nutrient management planning workbook

Nutrient Management Planning Workbook Kim Meyer UW-Nutrient and Pest Management Program

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Nutrient Management Planning Workbook. Kim Meyer UW-Nutrient and Pest Management Program. Sample Farm. Hilltop Acres Farm Operator = Fred Johnson Dairy Farm with 65 milking cows Daily haul Operates 170 acres of cropland - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Nutrient Management Planning Workbook

Nutrient Management Planning Workbook

Kim MeyerUW-Nutrient and Pest Management ProgramSample FarmHilltop Acres FarmOperator = Fred JohnsonDairy Farm with 65 milking cowsDaily haul Operates 170 acres of croplandGrows corn for grain and silage, oatlage with alfalfa seeding, alfalfa, and wheatTypical tillage is fall chisel, no diskManure Crediting

4.06521312121212235243660Legume Credits

1. What is the legume credit for the first year? Explain how to read the chart to answer question 14Legume Credits

2. Can a second year legume credit be taken?Highlight the answer for question 25Legume Credits

3. Can you take a second year legume credit from alfalfa that is in poor condition at the time of kill?Explain that a second year legume credit can not be taken for a poor stand.6The next 8 questions pertain to the 590 restrictions which are symbolized on 590 maps: Spreading Restrictions

Identify the different map symbols and what they represent (do not go into detail about what the rules are, that is yet to come) ie: pink identifies 9-12% slope, red identifies 12% or greater slope, speckled pattern identifies a shallow or nitrogen leaching soil, the blue cross hatch identifies the surface water quality management area (SWQMA) around surface water.7Spreading Restrictions1. If a field that is NOT contour plowed and has a pink slope area covering the majority of the field, can winter manure be spread on this field?

What if the field was contour plowed?

NOYESRefer to pg 8 to answer the following questions (1-7) . Answers to each of the questions are on pg 8 with a yellow background and corresponding number.Pink slope identifies a 9-12% slope8Spreading Restrictions2. How does a red slope effect winter spreading?

No spreading of winter manureRed identifies 12% or greater slope9Spreading Restrictions3. A Surface Water Quality Management Area (SWQMA) is an area within:

_______ feet from a lake or pond, and

_______ feet from a stream or river

1,000300It is important to note that the field needs to flow to the surface water. Maps identify distance from the lake, pond, stream, or river, they do not identify the topography of the land.10Spreading Restrictions4. Can a field within a SWQMA be spread on during the spring or fall?

If so, are there any additional restrictions that must be followed?

YESYESWe will talk about rate restrictions for liquid manure in a bit.11Spreading Restrictions5. If a field has a speckled area, what does this mean?

It identifies a nitrogen restricted soil which has additional spreading restrictions, particularly in the fallA nitrogen restricted soil has either a shallow water table (wetland soils), shallow bedrock, or it is a highly permeable soil (sand)12Spreading Restrictions6. How many lbs of nitrogen from manure can be spread on a speckled area in the fall if soil temperatures are higher than 50F (after Sept 15)?

90 lb N/ac13Spreading Restrictions7. On N restricted soils, can you apply commercial nitrogen fertilizer in the fall on fall-seeded crops?

If so, what is the restriction?

YESMay apply up to 30 lb N/acSpreading Restrictions8. Can you spread manure on fields within 50 feet of a residential well?


Spreading Restrictions1. Winter Restrictions?2. Nitrogen Restrictions?3. Fields in a SWQMA?4. Well within 50 of a field edge?NOSpreading Restrictions5. Are there any applications that you may need to adjust for the plan year according to the season because of spreading restrictions?

NOFertility Recommendations

Chart from page 9WheatCorn grainFertility Recommendations

WheatCorn grain

Results from page 11211266.2Fertility Recommendations

WheatCorn grain211266.2high191-210X

243660XXX1407560Recommendations from page 11, corn after wheat1163900Fertility RecommendationsWhat you know:Adjusted recommendation for determining fertilizer needs is 116-39-0Products Fred uses:Starter 9-23-30 (typically 150 lb/ac)28% UAN (28-0-0)DAP (18-46-0)Potash (0-0-60)What would you recommend for fertilizer?Fertility RecommendationsCurrent Recommendation = 116-39-0150 lbs/ac of 9-23-30 = 13-34-45

40 gal/ac of 28% UAN = 112-0-0NPK11639013344510350RecommendationLess Starter FertilizerRemaining NeedFertility RecommendationsPage 12 & 13:Fields are sorted by cropDetermine application rates by crop type based on the reports providedHint: negative numbers identify where N, P, or K is neededUse the following fertilizers=Starter 9-23-3028% UAN (28-0-0)DAP (18-46-0)Potash (0-0-61)Fertility RecommendationsComplete the fertilizer recommendation on pages 12-13All manure and legumes have been credited, use adjusted recommendations shownRemember to keep your application method in mind when you determine how many application rates you want to use of each product neededFertilizer QuizHow many lbs of nitrogen are in 100 lbs of urea (46-0-0)?How many lbs of phosphorus are in 100 lbs of DAP (18-46-0)?How many lbs of nitrogen are in 10 gal of 28% UAN (28-0-0)?