north presbyterian church 2 sunday in the season of ... · 3/09/2011 · choral introit this is the...

North Presbyterian Church 2 nd Sunday in the Season of Creation September10, 2017 10:00 a.m.

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North Presbyterian Church 2nd Sunday in the Season of Creation

September10, 2017 10:00 a.m.


Prelude Jazz Trio

Greeting, Welcome, and Opportunities for Discipleship Welcome to our guests and visitors! We invite you, if you feel comfortable, to

introduce yourself at this time. We are glad you are here. We hope you will fill out the welcome pad (in the pew holder) to help us get acquainted. We also invite you to join us for lemonade following worship.

Everyone—please silence your cell phones.

Choral Introit This Is the Day Dave Brubeck

Call to Worship Let us worship the eternal God, the source of love and life, who creates us. Let us worship Jesus Christ, the risen one, who lives among us. Let us worship the Spirit, the holy fire, who renews us.

To the one true God be praise in all times and places, through the grace of Jesus Christ.


*Hymn 32 I Sing the Mighty Power of God (During the singing of the hymn, please pass prayer requests to center aisle.)

*Call to Confession

*Prayer of Confession O God, gladly we live and move and have our being in you. Yet always in the midst of this creation-glory, we see sin’s shadow and feel death’s darkness: around us in the earth, sea and sky, the abuse of matter; beside us in the broken, the hungry and the poor, the betrayal of one another; and often, deep within us, a striving against your Spirit. O Trinity of love, forgive us that we may forgive one another, heal us that we may be a people of healing, and renew us that we also may be makers of peace. Amen. (© The Iona Community from

The Iona Abbey Worship Book, published by Wild Goose Publications, Iona Community, Fourth Floor, Savoy House, 140 Sauchiehall St., Glasgow G2 3DH, UK)

*Silent Confession (A time for personal confession of sin)

*Assurance of Forgiveness Hear the good news!

God loves us. God forgives us.

*Response Hymn # 591 (Refrain) Halle, Halle, Halleluja! Halle, Halle, Halleluja! Halle, Halle, Halleluja!

Halle, Halle, Halleluja! Halleluja! Halleluja! Halleluja!

*Passing of the Peace Having received Christ’s peace, let us share it by turning to our neighbors and greeting them, saying “May the peace of Christ be with you!”


Prayer for Illumination

Scripture Reading Genesis 3:14-19, 4:8-16 p.3

Hear what the Spirit is saying to the Church. Thanks be to God.

Sermon “Listening to the Earth” Pastor Bill Hennessy


Offering Offertory: Jazz Trio

*Doxology Hymn 300 (vs. 4)

All praise to the Father, From whom all things come, And all praise to Christ Jesus, God’s only Son, And all praise to the Spirit, who makes us one: And they’ll know we are Christians by our love, By our love; yes they’ll know we are Christians by our love.

Celebration of the Lord’s Supper The Invitation to the Lord’s Table

Solo Welcome Home Bill Carter Marty Shafer

Great Prayer of Thanksgiving

The Lord be with you. And also with you.

Lift up your hearts. We lift them up to the Lord.

Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. It is right to give our thanks and praise.

With all our hearts … we sing our praise:

Your love for us … the mystery of our faith:

Christ Has Died

Pour out the fire … Christ teaches us saying:

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen.

Communion of the People Our Lord invites all who trust in him, and all who long to trust in him, to share in this meal, which he has prepared. Communion will be received by intinction. Please come up the center aisle and return down side aisles. (If your diet requires gluten-free bread, please go to the station at the foot of the steps in the center.)

Prayer after Communion We thank you, Christ, for the meal we have celebrated with you, and we pray that through your body and blood we may be healed and become agents of healing for Earth. Amen.


*Hymn 23 God, You Spin the Whirling Planets



*Postlude Jazz Trio

*Those who are able, please stand.

Calendar of Events/300 North Forest Road Sunday, September 10

8:30am Worship/Chapel

9:15 Bible study/RC

10:00 Worship/Sanctuary

Sunday school/N. basement

11:15-11:45 Light lunch (for those who

registered for workshop)

12-2pm Workshop: Opioid Crisis/WH

Monday, September 11

11:00am Pastoral Care/Lib.

6:00pm Mission/Lib.

7:00 Session/Chapel

Tuesday, September 12

9:00am Staff mtg./Ofc.

1:00pm Martha Circle/Lib.

Wednesday, September 13

9am-8pm EGA/WH

7:00pm Sarah Circle: McConnells

7:00-8:00pm Mindfulness/Chapel

Thursday, September 14

6:30pm Bells/S151

7:30pm Adult choir/Chapel

Friday, September 15-

Saturday, September 16

Boy Scout Tradoree/WH

Saturday, September 16

9am-1pm Lay Academy/Lib.

Sunday, September 17

Service Sunday!

Monday, September 18

1:00pm All-staff mtg./Lib.

4:45pm Worship mtg.

Wednesday, September 20

10:00am Book group/Lib.

10:15 Chair yoga/WH

7-8pm Mindfulness/Chapel

Thursday, September 21

6:30pm Handbells/S151

7-8:30pm Girls Scouts/S. Basement

7:30pm Adult Choir/Choir Room

Saturday, September 23

9am-1pm Lay Academy/Lib.

Sunday, September 24

8:30am Worship/Chapel

9:15 Bible study/RC

10:00 Worship/Sanctuary

Sunday school/North


1:00pm Youth 7-12th grade/apple


5-7pm InerG dinner & jam


Want to see more calendar events? Go to

and-north-star/. If you see an error or want to add

an event, please e-mail [email protected].

EGA—Embroidery Guild

DR—Dickinson Room

FJC—Family Justice Center

FONP—Friends of Night People


LE3—Before and After School Program



RC—Resource Center

WH—Westminster Hall

It’s Not Too Late to Register for Service Sunday

Service Sunday—September 17—is only a week away. We hope everyone will join us. It’s

important to register so we have enough food. This year is a joint effort this year of North and

University Presbyterian churches. We’ll join together for worship then disperse for service

activities in Buffalo and Amherst. There are service opportunities for all physical abilities.

Booklets with the registration page are in the narthex.

Help for Victims of Hurricane Harvey

Most of us have spent much of the week watching in horror as Hurricane Harvey devastated

Texas. And we have wondered how we can help. The best way is by making a financial

donation. The NPC Mission Committee suggests you wait a few weeks and allow them to

research how/where you can provide the most help, but if you prefer to make a donation

now, here are three ways you may do so:

Make a donation directly to Presbyterian Disaster Assistance by choosing a method


Secure website:


By check: made out and mailed to Presbyterian Church (U.S.A), P.O. Box

643700, Pittsburgh, PA 15264-3700; with DR000169-Harvey in the memo line

By phone: using your credit or debit card, Monday-Friday, 8am-5pm, to 1-


AND KEEP PRAYING! The effects of this disaster are not going away anytime soon. We have

all witnessed incredible acts of selflessness in the rescue of thousands. Recovery will require

continued self-sacrifice.

Bible Study in the Resource Center

This study resumes today at 9:15 a.m.. We will study the Sunday lectionary. The study leaders

are volunteers.

Women’s Circles

Martha Circle will meet at North on Tuesday, September 12, at 1:00 p.m., in the library. Sarah

Circle will meet at 7:00 p.m. at the home of Ellie McConnell, 83 Wickham Dr, Williamsville.

Our regular meeting time will now be 7:00pm unless otherwise noted.

Wednesday Chair Yoga with Olivia

Grab a friend and head (to) North for chair yoga! Our favorite instructor, Olivia Ebsary, will

lead us. No experience necessary. We provide the chairs! Classes will be offered from 10:15-

11:00 a.m. on Wednesdays (except the second Wednesday of the month) through December.

Everyone is welcome! Questions? E-mail [email protected].

Kenan Speaker Series Presents Sister Joan Chittister on the Radical Christian Life

Saturday, September 23 at 3pm First Presbyterian Church of Lockport (21 Church St, Lockport)

Joan Chittister is one of the most influential religious and social leaders of our time. For 40

years she has passionately advocated on behalf of peace, human rights, women’s issues, and

church renewal. A much sought-after speaker, counselor, and clear voice that bridges across

all religions, she is also a best-selling author of more than 50 books, hundreds of articles, an

online column for the National Catholic Reporter, and a blog for the Huffington Post.

Sister Joan’s talk will draw from her newest book, Radical Spirit: 12 Ways to Live a Free and

Authentic Life. Book signing immediately following with limited books available for purchase.

Advance registration is strongly recommended by calling 716-433-2617. The event is free to

the public; at will donations graciously accepted. Generous funding is provided by the William

R. Kenan, Jr. Charitable Trust.

Dress-a-Girl Begins Again

Seamstresses, doll makers, ironers, cutters, and runners: come sew with us! We'll be meeting

in Westminster Hall Monday, September 25, from 4:00-8:00 p.m. Stay for the whole time or

for as long as you can. Please bring a salad ingredient for our build-a-salad supper. Dessert

and beverages will be provided. Dress-a-Girl meets the fourth Monday of each month.

Friends of Night People

We serve a meal at Friends of Night People at 394 Hudson St., Buffalo, the fourth Tuesday of

every month. We need volunteers on Tuesday, September 26. At 8:00 a.m. that day,

volunteers prepare the meal in the kitchen at North Church. That evening at 5:00 volunteers

help serve the meal. If you would like to become involved in this ministry, contact Barb Beall

at [email protected] or call 716.479.5794.

Chiavetta’s Fundraiser

Come on out to North Church on Wednesday, September 27, between 3 and 7 p.m. and

enjoy a delicious dinner. Presale tickets will be available soon and a limited supply of at-the-

door tickets as well. Eat in or take out available. Stay tuned for how to buy tickets and how to

help out for this fundraiser to benefit the church.

Free Workshop: Intro. to Systemic Racism

It’s not too early to register for a free workshop at Gates Presbyterian Church in Rochester,

NY, on Saturday, October 21, from 9:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m., titled “Unite against Racism,” hosted

by Crossroads Anti-Racism Organizing and Training. This event is fully funded by the Synod

of the Northeast. The purpose of the workshop is to explore racism as an institutional

problem of power that goes beyond personal prejudice. Pastor Bill has registered and invites

you to join him in “moving forward toward a more egalitarian society and healing our racist

past.” (North Star, fall issue). To sign up and indicate your desire to carpool, call North

Presbyterian Church at 716.632.1330; to register for the workshop only, you may also call the

church or register online at

Mission Statement

Brought together by our shared faith in

Jesus Christ,

Called by God to live as faithful disciples,

Blessed by our diverse gifts and experiences,

We commit ourselves to:

Worship together,

Teach and learn from one another,

Nurture each other with care and love, and

Reach out in ministry and mission to

the world.

Minister: The Rev. William Hennessy Coordinator: Tim Ayler

Pianist: Marlene Harrington Liturgist (10:00): Garidith Khayat

Lock-up: Bill Townsend Greeters: Marcia Monin, Leigh Gaskill

8:30 Ushers/Comm. Servers: Joanne Hickey, 10:00 Ushers/Comm. Servers: Tim & Wendy Ayler,

Duncan Hemink Diane & Jim Sprague

Counters: Linda Gowans, Sheridan Skura Nursery: Regina Koteras, Sara Koteras

Jazz Trio (10:00): Kurt Ebsary, Thomas Danat, &

Paul Loweecey

Visitors—You are important to us. Please fill out a visitor card and put it in the offering plate

if you wish to be contacted. You may also approach an usher—likely wearing a yellow ribbon

today—to find out more about North Church.

Ministers: The Congregation

Pastor/Head of Staff: The Rev. William T. Hennessy Coordinator of Sacred Arts: Olivia Ebsary

Administrative Assistant: Cynthia Machamer Bookkeeper: Karen Thomas

Facilities Coordinator: Mike Callaghan Childcare Supervisor: Regina Koteras

Director of Music, Organist: Marlene Harrington Webmaster: Tara Martin

Director of Music, Children & Youth: Marty Shafer Sunday School Administrator: Kimberly Will

Shared Youth Director: Mack Barker Musical Assistant: Kurt Ebsary

Elders (Session)

Clerk of Session: Sylvia Bigler

Class of 2018

Joe Alber

Ralph Doerzbacher

Bill Ervin

Carol Meyers

Class of 2019

Bill Clark

Sue D’Angelo

Shevaun Donelli O’Connell

Scott Marshall

Marsha Villano

Class of 2020

Anselm George

Warren Marcus

Rob Powell


Moderator: Glenn Hopkins

Class of 2018

Glenn Hopkins

Shirley Mazourek

Garry Ostermeier

Pam Ostermeier

Class of 2019

Karen Hopkins

Connie Littlewood

Sheridan Skura

Carol Suckow

Class of 2020

Cam Cowan

Olivia Ebsary

Irene Harbison

Heather Randall

Combined Sunday school begins today on the North Side.