ocala evening star. (ocala, florida) 1909-10-18 [p...

I 1 I v cr THE OCALA EVENING STAR MONDAY OCTOBER ii 190 I T i c I i r7 I 4YLq- z I DrrP erces Favorite Prescription f- i f 1 1 HAKES WEAK WOHEN STRONG L SICKWOFIENWELL- i m Ftf eta 40 years this celebrated remedy has b jjg womens lives happierhealth ieCsfer Ifaay thousands of women have testified 19 ftnrtwkrful elect V k Z TbeFavonte Prescription is A iiiE ONE REMEDY that cam he de- ht QJJ I- Jrl S S wIIM there may tenmgemet of the MsOmcOy I Irr1t It purities heels seethes MUs up t I I THE ONE REMEDY which stselutety coaiulms mcHber mlcohel wNci aWf Women ht ntmk pelsom mor Injurious er- T1fEONE 1 ST Iw II p t I REMEDY which h MO perfect In Its composltltm- jorf 1 j jet kt MM curative effects ms to wmrrmnt Its mukens- m 1 rtstamg Its every htgreHeat they do oa its oatsUo- misfpst t tmtfjk the sure voter solemn omtb II It needed when backaches make life miserablewhen a sicken Mf dragging ba ngdown feeling makes work a weary agony WI e1i1 ck headache nervous irritability loss of energy and appp tkc indicate derangement of the womanly organism It is a purely TCjkablc compound being a glycenc extract from native medicinal isotrM can not injure in any condition of the female system i dr PIerce Pleasant Pellets help the effect of 11II other medicines by keeping the liver active and the bowels fen + They regulate and strengthen Stomach Liver and Bowel- st t io take as candy At all dealers get what ytu ask for I Worlds Dispensary Medical Association Buffalo NY b eIj- S B BOBINgON Pre ldeat 1 B BLITCH Manager J O BOOZER Aast GEO 3 BLITCH Te- llerCOMMERCIAL BANK z3tl Tt j j I 4r OCALA FLA- T i THEDEPOSITORS IN THIS BANK r c re tie merchants the professional and successful men and women of- flM dty UM farmers of the surrounding territory WVaccommodate all c1use Our customers represent the men and WMiei who hay built and are gUi building successful enterprises Wesolicit a aaare or your Business S I buL c s- jTEFORNITUflE L HOUSE S OF HdVERl HaeKAT CARRIES A LARGE QiRAD COMPLETE STOCK J jli 4 1fG OF T1 FURNJrURE E HOUSE FURNISHINGS I ALL KINDS 0 1 The ttlj iMseii Ceifral FltrHi that tJleIdJ taifche IK Itae Carries at all Tines the Latest ail ettjU Firatttre lee 1I1 ip with Ole tines art Jisl What Petple Wait AIM carries a CMiplete Hie tf Balliers ail Shell artwart Carriafes Wiftis Bifiies Haness Saddles Etc Utk c ver tir Stock ail let ear prices before yw I eJ y1 pnthases f tars lesp- edfiHyMclVERMuKAY co lrC 1 Ocala Florida- VERNON M MB H BB MVI H HMW BH B B v HMBa M B v VH P v a v S I W ELDRED j tHE UPTODATE I HOUSED SIGN PAINTER Card Signs Designed and Made Paperhanging a Spec UltyV Mirrors Made and Old Ones Resilvered Glass Frosting Gilding Graining Kalsomining Furniture Re- pairing etc Quality a little higherprices a little lower v T ALL WORK GUARANTEED I 21 Office Meatezwa lefel t f 1 C Surprising 2 a What Kodol Will D- of f r when you need it But the longer you neg hdIdjgstioii the more you will suffer before Kodol out rwtorc Good Digestion I S AiLot COVM IndlKMtloB neg huM ssg ooMgb brings on seri 4INSII IH WhIch Kodol cannot bss t TWL Some of UMM there kipfratll Ttart art la fact very few a- Wants wWci cssiot 11 traced dl tecUy to imparr blood And 1m- Wod 5 ta always du to a dis distomack- S Us Ko4oi ani prsrmt Nenroos 1 KMot1tUIeCrectany umt Na tire to uecrs a complete restore tIeL of food dlfMtloB It does 2 5 tbtatr ato e dlfMtlnr food 4 to tH sto lUcked keeping It dl te S sm4 witil the stomach Is rested ttdllelta owa work K- CnoT > F 41 the cause and the- eIIIet f sfcUr reovesitseir WkW It to recalled that Apo ffMrjrts Heart Disease Cancere- ndcassuqiare gus to- d15gsetIo and poisons thus traltted to the blood and jt i tssgboit tbs system the isapo- rf f mUitsJniBK good 41g- wlbM + < w rwlkeL- I r 6r > 1 We knew what Kodol would ds before ever the Irst bottle was sold If we did not know Just what- it will do we would not guarantee it the way we d- on is easy for you to prove Kodol the next or the first time you have an attack of indigestion And you will certainly be surprised at the results It Is perfectly harm ¬ lessThere can be no harm in trying something that may do you a great deal of good when it costs yos nothing If it doesnt Our Guarantee Oo to your druggist tody o4 get a dot lar Thea after roa hay Ke4 the entire eon tents of the bottle If yo c> hoBeMljr lay tbat it has not done you anf rood retnra the bottle to the druggist and will refund your noney without tlos or delay We will then pay the drug toT the bottle Dont hesitate tll drnggliU know that oar is ThU offer applies to the large botUeoaly and to but one in a family The large bot- tle ¬ contains 24 tlaaea aa snuch aa 1M Uttf cent bottle Kodol Is prepared at the labors tories of E DtWitt ft CoChlcap A 1j r yt LL BY ALL FIRST CLASS DRUGSTORES I t oj r1I 4 c S PAID IN- FULL I 1 Novelized From Eugene Walters Great Play JOHN p d J rliiJ I S KliiaffcAm C CHAFTBK XX in tbe Caticills the sun had UP the whole eky to Itself Ev ¬ erything presaged a hot day Early though the hour was the clock had not yet struck GEmma was out on the piazza dressed for walking She wore a cool clinging costume of pale straw colored tussah- so short that It descended little below the tops of her high buttoned light tan shoes A soft felt hat such as men travelers roll up and carry In their pockets was secured to her fair hair by a hatpin and its limp border hung down and shaded ber eyes These of- a blue that rivaled the heavens were sparkling with admiration of the scene and her cheeks glowed with health She made a lovely picture as she stood gazing out into the valley Jimsy Smith who had stopped on the road above on his way from the hotel where he had put up the night before and of whose presence therp at that moment she was quite unconscious thought he bid never seen any picture BO beautiful in all his life But then Jlmsys judgment was biased lie had always considered Emma pretty anti found something to admire In her even when with grimy hands and in soiled cotton drew she was engaged la unpoetical occppafjop of polish- Ing the kitchen stove Beth her balr twisted into little I wHye knots with queer pins and at tired In S pink wrapper joined her Why dont you set your things on and come with us1 urged Emma Jimsy will be here at C oclock- Me North mountain No thank you I bad enough walking yesterday Im going to church motliers coming too Wfl didnt go Jast Sunday and tbe whole park will be gossiping If the family Jspt represented sometimes by some 000 or other Theyll think were f alI pagans Besides Im going Jo wear the new gown Jimsy brought up for me from the dressmakers Wasp it lucky he was coming It wouldnt have been here till Tuesday or Wednes- day ¬ That mans always on hand just wben hess granted Wont those Par- lous ¬ girls stare Jimsy walked down through tin laurel bower Beth he said by way of saluta- tion ¬ thats the most common sense mountain climbing outfit I ever saw Its very rude to mal e remarks about peoples clothing when tbeyj not dressed to receive she retorted Youre not privileged to express any opinion Its too early But Its quite Impossible to stay abed with Emu carrying as if it was the middle of the day Shes been Humming all- over the house since 5 oclock and all that because shes going for a climb Why she hasnt slept a wink think ¬ ing of her new dress laughed Emma Well Beth by the time youve got your halo out of curl and settle down- In your pew observed Smith we shall be several hundred feet nearer the other cherubs listening to the sol 4 I I I 4- L J Its a treat to go walking with ypu f know you love It emn anthems of the whispering pines Yes I said the solemn anthems of the whispering pines Jimsj if I didnt know different Id suspect you of being a poet The next thing we know youll be wearing your hair long and pouring out your soul in Sapphic strophes likelike Emma here hr dont know that Ive sampled that particular brand of strophes and I aint quite sure that I know just what I strophes are but if Emma thinks they are all right Ill stand for em I Ob come on Jimsy dont listen to her nonsense laughed Emma I They started out briskly Emma showing the way Do you know its a real treat to go walking with you she said 1 know you love it Ive heard you say so Beth cant bear long walks and as for mother she rarely goes farther than jjjer piazza rocking chair But Ive dragged Beth about and learned every path through tlje woods to the sum- mits ¬ and plateaus This is the second summer Ive been here ypu know Deserting the beaten path they as- cended ¬ through forests of trees of ev- ery ¬ description but as they proceeded along the path in places ankle deep in wet moss and unshed throuch under g brush that kept Smith busy breaking a way for his dainty but hardy and seemingly tireless companion they came into the fir region amid hoary giants that shot sheer to such a height that they seemed to form pillars for the canopy of the heavens Emma re- garded ¬ the great trees with awe but Smith laughed He told her they were as saplings compared with the mighty trees of the west He tried- to describe these and became filled with the fever of Immensity The long unfelt influence of the borderless prairies the mammoth mountain chains far flung through the prodigious spaces of the sunset lands that dimin- ished ¬ their proportions was upon him His soul strained to burst its tethers and soar upward into the Infinite where it could expand unrestrained Burning words never used unimag med before in his unlettered mind ade- quate to depict this liberated spiritual- ity ¬ surged tumultuously to his Ups to die there Continued Tomorrow CARD OF THANKS We take this method of thanking- the public through the columns of your paper for the liberal patronage- that has been extended us through- the past season in our business as we have not been able to deliver- cars as the entire country as a whole bought more cars than the Buick factory could produce We are just in receipt of letters lIving us a slight inkling of our 1910 pro ¬ duct assuring us of the fact that there will be no question in the fu- ture ¬ that wo will bo cared fQr Our 1910 models will be ready for de- livery ¬ the first of November and we have the assurance that if we should need 100 cars we can deliver the same Our models 10 and 17 will be continued but the horse ¬ power will be iacrgased 20 per cent We will also have a modl fnoiTfl as No 18 practically the same as our No 17 only slightly a smaller car and will sell for about 1400 complete and wp think this model will hold the rest of them for qult a while We will also have a 600- a runabout 2cylinder opposed motor In front under the boar4 cone clutch in fly wheel selective type transmission apd dpijbjp cftain drive 30x3 12 tires and we want to say to thg public that so far as pulling through sand In concerned- this car has no equal Thanking our friends for past favors we are Very respectfully OCALA GAS ENGINE WORKS Per J H Spencer WOODMARfOp P4T GOODWIN BUNGALOWFurnish- ed modern pjumtylng running water acetylene gas 30 per week ARGYLE COTTAGE Furnished running water 5 per week BJ AIR viLpArTp rent on Optober 1 for the winter furnished running water modern plumbing acetylene gas S25 per month David S WOOdrow Holder Block Ocala Fla tiKILL PAINTING I am prepared to take any Job of painting no matter how large or how small or how fine the work desired may be I have the material brushes- and knowledge to paint and do IT right Houses painted JnsJde and out Graining gilding hard oil finishing varnishing and lettering and sign painting Taste and skill guaranteed Address F O Box 135 or leave word- at the Star office Jf W IJJyaw OcalLF13 tf c LLANsFoR5TU- NFB 1 i RESIDENT PIANO I Work Guaranteed AGEJJT fOR KNABE PIANO Phone 132- 8k oo THE COMMERCIALPRE- SSING CLUB JI CIt BARDIN ProprieUr Next Door to the Western Unit Telegraph Office Work Called for and Delivered Prompt- ly All Work Guaranteed White Trade Only- C J PHILLIPS Contractor and Builder Plans and Specifications Burnished Upon Reques 129 South Third St Bad BLOOD c Befpre I began using Casouet I W a bad complexion pimples on my ftc and my food was not digested as it ftboola have been Now I am entirely well and the pimples have all disappeared from my face I can truthfully say that Cascarefci are just sa advertised I liars tftkcn onlj two boxes of them Clarence R Griffin Sheridan lad Pleasant Palatable Potent Taste Good Do Good Never StekenWeakea or GrIps JOe 2Sc SOc Never sold ia bulk The PRI- De tablet stamped C C C GnaramtMd to core or your money back 927 FRESH FISH- I receive dally snpments of choke fresh and salt water fish of the best varieties I handle nothing but fish and handle them right I WM TUCKER Phone 21S City Market i Ij W r TRE 1 j j S 1 t < 1- J I n d j ii- J i P- rt I 1to- fi 1 Announces that they have been too bosy this week to 4 v write up their complete Holiday Opening ad but wisKto state that they will make you so 1eSpeci llOfftri jnext- week t J t We want you all to visit our second floor store where we have an immense stock of all kinds of goods especially K Toys and Holiday Supplies This departnjcot1 s more goods alone than almost any other store in4fce- tll A county of this character It is a fruitful Bargain depart- ment ¬ and will save you money 4 In our main or first floor store we have sonic of the rarest Bargains we have ever offered in Clothing Shoes Dry Goods Hats Hosiery Shirts Pants Millinery Goods Notions and Trimmings of all kinds Stationery School Supplies Crockery and Glass Flue China in all the fancy goodsPictures etc etc 1 r if Sa < w if J will go fdrtlo there than any where else in the country > IATcHFul1 HOLIDAY ADEtT 1- etor r rg f- l m f >> 1 t- Qe lci 11or1dJ GOOD FARM FOR SALE 14 Aprs okrid1ilf a Mile North 9f ga 90 acres cleared and unjier good fenpe balance timbered one mJle fti- a subdfstrlet school a 6room two house one stack chimney a spjendjij Tvelj qf water good barn and outhouse Tha land Js as good ii JJ can be found In Marion county for truck and general farming Terms reasonable D N Waldron Oak Fla ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION- And Proposed Charter of Ocala De- velopment Company The undesigned intending and pro- posing ¬ to organize a cprporatjoi un- der ¬ tlje general laws of tpestate of FlorIda relatIng tp corporation fpp profit hereby make and publish tlje following artipjep pf fncorpQFatoi and proposed charter I The name of the corporation shall be Ocala Development Company and its principal place of business shall be at Ocala in Marion county Florida II Thg general nature of business to be ranacLo4 g To acquire buy own lease sell and encuwoer reaj estate and Interests therejn to issue boni and other evidences of indebtedness- to buy acquire and own personal Pfopprty Incident to its business and uy arid sell sepurjtjes to construct hpuses buildings ani ofher gtpc- tures to act as agent and trustee for Others in the investment of moneys Ji jreal and person al property and des gJnpF3K jn real estate per- sonal property stopks fepRdg g mortgage and do and peFfoprn suet other business as is incident to the purposes of this charter and not In ¬ consistent with the laws of the state Of Florida JJI The amount of capital stock author- Ized is the sum of fifty thousand dol- lars which will be divided into five hundred shares of the par value of one hundred dollars each which will be paid In by conveyance to the cor- poration ¬ of certain real estate and personal property owned by the In- coporator the j t and true valua of h is hereby flied bythei- ncjrpbratprg at t e uff1 of fifty thousand dollars ijn stock Is issued it shall boo fully paii and nonassessable IV The corporation shall exist for a term of fifty yearsV The business of the company shall be conducted by the following named officers towit A president a yjce president and a secretary and treas- urer ¬ which last named offices may be held by the same person and by a board of not less than three directors which said officers shall be elected at the annual meeting of the stpck holders and directors to be held at Ocala Florida on the first Tuesday- in December of each year The names of the officers who will conduct the business of the company until those elected at the first election shall be qualified are H L Anderson presi ¬ dent J J Fort vice president and H M Hampton secretary and treas- urer ¬ VI The highest amount of indebtedness- to which the corporation can at any time subject Itself Is two hundred and fifty thousand dollars a VI- TPe names IJn9 resjdences of the 5 S 5 J T- MOWIEZUMA KNIELG- uy w Toni OPEN THE YEAR 1BOUN- DUa41i1 t Ctaaerclal Reid Rates 52 Per Ray Ooif HIJIJi tj- J Washington Seminary I North Ave and Peachtree Str Atlanta Ga Boarding and Day School for girls and young ladles Boarding department strictly limited to Insure re fined home life Classes divided Into small sections to secure personal In ¬ struction Faculty of eighteen specialists Conservatory advantages In Mus Ic Art Expression Certificate admits you to Vasaar Wellesley Randolph Macon etc Thirtysecond year begins September 1909 Catalogue on ape PfPfrfJP L D SCOTT EMMA 3 SCOTT Principals I- t x K4 + 4t1V ttI ++ 9l + 14 + + 144fCt + 49 ROLLINS COLLEGE I v FLORIDAS OLD EST COLLEGE COLLEG ACADEMY AND SCHOOLS OF MUSIC EXPRESSION JI FINE ARTS DOMESTIC AND NDUSTRIAL ARTS AND 4S ± BUSINESS t Carnegie Hall and third mens dormitory now completed electric Hffhts sjeam ant furnace heat large faculty perfect health condV tlpn flne gymnasia athlptjc elds boating tennis courts golf Hnk i baseball to basketballteams 4hrnpnn of Florida in IMi JJV i Nearly a quarter of a million dollars endowinenff ekpenkea 1Pplt IIChOrar hl s available Christian hot rfr f undenominational I for i CI4i4cTlI CULTURE t IIJL- 9r clfg9ue Addrew th Hf ffnr fwwr F Btecjonan Ph p7 Winter Paw + t < t ft- J = < subscribers and the amount sub ¬ scribed by each areas follows H L Anderson Jacksonville Flor ¬ ida 450 shares- JJ Fort Ocala Florida 25 shares- H M Hampton Ocala Florida 25 shares- In witness whereof the Incorpora- tors have hereunto set their hands and afflxe their seals this the ninth day of October A D 1909 H L Anderson seal Jl X Fprt sealS ff J fr Hampton seai State of Florida County of Marlpn Personally appeared before me the undersigned authority H L Ander- son ¬ J J Fort and H M Hampton each of whom are well know tp me to be the parties described In and who executed the foregping artclcs s pf In- corporation ¬ and proposed charter and each acknowledged the execution- of the same fpr the uses and purposes therein set forth and expressed Given under my hand and seal of office this the ninth day pf October I9O Weal Ct CD S T Sistrunk Clerk Circuit Court Marion County Notice of Application for letter Patent Notice Is hereby given that the un- dersigned ¬ will on the 15th day of No- vember ¬ 1909 apply to the governor of Florida at Tallahassee Florida for letters patent upon the foregoing arti- cles ¬ of Incorporation and proposed charter H L Anderson- J J Fort S H M Hampton C I FOLEY HONEY ANoTAR The Qrigina- lLAXiTlYEcDuiluelll4 coughs colas throat a4 troubles No opiates Naji Good for everybody Sold erf- FQLEYS 1- i egelJt i HONEY WJ TAR fe tYUowpckge Ref QlII PrpId nI- ttw y Aom Ch SOLD IV ALL DRUQT4- L c ALEXANDER I Practical f- CMPEXTER AND BiHLDE- Carefai estimates m flt otf ill contract work mves more ait bet ter work for Ute money thm- otnflr ny coTjtrRtor IB ow If c- FoaflEIDTOi wm u t C1- n 9 > k P1- S

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Page 1: Ocala Evening Star. (Ocala, Florida) 1909-10-18 [p FOUR].ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/03300/00560.pdf · I 1 I v cr THE OCALA EVENING STAR MONDAY OCTOBER ii 190 I T i c





cI i

r7 I4YLq-

z I

DrrPerces Favorite Prescription f-


1 1


mFtf eta 40 years this celebrated remedy has

b jjg womens lives happierhealthieCsfer

Ifaay thousands of women have testified

19 ftnrtwkrful electV k

Z TbeFavonte Prescription isA

iiiE ONE REMEDY that cam he de-

htQJJ I-


S wIIM there may tenmgemet of the MsOmcOy

I Irr1t It purities heels seethes MUs upt

I I THE ONE REMEDY which stselutety coaiulms mcHber mlcohel

wNci aWf Women ht ntmk pelsom mor Injurious er-



ST Iw II p tI

REMEDY which h MO perfect In Its composltltm-

jorf1 j jet kt MM curative effects ms to wmrrmnt Its mukens-



rtstamg Its every htgreHeat they do oa its oatsUo-

misfpstt tmtfjk the sure voter solemn omtb

II It needed when backaches make life miserablewhen a sicken

Mf dragging ba ngdown feeling makes work a weary agonyWI e1i1 ck headache nervous irritability loss of energy and appp

tkc indicate derangement of the womanly organism It is a purelyTCjkablc compound being a glycenc extract from native medicinal

isotrM can not injure in any condition of the female system

i dr PIerce Pleasant Pellets help the effect of11II other medicines by keeping the liver active and the bowels

fen + Theyregulate and strengthen Stomach Liver and Bowel-stt io take as candy At all dealers get what ytu ask for

I Worlds Dispensary Medical Association Buffalo N Y

b eIj-

SB BOBINgON Pre ldeat

1 B BLITCH Manager J O BOOZER Aast


llerCOMMERCIAL BANKz3tl Tt j j






re tie merchants the professional and successful men and women of-flM dty UM farmers of the surrounding territory

WVaccommodate all c1use Our customers represent the men andWMiei who hay built and are gUi building successful enterprises

Wesolicit a aaare or your BusinessS I

buL c s-






4 1fG OF




The ttlj iMseii Ceifral FltrHi that tJleIdJtaifche IK Itae Carries at all Tines the Latest ailettjU Firatttre lee 1I1 ip with Ole tines art Jisl

What Petple WaitAIM carries a CMiplete Hie tf Balliers ail Shell

artwart Carriafes Wiftis Bifiies Haness Saddles EtcUtk

cver tir Stock ail let ear prices before yw

I eJ y1 pnthases ftars lesp-edfiHyMclVERMuKAY


lrC 1

Ocala Florida-





HOUSED SIGN PAINTERCard Signs Designed and Made Paperhanging a Spec

UltyV Mirrors Made and Old Ones Resilvered GlassFrosting Gilding Graining Kalsomining Furniture Re-pairing etc Quality a little higherprices a little lower


T ALL WORK GUARANTEEDI 21 Office Meatezwa lefel


f 1

C Surprising2 a What Kodol Will D-


r when you need it But the longer you neghdIdjgstioii the more you will suffer before Kodolout rwtorc Good Digestion


S AiLot COVM IndlKMtloB neghuM ssg ooMgb brings on seri

4INSII IH WhIch Kodol cannotbss t TWL Some of UMM therekipfratllTtart art la fact very few a-Wants wWci cssiot 11 traced dltecUy to imparr blood And 1m-

Wod5 ta always du to a disdistomack-

S Us Ko4oi ani prsrmt Nenroos1

KMot1tUIeCrectany umt Natire to uecrs a complete restoretIeL of food dlfMtloB It does

2 5 tbtatr ato e dlfMtlnr food4 to tH stolUcked keeping It dlte S sm4 witil the stomach Is rested

ttdllelta owa work K-CnoT

>F 41 the cause and the-

eIIIet fsfcUr reovesitseirWkW It to recalled that Apo

ffMrjrts Heart Disease Cancere-ndcassuqiare gus to-

d15gsetIo and poisons thustraltted to the blood andjt i tssgboit tbs system the isapo-rf f mUitsJniBK good 41g-wlbM+ < w rwlkeL-

Ir 6r> 1

We knew what Kodol would dsbefore ever the Irst bottle wassold If we did not know Just what-it will do we would not guaranteeit the way we d-

on is easy for you to prove Kodolthe next or the first time you

have an attack of indigestion Andyou will certainly be surprised atthe results It Is perfectly harm¬

lessThere can be no harm in tryingsomething that may do you a greatdeal of good when it costs yosnothing If it doesnt

Our GuaranteeOo to your druggist tody o4 get a dot

lar Thea after roa hay Ke4 theentire eontents of the bottle If yo c >hoBeMljr lay tbat it has not done you anfrood retnra the bottle to the druggist and

will refund your noney withouttlos or delay We will then pay the drug

toT the bottle Dont hesitate tlldrnggliU know that oar isThU offer applies to the large botUeoalyand to but one in a family The large bot-tle


contains 24 tlaaea aa snuch aa 1M Uttfcent bottleKodol Is prepared at the labors

tories of E DtWitt ft CoChlcap



4 cS




Novelized From EugeneWalters Great Play


d JrliiJ I S KliiaffcAm C

CHAFTBK XXin tbe Caticills the sun had

UP the whole eky to Itself Ev¬

erything presaged a hot dayEarly though the hour was

the clock had not yet struck GEmmawas out on the piazza dressed forwalking She wore a cool clingingcostume of pale straw colored tussah-so short that It descended little belowthe tops of her high buttoned light tanshoes A soft felt hat such as mentravelers roll up and carry In theirpockets was secured to her fair hairby a hatpin and its limp border hungdown and shaded ber eyes These of-

a blue that rivaled the heavens weresparkling with admiration of the sceneand her cheeks glowed with healthShe made a lovely picture as she stoodgazing out into the valley JimsySmith who had stopped on the roadabove on his way from the hotelwhere he had put up the night beforeand of whose presence therp at thatmoment she was quite unconsciousthought he bid never seen any pictureBO beautiful in all his life But thenJlmsys judgment was biased lie hadalways considered Emma pretty antifound something to admire In hereven when with grimy hands and insoiled cotton drew she was engagedla unpoetical occppafjop of polish-Ing the kitchen stove

Beth her balr twisted into littleI wHye knots with queer pins and at

tired In S pink wrapper joined herWhy dont you set your things on

and come with us1 urged EmmaJimsy will be here at C oclock-

Me North mountain No thankyou I bad enough walking yesterdayIm going to church motliers comingtoo Wfl didnt go Jast Sunday andtbe whole park will be gossiping If thefamily Jspt represented sometimes bysome 000 or other Theyll think were


alI pagans Besides Im going Jo wearthe new gown Jimsy brought up forme from the dressmakers Wasp itlucky he was coming It wouldnthave been here till Tuesday or Wednes-day


That mans always on hand justwben hess granted Wont those Par-


girls stareJimsy walked down through tin

laurel bowerBeth he said by way of saluta-


thats the most common sensemountain climbing outfit I ever saw

Its very rude to mal e remarksabout peoples clothing when tbeyjnot dressed to receive she retortedYoure not privileged to express any

opinion Its too early But Its quiteImpossible to stay abed with Emucarrying as if it was the middle ofthe day Shes been Humming all-

over the house since 5 oclock andall that because shes going for aclimb

Why she hasnt slept a wink think ¬

ing of her new dress laughed EmmaWell Beth by the time youve got

your halo out of curl and settle down-In your pew observed Smith weshall be several hundred feet nearerthe other cherubs listening to the sol






Its a treat to go walking with ypu fknow you love It

emn anthems of the whispering pinesYes I said the solemn anthems of thewhispering pines

Jimsj if I didnt know different Idsuspect you of being a poet The nextthing we know youll be wearing yourhair long and pouring out your soul inSapphic strophes likelike Emmahere

hr dont know that Ive sampled thatparticular brand of strophes and Iaint quite sure that I know just what I

strophes are but if Emma thinks theyare all right Ill stand for em I

Ob come on Jimsy dont listen toher nonsense laughed Emma I

They started out briskly Emmashowing the way

Do you know its a real treat to gowalking with you she said 1 knowyou love it Ive heard you say soBeth cant bear long walks and as formother she rarely goes farther thanjjjer piazza rocking chair But Ivedragged Beth about and learned everypath through tlje woods to the sum-


and plateaus This is the secondsummer Ive been here ypu know

Deserting the beaten path they as-


through forests of trees of ev-


description but as they proceededalong the path in places ankle deep inwet moss and unshed throuch under


brush that kept Smith busy breaking away for his dainty but hardy andseemingly tireless companion theycame into the fir region amid hoarygiants that shot sheer to such a heightthat they seemed to form pillars forthe canopy of the heavens Emma re-


the great trees with awe butSmith laughed He told her theywere as saplings compared with themighty trees of the west He tried-to describe these and became filledwith the fever of Immensity Thelong unfelt influence of the borderlessprairies the mammoth mountainchains far flung through the prodigiousspaces of the sunset lands that dimin-ished


their proportions was upon himHis soul strained to burst its tethersand soar upward into the Infinitewhere it could expand unrestrainedBurning words never used unimagmed before in his unlettered mind ade-quate to depict this liberated spiritual-ity


surged tumultuously to his Upsto die there

Continued Tomorrow


We take this method of thanking-the public through the columns ofyour paper for the liberal patronage-that has been extended us through-the past season in our business aswe have not been able to deliver-cars as the entire country as awhole bought more cars than theBuick factory could produce Weare just in receipt of letters lIvingus a slight inkling of our 1910 pro¬

duct assuring us of the fact thatthere will be no question in the fu-


that wo will bo cared fQr Our1910 models will be ready for de-livery


the first of November andwe have the assurance that if weshould need 100 cars we can deliverthe same Our models 10 and 17will be continued but the horse ¬

power will be iacrgased 20 per centWe will also have a modl fnoiTflas No 18 practically the same asour No 17 only slightly a smallercar and will sell for about 1400complete and wp think this modelwill hold the rest of them for qulta while We will also have a 600-a runabout 2cylinder opposedmotor In front under the boar4cone clutch in fly wheel selectivetype transmission apd dpijbjp cftaindrive 30x3 12 tires and we wantto say to thg public that so far aspulling through sand In concerned-this car has no equal Thanking ourfriends for past favors we are


Per J H Spencer


GOODWIN BUNGALOWFurnish-ed modern pjumtylng running wateracetylene gas 30 per week

ARGYLE COTTAGE Furnishedrunning water 5 per week

BJ AIR viLpArTp rent on Optober1 for the winter furnished runningwater modern plumbing acetylenegas S25 per month

David S WOOdrowHolder Block Ocala Fla


I am prepared to take any Job ofpainting no matter how large or howsmall or how fine the work desiredmay be I have the material brushes-and knowledge to paint and do IT

right Houses painted JnsJde and outGraining gilding hard oil finishingvarnishing and lettering and signpainting Taste and skill guaranteedAddress F O Box 135 or leave word-at the Star office Jf W IJJyawOcalLF13 tf





I Work GuaranteedAGEJJT fOR


8k oo





Next Door to the Western UnitTelegraph Office

Work Called for and Delivered Prompt-ly All Work Guaranteed White

Trade Only-

C J PHILLIPSContractor and Builder

Plans and Specifications BurnishedUpon Reques

129 South Third St

Bad BLOODc Befpre I began using Casouet I W

a bad complexion pimples on my ftcand my food was not digested as it ftboolahave been Now I am entirely well andthe pimples have all disappeared from myface I can truthfully say that Cascarefciare just sa advertised I liars tftkcn onljtwo boxes of them

Clarence R Griffin Sheridan ladPleasant Palatable Potent Taste GoodDo Good Never StekenWeakea or GrIpsJOe 2Sc SOc Never sold ia bulk The PRI-De tablet stamped C C C GnaramtMd tocore or your money back 927

FRESH FISH-I receive dally snpments of choke

fresh and salt water fish of the bestvarieties I handle nothing but fishand handle them right


WM TUCKERPhone 21S City Market

iIj W

r TRE1 j j


1 t<







J i

P-rt I




Announces that they have been too bosy this week to 4v

write up their complete Holiday Opening ad but wisKtostate that they will make you so 1eSpeci llOfftri jnext-week




We want you all to visit our second floor store wherewe have an immense stock of all kinds of goods especially


Toys and Holiday Supplies This departnjcot1 smore goods alone than almost any other store in4fce-tll Acounty of this character It is a fruitful Bargain depart-ment


and will save you money 4

In our main or first floor store we have sonic of therarest Bargains we have ever offered in Clothing ShoesDry Goods Hats Hosiery Shirts Pants Millinery GoodsNotions and Trimmings of all kinds StationerySchool Supplies Crockery and Glass Flue China in allthe fancy goodsPictures etc etc

1 r ifSa < w if J

will go fdrtlo there than any where else in the country>



r rg f-



f >>



14 Aprs okrid1ilf a Mile North9f ga

90 acres cleared and unjier goodfenpe balance timbered one mJle fti-a subdfstrlet school a 6room two

house one stack chimney aspjendjij Tvelj qf water good barn andouthouse Tha land Js as good ii JJ

can be found In Marion county fortruck and general farming Termsreasonable D N Waldron Oak Fla


And Proposed Charter of Ocala De-velopment Company

The undesigned intending and pro-posing


to organize a cprporatjoi un-


tlje general laws of tpestate ofFlorIda relatIng tp corporation fppprofit hereby make and publish tljefollowing artipjep pf fncorpQFatoiand proposed charter

IThe name of the corporation shall

be Ocala Development Company andits principal place of business shallbe at Ocala in Marion county Florida

IIThg general nature of business to

be ranacLo4 g To acquire buy ownlease sell and encuwoer reaj estateand Interests therejn to issue boniand other evidences of indebtedness-to buy acquire and own personalPfopprty Incident to its business anduy arid sell sepurjtjes to constructhpuses buildings ani ofher gtpc-tures to act as agent and trustee forOthers in the investment of moneysJi jreal and person al propertyand des gJnpF3K jn real estate per-sonal property stopks fepRdg gmortgage and do and peFfoprn suetother business as is incident to thepurposes of this charter and not In ¬

consistent with the laws of the stateOf Florida

JJIThe amount of capital stock author-

Ized is the sum of fifty thousand dol-lars which will be divided into fivehundred shares of the par value ofone hundred dollars each which willbe paid In by conveyance to the cor-poration


of certain real estate andpersonal property owned by the In-coporator the j t and true valua

of h is hereby flied bythei-ncjrpbratprg at t e uff1 of fiftythousand dollars ijnstock Is issued it shall boo fully paiiand nonassessable

IVThe corporation shall exist for a

term of fifty yearsV

The business of the company shallbe conducted by the following namedofficers towit A president a yjcepresident and a secretary and treas-urer


which last named offices maybe held by the same person and by aboard of not less than three directorswhich said officers shall be elected atthe annual meeting of the stpckholders and directors to be held atOcala Florida on the first Tuesday-in December of each year The namesof the officers who will conduct thebusiness of the company until thoseelected at the first election shall bequalified are H L Anderson presi ¬

dent J J Fort vice president andH M Hampton secretary and treas-urer


VIThe highest amount of indebtedness-

to which the corporation can at anytime subject Itself Is two hundredand fifty thousand dollarsa VI-

TPe names IJn9 resjdences of the


S 5JT-



Ctaaerclal Reid Rates 52 Per Ray Ooif HIJIJi tj-

JWashington Seminary I

North Ave and Peachtree Str Atlanta Ga Boarding and Day School forgirls and young ladles Boarding department strictly limited to Insure refined home life Classes divided Into small sections to secure personal In¬struction Faculty of eighteen specialists Conservatory advantages In MusIc Art Expression Certificate admits you to Vasaar Wellesley RandolphMacon etc Thirtysecond year begins September 1909 Catalogue on apePfPfrfJP L D SCOTT EMMA 3 SCOTT Principals I-




t Carnegie Hall and third mens dormitory now completed electricHffhts sjeam ant furnace heat large faculty perfect health condVtlpn flne gymnasia athlptjc elds boating tennis courts golf Hnk ibaseball to basketballteams 4hrnpnn of Florida in IMi JJVi Nearly a quarter of a million dollars endowinenff ekpenkea 1PpltIIChOrar hl s available Christian hot rfrf undenominational I for

i CI4i4cTlI CULTURE t IIJL-9r clfg9ue Addrew th Hf ffnr

fwwr F Btecjonan Ph p7 Winter Paw+ t< t ft-


subscribers and the amount sub ¬

scribed by each areas followsH L Anderson Jacksonville Flor ¬

ida 450 shares-J J Fort Ocala Florida 25 shares-H M Hampton Ocala Florida 25

shares-In witness whereof the Incorpora-

tors have hereunto set their handsand afflxe their seals this the ninthday of October A D 1909

H L Anderson sealJl X Fprt sealSff J fr Hampton seai

State of FloridaCounty of Marlpn

Personally appeared before me theundersigned authority H L Ander-son


J J Fort and H M Hamptoneach of whom are well know tp me tobe the parties described In and whoexecuted the foregping artclcs s pf In-corporation


and proposed charterand each acknowledged the execution-of the same fpr the uses and purposestherein set forth and expressed

Given under my hand and seal ofoffice this the ninth day pf OctoberI9O

Weal Ct CD S T SistrunkClerk Circuit Court Marion County

Notice of Application for letterPatent

Notice Is hereby given that the un-dersigned


will on the 15th day of No-


1909 apply to the governor ofFlorida at Tallahassee Florida forletters patent upon the foregoing arti-cles


of Incorporation and proposedcharter H L Anderson-

J J FortS

H M Hampton




The Qrigina-

lLAXiTlYEcDuiluelll4coughs colas throat a4troubles No opiates Naji

Good for everybody Sold erf-



i egelJt iHONEY WJ TAR fe

tYUowpckge Ref QlIIPrpId nI-




ALEXANDERI Practical f-


Carefai estimates m flt otf illcontract work mves more ait better work for Ute money thm-otnflr

nycoTjtrRtor IB ow If c-

FoaflEIDTOiwm u



n 9 >

