition w ith I bo'b-. -T he papal n'-ncio InvcatlKut

tained closed the church.

READ THB DAH.Y KFWBy w ith ------- -

e auid,


T O U R I N G C♦

la per. t bun*cniniiii. # f \ ,s been .» i .Cdeatli. Wwhich J , - - —

ir, nnd Thut



iseLe UU-



? m n n ’

IscS i.. j }I leave ^' Wosh- / ^tall fo r ( i / T f ♦ .

to be i r ly in *

o 4 G re a te r !

So.'S p r e s e tre. UM Touring Car

■ made. •„ " 'S •. A n d y e tth e a

V.. yalue. I t 13 Islanting w in top and imp:lacnete. ___ «!m «

) expert 111616 a T C UU°>t. chasds const

The demand : , r „ r liveries w i l ls“ I.!'? T o protect 3' ; ; r . t o e a smallr o ,™ . balance on «

rhls bee TDS thesc alone .

■' W ESTE142 Se

the' ro- — ;dca tbat religloua

certain corliL



is t . ______ed•J Church Members from Thirty •™ 1 Six Nations Answer Rollcm ■of CalJ at Stockholm Congres i t ---------

lUd STOCKHOLM, Sweden, July 21 M :ry — Thirfy-aix nntHTns answered th nd ro ll call a t the openinj; this nfteriioo i " o f tho th ird congroas o f the R.'nrti" »th t World AlUaacc. and a fte r a wolcom

I from the Baptists of Sweden by D lo t .T. Byatrocm, president o f -lho Swodis

Union, and Premier Tr>*f:gcr, grvctint; lo t wero read from President Ila rflin cto ,and tho former Britlah prime m ini lu t ter, Pavid Lloyd George, res I I ’ resident Hnrding’a mcsange, pr' )on Bcnted through tho Rov. W. 8 . Aoe \b - nuthy o f Woshington, his pastor, wr as- i »» follows: “ I should be gind i f yo

]w ll l f iiK l nn opportunity to couve i f to the Baptist World Allianco I t

ifc I greetings o f n fellow Buplifil und e: I jiroHs for me the hope that we sha have throughout tho .world n contii

m m u‘‘d. growth in tlm t religious dcvi lU I l tfon which makes a finer'brotherhoo

o f men in n consdentioua worship c Ootl. ' I believe with all my hcni thnt nothing ia more needed in th world .toduy than tlic prncticnl u]

j p lirtition o f tho apirit o f Christ.” M r . 'L lo y d George’s mcmage, coi

inpni veyod through Dr.' J. H. Bhakcupeari pope, o f London, .secretary o f the nllinne utioii paid:-u n til! “ Pleuae convcy warm greetings t IC i t my follow Baptists gathered in Stocl 118 It liolm for the th ird world congress.

: trust their delilierutions may promol d ill tho cause of penco Jiniong niitionn, n

the tlm t they may see in time the rock cell- upon which clvili^atinn is boin

Aovvl driven. Muy a new fif ith nnd dete ronn-' ,„ i„ „ t io n enable them to fuce tl inR"-' problems o f the future.”from ___ . . ... _r lt lc . SHOOTINO 8TEN00EATHEB


I” ’™ ''] DENVF.Bl Ju ly 21 W l - I l coi Donald Hackman, Denver youth, or S."; days in jn il to shoot Thomr McCnbe, police stenographer, nlt<

®!” _ mistnlcing him for a prowler, nnd M K n!I thought Hackman wns a hohI t l . . “ !’• McCabe started to run" and wi

V j f ' ' M.ot down.* ; "Y o u were too ready w ith your r

f nn Judge Johnson. “ Co;sider yourself lucky tha t you didn

p ' j j j get worse punishment.”Imed. .J the •'Dog Watch."otect The term "dog’ wntcb" ts a corrop

tlon o f ••dodge” wntch. the ••dortge“ b« I Ing an arrangement to 'prevent me; j from being on duty every day at^th I same houm.

2S8Ip . O . a . O K T R O lT

T o u r i n g C a r V a l u e

t price o f the Ford r IS the lowest e v a

car itse lf is a greater better looking w ith

ndsb idd, a one-man proved seats. A nd nany refinements in struction.d is 80 g r ^ t tha t de- soon be impossible, y o u rs d t order now,

l U downpayment, the easy terms.

iK flm m m r hrnntoUgk

E R N A U T O CO.Second Ave.' North _ r B O H B 12»—


COMMISSION GRANTSifontinned Prom Page Oae.1

DatraetioQ being a tuuuc) o f aboat i quarter o f a milo i-i length througl the high loud or divide u fow mile th ia side o f ’ tho Nev.ida terminal. According to tho terms o f the appll cation fo r the certificate i t is proposci to begin work by 8 ep*cfilier 1 nnd com

i l l . ploto tb n in e by December 31 of tb i yoar. That th is Is physically jiOBalbl u opon to question uut there is u question, whatever us to lho intentio

‘ o f tho compiiuy to bc,^in conntructio (4 >) aa Doon ua the cnginu<iring problems o tho tho lino ore aolved und to carry th

lino through to complu*lon by tho cai tim llest possiblo date.>me Open New £ra.Dr. The successful consuiunmtion o f th llah negolialions in concecHoi; w ith th ngs roud is here regarded as opCnlug up Ing new era o f progress i.nd prosperity i nls- T w in FuUs In w bitb uU Idnb

I w ill flharo. The benefits to this sci pre- tion o f an a ll year around outlet f( ber- the products o f soutfTcr’i Idaho furu wus ju re almost tieyoiid i-o-iijmtation whii you a c tiv ity u t tho m ining town o f Co: v e y ltiic t, Nevudu, ubout u.idwuy betwcc the Tw in Fulls and Weiln, which the ue ex- line raiders poi>Hib)e, io expeite<l t liall be such oj» to enhanc* vnlues of ever tin . kind and make o f th is c ity a trudiii IVO- jio in t and coinmrrciul c-.'nt>T sccond t ood noue in the state.

o f _____________;nrt ------------------------ ---------theap- __________I_________ .


2 A T h o ickfl ,

® N e e d sIn o u r D ow nsta irs S

'S day, the re is no a r1 e lty . D rape, B e d d in j

M'- lig h t. I t ’s becoming iii. to cool o f f and fee l

sand and One Needsi™i “ N O T IC E ” — ;

b«- D rapesaenthe A ll thnmgh the year you wU

f in d many good snggestlTi ^ Ideaa tn onr weU known draper;

departaient. Al-ways in day light, th is allows yoa to ae

. your drapes as tbey ftppear L the home^ in th e ir own tzu color. Oome in and l<)t us shcn and explain to you the lates methods in modem draping.


Downstairs you w ill f in d ono the moRl complete stocks of khi wear in town. Ivnickers, jacki drcBicfl, skirts and middies—eve th iiig in sport wear.


Your 5;hance to purchase n g( weight khaki knicker fo r worn

■ ..... ....... Sl.CKnDDIES

Just received another shipment good weight khaki middles ljulh misses and ladies, (P A T sizes 10 to U .........- .....

L A D IE S ’ O O V E B A U S

Ladies, hero’s what you were t ing for. A good weight covci ankle bloomer stvlo, (PO ( all sizes ..........................

C H IL D ’ S s u n

The season’s best fo r child Good quality khuki middy bloomer. Tho su it |

K U T E S p iBThe twoin-ono suit, thut sei for drcss-np as well as phiy. !■ kuts nro not only play- <g-| {

'p ro o f but wush proof....


A good summer coverall fo r I made o f bluo staples deiym, threo stvlci*—long leg, stru knee length, and ( P I < bloomer knee ...... ..........


Tho best kind o f all-round I krt, just the th ing on tnm trips. Good varie ty of colors .n Rlock. S iie ' C0x80 ..............................

r W ate r SetJust received a ahipmont theee good water aiKs. color shape. - Ws aoon sold out our lost shipmeot We adi you tor come in early and

■ your choicjs. f T f 7 PIECE SET................ I

For years post Intaro^t in tho project 1 o f this lino'has flared up only to wane i again. Following th o application fo r ' l

— tho now ccrtificuto urnl the beginning ® o f sur\‘eying by Short L ine crews a I

Jh remarkable period, o f real estoto actlv- les' itv -M t In and w ith in tho short spaeo <

uf a fow weeks tho number o f trnns- ( fors o f a ll'k in d s amounted in njany

. offices to the total business transacted I ” during tho preceding two years. The - ".*■ boom wns short-lived i nd 5n tho days i* ' which hnvo followed there ho* hcon‘ i

li t t lo In tho way o f ir.croused interest'i to indicate nnv possibility whntovcr o f , i

“ railrnad devclopmont. A number o f ; ^ real estate nnd bunloess deals now 'i , pending w ill, i t is expected bo brought'i

to a hend w ith tho uo fin ito nows o f 1


SAVE ]ytbo

Ten per cent o ff on. paint an fo r th ir ty days. We are oven

i MOON’Sto

'Z -» » ■to

m a n d a

! f o r t h es t o r e y o u w i l l f i n d m a n y i • t i f i c i a l l i g h t u s e d d u r i n g

g o r D i s h d e p a r t m e n t s . J g a v e r y p o p u l a r p l a c e t o

c o m f o r t a b l e . T h e p l a c e t c

s f o r t h e H o m e .

- D O N O T D E S T R O Y T H G O O D A L L T H E W E E K

— I K T T O H B N N E E D S

In tho Downstairs S torffnro nlwaya offer many valuable articles ea-

111 peclaliy fo r lho kitchen. Below ia f t listed jus t a very few o f the many ^ essential things fo r kitchen work.

;n W O O D E N S P O O N S

For preserving you w ill always find the loDg-hondled. wooden

nv spoon to be o f the best nssiatuDce, We hnve them in tw o sizes, mudo

J iifr"..r.!'.‘:!.i5 cA N D 2 5 cr EOLLINQ PINS

A good hnrd im op lo rolling pin with revolving handle, • perfectly

la k i turned and sanded. Tbo best roll- ‘ et«. ing pin mode.' Vou w ill find thut cry- our prices are low fo r thia O r ^

(junlity ......................... - ........ A l t J l /

HAMMERrood. 'J'C hammer fo r use around* the home. Strong, bell face,

nickel fin ish, 12-in. r t QD O handle ................... - ...........

ANGEL POOD O A ^ PANS, A large sire round angel food cake

‘ " pail w ith riveted lugs, aolid O C v *bottom ....................................O D C

KITCHEN SCALES3 One of the handiest kitchen helps,

graduated- brass plated dial. Tho ask- “ Dclmont” spring balances in two

crall, gjzug, weight 2S to SO lbs.

9 5 2 5 c AND 5 0 c1 E O O B E A T E B

dren- xhe improved doublo egg beater, the best on tho market, Q C /* w ill last fo r years..........

SOEUB BEUSHESA good assortment o f scrub

erves brushes, pointed, square and hub Kute ah&no blocks, warronted solid


hovB Novm.»is -the timo to buy your pre- J ^ja serviftg ■ ke ltic . Polish fin ish; in- aight f in ish ; mado of A V puro aluminum (^*| O f

12-quart — .....- ............ t D l . O t l

ALUM INUM WAEEYou may have your choice of n

blryi- round roaster, 10-qunrt dish, pan, 3 1-2 quart tea kettle, and six- niece aluminum (P*! A A

.50___ ALLOVERS" This nil-over fo r boys or girls up

(o 8 yenrs of ago mado of blue .< denim trimmed in Q O / t

,nial ...... ........- ........... .............' L. D. S. GARMENTSiTise

got wo o ffe r au approved gar g\ ment o f summer weight, fin<

bleached cotton. A fu ll . - O Q - . range o f sizes ......... ...... .... 0 * / V

ORNING, J U L Y -22. 1923.

__________ i _______—

>ct the grantiag oC eompUte''pcrm iuioa ' a e jfo r the line ’s eonatruetioa whlie plans ror fo r expansion held Jh . abeyance io r ng yearn uro confidontly oxpectod- to a g ^ ti

a be drawn from the plgeonholis and iv- viewed in the ligh t o f' the cheerful ICO optimism which goes H^nd in hnnd w ith ns- development. —ny Locnl mon who hnvo kopt closely In ’. cd toueh w ith tho project step by stop fo r 'he years paat and who woro ehicfly re* lys spondble fo r . the m ove'which has !on.suited la thb' Short Line's determlna- est,tion to build, are unreserved in thoir o f expre lidoairtif ' comploto'eonftdenco in o f an enlarged business outlook loenlly ow^and a period o f dovolopmont and cx rht psasion gcoorally in which nil wlH o f share. t

MONEiY!; and varnish and paint brashes verstocked and need the m oney.'

’S SHOP>hone 6—

I --------- ---- — — --------

m d O n e

e H o m ey a d v a n t a g e s . L i g h t a s

n g t h e d a y i n t h e N o v -

A l w a y s s e e u s i n d a y - t o s h o p . A g o o d p l a c e

! t o a l w a y s f i n d A T h o u -

r m S A D — I T ’ S E K

y . D is h D ept.ea-ia On eatorlng the Downstairs

^7 Btom one cannot hslp ba t no^ rlt- tlce the wooderfo l dish depart*

ment nnd<k the sidewalk, where the d a y l i^ t ia. We hare Jn it recelTed a la rg * shipment o f W. B. Oeorge hlgh-gndek r«s#- onably priced dishware. Ton

. . may porchJUM as you 'wish in mp o f 42 pieces or y>y Indivld- ual piece. Come In and look them over.

B LU E ^ FLORAL PATTEENt iy Pretty blue flo ra l pattern, a dandy

firs t grade dish, suitable fo t either lint everyday uao or inox- (g Q A C

penslvo g if t . Special .... tD5/««7w ‘

DOUBLE GILT BANDEverybody likes tho g i l t pattcra,

ind for i t ia ncol and un tiring for

^ $ 9 .95

NARROW FLORAL BANDA very bccoTOlng design, dear glazed, beautifu l appearing ond o f f irs t quality, a dandy fo r all oe-

...$ 1 5 .7 5BEAUTY BAKD

The dishes w ith tho conventional bund ,nro always In demand. We have a completo Uno w ith roso and

..._L $ 1 8 .0 0GOLD BAND

Wo »l.o bovc « nIto .took o( lho ■\0 Gossor dishes. Tho ISKgold

band is especially good 42-pleco ^

•i'oeln, _____ _ $ 1 7 .0 0u S W m T E D IS H E S

Wo hnvo a comploto stock o f plain while dishes, tho best .o f nil for haying and harvesting time. Como

- in and look them over. Two " grades, tha t o f Avona and W. S.p ,c . ■

'o°; ■ E L E O T B IC .m O N S

35 I ''" ” B '“ » Hihbon Electrle I ^ n Ua real va lu e .-T h o heating clement in this iron 4s GUARANTEED for

‘ one year from date o f purchase.

^ “ . r c f L . ^ ’ ____ r„__S3.95six-

GLOBESYou may hnvo your ehoico of 10,2S, 40, SO o r 60 watt lig h t globes^

3 i .,b $ L 0 0bluo , J

9 c — ------- 1J Glass W are ■

70X7B O H O IO H -as lad Itowls,Igar- presenre dish, je lly dlah, spoon flno holders, p ick le d fth and O O a

»9 C Vfl>V9t set------ ^ 7 1 /

23. m»

TWIN FALLS DAILY NEWS. [MUBd mtnr norninc exoept Monday and

Tw in F i Hj N ««b Publlahinc C o , Xno.• l* 0 « r natlv

InantB n ure tf aa mcoocI c lu a nuUl m a tte r . . • i . .

▲arU >, I t l t . a t tbp p<M(omc« a t T v ln pOtUi ra lla . Idaho, under the aet o f ICaroh I .in v .---------- ------------- ------ - tbo 1

aUBSCRIPTION RATB8 torod' 'O n * year ..............................................W.OO

fl momha ............................................... M B• monlha ................................................l.e# e trn lr1 m onth ...................................................... flO- ____________ ____ tnin

MEMBER Q T ASaOClATfflO PRESS to d(The Aaaoolated Prtaa u exdua lvely .

•oUUed to ihA UM fo r repubUeaUon o f ' aO newa dUpatchea credited to tt, o r no t Mq. otherwise credited in thia paper, aad alao tbe local newa publiahed herein, ovm AU r1«hta- o f repuWIcailon o f apeclnl .

I diapAtchea herein aro tUao reaenred. hnvo ^ {fin me«infl Aaaoclnted Preaa.

No responalblllty U ' aaaumed fo r th e tem pi rare o f unkollctted manuacrlpta, photo- (rapha or other contributed m atter. A r - ticlea Bul'm ltted fo r publication w ill be, Am or na«d or not n t the dlaoretloa o f the edi­to r. and no maauacrlpts w ill be retum ed ncwci aniesa accorapailled by neoeaaary poat- •X&____________ ______________________ BlOftd

The Newa In a member o( the A u d it Bureau of C lrcuUtlona, Zsom- whom fuD the i In fom tatlon oa to elrouiatlon may 1>e ob* , u tnod upon apnIlcaUnn. Detailed in fo r- ic a n l na tion aupplled iooally upon reauest 1

- EASTERN RRPREiSENTATIVBS o f thOeorEo B. Davtd Co., In a , 171 U a jiao n aomo'

ave.. ?few Yo»k: A . R. ’Keator. J«UH artfo rd D u lld la r. Chleato.______________•

W E H A V E I T I ,There slioiilil bo lo*s jicHalminm in

tho Twin Falla country now, n* a ro- Bult o f tlio grnnting o f tho nocosaary poraisaion fo r lho oonatructlon o f the WoUfcRogeraon Jiao.

Thoro is no occasion fo r organisod colobration over th e nows o f- th o re­moval o f tho laat obataclo in tho way of the carrying oat o f the plana fo r tho new lino, tliDro la oecaalon, h ow ovor, fo r a roturn ofaom othing of tbo old attitude o f chcorful opUmism ir ith respect to tho futuro which at ono timo mado o f tho Twin Falla eountry a placo whoro i t was good to livo.

Stop by atop, w ith ovory tnovo anil every dovelopmont a thoroughly logi- ^ cal ono, tbo program o f railroad oz- tenaion aa contained in tho announeo- mcnt of intention to build, hna bcon carricd out cxnctly, w ithout a h a ir ’s breadth o f de\'ial«on from tho straight Hno' o f buaiacaa probity.

Doubters thoro have bcon and w ill over be, but tho facts aa set forth in tbe rccord give tho lio to any and ovory suspicion o f bad fa ith or in ­tent to doceivo. From tho very fira t tho negotiations have beon attended by a degreo o f frankness on tho part ' o f the railroad mon whieh oould woll bavo been acceptod aa tho bost o f all orideaeo o f a sincerity ono hundred por ecnt fine. Cornea now tbo grant­ing o f tho Certificate by tho In te r­state Commoroo Commission. I f eelo- brationa wero in order, now would bo the timo fo r celebrating. t ‘

Thero ia no caao on record whero railroad oxtenaioa in jured a country- aide, no example o f i l l e ffect fo llow­ing tho build ing o f a line o f stool.Thoro are numerous examples e f a development undreamed o f by tho most optim istic coming In tho wake of auch a c tiv iiy , many w ith in the knowledge,and ezpcrieneo o f non who in tho days to eome, w ill ahare in tho ndavantagea now w ith in tho grasp o f tbia C ity and, to a lesaor extent porbapa, o f a ll Southern Idaho.

This ia a time fo r a restoration of tho quiet eonr>donco whieh gooa w ith a aano outlook and applied common sense.

The Twin Polls country !a in fo r an ^ora o f dovolopmont which may prove

tho biggcat ninglo ineident ia hor h is­to ry ; so, too, is Korlhern Nevada, n piece o f solid good fortune whieh w ill be shared in by every town.and camp in either fortunate seeUon.

A W H ITE M A J o a m ri^outh Carolina's whites aro In the

m a jo iity th is year fo i tbo f i n t timo in moro than a century. ,T ho negro exodns to tho industrial ceators o f tbe North, atimulated by buaincss

V a n illa Ice Cream, Chocolate Ice

Cream , Red Rasp­b e rry Ice Cream, Lem on Sherbet

T h is Week a t

THE POPPYSaturday and Sunday

Special' A briok o f Ice Oream fo r

600. A oombination of vanilla, riaspbeny and caramel N a t loe Oream.

' . 'tooaperity and tho demand fo r an- fo r t :lIlod labor, bna swung tho balanco to bt Id tho atato again ta ins rank aults, Qong those where white dtlzona o f may itlvo Amctlcati ttoek' ar« prtdom- Olt< ant numorieally as ia business and contrc ilitiea. too 1Sinco the days o f recOQStruotion shoulc 0 whites o f South Carolina, ombit- croasl rod by tho ir politieal aoid oeonomle natlo i oca in thot ported, have fe lt cen- do< rained to greater e ffo rts to main- in thoir aupremaey than In helping

develop tho'. latent posiibiUtioa of 0 blacka who dwolt am ong. them, ow, with a clear m a jo rity o f their m stock among tbo vA’otora, they ivo opportunity to undertake the . ork loo long lo ft undone and to at* rp(,p mpt i t in a now apirit. and ViIn northern centers o f population, moricanlzation work among tho recoiv iwcomora from ovorseaa progroases wcoka oadily, i f slowly, and thoro can bo > quealion o f its valuo not only to 10 immigrimta but-alao to the Amor- roceiv anixation workora themselves nnd o f a ' their eommunitles. The- problom 22nd.! the South ia, in tho last analysis, imowhat aimilar, and peralatent ef- gpccU

a g m m m g m m m


T h e STLi t s c u s t o r

1 9 2A v o i d i n g

§ C o r p o r a ^

r e a s o n s \

In design* qt durab ility , r«& and price, the 2 greatest in tr in s

Every im prm been verified by

'* T H E BIG -Sli Im Standard 12 7-pas»enser Tot 5-pasaenger Sp<

Refinements made in tbe B i fo r five yean . ' I t is ^ car o f t l

T H E S P E C I on the standard 2>pas»engcr Roi 5>pasaen8er Tot

Radiator, Loi '• " ‘^ the Spedal-SKf

ments in tbe c years added lo i the most satisf good in every r and costs less t

T H E L IG H 7 ^ ' the standard 11

3-passenger Roe 5-passengcrToi

No body o r been made in been produced p lan t a t South

T H I s

'WIN FALLS-PAIEY N gt toward Its solution cannot fa il Cranda be productive o f g ra tify ing re-

\s, however slowly these rotuita ' ' Tbe

r 2 ^ ? ,?lUcutnttaacea beyond, the South’s fnundr .trol have hampered the work fa r chapel

long. Tho sh ift In population ™ ^c h uld make ondoavor to thia ond in- o f 450. aslngly , productive, and the whole lon w ill p ro f it w ith the South as haa ac dovolop*. io tllti

eompaj" • , Negua

■ i f t e e n Y e a r s A g o " f j

i n T w i n F a l l srom ih o Stm * ru»s J a ly 24. 1908. noon,. A n n a ;

” A rthu i•ho Tw in PnHa Salmon lUvcr Land Eov. J 1 Water contmcta have a ll boon com- 'ceromc tod and aent to tho stato land board momb<

record. Th« entryinon should all oive the ir coalrncts n it l i in t>»c Jak« ika timo provided uo unlocked fo r one t l lya como up. tract,

______ ^ fo r BlXr. and Urs. S tuart I I . Taylor nro me. Diving congratulatious on the birth a l it t lo daughter \V«<inoa'lny, the jargo , '>• wotlh

, . throe'w in Fnlls Inst ono o f ita moat le- 1>y E. clod cllizona la tho death' o f A. D, tavoat


A n n e•UDEBAKER CORPORA! > m e r s , f r i e n d s , a n d t h e

i 4 M o d e ll g t h e s u p e r l a t i v e s f r e q

i ^ o i j d e s i r e s t o f a i t h f u l l y

w h y t h e p u b l i c s h o u l d

THE CARS .q ua lity o f materials, standard o f worl efinements, performance, freedom fron e Studebaker 1924 M odel Cars are d ist nsie values tbe Corporation has ever o£

rovement tbe sq fc^ and prodU abtilty o f vi b y engtneeruif tests is embodied in tbesc

T h e B i g - S i x -S IX L IN E comprises four modds. me 126-incb chassis w ith 60 H . P. z 5 in Pouring C a r - $1750 S^passesger Coup Ipeedster - $1835 7-passencer SedM

ts a f t w m inor changes.B ig -K x. whieb haa established an envia

O ur large production accounts fo r its the h ighest grade. comporaUt <0 Om &cs£

T h e S p e c ia l - S ix

C IA1>SIX L IN E comprises four modelt ird 119>inch chassis w ith 50 H .P. 3>^z5 ic loadster > $1325 5>passenger.Coup Pouring C a r - $1350 5>passenger Sedai

aood. cowl, and body changes have bee *C* iM th niecLanichl changes ttI chassis. TZie SpeciaI*S(z has fo r five 1 luster to tbe name S TU D E B A K E R . I l b fa c to iy and finest cars on the markel r resjMct as tbe Big-Six. except th a t i t i I to produce, and therefore sells fo r lesi

T h e L i g h t - S i x

■TT-SIX L IN E comprises fo u rm o d ^ , m 112-inch chassis w ith 40 H.P. inLoadster > $975 2-pas8.Coupe>Roadi curing Car - $995 5-pa»enger Sedan

»r mechanical changes except refinemi a the. L igh t-S ix . Over 130,000 Light-£

in the new. modem $30,000,000 S Ith Bend. Ind iana, under most econoi

J . A * B a i


! S S S S S S S S ^ ^


, r*

dall, whieh oeeurrea vory aadden> F an rid i^ , fa ll a

e flxeavatloa fo r the new Metho- chareh oa Shoahone avenue is well r w ay aad In a iho rt tima thn dntlba w il l bo laid. Only the- el w i l l bo b u ilt at preaont, the . andltorium be ln i bnUt la ter on. charol wUl have a seating capacity iO. . . ■'

>ward M . Skeols o f Proctor, V t ,accepted a position w ith tho Ma> ..........6 pharmacy. M r. Skeels was ..ac- ______)aniod to Tw in Fulls by Perley 1’. V S S !is and F rank F. llorganson, both h’ roctor, and ' John Copoland o f S ^ and.

doublo wedding cccurrod a t the gB o f J fr. aod airi>. HT A. Crydor, Bliwost o f town, h s t tuaday aftor- h ., whea Harold Crydor aod Misa B & Stlloa, aad Hias Koda Crydor and 8>ur C. Sm ith woro married by the »J. H . 8«henck wTTwla Tans. The g ......

itony was wltnoa«od by only thu Kbera o f tho famHiex - gko F ritz , known to nearly evorj' thn t over vialtod tho Tw in Fnlla t, le f t tho c ity Tutsday luornlnj:B ritish Columbia. ^

10 sale o f town 'o t* which took » a t Bnhl on Ja ly 21 attracted a J crowd o f people, and over S20,000 h o f lota were aoid In leas than .» hours. Tho sole waa conducted L M. MeOoUum o f the Tw in Falls atmont company. »q*moi


o u n c e m e iT I O N O F A m e r i c a i s i

e p u b l i c g e n e r a l l y , i t s

1 S t u d e b eq u e n f l y u s e d i n a u t o m c

y s t a t e t h e f a c t s c o n c e i

1 b u y t ^ m .

almost ideal manufacf _ , ' stands o u t as tbe grea

ir k m a n s t^ perfection am repMvirs,s t in c t ly tb e TTL1I7 offered.* h ic h h .v c W.th$90,000,000of w n e w c u i.

Slmtijeker*. oisamp o u a tn ! o n im e e ia , ii ie t> llu ix u t . . 'cinch m o to r: j . Mcood to nooe in 1ipe - $2550 cars and tba workzaai■a - $2750 ' principles o f eBgiaeet

Irtwwim to tbS 'lD duS trs b a v e beeoiable rccord B e s ta lo w p iic e . ^ tn d e ie k e r C IS co

sted. a lum inum , tires, N o be tter materials fulnmiTtwtw l«i« b u t *?ty

:Is motmted consequently. Stu inch m otor:. p e - $ I9 7 5 ^ ^ ^ m j n u f a c t u .an - $2050 ^ mach irimg. aj

frames, tninsmisskos,

«n made inand refine- W fac to ry costs per

r t . I ^ i . u f i in n w i t h » M t p h , «

t is smaller. ^ss.

T b e b o £ e s o f Stod< materials and craftsao

motmted on Coupe and Sedan clo inch m otor: the coach builder’s a: ,dster-$1225

- $1550 .The sales o f Studebe

ments haye eaeh and eoerjf year a -Sixes have sold in the firs t aix i i Studebaker same period la s t year, omical and growth.

T h e S tu d e b a k e r C

i r r e t t A u t o C o m im U A IK NOKTB.

3 T U D E B A

AHO, SIJNDAY MORNI:[NG, J U L Y 22, 1928. 'm n s de«iji]ig federal loaas th ia I f yotu abonld hare >ppUeatIoaf advertiseilau soon. yonr bnyi

J. W. MoDOWELLi, Boo.Phoae No. S77J1. — .i-

tomobU* owners. attentloB. nsa Ofsactori Plstoa Bings to stop oU Ieaks. jL e t ln l ICaehlns Co.. S10-J20 RCMtod w a m lsonth. Phons 1202 —«dr. a iu d , •


!xive Yourself a hA a excoptionn aervod tonigl

.......... .........................a u it” the pComo ngaia t

Dinner served from 6 to

Price per Cover $:


n t ^p l e a s e d t o a n n o « m c e t o

I c o m p l e t e l i n e o f n e w

i k e r C a r so b i l e a d v e r t i s e n i e n t s , t h e

m i n g t h e s e c a r s a n d t h e

c tt trb g conditions. In our judgment, ii a test value a ^ the c loaa t approach t< 0 moderate iiriced cars y e t produced

, REASONS w mf actual net assets and $45.000.000investee' f twplo physical facilities toIly.

the indtisti|jr. Tbs design o f Studebakei u is b ^ upon themcoofona t o tbe hi|jwsi n n g standards and mechanical practiciay.

t o f M a t e r i a k U a e d

onta in tbe^Sned l^ioian |rodes o f iron I. electrical equipment, g la ^ bearings, etc fb r automobile manufacture exist. Sbee )0 >thini tbe tensile strezkgtli o f sheet steel u d^M ker uses sheet st«el fo r its bodies

us o f drop forgings, castings, stampmg issembting and finishing of motors. s. boc&s, tops, etc.. and the consequen emen’s profits, eoupled w ith lower over r ca r arising from q u a n t i^ predoctioa anc •ensss, S ia iA tise rB eot*» ^ m! possihle e f attainment o d y h y maoo&o ■eal aad financial resMuces.

io d ie a U n e x c e U e d

lebaker cars axe n o t e x c d M an qua lity o nansbip. by any cars on the m a rk e t T b osed bodies are magnificent oart.

M e r i t W i iu

» k e r cars fo r the past r a years have showi a progressive increase. 81,880 .cars wer months o f 1923 as agairut 60,053 fo r th r. O nly products o f m e rit can make sue]

^ r p o r a t i o n o f A m e r ic aA . pc £ n k tn e , P rcsu ien f

p a n y

\ K E R Y " e

yoor propertT ts desirable and is ■ t iM d & th a d a a s if ie d r^ o a ’U fin d bnyer.

L . X . Z B H B B ilX n , K . D . ifBsoQleglsft sa4 ta g s o a .( s ^ Umttsd te Dlssssss t f BMB, dsfsets o f tfes XhTxaU Bdp.aad Bazgs^* X « a tsA ta VMOm B a lld las. ■ .

R e a l T rea ti '

iionnlly tasty diaaor w il l be might. Designed to " ju s t H0 present .warm weather. 8.ia tbaight. B ‘....

S to 8 P. M . I

: $ 1 .0 0 - I ‘

> fE ^C A F E .\ '.AOE TO D ra Z " I



t o



h e■he ■ '■

It, i th to iced.

» ted

, e&*in if» Ia k e r |^ t ■ ctice I

iron,.etc,>be«titeeUdies. . ^

^ ••• .L.-.—Lxles,|uentjver-land1 on n&o>

t y o fT b e •

cs o r . ,

lown were r the such

ica. ■ V ■


' I


, * I t e k a t Ib S tw dy Althoogb; ToloniA Z t SmiQ; H o t W«t»lwr D M u n tn iroKtbvaie PbA m Vp. M oea

-------- OHIOAQO, Jn ly £1 'Wheat itend-led lodnv, ■howinK f>n tho di*--t« s t opUoas « t th» clOM. Tbe TOlam>> wan \»ut Tcpoita- o f Mack runtand bot weather dnmnge in tho no rtit' wert, and In te r o f rov ivM export do-

—.v-Tannd.-pushed np pricc8. '. "Wheat closed l-8e »M to ZA to 7-8<>

Ugber, w ith September 0 fi:-4 to 3-6c and. Dcceiubcr *1.02 i*8 to $1.02 3-8.

Corn Bhowed gaini* vt,ryJn8: from 5-8 lo 3-4c to 1 5-8 lo 1 34r.

Oat* were 1-8 to 5-fle lildher and pro- TlBion> were'uBcbaoRel to ISe up.

'X W h e n t Btnrtcd Blow on o! nnjtrovr 4^zi{re whh traders rhowine U ttlo din* TO«itJon toward new iiommltDiontr Thr>

/ Cftrncffle mirvey o f oronomie eondUions In Qermnny and tho l)riti#E dock atrike wero dcpreMloit tnfluenccB. Indopond- ent Btrength .in the Northwest and' Canadian m ark ttB -fo lbw inp ro»t to-' porta and , unfavorable maturinfT' weather throuRSont the te rr ito ry

' Ktreagthenod sentiment bore in m id- BOBflion; then -tbe soabonrd roportn ot 800,000 bushels worked fo r export tu rn ­ed the trade to an advanec. Tho closo was ncnr the day’# b « t pricea.

--------—T m r ^ n i r boroan‘s yvHn fo r boldins. tho rrop on tho farm? bad lit t lo e ffect w on the raarkot. Prelim inary arranfro-

inontB fo r tho plan could not be made before the now crop ninvemont, traders held.

Contlnnin{T hot. dry weather over n larffo portion o f tho belt gavo Btrenfth

• to corn. .Outs foilowod eom..whh a emnlj -vol-

omo o f trade. ' ■'Provisions were stcfidy on tho ad­

vance ,in hoga.


S red $1.01 to 1.01 .'14; No. 2 hard •1.0() 8-4 to 1.01 3-4.

Corn—No. 2 .mixed 66 3>4 to 80c: No*2 ycUow 88 I-fi to 88 3-4«-.

Cats—No. 2 white 421-2 to 4fic; No.3 whito 401-2 fo 44c. ' '

Rye—None;Barley—63 to, 60c.

^ Timothy seed—<5.50 to 6.C0.Clover seed—$15 to 17.50.

_ - Tork—NomloaJ. m L a rd ~ $ n .

X lit*_<a.37 to 0.25.

M T A T 0 B 8 AND rEODUOE. OHIOAOO, Ju ly 21 (4>>— Potatoes—

Lower; rtctdpla 71 crvTb*. to ta l 8> Bhipments 621: Missouri nnd Kansas

Hacked Early Ohios, o fl. No. 1, $1.25-----to- 1.40;- fow best $1.50; d irty fie ld

TUn $ i to 1.20; unckort liUW'cobblcrs U. a No. 1 $1.40 to l.r;'^; fow best $1.65 to 1.70; small fie ld ran $1.30; car lots

V V irg in ia cloth top stave borrela Irish cobblers No. 1 $4.75 lo R.OO.• Butter—Beceipts 15,742 tubs; higher:

ereamcry eztrns 36o; .standards 381-2c: extra firsta 36 to 37c: firsts 34 1-2 to 35 l-2c; aeconds 33 to 34c.

Egg»—Receipts 13,050 cases; un­changed.

Poulty*-Aliv'e, steody; fowls 18 to SOe; broilQra.S8. to 90c; roosters 14c.


tlo—Nominally steady; no receipts; choice steer* $7.50 to t'.OO; medium to

W good $0.75 to 7.50; fn*r to medium $5.7.‘1 lo 6.75; tbtnuoB lo fivir $4.75 lo 5.25; choice heifers $5 to .’5.:25: choice cow» and boifere $4.25 to^i.75; medium to good $4 to 4.25; fa ir lo n.edium $3 to 4.W)! common cows to 3.00; eanncr* $1.50 to 2.00; bulls to. 4.00; rhoico da iry calvee $7.50 to ^.!>0; primo ligh t 17.30 to 8.50; medium *7 fo 7.50; heavy $4 td 7.00. •

Hogs—Nofnlnally n(endv) no rr- ^ ceipts; prime lig li't $1) to 0.25; smooth


Butter f a t ____________ _____ 38 to 41c__ Swoet cream —______________ ____Wc

Preah ranch egga ----------------------.-.ICcHena, heary _____________________ 11c ,Hena, l i g h t ______________________ 8cLeghorn he n s__________________ — 6cBprioga, colored, ----------------...---------15oBprings, Legboma -------- ---------------- 10cTurkeys ________ ________________ 18c

r. Turkeys, o ld . ____________________ 12cDucks, yoong , * ......................- ...... ISeDacka! old Z ______________________ 10c

Potato*!.Potatoea, No. J, c w t.------------------- I t k t .

O nin,Wkeat. No. 1, ewt. ...... ------------ M kt.

UTtctock.Cattle—Oow^ 8 to 4e; ateer* 4 to 5e;

Teals 5 to 0e. v _ j Hogs—Prime, 4 to € l-2e,Bheep — Mutton, fic; oo market;

Um bf. lOfl.

k H O U B B W irB '8 O U O B .^ (Beta ll rricefc)

Fnztta asd Vegetables.Potatoea, c w t . ............... . 75e to $1.00Now Potatoes, l b . ____________ 4 to 5eNew eabbage, lb. ........ ........ .......... 9cCarrots, b u neb--------- ----- --------------- 10cBeets, buneb ......... ................. — ------ lO fTurnip*, buacb _.— ........... ............ ._10oHead le ttu c e _______________ ______ CeAsparagus ...___ _____ iso

. Strawberries, co p ________10c, 8 fo r l»cB’jeVeape ------------------------------------ 10cRed raspberries ---------------------------ICcRadishoa, bo n cb ..................... ..... — 5cCucumbots, each,-----------------15 to 23c

_-==r==!SSOintaluipea, S f o r _______________ 2BcCberrle*, t t a t e ______ - .......... ... <1-2SWatemelona, lb . ^Texaa tomatoea, lb ........ .................... 23c

P iOTliloai u d SUple«.- n o n r. 48-lb. aack_________»1.*0 to 2-^S

Sugar, c w L ..... ...... ...$11.50 to 11.7CCream cheese ------------- --------------------B rick <heese ____________________■<0cBeans _____________________01*<B re a d _______ - ____- ______ 181-3 to 10c

• Butter <creamery) .....................50cB uttor (ranch) ................ ;--------------- <0r

a i . Eggs .................. ... ...... .................... 20'T . MeatJ.

Bacon, s liced------------------------- 30 to 40(Hum , , , ,..................... .....20 to 35<Ham, s lie e d ________________ 35 to 40<Pork chops______________ ___15 to 20.Lamb chops _________________25 to 35.Pork r o a s t _________ —______15 to 50<Beef steak — --------------- IR 2®'

- - Beef pot ro a s t-------------------12 1-2 to 15'*' Prime ribs , ,............— ■ . ■■ 1^ to


J h'eavy 230 to 800 pounds $7.fl0 to '8.75j c^ sraootb heavy 300 pounds rusd up $7 to < ^ 7J10; toagb heavy *4.50 to «.W; fa t- pigs $8.73 to 0.00; feeders $8.75 to 0.1«; l £ ataga.subjeet tb dockngc $2.5(1 to 5.00.

.biioep—NominoUy *t«tidyj no reecipta; ichoieAvaXleylaalnflO&Olo-ll^ medium <

“ $tf.50 td''^0.C0; toinmun'$7.50 to 0.00; {» culls $0 to 7.50; ligh t yoarlinga $7.60 to I

8.00; heavy. f6 to 6.50^'light wethers $Q i lo fi.50; bonvy $5.50 to O.OO; owes $1.50 i

d- to 5.5u. ' iB-. . --------- - .

OMAHA U V E 8 T 0 0 K . 1^ OMAHA, July 21 (/P)—Hogs — Ke- '

coipts 7500; uneven, mostly 10 to ] c* 15c higher; bulk iOO to 300 pound

buUlicrs $0.00 to 7.15; top $7.25; bulk I** Mixed loads enroll',? packing sowm - « and llghta $6.40 to O .tl; packing sows 1

larifoly-$6 t(J-a.25.“ ' - ; . - ~ ~ - •' C^Ulo—Roccipls 300; compared w it l i J week ago: In between grades bpcf < Bteers and sho-stock mcsUy 'lS ^ to 25c ' lower; spots 50c lowci un common lig h t 1

^ yearlings; other grades steady; bu ll* 1 25c hig lior; veals | l to 1,50 lower; stoekera and feeders steady; closing bulks fo llow : Beef steers-$B-to nO.OO; 1 week's top $U'; grass cows ond heifers

“ • $4.25 to C.OO; week's top grass heifers i $7.35: .dry lo t cows and holfcrs $5.50 1 to 8.W; week's top h-nfers $0.50; ean^

•ff' nets and cultets w.50 to 3.50; boioona 1 ^ bulls $4.50 to 5.00; ligh t vous $8 tu i “ l 9.00; stockers and fenders $6 to 7.25; i

week’s top feeders i8..')0. i” • Sl»e*>p—Receipts 500; compared w ith

week ago: l^ambs $2 lo 2.25 lower; sheep mostJy ateady: spots higher on tbojeo 'light'ow es; ffledors 50c and $1

” lower; closing bulks fo llow: 'Western fn t lumbe $12.50 to 12.76; natives $11.75

‘ I; to 12.25; fod clipped ]amb;i»$11.35; heavy owes $3.75 to 4.50; ligh t ewes $5.50 to 'O.OO; week's lo p ligh t ewco <0.60; feeding lamba $11.50 to 12.15.

, ST. JO B B ra IJVEBTOOBLST. JbSBPH, Mo., Ju lv 21 W»)— Hogs

J . —Ikeeipts 2500; 10 to 15c higher; bulk desi'ruble weights $7 to 7.15; packing sows steady, mostly $5.«\0- bu lk o f salts $6.85 to 7.15. ^

Cattlo—Receipts 800; compared’ w ith rii stuera and yearlings

around steady. A^25 10.25; best she- . - stock steady; calves 50c lower; stock-

ors and feeilors steady; rows and he if­ers $4.50 to 8.25; calves $6 to 0.50: stockors nnd feeders M.50 to 8.00.

Slieep— Receipts 500; compared w ith week ago: Fttt lambs .iround $1 lower; Bhoep scarce nil week, -5 to 50c lower; fa t Inmbs $13 to 14.50; yeorlings $11.50; fa t ewes $4.50 to 0.00.

■ OHIOAOO LIVJ»TO O ILOIUCAGO, July 21 i>W -C .ittlo -R o -,

ceipta 1000; compared w ith week ago; __ S tric tly choice beef steers piactically a steady; oxtremo top $11.50; other ®* prades unevenly 25 lo 75c lower; yenr- ^ lings mostly 50c tu (1J:C lower; top hi yearlings $11.25; she-^tock uu-.

evenly 25c to $1.50 lower; s ^ ts moro; ^ eanners showing least Oedine; gmssy

cows and helfera mos*:: bulls steady to 15c lower; veal calvei 75c lo $1 lower: stockcrs nnd feeders 23c lower; week’s, bulk pricce follow: B.'ef steers $0 to

I : 10.35; Blockers and feeders $5.25 to fjJ 0.75; beef cows and heifers $5 to 8.25:

eaaners iu\d cutterfr |2.7r> lo 3.S0'. veal calves $10 to 10.75. .

Sheoj^Receipts 1000; today mostly +Q direet. For week ulnioft 25 per cent

direet; wtslCTnB eonsWtmbly smnlicr; compared w ith week ago: Dcflirable fa t lambs $1.25 to 1.75; ru lls and sheep generally steady; fe^'ding lambs 25c lower: cloring westiTn lambs top $13J!0: native fop“ $13.25; sorting heavy; better grades '’ulls $3 to fl.50; bulk fa t ewes $5 to 0.25; ligh t weight quotable upward lo $ /; heavies $3J50

^ to 4.25.Hogs— Receipts 7000; uneven; mostly

‘ ® 10 to 25c higher; spots more; bulk de- ^ sirablp 160 to 225 pound averages $7.56 cc to 7.65; top $7.70; few good and choice

240 to 300 pound butchers $7.35 to ''y 7.50; bu lk packing "ows $6 to C.2D-,

best strong weight pigs around $7; es- I''!' timated holdover 600U: heavy weight

hogs $0.95 to 7.55; uivdiuni $7.10 to s s 7.70; ligh t #7 to 7.70; ligh t Ught $0.60

to 7.55; packing sow* $5.00 to 6.40; packing sows rough W-65 to 6.00; k i l l ­ing ]>iga $0.25 to 7.00.

i=' STOCK PRICeT IRREGULAR,5c ______i * OHanga la SpwmlattTe fleatlnuait

Hbown on N ^ '7ork Sxcbange; -.Jiossee tu rn Sbert SoUinc in OU

lag Total salea slocks 276,000 shares.IO. Twenty industrials averaged 01.36; : : net loss, .33. High, 1023, 105.38; low,

[Qc 87.64.Twenty railroads averaged 8.75;

w net gain, .24. High, 1023, 00.63. Low,, * 76.85.t t . n e w YOBK, July 21 O f^ T o d a y ’s

atock market gave concrete evidence 5e j o f the changed specrJative sentiment.

Prlees closed somewhat irregular, bnt losses reauiting from a wave o f short

o t; selling in the -oil stoeka generally were recorded on last minute buy­ing and ahort covering.

Opcnlnfj pritcs wer« somewhat higbw than yesterday's closing but tho ad­vance did not extend to the usual

.00 leaders, 'which drifted id ly . Profes- Se alosnl tradera concentrated tho prea- 9e sore against the ~ o il ahares which

lOc were sensitive to selling became o f lOe the recent cuts In crude oil p^ces, 10c and some o f the motors and equip- 6e ments declined sharply.

15e A strong demand fo r stocks o f the 25c cnstcrn groop o f railroads, however, 10c frightened the bear traders and tum- 15c ed practically the entire yH«t up- Sc ward 'with the result thatr most o f

23c the early losses w e« wiped out. • 80e Now York Central closed 1-5-9 lOe higher, and Reading was up 1-2. S5c The uHual leaders moved in a L.25 naiTow -Itading aiea. 'United Btntes

^ Steel wns unchanged on a small tum - 23c


10c . Stage Leares 6:30 DaUy lOr Excursion starting, Ju ly l i t to ■60c A o^ 1st. Bound T rip

TwTa PalU, Filer, Buhl toH a i le y ______________$12.00.Twin Fnlls to Bolsr --------------12.00Twin Falls to Payette_______ 20.00Twin Falls lo Emo.ell : --------- 15.00

TRASK epos, STABE COMPANY50c —PbflM S i oc 882W—15c Handle Baggage.2^c

TW IN FALLS D A ILY ]; over, Wbilo 'Stndebaker aad Ameriean 'I Can eued- fraetiooally. k Am eiitaxt Cax pToferred waa three ; points higher at the close.

The woekly. clearing 'house state- ; ment ibowed a decrease ia loans,I diBcaants- .an i. investments o t $60,- ; 608,000, and a drop o f $0,040,000 in i the reserve of member banks in tho I federal reserve bank. N et demand ) deposlU dcellned $30,707,000, and /

timo deposits fe ll o ff $5,726,000. Ag- ' grogato reservo totaled $520,860,000, “ leaving excess reserve of $22,250,250, j

. a decrvaso-of $4,533,230, > under tho ) previoui week. 5I . --------- *: 00VXB N M E N 7 BONDS.

. N EW YORK, Ju ly 21 (/P)“ L lbe rty . I bonds closod:

3 l - 2 » ....... ............. ..................... $100.10 iI J^ rs t 4 l-4a ............ ....................... PS.H •f Second 4 1 - i j ......... .................... .: Th ird 4 l-4 s ............................ P8.2‘i *t Fourth 4 1-48 .......................... . 08.12 ^K U. S. Qovcnimeikt 4 l- t« .... . 00.26. -------------------------- i; KOTIOB TO W ATER USERS.; SalmoQ'Bivftr Oanal Oompuiy. L im ited, s A n tt«liUtionftl ollolr.ii^rit o f walcr ii* * s mado a t th in time o f 1-lOih o f an acre J fQot per acre. ii Tho present run. o f ,wt»ter w ill con ' i Uquo until nbcul tbo l&tb o f AufiUsl, i I) at which time, I t la expected, the avail- • ; able suppiv for the prrspnt irrigation

seaiwn w ill havo been pxhaustetl. I1 B y order o f th* Bo.ird o f Directors.; FRED 1>, BATES,1 Koperintendcnt. *I Hollister, Idnho. JiilyJJO, 1023.—ndv. \ 1 — . 5 NaUonai Debts.> The follow ing facts were brought . ’ OQt In tbo house discu»sion on Uie

amendment to tbe debt-fuuding act. i Great B rita in ’s to ta l debt is above 135,000.000.000. th a t o f tho United «

a States la belween $22,000,000,000 and * { $28,000,000,000. The average taxation 1 ; a head hi Orcot B rita in la about $100.» In the United StafB* l l la between $50 '

and $G& The total wealth o f the • ^ United States Is estimated a i some- " where between $220,000,000,000 and . . $280,000,000,000; tha t o f Great B rita in . is -nbout $80,000,000,000. There la * : owing to.Great B rita lu from her « a r '

allies about 57.000.000,000, unfunded >> and w ithou t prosi>oct o f paymenta.—' Independent, s

AvphyxlatJns Rata.Tou COD asphyxiate rats that Infest

tbe garage by giving them carbon monoxide gos from the engine exhanst,

k- advlsea a federal bulletin. A ttach a r rubber hose to the exhaojit pipe and- put the end Into the hole. Tbe gaa P wUl k i l l the nta .

y Cbservatlena of Oldest Inhabitants.0 A j an oldtlm er Pm beglnnbi; t»: wonder If things are gonaa get soJ reveraed lh a t a yonog roan o f the° fu ture will refQse te n a rry s g irt I f. she doesn't give up amoklng.—ClndXh .\ nad Enaulrer.

y READ T H ^ D A IL Y N E 1 ? 5 ^ - ,

] . POB H A IS-AXJTO M O BILBSi; F 0 B -6 A L E OR TRADE—Ont-toi.c truck, prnctically now. H. 0 . Andcr-P son.i. iV R SAL»fc3—Dodge •‘ •pnj*sej)Ker toiir-t ing. good condition. <■400. Call 395.0 POB SALE^G oud Studebak**r hack,

135 N in tli avenue north.


0 P IC K YOUR OWN nspberries n t 50vr ,. gallon. Como otiy tim:*. lir in g your

own container. 200 Ad-iiaon west, it i'O R BALI2—lilockr.'in rasplwrries. F.0 P. Osborne. Pbone 50«il2-_____________

FOR BAL»B— WMlinghouto nutomiitie *r electric rnngo. -ifeood as new. Cost

$220. ■Will M lr^choai). Inquire ofHerbst ^ Rambo. __________________ '

n chcrrics.n Call evenlngg. 503R1.__________________

" PLAYER piano, calinet~und stool.I t cheap. 245 'Van Burcn._____________

FOB SALif:—Cherries 4c a pound. Wedeliver. PhOBC 578R.1.________________

tJALE — Bleyeles, trieyelss , , Uret aad seeessoiiea. Waraer's Bs

p.1, Bhop, 224 e«0li<l 8 t, £

J;t , — — ■ .

C A N A D A" jM A z m aat NEW TASK P liA K

offered lo r the firs t time by / O A K A D IA N P A O inO BAIL-W AT

(paymenta extended over 35 years) a. A ll you pay down is 7 per eent ot ml tho purchoso price. Then you have one !s- y f " ’« free uao o f land w ithout interest, f j . bolanco of principa l tToonlied on au ch ' “ y payment plan o f .H equal annual

pavments at rate o f 7 |.er cent o f un J, p da principal. Tbo 7 per cent repro-1 seals 6 per ccnt Intore'Jt nUd 1 per cent

prindpaJ. Purchaser has privilege o fhe ■ooq.er i f ho .Icflires.jy Tho Kcond payment fa lls duo two

’ years after purchiac. Tho annuAl pay- j ments which pay p rin e ip il nnd int^rrest ‘ a aro lesa thoa the avc'-ngo interest rates

on a bank loon.KO TAXBR


m . •O im i. YOU INVESTIO ATB ^ Prom present indiealions Canada w ill- hnrvcst" tlic

l i a o E s i - 'O K b P ”- in-the history o f the couatry. Why not

investigate, o r. I f you so' desire, holy harvest this ENORMOUS CBOPt In

o tHU wny you cnu got FIRST HAND P I.SKORMATIO.V.« SPEOIAL RATES0 TO LA N D flEP.KBRS A N D HARVEST 0 1 HANDS^0 j For fu ll in fo rm n l'w i n jijily to R. O. ^ iJoBivorth, A "st, S uperjiiii-ii.lfu t o f Col-1 onlzntion, Ctinniliiin }'acific RjiUw.'iy,

Rooms 20J ;204 ExcliaiiKe Bnnk Build- |ing. SpoUnne, W iiiliiii^ ton.


\G imOn e c e n t p e r w o i

A d v e r t is e m e n ts u n d e r t h is h e a d s o f a r d e v is e d o f b r in g in g th e ni


FOR RENT—Four-rponi cabin closc in. Inquiro 231 Addiso-i f.vcniie north._ t

FOR RENT-Houses o f. 2, 5 nad t ’ rooms, includijig modern 5-room- hou»*- p a rtly furniBhciI. Swim & Co. ' i

t ^ R RENT — tt*rw>u, ITousc' l “Wo«i; ‘ from high school. Phone 03.VI. ~ .


IF YOU W AN T what your fu rn ito ri ia worth Phuno 310.

4U bUAltiiS .irriKaUon w a tc rfo t reni fo r season. A rthu r L. Swim; . '

iU R h . CLKAN lN U CO. waaiLt0Ci»». mga, iiavajoa, opholsteriag. Pboa> OOlW. 152 Second S. -

iS: D. tgeat fo r L f t m or'a D ry Arsenate o f Lead fo r (p t f material. Call pbone 650B. P. 0 . bo 75V__________ - _________________ ,


" "f a i Tm ' X n D c it y ” LOANS.' Swim 1k Co.______________________________ 1

C U E A l'E B ifO NEX — OnltmiM*. \ amonnt oo farms, tMw, a t 7 per e«aV ! ineludlog a ll commisKions. Letsch « |W illiam s. Phone 218.________ ' :

SAFETY and 7 per cent fo r investora in OUT F irs t Mortgage Loans. Sums tn . su it investor. A rthur L. Swim & Oo. '


FO R SALI3—Now player piano; ono thoroughbred water bjiiinlol one year old. Enquire 352 F if lh nvenue^ortli.

FOB bALE.Good cotton fe lt innttrcss ...,$10.r<) Oak c h iffo v itr w ith m irror .... lO.Oil ; Princoss dresser " i t h lorgc I

m irror .................................... J7..' rt I.8x10 lOoE. tourist tent with jo in ted polo, good ni, now.... 12.0 fl ^Camp stools .......................... J.Oi'ta m p stool w ith bii«k ............ 1.25

Hoosier F iusiluxe Exchange. '

—K ew S-bom'er Clark Jewel OU

Stoves a t $16.60.Hoosier Farn ltnre Co.

- — - - — — I ________________ LOST •

LOST—Brown oajw, Thursday. Pkouo I 179 Buhl flt my expeuHC. Reward.

R E V E L A T IO N S ..O F M R . c c

1 ~ ~ t h a m o s t 'c o n t e n t e o m o t o r is t i n s ix s ta te s

“ Com paX “ a n o n y m c

c h e e s e -c lo th se

I , “ T h i s c a r o f m ia lo n g o n t h a t s o e v e r la s t in g l; c m d t o ^ n o u ) '

' ! p r o p e r ‘ I d c k ’ i

; “ M y c a ib u r e toi m ix t u r e a n d 1

■> w i t h i t f o r t h e t B m p le , t o o — I' i t ’ s d e p e n d a b lo , . b u t b ^ u a e i l’I i n th e s e s ix m '

' " I n c id e n t a l l y , 1h a p p ie r — certJ th e s e d a y s . ”

T H E CON" • . M .

; ‘ ^>t , ’ y ' '

: C O N OjtW i .w J P P L - .


P mR D P E R IN S E R T J O N -I a re a lw a y s a tiV e a n d a c t iv e , anc

[lefcd o f a d v e r t is e rs tp th e a t te n t io n

rO B S A iE —K E A t ESTATE 1FOR SALB—Fancy lot, newer an.i i

sidewalk in, W alnut street. Quirk too>qlo clfcnp. 11. c>. Anderson.________ —p• FOR SALE OR l ^ T —5-room moit- ejnorn house, newly pa)n(-ed ond furnished >on Walnut street. PUoni> 1554. ntc

■ B A E O A IU a Sa<rive-acTB country homo; excejv

tional location. Good House, fn i i t und — shade. A snap. sf l'iOO.OO. - *

-^oney-M aW ag.P o tU try F am , w ith . I -«5*r room house. Ifonio and business •"11

JjUth, in onov^-Invcsticate. Pri«s $3150.00. •

10 Acre T ra c t ^ great potato erop growing on this p ro lific Innd; near gravel rofld, rloso in. Buy thla —■

I monev mnking 'x irguin. Price,1 $2500. —I - J . :

Sows: Execllcul dtvWy farTO, 20 <I acres, comfortablo 5-^oni house, all _ ]j necessnrj' dutbu ild lu j^ , rich miil, q

bearing fam ily orcnnrd, on paved —road. Pricc ubso'mlely rigM . 30

Oet This: Three residencb lot* on ^ Seventh avenuo enst, if200 iH>t. A ct S - qu ltk . ‘ ®

------' .80 Acres. One o f the beat; 2 1-2 imlies from town, fa ir improve- Inicnts, Oreat erop growing; 2-5 goes — w ith jiurchase, Pncc $210.00 per arre. .

ROBERTS BEALTY CO.Phone 563 127 Main West 1


W A N TED -eccond imnd refrigemtor, large. Phono 5.~0R4._____________ —

W ANTED-i-To h o - ir^ o m owner ot ^ cood ranch fo r sale. S * to oaah . price. — fu l l particulars. D. F. Bush, Mlnnenpoils. Minn.____________________________ ^

i W ANTED—Table boarders and rooo ( ers at 110 S ixth ave. N. Pbone 1027. |


I FOR SALE— M ilk rows; and rasp- berries on bushes. Phono 550R4.

I FOR SALD—Guernsey coW, jus t CD fresh. phOM 103J.

' A n '

D N O C O "^

d V Vs l

--------------------------------------------------------- -

ira tive lysp e[o a b o u t a s f a r , a n d a s q u ic l f l y . lOUs” g a s o U n o a s y o u e a n in , a b o a t la ils .

in e , h o w e v e r , d o e s n ’ t h a v e t o s t r : k i n d o f d ie t . N o d r I— n o t w h e ;I jr e a s y t o s to p a t t h e C O N O C O s t h a t I ’ m g e t t in g a f i l l t h a t h a

i n e v e r y d r o p .

a r i s a d ju s te d f o r a le a n , e co n o t h e r e i t s ta y s — n o fu s s in g o r f ic

e r e s t o f t h e s u m m e r . T h e ansv I j u s t s t i c k t o C o n o c o , n o t o n ly b« lie . c le a n - b u m in g a n d p o w c r f i i lg a : i t ' s a lioays the s o m e w h e t h e r I ' a o u n ta in s ta te s .

I c a n ’t h e lp t h in l r i n g m y e n g in e t a in l y s h e ’s h u m m i n g a p r e t t y

m N E N T A L O I L C O M P j(ACicnteConMmkA)

a coraplrtfl Bao ot MjA -g rtde

cw I t o f e O uh , M AO o k i Im K w S

. iy Stolen gtnercUu

K ]O G A S CMT. ' ■

[tNING, J U L Y '^ , 1 ^ .


and constitute the best, means ! tion of residents of-South IdahoI FOB BENT—PUBNISHBD

FOR RENT—Two mudcru fumiabedrooms. Phope 530W. _________ .

tX)U fU iN T—>'urnlsliod room, mod- ern. C02 Main north.

> '0a ltENT-*3-roora'iuratshed aparv ment. Beosonable.'. Bungalow Apt*.F if th street and Se<ond avo. east.“ i m ' R tiN T—I'urtJshed, cabin ia Sawtooth. Open datoa Aucnst 1*5 and aft,er August 12. Phone g19W.________ ,


M A K K $30 weekly nt home; furoisL* ing nanies and addrusses. Experioneo unnecessary. Particulnrs free. United Mailing Co., St. Louis.

PROFESSIONALA T T o i^ g r ^ — —

J. B . WISE—La w ye r.-O f fiees-^Booac « and 7, over TwiiUFaUs Baak »Trust Co.. Tw in Falls. Idabo.________"

O- O. J f tL T i New Orpheam Bldg.SQmt W . aB A H A U —Lawyer, Bank »

Trust Building Pbone 635-^ASHEB B. W TLSON-Lawyer. flO M ER O. M m A - O v e r cUy O de. SW EEI.By & B W E E M Y — A l f i i n n i

at law. Practice in al) eoorts. T w »Palls. Idaho._______________•


BLAC KSM ITH — MAOHXNB>>IHOP — Slaeksmltbs, welders, boilcgr atakan^ machinists, manufaotirera;' tw p lia s o f a ll kinds; agent* AUmaB-TayJtr' Machinery Co. Krengel Macbiae Oa.,. pbone 1202. 210-220 Second ava. B


; WINDOW O L A ^ W in d shields, nhS> net work. Moon’s Shop. Pboae ».


TW IN F A LLS B H O B B E F A IB IM Shop. 182 Sboshone W est. Shoes re ­paired while yoo wait, a t pre-wal

i prices, and all work guaranteed. . TRANaPEB

- U ^ O H O L s T r a A K a F ^ S T O B i^B — Garbage hauled daily. Phone 200.

t OaOElHR TRAKBFBB OO. rn o a * 'Crating, Storage, .and L ibe rty «o«L

eak ing—J y . w i t ho a t w i t h ^

s t r u g g le irh e n i t ’s O s ig n —

h a s t h a

o n o m ic a l f i d d l i n g

in s w e r is r b e c a u s e g a s o lin e ,I ' g e t i t

s in e fe e ls t t y t u n e

[P A N Y ____

« > 1 .... f

f ' *

- TW


, bo ,crc

Unfavorable "Report on Pros- ito npi

pects in Soulhem Idaho Brings Pungent Retort from

■ Drill Operator■ , • tory.

. -Uofavornblo report mode by stato nnd ^sfcdofftl gooloKlats on proipocta fo r Bccurlng commercial supplioB of havo

■ pottoloum or natural gas In Bouthera auton Idaho, Issued by tho Idaho bureau of ainoB and Rcology, w ill not a ffect ^ , tbo acllvitloB and .plaas o f dr^Iers ■ and the ir financial backers in. the OOOBO creek region la ' tlio v ic in ity o f ±

'O a k le y . ' " W.When advised o f tho publication of

th is report Saturday, D. P. Carpenter, trlio almost four yoars ago put down T w l the f irs t boro fo r o il in tho Goose , Creek region and who is now engaged w ith other flnonolal backora in the sinking o f another woll w ith in a short distancp o f tho f ln t , declared:

< ‘ Ptieilcatlon o f tho geologists’ Pm opinion as set fo rth In the ir report day makes mo all the more confident that wo aro going to bo successful in our , search here fo r o il in commorclal qnnntlties.

“ The'cxperts once turned down the fho i wholo stato o f Texas, and adviied owno that persons' engaged In the search ns tl fo r o il there were wasting thoir C«i m oney." ' accor

P o in t to Orippla Oroek In this connection t t was pointed

out also by men here who havo ob- served activities iu tho Oooso Crook region w ith considorabld in tw cst f^iat ' motaliurgisU and geological expcrti , . had oDoo doclarod tha t search for precjous metaJji-ln H)e Cripple Creek, Colorado, d is tric t waa a hopolcsa un- dertaking. i l i . i

Tho controversy thus inaugurated ,, botweon tho geofoglsta on tho one , hand and tho o il aookera on tho other {,Is o f iotorest hereabouts principally by reason o f hopes b u ilt on tho , pog- sfblHty thnt devclopmont o f .o i l to- sources that may be dlncovored w ill contribute to tho wealth and upbuild* ing o f this region. Operations in both Gooso Crook entorpriicB aro be- ing conducted w ithout tho aid o f (},(, . Idaho investors’ money. .n

D rilling o f tho f irs t well in the gton Goose Cfook region fo r whnt is known' ^jbb!

'aa the West Pearl intorosts was begun mflto In 1S20 by M r. Carpenter. Tho log gci

' o f-th ls woll has never been made pub- ainnc .-Uc, although M r. Carpenter has stat- iats ed here tha t oil sand was dlseovorod thnt at a depth o f aomo 1300 foot, and thnt nliHs water encountered a t a lower -depth JiUei Is believed to havo shut o f f a possl- i t bio flow o f o il. lho 1

Jodgmvnt eomnTho fact tha t M r. Carpenter later

returnod to d r il l a second w ell w ith in ^. a short distance o f tho f irs t is regard*

od aa strong ovidonco tha t in hls judgment thoro is oil In paying quan- titles to bo found there. M r. Car* ponter has mado* o il well d r illin g and „ the search fo r o il his l ife work and ” >J baa had oxMrienco in oU fields throughout the United SUtes.

I t ia known tha t prcparationa have ” “ been made fo r a m um ption o f aetiT* « i t y on tbe f ir s t w o ll w ith a view to the pospibiilty o f oacounterlng oU at • lower lovel. Some weeks ago there was unloaded at the woll >7.000 worth * o f n«w casings to be used ia this "I,,, ' work. > «

______________ __ ing


Oolmel G9h«« H . a «m tloaA m y Oniaa<tor, O p tt is . TeorSftyt B*TiTal ICaMaxa H e n . _

Lieutenant Colonel Ooorge H. Davis, Salvation Arm y crusader, from Snn Francisco, arrived in tbo c ity Saturday

. afternoon and began ’.is ten days’ re- v iva i meetings in the Lnvcring theater Saturday night. who

“ I f yo th«n bo n u n w ith Christ, seek thoso things whirh are above,’ ’ waa tlu5 text from tho irr ip tu ro chosen W the colonol fo r his opening sormon.I lo stated thnt the word “ i f ” ehangod many things and in carrving his nrgu- ment to a condusion, stated thn t “ i f aomo mon were better hutbands thoir wives would I.e bettor wofaen. I f somo women wero better n ivM , tb e lr hus- banda would bo botter men. T lic same “ ^1 'applies to parents and thoir children,” “ K® he continuod. • In

“ Psnco and purity arc the two things every m an .n ilff woniun should slrivo W ill after. They aro tho cwcnco o f Chris- -Abb t in n lty ,” ho concluded. ^oy

Captain Hoiightnn, in chnrgo o f the local Snlvation Arm y jiokt, nnnoiincoil tlm t 8er\-lcp« would be held in tho Lav ering thoator tomorrrw r.t 11 a. m.. T, 2:no p, m., 0:15 nnd H n ’cloek. Sor\iPc« w ill also bo held evorj' evening next 50 t week.

________________ mESTABLISHES INNOCENCE ij',;Joseph Bennett Gomes from N enda ^

to Prore He Is K o t Ma<i Wanted „ fo r Issuing ricUUons Check , ^

Joseph Bennett, in probate eourt hero Batnrday, ntabliahed his innorenrc of g t i l l t in connection w lih the alleged l«- auanco o f a fic titious check drawn in

. fa \o r n f an individual-bcnring his namo , i and which was passed Juno 11 on the I Diamond, Ilardwaro company horo. Ben- ^ nott, who ia ■employed ' by W illiam j, Jfoops in highway construction work in Nevada, returned w illing ly to Twin

, Palls to prove his innocenco following “ * -h i* .a rres t n t K lko in connection with -tho case, F . 1). Ilunt^ a t whoso In­stance tho complaint tl> tho caso .was a issued, in court-doelared tha t Bennett H w u s o t tb'o g u O tj persons. Bennetfr le f t Saturday evening, lo tum lng to bis employment.

Chamber o f Commerc Crossing P rincip t

[low many cars In rhe course o f n eratori y w ill cross tbo Intersection o f Mainonuo ond Shoshone streot in Twin ‘ 1 - 'Or, moro strictly, porhnps, how many thoso inos-, in a day w ill tho . intcracotlon ever p.crossed by automobilistsf ' W itl

Tho question is one thnt is likelyappeal to tho interest'ns woll ns the quosti(

rioslty o f most Twin Palls cltizon<«; stoodcause i t comprehondM something moro u n til < an a guessing contest. ‘Upon tbo qn* Intersi'er moy depend, fu r inslaace, n fa ir possodsn IIS to tho number v f motor car* urday

Tw in , Fnlls and :iurrounding terri* tha t tlry. Or, I f a count wo'fo kept w ith poriodat idoa in viow, i t might shod n vehichvoaling li f l* t on tho **xtrnt o f tourist inters* ixvol through Tw in Falls. I t m ight Ded,vo -ono phase o f CKpeclal Interest to have 1 itomobllo men and scrvico stntloa op- to wh

;alls on Tourists Q|| to Keep P arkX lean n ■■win Palis OommlBBioner Bn- dorses Campaign Lannohed by M otorists ’ League YCflj

— tnPark Oommlssioner W. H. Dwight to- — ly recoived a lo ttcr trom Seerctnry arlo n . McHugh o f tho Motorists’ enguo for -Countryside Prescr\‘atlon, The 1th headquarters in Now Yprk, urging “ 10 cooperation o f local automobUo wners in a^campalgii to “ clean up

Commissioner Dwight is in hearty :cord w ith tho lengiie, o f which Prcd ? f» ^ lent Harding Is hon')rary hoad and ' iroo membors o f tho '^abinot nro mcm* > i L-ra o f tho national committee.The object o f tho league, Commis-

ioner Dw ig lit snid, i- to in s till in J*"®” . lb motoring publie a soriso r,t stow* , ,_ rdship and responsibility. Investlga* J,” ® J ons conducted n t moiiy ]>olnts hm’o ‘ roved tho-prevalonso o f nn unthinkin.7 ?r °fi ractlco of litte ring the conntrvside ith rubbish. The rapid growth tu 10 number o f motor c.'irj and tho peo- lo who tako. their vacations In cnr»IS resulted in a real mcnnco to the pVi ixtural beauty o f the countryside; hlle the damage dono h j fires started •om tho earolesflly tnfnwn clgnretle !?„ ub costs tho country in lllions o f dol-ir>As Is tho cnso hero !>ome control can ^

9 ha<l over v is iting :notorlsts through ' 'r P “10 pork commission, h i t n ftor nil It I realized the only effectual w n ^ fo ;op the prnctlco o f Jenylng litte r and jbbish is through .in appeal to tho ■ lotoring public.Secretary McHugh invited Commis , *

ioner Dwight to enlist locnl motor- Its in the leagne. Jle pointed out hat the Icoguo has n j due»—tho only hllgatlon .is n promise to refrain from ? , ttering stopping places in the future.I t wns suggested abo thnt either

lie pnrk commissioner, tho ehamberof immerce, or gnrago •■wncra who bon- f i t from tho trado o f'tourists, ihstaTi

number o f barrcln or refuse rocep- ^ iclcs a t suitnbio lo;:atlons in the vl- in lty o f Tw lu Palls. Stencllo for larklng the rocepto''tc4 wUh tho nauio f the M otorists’ League may bo ob- / * uined by w riting the league rtt 11£> ?7. POrtioth street. Now York c ity. I’®*'’' O f the more thnn nino m illion cnn ,

w ted In Amerlcn I t is cstimntod thnt _ , • t least two m illion o f them ore “ on ^ our” daring the sjmmer months. “ Jvery one o f those two m illion should J i . <e members o f the league.

Commissioner Dwight said he would le glad to hear fro iii local motorists I IQ nterestod in th e . r.impaign. Ho has rritten the league In New York offer- ng hls cooperation and pledging tho upport o f local motorists.

T l

- — elect Whon a now and hnndsome screen ties

lero is announced i t is the signnl for throi novie fans to come ear'y, s it late and the ako in a ll o f tho good points u f tho i 4 i ,ctor In o u e s tio n .^ U ie d Lunt is tho Thot tamo o f tho star o f th e legitimate stago Baui »ho w ill mako hla f irs t nppenranco be- busli ore patrons o f tho I ’iillio theater on ilondny and Tuesdny in “ Backbone,’ ’ c{,}ni he b ig sjl^cinl o f tho Distinctive Pic- ,,„to ures corporation, which is being dis- toro rlbutod through Goldwyn..

Lun t is reputed to be tho hand- caug omest actor oa tho stago today. Ho 8 twenty-eight years old, six feel two nches tn ll, broad shouldered nnd dark. . >Vhen ho played the t it lo role in 'C larence'’ on BroaiUay threo years CI igo ho bocamo famous overnight. on t

In addition to L»nt. Edith Roberta Is wngi n tho cast o f “ Bnoklnne, ” along wiJh rond ■Villinm B. Mack. Frank Evans, Marion justi M)bott, Oeorge MacQuarrle, James I), ing ^oylo nnd Charles Pang—tru ly a dis- Rtat inctivo group. Miss I{ni>erts'ls moro whei icautlfu l than ever in this picture, hood

------------------ -------- PrelTako a qunrt o f ITcrht & Ramlio's empi

rich rronmy ice cream home for supper. '50 cents.—adv. -----

:\VANTED—Young b in l dog. State wh.1t you have and iiricc. Aildresa 1317 Sixth avenuo enst.

Beuing A m ta

Manufactured by Chittenden aad Eastman Co., Chicago, established 70 years ago. Moro value fo r lots money.

Low Beat Meana Low Prloet

A. H. Vincent Gompenyn m io T U B B

£07-200 Sboshoso S t Sonth.


ce Cdiints Cars \ WEE m l Intersections' ' j Twinors, aod nnother to tbo average Ml:»a. ‘ - j ' Twin I any ev6nt I t would bc a p re tty II criterion to th o . importanco o f Antoi n PallB f ^ m the atanHpolat o f10 who travel in metor cars fo r w h a t- , Amoi r pufpose. I “‘‘3'i th this considornti^n especially in r, tho Tw in Palls.Chamber'Of Com-' Amoi ce sot oat Saturday to answer tho ition. I t employed checkers w h o , id from 8. o'clock in the morning daiII 8 o ’clock iu 'ho evening o t th ir- irsoction counting tho cara tha t Amoi led. Tho results .vjre complied & it- sturo ay evening, whon i t wns dnnoun<’Oil JO' t tho count showed tlm t during thntiod oxnctly C812 gaso.lno e in tu m irig : Jackides ha4 crossed Tw in F a lU ' control 1 Ju irsoction. |•eductions to be mude from tho fa r t Bcga0 beoa lo ft so far to tho in d iv id u a l; 0,whom i t has been mado known. | Amo

m\m ENTEBmooiSEiiiggmefr Display ;Skill in En- a try to Defunct Institution;; Taking Nothing for Pains I

^Stono,rho Bank o f Hansen ut Hnnsen, F ri- r night was entered by'burglars who cd o f f tho lock o f tho outer door, ced open tho door o f tho Vault, dyna* “ „;ed tho safe and bro«o rpen 15 safety , ^ “ t >oslt boxes and io f:, according to hostes lounting mado Saturday by tho shor- , w ithout anything o f vnluo os d > '’onui rard fo r the ir efforts. Tho b u rg la ry - ^ ’* belioved lo havo been the work [omait exports. Tolograp'! .md telcplionu “ '

cs entering Hansen wero sevt'rcd. Pf^cjen0 burglars completed the ir undertak- Ayleo ; w ithout Tcttructing. attontion nnd J'^nve; larted w ithout leaving a finger p rin t other trace that m ig iit lead to tbeJr "Ooth ntifieation. Tho burglary was not « covered u n til Saturday morning, and lowed » sheriff's office roceivod word of1 occurrence whon n Hunsun resident ' cptioned from K imberly. iJ V , jj 3vldont sk ill w itti which th ii^b u rg * '•"• ‘Js performed the ir 'vork loads tho ’leers to .be lieve tha t the b u rg la ry Now i s tho work o f cjkWriencod Rafe*i' ickers; but in ono respect thcv seem 1 v Con hnvi* fa iled in th e ir calculations ;Kugor

patently tliev neglo-.ted to in form Mary mtsolves o f the fac? tha t tho Bank A lvor Hansen wns elosod Inst December urday

/the state commlss'onor o f finance, north. .0 has slnco been In control o f its out it faiss. (ingly3horiff Pinch, who mado a thorough n cryi restigntlon Saturday o f the robbery nnd n itnd tha t tools cspcci.illy adapted added r tho work must h n v j boen tfaed b y 'th u r a yeggmen. An cxn*,)slve tha t prob*|ITolmi ly waa nitroglycorlno, wns used in and : >wlng open tho door o f.th o safe, a guest'10 having boon d r il lo i near tho lock Irw in r this purposo. A soft stilistaneo ro* In s i nbling soap also wna used in connec* .soveri in w ith tho operation. 'noon. Safoty deposBt box?s w<*t>> fbrccd attem en, hoavy steel tongues holding th c j;ks. being bent in tbls-operation. |I t Is bolloved that ihero was nothing hQ|,of

vnlue In any o f the safety doposlt , xos that were opened. One man who.w nH i Id the key to a box ImmodJatoly be-!ajfnrt w another that had boon removed, q{iy , ssessed himself a fter tho robbery o f j number o f deeds and Insurance poll*'fonte ' ?s which bo bnd le f t in safe keeping

I • or. J a fter


----------w idanea o f W lU iun Thompeoo. bour, Tb ird ATtnae Eaat, Target fo r Balt D ttilng B rie f Storm Qrodi

Lightn ing during a b r ie f thunder* orm here Saturday afternoon putectric ligh ting and cooking fac ili- QnPS momentarily out o f commission Warironghout conslderablo sections o f nirnl.0 c ity, and stn ick tho residoneo a t Thon11 Third avenuo east o f W illiam atead hompson, colored porter fo r the plant augh build ing and other Tw in Palls their isinoss blocks.Tho bolt, s tr lkU g tho roo f noar the cnrslimncy, toro o f f somo shingles and thoseitored tho llvlag-room, whoro i t there iro papers to fragments and per*>rmed other frea lo tricks, w ithout Thiiising a fire . Besluoats o f tho houso Busltere away from bomo a t tho tlmo. weok

W IL L H E A B WAOE O A H B . \CHICAGO,' Ju ly 21 lyp)— Arguments Ca» tho requests for sncreases in tho the inges o f the clerical fuces on flH rail- whetlads.of tho country nnd on tho nd- someistment o f In ^u n lit ic s in tho work* centilg rules, w ill be heard by the United a rolates roilrond labor hoard Monday ico <hen ropreseutatlvos o f tho Brother- 10cwd o f Railway and Hlcnmship Clerks, townreight Handlers, Station and Kxpress andnployes appear boforo rho board. ago.-

B A S I L IT O D . ^

ID A H O FAvs.


A th le tic Park . . . .......................

Proceeds o f t i l ls game to pay Athletic* Park.



■ : ■ V ■


lEK JX BU L L E T m OP M l l f iT W IN PALLB O A K A L 00 .

Satnrdajr, J tily 21, 1BS3 ' ■In Falls canal ' diversions- a tl l l n e r ___________ 3,510 sec. f tia Falla canal capacity a t M il- T a lO Bler ..........................3600 see. f t . 'lount wasting over M ilnerla m '--------------------- .1190 aee. f t . taU(lOunt o f stored wator used to­lay ______________':_B10 see.. f t . ,---------

louat o f stored water in Jack- ^1 Lako ______ ..J)5,000 acre ft .lount o f stored water usod to Iato .....--------------3170 aero ft .

lount. Twin Fnlls %rago . now^. In - |fackson Lako '- .o i^ a o aero f t . -

i;kson Lako- reservoir- filledluno 22, 1023. Am ount...___ Sutu:............................M7,480 ac?c f t . ono likgan using stored water Ju ly lovers;), 1023, noon a:uount drawn to dato._____ i t Is i

............ ...........05,470 ncro f t . as mai----- — Twin

ired wator o i hand__ __________ comfor...... ...... ^ .....-...752,010 aero f t . <op nt

./ J. C. WHEEaiON, I ’if th i General Manager. for

/ I I k a

^ ' E ! “

J o c i e t y g011t * r b 7 H n . s . B •WlnUmfc .

T d . p w a « . ■

ivoral parties havo been glvon the tim t 1 woek compllmenttng Miss V iv ian croaali

0, who leaves today fo r hor homo musle 'Tampa, a fto r aponding some timo aftern ['win Falls as tho liouso guest o f q I Ayleoa Booth. Among them wns populn ollgatful swimming pnrty a t the t t ” w ith Miss vuna McNew as gented est. A fto r tho plung‘d tho partv goclatl jred to tho McNew homo on Sixth ,Hgno8 lue east whoro ii .-picnic lunchoon served on tho lawn nnd tho jniests (lyj tj,

lined fo r o< slumhr.r party followed Tho i I breakfast In the morning. Those, eeptei] ont^worih the Missos V iv ian Stone, nomtri eon Booth, Nova Clanr, Imogeno 'g«cret: ■•on, Mnry Bnlloy nnd Mny Prank- o f tho

On Friday evening Mrs. C. E. win o th gave a plunge partv n t Artesian ^lisi Stono'k honor. T liis wns fol- m h id by a picnic supper. On Saturday ting Mrs. Boy A. Rend was hnrtesii I 1« I dinner party w ith »Ilss Stone as > ^ honored guest. Covers woro also for Mrs. C. E. Bootn .md the Mlssos Bac

een Booth, Nova Clnar, Anna Me- Prone r nnd Imogeno Craven. roturr

ButteunitdimcnUng her house guests, Mins ;onia Cruxen o f Holse, and Miss He| y Thompson o f Cnldwell. Miss Mny ono o ord entertnined w ith n ten on Sai- Falls, ly afternoon at her home on Sixth ness l ;h. A roso color srhemiv, wns carried for s In the decorations fn r tho charm- v appointed tnbh«. Swoet peas In On r’ystnl bowl formed tho centerpiece. 0. Rn rose cnndles-in'cryatnl candlesticks A. N.

cd to tho general effect. Mrs. Ar- weoki r J. Peavey and \flss Ramona sprln( mes poured. M ary Blanche White

Betty Lou Peavey received the L ie i«ls nt the door, nnd Miss Dorothy cense in nnd M»ss Polly Thomns assisted fico i ijr r ln g . Miss Clnru TCnll re'ndoreil Cecil •ral piano aolos during tho nfter- prlnc n. About th irty -five guests wero in mdance. Eni

---------- .. bio GCrs. H n rrj' M ylar w.is the guest o f enter or nt a charming Lridge party F ri- homo

afternoon, giv^n by M r*. J. B. Kimb illams a t her hor.io In tho Reed rtments. The rooms were artistic- Lei ■ denoratod w ith sweet peas. Mrs. partn Paul Johnson wa* the successful wrig: testant fo r high score, nnd Mrs. famil lar waa given a miscellaneous show- davs

A two-course luncheon Was served Salt sr the games. -Tho guests were nbera o f Mrs/ M y la r ’s bridge club, H « I a few o f her Intimate friends, nud piack luded Meadames I. H. Tavlor, J. E. arrivt dsen, A. Alexander. J. E. Kalman, ist. i i i itv in , Ernest Whito, A lv ln Har- {iveni ir, Bay Brown. W. ]. Tlclm, C. V. orcha ikle, J. Paul Johnston, and Mrs. Bert Kile o f Fort Glbsou. Okla. jv i

■ ~ pcrinANNOUiroBM HNTB - who

■ — - the ))n account o f the- Chautauqua the eatol If Mothers w ill hold the ir annual apenc nic a t the country homo o f Mrs. imns Irw in on Fridav. J u lr 27. In- ad o f Wednesday, aa provloualy ■ nned. Each one w ill pleaao bring •ir own dishss and ailverware, and . et in tho park a t 10 o ’clock, where -s w ill bo. waiting to convoy all ISO who have no way o f getting ire.

rhere w ill bo no lunchoon fo r the siness oad Professinnnl Women this ok.

lOE OBBAU.-an you ton by tho laste whether • sweetening is augur or glucose, or etitcr tho flavoring is the best or IIO chemical imitation,' o r tho per- itagc o f cream ustd t I f tou are I roal judgo you w ill apj.rectato our

cream and.-sltcrbo's, 50c quart;1 at tho tables. Cosiest placo lu j m. Herbst & Rambo's, Tw in Falls | i Buhl. We appreciate your patron- I \ —adv. I


iL L S

. .G a m e c a lle d 3 o ’ o lo o k

.y o f f in d e b te d n e s s in n e w

s ic lo w r s g e t "'on® F ull Day’s T rea t 0, ^

— ----- DM* 0<a ted 'S inge r and^prches- l1 Quartet DeUght Ohan- one o f iqna Andiences . a poker

■ t . the eorno■■■“ avonuo s«

M O K P ilY /S SPBOOiaAM S i ” * p ,

:30 p. - m.—Cartoon-locturo;- th ^ V itr ^ trlco tftuart Wollcr. gonerous'

p. m.—Address, “ The Be* to sotUo isanco o f European Civilira;: majristrat I, ’ ’ Tom Skoyhill, receatly ro- ^n i the jpd ,from Europe. ostabllsh(

i - . I gamblingno monej

urday’s Chautauqua program was • Police koly to appcal*e8pcclaliy to music M»sed f l i; but, i f tho attendance after- o f *-0 t and evening is .i ?l«poudablo guide, *l>o total evident thn t tnore nro u t least Police

any. musio lo vo rj in' and oround or tS in Falls as ean uo neeommodatcd raided,

>rtobly !n the big. I.rown canvas t tho cornor'o f Sc'.-ond street and — i avenue oast, tha t hns been orect-

r Chautauqua.a vnriod ropcrtoiro, ranging from ar to classic numbers, Jnmes Ham- Amurican ly r ic tonor, nv^he'evcn- • . . .

Iiold his dolightod hearers spoil- ' Unless 1 fo r more thnn an hour. Bursts >a Califo iplauso follow ing carh number at 'was annt 1 to the pleasure that was tho eral serv r 's g if t to tho auiieneo. Polls piolis ting artists wero tho Ctmrles momln;^, tell M ixur orchestral quartet, well Monday n eastern chamber music group, obapel hi haa been organixed to meet in- dor tho

ing domnnd fo r better things in Woodmoi The quartet^ proaentod th o , fu ll

noon performance rendering stand* and classical works aa well as tlar number^ havloc h

Chautauqua numbers w ill bo pre- • _ d Sunday, but t h j Chautauqua ns ®tlon hns ploeod the big tent a t tho —Baltun oal o f tho M in is to ila l A ^ c ln t lo n . . .i-u..— inlon services, heretofore hold dur* ho summer season la the c ity park, association’s .o ffe r hns been ne- /

•d, and the spoa'cera. I t Ih nn- red, w ill bo J . C. l'<lllon, Interafatc Iitnry o f the vOcegoii-Tdaho district I10 Y. M. C. A., nnd Sccrctnry Good Io f tho orgnnlzntlnn for Idnho. I

^ e r t y o B L d T I it vw k from Business T rip— W. 1*. ygich o f tho V ic to ry gnrago bosmod from a business tr ip to .•e, Montana. W ol|

spt Home b7 Hlness—A Oulbcrtr a n t o f tbo plonoor residents o f Twin t, Is confined to his homo by ill* from which ho hns beon suffering • ■

somo weeks. I Ifl1 Oatlag T r lp ^ i l r . and Mrs. E.[nines nnd fam ily , accompanlod by i. Bailoy, w il l spend the noxt two <s on an outing at Easloy hot igs on Wood river. _ _

.cmatA to Wed— A marriage 11*0 was issued Saturday at tho of*o f tho eountrr recorder hore to 5

1 J. Dollmnn, 22, and Jennie H. ^ ee, 18, both o f Buhl.

ataeartaiit a t P icn ic—Tbo Past Ko* ' Grand club o f tho Bebekah lodge rtalnod n t a picnic supper a t tho0 o f M r. and Mrs. W. B. Hoag on A ibcrly road on Thursday evening. M

WT0 fo r VlB^t— A. Dayzley, de* Hmeat manager fo r tbe W. H. ■ght and Sons' atore hore, w ith his ■ily has le ft to spend the next ten W1 v is iting relatives and friends In >

Lako and Ogdss.

aro Por V W t—M r. and Mrs. H. R. \ :k and ehildren o f ^u lt la n d , Idaho,ved today to v ia it at tho home o f "^wheand Mrs. J . A . Johnson, on F ifth or -

luo north. M r. F lack is a prominent . modiardlst o f F ru itland. tlon

rom Pocatello—M. C. M iteholl, su* m _ ; ntondent o f Tw in Fnlls schools. 111 I is a t present on tho faenlty of summer school being held a t Po*

llio, camo in Saturday and w ill Plto id Sunday hero.




This machine melts and deposits In cylli oraoks a metal fil l in g whlcb amalgamates and becomes a part o f It.I t is not a welding machino for joining which there is a breaking or torsion stri stance.This machine operates electrically, dcpo metal Into either tho scores or cracks. There aro no conncction jo in ts n fter tho a perfect union of metal to motaL Cracked water jackets o f ovcry descripti being removed from the car.Gas engines, steam engines, hot wator ba also steam radiators— In fact anything mi paired by th is machine.Out-of-town work w ill hnvo our prompt nl Phone or w rite fo r prices. Wo w ill glndl desired.

V ic to ry Garage and 1W. P. FRENCH, Pro

Pbone 225B 420 ^

NG, JU LY-22, 1923.

NIGHT POKER GAME v IN STREET SROKEN UP ^A ir OitobUag Beings xntfosta- «• OonMQiuncM. fa r X tto « f i « ig 8po r« when o m e « App«txa-.

( o f iL group o f parcielpants In leer game under an aro lig h t a t •{orner o f Th ird atreet and Fourth Ile south that was broken up at 1 -2 o ’clock Satnrdaje. morning

Police O ffU er Del EodnUton ed on,.the aeene ia -^ prisoner in ity Jail awaiting tho advent o t a ■oua friend or the lapse o f time cttlo his score w ith the polico strate, a secoad one got away, the th ird was paroled when ho dished the fact that he was not ding fo r tho reason tha t he had loney. V' Ilice Magistrate S. D. Davis s/a- Id fines against oach In the sum 25 together w ith costs, bringing total score, up to $30. lieo sjty tba t there was only |7 i in evidence when the game wan id,

F D i r e S A M I

Henry B. Carr, dosa word o f the wish o f fho oen ^ ifo rn la to attend is roceived. i t ^ announced Saturday evening, fun - •. services fo r Henry B. Carr, Tw in I pioneer, who died oorly Snturday l in i, w ill bo hold nt 2:30 otclock day nftornoon at the .1. R DoWltc « l here, and w ill h : conduetod un- tho ausirices o f the local cnmp,

dmon o f the Worl^. ^

aettlng R|d o f the ftuHer. lot to g ir ls ; I f yoo get tlrod of Of hiiD tronad, the noa t effoctlre ^ (0 mend n a tte n I t to m arry him.

iltlm oro Sun.

H i j ;it will pay you to bring JS your cream. Correct wei'giits and tests. Pres­ent price 41c.

Lincoln Proihice Go. ^



When you bavo a watch, clock or jewelry to be repaired, at moderate prices and satisfac­tion guaranteed, bring i t to

Trimble & Umbangh [JBWBLBBS

PltODt 86*W f « Oorroct nm e

ATTENTION!]Car Owners, Garage

Men and Auto Repair Shops ^

I havo Installed a


MACHINE "cylinder scores or wntor jacket latos w ith tho original structure

ing broken or cracked parts in strain, sueh as frames, for In*

depositing special non-oxidizing

tho operation is comploto—It is

riptioa can bo repaired without

r backs in stoves and fumocot, g mado of cast iron can bo rq*

[)t nttentlon.;lnd ly give you any Information

1 Welding W orksProprietor

20 Main Avenue'South

' ♦