obedience to one's parents

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  • 8/10/2019 Obedience to One's Parents


    [30/03/1435 A Al-Sudais] 30-03-1435- -

    The Obligation of Dutifulness to Parents

    Khutbah Topic

    His Eminence Sheikh Abdul Rahman Al-Sudais May Allah protect him delivered this

    Friday Khutbah entitled TheObligation of utifulne!! to "a#ent!! in "hich he dealt "ith

    the obli#atory act and the merits o$ duti$ulness to parents% He supported his ar#ument "ithverses $rom the Holy &ur'(n and "ith hadiths $rom the )oble Sunnah* cautionin# a#ainst theperils o$ disobeyin# parents%

    "a#t One

    E+clusive praise be to Allah% ,ur ord. /e sho" #ratitude to 0ou* ask $or 0our assistance*

    entreat 0ou to $or#ive our sins* and return in repentance unto 0ou% 1lory and praise be to

    0ou. 0ou commanded us to "orship no deity save 0ou* and to treat our parents bene$icently%

    2erily* it is our ord's ordainment and divine counsel%

    34he Sheikh reads one line o$ poetry paraphrased as $ollo"s56

    O my Lord! To Your divine being is magnificent praise.Sincere gratitude to none but You alone.

    7 bear "itness that there is no deity "orthy o$ "orship e+cept Allah "ith no associate% He

    has rendered believers' hearts replete "ith pro$use bene$action* mercy* and compassion% 7 also

    bear "itness that our 8rophet and beloved Muhammad is Allah's Servant and Messen#er9 he

    is the most esteemed Messen#er honoured "ith a divine messa#e and the best o$ the human

    race as person% May Allah send His Salat31race* Honours* Mercy5 and 8eace upon him* his$amily* his early :ompanions "ho en;oyed the divine bounty o$ brotherly bonds and

    en#a#ed in mutual assistance and promotion o$ piety as "ell as bene$action his tabin3thecontemporaries o$ the :ompanions o$ the 8rophet

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    Allh& )erily( Allh is All-Aware o' wha# you do&] ashr6 ?@% 4hankHim $or His latent and mani$est blessin#s* in addition to His pro$use and ever-increasin#$avours so that you can en;oy the deli#hts o$ the Herein and the bliss o$ the Herea$ter%

    34he Sheikh reads t"o lines o$ poetry paraphrased as $ollo"s56

    Thanfulness opens up otherise loced gates"#here $llah stores bounties for implorers of %is blessing.

    &roceed to sho gratitude and fulfil its requirements'See shelter ith $llah against afflictions in ambush lying.

    , Muslims.

    7n this event$ul period o$ history "here incidents and happenin#s over"helm people's

    very e+istence* people are en#a#ed in a rush $or materialistic #ains* vie"ers break into a

    #allop to "atch satellite channels "ith #reat "onderment9 everybody is rushin# to"ards the

    techniBues o$ multimedia communication9 every sin#le individual is en#ul$ed in one's sphere

    o$ interest and petty concerns o$ li$e9 li$e a$$airs succumb to the con$oundin# turbulent sea

    "aves% Amidst all this* there emer#es an e+tremely crucial issue% 7t is a cause to "hich one

    "ould never hesitate to devote one's li$e* "ithout re#rettin# any "aste o$ vain e$$ort in its

    pursuit% Even i$ one spent hisCher "hole li$e to serve such a cause* the result "ould only be

    $urther success* victory* "isdom* lucidity* purer innermost nature* and better reputation in the

    "hole community% 7t is an issue almost #enerally i#nored and there$ore needs to be reiteratedthrou#h repeated reminders% 7t is indubitably a bi# issue% May Allah protect you. 7t is namely

    the issue o$ duti$ulness to parents and treatin# them kindly durin# their li$etime and a$ter

    death% Duti$ulness to parents is prompted by the desire to establish intimate kinship ties* to

    sho" devotion* to anticipate bliss$ul destiny in the Herea$ter* and to seek $elicitous divine


    34he Sheikh reads t"o lines o$ poetry paraphrased as $ollo"s56

    Observe dutifulness to parents" for it isOur Lords commandment #ho has no peer!

    $llah compared thaning parents to thaning %im.To %im are graces" blessings" praise and glory!

    , $ello" Muslims.

    7$ human nature is instinctively inclined to love "hoever treats it kindly* then the most

    bene$icent people "ho deserve #ood treatment and a$$ection should be our revered parents%

    Duti$ulness to parents is a reli#ious precept and a commendable conduct to be necessarily

    observed by Muslims% 7t is a strict observance to be $ollo"ed as a mandatory individual

    commitment that tolerates neither e+cuse nor ne#li#ence% As a matter o$ $act* reli#ion and

    Shari(* common sense* #allantry and nobility* #race$ulness and #enerosity* #ratitude andhumaneness* hi#h ethical standards and #ood manners* etiBuette and morals all such criteria


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    support the necessity to sincerely sho" duti$ulness vis-=-vis one's parents% 4his moral

    recommendation has been recurrently stated in Almi#hty Allah's Holy ook on various

    occasions and in di$$erent verses% Allah 3Be He !tolled5 says6 Ad *e havee+oied o %a #o be du#i'ul ad id #o his "are#s&&&



    ? He eBually says 3"lory to Him56 Ad *e have e+oied o %a #o be,ood ad du#i'ul #o his "are#s&&&


    abar May Allah have mercy on him said* That isto say" $llah )en*oined on man to observe all commendable types of treatment" and %iscommand regarding the treatment of manind at large is only part of hat %e orderedchildren to observe hen it comes to the type of treatment they should reserve for their

    parents. This is hy $llah says" #&&&ad s"ea ,ood #o "eo"le [i&e& e+oiri,h#eousess ad 'orbid evil( ad say #he #ru#h abou# uha%%ad.eae be u"o hi%&&&]]

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    7n 8rophet Muhammad's 3MayAllahs salat and Peace be upon him5 reveredtradition* duti$ulness to parents is closely associated "ith the per$ormance o$ 3con#re#ational5

    prayer "hich represents the pillar o$ 7slam% Even more si#ni$icantly* it is #iven priority over

    *ihadkno"in# that*ihadis perceived in 7slam as the camel's hump 3in re$erence to its vitalimportance $or Muslims5% 7n the t"o Sah1ih12oosby 7mam Muslim and 7mam ukhari* it isreported that 7bn Mass'Gd May Allah be pleased "ith him said* 3 ased &rophet

    4uhammad 5MayAllahs salat and Peace be upon him67 )#hich act is mostfavoured by $llah8 %e said" 9Prayer on time.: 3 ased again" )Then" hat comes ne0t8 %esaid" )Dutifulness to parents. So" 3 said" )#hat comes ne0t8 )Jihad in the cause of Allah"he replied.!

    4hus* duti$ulness to parents ranks $irst even be$ore ;ihad and military action in thebattle$ield to combat the enemy% Further evidence is eBually derived $rom the t"o Sah1ih12oosby 7mam Muslim and 7mam ukhari "here a man is reported to have come to 8rophetMuhammad 3May Allahs salat and Peace be upon him5 to take permission $or#oin# to ;ihad% 4he 8rophet asked him* Are your parents alive?:4he man ans"ered* Yes%!4he 8rophet said* So, your jihad is to be dutiful to them.! 4his is because duti$ulness to

    parents combines the most re$ined values and the most bene$icial $orms o$ love%

    34he Sheikh reads t"o lines o$ poetry paraphrased as $ollo"s56

    These to come e0clusively after $llah in ran.

    Satisfying them is aspired to and disobeying them is much abhorred./ever utter a ord hich might offend them'Sho humility and gratefulness to them in all modesty.

    rothers and sisters in $aith.

    Due to the ma#ni$icence o$ parents' ri#hts and the #randeur o$ their kind acts* Allah 3 the"reat and Almighty5 has correlated duti$ulness to parents "ith obedience to Him 3"lory

    to Him5% Allah 3Blessed be He5 says6 *orshi" Allh ad +oi oe wi#h

    $i% i worshi"( ad do ,ood #o "are#s&&&]

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    7n the same vein* 7bn ,mar 3May Allah be pleased "ith both o$ them5 once met a man

    "ho "as carryin# his mother on his back "hile per$ormin# circumambulation around the

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    wi#h e o#hers #ha# o' whih you have o owled,e( #he obey#he% o#( bu# behave wi#h #he% i #he world idly&&&]

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    Allah is 1reat. Allah is 1reat. Ho" splendid such duti$ulness is and ho" #reat such

    manners are. y Allah* this duti$ulness to parents is more precious than #old itsel$ as it is

    rendered in such a shinin# and radiant $orm that is so typical o$ our 7slamic civiliation and

    the hi#h moral standards o$ our immaculate reli#ion9 a reli#ion that has reached the hi#hest

    peak o$ morals by $osterin# the values o$ mercy* duti$ulness* kindness* and moderation% 7t is a

    reli#ion that can by no means be compared "ith present-day materialistic civiliation in terms

    o$ its position vis-=-vis the $amily in #eneral and the parents in particular and ho" the latter

    are o$ten abandoned to nursin# homes "hile their sponsors lead a lavish li$e%

    4hen* look at the sharp contrast bet"een this kind o$ duti$ulness and those heart-breakin#

    instances o$ disobedience to parents today* "hich have #one as $ar as patricide in such

    desperate acts o$ $aithlessness marked "ith dis#race* lack o$ ma#nanimity and sense o$honour%

    4hose "hose emotions #o scarce* conscience "ithers a"ay* and hearts turn hard 3"ith

    respect to their parents5 are the ones "ho are bankrupt indeed6 0ou may ima#ine one o$ their

    parents "antin# to say 3the Sheikh Buotes $our lines o$ poetry paraphrased as $ollo"s56

    3 have raised you as an infant and then a young man"?n*oying great care and affection.%oever" hen you have gron to be a man"$s 3 hoped and ished for"

    You rearded me ith toughness and harshness$s though you ere the one ho raised me and cared for me.So forget about me being your father" for 3 only ishYou ould treat me as a ne0t=door neighbour ould.

    A Muslim may "ish $or nothin# more than the satis$action o$ his ord 3May He bee!tolled5* and this in itsel$ is tied up "ith the satis$action o$ one's parents% Abdullah 7bnAmr 7bn Al Aas May Allah be pleased "ith both him and his $ather reported that the8rophet 3May Allahs Salat and Peace be upon him5 said6 he pleasure of the

    'ord lies in the pleasure of the parents. #he an!er of the 'ord lies in the an!er of the

    parents.(abb(n and Al-H>(kim

    34he Sheikh Buotes t"o lines o$ poetry paraphrased as $ollo"s56

    2e dutiful to your parents and never say ords of disrespect to them/or shout at them" but address them in terms of honour. 2e thanful to them$nd loer unto them the ing of submission and humility as mercy for both of them.Only then ill you pave your ay 5to &aradise6 and store a treasure for yourself.

    /e seek protection "ith Allah $rom the accursed Satan6 [Ad your ord has

    dereed #ha# you worshi" oe bu# $i%& Ad #ha# you be du#i'ul

    #o your "are#s& 8' oe o' #he% or bo#h o' #he% a##ai old a,e iyour li'e( say o# #o #he% a word o' disres"e#( or shou# a# #he%


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    bu# address #he% i #er%s o' hoour 293 ad lower u#o #he%#he wi, o' sub%issio ad hu%ili#y #hrou,h %ery( ad say: yord! 7es#ow o #he% ;our ery as #hey did bri, %e u" whe 8was s%all&]

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    reported that the Messen#er o$ Allah 3MayAllahs Salat and Peace be upon him5said6 &Should ) not inform you about the !ravest of the major sins? #e said" please do AO

    4essenger of $llah! So he said7 *Ascribin! partners to Allah and disobeyin! one$sparents$.%

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    May Allah have mercy on their souls* #rant them a #enerous return 3to Allah Almi#hty5*

    make the heavens o$ deli#ht and bliss their last d"ellin#* bene$it them "ith their o"n $aith

    and belie$ 3in Allah5* and receive them "ith the spirit and scents o$ @irdas3the hi#hest rankin Heaven5. May Allah make them amon# the ri#hteously #uided* raise their status the

    hi#hest and be their successor in this li$e.

    , Allah. 1rant us duti$ulness to our parents "hile they are still livin# and a$ter they die. ,

    Allah. less their souls as they "ere mercy on us "hen "e "ere small% , Allah. 8rolon# the

    lives o$ those o$ them "ho are still alive so that they can "orship you more and do more

    #ood. , Allah. En#ul$ "ith 0our mercy* satis$action and $or#iveness the #raves o$ those "ho

    passed a"ay. , Allah. Make their #raves a #arden similar to those in 0our heavens9 0ou* theMost 1enerous* Most ene$icent.

    4here$ore* observe taqa, servants o$ Allah "hen it comes to duti$ulness to one'sparents% Ho" #reat it is to be duti$ul to one's parents* be$ore it is too late. 0ou* "ho have

    been so ne#lect$ul o$ your obli#ations to"ards your parents9 you* "ho have been treatin#

    your parents "ith some sort o$ disobedience9 you must hurry and seek repentance be$ore it is

    too late9 "hen your soul says6 9$las! 3 have been neglectful of $llahs commands and myobligations ith respect to my parents!:

    Make use o$ modern means* technolo#y and social communication media in order to

    enhance duti$ulness and solidarity and never #et too preoccupied "ith these media to carryout your obli#ations vis-=-vis your parents "hether they are still alive or deceased% 4hus* you

    shall achieve happiness in the Herein and be re"arded "ith the bliss and deli#ht o$ the


    4his bein# said* 7 advise you May Allah have mercy on you to send your salat andpeace on the :hosen 8rophet 3May Allahs Salat and Peace be upon him5* theMessen#er o$ Allah as Allah3"lori%ed be He5 commanded you to do so "hen He &May

    He be e!tolled' so #enerously said6 [Allh seds $is Salt 2

  • 8/10/2019 Obedience to One's Parents


    , Allah. 1rant #lory to 7slam and Muslims. , Allah. 1rant #lory to 7slam and Muslims.

    De#rade polytheism and polytheists 3"ho associate partners "ith 0ou5. Destroy the enemies

    o$ 0our Reli#ion and #rant sa$ety and security to this homeland and to those o$ all Muslims.

    , Allah. 1rant us security in our homelands. , Allah. 1rant us security in our

    homelands. Set ri#ht our leaders and those responsible $or our a$$airs. , Allah. Support "ith

    the 4ruth our leader and ruler* the :ustodian o$ the 4"o Holy MosBues. , Allah. 1rant him

    success in "hat you "ant and please* and #uide him to ri#hteousness and taqa. , Allah.8rovide him "ith a ri#hteous retinue that sho"s him "hat is #ood and helps him do it. ,

    Allah. 1rant him* his deputies* his brothers and assistants success to do "hat brin#s #lory to

    7slam and ri#hteousness to Muslims.

    , Allah. 1uide all Muslim leaders to rule accordin# to 0our Shariaand to $ollo" theSunnaho$ 0our 8rophet 3MayAllahs Salat and Peace be upon him5* $or 0ou are AllHearin#.

    , Allah. Shove a"ay $rom us* $rom our country and $rom the rest o$ the Muslim "orld

    e+pensiveness* epidemics* usury* adultery* earthBuakes* trials* and the "orst ordeals "hether

    implicit or e+plicit* , ord o$ the /orlds.

    , Allah. 8rotect our country and help preserve $or it its $aith* its belie$* its security* its

    stability and its prosperity. , Allah. 8rotect the rest o$ the Muslim countries as "ell.

    , Allah. Make preoccupied "ith their o"n evil those "ho "ish to harm our Faith*

    leadership* security* stability and unity. 4urn their plots and their cunnin# a#ainst them and

    make their plannin# to their o"n detriment. , ord o$ the "orlds.

    , Allah. 0ou* the ivin#* the Subsistin#. /e seek re$u#e "ith 0our Mercy. /e implore

    0ou not to entrust us to our o"n selves even $or a blink o$ an eye. , Allah. Set ri#ht all o$

    our a$$airs.

    , Allah. 1rant success to our security $orces. , Allah. 1rant them success to carry out

    "hat is in the best interest o$ our country and people and re"ard them #enerously $or their

    e$$orts in helpin# maintain our security. , ord o$ the /orlds* ord o$ Ma;esty and ounty.

    , Allah. 1rant victory to our4u*ahideenbrothers 3in the cause o$ Allah5 "herever theymay be. , Allah. 1rant them victory in 8alestine. , Allah. Save Al-ABsa MosBue $rom the

    Jcla"s' o$ those a##ressors and occupiers amon# the e"s* , 0ou* ord o$ the "orlds.

    , Allah. rin# an end to the oppression o$ our brothers and sisters in Syria. , Allah.

    rin# an end to the oppression o$ our brothers and sisters in Syria. , Allah. 4hey are

    oppressed indeed* so #rant them victory. , Allah. 4hey are oppressed indeed* so #rant them

    victory. , Allah. 4hey are oppressed indeed* so #rant them victory. 0ou are the ,ne /ho

    #rants victory to the believers. 0ou are the 1uardian o$ Muslims and the ,ne /ho #rants

    victory to the oppressed* "ith 0our Mercy* 0ou* 4he Most Merci$ul.


  • 8/10/2019 Obedience to One's Parents


    [I Our ord!