newspaper double page spreads & advertisements


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Post on 15-Apr-2017



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Page 1: Newspaper double page spreads & advertisements



Page 2: Newspaper double page spreads & advertisements

DPS/ADVERTISEMENTThis advertisement that I have found is also a double page spread. This has been used to effectively advertise ‘Sky’ and the different aspects of it. This advertisement is across two pages and is big in comparison to many others, this would suggest that the company are very big as they can afford to buy advert space this big.Bright colours are used for this advertisement, they are used to attract people and wonder what the colours relate to. Also bold writing is used so that the add is clear and so that the viewer/possible customer understand exactly what is being advertised to them. Big shapes are used on the page to make the audience think about what the advert could be about.The page is very plain and has a lot of blank space on it, this is to propose the idea that investing in this product will be as easy and simple as the advert is.

Page 3: Newspaper double page spreads & advertisements

ADVERTISEMENT This advertisement is takes up about a quarter of the page it is advertising the phone company ‘EE’ and a half price deal that they going on.

The colours used for this advert are the colours used for the company logo: turquoise, white and yellow.

There is a lot of text and fine print for this advert which would make it less interesting for the reader but it would also make it more informative.None of the text is particularly bold and it doesn’t really stand out against the background or the advert as a whole.Overall I find this advertisement to be pretty poor and dull compared to the rest of the adverts that I have looked at and analysed.

Page 4: Newspaper double page spreads & advertisements

ADVERTISEMENT Here is a full single page advertisement, it is advertising a house, however it is advertising through a column section. Through this form of advertisement the house can be shown off with all of the details included without becoming something people don’t want to read – (if an advertisement is covered with information it becomes less appealing, they should be short and sweet to grab attention)

There are three images used to show off the house, one big image and two smaller ones, they are used so that the audience don’t feel that they need to imagine the product.

The text is bold for the important sections, they are small bits of information explaining what the column is about.

The colours used are the same colours used repeatedly for this column, which is why they have been used again.

Page 5: Newspaper double page spreads & advertisements

DOUBLE PAGE SPREAD This double page spread is about the interior design of a room, the different things the writer of the article thinks would look good in a feminine room.

The double page spread is 2 pages with the majority of the pages with images and captions. Also on the first page is a short article on what the double page spread is about.

This double page spread has a colour scheme. It uses purple as the main colour for the double page spread, the title of the DPS page is in purple along with a purple footer at the bottom of the page. Also used for the colour scheme is pink as the article is based on a feminine room. You can tell here that the mise en scene has really been thought about for this double page spread.

There is an add at the bottom of the second page – it takes up about a third of the page.

Page 6: Newspaper double page spreads & advertisements

DOUBLE PAGE SPREAD This double page spread – like the last one has a similar theme. The colour palette for the double page spread is purple. However the titles, text boxes and footer are all in purple. The other colours used are black and white. They are used for a title and the rest of the text.

Small images are used to explain the article more and underneath the main image there is anchorage text to explain the image above it.

The graphology for this page is a lot different to the previous DPS – this is because there is more of an article – throughout the page more text is included in small columns.

Page 7: Newspaper double page spreads & advertisements

ADVERTISEMENT Here I have found two advertisements that were put together, they have nothing to do with each other but were put together.

Both of these adverts use bold colours to grab the attention of the audience.

Differently the ad on the right uses a block colour as their base/main colour, however the advert on the left uses an array of different colours. Although similarly both ads are using the colours that are associated with their brands/products so that the audience can recognise it straight away.

The text on these adverts is very bold for both. Similarly they both use a smaller text too, this is because that is other key information the audience may want/need to know, however its not what would entice them to look at a advertisement.

Page 8: Newspaper double page spreads & advertisements

DOUBLE PAGE SPREAD This double page spread is using their own house style – which is used for each article written for this page. The colour palette for these pages are purple and black.

3 main images are used for this page and underneath each there is anchorage text, this explain the images and what relevance they have to the article.

This article includes different aspects of ‘healthy lifestyle’ it incorporates as much as possible and tries to leave out as little as possible. The page includes different subtitles to

Page 9: Newspaper double page spreads & advertisements

DPS/ADVERTISEMENT This double page spread and advertisement show 2 pages joint together to advertise a variety of different things. This page is commonly put into newspapers to get advertising published for usually businesses.

Some of the adds take up quite a bit of space but the majority of the adds are small and plain.

The boldest colours on these two pages makes the adverts using them stand out the most. They catch the eye straight away because they aren’t just black and white and boring like the other advertisements on the page.

The most effective advertisements from this double page spread are the most colourful and also the biggest ones.