newsletter 5th march.pdf

TOOTGAROOK TELEGRAPH Weekly newsletter of TOOTGAROOK PRIMARY SCHOOL Website: Telephone: 5985 2864 Email Address: [email protected] Issue 5 5 th March, 2015 CALENDAR Friday 6 th March - Curriculum Day – no students required at school Monday 9 th March - Labour Day Public Holiday – no students required at school Friday 13 th March - Out of Uniform Day – Easter Item Donation Monday 16 th March - School Council Meeting Tuesday 17 th March - Grade 3/4 Environment Excursion to The Briars Friday 20 th March - Hot Dog Lunch Day Monday 23 rd – Wednesday 25 th March - Grade 5/6 Urban Camp LONG WEEKEND & STAFF TRAINING DAY A final reminder that the school will be closed on Friday 6 th March for a staff training day and the Labour Day Holiday, Monday. School will resume as normal on Tuesday 10 th March. THANK YOU PARENTS Sincere thanks to all parents who were able to attend the PTS Conferences on Tuesday afternoon. We hope these initial meetings have given you a clear picture of your child’s start to the school year as well as some of the initial learning goals that will shape the direction of your child’s learning in 2015. If you were unable to attend these scheduled interviews, please feel welcome to make contact with your child’s teacher to organise an alternative time. MOBILE PHONE POLICY FOR STUDENTS Several parents have inquired recently into the school’s policy in regards to the use of mobile phones by students. We understand that many students make contact with parents at the end of the school day on their mobile phones and to this end we do allow students to bring their phones to school. The only restriction we have to the use of the phones is that they are placed at the office during the school day and can only be used after 3:30pm. Phones will be removed from any student who chooses to access these during the school day, with these being returned to the student at the end of the day. Parents will be contacted if any students continue to breach this practice. Please note that the school cannot accept any responsibility for the loss or damage to any mobile phone as per the Department of Education’s guidelines on this matter. March Fundraising Activities Easter Raffle – raffle tickets were sent home today Out of Uniform Day – Friday 13 th March please bring along an Easter Item! Hot Dog Lunch Day – Friday 20 th March – order forms sent home next week!

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TOOTGAROOK TELEGRAPH Weekly newsletter of


Telephone: 5985 2864

Email Address: [email protected] Issue 5 5th March, 2015


Friday 6th March - Curriculum Day – no students required at school Monday 9th March - Labour Day Public Holiday – no students required at school

Friday 13th March - Out of Uniform Day – Easter Item Donation Monday 16th March - School Council Meeting Tuesday 17th March - Grade 3/4 Environment Excursion to The Briars Friday 20th March - Hot Dog Lunch Day

Monday 23rd – Wednesday 25th March - Grade 5/6 Urban Camp

LONG WEEKEND & STAFF TRAINING DAY A final reminder that the school will be closed on Friday 6th March for a staff training day and the Labour Day Holiday, Monday.

School will resume as normal on Tuesday 10th March.

THANK YOU PARENTS Sincere thanks to all parents who were able to attend the PTS Conferences on Tuesday afternoon. We hope these initial meetings have given you a clear picture of your child’s start to the school year as well as some of the initial learning goals that will shape the direction of your child’s learning in 2015. If you were unable to attend these scheduled interviews, please feel welcome to make contact with your child’s teacher to organise an alternative time.

MOBILE PHONE POLICY FOR STUDENTS Several parents have inquired recently into the school’s policy in regards to the use of mobile phones

by students. We understand that many students make contact with parents at the end of the school day on their mobile phones and to this end we do allow students to bring their phones to school. The only restriction we have to the use of the phones is that they are placed at the office during the school day and can only be used after 3:30pm. Phones will be removed from any student who chooses to access these during the school day, with

these being returned to the student at the end of the day. Parents will be contacted if any students continue to breach this practice. Please note that the school cannot accept any responsibility for the loss or damage to any mobile phone as per the Department of Education’s guidelines on this matter.

March Fundraising Activities Easter Raffle – raffle tickets were sent home today Out of Uniform Day – Friday 13th March please bring along an Easter Item! Hot Dog Lunch Day – Friday 20th March.

March Fundraising Activities Easter Raffle – raffle tickets were sent home today Out of Uniform Day – Friday 13th March please bring along an Easter Item! Hot Dog Lunch Day – Friday 20th March – order forms sent home next week!

Page 2: Newsletter 5th March.pdf

Student of the Week Students will be presented with certificates at Monday morning assembly.

Prep B – Mrs Bos – Lola Cooke – for being an interested learner. Well done Lola for your great writing and reading.

Prep R – Mrs Read – Wil Giarrusso – for always trying your hardest with your school work and making great choices at mat time.

1H – Mrs Hughes – Baxta Penzo – for being an enthusiastic student in all activities. He is a careful, thoughtful and happy classmate. A great role model.

1P – Miss Perkins - Layla White – for showing Integrity with everything she does. Layla is continually doing her best, is a helpful class member and is always ready to listen and learn. Well Done!

2B – Mrs Baird - Tarni Blewett – for her positive outlook and her willingness to listen carefully and begin work promptly. She always does her best.

2J - Mrs Johnstone – Mila Hartley – for being such a cheerful, helpful and caring classmate who always tries her best. Well done!

3A – Miss Arnold – Tahlia Heylbut – for being really organised with her homework and trying her hardest during learning tasks. Keep up the good work!

3W – Ms Walton – Summer Dixon – for her admirable work ethic and for the initiative she shows. Well done Summer.

4S – Miss Staley – Aysia Fyson - For being a helpful friend and good listener. You used the 6 Ls when watching the PowerPoint on Point Nepean and applied your knowledge in question and quiz time. Keep up the fantastic work Aysia.

5Q – Miss Quintin – Zoe Tracy – you’ve had a great start to the year. It’s nice to see you happy and smiling. You’re doing a great job remembering to wear your glasses. Well done Zoe!

6W – Miss Withers – Kade May – for being a great role model to others during 5/6 sport. Well done Kade you took part in the 100m sprints and gave it your best effort each time.

Art/Craft – (Miss Davey) – Kaitlyn Underwood – 1H – you have made a fantastic Papier Mache’ bowl. Your colour choices and paint application have combined to make a very impressive art work. Well done!

Music (Mrs Young) – Ellie Papadopoulos – 6W- You have been part of the band for several years but your enthusiasm and engagement never stops. Now you put your hand up to start out a clarinet club. You are a valued support for our band. Thank You!

Thankyou to the following helpers at last Saturday’s Market: Darren Walker, David Forster, Melissa Connelly, Simone Royle, Cobbity + Thomas Campbell, Larry Peterson, Grant

Wilson, Josephine + Stefan Wycisk, Gary Barrett, Fran Lazner, Tom Connelly, Emma + William Campbell, Lisa Bateman, Christine Young, Tace Withers, Matt Davies. Our

next market will be Saturday 28th March with 4S + 5Q rostered on.

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The Art Room has the following wish list:

paper towel tubes/ wrapping paper tubes, wool, clean meat trays, small boxes + cereal boxes – if you have any of these items please leave them in the Art room thank you!

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