notice of motion - dungog shire · 3. supply lv mains from metering to first pole – 50 mtrs 100...

Ordinary Meeting of the Council of the Shire of Dungog, to be held Tuesday 20 November 2012 commencing at 6.00pm. NOTICE OF MOTION Councillor G D Wall 1. GRESFORD SPORTING COMPLEX OVAL LIGHTING PROJECT FUNDING ASSISTANCE. EF12/67 MOTION Council allocate $25,000.00 towards the Gresford Sporting Complex Oval Lighting Project to support a NSW Department of Sport & Recreation Facility Grant Application. ********* Commentary On the 04 February 1999, the Gresford Sporting Complex Management Committee resolved to install oval lighting on one playing field. The project comprised of installing four lighting poles, each with 3 x 1500w floodlight fittings and control equipment. Quotes for the project were received from PowerServe and NorthPower. Council resolved to allow the Management Committee to utilise PowerServe as the contractor. The works undertaken were for the supply of equipment and materials with volunteer electricians and labour undertaking the works. Funding for the project was as follows: 1. $12,000 NSW Sport & Recreation Grant 2. $7,000 from Dungog Shire Council. 3. $6,000 from the Gresford Sporting Complex Management Committee 4. $2,000 from the Junior & Senior Crickets Clubs and Gresford Vacy Soccer Club (divided). It has been the intention of the Management Committee that the second field have lighting installed and this was included in the Sporting Complex Plan of Management in 2001 and has been an outstanding project since then. Given that the NSW Sport & Recreation Facility Grant is open for applications from the 21 January 2013, the Management Committee would like to submit an application and need to have funds committed by Council (Grant Criteria 50:50 Funding). As such the table below depicts the equipment needed, scope of works and funding required: Consultant/Contractors – Construction, Plant, Labour – on – costs for Installation of Oval Lights. 1. Design to Australian network Standards. 2. Supply 24m, 12kN timber poles (3) - $7,890.00 ea - $23,670.00 3. Supply LV mains from metering to first pole – 50 mtrs 100 mm2 - 4 core + earth - $5,780.00 4. Supply LV mains between lights – 200 mtrs 50 mm2 - 4 core + earth - $15,906.80 5. Supply LV control wire – 300 mtrs 2.5 mm – 2 core + earth - $690.00 6. Supply of MVP Wide Beam 2000w Floodlight / lamp/ ballast units (9) - $17,082.00 7. Conduit and danger tape – $1,180.00 8. Trenching, concrete cover and backfill - $11,322.00 9. Timber Cross Arms for mounting poles (3) - $705.00 10. CT meter (box, distribution breakers – 3 x 100amp) - $11,080.00 11. Pillar box 2 way kit (4) - $1,360.00 12. Meter Box complete w/ DGPO, CB and earth stake (3) - $2,160.00 13. 9.5m/6kN pole – $340.00 14. 300mm cable cover – 250mtrs - $1,200.00 15. Essential Energy service mains / metering and connection - $12,300.00 16. Machinery for pole erection - $1,160.00

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  • Ordinary Meeting of the Council of the Shire of Dungog, to be held Tuesday 20 November 2012 commencing at 6.00pm.





    Council allocate $25,000.00 towards the Gresford Sporting Complex Oval Lighting Project to support a NSW Department of Sport & Recreation Facility Grant Application.

    ********* Commentary On the 04 February 1999, the Gresford Sporting Complex Management Committee resolved to install oval lighting on one playing field. The project comprised of installing four lighting poles, each with 3 x 1500w floodlight fittings and control equipment. Quotes for the project were received from PowerServe and NorthPower. Council resolved to allow the Management Committee to utilise PowerServe as the contractor. The works undertaken were for the supply of equipment and materials with volunteer electricians and labour undertaking the works. Funding for the project was as follows:

    1. $12,000 NSW Sport & Recreation Grant 2. $7,000 from Dungog Shire Council. 3. $6,000 from the Gresford Sporting Complex Management Committee 4. $2,000 from the Junior & Senior Crickets Clubs and Gresford Vacy Soccer Club

    (divided). It has been the intention of the Management Committee that the second field have lighting installed and this was included in the Sporting Complex Plan of Management in 2001 and has been an outstanding project since then. Given that the NSW Sport & Recreation Facility Grant is open for applications from the 21 January 2013, the Management Committee would like to submit an application and need to have funds committed by Council (Grant Criteria 50:50 Funding). As such the table below depicts the equipment needed, scope of works and funding required: Consultant/Contractors – Construction, Plant, Labour – on – costs for Installation of Oval Lights. 1. Design to Australian network Standards. 2. Supply 24m, 12kN timber poles (3) - $7,890.00 ea - $23,670.00 3. Supply LV mains from metering to first pole – 50 mtrs 100 mm2 - 4 core + earth - $5,780.00 4. Supply LV mains between lights – 200 mtrs 50 mm2 - 4 core + earth - $15,906.80 5. Supply LV control wire – 300 mtrs 2.5 mm – 2 core + earth - $690.00 6. Supply of MVP Wide Beam 2000w Floodlight / lamp/ ballast units (9) - $17,082.00 7. Conduit and danger tape – $1,180.00 8. Trenching, concrete cover and backfill - $11,322.00 9. Timber Cross Arms for mounting poles (3) - $705.00 10. CT meter (box, distribution breakers – 3 x 100amp) - $11,080.00 11. Pillar box 2 way kit (4) - $1,360.00 12. Meter Box complete w/ DGPO, CB and earth stake (3) - $2,160.00 13. 9.5m/6kN pole – $340.00 14. 300mm cable cover – 250mtrs - $1,200.00 15. Essential Energy service mains / metering and connection - $12,300.00 16. Machinery for pole erection - $1,160.00

  • Ordinary Meeting of the Council of the Shire of Dungog, to be held Tuesday 20 November 2012 commencing at 6.00pm.

    17. Borer to drill pole holes - $870.00 Total: $106,805.80 plus GST. In Kind Contribution 1. Licensed Electricians / Contractors (4 x 74 hrs & $65/hr) - $19,240.00 2. Labour – (4 x 74hrs x $32/hr) - $9,472.00 Total: $28,712.00 Therefore – Total Project cost of -: $106,805.80 Less In Kind Contribution $28,712.00 Council Contribution $24,690.90 ($25,000.00 requested) Sport & Recreation Facility Grant $53,402.90 Total Funding: $106,805.80 GST exclusive. The Management Committee currently has no funding available as they have just undertaken works to extend the canteen roof and are about to commence a stormwater project. The stormwater project was successful in receiving CBP funding (50% towards the purchase of pipes and elbows) and the Management Committee currently have a Volunteer Small Equipment grant and Sport & Recreation Facility grant pending to purchase a new pitch roller ($22,000). If Council concurs with this NOM and allocates $25,000 to the project, this will then allow the Management Committee to apply for additional funding from the NSW Department of Sport and Recreation – Facilities Program – 2013 - (dollar for dollar funding) for a further $53,402.90 (Matching Management Committee & Council Contributions). If this Facilities Grant application is successful the project can then be completed. IMPLICATIONS Statutory There are no statutory requirements as the works proposed are exempt development. Works will need to comply with the relevant Australian Standards. Financial The 2013/2014 Budget will need this allocation included for the Lighting Project. In accordance with the requirements of Council’s Asset Management Strategy, the whole of life cost of this project including depreciation, repairs and maintenance and replacement is as follows: Annual Service Costs: Capital Cost Annual Service

    Cost Remarks

    Capital Cost $106,805.80 Real Cost of Capital Nil No loans Depreciation $2,136.12 50 year life. Operations $2,235.06 1872 units/phase/paMaintenance

    $312.00 Per Annum

    Demolition/removal $35.00 $1,750 (Could be incorporated into new lighting

  • Ordinary Meeting of the Council of the Shire of Dungog, to be held Tuesday 20 November 2012 commencing at 6.00pm.

    configuration. Income -$2,640.00 132hrs x $20 / hr Total $106,805.80 $2,078.18 Note – The above table is calculated on a whole of life of 50 years. Whilst the poles are expected to have a life expectancy of 80 years, consideration would need to be given to a whole of system and supporting infrastructure replacement at 50 years. Environmental There are no environmental impacts regarding the scope of works of the project. Community / Consultative This project and its completion will provide long term benefits to the Sportsground Users, Gresford Sporting Complex Management Committee and the greater Community. Consultation has taken place with the Gresford Sporting Complex Sec. 355 Committee and Staff. This project is in accordance with the Gresford Sporting Complex Plan of Management.

    Cr. G. D. Wall 26 October 2012

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    Ordinary Meeting of the Council of the Shire of Dungog, to be held Tuesday 20 November 2012 commencing at 6.00pm.


    Craig Deasey 1. JAMES THEATRE EF08/167 Précis: Reporting on correspondence from the Heritage Council of NSW in relation to the James Theatre.

    ********** Council has received correspondence attached as Annexure ‘A’ from the Heritage Council of NSW advising of their notice of intention to consider listing on the State Heritage Register the James Theatre. Earlier in the year Council had previously expressed a concern about the consideration of the James Theatre being potentially registered on the State Heritage register as it was considered that increased obligations would have a detrimental impact on the finances of Council. At the time the officer dealing with this matter liaised with me in relation to my concerns and provided me with some further advice as regards what the listing would result in as to future maintenance responsibilities. Whilst those concerns were alleviated somewhat at the time the other publications now available have again raised a number of other concerns in relation to the James Theatre and its future use. Presently the revenue generating activities for the Theatre are somewhat limited and the need to diversify also requires the need for other structural enhancements and development on some of the land at the rear of the building, there is serious concern as regards the future capability of undertaking such should the James Theatre be heritage listed as the enhancements would not be in harmony with the objectives of a State heritage listed property. Additionally some of the maintenance elements would require more paperwork to be undertaken which is not what Council or the Management Committee need and the potential for cost escalations when projects are to be undertaken also needs serious consideration as such will need to be sympathetic to the original integrity of the building. The façade is potentially the only part of the structure that I could possibly endorse with many elements within the interior of the building having been altered over time, whilst the facility might have a local cultural significance I personally could not endorse the entire facility being placed on the State Heritage register at this point in time without a lot more information. IMPLICATIONS Financial As mentioned within the report the James Theatre is not financially self-sufficient, whilst grant funding is enabling improvements to the facility the reliability of receiving future grant funding is dependent upon future Governments funding allocations and the ability of the facility to be recognised on heritage/cultural importance rating greater than competing submissions.

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    Ordinary Meeting of the Council of the Shire of Dungog, to be held Tuesday 20 November 2012 commencing at 6.00pm.



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    Ordinary Meeting of the Council of the Shire of Dungog, to be held Tuesday 20 November 2012 commencing at 6.00pm.


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    Ordinary Meeting of the Council of the Shire of Dungog, to be held Tuesday 20 November 2012 commencing at 6.00pm.


    lbrighton.dunFile AttachmentGM 1 A.pdf

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    Ordinary Meeting of the Council of the Shire of Dungog, to be held Tuesday 20 November 2012 commencing at 6.00pm.

    2Consultative The letter was forwarded to the James Theatre Committee for their information. At this point in time there has not been a site specific inspection with officers of Council or the Management Committee by the Heritage Council and whilst an inspection appears to have been undertaken with another party it has not been with the property owner (Council) or the custodian (James Theatre Committee) RECOMMENDATION That Council advise the Heritage Council of NSW:

    i) That Council at this stage cannot support a listing on the State Heritage register for the James Theatre without further advise;

    ii) That Council invite officers of the Heritage Council of NSW to attend Council and

    brief the Council, Members of the Management Committee and members of the Friends of the James Theatre Inc.

  • B:

    Ordinary Meeting of the Council of the Shire of Dungog, to be held Tuesday 20 November 2012 commencing at 6.00pm.

    3Craig Deasey

    2. HUNTER CENTRAL RIVERS CATCHMENT MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY EF08/167 Précis: Reporting on correspondence seeking nominations to the Hunter Community Reference Group sub committee of the HCRCMA.

    ********** Council has received correspondence attached inviting Councils expression of interest in nominating one or more Councillors to be a member of the Hunter Community Reference Group of the Hunter – Central Rivers Catchment Management Authority. The correspondence outlines the process as the selection of Councillor members is at the discretion of the HCRCMA board. The sub committee operates in advisory capacity to the Board and acts as a conduit for the dissemination of information between the broader community and the HCRCMA. It is recommended that Council endorse any Councillor wishing to nominate for the Community reference Group IMPLICATIONS There are no direct implications to Council as the Councillor would not be acting as a delegate of the Council. Out of pocket expenses are borne by the HCRCMA, the role is advisory and to act as a conduit for the exchange of information between the community and the HCRCMA. RECOMMENDATION That Council endorse the nomination application of any Councillor expressing an interest in becoming a member of the Hunter- Central Rivers Catchment Management Authority (Hunter Community Reference Group).

  • B:

    Ordinary Meeting of the Council of the Shire of Dungog, to be held Tuesday 20 November 2012 commencing at 6.00pm.

    4Craig Deasey

    3. COUNCIL CHRISTMAS ARRANGEMENTS EF07/53 Précis: Reporting on the proposed Christmas arrangements.

    ********** It is advised for the information of Councillors of the following arrangements for the forthcoming Christmas/New Year close down period in relation to staff working arrangements. Council’s administration centre doors will close at 1.00pm with phones to be manned until 1.30pm, on Monday 24th December 2012 to ensure financial services and computer systems can be adequately protected with backup operations. The Administration Office will resume operations on Wednesday 2 January 2013. There will be a skeleton crew of outdoor staff working through 24 December to 31 December 2012 for toilets and street cleaning etc. Councils Library and Visitors Information Centre will not be open on Monday 24th December 2012. On Friday 21 December 2012 there will be a Christmas break-up party for all staff and Councillors to be held at the Dungog RSL Club commencing at 2.00pm. Councils administration, library, visitors centre and landfill will all close at 1.30pm on this day. This function includes a sit down lunch with Councillors and staff with an invitation being forwarded to Councillors in due course. Council’s landfill operations are closed Tuesday and Wednesday each week and will not be impacted by the Christmas/New Year closures this year. Advertising will take place from early December and will be on display at Councils various locations. IMPLICATIONS No direct implications, other than the potential impact upon customer service. RECOMMENDATION That Council receive and note the report

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    Ordinary Meeting of the Council of the Shire of Dungog, to be held Tuesday 20 November 2012 commencing at 6.00pm.

    5Craig Deasey

    4. NSW DIVISION OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT CIRCULARS EF08/142 Précis: Providing a summary of circulars that have been released by the Division of Local Government.

    ********** The following circulars have been released by the Division of Local Government and the intent of this report is to keep Councillors informed of changes and/or requirements that Council officers may be required to implement. The circulars themselves may be found on the Divisions website ( It is not the intent to reproduce such circulars but moreso provide them as a point of reference to Councillors should they wish to undertake further research. When there is a requirement to inform Councillors or designated officers of a matter correspondence and attachments will still be submitted to all Councillors in accordance with the requirements of the Director General of the Division of Local Government. Such circulars will be highlighted in bold text. The following Circulars have been released by the Division since 1 October 2012.

    Date Circular No.


    4.10.12 12-36 Update to the Notice of Intention to Declare a Dog a Restricted Dog Approved Form

    8.10.12 12-37 Local Infrastructure Renewal Scheme – Round Two

    17.10.12 12-38 Disclosure of Interests Returns

    Aside from Circulars there are numerous publications which are released upon the Departments website. Publications issued since 1 October include: NSW Local Infrastructure Renewal Scheme Guidelines – Round 2. IMPLICATIONS There are no implications associated with this report, information only. RECOMMENDATION That the report be received and the information noted.

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    Ordinary Meeting of the Council of the Shire of Dungog, to be held Tuesday 20 November 2012 commencing at 6.00pm.

    6 Craig Deasey

    5. COUNCIL’S MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES Précis: Reporting on Minutes of Council Management Committee Meetings provided to Council.

    ********** The minutes of the following Management Committee Meeting are attached as Annexure ‘B’ to this report:

    Martins Creek Hall Committee Meeting held 5 September 2012 James Theatre Committee Meeting held 10 September 2012 Martins Creek Hall Committee Meeting held 3 October 2012 Dungog Showground Committee Meeting held 4 October 2012 Gresford Sporting Complex Committee AGM held 9 October 2012 Gresford Sporting Complex Committee Meeting held 9 October 2012 Clarence Town School of Arts Committee Meeting held 25 October 2012 Vacy School of Arts Committee AGM held 25 October 2012 Vacy School of Arts Committee Meeting held 25 October 2012 Dungog Showground Committee Meeting held 1 November 2012 Martins Creek Hall Committee AGM held 7 November 2012 Martins Creek Hall Committee Meeting held 7 November 2012

    IMPLICATIONS Financial There are no financial implications the report is for information purposes only. RECOMMENDATION That the minutes of the Management Committee Meetings be received and noted.

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    Ordinary Meeting of the Council of the Shire of Dungog, to be held Tuesday 20 November 2012 commencing at 6.00pm.



    Martins Creek Hall Meeting

    5th September Meeting Opens at 7minutes past 7pm Present: Grahame Martin, Arthur Asplund, Beverly Martin, Maddy Coutts, Sue Coutts, Rachael Prummel. Apologies: Suzette Paton Minutes from the last meeting read and accepted: Moved Rachael Prummel 2nd Maddy Coutts’ Business Arising: Halloween Sue Coutts to put an ad in the Paterson Psst for October. Put Banners up for Halloween the first week in October. Moved: Sue Coutts 2nd Maddy Coutts. Correspondence in: GST Return, Bank Statement and Electricity Account. Email from Arts Upper Hunter, asking if we would like to be included in their newsletter. Correspondence out: Sent Thankyou letter to Glen Wall. Treasurers Report: Opening Balance $3620.20 GST Return $ 22.89 Profit from RFS Ball $1230.50 Total $4853.59 Expenses Sept. Elec. $ 210.65 Closing Balance $4634.94 Moved: Grahame Martin 2nd Arthur Asplund. It is decided that after expenses the Hall Committee will donate $500 to Martins Creek RFS Moved Grahame Martin, 2nd Arthur Asplund General Business: Arts Upper Hunter sent an email asking if the Hall Committee’s Events would like to be included in their newsletter. Sue Coutts will email them and let them know we would. Moved Sue Coutts 2nd Rachael Prummel. Graham Martin will send Henry Fitness a Sympathy card from the Hall Committee, Moved Grahame Martin 2nd Sue Coutts. Sue will email Tracey Lowrey asking for help with the carpet for the proposed cinema, Moved Sue Coutts 2nd Maddy Coutts. Someone to contact Gina about doing a story for Halloween in the Chronicle. Meeting Closed at 8.55pm

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    Ordinary Meeting of the Council of the Shire of Dungog, to be held Tuesday 20 November 2012 commencing at 6.00pm.



    THE COUNCIL MEETING ROOM. PRESENT: M Flannery, R Pollock, B Irwin, R Pollock, K Tickle (chair), S Farrow. MINUTES of the August meeting were read and confirmed L Connors sec M Flannery BUSINESS ARISING We have received the 3 "please turn off the lights" signs (from D Mackay) and L Connors has erected them. Lights out the front of the Theatre are to come on Friday and Saturday nights only. Stage floor has been done at a cost of $2,550 it looks great and is a shame to allow tap on it. TREASURER'S REPORT R Pollock moved the report with a balance of $12,497-57 sec B Irwin. To pay the account of $1,208 for the electricity and the floor sanding account as above. Invoice sent to Chamber of Commerce for the Councillor info night. CORRESPONDENCE Email from D Mackay resigning from this committee. Letter sent to Dungog Retirement Living saying we were sorry about the vehicle using their driveway / gate. Sent letter to B and K Hopson asking for their spare keys back and L Connors has picked them up. GENERAL BUSINESS Council advised that we should not give the ballet lady another key at this time. The committee recommends that we send the letter to the ballet lady re the concert charges etc, all agreed. We asked Brett Lane to clean the hall for the exams for the ballet lady, yet to receive an account. The only thing left to be done from the previous minutes is the curtains for the stage and surrounds, all the rest has been done. Discussion on the amount of work that Mick Moy has done for the Theatre, we are very appreciative of the time and effort he has put in, we would not have had the money to do what he has done. A big thank you to him. We have received a quote from Richard Berry to tile and render the toilets of $11,565. There are further quotes to come in about this. Next meeting Monday 8th October 2012 Meeting Closed 8-35 p.m.

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    Ordinary Meeting of the Council of the Shire of Dungog, to be held Tuesday 20 November 2012 commencing at 6.00pm.

    14Martins Creek Hall Minutes

    3rd October 2012 Meeting Opens at 7.08 pm Present: Arthur Asplund, Beverly Martin, Grahame Martin, Sue Coutts, Maddy Coutts, Rachael Prummel. Apologies: Steve Hunt Minutes from the last meeting read and accepted with amendments moved: Sue Coutts 2nd Grahame Martin Business Arising: Sue has placed an ad in the Paterson Psst for the Halloween night. Committee will meet on Friday 26th October at 2pm to decorate the hall, bring along Christmas/party lights. Moved Rachael Prummel 2nd Maddy Coutts Correspondence in: Sue received a letter from Dungog Council’s General Manager asking for hall minutes to be sent in no later than two weeks after a meeting. Correspondence out: Nil Treasurers Report: Opening Balance $4634.94 Income: Nil Expenses: $500.00 Share of RFS Ball profit to Martins Creek RFS Closing Balance: $4134.94 General Business: Councillor Harold Johnson suggested to Sue Coutts that the Hall Committee consider making Martins Creek Hall a Community Hall and taking it over from Council. However the Hall Committee feels we are not yet financial enough to afford the upkeep of the hall including insurance, water and maintenance. Moved Rachael Prummel 2nd Arthur Asplund Sue to write letter to Council asking if they could fix the guttering at the hall as it is a state of disrepair and missing in some parts. Moved Sue Coutts 2nd Grahame Martin. Sue Coutts has spoken with Ivan Skaines from Dungog Council and he is going to look into the carpet for the theatre. Meeting Closed at 7.15pm Next Meeting AGM 7th November 2012

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    Ordinary Meeting of the Council of the Shire of Dungog, to be held Tuesday 20 November 2012 commencing at 6.00pm.



    MEETING OPENED: 7.33 pm with the User Session MEMBERS PRESENT: Charles Watson (Chair), Owen Nicholson, Jay Dillon, Des Hopson, Peter Dillon, Cr. Tracy Norman, (Observer - Cr. Glenn Wall) APOLOGIES: Nil User update – Jan Lyon (Pony Club). 1. Jan Lyon advised that the 28 October will be the Polo weekend and that the Pony Club will be using the Jack Martin Bar. Jan also advised that there will be an Interclub Day at Stroud on the 27 October and as such does not foresee complications at Dungog due to numbers. 2. Jan also enquired if the Committee considered centralising campers on the grounds to minimise water / power and the use of ablutions. The President responded that the Caretaker places people on the grounds and the matter will be passed onto him for consideration. Previous Minutes and Business arising from the minutes 1. The President presented a quote for the signage in relation to camping information such as `who to contact’ etc. The committee resolved to accept the quote (Cost for two (2) alupanel signs 1000mm x 500mm is $285.00 + GST) and have the signs manufactured. Moved – Des Hopson Seconded – Peter Dillon Treasurer’s Report The treasurer tabled the report with credit balance in working account of $6,348.02cr and Grandstand account $1,627.46cr. Moved – Des Hopson Seconded – Owen Nicholson. Correspondence Moved that correspondence be dealt with as read – Moved - Des Hopson Seconded- Jay Dillon Inward: 1. Emails from Lea Mitchell (5) providing kitchen update. 2. Email from President re Camping signs. 3. Email from President re cc’d email from Tony McKenzie re Police Compound. 4. Emails from President (11) detailing discussions regarding Music Event (organiser). 5. Email from President re Gas Bottle supplier. 6. Presidents email to Ivan Skaines advising of previous resolution that Charles to the intermediary between the Showground and event organisers. 7. President’s email to Tony McKenzie re works on the Guide Facility and that it was unfortunate that Tony could not make the meeting held. 8. Email from Paul Bull advising a key for Des Hopson is ready to be picked up and asking for the key register to be updated. 9. Email from Jay Dillon re discussions with Chugg regarding catering. Outward: 1. Email to Paul Bull re key for Des Hopson. 2. Email to Members re Account Payments. 3. Various emails from Chugg Entertainment re Music Event.

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    Ordinary Meeting of the Council of the Shire of Dungog, to be held Tuesday 20 November 2012 commencing at 6.00pm.

    16General Business 1. Charles Watson made the following comments regarding the Mumford & Sons Concert to be held on the 20th October -:

    All committee members apart from Peter Dillon have seen the works request from Andrew Tatrai. The fencing requested has been removed; the soil near the poultry shed has been relocated. There is still some confusion regarding the placement of the soil. The event organiser is determined that he would prefer to fill rather then cut.

    Only one fence panel has been removed adjacent to the Arts & Craft pavilion. Modifications still need to be undertaken to allow the second panel to be removed.

    The stock yards modifications for the event are in hand and the rails have been removed. 2. Glenn Wall is to contact Council staff to enquire if road side slashing on all the roads around the showground will be undertaken. 3. Glenn Wall is to contact staff to request that pothole patching on the internal showground roads be carried out prior to the concert. Charles Watson commented that if Council were to charge for this to be carried out, the cost would be incorporated into the Showground works being undertaken on behalf of the event organiser (advance for works and services undertaken). Dave Watson can procure what is required cheaper than the Management Committee. 4. The 15 October will be the last day that campers will be permitted on the grounds (those on the grounds have been advised). Monday 15 Oct will also be the commencement of establishment by the event organisers. The grounds are to be mulched prior to the 15 October. 5. With regards to the manning of the bar from 11.30 pm to 2.30 am on the 20 October, all staff will require the RSA qualification. The President is collaborating with the Dungog Adult Education Group regarding an upcoming RSA course. Charles advised he would need about 6 people with qualifications and would need the numbers for those wishing to undertake the course by 08 October. 6. Committee members have undertaken to mow & wippersnip the grounds for the event by the 13 October. Recompense will be from the advance for works and services provided by the event organiser. Members will also clean out the ticket box by this date. 7. Jay Dillon advised that the kitchen still needs painting to be undertaken. Charles Watson advised that once completed, the Dungog Men’s Shed members would assist with positioning the appliances. 8. With regards to Peter Dillon again enquiring as to matters relating to Bonds and the capacity to recoup costs incurred to repair building / ground damage in excess of bonds supplied or indeed if no bond was requested (September Minutes), Peter tabled a letter he drafted and asked that it be forwarded to the Council General Manager. The President asked for the letter to be readdressed to the GM and have his signature block on the letter and that the secretary signs it on his behalf and the letter be forwarded. Moved – Peter Dillon Seconded – Des Hopson 9. Peter Dillon advised that Dugald Alison had again contacted Steve Hitchens regarding the stormwater pipe extension from Eloiza Street into the Showground. The President advised that he would either correspond with the General Manager or in consideration of the time frame that he would discuss personally with Mr. Deasey as regards the works to be carried out. Moved –Owen Nicholson Seconded – Peter Dillon 10. Des Hopson advised that the sealed area adjacent to the Broadcast Box still has not been repaired (resealed) by Council after the works undertaken on Hancock Ave. 11. Glenn Wall is to contact staff advising that Jay Dillon will be at Council on Monday 08 October to pick up a key for the Grandstand to prepare for the concert. Meeting Closed at 9.00 pm

    The next ordinary meeting of the Dungog Showground Management Committee will be held THURSDAY 01st November 2012 at 7.30 pm

    The Permanent User Group Session will be held at the commencement of the meeting.

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    Ordinary Meeting of the Council of the Shire of Dungog, to be held Tuesday 20 November 2012 commencing at 6.00pm.



    MEETING OPENED: 7.30 pm MEMBERS PRESENT: Peter Lawrence, Mick Jupp, Cathy Easdown, Jenni Denniss, Ross Wood, Leanne O’Sullivan, David Crouch, Jim Doyle, Heather Williams, Damien Crouch, Bevan Crouch, Tammy Crouch, Kim Crouch, Dave Jefferson, Cr. Glenn Wall APOLOGIES: Scott Everett. Moved that apologies be accepted Cyril Redhouse seconded Mick Jupp; Carried. PREVIOUS MINUTES: Previous were read and confirmed and moved for adoption by D. Jefferson; Seconded – C. Easdown TREASURERS REPORT: The treasurer advised that Council has reviewed the Management Committee Financial books and have signed off on such. Mick passed on his gratitude to Mrs. Cheryl Hyde again for all her assistance. The ledger was tabled for inspection and the treasurer provided a report. Moved – M. Jupp Sec – C. Easdown CORRESPONDENCE: Nil correspondence relating to the Annual General Meeting. COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVE REPORT: Glenn Wall congratulated all the Committee for their continuing support and dedication to the Management Committee. He commented that whilst the challenges are still before the committee, the works undertaken on the ground were considerable. The repairs and extension to the canteen roofing; the general works undertaken and the ground maintenance and preparation of such have been outstanding. Sincere thanks were also extended to Council staff for their efforts and support of the Complex and the Management Committee. The purchase of the Ride on Mower took the onus off members to use their own equipment. Glenn Wall again congratulated all the Committee, particularly noting Mr. David Crouch’s, Dave Jefferson’s, Cyril Redhouse and Jim Doyle’s efforts. Glenn also commended all the members of the User Groups for their ongoing support and commitment. Emphasis was also placed on attempting to have the Stormwater project completed as soon as possible, installation of ground lighting to allow both fields to be used for night sport and the purchase of a new pitch roller. A very commendable year and again he offered congratulations to all the Committee Members. ELECTION OF EXECUTIVE: Mr. Peter Lawrence was asked to assume the Chair and declared all previous Executive positions vacant and called for nominations of the following positions: President Nominations – Mr. Dave Jefferson Moved – David Crouch Sec – Cyril Redhouse (Carried) Vice President Nominations – David Crouch Moved Jim Doyle Sec – Heather Williams (Carried) Treasurer Nominations – Mick Jupp Moved – Charles Watson Sec – Des Hopson (Carried)

  • B:

    Ordinary Meeting of the Council of the Shire of Dungog, to be held Tuesday 20 November 2012 commencing at 6.00pm.

    18Secretary Nominations – Glenn Wall Moved – Ross Wood Sec – Bevan Crouch (Carried) GENERAL BUSINESS: 1. New Account Signatory Members will be required to submit the necessary forms to the Holiday Coast Credit Union. Glenn Wall is to provide the Credit Union with a copy of these minutes authorising the following to have the authority to sign cheques; with any two (2) signatures required to endorse Committee Cheques -: Mr. Dave Jefferson, Mr. Michael Jupp, Mr. David Crouch and Mr. Glenn Wall Moved – Michael Jupp Sec – Dave Jefferson (Carried). 2. The Committee resolved to forward to Council the revised fees and charges for 2013 /2014 for Council consideration and determination. The revised fees and charges will be as follows:

    i. Ground Lighting use to rise to $20.00 /hr ii. User Fees to increase by 2.4%

    Moved – Ross Wood Sec – Jim Doyle. Meeting Closed at 20.35 pm

    Meeting Closed at 8.35pm

    The next Gresford Sporting Complex Annual General Meeting date will be held on TUESDAY 08 October 2013 commencing at 7.30 pm at the Hotel Beatty.

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    Ordinary Meeting of the Council of the Shire of Dungog, to be held Tuesday 20 November 2012 commencing at 6.00pm.


    FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30TH JUNE 2012 I advise that the books of account have been presented to Dungog Council for the purpose of audit and have been found to be a true and correct reflection of the financial affairs of the Gresford Sporting Complex for the period 1/7/11 to 30/6/12. The following is a brief summation for the year:- Bank Balance 30th June 20102 $1,331-03Cr Income summation for year:- Bank Interest 4-09 Donations 4,746-20* Bbq proceeds (Clevedon) 525-50 GST Refund 274-20 *$2,500 of these funds where for the purchase of the mower Expenditure summation for the year:- Electricity costs 1,869-82 Sundries Mower purchase 2,400-00 Farmers Warehouse 210-00 A & L Smith 608-30 Stewart Everett 44-00 Total Income for year $5,549-99 Total Expenditure for year $5,482-12 Michael Jupp Treasurer  

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    Ordinary Meeting of the Council of the Shire of Dungog, to be held Tuesday 20 November 2012 commencing at 6.00pm.



    MEETING OPENED: 8.40 pm MEMBERS PRESENT: As per the AGM minutes. APOLOGIES: Scott Everett. Moved that apologies be accepted Cyril Redhouse seconded Mick Jupp; Carried. PREVIOUS MINUTES: Previous minutes were read and confirmed and moved for adoption by D. Jefferson; Seconded – David Crouch MATTERS ARISING FROM PREVIOUS MINUTES: Pipe and netting has been purchased for the front of the canteen. Members of the Management Committee and Soccer Club are to amend the design to incorporate screens behind all the goals. The fencing between the Community Centre and the Complex needs to remain. Jim Doyle offered some Grape Vine posts for the gates / strainers. (Dave Jefferson has set the strainer posts with the assistance of Mr. Scott Gardner). The grandstand seating has been relocated to the complex. A decision still needs to be made as regards the best use of the seating and appropriate mounting arrangements. TREASURERS REPORT: A financial report tabled, dated 06 October 2012 - $2,018.07 in General Account. Moved – M. Jupp Seconded - D. Jefferson CORRESPONDENCE: Inward: 1. Response from Dial Before You Dig. 2. Information from Essential Energy, Hunter Water & Telstra re DBYD. 3. Email from Ross Wood re PA system cabling and repairs needed to the Ground Lights. 4. Email from Council that an additional two bins have been dropped off. 5. Email from D. Jefferson re info for fertiliser and soil improvement works. 6. Email D. Jefferson / C. Redhouse / G. Wall re roof extension to canteen awning works. 7. Email D. Jefferson / G. Wall re roof extension to canteen awning works completed. 8. Several emails re water use and areas identified as needing work / repairs and previous works undertaken. 9. Email from Mick Jupp advising of excessive electricity account (July) and the need to possibly consider higher user fees. 10. Request for Mid week Soccer competition. Outward: 1. Request to Dial Before You Dig. 2. Letter from Hon. George Souris re support of CBP Grant. 3. Request to Council for additional bins. 4. Volunteer Small Equipment Grant submitted re assistance for new roller. 5. CBP Grant agreement signed and forwarded to DoPC (storm water project). 6. NSW Sport & Recreation Facility Grant application forwarded for funding of roller. 7. Email to all users / committee re fertiliser project. 8. Email to all re water account being excessive. 9. AGM and General Meeting Notice and previous minutes sent to all Groups / members.

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    Ordinary Meeting of the Council of the Shire of Dungog, to be held Tuesday 20 November 2012 commencing at 6.00pm.

    21General Business. 1. Some vandalism has occurred to the alsonite roof material on the changes rooms. Rather than just replace the damaged pieces with half sheets, Dave Jefferson will calculate the number of full sheets to replace the section of roof. Glenn Wall is to ask Council if they can provide the new sheets and the Committee members will replace the sheets. 2. The area at the rear of the change rooms needs to be fenced off and an area allocated for the cricket practice nets. 3. The committee resolved that Glenn Wall forward a Notice of Motion to Council requesting funding be allocated in next year’s budget to allow the committee to submit a NSW Sport & Recreation Facility Grant application in January 2013 to install the second set of lights for the oval. Moved – Damian Crouch; Seconded – David Crouch 4. Glenn Wall discussed the stormwater project and advised that Mr. Steve Hitchens will try and get the new pipe and sump arrangement in place as soon as possible to allow the Management Committee to finish laying the remaining 120 mtrs of pipe and elbows. 5. The trees on the ground, particularly in the vicinity of the Canteen / change room facility need to be lopped / trimmed. Meeting Closed at 8.35pm The next Gresford Sporting Complex Committee Meeting will be held on TUESDAY 12 MARCH 2013 commencing at 7.30 pm at the Hotel Beatty.

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    Ordinary Meeting of the Council of the Shire of Dungog, to be held Tuesday 20 November 2012 commencing at 6.00pm.


    AS AT 6TH OCTOBER, 2012

      Note:- September 2012 statement not yet received. Balance as at 1st July 2012 was $1,331-03Cr Plus: deposits since then 2,018-57 Less: cheques drawn 1,132-53 Balance as 6/10/12 $2,018-07 Cr (this does not include Bank Interest paid 31/9/12) Income since AGM: Donation Scorpions Football 1,610.00 GST Refund Dungog Council 209.14 Bank Interest Bank .43 Expenses since AGM Country Energy Power Bills 943-12 A & L Smith 189-41

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    Ordinary Meeting of the Council of the Shire of Dungog, to be held Tuesday 20 November 2012 commencing at 6.00pm.


    Quarterly Meeting on Thursday 25 October 2012

    At Cottage Cafe Grey St. Clarence Town

    Meeting open at 4pm by Chairman Katherine Pitkin Present were; Katherine Pitkin, Margaret Borton, Betty Tooth, Paula Tooth, Barbara Robinson, Cr Tony McKenzie, Helen McKenzie and we welcomed Steve Hitches and Tracey Lowrey from Dungog Shire Council. Apologies: Ruth Wells. Trudy Burke Minutes of the previous meeting were read and accepted moved by Barbara Robinson and sec by Margaret Borton Business arising from minutes: Fees - query as to why fees raised from $10 to $11. As Betty was treasurer at the time she advised that the increase was done under instruction of Paul Bull due council increase in fees. Tracey Lowry advised that the Council (Dungog Shire Council) were undergoing a review of all the Halls in the Shire to ensure there is consistency with fees and management of the Halls. Committees are not able to raise the fees without Council approval. Action: Tracy & Steve to check if the increase is in line with Council Fees. Council will be supplying the Committee with 355 manual which outlines all the procedures for the Hall committees. Cleaning - cleaning of the hall is carried out on a voluntary basis by the committee members each week. Tracy confirmed that members of the committee are covered as Voluntary Workers under Council Insurance. Volunteer sign off Register is to be kept and completed when cleaning or volunteer work performed Hirers of the Hall do not sign the volunteer forms - it is part of the hiring agreement that the hirer clean the hall after use. Action: Colleen to obtain Volunteer Workers forms from Tracey and leave in the store room at the School of Arts Hall Colleen to provide register of regular hirers Colleen to obtain Risk Assessment template from Tracey Repairs - Katherine advised that still no advice regarding quote from Ron Kennedy for plumbing repairs. Action: Steve to chase this up and advise outcome Exit lights - Paul Bull required a plan of hall but Committee have been unable to obtain one. Action: Council to perform a review of lights/exit doors/security Youth Activities - PCYC did not come up because of the weather, advised they will be back in New Year. Tracey advised that funding for youth programmes has changed and is focussing more on early intervention and counselling rather than funds for youth events. Russell McCarther is Youth Community Officer. Constitution - Council are drafting the constitution for all Halls in the shire to ensure consistency across the board. In relation to Clarence Town School of Arts the insertion of "Hall" can stay on the bank account but will not be on the Constitution. Members number can

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    Ordinary Meeting of the Council of the Shire of Dungog, to be held Tuesday 20 November 2012 commencing at 6.00pm.

    24be changed to 4. Once Constitution is adopted changes can be made via the Council. Committee to be aware of dual roles Action: Colleen to email request for committee numbers to be changed on the draft constitution. Correspondence In and Out to be dealt with as read (as attached sheet) moved by Tony sec by Betty Treasurers Report (as per attached sheet) Accounts ratified and agreed that accounts under $100 do not require to be ratified - accepted moved by Katherine sec by Paula. General Business

    Committee to host Breast Cancer morning in conjunction with Dianne Grey

    Tennis Club Dinner - report of a shoe being broken on front entrance.

    Action: Incident report to be set up and kept at the Hall (along with Volunteers register) – Colleen

    Council would like some photos of the Hall for website

    Action - Colleen to check with Tennis Club for photos of the event and also some photos of the hall and email to Lyn Brighton at Council

    Brick work at front requires repair/investigation

    Action: Katherine to obtain quotes for the work and send to Steve Hitchens

    Sewer connection - need to know in advance in order to advise any one booking the hall and also the regular hirers

    Action: Steven Hitchens to advise of date when work to commence.

    Bus Stop at the front of the Hall - there is a "No Parking between 7am - 1 0am Monday to Friday" sign but quite often people are parking there. School buses pull in of a morning and on Friday the community bus pulls in and there have been times when cars are parked in this area.

    Action: Colleen to email Council and request that Ranger calls into the area when in the Shire between these times.

    Wheelchair access signs - Signs for the Hall can state it is wheelchair friendly and we can advise hirers of this.

    Country Energy Grant - Colleen had contacted Country Energy and will be completing forms for the $200 grant

    Commonwealth Bank Term Deposit will be withdrawn and transferred to Newcastle Perm - Colleen to contact the Bank

    Suggested that hirers of chairs/tables sign in and out Action: Colleen to set up register.

    Thank you to Steve Hitchens and Tracey Lowry for attending the meeting it was very informative Meeting closed at 5.15pm

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    Ordinary Meeting of the Council of the Shire of Dungog, to be held Tuesday 20 November 2012 commencing at 6.00pm.


    MEETING HELD 25TH OCTOBER 2012 MEETING OPENED 7-40PM.  Apologies ‐  Ralph and Lyn Brooker, Cliff Dunford    Moved M Brooker    Sec L Collison Members Present – Leigh Collison, Tracey Collison, Neil Sommerville, Diane Denton, Linda Bowden. Welcome to Linda who is the new representative for Dungog Council. She will be taking the place of Glenn Wall. Previous Minutes – The minutes of the previous AGM were read and Confirmed.                                                                          Moved M Brooker   Sec  Leigh Collison Treasurers Report ‐  M Brooker presented a report for the years fiscal activities.               Moved  M Brooker  Sec T Collison. Presidents Report ‐  President Leigh welcomed all to the meeting. He thanked the committee Murray and Diane for their assistance during the year and also thanked Glenn Wall for all his work over the time he has been the representative of the Dungog Council.  Mowing roster was working well, also thanks to Ralph and Lyn for their work as the caretakers of the hall  and  for  their  attentiveness  with  the  cleaning  and  reporting  any  damage  or  maintenance problems. Thanks also for being the contact for hall bookings.  It has been a profitable year and all we do need to do in the new year is encourage new members. Councillors Report –  Glenn Wall forwarded the following report – Dear Leigh,    I wanted to pass on my gratitude to all the School of Arts members for their support and dedication during the years I have been involved with the organisation and ask that you pass this message on; or provide a copy for the other members. Since  1999 Vacy Organisations have made me  feel  very much  a part of  your  community  and  the School of Arts facility has been the focal point of much of this involvement. I have attached a list of projects below that the SOA committee has been the driver of or provided support for. The  list  is comprehensive and when one considers  the works undertaken  it  indeed a credit  to  the whole community. It  has  been  an  honour  and  privilege  to  have  been  involved with  such  a  group  of  people whose passion and tenacity is clearly evident. Given that Cr. Linda Bowden  is now the Council representative on the Committee  I hope you make her feel welcome and a part of the Community and I wish the Management Committee all the very best into the future.  Best Regards. Glenn Wall The President declared the Executive positions vacant and asked Linda Bowden to accept the chair for  the  Election  of  Office  Bearers  for  2012/2013.  Linda  thanked  all  office  bearers  for  their contribution for the previous year. President – Nominations – Leigh Collison Nominated by D Denton Seconded by N Sommerville. Vice President – Nominations – Ralph Brooker , Nominated by M. Brooker  Sec  by D Denton Secretary – Nominations – Diane Denton, Nominated by M. Brooker  Sec  L. Collison Treasurer – Nominations – Murray Brooker, Nominated by D Denton  Sec  T Collison. Auditor – Financial books are to be inspected by Council Senior Accountant.  Committee Representatives – Leigh and Tracey Collison, Murray Brooker, Diane Denton, Colletta and Neil Sommerville, Ralph and Lyn Brooker, Cliff Dunford and Linda Bowden. Matters to be discussed – Membership fees ‐  to remain at $2.50 Hall User Fees ‐  General   Booking Fee ‐ $110; Hourly rate – (private/Profit Organisation) $15/hour; community  Groups/Playgroup ‐  $8.00/hour There being no further business the President declared the meeting closed at 8‐30pm PRESIDENT ………………………………………………………    SECRETARY………………………………………………………. 

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    Ordinary Meeting of the Council of the Shire of Dungog, to be held Tuesday 20 November 2012 commencing at 6.00pm.


    HELD 25TH OCTOBER 2012 Meeting Opened 8-30pm Apologies – Cliff Dunford, Ralph and Lyn Brooker Present – Leigh and Tracey Collison, Murray Brooker, Diane Denton, Neil Sommerville, Linda Bowden – Councillor representing Dungog council. Previous Minutes – Previous Minutes were read and accepted. Moved L. Collison Sec M Brooker. Business arising from the minutes – Driveway -M. Brooker advised that the he was advised by Glenn Wall that he contacted Dungog Council to have this looked at before the Vacy Carnival but to date nothing has been done. Ralph had to do some minor repairs on the day of the carnival as it could have been a hazard to walkers on the day. Linda will follow up with council and forward a report to Murray. Kitchen Draw and Toilet Roll Holder – Ralph fixed these before the Vacy Carnival. Treasurers Report: M Brooker presented a report for the period from 23/8/12. Moved M. Brooker Sec N Sommerville. Correspondence – In - Dungog Council Australia Day awards nomination forms. Moved T Collison Sec L. Bowden Out – Nil. General Business – Vacy Carnival -President and Treasurer wished to thank everyone for their work on the day of the carnival which was a great success. President also wished to thank Murray and Barbara for getting the drinks and putting them in their fridges until the day of the carnival, Ken and the Vacy Fire Brigade for the use of their coolroom on the day and Cliff Dunford for the use of the Golf cart to transport the drinks to where they were needed. Life Member -Leigh put forward a suggestion that Ken Lambert be put on the Life Membership board for his service to the school of arts committee for so many years. Moved M Brooker Sec L Collison. Tracey suggested that the name in gold lettering on the board could be done by signwriter that Vacy School gets for their plaques – she will ask about getting this done. Linda to check with Glenn Wall and council as to how to have a Certificate done for presentation to Ken. Next meeting will be convened when this work is done so that Ken and Janet Lambert can be formally invited to the meeting for the presentation. Neil Sommerville suggested that maybe Hirers should be told how to leave the hall after use, Murray advised that this is already up on the wall of the hall. Diane suggested that maybe we could have a copy given to all hirers when deposit is paid. Past hirer report – Scout group posed somewhat of a problem with the number that came – Murray was advised by neighbours that their appeared to be a few issues with the hirers of the hall and he investigated to find that they had breached a few of the hall hire rules, The number of people rose to 130 which was more than they had booked for. All in all the group was quiet and did not cause any problems but the committee will have to be more careful next time with exact numbers of people. Being no further business meeting closed 9pm PRESIDENT…………………………………….SECRETARY…………………………….  

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    Ordinary Meeting of the Council of the Shire of Dungog, to be held Tuesday 20 November 2012 commencing at 6.00pm.



    MEETING OPENED: 7.25 pm with the User Session MEMBERS PRESENT: Charles Watson (Chair), Owen Nicholson, Eddie Rumbel, Des Hopson, Peter Dillon, Cr. Tracy Norman Apologies: Jay Dillon User Update: - Pat Byron (Guides) 1. Pat expressed concern over the Mumford and Sons event that the organisers had access to the Guides’ rooms and that there were items missing and damage done to a fridge. As the Guides pay rent on the building she wanted to know why the organisers were given access to the building and asked why the organisers got master key access. Charles Watson said the issue of the master key will be put on the agenda of the meeting, that Council is responsible for master keys and to take up the matter of access with Tony Mackenzie. Peter Dillon suggested that she send an invoice to the organisers for any loss or damage. 2. Pat also expressed concern at the lack of communication between the parties involved. Neither the event organisers nor anyone from Council had informed her the Guides would not have access for their regular Monday meeting the Monday prior to and the Monday following the event. Des Hopson commented on the lack of communication from Ivan Skaines both to the user groups and the Showground Committee throughout the event. Owen Nicholson pointed out that closures to the showground access are always advertised in the Dungog Chronicle. 3. Pat asked whether the committee would agree to the Guides putting a gate on the back of the new Guides hall so that it could be accessed without needing to access the showground. Norma Pearce (Ladies Auxiliary) 4. Norma Pearce expressed concern that the Ladies Auxiliary rooms had been accessed and utilised by the event organisers without the knowledge of any of the members of the Auxiliary, that items were missing and the place was left in an untidy state. She also questioned the handing out of master keys and said they often find evidence that someone other than Ladies Auxiliary members is accessing the rooms. Owen Nicholson pointed out that without the master key system accessing the rooms for repair and maintenance would be difficult. Charles Watson declared the Committee meting open at 8.20. Previous minutes and business arising 1. Secretary: Tracy Norman agreed to take minutes while Charles Watson agreed to handle other secretarial duties such as bookings. 2. Potholes. Could Council fill the potholes around the showground prior to the show. General edge patching and the filling of two large potholes adjacent to the Abelard St gates. Tracy Norman to make the request to Council’s engineering department. It was noted that the Council did attempt to get this done before the Mumford and Sons event but were ordered off because it was not on the organiser’s schedule of works. 3. The drainage problem on Eloiza St is still outstanding. 4. The minutes of the last meeting be accepted. Moved - Des Hopson Seconded - Owen Nicholson

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    Ordinary Meeting of the Council of the Shire of Dungog, to be held Tuesday 20 November 2012 commencing at 6.00pm.

    285. Discussion on the Mumford and Sons Gentlemen of the Road event on 19th and 20th November. Peter Dillon expressed concern about Council’s involvement in the organisation of the concert. That the control of the showground for this event was taken from the committee and assumed by Council because it was considered to be too big a job for the committee and yet the job fell back on to the committee without any formal requests by Council. He and others noted the lack of communication from Council. They want council informed of the unhappiness in the community of the way things were handled by Council. Peter Dillon, Owen Nicholson and Des Hopson would like to see a meeting between Council, the showground committee and the organisers to see how things can be improved for future events. Peter Dillon asked Tracy Norman if there was a contract between Chugg and Council and Tracy Norman said she would find out. Charles Watson produced a section of the contract between Chugg and Council that he had recently received from ACES. 6. Master Keys: Owen Nicholson said that master keys were necessary to access rooms for various reasons such a repairs and maintenance. Peter Dillon said that access was part of the job of the committee. 7. Access to the various rooms. We need to look at the various leases to see which rooms can be accessed by people renting the showground for events. 8. Gate for new Guides building. Charles Watson said that it is not in the committee’s control whether they put a gate on or not because the guides have a lease over that building so it is their decision to make. 9. Event. Des Hopson passed on a request to Charles Watson from Paul Hugginson, the organiser of Valley Team Penning, who wants to hold this event on 29-30 June 2013. Des suggested he be sent a letter outlining fees and charges and conditions of use. Last year they had access through to the Sunday but were not charged. Charles Watson will send the letter. 10. Set up fees. Des Hopson thinks set up fees for events are a rip-off and should not be charged. Charles commented that as this is specified in Council’s Rates and Charges Schedule a change in that document would be required. 11. Peter Dillon’s letter to General Manager re upgrading the Reparation Clause in user agreements. He has received no reply yet. Treasurer’s Report 1. The treasurer tabled a report with a credit balance in the operational account of $5890.79 and Grandstand account of 1627.46, but noted an expected further credit of approximately $10 000.00, when Accounts transfer the bond to the Committee. 2. There was discussion of whether to charge Chugg for the work Dave Watson did on the floodlights but this was in fact maintenance work that needed to be done and, given Chugg had been so fair in their dealings, that they would not be charged for this work. 3. There was a discussion on how to spend the income received from Chugg. The grandstand needs money spent on it. Exhaust fans, ceiling fans and possibly slats on the windows were considered high priority to try to help cool the area under the grandstand. 4. It was discussed that Jay Dillon wants the Friends of the Showground to have a say in how the money was spent. 5. That Jay Dillon be paid the sum of $1000.00 to cover her out of pocket expenses. Moved - Owen Nicholson Seconded Des Hopson The motion was carried. 6. Charles Watson wants it formally noted that he thanks Owen Nicholson, Des Hopson, Peter Dillon and Jay Dillon for their time and effort before the Gentlemen of the Road Festival. 7. Des Hopson wants it noted that we thank Andrew Tataie for bringing the event to Dungog and that we want him to come back with other events. Charles undertakes to write.

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    Ordinary Meeting of the Council of the Shire of Dungog, to be held Tuesday 20 November 2012 commencing at 6.00pm.

    29 8. That the accounts as presented be paid. Moved - Owen Nicholson Seconded Des Hopson The motion was carried 9. Could we put a note of thanks to the Menshed for the resecuring of six sets of aluminium tables and benches. General Business 1. Des Hopson asked Charles Watson whether the Menshed still wanted the wooden boxes but Charles said no. 2. Could there be a letter to Craig Deasey requesting Council to carry out drainage works on the north-western corner of the showground and at what cost to the committee. Charles Watson to action. 3. That the committee send further correspondence to the American Motor Cycle Club re the outstanding fees for the use of the showground and electricity for its event in May 2012 of $4063.00. There was some discussion as to checking the way the electricity meters are read for usage charges to renters of the showground. 4. Des noted that we are up for a loan payment of $1750.00 to Council. 5. Peter Dillon questioned the phone cable from the announcers box to Mary St. Andrew (ACES) is happy to pay for this line until 17th November after which time the committee may keep it at its own expense. Owen Nicholson to investigate the changeover of line from Telstra to Southern Phones. Southern phones do not charge monthly line rental. 6. Peter Dillon asked whether we should write a letter to Council regarding the interaction between Chugg, the showground committee and Council. It was resolved not to do this. 7. Wendy Farrow has had a direction from Paul Bull (Council’s Assets Manager) to not direct people to the showground for camping. There should be communication between Paul Bull and the Chairman of the Committee if there is an issue with the showground being used for camping. 8. Charles Watson to let Andrew Tataie know that there is still gear belonging to Chugg to be picked up. Meeting concluded at 9.49pm. The next ordinary meeting of the Dungog Showground Management Committee will be held on Thursday 6th December at 7.30 pm. The permanent user Group Session will be held at the commencement of the meeting. Chairperson:..................................................

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    Ordinary Meeting of the Council of the Shire of Dungog, to be held Tuesday 20 November 2012 commencing at 6.00pm.

    30Martins Creek Memorial Hall AGM

    7th November 2012

    Meeting Opens at 7.18pm Present; Maddy Coutts, Sue Coutts, Arthur Asplund, Grahame Martin, Beverley Martin, Rachael Prummel. Apologies: Steve Hunt Minutes from previous AGM 2nd November 2011 read and accepted. Moved Sue Coutts 2nd Grahame Martin. Business Arising: Nil Newly Elected: President: Rachael Prummel Moved Sue Coutts, 2nd Arthur Asplund Vice President: Beverley Martin Moved Rachael Prummel 2nd Maddy Coutts Secretary: Sue Coutts Moved Grahame Martin 2nd Arthur Asplund Treasurer: Grahame Martin Moved Sue Coutts 2nd Rachael Prummel Meeting Closed at 7.25pm

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    Ordinary Meeting of the Council of the Shire of Dungog, to be held Tuesday 20 November 2012 commencing at 6.00pm.

    31Martins Creek Memorial Hall Meeting

    7th November 2012 Meeting opens at: 7.25pm Present: Maddy Coutts, Sue Coutts, Arthur Asplund, Grahame Martin, Beverley Martin, Rachael Prummel. Apologies: Steve Hunt Minutes from last meeting read and accepted: Moved Sue Coutts 2nd Rachael Prummel Business Arising: Halloween, was a successful night, great to see the community coming along and getting involved. Sue wrote a letter to council about the guttering and is waiting for a reply. Treasurers Report: Opening Balance: $4134.94 No expenses: No Income: Closing Balance: $4134.94 Correspondence in: Dungog shire Australia Day awards, letter from Carpet disposals about 2nd hand commercial tiles for theatre. Letter from Arts upper Hunter reminding us to advertise the hall in their news letter. Sue Coutts has placed an ad in the Arts upper hunter news letter with a picture of the hall General Business: The Committee proposes a Christmas disco to be held on the 22 December . Including a visit from Santa. Start time 6.30 till 9.30 Arthur will put an ad in the Gresford news and Sue will look into putting an ad in the Paterson Psst and put up Banners. Moved Sue Coutts 2nd Beverley Martin. Meeting Closed at 8.15pm Next Meeting: 5th December 2012

    lbrighton.dunFile AttachmentGM 5 B.pdf

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    Ordinary Meeting of the Council of the Shire of Dungog, to be held Tuesday 20 November 2012 commencing at 6.00pm.

    7 Craig Deasey

    6. CLOSED COUNCIL Précis: Report referring matters to Closed Council.

    ********** In accordance with the Local Government Act 1993 and the Local Government General Regulation 2005, in the opinion of the General Manager, the following business is of a kind as referred to in Sec 10A(2) of the Act, and should be dealt with in a part of the meeting closed to the media and public. Set out below is Section 10A(2) of the Local Government Act 1993 in relation to matters which can be dealt with in the closed part of a meeting. The matters and information are the following:

    (a) personnel matters concerning particular individuals (other than Councillors)

    (b) the personal hardship of any resident or ratepayer

    (c) information that would, if disclosed, confer a commercial advantage on a person with whom the Council is conducting (or proposes to conduct) business

    (d) commercial information of a confidential nature that would if disclosed:

    (i) prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it, or

    (ii) confer a commercial advantage on a competitor of the Council, or

    (iii) reveal a trade secret

    (e) information that would, if disclosed, prejudice the maintenance of law

    (f) matters affecting the security of the Council, Councillors, Council staff or Council property

    (g) advice concerning litigation, or advice that would otherwise be privileged from production in legal proceedings on the grounds of legal professional privilege

    (h) information concerning the nature and location of a place or an item of Aboriginal significance on community land.

    ITEM 1. GENERAL MANAGERS REPORT 1. COUNCIL PROPERTY – MELBEE SUBDIVISION This item is classified CONFIDENTIAL under Sec 10A(2)(a) of the Local Government Act 1993, which permits the meeting to be closed to the public for business relating to the following:

    (c) information that would, if disclosed, confer a commercial advantage on a person with whom the Council is conducting (or proposes to conduct) business

    This matter is classified confidential because it pertains to information that would, if disclosed, confer a commercial advantage on a person with whom the Council is conducting (or proposes to conduct) business

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    Ordinary Meeting of the Council of the Shire of Dungog, to be held Tuesday 20 November 2012 commencing at 6.00pm.

    8IMPLICATIONS Legislative The matters are referred to in the context of Sec 10A(2) of the Local Government Act 1993. Consultative Members of the public are invited to make representations to the Council meeting before any part of the meeting is closed, as to whether that part of the meeting should be closed. RECOMMENDATION 1. That Council resolve into Closed Council to consider business identified, together

    with any late reports tabled at the meeting. 2. That pursuant to section 10A (1)-(3) of the Local Government Act 1993, the media

    and public be excluded from the meeting on the basis that the business to be considered is classified as confidential under the provisions of Sec 10A(2) as outlined above.

    3. That correspondence and reports relevant to the subject business be withheld from

    access to the media and public as required by Sec 11(2) of the Local Government Act 1993.

  • C:

    Ordinary Meeting of the Council of the Shire of Dungog, to be held Tuesday 20 November 2012 commencing 6.00pm.




    Précis: Clause 212 of Local Government (General) Regulation 2005 requires a monthly report to Council outlining all money’s Council has invested under Section 625 of the Local Government Act.

    ********** The Statement of Investments as at 31 October 2012 incorporating the Responsible Accounting Officer's Certificate is attached as Annexure ‘A’. IMPLICATIONS Financial There are no financial, statutory, environmental, community or consultative implications associated with this report. RECOMMENDATION The report be received and information noted.

  • C:

    Ordinary Meeting of the Council of the Shire of Dungog, to be held Tuesday 20 November 2012 commencing 6.00pm.



    Investment Summary as at 31st October 2012

    Institution Period (days) Due Date Interest Total I M B 92 15-Nov-12 5.10% $450,000.00I M B 98 18-Dec-12 4.80% $200,000.00I M B 98 18-Dec-12 4.80% $200,000.00I M B 118 15-Jan-13 4.80% $600,000.00I M B 98 22-Jan-13 4.50% $200,000.00M M B S 90 20-Nov-12 4.90% $250,000.00M M B S 90 29-Nov-12 4.95% $400,000.00M M B S 125 18-Dec-12 4.95% $500,000.00M M B S 184 03-Jan-13 5.20% $300,000.00M M B S 182 09-Apr-13 4.80% $300,000.00M M B S 183 30-Apr-13 4.85% $300,000.00NEWPERM 91 29-Jan-13 4.35% $250,000.00NEWPERM 92 28-Nov-12 5.10% $400,000.00N A B 123 29-Nov-12 5.07% $300,000.00N A B 183 05-Dec-12 5.20% $650,000.00N A B 183 13-Dec-12 5.15% $600,000.00N A B 186 08-Jan-13 5.20% $500,000.00N A B 182 16-Apr-13 4.62% $200,000.00N A B 364 22-Oct-13 4.67% $500,000.00N A B At Call At Call 3.25% $928.05M M B S 3652 days 31-May-15 5.15% FRN 92 days $500,000.00BENDIGO BANK

    1826days 09-Nov-12 4.8100% FRN 92 days $500,000.00


    Fund Amount General $7,379,062.54 Water $670,170.06 Sewer $51,695.45 $8,100,928.05 REPORT (Responsible Accounting Officer)

    I hereby certify that the above Investments have been made in accordance with the Local Government Act 1993, Local Government (General) Regulation 2005 and Council's Investment Policy.


    lbrighton.dunFile AttachmentSLC 1 A.pdf

  • C:

    Ordinary Meeting of the Council of the Shire of Dungog, to be held Tuesday 20 November 2012 commencing 6.00pm.

    2Cheryl Hyde


    Précis: A selective summary of expenditures on capital works and maintenance expense areas within Council’s roads, bridges, cemeteries, toilets, parks and sports ground cost centres.

    ******** The Works Cost Statement for the period ending 31 October 2012 is attached for Councillors information as Annexure ‘B’. With 4 months of the year gone notional expenditure levels would be expected to be at 33% of budget allocation. As previously advised, Urban Roads Maintenance, Rural Roads Unsealed Maintenance and Regional Roads Maintenance are showing higher levels of expenditure than the notional level due to the timing of works. Major maintenance works on Dusodie Bridge and Allynbrook Bridge have resulted in higher than expected expenditure on Bridges Maintenance. As previously advised, Footpaths Maintenance is also recording higher than notional expenditure due to scheduled maintenance works on Footpaths in Dowling Street Dungog and Park Street Gresford. Public Conveniences are recording slightly higher than notional levels of expenditure due to the additional cleaning required for the Gentlemen of the Road festival weekend. All other maintenance items are currently within budget allocations and are in line with expected levels of expenditure. Capital works are at varying levels of completion and expenditure reflects such activity and are within budget allocations. Engineering overheads have been applied to individual projects in line with the original budget and in accordance with Councils normal operating practice. The works progress report within the Infrastructure & Assets area provides further information on some items in this report including scheduled dates for commencement for individual projects and works undertaken in the prior month. RECOMMENDATION That the Works Cost Statement for the period ending 31 October 2012 be received and noted.

  • C:

    Ordinary Meeting of the Council of the Shire of Dungog, to be held Tuesday 20 November 2012 commencing 6.00pm.



    Description Original Revised Expend Expend Expend % Vote Vote 31-Aug 30-Sep 31-Oct Spent

    Urban Roads Maintenance 177,000 177,000 46,838 93,929 110,791 63% Urban Roads Reseals 72,750 72,750 160 160 160 0% Rural Roads Sealed Maintenance 571,686 571,686 77,916 127,383 169,492 30% Rural Roads Reseals 318,150 318,150 0 0 0 0% Rural Roads Unsealed Maintenance 398,530 398,530 88,789 143,551 167,402 42% Rural Roads Unsealed Upgrades 61,070 61,070 0 0 0 0% Bridges Maintenance 237,080 237,080 73,687 123,208 180,625 76% Tree Planting & Maintenance 10,000 10,000 1,680 1,712 1,803 18% Traffic Facilities 55,200 55,200 9,415 9,833 10,548 19% Footpaths M & R 38,990 38,990 13,099 18,099 22,506 58% Sporting Grounds 62,900 62,900 3,907 8,331 14,994 24% Parks & Reserves 99,620 99,620 11,319 22,086 28,023 28% Public Conveniences 57,610 57,610 8,131 12,499 21,577 37% Public Cemeteries 33,170 33,170 1,327 4,879 5,847 18%

    Total Maintenance Works 2,193,756 2,193,756 336,268 565,670 733,768 33%

    Monthly percentage 33% Roads & Traffic Authority Regional Roads Maintenance 754,960 754,960 311,039 413,044 488,357 65% Regional Roads Reseals 190,040 190,040 0 0 330 0% Traffic Facilities 49,000 49,000 9,345 11,222 15,327 31% RTA Grants - Repair/Auslink/Blackspot RR101 - Wallarobba to Sandy Crk 400,000 400,000 0 0 34,743 9% MR301 - Queen St to Rifle St 1,180,000 1,180,000 0 0 0 0% MR301 - East of Port Stephens Boundary To Wallaroo Bridge 1,575,000 1,575,000 27,199 143,208 318,249 20% MR301 - Rehab North of Erringhi St for 2.5km 435,000 435,000 0 0 0 0% MR301 - Road safety concerns 125,000 125,000 0 0 0 0% MR301 - Wallaroo Bridge 0 0 167,862 167,862 168,247 MR301 - Earl to Woerdens Road 0 0 0 0 34,707 Roads to Recovery Funding RR7764- Bingleburra Rd - Sugarloaf Rd 400,577 400,577 0 0 0 0%

    Council FAG/Sec94/Flood Damage Road Construction Limeburners Crk Rd 7-7.9km 453,820 453,820 0 0 0 0% Limeburners Crk Rd 4.2-6km 180,000 180,000 0 0 0 0% King & Duke St Paterson 0 0 17,814 495,357 714,431

    Total Capital Works 5,743,397 5,743,397 533,259 1,230,693 1,774,391 31%

    lbrighton.dunFile AttachmentSLC 2 B.pdf

  • C:

    Ordinary Meeting of the Council of the Shire of Dungog, to be held Tuesday 20 November 2012 commencing 6.00pm.

    3Shaun Chandler


    Précis: Report on Councillors travelling for Councillors information.

    ********** Hereunder is a list of meetings/inspections or business of Council held/to be held since the October Meeting of Council. RFS Zone Liaison Committee 24/10/12 Tourism Advisory Committee 25/10/12 Vacy SOA 25/10/12 Meeting with Minister Hazzard 31/10/12 Councillor Workshop 01/11/12 Mid North Weight of Loads Group 05/11/12 Community Precinct Meeting 06/11/12 Alison Court Management Committee 07/11/12 Access Meeting 15/11/12 Ordinary Council Meeting 20/11/12 IMPLICATIONS There are no financial, statutory, environmental, community or consultative implications associated with this report. Council’s travelling costs are currently within budget. RECOMMENDATION That the report be received and information noted.

  • C:

    Ordinary Meeting of the Council of the Shire of Dungog, to be held Tuesday 20 November 2012 commencing 6.00pm.

    4 Shaun Chandler


    EF08/566 Precis: Reporting on the requirement for Council to adopt its policy on payment of expenses and the provision of facilities to mayors and councillors in accordance with annual reporting requirements.

    ********** Councillors will recall at the September meeting the draft policy for Payment of Expenses and Provision of Facilities to the Mayor and Councillors was tabled together with the following information and subsequent resolution. “Prior to adoption of the Policy Council must give public notice of the intention to adopt a policy and allow at least 28 days for public submissions (s253(1)), and consider any submissions made (s253(2)). The draft policy must be exhibited publicly before the adoption of the policy even if the policy is not amended or the amendments are not substantial (s253(5)).

    Minute No. 35815 RESOLVED on the motion of Cr Wall and seconded by Cr McKenzie that Council give public notice of its intention to adopt the draft policy C1:11 and allow 28 days for public submission in accordance with Sect 253 of the Local Government Act 1993.” The public submission period closed 26th October, no submissions were received. The draft policy C1:11 was included with the September report. IMPLICATIONS Statutory The basis of payment of expenses and provision of facilities for Councillors is enshrined within Sections 252 to 254 of the Local Government Act 1993. The DLG guidelines have been prepared under the provisions of section 23A of the Local Government Act 1993 as Director General’s Guidelines. Under section 252 of the Act relevant policies must comply with the provisions of the Act, the regulations and any relevant guidelines issued under section 23A. RECOMMENDATION 1. Council adopt the policy C1:11 in accordance with Sect 252 of the Local Government

    Act 1993. 2. The Policy is forwarded to the Division of Local Government, Department of Premier

    and Cabinet in accordance with annual reporting requirements.

  • C:

    Ordinary Meeting of the Council of the Shire of Dungog, to be held Tuesday 20 November 2012 commencing 6.00pm.

    5 Shaun Chandler

    5. GRESFORD DISTRICT AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY INC EF08/3; 12/60638 Precis: Request for financial assistance under Sec 356 of the Local Government Act 1993.

    ********** Council has received the following correspondence from The Secretary of the Gresford District Agricultural Society Inc;

    Council last year donated $250 towards the Gresford District Agricultural Society Inc. IMPLICATIONS Financial Funding for the donation will be sourced from Council’s budget allocation for Sec 356 contributions and donations. Expenditure at 31 October 2012 is $1,161 leaving an available balance of $3,839. There are no other statutory, environmental, community or consultative implications. RECOMMENDATION That Council donate $250 to the Gresford District Agricultural Society Inc for the 2013 Gresford Show.

  • C:

    Ordinary Meeting of the Council of the Shire of Dungog, to be held Tuesday 20 November 2012 commencing 6.00pm.

    6Shaun Chandler

    6. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2012 EF08/64 Précis: Presentation of the audited general purpose financial statements, special purpose financial statements and special schedules as per the requirements of Section 419 of the Local Government Act 1993.

    ******** In accordance with the provisions of Section 418 of the Local Government Act 1993, a summary of Council's financial statements were advertised in the Dungog Chronicle on 7 November 2012 giving notice that the financial statements and auditors report would be presented to Council at the ordinary meeting on 20 November 2012. The reports are available for public inspection at the Council's offices and written submissions thereon may be lodged up until 4.00 pm Wednesday 28 November 2012. Council’s general purpose financial statements have received a qualified audit opinion based on councils’ roads, bridges, storm water, bulk earthworks and footpath assets not being revalued in line with Code 18 issued by the Division of Local Government. Section 413(2b) and 413(3b) of the Local Government Act 1993 requires Council to comply with the Local Government Code of Accounting Practice. All other accounting and finance records have been kept in accordance with the requirements of Division 2 of Part 3 of the Local Government Act 1993 and present fairly in all material respects, the Council’s financial position. Extracts from the audited financial statements are shown below with a complete copy of the Financial reports available from Council if required:- Current

    Year $'000

    Previous Year $'000

    Income Statement Total Income from Continuing Operations 15,062 14,147Total Expenses from Continuing Operations 13,213 12,078Net Operating Result from Continuing Operations - Surplus/(Deficit)

    1,849 2,069Net Operating Result from Continuing Operations before capital grants & contributions

    133 (1,004)

    Balance Sheet Total Current Assets 13,892 11,987Total Non Current Assets 146,956 146,057Total Assets 160,848 158,044 Total Current Liabilities 3,096 2,967Total Non Current Liabilities 3,276 2,450Total Liabilities 6,372 5,417 Net Assets 154,476 152,627

  • C:

    Ordinary Meeting of the Council of the Shire of Dungog, to be held Tuesday 20 November 2012 commencing 6.00pm.

    7Cash Flow Statement Current

    Year $’000

    Previous Year $’000

    Rates & Annual Charges 5,568 5,310User Charges & Fees 753 729Investments income 573 472Grants & Contributions 7,391 7,257Bonds, Deposit & Retentions 126 0Other operating receipts 192 794Employee Costs (3,745) (3,442)Materials & contracts (5,690) (4,127)Borrowing Costs (89) (97Other operating payments (416) (1,727)Net cash provided (or used) Operating activities 4,663 5,127Proceeds from sales of Infrastructure, Property, Plant & Equipment 61 77Deferred Debtors payments 0 5Purchase of Infrastructure, Property, Plant & Equipment (3,771) (3,273)Purchase of Real Estate (478) (43)Deferred Debtors & Advances Made (71) Net cash provided (or used) Investing Activities (4,259) (3,234)Proceeds from Borrowings & Advances 8 9Repayment of Borrowings & Advances (124) (137Other Repayments 0


    Net cash provided (or used) Financing Activities (116) (129) Net increase (Decrease) in cash held 288 1,764Cash assets at beginning reporting period 8,887 7,123Cash assets at end of reporting period 9,175 8,887

    The key indicators in relation to Council's performance are highlighted within Note 13 of the general purpose financial reports, and are summarised as follows:-

    Statement of Performance Measurement

    Current Year $'000

    Previous Year $'000

    Statutory Requirements Unrestricted Current Ratio 5.07:1 4.67:1 Debt Service Ratio 0.02:1 0.03:1 Rate Coverage Ratio 0.37:1 0.38:1 Rates & Annual Charges Outstanding 4.55% 5.68% Building & Infrastructure Renewals Ratio 0.84:1 0.28.1

    Voluntary Disclosures ELE Provision Funded by Cash 39% 46%

    The composition of restricted assets at 30 June 2012 is represented in Note 6 of the General Purpose Financial Statements and is as follows:-

  • C:

    Ordinary Meeting of the Council of the Shire of Dungog, to be held Tuesday 20 November 2012 commencing 6.00pm.

    8Cash Assets & Investments Restricted Cash Assets

    Current Year $’000

    Previous Year $'000

    Unexpended Loans 18 18 Developer Contributions 2,157 1,532 RTA Contributions 0 2 Community Water Grant 35 35 Unexpended Grants 147 138 Water Supplies 665 642 Sewerage Services 49 49 Domestic Waste Management 585 498 RSA road contributions 528 402 Alison Court Resident Loans 98 99 Bike Path 8 8 Kerb, Gutter & Pavement 10 10 Deposits & Retentions 226 100 Other – RLCIP 4 75 DSRD 0 128 Total External Restrictions 4,549 3,627 Plant & Equipment 542 209 Settlements for the Aged 111 111 Shire Property 252 344 Building & Grounds 258 217 Special Projects 497 1,351 Water & Sewer 500 500 Town Funds & Shire Works 156 166 Other Waste Management 133 131 Insurance Equalisation 235 203 FAG Unexpended 1,438 1,425 RBF Unexpended Vote 349 389 Employee Leave Entitlements 632 709 Other 3 3 Total Internal Restrictions 5,106 5,758 Total Funded Restrictions 9,655 9,385 Total Cash & Investments 9,675 9,387 Unrestricted Cash Assets 20 2

    Council received a qualified audit report in relation to the general purpose financial statements and an unqualified audit report in relation to the special purpose financial statements with the audit being undertaken within the timeframes specified within Section 416 of the Local Government Act 1993. The financial statements were received by the Division of Local Government on 2 November 2012. The auditor reports for the general purpose financial statements make comment on various items within the financial statements and forms part of the financial statements with a copy attached as Annexure ‘C’ for information. Mr Paul Cornall, a principal from Forsyths Chartered Accountants will be making a presentation to Council at 5.00pm on Tuesday 20 November 2012 in relation to the audited financial reports. A complete copy of the financial reports is available for inspection at the administration office and a copy will be made available to Councillors upon request.

  • C:

    Ordinary Meeting of the Council of the Shire of Dungog, to be held Tuesday 20 November 2012 commencing 6.00pm.



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    Ordinary Meeting of the Council of the Shire of Dungog, to be held Tuesday 20 November 2012 commencing 6.00pm.


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    Ordinary Meeting of the Council of the Shire of Dungog, to be held Tuesday 20 November 2012 commencing 6.00pm.


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    Ordinary Meeting of the Council of the Shire of Dungog, to be held Tuesday 20 November 2012 commencing 6.00pm.


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    Ordinary Meeting of the Council of the Shire of Dungog, to be held Tuesday 20 November 2012 commencing 6.00pm.


  • C:

    Ordinary Meeting of the Council of the Shire of Dungog, to be held Tuesday 20 November 2012 commencing 6.00pm.


  • C:

    Ordinary Meeting of the Council of the Shire of Dungog, to be held Tuesday 20 November 2012 commencing 6.00pm.


  • C:

    Ordinary Meeting of the Council of the Shire of Dungog, to be held Tuesday 20 November 2012 commencing 6.00pm.


  • C:

    Ordinary Meeting of the Council of the Shire of Dungog, to be held Tuesday 20 November 2012 commencing 6.00pm.


  • C:

    Ordinary Meeting of the Council of the Shire of Dungog, to be held Tuesday 20 November 2012 commencing 6.00pm.


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