oakton educational foundation annual report


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July 2014 - June 2015



he past year was marked by an unforgettable beginning and a touching farewell. From the grand opening and dedication of theMargaret Burke Lee Science and Health Careers Center to Peg Lee’sbittersweet retirement after twenty years of providing exceptional leadership to the College. It was a year that inspired us to reflect onlegacies and the promise of a bright future.

In thinking about legacy within the context of Oakton, we came toa holistic definition that is grounded on one’s commitment to a causegreater than their own. Legacies are created through meaningful, last-ing, and energizing contributions to our community. Oakton is fortunateenough to have been impacted by the remarkable generosity of ourmany donors, and to them we say: your legacy is the foundation onwhich our College has been built and will continue to grow.

It is with our deepest gratitude that we acknowledge the support of732 donors who contributed $600,022 to the Educational Foundation

in the past year. As you will see on the pages of this Annual Report, ourcollective vision, combined with your generosity, allowed us to award$492,088 in scholarships to 287 students and $210,000 in grants to 28college-wide projects and programs. You have helped us build a Collegethat is admired nationwide for its creative approaches to teaching andlearning.

As we look to the future, we recognize that growth and change areconstants at Oakton as we respond to the new opportunities and financial pressures surrounding community colleges. We see the College entering a dynamic new phase in which fundraising will be-come ever more integrated into our core structure and mission. We look forward to continuing our work with you by our side, creatinga lasting, positive, and renewable impact on future generations of Oakton students and on the future of our community.

Joianne L. Smith, President, Oakton Community College

Howard S. Singer, President, Educational Foundation Board of Directors



others in a team environment on group projects. Often these students become active in college life, emerging as chairs of student clubs,Oakton ambassadors, members of student government, and even asstudent representatives on the Board of Trustees. Health Information Technology (HIT) received a $6,022 grant to pur-

chase 11 iPads to replicate mobile technology in the workplace. Studentswill have access to a portable database of thousands of infectious diseaseconditions and disorders as part of their classroom assignments in diseaseclassification. The iPads will also foster information exchanges during students’ internships to help them create problem lists and support clini-cal decision-making.

Various departments were awarded funds to hostspeakers, authors, activists, and other experts at eventsopen to students and the public. The Chicago Writers’Series brought poets Quraysh Ali Lansana, ChristopherStewart, and Ladan Osman (right), and author/activistSusan Nussbaum. The Wellness Committee presentedan array of wellness experts who spoke about healthand wellbeing, lifestyle, and nutritional choices. The Women’s and Gender Studies Program hosted “Who’s Afraid of Feminism?” featuringnoted media critic and blogger Anita Sarkeesian and feminist activistVeronica Arreola. The Foundation also sponsored last April’s Creating Justice Symposium, with guest speakers Chicago playwright and leaderof disability culture Mike Ervin, artist and community facilitator FaheemMajeed, and political-art curator of “Chicagoaxaca” Ivan Arenas.

The Educational Foundation thanks the many individuals, corporations,and organizations who have helped Oakton achieve the highest possiblestandards of quality in higher education.


ach year, the Oakton Educational Foundation awards grants to faculty and staff that enable them to enhance and improve Oakton Community College’s programs and campuses. In the past year, the Educational Foundation awarded over $210,000 for 28 projects that include:NASA’s Robotics Contest was helped to an 8th place finish and

Honorable Mention for the Best System Engineering Paper Award at theSixth Annual NASA Robotics Mining Competi-tion in May 2015 thanks to a $7,500 grant fromthe Educational Foundation. A team of Oaktonstudents designed and built a remote-controlledrobot that could successfully navigate and minerocks on a simulated Martian surface within a10-minute timeframe. Oakton’s team was oneof 49 colleges and universities—and one of onlythree community colleges in the country—

invited to compete in this prestigious contest.Undergraduate Research Support received a $16,400 grant

for summer research internships. Internship sites included LoyolaMedical Center where students researched an autoimmune disease affecting skin pigmentation, the University of Illinois’ Department of Medicinal Chemistry and Pharmacognosy where students identified cancer-related drug candidates, and the Chicago Botanic Gardens wherestudents helped save the threatened Eastern Prairie Fringed Orchid. Theseexperiences allow students to gain practical knowledge of laboratory procedures, techniques, and organizational skills in the field of research.Emerging Leaders Program received $13,500 in grant funds to foster

student leadership. In the past year, 51 students developed leadershipskills and a personal plan for success that helped them to interact with


Robert Cabana (center), directorof NASA's John F. KennedySpace Center, poses with theOakton student team who wonHonorable Mention for the BestSystem Engineering Paper Awardat the NASA Robotics Mining Competition.



From left: Peter Sigiols, Thomas Tippett, chair of the Educational Foundation GrantsCommittee, and Paul Gulezian.

t the beginning of each academic year, Oakton employees cometogether at the All-College Breakfast in celebration of the tireless work by faculty and staff in advancing student success. At this kick-off event, afaculty and an adjunct faculty member join the list of acclaimed professorswho have been awarded the Ray Hartstein Awards for Excellence inTeaching, and each awardee receives a $1,000 grant from the Foundation.Paul Gulezian, assistant professor of biology and environmental science,and Peter Sigiols, accounting lecturer, were the 2015 honorees.

Assistant Professor Paul Gulezian joined the College in 2012, special-izing in organismal biology, population ecology, and community ecology.Gulezian earned a doctorate from the University of Illinois in Chicago, andhas published several papers on environmental concerns. His passion for these subjects and commitment to students extends far beyond theclassroom. He continues to inspire discovery, growth, and synthesis asstudents learn about themselves and the natural world around them.Peter Sigiols began teaching at the College part time in 2013. He

attended Loyola University of Chicago, where he received both a bachelor’sand master’s degree. In addition, he earned a juris doctor degree from theJohn Marshall Law School and his doctorate degree in business adminis-tration from Argosy University. Sigiols believes his primary role as an instructor is to create interactions which foster interest and understand-ing for individual students. His disciplined work ethic and profound respectfor students truly manifests the spirit of the awards.

The Excellence in Teaching awards exemplify a fitting tribute to one of the College’s most notable advocates—the founding Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Ray Hartstein. While Hartstein, passed away in September 2014 at the age of 96, his legacy lives on through the faculty’scommitment to exceptional teaching.

The Foundation extends a special thanks to the Student GovernmentAssociation (SGA) for their significant contributions of time and funds to

the award. The SGA has subsidized the grants since 1996, contributingmore than $25,000 to the fund. In addition, they spearhead the awardingprocess with a student committee that screens the nominations and provides the Foundation with a list of finalists.



SPEC IAL EVENTSEvery year, the Educational Foundation hosts various annual events

that help raise public awareness, participation in the cause for commu-nity college students, and much needed financial support for Oaktonstudents. The Foundation kicked off the academic year with ScholarChips (right) at Rivers Casino in Des Plaines. In August, Oakton friends,employees, and alumni enjoyed a night of food and drinks, live music,and games in Rivers’ The Cube lounge. During the bleak month of January, the Chicago Bar Association brought warm laughs to the Performing Arts Center with Bar Wars Episode 6.5 - The Phantom Museum which parodied celebrities, politicians, and newsmakers from the previous year. Proceeds from these and other Foundation-sponsored fundraising events contributed more than $40,225 to Oakton’s Foundation Scholarship Fund.

STUDENT PR I ZESDue to the generosity of our donors, the Educational Foundation is

able to offer student prizes that reward excellence and achievement. Inestablishing these awards, our donors encourage creativity and moti-vate students to complete their education in their chosen fields.

A member of Oakton’s Board of Trustees since 1987 and a promi-nent advocate for world peace, Jody Wadhwa sought to recognize andelevate community college students at Oakton and throughout Illinoiswho embrace the ideals and principals of Mahatma Gandhi and MartinLuther King Jr. He was influenced by his early experiences in war-tornIndia and his belief that higher education can help individuals formulatenonviolent ways to address change. In 2010, Wadhwa and the WadhwaFoundation established the Gandhi-King Peace Essay Endowment,which recognizes an Oakton student whose essay explores using


nonviolence to confront on-campus issues of discrimination, racism andintolerance. To date, four individuals have each received this $500 prize.In 2014, Wadhwa also created the Gandhi-King State of Illinois PeaceEssay Endowment through the Illinois Community College Trustees Association (ICCTA). This gives Illinois community college students the opportunity to compete for a similar $500 prize. The most recentOakton recipient of the Gandhi-King Peace Essay Prize also went on toreceive the award at the state level.

The Educational Foundation is proud to steward these endow-ments to encourage creative thinking among future students on howto address the social problems facing our community.

In memory of their mother, Foundation staffer Lisa Fischer and her

From left: Michael Lundeen and Frank Carello of Legat Architects with AdrienneCarello; Oakton Trustee Joan DiLeonardi; Margaret B. Lee; and Jackie and GabeWilcox of Legat Architects.


brother Brian established the Marilyn L. Fischer Endowed Prize in the Creative Arts in 2009. Outside of her family, Fischer’s pursuits focused on enhancing her talents in creative writing and the fine arts.One of her poems appeared in The Saturday Evening Post. The $500prize made possible through this endowment is offered in alternatingyears for creative writing and the visual arts. The award is given to anOakton student who has never before won a monetary prize and who,in the opinion of the judging committees, shows the greatest talent.The most recent recipient received the prize for Best of Show at theApril 2015 student art exhibition.

STUDENT EMERGENCY FUND Financial hardships and emergencies create critical barriers for

students to complete college. Once students drop out, most never return. In an effort to help students facing these problems, two uniqueFoundation funds were created by donors seeking to help those whohave exhausted all other resources.

In 2012, former Oakton President Margaret B. Lee created the Student Success Fund to support students who would not be able to continue their studies due to emergencies. These include unusual orunexpected short-term expenses related to job loss, illness of a familymember, or loss of a home due to eviction or disaster. Lee retired June2015 and, during her final months at Oakton, her legacy as a steward for student success was cemented in Oakton’s history when more than $81,900 was raised for Oakton students in her honor. On April 25, Lee’s friends, family, and colleagues came together at the 30 Years of Illuminating Minds celebration hosted by the College and the Foundation, which raised $26,400 for the fund. An additional $55,500was contributed in Lee’s honor, with $22,000 earmarked for the Student

Success Fund and approximately $33,470 for the Dr. Margaret B. LeeEndowed Scholarship. Oakton’s Student Government Associationthanked Lee for her years of exceptional service to Oakton students bygenerously contributing $10,000 to each fund. Last year, 15 studentsreceived grants totaling $3,935 from the Student Success Fund.

In 2013, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Guill established the Veterans’ Emergency Assistance Fund to honor Oakton students who honorablyserved in the U.S. military. Operating on a smaller scale, these funds arealso used to provide veterans with emergency support. Last year, fourveterans received $1,050 in grants to help them through a financial crisis.

These funds not only boost persistence, they also make it clear toour students that the Oakton community is here to help them succeed.

Margaret B. Lee greets well-wishers at the 30 Years of Illuminating Mindscelebration.


ALUMNI RELATIONSIn less than three years since its inception, the Office of Alumni

Relations has made great progress in its mission to foster meaningfuland lasting relationships between alumni and the College. The OaktonAlumni Council, as the governing body of the Alumni Association,

developed activities and networking opportunities to strengthen alumniconnections with the College and cur-rent students. In July 2014, the Councilhosted Oakton’s first Trivia Night atThe Curragh Irish Pub in Skokie. Thesold-out event was a perfect night offun and friendraising amongst alumni,

students, employees, and friends of Oakton. The Council also hostedAloha Putt Putt at the Des Plaines campus, where more than 100guests joined for a Hawaiian-themed mini-golf tournament.

As a component of the Educational Foundation, the Office of AlumniRelations has also sought to increase alumni participation in fundraisingactivities that support student scholarships at Oakton. During the 2013fiscal year, when the Office of Alumni Relations came into existence, 48 alumni contributed $5,186 to the Foundation. In the past year, 70Oakton alumni donated more than $14,700 to scholarships, programendowments, and the Foundation General Fund. These figures are evi-dence that Oakton Community College alumni are interested in givingback and providing financial support to their alma mater when pur-poseful engagement activities exist to keep them connected.

BUILDING LEADERS AND LEGACIESOn March 4, Oakton celebrated the most substantial project in its

$68.5 million five-year Facilities Master Plan with the dedication of theMargaret Burke Lee Science and Health Careers Center. The EducationalFoundation also launched its Building Leaders and Legacies namingcampaign at the building dedication, which offers community membersa number of ways to honor family, friends, and colleagues. Less thanfour months later, the year came to a close with more than $39,000contributed and $81,000 pledged to the campaign. Several naming op-portunities remain available, ranging in value from $5,000 to $200,000.More information about the Building Leaders and Legacies campaignis available at www.oakton.edu/giving.

CORPORATE SUPPORTRecognizing the importance of a community college education in

strengthening communities and improving workforce skills, many localcorporations actively support Oakton with donations of funding, prop-erty, and employee time via volunteerism. The Educational Foundationis proud to work with the following companies who invest in scholar-ships and programs to ensure that Oakton students have the criticaland technical skills required to become successful employees of 21st

From top: Alumnus John MacFarlane is joined by friend, Grace Zeigler (left) andLinda Lim at Oakton’s firstTrivia Night; Student trustee Will Dixon and other participants of all ages learned to hula dance at Aloha Putt Putt.



century companies: Ace Title Company � Chicago Area Health Information Management Association � Daubenspeck and Associates, Ltd. � First Bank of Highland Park � Fisher ContainerCorporation � Glenview State Bank � Legat Architects � LittlerMendelson Foundation, Inc. � Pearson Education � RobbinsSchwartz � Takeda Pharmaceuticals � TTX Company � Turner Construction � Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. � U.S. Cellular �

Wheels, Inc.

KOEHNLINE MUSEUM OF ARTWorks of art given to the Oakton Educational Foundation join the

Koehnline Museum of Art’s collection of artifacts and modern and contemporary art currently valued at over $3.5 million. Each year, morethan 10,000 people, including students, alumni, employees, and visitorsfrom throughout the Chicago metropolitan area, visit the collection. Thisyear, artworks valued at nearly $195,000 were donated to the Museumby 12 generous donors, including unique works that will be on permanentdisplay for public enjoyment. Featured among these donations are:

� stainless steel sculpture by Victor Arbogast,� etching by David Bekker, � four lithographs by Winifred Godfrey, � six drawings by Milton Horn, � seven monotype prints and a pastel chalk by Otto Neumann, � collection of ceramic horses from the Tang, Wei, and Han Dynasties,and a set of five antique Chinese opium jars,

� hand-signed woodcut by Ceil Rosenberg, � three paintings by Marjorie Welish.

These additions not only ensure the Museum’s continued vitality,they also promote cultural awareness and understanding by linking withCollege programs in anthropology, humanities, and history. Oakton students and community residents can enjoy opportunities to appreciateart thanks to the Koehnline’s generous donors.

Clockwise from top: WinifredGodfrey’s Pansy, 1991 lithograph;Victor Arbogast’s Untitled, 1990stainless steel sculpture; and Otto Newman’s Overlapping Colors, 1963 monotype print.



In the past year, the Oakton Educational Foundation awarded$492,088 in scholarships to 287 students. The following Educational Foundation and institutional scholarships wereavailable to students between July 1, 2014, and June 30, 2015.

Scholarship Awards for all MajorsAlicia Mikulski ScholarshipThe Alicia Mikulski Scholarship was established by Oakton’s Athletics Office in honor of athletic trainer Alicia Mikulski, whosaved the life of an Elgin Community College basketball playerwho collapsed during a game between Oakton and Elgin.

Alumni ScholarshipsThese scholarships are made possible through an endowment established by the Oakton Alumni Association. Proceeds assistOakton students in funding their educational pursuits and honorsthem for their academic achievements.

American Association of University Women – GlenviewBranch ScholarshipEstablished by the AAUW Glenview Branch, this scholarship supports a returning student who needs financial assistance.

American Association of University Women – NorthwestSuburban Illinois Branch ScholarshipEstablished by the AAUW Northwest Suburban Illinois Branch,this scholarship supports a full- or part-time female student fromDes Plaines, Park Ridge, or Mount Prospect who is returning tocollege to complete her education.

American Association for Women in Community Colleges – Oakton Chapter ScholarshipThe Oakton Chapter of AAWCC established this scholarship tohelp a woman pursue an associate’s degree or certificate.

Bobbi and Gerry Horwitz Golden ScholarshipBobbi and Gerri Horwitz established this scholarship in honor of their golden wedding anniversary. The fund supports a full- or part-time student with financial need.

Buck and Ora O’Neil ScholarshipOakton’s Director of Athletics and Registrar Services BruceOates created this scholarship in honor of Buck and Ora O’Neil,lifelong advocates for education. Ora O’Neil was a grade schoolteacher and her husband, Buck, was a legendary 1930s baseballplayer. The scholarship supports an Oakton student athlete pursuing an associate’s degree.

Carolyn Parmer ScholarshipThanks to the generosity of Foundation Director Carolyn Parmerthe John C. and Carolyn Noonan Parmer Private Foundation, the Carolyn Parmer Scholarships assist Oakton students whodemonstrate financial need.

Christopher Jost Memorial ScholarshipEndowed in memory of Christopher Jost, a non-traditional Oakton student who lost his life because of an intoxicated driver,the Christopher Jost Memorial Scholarship provides funding for a full- or part-time adult student returning to college, preferablyan Eagle Scout. This scholarship was established by David andPamela Jost and George Darrell.

Educational Foundation ScholarshipsFounded in 1977, the Oakton Community College EducationalFoundation funds programs and projects that promote the mission, goals, and quality of excellence at the college. Thesescholarships are made possible through an endowment established by the Foundation to provide a perpetual source of income for scholarships for deserving Oakton students.

Ernest C. Wentcher ScholarshipsThe Wentcher Educational Foundation provides 10 scholarshipsfor first-year students, which are renewable for an additional academic year provided the student still meets the scholarshipcriteria. Wentcher Scholars who complete two years at Oaktonare also eligible to apply for a Wentcher Transfer Scholarship, valued at $10,000 per year for up to two years at a four-year institution. The Wentcher Foundation focuses on quality education as a top priority to sustain the nation’s leadership inthe global economy, and scholarships are awarded based on academic merit, character, and need.

First Bank of Highland Park Scholarship for OpportunityAn active partner with Oakton, the First Bank of Highland Parkestablished this scholarship to support a student in need.

Frank J. Chulay ScholarshipThe Frank J. Chulay Endowment Scholarship, sponsored by hisfamily and friends, honors Frank J. Chulay, former mayor of Lincolnwood, for his contributions to Lincolnwood and to Oakton. This scholarship assists a student actively participatingin student government at Oakton.

Glenview Community Church Women’s Association ScholarshipThe Glenview Community Church Women’s Association Scholarship provides vital financial assistance to support awoman’s academic and professional goals.

Glenview State Bank ScholarshipA generous supporter of Oakton, Glenview State Bank established this scholarship to help students complete an associate’s degree.

Glenview Women of Today ScholarshipSponsored by Glenview Women of Today, this scholarship supports a woman, preferably from Glenview, who needs financial assistance. This award was inspired by Joanne Masri, a past Oakton scholarship recipient, and exemplifies Oakton students helping other Oakton students.

Dr. Gregory C. James ScholarshipThe Dr. Gregory C. James Memorial Scholarship, sponsored byfamily, friends, and colleagues, honors the late Gregory James, a beloved member of the Oakton community who served the College as assistant vice president of Student Affairs, Office of Access, Equity, and Diversity. This scholarship supports a studentwho is either from an underrepresented or economically disadvan-taged community or who has overcome personal adversity.Students awarded the Dr. Gregory C. James Scholarship value education as a pathway to personal success as well as a way to empower their community.


Harry Tankus ScholarshipDuring the Foundation’s 30th anniversary celebration in May2007, Gerald Horwitz provided the lead gift to establish a scholarship endowment in honor of Harry Tankus. A member of the Educational Foundation’s Board of Directors since 1977 –and a friend of Oakton from the time the college opened itsdoors in 1969 – Harry Tankus’ wisdom and vision have played a significant role in growing the Foundation’s endowment to itscurrent level of $13 million.

HSBC ScholarshipSponsored by HSBC – North America, this scholarship supportsa full- or part-time student in financial need.

HSO Distinguished Scholar AwardThis scholarship endowment was created by students and alumniof the Oakton Honors Student Organization who wanted to pro-vide financial assistance to future generations of honor students.

Inez and Keith Dixon ScholarshipsThe late Keith Dixon – one of Oakton’s most generous benefactors– established this award in memory of his wife Inez who attended Oakton, and it provides financial assistance to a full- or part-time student at Oakton.

Joan B. and Frank B. Hall ScholarshipServing Oakton Community College for more than 20 years,Joan Hall was elected to the Board of Trustees in 1985 and againin 1991. During her tenure as a trustee, she served as Chairmanof the Board and liaison to the Educational Foundation. Estab-lished by Mrs. Hall in honor of her late husband Frank, this scholarship rewards an adult student returning to complete anassociate of arts degree or entering a retraining program.

Joyce Properties ScholarshipsPat and Gary Joyce, owners of Joyce Properties, wished to showtheir appreciation for many years of growth and achievement intheir real estate management company. They established thisscholarship for a student of color residing in Evanston and attending Oakton full or part time.

Junior League of Evanston - North Shore ScholarshipEstablished the Junior League of Evanston-North Shore, thisscholarship supports a woman enrolled full-time who plays anactive role in community service.

Karen Kline Wilmette Harbor Rotary Club ScholarshipSponsored by the Wilmette Harbor Rotary Club, this scholarshiprewards a student who lives in Wilmette or Evanston. The scholarship fund fulfills the Rotary’s mission and is in memory of former Rotarian, Karen Kline.

Local P.E.O. ScholarshipThe P.E.O. Sisterhood of Des Plaines established this scholarshipin memory of Marian Price and Roberta Skelton, long-time members known for their generosity and kindness. The scholarship assists a full- or part-time female student involved incommunity service.

Lois E. Henrikson Memorial ScholarshipA long-time member of the Northwest Suburban Illinois Branchof the American Association of University Women, Lois Henrikson’s advocacy for empowering women through highereducation inspired her husband and family to establish thisscholarship for a returning female student from Des Plaines, Park Ridge, or Mount Prospect.

Dr. Lynn Dee Metz ScholarshipJohn R. Metz established this endowment in honor of his wife,Lynn, to recognize her many accomplishments. The Dr. Lynn DeeMetz Scholarship is for a single parent pursuing a career.

Dr. Margaret B. Lee Endowed Scholarship Established by contributions from Oakton employees, friends,and family in honor of Oakton Community College’s third president, Margaret B. Lee, this scholarship provides financial assistance to a full- or part-time student at Oakton.

Marilyn and Wallace Appelson ScholarshipOakton’s Educational Foundation Directors established thisscholarship in honor of Marilyn Appelson, former executive director of the Foundation. Through her leadership spanningmore than two decades, the Foundation has evolved into one ofthe region’s most successful community college foundations.The Marilyn and Wallace Appelson Scholarship assists a full- or part-time student enrolled in any major.

Mary and Paul LeGere ScholarshipAdele LeGere, a much admired (and now retired) Oakton professor of mathematics, endowed this scholarship in honor of her children Mary and Paul LeGere. The scholarship assists areturning student who demonstrates superior academic abilityand has a commitment to helping others.

Mary and Philip Simonsen ScholarshipMary Ellen and Donald Simonsen established this scholarship endowment in memory of Mr. Simonsen’s parents. TheFoundation awards this scholarship annually to a single parent.

Michael Gilson Memorial ScholarshipThe Michael Gilson Memorial Endowment pays tribute to MichaelGilson, the son of founding Oakton Trustee, the late Paul Gilson,and his wife, the late Phyllis Gilson. Funds from the endowmentprovide an annual scholarship award to a returning student.

Michael J. Wall Memorial ScholarshipOakton Trustee Joan DiLeonardi endowed this scholarship inhonor of her late brother, Michael J. Wall. The fund provides support for a full- or part-time non-traditional male student enrolled at Oakton.

Mickey and Fred Sider Memorial ScholarshipHal Sider and Holly Sider Smith created this scholarship in memory of their parents, Mickey and Fred Sider, and it providestuition, fees, book, and equipment support for a full- or part-timeOakton student.

Morton Grove Woman’s Club Scholarship In 1993, the Morton Grove Woman’s Club established this scholarship to assist and encourage Morton Grove women to return to college.

Nancy Graziani Memorial ScholarshipThe Nancy Graziani Memorial Scholarship honors the late wife of the sponsor Charles Graziani, a former Oakton EducationalFoundation director. This scholarship benefits a student who actively participates in community service.

Norbert and Morita Rapoza ScholarshipEstablished by Morita Rapoza in memory of her husband, Norbert Rapoza, this scholarship supports a student studying afield within the liberal arts and provides transportation assistancefor recipients with disabilities.


The Oakton OCCurrence Scholarship EndowmentEstablished by Oakton’s student newspaper and funded by theStudent Government Association, this scholarship provides financial assistance to Oakton students.

Oakton Faculty Memorial ScholarshipSponsored by the Oakton Faculty Association in memory of deceased faculty, this scholarship assists students with their education and honors them for their academic achievement.

The Ray and Rhea Hartstein Family “Books for Knowledge”ScholarshipEstablished by the children of Ray and Rhea Hartstein in honor oftheir parents, this scholarship covers the cost of a student’sbooks for one academic year.

Robert L. Nelson Memorial ScholarshipEstablished by Elizabeth Karacic in memory of her father andOakton staff member, Robert Nelson, this scholarship providesfinancial assistance for a full-time student who is a member ofthe Oakton baseball team.

Rosemary Geisler ScholarshipColleagues and friends established the Rosemary Geisler Scholarship to honor Rosemary Geisler, past president of theDistributed Systems Division of Comdisco and an Oakton Educational Foundation director from 1991 to 2011.

Rivers Casino High School ScholarshipsCreated by generous partner Rivers Casino, these scholarshipshelp Maine West graduates and full-time Oakton students pursue their academic and professional goals.

Rivers Casino Des Plaines ScholarshipsAlso created by Rivers Casino, these scholarships help Des Plaines residents who are full-time Oakton students pursue their academic and professional goals.

The Seabury ScholarshipsThe Seabury Foundation helps individuals access a variety of educational opportunities to transform their circumstances andovercome academic barriers. The Foundation created thesescholarships to support non-traditional, full-time students whohave completed a GED and are returning to school with the intention of completing an associate’s or bachelor’s degree.

Stanley and Kristin Stevens Family Fund Created by Kristin and Stanley Stevens, an Educational Foundation director, the scholarships help full- or part-time students.

Thomas and Terese Conway ScholarshipTerese Conway endowed this scholarship in honor of her late husband, Thomas, a professor of history at Oakton who influenced countless lives in and out of the classroom duringhis long tenure at the college. Funds from this scholarship support a full-time student who demonstrates financial need.

Thomas TenHoeve ScholarshipThe Oakton Community College Educational FoundationDirectors established the Thomas TenHoeve Scholarship inhonor of Thomas TenHoeve, the second president of OaktonCommunity College. This scholarship assists a second-yearstudent who demonstrates leadership and service to the College.

Thomas M. and Jeri A. Tippett ScholarshipFoundation Director Tom Tippett and his wife, Jeri, endowedthis scholarship to help a full- or part-time student seeking to earn a college degree.

UPS Cares ScholarshipsThe UPS Cares Scholarship, sponsored by United Parcel Service, provides financial support for a first-year student.

Ward M. Woodhead Memorial ScholarshipThe Oakton Educational Foundation endowed the Ward M.Woodhead Scholarship in tribute to Ward Woodhead, a formerdirector of the Foundation, who gave his time, energy, and support to the College.

Scholarship Awards Based on College Major

Accounting, Business, or Financial ServicesCapital Point Financial Group ScholarshipEstablished by Capital Point Financial Group Ltd, this scholarshipprovides financial assistance to a full-time second-year Oaktonstudent studying business, accounting, or financial services.

Curtis and Phyllis Gripp Memorial Scholarship The former director of accounting at Oakton – and former accountant for the Educational Foundation – Curtis Gripp and hiswife Phyllis were consistent contributors to the College. Friendsand family of the Gripps established this endowment in theirmemory to assist a student enrolled in accounting or business.

Estelle Ellison Gold Memorial Scholarship Brad Ellison established this award in memory of his mother, Estelle Ellison Gold, who encouraged him to enroll in Oakton’saccounting program after he graduated from Northwestern University. His positive experience at Oakton, combined withpassing the CPA exam on the first try, motivated him to endowthe scholarship.

Horwitz Business Award Scholarship Gerald Horwitz established the Horwitz Business Award for astudent pursuing a career in finance or business.

International Air Cargo Association of Chicago ScholarshipThe IACAC promotes interests of international air cargo transportation in the Midwest area of the United States. The Association established this scholarship for a student who plans to pursue a career in business transportation.

Dr. Rolf Weil ScholarshipThis scholarship honors Rolf Weil, past president of RooseveltUnivesity. Established by Gerald Horwitz and Horwitz & Associates, it supports a student pursuing studies in educationor business.



Engineering, HVACR, Manufacturing, or TechnologyAir Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Program ScholarshipLong-time Oakton faculty member Chad Ganger established thisscholarship upon his retirement to support a full- or part-time student in the HVACR program.

Ann and James LaPalermo ScholarshipEstablished by Ann and Jim LaPalermo, this scholarship supportsa full- or part-time student studying RFID technology and in financial need.

David S. Jakes Technology ScholarshipOakton alumna and friend Joanne Masri created this scholarshipto honor David Jakes and assist a student studying technology.

George Tootelian Scholarship for Engineering StudentsCreated by the Illinois Society of Professional Engineers, NorthSuburban Chapter, and the Physics-Engineering Club in memoryof beloved Oakton physics professor George Tootelian, this scholarship assists a full- or part-time student studying engineering.

Irving M. and Sylvia Footlik Foundation ScholarshipThe Irving M. and Sylvia Footlik Foundation Scholarship supportsan engineering student enrolled in the manufacturing technologyprogram. Long-time advocates for the College, Irving and SylviaFootlik also provided funding for the renovation of the 285-seattheater and backstage dressing rooms in the Performing ArtsCenter and for the Footlik Center for Manufacturing and Engineering at the Ray Hartstein Campus.

Lowell F. and Elaine S. Beertema ScholarshipThe importance of learning – and making education accessible to as many people as possible – were paramount to LowellBeertema, an executive with Skokie-based G.D. Searle and Co.,and an adjunct instructor of engineering at Oakton from 1980 to 1988. His wife, the late Elaine Beertema, established this endowment in his honor for Oakton students enrolled in engineering.

Robert R. Duncan Memorial ScholarshipCreated in honor of Robert Duncan, past chair of the automotivetechnology program, this scholarship benefits a student enrolledin the automotive technology program who has completed atleast eight credit hours.

Wadhwa Scholarship The Wadhwa Scholarship supports a student enrolled in the pre-engineering curricula. Established by Jody Wadhwa, an Oakton Trustee, and his family, the scholarship recognizes theimportance of an educated citizenry.

Fine Arts, Performing Arts, English, or Modern LanguagesArthur A. Henrikson Memorial ScholarshipThe Henrikson family created this scholarship in memory of theirbeloved father to help a first-generation college student studyingart and living in Des Plaines, Park Ridge, or Mount Prospect.

Drummer Family ScholarshipEstablished by Michael and Carlee Drummer in honor of the lateRoy and Rita Drummer and Caryl Rader, the Drummer FamilyScholarship provides assistance to a student majoringin art, English literature, or photography.

Gail Albracht Memorial ScholarshipEstablished by Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Albracht in honor of their latedaughter, this scholarship benefits a full- or part-time studentmajoring in English. An English professor at Oakton, Gail Albrachtwas admired for her dedication and capacity to shape and express ideas with cogency and power.

Marjorie Whitman Memorial Scholarship Established by her husband Bob Whitman, friends, and colleaguesin memory of Oakton Trustee Marjorie Whitman, the MarjorieWhitman Memorial Scholarship recognizes her legacy as a life-long learner, a compassionate leader, and a mentor to students.She will always be remembered for her zest for life and her will-ingness to help others. The scholarship is awarded to a studentenrolled in fine arts, performing arts, or modern languages.

Oakton Performing Arts Center ScholarshipSponsored by the Oakton Performing Arts Center, this scholarship provides assistance to a student who intends to major in theater or music.

Graphic Design or PhotographyDr. J. Dawn Mercedes Memorial ScholarshipDawn Mercedes’ partner, Lauren Vitek; her parents, Sandra andJoe Fisher; and friends from Oakton and around the country established this scholarship to honor the memory of J. DawnMercedes, associate professor of art and graphic design. It benefits a student enrolled in graphic design or photography.

Michael Spiers Memorial Scholarship The Michael Spiers Endowment Scholarship honors MichaelSpiers, former director of the Workforce Board of Northern Cook County, an agency dedicated to providing training for unemployed and underemployed individuals. Recognizing hislove of learning and devotion to serving humanity, his motherBlanche Keno, his wife Lynn, family, and friends endowed thisscholarship for a student enrolled in the computer graphics and design program.

Health and Nursing Alan Garland Memorial ScholarshipA gift from the Geraldine J. Laff Foundation, this scholarship honors the late Alan Garland, loving husband of June, whoserved the Educational Foundation for 20 years. The scholarshiprecognizes a full- or part-time student majoring in nursing whodemonstrates financial need.

American Legion Auxiliary Nurses ScholarshipsSponsored by the American Legion, Skokie Post No. 320 andAuxiliary, these scholarships recognize and provide financial assistance to students in the nursing program.

Annette Dewett Nursing ScholarshipsAnnette Dewett, a treasured Oakton student employee for more than 20 years, loved her career as a nurse and served the profession with distinction for 45 years. Established by Hal andKaren Sider, this scholarship continues Annette’s legacy forfuture generations of nursing students.

Barbara H. Steffey and Sandra M. Weiss Memorial ScholarshipDistinguished Professor of Nursing Barbara Steffey was an extraordinary teacher, a dedicated and caring nurse practitioner, a faculty leader for two decades, and a mother of Oakton benefactor Melinda Steffey. She directed the High Risk NursingStudents program and played a key role in preparing disadvan-taged students for careers in nursing. Sandra Weiss was themother-in-law of Melinda Steffey. This scholarship is in memoryof both remarkable women and provides funding for a studentenrolled in the nursing program.

Birdell Eck Provus Endowment ScholarshipEstablished by her daughter in memory of Birdell Eck Provus, a former Oakton student and a member of “Acting Up”, a dramatroupe for older adults, this scholarship supports a student enrolled in the certified nursing assistant program.


Law EnforcementDenise Freeman Memorial Scholarship Denise (Niecy) Freeman served as a public safety officer at Oakton from early 1984 until fall 1985 when she died in a car accident. The Freeman family established this scholarship to provide financial assistance to a student pursuing a career in law enforcement.

MusicNeustadtl Family ScholarshipThis scholarship honors the memory of Victor Neustadtl, a prolific composer whose works include the opera Das InnerLichts, performed in Prague in 1930 under conductor Jurt Adler.Established by Dodie Weinstein and Bob Goldberg, the scholar-ship support a student pursuing a major in vocal and/or instrumental music.

Political ScienceVillage of Skokie, Excellence in Professional GovernmentManagement ScholarshipIn honor of the engaged citizenry who instated the Council-manager form of government in the Village of Skokie during1957, this scholarship endowment provides funding for a full- or part-time student who lives in Skokie and aspires to a careerin government administration.

PsychologyFisher Family Psychology Scholarship Endowed by Foundation Director Don Fisher and his wife, June,the Fisher Family Psychology Scholarship provides assistance toa student enrolled in psychology classes who plans to pursue anadvanced degree in psychology.

Dr. Michael S. Maling ScholarshipLongtime benefactor for education, the Crain-Maling Foundationestablished this scholarship to honor Michael S. Maling and assist a student pursuing a career in clinical psychology.

Butler Family Foundation Nursing ScholarshipsThe Butler Family Foundation and Lynne Butler Adams established this scholarship endowment to assist students enrolled in the nursing program.

Butler Family Foundation Health EndowmentThe Butler Family Foundation and Rhett Butler established this scholarship endowment to assist students enrolled in ahealth-related field.

Florence Nightingale Scholarship This scholarship, established by the Oakton Nursing StudentNurses Club, honors nursing leaders and assists a student who is studying to become a nurse.

Health Information Technology ScholarshipSponsored by Chicago Area Health Information Management, Illinois Health Information Management, and Judy Ferraro, thisscholarship assists a student enrolled in the Associate in AppliedScience Health Information Technology Program.

Illinois Health Improvement Association ScholarshipAs a way of enhancing and improving health care in Illinois,the Illinois Health Improvement Association offers this scholar-ship to assist a student enrolled in a health care program.

Joyce Kernan Memorial ScholarshipJoyce Kernan, the founder of A-Abiding CARE, a home healthagency, taught nursing at Oakton for many years. Her leadershipand vision enabled the College’s Basic Nurse Assistant Trainingprogram to become one of the best in the nation. Her daughter,Valerie Trausch, and sons, Brian and Michael Kernan, establishedthis scholarship for a single mother enrolled in the BNAT program.

Marilou Wasseluk Memorial ScholarshipSponsored by the Student Nurses Club, the Marilou WasselukMemorial Scholarship honors the exemplary service of MarilouWasseluk, the former chair of Oakton’s nursing program, wholost a valiant battle with cancer.

Mike Mabley Memorial Scholarship Fran and the late Jack Mabley, long-time supporters of educationand the College, endowed this scholarship fund to provide assistance for students pursuing a career in the health sciences.

Morris Goldberg Memorial ScholarshipEstablished in memory of Morris Goldberg by Bobbi and GeraldHorwitz and continued by the Goldberg family, the Morris Goldberg Memorial Scholarships benefit students enrolled innursing.

North Shore Visiting Nurse Foundation ScholarshipsEstablished by the North Shore Visiting Nurse Foundation, thisendowment fund provides a perpetual source of income to increase the number of qualified nurses practicing in north suburban Chicago. It provides support to nursing students who exemplify high personal and scholastic standards.

Singer Family Nursing ScholarshipFoundation President Howard Singer and his wife, Alisa, established this scholarship for a student enrolled in nursing.

Skokie Hospital Health Careers ScholarshipsSponsored by NorthShore University HealthSystem, this scholarship endowment supports a full- or part-time student pursuing a career in science or health care.

William E. Spaulding ScholarshipEndowed in memory of the late William E. Spaulding, TrusteeEmeritus of the Oakton Community College Board of Trusteeswho served from 1979 to 1993, this scholarship assists a full- or part-time student enrolled in the nursing program.

History James R. Williams ScholarshipJames R. Williams was the past director of the Des Plaines Historical Museum and past president of the Des Plaines Historical Society. The scholarship was established by Williams,colleagues, and friends for his efforts to further public awarenessof Des Plaines history. It is given to a student who has demon-strated interest in the study of history.



Science, Health, Electronics or Early Childhood Education Bob and Marge Whitman Technical ScholarshipEstablished by Bob Whitman, long-time friend and generous supporter of Oakton, this scholarship endowment assists a high-achieving student studying physics or electronics.

Chilton Family ScholarshipFoundation Director Joan Richards and the Chilton family established this scholarship endowment in memory of Sue Stanford Chilton and Lt. Col. Frank Chilton. The scholarship isgiven to a student enrolled in a science, health, electronics, or public service field.

The Eugene and Phyllis Goldman Scholarship FundCreated by Eugene and Phyllis Goldman, this scholarship providesfinancial assistance to a student studying environmental scienceand sustainability.

Sylvia Footlik STEM ScholarshipFoundation Director Sylvia Footlik, one of Oakton’s most generous benefactors, endowed this scholarship to assist a full- or part-time traditional student planning to major in science, technology, engineering, or mathematics.

Dr. Mark Walter Memorial ScholarshipEstablished by contributions from Oakton employees and friendsin memory of Mark Walter, professor of chemistry, this scholar-ship recognizes an outstanding student enrolled in science orhealth careers. Through Walter’s tireless efforts and extraordinaryvision, Oakton is one of very few community colleges in thenation with an undergraduate research program in science.

Women in Science and Engineering ScholarshipEstablished by Don Koop, former Educational Foundation director and vice president of human resources at John Crane,this scholarship supports a female science or engineering student.

Social Science, Psychology, Music, or Women’sStudiesEugene and Marcy Abrams Scholarship Established by contributions from Oakton employees, friends,and family in memory of Oakton Professor of Psychology Eugene Abrams and his wife, Marcy, the Eugene and MarcyAbrams Scholarship is given to a student enrolled in social science or music.

Oakton Women’s InstituteSponsored by the former Oakton’s Women’s Institute, this scholarship provides financial assistance to women enrolling inclasses and program with a focus on women.

Study AbroadKorbel Study Abroad ScholarshipLinda Korbel, Oakton’s dean of Languages, Humanities, and theArts, created this scholarship to promote and inspire interculturalconnection by supporting a full- or part-time student enrolled in astudy abroad program.

Substance Abuse CounselingBrian Heath Teper ScholarshipCreated by Victoria Oberman, this scholarship supports a student who has overcome personal struggles and has chosento transform his or her life while working to become a certifiedalcohol- and drug-abuse counselor.

Scholarship Awards for Oakton Graduates

Charles D. and Betty J. Thayer Scholarship EndowmentEstablished by Oakton lecturer Cheryl Thayer in memory of herparents and in honor of Rick Smelter, professor of history at Oakton, this scholarship supports an Oakton graduate who hasbeen accepted into a baccalaureate program in the field of social sciences.

Ray Hartstein-Brunswick Educational Excellence ScholarshipThis scholarship rewards an Oakton graduate who has demon-strated high achievement and educational excellence in pursuitof an associate’s degree and is planning to continue studies inbusiness, social science, or education at a four-year institution.The Ray Hartstein Educational Excellence scholarship is madepossible by the Brunswick Public Charitable Foundation, whichendowed this scholarship in honor of Ray Hartstein, an OaktonBoard of Trustee member for 33 years.

Rivers Transfer ScholarshipEstablished by Rivers Casino, these scholarships support full- orpart-time Oakton graduates who will continue their studies at afour-year institution.

William A. Koehnline ScholarshipEstablished by the Educational Foundation to honor Oakton’sfounding president, the William A. Koehnline Scholarship supports an Oakton graduate who is planning to pursue a degreein the arts or humanities at a four-year college or university.

Institutional Scholarship Awards

Honors ScholarshipsThe Honors Scholarships are an institutional fund that providesfinancial assistance to full-time students in Oakton’s Honors program who have the intention of completing two years of undergraduate work before transferring.

Oakton Community College Academic Merit ScholarshipsThe College funds these scholarships for high school studentswho are in the top 10 percent of their high school graduatingclass and who are continuing their education at Oakton.

Oakton Community College Board of Trustees ScholarshipsEstablished in 1978 by the Oakton Board of Trustees, thesescholarships recognize academic achievement by Oakton students.

Oakton Community College Excellence ScholarshipsThe Oakton Board of Trustees established Excellence Scholarships to provide support for entering or continuing students who have made, or who show promise of making, asignificant contribution to the College in areas such as academicachievement, student leadership, the arts, or athletics.

To request changes to the scholarship title, sponsor name, orawarding guidelines, scholarship sponsors should contact theEducational Foundation at 847.635.1893.


The following individuals, corporations, foundations, and organizations made gifts to the Educational Foundation between July 1, 2014, and June 30, 2015.

HERITAGE OAK SOCIETY ($10,000 and up)Mr. Patrick AlbanoMr. Philip BergquistMr. and Mrs. Carl F. CostanzaMr. Alan L. KoopermanJohn C. and Carolyn Noonan Parmer Private FoundationOakton Student Government AssociationOtto Neumann LLCDr. Terry N. TrobecMr. Frederick WackerleMr. Robert L. Whitman

SILVER OAK SOCIETY ($5,000 - $9,999)

Mr. William AlbrachtMs. Rose C. EdelsteinIrving M. and Sylvia Footlik FoundationDr. and Mrs. Eugene J. GoldmanMrs. Joan HallMs. Bonnie Lucas and Dr. Stuart SondheimerSchneider Electric North America FoundationSeabury FoundationMr. David SokolMr. and Mrs. Harry B. TankusMs. Cheryl L. ThayerMr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Tippett

WHITE OAK SOCIETY ($1,000 - $4,999)American Legion Auxiliary Skokie Unit #320Ms. Ann Marie BarryMs. Theresa Bashiri-RemetioCareer Education CorporationMs. April M. ChermakChicago North MSBL OrganizationMr. Anthony B. ChurchillDr. Constance L. ChurchillCummins Allison CorporationMr. and Mrs. George W. DarrellDaubenspeck and Associates, Ltd.Dr. Joan W. DiLeonardiMr. and Mrs. James E. DvorakErnest C. Wentcher Educational FoundationMrs. Sylvia FootlikGlenview State BankDr. and Mrs. Allan GoldbergMr. and Mrs. Joseph M. GuillMr. John G. HallMr. Rob HillerichMr. and Mrs. Gerald HorwitzMr. Paul R. JohnsonJunior League of Evanston-North ShoreMr. Richard G. KatzMr. and Mrs. Dale KiserMs. Linda KorbelMr. Helmut LaubersDr. Margaret LeeLegat ArchitectsMrs. Adele LeGereDr. Erick J. MannMs. Mum R. MartensMs. Grace E. MartinezMaryville AcademyMs. Joanne C. MasriMs. Bonnie Metzner

Morton Grove Women’s ClubOakton Business Services DepartmentOakton Classified Staff AssociationMrs. Debra ObermanMr. and Mrs. James O’Shea of Oak Park, ILMr. and Mrs. James O’Shea of Westchester, ILMr. and Mrs. Matthew O’SheaMs. Teresa M. O’SullivanMr. and Mrs. Arnie OudenhovenMr. Michael A. ProvenzanoMr. and Mrs. Jeffrey RodriguezRotary Club of Skokie ValleyMr. and Mrs. Howard SingerMr. Nicholas G. SinnottMr. Douglas SmagurDr. Joianne SmithMr. and Mrs. Stanley M. Stevens, J.D.Takeda PharaceuticalsDr. and Mrs. Thomas TenHoeveTurner ConstructionMr. John WadeMs. Cheryl WarmannMs. Mickey WengerWheels, Inc.Wilmette Harbor Rotary ClubDr. Mary Jane Alt WilsonMs. Phyllis WoloshinXiaoyuan Xie


AAUW Northwest Suburban IllinoisAmerican Association of Women in Community Colleges-Oakton ChapterMr. Jason C. BeamanMr. Jonathon BlumenthalMr. William J. Commer

Mrs. Terese K. ConwayMrs. Louise CurryMr. Matthew J. CzylMs. Kathleen De CourceyMr. Clarence DeGroot IIIMr. and Mrs. Michael DillonMr. Daniel P. DohertyMrs. Marilyn R. Drury-KatilloMr. Steven J. EderMr. Ben EhrenpreisMr. Fred M. FoxMrs. Eiko W. FrickeMs. Cheryl Gelder-KoganMr. Matthew HellerMr. Arthur Earl HurterIllinois Community College System FoundationIllinois Society of Professional Engineers-North Suburban ChapterMr. William JacobyMr. and Mrs. Allen KravisLeadertech Systems of Chicago, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Brian LittleMr. Luis and Mr. Mario MaldonadoMs. Jane MalikDr. Gary A. MinesMr. Cedric C. MinorMs. Ramona R. NitzschkeMr. Robert J. NowakDr. Luanne OlsonMr. William A. ParadiseMr. and Mrs. Peter ParkerMs. Cynthia A. PazikDr. Douglas A. ProppMs. Vicki L. ProtMrs. Morita RapozaMr. and Mrs. Patric RastallMr. Joshua C. Reid



Mr. Otto ReinischMr. Brian A. RichardMr. Trent and Ms. Joan RichardsMs. Debra A. SalviMs. Doreen L. SchwartzMs. Gerri H. SizemoreMr. Craig SokolMr. and Mrs. Frederick E. ThompsonTMA/Technology and Manufacturing AssociationUnderwriters Laboratories, Inc.Mr. Demitrios VranasMr. Anthony VentrellaMr. and Mrs. Joseph WallMr. Emory W. Williams

OAK LEAF SOCIETY ($100 to $499)

9660 Golf Road Inc. Ace Title CompanyMs. Lynne B. AdamsMs. Deborah L. AlbanoMr. Tyler S. AlbrightMr. and Mrs. Mark AlleeMr. Steven G. AmariMs. Karen AndersonMs. Sue AndersonMr. and Mrs. Gerald L. AngstMr. Sark AntaramianDr. Michael D. AnthonyMs. Marilyn AntonikMrs. Marilyn AppelsonMr. Maurice ArcherMrs. Martha AthertonMr. and Mrs. William AtteaMr. and Mrs. Floyd N AylinThe Autobarn VolkswagonMs. Robyn R. BaileyMr. Robert W. BakkeDr. Jelena BankovicMr. Patrick Barrett

Ms. Jennifer BatzaMr. Brandon S. BeamanMs. Pamela BellMs. Anita BenderMr. and Mrs. Joel BernsteinMr. Emil S. BerzinskiMs. Vicki BialekMs. Amy BlumenthalMs. Joan W. BoggsMr. and Mrs. Richard H. BolinderMr. Daniel BonisMr. Robert J. BonkMs. Marlys Jean BrandellBrookfield ZooMr. Dennis BrooksMs. Michele M. BrownDr. Anna Marie BrummettMs. Peggy BunyonMs. Alyse Cohen BurmanMr. Robert R. BurtonMr. and Mrs. John BuseyMs. Carol BustamanteMs. Deborah A. BuxDr. Bruce K. CarlsonMs. Margaret M. CarneyMs. Kathleen CarotMr. George CarpenterDr. Michael CarrDr. John C. CarzoliMr. Patrick V. CasaliCentral Valley Studios Inc.Ms. Lisa CherivtchChicago Area Health Information Management AssociationChicago Botanic GardenChicago Shakespeare TheaterMr. and Mrs. Frank J. ChulayMs. Sarah S. ChurchMs. Susan L. CiscoCIT Group, Inc.Ms. Jo Cohen

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. ColantonioMr. Sebastian Contreras, Jr.Ms. Elena L. CoutoMr. and Mrs. Arnold D. CowenMr. and Mrs. Hugh F. Coyle, Jr.Mr. Steven CrowMs. Eileen CukierskiMs. Viki CvitkovicMr. and Mrs. Kenneth G. DaubenspeckMs. Leona W. DavisMs. Mary Ann De GrootMr. Dennis P. De SalvoMrs. Jane M. DeBaunMr. and Mrs. James DebelinaMs. Cynthia L. DeBergMr. Alexander A. DeLonisMr. Ronald DenhamMs. Christine R. DentamaroDes Plaines Park DistrictMrs. Monica A. DillonMr. Patrick DillonDraw the Button, Inc.Mrs. Leslie DubinMs. Karen Lynne DuboffMs. Mary Kay DuncanPatrick DunneEast Bank ClubEconomy Disposal Service, Inc.Leon EdelmanMr. and Mrs. Ryan EdwardsMr. and Mrs. Terrence C. EidenDr. Kenneth L. EnderMs. Karen EppsMs. Maya EvansMr. Stephen B. EvansExtenet Systems, Inc.Falcon Picture Group, LLCMs. Cheryl A. FeldnerMs. Kathleen FerrarellMs. Judy A. FerraroMs. Alysa Fields

Ms. Helene Block FieldsMs. Laura FineFisher Container CorporationDr. and Mrs. William E. FishmanForfar Foods, Inc.Four Winds Casino ResortMs. Dawn FoxxMr. Kyle FrankFreeborn & Peters, LLP Mr. Joseph FreimuthMs. Judy FriedmanMs. Margaret GasMr. Puamuh GhogomuMs. Virginia GibbonsMs. Elizabeth GilbertMr. and Mrs. Barton M. GordonMs. Gretchen GradMr. James K. GreenMs. Valerie A. GreenMs. Michele H GreenbergMs. Barbara U. GroshonMr. Ralph GuderianMs. Laurie F. GunningMrs. Jennifer GuyMr. Philip GwanyamaMs. Verona HaffendenMs. Safa HamedDr. Thomas P. HamelDr. Gregory HamillDr. Colette HandsMs. Patricia N. HaradaHarbor Shores on Lake GenevaMs. Lori HarrisMr. and Mrs. Barry A. HartsteinMrs. Rhea E. HartsteinHerms PalaceMs. Gloria HerrickJohn W. HerzogMr. James V. HickeyMr. Richard HirschmannMr. Ben Ho


Ms. Leona HoeltingHomerun Sports and Fitness, LLC Horton Chiropractic, Ltd.Mr. Russell V. HydeIllinois Community College Trustees Association Illinois Health Information Management AssociationInframe ProductionsDr. Merrill Irving, Jr.Dr. Alice Marie JacobsJacqueline M. Fournier Insurance Agency, Inc.Ms. Stacey JahnkeMs. Maureen T JancilaJennifer Rupert Insurance Agency, Inc.Jennings Volkswagen, Inc. Jerk Modern Jamaican Grill AKA TGL Group,LLCJohn G. Shedd AquariumJohnny’s Kitchen & Tap AKA Starting Line, Inc.Jones Sign Company, Inc. Ms. Mary F. KakenmasterDr. James S. KakosMr. Victor KatisMr. Daniel KaufmanMrs. Blanche KenoMr. Steven KermischMr. and Mrs. Neil KingKingston MinesMs. Cheryl KoronkowskiMs. Beth KorosicMs. Renee KozimorMrs. Toby KrissMs. Janice KrollMs. Kathleen A. KuhlmanMr. Michael J. LannanMs. Anne L. LaurenceLawyers Post Graduate Clinics, Inc.

Ms. Maria LazanyiMr. and Mrs. Marcus LeeMrs. Mary LeGereMr. and Mrs. Lew LeibowitzMr. Jason LeitnerLettuce Entertain You EnterprisesMr. and Mrs. Howard LevinMr. and Mrs. Julian LevyLibertyville School District 70Lima Excavation Contractors, Inc.Littler Mendelson Foundation, Inc.Ms. Gloria E. LiuMr. Eugene LockwoodMr. Donald LopotkoMr. Jonathan D. LowLoyola University Museum of ArtMr. Daniel N. LuberMr. Allan F. LucMs. Susan LutzMs. Deborah K. LynnMr. William E. MaloneyMrs. Sujie ManMr. Eugene F. MarloweMs. Roxann MarshburnMs. Judith E. MayzelMr. Jonathan McFarlaneDr. Cheryl McKinleyMs. Ann B. MichaelMr. and Mrs. Lee MillerMs. Denise MillsMr. Zoran MiodragovicMs. Mary MittlerMoraine Valley Community College FoundationMs. Denise MytkoMr. Gary NewhouseNiles Township High School District 219 North Shore Kosher BakeryNorthbrook Symphony Orchestra

Northlight TheatreNorthwest Municipal ConferenceMs. Rose NovilNuns4FunOakton Community College Public SafetyMr. Bruce OatesOceaniqueMs. Beverly K. OffenDr. Mary A. OlsonMr. Felix OrtizMr. Jhosa PagulayanMr. Tony PalermoMr. Donn S. PallMs. Cynthia PanagiotarosMs. Kristine PanopioMr. Joshua S. PaparoneMr. Peter E. ParkerMs. Diane PascaleMr. Richard M. PastorPearson EducationMs. Mary Ann PellegrinoMs. Janet PetersonMs. Stella PillayMr. David J. PizzolatoDr. Nancy PrendergastMr. Thomas PrinceMs. Minda RaffeMs. Jennifer M. RattnerMs. Cindy RawlingsMs. Mary ReinkeMs. Robin G. RemichMr. and Mrs. Trent RichardsMr. and Mrs. James RiebandtMs. Barbara RizzoRobbins SchwartzMs. Sherry L. RosnerRoyal Swings, Inc. Mr. Michael Rubin

Sima E RubinRuth H. MacCartney Revocable Living TrustMs. Kristi RykenMr. Steven RzewnickiMr. John A. SalviMr. Michael J. SalviDr. David A. SamMs. Rosemary SatinoverMr. Hassan SayeedMr. August W. SchaeferMr. George ScharmDr. Katherine SchusterMs. Nancy A. SchwabeState Representative Carol SenteShalom Kosher BakeryMs. Carole ShaperoMr. Paul W. SianoMr. and Mrs. Hal SiderMs. Nancy Nash SidlinMs. Juanita SiggMr. and Mrs. Eugene SladeMr. Terry SlocumMr. David H. SmithMs. Natasha SmithSnap-On IndustrialMs. Christine J. SobekMr. Chris SoetarmanMr. Robert SompolskiMs. Ida N. SondheimerMr. and Mrs. Aaron SprungMr. William StaffordStarr M. Robinson and Associates, P.C.Mr. Victor P. StasicaMr. John StrykerSuperior Athletic AdvantageMs. Katharine SuskoMs. Dolores M Suarez SvachulaMs. Leah Swanquist



The Sweet Oasis, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Synnestvedt, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. W.K. TammingaMs. Loredana TapiaTel Aviv Kosher BakeryMr. and Mrs. Howard and Ann TennesMs. Laura ThelenMr. Ronald J. ThomasMs. Jan Thompson-WildaDr. Patricia ThrashMs. Susan TiplitskyMr. and Mrs. George TomaszewskiTress Beauty LoungeMr. Richard E. TrueheartTTX CompanyMr. Jonathan TurnbullTwo Rivers Conferencing, LLCU.S. CellularMs. Leslie A. W. Van WolvelearMrs. Ellie M. Vanden BrinkMr. Richard VavraDhaval VyasWadhwa FoundationMr. and Mrs. Jay WadhwaWaikato Enterprises, Inc.Ms. Anne WalshWayne Messmer & AssociatesMr. Girard WeberMr. Maurice E. WeitlaufMs. Fairinda WestMr. Robert WidmerMs. Stacy E. WiegersMs. Ruth WilliamsMs. Susan J. WilliamsDr. and Mrs. Eric WitherspoonDr. Lynn WoodburyMr. Bradley WootenZanie’s Comedy Nite ClubMr. Martin Zeidman

ACORN SOCIETY (Up to $99)Adler Family AssociationMs. Bonnie A. AgnewMs. Diana L. AllenMs. Katie AnastasiadisMs. Maria C. ArciniegasMr. and Mrs. Stanley ArdenMr. Milo S. AtlasMr. and Mrs. Naved BaigMr. Frederick S. BakerHarsimrat Kaur BanipalBarnaby’s Family InnBarnaby’s of Northbrook Ms. Barbara BarryMs. Martha J. BarskyMr. Todd BastableMs. Elaine BeatovicRabbi Marc E. BerksonDr. Trudy BersMr. and Mrs. Eugene Bertog, Sr.Ms. Elizabeth BirdMr. Paul BoisvertMr. Ikram BokhariMr. Edward E. BothfeldMs. Karishma BrownleeBrunswick Zone – NilesMr. and Mrs. Howard J. BultinckMs. Jinhee CanfieldMr. Clifton C. CappMs. Lara CapriniMs. Gloria CapunganChicago Bears Football ClubChicago Brauhaus Chicago CubsMr. and Mrs. Peter ChiswickCinemark USA Mrs. Janet L. CoatsMr. Dale CohenMr. and Mrs. Kenny CohenMr. Michael L. Comm

Mr. Tobias ConstienMs. Bea CornelissenCostcoMs. Amanda CromwellMs. Anna Cuomo-PaulMr. John CurtisMr. Eric F. DahlingerB.J. DaquilaMr. Thomas E. DautelDima DavidMs. Jean DavidsonDr. Carol A. DavisMs. Linda M. DavisMrs. Lynn Dykstra DavisMs. Marilyn DavisMs. Cheryl DevennyMs. Carol Di ColaDover StraitsMr. Mohsen EbrahimiMs. Bella Ruth EhrenpreisMs. Georgene G. EisenbergMr. James and Mrs. Karen FabbriniMs. Barbara J. FaviaMs. Christine F. FeigheryMs. Marita Cervenka and Mr. Jay FesterMs. Mindy FinniganMs. Lisa FischerMr. Leo FisherMr. Daniel FosterDr. Robert FrankMr. Craig and Mrs. Dara FreibergMs. GNA GarciaMs. Marsha GarfieldMr. Erv and Mrs. Rosemary GeislerMr. Jeff and Mrs. Ellen GendelmanMs. Vicki K. GersonMr. Majid GhadiriMr. Arnold H. GinsburgMs. Mary E. GipsonGlenview Park DistrictGlessner House Museum

Mr. Michael GolenzerMs. Linda GoodwinMs. Emilie E. GordonMs. Julia GrayGraziano’sMr. William and Mrs. Nancy GreenEwa HaptasMs. Malgorzata HaptasMs. Kristian HarrisMs. Joy C. HarrisonDr. Alan J. HartsteinMr. and Mrs. Elliott HartsteinMr. and Mrs. Joel M. HartsteinMr. and Mrs. Ernst HeimannMs. Caren HejzaMs. Doris J. HenschelMr. Carlos E. HernandezMr. William and Mrs. Diana HimmelsteinMs. Sandy L HuffmanMr. David HumphreyMs. Amie HymanMs. Angela M. ImbrognoIOMs. Katherine C. IpjianMr. Timothy D. IpjianMs. Renee JacksonMs. Sara L. JensenMs. Kristin JobskiDr. Mary C. Johannesen-SchmidtDr. Raymiel L. KandelmanMs. Ethelle KatzMs. Barbara P. KeeleyMr. Moritz KellermanDr. Helen C. KieferMs. Megan R. KleinDr. Soter G. KokalisShaindel KostMs. Yvonne J. KosticMr. Joseph J. KotowskiMr. James KowolsMr. David S. Kupperman


Mr. Robert LambertMs. Judy A. LangstonMs. Doreen LarsonMrs. Loretta LaVereMr. and Mrs. Peter LevyMs. Cynthia LiddLittle Villa RestaurantMs. Laura LoBelloMr. and Mrs. Roy LuckeMr. and Mrs. Michael LundeenMs. Paula A. LuszczLynfred WineryMs. Cynthia LynnMs. Eleanor LyonMs. Wanda MaldonadoMr. John Widera and Ms. Toni MammanaMs. Marietta MarcinMarriott Theatre in LincolnshireMr. James L. MartzMs. Barbara Chinn MaungMr. and Mrs. Mickey MellMr. Paul MessinaMia Hamm FoundationMr. Robert MillsMs. Ethel MittenthalMr. Kenneth B MoritzMs. Susan B. MoserMr. and Mrs. Hanz G. MuellerMoeen MujeebMs. Victoria MurphyKayon MylesKrishnan NarayananMs. Roberta NashMs. Connie NegronMrs. Linda L. NeislerMs. Elaine NekritzMr. Calvin and Mrs. Elaine NelsonMr. Edet Nsemo

Oak Park Festival TheatreOakton Faculty AssociationMs. Dorothy OlsonO’Reilly AutopartsMs. Marion OudenhovenMs. Stacie PaciniPalm Beach County Courthouse/15th Judicial Flower FundPalm Court RestaurentMs. Linda ParkMs. Thelma ParkerMs. Chimanlal I PatelMr. Andrew L PatinoMr. Les PaulsMs. Jamie PetersenMs. Carolyn PetersonMs. Christine M. PetrayPhilly G’s RestaurantMs. Maria PondoMs. Julia PoroshkovaMs. Annette M. PrinceMr. Samuel PudiMr. Kevin PurtellMs. Terri L. QuamMr. Thomas W. RappMs. Michele ReznickRiggio’s RestaurantMs. Margaret L RivaRiver Trails Park DistrictMr. and Mrs. Jeffrey RochmanRon of Japan, Inc.Ms. Roberta RosellRoto Mazda SubaruMr. Alan M. RubinMs. Sheila RussakovMr. Cary SchawelMs. Rosemarie ScherMs. Marjorie L. Schulz

Mr. and Mrs. Frederick SchwartzMs. Lynn W. SeinfeldMr. Muhammad ShabbirHitender ShahMs. Jaleh T. SherbiniMs. Ann ShilladeyMs. Julie Ann ShotsbergerMrs. Marcelle SiattaMr. John and Mrs. Roberta SiegelMs. Karina M. SlawackiMs. Kathleen SlezakMr. David B SloaneMr. Ronald H. SmithMr. Steven SperaMs. Glenna SpragueMr. and Mrs. Murray L. SprungMr. Richard StacewiczMs. Sylvia StaceyMr. Mike StillermanMr. and Mrs. David StolmanSuperdawg Drive-InMs. Peggy SwedroeMs. Aneta TamrazMr. Ivan G TemesvariMs. Beata PilchMr. and Mrs. Albert J. ThomasThree Tarts Bakery and CafeMs. Katharine TillotsonTimeline Theater CompanyMr. Terry TorsonMs. Janice TraficantiMs. Kathleen Trewin-KuhlmanUntouchable Gangster ToursMs. Cheryl A. ValloniMr. Gerald Van KollenburgMs. Susan Vanderberg-DentMs. Marina VelentMs. Jillian L. Verstrate

Ms. Robin VivonaMs. Riddhi R. WagadiaMr. Jesse WallaceMs. Wendelyn WallaceMs. Carol D. WardMr. Daniel WardMs. Anne WalshMr. and Mrs. Gary WattsWayne Messmer & AssociatesMr. Girard WeberDr. Glenn WeinerMr. Maurice E. WeitlaufMs. Fairinda WestMs. Valerie WestphalMr. Robert WidmerMs. Stacy E. WiegersMs. Ruth WilliamsMs. Susan J. WilliamsMs. Marcia A. WinebergMr. and Mrs. Stephan WinstonDr. and Mrs. Eric WitherspoonMrs. Sandra WittmanMr. Ross H. WolfsonDr. Lynn WoodburyMr. Bradley WootenMs. Xia YueMr. Dennis P. ZacharaZanie’s Comedy Nite ClubMr. Martin ZeidmanMs. Marianne ZelewskyMr. and Mrs. Albert ZimblerMr. and Mrs. Mark Zolno

A Note to Donors…You deserve to beproperly recognized for your contributionsand we strive for 100 percent accuracy. If we have made an error in the scholarshipor donor listings, please contact the Educational Foundation at 847.635.1893.



As of June 30, 2014 and 2015*

2015 2014

ASSETSCash and cash equivalents $26,550 $7,772Accrued interest 1,819 2,177Investments 14,283,982 14,657,763

Total assets $14,312,351 $14,667,712


LiabilitiesDue to Oakton Community College $329,635 $315,657Annuities payable 8,868 17,738

Total liabilities $338,503 $333,395

Net AssetsUnrestricted funds

Undesignated 4,647,398 4,567,444Designated 3,054,045 3,287,903

Total unrestricted net assets $7,701,443 $7,855,347

Temporarily restricted 3,030,533 3,392,897Permanently restricted 3,241,872 3,086,073

Total net assets $13,973,848 $14,334,317

Total liabilities and net assets $14,312,351 $14,667,712



Where the Dollars Go

1. Instructional Programs 4.0%

2. Technology 8.9%

3. Student Stipends 3.1%

4. Cultural Events 8.1%

5. Campus Improvements 0.1%

6. Assistance to Individuals 1.3%

7. Workforce Development 0.1%

8. Other 7.1%

9. Merit Awards 0.9%

10. Scholarships 66.4%




8 9



*Extracted from the audited financial statements as performed by Sikich LLP for the financial year ending June 30, 2015. Copies are available for review at the Oakton Educational Foundation Office.



Who Gave

1. Oakton Employees 21.3%

2. Corporations 13.3%

3. Alumni 4.6%

4. Foundation Directors 4.8%and Oakton Trustees

5. Organizations 3.8%

6. Foundations 1.6%

7. Friends of Oakton 50.6%







$600,022 Raised by 732 Donors


CASHThese gifts are fully tax deductible. The Foundation accepts gifts bycash, check, or credit card (Visa, MasterCard, and Discover).

ONLINE GIFTSGifts and pledges may be made online at www.oakton.edu/giving.

GIFT IN K INDGifts of goods and services are always welcomed. There are many different needs at the Foundation, and these donations can be distributedwhere best suited to advance the College’s mission of student success.

MATCHING GIFTS Many employers sponsor matching gift programs and will match con-tributions made to Oakton by their employees. To find out if your or yourspouse’s company has a matching gift program, check with yourHuman Resources department and request a matching form to besubmitted to the Foundation along with your gift.

STOCK GIFTSA gift of stock saves two ways. You avoid capital gains tax on the increased value and you receive a deduction for the full market valueof the stock at the time you make the gift.

SENIOR GIV ING Seniors aged 70½ and over may be able to benefit tax-wise by making a donation of up to $100,000 from their Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs) directly to the Oakton Community College EducationalFoundation. Although the IRA Charitable Rollover expired again (forthe fifth time!) on January 1, 2015, bipartisan legislation to make itpermanent has been introduced in both houses of Congress. Mostrecently, this provision was included as part of the America GivesMore Act of 2015 (H.R. 644), which overwhelmingly passed theHouse on February 12, 2015 and awaits Senate action. Please checkwith your financial adviser for more information.

BEQUESTSA bequest is a gift of any amount or property made to the EducationalFoundation in a donor’s will or trust. Bequests play a vital role in Oakton’s future. Although the Foundation will not receive your giftsfor many years, sharing your plans will enable us to acknowledge yourthoughtfulness and generosity. You also will have the assurance thatyour gift and its designated use are understood by the College. Bequests may be made in various ways and the type of bequest mostappropriate for your situation can be determined by consulting withyour attorney and/or financial advisor.


For additional ways of giving and further information regarding the options above, contact Lisa Fischer at 847.635.1611.


Howard S. Singer, President

Sylvia Footlik, Senior Vice President

Brian K. Little, Vice President

Carolyn Noonan Parmer, Vice President

Eugene Slade, Vice President

Victor Stasica, Treasurer


Arnold D. Cowen, American Designer Cabinets (retired)

Ken Daubenspeck, Daubenspeck and Associates

Donald E. Fisher, Fisher Container Corporation

Sylvia Footlik, Footlik and Associates

Hank Galatz, W.W. Grainger, Inc.

Mark Glennerster, John Crane, Inc.

Barbara Groshon, Bank of America-Merrill Edge

Steven Kermisch, Takeda Pharmaceuticals America, Inc.

Allen B. Kravis, United Stationers, Inc. (retired)

Margaret B. Lee, President, Oakton Community College

Brian K. Little, Zurich North America

Daniel N. Luber, New England Securities/Rabjohns Financial Group

Carolyn Noonan Parmer, Attorney (retired)

Dr. Douglas Propp, Advocate Lutheran General Hospital

FOUNDATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS July 1, 2014 - June 30, 2015

Vicki Prot, FreightCar America, Inc.

Cindy Rawlings, North Shore Community Bank & Trust Company

Joan C. Richards, Wheels, Inc.

Jeffrey Rodriguez, United Parcel Service (UPS)

August W. Schaefer, Underwriters Laboratories

Howard S. Singer

Eugene Slade, Walgreen Company (retired)

Victor Stasica, First Bank of Highland Park

Stanley M. Stevens, Attorney (retired)

Harry Tankus, John Crane, Inc. (retired)

Thomas M. Tippett, Allstate Insurance Company (retired)

Jay Wadhwa, Comcast SportsNet Chicago


Jody Wadhwa, Board of Trustees

Michael Carr, Administration

Luanne Olson, Faculty


Carl Costanza, Special Assistant to the President

Elena Couto, Manager of Development and Alumni Relations

Lisa Fischer, Coordinator of Resource Development

Amanda Reuter, Administrative Assistant