nine schools with approximately 8,000 students bradley stoke, abbeywood, patchway, marlwood, castle,...


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Post on 15-Dec-2015




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  • Slide 1

Slide 2 Slide 3 Nine schools with approximately 8,000 students BRADLEY STOKE, ABBEYWOOD, PATCHWAY, MARLWOOD, CASTLE, BRIMSHAM GREEN, CHIPPING SODBURY, CULVERHILL, NEW SIBLANDS FILTON COLLEGE THE CONCORDE PARTNERSHIP Slide 4 Six schools with approximately 7,000 students DOWNEND, GRANGE, HANHAM, MANGOTSFIELD, SIR BERNARD LOVELL, NEW HORIZONS CITY OF BRISTOL COLLEGE THE KINGSWOOD PARTNERSHIP Slide 5 CONTEXT Economic circumstances and budgetary constraints Increasing youth unemployment Changes in secondary and higher education Public spending cuts and reduction in the range of careers resources and support for young people An emphasis on employability skills and work experience Slide 6 CONTEXT More opportunities for higher skilled work, fewer opportunities for unskilled work Work-based progression routes becoming an increasingly attractive choice for some Threat to work-related learning and work experience for younger students Loss of funded careers guidance Uncertainties around the new National Careers Service Student decision-making about the future is becoming increasingly complex Slide 7 Partnership schools are keen to maintain and further develop a diverse curriculum that encourages skills development and work-relevant learning and experience Schools in both Partnerships are committed to retaining high quality support for students making education and career choices The Partnerships are funding opportunities for students to access professional careers guidance We are developing innovative careers activities and experiences Slide 8 AMBITIONS EVENT 19 & 20 October 2011 120 + different contributors 65 + different student workshops Evening event with additional contributors and a Careers Guidance Centre Slide 9 WHY AN AMBITIONS EVENT ? Because students and parents have DIRECT CONTACT with employers - something that they tell us they value highly and cant be done in other ways Slide 10 WHY AN AMBITIONS EVENT ? Because it provides opportunities for young people and parents to... get information about particular SKILLS, PERSONAL QUALITIES, ABILITIES & INTERESTS relevant to different employment areas find out about possible PROGRESSION ROUTES and TRAINING OPPORTUNITIES develop an awareness of different EMPLOYMENT SECTORS and the range of JOB ROLES within organisations Slide 11 WHY AN AMBITIONS EVENT ? Because Ambitions is a key element of Concorde and Kingswood Partnerships careers programmes that can motivate students to make the most of their studies, raise their aspirations and help them make informed choices for the future Slide 12 WHY AN AMBITIONS EVENT ? Because we know it works! 80% of students say that taking part in the Ambitions event has helped them to think more effectively about their plans for the future Slide 13 WHY AN AMBITIONS EVENT ? WHAT CONTRIBUTORS HAVE SAID This is a great event for young people and should be made available to all students throughout the country The event was really well-organised and students were interested and enthusiastic It is an impressive event - so many different organsiations and obviously so helpful for students Slide 14 WHY AN AMBITIONS EVENT ? WHAT STUDENTS HAVE SAID There was masses of information and employers were really helpful I really enjoyed the day and it gave me lots to think about The workshops were great I liked the fact that we could ask questions Slide 15 AMBITIONS WORKSHOPS All Year 9 students (about 2400) will be attending Ambitions workshops on Wednesday 19 and Thursday 20 October The main aim is to give students an insight into different areas of employment through interactive workshops A key element of Key Stage 4 (GCSE, BTEC, Diploma) options choices preparations Students take part in preparatory activities and make workshop choices in advance Slide 16 AMBITIONS EVENING EVENT All Year 9 to 13 students and their parents are being invited to the evening event (4.30-8.00 pm) on Wednesday 19 October Part of Post 16 & Post 18 options information, advice & guidance (IAG) programmes Opportunities for young people and parents to meet employers and access careers guidance Slide 17 PRACTICALITIES Slide 18 AMBITIONS EVENT SITE UWE MAIN CAMPUS EXHIBITION & CONFERENCE CENTRE ENTRANCE FROM RING ROAD A4174 UWE EXHIBITION & CONFERENCE CENTRE Slide 19 AMBITIONS EVENT For contributors wanting to set up or check facilities the day before the event, access to the ECC is available between 3.00 and 6.00 pm Entry to the site is via the North Gate please park at the main ECC entrance SET UP, PARKING & ARRIVAL TUESDAY 18 OCTOBER Slide 20 EVENT LAYOUT (YEAR 9 WORKSHOPS) Slide 21 SPACE & FACILITIES Slide 22 AMBITIONS EVENT FOR WORKSHOPS - a screened, numbered 4m x 4m area, table, mains socket, chairs, wireless internet access ADDITIONAL NEEDS - fill in resources form SPACE & FACILITIES Slide 23 Slide 24 AMBITIONS EVENT Arrival on the first day of the event is from 7.00 am. Entry to the site is via the NORTH ENTRANCE (NOT the main UWE entrance) Please follow the signs to the EVENT CONTRIBUTOR CAR PARK SET UP, PARKING, ARRIVAL WEDNESDAY 19 OCTOBER Slide 25 MORNING SESSION Slide 26 AMBITIONS EVENT CONCORDE YEAR 9 STUDENTS 5 workshops (each 20 minutes) per student Students arrive at UWE ECC main entrance at 9.00 am Workshop 1 - 9.15-9.35 am Workshop 2 - 9.40-10.00 am Workshop 3 10.05-10.25 am Workshop 4 10.30-10.50 am Workshop 5 10.55-11.15 am Students depart from rear exit from 11.20 am MORNING SESSION WEDNESDAY 19 OCTOBER Slide 27 CONTRIBUTOR LUNCH BREAK Slide 28 AMBITIONS EVENT 11.15 am - 12.40 pm Cooked meal served from 12.00 pm Afternoon workshops start at 12.45 pm WEDNESDAY 19 OCTOBER CONTRIBUTOR LUNCH BREAK Slide 29 AFTERNOON WORKSHOP SESSIONS Slide 30 AMBITIONS EVENT CONCORDE YEAR 9 STUDENTS 5 workshops (each 20 minutes) per student Students arrive at UWE ECC main entrance at 12.30 pm Workshop 1 12.45-1.05 pm Workshop 2 1.10-1.30 pm Workshop 3 1.35-1.55 pm Workshop 4 2.00-2.20 pm Workshop 5 2.25-2.45 pm Students depart from rear exit from 2.50 pm AFTERNOON SESSION WEDNESDAY 19 OCTOBER Slide 31 2.45 - 4.25 pm contributor break and set-up for EVENING AMBITIONS EVENT AFTERNOON TEA served from 3.30 pm Tea, coffee and water available throughout the duration of the event AMBITIONS EVENT WEDNESDAY 19 OCTOBER EVENING EVENT Slide 32 EVENING EVENT STUDENTS IN YEARS 9-13 AND THEIR PARENTS Slide 33 AMBITIONS EVENT Arrival on the second day of the event is from 7.30 am. Entry to the site is via the NORTH ENTRANCE (NOT the main UWE entrance). Please follow the signs to the EVENT CONTRIBUTOR CAR PARK SET UP, PARKING, ARRIVAL THURSDAY 20 OCTOBER Slide 34 AMBITIONS EVENT KINGSWOOD YEAR 9 STUDENTS 5 workshops (each 20 minutes) per student Students arrive at UWE ECC main entrance at 9.00 am Workshop 1 - 9.15-9.35 am Workshop 2 - 9.40-10.00 am Workshop 3 10.05-10.25 am Workshop 4 10.30-10.50 am Workshop 5 10.55-11.15 am Students depart from rear exit from 11.20 am MORNING SESSION THURSDAY 20 OCTOBER Slide 35 AMBITIONS EVENT 11.15 am - 12.40 pm Cold buffet lunch served from 12.00 pm Afternoon workshops start at 12.45 pm THURSDAY 20 OCTOBER CONTRIBUTOR LUNCH BREAK Slide 36 AMBITIONS EVENT KINGSWOOD YEAR 9 STUDENTS 5 workshops (each 20 minutes) per student Students arrive at UWE ECC main entrance at 12.30 pm Workshop 1 12.45-1.05 pm Workshop 2 1.10-1.30 pm Workshop 3 1.35-1.55 pm Workshop 4 2.00-2.20 pm Workshop 5 2.25-2.45 pm Students depart from rear exit from 2.50 pm AFTERNOON SESSION THURSDAY 20 OCTOBER Slide 37 WORKSHOPS Slide 38 EMPLOYER WORKSHOPS Slide 39 STUDENT INVOLVEMENT IS THE KEY a brief personal introduction and a short overview of the organisation involve students in an interactive activity that provides an insight into to your organisation and working in that particular employment sector YEAR 9 WORKSHOP CONTENT Slide 40 DISCUSSIONS Slide 41 YEAR 9 WORKSHOP CONTENT SPECIALIST EQUIPMENT Slide 42 YEAR 9 WORKSHOP CONTENT TRYING SOMETHING NEW Slide 43 YEAR 9 WORKSHOP CONTENT USING ARTIFACTS Slide 44 YEAR 9 WORKSHOP CONTENT USING TECHNOLOGY Slide 45 YEAR 9 WORKSHOP CONTENT DEMONSTRATIONS Slide 46 YEAR 9 WORKSHOP CONTENT SIMULATIONS Slide 47 YEAR 9 WORKSHOP CONTENT VISUAL IMPACT Slide 48 YEAR 9 WORKSHOP CONTENT HAVING A GO Slide 49 YEAR 9 WORKSHOP CONTENT GUESSING GAMES Slide 50 YEAR 9 WORKSHOP CONTENT QUIZZES Slide 51 YEAR 9 WORKSHOP CONTENT LEARNING A NEW SKILL Slide 52 YEAR 9 WORKSHOP CONTENT BRIBERY Slide 53 YOU MIGHT ALSO Identify some of the different job roles that exist within the organisation Provide a brief case study - the education, entry route and progression of a current employee Give students a handout or information sheet about the organisation that might include the range of job opportunities, different entry routes and requirements, recruitment procedures and possible career paths YEAR 9 WORKSHOP CONTENT Slide 54 Slide 55 Slide 56 Slide 57 CONTACTS & INFORMATION Johnny Walker, Concorde Partnership Co-ordinator 01454 868498 [email protected] Lloyd Harris, Kingswood Partnership IAG Manager 01454 868188 07517060943 [email protected] Ronnie Ward, Kingswood Partnership Business Links Manager 01454 868188 07792626830 [email protected] Slide 58 UWE Exhibition & Conference Centre Filton Rd Stoke Gifford Bristol BS34 8QZ 0117 328 3568 [email protected] Slide 59