ocala evening star. (ocala, florida) 1908-10-22 [p...

4 > i< f1 L r V > > i- y v Ki f > r FOUR OCALA EVENING STAR THURSDAY OCTOBER 22 1908 f I- r J FW Ditto 4i Y1 Real Estate and Y Insurance Agent r Houses for sale ana rent Rents collected and TI M Taxes paid for nonresi- dents ¬ G J Fire Life and Accident k1 Insurance written in the most reliable companies Farms timber tracts vacant lots residence and business properties for sale Be sure to see me whether you want to buy or not f i c F W DITTO Phones 116 and 92 DAVID S WOODROW J W AKIN GEORGE H FORD O ALA PLUMBING a t AND ELECTRIC CODE- ALERS IN Standard Makes of Plumbing Goo ds Gas Engines Pumps Irrigating Plants Acetylene Gas Plants Sold a nd Installed Complete Estimates promptly submitted on any Work in our lire P 0 Box No 944 OCALA FLORIDA Phone No 370 r OlDEST WHISKY HOUSE IN SOUTH ESTABLISHED 1881O- LD SHARPE WILLIAMS Pure fine old rye by the gallon 3 00 4 full quarts 350 Express prepaid GEORGE COLEMAN Pure Pennsylvania Rye rich and mellow by the gallon 2 75 1 f4 4 full quarts 3 00 + Express prepaid ANVIL RYE Pure and substantial family r r whisky by the gallon 2 50 is 4 full quarts 2 90 Express prepaid OLD POINTER CLUB CORN Rich and mellow by the gallon2 50 4 full quarts 2 90 Express prepaid OLD GEORGIA CORNDir- ect From Bonded Warehouses and Old By the gallon 325 Four full quarts 3 75 Express prepaid t We handle all the leading brands of Rye and Bourbon Whiskies in the market and will save your from 25 to 50 per cent on your purchases Send for price list and catalogue Mailed free- r THE ALTMAYER FLATAD LIQUOR CO 720 722 724 726 West Bay Street JACKSONVILLE QJUDX- M L2L = Jr- 1r mnWUIIIIIIIItIhIUIIIIIIIIItIIIPNIIpIUtllllltntluupmmnnm CASTOR For Infants and Children i The Kind You Have AVegetabtePreParatioiiforAs- lmliall flt h Always Bought S ttl Foodalltl a u1a tt1P3iQIIltiCksaI1LiBow of Bears the- Signctture Promores estlonCheerfiQ k nessand tcontaIns neither f OImIitlorphine morljmeral- OT 0 NARC OTIC S h afOMzr h- l J H SJII- I I Ii Jr lf seed t = T1tI1r- nT U S a Aperfect lerne < for Cons G tion StomachDiarrhoea- WonRSConvulsionsFcvcrish I tress and Loss OF SLEEP F 0 r 0 V e r < facsimile Signature of i NEW r YORK 1 Thirty Yea- rsCUSTOM to eta txAC1 COPYUFWftAPPEL bit CENTAUR COMPANY New roar CITY r HOTEL WINDLE 151719 East Forsyth Street Jacksonville Fla a New ami FirstClass in All Appointments E V ry L r American Plan and 250 per day European Plan Rooms one person 75 cents i per day and up Special week f rF 1 i rfiij ty rates Center of City Near all Car Lines Open all the 1 I Year Rooms with Bath Ex- tra ¬ tl Charge Bus from Depot x and Steamships- C I B SMITH proprietor- t t 04- e ti h a Saat A BIG STEAMER BURNED Four Lives Lost in the Destruction of the Hudson River Boat New York- at Newburg Xewburg X Y Oct 22Four per ¬ sons perished in the burning of the Hudson river steamer New York here yesterday morning- The steamer had been moored at the ship yard since the end of the Day Line season Local firemen were unable to stay the destruction and as the New York had no steam in the boilers her pumps were useless Twen ¬ tyfive negro men were asleep on the boat and when awakened they had no time to dress but fled to the pier and shivering in blankets losing all their effects Some citizens who ventured on board barely escaped with their lives Nothing is left of the beautiful steam- er ¬ but a charred hull broken in two with a mass of twisted steel and iron work The vessel cost over half a million The charred bodies of the four known victims all colored were found below the decks The fire is believed to have been caused by the explosion of a lamp SHE GIVES MAPLE SYRUP- A Massachusetts Cow Whose Owner Possesses True Yankee Ingenuity- The old old story of the man who fed his hens sawdust and got as a re ¬ sult chickens with wooden legs is due to be safely stowed away in the ware ¬ house for aged and depleted jokes A new myth has come out of Warren Mass to take its place and the little town seems at last likely to achieve fame or rather have fame thrust upon- it From its quiet precincts has come the prophecy of a new maple sugar era that shall do away with sugar bushes sugar camps sugaring off and all the other delights that attend the gathering of this delectable table syrup Secret Is Discovered Somewhere on an outlying farm while waiting for the pumpkins to take on their golden polish a pro ¬ gressive tiller of the soil has been communing with the breezes in the maple trees They Imparted a new secret to him One day he quietly sneaked off to a far corner of his hill pasture and there hammered together a little cow shed In it he housed one of his favorite cows Daily he fed the wondering animal- on maple leaves mixed occasionally- with finely stripped bark from the su ¬ gar maples Every night after care ¬ ful preparation he milked the cow himself He would scan the milk closely and taste it as a connoisseur whiffs at an old wine Night after night he went back to his house slow- ly ¬ shaking his head and muttering strangely to himself His family phy ¬ sician became worried and began plans for having an expert physician examine him Success at Last Then one evening just as his wife was putting the hot biscuits onto the supper table he bounded across the stable yard with wild whoops and scattering a Hock of cackling hens landed with a bang on the scrubbed kitchen floor Ive done it Shes got it Its great No more milk for mine Su ¬ gar all the year around Got what Whos done what in ¬ quired his wife skeptically arms akimbo Old Bessmaple leaves syrup explained the Husband Dont you see Ive been feeding her maple leaves and bark and now instead of milk she gives maple sugar Ill put tho kibosh on all the maple sugar camps in Vermont I1ei1 tale whole s01 1 lb rith ns ne leaves iz 4L Q ft1 the sugar industry Lets see Fifty cows 500 bushels of leaves quartscents and he started for the cow barn carrying his cowmade ma ¬ ple syrup with him His wife thought a minute and then ran to the door Say Hiram she yelled What you goin ter do when its winter and there aint no maple leaves But Hiram was doing sums on the barn door and didnt hear her Up In the pasture shed a calf was looking reproachfully at its mother and bellowing disconsolately- COLD WEATHER ADVICE- to all is to beware of coughs = nd colds on the chest as neglected they readily lead to pneumonia consump ¬ tion or other pulmonary troubles Just as soon as the cough appears treat it with Ballards Horehound Syrup the standard cure of America- Use as directedperfectly harmless- A cure and preventive for all diseases- of the lungs Sold by AntiMonopoly Drugstore Price 25c 50c and 100 per bottle NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the board of county commissioners have- on this day examined and revised the registration books of this county and have erased therefrom the following names Ocala Precinct No Addlson Samuel dead Biggs T E moved Bullock S A dead Barco J M moved Condon W D dead Con ¬ don W W moved Crawford Jno F dead Close Geo dead Carmi chael E H dead Chambers W J moved Culverhouse B J dead Foy- H B Jr moved Gadson Harry moved Hilburn J P moved Hen- ry ¬ J H moved Hendricks C R dead Mathews G G moved Moffatt- T W moved Owen T J dead Parr L J dead Stafford L D moved Weathers B S moved Shady Precinct Xo 7 Ulmer Wes- ley ¬ dead Moss Bluff Precinct No 10 Holly J P dead Pillans P P moved Grahamville Precinct Xo llCox W R moved Salt Springs Precinct No 12 Knibbs Ernest moved Anthony Precinct No 17Boyd J Q dead Daniels S B dead Grl ner J B moved McDowell W M dead Sparr Precinct No 26Jones Phil- lip ¬ dead Fairfield Precinct No 31 Ham- mond ¬ W D dead Smbak J D no such name Young N G no such name The said board of county commis ¬ sioners will meet on Monday Octo- ber ¬ 26th A D 190S for the purpose- of restoring to the registration books such names as have been wrongfully or erroneously erased or stricken therefrom This October 14 190S S T SISTRUXK Clerk Dont be deceived by imitations of DeWitts Carbolized Witch Hazel Salve When you ask for DeWitts be sure to get It Te name is stamped- on every box There is just one orig ¬ inal It is especially good for piles We sell and recommend them Sold by AntiMonopoly Drugstore- I E Tompkins the allround hustler has opened his employment bureau and information bureau at his stall Xo 10 city market I will do all I can to fill all the wants of the public in and out o fthe city and will endeavor- to furnish help for all kinds of posi- tions ¬ I Call on or write will have phone later If you are looking for work see Ike Tompkins at the city I marcet Ocala Fla is f r y y- H > A Significant FactN- o l other medicine for womans ills has any such professional endorsement as Dr Pierces Favorite Prescription has received in the unqualified recommendation of each of its several ingredients by scores of leading medical men of all the schools of practice Is such an endorsement not worthy if of your consideration i Is it not a significant fact too that = il h Dr Pierces Favorite Prescription i- I Is the only medicine sold through druggists for womans peculiar weak of nesses and ills the makers of which are not afraid to print its every in- gredient J1 on its outside wrapper Is this not worthy of your consideration t if you are a poor sick invalid woman 9 The formula of Dr Pierces Favorite Prescription will bear the most critical examination of medical ex- perts ¬ for it contains no alcohol narcotics harmful or habitforming drugs and no agent enters into it that is not highly recommended by the most advanced and leading medical teachers and authorities of their k several schools of practice These authorities recommend the ingredients of Dr Pierces Favorite Prescrip- tion ¬ for the cure of exactly the same ailments for which this worldfamed medicine is advised A booklet of ingredients with numerous authorative professional endorsements by the leading medical + authorities of this country will be mailed free to any one sending name and address with request for same Address Dr R V Pierce Buffalo N Y i Y J Its foolishoften dangerous to accept a substitute of unknown composition in place of this timetried medicine of known composition Dont do it Insist on getting what you ask for I ° KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS I Conventions held every Mon ¬ day evening in Castle Hall over Pey ¬ sers store A cordial welcome to vis ¬ iting knights H1 Hampton C C Chas K Sage K of R and S I r 1 OOFT- ulula ra Lodge No 22 I O O F meets every Tuesday even- ing ¬ I in Yonge Hall Visiting brothers I welcome- P always I V Leavengood N G M M Little Secretary NOTICE I I Notice is hereby given that tho county commissioners of Marion coun ¬ ty Florida have appointed as inspec ¬ tors and clerks for the general elec ¬ tion to be held November 3rd A D 1908 as follows District No IBox 1 W W Cly att J T Lancaster L F Ballard in ¬ spectors H C Sistrunk clerIc Box 2 G W Martin I W Ogle E P Thagard inspectors H D Stokes clerk District No 2S L i ridy Ed Rou- C M Carn inspectors B P Wilson clerk District No3C M Mathews H W Nettles W D Mathews Inspec ¬ tors D E Mathews clerk District No 4J S Weathers J F Parker Chas Veal Inspectors D M Barco clerk District No 5W H Guilfoyle W J Folks J T Hutchins inspectors- J B McGehee clerk District No 6R E Aiken C M Whitton R D Stokes inspectors W L Jordan clerk District No 7J JI Douglass J I M Goin John Smith inspectors H W Douglass clerk District Nuj W uarlaG Jr Dillard Wm E McKay inspecto- rsA Mitchell clerk District No 9J L Carney R M Blair J A Scott inspectors H H Henry Sr clerk District No 10W E Martin A W Fort A M Higgins Inspectors- J M Mark clerk District No llT W Randall R D McDonald P L Durisoe Inspec ¬ tors C H Rogers clerk District No 12 Calvm Long D E McRae Malvin Long inspectors Pe- ter ¬ McRae clerk District No 13J W Stevens A P Munroe Joe Brumby inspectors Frank Priest clerk District No 14Y H Massey L T Matchett L J Harper inspectors Frank Jordan clerk District No 15C A McRanie J B Booth John Irvine inspectors R B Irvine clerk District No 16S Rainey George Townsend A C White inspectors- R K Wartmann clerk District No 1J R Wilder W W Griffin F W Bishop inspector- sL ALEXANDER- cticaI CARPENTER AND BUILDER Careful estimates made on all contract work Gives more and better work for the money than any other contractor in to- wnIii14L1 All careful women use I O v oyg 1u 0N Woman who suffer from se ¬ vere headaches and all disea es due to a torpid liver should nut fill their stomach with cal ¬ omel and other drugs HERBINE QUICKLY CURES Biliousness Constipation Chilis and Fever Dyspepsia Malaria and all Liver Complaints Mrs C D Philley Marble Falls Tex writes I find Her bine tho best liver corrective I ever tried It has done my fa- mily ¬ and myself a world of 1B good I recommend it to my rl ants PRICE SOc Ballard Snow Liniment Co- ST LOUIS AIO Sold and Recommended by ANTIMONOPOLY DRUGSTORE a p > s i L 1t 1 J If The ividnoii 11 If Hardwarc Co t OCALA FLORIDA l- L Y CARRY AT ALL TIMES A COMPLETE STOCK OF Doors Paints Builders Hardware Sash Oils Farm Implements Blinds Varnishes Carpenters Tools Saw Mill Phosphate and Turpentine Supplies Guns Revolvers Ammunition Leggings Hunting Coats Gun Cases l State agents for and carry in stock Implements- and Gasolene Engines of the International Harvester t Company t American and Elwood Field Fence t H B CLARKSON General Manager t1 iT7 gf THE ORIGINAL a ANDJ f LAXATIVE t HONEY and TAR Cures Coughs Colds Croup La Grippe Asthma Throat In the t and Lung Trouble Prevents Pneumonia and Consumption YELLOW p ACKAa t- r FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS I I Walter Credle clerk I District No 18E P Townsend- W H Shockley W B Livingston inspectors N J Townsend clerk District No 1John Pasteur H C Morrison C F Waterman inspec ¬ tors B Coggins clerk District No 20W J Willis J B George J W Coulter inspectors George H BUtch clerk I District No 21Jas N Shedd R C Ridge J C Freeman Inspectors O M Gale clerk I District No 22W E Allen W M Gist J A Fluellen inspectors John I Walkup clerk District No 23R E Perry Henry Shaw J G Dennison inspectors P A Snow clerk District No 24J L Leitner N A Boswell Harry Peter inspectors- Lee Knight clerk District No 25J M Mathews W R Caldwell J N DC Long inspec ¬ tors C W Quick clerk District No 26 Walter Luffman W D Eminisor W I Colbert in spectors Allen Stevens clerk District No 2F W Harp Ed Tu ton Jasper Brinson inspectors G B Parramore clerk District No 2SH W Shaw Jr C E Lucius Will Frayer Inspectors- J I D Scruggs clerk District No 29Clarence C Priest W V Chappell V C Wells Inspec j tors C I Grace clerk District No 30H W Long C P Haycraft D A Clark inspectors P A Ausley clerk District No 31A J McLaughlin- W A Yongue D B Payne Inspec ¬ tors E S Smith clerk District No 32F H Dreher J L1 Whittington E A Smith inspectors- D R Zetrouer clerk This October 14 A D 1908- S T SISTRUNK Clerk Board of County Commissioners PILES PILES PILES Williams Indian Pile Ointment will cure blind bleeding and Itching piles It absorbs the tumors allays the itch ¬ ing at once acts as a poultice gives instant relief Williams Indian Pile Ointment is prepared for piles and itching of the private parts Sold by druggists mail 50c and 1 Williams Manufacturing Co Props Cleveland O Sold by AntiMonopoly Drugstore I I In the Circuit Court of the Fifth Judi- cial ¬ Circuit of Florida in and for I Marion CountyIn Chancery Lewis E Yonce Complainant vs Ma ¬ bel E Yonce DefendantOrder for Constructive Service- It is ordered that the defendant herein named towit Mabel E Yonce be and she is hereby required to appear to the bill of complaint filed in this cause on or before Monday the 7th Day of December 1908- It I is further ordered that a copy of I this order be published once a week for eight consecutive weeks in the I Ocala Star a newspaper published in I said and county state I This 30th day of September 1908 S T Sistrunk Clerk Circuit Court Marion Co Fla H L Anderson H M Hampton Complainants Solicitors y < wy 4U l t r f Eat WhatY- ou want of the food you need Kodol will digest it You need a sufficient amount of good wholesoirie food and more than this you need to fully digest it Else you cant gain strength nor can strengthen your stomach if it is weak You must eat in order to live and maintain strength- You must not diet because the body requires that you eat a suffic- ient ¬ amount of food regularly But this food must be digested- and it must be digested thoroughly When the stomach cant do it you must take something that will help the stomach The proper way to do is to eat what you want and let Kodol di- gest ¬ the foo- dnothing else can do this When- i the stomach is weak it needs help you must help it by giving it rest and Kodol will d > that Our Guarantee- Go to your druggist today and purchase dollar bottle and if you can honestly say that you did not receive any benefits from it aftery v using the entire bottle the gist will refund your money to you without question or delay j We will pay the druggist the price- of the bottle purchased by you This offer applies to the large bottle only and to but one in sk family It We could not afford to make suehtl an offer unless we positively what Kodol will do for you It would bankrupt us- Thedollarbottlecontains2S5timee as much as the fifty cent bottle Kodol made at laboratories of E DeWitt Co Chicago SOLD BY THE ANTIMONOPOLY DRUGSTORE OCALA FLORIDA S325JA- CKSONVILLE AND RETURN t- VIA ATLANTIC COAST LINE Tickets on sale Oct 26 to 3 t inclusive Final limit Nov I Pullman cars For tickets reservations or Information call on nearest Atlantic Coaster Line Agent or J W CARR T P A J G KIRKLAND D IfeAtf TAMPAFLORIDA T C WHITE G P A W J CRAIG P TM WILMINGTON N C u A k

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Page 1: Ocala Evening Star. (Ocala, Florida) 1908-10-22 [p FOUR].ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/00980/0411.pdf · 2009-05-15 · 4 > i y >v Kii- f > r FOUR


> i<f1 L


V > > i-y v Kif > r


f I- r

J FW Ditto4i Y1 Real Estate and

Y Insurance Agent

r Houses for sale anarent Rents collected and


M Taxes paid for nonresi-dents



J Fire Life and Accident

k1 Insurance written in the most reliable companies Farmstimber tracts vacant lots residence and business propertiesfor sale Be sure to see me whether you want to buy or not


i c F W DITTO Phones 116 and 92





Standard Makes of Plumbing Goo ds Gas Engines Pumps IrrigatingPlants Acetylene Gas Plants Sold a nd Installed Complete Estimatespromptly submitted on any Work in our lire

P 0 Box No 944 OCALA FLORIDA Phone No 370




LD SHARPE WILLIAMSPure fine old rye by the gallon 3 004 full quarts 350

Express prepaid

GEORGE COLEMANPure Pennsylvania Rye rich andmellow by the gallon 2 75

1 f4 4 full quarts 3 00+ Express prepaid

ANVIL RYEPure and substantial family

r r whisky by the gallon 2 50is 4 full quarts 2 90


Rich and mellow by the gallon2 504 full quarts 2 90

Express prepaid

OLD GEORGIA CORNDir-ect From Bonded Warehouses and Old

By the gallon 325Four full quarts 3 75

Express prepaidt We handle all the leading brands of Rye and Bourbon Whiskies in the

market and will save your from 25 to 50 per cent on your purchases Sendfor price list and catalogue Mailed free-



720 722 724 726 West Bay StreetJACKSONVILLE QJUDX-

M L2L =




CASTORFor Infants and Children

iThe Kind You Have


flt h Always BoughtS ttl Foodalltl a u1a

tt1P3iQIIltiCksaI1LiBow of Bears the-

SignctturePromores estlonCheerfiQ


nessand tcontaIns neither fOImIitlorphine morljmeral-OT




afOMzr h-

l J


I I IiJr lf


t = T1tI1r-

nTU S a

Aperfect lerne < for Cons G

tion StomachDiarrhoea-WonRSConvulsionsFcvcrish

Itress and Loss OF SLEEP F 0 r 0 V e r


facsimile Signature of

i NEWr

YORK1 Thirty Yea-





r HOTEL WINDLE151719 East Forsyth Street Jacksonville Fla

a New ami FirstClass in AllAppointments

E VryL r American Plan and 250

per day European PlanRooms one person 75 cents

i per day and up Special week

f rF


irfiij ty rates Center of City Near

all Car Lines Open all the1

I Year Rooms with Bath Ex-


tl Charge Bus from Depotx and Steamships-


B SMITH proprietor-



04-e ti

h a Saat


Four Lives Lost in the Destruction of

the Hudson River Boat New York-

at Newburg

Xewburg X Y Oct 22Four per¬

sons perished in the burning of theHudson river steamer New York hereyesterday morning-

The steamer had been moored atthe ship yard since the end of theDay Line season Local firemen wereunable to stay the destruction and asthe New York had no steam in theboilers her pumps were useless Twen ¬

tyfive negro men were asleep on theboat and when awakened they had notime to dress but fled to the pier andshivering in blankets losing all theireffects

Some citizens who ventured onboard barely escaped with their livesNothing is left of the beautiful steam-er


but a charred hull broken in twowith a mass of twisted steel and ironwork The vessel cost over half amillion The charred bodies of thefour known victims all colored werefound below the decks The fire isbelieved to have been caused by theexplosion of a lamp


A Massachusetts Cow Whose OwnerPossesses True Yankee Ingenuity-

The old old story of the man whofed his hens sawdust and got as a re ¬

sult chickens with wooden legs is dueto be safely stowed away in the ware ¬

house for aged and depleted jokes Anew myth has come out of WarrenMass to take its place and the littletown seems at last likely to achievefame or rather have fame thrust upon-it From its quiet precincts has comethe prophecy of a new maple sugarera that shall do away with sugarbushes sugar camps sugaring off andall the other delights that attend thegathering of this delectable tablesyrup

Secret Is DiscoveredSomewhere on an outlying farm

while waiting for the pumpkins totake on their golden polish a pro ¬

gressive tiller of the soil has beencommuning with the breezes in themaple trees They Imparted a newsecret to him One day he quietlysneaked off to a far corner of his hillpasture and there hammered togethera little cow shed In it he housed oneof his favorite cows

Daily he fed the wondering animal-on maple leaves mixed occasionally-with finely stripped bark from the su ¬

gar maples Every night after care ¬

ful preparation he milked the cowhimself He would scan the milkclosely and taste it as a connoisseurwhiffs at an old wine Night afternight he went back to his house slow-ly


shaking his head and mutteringstrangely to himself His family phy ¬

sician became worried and beganplans for having an expert physicianexamine him

Success at LastThen one evening just as his wife

was putting the hot biscuits onto thesupper table he bounded across thestable yard with wild whoops andscattering a Hock of cackling henslanded with a bang on the scrubbedkitchen floor

Ive done it Shes got it Itsgreat No more milk for mine Su ¬

gar all the year aroundGot what Whos done what in ¬

quired his wife skeptically armsakimbo

Old Bessmaple leaves syrupexplained the Husband Dont yousee Ive been feeding her mapleleaves and bark and now instead ofmilk she gives maple sugar Ill puttho kibosh on all the maple sugarcamps in Vermont I1ei1 tale wholes01 1 lb rithns ne leaves iz 4L Q

ft1 the sugar industry Lets seeFifty cows 500 bushels of leavesquartscents and he started for thecow barn carrying his cowmade ma ¬

ple syrup with himHis wife thought a minute and then

ran to the doorSay Hiram she yelled What you

goin ter do when its winter and thereaint no maple leaves

But Hiram was doing sums on thebarn door and didnt hear her

Up In the pasture shed a calf waslooking reproachfully at its motherand bellowing disconsolately-

COLD WEATHER ADVICE-to all is to beware of coughs = ndcolds on the chest as neglected theyreadily lead to pneumonia consump ¬

tion or other pulmonary troublesJust as soon as the cough appearstreat it with Ballards HorehoundSyrup the standard cure of America-Use as directedperfectly harmless-A cure and preventive for all diseases-of the lungs Sold by AntiMonopolyDrugstore Price 25c 50c and 100per bottle

NOTICENotice is hereby given that the

board of county commissioners have-on this day examined and revised theregistration books of this county andhave erased therefrom the followingnames

Ocala Precinct No AddlsonSamuel dead Biggs T E movedBullock S A dead Barco J Mmoved Condon W D dead Con ¬

don W W moved Crawford JnoF dead Close Geo dead Carmichael E H dead Chambers W Jmoved Culverhouse B J dead Foy-H B Jr moved Gadson Harrymoved Hilburn J P moved Hen-ry


J H moved Hendricks C Rdead Mathews G G moved Moffatt-T W moved Owen T J deadParr L J dead Stafford L Dmoved Weathers B S moved

Shady Precinct Xo 7 Ulmer Wes-ley


deadMoss Bluff Precinct No 10 Holly

J P dead Pillans P P movedGrahamville Precinct Xo llCox

W R movedSalt Springs Precinct No 12

Knibbs Ernest movedAnthony Precinct No 17Boyd J

Q dead Daniels S B dead Grlner J B moved McDowell W Mdead

Sparr Precinct No 26Jones Phil-lip


deadFairfield Precinct No 31 Ham-


W D dead Smbak J D nosuch name Young N G no suchname

The said board of county commis ¬

sioners will meet on Monday Octo-ber


26th A D 190S for the purpose-of restoring to the registration bookssuch names as have been wrongfullyor erroneously erased or strickentherefrom

This October 14 190SS T SISTRUXK Clerk

Dont be deceived by imitations ofDeWitts Carbolized Witch HazelSalve When you ask for DeWitts besure to get It Te name is stamped-on every box There is just one orig ¬

inal It is especially good for pilesWe sell and recommend them Soldby AntiMonopoly Drugstore-

I E Tompkins the allround hustlerhas opened his employment bureauand information bureau at his stallXo 10 city market I will do all I canto fill all the wants of the public inand out o fthe city and will endeavor-to furnish help for all kinds of posi-


I Call on or write will havephone later If you are looking forwork see Ike Tompkins at the city

I marcet Ocala Fla

is f r yy-



A Significant FactN-o

lother medicine for womans ills has any such professional endorsement as Dr Pierces Favorite

Prescription has received in the unqualified recommendation of each of its several ingredients byscores of leading medical men of all the schools of practice Is such an endorsement not worthy if

of your consideration i Is it not a significant fact too that =ilh

Dr Pierces Favorite Prescription i-

IIs the only medicine sold through druggists for womans peculiar weakof

nesses and ills the makers of which are not afraid to print its every in-gredient J1on its outside wrapper Is this not worthy of your consideration tif you are a poor sick invalid woman 9

The formula of Dr Pierces Favorite Prescription will bear the most critical examination of medical ex-perts


for it contains no alcohol narcotics harmful or habitforming drugs and no agent enters into itthat is not highly recommended by the most advanced and leading medical teachers and authorities of their k

several schools of practice These authorities recommend the ingredients of Dr Pierces Favorite Prescrip-tion


for the cure of exactly the same ailments for which this worldfamed medicine is advisedA booklet of ingredients with numerous authorative professional endorsements by the leading medical +

authorities of this country will be mailed free to any one sending name and address with request for sameAddress Dr R V Pierce Buffalo N Y i


JIts foolishoften dangerous to accept a substitute of unknown composition in place of this timetried

medicine of known composition Dont do it Insist on getting what you ask forI


Conventions held every Mon ¬

day evening in Castle Hall over Pey¬

sers store A cordial welcome to vis ¬

iting knights H1 Hampton C CChas K Sage K of R and S


r 1 OOFT-


Lodge No 22

I O O F meets every Tuesday even-ing

¬ I

in Yonge Hall Visiting brothers I


always I

V Leavengood N GM M Little Secretary



Notice is hereby given that thocounty commissioners of Marion coun ¬

ty Florida have appointed as inspec ¬

tors and clerks for the general elec ¬

tion to be held November 3rd A D1908 as follows

District No IBox 1 W W Clyatt J T Lancaster L F Ballard in ¬

spectors H C Sistrunk clerIc Box2 G W Martin I W Ogle E PThagard inspectors H D Stokesclerk

District No 2S L i ridy Ed Rou-C M Carn inspectors B P Wilsonclerk

District No3C M Mathews HW Nettles W D Mathews Inspec ¬

tors D E Mathews clerkDistrict No 4J S Weathers J

F Parker Chas Veal Inspectors DM Barco clerk

District No 5W H Guilfoyle WJ Folks J T Hutchins inspectors-J B McGehee clerk

District No 6R E Aiken C MWhitton R D Stokes inspectors WL Jordan clerk

District No 7J JI Douglass JI M Goin John Smith inspectors HW Douglass clerk

District Nuj W uarlaG JrDillard Wm E McKay inspecto-rsA Mitchell clerk

District No 9J L Carney R MBlair J A Scott inspectors H HHenry Sr clerk

District No 10W E Martin AW Fort A M Higgins Inspectors-J M Mark clerk

District No llT W Randall RD McDonald P L Durisoe Inspec ¬

tors C H Rogers clerkDistrict No 12 Calvm Long D E

McRae Malvin Long inspectors Pe-ter


McRae clerkDistrict No 13J W Stevens A

P Munroe Joe Brumby inspectorsFrank Priest clerk

District No 14Y H Massey LT Matchett L J Harper inspectorsFrank Jordan clerk

District No 15C A McRanie JB Booth John Irvine inspectors RB Irvine clerk

District No 16S Rainey GeorgeTownsend A C White inspectors-R K Wartmann clerk

District No 1J R Wilder WW Griffin F W Bishop inspector-



Careful estimates made on allcontract work Gives more andbetter work for the money thanany other contractor in to-


All carefulwomen use

IO v

oyg 1u 0N

Woman who suffer from se¬

vere headaches and all diseaes due to a torpid liver shouldnut fill their stomach with cal¬

omel and other drugsHERBINE QUICKLY CURESBiliousness Constipation Chilisand Fever Dyspepsia Malariaand all Liver Complaints

Mrs C D Philley MarbleFalls Tex writes I find Herbine tho best liver corrective Iever tried It has done my fa-mily


and myself a world of1B good I recommend it to my

rlantsPRICE SOc

Ballard Snow Liniment Co-



a p >si

L 1t 1 J


The ividnoii11 If

Hardwarc Cot




Doors Paints Builders HardwareSash Oils Farm Implements

Blinds Varnishes Carpenters ToolsSaw Mill Phosphate and Turpentine Supplies

Guns Revolvers Ammunition Leggings Hunting Coats Gun Casesl

State agents for and carry in stock Implements-and Gasolene Engines of the International Harvester t

Company tAmerican and Elwood Field Fence t

H B CLARKSON General Manager



HONEY and TARCures Coughs Colds Croup La Grippe Asthma Throat In the tand Lung Trouble Prevents Pneumonia and Consumption YELLOW pACKAa t-





Walter Credle clerk I

District No 18E P Townsend-W H Shockley W B Livingstoninspectors N J Townsend clerk

District No 1John Pasteur HC Morrison C F Waterman inspec ¬

tors B Coggins clerkDistrict No 20W J Willis J B

George J W Coulter inspectorsGeorge H BUtch clerk I

District No 21Jas N Shedd RC Ridge J C Freeman InspectorsO M Gale clerk I

District No 22W E Allen W MGist J A Fluellen inspectors John I

Walkup clerkDistrict No 23R E Perry Henry

Shaw J G Dennison inspectors PA Snow clerk

District No 24J L Leitner NA Boswell Harry Peter inspectors-Lee Knight clerk

District No 25J M Mathews WR Caldwell J N DC Long inspec ¬

tors C W Quick clerkDistrict No 26 Walter Luffman

W D Eminisor W I Colbert inspectors Allen Stevens clerk

District No 2F W Harp Ed Tuton Jasper Brinson inspectors G BParramore clerk

District No 2SH W Shaw JrC E Lucius Will Frayer Inspectors-J


D Scruggs clerkDistrict No 29Clarence C Priest

W V Chappell V C Wells Inspec j

tors C I Grace clerkDistrict No 30H W Long C P

Haycraft D A Clark inspectors PA Ausley clerk

District No 31A J McLaughlin-W A Yongue D B Payne Inspec ¬

tors E S Smith clerkDistrict No 32F H Dreher J L1

Whittington E A Smith inspectors-D R Zetrouer clerk

This October 14 A D 1908-S T SISTRUNK Clerk

Board of County Commissioners

PILES PILES PILESWilliams Indian Pile Ointment will

cure blind bleeding and Itching pilesIt absorbs the tumors allays the itch ¬

ing at once acts as a poultice givesinstant relief Williams Indian PileOintment is prepared for piles anditching of the private parts Sold bydruggists mail 50c and 1 WilliamsManufacturing Co Props ClevelandO Sold by AntiMonopoly Drugstore


I In the Circuit Court of the Fifth Judi-cial


Circuit of Florida in and forI Marion CountyIn ChanceryLewis E Yonce Complainant vs Ma ¬

bel E Yonce DefendantOrder forConstructive Service-

It is ordered that the defendant hereinnamed towit Mabel E Yonce be andshe is hereby required to appear to thebill of complaint filed in this cause onor beforeMonday the 7th Day of December 1908-

ItI is further ordered that a copy ofI this order be published once a weekfor eight consecutive weeks in the

I Ocala Star a newspaper published inI said andcounty stateI This 30th day of September 1908

S T SistrunkClerk Circuit Court Marion Co Fla

H L Anderson H M HamptonComplainants Solicitors

y< wy4U l

t rf

Eat WhatY-

ou want of the food you needKodol will digest it

You need a sufficient amount ofgood wholesoirie food and more thanthis you need to fully digest it

Else you cant gain strength norcan strengthen your stomach ifit is weak

You must eat in order to live andmaintain strength-

You must not diet because thebody requires that you eat a suffic-


amount of food regularly

But this food must be digested-and it must be digested thoroughly

When the stomach cant do ityou must take something that willhelp the stomach

The proper way to do is to eatwhat you want and let Kodol di-


the foo-

dnothing else can do this When-i the stomach is weak it needs help

you must help it by giving it restand Kodol will d > that

Our Guarantee-Go to your druggist today and

purchase dollar bottle and if youcan honestly say that you did notreceive any benefits from it aftery v

using the entire bottle thegist will refund your money to youwithout question or delay j

We will pay the druggist the price-of the bottle purchased by you

This offer applies to the largebottle only and to but one in sk

family It

We could not afford to make suehtlan offer unless we positivelywhat Kodol will do for you

It would bankrupt us-

Thedollarbottlecontains2S5timeeas much as the fifty cent bottle

Kodol made at laboratoriesof E DeWitt Co Chicago






Tickets on sale Oct 26 to 3 t inclusiveFinal limit Nov I Pullman cars

For tickets reservations or Information call on nearest Atlantic CoasterLine Agent orJ W CARR T P A J G KIRKLAND D IfeAtf



