northwest baptist church of cocoa transition focus group report

Pastor Special Called Business Meeting

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Northwest Baptist Church of Cocoa Transition Focus Group Report. Special Called Business Meeting. Pastor. What do we look like? What is the culture of our church? What does our community look like? What is the culture of our community? Do we as a church mix well with our community?. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Northwest Baptist Church of Cocoa Transition Focus Group Report


Special Called Business Meeting

Page 2: Northwest Baptist Church of Cocoa Transition Focus Group Report

What do we look like?

What is the culture of our church?

What does our community look like?

What is the culture of our community?

Do we as a church mix well with our community?

Mena Waters

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What are our strengths and concerns?

What is our plan of action for these concerns?

Mena Waters

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Lisa Burnett

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WhiteBlue jean wearingLive close byMiddle class/Blue collarGrew up in churchCell phone equippedBaby boomer (45-50) some abnormal’s

2 income familiesSome collegeNon-professional

What we’ve observed about ourselves.

Lisa Burnett

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Our church is characterized by a warm, close-knit fellowship. Unity

and community are dominant values. The focus is inward and

people oriented. The congregation sees itself as the ‘household of

faith’ (Gal 6:10) and the family of God.


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Our Community-5 mile radius.Population 50,792 (71% white – 24% black)

House holds 19,593

2 cars per house hold (hh)

HH income $54,802 (median income $42,108)

Median age 39 yrs (50/50 male – female)

H school grads 35%

Some college 22%

College degree 13%

Professional 6%Pastor

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38% have no faithPrefer blended worship that is intellectually stimulating and emotionally encouraging.No real preference to architectural style of facilities.


Our Community-5 mile radius.

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A blend between:1.The Steadfast Conservatives.

This group is financially conservative,heavy internet user, with investments

in government bonds and moneymarket accounts. Drive traditional

vans, sedans, or trucks.They are involved in sports, tools,movies, and their travel is mostly

stateside. Pastor

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A blend between:2. The Getting by.

This group is mostly comprised of African Americans. 70% rent, drive domestic

small size cars and trucks, and shopping is for frozen dinner’s, canned

and instant foods. Leisure activities include movies and going to church.


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The 5 – 4 – 4 Concept 5 Functions 4 Results 4 Practices

Lyle Nutt

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5 Functions: Evangelism Discipleship Fellowship Worship Ministry

Lyle Nutt

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4 Results: Numerical growth Spiritual growth Ministry expansion Kingdom advance

Lyle Nutt

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4 Practices: Open groups Closed groups Worship Ministry teams

Lyle Nutt

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Strengths Solid theology Love & Fellowship Praying church Talented and Gifted people Desire to follow the Lord

These we celebrated in a prayer of thanksgiving

Lyle Nutt

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Concerns No discipleship follow-up and training No Outreach Ministry Lack of Church Vision Unspecified target group Lack of servants heart (maturity, follow


These were severe enough to require immediate action

Lyle Nutt

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1. We created a Preschool/Nursery Director.

2. We created an Education Director.3. Amplified the Sunday School

Director position.4. Re-aligned the Children’s Ministry.5. Enlarged the Deacon Ministry.


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1. Know the possibilities2. Enlarge the organization3. Enlist and train the workers4. Provide the space5. Engage the people

We intend to employ this strategy in every area of ministry

Rich Snodgrass

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Our process.

1. We evaluated ourselves in light of 32 church practice characteristics.

2. Determined where we need to go.

3. Identify actions that will take us where we need to go.

Rick Snodgrass

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Open groups


Closed Groups

Ministry teams

Lyle Nutt

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Address: Open Groups Worship Closed Groups Ministry Teams

With: Area(s) of Concern Proposed actions Responsible party and deadline

Lyle Nutt

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Ref point 8. Whereas: Our classes and departments in the small group Bible study ministry are not intentionally enrolling unbelievers and members into its groups.

Lisa Burnett

Most significant Open Group


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• We propose: To collect accurate and complete contact information of those in attendance and enlist an outreach facilitator for each open group to regularly initiate FRAN philosophy.

Lisa Burnett

Most significant Open Group


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• We Propose: To promote effective communication between open groups, the Pastor and deacons to continually improve the enrollment process of unbelievers and the un-churched into open small group Bible study.

Most significant Open Group


Lisa Burnett

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• The responsible individuals and date of implementation: • SS Director and Deacon Chairman • By December 1, 2010.

Most significant Open Group


Lisa Burnett

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o Ref point 5, Whereas: We do not assign unbelievers and guests in worship to a small group Bible study for follow up.

Howard Swink

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o We propose: To contact all persons who fill out the guest registration card and send a letter from the pastor, a visit from the deacon on call, and a follow up by the SS visitation team.

o The responsible individuals (listed above) and date of implementation: November 1, 2010.

Howard Swink

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o Ref point 4. Whereas: Believers do not learn to share their faith through an intentional ongoing training program.

o Ref point 13. Whereas: In each discipleship class we do not encourage members to move beyond classroom learning to ministry service.

Teresa Munroe

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o We propose: Enact the ‘Body Life Program’

o Responsible individuals and date of implementation. The Pastor in January 2011.

Teresa Munroe

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SERVES = Spiritual Gifts Assessment

E = Life ExperiencesR = Relationship SkillsV = Vocational Skills

E = Enthusiasm

Teresa Munroe

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o Ref point 6. Whereas: Our church does not maintain a balance between ministries focused outside the church (missions) and ministries focused inward on the body.

o Ref point 24. Whereas: Our church members do not initiate new ministries (mission actions) in coordination with the overall ministry vision of the church.

Richard Willing

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oWe propose: To provide time in the SS teachers meetings to promote each SS class to adopt in a personal way some mission project or person.

oThe responsible individual and date of implementation. Collect data by January 2011 and report back to the Pastor, Missions Director and in some creative way to the whole church.

Richard Willing

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The Church Body

Executive Council

B&FC Sunday School

Building & Grounds

Cmt & Ect.

Existing Organizational Structure

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Desired level of performance

Actual level of performance

Performance Gap


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Why the performance gap?

•The individual can’t do the job?

•The individual can do the job – but is not performing, Why?

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•Does not know what the real job is?

•Not encouraged in the job.

•No, or little expectations to do the job from those above.

•Not supplied with the right resources.

•No structure to drive the task.No structure to drive the task.

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Pastoral Care

Church & Community Ministry


A church; Lifting up Jesus, Telling His story, Encouraging it’s members, Teaching them to serve, and Sending them out as followers of Christ

to grow His world.  

Administrative Leadership

Church program Ministries