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The November-December 2012 issue of the Epistle.


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PUBLISHED BI-MONTHLYOfficial Publication of


HEMPSTEAD, NEW YORK 11550Tel.: (516) 483-5700FAX: (516) 564-8335

Web-site: www.stpaulhempstead.orge-mail: [email protected]

FR. LUKE M. MELACKRINOS………...............Editor-in-ChiefJOAN PRIESTON………………………..............ChairpersonGUS DRIVAS……………………………….........EditorTHEANA JOANNON………………………........EditorERIKA HADJOGLOU- PALMER........................ LayoutGEORGE K. LAVAS..............................................Photographer

Vol. LXIII November-December No. 11-12



Parish Council Executive CommitteeJAMES N. GEORGAKIS……...............................PresidentWILLIAM J. LEMBO…………............................Vice PresidentGEORGE A. VORKAS……….............................. SecretaryANTHONY P. VACCARI...................................... TreasurerSPYRO GEORGOPALIS...…................................ Finance SecretaryGEORGE MARINOS.............................................Finance SecretaryHARRY RAPTAKIS, Esq.……............................. Legal Advisor

Regular ScheduleBegins Sunday, September 9, 2012

Orthros 7:45 a.m.1st Divine Liturgy 9:00 a.m.

2nd Divine Liturgy 10:45 a.m.

Ορθρος 7:45 π.μ.Α’ Θεία Λειτουργία 9:00 π.μ.Β’ Θεία Λειτουργία 10:45 π.μ.

Emergency Telephone NumbersFather Luke Melackrinos............ 516-225-1718Father Panagiotis Zougras.......... 718-314-4703

Choir Director and ChanterDr. Efstratios Demertzis

Cathedral SecretariesNicole RousakisHelen Caras

Stewardship SecretaryHermea Drivas

SUNDAY EPISTLE & GOSPEL READINGSNovember 4th Galatians 6:11-18 Luke 16:19-31November 11th 2 Corinthians 4:6-15 Luke 10:25-37November 18th Ephesians 2:4-10 Luke 12:16-21November 25th Galatians 3:23-29; 4:1-5 Luke 18:18-27

December 2nd Ephesians 5:8-19 Luke 18:35-43December 9th Galatians 4:22-27 Luke 13:10-17December 16th Colossians 3:4-11 Luke14:16-24; Matthew 22:14December 23rd Hebrews 11:9-10; 32-40 Matthew 1:1-25December 30th Galatians 1:11-19 Matthew 2:13-23

CHURCH FEAST DAYSNovember 1st Sts. Kosmas & DamianosNovember 8th Synaxis of the ArchangelsNovember 9tth St. Nektarios the WonderworkerNovember 14th St. Philip the ApostleNovember 16th St. Matthew the Apostle and EvangelistNovember 21st Entrance of the Theotokos into the TempleNovember 25th St. Katherine the Great MartyrNovember 30th St. Andrew the First-Called Apostle

December 4th St. Barbara the Great MartyrDecember 6th St. Nicholas the WonderworkerDecember 9th Conception of the TheotokosDecember 12th St. Spyridon the WonderworkerDecember 25th Holy Nativity of Jesus ChristDecember 27th St. Stephen the First Martyr

Organist Adrienne Stamatas-Borbely 516-481-9333 (9-5)

St. Paul’s

New Years Eve Dinner December 31,2012 10:00 pm

Jonathans Restaurant, Garden City Park Seating is limited – Reservations through Dec 23 only

$80 Donation per persons Includes:

Unlimited Champagne, Wine, Beer and Soda Assorted Passed Hors d'oeuvres and Calamari

Choice of Salad and Main Course: Jumbo Shrimp & Sea Scallop Risotto,

Prime Sirloin Steak, Grilled Chicken Portobello, Veal Cotolette, Grilled Rack of Lamb Chops,

Penne al la Vodka, Atlantic Salmon, Shrimp Scampi Coffee, Tea & Choice of dessert.

For Reservations Contact:

April Mavrovitis – 516-353-5151 or Olga Georgakis – 516-579-6653

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Holiday BlessingsBy Father Luke Melackrinos

“The wall that separated heaven and earth is destroyed; the sword that barred the way to the tree of life disappears. Unto man that had sinned comes his Creator, calling him into

His embrace!”-Saint John, Archbishop of Shanghai

As we prepare to receive the Incarnate Logos, our Lord, God and Savior Jesus at the celebration of Christmas and witness the close of another year, I express my great gratitude to all of you for another blessed year at the Cathedral of St. Paul.

While the end of 2012 contained great struggle for so many of us and our neighbors with the havoc wrought by the storms we experienced, it is amazing to see how so many joined to together to help. Beyond this we had a truly a beautiful year filled with so many wondrous events. I won’t recap the entire year, but I would like to reminisce on the events that we enjoyed this past October. We started out with one of my personal favorite events, the Youth Family Fall Festival. Our children, parents and grandparents all enjoyed a great day with great food, fun and fellowship. I offer special thanks on behalf of the community to Fran Lutfy and to all who donated their time, talent and treasure to make this event a great day of fun for our youth.

We had another great community-wide event with the Greek School PTA’s great annual Wine and Cheese Event. This year there was also a Cigar Dinner for the gentlemen. Both events were extremely succesful and enjoyable. Special thanks to Kay and Spyro Georgopalis for their excellent and selfless efforts in making these events so perfect. The best part of the evening is that all of the funds will benefit the children of our Greek School Program.

We closed out the busy month of October by hosting the Choir Federation Conference for the Church Musicians of the Direct Archdiocesan District. It was a beautiful event that culminated with an amazing Divine Liturgy celebrated by His Grace, Bishop Sevastianos and a choir of over 80 church musicians from all over the Direct Archdiocesan District.

After the Choir Federation Conference we honored three individuals with the “Meritorious Service Award.” Kay Georgopalis, Nikolas Kontoleon and Jerry Makris were honored for the years of dedicated service to the Cathedral of St. Paul.

We look forward to many more great events in the new year, 2013, including our Annual Community Dance which will be different than past years. This upcoming dance will be held at Chateau Briand on Sunday, January 13, 2013. The dance will be a Vasilopita Cutting event for the entire community and will have great enticements for everyone in our community of all ages! We also will enjoy not having to set up and clean up as we are going to be at an outside location. I look forward to celebrating the new year with of all you!

We are continuing our commitment of serving the needy of our area. We have been working hard at our weekly Food Run and time at the Mary Brennan INN Soup Kitchen

I close my thoughts to share with you from the writings of St. Ephraim the Syrian. The following is from his hymns on the Nativity of our Lord, God and Savior Jesus Christ:

Blessed be that Child, Who gladdened Bethlehem today! Blessed be the Babe Who made manhood young again today! Blessed be the Fruit, Who lowered Himself to our famished state! Blessed be the Good One, Who suddenly enriched our necessitousness and supplied our needs! Blessed He Whose tender mercies made Him condescend to visit our infirmities!

Praise to the Fountain that was sent for our propitiation. Praise be to Him Who made void the Sabbath by fulfilling it! Praise too to Him Who rebuked the leprosy and it remained not, Whom the fever saw and fled! Praise to the Merciful, Who bore our toil! Glory to Your coming, which quickened the sons of men!

Glory to Him, Who came to us by His first-born! Glory to the Silence, that spoke by His Voice. Glory to the One on high, Who was seen by His Day-spring! Glory to the Spiritual, Who was pleased to have a Body, that in it His virtue might be felt, and He might by that Body show mercy on His household’s bodies!

Glory to that Hidden One, Whose Son was made manifest! Glory to that Living One, Whose Son was made to die! Glory to that Great One, Whose Son descended and was small! Glory to the Power Who did straiten His greatness by a form, His unseen nature by a shape! With eye and mind we have beheld Him, yea with both of them.

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Coming Back Strong After the StormBy Father Panagiotis Zougras

I hope you and your families recovered well after Hurricane Sandy & the Nor’Easter, Athena! Mark Twain once wrote, “A great deal has been said about

the weather, but very little has ever been done.” We have all been recently reminded that although we try to live our tightly controlled lives with our schedules, needs, wants, goals and so forth, consequently we are very little fish in a very big pond on this earth. We are at the mercy of Mother Nature and of our Lord’s hand and it is that something we can never control. Yet, the small things that we can control are the actions and thoughts of oneself. Since the storm, I have been blessed to see such beautiful acts of kindness and love from our parishioners here at the Cathedral of St. Paul!

We began Fall 2012 with a great start at our annual Fall Festival for which our dedicated Fran Lutfy did an amazing job chairing! The youth programs began with a great deal of excitement. The GOYANs went to Prospect, CT to attend Holiday Hill which is a camp filled with activities from horseback riding, canoeing, kayaking, basketball, baseball, swimming and all you could eat food. Bishop Andonios even took the time to meet with our GOYA executive board and the GOYANs were able to share their thoughts on what they would like to see in the GOYA program this year. The Hope and JOY programs had a costume party at the end of October and the JOY program had a very successful fall soccer season. The Scouts went on an offshore fishing trip in which they caught many blues and one striped bass. Currently, they are taking Orthodox classes to achieve their merit badge for the Religious Award.

The youth programs came to a halt for two weeks due to the storm but came back even stronger in attendance and in activities! Both the JOY and GOYA began practice for the upcoming MGOBL basketball season. We also enjoyed going to the movies together and watched “Wreck It Ralph” with JOY and their families. In the spirit of Christmas, the JOY program will be collecting childrens coats and they will be donated to the Mary Brennan Inn after Christmas. The JOY children also sang Christmas Carols for the Homebound at their luncheon on Nov 24th and I definitely saw joy in the eyes of the elderly! The GOYANs normally volunteer to distribute gifts and serve a lunch to the children and families of

the children who are in Cancer Care at Winthrop Hospital. Unfortunately, due to the storm, GEICO could not sponsor this event because too many of their employees have lost a great deal and they are going to sponsor a Christmas Event for their employees and family. In lieu of this, our GOYANs are going to give out food, clothing and school and cleaning supplies to those affected on Long Beach and Island Park. The GOYANs will continue to help in the aftermath of the storm on December 7th. The entire Long Island Inter-GOYA will be giving out IOCC packages to families devastated by this natural disaster. On December 10th, we will be going to Radio City Music Hall and on December 17th the GOYANs will have their Christmas Party.

I also invite you to come check out the Greek School at the Cassis Educational Building! Renovations were made possible by the generosity of our Parish Council and the PTA fundraisers, Bowling Night & Wine and Cheese Cigar Night. In addition to the changes we have made to the Greek School Program, we now have a computer lab and Greek Instructional Dance classes.I am excited to also announce that we have two new programs added to our Youth Program here are St. Paul’s:• Biddy League – Coached by John Caragiorgis for ages 5-7 weekly Saturday Instructional Basketball Program• YAL (Young Adult League) - Meetings are the last Thursday of every month at 8:00pm. They also have a Facebook account that has been put together by Maria Giannopoulos under the name, Nassau-Suffolk YAL. Many events such as bowling for charity, volleyball tournament and whitewater rafting trips are being scheduled!

I could not end this article without thanking all the amazing people that surround me and the youth of the Cathedral of St. Paul! Getting the programs up and running again after the storm was a challenge for the adults and for the kids! Thank you to an amazing Greek School Committee, Scout Leaders, MGOBL and Soccer Coaches, GOYA, JOY and the HOPE advisors, who truly take the brunt of everything and make being part of these programs such a pleasure. All these and so many others are incredible examples of the Orthodox faith and heart.

“The perfect person does good through love.” - St. Clement of Alexandria... I am blessed to be around so much PERFECTION!

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Being Politically Correct with Christ’s LoveBy Deacon Mathew Kakis We have been desensitized by our civil leaders and the secular world to accept the premise that every action and belief should be acceptable. Forget about “Freedom of Speech”. What ever happened to the Holy Commandments and the way the Lord expounded them on the “Sermon on the Mount” and more so by His very earthly life and sacrificial death. Are we to remain silent and offer the excuse that we are to avoid our personal martyrdom as the price for following Him?

Allow me to state unequivocally that we must pray for our leaders and always act with dignity in our actions of disagreement. These remarks are not meant to show personal support to one side or the other. Our prayers are for their salvation and to gain the Peace from Above. Our beloved St. Paul wrote this constantly in his epistles. With this in mind, individually and collectively, with the mind of Christ, we must speak up by voice, phone or pen when ignorance and disrespect is shown to His holy words. Remember, we have been given the power by the Seal of the Holy Spirit in our Baptism to be His witness whenever required. Recall our Lord’s response to the Pharisees who complained when the multitude praised Jesus as He entered Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, “I tell you, if these souls were silent, the very stones would cry out.” (Luke 19:40). We have the ability not to emulate St. Peter, who in weakness denied the Master three times, yet went out after receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost to become an unbelievable witness (martyr) as the leader of the Apostles. Our civil leaders in their weakness are trying to satisfy everyone so as to keep their position. They forget, you can not serve God and mammon. All of us must choose and it is up to us to constantly remind them in love. They may even attack us and hurt us but we have Him on our side and our obedience will be honored.

We know several of the issues very well. Abortion is at the top. Abortion is argued to be a personal choice and a heart wrenching one too. We have been told that it is a woman’s body and her right to choose, but are we permitted to ask, “who gave you that body and what power allowed that conception? No one should dare point a finger, we can only pray that Heaven’s love surround each person to make the right choice. What is our response? Only one, no matter how you feel, hate the sin but love the sinner as we are sinners too. They are His creation as each of us is and we must LOVE THEM. We are as imperfect as anyone. and He loves each of us with all our imperfections. Hard, maybe, but God’s Love is what sustains this world and to do any less is telling Him we are not worthy to seek His love. Asking why is not part of the game. We should read our Bible again and again and see that there are no conditions or ifs. Just do it. I recall my son’s reminder of military obedience; “you don’t have to like an order, you just have to do it”. We can think we are not in the military. Really? Our Supreme Commander has come to earth to give His life for the victory to live with Him for eternity with untold blessings which we can’t begin to fathom. The war is escalating every day. Elsewhere, He reminds us, “I have not come to bring peace but a sword.” The line has been drawn and we must choose our response.

Requesting prayerfully your forgiveness.

From the PresidentBy James N. Georgakis

I hope everyone is doing well and you are all taking advantage of the many ministries we offer. I want to thank the entire community that supports us by participating and helping at these events. All of

our programs are in full swing, including several key fundraisers. On Sunday September 30th we held our annual Fall Family Festival where all of our families joined together for a program of activities, including some great food and desserts. I want to thank Fran Lutfy and her entire committee for a wonderful day. We held our annual Golf Outing at the Garden City Country Club. We called on our Clergy to provide us with great weather and they came through. We had an outstanding afternoon of golf, lunch, gourmet dinner, and lots of great prizes. Thanks to George Marinos and the entire committee for a great job again this year. This is an event we are looking to expand and hope to see you all on the golf course next year. On October 12th, the Greek School PTA held their annual Wine and Cheese fund raiser. This year there was a twist to this event. The gentlemen were invited to share in a Cigar Night. The night was well attended. Everyone had a great time and we raised some much needed funds to support our Greek School Program. My congratulations to the chair people, Spiro and Kay Georgopalis and Tina Vasilakis, on a very successful event.Our Annual Community Dance has been moved from December to January. This change allows us the opportunity to cut the Vasilopita as a community. Please look for more details in the coming months. We recently made some much needed improvements to the Cassis Building. These enhancements included painting, new lighting, roof repairs, cleaning of the attic and basement and a new computer lab. For those of you who have not seen the repairs, I encourage you to stop over and see this face lift. I want to thank John Papachristos and his entire committee for creating a good learning and safe environment for our children. Stewardship is a key component to the continued ability of our Cathedral to offer the many ministries to our entire community. I encourage each of you to increase your pledge and, if you have not yet made your pledge for 2012, it is not too late. Every little bit helps. The Stewardship Committee has started distributing the packages for 2013. Please pick up your packages and encourage your family and friends to do so. It saves us the effort and the postage of mailing them out. It is important that each of you take the opportunity to fill out the Commitment Card which helps identify the talents that you can offer to our community. Please deliver it to the Cathedral Office as soon as possible. Of course, please consider what the Church and our Cathedral have meant to you and your family. We hope they will continue to be an important part of our families for generations to come.

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Greek Orthodox Cathedral of Saint PaulMinutes of the Parish Council Meeting of Thursday, August 23, 2012

The meeting was called to order by President Jim Georgakis at 8:05PM. Father Luke led us in the opening prayer.

The previous meeting minute’s from June 19, 2012 and July 19, 2012, were distributed by George Vorkas. Motion to approve both sets of minutes made by George Papazicos, seconded by Jim Ginis. Motion carried. Correspondence:President Jim Georgakis read the following correspondence.+ Letter from the Greek Orthodox Cathedral of St. Paul Byzantine Choir, asking for approval of their annual dinner to be held on September 28, 2012 at 7:30pm at Jonathan’s Restaurant. Motion to approve made by Tom Flouskakos, seconded by John Hajisava. Motion carried.+ Letter from the Philoptochos requesting the use of one of the bulletin boards. The specific board to be used will be determined at a later date by President Georgakis.

Stewardship Report: President Georgakis presented the following report as of July 31, 2012:

Year Number of Pledges Amount Pledged Average Pledge2012 770 $383,726 $498.35 2011 780 $377,467 $483.93 2010 800 $379,989 $474.99 Increase (decrease) (10) $6,259 $14.41

George Marinos spoke on behalf of the Stewardship Committee and he gave a report on the efforts to increase Stewardship. Harry Raptakis suggested that the Committee review the Stewardship roles from previous years and analyze if any parishioners have dropped off and to reach out to them. Jim Rigano updated us on the progress of a welcome letter and approach for new stewards and families who use the Cathedral for weddings and baptisms. An update will be presented at the next Parish Council meeting. Clergy Report:Father Luke reported on the following items regarding our Cathedral.+ On September 18th, at 7:30pm, Father Dimitri Carellas will be visiting our Parish to continue his series. George Zakos made a motion to approve airfare not to exceed $200 for his travel, seconded by Triphon Kollitides. Motion carried.+ Recognition Sunday is being moved to October 28th. Motion made by Michael Gurlides to approve. Seconded by Fran Lutfy. There was discussion regarding the honorees followed by motion being carried.+ On October 30th, Tuesday, we will be hosting All Saints Monastery in the Cathedral Center. Triphon Kollitides made a motion to approve, seconded by George

Zakos. Motion carried.+ Father Luke requested that the Entertainment Committee immediately start working with each Church organization on the coordination of the Vasilopita cutting at the Cathedral Annual Dinner in January, the date yet to be scheduled. Triphon Kollitides made a motion in favor of this event. Seconded by Jim Ginis. Discussion ensued, followed by motion carried. All organizations will be encouraged not to do their own Vasilopita and instead do one with the Cathedral of St. Paul family as a whole. An announcement will be made at the next General Assembly as well as reminders in the Weekly Bulletin. The Annual Journal will be adjusted to the new date of the Annual Dinner in January.

Youth Report:George Vorkas reported on behalf of the Youth Committee. George advised that Father Panayiotis is planning kick-off meetings for all organizations in September, as well as meeting with parents as well.

Treasurer’s Report:Tony Vaccari presented the following report as of July 31, 2012:

Current Liquid Assets $397,905Less: Decorations Fund ($98,072)Less: Renaissance Fund ($18,492)

$281,341 Liabilities $0 Net Available Funds $281,341

Month of July 2012

Year to Date 7/31/12

Month of July 2011

Year to Date 7/31/11

Revenue $66,231 $1,029,153 $57,718 $993,980 Expenses ($160,266) ($882,188) ($122,054) ($908,070)Surplus (Deficit) ($94,035) $146,965 ($64,336) $85,910 Less Proj Ren & Dec Funds (net) $2,750 $6,573 ($50) $61,733 Net Operating Surplus (Deficit) ($91,285) $153,538 ($64,386) $147,643

Jim Ginis made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report, seconded by Andy Andron. Motion carried.

Finance Committee Report:Tony Vaccari reported on the recent Finance Committee Meeting at which the following subjects were discussed:- Stewardship- Discussion on implementation of 2nd Tray on Sundays- Establishment of a Marketing Sub-Committee- Discussion on Candle sales- Analysis of energy bills for all properties- Establishment of a new Finance Committee position, Purchasing Manager- Establishment of the policy of the Finance Committee auditing 5 Church organizations yearly.- Budget Analysis

Reservations Committee Report:Bill Lembo reported on a request to use the Hellenic Room on February 16, Saturday, from 3pm to 7pm by a parishioner for a family birthday party. Bill made a

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the Chapel Roof by an approved contractor. Seconded by John Hajisava. Discussion ensued, followed by motion being carried.

Tony Pantelides updated the Parish Council on the continued efforts in troubleshooting the air conditioning units and the selection of a new service company to do the work. Tony will update the council at a future Parish Council meeting.

Library Sub-Committee:George Marinos reported on the continued efforts to setup and organize the selected room for use for the Library, as well as for use by Deacon Kakis. George Vorkas raised a concern regarding the computer room access which will be discussed with Jim Stephens on how to best address this issue.Homebound Committee Report:Joan Prieston reported on behalf of the Homebound. She advised that at the August 15 reception for the Homebound in the gym, that there was a wooden ramp constructed which allowed wheelchairs to move from the Community Center and into the gym. Joan made a motion for the purchase of a new, collapsible, aluminum ramp not to exceed $400. Seconded by Bill Lombard. Motion carried.

Financial Report:George Marinos presented the invoices to be paid. Discussion ensued with a motion to pay the invoices was made by Michael Gurlides, seconded by Liz Comack. Motion carried.

Old Business:• George Marinos reminded all on the upcoming Cathedral of St. Paul Golf Outing, being held at the Garden City Country Club, Thursday, September 20th. George urged all Parish Council members to participate in some fashion in the event, and to reach out to others for sponsorship.• George Hadjoglou reminded the House Committee that there was a plan to install a baby changing table in the left washroom on the 2nd floor. This will be addressed by the House Committee.• John Hajisava asked for an update on the Festival volunteer thank you breakfast. George Vorkas advised that no plans were made during the summer months since most are away and the Festival chairs will sit down and schedule a date, in conjunction with Fellowship, to schedule the breakfast at an appropriate date.• John Hajisava reminded all Parish Council members of the commitment by the Council to donate towards the Recognition Sunday reception.• George Lavas reported that Steve Makrinos has volunteered to help with the Parish Council directory.• Joan Prieston asked for an update on the relic glass cover in the Chapel. Father Luke advised that it is still being worked on. Update to be given at next Parish Council meeting.• Lou Patrickakos advised that we

motion to approve the use of the Hellenic Room on that date, seconded by John Hajisava. Motion carried. Bill will advise the parishioner on the rental fee.

Decorations Committee Report:Michael Gurlides reported on behalf of the Decorations Committee. Michael updated the Parish Council on the progress of the plaque that will be placed on the front entrance of the Community Center. Michael made a motion to approve a 12” x 12” bronze plaque that will have the following engraving: “The Reverend Nicholas J. Magoulias Ministry and Fellowship Center”. Seconded by Andy Andron. Discussion ensued, followed by motion being carried. George Papazicos suggested that reconciliation be done on the donations collected to date.

Church Committee Report:George Lavas reported on behalf of the Church Committee. George requested that all Parish Council members sign up for Church Duty as soon as possible, specifically for second liturgy throughout the year. George also reported on a letter received advising concern regarding the handling of Sunday memorials, which he is addressing. Related to the letter, there was discussion regarding the creation of a letter to be given to families with upcoming memorials, helping explain some of the Cathedral’s policies. George also raised concern regarding unwritten policies regarding the Pangari and it was agreed that the Parish Council members will work with each other to help each other.

House Committee Report:George Hadjoglou reported on behalf of the House Committee, specifically the window leaks in the Cathedral. There was an extensive water analysis done by Tony Pantelides and Dimitri Demetriou done on all the Cathedral windows. George distributed a diagram showing all the windows in the Cathedral, and detailed out the Committee’s suggestion of only repairing the right side windows (windows 8,9,10,11,12,13 from the diagram) of the Cathedral, where leaks were evident or where it appeared that there was damage. There were 3 estimates received for the work, which will include the putting up of scaffolding, and the re-caulking, replacing of sealant for t-bars and ventilators of each window. The Committee is suggesting to go with Rohlf’s who incidentally is the original installer of the windows in the Cathedral. George Hadjoglou made a motion to approve an amount not to exceed $10,962 for the work, seconded by Lou Yeostros. Discussion ensued, followed by motion being carried.

Tony Pantelides reported on the Chapel Roof. One of the leaks, which had been originally attributed to a window over the Chapel, appears to be as a result of the condition of the roof. Tony had received one bid, for $3600 thus far, and will be getting two additional bids. To help move the work along in a timely fashion, Tony made a motion to approve an amount not to exceed $3600 to do

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immediately look into the cleanliness of the kitchen, as many areas remain untouched since the Festival. This was referred to the House Committee.• Lou Patrickakos suggested that the caretakers consolidate their tools into one location since one of the current locations in the kitchen is easily accessible by children. This was referred to the House Committee.

New Business:• George Lavas stated that this week was the 9th Anniversary of Father Luke’s ordination to the priesthood. Panta Axios!• Jim Stephens will be investigating utilizing LCD screens for some of the Community Center bulletin boards. A report will be given at a future Parish Council meeting.• Father Luke requested that proper signage be put up near the front and back doors of the Community Center advising where the Church Office is and location of doorbell. Signage showing where our handicapped access is was also discussed. This was referred to the Security Committee.• Bill Lombard suggested that the House Committee look into installing a front walkway from Cathedral Avenue which goes to the Cathedral handicapped ramp.• Fran Lutfy reminded everyone that our Fall Festival is coming up on September 30th from 1pm to 5pm and encouraged all to attend and invite others. Fran also urged all Parish members to help with the event either by donations or manpower.• Liz Comack advised everyone that preparations for this year’s Annual Journal have started and to help support the Cathedral by taking out ads and by soliciting our local businesses.• George Lavas urged that the key distribution be analyzed with the change in Administration this coming January 2013, as it appeared many individuals have keys who should not. This was referred to the Security and House Committees that will organize a plan to change the locks in the Cathedral in 2013 and devise a policy as to who should hold which keys. In the past, the policy has been that only the officers should hold keys.• George Hadjoglou advised that on a recent trip to the Cathedral in the evening, he found the doors unlocked with no one present. This matter was referred to Father Luke and the House Committee which will address the appropriate personnel.• Michael Gurlides suggested that the Chapel donation tray be replaced by a tower. This was referred to the Church and Security Committee.• George Papazicos announced that the next Blood Drive will be on Tuesday, September 25th.

A motion to adjourn at 10:32PM was made by Michael Gurlides, seconded by Jim Ginis. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,George A. VorkasSecretary, Parish Council

Sacraments Celebrated at the Greek Orthodox Cathedral of St. Paul

SEPTEMBERWEDDINGSPhilip Santoro & Fotini TsirkasDomenico Iadevaia & Christina SchatiloffNicholas Preponis & Christine AthanasiouNicholas DeVillacian & Adrianna SiricaPhilip Mataragas & Kim Ann ProfetaMartin Gras & Joanna CroteauKonstantinos Kousiaris & Martha Lapsatis

BAPTISMSSon of Mr. & Mrs. ArsenisSon of Mr. & Mrs. KidonakisSons of Mr. & Mrs. DrivasSon of Mr. & Mrs. TheodoratosDaughter of Mr. & Mrs. FosterDaughter of Mr. & Mrs. Aliprandis

FUNERALSStavroula KarkalisJohn Drivas

OCTOBERWEDDINGSChristopher Oetting & Daphne ChrysanthopoulosDimitrios Doris & Eugenia LeonidouPaul Dircks & Kalliopi CockinosPanayiotis Kaniklis & Constantina KatehisDanilo Ceron & Zoi ZaharopoulosPeter Petromanolakis & Patty RaftisJason J. Poulos & Paraskevi Paxos

BAPTISMSSon of Mr. & Mrs. KalogirosDaughter of Mr. & Mrs. SofianosDaughter of Mr. & Mrs. Grenier

FUNERALSGeorge PaterakisDiane NicholopoulasPeter K. Demirakos

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St. Anna’s PhiloptochosBy Soteroulla Constantinou, President

Our mission is to promote charitable and philanthropic outreach to preserve the sanctity of life and families and perpetuate and promote our Orthodox faith and traditions. That being said, we as the St. Anna’s chapter have done our best to carry out this mission and to assist as many people as possible.

This past year, with your support, we have donated funds to many different organizations such as, St. Michael’s, St. Basil’s, Hellenic College Holy Cross, to our beloved Cathedral of St. Paul,and many other philanthropic and charitable organizations. With the combined efforts of all the chapters, National Philoptochos donated $2.8 million from 1/2010-12/2011 to various philanthropic endeavors and ministries. Also, National has signed a contract to purchase a property in New York City which will be known as “The Center of Philanthropy” and it will house philoptochos offices where they will be able to carry out our mission and philanthropic endeavors. It will be a place where the needy will be able to get financial assistance and will be offered resources, such as workshops in order to assist them to get their life back in order, and other Social Services.

To promote literacy, with the help of author Nick Katsoris who wrote the children’s series “Loukoumi”, we will be taking orders for these wonderful children’s books. For every book ordered, $4 will go to National, and one book will be donated to the charity of our choice. Also, $2 will go to St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital. So as you can see, supporting St. Anna’s supports many people in many places.

Our recent events were the Christmas Luncheon on Dec. 6, 2012 which was held at The Westbury Manor, the Christmas wreath sale on Dec. 9, 2012 and Christmas Bake Sale, Dec. 16, 2012. We thank everyone for their support and for helping make these events successful.

Our next General Membership Meeting will be held on January 22, 2012.

Grief & Bereavement Support GroupBy Anna Dounelis

Coping With Loss During A Holiday

One of the hardest parts of getting through any holiday for those in grief is the belief that we have to be cheerful just because it is a holiday. Those who are grieving often feel badly for not feeling good, or if they manage to have a good time, they feel guilty for laughing or feeling joy because they think they should still be in mourning. It’s a bit of a vicious cycle.

The same kind of guilt can crop up surrounding the continuing of a holiday tradition: ‘Should I decorate as usual? How can I when my loved one is not here?’ It may feel wrong to celebrate without your husband, or wife but it is not wrong to celebrate. The most useful tool against these feelings of guilt and confusion, experts say, is to ask yourself what would he or she have wanted for you. In many ways we often do the reverse: “He’s gone, and I can’t do this.” But that’s exactly what your loved one wouldn’t have wanted for you. You do not honor your loss by depriving yourself of your traditions or of the celebrations that holidays entail.

It’s important to remember that you’re allowed to be happy, and you’re allowed to feel sad. It is okay to be selfish with your own needs at this time and it’s important to be gentle with yourself. It is okay to turn down certain holiday invitations to give yourself space. It’s also okay to let your family know when you need extra support at times especially during a holiday. However, if you feel yourself thinking very negative thoughts, don’t isolate yourself…pick up the phone, get out of the house, do something!

Perhaps one of the most important things to remember around a holiday is to celebrate the life of your loved one instead of mourning his or her, death. Your loved one will always be with you. The key is to not focus on the loss. Focus instead on the warmth of their memory rather than the cold of their absence.

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Fall Happenings around St. Paul...

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Greek School Wine, Cheese & cigar night!

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School of Religious EducationBy Joan Prieston

The 2012-2013 school term has commenced and the program is well underway. Our current registration is 276 students but, as usual, we expect late students to register after they have completed their athletic commitments.

The Orientation Program was well attended. The teachers reported to their workshops and discussions about their respective grades were addressed. Father Luke reported that this year’s program will consist of the periodic Youth Liturgy which has always been well attended and so impressive to our students. Also, Father Luke informed them that the Holy Bible will be presented to the Fourth Grade students in the Cathedral during the Divine Liturgy, an annual event.

On October 21 the Youth Liturgy was held in the Hellenic Room for Grades 1-11. Also on this day, Jennie Pappas, a member of our Curriculum Committee, met privately with the teachers of Grades 5-11 to discuss the Ten Commandments and their significance to all of us. This information will enable the attending teachers to enhance their lessons in their classrooms. A Question and Answer Period was encouraged to further explain each Commandment and its relevance to all of us.

The Communion Breakfast for our students and families was held on Saturday, November 17th. It was important that our students attend so that they could receive the Holy Gifts with their peers and their families. On Saturday, November 17 and Sunday, November 18, the Sunday School held its Annual Holiday Boutique. Many items were available: lighted Christmas trees, table Christmas holiday scenes, hand-made items, religious articles, baked goods and, of course, Yiayia’s Attic, always a favorite of interesting “finds”. The Tuesday ladies worked all year to create their beautiful creations but the Holiday Boutique would not have been successful if it weren’t for the support and generosity of our community. Your donations of baked goods, gifts for our raffle and items from your own “Yiayia’s Attic” enhanced our sales. An added attraction this year was the vendors whose wares added to the excitement of our event. As always our benefactors, Bob Donus and Faith & George Drapan, donated generously to our Boutique for which we sincerely thank them.

This event is the Sunday School’s biggest fundraiser which includes the raffle with its abundant array of prizes. The success of the Holiday Boutique enables the Sunday School to provide the books and supplies which are essential in reaching our religious and educational goals.

We thank our community for its loving support again!

Mr. & Mrs. ClubBy Ann Stephens

Getting the fall season under way, the Mr. & Mrs. Club held a spectacular opening event. Over one hundred people attended the private screening of “Bouzouki on the Roof”. This show was initially performed as a play at our beautiful Cathedral Center in 1989. The audience delighted in recognizing many of their friends on the big screen and other parishioners that they know. The Club’s president, April Mavrovitis, presented a digital version of the original play for all to enjoy. Popcorn, soda, sangria and huge candy bars added to the “movie experience” as we all watched the story unfold.

It was a nostalgic evening filled with warm memories of the events leading up to the main production of “Bouzouki on the Roof”. The story, a Greek spinoff of the classic “Fiddler on the Roof”, had the audience jeering at the villains and cheering for the heroes. Many remembered it was a year long effort of practice and perseverance to attain the perfection they achieved. We all enjoyed the performance!

The Mr. & Mrs. Club has a long history of fun and festivities. Some of our upcoming events include “A Night at the Races”, our version of the Kentucky Derby Classic, on January 15th and our famous “Valentines Day Dinner” on February 14th. Mark you calendars!

We are looking forward to returning to the membership we once enjoyed. New ideas are welcome. Club dues remain at $25 for couples and $15 for individuals. Come on down, join us and help us make the Club what it once was.

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St. Paul’s Daughters of Penelope, Pasithea Chapter #141By Pauline Alexander, President

It’s so good to feel the crisp fall air and to be back doing the things we are used to diong. Our Daughters got off to a great beginning with our annual bake sale on September 23. The pastry was wonderful and was supported by the entire community. Thanks go to Paris Zaferiou who was a one woman dynamo and who served as our chairperson. Also on September 30 many of our members helped Fran Lufty, our Vice President, at the Fall Festival.

On October 4, the Solon Society, the Laconian Association, Ahepa and the Pasithea Chapter attended a lecture by renowned Professor Peter Balakian on the Armenian genocide. The lecture was open to all. Professor Balakian is a gifted author, poet and speaker and is on the staff at Colgate University. He was introduced to us by his colleague and friend Tina Mavrikos-Adamou, formerly of Colgate University and currently at Hofstra University. Many people of Armenian heritage attended that evening and many times it was evident to see the emotion in the room when the tragic stories were being told. There was a discussion as to how important it is to not forget this nightmare perpetrated on the Armenian people and also Turkey’s lack of taking responsibility for this atrocity. The Laconians provided refreshments and during that time, Prof. Balakian was kind enough to autograph his books for his fans.

If you wish to join our chapter, the cost is $40 annually. We meet on the second Wednesday of every month and we are a philanthropic organization. In addition to sponsoring children at St. Basil’s Academy, we donate to a variety of philanthropic causes. Our board consists of the following members: Fran Lutfy, Vice President/Membership; Geraldine Fairfull, Treasurer; Helen Wallace, Corresponding Secretary; Marion Panos, Recording Secretary and Jacquie Ursini, District Advisor.

AHEPA By C. Dionysios Dionou, President

Our new year has gotten off to a rousing start. On October 14th, 2012, we held our annual Pasta Dinner and a fun time was had by all. Thank you to all who pitched in to make it a wonderful success. On October 4th and 29th, we participated in joint organization lecture events with the Laconian Association, the Solon Society and the Daughters Pasithea Chapter. We look forward to more of these occurring in the future.

If anyone is aware of news of one of our brothers - falling asleep in the Lord, illness, etc. please inform one of our officers. If you wish to join the AHEPA, please contact one of our officers. We also have an email address to contact us: [email protected]

A Happy Thanksgiving and a very Merry Christmas to all.

LIACABy Teena Grosinski

Members of LIACA and their friends gathered for a Welcome Back BBQ/Picnic on Sunday, October 7th. In spite of the weather, the attendance was nearly 200. A good time was had by all. The members prepared the delicious Cypriot souvla, sheftalies, loukaniko and halloumi with many other delicious foods and desserts which we all anticipate and looked forward to enjoying, our musical friends “The Rebetes from East Meadow” joined us once again to provide a memorable afternoon of singing, music and dancing. What a wonderful party!!!! Everyone seemed to be having a really great time!!!

LIACA has a very full schedule of events this year. Our calendar is as follows:January 14th -- Meeting/VasilopitaFebruary 11th -- Meeting/Movie NightMarch 11th ---- MeetingApril 14th ----- Lenten DinnerMay 13th ------ End of Year MeetingJuly 21st -------- Memorial for Fallen of 1974

All meetings are at 7:30 in the Hellenic Room of the Cathedral of St. Paul. We look forward to seeing you there. Come and share the camaraderie of our group.

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Blood Drive September 2012By Erika Hadjoglou Palmer

I want to start by thanking all of the donors who came on Tuesday, September 25th to give a pint of blood - ‘The Gift of Life’. A special thank you to the five Automated Red Blood Cell Donors, (Process called Apheresis Automatic Process, which allows donors to give two pints of red blood cells) namely: George Billims, Jonathan Gran, John Mikos, Spiros Papacostas and George Zakos.

I also want to thank the many people with children who came to donate and were able to utilize our ‘child -friendly corner’. The children had a great time coloring and making fall projects and who seemed to enjoy every minute of it! A special thank you to Terry Macris and Irene Charalambous for their assistance with the children. Hopefully the success of this child-friendly area will motivate more moms and dads to come out with their children for our February Blood Drive.

I would like to thank Roula Zografos for all her hard work making phone calls to hundreds of donors the night before and for helping the day of the drive as well. I would also like to thank George Papazicos whose prescence at this event has been invaluable.

Above all, I would like to commend and thank Kay Pamas for her continued guidance and leadership which has made this event a success. Kay Pamas has been chairing the Blood Drive for over 50 years, an amazing dedication!

Please mark your calendars for our next Blood Drive which will take place on Tuesday, February 5th 2013.

Donors:Marcus Arianas George BillimsDeanna CerroneErinoulla CharalambousYiannoulla CharalambousElias ChrysanthisJudith ChrysanthisChrys ConradyGeorgia ConstantinePaula ConteConstantine CoulurisJames DelegianisKatina DemasRobert DennisBob DonusAnna DounelisFaith DrapanJohn EbbetsMargaret EdelmanMichelle FemminellaLawrence FodrowskiMaria GiannopoulosJames GinisJonathan GranIrene GregovKelly HaassGeorge HadjoglouTara HadjoglouMark HeighingtonGerald HolderAlexandra InglimaAthena KallinikosPanagiota KarellasChrisa Kenny

Triphon KollitidesMaria KoutsourasMaureen LaneEllen LeondisAnnoula LukasCatherine MarinosJames MatheuDeanna McLaughlinFather Luke MelackrinosPres. Marusia MelackrinosJohn MikosHarry MonioudisGeorge NickasIan O’GradyErika Hadjoglou PalmerCathy PantelidesGabrielle PapacostasSpiros PapacostasRoula PartridgeLeah PascarellaJames PlackisEmanuel PolichronakisVictoria PontilloElaine PoulosCostas RigasMaria RigasJohanna ScuderoJames Stephens Lauren SuitorsKalliope TsigakosNiki Vasiliades Joyce VlogianitisGeorge Zakos

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Fall Festival 2012 By Fran Lutfy

While the end of summer is a bittersweet time, here at our Cathedral it is marked by a fun reminder of all the exciting events that are about to begin for the whole community. Our Fall Festival took place on Sunday, September 30. In addition to the great food, pony rides, petting zoo, arts and crafts and inflatable rides, this year we brought back some old time favorites and some new events. Our dunk tank extravaganza starring Father Panagioti, was memorable. He deserves many kudos for being the best dunkee and sport ever! Perhaps it was divine intervention that not too long after his dunking, we all got dunked with a freak, but luckily, brief rain. Not to worry though, our festival endured with the help of great frappe, fun rides and alas some sunlight. We also had two awesome pie eating contests which were fun for the kids and kind of yucky for us adults.

The success of the Fall Festival would not be possible without the help of so many wonderful members of this community. To list all of you would result in a list of a great percentage of our Church membership and the risk of someone being inadvertently left out. What makes this event so special is that so many of us band together to just have fun and reconnect before the real work of our year begins. What never ceases to amaze me is the kindness and dedication of so many members of our community. On behalf of the Parish Council and clergy, I wish to thank you all so very much and to wish a wonderful year. And to Father Luke, your dunking awaits.....

Διδαχές Γερόντων Για το θάνατο1. Ο Γέροντας Φιλόθεος έλεγε ότι ο άνθρωπος στην παρούσα ζωή περνάει από πολλές δυσκολίες, τις όποιες πρέπει να αντιμετωπίζει με πίστη στο Θεό. Ειδικό¬τερα τόνιζε: «Ή παρούσα πρόσκαιρη ζωή μοιάζει με θά¬λασσα και εμείς οι άνθρωποι είμαστε πλοιάρια. Και όπως τα πλοία πού ταξιδεύουν στη θάλασσα δεν συναντούν μό¬νο γαλήνη αλλά πολλές φορές συναντούν ισχυρούς ανέ¬μους και μεγάλες τρικυμίες και κινδυνεύουν, έτσι και ε¬μείς, οι όποιοι ταξιδεύουμε στη θάλασσα της πρόσκαιρης ζωής, συναντούμε πολλές φορές ισχυρούς ανέμους, και μεγάλες τρικυμίες, σκάνδαλα, πειρασμούς, ασθένειες, θλί¬ψεις, στενοχώριες, διωγμούς και διάφορους κινδύνους. Δεν πρέπει όμως να δειλιάζουμε. Να έχουμε θάρρος, αν¬δρεία, πίστη. Και αν ως άνθρωποι ολιγόψυχοι και ολιγόπιστοι δειλιάσουμε στους κινδύνους, να φωνάξουμε στο Χριστό όπως ό Πέτρος και εκείνος θα απλώσει το χέρι του και θα μας βοηθήσει».2. Οι Γέροντες αντιμετώπιζαν το θάνατο με γενναιό¬τητα και βαθιά πίστη στην αιώνια ζωή. Ενδιαφέροντα τα όσα έλεγε παραβολικά ο Γέροντας Γεώργιος, καθώς αισθανόταν ότι το τέλος της επίγειας ζωής του ήταν πολύ κοντά: «Πρέπει να φύγω. Είναι θέλημα Θεού και πρέπει να φύγω, γιατί η αμαρτία προχώρησε πολύ. Μέσα στο βούρκο της αμαρτίας κυλιέται ο κόσμος και δεν το κατα¬λαβαίνει. Και αυτά έμενα με κουράζουν. Πρέπει να φύγω. Εκείνο πού λυπάμαι όμως είναι τα δέντρα πού φύτεψα στο περιβόλι, γιατί είναι ακόμα μικρά και αδύνατα. Δεν πρόλαβαν να μεστώσουν, να γίνουν δέντρα με γερό κορμό και με τον πρώτο αέρα θα λυγίσουν». «Έκανα ένα κοπάδι πρόβατα και είμαι τσοπάνος και φροντίζω τα πρόβατα μου να είναι όπως εγώ τα θέλω. Όταν όμως θα φύγω, το κοπάδι μου θα σκορπίσει. Θα μείνουν βέβαια πρόβατα στη μάντρα μου, αλλά πολλά θα φύγουν και θα ταλαν¬τεύονται εδώ και εκεί. Θα έρθουν και ξένα πρόβατα στη μάντρα μου και θα διδαχτούν από τα πιστά μου πρόβατα και δεν θα λυγίσουν με κανένα τρόπο». Και άλλοτε έλεγε σε πνευματικά του τέκνα: «Μη στενοχωριέστε, γιατί όλοι θα φύγουμε από εδώ. Περαστικοί διαβάτες είμαστε. Εδώ ήρθαμε για να δείξουμε τα έργα μας και να φύγουμε».3. Για τη μνήμη του θανάτου, ό Γέροντας Δανιήλ έλεγε: «Όταν θυμάμαι το θάνατο, πατώ την αλαζονεία μου, κατανοώ ότι δεν είμαι τίποτα, συναισθάνομαι ότι ό πλούτος, η τιμή και η φθαρτή φαντασία είναι μάταια και ανωφελή και μόνο η ταπεινή επίγνωση του εαυτού μου και ή αγάπη του πλησίον μου και τα παραπλήσια με αυτά καλά μπορούν να με βοηθήσουν κατά την ώρα της εξόδου μου. Όταν όμως αποχαιρετήσω τη μνήμη του θανάτου, τότε και το λογιστικό και το επιθυμητικό και το θυμικό της ψυχής μου γεμίζουν με ξένους και αντίξοους λογισμούς και γίνομαι χλεύη ανθρώπων και δαιμόνων».

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