november 2012 parent newsletter

Principal Ideas ParentNewsletter PAGE 1 THE LA SALLE LearnServeLead FOR PARENTS AND FRIENDS OF LA SALLE HIGH SCHOOL PASADENA CALIFORNIA NOVEMBER 2012 The words of St. John Baptist de La Salle to the first Brothers “Those called to teach children must devote themselves to bringing them up in the Christian Spirit.” Saint John Baptist de La Salle c.1703 Letters to new Brothers Continued on page 2 In a day or sooner you will be receiving, in the mail, a midsemester report card that will advise you of your student’s work. This report is the best and most accurate indicator of how each student is doing academi- cally. While these grades are important, they are in fact leading us towards semester grades in December, which become permanent and are placed on each student’s transcript. The old adage, “It ain’t over till it’s over” is most true in the academic arena. Many, many students at La Salle are achieving fine grades that are com- mensurate with their abil- ity, their hard work and their dedication to studies. I applaud them for achiev- ing fine and outstanding grades. I encourage these students to continue taking care of business. We are at the mid-point of the se- mester and I commend them on their work effort. Keep it up! Not far from those students who are attain- ing success are some students who are struggling with their academic performance. The “struggling” can be attributed to many things. I know that each student’s Academic Advisor is ready, willing and able to assist by offering the proper support and counsel. If the grades are not where they are sup- posed to be, there is still ample time to correct them before mid-December when semester exams roll around. Many opportuni- ties are available to remedy academic deficiencies. The National Honor Soci- ety students provide great tutoring assistance, as well as our Student Success Workshop (SSW) which meets after school, Mon- day through Thursday. The only requirement is a willing attitude and desire to improve. The mid-semester grades are often a “wake-up call” for students. Now, if they will just answer the call! Your Vote Counts As a former classroom instructor in civics, government and U. S. History, this was a wonderful time, every four years, to be teaching. Students in our Mentor program have received some education on the current major political candidates and ballot issues. They were invited to cast their

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The Parent Newsletter is produced monthly for the La Salle High School community


Page 1: November 2012 Parent Newsletter

Principal Ideas



The La SaLLe



The words of St. John Baptist de La Salle to the first Brothers

“Those called to teach children must devote themselves to bringing them up in the Christian Spirit.”

Saint John Baptist de La Salle c.1703 Letters to new Brothers

Continued on page 2

In a day or sooner you will be receiving, in the mail, a midsemester report card that will advise you of your student’s work. This report is the best and most accurate indicator of how each student is doing academi-cally. While these grades are important, they are in fact leading us towards semester grades in December, which become permanent and are placed on each student’s transcript. The old adage, “It ain’t over till it’s over” is most true in the academic arena. Many, many students at La Salle are achieving fine grades that are com-mensurate with their abil-ity, their hard work and their dedication to studies. I applaud them for achiev-ing fine and outstanding grades. I encourage these students to continue taking care of business. We are at the mid-point of the se-mester and I commend them on their work effort. Keep it up! Not far from those students who are attain-ing success are some students who are struggling with their academic performance. The “struggling” can be attributed to many things. I know that each

student’s Academic Advisor is ready, willing and able to assist by offering the proper support and counsel. If the grades are not where they are sup-posed to be, there is still ample time to correct them

before mid-December when semester exams roll around. Many opportuni-ties are available to remedy academic deficiencies. The National Honor Soci-ety students provide great tutoring assistance, as well as our Student Success Workshop (SSW) which meets after school, Mon-day through Thursday. The only requirement is a willing attitude and desire to improve. The mid-semester grades are often a “wake-up call” for students. Now, if they will just answer the call!

Your Vote Counts As a former classroom instructor in civics, government and U. S. History, this was a wonderful time, every four years, to be teaching. Students in our Mentor program have received some education on the current major political candidates and ballot issues. They were invited to cast their

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ParentNewsletter NOVEMBER 2012


Principal IdeasContinued from page 1

ballots and we’ll see how their voting corresponds with other students across this state and country. Regardless of what our students do, please remem-ber to vote by absentee ballot or on Election Day, November 6. Your vote does make a difference.

Remember the Defenders of Freedom On Monday, November 12 (the day after Open House for prospective students and parents) we will honor our men and women who have served our country in the military by having a school holi-day. While the day away from school and work can result in fun and play, let us not forget that one of the reasons we are a strong and vibrant nation is because concerned individuals volunteer to defend our freedoms and rights. They willingly serve and sometimes do not come home from harm’s way. On this special day we say THANK YOU to them for protecting and serving our country.

To Be Thankful As this new month begins, we are clearly in the throes of the fall season. Our trees have begun to shed their leaves and we have turned our clocks back one hour. The days are growing shorter and the temperatures are dropping. For me, this means that Thanksgiving is just around the corner. I, like so many of you have many reasons to be thankful amid the challenges and organized chaos we live with each day. However, I say thank you for all that God has placed before me: family, friends, loved ones, good health, students (absolutely!), families, our school community, my religious community, freedoms, benefactors and the list goes on and on and on.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Brother Christopher Brady, FSC Principal

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From the Parent Association


Family, Community and the Arts! Like so many parents with college-age children, we’re reminded that the month of October typically marks the season of family and parents’ weekends across the nation’s campuses. Kathi and I were no exception as we found ourselves back east visiting the college of our middle daughter Lisa ’12. Having gone through this ritual previously with daughter Mary Pat ’09, we have found this annual event to be a wonderful opportunity for us to immerse ourselves and experience the sights and sounds of their homes-away-from-home. Experiencing college along with other families, in addition to seeing our daughter finding success at her college, was a constant reminder of what we as parents do here at La Salle and the comfort we find in knowing that we’re part of a much larger community. As parents, we look to family and community to provide a network of support for our children, and for those of us that call La Salle our home, we look to each other. At La Salle, this has become a way of life that ultimately guides our collective family in everything that we do and ever hope to achieve. On Sunday, October 21st, we were able to take part in a most extraordinary event that embodies our sense of the La Salle community and of the spirit that embraces it. As a family, over 180 of us shared in the experience of the Family Communion Breakfast and were blessed in being able to celebrate the liturgy with Father Alan Phillip. It was an especially moving and personally fulfilling occasion with so many families participating. Our thanks go to our returning committee co-chairs MaryAnna Mullins P’14 and Charmayne Ealy P’13 for all of their hard work and efforts in helping to make this once again such a wonderful and memorable event. For our November general Parent

Association meeting, we have an unparalleled opportunity to showcase the talents and accomplishments of our own La Salle Arts Department with displays representing both our Visual and Performing Arts departments. First we’ll be treated to a glimpse into this fall’s theatre

production: Oscar Wilde’s “The Importance of Being Earnest,” starring the theatrical prowess of the production’s cast. Additionally, we will be showcasing art boards displaying the works of our La Salle artists. And finally, to ring in the holiday season we’ll be treated to a holiday medley featuring our La Salle chorus. Don’t miss this opportunity to share in what promises to be a fantastic evening. And once again, parents are reminded that they are each given credit for one service hour for every meeting attended. Given that November is typically viewed as a “kick-off” to the holiday season, the November Parent Association meeting should be no exception. At the conclusion of our last meeting of 2012, please join us for a festive, pre-holiday celebration hosted by Dr. Gray and the Parent Association. Special refreshments and hors d’oeuvres will be served. We hope to see all of you there!

With continued best wishes for an exciting year,

NEXT Parent AssociationMeeting: Tuesday, November 13, 7:45pm Blakeslee Library

Craig Snodgrass, P’09, ’12, ’14Parent Association President

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La Salle Matters



Each year, right around the time that the Royal Court of the Tournament of Roses is announced, I am reminded of the 80/20 rule (80% of the work is done by 20% of the workers). This certainly seems true of the seven impressive young women who survived the month-long winnowing out process which began with 900 supplicants to the throne. Our own Tracy Cresta ’13 is a case in point. Chosen to be one of the seven who will ride down Colorado Boulevard in royal splendor on Tuesday, January 1st, here at La Salle, Tracy is also a captain of the cross country and track and field teams and is a member of the National Honor Society, the California Scholarship Federation, Student Ambassadors and the Physical Activity Club. She will need to balance studying for tests, turning projects in on time, filling out college applications and maintaining a high degree of involvement in her chosen sports and activities while appearing at the more than 150 events that are expected of a member of the Royal Court. And, Tracy was not the only Lancer ready to shoulder the burden of Tournament responsibilities. Jen Robi '13 and Alexandra Cross '13 made it to the final 25, from which the seven members of the Court were selected.

I find it fascinating that talented and involved young women like Tracy, Jen and Alex are willing to squeeze one more thing into their incredibly busy schedules. Even more remarkable is the fact that they confidently put themselves into an arena in which over 900 other teenagers were vying for the same seven slots on the Queen’s Float. While it may be true that many of the 900 contestants may not have been as serious about winning one of the seven slots which were awarded to Tracy and her companions, still, in an era in which adolescence is viewed by many as a self-centered world of drama, intrigue and wildly

inaccurate gossip; these young women chose to lift themselves above the Sturm und Drang of adolescent social pressures to reach for a goal that, if achieved, meant more work, more self-discipline and less time to do the things that teenagers do.

What they may not realize, in the midst of the excitement and publicity which surrounds their selection to the Court, is that they are absorbing magnificent life lessons that will serve them well on their journey to adulthood. These are lessons that high school teachers have been trying to share with their adolescent charges for as long as schools have existed: discipline in one’s personal and professional life; cooperation with individuals

one probably never met before and who may (or may not) become life-long friends, being pleasant to complete strangers (over and over again), channeling one’s energies in support of situations completely out of one’s control and, especially, smiling even when you do not feel like it. Tournament of Roses Pre s ident Sa l l y B ixby ch o s e a s h e r t h e m e : Oh the Places You’ll Go. The great educational lesson for these young women is to be found in

President Bixby’s observation that this year’s theme will have resonance in the lives of all the girls on the Royal Court. In her words: “There is nothing you cannot do; nowhere you cannot be.” I cannot think of a more important message to give young women who are about to enter the uncertain world of adulthood in which higher education and professional success are being challenged by economic turmoil. The Tournament’s world of possibility opened to these young women at the time of their 15 second interview in which they successfully distinguished themselves from the other 900 candidates. But it did not stop there. This queen and her six princesses had to pass through

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ParentNewsletter NOVEMBER 2012

La SaLLe HigH ScHooL

3880 e. Sierra Madre BLvd. PaSadena, caLifornia


TeLePHone 626.351.8951facSiMiLe 626.351.0275


La SaLLe Parentnewsletter

iS PuBLiSHed MonTHLy

excePT January and JuLy

By La SaLLe HigH ScHooL of PaSadena, incorPoraTed

© 2012•

ediTor, deSigner JoHn BLackSTock ’67

direcTor of coMMunicaTionS

TeLePHone: 626.696.4316

• eMaiL:

[email protected]

Transforming Lives Since 1680

Richard Gray, Ph.DPresident

four more rounds of interviews in which 250 candidates were reduced to 75, then 25 and finally, seven. The stamina, commitment and drive needed to successfully negotiate this challenging process say a great deal about the Royal Court. More importantly, it reflects their strength of character and sense of confidence so necessary later in life when they will be confronted with promoting themselves in job interviews, sustaining long hours as they build their career and balancing family and work, when the time comes. I asked Tracy Cresta what she has learned so far from her experience with the Tournament. Amazingly, she replied: “I’ve learned how to be more confident.” This, from a young woman who has a full schedule of athletics and service activities at School on top of a grueling schedule with the Tournament. Oh, and by the way, she plans to attend either San Diego State University or Loyola Marymount University and hopes to become a lawyer and later, a judge.

“Oh the places you’ll go.”

In order to properly allocate financial aid for incom-ing freshman for next year, we have added an earlier due date.There will be two Financial Aid Deadlines in 2013.

1) Incoming Freshman and Transfer Students (includes new siblings); DEADLINE: January 18, 2013 (the same date that the applications are due). For this deadline, parents must submit 2011 tax returns.

2) Returning Students without new siblings; DEADLINE: February 4, 2013. Parents must submit 2012 tax returns.

Financial Aid applications will still be availablebeginning December 1st.

If you have questions plese contact Mr. Robert Packard, CFO at 626.696.4334 or [email protected].

New Student Financial Aid

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ParentNewsletter NOVEMBER 2012

You or your company can become a sponsor, or place an ad in our Crystal Ball program.

Rêvez Grand Auction Through the generosity and support of people like you, The Crystal Ball, our School’s largest fundraising event, has raised funds to support many of our worthwhile programs such as academic, visual and performing arts, athletic, tuition assistance, faculty/ staff pro-fessional development and technology.

In support of these efforts, please consider making a tax-deductible donation to this year’s Crystal Ball, which will be held on April 12, 2013, at the Langham Huntington, Pasa-dena. We expect over 350 guests to enjoy the evening themed “Cirque De La Salle Rêvez Grand (Dream Big).”

There are many ways you can donate!

• Gift Certificates• Memorabilia• Vacation Homes• Airline Miles

• Gift Baskets• Event Tickets• Hotel Points• Unique Collectibles

• VIP Tours• Theme Park Passes• Movie Tickets• Spa Certificates

For local small business professionals like realtors and restaurants, a Business Card ad is the perfect way to promote your business to others in the area.If you are interested in becoming a sponsor, donor or advertiser, please contact Pamela Jacques at 626.826.1601 or email at [email protected]. We sincerely appreciate your support and look forward to see-ing you at the Cirque De La Salle.

Sponsorships include: Maître D’Anneau (Ring Master) $20,000

Artiste de Trapèze (Trapeze Artist) $15,000

Artiste Aèrien de Sole (Aerial Silk Artist) $10,000

Donation ideas include:

Crystal Ball 2013 Cirque De La Salle

Contorsionniste (Contortionist) $5,000

Acrobate (Acrobat) $2,500

Lance-Flammes (Flame Thrower) $1,500

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ParentNewsletter NOVEMBER 2012

The Board of Regents Campaign for the Arts is well underway with over $70,000 in gifts and pledges to date. The $300,000 initiative is tailored to add to the strengths of each of the School’s six programs in the Arts (Visual Art, Instrumental Music, Vocal Music, Dance, Theatre, Film and Video Production). More than 43% of La Salle students benefit from the Schools award-winning Arts programs at a time when many other secondary schools are reducing or eliminating these programs. The Regents Campaign for the Arts (RCA) runs through June 30, 2013, and aims to raise $100,000 to endow a scholarship in the Arts, and an additional $200,000 for capital purposes, including the refurbishment of the Linda M. Grinstead Theatre, the Mareina Dance Studio, and equipment purchases (sound and video up-

grades for the theatre; acoustic shells and instru-ments for instrumental and vocal music; technol-ogy upgrades in the visual arts; and broadcasting, lighting and sound upgrades for LTV, and film and video production). The Regents have themselves committed $100,000 to the project, and they have made an additional commitment to raise $100,000 from other sources, including parents, alumni, grand-parents, former parents and friends of La Salle. President Gray and the Institutional Advancement team have been charged with the task of raising the remaining $100,000. Gifts may be made through the La Salle website, where you will find the Regents Campaign for the Arts on the left side of the homepage; or you can go directly to the giving page at

The Blakeslee Library is in need of after-school monitor volunteers each school day afternoon from 3:00-5:00pm. This is a good way to fulfill your Parent Volunteer Hours obligation. Donations of snacks and drinks will be accepted for the Café Bibliothèque events in the library. The dates for events are: November 29, January 24, February 14, March 14, and April 25. Please call Janet Hagen at 626.696.4332 or Delia Swanner at 626.696.4313 to sign up.

Library Volunteer Opportunities


Sponsorships include: Maître D’Anneau (Ring Master) $20,000

Artiste de Trapèze (Trapeze Artist) $15,000

Artiste Aèrien de Sole (Aerial Silk Artist) $10,000

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ParentNewsletter NOVEMBER 2012


Beautiful Glendora CC Hosts Lancer Golf Tourney The 20th Annual Lancer Golf Tournament took place on Monday, October 29, 2012 on the beautiful Glendora Country Club golf course. It was a perfect day and with a record 156 golfers playing the course. We would like to recognize and thank our generous sponsors for the day’s events:

Don and Georgette Mareina, Dr. and Mrs. John K. Waken, the Kohorst/Allen Family, Adam Konrad '87 (Pacific Homeworks), Don Olender '70 (Wells Fargo Capital Finance) and Scott Coolidge (Ernst & Young) as well as our many alumni, families and friends who underwrote the cost of the tourna-ment, purchased tee signs, sponsored game holes, ran ads in the program and donated items for the auction. Each year, the Tournament raises signifi-cant funds for La Salle’s Academics, Arts, Student Life and Athletic Programs, as well as the School’s Financial Aid Program. A special thanks goes out to the dedicated volunteer committee members: Steve Jones (Chair), John Caulfield '03, Kristin Donahue, Jeannette Feeney Hauk, Pete Griffith, Pamela Jacques, Dennis Jebbia, Jeff Johnson, Matt Jones '05, Steve Paradis and Irene Santucci. A big thank you also to the many volunteers who contributed to a wonderful event!

We hope to see all of you again at next year at the 21st Annual Lancer Golf Tournament.

Low Net First Place win-ners, from left, Maureen (Mo) Higgins, John Higgins '65, Dave Moritz and John Staff, with Richard Gray in back at center.

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ParentNewsletter NOVEMBER 2012

The 20th Annual Lancer Golf Tournament took place on Monday, October 29, 2012 on the beautiful Glendora Country Club golf course. It was a perfect day and with a record 156 golfers playing the course. We would like to recognize and thank our generous sponsors for the day’s events:

Don and Georgette Mareina, Dr. and Mrs. John K. Waken, the Kohorst/Allen Family, Adam Konrad '87 (Pacific Homeworks), Don Olender '70 (Wells Fargo Capital Finance) and Scott Coolidge (Ernst & Young) as well as our many alumni, families and friends who underwrote the cost of the tourna-ment, purchased tee signs, sponsored game holes, ran ads in the program and donated items for the auction. Each year, the Tournament raises signifi-cant funds for La Salle’s Academics, Arts, Student Life and Athletic Programs, as well as the School’s Financial Aid Program. A special thanks goes out to the dedicated volunteer committee members: Steve Jones (Chair), John Caulfield '03, Kristin Donahue, Jeannette Feeney Hauk, Pete Griffith, Pamela Jacques, Dennis Jebbia, Jeff Johnson, Matt Jones '05, Steve Paradis and Irene Santucci. A big thank you also to the many volunteers who contributed to a wonderful event!

We hope to see all of you again at next year at the 21st Annual Lancer Golf Tournament.

Lancer Tournament Winning Teams

Low Gross First Place: Mark Miller, Pat Carrigan, Brandon Goshi and Jack Plescia (See photo bottom, left..Kris-tin Donahue is standing in for Brandon)

Low Gross Second Place: Tom Raimondi, Blake Moore '02, Jon Conrad and Jeff Johnson

Low Net First Place: John Staff, John Higgins '65, Dave Moritz and Maureen (Mo) Higgins

Low Net Second Place: Scott Colidge, Michael Williams,John Steger, Craig Sloane

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ParentNewsletter NOVEMBER 2012


By Susan E. Keens, Ph.D.Clinical and School Psychologist, Department of Guidance and Counseling

From Guidance and Counseling


Give Thanks Every Day

A parent or guardian must call before 9:00am the day of the absence to notify the School if a student will be absent or tardy, or if the student needs to leave school early for an appointment. Please state the date, time, and reason for the absence. On return to School, the student must stop by the reception desk prior to 8:00am with a note from a parent or guardian stating the reason for the absence. Notification of any planned absences, (college visits, etc.), must be in writing prior to the absence, given to the attendance office and approved by a Dean of Students. The Dean for grades 9 and 11 is Mr. Johnston, and for grades 10 and 12is Dr. Ruggles..

Attendance Hotline 626.696.4406

The Miles to Go Drug Education program scheduled for September was rescheduled for November due to speaker illness. Mr. Scott will speak with the remaining freshman and sophomore students on November 1. He will return to campus to speak with our senior students on Monday, November 26. The Parent Education Series is scheduled for November 26 at 7:00pm in the Blakeslee Library. All La Salle High School parents are welcome to the meeting which will feature Mr. Scott. He will discuss updated drug and alcohol use and abuse information. Mr. Scott will draw from material contained in their new publication, “Where’s the Party How -To Protocol Book”. This lecture will also advise parents on what to do next if your student gets into trouble with drugs or alcohol. Parents may order the book from Mr. Scott on November 1 since it will not be released until after Thanksgiving. Please reschedule any non emergency appointments on the dates that your student is scheduled to attend the Miles to Go program. This month we look forward to celebrating Thanksgiving. We will gather with family and friends for a few days of gratitude and rest. The current economy, which is a source of pressure and stress for many families, may not seem to lend itself to giving thanks. Bills must be paid and there are families without steady incomes. In the midst of these problems, we are enriched by the support and caring of our families and friendships. They may be called upon to provide us with some basic needs during this difficult time. La Salle High School has made a commitment to our parents and students to work with families so that no student is lost because of financial difficulties. It is for this commitment and the support, and caring of our families and friends that we give thanks, not just on November 22rd, but everyday.

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For the third year in a row, La Salle’s Student Life wants to sell you a fantastic Christmas Tree. We invite you to join families from the past two years and purchase a tree this year for your family. If you do not have a need for a Christmas Tree, you are invited to help the Support Our Troops club spread some holiday cheer and purchase a Christmas Tree for a military family stationed at Fort Irwin in Barstow, California. It is very easy to order a tree. All you have to do is fill out the form that follows the newsletter and return it with your payment to La Salle High School. On Saturday, December 8, come to the La Salle senior parking lot and pick out the tree you want and we will load it onto your car for you. Or better yet, if you wish, for a $10 fee we will deliver it to your house if you live within 10 miles of the school. You can come select the tree yourself, or have the Student Life team pick one out for you. These trees are guaranteed. If you do not like your tree, we will give you back 100% of your money. If you like bigger (8ft and above) Noble furs you will find it hard to beat our prices. Everyone wins! You get a great tree for your Christmas Holiday, and the La Salle Student Body is able to use funds raised for the many great events facilitated by Student Life. If you have any questions, please contact Ed O’Connor, Director of Student Life at 626.696.4329 or [email protected].

Third Annual Student Life Christmas Tree Sale

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ParentNewsletter NOVEMBER 2012

From the Athletic Boosters


For Specific Game Dates, Times and Locations Log on to or Athletics. Please visit the La Salle Athletics

page at under Boosters for volunteer opportunities.

No Turkeys in La Salle Athletics To begin with, the Athletic Boosters would like to extend a very "Happy Thanksgiving" to all our La Salle families. We wish a special "Homecoming Thanksgiving" to many of our 2012 graduates coming home for the first time since leaving for college in the fall. I am sure this will be a special Thanksgiving for those families. All I can say is WOW! In La Salle sports, our Girls Volleyball team continues to spike its opponents. The young ladies have been playing top-notch volleyball and are currently first in league and ranked #1 in their division. We look forward to another deep run into the playoffs once they begin. Make sure you get out to a game, they are very exciting to watch!

La Salle Football is on fire! At the time of the publication of this newsletter, our football team has just come off a win over Bishop Montgomery (29-10) for first place in Del Rey league play and a win over Cantwell Sacred Heart of Mary (61-30). Both games were exciting and everything you could hope for in a high school football game. Our football team will have one more game at Homecomimg on November 2. The Lancers are currently ranked ranked #3 in the 25 team in the Northeast Section. I think there are a lot of kudos to go around; the coaches for their dedication to our young men, believing in them and challenging them to be more than what they maybe thought they could be. The boys, whose commitment and dedication started in January, now believe in themselves and each other. This is what made this great season happen. No matter how far they go in playoffs, everyone involved should be proud of this special season.

Head Football Coach, Russell Gordon treated October's Parent Association meeting to a presentation on La Salle Football and his philosophy. It was a informative discussion by Coach Gordon on commitment, accountability and developing young men for their life ahead outside of football. He explained how much it means to him personally to be at La Salle. Winning was late in the discussion and is the outcome of the hard work everyone has done.

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ParentNewsletter NOVEMBER 2012


God Bless,John D. Cina P'13, '14Athletic Boosters President

When you log into PowerSchool you will need to perform one extra step in order to create a new parent account if not done so already. By creating the new ac-count, you will be able to personalize your Username and Password and, if you have multiple students at La Salle High School, you will have access to view the information on these students with a single sign in.

To create a new parent account, click “Create Account” at the bottom of the login screen and then provide the following information:

· First Name & Last Name – This refers to your first and last name, not the student’s.

· Email – Type in the email account to which notifications and correspon-dence related to your parent account should be sent. If two parents are creating sepatate accounts the email address MUST be unique for each parent.

· Desired Username – Indicate your preferred username, if it is not al-ready in use by another account.

· Password – You will enter this twice. It must be at least 6 characters long. For greater security you should consider using capital letters and/or numbers within the password.

· Link Students to Account – Provide information for a minimum of one student, including the student name, your parent Access ID, your parent Access Password, and your relationship to the student. Note: There is no change to the procedures for students logging into their student accounts.

Login Procedures for PowerSchool Parent Accounts

We cannot forget some of our other teams and their success. Cross Country, led by Daniel De La Torre, continues to run past all the schools they compete against. And Girls Tennis is currently in second place in league and continues to shine.

Our Athletics Booster Discount Cards are back. The cost is $10.00 and entitles you to discounts from 10 to 20% at places like Casa Del Rey, Dona Rosa, Village Pizza and Nikki C’s just to name a few. (See a copy of the card in Flyer attachement of this newsletter).We have over 20 establishments working with us. We will be selling them at the Homecoming football games or you can see Assistant Athletic Director Shari Baugh. She will be more than happy to help you contribute to the success of La Salle Athletics. A special thanks to Tess Crabtree and former parent Marty Hoffman for getting this project off the ground.

We hope to see you at our next Athletic Booster’s meeting on November 12.. We hope to have another guest speaker to inform us about La Salle sports. You also can learn about what the Athletic Boosters Board is doing. We are always looking for people to get involved so, if you are interested in becoming a board member please contact me, or if you just want to volunteer, you can check out the sports website to see what is available.

I would like to end this article by thanking all the parents that have volunteered for our football and volleyball games, and our tennis, water polo and golf matches. Without your help, it would not be possible to field all the Lancer teams each year..

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From the Arts Boosters

Importance of the Importance Cast Announced for “The Importance of Being Earnest”

La Salle students will take audiences on a fun-filled excursion to the English countryside where mistaken identities and duplicity run rough shod over Victorian manners in Oscar Wilde’s delightful comedy, “The Importance of Being Earnest.” The play opens Friday, November 9 at the school’s Linda M. Grindstead Theatre for a nine-performance run. Directed by Jude Lucas, Wilde’s “trivial comedy for serious people” is a bit-ing satire of Victorian manners. Ms. Lucas is keeping true to the era in costuming and

sets. The play will be performed by two casts. Wilde’s comedy tells the story of two young gentlemen living in 1890’s England who have taken to bending the truth in or-der to put some excitement into their lives. Jack Worthing (Ari Harris/Spencer Raines) has invented a brother, Ernest, whom he

uses as an excuse to leave his dull country life be-hind to visit the ravishing Gwendolyn (Cheyanne Williams/Dani Pomeroy). His best friend, Alger-non Montcrieff, (Luke Bolle/Alec Gillies) also has decided to take the name ‘Ernest’ when visiting Worthing’s young and beautiful ward, Cecily (Tesia Meza/Emily (Kate) Coolidge) at the country manor. Things start to go awry when they end up together in the country and their deceptions are discovered, threatening to spoil their romantic pursuits. Add to the mix, the acerbic Lady Brack-nell (Taylor Arrighi-Bracci/Maddie Pefferle), who is Gwendolyn’s no-nonsense mother, and proves to be a force of, if not nature, the Victorian upper-class. Other members of the first cast include Jessica Messineo as Miss Prism, Johnny Con-siglio as Rev. Chausable, and Ryan Browne as Merriman. Members of the second cast also include Emily Wright as Miss Prism, Andrew Ting as Rev. Chausable, and Bailey Le Roy as Merriman. Dominic Dagandon as Lane and Thea McKay as Anne appear in both casts. The production will be performed Novem-ber 9 at 7:00pm, November 10 at 2:00pm and 7:00 pm. November 11 at 6:00pm. November 16 at 7:00 pm, November 17 at 2:00pm and 7:00pm, and No-vember 18 at 2:00pm. A special matinee will be given November 15 at 3:30pm for middle school students. Excerpts from the play will be performed throughout Open House on November 11, from 1:00 to 3:30 pm.. With an intense rehearsal and performance schedule, Arts Boosters and parent volunteers are needed to provide meals, snacks and beverages for the cast during pre-opening rehearsal week, as well as on those two Saturdays when the cast does dou-ble duty at the matinee and evening performances. Also, parent volunteers are needed to provide goodies and beverages at intermission for those hungry audience members on performance dates. Volunteers are needed to sell refreshments during intermission. To help with intermissions, contact Lynell Messineo at [email protected]. For reservations, call the box office at 626.696.4415. Tickets are $9 for students and $12 general admission.

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ParentNewsletter NOVEMBER 2012

The See’s Candies Sale runs through November 16. Each order provides much needed funds to our Arts students in the Theatre, Dance, Chorus, Visual Arts, Band, and Digital Media Departments. Thanks to all who make this one of our most successful fundraisers. Please send your orders to the front office by Friday November 16. Orders will be available for pick-up in the band room on Saturday December 8 from 9 AM -12 PM.

You will receive order forms in the mail and they may be found at

Remember, you will receive one service hour for every $100 of candy ordered. We also have access to gift baskets for corporate orders. Please contact Sue Buchanan wih any questions at 626.796.0133 or [email protected].

See's Christmas Candy Sale Returns

Each year, Student Ambassador nominees are vetted by the President, Principal, Deans of Students, and other members of the administration. This summer the selected Ambassadors completed a month of training and began their work of representing the School in August. This work includes assisting the Admissions Office at presentations to feeder schools, High School Information Nights, meetings with elementary principals and faculty, Open House, Registration Day, and other events throughout the year. Our congratulations are extended to the following Student Ambassadors:

La Salle Student Ambassadors

Michael AnastasiaBrittney BairdJanelle BiekerNathan BoutonJen BradyDean BrummTracy CrestaMarilyn CrowleyNoelle CrowleyKatie DoVale

Stephanie FerriAustin GeweckeMichael GordonRobby HulbertDerek IwataJulia JacquesCaroline KnopJamie KwongJudah LacyAlicia Lownes- Santos

Robbie McAlisterBrigit MurphyAbigail PearmanIan QuinnMegan ReidJen RobiBillie RudeSara RuppKelly SanchezBryce Shaw

Elisa StephensGarrett StonePatrick SullivanClaudia VazquezKevin WalshKennedi WhittinghamCheyanne WilliamsConor Williams


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The No Cost FundraiserThe Parent Association encourages all La Salle families, grandparents and friends to

register their VONS, HOWS, RALPHS, TARGET, Visa, MasterCard, AmEx, Discover and debit cards with our NO COST Fundraisers: eScrip, Ralphs and Target.

These fundraisers take minutes to set up and cost you NOTHING!Last year our fundraisers made over $9,400!





CALL 1-800-316-6142 (AN AUTOMATED SYSTEM) and LInK your red Card to La SaLLe HIgH SCHooL!

Please contact us if you have any questions or need help signing up!

Kathi Snodgrass at [email protected] Butler at [email protected] • Michele Hardy at [email protected]


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Go to the La Salle Website.Click on “Parents” at the top of the screen.Click on “PA volunteer website” on the left side of the screen.Click on “member log in.”Enter your user name, this is your firstname_lastname (lower case).Your password is your last name (lower case). Once you are in the La Salle Parent website you can click on the "calendar" at the top of the screen. Now you can look through the calendar year and click on the events that you are interested in volunteering for. Please check to see how many volunteers are needed and how many have already signed up.

ACADEMIC BOOSTERS EVENTS 2012-2013DATE ACADEMIC BOOSTER EVENT START TIME* HOURS*11/11/12 Open House 11:30 AM 511/19/12 Junior Leadership Ceremony 6:00 PM 312/3/12 FAFSA Workshop 6:00 PM 21/10/13 Back to School Night Semester 2 5:30 AM 21/16/13 Junior “Planning for College” Night 5:30 AM 31/26/13 Entrance Exams & Interviews 7:30 AM 52/2/13 Entrance Exams & Interviews 7:30 AM 53/9/13 Registration & Freshman Pledge 7:30 AM 54/10/13 College Forum 6:00 PM 35/14/13 Academic Awards Night 5:30 PM 45/23/13 Senior Uniform Buyback 11:30 AM 35/23/13 Baccalaureate Mass & Reception 5:00 PM 45/24/13 Commencement Exercises 6:00 PM 36/5/13 Used Uniform Buyback 9:00 AM 37/11/13 Used Uniform Sale Set-Up TBA7/12/13 Used Uniform Sale 11:00 AM 8

*Start time and number of service hours is approximate. Volunteers will be advised of exact start time prior to the event. Credit will be based on actual hours served.

Volunteer Coordinators:Ellen Hoffman Diane Taylor

[email protected] [email protected]

Cookies are needed for most of these events.Earn one service hour for each two dozen HOME-BAKED cookies.

Please sign up on the calendar where you see “Cookie Club.”

PARENTS: YOU NEED HOURS!These Events are now Available for Sign-ups


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La Salle Grand Band European Tour 2014 In the Spring of 2014 a group of musically inclined students will embark upon one of the most ambitious trips in the history of LaSalle’s music program. The eleven-day tour includes performances in Salzburg, Vienna, and Prague, and features many other music-related stops along the way.

The trip is open to members of Advanced Band, String Ensemble, and Choir, and truly represents the chance of a lifetime for these young musicians. Our students will follow

in the footsteps of Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, and Schubert, plus a whole slew of Strausses and (of course) Falco.

A series of fundraisers will be held throughout the next year to help defray the estimated $3000 per stu-dent costs.

Parents considering accompanying the group should contact the Arts Boosters Newsletter liaison for a list of “bloody marvelous watering holes” along the route.

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ParentNewsletter NOVEMBER 2012


College Center NewsBy M. Teresa Baldonado and Owen Hou ’90 College Counselors

From the College Counseling Center

College Application Filing Deadlines Please be reminded that November 30 is the last day to apply to universities in University of California (UC) and the California State University (CSU) systems. Please note that both systems MAKE NO EXCEPTIONS FOR LATE FILERS. To avoid frustration, do not wait until November 30th to file electronically. The servers may be very slow accepting files due to the many students filing on the last day.

Applications for private colleges are also available. You may be able to obtain applications directly from the colleges in which you are interested.Please pay close attention to the application deadlines for your specific colleges – MANY COLLEGES HAVE UNIQUE DEADLINES.

Senior Meetings with College Counselors Ms. Baldonado and Mr. Hou have met with a vast majority of students who have submitted their Senior College Planning Surveys to discuss their college opportunities. Please encourage your student to complete the survey if he or she has not already done so.

Financial Aid Seminar The Senior Parents FAFSA workshop will be held December 3, 2012 at 7:00pm in Blakeslee Library. Our guest speaker will be from the University of La Verne’s Financial Aid Office.The financial aid officer will provide an in depth discussion of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and will guide senior parents line by line through the FAFSA.

Class of 2014 – Junior College Night All Junior students are required to attend the Junior College Night on Wednesday, January 16, 2013 at 6:30 pm. It is highly recommended that at least one parent attend as well. Topics for the evening will include: Searching for Colleges

and Identifying the Right Fit, Utilizing Naviance, Reviewing the UC and Cal State Requirements, and Standardized Testing. A packet of college admission information materials will be distributed. An agenda for the evening will be printed in the December ParentNewsletter and on the Welcome page of Naviance.

Class of 2014 – February 9 ACT All Juniors are signed up to take the ACT at La Salle on February 9, 2013. Students will be given their ACT ID number during Mentor period. Students MUST go onto the ACT website, to create an ACT account. Then, he or she MUST upload a current photo and print out an admission ticket (this is a new protocol for both the ACT and SAT this year). Creating an ACT account will also give your student online access to his/her registration and score(s). Please note La Salle has already paid for this test and there is no expense on your part. Should your student decide not to take the ACT this academic year, then we will have to bill the cost back to you.

Class of 2013 – East Coast College Tour, April 1 to 6, 2013 Information and registration forms for the East Coast College Tour will be sent to junior parents in early November. Contact Mr. Hou if you do not receive this information by November 16.

Take a Lancer to Lunch Week During the first week of the second semester (Wednesday, January 7 to 11), we will be inviting young alumni who are currently in college to come back to speak with our current students about their college experiences. More information will be available in the December ParentNewsletter.


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In my last ParentNewsletter article, I mentioned that I was looking forward to an upcoming visit to two other Lasallian High Schools. I completed that visit at the end of September and wanted to share some thoughts and reflections with you. Given that in both my professional and family life, I am not used to having a full week of travel that included four different airports, three of them, I was in twice, with multiple layovers. I actually fared rather well through the maze of TSA rules, airport waiting areas, and rental cars. One tip regarding airports and TSA that some of you may not know, an iPad does not count as a laptop and does not have to be taken out of your briefcase for inspection – I was chastised at LAX by a TSA agent for holding up the line to take my iPad out of my briefcase for display – who knew? I selected the schools I visited based on my knowledge that they both have had in place for many years a full-time Administrator with the similar duties that are now part of my new responsibilities. In fact, Dr. Gray freely borrowed many aspects of my new position as Vice-President for Mission based on his knowledge of their model. The first school I visited was La Salle Academy, the alma mater of our own Mr. Pendergast, in Providence, Rhode Island. My two-day visit there was organized by Br. Fredrick Mueller, FSC, widely respected across our Lasallian world for his work with faith and teacher formation, especially Lasallian Formation. Br. Fred is a past principal of the school and he has developed a very detailed, systematic and established formation program for the school’s faculty. I was able to observe the actual formation program in action on my second day at the school. He gave me some great insights on how to start a systematic program here for our faculty and staff. I stayed with the Brothers’ Community and had the pleasure of sharing conversation and prayer with the other Brothers who also live in that Community. La Salle Academy is a beautiful co-ed school of some 1500 students sitting on what was

originally a farm of over 60 acres – HUGE. I also spent a great deal of time with their Campus Ministry Team discussing their service and retreat programs and I had informative conversations with the school’s principal and other members of the administration and faculty. My second stop took me to Totino-Grace High School in Fridley Minnesota, in the suburbs of Minneapolis. There I spent time with both Br. Milton Barker, FSC, past President of the school who is currently holding a position like mine, as well as with Dr. William Hudson, the current President and the school’s past VP for Mission. Totino-Grace is also a beautiful campus of about 800 students sitting on over 40 acres of land. (If my memory holds, I believe that our La Salle campus sits on some 10 acres of land and that includes some creative rounding up math). Again, I spent a great deal of time with their Campus Ministry Team and with their principal and other members of their administration and faculty who provided many insights. Totino-Grace has developed an annual opening of the school year theme that is based on a Lasallian principle or virtue that I found very interesting. I am currently in the process of having discussions with Dr. Gray and Br. Christopher as well as with our own Student Life Team and

Mind the MissionPat Bonacci, AFSC, Vice President for Mission

From the Vice President for Missiom

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ConvocationHonors Loyal Lasallians

MissionContinued from page 20

other faculty members regarding the specifics of what I found at both of these wonderful schools. It is my belief that much of what they do so well is worth looking at in terms of replicating and/or modifying for our own culture here at beautiful La Salle, Pasadena. It is very much worth noting, that we could "plant" any of our students into either of these schools, and vice versa with their students, and they would fit right in with the school culture. The Lasallian prayer formats used daily, the Lasallian core principles and heritage as the guiding philosophy, the insistence on providing

a superb college preparatory program interwoven with a dedication and tradition that prizes service to others, the various Lasallian iconography that is prevalent in the school buildings, the warm and gracious welcomes I received from students in the hallways and the members of the faculty and staff tie all of the schools together. I am very grateful to Dr. Gray and Br. Christopher for giving me the opportunity to take this Lasallian road-trip. What I learned was very helpful, and also a bit intimidating, as I begin my new duties as VP for Mission and begin to envision how I can best serve our school community.

20 YearsRodolfo Rodriguez Maintenence Staff 15 YearsJane Osick, English Department ChairRobert C. Packard, Chief Financial OfficerPaula Moore, English, Student Life Retreats

10 YearsJohn C. Blackstock '67 Director, Communication Editor ParentNewsletter, Lancer Magazine

Susan E. Keens PhD. School Psychologist, CounselorAnthony Fernandes, ScienceSusan Harrison, Mathematics Department Chair Jennifer Rocha World LanguagesJude Lucas-Rynerson Chair, Visual & Performing Arts Department, Choir

5 YearsBrandon Birr '03 Social Studies, Religious Studies, Student Life, Liturgy

Monique Gougeon '03, Religious StudiesRand Laird, English, LEAP Coordinator Lisa Schulman, MathematicsLudwin Vazquez, Maintenence Staff New EmployeesBrother Christopher Brady, FSC, PrincipalRussell Gordon, Associate Athletic Director Head Football Coach

CFO, Robert Packard with President Richard Gray.

On October 16, the annual Lasallian Faculty Convocation celebrated the contributions of the entire faculty to La Salle. Brother Christopher Brady, FSC, Principal, presented commemorative gifts for dedicated years of service to the faculty and staff.

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As I made my way over to the San Jose Convention Center to prepare for my presentation “Low Budget Manipulatives to Improve Teaching Stoichiometr y”, I received a text from my daughter, Christina ’03, with a quote from a keynote speaker at a conference she was attending on health

reform in New Orleans. The quote read, “Teachers touch eternity through their students.” How appropriate that she would send me this quote when I was about to embark on sharing my teaching with a group of teachers who would then hopefully go on to teach their students, thereby

a l l o w i n g me to af fect t h o u s a n d s o f s t u d e n t s through this opportunity. Over the w e e k e n d o f October 18, La Salle Science t e a c h e r s attended and pre sented a t the California

Science Teachers Association Annual Conference. The 2012 Conference centered on The Common Core Standards (CCS), Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), Literacy and STEM to Career. More than 1,450 workshops were presented for review and 180 were selected for the conference. For the science teachers at La Salle to present three of the workshops is truly an honor for our department. Physics teachers Chija Bauer and Kjersti Holyfield '04,co-presented two workshops: “Inquiry Based Physics Classroom and Standards Based Grading” and “Global Warming Cumulative

Project in Physics” Chemistry teacher Anthony Ferenades and myself, co-presented “Low Budget Manipulatives to Improve Teaching Stoichiometry.” It is a wonderful experience to attend association conferences and share ideas and gain new insights into teaching our students. However, it is a tremendous validation for what we do each and every day here at La Salle in experiencing the enthusiasm of peers in science education who are excited about the information we shared and are hopefully, energized to carry those methods and concepts back to their own classrooms. How great an opportunity to touch the hearts of our own students but also to touch the hearts of those students who will be guided by the teachers who we were fortunate enough to share at our workshops.

La Salle Science Teachers Present at CSTA ConferenceBy Brian Miller '79, Science Department

Chija Bauer, left and Kjersti Holyfield

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2012 Homecoming Royal Court

Jack Orswell Visits AP Government Class

On Tuesday, October 2nd, Mr. Jack Orswell visited Mr. Chris Ring’s '01 A.P. Government and Politics class. Mr. Orswell (at center, above) is running for the United States House of Representatives as a Republican candidate from the 27th District of California. Mr. Orswell spoke to the class for 90 minutes. First, he gave a brief description of his back-ground and qualifications then reminisced about growing up in Pasadena attending PHS, PCC and USC. He told interesting stories about his days as an FBI agent and small business owner. He also answered questions from the students about everything ranging from campaigning to foreign affairs to the economy.

The Royal Court, from left, Judah Lacy, Dominic Dagondon, Bridgit Murphy, Austin Wallis, Monica Perez, Paul Hoffman, Alex Astorga, Noeh Martinez, Summer Taylor and Michael Gordon. All are seniors at La Salle.

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ParentNewsletter NOVEMBER 2012

Martinez Earns Gold Award

After the horrific windstorms last Decem-ber, the residents of Sierra Madre were left without power for up to seven days. That’s when Emma Martinez ’14 got an idea for her Gold Award Pro-ject for Girl Scouts. “We live in an area with many seniors, who were very worried, scared, cold, and

unprepared,” said Martinez. “ I felt I just needed to help. I kept thinking about my grandparents in Pasadena and how much danger they were in.” Over the course of the next six months, Emma was able to raise $3,275 in order to put together 250 disaster preparedness kits for the elderly in Sierra Madre. She obtained two mini grants of $500 each from the VFW and the Si-erra Madre Rotary Club. In addition to these two grants, she raised the remainder of the money by babysitting, holding yard sales, organiz-ing a web donation page, and obtaining pledges from family and friends.

Through presentations to the seniors and by getting the word out in the Sierra Madre Patch, she was able to have a booth at the Wellness Fair for seniors at Memorial Park on September 22nd. At the Faire, she was able to reach out to the seniors and distribute her kits. Each kit cost ap-prox $13 and included non-perishable food, water, light source, emergency blanket, whistle, and first aid kit. “It was funny because it was hard to give the kits away at first. The seniors couldn’t believe they were free!” she says amused. The seniors in the Sierra Madre community were quite pleased with her contribution toward their safety. “It was great to see Emma accomplish her goal, make a difference, and enjoy the support of her family, friends, and neighbors as well as community,” said her mother Sue. Emma has been in scouting since kindergarten, and is a member of Troop 2171 in Sierra Madre. “This Gold Award project took over 100 hours to complete, but was well worth it in the end when I was able to see such gratitude in so many kind faces. My grandparents got a kit too,” Emma said.

First Lady, Michelle Obama recognized Emma for her efforts and sent her a letter of congratulations for her meaningful project.

Emma at her booth at the Health & Wellness Fair in Sierra Madre.

By John Blackstock ’67, Director of Communications

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Seven La Salle High School drama students participated in the DTASC (Drama Teachers Association of Southern California) Fall Theatre Festival at Citrus Hill High School in Perris on October 27. All of the students -- Vanessa Boull’t, Claudia Vasquez, Kayla Rix, Michael Gordon, Kimmy Yelinek, Carina Henry, and Jack Goyette – made it to the semi-finals, and one won an honorable mention. Claudia Vasquez, shown below, won an Honorable Mention plaque in the Monologue

category for her performances from “Crimes of the Heart” by Beth Henley and “An Ideal Husband” by Oscar Wilde. “It is rare for all the students of a school to make it to semifinals, and we did it two years running,” said David Needles, La Salle drama teacher who accompanied the team. Vanessa Boull’t was a semifinalist in the Monologue/Audition category for her performance of “Ludlow Fair” by Lanford Wilson and “Electra” by Sophocles. La Salle students -- Michael Gordon, Kimmy Yelinek, Carina Henry, Kayla Rix and Jack Goyette – were semifinalists in the Large Comedy Scene category for their performance of a scene from “The

Dining Room,” by A.R. Gurney. Over 75 Southern California schools participated in the festival, some with contingents of as many as 40 to 50 student participants. Kayla Rix was the only La Salle student who participated both this year and last year. La Salle students Kara Donahue, Nathaly Ojeda-Vasquez, and Yurika Watanabe served as “Student Room Chair Officials.” They helped run the festival, escorting judges to the proper venues and then to the tabulations room where the judges’ ballots were counted.

Theatre Students Reach DTASC SemifinalsSenior Claudia Vasquez is a FinalistBy Vicki Paluch with David Needles,


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ParentNewsletter NOVEMBER 2012

Halloween and Homecoming...

What a Great Week!


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Halloween and Homecoming...

What a Great Week!

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ParentNewsletter NOVEMBER 2012

The Obsequious ObserverBy John Blackstock, The Editor

Names in the News Recent selections to the Pasadena Star-News Athletics Honor Roll were sophomore, Hai-ley DeSales who had 18 kills in a three-game vol-

leyball sweep of Bishop Amat as the top-ranked Lancers (29-2) head into the CIF playoffs. Senior quarterback, Austin Wallis, threw for 186 yards and four touch-downs to lead the Lanc-ers to a 47-6 victory over

Bishop Montgomery. The undefeated Lancers (9-0) play Bosco Tech at Homecoming, then head into there first CIF playoff game at home on November 16. Coach Russell Gordon will be featured as an ABC7/NFL High School Coach of the week on November 17 on KABCs Sports Zone. Check the Lancers’ website for more details. Senior, Jennifer

Robi, received the Pasadena Police Foundation Award, and junior Miranda McCready earned her Girl Scout Gold Award. Watch for more informa-tion in the next ParentNewsletter. There has been a lot of PINK on campus this month. The girls volleyball team, football team, (see photo page 29) golfers and cross country run-ners have all worn pink in support of Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

The inaugural Halloween Baseball Classic with the La Salle Lancers, pictured above, and the St. Francis Golden Knights was enough of a success that plans for next year’s exhibition game are already in the works for a charitable cause. The Lancers won this fall's classic 3-1 in front of over 200 delighted and amused spectators.

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Princess Tracy

MAC Christmas Luncheon & Shopping Night

The Mock Trial Begins A dedicated triathlete, run down in the street by a driver dis-tracted by texting...Was it the local hero, a promising high school swimmer and son of the town’s safe-driving crusader mayor? Or was it his teammate, the enigmatic Italian exchange student? Will their dreams of Olympic gold medals be replaced by the cold steel of jail handcuffs? And what about that confession? These and other intriguing questions will be answered Monday, November 5 and Wednesday, November 14 as the Mock Trial team begins this year’s competition at the downtown courthouse (5:00pm). If you would like to attend, please contact Jane Osick at 626.696.4317 or [email protected].

La Salle’s Mothers of Alumni Council cordially invites you to attend the annual Christmas Luncheon and Boutique. Enjoy a wonderful lunch, shop, and listen to the La Salle Choir enter-

tain you with holiday cheer. The guest speaker will be Brother Christopher Brady, FSC, Principal. Festivities begin Thursday, November 29, at Noor in the Paseo, Pasadena. The boutique will run from 10:30am until 2:00pm. The price is $60 and includes 1 ½ hour validated parking. Proceeds benefit La Salle’s San Miguel Scholarship Fund. If you have questions call Jenny Dennis at 626.696.4382 or [email protected] or Yolanda Valadez P’08 at 626.833.0384. MAC is also spon-soring a Shopping Night on December 6. Please see the flyers attached.

The official Press Release from Tourna-ment House tells us that Rose Princess Tracy Italia Cresta, 17, attends La Salle High School and resides in Pasadena. She is captain of the cross country and track and field teams, and is a member of the National Honor Society, the California Scholarship Federation, Student Ambassadors and the Physical Activity Club. She plans to attend either San Diego State University or Loyola Marymount Univer-sity. Tracy hopes to become a lawyer and later, a judge. She collects mermaids and enjoys numer-ous sports, especially running, swimming, diving, hiking and basketball. Her parents are Norberto and Ruth Cresta, and she has a brother, Burt, 16. Congratulations Tracy!



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NOVEMBER 2012ParentNewsletter

Check your School calendar for all event times and dates







November Highlights


November 2 Special ScheduleHomecoming FOOTBALL vs Don Bosco Tech Varsity 7:00pm Kohorst Field

November 3 SaturdayHomecoming Dance Dining Hall 8:00pm-11:00pmSAT & Subject Tests

November 4 SundayDaylight Savings Time ends

November 7Winter Sports Parents/Team Meeting Dining Hall 6:00pm

November 11 SundayOpen House All Campus 1:00-3:30pm

November 12 School HolidayVeterans Day

November 13Parent Boosters Meetings 6:30pm Campus Locations

Parent Association Meeting 7:45pm Blakeslee Library

November 16 Opening Night "The Importance of Being Earnest" Grinstead Theatre 7:00pm

November 16 CIF FOOTBALL vs TBA 7:00pm Kohorst Field

November 19 Junior Leadership Ceremony Juniors Dress Up Dining Hall 7:00pm

November 21-23 School HolidayThanksgiving Day Holidays

November 26-December 1 Rose City Basketball Classic

November 27 Special ScheduleChristmas Concert Assembly Dining Room 9:20am

November 29 MAC Christmas Luncheon and Boutique Pasadena 11:30amCafe Bibliotheque Library 2:30pm

November 30 Jazz Concert Grinstead Theatre 7:00pm

December 1 SaturdayBand & Choir Concert Dining Hall 7:00pmSAT & Subject Tests

December 2 SundayChristmas Gift Gathering Party Pasadena 6:00pm

December 3 Financial Aid Applications AvailableDecember 7 Fall Dance Concert Grinstead Theatre 6:00pm

December 8 Saturday Alumni Adopt-A-Family Wrapping Alumni Party and Visit with Santa Duffy Lewis Gymnasium 10:00am-12:00pmACTFall Dance Concert Grinstead Theatre 6:00pm

December 12 Dress UpAdvent Liturgy Dining Hall 9:20amAP Art Show Blakeslee Library

December 13AP Art Show Blakeslee Library

December 15 Saturday Adopt-A-Family Christmas Party Campus, Dining Hall 11:00am-1:00pmAP Art Show Blakeslee Library

December 18-21Semester Final Exams

December 21 SnowBall Dining Hall 8:00-11pm

December 24 - January 6 Christmas Holiday
