nÁrodnÍ srovnÁvacÍ zkouŠky aj€¦ · the answer sheet. listening 1 ... romanian landscapes...

Pokyny ke zkoušce: n Test obsahuje 60 úloh. Je rozdělen do 3 oddílů, na řešení prvního máte 20 minut (délka nahrávky), na každý další 20 minut. Pracujte vždy jen na příslušném oddílu, časy nejsou převoditelné. U každé úlohy s výběrem možností je jen jedna správná odpověď. Za každou správnou odpověď získáte bod, za špatnou odpověď (s výjimkou posledních 8 úloh) část bodu ztrácíte. Nejlepší je řešit nejdříve snadné úlohy a k náročnějším se vrátit. Nebuďte nervózní z toho, že nevyřešíte všechno, to se povede málokomu. NÁRODNÍ SROVNÁVACÍ ZKOUŠKY AJ T BŘEZNA/MARCA 2018 D : 29. března 2018 P : 1.492 P : 60 P : 10,4 % S . M. : 60 M. : 60 M. : -17,3 M. : -4,7 P : 33,2

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Page 1: NÁRODNÍ SROVNÁVACÍ ZKOUŠKY AJ€¦ · the answer sheet. Listening 1 ... Romanian landscapes (B) graveyard stories (C) digitally remastered ancient paintings (D) cases of bribery

Pokyny ke zkoušce:

n Test obsahuje 60 úloh. Je rozdělen do 3 oddílů, na řešení prvního máte 20 minut (délkanahrávky), na každý další 20 minut. Pracujte vždy jen na příslušném oddílu, časy nejsou převoditelné. U každé úlohy s výběrem možností je jen jedna správná odpověď. Za každou správnou odpověď získáte bod, za špatnou odpověď(s výjimkou posledních 8 úloh) část bodu ztrácíte. Nejlepší je řešit nejdříve snadné úlohy a k náročnějším se vrátit. Nebuďte nervózní z toho, že nevyřešíte všechno, to se povedemálokomu.



T��� � BŘEZNA/MARCA 2018

D���� ������ �������: 29. března 2018 P���� �������� �����: 1.492P���� ����: 60P������� �����������: 10,4 %

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Page 2: NÁRODNÍ SROVNÁVACÍ ZKOUŠKY AJ€¦ · the answer sheet. Listening 1 ... Romanian landscapes (B) graveyard stories (C) digitally remastered ancient paintings (D) cases of bribery


© Scio 2018 2

SECTION 1 (20 minutes) – LISTENING

The listening section is divided into two parts. You will have 2 minutes at the end of the listening section to copy your answers to

the answer sheet.

Listening 1

You will hear a text which is followed by several tasks. You will be given time to look through the relevant tasks before you

listen. You will hear the recording twice. Solve the tasks based solely on the information in the recording.


Listen to the interview with Adora Svitak, a successful teenage writer, public speaker and activist.



When Adora was 7 years old, she ______.

(A) was given a laptop

(B) had a book released

(C) started writing a book called Dancing Fingers

(D) founded a book publishing agency


Adora’s second book, Dancing Fingers, ______.

(A) focused on her relationship with her older sister

(B) was partly written by a relative of hers

(C) was published 2 years after her first book

(D) was inspired by what had happened to her sister


Adora says her parents ______.

(A) perceived her as immature

(B) didn’t tolerate any indiscipline at home

(C) had her at a very young age

(D) had faith in her abilities


Alex Scott ______.

(A) won thousands of dollars in a competition

(B) found a cure for cancer

(C) offered free lemonade to cancer patients

(D) helped fund medical research


Adora says that when she was 7 years old, her intention to

teach children how to write ______.

(A) impressed many people

(B) was met with doubt

(C) was not really serious

(D) enraged some teachers


In 5 years’ time, Adora would like to ______.

(A) be attending college

(B) have her own company

(C) be an inspiration for her colleagues

(D) be a college graduate

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Listening 2

You will hear a series of short unrelated extracts. There is one task for each extract. You will be given time to read the relevant

task before you listen. You will hear each extract twice. Solve the tasks based solely on the information in the recording.


You hear a piece of news about a statue of a bear installed in

Beijing, China.

The statue had to be taken down because ______.

(A) it resembled a bear from a cartoon

(B) passers-by complained its paws were too big

(C) it was perceived as offensive

(D) it looked like a monkey


You hear someone talking about what happened to a seagull in


The bird ______.

(A) was mistaken for a chicken

(B) got sick after eating too much curry

(C) ended up on a plate

(D) had its feathers dyed orange


You hear someone talking about a theory proposed by Stephen


Professor Hawking has recently said that black holes ______.

(A) might have a passage to another universe

(B) make travelling to the past possible

(C) will soon be used as a source of energy

(D) are constantly expanding


You hear someone talking about a new art gallery.

The pieces in the gallery mostly depict ______.

(A) Romanian landscapes

(B) graveyard stories

(C) digitally remastered ancient paintings

(D) cases of bribery


You hear a piece of news about a Sydney cyclist Michael

Gratton and his problems.

What does the cyclist say?

(A) The fine which he received is absurd as it is too low.

(B) Wearing a helmet when cycling is ridiculous.

(C) He is officially protesting against all the offences he was

charged with.

(D) Ringing a bell to warn pedestrians may sometimes

prove counterproductive.


You hear someone talking about a new scheme introduced in a

Chinese university.

Local students can get a discount in its canteen if ______.

(A) they are short of cash

(B) they use a particular social media website

(C) they display good manners

(D) they are related to a member of the staff


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SECTION 2 (20 minutes) – READING

Read the following text and solve the tasks based solely on the information in it.


You are going to read about four inspiring teenagers who, despite their young age, came up with some truly amazing ideas. For each

of the questions below, choose from the teenagers A–D. Each person may be chosen more than once.

A – Andrew Pelham

A Nashville student has invented a simple device that could save lives. After learning that approximately 38 children die each year

from accidentally being left in hot cars, young Andrew Pelham felt compelled to do something. He entered The Rubber Band

Contest for Young Inventors, which is held each year in Akron, Ohio. There is only one rule for contestants – they must use rubber

bands in their invention. With that in mind, Andrew created the E-Z Baby Saver and won second place, taking home US$500.

Hundreds of parents emailed Andrew messages of support.

Andrew thought his amazing invention might be a cheap way to help parents remember when they have a child in the back seat. The

E-Z Baby Saver is a simple device made of duct tape and rubber bands. It attaches to the driver’s seat of the car and the interior door

handle, so that when parents get out of the car they are reminded to check the back seat.

B – Kenneth Shinozuka

A New York teenager, whose grandfather suffers from Alzheimer’s disease, won a $50,000 science prize for developing wearable

sensors that send mobile alerts when a dementia patient begins to wander away from bed. Kenneth Shinozuka, 15, who took home

the Science in Action Award, said his invention was inspired by his grandfather’s symptoms, which frequently caused him to wander

from bed in the middle of the night and hurt himself. His invention uses coin-sized wireless sensors that are worn on the feet of a

potential wanderer. The sensors detect pressure caused when the person stands up, triggering an audible alert on a caregiver’s

smartphone using an app.

C – Boyan Slat

A Dutch teenager has invented a device that he claims could clean up some 20 billion tons of plastic waste from the world’s oceans.

Boyan Slat, 19, came up with the idea of a series of floating booms and processing platforms designed to capture floating plastic

rubbish. While the young inventor believes humans must end their reliance on disposable plastic items, he says his innovation could

make a big difference to the cleanliness of oceans in the shorter term. At first, there was little interest, because it would only clean

5% of the plastics in our oceans, but since his talk at a world-famous conference, Boyan has attracted $2M of funding. He has also

established a foundation to help him further develop the technology.

D – Jack Andraka

When news broke in 2011 that a test had been developed which might help doctors diagnose pancreatic cancer at an early stage, the

research world not only took notice, it went into shock – for the test hadn’t been developed by some renowned cancer research

institute, but by a boy wonder, a 15-year-old high school freshman named Jack Andraka. Jack convinced an eminent cancer

researcher to let him use his lab to develop his theory, all before he even had a license to drive. However, the test must undergo

years of clinical trials before being marketed.

Jack beat 1,500 other competitors and won the grand prize at the Intel International Science Fair with his invention. However, some

scientists have expressed their doubts regarding its innovativeness, as several years before, a group of researchers at Jefferson

Medical College had used a methodology nearly identical to the purportedly pioneering methodology developed by Andraka.


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222 READING 222

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Which teenager was inspired by the

struggles of a relative when designing

his invention?

(A) Andrew Pelham

(B) Kenneth Shinozuka

(C) Boyan Slat

(D) Jack Andraka


Which teenager founded an institution

to help him improve his invention?

(A) Andrew Pelham

(B) Kenneth Shinozuka

(C) Boyan Slat

(D) Jack Andraka


Which teenager finished as runner-up

in a competition?

(A) Andrew Pelham

(B) Kenneth Shinozuka

(C) Boyan Slat

(D) Jack Andraka


Which teenager has had his invention’s

novelty questioned?

(A) Andrew Pelham

(B) Kenneth Shinozuka

(C) Boyan Slat

(D) Jack Andraka


Which teenager was allowed to use a

specialized facility when first designing

his invention?

(A) Andrew Pelham

(B) Kenneth Shinozuka

(C) Boyan Slat

(D) Jack Andraka


Which teenager designed an invention

whose functionality includes sound


(A) Andrew Pelham

(B) Kenneth Shinozuka

(C) Boyan Slat

(D) Jack Andraka


Which teenager received encouraging

messages from prospective users of his


(A) Andrew Pelham

(B) Kenneth Shinozuka

(C) Boyan Slat

(D) Jack Andraka


Which teenager came up with an

invention whose purpose is to collect


(A) Andrew Pelham

(B) Kenneth Shinozuka

(C) Boyan Slat

(D) Jack Andraka

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222 READING 222

© Scio 2018 6

Read the following text and solve the tasks based solely on the information in it.


Sleep-deprived people may be more prone to false confessions

While the amount of sleep a person truly needs remains up for debate, the effects of not getting enough, both on the mind and the

body, are clear to see. Sleep deprivation has been linked to a variety of conditions, including obesity, diabetes and depression. On

top of that, a startling new study has shown that people who have been deprived of sleep are much more likely to sign a false

confession than those who have had an undisturbed night of rest.

The study has obvious and perhaps worrying implications for police interrogation of crime suspects. In addition, it helps paint a

more comprehensive picture of sleep deprivation’s effects on brain function. “A number of studies have consistently found that there

are dramatic changes in the brain with sleep deprivation,” lead researcher Kimberly Fenn told IFLScience. “One of the strongest

effects is a reduction in the activity of the frontal lobes, which are important for decision making.” (A)

False confessions – an innocent person admitting guilt – are a serious and complex subject. With interrogations often occurring

during sleep hours, studies examining the effects this could be having on suspects are justified. (B) For this particular study, Fenn

and her colleagues recruited 88 volunteers and had them complete computer-based tasks during three laboratory sessions, spread

over a week. Participants were monitored and repeatedly told not to press the escape button on the keyboard as that would cause

them to lose all of their data. On the last night, half the participants slept for eight hours in lab bedrooms while the others were kept

awake. (C) “In the real world it’s rare that people stay awake for a full night. However, it’s common for people to get insufficient

sleep over multiple nights. The important thing is that pretty much every physiological and cognitive effect seen after one night of

sleep deprivation is also seen after a couple of nights of sleep restriction.” Before participants were allowed to leave at the end of the

study, they were given a form that summarized their activities and falsely accused them of hitting the escape key, which they were

asked to confirm for accuracy and sign. Surprisingly, while only 18 percent of the well-rested participants signed the false allegation,

it was signed by half of those who had been deprived of sleep the night before. (D) When asked a second time, the figures bumped

up to 39 and 68 percent, respectively.

Whether or not this study will have an impact on the criminal justice system remains to be seen. Nevertheless, in light of the

findings, the authors recommend that assessments of sleepiness should be made before interrogations.



According to the study, innocent people who are sleep

deprived are more likely to ______ compared to those who are


(A) admit to being guilty

(B) deny false allegations

(C) commit a crime

(D) make a false accusation


The word “startling” in the first paragraph of the text is closest

in meaning to ______.

(A) thorough

(B) surprising

(C) promising

(D) complicated


Which two of the following consequences of sleep deprivation

are mentioned in the text?

I. Sleep deprivation lessens the risk of serious health

problems, such as high blood pressure or stroke.

II. Sleep deprivation affects the area in the brain which plays

a vital role in decision making.

III. Sleep deprivation affects the probability of a person being

accused of a crime.

IV. Sleep deprivation makes people more prone to confess to

acts which they have not in fact committed.

(A) I and IV

(B) II and III

(C) II and IV

(D) III and IV


The word “occurring” in the third paragraph of the text is

closest in meaning to ______.

(A) questioning

(B) investigating

(C) taking place

(D) getting up

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222 READING 222

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At the end of the study, all the participants were asked to


(A) hit the escape button

(B) write down a thorough summary of their activities during

the study

(C) sleep for 8 hours in a lab bedroom

(D) affirm they hadn’t followed one of the researchers’



When asked a second time, ______ of the participants who

were sleep deprived confirmed they had pressed the escape key

in the course of the study.

(A) 18 percent

(B) 32 percent

(C) 39 percent

(D) 68 percent


The authors of the study suggest that ______.

(A) interrogations should be preceded by an evaluation of


(B) crime suspects should never be interrogated at night

(C) most people sent to prison are in fact innocent

(D) crime suspects should always take a nap before being



Look at the four letters (A) to (D) in the text above. These

indicate where the following sentence could be added to the


Although that may not reflect most situations during

interrogation, Fenn justified this approach.

Where would the sentence best fit?






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SECTION 3 (20 minutes) – USE OF ENGLISH

Multiple choice cloze

Fill in the numbered gaps in the following short texts with the most suitable word or phrase from the options offered.


Want to eat well? Forget about willpower

Two decades ago, Brian Wansink accidentally made a discovery that would change the course of his career. He and his graduate

students were running a study on sustainable food packaging. In the middle of giving free bags of snacks to Philadelphia

moviegoers, they ran __(29)__ big bags and __(30)__ to teeny ones and found that people with four tiny 110-calorie bags ate half as

much as those with one big 440-calorie bag. Since then, Wansink has run 1,200 studies on eating behaviours and __(31)__ that we

are utterly __(32)__ the mercy of our environment.

Wansink has found that we __(33)__ many more decisions about food than we’re aware of — typically more than 200 per day. All

of these decisions are subject to environmental cues. “Most people think they’re master and commander of their own diet and do not

believe the environment holds such power over our eating habits,” Wansink says. But contrary to popular belief, he’s found that

healthy eating has very little __(34)__ with willpower. In one study, Wansink and his colleagues set up a table in which two out of

four bowls of soup had been modified to be continuously refilled from a soup pot at the end of the table. Participants __(35)__ the

self-refilling bowls ate 73 percent more, but didn’t feel any more sated.



(A) into

(B) off

(C) across

(D) out of


(A) had to switch

(B) must switch

(C) have switched

(D) have to switch


(A) conspired

(B) concluded

(C) convinced

(D) convicted


(A) with

(B) at

(C) to

(D) without


(A) are

(B) do

(C) think

(D) make


(A) to do

(B) to keep

(C) to seek

(D) to be


(A) gave

(B) giving

(C) were given

(D) given

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Finland Library Installs Karaoke Booth

A library in southern Finland wants people to sing their hearts __(36)__ during their next visit – in a soundproofed karaoke booth.

Officials in the city of Vantaa, near Helsinki, installed the karaoke zone at Tikkurila library earlier this year as part of a major

campaign to provide new services at libraries.

The idea is that people who don’t __(37)__ performing to a packed bar after a beer or two can instead enjoy a sing-along in relative

privacy, regardless of their __(38)__ to hold a tune. “Anyone at all can sing karaoke,” says the library manager Villa Karinen.

“Everyone can perform with the voice they have and there’s no need to fear criticism here.”

Locals can reserve up to two hours in the booth __(39)__ their library cards, and once inside the booth they will be able to choose

from more than 3,000 songs, all listed on the library’s website. There’s the option to enjoy foreign songs __ (40)__ from Black

Sabbath to Whitney Houston, __(41)__ as hundreds of Finnish tunes.

The idea has proved popular with all ages, including residents of a nearby elderly care home, and those who want to __(42)__ stage

fright. The library even ran an adult education course using the booth – called Be Brave, Sing Karaoke – which offered advice on

using a microphone and dealing with nerves.



(A) in

(B) off

(C) by

(D) out


(A) want

(B) present

(C) give

(D) fancy


(A) probability

(B) agility

(C) possibility

(D) ability


(A) when used

(B) who used

(C) using

(D) used


(A) including

(B) ranging

(C) listing

(D) counting


(A) moreover

(B) also

(C) as many

(D) as well


(A) overtake

(B) overdo

(C) overcome

(D) overwhelm

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333 USE of ENGLISH 333

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Grammar and Vocabulary

Fill in the gaps in the following sentences with the most suitable word or phrase from the options offered.


I have been told that the painting I

found in my grandmother’s attic is

worthless, even though to me it looks

like a wonderful piece of art.

In the context of the sentence above,

the word “worthless” is closest in

meaning to ______.

(A) fake

(B) without any value

(C) valuable

(D) underrated


The landlord sold the house, but kept

the furniture.

In the context of the sentence above,

the word “kept” is closest in meaning to


(A) discarded

(B) retained

(C) purchased

(D) acquired


James’ physical fitness was insufficient

for the tough running race and the other

racers were soon well ahead of him.

In the context of the sentence above,

the word “insufficient” is closest in

meaning to ______.

(A) lacking

(B) adequate

(C) insecure

(D) unprepared


When it was revealed that he was a

traitor, it came as a shock to everyone –

he had always appeared to be such a

trustworthy person!

In the context of the sentence above,

the word “revealed” is closest in

meaning to ______.

(A) suspected

(B) hidden

(C) disclosed

(D) concealed


He ______ promoted! He is the laziest

person I know!

(A) mustn’t have

(B) mustn’t have been

(C) can’t have been

(D) can’t been


Last year I finished my very first book

about dragons and this year I would

like to write ______ one.

(A) other

(B) new

(C) another

(D) different


I slept very little last night – the terrible

storm ______ me awake.

(A) made

(B) kept

(C) brought

(D) forced


My father doesn’t know that I ______

borrow the car when he was away.

(A) must have

(B) used to

(C) would have

(D) will


They have two grandparents, both of

______ live with them.

(A) they

(B) whose

(C) which

(D) whom


I could tell by the look on his face and

the smell in the room that he ______

smoking, although he denied it.

(A) was

(B) had been

(C) have been

(D) is

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Word formation

Use the word in brackets at the end of each sentence to form a new word that fits the gap. Please write neatly in capital letters.

Illegible answers will be considered to be incorrect.

Example: The Mona Lisa is one of the most ______ paintings in the world. (FAME)


The student’s argument was based on an incorrect assumption

about the prime minister’s intentions. (ASSUME)


After long and difficult negotiations, the two companies

reached an agreement that suited them both. (AGREE)


Our company is trying to

maximize/maximise/maximalize/maximalise its productivity.



She is extremely punctual – it is most unlikely that she will be

late. (LIKE)


The Roman emperor Nero ordered the burning of Rome in

order to build it anew. (EMPIRE)


When the UK voted to leave the EU, the pound immediately

weakened against the dollar. (WEAK)


We are still not completely sure what caused the mass

extinction/extinctions of the dinosaurs. (EXTINCT)


The concert was very disappointing to many fans – the lead

singer was off tune a number of times! (DISAPPOINT)


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