nationalist advertisements: publicity of …/media/subjects images...nationalist advertisements:...

Nationalist Advertisements: Publicity of Commodities and Ideology 1 [Note: The following advertisements are collected from three Indian English newspapers, namely Amrita Bazar Patrika (Asia, Pacific & Africa SM 15), Bengalee (Asia, Pacific & Africa SM 81), and Bande-Mataram (Asia, Pacific & Africa SM 24) preserved in the British Library in microfilm format.] Advertisement Newspaper Date of Publication Text/Notes Amrita Bazar Patrika 02 November 1905 ‘Natives of India. Purchase goods made in your own country. Purchase goods made by your own countrymen. Encourage native industry. Buy aluminium made by the Indian aluminium Co. Ld, Madras. Aluminium made in your own country and by your own countrymen’. Amrita Bazar Patrika 01 December 1905 Another Swadeshi Article. With much pleasure we beg to inform our countrymen that we are now able to make in considerable quantities a superior quality brass lamp “Pradip” originally invented by late Babu Dina Nath Sen of Dacca, now much improved and can supply the demands of all quarters. Chiefly they are meant to replace foreign lamps and candles and avoid the bodily injury which a kerosene lamp does also they are much less expensive than candles while they last infinitely more. To be had of The Indian Stores, Calcutta. Dawn Society and Swadeshi Bazar, and of the makers P. Sen & Bros, Dacca. N.B. Agents all over the country are requested to enquire. All communications to be made with the makers only. Amrita Bazar Patrika 02 December 1905 Why do you use European Specifics if you can get more efficacious Swadeshi * Specifics for dyspepsia, malarial fever, gonorrhoea, impure blood etc. Prepared on a most scientific basis by Kaviraj Bhola Nath Gupta, 40, Chasadhobapara Street, Jorasanko, Calcutta * ‘Swadeshi’ means indigenous, produced in one’s own country

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Nationalist Advertisements: Publicity of Commodities and Ideology


[Note: The following advertisements are collected from three Indian English newspapers, namely Amrita Bazar Patrika (Asia, Pacific & Africa SM

15), Bengalee (Asia, Pacific & Africa SM 81), and Bande-Mataram (Asia, Pacific & Africa SM 24) preserved in the British Library in microfilm


Advertisement Newspaper Date of Publication


Amrita Bazar Patrika

02 November 1905

‘Natives of India. Purchase goods made in your own country. Purchase goods made by your own countrymen. Encourage native industry. Buy aluminium made by the Indian aluminium Co. Ld, Madras. Aluminium made in your own country and by your own countrymen’.

Amrita Bazar Patrika

01 December 1905

Another Swadeshi Article. With much pleasure we beg to inform our countrymen that we are now able to make in considerable quantities a superior quality brass lamp “Pradip” originally invented by late Babu Dina Nath Sen of Dacca, now much improved and can supply the demands of all quarters. Chiefly they are meant to replace foreign lamps and candles and avoid the bodily injury which a kerosene lamp does also they are much less expensive than candles while they last infinitely more. To be had of The Indian Stores, Calcutta. Dawn Society and Swadeshi Bazar, and of the makers P. Sen & Bros, Dacca. N.B. Agents all over the country are requested to enquire. All communications to be made with the makers only.

Amrita Bazar Patrika

02 December 1905

Why do you use European Specifics if you can get more efficacious Swadeshi* Specifics for dyspepsia, malarial fever, gonorrhoea, impure blood etc. Prepared on a most scientific basis by Kaviraj Bhola Nath Gupta, 40, Chasadhobapara Street, Jorasanko, Calcutta

* ‘Swadeshi’ means indigenous, produced in one’s own country

Nationalist Advertisements: Publicity of Commodities and Ideology


Advertisement Newspaper Date of Publication


Amrita Bazar Patrika

02 December 1905

Swadeshi Bazar. No. 129-1-2 Cornwallis Street, Calcutta. Just received! Just received! Varied assortment of winter clothing. Raffles! Raffles! Raffles! In different colours & decent patterns. Winter cloths of every description from various parts of the country in stock. Mill and loom dhoties, saris, chadars, shirtings &c. kept in stock, in large varieties and at different prices. Agency department. Supply Agency. We have opened an Agency Branch for the supply of all kinds of Swadeshi articles to the people and traders in the Moffussil. We procure Swadeshi articles direct from the makers, and are, hence, in a position to offer them a “Trade price”. We charge a moderate commission and execute all orders promptly. 25% earnest money should accompany each order. Sale Agency. We also undertake the agency of Swadeshi manufactures of all kinds; and our extensive clients in the Moffusil enables us to promise the best results to makers, who would find in their transactions with it the surest way of effecting a quick disposal of their wares.

Amrita Bazar Patrika

02 January 1906

Bande Mataram! Do you want a bed strap? Here it is: Bed Straps made of best strong cotton cord, fancy colored, strongly woven with extra stout handles and buckles, stronger than leather, a perfect novelty to give immense satisfaction. Price As. 14 each. Purely Swadeshi. Address:- Pritam Singh Lamba and Co., Bhagowal P.O. Gujrat, Dist. Punjab.

Amrita Bazar Patrika

02 January 1905

The Swadeshi Globe Cigarette Co. Factory: 20-21, Tangra Road, Calcutta. Manufacturers of pure Indian cigarettes. Smoke our Ashraffee Cigarettes. Luxury to smokers. Wrestler, Hand, Feiz, Soundanese Brand. Cheapest and best smoke. Guaranteed all our cigarettes free from any injurious articles. Smoke our cigarettes only. Help home industry. Head Office:- 231, Lower Circular Road. Depot Shop:- 50, Canning Street

Nationalist Advertisements: Publicity of Commodities and Ideology


Advertisement Newspaper Date of Publication


Amrita Bazar Patrika

02 November 1905

Amusements. Minerva Theatre. 6, Beadon Street. Saturday, the 4th November at 9 P.M. Sharp. The eighth grand performance of G.C. Ghose’s new historical drama SIRAJ-UD-DOWLA, the last independent Nawab of Bengal, Siraj-ud-Dowla. The history of the English conquest of Bengal laid bare. Karim- Girish Chunder Ghose. National costumes!! Plenty of songs and dances!!! Next day, Sunday, at candle-light. For one night only. I. Mr. D.L. Roy’s national drama RANA PRATAP. The most illustrious name in the pages of history. II. G.C. Ghose’s splendid mythological drama JANA. Vidushak – Mr. Mustafee. III. THE MINERVA BIOSCOPE. I am glad to announce that a grand amphitheatre has been constructed on the second story (sic) in order to provide extra accommodation for the hundreds of our patrons and constituents who had to go away disappointed for want of seats during the last few weeks. But Gentlemen will kindly remember that the accommodation then provided is also limited and they are accordingly requested to book their seats early in order to avoid repeated disappointment. A. Mustafee, Master. G.C. Ghosh, Manager.

Amrita Bazar Patrika

02 November 1905

A Gigantic Effort! Grand pujah arrangement. Phenomenal store of Swadeshi goods! SEN & CO. 374, Upper Chitpur Road, Jorasanko Calcutta (28 year standing). To justify our approbation of the Swadeshi movement, we have, to celebrate the pujahs indented for a varied and rich assortment of country made cloths, silks, brocades, and dhutis. No need to visit other shops and stores. Unique, unprecedented, unapproachable collection. Please come and inspect. We challenge any one to excel us in the variety and beauty of our assortments We have gathered rare fabrics from all industrial towns of India at comparatively cheap rates. And those which are not to be had in India, we were constrained to indent for from Japan, China, France, Italy and Germany. To mark the period of national upheaval we have given shape to new fashion – a new kind of jackets for ladies to use. THE BANGAMATA JACKET, designed and fitted up by that artist Patu Amarendra Nath Chakrabartty. THE BANGAMATA SAREE, fresh in design, novel in form, pure in material, gorgeous in colour. Besides these we have designed need kinds of jackets, frocks, saries, coats, chaddur, chemises, ornas and other articles of native dress.

Nationalist Advertisements: Publicity of Commodities and Ideology


Advertisement Newspaper Date of Publication


All made in pure Indian style and Swadeshi materials. Price chief (sic), Perfect finish, comfortable cut and fashion. Durable, dexterously made up divine beautiful. For twenty eight years we have served our constituent with distinction and we are sure we will command the same confidence of our patrons,- Maharajahs, Nawabs, High officials, members of the learned profession – in short the aristocracy and the gentry of the country in this our new endeavours. We are no new comers in the field of fashion. What we mean to do – we do. Patronised equally by the aristocracy and gentry of the country. Moffussil orders supplied promptly cheaply and nicely. V.P.P orders are well attended to. Advance solicited.

Amrita Bazar Patrika

02 November 1905

Winter Swadeshi Goods. Most fashionable Overcoat. English cut. All materials Swadeshi… Rs. 13 to 25. Country hand-made Kashmera, pure wool, 27’’ wide, per yd… Re. 1-4. Lahore Dhussa, very very soft, 7 yds to 58``, … Rs. 25. Malida Chadder, very warm and soft, 3 1/2’’yds to 58, … Rs. 16. Pushmeen Chadder,… Rs. 12 to 40. Shwal Jora,… Rs. 14-150. Worked Malida comforter… Rs. 1-12 to 5. Amir Chand & Son, Shawl Merchants, Lahore.

Amrita Bazar Patrika

02 November 1905

For every variety of poojah dresses, made of purely Indian materials. And Gramophones and Nicolephones and latest improved records. Please ask from Mullick Brothers, “The Fashionable Tailors”, 77, Upper Chitpoor Road, Jorasanko, Calcutta.

Amrita Bazar Patrika

06 November 1905

Swadeshi Biscuits. V. s. Brothers’ HINDU BISCUITS. Machine-made, untouched by hand, pure, wholesome, fresh and tasteful. Factory at Dum-Dum. Established in 1890. Awarded three gold medals at The Calcutta Industrial Exhibition. Prices moderate – cheaper than the imported articles, Gem, Mixed, Arrowroot, Milk, Tiffin and many other kinds of biscuits. Always ready stock. Trial solicited. Every packet guaranteed sound and fresh. Gupta & co., Proprietors, Office: - 41-42, Chashadhobapara Street, Calcutta.

Nationalist Advertisements: Publicity of Commodities and Ideology


Advertisement Newspaper Date of Publication


Amrita Bazar Patrika

06 November 1905

The Bengal Soap Factory. 64-1, Machoa Bazar Rd. Calcutta. Do you want to learn the secret how a home industry thrive well in the face of strong foreign competition? Simply when it is better and cheaper. Exactly the case with the Bengal Soap Factory, Calcutta.

Amrita Bazar Patrika

11 November 1905

For sale. Bioscope films and accessories. Three reasons why you should buy Garmont’s Professional Chrono? 1. Because it was awarded Grand Prix, Paris, 1900 in open competition with the world. 2. Selected as the only machine to be used in the St. Louis Exposition, 1904. 3. It is free flicker, absolutely rock, steady, practically noiseless. Price list on application to the Elphinstone Bioscope Company. CORINTHIAN THEATRE, Dharamtalla, Calcutta. The first and the only possessors of the genuine film “The Great Bengal Partition movement” first monster meeting at the Town hall with animatography of Babu Surendra Nath Banerjee and Hon’ble Mr. J Chowdhury. Also several hundreds of films in stock, all latest and up to date, as exhibited at the – Hippodrome and Alhambra Theatres, London.

Amrita Bazar Patrika

13 October 1905

[the text is in Bengali language] Translation- Arrangements for Rākhī. Day: 30 Ashwin this year, 16 October… [illegible]… Time: From sunrise to the first prahar [1 prahar equals to approximately three hours] of the night. Rituals to be observed: Maintain purity of mind and body for the specified time. Things needed: Yellow coloured rākhī having three threads. Mantra (Chant): We are all brothers living together and having no differences among ourselves. Programme: To tie rākhī to the right hand of all the Bengalees irrespective of whether he is one from the higher of lower castes, Hindu, Muslim, Christian religions. This mantra along with a rākhī may be sent by post or messenger to one who is presently away.

Nationalist Advertisements: Publicity of Commodities and Ideology


Advertisement Newspaper Date of Publication


Amrita Bazar Patrika

14 November 1905

Swadeshi. Are you aware that you can become your own masters and cater for your own people’s wants, as well as the wants of foreigners? Cutting class now open for Indians only. You are taught in your language or otherwise by able and experienced artists who have taught some of the best cutters of the day at F.T. Prewett’s West End School of Cutting. Terms of tuition same as charged at the London academies, only a limited number of pupils can be received for this term. For particulars and prospectus apply personally to – D. Morrison & Co., 7, Dalhousie Square.

Amrita Bazar Patrika

14 November 1905

By special request for one night only. MINERVA THEATRE, 6 Beadon Street. Wednesday, 15th November, at 9 P.M. Kherode Babu’s PRATAPADITYA or Pratap of Bengal, whose military achievements and self-sacrifice for the independence of his own country has made him ever popular in the history of Bengal. Vikramadittya & Captain Rodrigues – Mr. A.S. Mustafee. Pratapaditya – Babu Surendra Nath Ghose (Dani Babu), Kalyani – Miss Tara Sundari, Bijaya – Shushila Sundari. Followed by that funny musical comedy NASIB Laugh from start to finish. To end with The Minerva Bioscope. Representations of new pictures. A. Mustafee, Manager. G.C. Ghose, Manager.

Amrita Bazar Patrika

14 November 1905

Swadeshi Bazar. 129-1-2 Cornwallis St. Shambazar. Calcutta. We have just received a big consignment of coarse dhoties of all sizes from the Krishna Mills, Beawar, which are bound to outlive any hard wear yet exceedingly cheap and thus eminently suited to the village people in coming winter. Reasonable concessions allowed to wholesale purchasers. Other Krishna Mill goods are also available in large quantities, such as Charkhana, a beautiful thin gown piece, for shirts and punjabees, Bombay Chadars etc. A very big consignment of all varieties of fine dhoties are expected in 10 or 12 days positively. A Madrasee gentleman has placed at our disposal some very excellent lace-bordered dhoties and chadars of Madras for sale at cost price. They are fine specimens of art. An inspection is solicited. We import silk and tassar fabrics from manufacturers direct and can therefore sell them cheaper than other traders in Calcutta. We have also a large assortment of stockings, gurnseyse, towels etc. Manager. Hari Mohan Biswas

Nationalist Advertisements: Publicity of Commodities and Ideology


Advertisement Newspaper Date of Publication


Amrita Bazar Patrika

25 September 1905

Beware of worthless imitations. Use always Kesharanjan Oil, and no other. The Partition Question and all its accompanying evils notwithstanding the world is steadily moving on and on, with its recurring joys & sorrows. Mother Bengal is in deep mourning. The sable veil of despondency darkening the face of all her children. But remember! The great national festivity of the Hindus, the Maha Pujah is fast approaching!!! This is pre-eminently the time for using our world-renowned and medicated Kesh-Ranjan Oil, Prepared from purely indigenous ingredients. It will serve the purpose of an excellent brain cooler and a first class “Swadeshi” scent withal. Please purchase a phial for one rupee only and present to your dear ones. It will amply repay the out-lay, at the same time you will encourage a genuine country-made preparation and carry out to practice the solemn vow you have taken to use Indian goods and Indian goods only. Please note that- Keshranjan is the king of all hair oils, native or imported. Price per phial- Re 1, 3 phials – 2.8. Dozen phials Rs. 10. Big phials containing four times the contents of the smaller ones – Rs. 3/- Rupees three only. Packing and postage extra. Government medical diploma holder, Kaviraj nagendra Nath Sen, Member, Chemical Society, paris. Society of Chemical industry, London &c., &c. 18 & 19 Lower Chitpur Road, Calcutta.

Amrita Bazar Patrika

26 September 1905

Indian Clothes. Large supply expected shortly. Owing to unexpected demand for Indian Dhotis we were unable to satisfy our numerous town and moffusil customers our present stock being cleared within a short time. Now we have instructed our mills to manufacture goods in a large quantity so as to meet the growing demand and send all the ready goods at once. Now we hope to satisfy all within a short time. Mill Agents: K.B. Sen & Co., 121, Monohur Das’ St. Calcutta.

Amrita Bazar Patrika

29 November 1905

Special Candle-light performance at 6-30 P. M. Corinthian Theatre, Dharamtalla. Sunday the 1st October, 1905. The Great Bengal Partition Movement Monster Meeting at the Town Hall. The Great Demonstrative Procession. The only film taken of the illustrious gathering for the Elphinstone Bioscope Co., at the memorable day, no other genuine. After the procession you will see Bengal’s great patriots and orators such as Baboo Surendra Nath Banerjee. Hon. Mr. J. Chaudhuri, Etc. Etc. also Napoleon Bonaparte,

Nationalist Advertisements: Publicity of Commodities and Ideology


Advertisement Newspaper Date of Publication


Howrah Bridge opening and closing of the Bridge, Passing of the steamers. Tableaux Dance of Kamral Zaman and Badoora by the Lady artistes of the Parsi Elphinstone Dramatic Club and several other new films never shown on any stage in Bengal on Bioscope worked by electricity. By The Parsi Elphinstone Bioscope Co. also Sakuntala or the Fatal Ring by the Parsi Elphinstone Dramatic Club. Play to commence at 6-30 P.M. at 8 P.M. Price of Admission:- Reserved Seats Rs. 3, Boxes to hold 4, Rs. 8, Single Seats Rs. 2,1.

Amrita Bazar Patrika

29 September 1905

Poojah Performances! Grand Holiday Programme! In response to the request of a Large Number of Gentlemen (Students and otherwise) leaving Calcutta for their “Sweet Home”, Star Theatre Satirday and Sunday. The Grand National Plays! Saturday 30th September at 9 P.M. Khrode babu’s Brilliant Historical Play in Five Acts PRATAP of BENGAL. To conclude with Amrita Lal Bose’s NABO JIBAN. Next day Sunday 1st October, The Fine Candle-light Performance of Mr. D.L. Ray’s Grand Patriotic Drama RANA PRATAP. Sakta Singha – Amrita Lal Bose. To conclude with NABO JIBAN. Amrita Lal Bose, Manager.

Bande Mataram

03 October 1906

Support your own Country. Gupta’s Teas are made from Indian plant of Indian labour and capital. [image showing Indians of different religions and provinces trying to support a large map of India]

Bande Mataram

08 October 1906

For country made Foot Balls and Sporting Gears. Complete with bladder Rs. 4. Please write to Carr & Mahalanobis, 1-2 Chowringhee, Calcutta

Nationalist Advertisements: Publicity of Commodities and Ideology


Advertisement Newspaper Date of Publication


Bande Mataram

08 September 1906

Minerva Theatre, 6, Beadon Street. Proprietor:- Babu Monmohan Pande. Saturday the 8th Sept. at 9 p.m. sharp. The fourteenth grand performance of G.C. Ghose’s new historical drama MIRKASIM. The triumph- the sensation- the wonder of the season. Mirjafor- Girish Ch. Ghose (my humble self). “The cheek of every honest Englishma must burn with shame as he reads the account of the policy adopted by the leading men amongst our countrymen in India hundred and twenty years ago towards the native ruler whose only subsequent fault in their eyes was his endeavour to protect his subjects from European Extortion. Next day Sunday at candle light.

Bande Mataram

27 October 1906

[the text is in Bengali language] Translation:- MY OATH. I do hereby take this oath, by the name of my country, that henceforth I will not spend any money for the purpose of mere entertainment on social or religious occasion; neither shall I be the reason of such spending. I also take the oath not to give or accept any gift as part of social ritualism, and I will also refrain from giving or taking any dowry. I will spend the entire money saved in this way to the welfare of my country.

Bande Mataram

30 October 1906

Supplement to “Bande Mataram”, Calcutta Tuesday, October 30, 1906. Bande Mataram the first November issue of the Daily Organ of Indian Nationalism will be the first of a new and enlarged edition sold everywhere. The Swadeshi paper for India. Our Policy: India for Indians. All the latest news on Indian National Questions. Special features not hitherto attempted by other papers.

Bengalee 01 September 1905

[the text is in Bengali language] Translation:- Swadeshi Sweets! Bengali Sweet Shop. 66-3 & 4 Harrison Road. A good number of educated people, inspired by their love for the country, have endeared quality food made in their own country, and relinquished foreign food. We have succeeded to satisfy their taste. Here we provide only a very few names of our sweets in fear of various duplication. Jugal Milan Sondesh, Monmohini Khili, Rose Lady Canning, Labanga Latika.

Nationalist Advertisements: Publicity of Commodities and Ideology


Advertisement Newspaper Date of Publication


Bengalee 01 September 1905

Smoke Indian Cigarettes only. Avoid foreign made. Cigarettes manufactured by The Star Tobacco Coy., of Bombay, and made of Purely Indian Tobacco. Can be had of G.C. Sen, Wholesale Retail and Dealers, 912, Cornwallis Street, Calcutta.

Bengalee 01 September 1905

Chaudhuri, Neogie & Co., Tailors and Cloth Merchants, 90, Bowbazar Street. Wanted encouragement from public for native industry, native hand-made dhuties and saris from all centres, and mill-made dhuties, saris, socks, stockings gangies, towels, handkerchiefs, longcloths, tweels etc., shirts and coats of mill-made cloths. Prices very cheap. Trials solicited. Cuts and shapes excellent.

Bengalee 01 September 1905

Support Swadeshi. Imperial Cream and Blanco for brown and canvas shoes. The best in the market and awarded medals and Certificates by Exhibitions, and eminent gentlemen, e.g., the Hon’ble Babu N.B. Sarkar, C.I.E. and Sub-Judges, Deputy Magistrates, Zamindars, &c., &c. Price 3 annas and one anna respectively. Commission to wholesale purchasers. Sold only by H.K. Bose & Bothers, Imperial Chemical Works, 37, Shikdar Bagan Street, (Bagbazar P.O.) Calcutta.

Bengalee 03 September 1905

Mourning at the Star!!! PARTITION OF BENGAL! No amusement work at the STAR THEATRE on Wednesday, the 6th September. Amrita Lal Bose, Manager.

Nationalist Advertisements: Publicity of Commodities and Ideology


Advertisement Newspaper Date of Publication


Bengalee 03 September 1905

NATIONAL MOURNING at the MINERVA THEATRE. 6, Beadon Street. There will be no performance on Wednesday, the 6th September, as the Nation has gone into mourning on account of the partition Proclamation. G.C. Ghose, Director

Bengalee 06 September 1905

Swadeshi Goods. Please book your order to Sujohn and Co. Commission Agents & Order Suppliers. Sole Agents for Shashpur knife factory, 4, Mirbuhur Ghat Street, Calcutta. Satisfaction Guaranteed.

Bengalee 03 September 1905

Notice is hereby given that we have appointed the Indian Stores Ltd., our local agents for our COUNTRY MADE Sporting Gears. SEN & SEN, 1, Chowringhee, Calcutta.

Bengalee 06 September 1905

[the text is in Bengali language] Translation:- “Bande Mataram” This book contains Bankim Babu’s “Bande Mataram”; Hembabu’s “Bājre Śingā Bāj”, Satyendra babu’s “Mile sab Bhārat santān”, Rabindra Babu’s “Oyee Bhuban Manamohinī” and similar kind of 12/13 excellent songs along with 30/35 inspirational nationalist poems and songs like Gobinda Babu’s “Nirmal Salile”. The book is printed nicely on swadeshi papers of good quality. Let everyone, irrespective of age, sing “Bande Mataram” at this hour of grave misfortune. Price |0 anna. City Book Society.

Nationalist Advertisements: Publicity of Commodities and Ideology


Advertisement Newspaper Date of Publication


Bengalee 08 September 1905

In the Protest Meetings for the Partition of Bengal PLEDGED to use country made goods. Gupta’s Teas, are purely made from Indian Plant by Indian Labour.

Bengalee 09 September 1905

Why do you prefer home made goods? Because your countrymen get the wages in manufacturing them- and you are right. The Krishna Mills Co., Ld., of Beawar (Rajputana) have paid during the year 1904 to their employees over Rs. 80,000 for spinning cotton yearns and weaving dhooties, dupattas, chudders, sheetings, shirtings and the like. Write for samples of these to Department “S”, The Krishna Mills, Ld., (Beawar, Rajputana.)

Bengalee 09 September 1905

No Disappointment! No Disappointment! Fresh supply expected shortly!!! INDIAN CLOTHES. Nainsook or coarse dhoties of all description – Mata, Gajee, Grey shirtings Long clothes, chintzs, socks and guerensys, towels etc. in stock. Note:- The Indian Mills were not prepared to meet the demand of whole Bengal at a call, but now steps have been taken to face it. Mill Agents:- K.B. Sen & Co., 121, Monohur das’s Street, Barabazar, Calcutta.

Bengalee 09 September 1905

Support Home Industry. THE BENGAL CHEMICAL & PHARMACEUTICAL WORKS, LD. 91, Upper Circular road, Calcutta. Preparations of the British Pharmacoea. Extracts, Liquors, Tinctures &c. accurately standardised and of guaranteed strength. Pure chemicals and reagents. Chemical apparatus of every description.

Nationalist Advertisements: Publicity of Commodities and Ideology


Advertisement Newspaper Date of Publication


Bengalee 09 September 1905

Don’t Despair. Grand Puja Collections. We have indented a large variety of Swadeshi silks, and Deshi dhuties, saris, uranis, etc. Shoes! Shoes!! Shoes!!! Shoes!!!! Steel trunks, cash-boxes, hand-bags and spectacles. Prices very moderate. Inspection solicited. Mofussil orders are promptly executed by V.P. Banerjee & Mullick, tailors and Order Suppliers, 61, Upper Chitpur Road, Calcutta.

Bengalee 12 September 1905

Support Home Industry. Use Assam Silk (Endi & Mooga) for suits & wraps. Please book your orders to Assama Valley Trading Co., Ld. (A wellknown Swadeshi Concern) with an authorised capital of one lac of rupees. Gauhati or tezpur, Assam.

Bengalee 13 September 1905

Swadeshi Scents. Prepared from fresh Indian Flowers. Have obtained Gold Medals in Industrial Exhibitions. Best value for your money. Use and encourage Home Industry. Bela, Malatai, Sefalika, Champaka, Jesmine Boquet (Juie), Lily of the Valley (Padma). Re. 1 per bottle. A box of 3 phials Rs. 2-8. Puspasar – A highly perfumed and charming essence. Re. 1 per bottle. Lavender-Water – Cheapest and best of its kind 6 As. Per phial. M.L. Bose & Co. Manufacturing Perfumer. 122, Old China Bazar Street, Calcutta.

Bengalee 14 September 1905

Drink only GUPTA’S TEAS, to keep up your Pledge and refuse Foreign Proprietory (sic) Teas.

Nationalist Advertisements: Publicity of Commodities and Ideology


Advertisement Newspaper Date of Publication


Bengalee 15 September 1905

Now Your Collars should be made of Guaranteed Indian Stuff. I make these Collars to any shape to order. Price Rs. 4-8 per doz. not washed, for washing As. 12 extra per doz. I.B. Gupta. 82-1, Harrison Road, Calcutta

Bengalee 15 September 1905

Grand Emporium of Country-Made Goods, CITY STORES. 108-1, Grey Street, Calcutta. Under the distinguished patronage of The Hon’ble Babu Bhupendra Nath Bose and under the direct supervision of several respectable and educated gentlemen. Genuine Articles! Lowest Prices! Dhutis and Saris, Long cloths, Shirtings, Sheetings, Banians, Socks, Towels, Soap, Perfumery, etc., etc., A grand collection of mill-made cloths from the different mills. Speciial arrangements made for Puja requirements. Fixed Prices. Cash Payments. Trial solicited. Mofussil orders promptly executed.

Bengalee 15 September 1905

[image of shoes] Encourage Country-Made Industry. Just arrived. Just arrived. High class country-made boot, shoes and slippers from Bombay, Cawnpur and other places. Price moderates. Trial solicited. Orders should be sent to the Manager. The Bengal Shoe Store. 88-8, Harrison Road. N.B. – American shoes can be had too.

Bengalee 21 September 1905

An Appeal to our Countrymen. Use our flour, which is produced under the entire supervision of our countrymen and encourage your Swadeshi movement and Swadeshi industry. All qualities of flour, Atta, Sujee &c., can be had of our mills at comparatively cheaper prices situated at Hatibagan, Rajar Bagan, Goabagan, Ultadanga, Maniktola, Narikeldanga, Nundanbagan, Kolabagan, Sikdarbagan, &c., and from all retail dealers. Calcutta Swadeshi Flour Mills Association.

Nationalist Advertisements: Publicity of Commodities and Ideology


Advertisement Newspaper Date of Publication


Bengalee 21 September 1905

If you are earnest in our Swadeshi Movement, Please encourage the Assam Bengal Stores, 2, Lall Bazar Street, Calcutta. Fine Collections of our INDIAN GOODS, Trunks, towels, banians, Assam silks and teas, soaps, perfumeries, hair oils, cigars and cigarettes, chutnies etc., etc., etc. Are always available at cheapest price. Trial solicited.