nourish waikato issue 02

Issue no. 2, Summer 2010 - 2011 Fresh local flavour WAIKATO, NZ your FREE copy Rocket Roasters Meet the dynamic Waikato coffee duo Strawberry fields The Strawberry Farm & Punnet Cafe create a wonderful berry experience Cilantro Cheese Style SUMMERTIME Some great RECIPES AND IN SEASON PRODUCE

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A Waikato NZ, food and lifestyle magazine


Page 1: Nourish Waikato issue 02

Issue no. 2, Summer 2010 - 2011 local flavour





Rocket RoastersMeet the dynamic Waikato coffee duo

Strawberry fieldsThe Strawberry Farm & Punnet Cafe create a wonderful berry experience

Cilantro Cheese Style


Page 2: Nourish Waikato issue 02

2010 has been a tough year for a lot of people. In the past few months we have been rocked by two major tragedies; the Christchurch earthquake and the Pike River Mining tragedy. But it is often during these times of hardship and crisis that we see the best in people. This has certainly been true in New Zealand over the last few months as we have seen an outpouring of compassion and goodwill to those caught up in these tragedies.

The global credit crunch has also been a huge hurdle for many of us to come to terms with. This ongoing recession has though provided us with a chance to look at our modern lives and perhaps make changes for the better. Cooking is becoming more popular as people realise that with a few basic skills they can eat food that is healthier, tastier and more economical. More and more people are growing their own vegetables. And with summer here there is no better time to start a small vegetable garden and enjoy the benefits of eating fresh seasonal produce. Be sure to go to for the latest ideas on what to do with your summer crop, we update it regularly with new recipes and tips.

On page 18 we learn how two Waikato women have turned the threat of redundancy into an opportunity to pursue their

dream of making cheese. On page 11 is our new regular feature on the local markets and their vendors. I am sure in future editions we will discover more great stories of people following their dreams as they make and sell wonderful artisan products. In this edition we look at the fabulous success of Tamahere Market and how St Stephens church have created a wonderful regular event that brings the community together while creating a wonderful venue for small local businesses to market their products, all while raising funds for the church.

Also in this edition we have great seafood recipes, we talk to Warren at Lifestyle Meats and the two Glens at Rocket Coffee. And be sure to check out the great tour to Melbourne’s Food and Wine Festival in March on page 22.

From the team at Nourish we hope you enjoy your bite of fresh local flavour! We hope you all have a wonderful Christmas filled with family, friends and gorgeous food, because this is the time of year to celebrate how lucky we are.

Vicki & [email protected] | [email protected]


issue 2


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Vitality provides quality bee products that retain

their natural healing and nourishing properties.

Each glass jar of our honey and

packet of carefully cleaned bee

pollen is traceable to a particular

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Vitality local artisan honey from beehive to


Cheeses, chutneys, oils, summer dressings, BBQ nibbles, handmade chocolates and

candies, gluten free products, Tea Total teas, curries and fresh spices. Come in and check out our amazing selection of gourmet foods from around New Zealand and the world.

Ph: 07 827 [email protected]

63-61 Duke St, Cambridge

Front cover photo by Mary Anne Morgan -

Page 3: Nourish Waikato issue 02



Gorgeous Gourmet GoodiesFor a selection of gorgeous gourmet goodies from around the world get to Dantes Fine Foods in Cambridge. Vicki has everything from gingerbread men to Stolen Belgium chocolates to nougat. With foods from over 26 countries, if you are looking for that traditional festive treat or ingredients, Vicki is sure to have it at Dantes on Duke St in CambridgePh. 07 827 3354

Gorgeous candles Magriet at Gorgeous Candles hand makes her beautiful white candles here in Hamilton. The candles are, like their name, gorgeous! They emit a beautiful glow, making them perfect for that special Christmas setting.

LIME & VANILLA BEAN Syrup from St Andrews Limes This is simply stunning poured over fresh strawberries or vanilla ice cream! Drizzle over stone fruits like peaches and nectarines and grill on the BBQ. Available at Dantes Cambridge, The Green Grocer & Pataka Storehouse Hamilton

It’s Easier than you think by jo seagar

There is something about Jo Seagar’s books. They are beautiful and full of delicious looking pictures but so are most of the cook books on my overcrowded bookcase. Jo manages to strike a wonderful balance between recipes that inspire as well as recipes that will become a part of your repertoire.

They say on average you only cook one recipe from every cookbook you buy. Jo’s books are therefore responsible for pulling that average up among the books I own. In fact her books never make it to the bookcase; they sit as constant companions on my kitchen bench. “It’s easier than it looks” is no exception and would be a great gift for cooks of any ability.

Available at Poppies Queenwood, Casabella Lane & Cambridge.

Lime and Vanilla Bean

Zoku quick pop maker from the sculleryI saw these at the Food show earlier in the year. This ingenious little machine creates fantastic frozen popsicles in just 7minutes. You can use anything from fruit juice, to yoghurt or flavoured milk. This is a great way to get the kids involved and at the same time introducing a healthy alternative. Just perfect for summer! The Zoku Quick Pop maker is available from the Scullery on Victoria St as well as a range of accessories for those who want to get really creative.

GIFT BASKETS Raphael at La Cave also has a great range of gift baskets filled with French goodies. They will make up a basket specifically for you or simply choose from one of the ready made one, plus they can ship them anywhere in NZ. That’s got to make things easy! La Cave, 51A Riverlea Rd, Hamilton, Ph. 07 856 8570


Page 4: Nourish Waikato issue 02

BARBECUED CRAYFISHwith lime aioli - serves 4

STEAMED MUSSELSWith garlic butter



Summer Fiesta Recipes

2 dozen fresh mussels 1 cup white wine1 cup water2 cloves crushed garlic

I’d love to say I’d dived for these crayfish myself, but in this case it was our great friend Tony Burt, diver, hunter and all round good Kiwi. The best way to eat this is on an open fire on the beach, with a glass of Marlborough Pinot Gris. Cheers Tony!

Place live crayfish in the freezer for 20–30 minutes to anaesthetise them before you dispatch them. Then place the crayfish the right way up on a chopping board with their tails fully extended. Place the point of a large sharp knife between the eyes and push straight down towards the board. Oncethe tip has reached the board, using the tip as a pivot, guide the blade down through the body, cutting the crayfish in half. Set aside on a tray.

To make the aioliPeel and pound garlic with salt and pepper until smooth. Whisk the egg yolks, vinegar, mustard, pounded garlic and other seasonings together. Slowly add the lime avocado oil, whisking continuously. When all the oil is added, finish with the water and correct the seasoning. A few drops of lime or lemon juice can be added to enhance the taste.

Mix the melted butter, oil, garlic, herbs and seasoning in a small bowl.

Put the halved crayfish on a hot barbecue, shell side down to protect the delicate meat from the intense heat while still infusing wonderful barbecue flavours. Drizzle the melted butter mixture over the flesh and cook for 10–15 minutes, depending on the size of the crayfish. The flesh should change from soft and translucent to firm and white when cooked.

Transfer to a serving dish, cut side up. Place the aioli in a dish on the side for dipping.

Crayfish Recipe and image reproduced from Fresh! by Peter & Anne Blakeway with permission from Hachette NZ Ltd, published by Hodder Moa, $49.99 RRP, available nationwide.

CRAYFISH2 crayfish1 tablespoon melted butter1 tablespoon lime-infused avocado oil1 clove garlic, peeled and crushed1 tablespoon fresh flat-leaf parsley, finely chopped1 tablespoon fresh dill, finely choppedsalt and pepper to taste

AIOLIMakes 600 ml8 cloves garlic3 egg yolks1 tablespoon white wine vinegara pinch of Dijon mustardsalt and freshly ground white pepper300 ml lime-infused avocado oil1 teaspoon hot watera few drops lime or lemon juice

4 spring onions, choppedhandful chopped parsley150g melted butter

Scub and de-beard the mussels. Add water, wine and spring onions to large saucepan and bring to the boil. Turn down to simmer, drop in mussels and steam for a few minutes until they open. Remove from heat and discard any that are not open.Add the crushed garlic and chopped parsley to the melted butter. Place the mussels into a large serving bowl, pour over some liquid from the saucepan and then pour over melted butter mixture. Serve with crusty bread.

Nashi Breeze2 measures of vodka2 measures of Nashi juice2 measures of cranberry juicedash lime juice1/2 measure of elderflower cordial

In a tall glass filled with ice add all the ingredients and mix.

Ginger Pear Tree2 measures of brandy3 measures of Nashi juicedash lime juiceGinger beer

In an ice filled shaker add the brandy, nashi & lime juice. Shake and strain into a short glass. Top with ginger beer.

Get your Nashi Juice from the Tamahere Country Market!

150mls elderflower cordial2 tspn sugar5 tspns gelatine

In a glass bowl over a pot of simmering water dissolve the gelatine, sugar and elderflower cordial together. Add the wine and stir everything is incorporated. Place the berries in jelly moulds or glasses and then pour over the liquid. Set in the fridge overnight.

500mls sparkling wine (moscato or prosecco)Fresh berries


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In 1995 Hamilton got its first coffee roasters, Rocket Coffee. Behind the now iconic brand in Hamilton are the two Glens – Glen Woodcock & Glen Crompton.

The duo are true enthusiasts! When I asked them what they would be doing if they hadn’t started Rocket Glen C chuckles “we have virtually made ourselves unemployable” he says. But if they could have done anything else Glen C would have wanted to become a professional cyclist. This explains the several bikes hanging on the walls.

Glen W says “Well... I’d like to bake bread, but I don’t like the hours.”

Fortunately for us they did become coffee roasters and they can claim quite a bit of responsibility for the growth of the espresso scene in Hamilton. A lot has changed in 15 years. Back in 1995 there were only a handful of cafes in Hamilton and you most certainly

couldn’t get an espresso at a service station! Glen W, who grew up in Hamilton admits he didn’t even drink coffee until he moved to Queenstown where he met a coffee roaster. The seed was sown and in 1995 the pair got their hands on an old roaster and as they say, the rest is history.

It’s a Wednesday morning when I visit them. Glen W is busy tending to the beans, while Glen C is chatting to the endless stream of people who pop in for their morning fix, or come to pick up freshly roasted beans.

“We have outgrown the original machine and are now on to number four” Glen W explains that their current machine is an improvement on the last one because it has more conductive heat as opposed to convective heat, making the process more gentle and allowing him more control. But these machines are built to last. The last one was over fifty years old and Glen W believes it could keep going for at least another fifty years.

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The guy’s advice for making great

coffee at home is to “keep it simple”

Beside the roaster is a computer that appears to be measuring all sorts of things, but Glen W is also keeping a careful watch on the beans as they roast. He checks them often before determining they are ready. So does a darker roast give a richer coffee like some would make you believe? “The more you roast it the more it tastes of the roast” explains Glen W. So a dark roast works well if you want a consistent flavour while using different beans. But if you want to taste the flavour of the original bean it is a judgement call as to how much they should be roasted. This is where the years of experience come in. It is also purely a taste thing, in some countries, Glen W tells me they prefer a very light roast.

Rocket source their green beans from all over the world, from Ethiopia to

Brazil, Papua New Guinea to Kenya. Glen W has taken a real interest in the countries they source beans from and has travelled to Brazil, Nicaragua and El Salvador. Coffee is definitely an international drink and Glen C explains how excited he gets when he travels as he gets to see how coffee is made and drunk in different countries and cultures.

In fact as we speak two Somalian men drop in to buy green Somalian beans. Apparently these will be roasted in a dry fry pan before being ground in a mortar

and pestle. So coffee, Glen C explains, has become “a gateway to different cultures and for us that’s pretty cool.” “We really love what we do” says Glen C and this is clearly evident when you spend even just a few minutes talking to the Rocket guys about coffee. So next time you are in Barton St., Hamilton, drop in, grab a great cup of coffee, some freshly roasted beans and chat to the guys.Rocket also sell and service

Rocket also sell and service coffee machines for domestic or commercial use. They provide free training for their wholesale customers and are looking at running classes for their domestic customers.

The guy’s advice for making great coffee at home is to “keep it simple” says Glen C. Work with what you have and don’t expect your plunger coffee to be the same as an espresso.

Glen W stresses that freshness is key. Your beans shouldn’t be any older than 10 days to two weeks old. Also invest in a grinder as grinding your beans just before you use them is essential to unlocking the real flavour of the beans.

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Five years ago Warren & Deborah Klein purchased Dinsdale Poultry. Poultry wasn’t perhaps the most obvious business for Warren, who has a background in the lamb export industry. But his experience in the export sector ensured that they entered the local market with the same high standards and expectations of the challenging export industry. Now, five years on the couple have proven that vision, drive and passion for the local industry have been a successful combination.

Warren says they set out with a goal to diversify and try

something new each year. First they introduced their own brand of smoked chicken; KLEIN’S premium Manuka smoked chicken. Then they made a conscious decision to pass on their animal welfare beliefs and only sell gourmet, free range chicken in their retail store. “It soon became evident” says Warren “that there was a growing demand for a good old fashioned butcher shop.” So in September they rebranded and introduced Lifestyle Meats.

It has taken several months to complete the transition but things appear to be going well. As I talk to Warren and Manu about Lifestyle Meats they keep up a frantic pace; Warren expertly twists sausages into strings while Manu tenderises steak, in the background three of the team are boning hundreds of chickens for the retail and wholesale market. We are in their purpose-built butchery which is now separate to the shop and has two separate processing areas, one for poultry and the other for red meat. Warren points out to me later that one of the many advantages of this is that the shop doesn’t have that very distinct smell many butcher shops do. In fact, while I am perusing the selection on offer, a wonderful smoky smell wafts through instead, as all the smoked chicken and now duck, bacon and meats are smoked out back. Warren

Lifestyle Meats


is a believer in raising the bar when it comes to food hygiene. The team have won the Hamilton City Council Award for Excellence in Food Safety for four consecutive years and all the changes made have been done with food safety as a priority.

Manu Akapita has joined the team to help Warren and Deborah take this next step. Warren says he had over fifty applicants for the job but Manu had the experience and more importantly the same vision. The pair believes that the quality of meat available has declined as we have shifted from buying meat from a local butcher to the supermarket. They lament that many supermarkets don’t even have an in house butcher and those that do have limited skills. Manu has been a butcher for nearly thirty years. He did his apprenticeship in a one man shop where he learnt to do everything including making sausages and bacon. He says we now buy more fast fry cuts and less roasts than we once did. This he believes could be because we have less time to cook or that our cooking skills have declined. The other major difference is that chicken is now our most popular meat. Twenty years ago chicken was all frozen and expensive, now fresh chicken is a staple. But the biggest change in the industry has been the shift from people buying meat from their local butcher to the supermarket, but they feel the worm is turning as people are becoming more conscious about what they are eating. Manu is convinced that “you get a far better deal” buying from a proper butcher as opposed to the supermarket. At lifestyle Meats it is evident that they are passionate about providing you with great quality meat. Warren says they only have New Zealand meat and this is something you cannot assume in the Supermarket unless the label states it.

The friendly staff are always very eager to help! Whether you need a whole pig or a great steak, the team at Lifestyle Meats will set you right. They still stock a huge selection of beautiful free range chicken and fresh fish, but now you can get free range pork, NZ beef and lamb plus homemade bacon and sausages.

Whether you need a whole pig or a great steak, the team at Lifestyle Meats will set you right.

There’s a

new butcher

on the block

Dinsdale Shopping Centre, Tuhikaramea Rd. Ph. 957 6007

Page 9: Nourish Waikato issue 02

Poppies Hot Picks

There’s plenty to discover at

20% OFF FRESH!Get 20% off when you purchase FRESH! by presenting this coupon or this issue of NOURISH magazine to Poppies. Offer only valid at the Poppies stores listed below. Offer expires 31 January 2011

Come and experience Poppies for yourself and see what makes us different

Visit our Waikato and Bay of Plenty Stores:Queenwood Village, Herbert Road, HamiltonPh: 07 855 222Casabella Lane,Barton Street, HamiltonPh: 07 839 002047 Duke Street, CambridgePh: 07 827 7707Cruise Deck,169 Maunganui Road,Mt MaunganuiPh: 07 575 7411

Martin Bosleyby Martin Bosley & Jane Ussher (photos)

Kitchen by Nigella Lawson

Fresh! The best of New Zealand - from market to table by Peter & Anne Blakeway

Fresh! is as much a coffee table book about food as it is a recipe book. The reader is taken around New Zealand region by region. Foods from each region are showcased with descriptions of the origins of each product and how it came to be grown in that region. Then each ingredient is the star of recipes designed to make it look and taste amazing. Each dish is photographed which I really like. The ingredients are easily obtained by the amateur cook. The fact that this book is hardback with lovely thick, quality paper is just the icing on the cake. Fresh! has it all, quality production, local content, lots of big images and recipes that work in the home kitchen. $50Review by: Karen McNallyPoppies Queenwood

Martin Bosley’s new self-titled book is a big leap from his previous book, which in my view was far more user-friendly. Bosley’s new self-titled book Martin Bosley has been described as a ‘love letter to fine dining’ and is more a retrospective of his ten year career, revisiting his previous Wellington restaurant ‘Brasserie Flipp’ which has long since closed its doors, as well as his current water front location, Martin Bosley’s Yacht Club. The lay-out is that of a Degustation menu and paired with Jane Ussher’s stunning photographs it would seem almost a shame to risk sullying the pages with smears of ingredients - making this the perfect gift for an avid foodie or chef rather than the home cook, perhaps better suited to the coffee table than the kitchen bench. $90

Review by: Chris Scott, Head Chef/Owner Zinc Café, Queenwood

Nigella Lawson purports that “anything that which is true in the kitchen is just as true out of the kitchen.” Call me old fashioned, I buy recipe books for recipes not the authors philosophy on life, love and politics. Like her television shows Nigella’s latest book, Kitchen, contains a lot of what I would call “fluff”. In fact it is not until page 24 that we actually get a recipe. Having said this though Kitchen is packed with recipes -190 of them! There is everything from Irish oat scones to marmite spaghetti, South Indian vegetable curry to a great Sunday roast. Nigella fan or not, if you are looking for a book full of great dishes you will use and love, from filling the tins to quick weeknight meals to entertaining this book won’t disappoint. $75

Review by: Vicki Ravlich-Horan, Nourish Magazine

Page 10: Nourish Waikato issue 02



EVERYTIME!Here are some great tips from Raymond van Rijk the author of the hugely popular book “The greatest Barbeque Tips in the World”. Raymond is a sought after expert in barbequeing and holds courses all over New Zealand and the world, teaching people the art and joy of a great BBQ. He also has a great range of rubs and condiments to add flavour to your next bbq which are available in specialty stores and some supermarkets.

Raymonds top tips for cooking the perfect steak Buy only quality meat from your trusted butcher. Try to get them all the same thickness.

Start with rib eye steak, one inch thick, grilled medium rare.

Before grilling have your steak at • room temperature.Place steak on hot oiled grill, season • with coarse salt and freshly ground black pepper.Grill for 4 1/2 minutes before turning • steak over. You should only flip it once! This is very important, don’t play with it on the BBQ.Learn to walk away, get a beer or • chat to your guests.Cook it on the other side for 4 • minutes then take it off the grill and let it rest for at least two minutes.

Test if the steak is properly grilled with the FEEL test. Don’t butcher the steak to check if it’s cooked simply feel it with your finger and compare it to the fleshy bit on your hand between your thumb and index finger.RARE - Loosely touch the index finger with your thumb.

MEDIUM RARE - touch your thumb and middle finger.MEDIUM - touch your thumb and ring finger. WELL DONE - touch your thumb and little finger.

Cooking times can differ because: the meat is too cold, wind is too strong, gas is running out or the thickness of steak.

General rule: the smaller the steak, the more tender the cut, the higher heat and the shorter grilling time. Remember practice makes perfect!

Bring some flavour into your barbequed food by using a marinade or one of Raymond’s Gourmet Rubs.

Page 11: Nourish Waikato issue 02

Birchwood Lane Vineyard 67 Birchwood Lane, RD3 Hamilton 3283

Phone 07 856 [email protected]

We grow grapes following organic guidelines without herbicides, fungicides and insecticides resulting in a healthy and vibrant soil. We make our wines

with a minimum of interference. They show true and strong varietal characters.

Taste our products at Tamahere Country Market every month. Contact us for a mail-order price list, or details of your local stockist. Check out our range at and order online.

P: 07 856 4828 F: 07 856 4824 E: [email protected]

Top-quality condiments and dressings to enhance all your food, every day

No PreservativesNo added sugar

No colouringNo additives

Pure fruit juice, just as nature intended

Full of natural goodness & flavour NASHI JUICE is an

excellent source of Vitamin C and dietary fibre.

For orders and enquiries:

Ian WallacePh 07 829 [email protected]

Warren SextonPh 07 823 [email protected]

Available at Tamahere Market!

On the third Saturday of every month the grounds of St Stephens Church, in Tamahere, are transformed. Over a hundred stallholders set up shop and then between 8am and 1pm thousands of people converge to shop, chat, eat and generally enjoy the event. The market was the brain child of Jane Manson who, in 2004, proposed creating a regular market to help the church raise the always needed funds.

Into their seventh year, Jane is still a driving force behind the Tamahere market. Jane believes the market has been a huge success for many reasons; its location and their focus on local, handmade products. She says “all the products need to be NZ made or grown...” But then there are great exceptions “we have a stand selling Freeset bags from India. This in its self is a huge and

fantastic outreach and fits in with St Stephen’s mission statement.”

Tamahere Country Market has a truly wonderful atmosphere. Jane says one of their Vicars described it as “outrageous hospitality”, which is probably why the market has such a warm and friendly atmosphere. Jane sums it up when she says “the Market is like a family that comes together for lunch every month. We hear about births and deaths and who is ill and who is celebrating. We look after them, and they look after us. It makes for a beautiful atmosphere. It sounds mushy, but ask anyone who has been to the Market. They will usually tell you that they met someone they hadn’t seen for such a long time and that it has a great atmosphere. It’s great!”

Tamahere Market is on the third Saturday of each month at St Stephen Anglican Church in Tamahere. It is clearly signposted from both Hamilton and Cambridge.

“the Market is like

a family that comes

together for lunch every



Page 12: Nourish Waikato issue 02

The Strawberry Farm337 Newell Road

RD 3Hamilton

Ph. 07 859 1380

Strawberry Fields Forever

Enjoy a Real

Fruit ice cream

Page 13: Nourish Waikato issue 02

It’s a gorgeous summer morning as I drive along Newell’s Road. I am following a steady stream of traffic who are all heading to The Strawberry Farm. Eight years ago Gary and Pam McMahon were looking for a lifestyle block that would also provide an income. The hectare of land planted in strawberries just five minutes from Hamilton seemed the perfect fit.

Gary admits “I didn’t know a thing about strawberries.” But the previous owner was willing to share his 25 years of accumulated knowledge, which helped enormously.The McMahons have around 75000 Camarosa strawberry plants and Gary estimates this yields around 45 tonnes of fruit each season.

In March the plants are pulled out and re planting begins in May. But the real action takes place from October through to February. The Strawberry Farm mainly sell their berries from their shop and at local markets. Gary believes “the markets are a good strategy for us” although he does sell some of his berries wholesale.

When they bought the farm there was a dirt track which lead to the packing shed, attached to this was a lean-to with an honesty box. Gary says he was amazed in their first season just how many people pulled up to buy their strawberries. In fact, it became

a full time job clearing the money and stocking it with fresh strawberries. So from this humble honesty box Gary expanded. The second year he opened the shop which was staffed, the following year he introduced the very popular real fruit ice cream. Then last year Punnet Cafe was opened.

As I chat to Gary, Bernie, the neighbour arrives with a wheel barrow full of fresh produce. That really is zero food miles! This wonderful home produce is destined for the shop which Gary

also has big plans for. “I always thought there was a huge opportunity to sell them more” says Gary about all the people that come out to buy fresh strawberries and now come to visit the cafe. So in February The Country Providore will be launched in what is now The Strawberry Farm’s shop. The Country Providore will be open all year round and will provide yet another reason for people to come out and visit.

But until then there are still heaps of reasons to head out to Newell’s Road with the family. You can pick your own strawberries, enjoy a real fruit ice cream and savour a delicious meal or coffee and cake at Punnet. There is plenty of free parking so head to the Strawberry Farm to soak up the peaceful country atmosphere and let the kids free in the safe playground.

Head to the Strawberry Farm

to soak up the peaceful country atmosphere

and let the kids free in the safe playground.


Page 14: Nourish Waikato issue 02

This is wonderful served with prawns, squid or pork-belly.

1/2 cup of julienned carrot and daikon soaked in cold • water1/4 cup coconut, finely sliced• 200g mung beans• 50g cherry tomatoes (chopped), snow peas & alfalfa • sprouts40g of Vietnamese mint leaves, coriander leaves & • mint leaves*

Drain the carrot and diakon and mix with all the other ingredients, then dress.


4 cloves garlic, peeled• 1 red chilli, deseeded• 10g ginger, peeled• 85g rice wine vinegar• 85g Kecap Manis (sweet soy sauce)• 85g soy bean paste (or you can use miso paste)• 1/3 cup sugar•

Smash garlic, chilli & ginger in a mortar & pestle to a fine paste (or you could use a blender). In a pot add paste and all other ingredients, simmer for 5 minutes and remove from the heat to cool. *Put picked herb leaves in cold water. This refreshes them and they will last longer.

Punnet Cafes



Punnet cafe - hoursMon to Fri 8.30am - 4.00pmSat & Sun 9.00am - 4.00pm

here is something very unique about Punnet Cafe. It’s clear that a lot of thought has been put into the design and layout. Everywhere

you look there is a beautiful feature, setting or something a little quirky. Yet it has all been done with restraint and skill for the overall look and feel is one of clean lines.

Tammy Goodman, Punnet’s owner, says her vision for Punnet was one of urban chic. She wanted it to be quite minimalist compared to the Lily Pad which she formerly owned for over three years. Tammy believes “in creating an ambience with staff not the things on the walls.” So expect something a little more from this beautiful cafe sitting in the middle of a strawberry field!

Tammy says the team pride themselves on being an a la carte cafe. They want you to sit down and relax while the wait staff take care of everything. Attention to detail doesn’t stop with the wait staff!The kitchen team is lead by Paul Alderson and Tammy’s Mum, Barbara, who does all the wonderful baking. Everything is made onsite. They even grow their own herbs. Tammy says you will find all your favourites on their menu but they strive to add their own flair to everything. “We try to be a little bit different than everyone else” says Tammy.

On the lunch menu you will find mouth-watering dishes like salmon with wild rice salad, Scallops with chorizo, potato, almond, leek and hollandaise as well as a gorgeous lamb curry.


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P: 06 878 9634E: mail: [email protected]

Feel good about eating

ice cream

he story began in 1926 when Frederick Charles Rush Munro arrived in Hawke's Bay New Zealand. Frederick Rush Munro

originally learned the confectionary trade from his father in England. With this knowledge and just 10 pounds in his pocket he set up shop, with his wife Catherine, on 26th May in central Hastings. Gradually the range expanded to include 100% natural, real fruit ice creams all made to Rush Munro's own recipes.

In 1931 their shop was destroyed in a devastating earthquake which forced them to move to the current site in Heretaunga Street. These new premises evolved into the Ice Cream Gardens which have

become a world famous Hawke's Bay landmark and family tradition. Our luxury premium ice cream is 100% natural. You’ll notice whole berries and pieces of fruit in our fruit ice creams – that’s because we use only real fruit. No colourings and no preservatives, no artificial ripples, jams or fruit flavours. In fact we’re remarkably fussy when it comes to picking out sun-ripened fruit to trap that “just picked” flavour. We continue to use only the finest ingredients – farm fresh cream, whole milk and pure cane sugar to this day.

Our beautiful ice cream gardens offer a fantastic spot for every one to enjoy one of our 25 flavours including sorbets and ice cream.

TRush Munro’s have won a number of gold and silver awards for their Premium 100% Natural ice cream over the years including several “Best in Category” awards. Our ice cream is now in fantastic new packaging. As well as our Ice Cream Gardens, Rush Munro’s is now available at over 100sof locations throughout the country, including great cafes and supermarketsthroughout the Waikato and the Bay of Plenty. With Rush Munro’s being 100% natural, now you can really feel good about eating ice cream! Rush Munro’s is a 100% Natural ice cream “Taste Sensation”.

You’ll notice whole berries and pieces of fruit in our fruit ice creams – that’s because we use only real fruit. No colourings and no preservatives,

no artificial ripples, jams or fruit flavours.

Page 16: Nourish Waikato issue 02

Heilala summer fruits

1 cup plain yogurt• 2 tablespoons brown sugar• 1 teaspoon Heilala vanilla paste•Selection of fruit slices, fruit chunks or • whole berries for two

Tip yogurt into a small bowl. Add the brown sugar and vanilla paste, stirring until the sugar is dissolved. Serve with desired fruit.

Jacquie Mcnab, Whakatane

Heilala Recipes

Roasted hApuku on rosemary risotto, pea purée and vanilla sauce Serves 6 Risotto

60 g butter• 1 shallot or small onion, finely chopped• 750 ml/3 cups chicken stock• 250 g/1 cup arborio rice• 125 ml/1 cup dry white wine• 4 tbsp Parmesan cheese• 1 twig fresh rosemary, stalk removed and needles • finely chopped1/4 tsp vanilla paste•Small piece of dark chocolate (≥70% cocoa)•

Vanilla sauce

2 vanilla pods•500 ml fish stock• 200 ml cream• 30 g butter• Salt•


6 x 160g hapuku fillets, skin on• Sea salt• Olive oil• Juice of 1/2 lemon•

Pea purée

300g frozen baby peas• 2 tbsp olive oil•

Melt half the butter in a saucepan, then add the shallot or onion and sauté until it is translucent but not browned. Using a wooden spoon, stir in the rice and continue sautéing for a couple of minutes, mixing gently until all the rice is coated with butter.

Add the wine and let the rice absorb it, then add just enough chicken stock to cover the rice and stir well. Add the rosemary. When the rice has absorbed all the liquid, add a little more stock and continue cooking, stirring constantly.

Repeat with the rest of the stock, cooking the rice for about 15 min. Just before the risotto is finished, melt the chocolate into it and stir through.Turn off the heat, add the Parmesan cheese, vanilla paste and the rest of the butter and stir well.For the vanilla sauce, split vanilla pods in half lengthwise and scrape seeds into fish stock. Put fish stock into medium-sized saucepan and reduce by half over high heat. Add cream, butter, and a pinch of salt. For the fish, preheat oven to 220°C. Season with salt. Heat a large non-stick frying pan with olive oil until hot, add the fillets skin side down. Place in the oven and cook for five minutes.

Carefully turn over the fish and continue to cook for 1 minute. Take fish from the pan, squeeze lemon juice over it and allow to rest in a warm place for 3-4 minutes. For the pear purée, bring a medium-sized pot of salted water to the boil, add the peas and cook for about one minute. Drain, reserving some of the cooking liquid, and blend the still hot peas with a hand-held mixer into a fine purée, using some of the cooking liquid to obtain the right consistency. Blend in the olive oil and salt if necessary. To serve, spoon the risotto in the centre of a plate and top with the fish. Pour the sauce around, garnish with a spoonful of pea purée on one side and fresh rosemary twigs. Serve immediately.

Bjorn Oback, Hamilton

vanilla ice cream

2 cups cream • 1 cup milk• 3/4 cup caster sugar• 1 teaspoon Heilala vanilla •extract 1 Heilala vanilla bean, split in •half lengthwisePinch of salt•

Put 1 cup of the cream into a saucepan, add the salt and sugar. Hold vanilla bean over the cream mixture and scrape the seeds from the vanilla bean in, then add the pod to the cream mix as well for extra flavour. Warm the cream mixture over a medium heat, stirring constantly until the sugar has dissolved. Now, remove saucepan from the heat then add in the rest of the cream and the milk, along with the vanilla extract too.

Allow the mixture to cool a little, then put in the refrigerator to chill fully.

Before transferring the milk/cream mixture to your ice cream maker, TAKE OUT THE VA-NILLA POD! Then just churn it as per your ice cream maker’s instructions. It’s delicious!

T Larki, Auckland




Our winning Heilala Vanilla - Nourish recipe and two perfect summer creations from our readers. Many thanks for all the wonderful entries.

Page 17: Nourish Waikato issue 02


Pick your own• Childrens playground• Ice-creams• Chocolate fountain• Punnet cafe• Free parking• Open 7 days, • 8.30am to 5.30pm (except xmas day & New Years day)

Punnet cafe - hoursMon to Fri 8.30am - 4.00pmSat & Sun 9.00am - 4.00pm

337 Newell RoadHamilton

07 859 1380

*Fares are cruise only, per person in NZD, in complete 4-berth or twin share cabin as specified, based on lead inside cabin cateogories available at time of printing, inclusive of discount of up to 40% off the full fare, all taxes and charges. Full fares offer more flexibility - see for further details Supplements apply for other cabin categories contact Mondo Travel for full details. Valid for new bookings only, not combinable with any other offer. Subject to limited availability. Special conditions apply. P&O Cruises have set aside cabins available at these discounted fares. Once sold, fares may revert to a higher fare or the full fare. P&O cruises reserves the right to do so at any time. Whilst all information is correct at time of printing some details could possibly change. To be read in conjunction with the Booking and Passage Conditions in the current P&O Cruises South Pacific, Australia & Asia brochure which passengers will be bound by. Inside cabin has no porthole/window. On board currency is AUD.


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Got the taste for something different?

If one of your great passions is superb food accompanied by fine wine and friends, P&O Cruises 3-night gourmet food and wine cruises on board New Zealand’s 1st Superliner, are just perfect for you. This is an exceptional opportunity to experience cruising and become immersed in all that’s wonderful about the sensational produce from the leading food and wine regions of New Zealand. Along the way leading wine makers will present lectures, wine tastings and appreciation classes. There are also coffee master seminars with the on board baristas, as well as beer-tasting sessions. The cruises culminate in a mouth-watering degustation dinner^ prepared by a leading chef. Add in all the spectacular entertainment, activities and amenities on board and you have the perfect recipe for an extraordinary culinary experience at extraordinary value. ̂ charges apply

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In September Momento opened its sixth cafe in Hamilton. It hasn’t taken long for word to spread that you can now get great coffee and a wonderful selection of food at the north end of town. Their North city branch is now a firm favourite among many and a great place to escape the office!

Still with Momento’s distinct retro look and feel this latest edition to the family also has a sophisticated edge. The cafe is well laid out with many different seating options including booths for greater privacy as well as a separate space perfect for meetings or large groups.

In just five years Craig and his team have grown the Momento brand to be synonymous with great coffee, delicious food and wonderful service. The coffee is a unique blend created by Rocket especially for Momento and they go through around 200kgs of beans a week. With cafes at the university, Wintec and the hospital as well as Hood St and now Ulster St the Momento team now numbers around seventy. It is this great team of passionate individuals that makes Momento work.

It is also this awesome team that will ensure your next event is a huge success! You can hire any one of the Momento sites for private functions or simply hire the team to cater your next event. No function is alike and Momento know this only too well, which is why they will tailor a menu to suit your specific occasion. So check out one of their many cafes or email them for your next event on [email protected].


Page 18: Nourish Waikato issue 02

People have been making cheese for thousands of years. Successful cheese making requires a combination of simple ingredients, the right conditions and timing.

Cilantro, Hamilton’s newest cheese makers, have also found that the right conditions and timing have been crucial for them to take what was a hobby and turn it into a full time enterprise.

Monica Senna Salerno & Jenny Oldham were both research scientists at Ruakura. The pair began making cheese at home about two years ago when there was a suggestion their jobs were under threat. Jenny had been given a cheese making kit as a gift so they decided to give it a go. The goal was to make the cheeses Monica grew up eating but couldn’t get in New Zealand. Monica is from Brazil but has Italian heritage and lived in Italy before coming to New Zealand nine years ago. Monica says “when I first came here I saw sheep everywhere and thought yes, Pecorino”. But she soon discovered that there were very few cheeses in New Zealand made from sheep milk and there definitely weren’t the cheeses she longed for. Jenny says she grew up, like most kiwis, on the generic 5lb blocks of cheese so Monica is definitely their chief taster.

They soon became popular with their friends and workmates as they shared their creations around seeking feedback and advice. In fact,the popularity of their cheese was one of the driving forces behind why they felt compelled to take the next move. In April this year, Jenny who describes herself as a person who “takes the path of least resistance”, took voluntary redundancy and set about establishing their cheese factory. Jenny says “too many opportunities have presented themselves for us not to take the leap of faith. “ The very fact that Agresearch was downscaling, not only lead to Jenny’s redundancy, but also to them having access to a marvellous facility to make their cheese from.

So now, at the end of a long winding corridor of the MIRINZ building at Ruakura you will find the hub of Cilantro. Compared to most artisan cheese factories this is huge! Imagine a purpose built butchery with walk in chillers, sloping floors which can be hosed down, washable walls and stainless steel everything. This is an amazing facility which both Jenny and Monica feel very fortunate to have. They are both very thankful to Mike King, the site manager, for all his help as well as all the

MIRINZ staff who have been a great source of support. “They give us great ideas too” says Monica.

They both admit that it has been easier for them to up skill than they thought. It is clear that their backgrounds in science have given them both a great advantage as they see each cheese as a bit of an experiment. But it has taken them nearly six months to get to the point where they are ready to launch their cheeses to the general public. In that time they have taken a couple of courses at the New Zealand Cheese School learning the business behind cheese making. They have come up with a name and created a logo. Monica explains the name came originally from a joke between her husband and herself and the television show American Dad. They have also had to satisfy all the legal and health requirements plus source a continual supply of goat and sheep milk.

Look for Cilantros cheeses at the Cambridge Farmers Market on Saturdays and the Te Awamutu Farmers

Market on Thursday evenings.

Cilantro Cheese


Page 19: Nourish Waikato issue 02


The aim with Cilantro is to produce

beautiful artisan cheese.

The HerbalDispensaryWhere you belong

The aim of Cilantro is to produce beautiful artisan cheese.The cheeses are all made in small batches and being handmade means consistency is not their first priority. In fact, they laugh about the “ai, caramba” cheeses. These are the ones that didn’t quite work out as anticipated, but sometimes it is from these cheeses they discover something wonderful.

Monica says Jenny is becoming an expert mozzarella maker. “I have worked away at perfecting the stretching” admits Jenny. So along with beautiful fresh cow’s milk mozzarella, known as fior de latte (flower of milk) they will produce predominantly goat and sheep milk cheeses. They make a halloumi from sheep milk and are always experimenting. But their specialty is a fresh goats curd called Chèvre which Monica says “everybody simply loves” and that “nobody else is doing” adds Jenny. This cheese has proved popular even among those who swear they don’t like goats’ cheese. It is also great for those who are lactose intolerant as goats’ cheese doesn’t contain any lactose. It can also be matured and turned into a hard cheese.

Jenny describes making cheese as being “like magic..... with such simple ingredients you get such a vast array of end results.” After making cheese Monica says she beams with a “smile from here to here.” So it’s the magical process, the smells and textures, plus the slow uncomplicated process of making cheese that these two women have discovered has added such a wonderful layer to their lives. But it is the reaction of the people who eat their cheese that really makes them happy which is why they will be launching their cheese at the Farmer’s Markets. This is cheese to be savoured and enjoyed. These are the sorts of cheeses made with love and attention that people will seek out to share with their loved ones.

Page 20: Nourish Waikato issue 02

This is a spectacular summer dessert, surprisingly low in fat. You can make a gluten free version simply by leaving out the biscuit base. Try freezing it into individual moulds.

Nourish Tip

Egg whites beat better at room temperature. I freeze my left over egg

whites when making aioli or hollandaise and they

are then perfect for recipes like this one or meringues and pavlovas.

Strawberry Dream cake

3 eggs whites• ¾ cup sugar• 2 chips of strawberries• 1 tspn Heilala vanilla essence • 200g biscuit crumbs• 75g butter, melted•

Beat the egg whites, sugar vanilla and roughly chopped strawberries until the mixture is quadrupled, approximately 5 minutes.

When you start beating stand by and use your hands to guard any strawberries who will want to jump out. I use a free standing beater as it leaves my hands free and some even come with guards. It also means that once the strawberries have mushed up you can walk away and let it do its thing. Mix the melted butter and biscuit crumbs together and press into a lined 18cm spring-form cake tin. Then pour in the now gorgeous pink egg white mix and freeze for at least 24 hrs.

Life cycle of a coffee bean. Carmo de Minas, Brasil.

fresh coffee beans

locally roasted

cup of excellence

specialty coffee


espresso machinery

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coffee books

coffee jibber jabber 07 839 6422

Page 21: Nourish Waikato issue 02

inseason... summer:tomatoes, berries,

cherries, plums,nectarines, apricots,

new potatoes, rocket, beans, basil, beets,

capsicum, sweetcorn...

Season & serve

SUMMER QUESADILLA This is a great quick lunch or supper and you can simply use what great fresh vegetables you have available in the garden. Tortilla • Cheese • Pesto • Vegies (zuchinni ribbons, spring onion, tomato, rocket, capriscum, mushrooms…) On the grill on your bbq or in a sandwich press lay one tortilla down. Spread with pesto and then layer on top your ingredients. I like using a vege peeler to make zuchinni ribbons, then add fresh rocket and basil, tomato and then sprinkle with feta or boconccini. Top with another tortilla and then close the sandwich press. If doing it on the BBQ simple flip when it starts to brown.

BBQ CORN COBS Pull the husks of your corn down but not off. Remove the silks and return husk into place. Tie the corn with string and soak in cold water for 30 minutes. Cook the corn on the BBQ or over hot coals for 15-25 minutes, turning often. When cooked serve with salt and pepper and lashings of butter.

get your fresh ingredients from the Green Grocer

1 3 0 G r e y S t r e e t

Also stock: Volare bread, Beautiful fudge, Over the Moon Cheese plus free range & organic chicken and meat

PISTACHO & CHOC DIPPED STRAWBERRIES Everybody LOVES choc dipped strawberries! So this season get a little more adventerous and dip them in crushed pistachios after dipping them in chocolate. You could use other nuts or even coconut if you like. Try different types of chocolate too. Or dipping them twice, once in white, then in dark choc.

Page 22: Nourish Waikato issue 02 | ph 07 8493202 | mob 0210651537


Canvas restaurant offers exquisite modern European fare, matched with an original

wine list featuring NZʼs only certified vegetarian, low-allergen wines from the Moana Park Winery in the Hawkes Bay.

07 839 2535 | [email protected] | Victoria St., Hamilton (south end)

Large selection of French & Italian Cheeses, Daily French bread, pastries, chocolates, Sweets, Condiments, Meat & Fish preserves and much more…

Delicious assortment of gourmet gift hampers available for all budgets and taste.

Great idea for presents or perfect for Corporate gifts !


Open Tuesday - Saturday

51A Riverlea Road Hillcrest Hamilton

Tel: 07 856 8570

$2250pp for both tours include;

Return flights• 4 nights 4 star • accommodationtransfers to and from • Melbourne airportLight breakfast each • morning2 fabulous evening meals•

Email or call Vicki for more information

[email protected]

Wine tour is a fabulous Golf Tour lead by Andrew Horan NZPGA, making this tour perfect for couples with different interests!

Melbourne is world famous for its “sand belt” golf courses. Many of the top courses in the world are in this area and this tour gives you the chance to play 2 of the top 20 courses in Australia. Each course has different tees for every skill level and we can ensure you play the tees that make your day an enjoyable one. With Andrew as your personal Golf Professional on tour you can expect some great coaching tips to play these wonderful courses. Included in the tour are all your green fees, transport plus a few great excursions, including a behind the scenes look at Callaway’s Headquarters.

Immerse yourself in the wonderful culinary experiences Melbourne has to offer with this 5 day tour, lead by Vicki from Feast & Nourish Magazine. We will be discovering some local secrets as we explore some of Melbourne’s gourmet treasures; from markets through to chocolate, coffee to beer, while also taking part in some of the festivals amazing events like the World’s Longest Lunch.

The World’s Longest Lunch is your chance to enjoy a 3 course meal along with 999 others on an enormously long table! The menu has been designed by Gabrielle Gates and is served with matching wines all set in a beautiful garden setting with live jazz.

Golf Anyone?Running alongside the Food and

Page 23: Nourish Waikato issue 02

Great Food, Great Coffee and Great Service!

Opening Hours:

weekdays from 7.00 am 803 victoria st 834 0504made by hand, served with love


Butter fingersbreakfasts, elevenses, luncheons, afternoon teas

Tasty counter food, homemade cakes & tarts, a capsule short order menu,

chilled drinks & most importantly, pure espresso... all in our comfortable

kitsch environment!

phone 07 839

6 great locations Hamilton wide

City: Cnr Hood & Victoria St

Hospital: 224 Pembroke St

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MS2: Waikato Management School

Avalon: Wintec Avalon Campus

North City: 3 Ulster St

•QualityProducts• Excellentselectionto suityourneeds• Friendly,helpfulservice• FreeTipsandInformation.

371VictoriaStreet,opp.Novotel,Hamilton•Phone:078399001,Fax078399002Mon–Fri9–5.30,Sat10–4andSun11–3•[email protected]

“If it’s for the kitchen, see us first”

This Summer your Local is going 100% Local -

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Delicious lime-based artisan products

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Dantes Fine Foods NOSH 62-64 Duke St, Cambridge Opening soon


See you at the Wine & Jazz Festival Hamilton Rose Gardens, 26 – 27 Feb 2011

Gluten free (except 1) | Meat free | Preservative

Page 24: Nourish Waikato issue 02

Quality artisan bread, baked for the Waikato

Available at - Green Grocer, Vetro, Te Rapa New World, French Tart, La Cave,

The Herbal Dispensary (Raglan), The Red Kitchen (Te Awamutu),

Volare’s on site shop

Bakery Shop Hours: Tue-Fri, 9-5pm and Sat, 9 -12pm

24c Lake Road, Frankton, Hamilton

07 847 1206