ocala evening star. (ocala, florida) 1908-04-22 [p...

11 a x k e Mr = H s r ro r a tJ t 5 t QCALA EVENING STAR WEDNESDAY APRIL 22 1908 FI H r QCAH IJOTRRENCES 1 Rebekahs meet tomorrow night Mrs A P Gilmore is 111 with the measles One way to save mon < y trade at ishels 1 Mr T M Lambright of Starke Is at the Ocala House 9- Try those delicious ices at The Corner c Cjlpt J B Martin of Okla aha is at Ocala House t Two ways to save moneytrade at Fishels twice Mr J B Coarsey of Savannah is a guest of the Ocala House 4 tome in and see the line of new- s at the Ocala News Co Mr and Mrs O H Strozier of Le on are guests of the Ocala House e There were thirty arrivals at the Ocala House yesterday- The latest styles for this season are at Fishels Ben Condon hasa line ot new coast- er ¬ I bicycles for rent Mr Geo G Maynard of Rock J Springs was in town today- A dollar saved Is a dollar made Trade at Fishels 1 Cot R F Rogers of Electra was in town today Use Planks Chill Tonic Guaran teed Price 25 cents Sold by all drug- gists f x I > s rrJ W ca Pbell of DeFunlak S airings is a guest of the Ocala ouse i Have you seen the new visible Fay holes typewriter R d Davis Co general agents Miss Vic Raysor left this afternoon- for North Carolina to visit friends for- a few week- sWANTEDA rollertop desk Must be a bargain Communicate with N Mayo Belleview Fla V i 1 i A I Capt C J French who has been r C o ill that his life was despaired of is somewhat better 7N 1 I J r Y When you want books come to a bookstore The Ocala News Co is the only firstclass book store in Ocala s1 i > Read the announcement of L S LJght l He has added anotHer plank- to his platform Mr G B Tartkersley of Coleman was in the city last night and today 1 g1 est of the Ocala House FOR SALEHandmade shadow Embroidery waist fronts I No 21 Watula street city 1 The best 25c box of paper we have ever put across the counter Danish Cloth at the Postoffice Drugstore Miss Sallie Spurlln who has been so ill with blood xToisoning remains about the same as yesterday after ¬ noon Her condition somewhat im ¬ proved over a few days ago but is still quite serious- R I C Davis Co of Jacksonville landle silk typewriter ribbons 75c each 750 per dozen 1 At the meeting of Tulula Lodge I O O F last night Messrs C V Rob- erts ¬ and J J Pyles took the third de- gree and were admitted to full mem bership In the order r Ocala Is well represented in the provisional company now on guard in Pe lsacola contributing about twenty p cent of the effective force Charlie Lelitner is first sergeant Fred Weihe th rd and Frank Booher third cor p rat ± Not H 1 a KvMuch but How good is the f question that every one should ask in buying candy The old ° saying that II a man is judged b the candy he gives good today same as always Buy the bestdont take the II just- as goodlkind ° Nothing quite equals i rat 4 famous BonBonS and Chocolates I They ate in at distinctively exclu- sive class to themselves r Orders receive prompt and care rful attention Jut give us the name r and address and Uicle Sam does the test 34 J1 J T1 W TROXLER 24 MAIN ST FOR PICNICS AND OUTINGSC- hicken Ham Veal Loaf tie can i Dailes Sliced Sausage lOc Former price soc Sliced Dried Beef lib OilS 15c Boneless Herring tic- S C Codfish lOc I Condensed Mince Meat lOc at TEAPOT GROCERY A stranger in the city noticfng the huge pile of brick on the sidewalk in front of the Baptist church thought- the congregation was gong to put an addition on the building and there- fore ¬ argued most favogpabjy >v of the prosperity of religious affairs in Ocala He was much disappointed when told of the true state affairs which Is causing a deterioration of the religion possessed by the Baptists and all other people who travel on that street > < Ot v 1 > 4 MH MMMMM IVl4 >H M HtoiMV HiMMMr i v At the Berlin Theater tonight will be given views of the famous Victoria Falls alongside of which Niagara looks like a mill dan You will also see the oftquoted Fishermans Luck and have a chance to count the lives of a cat See program ITS SO HOT r Yes but we are fully prepared to fur ¬ nish the best and purest ice creams in bulk or bricks fr + m one quart to twenty gallons Orders for brick creams should be given the day before they are wanted The I Corner Drug ¬ store WEATHER FORECAST ty Washington D d April 22Local showers tonight and Thursday I I BAND CONCERT Remember the band concert from the band stand in the courthouse square will be given Thursday instead- of Friday night this week Mrs Ed Carmichael received a let ¬ ter today from Fred powell the young man who eight weeks ago lost his vision and was sent to Atlanta ands placed in the Wesley Memorial Hos ¬ pital under the treatment of Dr Cal houn The doctor has been exceed ¬ ingly kind to Fred and succeeded in restoring the sight to one eye which is good news to his mother and the friends who so willingly assisted the young man in his helpless condition- Dr Calhoun has discharged Fred anti he immediately went to work Mr Parker of Atlanta gave him a posi ¬ tion selling books and he has made 2 each day and is very proud of his suc ¬ cesfl and hopes to send for his mother soon At present he is the guest of the Presbyterian minister Fred asks Mrs Carmichael to thank the dear friends for their kindness to him for without their help he would have been blind unable to secure for himself and his mother a livelihood and he is so thankful that he can see again that- it is really impossible to express his gratitude to tie good people of Ocala who must have been prompted bya supernatural power to have taken such an interest in a stranger He says IIToeach of you accept my many thanks and I shall strive to prove worthy of your kindness to me Ii When you are in Ocala next visit Fishels big store Try Hiawatha Lake Dairy butter ¬ milk delivered every morning- Do you know that this U S Health and Accident Insurance Co insures your wagesa new departure in in ¬ surance See the man M D Wilson- for particulars- Mrs S Jones 180 Sullivan St Claremont N H wrtes About a year ago I bought two bottles of Fo leys Kdney cured me of a severe caseo trouble of sev- eral ¬ year It certainly is a mod good mSdtclne and I heartily recornn end it Sold by all dealers t h 1 HOW THE GOVERNMENT WORKS- Mr John Young the government architect and superintendent of the United States postoffice building is having a fourinch hole drilled in each corner of the excavation for the foundation of the building These holes willDe sunk sixteen feet from the surface of the ground to determine whether or not there are any subter ¬ ranean cavities under the foundation- If any suspicious places are struck the other holes will be sunk about + h middle of the square to determine the extent of such cavities The excava ¬ tions in the bottom of the big excava- tion for walls and pillars have been completed and it is all ready now for the laying of concrete foundations- WILLIAMSONHANFORD Mr A D Williamson arrived at the Ocala House at noon today with bis bride and the happy couple will be here for several days Mr William- son ¬ and his wife nee Mrs Belle Han ford were married at Starke the home of the bride this morning Mr Williamson is commercial or traveling freight agent for the S A L railway in Florida and is very popular in this city as well as wherever his duties take him Mrs Williamson is a very comely and attractive young lady and is exceedingly popular in hex home The Star wishes Mr and Mrs Wil ¬ liamson many years of n happy mar ¬ ried life 6 I REV JOHNSONS LECTURE- Rev Thos H Johnson delivered his famous lecture Ireland and the Irish at the armory under the au- spices of the Episcopal church last night and was greeted by an atten ¬ tive audience that filled the hall Dr Johnsons subject was a good one and well handled As an orator he has few superiors The music by the churchs choir was a most appreciat- ed ¬ feature and added a great deal to the interest of the occasion From a financial point of view the lecture- was a success A pound of paper and two packs of envelopes to match all of the very best quality 50c at the Postoffice Drugstore TRY A COLD STEIN OF l r BO- CKKeatingis JBEER f I 1 I AT- t j 4 M t etireifJt i PROF BRINSON ILL Prof J H Brinson candidate for the office of superintendent of public instruction haft been ill at Rollins College and unable to get over to be gin an active canvass He is now convalescent and wil t be here in a short time to spend most of the re maining time until the May primary among the voters of the county FENCE NEARLY COMPLETED Manager G C Crom of the Ocala Baseball Club has the 7foot fence I around the baseball park nearly com- pleted The fence will enclose the en ¬ tire grounds with the exception of a part of the back side which is on pri- vate ground where persons will not be allowed to go and this will be en ¬ closed with an ordinary fence x Soiling and breaking plastered walls is a part of the childrens business Patching and tinting same is a part of my business- of my business All colors and tints- J A Morris Jr Decorating thats my business- IN i THE MAYORS COURT There was quite a batch of petty cases in the mayors court this morn Ing and fines to the amount of 25 were assessed The charges were drunk disorderly shooting in city limits keeping open on Sunday etc Yesterday morning there were several cases and fines aggregating J30 were assessed WE GUARANTEE TO PAY YOUR RENT Grocer butcher doctor and all neces ¬ sary expenses when you are disabled and unable to work and receive your regular income U S Health and Ac ¬ cident Insurance Co tFD Wilson is the man 4 Mr C W Perkins of the Logan Coal Supply Co of Jacksonville ij in the city a guest of the Ocala House R C Davis Co of Jacksonville will sell any make of secondhand typewriter upon easy terms if desired r J 71 i j F White Goods and Embroidery r lrW Beautiful white materialsof every weave and qiaIity V5 suitable for making spring and summer wearables are show in almost endless variety here Our prices are iaposSnlef to duplicate t I v v L i PERSIAN LAWNS at per yard 15c to 5lt FRENCH tA WNS 48 inch per yard 35c t1SUi LINEN LAWN 36 inch per yardl 35clo125 SPECIAL Dimities Check Lawns and Madras worth up i to 25c on sale at per yard 15c Jr ST GALL SWISSES All our new imported Swisses in 01 a great variety ot patterns at reduced prices t A EDGING AND INSERTION woith trig to 20c yard lie < EDGING AND INSERTION up to 9 inches wide and ct Corset Cover Embroidery values up to 85c yardtifc s LAWNiAND SWISS WAISTS New style 5lM I tofrJlK t < LACE WAISTS Ecru Cream and White 251 to 45- 1RHEINAUER k d r QOMPANY 1- a BAND CONCERT TOMORROW NIGHT i The Metropolitan Band will render the following program Thursday ev ¬ ening April 23rd at 815 pm from the band stand 4 Gentrys Triumphal March J Jew ¬ ell Overture PeerlessF H Losey Selection The Prince of Pilsen Gustav Luders Twostep Big Chief Battleax > Indian noveltyThos Allen- INTERMISSION Overture The Sky PllQtLA M Laurens Intermezzo twostep The Bergo master Gustav Duders >iedley Overture The Cracker jackW H Mackie- A E Gerig Director- U D C Dickison Chapter U D C hereby extends to all Confederate Veterans their families and friends the friends- of the Daughters of the Confederacy- and the public a ordial J invitation to attend the unveiling ceremonies of the Confederate monument in Opala Sat- Urday ¬ April 25 at 11 oclock a m Program BandMusic Mr F E Harris master of cere ¬ monie- sInvocationMr Barnett AddressDr G A Nunnally Unveiling monument A BandDixie i Girls representing thirteen states decorate monument AddressCol J M Martin OdeMiss Vivian Dame BandMusic Crosses of honorMrs Badger Mr Wartmann a few remarks Benediction Dodge BandMusic School children decorate monument LOCAL LEGISLATION- r r The city council met test night with the following in attendance Chair ¬ man Jno D Robertson and Aldermen Carmichael Duval Helvenston Jones Meffert and Rheinauer- Mr S L Bitting representing the citizens of the western part of the city appeared and complained of the unsanitary condition of that part of the city The matter was referred to the sanitary committee to see that this part of the city be placed in a good sanitary condition- In the matter of Munroe Cham bliss advance to the city of 5000 on certain paving certificates a payment- of 1500 and interest on balance of the loan was ordered made All bills that were properly approv- ed ¬ were ordered paid The salaries of the following offic- ials ¬ were raised to take effect June 1st the beginning of the citys fiscal year Fire chief from 60 to 75 per month city marshal from 60 to 75 per month night policemen from 50 to 60 per month superintendent of electric light plant from 100 to 110 per month All other salaries will re ¬ main the same The collection of the electric light accounts was changed from the col ¬ lectors office to the clerks office and the pay of 10 per month for the ser ¬ vice was accordingly changed from the collector to the clerks office The clerk was instructed to give notice that the board of equalization- will be in session in the clerks office on May 6th at 9 oclock a m to hear any complaints on assessments I On motion Mr Cleveland exmar ¬ shal was ordered paid 60 one months I discharged- A salary In lieu of notice when he was petition was filed by the follow ¬ ing owners of property on Fort King avenue against paving the avenue with brick or other material at the present time Dr J E Chace Mrs H K Smith heirs of Dr Thompson L F Ballard C H Crosby trustees of the Presbyterian church The petition- was referred to the Judiciary com ¬ mittee Council then adjourned 4 > < > C BERLIN ELECTRICAL TPrt THEATEREN- TIRE ° CHANGE OF PROGRAM EVERY DAY ti x Program for this Evening VICTORIA FALLS- FISHERMANS LUCK NINE LIVES OF A CAT Open Promptly at 330 P M Admission 10 Cents Children 5 Cents f I- oHI e WOOD PROP ii jjgr Wallace Building Opposite ethodlst > N Church i > I i FOR THE LEGISLATURE a t Jf 1 I am a candidate for the legislature 1 subject to the rules governing the coming primaries Platform Cu ex t 1 penses t equal and lower taxes As I we do not need the illiterate nontax paying citizen in our election business lets cut him out L S Light CONCORDIA LODGE F U OF A Concordia Lodge No 181 Fraternal Union of America meets fourth Wed- nesday ¬ of every month 730 Pm at Yonges Hall RE Yonge P M Chas K Sage Secretary I tts KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS Conventions held every Mon- day ¬ evening hv Castle Hall over Pey ¬ sers store A cordial welcome to vis ¬ iting knights H M Hampton C C Chas K Sage K of R and S- I I 00 F r Tulula Lodge No22 IO O F meets every Tuesday even- ing ¬ in Yonges Hall Visiting brothers always welcome J J F Thompson N G M M Little Secretary r B P 0 E j Notice of Sessions of Ocala Lodge No 851 Benevolent and Pro- tective Order of Elks Regular sessions on the second and fourth Tuesday evenings of each 4 month Visiting brothers cordially invited S A Rawls Exalted Ruler y Joseph Bell Acting Secretary- Marion f A H Dunn Lodge No 19 meets in the temple on the firstf arid third Thursday evenings of each month Visiting brothers cordially invited W D Graham W M ¬ Jake Brown Secretarv V- wop FORT IINGCAIIP r W No 14 Next regular monthly meetin will be held Friday evening May 8th tat t z 8 oclock in Yonges Hall Visiting t sovereigns are always Welcome- G i W Martin CC v 1 Chas K Sage Clerk aah When you are In Ocala next visit 4 Tf Fishela big store t ij- t1 c to > > t

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11 a x k e Mr = H s r ro r a tJ

t 5



Rebekahs meet tomorrow night

Mrs A P Gilmore is 111 with themeasles

One way to save mon < y trade atishels 1

Mr T M Lambright of Starke Isat the Ocala House


Try those delicious ices at TheCorner c

Cjlpt J B Martin of Okla aha isat Ocala House


Two ways to save moneytrade atFishels twice

Mr J B Coarsey of Savannah isa guest of the Ocala House


tome in and see the line of new-s at the Ocala News Co

Mr and Mrs O H Strozier of Leon are guests of the Ocala House


There were thirty arrivals at theOcala House yesterday-

The latest styles for this season areat Fishels

Ben Condon hasa line ot new coast-er


bicycles for rent

Mr Geo G Maynard of RockJ Springs was in town today-

A dollar saved Is a dollar madeTrade at Fishels 1

Cot R F Rogers of Electra was intown today

Use Planks Chill Tonic Guaranteed Price 25 cents Sold by all drug-gists f x

I >s

rrJ W ca Pbell of DeFunlakSairings is a guest of the Ocala

ouse i

Have you seen the new visible Fayholes typewriter R d Davis Co

general agents

Miss Vic Raysor left this afternoon-for North Carolina to visit friends for-a few week-

sWANTEDA rollertop desk Mustbe a bargain Communicate with NMayo Belleview Fla

V i1 i


Capt C J French who has beenr C o ill that his life was despaired ofis somewhat better

7N 1 I Jr Y

When you want books come to abookstore The Ocala News Co isthe only firstclass book store in Ocala


i >

Read the announcement of L SLJght l He has added anotHer plank-to his platform

Mr G B Tartkersley of Colemanwas in the city last night and today

1 g1 est of the Ocala House

FOR SALEHandmade shadowEmbroidery waist fronts I No 21Watula street city 1

The best 25c box of paper we haveever put across the counter DanishCloth at the Postoffice Drugstore

Miss Sallie Spurlln who has beenso ill with blood xToisoning remainsabout the same as yesterday after ¬

noon Her condition somewhat im ¬

proved over a few days ago but isstill quite serious-


C Davis Co of Jacksonvillelandle silk typewriter ribbons 75ceach 750 per dozen


At the meeting of Tulula Lodge IO O F last night Messrs C V Rob-erts


and J J Pyles took the third de-gree and were admitted to full membership In the order


Ocala Is well represented in theprovisional company now on guard inPe lsacola contributing about twentyp cent of the effective force CharlieLelitner is first sergeant Fred Weiheth rd and Frank Booher third corp rat

±Not H

1 aKvMuchbut How good is the f questionthat every one should ask in buyingcandy

The old °saying that II a man isjudged b the candy he gives

good today same as alwaysBuy the bestdont take the II just-as goodlkind °

Nothing quite equals

i rat4

famous BonBonS and ChocolatesI They ate in at distinctively exclu-

sive class to themselvesr Orders receive prompt and carerful attention Jut give us the name

r and address and Uicle Sam doesthe test 34 J1 J





hicken Ham Veal Loaf

tie cani

Dailes Sliced Sausage lOcFormer price soc

Sliced Dried Beef lib OilS 15c

Boneless Herring tic-S C Codfish lOc


Condensed Mince Meat lOc



A stranger in the city noticfng thehuge pile of brick on the sidewalk infront of the Baptist church thought-the congregation was gong to put anaddition on the building and there-fore


argued most favogpabjy >v of theprosperity of religious affairs inOcala He was much disappointedwhen told of the true state affairswhich Is causing a deterioration ofthe religion possessed by the Baptistsand all other people who travel onthat street > <

Otv 1 >4MH MMMMM IVl4 > H M HtoiMV HiMMMr i v

At the Berlin Theater tonight willbe given views of the famous VictoriaFalls alongside of which Niagara lookslike a mill dan You will also seethe oftquoted Fishermans Luckand have a chance to count the livesof a cat See program


Yes but we are fully prepared to fur ¬

nish the best and purest ice creamsin bulk or bricks fr+ m one quart totwenty gallons Orders for brickcreams should be given the day beforethey are wanted The I Corner Drug ¬



Washington D d April 22Localshowers tonight and Thursday




Remember the band concert fromthe band stand in the courthousesquare will be given Thursday instead-of Friday night this week

Mrs Ed Carmichael received a let¬

ter today from Fred powell the youngman who eight weeks ago lost hisvision and was sent to Atlanta andsplaced in the Wesley Memorial Hos ¬

pital under the treatment of Dr Calhoun The doctor has been exceed ¬

ingly kind to Fred and succeeded inrestoring the sight to one eye whichis good news to his mother and thefriends who so willingly assisted theyoung man in his helpless condition-Dr Calhoun has discharged Fred antihe immediately went to work MrParker of Atlanta gave him a posi ¬

tion selling books and he has made 2

each day and is very proud of his suc ¬

cesfl and hopes to send for his mothersoon At present he is the guest ofthe Presbyterian minister Fred asksMrs Carmichael to thank the dearfriends for their kindness to him forwithout their help he would have beenblind unable to secure for himselfand his mother a livelihood and he isso thankful that he can see again that-it is really impossible to express hisgratitude to tie good people of Ocalawho must have been prompted byasupernatural power to have takensuch an interest in a stranger Hesays IIToeach of you accept mymany thanks and I shall strive toprove worthy of your kindness to me

IiWhen you are in Ocala next visit

Fishels big store

Try Hiawatha Lake Dairy butter ¬

milk delivered every morning-

Do you know that this U S Healthand Accident Insurance Co insuresyour wagesa new departure in in ¬

surance See the man M D Wilson-for particulars-

Mrs S Jones 180 Sullivan StClaremont N H wrtes About ayear ago I bought two bottles of Foleys Kdney cured me of asevere caseo trouble of sev-eral


year It certainly isa mod good mSdtclne and I heartilyrecornn end it Sold by all dealers





Mr John Young the governmentarchitect and superintendent of theUnited States postoffice building ishaving a fourinch hole drilled ineach corner of the excavation for thefoundation of the building Theseholes willDe sunk sixteen feet fromthe surface of the ground to determinewhether or not there are any subter ¬

ranean cavities under the foundation-If any suspicious places are struckthe other holes will be sunk about + hmiddle of the square to determine theextent of such cavities The excava ¬

tions in the bottom of the big excava-tion for walls and pillars have beencompleted and it is all ready now forthe laying of concrete foundations-


Mr A D Williamson arrived at theOcala House at noon today with bisbride and the happy couple will behere for several days Mr William-son


and his wife nee Mrs Belle Hanford were married at Starke thehome of the bride this morning MrWilliamson is commercial or travelingfreight agent for the S A L railwayin Florida and is very popular in thiscity as well as wherever his dutiestake him Mrs Williamson is a verycomely and attractive young lady andis exceedingly popular in hex homeThe Star wishes Mr and Mrs Wil ¬

liamson many years of n happy mar ¬

ried life 6I


Rev Thos H Johnson delivered hisfamous lecture Ireland and theIrish at the armory under the au-spices of the Episcopal church lastnight and was greeted by an atten ¬

tive audience that filled the hall DrJohnsons subject was a good one andwell handled As an orator he hasfew superiors The music by thechurchs choir was a most appreciat-ed


feature and added a great deal tothe interest of the occasion From afinancial point of view the lecture-was a success

A pound of paper and two packs ofenvelopes to match all of the verybest quality 50c at the PostofficeDrugstore








I AT-t








Prof J H Brinson candidate forthe office of superintendent of publicinstruction haft been ill at RollinsCollege and unable to get over to begin an active canvass He is nowconvalescent and wilt be here in ashort time to spend most of the remaining time until the May primaryamong the voters of the county


Manager G C Crom of the OcalaBaseball Club has the 7foot fence

Iaround the baseball park nearly com-pleted The fence will enclose the en ¬

tire grounds with the exception of apart of the back side which is on pri-vate ground where persons will notbe allowed to go and this will be en ¬

closed with an ordinary fence x

Soiling and breaking plastered wallsis a part of the childrens business

Patching and tinting same is a partof my business-of my business All colors and tints-

J A Morris JrDecorating thats my business-




There was quite a batch of pettycases in the mayors court this mornIng and fines to the amount of 25were assessed The charges weredrunk disorderly shooting in citylimits keeping open on Sunday etcYesterday morning there were severalcases and fines aggregating J30 wereassessed


Grocer butcher doctor and all neces ¬

sary expenses when you are disabledand unable to work and receive yourregular income U S Health and Ac ¬

cident Insurance Co tFD Wilson isthe man 4

Mr C W Perkins of the LoganCoal Supply Co of Jacksonville ijin the city a guest of the OcalaHouse

R C Davis Co of Jacksonvillewill sell any make of secondhandtypewriter upon easy terms if desired


71ij F

White Goods and Embroideryr lrW

Beautiful white materialsof every weave and qiaIity V5

suitable for making spring and summer wearables are showin almost endless variety here Our prices are iaposSnlefto duplicate


v v L

iPERSIAN LAWNS at per yard 15c to 5ltFRENCH tA WNS 48 inch per yard 35c t1SUiLINEN LAWN 36 inch per yardl 35clo125SPECIAL Dimities Check Lawns and Madras worth up i

to 25c on sale at per yard 15c Jr

ST GALL SWISSES All our new imported Swisses in01

agreat variety ot patterns at reduced prices


AEDGING AND INSERTION woith trig to 20c yard lie <

EDGING AND INSERTION up to 9 inches wide andct

Corset Cover Embroidery values up to 85c yardtifc s


tofrJlK t <LACE WAISTS Ecru Cream and White 251 to 45-


d r





The Metropolitan Band will renderthe following program Thursday ev ¬

ening April 23rd at 815 pm fromthe band stand 4

Gentrys Triumphal MarchJ Jew ¬

ellOverture PeerlessF H LoseySelection The Prince of Pilsen

Gustav LudersTwostep Big Chief Battleax >

Indian noveltyThos Allen-INTERMISSION

Overture The Sky PllQtLA MLaurens

Intermezzo twostep The Bergomaster Gustav Duders

>iedley Overture The CrackerjackW H Mackie-

A E Gerig Director-


Dickison Chapter U D C herebyextends to all Confederate Veteranstheir families and friends the friends-of the Daughters of the Confederacy-and the public a ordial J invitation toattend the unveiling ceremonies of theConfederate monument in Opala Sat-


April 25 at 11 oclock a mProgram

BandMusicMr F E Harris master of cere ¬

monie-sInvocationMr BarnettAddressDr G A NunnallyUnveiling monument A

BandDixie i Girls representingthirteen states decorate monument

AddressCol J M MartinOdeMiss Vivian DameBandMusicCrosses of honorMrs BadgerMr Wartmann a few remarksBenediction DodgeBandMusicSchool children decorate monument


r The city council met test night withthe following in attendance Chair ¬

man Jno D Robertson and AldermenCarmichael Duval Helvenston JonesMeffert and Rheinauer-

Mr S L Bitting representing thecitizens of the western part of thecity appeared and complained of theunsanitary condition of that part ofthe city The matter was referred tothe sanitary committee to see thatthis part of the city be placed in agood sanitary condition-

In the matter of Munroe Chambliss advance to the city of 5000 oncertain paving certificates a payment-of 1500 and interest on balance ofthe loan was ordered made

All bills that were properly approv-ed


were ordered paidThe salaries of the following offic-


were raised to take effect June1st the beginning of the citys fiscalyear Fire chief from 60 to 75 permonth city marshal from 60 to 75per month night policemen from 50to 60 per month superintendent ofelectric light plant from 100 to 110per month All other salaries will re ¬

main the sameThe collection of the electric light

accounts was changed from the col ¬

lectors office to the clerks office andthe pay of 10 per month for the ser ¬

vice was accordingly changed fromthe collector to the clerks office

The clerk was instructed to givenotice that the board of equalization-will be in session in the clerks officeon May 6th at 9 oclock a m to hearany complaints on assessments

I On motion Mr Cleveland exmar ¬

shal was ordered paid 60 one monthsI


salary In lieu of notice when he was

petition was filed by the follow ¬

ing owners of property on Fort Kingavenue against paving the avenuewith brick or other material at thepresent time Dr J E Chace Mrs HK Smith heirs of Dr Thompson LF Ballard C H Crosby trustees ofthe Presbyterian church The petition-was referred to the Judiciary com ¬

mitteeCouncil then adjourned

4> < > C







x Program for this Evening




Open Promptly at 330 P MAdmission 10 Cents

Children 5 Cents fI-


jjgrWallace Building Opposite ethodlst >

NChurchi >

I i


tJf 1

I am a candidate for the legislature 1subject to the rules governing thecoming primaries Platform Cu ex t 1

penses t equal and lower taxes As I

we do not need the illiterate nontaxpaying citizen in our election businesslets cut him out L S Light


Concordia Lodge No 181 FraternalUnion of America meets fourth Wed-nesday


of every month 730 Pm atYonges Hall RE Yonge P M

Chas K Sage SecretaryI


Conventions held every Mon-day


evening hv Castle Hall over Pey ¬

sers store A cordial welcome to vis¬

iting knights H M Hampton C CChas K Sage K of R and S-

II 0 0 F

rTulula Lodge No22

IO O F meets every Tuesday even-ing


in Yonges Hall Visiting brothersalways welcome

J J F Thompson N GM M Little Secretary

r B P 0 E

jNotice of Sessions of

Ocala Lodge No 851Benevolent and Pro-tective Order of Elks

Regular sessions on the second andfourth Tuesday evenings of each 4

month Visiting brothers cordiallyinvited S A Rawls Exalted Ruler y

Joseph Bell Acting Secretary-


f A H

Dunn LodgeNo 19 meets in thetemple on the firstf

arid third Thursday evenings of eachmonth Visiting brothers cordiallyinvited W D Graham W M ¬

Jake Brown Secretarv V-


W No 14

Next regular monthly meetin willbe held Friday evening May 8th tat t z

8 oclock in Yonges Hall Visiting tsovereigns are always Welcome-


W Martin CC v1

Chas K Sage Clerk aah

When you are In Ocala next visit 4 Tf

Fishela big storet ij-

t1c to

> >
