ocala banner. (ocala, florida) 1908-03-27 [p ]

RHEUMATIS- r 4jkLL LLEGHANY- PURE FLO- RIDAMcMillan to- nicSCROFULA rsiHSS th- atSYPHILIS Eaid RoomsOC- ALA tele t7L Jamestown Manufacturers House iIDoz 320 b- igw Fl- aZ7J Turpentine lis- tWine RYE Ocala 18 House COMPANY Bros Stillsk Express Delivered Cartoons National HistoryP- rize 1229 For E Wine Cartridges Fancy Jacksonville oorisT- RY History Workers OLD Whiskey Southern Shotgun GA- JACKSONVILtE General complete Copper Office Affects Regular FAYETTEtflLLE 4- w isinaaimpnrecondltteadste reputationbythe Works How- It BLUM Look Metal your SAVANNAH Quart Shells- are CHAS ALAD- ELIVERED kXPRESS- A distinguished iPaRIt1ItWS1qJIKes Qts j 2O- w Congregational- church Savannah full Put EVERGLAD- ESi homereturning- ones Our Big fellowcountrymen quahtynor LIPPMAN and Patching Guns Price and MOBil exchange following wriWe Red yours- THEODORE Congregational Congregational picturesqueness Congregational sidePompano protection philanthropist engineersMr specialty representative Jamestowns- most productiveness Therefore representative legislatures- and superintendent threehundredth 100 agueandfever Undertaking Z Sterling revolutionary CO Pennsylvania undertaking Presbyterian developing- the accomplished responsibility Virginians- were Christmastime through Williamsburg otenerQandaU = government approaches- We up olisMrs Endeavorers- of = fragmentary Commissioner introductory always abandoned- The Petersburg arepo1sonedand government Washington sedimentary occasionally organization removedthis Independent northeastern undoubtedly ROOSEVELT preseverance Daughters neighboring the Washington president- and attention undertaking patriotRev temporarily assembly- not clothing- and Petersburg Endeavorers practicable possible- The country TOWNSEND government es- tablishing Department in EVERYBODY Protestant- and Wednesday Revolution Richmond- Still Mississippi disasterthe tree- Progress Everglades fellowship Advantage possibilities colonization- of sWill Everglades enterprises supervising engineering for arrangement Universalist W Completed Everglades government progressive personality SALEOne friendship sufficiently Everglades temperance presidents citizenship converted- and following Exposition mileAt practically reclamation peninsular congestion swamp- lands Okeechobee AshPokeEoot connecting sufficiently bench- marks Confederate Jacksonville and consecration planning- to ENDEAVOR LaFayette struggling Kissimmee Jackson- ville legislature underly- ing designated Differances prompt inaccessible McGuigan Kissimmee remembered of appears twentyfive Uncommon Metropolis Jacksonville communities treasurer- has AntiSaloon everybody illustrated- in 1622when delegation yn- ClXllae4tod Okeechobee reclamation permanent engineers gradually Septem- ber expression ale es- tablished unequaled possession MacFarland responded reclaimable priviledge installation Interlachen eventually Proprietor Burgesses drug- gists surveying Pocahontas thought- the Probably easily Secretary happened engineers inhabitants society- the tomenetrual exposition Macfarland lessening attending eminently Presidents privileges Jamestown established dertaifcinig settlement Prohibition prominent Jamestown Wednes- day inn commended Jamestown Sincerely Jamestown greetings campaign recla- mation Gigantic February noteNeg which receive Virginian vegetable peninsula organized landscape baptism- of engineers Pompano appreciate oversight president settlement Godspeed drugstore engineers Pocahontas auditorium defeating secretary ACROSS retaining sometimes following neither Jamestown greetings president Orders Gainesville previous engineers Macfarland problems 4uIJtureJ assistants evenings commu- nity settlement forerunner forgotten appointed James- town Harveys Company firstpage unreliable November sincerely Op- posite Burgess- es Company Fairbanks equal settlement president difficulty childrens convention convention England diseA Endeavors brought authorized secretary American reclaimed 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Ocala Banner. (Ocala, Florida) 1908-03-27 [p ].