nt avetmiss validation portal user guide

Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade NT AVETMISS Validation Portal User Guide September 2020 Version 3.0 Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade Strategy & Partnerships VET Data [email protected] F08 89357709 08 89357710 08 89357714

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Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade

Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade

NT AVETMISS Validation Portal User Guide

September 2020

Version 3.0

Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade

Strategy & Partnerships

VET Data

[email protected]

F08 89357709

08 89357710

08 89357714

Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade

1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 1

Training NT AVETMISS Validation Portal ............................................................................... 1 System Requirements ........................................................................................................... 1

2 Accessing the Portal .............................................................................................................. 1

Web Address ......................................................................................................................... 1

3 Registration for New Users .................................................................................................... 1

Registration for NT Government RTOs .................................................................................. 2 Registration for All Other RTOs ............................................................................................. 4

4 Login for Registered Users ..................................................................................................... 6

Login for NT Government Users ............................................................................................ 6 Login for All Other Users ....................................................................................................... 8

5 Home Page ........................................................................................................................... 8

6 Manage RTO Profile Page ...................................................................................................... 9

Navigating to Manage RTO Profile Page ............................................................................... 9 Overview of Manage RTO Page ........................................................................................... 10 Receiving Submission Emails ............................................................................................... 11 Changing Organization Delegates ....................................................................................... 11 Changing User Roles ............................................................................................................ 11 Add Users ............................................................................................................................ 12

NT Government Users ............................................................................................ 12

Non NT Government Users .................................................................................... 12

Role Types ............................................................................................................... 13

7 Data Submissions Page ........................................................................................................ 13

Navigating to AVETMISS Data Submission Page ................................................................. 13 Submission Details............................................................................................................... 14

8 Upload Results .................................................................................................................... 18

Upload Failure ..................................................................................................................... 18 Upload Successful ................................................................................................................ 19

9 Cancel Submission ............................................................................................................... 19

10 Validation Results ............................................................................................................... 20

Data Validated Successfully ................................................................................................. 20 Data Validated with Upload Errors ...................................................................................... 21 Data Validated with Errors and or Warnings ...................................................................... 21

Data Errors .............................................................................................................. 21

Data Warnings ........................................................................................................ 21

Navigating to the Validation Results ................................................................................... 21 Validation List Screen .......................................................................................................... 22

Filtering your Validation Results ............................................................................. 23

Viewing Your Data in More Detail .......................................................................... 24

11 Manage AVETMISS Submissions .......................................................................................... 25

Navigating Submission Pages and Views ............................................................................. 25

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Training Organisation View ................................................................................................. 26 Enrolments View ................................................................................................................. 27

Delivery Location View ........................................................................................... 28

Client View .............................................................................................................. 28

Program View ......................................................................................................... 29

Subject View ........................................................................................................... 30

Program Completion View .................................................................................................. 30 Validation Feedback View ................................................................................................... 31

12 AVETMISS Data Export ........................................................................................................ 31

13 Portal Logout ...................................................................................................................... 32

14 Troubleshooting .................................................................................................................. 32

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1 Introduction

Training NT AVETMISS Validation Portal

The Training NT AVETMISS Validation Portal is a web-based data file validation and submission system. It enables Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) delivering accredited vocational training to Northern Territory residents the ability to upload and validate their AVETMISS data submissions against both the National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER) rules and NT-specific rules.

This system replaces the previous process and was introduced in response to national Vocational Education Training (VET) reforms and the Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade’s (DITT) commitment to improving processing and reporting tools. The system enables more timely feedback and efficient processing of Registered Training Organisations’ data.

Registered Training Organisations submitting data through the NT AVETMISS Portal must not submit their data to NCVER. DITT will submit all data received via the NT AVETMISS portal to NCVER on behalf of RTOs. However, these RTOs must still self-register with the NCVER AVETMISS Validation Software (AVS) for data validation only.

Those Registered Training Organisations who are in receipt of government funding through a funding contract with a DITT division or the Department of Education (DoE), will be required to report total VET activity as per the requirements and timelines in their funding contract.

Those Registered Training Organisations that do not receive government funding through DITT are able to submit their data directly to NCVER. However, they are encouraged to submit their data via the NT AVETMISS Portal. This data will then be forwarded to NCVER. This will enable DITT to have a complete picture of training activity delivered in the Northern Territory.

System Requirements

The Department recommends that the NT AVETMISS Validation Portal is used on a stable internet connection. This means a modern web browser for NT Government RTOs, or a myGovID compatible web browser for all other RTOs. Internet Explorer is supported, but not recommended due to user interface limitations.

2 Accessing the Portal

Web Address

Access to the portal is via https://vocationaltraining.nt.gov.au

Initial registration and access to the portal will differ depending on whether you access the portal as a Northern Territory Government Organisation or as an external, private organisation.

3 Registration for New Users A Registered Training Organisation must only use the registration service once. Once registered, you may add more users as necessary (see section 6.4 below).

Registration requests will be actioned by the department and, once approved, the user will receive an email to indicate that access has been granted.

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Registration for NT Government RTOs

NOTE: Registration steps for non NT Government RTOs are different and outlined in section 3.2 below.

Select Register Organisation This will take you to another page.

Enter Your RTO code Your RTO information will be automatically received from Training.gov.au. Ensure that all details are correct. If they are not, then please contact the custodians via https://training.gov.au/Home/Enquiry

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Select your Domain If your organisation is not listed as a Domain, select PROD in the drop-down list.

Enter your Email Address, Password, and Full Name PROD Domain users are authenticated via their existing active NT Government password.

Other Domains users must create a new password, which will need to be maintained separately.

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Select Add Request

Registration for All Other RTOs

An RTO must only use the registration service once. Additional users can then be added through another process (see section 6.4 below).

In order to access the portal externally, you will need a work myGovID account, which is different than your personal myGov account. For more information on myGovID, https://www.mygovid.gov.au/

Select Register organisation This will take you to another page.

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Enter your RTO code Click/tab away from this field and your RTO information will be automatically populated from training.gov.au. Ensure that the populated information is correct. If not, please contact the custodians of training.gov.au via https://training.gov.au/Home/Enquiry.

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Enter your Full Name and work Email Address NOTE: you must use your RTO work email address that is associated with your myGovID account.

If the email address you provide is not the same as the myGovID email address, your attempts to log in to the site will fail. The RTO work email address is part of the myGovID authentication process.

Select Add request Once submitted, the requests will be actioned by the department and once approved, the user will receive an email to indicate that access has been granted.

4 Login for Registered Users

Login for NT Government Users

Select you domain

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Enter your Username and Password

Select Login

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Login for All Other Users

Select the ‘Login with myGovID’ button This takes you to another website where your will complete a process to authenticate your MyGovID credentials.

5 Home Page The home page is visible once you have successfully logged in to the VET Portal. The components of the home page include the following.

1. Menu bar – a persistent navigation menu bar, available on all screens 2. Notification banner –AVETMISS related update or notification will be displayed here 3. Quick menu – Three most frequently used functions for a quick access. These same functions can

also be found in the menu bar as outlined below. a) Manage RTO Details: Admin > Organisation Profile b) Make a Submission: AVETMISS > Submit Data c) View Submission History: AVETMISS > Previous Submissions

4. In-progress submission – displays the most recently submitted submission currently being validated. Once the process has completed, a notification will be emailed to you and this table will be emptied

5. All previous submissions - demonstrating a summary of the previous submission results 6. Page Number 7. Page Size

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6 Manage RTO Profile Page Primarily used for managing Organisations’ staff accessibility levels within the portal. Only the delegate of your organisation can access this page.

Navigating to Manage RTO Profile Page

Option1: Select Manage RTO Details from the Home page Quick menu

Option 2: Select Organisation Profile from the drop-down Admin menu






6 7

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Overview of Manage RTO Page

1. RTO Details: displays current Organisation Delegate. Provides ability to change the RTO Delegate. The Delegate can select the checkbox here to receive submission notification emails.

2. RTO Summary: non-editable view of RTO’s current details with TGA. Contact the custodians of training.gov.au via https://training.gov.au/Home/Enquiry if these details are not correct.

3. Add User: allows Organisation’s Delegate to add additional Users for the Organisation after the initial registration. Simply enter their email, full name, and select a role.

4. User List: details all active users for the Organisation and their current account type.

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Receiving Submission Emails

Select the check box to receive all emails

Changing Organization Delegates

If a Delegate is no longer with the organisation, the Department can assign a new Delegate on behalf of the Organisation.

Changing User Roles

The Delegate can change the role type (see section 6.6.3 below) of a user by selecting the appropriate radio button. The user will need to refresh their browser if the role change is applied while logged in.

Delegates are both users and submitters but will have neither type checked, as outlined below.

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Add Users

NT Government Users

When adding a user from the PROD domain, the system will automatically assign that user’s Active directory username based on the NT Government email address provided.

Non NT Government Users

When adding a non NT Government user, the system will automatically assign that user’s username based on the email address provided.

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Role Types

User Role Description Validate Data Submit to Department

Maintain Users

Delegate A Delegate is the key contact person for the organisation.

A Delegate is responsible for the accuracy of the data submitted to DITT on behalf of the training organisation, including data submitted by a Data submitter.

A Delegate has administrator rights for the organisation and has the authority to perform all functions in AVS including creating other users. The Delegate can access all functionality of the Portal as well as add and remove users for the organisation.

Only one user can be the Delegate; however Delegate authority can be transferred to another individual.

Yes Yes Yes

Submitter A Submitter can import, validate, export, and submit data to DITT on behalf of the training organisation.

A data Submitter is signing off on the accuracy of the data submitted.

Yes Yes No

User A User is a read only account

A User can see past submissions, but cannot generate new ones.

Yes No No

7 Data Submissions Page Only Submitter and Delegate accounts can access this page.

Navigating to AVETMISS Data Submission Page

There are two ways to access the AVETMISS Data Submission page

Option 1: Select Make a Submission button from Home page Quick menu

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Option 2: Select Submit Data from the drop-down AVETMISS menu

Submission Details

Select the data collection year and then a collection period

Select a submission type

1. Provisional

This is for validating purposes only. This type of data submitted will not be used or processed by the Department. RTOs are encouraged to validate their data multiple times as required to eliminate errors and or warnings.

2. Completed

Once you are confident with the result of your provisional data, this type can then be selected to indicate of your final submission for the selected period.

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Choosing the Completed option will automatically expand a section where you are provided a mandatory tick box to indicate that the Data Use Statement has been read and understood as well as a functionality for the Collection Processing Summary to be attached along with your submission.

Select Choose Files button and select your NAT files

Use the Explorer Window that pops up to find and select all ten (10) AVETMISS NAT files

Then click Open

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Select Upload Submission Files

Tick the Data Use Statement declaration provided that the links have been read and understood

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Click the Choose file button, locate the Collection Processing Summary file on your system, and click Open. Please note that only Comma Separated Value (.csv) files are accepted

Select the Upload file button. The file will be added at the bottom of the Submission Files table.

Review all details on the submission page before submitting

1. Verify all files are uploaded 2. Verify the number of records within each uploaded file. The numbers refer to the number of rows in

each file. For example, 708 records in the NAT00120.txt file indicate that there are 708 enrolments. 3. Verify that the Collection Processing Summary file, named testportal.csv in this example, is attached

as one of the submission files.

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Select Submit button

8 Upload Results

Upload Failure

In case of a missing NAT file or incorrect NAT file structure, the portal displays an error message on top of the page in red and refuse the data from being submitted.

You must amend your data and restart the submission process (See section 7 above).

The most common errors are closely related to NAT file duplications, incomplete or missing files and incorrect file structure (see the example below). In most cases, contacting your Student Management System for support will help fix most of these problems.

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Upload Successful

Once the Submit button is selected and no problems are presented, the message below will appear to indicate that your files have been successfully uploaded and are currently being validated.

The browser can be closed and the validation process will continue. Once completed, you will be notified via email. The delegate of your RTO will also receive an email notification, if this preference was chosen (see section Error! Reference source not found.).

9 Cancel Submission The portal has the ability to cancel a currently in-progress submission.

From the Home page, select your RTO Name from the In-Progress Submissions table. This will take you to another page.

Select the Cancel Submission button (1), then click OK (2) on the pop up window that appears

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The confirmation below will be displayed. Until the cancellation process has been successfully performed, the system will disable any new submission from being made.

10 Validation Results

Data Validated Successfully

This is the ideal validation result, demonstrating an AVETMISS compliant data indicated by no warning or error. Below is a snapshot of the email notification to the submitter once the validation process has ended.



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Data Validated with Upload Errors

Upload errors refer to data structure, type or duplication error(s) found in your data.

Select the Upload Errors link found on the AVETMISS Uploads and Validation table on the Home page for further details

Data Validated with Errors and or Warnings

When your data has any consistency, quality, missing record or other issues, the portal will display them in the form of error or warning.

Data Errors

Data errors must be corrected within the organisations Student Management System. A new set of data files then be exported and validated once more.

The automatic email subject will show failed submission validation (see below image) which means your data is not yet AVETMISS compliant as it still contains error(s). However, it is important to note that this data has been received and stored in our database, although it will not be used for any reporting purposes. If the data cannot be adjusted then contact the Department to discuss.

Data Warnings

Warnings will not prevent a successful submission. All warnings highlight areas of concern and must be reviewed and corrected where appropriate.

Navigating to the Validation Results

NOTE: You can also follow the link in the submission results email to view your validation results.

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Option 1: From the drop-down AVETMISS menu bar, click Previous Submissions

Option 2: On the Home page, select the error or warning link within the AVETMISS Uploads and Validation table

Validation List Screen

1. Filter options help focus on particular types of errors and warnings 2. Detailed error and warning list provides more information about each warning or error

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Filtering your Validation Results

Depending on the data, the Validation List could be a number of pages long. The filtering options below help to limit the list to a specific area.

1. Rule Name - Filters down to a specific rule (e.g. email address is missing) 2. Table Name - Filters to show all Errors and Warnings within a specific NAT file (e.g. Client/NAT00080

File) 3. Status - Filters between either Errors or Warnings




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4. Validation Message - Allows for searching within the Validation Message for user defined criteria e.g. for a particular client identifier or all errors relating to subject etc.

As filters can all be applied at once, it’s best to clear out a filter before applying a new one so that they are applied logically. For example if you select a rule name that is assigned the warning status and then select the status filter option of error, you will get no results.

The display of identified issues is conceptually similar to MS Excel and the Validation List can be exported into an Excel document.

The Export button will only export the records that appear in the list. If filters have been applied to the data, only the filtered data will be exported.

Viewing Your Data in More Detail

Selecting the link to the data in the Table Name column or the Validation list will open a screen that provides for detail for the record as it appears in that NAT file.

Select the back link to return to the full Validation List.

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11 Manage AVETMISS Submissions

Navigating Submission Pages and Views

There are two ways of getting to the Submissions screen

Option 1: select View Submission History from the Quick menu on the Home page

Option 2: select Previous Submissions from the drop-down AVETMISS menu

From the main AVETMISS Submissions page, click the View link under the four headings to navigate to a more detailed view of the respective NAT files

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Training Organisation View

The Training Organisation view displays information from the uploaded Training Organisation (NAT00010) file.

1. Select Submission List from the Breadcrumb menu to navigate back to the Manage AVETMISS Submissions page

2. Selecting view under Delivery Location allows users to see the delivery locations reported in the Delivery Location (NAT00020) file

3. Actions will take the User to a different view of this information. This functionality is intended for the Department Portal administrators only

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Enrolments View

The Enrolments view lists specific fields from the Enrolment (NAT00120) file.

1. To navigate back to Manage AVETMISS Submissions Screen, select Submission List from the Breadcrumb menu

2. Record links within the Delivery Loc, Client, Program, and Subject columns take users to view tables for the selected record

3. Actions take the user to a different view of this information, which includes all information for this record from the Enrolment (NAT00120) file


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Delivery Location View

This view is available by clicking record links under the Delevery Loc column on the Enrolments View screen (see section 11.3 above)

1. The Breadcrumb menu enables you to navigate back through the screens 2. Actions will take you to a different view of this information, which includes all information for the

associated record from the Delivery Location (NAT00020) file

Client View

This view is available by clicking record links under the Client column on the Enrolments View screen (see section 11.3 above)

1. The Breadcrumb menu enables you to navigate back through the screens


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2. Users can view the Client Postal Details (NAT00085), Disability (NAT00090) and Prior Educational Achievement (NAT00100) file records for this client by selecting the appropriate View option or link

3. Actions will take the user to a different view of this information, which includes all information for this record from the Client (NAT00020) file

Program View

This view is available by clicking record links under the Program column on the Enrolments View screen (see section 11.3 above)

1. The Breadcrumb menu enables you to navigate back through the screens 2. Actions will take you to a different view of this information, which includes all information for this

record from the Program (NAT00030) file






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Subject View

This view is available by clicking record links under the Subject column on the Enrolments View screen (see section 11.3 above)

1. The Breadcrumb menu enables you to navigate back through the screens 2. Actions will take the User to a different view of this information, which includes all information for

this record from the Subject (NAT00060) file

Program Completion View

Program Completion view is a shortened view of the Program Completion (NAT00130) file.

1. The Breadcrumb menu enables you to navigate back through the screens 2. Actions will take the User to a different view of this information, which includes all information for

this record from the Subject (NAT00060) file





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Validation Feedback View

Refer to section 10.5 above

12 AVETMISS Data Export You are able to export back your NAT files should you wish to do so. The portal will extract the Training Organisation (NAT00010) file from your latest submission.

Select Extract AVETMISS Data from the drop-down AVETMISS menu

Select the collection year and period

Select Export

Download files individually, or select Download All Files at the bottom of the page

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Save files to your directory Depending on the browser used, a dialog box may appear asking whether to open or save the files.

13 Portal Logout

Select Logout from the Navigation Menu

14 Troubleshooting If you experience any issues while using the portal, please call or email the Evaluation and Validation unit using the contact information listed on the cover page of this document.