nuvia3 opportunity presentation

Opportunity Overview

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Post on 12-May-2015




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NuVia3 - Launching November 1 Secure your spot at the top of the Community Matrix Now!!! Log on to http://tinycc/9x8pp and register to receive all the latest updates and directions on how you can BE AT THE TOP of this fantastic now network marketing company!.


Page 1: NuVia3 Opportunity Presentation

Opportunity Overview

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A Look at Today’s Energy Shot Industry

• Energy Shot sales:

2007: $82 million

2008: $188 million

2009: $370 million

2010: Projected to top $700 million

2011: Projected to top $1 billion+

• Here’s the Problem: Many of today’s energy shots have little or no nutritional value and contain many unhealthy chemicals and stimulants.

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- Non-Caffeinated- Antioxidant rich- Maqui Berry - Pure Coconut Water- Acai Berry- Blueberry- Blackberry- Pomegranate- Grape Seed Extract- Vitamins A, C, & E- Complex B Vitamins- Natural Flavors- Super Stevia (Sweetener)- Amino Acid Energy Blend (Glucuronolactone, N-Acetyl-L-Tyrosine, L-Phenylalanine, L-Carnitine)

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Introducing NuVia3’s 100% All Natural Energy Shot Introducing NuVia3’s 100% All Natural Energy Shot Featuring the Maqui BerryFeaturing the Maqui Berry

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Maqui Berry Has One Of The Highest ORAC Values of Any Superfruit in the World!

Benefits of the Maqui Berry

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

• Very High level of Polyphenols (have been shown to help play preventive role for cardiovascular and inflammatory diseases)

• High in Anthocyanins

• Helps Support Healthy Aging • Helps Protect Cells from Oxidative Stress • Helps Neutralize Free Radicals

• Helps Support Healthy Immune & Inflammatory Function

• Natural COX-2 Inhibitor (can aid in reduction of pain and inflammation)

• Helps Support Cardiovascular Health

• Helps Inhibit LDL Oxidation (bad cholesterol)

• Possible weight loss benefits

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Introducing NuVia3’s 3x14 Shared Community Matrix

When you are placed into the Matrix, there will be somebody to your left and right (Bob and Mary in the example above). Bob’s 3rd person and your 1st person are one and the same. Likewise, your 3rd person and Mary’s 1st person are one and the same, it’s just a matter of who fills the position first. This pattern continues down 14 levels.






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How Community Overlap Works

In this example, Bob and Mary have each placed one person into your matrix, and both of these people have personally referred 3 Associates – this is called Community Overlap. You will receive 4%4% (or $5.20$5.20 for every $130$130 in product sales volume either auto-shipped or retailed) per person per month on the product sales volume for 14 levels on everything these people do.


3/1 3/1


2 2 31 2

Down to level 14!

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How Associates Are Placed Into Your Matrix

21 3

74 5 8 6 9

New Distributors are placed into the first available position in which ever leg they fall: left, middle, or right. Sponsorship Order will be Left Leg, Sponsorship Order will be Left Leg, Middle Leg, Right Leg, Left Leg, Middle Leg, Right Leg, and so on.Middle Leg, Right Leg, Left Leg, Middle Leg, Right Leg, and so on. This means that the first new Distributor you personally refer will always fall into the first available position in the left leg; the second new Distributor will always fall into the first available position in the middle leg; the third new Distributor will always fall into the first available position in the right leg; and so on. This method of sponsorship helps to evenly distribute new distributors across your matrix!


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The Power of the NuVia3 Community MatrixUplineUpline


BobBob MaryMary


The power behind the NuVia3 Community Matrix is that people can be placed into your Matrix by Distributors from the sides and above you. Even though these people may live in another city, state, or country, you can still be paid on their product sales volume, up to 1414 Levels Deep.


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There Are 4 Ways To Be A Part Of NuVia3

1. Customer: Simply Go to Distributor’s Replicated Website and Order any of NuVia3 Products at the Retail Price.

4. Junior Associate: Pay Annual Membership Fee of $30 and either Auto-Ship or Retail $65 in Product Sales Volume ($65 = 18, 2-oz shots) plus tax & shipping. Junior Associates receive their own Replicated Website and can now purchase any of NuVia3 Products at Wholesale. Junior Associates are placed into the Community Matrix and able to take advantage of the first 3 ways NuVia3 pays commissions.*

3. Associate: Pay Annual Membership Fee of $30 and either Auto-Ship or Retail $130 in Product Sales Volume ($130 = 36, 2-oz shots) plus tax & shipping. Associates receive their own Replicated Website and can now purchase any of NuVia3 Products at Wholesale. Associates are placed into the Community Matrix and able to take advantage of 4 ways NuVia3 pays commissions.*

2. Member: Pay Annual Membership Fee of $30. Members receive their own Replicated Website and can now purchase any of NuVia3 Products at Wholesale.

* Auto-ship program has been set up for your convenience (optional)

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As an Associate or Junior Associate, There Are 3 Ways NuVia3 Pays You

First Way NuVia3 Pays You:

1.Retail Sales: As an Associate you will receive 10%10%

commission and as a Junior Associate you will

receive 5%5% commission on the retail sales volume

generated by all customers who place orders through your Replicated Website. Retail sales volume ALSO counts toward your $130$130 Associate or $65$65 Junior Associate monthly sales volume requirement to participate in the Community Matrix.

This commission is paid monthly.

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2. Fast-Start Product Volume Bonus:

You receive $50 as a Qualified Associate or $25 as a Qualified Junior Associate for every new Associate you personally refer.*

You also receive $20 as a Qualified Associate or $10 as a Qualified Junior Associate for every new Associate that yourpersonally referred Associates refer.*

You also receive $5 as a Qualified Associate or $2.50 as a Qualified Junior Associate for every new Associate who is personally referred, and so on, for the next 6 levels of referrals, regardless of where they fall within your Matrix.*

This is a one-time bonus and is paid monthly.

Second Way NuVia3 Pays You:

* You must auto-ship or retail a minimum of $130 in product sales volume as an Associate, or $65 as a Junior Associate, each month in order to qualify for Fast-Start Bonuses for that month. Figures above are based on a new Associate auto-shipping or retailing $130 in Product Sales Volume their first month. Please note there is no limit to the amount of Fast Start Product Volume Bonuses you can receive on each level.




Down 6Levels Deep




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Third Way NuVia3 Pays You:

3. Matrix Residual Bonus:

You receive 10%10% (or $13$13) per person per month as a Qualified Executive, or 5% 5% (or $6.50$6.50) per person per month as a Qualified Junior Executive, on the Product Sales Volume for anyone you personally refer.*

You also receive 8%8% (or $10.40$10.40) per person per month as a Qualified Executive, or 4% 4% (or $5.20$5.20) per person per month as a Qualified Junior Executive, on the Product Sales Volume for anyone that your personally referred Associates refer.*

You also receive 4%4% (or $5.20$5.20) per person per month as a Qualified Executive, or 2% 2% (or $2.60$2.60) per person per month as a Qualified Junior Executive, on the Product Sales Volume for anyone else referred into your Matrix 14 levels deep, regardless of where they fall.*

Matrix Residual Bonus is paid 1414 levels deep and is paid monthly starting the month after a person joins the Company. Matrix Residual Bonus is only paid to Qualified Executives and/or Junior Executives.

* Figures above are based on $130 in product sales volume either auto-shipped or retailed.

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Matrix Residual Bonus Example:


1 2 3

1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3

1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3

You receive 10% (or $13) per person per month as a Qualified Executive, or 5% (or $6.50) per person per month as a Qualified Junior Executive, on the Product Sales Volume for anyone you personally refer.*

You also receive 8% (or $10.40) per person per month as a Qualified Executive, or 4% (or $5.20) per person per month as a Qualified Junior Executive, on the Product Sales Volume for anyone that your personally referred Associates refer.*You also receive 4% (or $5.20) per person per month as a Qualified Executive, or 2% (or $2.60) per person per month as a Qualified Junior Executive, on anyone else referred into your Matrix 14 levels deep, regardless of where they fall.** Matrix Residual Bonus is only paid to Qualified Executives and/or Junior Executives. Matrix Residual Bonus

is paid 14 levels deep and is paid monthly starting the month after a person joins the Company. Figures above are based on $130 in product sales volume either auto-shipped or retailed.

Who refer 3…..

Who refer 3…..

You refer 3…..

Down to Level 14Down to Level 14

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What is a Qualified Executive?What is a Qualified Executive?A Qualified Executive is any Associate who is on the Monthly Auto-Ship and/or who Retails a minimum of $130$130 in Product Sales Volume each month, andand who has personally referred 3 people who do the same thing.

Qualified Executives receive the maximum pay out of NuVia3’s Qualified Executives receive the maximum pay out of NuVia3’s

compensation plan including the Depth Generation Bonus.compensation plan including the Depth Generation Bonus.

What is a Qualified Junior Executive?What is a Qualified Junior Executive?A Qualified Junior Executive is any Junior Associate who is on the Monthly Auto-Ship and/or who Retails a minimum of $65$65 in Product Sales Volume each month, and and who has personally referred 3 people who do the same thing.

Qualified Junior Executives receive 50% of the maximum pay out of Qualified Junior Executives receive 50% of the maximum pay out of NuVia3’s compensation plan on the first 3 ways NuVia3 pays. NuVia3’s compensation plan on the first 3 ways NuVia3 pays. *Qualified Junior Executives do not qualify for Depth Generation *Qualified Junior Executives do not qualify for Depth Generation Bonus.Bonus.

* Auto-ship program has been set up for your convenience (optional)

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NuVia3’s goal is to pay out 50% of Total Product Sales Volume each month to the field.

Here’s an example:

Month 1: NuVia3 pays out 40%. All Qualified Executives and Junior Executives will receive a 10% increase in Matrix Residual Bonus for that month.

Month 2: NuVia3 pays out 60%. All Qualified Executives and Junior Executives will receive a 10% decrease in Matrix Residual Bonus for that month.

* Matrix Residual Bonus %’s may vary slightly by increasing or decreasing per commission cycle.

Personal and overlap percentages are estimates based on a projected payout of 50% of total matrix product sales volume. Depending on sales volume and sales generation, the projected 50% payout could impact, positively and negatively, net Personal and overlap percentage payout; meaning that for months where sales volume is significantly higher than projected, a 50% payout will generate a higher payout, but such payout may yield a lower % on personal and overlap sales percentage as compared to total sales volume.  Conversely, a lower than projected sales volume month will generate a lower payout, but may yield a higher % on personal and overlap percentage of total sales.

50/50 Rule

This Only Applies to Matrix Residual Bonus:

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As a Qualified Executive or Junior Executive, There Are 65,51865,518 Positions* That You Can Potentially Receive Matrix Residual Bonus On!

Total PayableLevels

Possible #of Associates

Total Possible #of Associates

1 3 3

2 7 10

3 15 25

4 31 56

5 63 119

6 127 246

7 255 501

8 511 1012

9 1023 2035

10 2047 4082

11 4095 8177

12 8191 16368

13 16383 32751

14 32767 65518

* Numbers are for illustration purposes only, and not a promise, guarantee, or inference that you will achieve these numbers. Numbers are merely shown to mathematically illustrate the maximum size of a perfect matrix, which is not a likely scenario for any individual.

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Fourth Way NuVia3 Pays You:

In order to qualify for the 4th Way NuVia3 Pays, you must be a Qualified Executive. NuVia3 has created a powerful new way for serious business builders to be paid potentially hundreds of levels deep. Upon reaching certain qualifications, you will be paid 1% on all product sales volume in your Personal Genealogy starting on your 15th level and beyond.

4. Executive Depth Generation Bonus:*

* To earn a given Executive Title, an Executive must meet both the Personally Referred Associates AND Group Volume requirements in a calendar month. Upon doing so, the Executive will be permanently vested at that Group Volume level and all they would have to do in order to stay qualified to receive Depth Generation Bonus each month after is maintain the required amount of Personally Referred Associates who either auto-ship or retail a minimum of $130 worth of Product Sales Volume. The maximum Depth Generation Payout will be 6% (No Breakage) of a Distributor’s total product sales volume, with 1% paid to a maximum of 6 Qualified Upline Executives. Required Group Volume consists of Personal Genealogy only.

Executive Title EarnedRequired # of

Personally Referred


Required GroupVolume

GenerationsOf Executives

Paid On

SILVER 6 50,000 1

GOLD 9 75,000 2

PLATINUM 12 100,000 3

DOUBLE PLATINUM 15 150,000 4

TRIPLE PLATINUM 18 200,000 5


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What is a Generation?

A generation is the distance from Executive to Executive in each line.

There can be an UNLIMITEDUNLIMITED number of levels of Distributors between Executives that you can receive Depth Generation Bonuses on.


One One GenerationGeneration


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What Makes the Executive Depth Generation Bonus So Powerful?

Starting On Your 14th Level, Which Can Hold Up To 32,76732,767 Distributors*, YOU Can Now Earn Depth Generation Bonus On The Personal Genealogy Of Each Of These Distributors, 6 Generations Deep6 Generations Deep

* Numbers are for illustration purposes only, and not a promise, guarantee, or inference that you will achieve these numbers. Numbers are merely shown to mathematically illustrate the maximum size of a perfect matrix, which is not a likely scenario for any individual.

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Level 14



1% (or $1.30 for every $130 auto-shipped or retailed)


This example shows just 1 Distributor on your 14th level, which can hold up to 32,767 Distributors*, and assumes you are a Silver Executive which qualifies you to receive 1% on all product sales volume down to 1 Generation of Executives of your Personal Genealogy, starting on your 15th level.

Executive Depth Generation Bonus Example:

Level 14

Level 15

Level 16

Level 17



= Associate

= Executive

Rank of Gold Executive or higher required in order to be paid on Distributors, or those Distributors down to your 2nd Generation of Executives.

* Numbers are for illustration purposes only, and not a promise, guarantee, or inference that you will achieve these numbers. Numbers are merely shown to mathematically illustrate the maximum size of a perfect matrix, which is not a likely scenario for any individual.

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1% (or $1.30 for every $130 auto-shipped or retailed)


Level 14

Level 15

Level 16

Level 17



= Associate

= Executive


Level 18




Level 14

This example shows just one Distributor on your 14th level, which can hold up to 32,767 Distributors, and assumes you are a Gold Executive which qualifies you to receive 1% on all product sales volume down to 2 Generations of Executives of your Personal Genealogy, starting on your 15th level.

Rank of Platinum Executive or higher required in order to be paid on Distributors, or those Distributors down to your 3rd Generation of Executives.

Executive Depth Generation Bonus Example:

* Numbers are for illustration purposes only, and not a promise, guarantee, or inference that you will achieve these numbers. Numbers are merely shown to mathematically illustrate the maximum size of a perfect matrix, which is not a likely scenario for any individual.

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Please get back with the NuVia3 Independent Distributor who referred you this presentation.