norberto e. milla - weebly

Analysis of variance NORBERTO E. MILLA Department of Statistics Visayas State University [email protected]

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Analysis of variance

NORBERTO E. MILLADepartment of Statistics

Visayas State [email protected]

Page 2: NORBERTO E. MILLA - Weebly


1. Review of basic features of CRD experiments

2. What is analysis of variance?

3. ANOVA for CRD experiments

4. Assumptions of ANOVA

5. Post hoc analysis

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Completely Randomized Design

Frequently used to compare treatments when environmental conditions are fairly uniform.

Each treatment is applied at random to several experimental units

Response=mean + treatment effect + error

, 1,2,..., ; 1,2,...,ij i ij iY i t j r

),0(~ 2


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Completely Randomized Design

Consider an experiment with 6 feed treatments (T1 to T6). Each treatment is applied to 3 pens with each pen having 5 chicks.






T5 T1 T4







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What is analysis of variance?

A method of partitioning the total variance in the response into different components which can be attributed to different sources

Systematic variation-effect of manipulated factors; and random variation (experimental error)

Method of comparing the effect of treatments on the response variable

Method of comparing the means of three or more treatments

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What is analysis of variance?

Pesticide Yield

None 55

None 45

None 46

Biological 64

Biological 52

Biological 42

Chemical 65

Chemical 52

Chemical 66

2222 1.54661.5445)1.5455( Ts

Pesticide Mean

None 48.7

Biological 52.7

Chemical 61.0

Grand Mean 54.1

2222 1.540.611.547.52)1.547.48( Bs

2222 7.48467.4845)7.4855( Ws

222 7.52427.5252)7.5264(

222 0.61660.6152)0.6165(


WBT sss

systematic random

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What is analysis of variance?

Compare systematic variation with random variation (experimental error)

In CRD, variation between treatments (MSTr) is compared with random variation (MSE)

Test statistic: F



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p-value- the probability of finding the observed (ormore extreme) sample results (test statistic) , assumingthe null hypothesis is true

small p-value suggests strong the evidence thatyou should reject the null hypothesis


p>0.05do not reject Ho”non-significant effect”

0.05≤p<0.01reject Ho”significant at 5% level”

p≤0.01reject Ho ”significant at 1% level”

“highly significant”

The p-value approach

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Completely Randomized Design

An experiment was conducted to test the effects of addition ofvarious sugars on the growth of pea plants. Pea plants wererandomly assigned to 5 treatment groups: Control (no sugaradded), 2% glucose, 2% fructose, 1% glucose+1%fructose,and 2% sucrose. The data collected is length of pea plants inocular units (x0.114 mm). The data is provided in the nextslide.

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Completely Randomized Design

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Completely Randomized Design

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Menu: Statistics>Linear models and related>ANOVA/MANOVA

>One-way ANOVA

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Menu: Statistics>Linear models and related>ANOVA/MANOVA

>One-way ANOVA

Bartlett's test for equal variances: chi2(4) = 13.9386 Prob>chi2 = 0.007

Total 1322.82 49 26.9963265

Within groups 245.5 45 5.45555556

Between groups 1077.32 4 269.33 49.37 0.0000

Source SS df MS F Prob > F

Analysis of Variance

. oneway length trtcode

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Menu: Statistics>Linear models and related>ANOVA/MANOVA

>Analysis of variance and covariance

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Menu: Statistics>Linear models and related>ANOVA/MANOVA

>Analysis of variance and covariance

Total 1322.82 49 26.996327

Residual 245.5 45 5.4555556

trtcode 1077.32 4 269.33 49.37 0.0000

Model 1077.32 4 269.33 49.37 0.0000

Source Partial SS df MS F Prob>F

Root MSE = 2.33571 Adj R-squared = 0.7979

Number of obs = 50 R-squared = 0.8144

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is estimated by the residuals ( )

Normality of the residuals

Homogeneity of the variances of the residuals

Independence of observations

Linear relationship between response and theindependent variable(s)

Assumptions of the ANOVA

),0(~ 2


ij ijijij YYe

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Normality of the residuals

Tests: Shapiro-Wilk, Shapiro-Francia

Homogeneity of the variances of the residuals

Tests: Bartlett’s, Levene’s, Brown-and-Forsythe’s

Independence of observations

Proper randomization ensures independence

Linear relationship between response and theindependent variable(s)

Graphical approaches can help you decide onfunctional form of the model

Assumptions of the ANOVA

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MENU: Statistics>Postestimation

Generating residuals

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MENU: Statistics>Summaries, tables and tests>distributional plots and tests>Shapiro-Wilk normality test

Testing normality of residuals

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MENU: Statistics>Summaries, tables and tests>distributional plots and tests>Shapiro-Wilk normality test

Testing normality of residuals

residuals 10 0.90476 1.468 0.684 0.24691

Variable Obs W V z Prob>z

Shapiro-Wilk W test for normal data

-> treatment = Control

residuals 10 0.95858 0.638 -0.737 0.76953

Variable Obs W V z Prob>z

Shapiro-Wilk W test for normal data

-> treatment = Fructose2%

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MENU: Statistics>Summaries, tables and tests>Classical tests of hypothesis>Robust equal-variance test

Test of homogeneity of variance of residuals

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MENU: Statistics>Summaries, tables and tests>Classical tests of hypothesis>Robust equal-variance test

Test of homogeneity of variance of residuals

W10 = 5.5602003 df(4, 45) Pr > F = 0.00100461

W50 = 4.5767359 df(4, 45) Pr > F = 0.00346787

W0 = 5.9102420 df(4, 45) Pr > F = 0.00065483

Total 5.960e-10 1.0101525 50

Sucrose2% 1.080e-08 .80869902 10

Glucose2% 1.192e-08 .73849323 10

Glucose1%_Fructos.. -2.980e-09 .63822563 10

Fructose2% -7.451e-10 .84563224 10

Control -1.602e-08 1.7982667 10

Treatment Mean Std. Dev. Freq.

Summary of Standardized residuals

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Observing significant differences in the meanresponse among treatments requires furtheranalysis

Where do the differences lie? Is T1 significantlydifferent from T3? Is the control different from theexperimental treatments?

Multiple comparison procedures (post hoc)

Fisher’s Least Significant Difference (LSD)

Tukey’s Honest Significant Difference (HSD)

Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT)

Post hoc analysis

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Total 1322.82 49 26.996327

Residual 245.5 45 5.4555556

trtcode 1077.32 4 269.33 49.37 0.0000

Model 1077.32 4 269.33 49.37 0.0000

Source Partial SS df MS F Prob>F

Root MSE = 2.33571 Adj R-squared = 0.7979

Number of obs = 50 R-squared = 0.8144

Sucrose2% 64.1

Glucose2% 59.3

Glucose1%_Fructo 58

Fructose2% 58.2

Control 70.1

treatment mean

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MENU: Statistics>Postestimation

Post hoc analysis

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Post hoc analysis

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Post hoc analysis: Tukey

not significantly different at the 5% level.

Note: Margins sharing a letter in the group label are

Sucrose2% 64.1 .7386173

Glucose2% 59.3 .7386173 A

Glucose1%_Fructose1% 58 .7386173 A

Fructose2% 58.2 .7386173 A

Control 70.1 .7386173


Margin Std. Err. Groups


trt 10


Number of

Margins : asbalanced

Pairwise comparisons of marginal linear predictions

Type of Sugar Mean Length

Control 70.1a

2% Glucose 59.3c

2% Fructose 58.2c

1% Glucose + 1% Fructose 58.0c

2% Sucrose 64.1b

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Post hoc analysis: Dunnet

Sucrose2% vs Control -6 1.044563 -5.74 0.000

Glucose2% vs Control -10.8 1.044563 -10.34 0.000

Glucose1%_Fructose1% vs Control -12.1 1.044563 -11.58 0.000

Fructose2% vs Control -11.9 1.044563 -11.39 0.000


Contrast Std. Err. t P>|t|
