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enriching Primary education” MOLONG CENTRAL SCHOOL “Providing Opportunities for Personal Achievement” NEWSLETTER Phone: 6366 8224 Fax: 6366 8220 email: [email protected] Kindergarten to Year 12 Issue No: 39 15 th December SCHOOL CALENDAR OF UPCOMING EVENTS 16.12.16 30.1.17 30 & 31.1.17 31.1.17 1.2.17 Last day for 2016 First day for Yrs 1-6 & Yrs 7,11&12 Best Start for Kindergarten students First day for Years 8-10 First day for Kindergarten PRESENTATION NIGHT AWARDS Presentation Night highlighted the many outstanding accomplishments that have occurred throughout the year. On Monday, there were 311 Awards announced, culminating with our Primary Dux Award going to Ella Kirby and the Secondary Dux Award going to Phoenix Aguila. These awards indicate that at Molong Central there are no limits to what can be achieved by students who display a positive attitude and determination to succeed. I would like to congratulate all award recipients and look forward to seeing what 2017 will bring. I would encourage all students to be positive about 2017 and the opportunities that are open to them at Molong Central School. Put in the effort to make 2017 your best year to date. Throughout the night we acknowledged the outstanding achievements both academically and in the sporting arena with five of our sporting teams being recognised as State Champions. The Presentation Night also saw the presentation of the much coveted Parents and Citizens Association School Community Award. The Award this year went to a very worthy recipient, Mrs Jenny Barrow, a member of staff that has outstanding organisational skills and has used these to drive many of the major events that occurred throughout the year, including the School Fete & Year 12 Graduation, to name just a couple. Jenny is also the Vice President of the P & C and takes an active interest in promoting the school in the wider community, not just while at work, but she seems to be on duty 24/7. Thankyou Jenny for all your hard work, much of which is above and beyond your role statement. The night also saw the draw of the major raffle which this year was won by Annabel Townsend. Congratulations! We would like to thank all the sponsors of this raffle who provided prizes which would be welcome to any kitchen. Special thanks must go to Mrs Donna Shapland and Mr Jamie Ramsey from Nover Orange for providing many of these prizes. So as the week draws to an end I would like to thank everyone for their continued support of what is an outstanding school and wish you all the best over the Christmas break. Stay safe and I look forward to seeing you all in 2017. Mr Scott Taprell, Relieving Principal Jenny Barrow Ella Kirby Phoenix Aguila

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Page 1: NEWSL - Home - Molong Central School...3 M.C.S. Newsletter Term 4/2016 Issue Number 39 15/12/16 Phone: 6366 8224 Fax: 6366 8220 Email: Primary Awards

“enriching Primary education”

MOLONG CENTRAL SCHOOL “Providing Opportunities for Personal Achievement”


Phone: 6366 8224 Fax: 6366 8220 email: [email protected]

Kindergarten to Year 12 Issue No: 39 15th December

2016 th December, 2015


16.12.16 30.1.17 30 & 31.1.17 31.1.17 1.2.17

Last day for 2016 First day for Yrs 1-6 & Yrs 7,11&12

Best Start for Kindergarten students

First day for Years 8-10

First day for Kindergarten

PRESENTATION NIGHT AWARDS Presentation Night highlighted the many outstanding accomplishments that have occurred throughout the year. On Monday, there were 311 Awards announced, culminating with our Primary Dux Award going to Ella Kirby and the Secondary Dux Award going to Phoenix Aguila. These awards indicate that at Molong Central there are no limits to what can be achieved by students who display a positive attitude and determination to succeed. I would like to congratulate all award recipients and look forward to seeing what 2017 will bring. I would encourage all students to be positive about 2017 and the opportunities that are open to them at Molong Central School. Put in the effort to make 2017 your best year to date.

Throughout the night we acknowledged the outstanding achievements both academically and in the sporting arena with five of our sporting teams being recognised as State Champions. The Presentation Night also saw the presentation of the much coveted Parents and Citizens Association School Community Award. The Award this year went to a very worthy recipient, Mrs Jenny Barrow, a member of staff that has outstanding organisational skills and has used these to drive many of the major events that occurred throughout the year, including the School Fete & Year 12 Graduation, to name just a couple. Jenny is also the Vice President of the P & C and takes an active interest in promoting the school in the wider community, not just while at work, but she seems to be on duty 24/7. Thankyou Jenny for all your hard work, much of which is above and beyond your role statement. The night also saw the draw of the major raffle which this year was won by Annabel Townsend. Congratulations! We would like to thank all the sponsors of this raffle who provided prizes which would be welcome to any kitchen. Special thanks must go to Mrs Donna Shapland and Mr Jamie Ramsey from Nover Orange for providing many of these prizes. So as the week draws to an end I would like to thank everyone for their continued support of what is an outstanding school and wish you all the best over the Christmas break. Stay safe and I look forward to seeing you all in 2017. Mr Scott Taprell, Relieving Principal

Mr Scott

Jenny Barrow

Ella Kirby

Phoenix Aguila

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2 M.C.S. Newsletter Term 4/2016 Issue Number 39 15/12//2016 Phone: 6366 8224 Fax 6366 8220 email:[email protected]/

ARTICLE FROM PAUL STAFFORD REGARDING HIS “WRITE ON” WORKSHOPS AT MCS! “I’m a children’s book author and literacy consultant specialising in disengaged boys. Since September I’ve been working with Molong Central and surrounding schools from the OSSA cluster in a program generously funded by FRRR, and I’ve been asked to report back. So here goes… Your kids are great – I’m sure this is old news to you – and amazingly creative. They have a unique and fresh approach that seems to stem from living in a beautiful area they love and belong. They’re not jaded like city kids, nor over-indulged, and genuinely appreciate access to programs like this, which makes my job a breeze. There were zero discipline problems and lots of laughs. My approach to attempting to build a new literacy culture, especially in boys, is to take a pragmatic angle. Yes, it’s important to both read other peoples’ viewpoints of the world as well as learning how to express your own, but there is also money to be made in this industry. The entertainment industry is massive and growing daily, with movies, TV series, gaming, comics, books. The insatiable demand for services such as Netflix and Stan means industry big shots are hungry for new content, especially that originating from their key demographic; young people. Many of the kids I’ve worked with around Molong love the farm and want to stay on it, and part of my job is to convince them the two can co-exist. They can farm and still create material for the creative industries, especially given the growing status and capability of the digital economy and NBN (don’t laugh!). It’s true, though – it can be done right here. I live and work in the bush, writing books, programs and advertising content. I have no love for the city and no plan to live anywhere near it. Molong Central School and I have taken a multi-modal approach to this writing program. We started with on-site workshops involving all participating schools meeting and working together at a central point (Molong CS), then held fortnightly video conferences from the Australian Fossil & Mineral Museum (because who doesn’t love a T- rex?). We followed the three rounds of VCs with more on-site workshops, this time at the individual schools. Each of these distinct stages covered a different element of writing, and I think the program worked really well with a nice balance of traditional (face-to-face workshops) and tech (videoconferences). The program will roll over into Term 1, 2017, using the remaining FRRR funds. I look forward to seeing – and reading – the outcomes. My thanks go out to FRRR for funding and Molong Central for their far-sighted and innovative approach to building a new literacy culture. They’re a great team and deserve your gratitude and support. Have a safe

and happy Christmas and enjoy your holidays.” Paul Stafford

DUKE OF EDINBURGH MORNING TEA On the morning of Thursday 8th December, a special morning tea

was held in the school, attended by a number of our Duke of

Edinburgh Award students from Year 9 and 10. The occasion was

to welcome Paul Cunningham from the Duke of Edinburgh State

Office and Tania Etuale from the Award’s National Office, who

were undertaking a tour of schools running the program through

the Central Western Region. Discussion ranged from stories of

experiences on recent expeditions, through to the role of the

Program in the wider school community and also provided an

opportunity for participants to ask questions about any part of this

comprehensive program of which they were unsure. Our visitors

spoke very highly of the attitude, courtesy and enthusiasm of the

students who attended, as well as the way the program was

growing within MCS and the overall very positive feel to school.

From clockwise front: Lauren Crowley, Jacob Davis, Amber Williamson, Tania Etuale (National Award Office), Paul Cunningham (State Duke of Ed Office), Piper

Oakenfull, Maddison Burgess, Leigh Brown & Joshua Dowler.

SRC VISIT TO PRUNUS LODGE Students from the Secondary and Primary SRC will be visiting Prunus lodge to deliver Christmas presents to the residents, purchased from the funds from our festive dress up day. Pictured below are the students wrapping the presents.

Mr Terry Bruton, Relieving Deputy Principal

Secondary News

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3 M.C.S. Newsletter Term 4/2016 Issue Number 39 15/12/16 Phone: 6366 8224 Fax: 6366 8220 Email: [email protected]

Create a Scarecrow Last week 6 students travelled to Orange to attend the Central West Disability Expo. The reason for attending was our entry into the “Create a Scarecrow” competition. Our students helped Mrs Betts assemble the scarecrow called “Bettsy” and then were able to join in the activities surrounding the Expo. A big thankyou to Mrs Betts who worked with a much larger group of students to create our very unique scarecrow.

Primary Awards Silver

Marli Mills


Dewk Mills

Principals Badge

Kayla Schmich

Harry Brazier

Anna Pottie

Reagan Quinn

Meg Murray



K Hope Angus Sawtell – For exciting improvement in Reading and Writing skills

K Blue Cow Charlotte McDouall – For being a thoughtful, courteous and cooperative class member.

1/2 Barrington

Matilda Milne – For fantastic Story Writing.

1/2 Snowy Juliette Whyburn – For demonstrating an enthusiastic attitude to all things Science!

1/2 Ziel Minnie Whittle – For great Maths skills

3/4 Bimberi Banjo Fowler – For an outstanding effort in all areas of learning

3/4 Canobolas William Bloomfield – For working consistently hard until the end.

4/5 Tomah Abbey Rogers – For having a fantastic attitude towards all school activities

5/6 Gibraltar Riley Lampe – For being accommodating during computer work

5/6 Kosciusko Ella Fowler – For being a delightful student all year

4/5 Tomah Abby Cundy – For striving for excellence in Mathematics

Have a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year. See you all in 2017 Jane Backhouse Deputy Principal - Primary

Dates to Remember 27th January 2017 School Development Day Staff return 30th January Yrs 1-6 return to school 1st February Kindergarten begin

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4 M.C.S. Newsletter Term 4/2016 Issue Number 39 15/12//2016 Phone: 6366 8224 Fax: 6366 8220 email: [email protected]

From the LIBRARY. . .

Week 10 Term 4

Hi Everyone,

It is extremely important that all Library books be returned

by the end of the week. Many books can be misplaced over

the holidays so to prevent this happening the prompt return

of books would be greatly appreciated. Library staff are

currently tidying the shelves so that the collection is ready

for students upon their return in 2017.

Unfortunately I have experienced problems printing the

PRC certificates for this year so students will be presented

with them early next year. My apologies!

The very talented group of students who entered the 2016

Book Week competition have belatedly been recognised this

week for their efforts. We had a small party at Lunch on

Tuesday so that students could receive their prizes and

collect their entries. Congratulations to the following

students: Bree Chown, Evie Ryan, Mia Saxelby, Zoe

Strahorn, Hannah Wilson, Lilliana Clancy, Olivia Hobbs,

Lewis Quilty, Alhyssa Firth, Robert Heath, Ellie Olsson, Will

Ryan, Maggie Kirby, Demelza Lee, Emma Wilson, Hunter

Chown, Emmison Shapland, Sophie Heath, Delta Rodwell,

Ella Kirby & Kayla Schmich.

Students who are completing the PRC next year are able to

read during these holidays and add books to their own

records. The PRC website will not officially open until

March. For Summer reading students may find suitable titles

at Wheelers. The logon information is below.

The Molong Central School eBook Platform is at: Please be vigilant

with your Primary children when they are using the

Platform and supervise what ebooks they are borrowing.

I would like to take this opportunity to wish all our MCS

families a wonderful Christmas spent with family and

friends. I look forward to another year of encouraging your

children to read for pleasure and as life-long learners.

Mrs Hall


Staff & Students Welcome.

Would you like a pencil portrait of yourself?

All portraits $20.00

Conditions apply. Please see Mrs Ryan for more details



WHERE: St Barnabas Anglican Church Parish Hall

East Orange

WHEN: Thursday 19th January 2017

TIME: 9:45 am to 3:30pm

ENTRY FEE: $10 [$5 for additional family member]

PRIZES: Trophies for 1st, 2nd & 3rd in Under 18

and Under 12 & Coaching Voucher for 1st place in

U18 and U12

REGISTER BY: 17 January 2017 latest by

contacting either: Alexander Aich Mob. 0408 200

564 or Joe Cummins Ph 6362 6882.


Molong Recreation Ground Commencing at 8.30 with a Bacon and

Egg breakfast.

Decorated Rock Competition with 4 age

categories, (sponsored by Sweetness

Lolly shop)

Water slide

Face Painting

Jumping Castle

Damper Competition

Everyone is invited to come along and enjoy

the activities and the local entertainment, hope

to see you all there to make it a great

family day.Life Studio Personal

Training Health & Fitness


Heartkids Netball Clinic


When: Saturday 11.2.16

Where: PCYC, Orange

Times: Registration 8.30am

Clinic from 9am – 11.10am

Cost: $45

Registration closes:

Friday 27th January

All enquiries to:

[email protected] or call Mardi on 0416 112 885