novel mining method

NOVEL MINING METHOD Novel methods are methods that work nontraditional principles, or exploit rare resources, and that are not yet widely accepted in practice. The difference between traditional and nontraditional methods is somewhat complex. Since classical methods evolve and modified, novel methods on the other hand may receive the acceptance that warrants their reclassification into one of the traditional categories. Take note that rapid excavation and automation are not mining methods but technology which could be both applied to a variety of mining methods, and that may be their greatest advantage. RAPID EXCAVATION Development of rapid excavation could be determined by the following: hardness of the rock; time percentage of machine availability; diversity of application; rate of advance; specific excavation rate; cost of advance. Hardness of rock is an area in which some progress is being made. One of major deterrents to applying rapid excavation in underground mining is the rather massive dimensions of the typical TBM with its trailing gear. Another important limitation of the TBM in mining project is the economics of conventional versus rapid excavation development. Rapid excavation has greatly improved mine development, particularly in the area of raise boring. Raise borers for

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Novel methods are methods that work nontraditional principles, or exploit rare resources, and that are not yet widely accepted in practice. The difference between traditional and nontraditional methods is somewhat complex. Since classical methods evolve and modified, novel methods on the other hand may receive the acceptance that warrants their reclassification into one of the traditional categories. Take note that rapid excavation and automation are not mining methods but technology which could be both applied to a variety of mining methods, and that may be their greatest advantage.RAPID EXCAVATION

Development of rapid excavation could be determined by the following: hardness of the rock; time percentage of machine availability; diversity of application; rate of advance; specific excavation rate; cost of advance.

Hardness of rock is an area in which some progress is being made. One of major deterrents to applying rapid excavation in underground mining is the rather massive dimensions of the typical TBM with its trailing gear. Another important limitation of the TBM in mining project is the economics of conventional versus rapid excavation development.

Rapid excavation has greatly improved mine development, particularly in the area of raise boring. Raise borers for development of stoping operations are routinely used and have replaced conventional development in all but unusual circumstances.

The most opportune area for research into rapid excavation procedures for mining is in specialty machines that can be applied to production mining as as development. The road header is one such machine that finds application in mining from time to timeAUTOMATION & ROBOTICS

Automation and robotics have been operated in mining for decades, but their execution basis has been long in coming. Advances have been made in the last decade than any other realm of technology. This is because of gains and competitive economic forces and the growth in the use of computers and computer-guided systems.

Mechanization in mining began around 1950, about two decades later, the industry began to experiment with remote control application in continuous miners to remove the operator from the most dangerous area of the face and allow operation from a safer area some distance from the face,


In hydraulic mining, a very high-pressure jet of water, steady or pulsed, fragments consolidated mineral or rock in place. Thus, it has application as a primary extraction or mining mechanism, although it is limited at present mainly to softer materials. When combined with mechanical action, hydraulic attack is an effective technique in mining a variety of materials.

Hydrailic mining utilizes the kinetic energy of a fluid jet to break and excavate material from the solid. Its effectiveness or cutting rate is primarily a function of nozzle size, flow rate, pressures and power.


Methane drainage, also called degasification, is the practice of removing gas in coal seam and adjoining strata through wellbores, although operations may be conducted either from the surface or underground. Drainage is also similar to well production of natural gas, the principal constituent of which is also methane.

Take note that methane drainage is an old method.UNDERGROUND GASIFICATION &COMBUSTION

The idea of gasifying coal in its natural environment is rather old. Many European countries as well as Canada and japan have experimented with underground gasification, but only Russia has exploited the technology commercially to any extent.

Additional schemes for setting up a successful underground gasification operation include the use of directional drilling technology to connect the inlet and outlet wells and to involve greater coal volumes in the extraction process.UNDERGROUND RETORTINGUnlike conventional petroleum, shale oil cannot be pumped directly from the ground. It must be processed by a technique known as retorting, wherein the rock is heated to release crude shale oil, shale gas and water. Processing can be accomplished by mining the oil shale and retorting it on the surface, called ex-situ processing; by using underground methods known as in-situ recovery; or by a combination of the two methods. Crude shale oil is upgraded to remove certain impurities, such as sulfur and nitrogen, and then further processed in an oil refinery to produce gasoline, clean diesel fuel, jet fuel and other petroleum based products. Ex-situ Processing Ex-situ processing of oil shale has been practiced for over a century in various parts of the world. Projects based upon this approach have been operating for decades in China, Estonia and Brazil. These processing facilities look much like any modern industrial complex.

First the oil shale is mined by underground or surface mining methods. In Colorado and Utah underground room and pillar mines were opened decades ago and are still in stable condition. Because of the strength of the oil shale beds, large stable rooms can be created supported only by pillars of oil shale and rock bolts placed in the ceiling. This contributed to the excellent safety record for these mines. This is very different than many underground coal mines that have small openings in relatively weak rock. Underground oil shale mines are more like subterranean quarries, and consequently large trucks, loaders and drilling equipment can be used in them to keep costs low. After oil shale is mined, it is reduced in size in machines called crushers, conveyed to the retorting plant, and converted into crude shale oil, water and shale gas. A number of well tested ex-situ retorting technologies are candidates for commercial projects, but none are operating at commercial scale in the United States.NUCLEAR MINING

The process of extraction of uranium ore from the ground. The worldwide production of uranium in 2012 amounted to 58,394 tons. Kazakhstan, Canada, and Australia are the top three producers and together account for 64% of world uranium production.

Uranium ores are normally processed by grinding the ore materials to a uniform particle size and then treating the ore to extract the uranium by chemical leaching. The milling process commonly yields dry powder-form material consisting of natural uranium, "yellowcake," which is sold on the uranium market as U3O8.

Uranium from mining is used almost entirely as fuel for nuclear power plants. As of July 2014, the price of uranium concentrate remained near a five-year low, the uranium price having fallen more than 50% from the peak spot price in

For both traditional underground and open pit mining, the rocks may have only a few percent (normally