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Obedienceto the

Heavenly Vision


A manual to help children’s workers(and other Christians) to understand God’s plan

for their lives and service

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2 The Problems of a Children’s Worker and God’s Solution

A series of devotional manuals for children’s workers “The Problems of a Children’s Worker - and God’s Solution” “Obedience to the Heavenly Vision”“Smooth Sailing in Personal Relationships and Leadership”“50 Years and Still Learning”“Salvation by Faith Alone”“Truths for Teachers”“God’s Word for God’s Workers Vol 1”“God’s Word for God’s Workers Vol 2”

Published byCEF Specialized Book Ministry,

Assisting Children’s Evangelists WorldwidePO Box 308, Lisburn, BT28 2YS, N Ireland, UK

© October 1997 All Rights Reserved

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Introduction 3Table of Contents

Foreword ............................................................................................... 1Introduction .......................................................................................... 2Chapter 1: Oh, God Give Me Vision ................................................. 5

Vision Is What We See ..................................................................... 5Paul’s Heavenly Vision .................................................................... 6A Prayer to Pray ................................................................................ 7

Chapter 2: Be Thou My Vision ........................................................... 8A Vision of God ................................................................................ 8Isaiah’s Vision of God....................................................................... 9Our Vision of God .......................................................................... 10God Is Sovereign ............................................................................. 11God Is Wise ..................................................................................... 13God Is Our Loving Heavenly Father ............................................. 13Paul’s Vision of Jesus Christ ........................................................... 14A Prayer to Pray .............................................................................. 15

Chapter 3: Oh God, Help Me to See the Children—As You See Them ................................................................................ 16

A Vision of the Children and Their Needs .................................... 16Paul’s Vision of the Gentiles .......................................................... 17An Understanding of What the Word of God Says

about Children ............................................................................ 18An Understanding of What the World Is Doing

to Children ................................................................................... 19The Vision of a Polish Leader ........................................................ 20A Prayer to Pray .............................................................................. 21

Chapter 4: I Feel So Inadequate ....................................................... 22A Vision of the Gospel and Its Power ........................................... 22Paul’s Vision of the Gospel ............................................................ 23Children Need the Gospel ............................................................. 24God Blesses His Word ................................................................... 25A Prayer to Pray .............................................................................. 26

Chapter 5: Lord, Here Am I, Send Me ............................................. 27A Vision of Our Responsibility ...................................................... 27Paul’s Vision of His Ministry .......................................................... 27All Ministry Starts with Vision ....................................................... 28Some Personal Illustrations ............................................................ 29God Wants to Give Us Vision ....................................................... 32A Prayer to Pray .............................................................................. 33

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4 The Problems of a Children’s Worker and God’s SolutionChapter 6: Ready, Steady, GO! ......................................................... 34God Wants Us to Obey .................................................................. 34Paul’s Obedience to the Heavenly Vision .................................... 34Vision Becomes Venture ................................................................ 35All Christians Need to Obey the Heavenly Vision ...................... 38Two Personal Illustrations .............................................................. 38A Prayer to Pray .............................................................................. 42

Chapter 7: What Has Gone Wrong? ................................................ 43The Next Step .................................................................................. 43Paul’s Valley .................................................................................... 44Many of God’s Servants Have Valley Experiences ...................... 44What Is a Valley? ............................................................................ 45How Do We Get into a Valley? ..................................................... 45A Prayer to Pray .............................................................................. 47

Chapter 8: Help! I’m in a Valley ...................................................... 48What We Should Not Do in a Valley ............................................ 48Remember God’s Call .................................................................... 49Reflect on God’s Character ............................................................ 51Rely on God’s Promises ................................................................. 53A Prayer to Pray .............................................................................. 54

Chapter 9: There Is Victory for Me! ................................................ 55V Is for Victory ................................................................................ 55Some Personal Illustrations ............................................................ 56Victory in the Valley ....................................................................... 58Perseverance = Victory ................................................................. 58Peace = Victory .............................................................................. 59Faith = Victory ............................................................................... 60A Prayer to Pray .............................................................................. 61

Chapter 10: God’s Grace Is Enough ................................................ 62The Privilege Paul Enjoyed ............................................................ 62The Problem Paul Faced ................................................................ 62The Prayer Paul Prayed .................................................................. 64The Second Problem Paul Faced ................................................... 64The Promise Paul Received ........................................................... 64The Principles Paul Learned .......................................................... 65The Perseverance Paul Displayed ................................................. 67A Prayer to Pray .............................................................................. 68

Chapter 11: The Witness of Experience .......................................... 70The Vision ....................................................................................... 71The Venture ..................................................................................... 71The Valley ....................................................................................... 72The Victory ...................................................................................... 73

Books Recommended for Further Reading ...................................... 77

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Obedience to the Heavenly Vision 1


I have a friend, a minister of the Gospel, who has been used ofGod for many years and, although aged and almost blind, he stillexercises an effective ministry. Recently someone said to his son,himself a famous preacher, “I hear your father has lost his vision.”The son laughed and replied, “He has lost his sight but his visionNO!—that still burns brightly.”

As I read this book I had to ask myself if my vision was waning.Have the years taken the edge of my zeal? Experience is a great teacherbut also brings with it great dangers. As we become more professionaland “good at our job” we can easily become more complacent andless zealous for God’s glory.

I am sure that as you read this book you will, like myself, becompelled to have a fresh look at what you are doing. How muchventure is involved? The author points out that this depends upon howmuch vision we have. Perhaps you have ventured and had a certainmeasure of success but you ran into a valley and things are not as youanticipated, or as people told you they would be in the service of theLord.

Read this book prayerfully and carefully and you will see thatGod is preparing you, through these experiences, for wider servicefor His glory. Learn how He can give you the victory in the valleyand, in this way, make you more mature personally and enrich yourservice for him.

To those of us who know the author personally, the message ofthe book is even more potent. Sam’s life and ministry are the“incarnation”—the living illustration—of all he seeks to teach us here.

May God’s richest blessing be upon the author, the book andupon all who shall read it.

Fred OrrAmazonas, Brazil

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2 Foreword


This book is being written primarily for children’s workers whoare younger and more inexperienced, and especially for those whoare in the early days of their ministry to boys and girls. It will, I trust,help you to see what God has planned for you and what He expectsfrom you. I pray that it will also help you to be prepared for theproblems and difficulties which will surely come, and show you howto handle them.

But, at the same time, I believe that this book will also be anencouragement to those of you who have been in the work for sometime. I find that it is so easy for us to become dry, formal andprofessional in our ministry, and even to lose some of that earliervision and enthusiasm we once had. We are all in need of renewaland encouragement, and I trust that this book will be a help andblessing to you also.

We know that we have been saved to serve. There is no questionin our minds about that. If God had just saved us so that we would behappy He would have taken us immediately to Heaven where wecould have been much happier. If God had just saved us so that wewould sing and praise Him He could have taken us immediately toHeaven where we would sing and praise Him much better than we dohere. If God had just saved us to have fellowship with other ChristiansHe could have taken us immediately to Heaven where we could havehad much deeper, better and longer fellowship than is possible hereon earth. These things are all good and necessary. But they do notexplain the main reason why God saved us and wanted us to continueto live here. HE SAVED US TO SERVE HIM, TO WITNESS FORHIM AND TO WIN SOULS FOR JESUS CHRIST. That is the onething we cannot do in Heaven. It can only be done here on earth. Thatis why it is so important for us to know God’s plans and purposes forour service.

I believe that we can see in the Bible a pattern or plan accordingto which God leads, guides and directs those who wish to serve Him.It can be of great help to us to know what that pattern or plan is, sothat we can see it and follow it in our own lives and service.

This plan is outlined in the Bible in two ways:


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Obedience to the Heavenly Vision 3

By clear and simple teaching whereby God’s plan is outlinedand applied. Many verses and passages give us the directionsand help we need so that we can better understand His planand, consequently, better serve Him.By illustrating this plan in the lives and ministries of many ofGod’s servants, both in the Old Testament and in the NewTestament. There is a wonderful similarity in how God leadsall of His servants, and we have every right to believe that Hewill lead us in a somewhat similar way.We can also see this same pattern or plan unfold in the livesand ministries of many of God’s great servants down throughchurch history. The list includes men and women like AmyCarmichael, Hudson Taylor, Jim Elliot, C.T. Studd, MarySlessor, Martin Luther, William Carey and Eric Liddell.

One of the very first steps which every Christian should take,after our conversion, is to ask God to show us what He wants us todo, and where He wants us to serve Him. In response to that prayerGod always begins to unfold His plan to us:

We hear God’s call—as He speaks to us through His WordWe experience God’s leading—as He guides us in differentwaysWe see God’s vision—as He opens our eyes

There are, of course, many variations in God’s pattern and planfrom one individual to another. He does not lead all of us in exactlythe same way. But I believe that there is a basic plan or pattern for allof us, and if we study and understand that basic pattern we will begreatly helped, encouraged and guided.

The purpose of this book is to outline that pattern. We will seethat there are four basic steps in God’s plan for Christian service, andthat these can be summarized in the following words:


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4 Foreword

The chapters which follow will explain these four words and thesefour steps in much more detail.

I am very thankful that my spiritual father, Fred Orr, has writtenthe foreword to this book. I also appreciate Fred’s willingness toshare his testimony with us in the last chapter of the book. Histestimony is a very vivid and moving illustration of the principlesoutlined throughout the book; and it provides, I feel, a fitting climaxand conclusion to the ten preceding chapters.

Fred, and his wife Ina, were the first to witness to my wife andmyself concerning the Lord Jesus Christ and our need for salvation.And they continued to do so, faithfully and lovingly, over a period ofseveral months. My wife Sadie trusted Jesus Christ as her Saviour intheir home; and then I trusted Him two weeks later in that samehome.

Also, as you will read in this book, it was Fred who introduced usto the ministry of Child Evangelism Fellowship.

Soon after we trusted Christ, Fred and Ina went as missionariesto one of the more remote areas of Brazil. But down through theyears Fred has been a great source of inspiration and encouragementto me.

It has been difficult—even impossible—for me to write this bookwithout including many personal illustrations. I have included thesefor two reasons:

To clarify and help explain what I am writing. I have thereforeused such illustrations to show the reality of the plan I haveoutlined, in my own life and ministry. However, I would liketo emphasize right at the outset, that I am still endeavouring tounderstand more clearly and to put into practice more diligently,the principles explained in this book. I would encourage you todo the same.To glorify God and to praise Him for all that He has done. Itrust and pray that what I have written will bring glory to Him,and HIM ALONE.

May God bless you, help you and stimulate you as you prayerfullyread this book, and may the end result be the salvation of men, women,boys and girls.

Paul said, “I was not disobedient unto the heavenly vision”(Acts 26 v19). May this also be true of all of us.


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Obedience to the Heavenly Vision 5


Chapter 1:Oh, God Give Me Vision

hristian service does not start with activity. It is easy for somepeople to be activists and to go ahead and DO things. But the

Bible makes it clear that the first step in serving God is to SEE andUNDERSTAND what He wants us to do. Vision must precede ventureand action. That is why we, as God’s servants, need to pray, first ofall—“Dear God open my eyes and help me to see.”

We all need vision, and we all need to pray that God will grant usthat vision.

Some of us need new vision, and we will see things we havenever seen before.Some of us need renewed vision, when God brings back to ourmind that which He has already shown us. One of the greatesttragedies possible is for a person or a mission to lose theirvision. A mission which loses its vision becomes a machineand, before long, that machine becomes a monument.Some of us need clearer vision, when God shows us moreclearly, and in more detail, what we should do. Our “spiritualspectacles” sometimes become rather clouded and need“cleaning.”Some of us need deeper vision—as God leads us on into deeperdepths of understanding concerning His will and plan for us.

But we all need vision and we all need to pray, “Oh, God give mevision.” This prayer is not just for full-time workers and missionaries.Those who teach Good News Clubs, Sunday school classes, thosewho help in a weekly openair meeting for children, and those whogive and pray so that children may be reached with the Gospel allneed vision. God wants to give vision to all His people.

Vision Is What We SeeVision is the ability to see. The dictionary defines vision as “the

act or faculty of seeing or sight.” However, when I refer to vision inthis book I am not thinking of that which we see with our physical

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6 Chapter 1

eyes. God does not, I believe, grant us such visions today in the wayHe sometimes did in Bible times. We have His completed Word today,and do not, I believe, need visions of that kind. “Vision” in thisbook means that which we see with our minds, in our hearts and withour understanding. It means “the eyes of the heart” rather than ourphysical eyes. It means that God illuminates our understanding ratherthan He speaks to us through literal visions and dreams.

I believe that it is unwise and unbiblical for us to serve Godwithout having received any understanding or guidance from Him.We need to have vision, first of all, and then after that we serve.Vision must precede venture. God wants to open the eyes of ourunderstanding so that we can see before we start, so that we canunderstand before we can undertake, so that we can hear His Callbefore we obey it.

Vision is the ability to see what is not there. Vision often seeswhat others may not or cannot see. The vision which God gives mayseem impossible to us and even more impossible to others. Vision isa growing certainty of God’s Will, and an increasing awareness andknowledge of God’s call:

The source of this vision is God Himself. It is heavenly vision.The content of this vision is the Will of God for your life andservice.The direction of this vision is the future and what God wantsyou to do then.The nature of this vision is very personal. It is God speaking toyou.The purpose of this vision is to show you God’s plan for yourlife and ministry, as part of His plan for a lost world.The importance of this vision lies in the fact that God willrealise it and bring it to pass in His time.Your reaction to this vision must be one of complete obedience.

Paul’s Heavenly VisionPaul speaks about the heavenly vision in Acts 26 v19. This vision

was to change his whole life. He saw something he had never seennor understood before. When he acted upon it and was obedient to it,

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Obedience to the Heavenly Vision 7

his whole life was changed, and the lives of many many more withwhom he was to come into contact. His service, like that of everyservant of Jesus Christ, started with vision.

Paul had this heavenly vision on the road to Damascus:

He saw the Lord. He had a vision of the Lord Jesus ChristHimself. “But rise, and stand upon thy feet: for I haveappeared unto thee for this purpose, to make thee a ministerand a witness both of these things which thou hast seen, andof those things in the which I will appear unto thee” (Acts 26v16).He heard a call to ministry, and he understood what God wantedhim to do. He had a vision of his future service. “Deliveringthee from the people, and from the Gentiles, unto whom nowI send thee” (Acts 26 v17).

God wants to speak to you; He wants to open your eyes, and togive you understanding. He reveals Himself to you as you read andstudy the Word of God. He wants you to see, through that Word, theLord Jesus Christ who is the image of God, and what He wants you todo.

THAT IS VISION.In Acts 2 v17 Peter prophesied “Your young men shall see visions

and your old men shall dream dreams.” This prophecy was literallyfulfilled at Pentecost and during the days which followed. But thereis a need in the Church today for young men and women, and oldmen, to see visions (with their understanding).

It is so easy to settle down and become complacent in our workand in our ministry. We can become professional in our approach andvery formal in all that we do. We need more and more to see visions,and to dream dreams. May God help us to do so.

A Prayer to PrayCould I suggest that we stop reading just now and pray like this:

“Oh God give me vision, I pray. Please open the eyes of myunderstanding and help me to see what You want me to see.”

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Chapter 2:Be Thou My Vision . . .

he first step in Christian service is to see, to understand—TOHAVE VISION.

“What does God want us to see and to understand?”There are four answers to that question and we are going to look

at these four answers in their logical order in this chapter and the threechapters which follow.

God wants us to see Himself and His sovereignty.God wants us to see the children and their needs.God wants us to see the Gospel and its power.God wants us to see ourselves and our responsibility.

God wants us, first of all, to see Himself. The first vision we need isa vision of God.

A Vision of GodOne of our old Irish hymns expresses this very well:

Be Thou My vision, O Lord of my heart;Naught be all else to me, save that Thou art,Thou my best thought, by day or by night,Waking or sleeping, Thy presence my light.

Be Thou my vision, Thou my true Word;I ever with Thee, Thou with me, Lord;Thou my great Father, I Thy true son;Thou in me dwelling, and I with Thee one.

Be Thou my battle-shield, sword for the fight;Be Thou my dignity, Thou my delight,Thou my soul’s shelter, Thou my high tower:Raise Thou me heaven-ward, O Power of my power.

Riches I heed not, nor man’s empty praise,Thou mine inheritance, now and always:Thou and Thou only, first in my heart,High King of Heaven, my treasure Thou art.

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Obedience to the Heavenly Vision 9

High King of Heaven, after victory won,May I reach heaven’s joys, O bright heav’n’s Sun!Heart of my own heart, whatever befall,Still be my vision, O Ruler of all.

Isaiah’s Vision of GodIsaiah was a young man whom God was about to call into His service

as a prophet. That call is recorded in Isaiah chapter 6 verses 8 and 9.“Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send,

and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I: send me. And he said,Go, and tell this people, hear ye indeed, but understand not; and see yeindeed, but perceive not.”

But before God called Isaiah He wanted him to have a vision ofHimself. The first step in God’s plan for Isaiah was that he should seeHim and understand more about Him. Without that vision he wouldnot have been ready for his ministry. A vision of God must come first.How can we serve God if we don’t really know what He is like. Thisvision of God and Isaiah’s resulting knowledge of God were going tostand him in good stead when problems came in his ministry. Some ofthese problems are outlined in Isaiah 6 v9–13:

God’s first step for Isaiah was—TO SEE Him.

“In the year that king Uzziah died I saw also the Lord” (Isaiah 6v1).

Whom did he see?

The Lord—or more specifically the Lord Jesus Christ (John 12v41).

What did he see?

He saw the position of the Lord—“sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up and His train filled thetemple” (verse 1).He saw and began to understand the great truth that God issovereign and in complete control.He saw the purity of the Lord—“Above it stood the seraphims: each one had six wings; withtwain He covered His face, and with twain He covered His feet,

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and with twain He did fly. And one cried unto another, and said,Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord of hosts: the whole earth is full ofHis glory” (Isaiah 6 v2, 3).He saw and began to understand the great truth that God is holy.He saw the power of the Lord“And the posts of the door moved at the voice of Him thatcried, and the house was filled with smoke” (Isaiah 6 v4).He saw and began to understand the great truth that God waspowerful and could do anything.

Isaiah never forgot what he saw. This vision of God was to “keephim in perfect peace” (Isaiah 26 v3) when the problems came.

Our Vision of GodI trust that you have received and read my first book The Problems

of a Children’s Worker—and God’s Solution. If not, please write to meat the address given on the first page of this book ,and I will send you acopy of it. In that book I outlined the clear Bible teaching that the answerto all our problems is to see God as He is portrayed and described in theBible, to know Him more and more, and then to focus at all times onthe One we have seen and come to know—especially when problemscome. What we are, what we do, how we pray, how we serve and howwe evangelize, depend upon how we see God, and upon our vision ofGod. A.W. Pink writes “An unknown God can neither be trusted norserved nor worshipped.”

That is why a vision of God is so important, and that is why this isthe very first step in God’s plan and pattern for our service. God revealsHimself in His Word, the Bible. Therefore it is absolutely essential forevery Christian to read and study the Bible. His purpose in doing so isnot just to find promises, commands and warnings. His primarypurpose is to find out, more and more, what God is really like. Eachtime we read the Bible we should ask ourselves the question: “Whatdoes this verse (passage) teach me about God?”

There are three great truths about God which will become moreand more apparent as we really see Him in the pages of His Word.These three truths will provide a sound basis and a good foundationfor all of our service.

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Obedience to the Heavenly Vision 11

God Is SovereignTo see, understand and believe the great truth of the sovereignty of

God is sure to be a turning point in the life of a Christian. I will neverforget that time in my life, over 20 years ago, when I began to seeclearly, and for the first time, that God was truly and absolutelysovereign. I have outlined how this happened on pages 19 and 20 ofmy first book “The Problems of a Children’s Worker—and God’sSolution.”

I had been a Christian and a full-time Christian worker and leaderfor many years, but I had never really seen, believed and understoodthis great truth. I had, in many ways, believed it theoretically, but notpractically and absolutely. It was at that time that God began to giveme a new vision of Himself and His sovereignty. This was to be a turningpoint in my life and to make a great difference in my service. It was, ofcourse, only the beginning of a process which still continues as Iendeavour, more and more, to see and understand God as He really is. Iconfess that I have not made the progress I would like to make. But I dopraise God for what He has enabled me to see concerning Himself.Down through the years, a number of students at our European CEFLeadership Training Institute have told me that the greatest and mostvaluable lesson they had learned during their three months atKilchzimmer was the importance of seeing and knowing God as Hereally is.

When we see and we really believe that God is sovereign and thatHe is in complete control of all circumstances then, even in the midst ofany problems, we can enjoy His peace. Why worry when God is on theThrone?

God, from time to time, grants us special insights into His sovereigntywhich greatly encourage us in our evangelism of the children.

Soon after my wife Sadie and I had started our ministry with CEFin Ireland I read in the Child Evangelism magazine about open-air childevangelism and 5 Day Clubs. I felt I should do something. So verynervously I decided to start a 5 Day Club in a housing estatein a nearby town. I arrived on Monday morning (on my bicycle andwith my flannelgraph board), selected a grassy area in the middle of theestate, set up my board, spread my canvas sheet and invited the childrento come. About 20–25 came and the numbers increased every morning

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of that week.Each morning I taught choruses, and a memory verse—and I gave

an evangelistic Bible lesson challenging children to trust Jesus Christ astheir Saviour. I also made myself available to children who wantedcounselling. The children listened well, but there was no obviousresponse.

When the week ended I was sad and disappointed. I had beenconvinced that God had led me and that He would save children. Butnothing had happened.

One Sunday morning, about 10 years later, I was speaking in achurch in that same town. After the service I was invited for lunch tothe home of one of the elders. When I arrived at his home I discoveredthat it was in the housing estate where I had conducted my first 5 DayClub all those years previously. But I said nothing.

During lunch he told me of something sad which had happened inthe estate just that week. A young lady, 18 or 19 years old, had died. Shehad suffered for years from, I believe, leukaemia. I asked him if shewas a Christian and he said that she was a very fine Christian. He wenton to tell me that she was converted in a very unusual way. A numberof years previously someone had come to the estate and conductedopen-air meetings for the children. She was too sick to attend them.But she asked her mother to open the window so she could listen. Onemorning that week, he informed me, lying on her bed, she had trustedthe Lord Jesus Christ as her Saviour, and had grown spiritually eversince.

“Isn’t that an interesting story?” he observed.“My dear brother,” I replied, “You have no idea how interesting it is.

I was that evangelist; and I thought that nothing had happened duringthat week. Now I realise that God did work—and that He did save.”

For a young children’s evangelist it was so good and so helpful torealise, in a new way, that GOD IS SOVEREIGN; and that as weevangelize the children we can trust Him for the results.

God Is WiseThe wisdom of God is linked closely to the sovereignty of God. God

is wise and has a plan for my life, and He is working to accomplish thatplan. God knows what He is doing.

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Obedience to the Heavenly Vision 13

When we link these twin truths of God’s sovereignty and God’swisdom together we can come to the wonderful conclusion thateverything that happens in our lives has one of two reasons:

God sent it.There are times when God in His wisdom sends difficulties, asHe did in the life of Paul (2 Corinthians 12 v7–10). But thesedifficulties are part of His plan and are controlled by His wisdom.God allowed it.There are circumstances and difficulties in our lives which arethe result of sin, which are caused by other people, or which arecaused by Satan. But God allows them to happen, although Hedoes not send them. This is what happened in the life of Job asrecorded in the first chapter of that book. But these difficultiesare controlled by God’s sovereignty and God’s wisdom. If Heallows them to happen they must be under His control.

There is no third alternative. If there was, God would not besovereign nor would He be wise.

Understanding the truth of God’s wisdom and having full confidencethat He knows what He is doing (even if we don’t) gives us peace,assurance and joy—in all circumstances.

God Is Our Loving Heavenly FatherIt is essential to be balanced in our thinking and in our vision of

God. We can see a good example of this balance in Psalm 86. As he praysDavid reflects and meditates on the wonderful truth of God’s greatness:

“For Thou art great and doest wondrous things” (verse 10).But elsewhere in his prayer he also meditates upon the “balancing truth”of God’s goodness, love and care.

“For Thou Lord art good and ready to forgive; and plenteous inmercy unto all them that call upon Thee” (verse 5).

“But Thou, O Lord, art a God full of compassion, gracious, longsuffering and plenteous in mercy and truth” (verse 15)

How terrible it would be to have a God Who was great, but Whowas not good! Or to have a God Who was good but not great!

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In Matthew chapter 6 the Lord Jesus commanded His disciples notto worry about what they would eat and drink (verses 25 and 31),what they would wear (verses 25 and 31), about their height or thelength of their lives (verse 27) or about the future (verse 34). But thisfreedom from worry would come, He explained, if they could have aclear vision and understanding of God as their heavenly Father. He isthe One Who knows (verse 32) and the One Who cares (verse 26).

Our God is a God of love and, while He is sovereign and He is wise,He exercises both of these attributes in love. He is our Heavenly Fatherand He cares for us and He loves us much, much more than any earthlyfather could. He would never do anything to harm us.

The first vision God wants us to have is a vision of Himself. That isthe first step, and the most important step of all. It is the basis of all thesteps which follow. Everything will fit together if we have a clear visionof our sovereign, wise and loving God. Without that vision any latervision will be useless.

Paul’s Vision of Jesus ChristThe Apostle Paul was converted on the road to Damascus. He gives

us an account of his conversion in Acts chapter 26 verses 12–23. Paulalso records that on that same day he received what he calls “the heavenlyvision” (verse 19). This vision had several aspects (as we will see later).But the first one, and the most important one, was that he had a visionof the Lord Jesus Christ.

In verse 16 we read the words of the Lord Jesus to Paul “But riseand stand upon thy feet; for I have appeared unto thee for this purpose tomake thee a minister and a witness both of these things which thouhast seen and of the things in the which I will appear unto thee.”

The first step in Paul’s conversion, and in his call, was a vision ofthe Lord Jesus Christ. This was a literal physical vision of Jesus Christ.It was therefore a different kind of vision from what we are writingabout in this book. But the principle remains the same. The first step,and the first vision, we all need to see and understand is a vision of GodHimself as revealed in the Bible and in the Person of His Son, the LordJesus Christ.

We need always to remember that this is not a physical experience

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which enables us to see God with our eyes. We see God and come tounderstand Him in and through His Word. That is why He has givenus the Bible! As we read it we need to continually to ask ourselves thequestion “What do I learn here about God?”

We need to pray and ask God to show us Himself, more and more,through His Word. Why not start today? Read Isaiah chapter 40 andfind out from that chapter, more and more, about what God is like.Then continue reading in the chapters of Isaiah which follow.

Also we need to remember that we are speaking in this book abouta gradual process, and not one special climactic experience. God, theHoly Spirit, usually opens our eyes and understanding little by little, andstep by step as we read His Word. There may be times when what wesee and understand overwhelms us and really touches our heart. ButGod’s vision of Himself is for us today a process, rather than a crisis orsome very special experience. The important truth is that we shouldstart to see Him now! Today!

A well known chorus outlines this simple truth:

To know Christ and then to make Him knownHis blessed will obeyTo know Christ and then to make Him knownToday and every day

A Prayer to Pray“Oh God open my eyes and help me more and more to see and

understand, from Your Word, You as You really are.”

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Chapter 3:Oh God, Help Me to See the Children—

As You See Them

W e can only see and understand the needs of the children if we,first of all, see and understand, and have a vision of God.

The first vision which God wants us to have is a vision of Himselfand His sovereignty. The second vision is a vision of the children andtheir needs.

We read in Proverbs 29 verse 18 “Where there is no vision thepeople perish” (King James Translation). The New American StandardTranslation says “Where there is no vision the people areunrestrained.” The NIV translates this verse “Where there is norevelation the people cast off restraint.” The Hebrew word used heremeans “to be naked.” But whatever the exact translation is, this versecertainly teaches that if there is no vision the people suffer in someserious way.

This verse could refer to the ungodly and to the fact that if theyhave no vision or revelation of God they cast off restraint. But Ibelieve that it refers to us as believers. If we don’t have vision it isthe people who bear the consequences. I am sure that this is also trueof the little people—the boys and girls. If we don’t have vision theyare the ones to suffer.

A Vision of the Children and Their NeedsHow can we help the children if we don’t see and understand

what their needs are? There are many who teach and work with childrenwho have not really seen their great spiritual need. Consequentlythey, themselves, need vision—a vision of the needs of the boys andgirls.

A vision is the ability to see or understand something we have notseen or understood before, and which others perhaps still do not seeor understand.

“When He (the Lord Jesus) saw the multitudes He was movedwith compassion on them because they fainted and were scatteredabroad—as sheep having no shepherd” (Matthew 9 v36).

He had a vision of the needs of the people around Him.

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We must see the needs of the children around us. We are notspeaking about their physical needs, their mental or educational needs.We are not speaking about their social needs or even their psychologicalneeds even though some of these needs do exist and should be met.We are speaking about more serious needs—their spiritual needs.These are needs which can only be met in, and through, the Personand Work of the Lord Jesus Christ. Children don’t just need strengthand help in a sinful world; they don’t just need security and purposeof life in a confused world; they don’t just need peace in a troubledworld. They need, above all else, salvation in, and from, a lost world.

Paul’s Vision of the GentilesWe have already seen that when Paul trusted Jesus Christ as His

Lord and Saviour on the road to Damascus, and when God, that day,called him into His service, he had a vision of the Lord Jesus Christ(Acts 26 v16a). But, at the same time, God gave him a vision of theneeds of those to whom he was going to minister.

“To open their eyes and to turn them from darkness to lightand from the power of Satan unto God that they may receiveforgiveness of sins and inheritance among them which aresanctified by faith that is in me” (verse 18).

Paul saw the needs and the darkness of the Gentiles. He saw thatthey were under the power of Satan, and that they were condemnedbecause of their sin.

We need to have a vision like that of the great spiritual needs ofthe children. They need to be saved. They need to know that JesusChrist came to save them. Then when we see these needs we willwant to do something about it.

“Without vision the (little) people perish” (Proverbs 29 v18).All the great ministries which God has blessed and used in this

world have commenced with vision—a vision of God Himself andthen a vision of those to whom God was sending His servants. HudsonTaylor saw the needs of the Chinese. William Carey saw the needs ofIndia. Jim Elliott saw the needs of the Auca Indians. Charles Spurgeonsaw the needs of 19th century London. Amy Carmichael saw theneeds of children in India. John Wesley saw the needs of England’sunsaved millions. J. Irvin Overholtzer saw the needs of the world’s

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children and it was through him and the vision which God gave himthat the work of Child Evangelism Fellowship was founded.

We ourselves can have this vision of the needs of the children intwo ways:

An Understanding of What the Word of GodSays about Children

The Bible clearly outlines the spiritual needs of children:

They are spiritually dead and need spiritual life (Ephesians 2v1, 5).They have a sinful nature (Psalm 51 v5; Ephesians 2 v3) andneed to be changed (2 Corinthians 5 v17).They are outside God’s kingdom (Matthew 18 v3) and need tobe born again (John 3 v3, 5, and 7).They are lost as far as their position is concerned (Matthew 18v11–13).If they are old enough to know they have sinned, to know thatJesus Christ died for them and then to reject what God is sayingto them, the Bible teaches that, if they die, they will be losteternally (John 3 v36).

These are not easy truths for anyone to believe and accept. Sooften we think of children as being rather innocent, and as all beingalready in God’s kingdom. To think of them as dead, outside God’skingdom, sinful and lost is quite foreign and difficult for many of us.Indeed some may be violently opposed to such teaching. But this iswhat the Word of God clearly teaches, and we need to see these truthsto have a true biblical vision of the children’s needs. If we do, we arein a position to give them the help that they need.

So often our eyes are closed and we need to pray “Oh, God, helpme to see the need, the deep spiritual need, of the children and thepossibility of them being lost forever.” As we have this vision of thechildren and their needs, our hearts will, like that of the Saviour, bemoved with compassion, and we will want to reach them with theGospel.

Without that vision the (little) people will perish (Proverbs 29v18).

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One of the early leaders of Child Evangelism Fellowship used topray “Oh God give us tears for the children of the world.” And Ibelieve that the greatest contribution that the founder of ChildEvangelism Fellowship, Mr J. Overholtzer, made to the Church ofJesus Christ was his tears. He saw the spiritual needs of the children,was burdened by their needs and wept for them.

The Lord Jesus said in Matthew 18 v14 “It is not the will of yourFather which is in Heaven that one of these little ones shouldperish”; and it should not be our will or desire either. The Lord Jesussaid in Matthew 18 v11 that He is “come to save that which waslost.” In verses 12 and 13 he told the story of a Shepherd (the LordJesus) seeking the sheep which had gone astray (the child). As Hisunder shepherds we should understand their needs and be seeking forthem, so that their spiritual needs can be met by the Great and GoodShepherd, the Lord Jesus Christ.

An Understanding of What the WorldIs Doing to Children

We need to see and understand that the world in which today’schild is living is very different from the world into which you and Iwere born and in which we grew up. Today’s children face pressuresand temptations about which we knew nothing. It would seem to methat the devil is attacking and trying to destroy our children today ina way which would have seemed impossible years ago.

Today’s child is subjected, and exposed, to so many frighteningthings—drugs, crime, violence, pornography, false teaching,occultism, alcoholism and video nasties. The only solution to thesepressures, and the only defence against them, is Jesus Christ and Hissalvation. He can save and strengthen the children and enable them tolive for Him and resist the temptations and evil of this world.

But, first of all, they must trust Him as their Lord and Saviour.How can they do that if they don’t know about Him:

“How shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed?And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard?And how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall theypreach, except they be sent?” (Romans 10 v14, 15).

However, no one will go with the “glad tidings of good things”

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(Romans 10 v15) without being conscious of the needs of those towhom they are being sent.

That is why you and I need to have a clear vision of the children’sneeds:

What the Word of God says about them.What the world is doing to them.

When we have that vision we are ready to do something to helpthem.

The Vision of a Polish LeaderIn 1967 I had my first opportunity to minister in Poland. At that

time, and for many years which followed, Poland was a Communistcountry. God had laid a burden on my heart for Poland (which I stillhave 30 years later). I felt that I needed to go there and visit some ofthe small evangelical churches to challenge them concerning the needsof children, and to train and help them in their outreach to the boysand girls of their own land.

I travelled all over Poland and spoke in many of their smallchurches about the needs of the children. My interpreter was a mancalled Josef Prower. He was the godliest man I have ever known. Aconverted Jew, he was a professor of music, a preacher, poet, hymnwriter, author, elder in a church, and a friend and counsellor of manyfellow Poles. He spoke three languages fluently in addition to Polish,and his English was probably better than mine! He travelled with meto these meetings and translated for me as I preached to adults or as Ispoke to the children. I really felt privileged that my translator wasone of the most outstanding Christian leaders in Poland, a man ofmany gifts and abilities, and a man whose services were in muchdemand.

At the end of that series of meetings we spent our last eveningtogether in Josef’s home in Bielsko Biala. Josef suggested to me thatwe should have a time of prayer. We both got on our knees in Josef’sliving room. Josef started to pray “Dear God we want to pray for thechildren of Poland. They need you so much. . . .” After a few suchwords Josef started to weep. His heart was so touched by the needs ofPoland’s children that he couldn’t say anything else. What a “strange”

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prayer meeting it became. Two men on their knees, both weeping forthe needs of the children of Poland.

I have no idea how long that prayer meeting lasted. But eventuallyJosef got to his feet and said to me “Sam, I am ready to do what I canto reach the children of my country with the Gospel.” He had seenthe need of the children. God had spoken to him about it. Now hewanted to do something to help

Reaching the children of his country with the Gospel was to becomethe main goal of the remainder of Josef’s life. God blessed him andused him in a special way all over Poland to reach children, to challengeand train others to reach them, and also to produce the literaturewhich was greatly needed for that ministry.

A Prayer to PrayMay we pray just now:

“Oh God, help me to see the needs—the great spiritual needs ofthe children; and then enable me to do something to help meet thoseneeds.”

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Chapter 4:I Feel So Inadequate

he first step in Christian service is—VISION. We ask God toopen our eyes and to help us see Himself and His sovereignty.

Then we ask Him to help us to see the children and their great spiritualneed.

As we see the need of the children God will often speak to ourhearts and show us that He wants us to do something to meet thatneed. But our first reaction is usually one of inadequacy.

“What can I do to reach the children of my country, my city ormy area for Jesus Christ? I am only one person; I have no training,little experience and very little ability. Can God really use someonelike me?”

A Vision of the Gospel and Its PowerAt a time like this we need to have a third vision—a vision of the

Gospel and its power. We need to see and understand that God hasprovided us with a message which, when taught and explained tochildren, has, through the Holy Spirit, real life changing POWER.

The power is not in us. It does not depend primarily upon ourexperience, training or ability. The power is in the message weproclaim. The Holy Spirit uses that message to speak to the children’shearts, to convict them of sin, to give them a desire to turn from theirsin, and to regenerate them as they trust Jesus Christ. Therefore wedo not need to feel inadequate or discouraged. The message of theGospel is adequate.

The Lord Jesus told His disciples in Mark 16 v15 that they wereto “Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature.”How inadequate they must have felt! They were a group of men withoutBible school or seminary training. By profession they were mostlyfishermen or tax collectors, and certainly not pastors or preachers.They had all kinds of personal doubts and problems. But they didwhat they were told. They had no gimmicks or special techniques.They just obeyed their Master and PREACHED THE GOSPELeverywhere they had the opportunity. What happened? On-lookers

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said that they “have turned the world upside down” (Acts 17 v6),and that they had “filled Jerusalem with their doctrine” (Acts 5 v28).Thousands of people were converted; churches sprang up all over theknown world; lives, cities and even nations were transformed, andChristianity grew and spread until it eventually became what it istoday.

And this was all because of a handful of unlearned, inexperienced,doubting, hesitant men, who preached the Gospel as simply and asclearly as they could.

Paul describes the Gospel of Christ as “the power of God untosalvation to everyone that believeth—to the Jew first, and also to theGreek” (Romans 1 v16). He writes again in 1 Corinthians 1 v18 “Thepreaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness, but untous which are saved it is the power of God.” The Gospel is a messagewith power.

Consequently, as these men preached the simple straight forwardmessage of the Atoning Death of Jesus Christ and His Resurrection;as they explained that the risen and exalted Jesus Christ could forgiveall their sins and change their lives, and as they challenged theirhearers to respond in repentance and faith—GOD THE HOLY SPIRITWORKED. He used this MESSAGE to save many, and to change thewhole history of the world.

As God lays the need of children upon your heart and you knowthat you need to do something, do not be afraid or hesitate. Do notfeel inadequate. Do not say to yourself “This is impossible. It cannotbe done.” IT CAN BE DONE. But not in your power. It can only bedone in the power of the Holy Spirit as He uses the Gospel messageyou proclaim to the children (Acts 1 v8). TRUST HIM AND THEGOSPEL.

Paul’s Vision of the GospelThe Lord Jesus Christ revealed Himself to Paul on the road to

Damascus, and then He showed him the need of the Gentiles, But Healso wanted him to see that there was a message for him to preach.He was to be “a minister and witness both of these things whichthou hast seen and of those things in the which I will appear ontothee” (Acts 26 v16). He was told that it would be through these “things”

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that God would “open their eyes and turn them from darkness tolight” (Acts 26 v18). He rephrases this statement in Galatians 1 v15and 16 to read “When it pleased God . . . to reveal His Son in methat I might preach Him among the heathen.” The message whichthe Lord gave Paul to preach to the Gentiles can be seen more clearlylater in the 26th chapter of Acts.

“That Christ should suffer, and that He should be the first thatshould rise from the dead, and should shew light unto the people,and to the Gentiles” (Acts 26 v23).

The Bible teaches that the power in evangelism is in the Gospeland in the message which the evangelist proclaims. It is not in theevangelist himself. The disciples and Paul proved this in their ownexperience and so have multitudes of other evangelists down throughchurch history. God blessed the evangelistic ministry of men likeJohn Wesley, George Whitfield, Jonathan Edwards, Charles Spurgeonand many others both in the past and present, because they preachedthe Gospel faithfully. God, the Holy Spirit, used their message toopen the eyes of many, to turn them from darkness to light and fromthe power of Satan unto God.

It should be emphasized, however, that our understanding of, andfaith in, the Gospel and its power should not result in carelessness ineither our preparation or presentation. We always need to preparefaithfully and conscientiously; and we need to present our message aseffectively and attractively as we possibly can. Trusting the HolySpirit to work through our message must never eliminate, or evenlessen, our own responsibility to be our best, and to follow and abideby the principles of teaching.

Children Need the GospelWe who evangelize children need to have a new and a deeper

vision of the Gospel and its power. When Paul was discouraged inCorinth and felt like giving up God granted him a new vision of thepower which was in the message he preached. He assured him that,through that message, He would accomplish His purposes in thatcity (Acts 18 v9 and 10).

Many Christians who work with children today are substitutingother alternatives for the Gospel, or are seeking to add to the Gospel

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in some way. Some introduce gimmicks and techniques to their“evangelism” which tend to make their ministry more and more likeentertainment and less and less like evangelism. I am so glad thatGod called us in our Mission to be evangelists. We are the ChildEvangelism Fellowship and not the Child Entertainment Fellowship.We praise God that He has kept CEF true to its ministry of Biblebased evangelism down through the years.

As I have travelled from place to place I have, at times, witnessedthe attempts of children’s workers to “update” and “modernize” theirapproach to children. This has often resulted in more and moreemphasis being placed on activities such as miming, puppetry anddrama supplemented by different kinds of handwork and activity.The result has been that less and less emphasis has been placed on theclear simple exposition and teaching of God’s Word and the Gospel.We must never forget that “faith cometh by hearing, and hearingby the Word of God” (Romans 10 v17). I am not saying that all theactivities I have mentioned are wrong (although I would not besympathetic to several of them). There is, for example, a place forhandwork and activity if time allows it. But the danger comes whenthese things begin more and more to replace the simple teaching ofthe Gospel. It is that which God uses.

I read recently in a book written by a children’s worker in England:“To be relevant we may have to be radical. Sunday school style

flannelgraph and choruses may now have to give way to a more relevantapproach. Humour, contemporary music and fast moving fun are muchmore likely to communicate. A move away from video and soundstripsto a ‘live’ presentation where those leading are the visual aid is likelyto be more effective.”

This is perhaps an extreme example. But I feel that this type ofapproach is, more and more, creeping into much Christian work amongchildren. So many are trying to “put on a show,” and to find newways of attracting children and the simple presentation of the Gospelis becoming more and more of a rarity.

God Blesses His WordI remember the time, many years ago, when I was young and a

relatively inexperienced child evangelist. I had a number of what I

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felt were good and attractive visual presentations. The Gospel was ofcourse contained in them. But the Gospel message was surrounded byso many stories and illustrations that the emphasis was really on theillustrations and stories and most of the time was spent on them. Mymotives were good. I wanted to make my presentation attractive tothe children, and I felt that the more illustrations and stories I coulduse the more they would be attracted and the better they would listen.One day God convicted me about what I was doing; and I began tosee that my emphasis should be on the Word of God itself and on theGospel message. I saw that it was that which should and could attractthe children. This is what the Bible teaches

“So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shallnot return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please,and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it” (Isaiah 55 v11).

God blesses His Word. God blesses the Gospel message. Godwill attract children to that message. We do, of course, have aresponsibility to present this message as attractively as we can althoughwithout entering into the area of entertainment. Also illustrations shouldplay an important part in our presentation provided they remainillustrations. But God has called us to preach the Gospel, and He haspromised to bless that message.

Do you not agree that we who work with children need to have anew or a deeper, or a clearer, or a renewed vision of the Gospel, andits power? Will this not help us and encourage us to teach that Gospelto our children in the power of the Holy Spirit?

A Prayer to PrayShould we not therefore pray:

“Dear God, help me to see and understand that You have givenme a message to bring to the children, and please help me to do so—as well as I can—trusting the Holy Spirit to use that message to thesalvation and blessing of many boys and girls.”

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Chapter 5:Lord, Here Am I, Send Me

h God please open my eyes and help me to see, and understand:

Yourself and Your sovereigntyThe children and their needThe Gospel and its power

Oh God I need vision—new vision, renewed vision, deeper vision,clearer vision. Please give me that vision because without vision thelittle people will perish.

The first step in Christian service is VISION and I trust that Godwill help us to see and understand more about Himself, more aboutthe children and more about the message He has given us to bring tothem.

A Vision of Our ResponsibilityBut that is not enough! God has a fourth vision for us, and this

vision is absolutely necessary. We need to have a vision of ourselvesand our responsibility. We need to know what God wants us TO DO,in the light of the three visions we have already examined.

We have looked at God’s visions in the right chronological order.God wants us to see Himself first of all. That is where it all starts.Then, in the light of that, He wants us to see the needs of the children.Now we are ready to understand God’s solution to their needs throughthe Gospel. The next logical step is to see what God wants us to do.

God wants us to serve Him.God has a ministry and a place for us in His service.God wants to show us what that ministry is and where thatplace is.God wants us to ask Him for vision, understanding and guidance.

Paul’s Vision of His MinistryOne the road to Damascus Paul saw the Lord Jesus Christ. Then

he saw the spiritual need of the Gentiles. He understood that God was

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going to use what he preached to “open their eyes.” Then came thefourth vision. God showed him clearly that his ministry was to be tothe Gentiles, and that He was now calling him into that ministry.

“Delivering thee from the people and from the Gentiles untowhom I now send thee” (Acts 26 v17).

That was God’s vision and God’s call as far as Paul’s ministry,service and responsibility were concerned. God was opening his eyes,and was showing him that his ministry was to the Gentiles. This wasrevolutionary! No one had ever done this before. Paul was “a Hebrewof the Hebrews.” Yet he was being sent to evangelize those withwhom the Jews had no dealings. But this was God’s vision, and Paulmust obey. God sometimes leads His servants in ways which arecompletely unexpected and even revolutionary!

All Christian service must commence with such vision. God showsus what to do, and then we do it. Service without vision is drudgery.Service without vision can be a waste of time. That is why it is sonecessary for Christians, and especially for young Christians, to realisethat it is God who decides what we should do, where we should go,and how we should serve Him, and not we ourselves. That is whywe, first of all, need to ask God for understanding, for guidance, andfor vision, before taking any step in His service.

All Ministry Starts with VisionThe biblical accounts of the lives and ministries of God’s servants

all show that their activities and ministries started with vision.

In Genesis 12 v1 God showed Abraham that he should leave hishomeland and go to a new land. That was vision.

In Exodus 3 v10 God told Moses that he should go to Egypt tolead the children of Israel out of that land. That was vision.

In Nehemiah 1 v11 as Nehemiah was praying for Jerusalem Godlaid it upon his heart that he should go there and build the walls.That was vision.

In Acts 16 v9 God showed Paul that the next step in his ministrywas to go to Macedonia in Europe. That was vision.

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God did not want His servants to move or to act without previousguidance or vision from Himself. Isaiah saw (6 v1) and heard (6 v8).Ezekiel saw (1 v1) and heard (1 v28). Paul saw (Acts 26 v16) andheard (Acts 26 v17). God gave his servants vision and understandingbefore they commenced their ministry. This should also be true of us.

The same principle can be found over and over again in the historyof the Church and in the history of Missions.

God showed Hudson Taylor that he should go to China. Thatwas vision.

God laid it upon William Carey’s heart to go to India. That wasvision.

God burdened Jim Elliott for the Auca Indians in Ecuador. Thatwas vision.

God showed John Wesley that he should reach the unreachedmultitudes in 18th century England with the Gospel. That wasvision.

God called Charles Spurgeon to be the pastor of a church inLondon which was at that time quite small. That was vision.

Many of “the visions” which God gave to His servants in theBible and in Church history seemed absolutely impossible. But Godseems to delight in setting the impossible before His servants, so thatHe will get all the Glory when the vision is realized.

Such vision is not only for missionaries, for pastors and for full-time Christian workers. All who serve Jesus Christ need vision sothat they will know what to do for Him and where. The older personwho teaches a Sunday school class or Good News Club, the youngerperson who serves as an openair summer missionary to the children,the person who prays, the person who gives, all need vision. We allneed to know what God wants us to do and where.

Some Personal IllustrationsMy wife and I trusted Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour in late

1949 when we were 22 and 21 years old respectively. We had bothgrown up in a liberal Protestant church and had no Gospel background

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and little understanding of the Bible. We were led to Christ by Fredand Ina Orr a young couple who were preparing to go to the missionfield and who took a personal interest in us. Fred, our spiritual father,told us when we were saved “Now that you are saved God has a workfor you to do, and you need to ask Him to show you what that workis.”

I was a rugby football player and a member of one of the bestteams in the country. I could visualize myself evangelizing otherfootball players and athletes. But that was not God’s vision. As weprayed about it God began, in the early part of 1950, to show us,little by little, step by step, and in different ways, that our work wasto be with children, and that we were to evangelize them. It was thelast ministry I would have chosen. But it was God’s choice. And,looking back on it, it was, of course, the best choice. This was God’svision for us.

We were young Christians and we had only been saved for a fewmonths. So we wrote to Fred and Ina who were now at Bible Schoolin Scotland, and we told them that God was calling us to evangelizechildren. We asked some questions:

“What does that mean?”“How do we evangelize children?”“Where do we start?”

We were very inexperienced, and young in our faith.Consequently, we had no idea whatsoever what we should do. But wewere going to learn that when God calls, and when He gives vision,He also, at the same time, commits Himself to provide us with all wewill need to accomplish that vision.

The day after Fred received my letter, a missionary from ChildEvangelism Fellowship came to speak at his Bible school. He foundhimself sitting beside Fred at the lunch table afterwards. When helearned that Fred was from Ireland he told him that God had laid aburden upon his heart for the children of Ireland and that he woulddearly like to see the work of Child Evangelism Fellowship started inthat land. He asked Fred if he knew of anyone in Ireland who wouldbe interested in a ministry of child evangelism! And Fred showedhim our letter.

Several weeks later he came to visit us, and started to explain

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about the ministry of Child Evangelism Fellowship. As he spoke tous we both knew that this was what God wanted us to do. So weimmediately told him that we were ready to start working with CEFin Ireland, and to initiate its ministry there.

We were just saved a few months, and we knew very little aboutthe Bible. We had never been to Bible school nor had we ever attendeda teacher training class. We knew few Bible verses and very fewGospel choruses. But we did know that God wanted us to evangelizechildren, and we believed that He wanted us to start the work of CEFin Ireland. We knew that this was God’s vision and that we were toserve Him among children for the rest of our lives.

So we were appointed National Directors of CEF of Ireland! Thatwas the beginning of 14 happy and blessed years during which weendeavoured to establish and build up this work all over Ireland. Godblessed the work during those years—even though we made so manymistakes (especially in the early days). Today, many years later, CEFof Ireland is one of the strongest CEF works in the world.

In 1964 we were invited to become Regional Directors of ChildEvangelism Fellowship for the continent of Europe. We were to bethe first overseas Regional Directors of CEF. After much hesitationand with much fear and trembling we accepted this invitation. Wewere sure as we read the Word of God (especially Joshua chapter 1v12–16) that this was the next step in God’s vision for us. We handedover the responsibility of the work in Ireland to our successors andGod gave great blessing and expansion under their leadership.

During the 29 years which followed God blessed the work ofCEF in Europe in a special way:

The number of full-time workers grew from 45 to 375.A 3 month Leadership Training Institute was started anddeveloped.A Headquarters was purchased and developed at Kilchzimmerin Switzerland.The printing of literature was commenced and developed.A printing facility was purchased.The outreach of CEF into Communist Europe was started anddeveloped into a major ministry.Many children was reached and saved.

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We give all the glory to God. We were learning the lesson thatwhen He gives vision, He supplies all that is needed for that vision tobe fulfilled and realized.

In 1993 we felt that, at the age of 66, the time had come to handover the leadership and responsibility of European CEF to youngerleaders. After a year of preparation, the transition in leadership wascompleted. And we are thankful that the work of CEF in Europecontinues to grow under the new leadership!

At that time we prayed that God would again give us vision forthe remaining years of our ministry. We were sure that we shouldstay in full-time CEF work, but we were not completely sure whatwe should do. God graciously, and for the third time, granted visionand we understood that we should spend these remaining years of ourministry writing, printing and distributing a series of books free ofcharge to many children’s workers around the world, to help them intheir lives and their ministries.

God has graciously blessed this new ministry, He has supplied allthe financial needs involved and has helped us in many ways. Inaddition, we have been greatly encouraged by letters of appreciationfrom many recipients in a good number of the 110 countries to whichthe books have been sent.

It is wonderful to know that we can be of service to the Christiansand children in many countries to which we will never, and indeedcould never, go.

A children’s worker in Nepal, for example, has already translatedand printed our first two books and they are being distributed to thosewho work with children throughout the country. He plans to print allour books.

God Wants to Give Us VisionHow thankful we are that God does not leave us to find our own

way. He wants to show us His way and His direction. He wants togive us His vision as far as our ministry and service are concerned.He wants us to see what we should do in response to our other threevisions:

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what we should do to glorify God.what we should do to meet the children’s needs.what we should do with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

My dear reader, don’t go through life aimlessly with no fixedgoal and purpose. Don’t live with your eyes on the ground and not onwhat God wants you to do. When God gives you vision everything isdifferent. Now you have a goal and a purpose in which you can reallyget involved and find fulfillment.

And if God has given you vision you must never forget it, turnfrom it or lose it. My dear friend and CEF co-worker David McQuilkenwent to be with the Lord last year. He and his wife had becomeNational Directors of Child Evangelism Fellowship of Ireland in 1964when we became European CEF Regional Directors and he led thework in Ireland during the 30 years which followed. Just before hedied David had a special message for all his CEF co-workers, and hissuccessors, in Irish CEF. He said to them “No matter what happensdon’t lose your vision.” I trust that you and I will never lose ourvision. That would be a tragedy—for us and for the children.

A Prayer to PrayWhy not stop reading just now and pray:

“Dear God, please open my eyes and help me to see exactly whatYou want me to do—and where. And then, dear God, please help meto do it.”

And that is the subject of our next chapter.

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Chapter 6:Ready, Steady, GO!

ow important it is to have VISION.

A vision of God and His sovereigntyA vision of the children and their needsA vision of the Gospel and its powerA vision of ourselves and our responsibility

God Wants Us to ObeyVision is the first step—but it is only the beginning. First of all

we need to know what God wants us to do, but then we must do it.VISION needs to be followed by VENTURE. We are not just to

sit, to think, to dream, and to make plans. We are do something. Weare to get busy.

According to the dictionary the word “venture” means “a stepforward with an element of risk.” It means action and movementwhich often includes a trace of nervousness as we step forward intothe unknown and seek to obey the vision which God has given to us.

Paul’s Obedience to the Heavenly VisionIn Acts 26 v17 the Lord Jesus Christ speaks to Paul on the road to

Damascus and says “Delivering thee from the people and from theGentiles unto whom I now send thee.” The Lord Jesus had nowshown Paul what he was to do. He had received a vision of what hisresponsibility was. He was to go to the Gentiles. He was to becomeGod’s evangelist to multitudes outside, and not belonging to the Jewishnation. THIS was his vision.

What was Paul’s reaction going to be? We read in Acts 26 v19and 20 “Whereupon, O King Agrippa, I was not disobedient tothe heavenly vision. But showed first unto them of Damascus,and at Jerusalem, and throughout all Judea and then to theGentiles that they should repent and turn to God and do worksmeet for repentance.”

He obeyed what God had shown him to do. He acted and he

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moved in response to his vision. That is VENTURE. I am sure thateven as he did so there was a feeling of nervousness on his part. Whatwill happen? Will they listen? What will my fellow Jews say? Butnevertheless he VENTURED.

Some people have vision, but they do nothing about it. Such peopleare visionaries and not missionaries. Vision should always lead toventure.

You and I have two feet. When we walk we put one foot forward,and then the second foot. Then the first one again and then the secondone again. In this way we progress and move forward. In Christianservice vision is the first foot. That is when God shows us what to do.But if we only have vision and we do not do anything we are likepeople standing hopping on one foot. We never get anywhere or doanything. But we must use both feet. The second foot is venture andit must follow vision.

There are two dangers. Firstly there are those who in their heartsknow what God wants them to do, but they don’t do it. They havevision but are afraid to venture. Then secondly there are those whoventure without any real vision or understanding from God as to whatthey should do. Their venture and their plans are of their own making;and then they wonder why their plans fail or why the finance neededfor them does not materialize.

VISION—VENTURE—VISION—VENTURE. That is how weprogress and that is how the work of God moves forward.

Vision Becomes VentureAbraham had a vision or understanding in Genesis 12 v1 of what

God wanted him to do and where God wanted him to go. In verse 4“Abraham departed as the Lord had spoken unto him.”

Abraham’s vision had become venture.In Exodus 3 v10 God gave Moses the vision or understanding

concerning what he was to do. He said, “Come now therefore and Iwill send thee unto Pharaoh that thou mayest bring forth my peoplethe children of Israel out of Egypt.” Eventually, and despite, at first,raising many objections “he returned to the land of Egypt” (Exodus4 v20).

Moses’ vision had become venture.

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As Nehemiah prayed for the city of Jerusalem, for its walls, andfor its inhabitants God laid it upon his heart in chapter 1 verse 11 thathe should go and build the walls. He was very nervous about such astep, especially because of his position in the king’s court and whatmight happen to him if he ventured. But God opened the door andovercame the problems involved, and he “came to Jerusalem”(Nehemiah 2 v11).

Nehemiah’s vision had become venture.As Paul pondered the closed doors to Asia (Acts 16 v6) and

Bithynia (Acts 16 v7) God gave him the vision “to come over toMacedonia and help us” (Acts 16 v9). Paul could have made manyexcuses and could, I am sure, have given many good reasons why heshould not go. But he obeyed the vision.

“And after he had seen the vision, immediately we endeavouredto go into Macedonia assuredly gathering that the Lord had calledus to preach the Gospel unto them” (Acts 16 v10).

His obedience to God’s vision was:

Immediate. He never hesitated. He did not arrive immediatelybut he started immediately, and that is what counts. The firststep is often the most difficult.Imparted. He himself had the vision but he was so able toshare it with his co-workers so that they all went. “He” sawthe vision but “we” went.Important. Through Paul’s obedience the Gospel came toEurope. God knew that Europe (and not Asia) was to be thekey to the evangelisation of the world; and that it would giverise to the Reformation, the modern missionary movement,and the great emigration to North America. This latter continentwould, in turn. be the birth place of much of today’s missionarywork.

Paul’s vision had become venture.In all four of these examples, and in countless others, the obedient

response to the vision received was not easy. They all knew theproblems which would be involved if they obeyed. But, despite theseproblems and despite their nervousness, they were obedient to the“heavenly vision” and they ventured.

Abraham found it difficult to leave Ur. Moses found it difficult

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to lead so many unstable people. Nehemiah found it difficult to labourin a building project for the first time. Paul found it difficult to launchout into a completely new project in a completely new continent.BUT THEY DID.

We can see these same two steps in all the great missionarymovements and Christian ministries throughout church history.

William Carey had a vision of India’s need—and he ventured

Hudson Taylor had a vision of China’s multitudes—and heventured

Amy Carmichael had a vision for India’s children—and sheventured

Jim Elliott had a vision for the Auca Indians—and he ventured

Dr. Barnardo had a vision of needy people in London—and heventured

Patrick had a vision of the spiritual needs of Ireland—and heventured.

George Muller had a vision for orphans in South WesternEngland—and he ventured.

Brother Andrew had a vision of the need for Bibles in CommunistEurope—and he ventured.

Fred and Ina Orr had a vision of the spiritual needs of the peoplein Amazonas in Brazil—and they ventured.

David Brainard had a vision for the American Indians—and heventured

The list is endless.J. Irvin Overholtzer was a pastor in California in the early 1920s.

God gave him a vision for the world’s children:

that they needed Jesus Christthat they could be savedthat he should do something to reach them

He hesitated to respond. It all seemed so impossible. But thisvision had come from God. This was what God wanted Mr Overholtzer

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to do. So he left his pastorate and started to evangelize children.Vision became venture. As he obeyed his vision, and as he shared itwith others, God brought him into contact with people who had thesame vision. Eventually Child Evangelism Fellowship came intoexistence. Today it is the largest Mission in the world working withchildren. There are in 1997 almost 2,000 full-time workers in 130countries worldwide, and well over 2 million children are beingreached with the Gospel each year, most of them previously unreached.

It all started with one man to whom God had given vision, andwho was willing and ready to venture, and then to share this visionwith others.

All Christians Need to Obey the Heavenly VisionBut what about you dear reader? Do you know what God wants

you to do? Have you received this vision or understanding from Him?Are you ready to venture? I know you are nervous about it. Ventureis, you will remember, a step forward with an element of risk. Butyou must not be disobedient to the heavenly vision. You must move.You must venture. And you never know what the results will be.Paul little realised, when he said “yes” to God’s vision in Acts 16v10, that this was going to mean the opening of a whole continentand, later, the whole world to the Gospel.

Someone might feel that all that has been written thus far is onlyabout missionaries and full-time Christian workers. This is not so.All Christians need a vision or understanding of what God wantsthem to do, because they also are saved to serve. Every Christianwho knows what God wants him to do should be “obedient to theheavenly vision.” This could be to teach a Sunday school class or aGood News clubs, to witness to work mates, to give out tracts, totake on a position of responsibility in the church, to spend more timein prayer or to give more generously to the Lord’s work. But everyChristian needs to have vision and then needs to venture on the basisof that vision.

Two Personal IllustrationsI hesitate, as ever, to give personal examples. But I trust it is

helpful to know how God gives vision to very simple and ordinary

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people like ourselves, and how He gives grace and strength to venture.I would like to give two illustrations, which are quite different fromeach other in many ways, and yet similar with regard to the principleswe are outlining.

When my wife, Sadie, and I became European Directors of ChildEvangelism Fellowship in August 1964 we felt very nervous. Wewere overawed by the great responsibility involved and veryapprehensive about the future. We were the “new kids on the block”who had been appointed as leaders of 45 seasoned and experiencedmissionaries. But we knew that we were doing what God wanted usto do.

As European Directors we felt we should set up a Headquarterssomewhere! We felt that this was a leading and a vision from God.But we didn’t know how or where. But we decided to move and toventure. We looked at the map of Europe to see where the best andmost central place would be to begin our ministry. We felt thatSwitzerland would be the ideal location. So we moved there and foundan apartment. One of the bedrooms in that apartment became theEuropean CEF Headquarters! However, we knew that this was onlytemporary, and that God’s vision was to have a place which would beadequate for all the needs of the work, and from which the workcould easily grow. We knew that we needed offices, facilities forproducing literature and a location for our twice yearly 3 monthLeadership Training Institutes.

That vision was before us for 3 years. We looked everywhere—Austria, France, Germany, the Channel Islands. After visiting 14different buildings (castles, mansions, and hotels) we found the idealproperty in Switzerland itself. It was located 3,000 feet high in theJura mountains in North Western Switzerland, and consisted of 5buildings with over 60 rooms. The main building was over 400 yearsold! This property was called Kilchzimmer.

When my wife and I, and my secretary, saw it we knew—THISIS IT. This was the place that God was going to give us for aHeadquarters.

Many problems lay ahead and for me it was perhaps the mostfrightening experience of my life:

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Where could we find $150,000 to buy it, when we had verylittle money?Where could we find the 1½ million dollars which we wouldlater need to make it into a proper and God glorifyingHeadquarters?How could we repair and modernize the buildings which werein such a bad state of disrepair?Who would do all the renovation and building work? (whichwould eventually last 8 years).How could we get official permission to set up a Trust whichwould own the property?How could we find the staff which would be needed for theoperation of the Headquarters?

The answers to these questions will probably appear in later books.I just want to say now that God gave the answer to every question andthe solution to every problem. The vision became a reality. Godsupplied all the workers to do the building and renovations, all thestaff for the continuing work of the Headquarters, and also all thefinance which was needed. We never borrowed money or went intodebt. It was wonderful to see how God worked and how He suppliedall that was required. But I believe that this is always the result whenGod gives the vision. He then assumes the responsibility for makingthat vision become a reality, and we can trust Him for everything thatis needed. But, at the same time, after God gives the vision He expectsus to venture, to move and to be active. We might feel nervous. Iknow we did when we began the Kilchzimmer project. But HE ISABLE.

My second example comes from my “earlier years” when I wasstill a High school teacher as well as National Director of Irish ChildEvangelism Fellowship. This example illustrates the fact that youdon’t need to be a missionary or a full-time worker to receive visionand understanding from God—and to be expected to obey “the heavenlyvision.”

Each morning I travelled to the school where I taught on publictransport. One morning as I looked out of the window of the bus Isaw a gypsy encampment quite close to the road. At that momentGod laid a burden on my heart for the children in that encampment.

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This was I believe—VISION. I knew in my heart that God wanted meto go to that encampment and share the Gospel with the childrenthere. But in my heart I said “No.” I was disobedient to the heavenlyvision. I did not bluntly say “No” to God. Rather, I made excusesand gave reasons why I, a respectable high school teacher, could notgo to a gypsy camp with so many dirty children, and face the possibilityof rejection and opposition from the leaders. But really I was saying“No” to God and to the heavenly vision no matter how polite andreasonable I was trying to be.

Every morning as I passed that camp it was as if God spoke to meagain and again. I tried sitting on the opposite side of the bus. I triedreading the morning newspaper. But with no success. I became moreand more miserable and unhappy because I knew that I was disobeyingGod.

One morning I was so burdened about this situation that I said“Yes” to God and, as a result, I planned to go to the gypsy camp thenext afternoon. At last I had decided to VENTURE—to move forwardwith an element of risk. I did so very nervously. I did not knowwhat would happen. I took with me some clothes and food because Ifelt that this would help give me an entrance to the camp. I approachedthe leader of the gypsy camp, gave him the clothes and food, told himwho I was and that I would like to speak to the children about theLord Jesus. Immediately, and with a loud voice, he called all thechildren together and told them to sit down and listen to me. What ajoy it was to share the Gospel with those precious children; and whata special joy to know that, at last, I had been “obedient to the heavenlyvision” and that that vision had become venture.

The next morning I did not move to the other side of the bus nordid I read the newspaper. With much joy in my heart, and for the firsttime, I was looking forward to seeing the gypsy camp from the bus.But as I watched expectantly I discovered that the gypsy camp wasnot there any more. They had all moved, as gypsies often do, toanother part of the country, the previous evening. How thankful Iwas that I had obeyed God’s vision. Unknown to me it had been mylast opportunity to do so!

Months later and in another part of the country several gypsychildren came up to me. They recognized me and, as I spoke with

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them, they were able to tell me that they remembered that “the dearLord Jesus had died on the Cross for them.”

How blessed it is to obey God’s vision and to venture.“To obey is better than sacrifice” (1 Samuel 15 v22).Has God given you vision? Has He shown you something He

wants you to do? Don’t bury it. Keep it in front of you. Pursue it. Itwill keep you going when things are hard.

Are you willing today to venture and like Paul to be “notdisobedient to the heavenly vision?” (Acts 26 v19). If you do Godwill bless and help you, and will honour the step of obedience thatyou take.

A Prayer to Pray“Dear Heavenly Father, I want to obey You and I want to obey

what You have been telling me to do. But I am so nervous and Ihesitate to do it. Please strengthen me and help me, today, to beobedient to Your vision. Amen.”

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Chapter 7:What Has Gone Wrong?

od gave to Abraham a vision of a land to be occupied—and heventured.

God gave to Moses a vision of a people to be delivered—and heventured.

God gave to Nehemiah a vision of walls to be built—and heventured.

God gave to Paul (in Acts 16) a vision of a continent to beevangelized and he ventured.

The Next StepWhat were the results? What happened next?The obvious answer is—SUCCESS! Everything should go right

from then on. Once they obeyed God everything would fit togetherand they would enjoy one blessing after another.

But is that so?Abraham went to the Promised Land and when he arrived there

the first thing he experienced was FAMINE (Genesis 12 v10) andthere was nothing to eat.

Moses went to Egypt to lead the children of Israel out of that landand, before long, he encountered CRITICISM (Exodus 5 v21) andthe people would not listen to him (Exodus 6 v9). Later on moreserious problems developed.

Nehemiah arrived in Jerusalem and immediately facedOPPOSITION (Nehemiah 2 v10, 19).

Paul came to Macedonia to help, and to evangelize and, beforelong, found himself in PRISON with a bleeding back (Acts 16 v23,24).

In each of these cases, and in many more throughout the Bibleand throughout Church history, venture was followed by difficultiesand problems. Those who ventured found themselves facing aVALLEY experience. We all know what a valley is. The dictionarydefines it as “a low place enclosed by hills” or “a depression.”

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Each of these men whose lives and ministries we have beenstudying had now experienced three steps:


Paul’s ValleyThe same progression can be seen in the passage which we have

been studying in Acts 26 concerning Paul’s original call to service:

Verses 16–18 show the vision he received

Verses 19 and 20 outline his venture and his obedience to theheavenly vision

Verse 21 describes the immediate reaction of the Jews to Paul’svision and venture

“For these causes the Jews caught me in the temple and wentabout to kill me.”

What a reaction! What a shock! What a valley!

Many of God’s Servants Have Valley ExperiencesThis same principle has been evident in the ministry of many of

God’s servants throughout Church history, and on the mission field.Their obedience to God’s vision has often been followed bydisappointments, difficulties and problems.

I am sure that the same will also be true of you, dear reader. Weoften expect (and it is normal to do so) that when God shows us whatHe wants us to do and we obey Him, that everything will go well,that the results will be success and good health, that all financialneeds will be met and that there will be great growth and expansion inour ministry. But the opposite is often true. This is the time when theproblems often start. It is even possible, to have more problems afterwe obey than we had before!

Are you in a valley today? If not, it is almost certain that you willbe in one—especially if you have ventured out on the basis of thevision God has given you. This is the reality to which many of us cansubscribe and for which we all need to be ready.

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What Is a Valley?A valley can be a place where we experience any of the following—

discouragement, difficulty, defeat, depression, darkness, division,despair, distress, disputes, doubts, or even devilish or demonicopposition. It can be a place of financial shortage, criticism,misunderstanding, bad health and seeming lack of success.

How Do We Get into a Valley?There are a number of possible reasons for this:

Sometimes we put ourselves into the valleythrough disobediencethrough personal failure and sinthrough neglect of our Quiet Timethrough mistakes made and through wrong words saidthrough worry, stress and overworkthrough trying to be perfect and to do things we cannot andshould not dothrough our sensitivity to people and problemsthrough our wrong reaction to others and to circumstances

This was what happened to Simon Peter. He put himself in avalley when he denied the Lord (Matthew 26 v69-75)

Other people can put us in the valleythrough criticismthrough oppositionthrough disappointments and “let downs”through misunderstandingsthrough resistance from loved ones and friends

This was what happened to Moses (he was criticized), Nehemiah(he was opposed), Paul (he was attacked).At the same time we need to realise that it is not so muchpeople’s actions which put us into a valley. It is rather ourreaction to what they do. If we react in the right way we willnot necessarily find ourselves in a valley.

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Circumstances can put us in the valley.through financial shortagethrough sicknessthrough unemploymentthrough the death of a loved one

This was what happened to Abraham when he encounteredfamine in the Promised Land.These are matters over which we really have no control andthey can cause us real problems. At the same time, it is ourreaction to these circumstances which is the main cause of theproblem and which puts us into the valley.

Our work and ministry can even put us in the valleybecause the work is not going wellbecause there is a lack of resultsbecause there are not enough workersbecause we have been disappointed or let down by our co-workersbecause there are disagreements and divisionsbecause those who have trusted Christ are not growing asthey should

This was probably Paul’s deepest valley experience. After givinga list of the problems and difficulties he had faced in 2 Corinthians 11v23–27 (all of them very staggering and overwhelming to us) hefinished in verse 28 with what seemed to be his greatest problem—hisdaily care and worry about the churches. That which caused himmost grief for example were the moral problems in the church atCorinth and the doctrinal problems in the church at Galatia.

However, it is again our reaction to these problems which causethe valley experience rather than the problems themselves.

All these four groups of problems can lead to the consequenceswe outlined at the beginning of the chapter—disagreement, depression,illness, irritability, the temptation to quit—and many more.

We need to realise, in addition, that there are times when theLord tests and proves us and our faith; and either puts us into, orallows us to enter, difficult situations for this purpose. This can happeneven when we are following the path of obedience, and the Lord uses

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these tests and difficulties to give us spiritual growth and maturity.For example the Lord Jesus in Matthew 14 verse 22 commanded

His disciples to enter a boat and to cross the sea of Galilee. Beforelong the disciples found themselves in a great storm and were veryafraid. But it was through that storm, through the sight of the LordJesus walking on the water, and through His calming of the stormthat their faith grew, and they understood more and more that theLord Jesus was truly the Son of God. The Lord Jesus had used thevalley experience of the storm to give them a clearer vision of Himself.

THIS IS REAL. This is not just theory. Valley experiences cometo all who are serving the Lord whether we serve—“full-time” ornot. We often find ourselves in valleys, in deep dark valleys, and thequestion we now ask is:

WHAT DO WE DO IN A VALLEY?That is the subject of our next chapter.

A Prayer To Pray“Dear God, You know that I am in a valley today. I don’t want to

be here. Please help me to know what I should do—and then help meto do it. Amen.”

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Chapter 8:Help! I’m in a Valley

efore considering what we should do when, for some reason,we find ourselves in a valley, we need to see what we should

not do.

What We Should Not Do in a ValleyThere are three possible reactions to a valley experience which

we should avoid at all costs:

We may be tempted to give up because of the difficulties, andto start moving in another direction from the one in which Godhas previously led us. This can often happen. The grass isgreener on the other side of the fence (until we get there). Wefeel that we will be more appreciated elsewhere! We try to runaway from the problem, only to find that the problem is stillthere, or that another problem awaits us.This is not the solution.

We may be tempted to accept an attractive offer and invitationwhich would give us more income, less difficulty (we think)and more power(!). Ordinarily we would not consider acceptingsuch an offer but in a valley our judgment is often clouded.One young man had been invited to leave his secular employmentand become a full-time city director with CEF. He acceptedthe invitation; and then he asked me if I could give him onepiece of advice to help him in his new ministry.My advice was—“If God has called you to this ministry and tothis position, don’t give up no matter what happens. Don’tleave it for any reason whatsoever.”I told him that one of two things might happen. He could becomediscouraged and want to quit. Or he would do so well thatsomeone would give him an invitation to enter a ministry withmore prestige and power. And my advice was—“Don’t movein either direction.” Stay in the place where God has put you—unless you are absolutely sure that God wants you to move.

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Unfortunately he did not accept my advice. He was invited toleave his ministry and move into a position with more prestigeand power. He accepted the invitation. Today he is not a full-time Christian worker any more.

The third possible reaction is to remain where we are but tobecome more and more depressed and discouraged, and tobecome critical and even bitter.

These are three reactions and decisions we should not entertain.But what should we do? There are, I believe, three correct and

biblical reactions to a valley experience.

Remember God’s CallFirst of all we should REMEMBER GOD’S CALL. When you

are in a valley remember and think back to the vision which God gaveyou. Did He call you into this ministry? Are you in it because of Hisvision? Then you must not quit; you must never give up.

We have seen that Paul was obedient to the Heavenly vision (Acts26 v19), and that he ventured, and stepped out, into his ministry tothe Gentiles (Acts 26 v20). We saw also that the Jews tried to kill himbecause he did this (Acts 26 v21). He was in a real, and in a deep,valley. What did he do? Acts 26 v22 tells us that he “continued untothis day.” He did not quit. He did not give up, because he rememberedhis vision, and his call from God—and he continued to witness to theGentiles. He was able to do so because God gave him the help heneeded.

“Having therefore obtained help of God, I continue unto thisday, witnessing both to small and great, saying none other thingsthan those which the prophets and Moses did say should come”(Acts 26 v22).

I am often surprised at how quickly some Christians can decide toleave their ministry when they took such a long time to consider,deliberate and pray before entering that ministry. When difficultiescome it is easy to get our eyes off the vision God showed us, andaway from the call God gave us. Because we are discouraged anddepressed we are tempted to run away from the problems we arefacing and we feel like quitting.

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Then there is, as I have already said another quite differentsituation. The work is going well, and others are impressed by whatthey see. As a result of that we are given an invitation to leave ourministry and to go into some other ministry which carries moreprestige, more power, and perhaps more security and financial support.But we know in our hearts that it is not part of what God has called usto do! But the temptation to accept is great.

In both situations we need to remember God’s vision—and continueto do what He has called us to do.

Speaking personally, I have been in both situations.There was, firstly, a time when I was going through a very deep

valley in my ministry. In all my 47 years working with ChildEvangelism Fellowship this has been the only time when I haveexperienced an extreme type of discouragement which (almost) ledme to quit.

I was leading the work of CEF in Europe in a direction which Ifelt was biblical and correct. But I was so discouraged by the actions,decisions and opposition of some people who did not agree with whatI was doing, that I decided to resign and leave my work as EuropeanRegional Director of CEF. Consequently one day in my office I wrotemy letter of resignation. It was a dark afternoon outside my officebecause of the weather; and it was a dark afternoon inside my heartbecause I no longer had my eyes and focus upon God.

But, at that time, God graciously intervened. He drew near in thequietness and somehow He reminded me that He is the God who callspeople into His work (1 Thessalonians 5 v24; John 20 v21), and thatit would therefore be wrong, and indeed sinful, for me to leave thework into which He had called me. It was as if He had reminded methat I was responsible to Him and His vision, and not to people or toan organisation.

The sun just then started to shine outside my office window andthe sun also started to shine in my heart. I told God that I was sorryfor doubting and (almost) disobeying His call; and that I would not,and could not, go ahead with my resignation.

Soon after that God wonderfully solved the problem.This is the only time in my ministry when I was on the point of

quitting and I am so glad that God reminded me of His call.

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Be sure to KEEP GOING if you are in the place where God wantsyou to be. Be sure to keep going, even if you are discouraged andDON’T QUIT.

The same applies when attractive invitations into other ministriesor positions are extended to you. I have received several. On twoseparate occasions (years apart) I was invited to become President ofChild Evangelism Fellowship worldwide, and I felt very privilegedto receive such an invitation. I would have really liked to accept it.

I also received an invitation to become the Principal of a Bibleschool. And I even received an invitation to become the EuropeanDirector of a thriving industrial concern! In each case I needed to getdown before the Lord to find out His will with regard to theseinvitations. And each time He reminded me, in my heart, that theministry I was already involved in was His will and His vision, andthat I must stay in it and not leave it.

In both cases I received help and encouragement to continue whenI remembered God’s call.

Many of the great servants of God in the Bible—men like Abraham,Moses, Nehemiah and Paul have been tempted to quit. But when theywere discouraged, and in the valley, and even when temptingpossibilities arose to move in another direction, they rememberedGod’s call—and kept going. The same applies to many of the greatfigures in church history and the history of missions. They movedforward on the basis of God’s vision and with God’s call in front ofthem, and no matter what happened they kept going.

As you remember your call and your vision, make up your mind,once and for all, that no matter what happens you are going to keepgoing and not quit.

Reflect on God’s CharacterThen, secondly, when we are in a valley we should REFLECT

ON GOD’S CHARACTER.In my first book, The Problems of a Children’s Worker and God’s

Solution, I dealt with this subject in great detail. Let me remind youagain that if you don’t have a copy of that book please write to me atthe address given at the beginning of this book and I will gladly sendyou a copy.

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God’s solution to all our problems is:

To see Him and understand Him as He really is and as revealedin His WordTo get to know Him betterTo focus and concentrate on Him when problems come

As we do this He either removes the problem or He gives us thestrength to handle it.

When you are in a valley situation you need to lift your eyes,your heart and your understanding and see Him as He really is, knowHim and focus on Him.

You need to see that God is sovereign.He is not just omnipotent and great. He is more than that. He isin control of everything and everybody. Therefore everythingthat comes into your life, everything that happens to you in thevalley, is either sent by God, or allowed by God. There is nothird possibility.Reflect on the sovereignty of God when you are in the valley.

You need to see that God is wise.He has a plan for you and is working to achieve that plan inyour life. Everything that comes into your life is part of thatoverall plan. Nothing is accidental. Do you believe this? Josephdid. He had learned that God was wise and that He knew whatHe was doing (Genesis 45 v5, 7, and 8; Genesis 50 v20)—andso he had peace in the valley.Reflect on the wisdom of God when you are in the valley.

You need to see that He is your loving Heavenly Father.He loves you much more than your earthly father does or could.He will never do anything to harm you. He is only interested inyour welfare. Everything that happens to you is filtered throughHis love. Peter reminds us of His love and care in 1 Peter 5 v7.He exhorts us to cast all our care, all our worry, upon Him(upon the Lord). Why? Because “He careth for you.”Do you really believe this?Reflect on the love of God when you are in the valley.

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When you reflect on the character of God and all that He hasrevealed about Himself, and as you put your hand into His Hand, youwill have peace, real peace, in the valley.

Remember God’s call.Reflect on God’s character.

Rely on God’s PromisesThen, thirdly; RELY ON GOD’S PROMISES. God has some

special promises for those of His children who find themselves in avalley.

Timothy certainly had his problems and his valleys. He had beenplaced in a role of pastoral leadership by his friend, leader, and mentor,the Apostle Paul. But it was obvious that his situation was not an easyone, and one for which he, humanly speaking, was not really fitted:

He was comparatively young—probably younger than most ofthose he was leading (1 Timothy 4 v12; 2 Timothy 2 v22).He did not enjoy good health (1 Timothy 5 v23).He was by nature very timid and shy (2 Timothy 1 v6, 7, 8; 1Corinthians 16 v10).He seemed to experience temptation to give up when the goingwas hard, and temptation to avoid suffering (2 Timothy 2 v3;9–13; 4 v5).

Paul knew all of this and he wrote to Timothy to encourage himand to help him out of some of the valleys he tended to find himselfin.

He reminded him of his call (1 Timothy 4 v14; 2 Timothy 1 v6)“God has called you” he told him “You are in the right place. Godput you there. You must not move or give up.”

He reminded him of God’s character. He is God the Father (2Timothy 1 v2) and He does not give unto us a spirit of fear (2 Timothy1 v7). He loves us and cares for us.

But Paul also gave Timothy a great promise from God and awonderful truth which he could rely upon at all times. “God has notgiven us (you) the spirit of fear (that comes from yourself—not fromGod), but of power and of love and of self discipline.” This promiseis underlined in chapter 1 v14.

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“When you find yourself in a valley, Timothy, and you feel afraidyou need to rely upon this great promise from God Himself.

He lives in you, and He will help you in three ways:

He is the Spirit of power—to help you in your preaching andministry.He is the Spirit of love—to help you in your relationships withother people.He is the Spirit of self discipline—to help you with your ownproblems.

Now, Timothy, on the basis of those promises—get on with yourwork and don’t quit.”


That is what God wants us to do when we are in the valley.Perhaps you may, dear reader, need to say something to God.

Some may need to confess their discouragement and desire to quit.Some may even have left the ministry God called them to and need tocome back into it. Be honest with God. He knows your heart and Hewants to hear your voice.

A Prayer to Pray“Dear God, please forgive me for getting my eyes off You, off

Your call, and away from Your promises. Help me to make a newbeginning and help me at all times to keep my eyes upon You. Amen.”

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Chapter 9:There Is Victory for Me!

e have seen and examined the first three steps in Christianservice:


Can you guess what the fourth one is? Of course you can. It isVICTORY!

V Is for VictoryVictory is the realization of the vision God gave us. If that vision

is from God, then one day it will materialize. It may take time, perhapsyears, often many years—but come it will—and that is victory.

Victory is sure. Victory is in the future and we are looking forwardto that time when God will bring to pass whatever He has laid uponour hearts.

Abraham’s vision became reality when he came to the PromisedLand, settled there and took possession of it. That was victory.

Moses’ vision became reality as he led the children of Israel outof Egypt, across the Red Sea and right up to the borders of the PromisedLand.

That was victory.Nehemiah’s vision became reality when he saw the walls of

Jerusalem completed, and God’s city restored to some of its formerglory.

That was victory.Paul’s vision became reality when he saw churches composed

(for the most part) of believing Gentiles coming into existence inPhilippi, Ephesus, Corinth and many other cities throughout the knownworld.

That was victory!This was true, above all, of our Lord Jesus Christ. He had a

vision of the people whom His Father had promised Him (John 17

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v2; Hebrews 12 v2; Isaiah 53 v11). He acted, or ventured, and cameto this earth to die (2 Corinthians 8 v9). What a deep and dark valleyHe passed through—especially on the Cross (Philippians 2 v7,8). ButHe never gave up. He went the whole way. And His vision became areality, as many millions of sinners were justified and regenerated.

It is quite possible that you, my dear reader, have already seenyour vision (or part of it) become reality—and you have alreadyexperienced this victory. Or perhaps you are still looking forward tothat time when it will be so.

Some Personal IllustrationsIt might help if I give some personal examples of visions which

have become realities during the 47 years that I have served in theranks of Child Evangelism Fellowship:

I remember those faltering steps when my wife and I startedthe ministry of Child Evangelism Fellowship in Ireland awayback in 1950. There was so much that we lacked, but we didhave vision to reach Ireland’s children with the Gospel.God blessed the work during the 14 years we were NationalDirectors, and then during the 30 years which followed underthe leadership of my close friend and successor, DavidMcQuilken. Today CEF in Northern Ireland (with a populationof 1½ million) has over 100 full-time CEF workers (almost50% of whom have left the country as CEF missionaries toother lands). Many children have been saved and the work hasgone on from strength to strength. Today CEF in NorthernIreland are reaching 1 child in every 9 with the Gospel eachyear.Vision has become reality. That is VICTORY.

I remember when we became European CEF Directors in 1964and moved nervously to live in Switzerland. God had laid aburden on our hearts for the children of Europe, and for theexpansion of the work of CEF to reach those children. At thattime there were 45 full-time workers altogether in the ranks ofCEF in Europe. What a joy it was to see 375 full-time workers

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in the ministry of CEF 29 years later—and to see more andmore coming into the work since then.Vision had become reality. That is VICTORY.

I remember sitting in the classroom in the CEF LeadershipTraining Institute in USA in the summer of 1964, and enjoyingit very much. We needed to go to USA from Europe to receivethat training. But I must confess that, while I enjoyed andappreciated that Institute very much, it became more and moreobvious to me that we should have a Leadership TrainingInstitute in Europe. I felt that it should not be necessary forEuropeans to come to USA for training. We started one suchInstitute two years later and since then over 2,000 studentsfrom all over the world have graduated.Vision had become reality. That is VICTORY.

I remember sitting in our apartment in Geneva, Switzerlandand realizing that our European CEF ministry could not reallygrow and develop without a proper Headquarters. What a joyit was several years later to sit in my office at Kilchzimmer inthe Jura mountains in the property which God had given us,fully paid for, repaired and renovated and with a full-time staffof 30.Vision had become reality. That is VICTORY.

I remember arriving in Warsaw, Poland, for the first time andknowing nobody in that land, but I was sure that God hadcalled me to do something for Polish children. What a joy tosee God work down through the years, and to see today threeseparate organizations (including CEF) reaching children inPoland with a total of 24 full-time workers and many childrensaved.Vision had become reality. That is VICTORY.

I remember just three years ago when God began to guide anddirect towards a writing ministry to help children’s workers allround the world. This book is the fifth in the series and anumber have already been translated into many other languages.

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God has supplied all the finance needed for the free distributionof all these books to well over 3,000 children’s workersworldwide.Vision had become reality. That is VICTORY.

Many visions which you and I have have not yet become realityand we have not yet seen the victory; but we are looking forward toit. Indeed we might have to wait until we are in the glory to see theirfinal realization!

Victory in the ValleyA Polish teenager asked me one day the question “But, Uncle

Sam, is victory only something to look forward to after we get out ofthe valley?” My answer was “No—we can have victory in the valley.”

We do look forward to getting out of the valley, and we do lookforward to seeing our visions becoming reality one day. BUT WECAN HAVE VICTORY TODAY RIGHT IN THE VALLEY.

Perseverance = VictoryVictory in the valley is possible as we receive and display theGRACE OF PERSEVERENCE. As you remember your calland your vision and you keep going your perseverance isVICTORY. We have seen that Paul in Acts 26 v22 after facingand enduring much persecution and many attempts on his life“continued unto this day.” That was only possible because he“obtained help of God.”“Having therefore obtained help of God, I continue unto thisday, witnessing both to small and great, saying none otherthings than those which the prophets and Moses did sayshould come” (Acts 26 v22).Several years afterwards and approaching the end of his lifePaul could write to Timothy “I have fought a good fight. Ihave finished my course. I have kept the faith” (2 Timothy 4v7). That is VICTORY.Every time you and I keep going in the face of difficulties,problems and opposition we are enjoying and displaying victory.

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Think of what would have happened to you and me if our LordJesus Christ had given up and had not persevered. Howwonderful it is that He could say in John 17 v4 , “I have finishedthe work which Thou gavest me to do”—and we thank Himand praise Him that He did.I also want to finish the work which He has given me to do;and if I persevere I will experience and display VICTORY.

Peace = VictoryVictory in the valley is possible as we receive and experiencethe GIFT OF PEACE. This will be ours as we reflect on thecharacter of the God who is absolutely sovereign, who iscompletely wise and who cares for us as our Heavenly Father.He knows what He is doing. He has allowed things to happen,for our good and for His glory. We need to put our hand intoHis Hand and trust Him. That brings peace.The greatest gift which anyone can receive is the gift of eternallife. “The gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ ourLord” (Romans 6 v23). The second greatest gift is the gift ofpeace. This is a gift which the Lord Jesus gives to His peoplewhen we have learned to focus upon Him, and have come toknow Him better and better.He says in John 14 v27 “Peace I leave with you, my peace Igive unto you . . . Let not your heart be troubled neither let itbe afraid.”As we enjoy that peace we have VICTORY in the valley.One of the greatest problems for many believers, and for manyfull-time Christian workers, is the lack of real peace—“the peaceof God which passeth all understanding” (Philippians 4 v7).Yet, He the Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9 v6), offers us this peacetoday.Several artists were involved in a competition to produce apainting on the subject of “Peace.”The first one painted a beautiful rural scene with cowscontentedly munching grass, smoke rising from the chimney

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of the house where the family were gathered together, and thesun setting in the West. But he did not win.The second painted a very attractive seascape with gentle waves,flying seagulls, children playing and several yachts in thebackground. But he did not win.The third painted a stormy scene with trees bowed by the stronggales, heavy rain, thunderous looking clouds and lightningflashing. Yet he won the prize. Why? Because right in themiddle of the storm a little bird sat on one of the branches of atree—whistling! That is peace—and that is victory in the valley.I trust that you, my dear reader, will have a fresh sense of Hispeace in your heart and life.

Faith = VictoryVictory is possible in the valley as we see, believe and standupon GOD’S PROMISES. John writes in his first epistle chapter5 v4 “This is the victory that overcometh the world even ourfaith.” How important it is to believe in God’s promises to uswhen we are in the valley.Do you remember the deep valley Paul writes about in 2Corinthians 12 v7–8. How precious it was at that particulartime for him to hear the promise of God “My grace is sufficient(enough) for thee” (2 Corinthians 12 v9). That promise madeall the difference—and Paul’s valley became a place of victory.It is often the valley which produces and deepens faith, whichchanges us and which teaches us truths we would never learnin any other way. This was true of Paul and it is equally true ofyou and me.God wants you to have victory right now—no matter how deepthe valley is.

Victory today in the valley through your perseverance,through your enjoyment of the peace which Jesus Christ givesand through your faith in God’s promisesVictory in the future when your vision becomes a reality.Until then—trust Him.

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“Although the fig tree shall not blossom, neither shall fruit bein the vines; the labour of the olive shall fail, and the fields shallyield no meat; the flock shall be cut off from the fold, and thereshall be no herd in the stalls. Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joyin the God of my salvation. The Lord God is my strength, and Hewill make my feet like hinds’ feet, and He will make me to walkupon mine high places.” (Habakkuk 3 v17–19).

A Prayer to Pray“Dear God,Please help me to keep going and not quitPlease give me Your peacePlease increase my faith in Your promisesSo that I will experience Your victory todayAmen.”

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Chapter 10:God’s Grace Is Enough

od has given to us a vision, a call, and a ministry to which Hewants us to devote our lives. For many of us it is a ministry to

evangelize children and to help others to do so.When we see what our vision is and what our responsibility is we

venture. Then we often run into problems and descend into valleys.Sometimes we don’t know just what to do, and we are certainly attimes anything but victorious.

Where do we get our strength to enjoy victory in the valley andnot to give up? Does the Bible give any examples or illustrations ofsomeone who experienced this victory in the valley?

Yes indeed! Paul is a good example, and we are able to see hisproblems, and how he was victorious over them.

We have already seen that Paul’s vision and responsibilities, asoutlined in Acts 26 v18, were to evangelize the Gentiles. He refers tothis responsibility throughout 2 Corinthians 11. But in this same chapterhe also outlines some of his problems. He then deals, as we shall see,with two of his greatest problems in 2 Corinthians 12.

The Privilege Paul Enjoyed (Verses 1–6)Paul had had an experience fourteen years previously which no

man had ever had before or since. He had been taken up into the thirdheaven or paradise and had heard “unspeakable words” and hadthen returned to earth. What an experience! What a privilege! Yet hehad said nothing about it for fourteen years.

You and I have also enjoyed many privileges even though they donot compare with this experience of Paul’s. But there have been manytimes in our lives when God has really blessed in a special way, andhas been very close to us.

The Problem Paul Faced (Verse 7)Paul was given “a thorn in the flesh” almost immediately after

this great and wonderful experience. While this thorn is called “themessenger of Satan” Paul recognized that its ultimate source was

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God. It is clear from the passage and from the context of the passagethat Paul saw that this thorn was either sent, or, more likely, allowedby God Himself (v 8). What made this thorn especially difficult toaccept and to understand was the fact that it came after Paul hadenjoyed the most unique and most special experience anyone couldhave. Who would have expected this to happen? Surely he wouldhave anticipated the opposite.

Commentators differ concerning this thorn in the flesh.

Some feel it was a weakness of some kind in Paul’s emotionalor spiritual makeup or character, or even a temptation of somekind to which he was subject. However, this is very doubtfuland based upon conjecture rather than Scripture.Some believe that this thorn was a person who was in closecontact with Paul, who was especially difficult and who wascausing him much trouble. Paul’s prayer in verse 8 could betranslated that “he might depart from me.” This is certainly apossibility.The most common viewpoint is that this thorn in the flesh wasan illness or bodily weakness of some kind (Galatians 4 v12-15). Some even feel it was an eye problem which made itdifficult for Paul himself to write his letters (Galatians 4 v15; 6v11), and which even affected his appearance (2 Corinthians10 v10).

This seems to be the most likely possibility.

However, the Bible does not specifically tell us what this thornwas so that we who have a thorn in the flesh, of any kind, can betteridentify with Paul in his situation. Whatever it was certainly put Paulin a valley. Do you have a thorn in the flesh? Are you in a valley?

Many great Christian leaders and well known Christian leadershave had “thorns.”

John Wesley had a wife who was not in complete agreementwith his ministry and often opposed him.Fanny Crosby was blind.Hudson Taylor confessed that he was easily irritated by theshortcomings of othersCharles Spurgeon suffered from gout and severe depression

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But they all, like Paul, were able to have victory over their thornsand their valleys, and were able to live with them and even realisethat God had a purpose in them.

Again I ask you the question: “Do you have a thorn in the fleshwhich is a real problem for you and which has put you into a valley?”What we are talking about is very real, very true to life and verypractical.

The Prayer Paul Prayed (2 Corinthians 12 v8)It was normal and natural for Paul to pray to God at this time, and

to ask God to take the thorn away. Paul records that he prayed threetimes that God might do this. We understand Paul’s reaction becausethat is how we all react to the problems we face. We ask God toremove the problem.

The Second Problem Paul Faced (2 Corinthians 12 v9)God answered Paul’s prayer, but His answer was “No.” That

must have been difficult for Paul to accept, and it probably resultedin a greater problem than that of the thorn itself.

“Why does God not answer my prayers? Why does God not removethis thorn? I could serve Him so much better if I didn’t have thisthorn.”

It is interesting that this should happen to a man like Paul. He wasprobably the greatest Christian and missionary who had ever lived.We should not therefore be surprised if it happens to us, and weshould not be discouraged if God says “No” to us as he did to Paul,or if He seems not to answer our prayers.

“Why does God not heal me? Why does He not save my lovedones? Why does He not give me a nicer boss or co-worker? Why isthere no change?”

The questions are endless.

The Promise Paul Received (2 Corinthians 12 v9)But in this situation, and when Paul was in this deep valley,

something special happened. God did something for Paul to enablehim not just to endure the thorn, not just to be victorious over it, but

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also to learn from it and to grow as a result of it. He gave Paul apromise, a very special promise. He said, “My grace is enough foryou.” God’s grace is like an inexhaustible reservoir which was availableto give Paul all the help and strength he needed to be victorious overHis thorn. That same grace is available for you and me when we arein a valley. God’s grace is enough for you and for every need andproblem you face. He will bring you through. His grace is available.His grace is enough.

God is a God of grace (1 Peter 5 v10) who gives us what we don’tdeserve:

God’s grace saves (Ephesians 1 v7)God’s grace sanctifies (Romans 6 v14)God’s grace supplies (Psalm 84 v11)God’s grace strengthens (2 Timothy 2 v1, 2)God’s grace is sufficient (2 Corinthians 12 v9)

The Principles Paul Learned (2 Corinthians 12 v6–10)Dr. Wiersbe, the well known writer and conference speaker, writes

in one of his books with regard to valleys, problems and difficultsituations “Don’t ask how you can get out of it. Ask yourself whatyou can get out of it.”

Paul learned, or saw again, three great truths about God. Theseare truths which we all need to see and understand.

God is sovereign and in complete control.It was God who sent, or allowed, this thorn in the flesh and itwas to Him Paul prayed. Every problem is sent or allowed byGod even if it is a messenger of Satan. God is in completecontrol and there is no other possibility. That was why Paulasked God to take it away.

God is wise.Paul also learned that God had a purpose in all of this. Heknew what He was doing. That was why He sent it or allowedit, and that was why He did not take it away. All problemshave a divine purpose.

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Dr. Wiersbe suggests that God allows such problems anddifficulties to come into our lives for one of three reasons:

To correct us.He used the storm and the fish to correct Jonah (Hebrews 12v6)

To perfect us and prepare us for His ministry.He prepared Joseph through the many difficulties he faced(Hebrews 12 v10) to be Prime Minister of Egypt.To protect us from the dangers which, He can see, couldcause havoc in our lives and ministry (Hebrews 12 v11).

This was the reason for Paul’s thorn in the flesh. It was to keepHim from being proud. Paul learned this and mentions it twicein verse 7. God allows us to “go through the fire” to refine us,to make us better and to prepare us for a task which lies ahead.He knows what He is doing even although we don’t understand.Dr. Wiersbe explains how blessings are balanced with burdens.The blessing which Paul experienced was a special visit toHeaven and all that he heard and saw there. Paul’s burden wasa thorn in the flesh for the 14 years which followed.Dr. Wiersbe goes on to say that God keeps everything in perfectbalance. If He continually fills our outstretched hands withblessings we will fall on our faces. So He also places burdenson our backs to keep us balanced and to keep us from fallingforwards. On the other hand, if He continually put burdens onour backs without the blessings in our outstretched hands wewould fall on our backs. But He knows exactly the load weneed—to balance our blessings and which we can carry, andHe never gives more, or less (1 Corinthians 10 v13).We only want the blessings and the victory. But God knowsthat we also need the valleys so that we will become balancedpeople and will grow as He wants us to (James 1 v3,4; Romans5 v3).

God is good.God sent, or allowed, the thorn because He loved Paul andwanted the very best for him. God is more concerned aboutour spiritual condition than our physical or financial condition

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(although He cares for those also). God allows problems in ourlives (including thorns and sickness) because if He were towithhold these He would deprive us and others of greaterspiritual blessings. God allows you to have a difficult parent,an unsaved loved one, a difficult co-worker or child, a financialproblem or a health problem so that you can reap a greaterspiritual blessing and be closer to God. You need to be surethat afflictions make you better and not bitter (Hebrews 12v15).God had something better for Paul than to heal him. The purposeof this thorn was to build his character, to change him andthrough him to bless others.Paul saw this and he realised that the thorn in the flesh hadbeen given for two purposes, and that it had two results whichwere based on God’s goodness and love towards Him:

“that the power of Christ may rest upon me” (verse 9)“when I am weak than am I strong” (verse 10)

So through the thorn he had, first of all, experienced more andmore the power of Christ upon his life and his ministry Alsothrough that thorn and the weakness which resulted from it hehad received a personal strength which he would never havehad otherwise. So he had, through the thorn, experienced thepower and strength that came only through Jesus Christ. Thatis why he was not only content with the thorn but could gloryin it (verse 9), and even take pleasure in it (verse 10).

The Perseverance Paul DisplayedHe did not give up because of the thorn in his flesh. When he

realised that God was not going to heal him, he did not try to quit orto escape. He did not just endure and stick it out. He continued toserve the Lord with, as we have seen, rejoicing—despite his weaknessand his affliction.

In the same way David Brainerd, one of the first missionaries tothe American Indians, kept going despite his tuberculosis, FannyCrosby, the hymn writer, despite her blindness, John Wesley, thefounder of the Methodist church, despite discouragement at home,

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Charles Spurgeon the well known Baptist pastor, despite his depressionand his gout, and Amy Carmichael the faithful missionary to Indiaand India’s children, despite the many years she was ill and in bed.

We should also persevere and keep going, with joy, no matterwhat the thorn may be, and no matter how deep and how dark thevalley may be.


A Prayer to Pray“Dear Heavenly Father,Thank You for what You are teaching me. Help me to see You in

a new way. Show me the needs of the children, and the power of theGospel to meet those needs. Then, Heavenly Father, please show mewhat You want me to do. I know there will be problems, but HeavenlyFather I trust You for the grace to handle and overcome those problems.Help me to persevere, give me Your peace, strengthen my faith inYour promises. Enable me to see that Your grace is enough for everyproblem.

I pray this in the Precious Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.”

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The Discipline of God

When God wants to drill a man,And thrill a man, and skill a man,When God wants to mould a manTo play the noblest part;When He yearns with all His heartTo create so great and bold a manThat all the world shall be amazed,Watch His methods, watch His ways!

How He ruthlessly perfectsWhom He royally elects!How He hammers him and hurts him,And with mighty blows converts himInto trial shapes of clay whichOnly God understands;While his tortured heart is cryingAnd he lifts beseeching hands!How He bends but never breaksWhen his good He undertakes;How He uses whom He chooses,And with every purpose fuses him;But every act induces himTo try His splendour out—God knows what He’s about!

(Author unknown)

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Chapter 11:The Witness of Experience

s we come to the end of this book there may still be lingeringquestions in the minds of some readers:

“Does it work?”“Is the teaching, which has been outlined, practical in today’s

world?”“Is this teaching for me—in my life and service?”

Or there may be some who could be further helped by seeinganother example of these four steps being realized in the experienceof one of God’s servants.

I have asked my dear friend and spiritual father, Fred Orr, whoso kindly wrote the foreword to this book if he would share with youhis testimony. It fits in perfectly with all that has been outlined in thepreceding ten chapters; and his experiences witness to the relevanceand veracity of the teaching contained in these chapters.

the VISION God gave him and his wifetheir VENTURE to Amazonas 43 years agothe very deep VALLEY he passed throughthe VICTORY God granted him at that time and many times

since then

I believe that his testimony will be a help, blessing and challengeto every reader and that it will, at the same time, bring glory to theLord he loves and serves.

Thank you, Fred, for sharing your testimony with us.

* * * * * *

Some time ago Sam asked me to write the foreword to this book.Then he asked me to give a word of personal testimony to use in hisconclusion, and I am glad to do so.

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The VisionYes, it all starts with a heavenly vision. This vision is not

something insecure like a dream or a vision in the night, but a realdeep conviction as we pray and read God’s Word that He is speakingpersonally to us. And He controls our circumstances and experiencesin such a way that they combine to confirm what His Word has alreadyshown us. In this way we are convinced that it is the Lord who iscalling us to work and witness for Him. This is the true heavenlyvision.

Initially God does not always give the heavenly vision in itsentirety. Step by step as we obey the leading of His Holy Spirit, Hecontinues to reveal His holy Will to us.

In the early 1950s we were deeply involved in missionary work athome in Northern Ireland. But God confirmed through His Word thatwe were to leave home and business and prepare for service abroad.As we sought to obey God and His vision He eventually led us toBrazil. We had to learn that we walk by faith not by sight. The Biblesays, “The just shall live by faith” (Romans 1 v17). Step by step Herevealed the way and gave us peace and strength to follow His leading.Our heavenly vision was so real to us and so confirmed by God thatwhen He showed us by many infallible proofs that He wanted us togo a couple of thousand miles up the river Amazon in South Americato labour for Him in what was known as the “Green Hell,” we obeyedthe heavenly vision and we ventured in His Name to take the Gospelto that remote area. What a venture that proved to be!

The VentureWe left Belfast on the 15th of March 1954 and sailed to Liverpool

where we boarded the SS Hilary and sailed for six weeks right toManaus, the capital city of Amazonas, a thousand miles up the riverAmazon. Ina, my wife, like myself, was full of the joy of the Lord aswe stopped at different places along the Amazon, and went ashorewith tracts to sow the good seed of the Gospel. At last we weresowing the seed in the land to which God had called us. We stayed inManaus about one month waiting for a boat going further up river aswe still had a long way to go. Ina learned a hymn in Portuguese andsang it beautifully in the church in that city. It was “The Name of

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Jesus is so sweet. I love its music to repeat.” I preached byinterpretation, and at the close of the service four souls professedfaith in our dear Lord Jesus.

A little river steamer arrived in Manaus and was going on upriver. So we were able to book our passage on board this steamer.Many believers came to see us off. They gave us a lovely cake in theshape of a heart. They said how much they loved us, and as wereceived the cake, they said we were taking their hearts with us. Ina,before leaving, asked for a letter she had written to be posted to hermother. Day after day as we went deeper into the “Green Hell,” wethanked the Lord Jesus for such a venture of faith to which He hadled us. But there was a big dark valley further on, and we were notaware of it.

The ValleyOne evening Ina told me after a meal that she had swallowed a

piece of rotten meat. She did not want to take it out of her mouthbecause we were dining with the captain. The next afternoon she hada fever and was feeling ill. How dark that valley became because Ihad the witness from God that she was not going to get better. Weread and prayed together but I had no peace because I refused toaccept that Ina’s home-going just then could be in God’s Will. Wetalked about how the Lord had led us since we first met, and she said“I always knew you would go to the mission field, but I asked Godnot to take you until I could go with you, and He answered my prayer.I am the happiest woman in the world.” Ina never doubted her calland was emphatic that she was where God would have her, evenduring her sickness.

After six days of fever Ina went to be with the Lord on the 4th ofJune 1954.

As I sat, alone, that night on the boat, I just could not understandGod’s purpose. Why would He call us to Brazil and then take Inaaway so soon? The valley was very dark and the devil was very near.He seemed to be telling me that he had done this and that we shouldnever have come to Brazil. Try to imagine my plight! We had arrivedat a little town called Labrea. This boat could go no further becausethe river was very low as it was the dry season. The captain had tied

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up for the night on the opposite side of the river against the darkdense jungle. No one else on board could speak English, and I couldn’tspeak Portuguese. As I sat alone in that little cabin the powers ofdarkness were at work. Was this the end? Could God not haveprevented this if we were really in His Will?

The VictoryAs I sat and reasoned through these things, I felt a strong urge to

read the Bible. My mind was preoccupied and yet I must have pickedup my Bible because when I looked down it was opened upon my lap.God is sovereign and He is in control even in the darkest valley. I amstill in the work of God after 43 years because God spoke to me thatnight through His Word. I got another heavenly vision. Isn’t itwonderful? Even in the darkest valley, God wants to meet with usand speak to us. My Bible lay open up before me. I looked at it andinstead of the ordinary verses printed as they are on both pages, Iread in large print written across both pages the following words“WHAT I DO THOU KNOWEST NOT NOW BUT THOU SHALTKNOW HEREAFTER.” I couldn’t believe my eyes. I still cannotexplain it. Yet there it was and suddenly it had gone. I started to readthe page in front of me and I found these words on that same page inJohn chapter 13 and verse 7; and right in that very verse was theName of the Lord Jesus Christ. It was He Who was speaking to me.

God was giving me a vision of Himself from His Word in themidst of my darkest valley. This showed me that it was He and notthe devil who was at work. And God enabled me to know and tobelieve through this that He, Himself, was DOING this very thing.Just to know the Lord was DOING it brought victory. Like Joseph Icould say “The Lord meant it unto good” (Genesis 50 v20). I didn’tunderstand it then, but the Lord Jesus said it and I believed it—andhad real peace

Then God began to work in a wonderful way. I conducted mywife’s burial service in the graveyard at Labrea. And it was Ina’scoffin and grave which opened the door into Labrea (and the wholesurrounding area)—a door which had always been fast closed to theGospel. The Roman Catholic bishop in Labrea had stated categorically“Heretics (that is believers in Jesus Christ) never get an entrance into

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Labrea.” He said, “Some have tried to come in but I put them out.”He tried to put me out too but he couldn’t. Why? Because the verysuperstition which he taught the people was used to open the door forthe Gospel in Labrea. He and others had taught that the souls of thedeparted come to their graves on “the day of the dead.” The peoplewere afraid that Ina’s soul would haunt them if I wasn’t there. Sowhen they were told to put me out they were frightened and refused.So I returned to that town in September to fix up the grave and to puta headstone on it.

Do you remember the letter Ina gave for posting the night we leftManaus? Ina’s mother received it after she had received the news ofIna’s death. She couldn’t open it at first. But then God gave her thegrace to do so, and she did open it. Across the top of that letter Inahad written these words “I have glorified thee on the earth; I havefinished the work which Thou gavest me to do.” And what a workthat was. At our farewell meeting in Belfast several months previouslyIna had sung:

Let me burn out for Thee, dear LordBurn and wear out for TheeDon’t let me rust, or my life beA failure, my God to TheeUse me and all I have, dear LordAnd get me so close to TheeTill I feel the throb of the great heart of GodAnd my life burn out for Thee

That’s what happened. She didn’t rust. She didn’t live very long,but she did a tremendous work for God. And through her death sheopened the door into this dark fast closed town which later becamethe centre of the Gospel witness for that whole area.

There are quite a number of churches there today preaching theGospel of Jesus Christ. And Ina’s grave was the first foothold that wehad in that place. God has since given us many, many souls for HisGlory—including the grave digger who had opened Ina’s grave, andthe radio officer on the ship on which Ina had died. Many precioussouls from Labrea are already in the glory and many more are ontheir way there. Pastors and missionaries have gone forth from thechurch in Labrea to serve the Lord in many parts. Today there is a

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Christian school which the Brazilians built and gave the name “InaOrr.” Hundreds of boys and girls and young people learn the Wordof God there as well as their usual lessons every day.

These experiences are illustrations, and living proofs of the lessonsour dear brother Sam has been teaching in this book. We need eachone of us to have the heavenly vision and we need to obey that visionand to venture forth in His Name—knowing that despite the valleysHe will give us the victory when we do what He wants us to do.

Almost 44 years have passed since that memorable day in June1954, and there have been many valleys and many ventures for theLord throughout these years. We can praise Him that the greatestvictories were won even in the darkest valleys. Our Lord is notconfined to the hilltop. He is the Sovereign Lord even in the valley,and He will be with us there at all times. He will never leave us norforsake us. God has enabled me all these years to maintain that witnessand my testimony is that it is the Lord Who gives us the heavenlyvision. It is that same Lord Who empowers us and enables us toventure forth in His Name. And in the darkest valleys He gives usthe victory again and again as we see Him and focus on Him.

I have had the privilege of seeing churches built in many placesall over Amazonas. I have seen many many people come to know theSaviour, and I give God all the glory for the many blessings that Hehas showered upon us all these years.

In 1969 God gave me a Brazilian wife. Her name is Zeni and shewas a graduate of the Baptist Seminary in Manaus before we weremarried. She returned with me to Labrea and we worked there foryears. God gave us two children—Fred and Florence. They both lovethe Lord Jesus and serve Him. Fred is a teacher today in the Universityin Manaus, and one of the teachers in the Bible Institute which Godenabled us to start in the city of Manaus. Florence is a doctor and avery dedicated Christian also.

We have also seen God raise up a church in Manaus called Hebron.We call it a “miracle church” because everyone of its many membersare miracles of grace. Fred, Florence and Zeni all work in the Hebronchurch. God has saved many precious souls in this church and hassent out others to preach the Gospel. We have been able to preparemany young lives in the Hebron Bible Institute to go and serve theLord in their own country—and further afield.

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Yes, there will always be valleys but many tremendous victoriescome out of the darkest valleys. Jesus Himself went through a verydark valley in order to provide our so great salvation. You and I havenow been asked to take the message of that salvation to boys and girlsand to men and women, even onto the ends of the earth. And the OneWho calls us, the One Who gives us the heavenly vision will surelybe with us every step of the way. As we venture forth in His Name,He will be with us even in our darkest valleys and out of those valleys(many of which we don’t understand), and out of those apparentdefeats, will spring forth life and life eternal. This was my experiencein June 1954.

The Bible says, “Except a corn of wheat fall into the groundand die it abideth alone, but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit”(John 12 v24).

May God help you to see and understand His heavenly vision andthen to venture on the basis of that vision. As you pass through thevalley He will give the victory, so that His Holy Name will behonoured and glorified. Then on that glorious day when we shallstand before Him, redeemed by His Precious Blood, may there bemany from the four corners of the earth whom we have reached becausewe were not DISOBEDIENT TO THAT HEAVENLY VISIONwhich our Lord and Master gave onto us.

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Knowing God by J.I. Packer (Hodder and Stoughton)The Joy of Knowing God by Richard Stauss (Loizeaux)Our God is Awesome by Tony Evans (Moody)Come Ye Children by C.H. Spurgeon (Pilgrim Publications)Evangelizing Children by Jennifer Haaijer (European CEF)The Biblical Basis of Child Evangelism by Sam Doherty (European

CEF)Spiritual Depression—Its Causes and Cure by Dr. Martyn Lloyd Jones

(Pickering and Inglis)The Bumps are What you Climb On by Warren W. Wiersbe (IVP)Why us? by Warren W. Wiersbe (IVP)Amazing Grace by J. Montgomery Boice (Tyndale)Transforming Grace by Jerry Bridges (Navpress)C.H. Spurgeon by Arnold Dallimore (Moody)Harvest Comes in Spring by Ruth Turnwall (Child Evangelism

Fellowship Inc)Forbidden Harvest by Ruth Turnwall (European CEF)From Then till Now by Ruth Overholtzer (Child Evangelism Fellowship

Inc)C.T. Studd by Norman Grubb (Lutterworth)Hudson Taylor and The China Inland Mission—The Growth of a Work

of God by Dr. and Mrs Howard Taylor (Overseas MissionaryFellowship)

Hudson Taylor and Maria by J.C. Pollock (Hodder and Stoughton)Through Gates of Splendour by Elizabeth Eliot (Tyndale)William Carey—by Trade a Cobbler by K.M. Finnie (Send The Light)

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