newsies scorn feastin port...

WORKHOUSE HAS VAUBEVniESHOfl "Deadhead" Audience o 1,239 Cheers Antics of Keith Performers. DR. DAVIS MAKES SPEECH AT DINNER Her Talk on Backbone Nu Mate* for Wishbones. So She Has to Dive Way to Turkey. Black-well's Islan.1 became a posi tively cheerful place yesterday, foi It boused two jri-gantic and tree .enduu* vaudeville »hows f"f th« benefit of the members of the (¿o'der Rule Leaifue Although the «ntire n«i «lietiee of 1,280 was esmpossd siveir of deadhead», there wasn't the .»ii/n of a w«rrv on the ma: a/eimoit'* brow, for this was the annual enter talnment of B. F. Keith's Thank*«/i. ¡nr Troubadour*, and some fiftv vaude¬ ville star* volunteered their services to make the occasion auspicious. .Vftrr tl sI-.av Wftnlen John I. Murths, who is the Tom Oobome of be *«.orkhous«\ and iust as popular with the islander« as (»-home with .he sine Bine men. Introduced om mission«! Katharine H. T»avn. I lis emmii «-.ner made a stunning spoeeh ..-. S," and then they I OS partake of a real turkrv d m .vith celerv. SWOOl p«»tatoes. .ranh'rr. it, nine«* île, ice cream and coffee ta -eaasure their palates that bottel « w< re conuiifc. 1 h" men were in their «eats at I" «''clock -«harp to view a performance that had boon the constant subject of talk «"or the last month, and there "t even standing rooni in "Blaek- v»|i'- (»iierii House" .to quote »lis- ;.is- ..-.e1 vHe»! lulius Lenzheii*, in the .*-.»-1 hall, s»u«f,-*d his Colonial Or- ¦n sjoing in thai unmatchable Julius nas. and Louii Rein* n the lower one, «linrtf.i the Orpheum H-.nnoni-.ts throuah th« is iej pf an overture. fifst on th" bill was Marie Pittgih* I ..'. end my, how thev laughed Alien .Mar«» tol«l that one «bout the wait¬ ress who a«k'd the fanner «lui he like In.parias, and he said no. "I prefer ¿he «lo «.sit of nicht clothes." Dewastain violet Dale was making S *-:io;k-out with her sont*, "Won't .-o»»«. ílrie Stake M«- t., a Man?" Hevei ...i and I sntj -**i-_1»t mei ' .his -.vus th» numb« ; th« lower hell according te ! le m n with .liât' lit 0 ike he o;- r'rioil oni one year, a lier act * "Close to " « «ne line "He my littie sugar plum," was. deliv- ered jus: as Miss Wynn was on hei knees making f.n Sntroatlng gesture ii the genera] «Jirecti« n of s "black boj This accidental situation caused ¦ tn m< ndou« bunt .«' nif-rr.i: Mi.-s Wynn then gave sympal recitation of I .. s/h i moved the audio 1 hat is they moved In their tiei eomfortebl« I was ebon "Who will i sr I - ones whoi fi.'het i are loi : wa _l . i dition of ranks witl My Bo; T He «. Soldier," ri called thai question, "Is ^'tr^f o Viste, I Versa0' an.1 n r in S SIJ ; ad of tha roo m could ' seen discussing proposition in a;-, ir;-1" \o". com« Harr* .-.tier, the Jew* iiar rj was api plauditl «.i ¦.¦c'Tii: I i- . make t Hi ¦.v.; .r-' 'a rick Cohen," ho 1 patrie! '"" "i- oi Harry, and ths nothing ate«! audience. This fi as further pro its. moi d ai .the celebrate I Teutoi c art iflera, ma« I heir a Ineaal there were 1»' hei song - .'- osit on. He mo player. Whit« M conic dancing. . his sccordlon. «\ll fi all. it regular time. Then Chaplain S. H, Watkins told what s Ans fellow Warden Murtha wei and the »en gol ip an '.flies' just ilk a new spirit here» bo -.' "I feel and you fee! it. Whet 'T«ak<*s It?" "John -I. Murtha!" i the r< poi i in chorus, ami then he warden wa i «given three eheeri and n bip f',..-ir;ii «- on Davis hoped thai would ha ota of backbone when they left the ialand, but, *t vas ter 1'J o'clock, everybody wa' th of wishbones, so iri» part«- broke up. Train Kills Boy Coal Picker. Pundee Lal.e, N ,L. N"v. 15. »While picking up coal on 'he tracks of the Suoquehenns Railroad -¡ear the station here this afternoon Hla'.er Gregory. twelve vea*-- old. of Summit Avenue.. tve ; lied !.: i train, RESORTS. AtjlanticCity nTï * «*î>-*Ur* . i^J,""' li*^ .IILte?, : .ill" -Z _^ Ä * «at»., h__-àT'»-»»*r*rtBr^, rlMC -. á i 1-| lR.4Yr-IORl« I he Spirit cf Amcricn al Plavi Magnitude and Ch.-erfuii i;.i»..l.r. M.tiiiiurinr (.rill 17..Innr:iul Iru>te Tha» rroniriia-lr in Ihr HÂrhana* Three |l.< k«. 1 rontinf Ihr laOtOwalk m* Hi" "'"" lihr^r« ro»»»r Two Uoil Crarsea Evening MuSVralee lointer «.nrl. n TRAYMORE FRIDAY CHATS EASILY THE CHIEF V, nen mu think <>t .i city, there usuallv rises in memory Its most striking feature. * London culls up the Ides "t hrge>t population¡ fan««. ,,t ga« boulevards (slasl); Berlin, the Kaiser and the Lindens; New York, huddled lky-scra| It you were to sav ..Atlantic City" to t who had recent!' hee:: ihere. he would, on the prlncipleof dominating feature, irresistibly think of the Tray more. * ¦ * FortheTri ilythe most impressive thing In Atlantic City, it is the most re« \< object on the Atlantic shore-line, south ol the Statue ol Liberty. 1.« .arral lona at *».>.» York Offlee. 410 Time« lilrl-»..«> llrvaul BSSS THE LARGEST FIREPROOF RiESORT HOTEL D.m.l S Whit*. Pre». IN THE WORLD Atlantic Cit¡xNd Tncßri9ht Star^Seosbore Resorts'; Such waa th* Enthualastlc Verdict of « Popular Theatrical Magnate after visiting Atlantic City during the Full sea* D, when Nsture wears her loveliest garb, and wtit-n fashionable America foregathers on the famous WOOdOH woy, 10 «-njoy the msny varied attractions that \t!antir City offerr.. Golf, Rolling Chairs. Horseback Riding. Avlat on, Theatres, fishing, Etc THE LEADING HOUSES ARE ALWAYS OPEN Ano willfetnlsl»f»I bifenaatiea, rat«« et« eaapi i tloa ill BBSS St* all AaBetieaa Plan m.essoth« ¦« MorlborouRh-Blenheim Hotel Strand On III* Of» r B H. I Edward« Seasirfe Mouse n Iront I f »a .«on« The lîolmhnr*.! N 1..I-1. I'.. li.« WilMiirc (.«. irai .¦-..«. Hot* I SI. C hurles Hotel ( hel*ea - ,m On the t> eai I root On t! 0 n i -. "II. y*uae. Ms *»r" el'»«' nal Co in.l» ihr«-«- hoar« from s«.i. 1 mrk Cllvvta CENTRAL It. K. .r v. ». ear l»l ss i. R. R. Caí «. . <--.¦ »a« « ' ' >."*. *" ' (l:i »h« i>r*.v 1 rot.» merirar a»d i:'iro>.»i»n Plans .»¡ah Va'hi».«» à .«-'era . pal ; Hotel Denni* ike .)< Walt*« J. h-aa* Galen Hall The Shelburne i . o,...- i r ni J iVaikel. M«;r. GALEN HALL ¡.«.i Kl \M» ¿AXATOmil u. \, I »\ .If l'It. >'. «I. *\» si|> .«..«».,» ffaü,, ,\>» Üut7 lim' tí» «x tll««l foi .infecí s-r i«üi« . a»i .' Ar. Muai ¿...m !... s long O* .i.... . I .,;,,« u-ST... Ü ILS WllS «rs.,.--j .ipfrxoi» S V «iff... .«3 i/iftk A IM. ItSO UattUon M«j. r i Toi'\c, o--. »i « r OTELGRAJiiAIAN 1*1 ratas!«, hem ii/st-t l e/.'ie « ..««Iff r, |. s plat* I" <-.!. «.fkers AH aa/las» ssxsrts Tttt M«.«"»«««.| a*|t»«>l t*1 rhlISr-o a^u»*M .»»,, r», Wlailor. ¦o*nh. i.i««i»t«v la «»sur» Psjrfc. R»c*ii.||T.. V y UADmcTTsT,;«.. tioifi or thi woèrb îicanttoroîion»35iennt!im ATI.ANTK CITY, >. J. siQgiaH WHiTc a aoNS comphhy Laurel-in-the-Fines l_ka*s»»«Ki, >»» 4erat) NOW OPEN. FRANK F. SHUTE, Mgr. -f__UllPCT M'STM r.AHIlUSA, ringnus-oi, *._««, «A.« «.» v^r ut*. Mm /».r r«/_»»».s^| "j The Ideal Christmas Week Vacation, 8 & 9 DAYS, $42.50 & UP. « .- i«s«. I ii*n. .i. »Toan »n Ka«*-.«.«*-, «tf-smrr I! ,'.t\ A Trl-si Rgtt S. S. "Evançeline" «Ml i*- n V. Isatis.» Bldnlflil rids: :.' ft ...,!. a su V \ .«*»«»«¦..' ot: » RleVUsO »AllINU S. S. "Be.'.-nudian" I/-..I.J S V II- ' I: if -...-.o i, '¦.'.«...- »gl r '- West Indies s \ ... UN ». H IÜ.BMI Isa .-II .lili ., « . . /. .H¦. 'Ii A. t lli «. -, :«i i-.m.Ati. ai- PARTRIDGE !NNA.' û* Tf il--'. «.-.:» omttma l'rlM»«« û- I Osstee. S W Seat, l'hune _r>»m i«-.«. SALVATION ARMY APPEALS TO «BOOZERS.'' 'ltif"e red whiskey imttle borne in Thanksgiving Tiny parade. It wai followod liy a ragged family and a water wagon. THANKSGIVING FEAST AND SHOW AT SIN ) SING Chicken am! Vaudeville Pro¬ vided by Osborne for Convicts. Thofl .. si S gave the flf- t Siog Sing s ind frolic > -" who have rounded out rn. behind the bars prononneed the greeted treal the had. it ef their for B rump mound the yard el hi ,i-i.: Wh< is mess bal fon them soup, th eh otatoes, turnips, bread, code. d of either mince or B] .n after dinner hal»" the pi ed nte th« ehnpel, where -t two vaudevilli anees «ral given free by the White \. -... nion, Mi rough the cour- ti y "f .lohn II. Paulhaber, nianuger of the order. The programme of eomedy, | ing and d nclng «ras roe de:el by the following: Lyhen Val Ward, comedy; Lyn¬ don and R ibii ion, singing and talking act; Bernard and De Haven, com« ly skit; Victor Voss and Marion Elliot, '.. A .1"; Ford and Otto, I and Larry Pi an- Al Warner, of the White l; tags director. .-Wt«r sop- I repented, -i v \... 25. Th« eoo- day ng roast Icki m-ince pic, the **( Sings." er, wa and va I*¦¦ by 11 .; BT4 he Rev. I :.., loi ras a h amuaed ipeeta raited eapai ity ef -. try to ¦¦ performance* te < nal th«» convicts, prison officer* end and hear the shoo. Petrograd, Nov. 2.">. Thanksgiving Day bi I quiet)] by the 'on«, in P«»trof»rnd. A «er Id in the Methodisl Church The American Ambassador, George T. ion .-i* the There were 11 sl privóte THE WEATHER REPORT Forecasts and Records «if the 1.1*1 T«ent>-fnur Hour*. tt'sa!,(-f" Hat», ¦- . t 'is' SI* ' sure cst.-si new He* SaaU ami t'.' A"« H m . ;, At »>¦ ». « .-. '. IM .' i sur teal ». . ¦. \ »-,-} « .- r»¦ : » .1 c»fr V. tal n W4 M-' :, TT.i« s'.i.nn "¦- ' H . basa at: mtoi hi laottorl* ."< III« Wl t, a ltd 'lrt«*ni .'«-.SSt«. paii . » lallrM ptsl « '.»!.. . ¡r» ii«. » . , s ... S"m h. » « Riturdii n 11 ' .¦.! Mb « SaHJ».|s\ :»t« inr sst-cisi Localities. Eaetm S 'air Fridas Msd s --«-,- h leasts, Rea Mi ..-. I'etsi- s-. 'at- a' 1 warn r MESS, MM . parti} ( " .t L Pmilrt 'f 'sir i - a- van av: vu '..i Baturaaf ssaasl ral ««.--. \ Iffti fslr ani .- rmeet «». .-¦ r ata I .. s . \ » .>ir i''i > s,- ;r ¦... -, ¦,. ihuvtsn rs »nd , .... uurdaí * . Msturds .,.-.. -i lists, K-ll-1; Sal Lscsl OfBclsl Ri-ord« tfea f sfcWlSC ii.-vi i- i Uss, In iha leí lew boa )t. r>m¡. illla ol 'a»t >»*r 1014 ISI4. ISIS. a I p. n.. « « : » p. h: i: «' II I: r in I" M It p. I I' i. m 47 s i.. rotar lar. t: ritir«-» ist ... « .Ifjrf» lai ' r ¦ «»»rsi» ..«-.¡«¦r-tSi «' .li-cr r. n -r .-.¦ f ' .". « - «» rs«s i* \«sr». «o tapai Bsromrtrr R»sdl«s«. i i*. ... M «¦' I t Humidity am T* i p m Î4 « m. m tl locsl Frvrrestt. Fat" le !»; arrrl prabaSif to- ..... Usa* . CAFFEINE-FREE COFFEE NOT A SUBSTITUTE The drug c&ffeine is remov¬ ed from Kaffee HAG, ond " the whole value of coffee, th? aromatic oils, Is re¬ tained." ALL OF THE DELIGHTS NONE OF THE REGRETS. «.">«. N parknae..In lh« bean mil».nil dralrre. WANTED »<)R JAM ARN.. fully furnished housekeep¬ ing apartment, not less than ixi'i» bedroom* below *><»th st., inr one month. Stale price and ntimher of rooms ¡n on« twetring« Qi Room 607, Tribune Ballding. SIMMONS. ..11.T. -i'i NTV or V. IRR A' TIi'N J'i 'It All- soi.i te divorce i ouisi boer: er - . iI.hki.M CARL BOER- !.. -.ii« «>-.' I I -n. -1 I" f-ii.tnn- fou "i « !.. a-.isw «r >er««> - ¦ the 1 klnttir« laya i fter lb« aer¬ ee of i lalve of I Ice, and appear, Judcnn ni ¦ III be 'taken r. h- f Ü'- im- i h .'!' I.AN/.IT. re All a :i -i «111. 14' ifc-RNER The :p..n -.. l'iii- .a.r,t ... an .ird-T « Phllbla, e .ui of tii«- Stute led th« Is* -¦.. ef Ko- ti if th« f i. i. st the * luí Cauri f Meal . f N> ... i«. ef n.,\. ml - r ¡»;;. MORTIMER I.A" ,.. . tifl i « -.»¦ Cedar .:.:. .if Manhattan. Clli STORAGE NOTICES. .\<; i'n. KXI*1»*7*V* <rriu.«,,i: mark >«» ITil -.'.-. He* i «S -i Mr« Mal II 111 .'«» H il il. M .1«.: .- V II M- \ »n,' ai Mfa \f 'lai.- Il I' | " I II I".l«rr,. Mr« M «.-r- Mr. I. h»i'»>. T 'a- A - rlurfcl «. [M »-t-. 1 » H , » M-- Hani i Mi " « i>«.' l> Mr. M * . . Mr I. Halft Ml .¡»«liai, M. Instan - i r. Hllta-a )' 'i .... ipr« Mr» >«. ¦» t I..«- M . ..,«'«.¦- . «....- I A XI s .1...' »I " I. M ¦ ». H. M. O I art .. -.. . » . » I -a- a . .. 1 V .- « - «' |... a' Il I- la-ha J M ' . 4 LEGAL NOTICES. Tin. ix.iiam:?: vaniiNAi. ihm«: nr i.udi «ir.|. rr.".l t IU affair» »III, ,». ' P.- t,«;¡ . . a .In tcr,n4i: .-. *|. 'Ii« ,«., etti- '¦. r. If a ...» I r»1 > :.¦ ', , P< T." i JN.i G "V.IIT a*Iil«r CM ¡: lvi». NEWSIES SCORN CHARITY TURKEY Street Capitalists Prefer to Buy Thanksgiving Dinner at Restauran». 10 NEWSBOYS IN 500 FED BY ASTOR FUND 'Ra^ed Dick' Type Has Passed. Leaving Home for Orphans and Store Clerks. V e.t/h'.ecii »Juntos to »is. last i ighl Eddie Keliy watches! the last pai/cr of his las', armful disappear into a Flatbuah Avenue car, in the pocke* of its n«*-v owner. "Now for «I*« tmkey." he sighed. "Newabojrs' Home*'' was suggested "Ne cisss." saisi Eddie. "Ne class." "Where will yon chow, ther ." The sewoie casually meat«one*J an uptown r«"ftHurHr.r *\hich .«eh»es a 914 table d'r.ote .| ain't a rcg*ular boarder, there," he explain«-«!. Witt n grm. "hu' I've nun- Hated '-o *nake de urHde on T'anksiri'.'T'it," and i'hristmas :!e !*.«,t »*vo or f'rer jreara It «lon't break n.e. i-xactly." The nr'.t minute, hit hoüdn\ patent leather«* '"inkling, Kn«*i*ed Dich'l plu¬ tocratic incceasor had evertnheo a itreotcar rambling toward his Thanhe* srivitig »uri.ey Somewhere or ".her nr! somehow o* s Eddie's s-" erp.l thousand New Vori: ncwsie-s got ths»:r tuikey yester- «1ft;, Oui "f the thoneeada, just te-- were amone the .r.00 boys who con sumad MO |>oundi <»f the great nation«! bird in Brace Memorial House in New I hamber« Street the old "News'i Home." Por, se far aa the busine.-? ««:' tel raps is concerned, Ragge«! 1 attered Tun,, are I....; who madi ffeod day. slep I .ir; goo .< J«- / i lived on Si i the bout] of h la ithropists, ha^ faded liv'oti with hoi ;f cur« and the ell»S T * . .««. *'sn«|s a s«'1 :'-r»-!';- proa« . ;«¦¦ little capitalist, with .< si ble bai t .. . and aa sari ing cap (real an that of the aven ¦ doctor or lawyer. And. since Newsbo« .' H ¦ endowed .«.it ¿f capitalists, the new »- eund «ji-lur beadquartera. William L. Butcher, superir :«" id« home, found time te talk Eel . 't somewhnl astonished t" i'«-: ai-ctisintanc«'. ;>-. he directe-1 t i iffhl er pro ided I ¦. I . fitter, " i btrt, -four fears ige Mr. «hater I augúrate«! his «»ttOtetn ot" stufflng 0 boys with turkey on Thankbgivng Da> Mr Butcher said "He hasn't missed ><»ar since OUI heu 'he boys hac changed' A-. RrM the\ were most Mikes ar.d P.v.« and Terrys. Hn' ?! present great preponderance of Ton' I Nidores is the least part of a change. ''Officially thil is still the Newsboy Horn«.', but of 'h«> tT5 boys who 1 i*- her? less tha.i s dozen sell newspepei for a I{vine. And they sre not typict ..'..¦¦...-s rhej are «ither rtusr.ts a victims of the hard luck that is the Is of a few in every calling. In these lime*, srltE big type an hourly extras particularly with the wa supplying a score of new thrills ra«*l day there is something wrong wttl the newsboy who less 'han $3 day. It is nothing for a lively boy 's maks $."« or Jfl in a couple o" hours "r Saturday Bight selling the early atree' editi« ,-unday paper' at « premium. Be we don't see much ot the here Hny more. The newsboy il .... longer ÜB object of charity. He haj money to »pend and proferí to spend it. 'For :he mo»r part our boys of to¬ da) are employed In »torea and office« and make from 13 to t¡3 a week. Some are orphan», others have been unable get along with then home folks, anil others have been put in our charge by I the courts." Shippina Information and Marine News of the World Vessels Arriving at and De¬ parting from Port or New York. Hir.Il WOT**** A M t M -, Um* I" 11 Ooternor'a bland UK IUI <;«.« I-' I- "¦. INCOMING BTEaUIEBg. i'. r«.i l'NH - .' ' "Ha II«. ,-- .I i.ia lili.: Ilsr .... S . . phlai .... ir 11 . Oil .' -a- Km » »« ... rira lia ........ N » ' ¦¦ U-.|la-i.. l". Sat I'uiSc .Bsrbsiiat .Net ll Sov I KaupauiSW .«4|||»M« S I «t .<¦ ' . S i .a I « . I'«la V. r II .¦-<¦¦.V«ra iru« Ket II .I.reniit» . N R*n iscini i,«i»--!..ii ' Si I/illI» ?.. a \ .'l ' ' '«. A: .a ;»i .No» 1J y-f..t n»r me Be» i- «¦ah ni'Av. Nomma -7 vi*a««B*eUs Ot*s S »I .«.laraflll«, . Oarrl .Ces 'it Nevll . «'a!i!ln»a, I'lraau* N I ., rtall ".«.. .V . . S«-- l all T'a a .J*-k<«n*li> Ko» 14 >>:f«ilk M >l M'Ai NO* 1 MB H M i -. l.t»«n>" : Sm M «.-¦.-II. L.'.'i.-». ". ar II '.'¦.-. «a d Nit . No» 11 Matti :>. . RaHU. i»m No» "V#| . i ... « Nu« Il -.-a . i . « \i . ... . i otoai . » . -an- ah I'avaiir.aJi . \ -.¦¦.f.i'.k . No» 17 i nut« iiaii ..-. Lu u \ » it ¿- i:al! ODTGitNNG STEAMEKS. Mafli i. Ktfpti-j 1:1*1 A.laa . 11:3* em i-»- la« I 11 ,.r>.«.V SOI I.JlliiR -" '. l-f[ «I II AMU ¡ail. «:J* .ii.. I. M ni Heron ¦>" «r.i !-».«. 12:00 ¦ llr.-a-i I'«,¿i,a. «. 'i ain II I at.. ian.K .*" am ,- A a ..... 1 ..' 0" m M -at.»: M»»11 i . I '"J «m luasV » » 30 »in II on m ,...It:«* SI . 'I. i tal .. i ;»!.i-.'..n.- M Juan.-«».. Tami.» .- Ara; al.«». Ja- KmhhII;« - ' IN l^.iil«. sa'.amiati_- M "-:<¦»'.« I- 00m i,«:«». U KO ai si M.Ai. MiVr.Mlii p. H PI t MbSSB, Ia.i in. AtRivr.i» «ra.a» I* liuayrs KO» H. Puerta Cabelle «i-« «.. i- ají-i Saa Joan M. la Bit**. l»»i'.et« a. «'¦', >'l'h mslls »r.rt nvtfc Bar at s s ni , ; , B ¡Htm* ..... .*. t.. .1 II WtOthMM A fa !«.?« «jus- si » M a n. _ Irir Pr it.-- N«*» * 10 Paul F ¦-: \ .. liar s* mHi'.if'.». MUa. Vor (iit.rsltsr Nos '-. l" HMih»m * Honata Par si : p m. Mit l'Un WiMsni I Irnir-t*.. a.ate-OaSs »n * w ' n." .«. ..Ith tntlis an.l m.l»s Bsr at 19 p ¦ Î4II. .i ... Dutrt RotUf ,:. No» 1!, to th« Ho tad AflMrteaa Une, »»«h mMe »sr at 3io »a _ Finland. !. silrn Xot 11 to th» A'lsntl.- Trans- port Uns »r r.-i.l*- Ijttt U'.ar s'. I '-' s m. T/a-i At Balt.wra Sos -"¦ I H W. ¦star .v a Qaai st Ia ¦ lit! OS All.-..« It. sir-'I'i« Beet M «'l'in '*» I't Said .". (>raa « I, sn-l Rosum tt. s .- A.* Arri».sl st th« !.. It I M s si. Gtnar- M'i.'barri l*r1stobal Nos ' lo D ¦ ir ... srllti ulss liar «« S s ni M I HamUl IDaj A.berg ««.. > um A«r Se* | u- |ti t ' Bar ar un ... Vos '. Ul !>*»« 1 I ,. ..- II. SI v.Icatu N «s .'" . '!¦¦ S..'1'iierti Parid t .-¦ sj .- «» : l«« s m. «. Itsl ¡ara- M It. to llar al < s < i S'os 1? Porro roi Tn'.la sa , \i -total sn.i KliiiMon Itfd I r «I'll msi:« snl .vi s !. la m . l « i |«| ' MO. No» 1«, to til« A Cuba Ma: .1» «'«. s_ »u«sr A- iWrl ai «lie |«sr a. '.. 13 p -n Ma.u« n. -; *>>¦¦. »o«] Narfsla la th» [I ilnla Sa « - l's«ss«l in tliarai tire ar .1 p ru ». ....-:¦ ..»is lisrl«*.ion :". s. s ., Mit, assist Paattd la U'itr « « : u i.. v Gaita I. to Um s..utii-m lib I Ps.«t<"l in gSSrtsMM s" .) .'' s in. Li» Port Arl.jr Olli llffnlm l'o. .Uli .-.: Paattd la guar«:ittn«. st 1:11 s m N'ttbtrbl Hall «Br«. n-aj Net : QuartiHlne si ¦; p ¦ î.-^ v , 1rs* \ .a.;iir Trsn»p.-rt .. n- i.* llar a' < il i. m Tht-ntslocl« 'Grtek«. Alft.'r« Nos I »n<i Alm-ri» \ v i.a >. n Ut liar a* '. p m * t. s..» ; ... Um A-iï!"-Am»T- s » "i « o llar ai ', M I «t. Har-a- I- -...:. Ma a Not 1». to III* i .- . » mit itth fl if liar aT I "..» p m ,-. II-. (I-»-. S ,. .' -.. . a, 1- «'.' rai- l'a setlantttpM, vil'li ml" B t - i. sAii.rm II «.as Rf «'arlifT. CUNOS 'Br- MaMtOatUr; t Tlrrt liai 9ot*U ratal 11« il- «. »ettUi BiW «. Kit« il . iti of Bristol U- v.jii»...-, a. >r« BshlS SIS !i Il, -1,s>j.i_r. :. liTtrpool «ii UsJlfas; El soi. ualsttini .. \(« st) III ¦ IMtS [»SI .s . \ I Nesrs: l latai I Il H I.a »lui P I .1 Al v .'ai -. ît- Il .- A malia. l'un Arthur STKAMKI.S AT FOREIGN PORTS. annivno «. .n- Se* \-: Ilr S s Vrk: l'aurlie Br S r«>rfe I Mo» M.a ai -...«. It» Hr.. Nrw- York. Il H krt Util Hr.. Kam y,-,k »«.t s- Luda ai .| . *r«»i>lial N..« K -Zacspa i'sr«s»»ri» for N . |.r,.-^r.«r,l,, r,,;, .,. \, a v.-k ... s * < *rts*ri a BAaaaD Mai u [¡ ..:; iir \>%« ratk, . v lias 'Hr.. Boauo M N Ko» n p«-« ineaa), Sam Tait Psri.sslos. Vf.» :«~U»_«iikla iNorl (fr.rm N>*» \«»rki., Mar lis N. » FMI ,. Un. N,..»- \,,rt «. -.t- « * « i i - Br», N.« | n «s i.i- _n.«*i.i .|«r«. \>>i rati ¦. . . Not .' mal Bf m V-v. Tort n rtoll Part« A\rr.. Set U Kl . l'a-.'. N'a* y..*', V~ », a \c V..rk I I .»-.. Nerfs k. SI KROl. ATES' NOTK'FS. SAXTON, WILLIAM Ó IN PURSUANCE f .. 'H .1..! r. P CO- Sairo* ¦'.¦ f th* County ol No*« fork, nolle* Fi Berebj tri", lo ail peraoai .,- elalnu iiiii<« William «>. Bail \ete of t.- Count) of ".¦ i i ork. decae sad, -... pr ¦ -.- tl tema «»lih vanehers thereof ibaerll era a' their | .f iran»- it the .nl - f their atn.r- ii'«-. Krank i. n lit Broadway, Doroasb »I N-itl a. ¦¦ v irB City, on 01 efort IB« "i. da) ' ii it..i. flee Torb tbi ::.'. -i.«« of N'ovem« pr WII.I.l V O 1AXTON, III..- KR »AXT« iN, PIDKLITT TRC8T CO OP NEW TORE FRA K I. HOLT. It«""* iwi fork IN i-i HSlAN'i; OF AN ORDER OF ti.-. -., '.. I- ¦.¦-..: I, I ¦! 11 c* I] of Nee rock. Ni »TICE ... «. .--. -....:¦,¦ ha, claim* aaalnai Fraah r. Tesson, tat* ,,f -,!. if New Ti ¡. li«r« . ti»-re. f i 0 ibaci - ; ¦ I tt:.n«iactlri-c,II»?« .! c ..ftl. «. ¦: ."t- ¦. *r' .-.- sr..-.,r. ««.«.. -. -ii of Manhattan, -11 -.- r St* fork, on or i.«f..r.: thetSdday of «.prit, ai .»-t Im-..-.' Now Vnrr. the 12th ' ANDREW «... GOWIN, « -r..r STEWART i SHEARER, Attorna i » (<¦. a Imtalsti « «.«.. ittan "..-.> I i i»; n usi ami: of »ï order of Honorable Jobs P Cabalan, h Surroga-» r of Na i fork, Kel - Is li«r. by ell «-!...,.. | «»ain«' De niel v De st« "f lb« r.nant:. of Ne« Y»>rk. >l»eeaa*-i .- M ...... arlth ....ij.->«i. thereof to ih< - ¦¦ plaoe «.f tranaai Un* Ro ti»j .-. - Street, la the i*l< I '.-». Y..rk. as tora Sai "f April ne»t '..-¦-. New York. .¦./-¦. I October till l'A\ 11« I) LAVIS. BATARD HALOTED CHARLES BECKETT i;,.i \>'..rn». ..¦¦ itora Broad « j '.«» y .r« IN PtmSl' IN''! ' lll'l II , .[.- Hainoi P ne-*» ..r .-..m.:-. ..r Ne« v..ik Ni'ii'i: given to all pora-.n« I . Ban - lata ..f .!,» <.i N'en fork, «-.«». .1. ¦. prraaut th. «a- n h-¡ » ihei -f le il..- «un- striker, a- hi» pi«« ..f traaaaetlag Baal. t.»«» a», til» <.ffl. ef Mener* Murr..) Pua» liée Il «al..t. Ne i; Wali ,-:r..»i Ig Tl.a» ' ' ea ..i I- I ist «la af Mai *«t Dated Ko* Terfc, Um i»»h .la« afOet*. bar, lllâ HKHIlKKT S BARNES Esa I MCRRAT. PRENTICE at ROWLAND Attorn»>a for BaeeOlBI INSTRUCTION. fnc Berlitz School of Laoguaret, em I8-2:) WEST 14th STREET TJ j llt-tttS Ilr. n h I i Assaut R-oosl.n Braii.ii "IS ISO :»1ra-s':j:i St. Philadelphia, A I'haatnul S;». 'Rik-r Bids.I . « I'... «. .1«. IIIMIM.. DANCING CARNIVAL. SggS^S .. tnlns 'i'ii: * tends«*, Grand Central ¡.a », I »Inaton ¦.¦¦ ui>- 4-ith Ft entrance. Ns, I st, or Ssslsl. »SCHOOL AGENCIES. Anierlcon uml K«irei/;r. Teachers" Afrnr.r... Supol * Profooaera T aeOare. Totora si arneaoeo, at« r,, Colltgaa, Sebeóla an.i ¦-« Apply :.. Mrs i; j TOUNO* PULTON. II Dasoa t-'iusre BUSINESS CARDS. I. CARPET I.KAMVJ O -a: , ¡ij rr-apnuttd t'r. »tram, "r aa flr..r I'M t:i _-M «til »I '«IE A UilAMiT JÏI Î.TH1KAPII TYI'I «MUTTl N r.KTnCR». 3«J». tl » 1 O«"'«. 11 ;" IS.SSS. 10 i;E«>. ft IVK-THKRr'ORD, Vit ll-.-ad»»: LiJlUbl» Bid«.). B<~m 1 131. * «'' TfTvTT« K MT.iT «T.IANINU «.VDRkft 0l4ast _**asM, M.<-t Hadara fi\i; arus Usai.*. raoM «..'i» caarna. p, lira 1 Sri 'r,. «ircsila-. r p- » 4 ; «.u Wstt isth ;t WORK WANTED._ f'emaie. » vmitin«; ootekoibb »sry »oaaaaaM with . watt 'i '". -»'--..¦«.» A!.lfm Ml». I. 14 Irtlt.« Pit.-». «!tr_ DOME-TIC «HTOATIONS WANTED. Male. sr.l'l I. HAS Qtrma Id i.'-'an'!» fumar*. »su- ai as- 'm »...-is «;,.» nbof : 3d t. >T UP.RMAN «'««siK and pAririsiHRK nr»t .. «.s Ir-r-. I,, Btûrtisb, dttlias potitlo«. Ml". Isiall». »«m referai)»*«*« llermuii. W»l»s. Hsj- \ . ..: ttoaat RIAL ESTATE._I « IIINTHÏ l'WH'r.KTV. MR FINAN« 1AI. PUN IHR PIRi'llASK OF horns« «»p.«li .1 i- Lots «s'l.if. M,«s r . i'ssjnll* Il "11- I.»Sut No. 4.» We*»« ,l*d r.«.. ,«rpr /.-NI« I!.. M MSS Mil «Jq ri KMSHED ( OTTAI.ES TO LET. tu r or < iry. I^ntn COTTAOI*« 'or r»n« In TAÎ-M KI.Ai'll for «ht ".»aaon «Ail«« r»nsilr»*a»nls «o «. EKELIND. Boi n. »Vast Psim lira... PI rida. 5,000 JACHES FEAST IN PORT /Movies and Athletics Are Thanksgiving Pleasures for Men of the Fleet. SOBER AS A SAILOR NEW NAVAL SAYING Few of the Bluejackets Become Overexhilarated When on Shore Leave. Ju»t the young; junior lieutenant of the Rhode island on duty at tho ia.-riir.c- stage at Nlootjr-ofghth Street >estcrday remarked. "No. »ire*, »ailors don't get drunk any more," a cry of "Two. »ir," came from one of th" marines on duty. " 'em," ordered the lieutenant laconically. The two jackies. sieglog and shouting in bliss¬ ful IgaeraoOs of what the morro« WOOld bring, wer* aided aboard » launch and started toward their ship. N'everthelesM, indication« point to the fact that the trite «xpre«»ton. "drunk «s a tailor." no longer accurate. In the navy con»u"*»»ition of drink« is now reckoned in term«, not giog, but of he-r. Hill, barkeeper at a dingy drink araporiom near the waterfront, had t hi a te «ev: "The boy» is all on the front seat of th' brewer;, boat now. Whv. 'en v»ar ago. even tive year" A ¡ilanee el what the few tar« were drink¬ ing confirmed hi« word». The two e\ liilarnted sailors at the landing «tage were half of the total for the Batter* noon. Many things have helped in the up !:i the opinion of several oilier«, movies have played th*» mont important ¦»art, at «*a and on shore. Nearly BOOT*/ light, after me««, a film entertuiiiment is given on board -«hip, and dearly the marines and the seamen love it. They are all movie fan... When ÜM1 get sshore they hurry to the ROOreet Chap¬ lin comedy. After Chapiin ss a choice come the lurid red poster thrillers one sees on Third Avenue or VV'esl Hroad- WO**. Won't Stand for Society Films. "Action is what the boys want," said SB officer on one of the big gray ^hips. "They won't stand for society films. *J» go» them the best thrillers we cm» for our ship «hows. They eat them up." 'ither thing« than the movie», how¬ ever, help in the weaning away of Jack from drink. More nnd more the men are being encouraged to Take part In Bthletiee, in study, in entertainment» of various sorts. Athletics ha.-; been the most fertile field. Football and base¬ ball team« abound. Yesterday the Minne-iot.".'« eleven, accompanied by score* of supporter*, weal to Patorson to play a gone. "1 filin: from -n'Nt-ral of the >hip.4 prac¬ tised di'igently. Saturday the, Vir¬ ginia's eleves will play the t.-am' from the New Hampshire, if that vessel rearhe-i port in time, in an importan' game in the »eries for the Atlantic fleet champion«hip. Al a recall the Jaekies are little interesied in the game most of the officers will «oe. that be¬ tween the Army and Navy, "Our guv« ilon't. play a ger.'.le game." OB« Jackie remarked, with a pronounced accent on the word. Another popular -port is boxing, al- way« 'he pride of the tar. Wrestling, potete rae« s r.i.d boat race« between »hips' erewi are liein,: fostered more than ever. Better men «re coming into the navy nowadays, it la ««aid fh.' oavj a'.way« had little trouble in tilling its complement, and the renewed interea- in warfare ha» enabled recruitta» e*. cer» to pick and choo«e. with »»SI rea.ilt« than ever, »inee ther« ett m¡Z applicant*7. An increase in oppe^,,"-* fie» to rise bnr.g» a batter tlmt» 0f men. N'ot men;- year» ago. to fc^", ' a varrant officer »a* the most to -«rtii^ -, serman could ai t j, ^ siblc to work up to almo»; an>- pe-,[ tion. I.lttlr Interest Taken in «A,, The urn' scrosi - 'ittie ij. teresl for the men now. Only ti, officer«, folloo it to an\ extent, a, m ihe Ji.ckir.a talked eagerly »f j,' but hardly « whisper about ft «j, .j be heard yeiterda>. "We ain't goi-.' », have a«)' l'*r; in it, and er» »h»-»¿ worry." »aid a sailor from the Ar baoeoe Despite their confidence in thiOsOSO. try's freedom 'ron: war, the »sil«-, have a »igntticant new name fer i;v. worahipa of th* Atlantic tleet Th» are "Wiison's petrel«." "You see," «aid * orporel Bu«k«n«- of the marines on the Virginia, in a*. planstior. "i" the North Atlantic .),,., are three rorietiei "f petrel. l^eJk a up in the books. The) are the »tcrr-l petrel, the northern I.each'» and th. Wilson We're the Wilson.-' At Thanksgiving dinner y.-»t«rda» more than five thousand Jarkles en¬ gaged with more than ten thoumU nounds ef turkey on board the ten ships of the fleet. The Jackie« men victoriea«. The iur«:c\«. .hough rur- forc*d i)', cranberry «suce, old Vir- gloia ham. asparagus, cake, nine* pi» tints, frolte, ke cream, relety «,«,4 mvrii of pickle» and nli\e. %ttf helpless before the deterrr. ,.r.\ or. »latsch I of I'ncle Sam'« fighting fore« "Which remind* me," «aid an oldlir on the Texas, "of u dinner had or.» Thanksgiving at Trinidad. It vu t*.. cruise nround the world, in 1907. Th, cook's boiler« or something bl««- u> j'i't before dinner. And there w# men starved, away from home We »te co!4 biscuit, cold ham. cold everything It weeol like to-day." The b'g chow-»ime WOC o\«r with ample time to make things shipahap* before the little family partie» befin on board all the vessels. Owner« «( small loonehe« reaped a harvsit ef quarters f'oni \isifor« to the «hip» » LEAVING BED TO EAT, BROKER FALLS ON KNIFE On Way to Make Sandwich H- Slips and Stabs Himself. Oliver Humphrey, a stock broker, of 'J7 William Street, arho arcirJontally fe'l upon a bread knife at f t m. BB> terday in his home, at U?0s Brotdviy, ««as reported to be improving last ntfht at the Knickerbocker Hospital, wh«r- hs had been taken so >r. after the acci¬ dent. Mrs. Humphrey ««id tiist h«r hm- band wanted to lea\c the hospital to- day, but that «he and the atttndinr physician advised that he remain until Saturday. "I was in bed when the accidert h«f- pened." said Mr«. Humphrey. "Mv husband felt hungry and »aid he BOJ going to the pantry to make s und- wich. The ti sen oi!*d th»» day and was slippery, lie had the in«; brea., knii'e in hi« bsnd and was reach¬ ing high for «omething is the pantrv H«.«et when he «lipped and fell, wi;h the knife under him. The blade, th« surgeon« «aid, had penetrated «bout to o loches, and they think l.i» liver hai been slightly eut I!.' expects to be at hi«i office on Ñenday." FIRE RECORD. A M : .'¦ I' «I '! - 4 .; ». in » K - I IS .i-i U.. !. ' 1 T'fialr.r-, inrl-ir 1.7 It,« iroeti «. ,ni,ir )»... intiai --¦- .:. 1 < 3 47, '.-, «.-.'.r |. i'har/«., rifl'.-.a- I 111 Amale-alta. a> «r ruta l'un 1 ¦' . RI Il ' Il < ". Il '- li . «'-»irr:-.j»| * .r'*u« 1 last 115th Wetd a lai, m t_ UNDER THE AMERICAN FLAG SPECIAL SAILING To Fa-mouth and London American Steamer 580 Feet Lore ^^¡Ml^iyt/J'' 22<°00 Tons DispltNMit 60 Feet Broad lllllCtllU 12,185 Tons Register Thursday, December 2, N.0N From Pier 61, North River, New York AMERICAN LINE OFFICE,VeTyo»' Island of Enchantment Visit wonderful Porto Rico with its unsurpassed cli¬ mate, its luxuriance of striking, tropical scenery. Palm shaded beaches; quaint cities with the fas¬ cinating life and customs of old Spain. 16-Dav Ciaba $(M 50 and All Expensea %/mo up To and around Porto Rico, .topping at principal porta You make this enchanting voyag*e on large IG.OOOton ateameraetpecall) built tor service in the tropics and ¦ailing under the American Flag. Spaciou« deck«, large «tateroom«. some with private bath. The steamer your hotel (or the entire cruise to and around the island and returning to New York. A »ailing every Saturday. Writ* fer booklet Cruising Department PORTO RICO LINE General Office«. 11 Broadway. New Yeck FALL RIVER UNE TO BOSTON $3.00 ¦tig iv. Piar 14, N R. '. Pulioa «t. slat, .-st 5 00 P. M Musis- Mast I onsjoa Lit»«, «tr I. Pier 4«. N. U.. (t. «...:. at. ll'k <*.»> *..-..-.. I 10 P Hi pit ;o. h h. n. ». :ia at., «es p. New Has-en Line. t«r Iv Pl»r I«. K It. ft. Cathur'.na St «»«tk »laya only, lit P. M Pl«r TO. ft. 1 :*d It» JtSS P. Ma«, Break «laya only. air. If. Plor M, I K It «0 A. M . Pl«r It. ft- fi. | *ld et. lili A. y . CUNARD Belit9Hehe4 ttV EUROPE via LIVERPOOL Orduna .Sat., D?c. 4.10AM .CAMEftONU ...PRE., _:'«. IS, 11\ 1 »AXOWU .SAT.. DEC II, Il A. H OROI7NA .sat JAN i II A. S .tin Itcsjte tn Ulttgosr K«)l Ml THK m IK I.I» TOCHA riiroujh rxxsi.u.«» t.: sil c.-lr Ioai r-r.» «f ths ssr.» company's oVrice : ti-fcsWl st.. H FRENCH LINE I «im-iisir.* Se_SSale TritnaatlaaUl«)«*» TtMTTAl m;ki r. Sailings for BORDEAUX LA TOURAINE, - - Not. 27,3P«*l ROCHAMBEAU, * * Dec. 4, 3 P. * LAFAYETTE. - - Dec. 11. 3 P. M- ESPAGNE, * - - Dec 18.31* I""!. DCPOHMATION aPPLT COMPANY'., OFFICE, ftgfr&tt RED "D" UNE '..:.- r '"¦ i "R poaro hi« rt'iiA« A" » 'Nr*-f_**,, s'AI.Asa.-, I««r lPilll AI MUÍA Ott » MAKA« All«, I*-. SZI I-IA ""¦ ¦ Huju-ricr Atretnrs -;.- . :*. ».¦r'«"s. Bi.iNH iiAi.iirr _««..«..; ^tr*. Tit: a 117i liar it. II '.' »¦ 5._- BRAZIL dA-SSaV&M dsi.. «> rarr-, '*r aasti M LLOYD BSAii'LtiaO. 17 Slst» «. STEAMSHIP 1HKK.TM HI ANT runt (ifBclal Scots all Hoe« . ... l:_»| * W Is II.. ..m. «.o.îïi Mfc A'** The puHIc be plfastd BOSTON $2.65 tl» Boat and Kail. HOOD THIV ** PROVIDENCE V M* koi'M» nur. is se. Colonial Line first claa« «trvls-e. »*»«»* ri»>t an d->a «.t i P M from Pit *¦'. ._. foot W»at Houaton St All Outa.da .**"¦* SI 00 to Wlrrl.». equlpaata' .' town Olfl.-e, Mrs.a. .-.a. aoU il*-« .*» ^ ""^l Spr'.r. È WARSHIPS BS. YACHTS _»»«¦» »stier» Pter. IS it, Me. T«_ .."'¦I,*"tl

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Page 1: NEWSIES SCORN FEASTIN PORT · WORKHOUSEHAS VAUBEVniESHOfl "Deadhead" Audience o 1,239 Cheers Antics

WORKHOUSE HASVAUBEVniESHOfl"Deadhead" Audience o

1,239 Cheers Antics ofKeith Performers.


Her Talk on Backbone Nu Mate*for Wishbones. So She Has

to Dive Way to Turkey.Black-well's Islan.1 became a posi

tively cheerful place yesterday, foi

It boused two jri-gantic and tree

.enduu* vaudeville »hows f"f th«

benefit of the members of the (¿o'derRule Leaifue Although the «ntire n«i

«lietiee of 1,280 was esmpossdsiveir of deadhead», there wasn't the

.»ii/n of a w«rrv on the ma: a/eimoit'*brow, for this was the annual entertalnment of B. F. Keith's Thank*«/i.¡nr Troubadour*, and some fiftv vaude¬

ville star* volunteered their servicesto make the occasion auspicious.

.Vftrr tl sI-.av Wftnlen John I.Murths, who is the Tom Oobome ofbe *«.orkhous«\ and iust as popular

with the islander« as (»-home i« with.he sine Bine men. Introduced om

mission«! Katharine H. T»avn. I lis

emmii «-.ner made a stunning spoeeh..-. S," and then they I

OS partake of a real turkrv d m

.vith celerv. SWOOl p«»tatoes. .ranh', nine«* île, ice cream and coffee

ta -eaasure their palates that bottel« w< re conuiifc.

1 h" men were in their «eats at I"«''clock -«harp to view a performancethat had boon the constant subject oftalk «"or the last month, and there

"t even standing rooni in "Blaek-v»|i'- (»iierii House" .to quote »lis- ;.is-

..-.e1 vHe»! lulius Lenzheii*, in the.*-.»-1 hall, s»u«f,-*d his Colonial Or-

¦n sjoing in thai unmatchableJulius nas. and Louii Rein*

n the lower one, «linrtf.i theOrpheum H-.nnoni-.ts throuah th«is iej pf an overture.fifst on th" bill was Marie Pittgih* I..'. end my, how thev laughed Alien

.Mar«» tol«l that one «bout the wait¬ress who a«k'd the fanner «lui he likeIn.parias, and he said no. "I prefer ¿he«lo «.sit of nicht clothes."

Dewastain violet Dale was making

S *-:io;k-out with her sont*, "Won't.-o»»«. ílrie Stake M«- t., a Man?" Hevei

...i and I sntj -**i-_1»t mei'

.his -.vus th» numb« ; th« lower hellaccording te .« ! le m n with.liât' lit 0

ike heo;- r'rioil oni

one year, alier act *

"Close to " « «ne line"He my littie sugar plum," was. deliv-ered jus: as Miss Wynn was on heiknees making f.n Sntroatlng gesture iithe genera] «Jirecti« n of s "black bojThis accidental situation caused ¦ tnm< ndou« bunt .«' nif-rr.i:

Mi.-s Wynn then gave sympalrecitation of I .. s/h imoved the audio 1 hat isthey moved In their tieieomfortebl« I was ebon"Who will i sr I - ones whoifi.'het i are loi : wa _l . idition ofranks witl My Bo; T

He «. Soldier," ri called thaiquestion, "Is ^'tr^f o Viste, IVersa0' an.1 n r in S SIJ ; ad of tharoom could ' seen discussingproposition in a;-, ir;-1"

\o". com« Harr* .-.tier, the Jew*iiar rj was api

plauditl«.i ¦.¦c'Tii:

Ii- . make

t Hi

¦.v.; .r-' 'a

rick Cohen," ho1 patrie! '"" "i- oiHarry, and ths

nothingate«! audience.

This fi as further proits. moi d ai .the celebrate ITeutoi c art iflera, ma« I heir a

Ineaal there were 1»'hei

song - .'- osit on. Hemo player. Whit« M

conic dancing.. his sccordlon. «\ll fi all. it

regular time.Then Chaplain S. H, Watkins told

what s Ans fellow Warden Murtha weiand the »en gol ip an '.flies' just ilk

a newspirit here» bo -.' "I feeland you fee! it. Whet 'T«ak<*s It?""John -I. Murtha!" -¦ i the r< poi i

in chorus, ami then he warden wa i

«given three eheeri and n bipf',..-ir;ii «- on Davis hoped thai

would ha ota of backbone whenthey left the ialand, but, *t vaster 1'J o'clock, everybody wa' thof wishbones, so iri» part«- broke up.

Train Kills Boy Coal Picker.Pundee Lal.e, N ,L. N"v. 15. »While

picking up coal on 'he tracks of theSuoquehenns Railroad -¡ear the stationhere this afternoon Hla'.er Gregory.twelve vea*-- old. of Summit Avenue..tve ; lied !.: i train,


AtjlanticCitynTï *

«*î>-*Ur* .i^J,""' li*^.IILte?, : .ill"-Z_^Ä * «at».,

h__-àT'»-»»*r*rtBr^, rlMC -.

ái 1-| lR.4Yr-IORl«

I he Spirit cf Amcricn al Plavi Magnitude and Ch.-erfuiii;.i»..l.r.M.tiiiiurinr (.rill 17..Innr:iul Iru>te

Tha» rroniriia-lr in Ihr HÂrhana*Three |l.< k«. 1 rontinf Ihr laOtOwalk m* Hi" "'""

lihr^r« ro»»»r Two Uoil Crarsea Evening MuSVralee lointer «.nrl. n


EASILY THE CHIEFV, nen mu think <>t .i city, there usuallv rises in memory

Its most striking feature. * London culls up the Ides "t

hrge>t population¡ fan««. ,,t ga« boulevards (slasl); Berlin, theKaiser and the Lindens; New York, huddled lky-scra|It you were to sav ..Atlantic City" to Oí t who had recent!' hee::ihere. he would, on the prlncipleofdominating feature, irresistiblythink of the Traymore. * ¦ * FortheTri ilythemost impressive thing In Atlantic City, it is the most re« \<

object on the Atlantic shore-line, south ol the Statue ol Liberty.

1.« .arral lona at *».>.» York Offlee. 410 Time« lilrl-»..«> llrvaul BSSS


Atlantic Cit¡xNdTncßri9ht Star^Seosbore Resorts';

Such waa th* Enthualastlc Verdict of «

Popular Theatrical Magnateafter visiting Atlantic City during the Full sea* D, whenNsture wears her loveliest garb, and wtit-n fashionableAmerica foregathers on the famous WOOdOH woy, 10 «-njoythe msny varied attractions that \t!antir City offerr..

Golf, Rolling Chairs. Horseback Riding.Avlat on, Theatres, fishing, Etc

THE LEADING HOUSES ARE ALWAYS OPENAno willfetnlsl»f»I bifenaatiea, rat«« et« eaapi i tloa

ill BBSS St* all AaBetieaa Plan m.essoth« ¦«

MorlborouRh-Blenheim Hotel StrandOn III* Of»

r BH. I Edward«

Seasirfe Mousen Iront

I f »a .«on«

The lîolmhnr*.!N 1..I-1.

I'« WilMiirc

(.«. irai .¦-..«.

Hot* I SI. C hurles Hotel ( hel*ea- ,m On the t> eai I root On t! 0 n i -.

"II. y*uae. Ms *»r" el'»«'nal Coin.l» ihr«-«- hoar« from s«.i. 1 mrk Cllvvta CENTRAL It. K.

.r v. ». ear l»l ss i. R. R.Caí «. . <--.¦ »a« « ' ' >."*. *" '

(l:i »h« i>r*.v 1 rot.»merirar a»d i:'iro>.»i»n Plans.»¡ah Va'hi».«» à .«-'era . pal ;

Hotel Denni*ike .)<

Walt*« J. h-aa*

Galen Hall

The Shelburnei . o,...- i r ni

J iVaikel. M«;r.

GALEN HALL¡.«.i Kl \M» ¿AXATOmil u.

\, I »\ .If l'It. >'. «I.*\» si|> .«..«».,» ffaü,, ,\>» Üut7lim' tí» «x tll««l foi .infecí s-r i«üi«

. a»i .' Ar. Muai ¿...m !... s long O*

.i.... . I .,;,,« u-ST... Ü ILS WllS«rs.,.--j .ipfrxoi» S V «iff... .«3 i/iftkA IM. ItSO UattUon M«j.

r i Toi'\c, o--. »i « r

OTELGRAJiiAIAN1*1 ratas!«, hem ii/st-t l e/.'ie« ..««Iff r, |. s plat* I" <-.!.«.fkers AH aa/las» ssxsrts TtttM«.«"»«««.| a*|t»«>l t*1 rhlISr-oa^u»*M .»»,, r», Wlailor.¦o*nh. i.i««i»t«vla «»sur» Psjrfc. R»c*ii.||T.. V y

r« UADmcTTsT,;«.. tioifi or thi woèrb

îicanttoroîion»35iennt!imATI.ANTK CITY, >. J.

siQgiaH WHiTc a aoNS comphhy

Laurel-in-the-Finesl_ka*s»»«Ki, >»» 4erat)


-f__UllPCT M'STM r.AHIlUSA,ringnus-oi, *._««, «A.« «.» v^r ut*.

Mm /».r r«/_»»».s^| "j

The IdealChristmas Week Vacation,8 & 9 DAYS, $42.50 & UP.

« .- i«s«. I ii*n. .i. »Toan »nKa«*-.«.«*-, «tf-smrr I! ,'.t\ A Trl-si

Rgtt S. S. "Evançeline" «Ml m« i*- n V.

Isatis.» Bldnlflil rids: I« :.' ft...,!. a su V \.«*»«»«¦..' ot: »

RleVUsO»AllINU S. S. "Be.'.-nudian"

I/-..I.J S V W« II-'I: if-...-.o i,

'¦.'.«...- »gl r '-

West Indies

s \

...UN ». H

IÜ.BMI Isa .-II .lili., « .

. /. .H ¦.'Ii A» H« .»

A. t lli«.

-, :«ii-.m.Ati. ai-

PARTRIDGE !NNA.' û* Tfil--'. «.-.:» omttma

l'rlM»«« û-I Osstee. S W Seat, l'hune _r>»m i«-.«.


'ltif"e red whiskey imttle borne in Thanksgiving Tiny parade. It waifollowod liy a ragged family and a water wagon.

THANKSGIVING FEASTAND SHOW AT SIN ) SINGChicken am! Vaudeville Pro¬vided by Osborne for Convicts.Thofl .. si S gave the flf-

t Siog Sing s

ind frolic >-" who have

rounded out rn. behind thebars prononneed the greeted treal the ef their

for B rump mound the yardel hi ,i-i.: Wh<

is mess balfon them soup, th eh

otatoes, turnips, bread, code. dof either mince or B]

.n after dinner hal»" the pied nte th« ehnpel, where

-t two vaudevillianees «ral given free by the White

\. -... nion, Mi rough the cour-

ti y "f .lohn II. Paulhaber, nianuger ofthe order. The programme of eomedy,

| ing and d nclng «ras roede:el by the following: Lyhen Val

Ward, comedy; Lyn¬don and R ibii ion, singing and talkingact; Bernard and De Haven, com« lyskit; Victor Voss and Marion Elliot,

'.. A .1"; Ford andOtto, I and Larry Pi an-

Al Warner, of the Whitel; tags director. .-Wt«r sop-

I repented,-i

v \... 25. Th« eoo-

dayng roast Icki

m-ince pic, the **( Sings."er, wa

and va I*¦¦by 11

.; BT4he Rev. I

:.., loiras a h amuaed ipeetaraited eapai ity ef

-. try to¦¦ performance* te < nal

th«» convicts, prison officer* endand hear the shoo.

Petrograd, Nov. 2.">. ThanksgivingDay bi I quiet)] by the

'on«, in P«»trof»rnd. A «er

Id in the Methodisl ChurchThe American Ambassador, George T.

ion .-i* theThere were 11 sl privóte


Forecasts and Records «if the 1.1*1T«ent>-fnur Hour*.

tt'sa!,(-f" Hat», ¦- . t 'is' SI* '

sure cst.-si new He* SaaU ami t'.' A"« Hm . ;,

At »>¦ ». « .-. '. IM .'

i sur teal ». . ¦. \ »-,-} « .- r»¦

: » .1 c»fr V. tal n a«

W4 M-' :, TT.i« s'.i.nn "¦- '

H. basa at: mtoi hi laottorl*."< III« Wl t, a ltd 'lrt«*ni .'«-.SSt«.

paii . »

lallrMptsl «

'.»!.. .¡r» ii«.

» .

, s ...

S"m h.

» «

Riturdii n 11' .¦.! Mb « SaHJ».|s\ :»t« inr sst-cisi Localities. Eaetm S'air Fridas Msd s

--«-,- h leasts, Rea Mi..-. I'etsi- s-. 'at- a' 1 warn r MESS, MM .

parti} ( " .t L Pmilrt 'f

'sir i - a- van av: vu'..i Baturaaf ssaasl ral

««.--. \ Iffti '» fslr ani.- rmeet

«». .-¦ r ataI ..

s . \ »

.>ir i''i > s,- ;r ¦... -, ¦,. ihuvtsnrs »nd




. Msturds.,.-.. -i lists,

K-ll-1; Sal

Lscsl OfBclsl Ri-ord« tfea f sfcWlSCii.-vi i- i Uss,

In iha leí lew boa)t. r>m¡. illla ol 'a»t>»*r 1014 ISI4. ISIS.

a I p. n.. « «: » p. h: i: «'

II I: r in I" MIt p. I I' i. m 47s

i.. r» rotar lar. t: ritir«-» ist... « .Ifjrf» lai '

r ¦ «»»rsi»..«-.¡«¦r-tSi «' .li-cr r. n -r .-.¦ f ' .". «

- «» rs«si* \«sr». «o tapai

Bsromrtrr R»sdl«s«.i i*. ... s» M «¦' I t

Humidityam T* i p m Î4 « m. m tl

locsl Frvrrestt. Fat" le !»; arrrl prabaSif to-..... Usa* .

CAFFEINE-FREE COFFEENOT A SUBSTITUTEThe drug c&ffeine is remov¬ed from Kaffee HAG, ond" the whole value of coffee,th? aromatic oils, Is re¬tained."

ALL OF THE DELIGHTSNONE OF THE REGRETS.«.">«. N parknae..In lh« bean

mil».nil dralrre.

WANTED »<)R JAM ARN..fully furnished housekeep¬

ing apartment, not less thanixi'i» bedroom* below *><»th st.,inr one month. Stale priceand ntimher of rooms ¡n on«

twetring« Qi Room 607, TribuneBallding.

SIMMONS...11.T. -i'i NTV or

V. IRRA' TIi'N J'i 'It All-soi.i te divorce i ouisi boer: er

- . iI.hki.M CARL BOER-!.. -.ii« «>-.' I I -n. -1

I" f-ii.tnn-fou "i « !.. a-.isw «r

>er««>- ¦ the 1 klnttir«

laya i fter lb« aer¬ee of i lalve of I

Ice, andappear, Judcnn ni ¦ III be 'taken

r. h- f Ü'-

im- i h.'!' I.AN/.IT.

re Alla :i

-i«111. 14' ifc-RNER

The :p..n-.. l'iii- .a.r,t ... an .ird-T

« Phllbla, e.ui of tii«- Stute

led th« Is* -¦.. ef Ko-ti

if th«f N« i. i. st the * luí Cauri

f Meal .

f N> ...

i«. ef n.,\. ml - r ¡»;;.MORTIMER I.A"

,.. . tifli « -.»¦ Cedar

.:.:. .if Manhattan. Clli

STORAGE NOTICES..\<; i'n. KXI*1»*7*V* <rriu.«,,i: mark

>«» ITil -.'.-. He* i «S :« -i

Mr« Mal II 111 .'«»H il il. M .1«.:

.- V II M- \ »n,' ai Mfa \f 'lai.-Il I' | " I II I".l«rr,.Mr« M «.-r- ;¦ Mr. I. h»i'»>. T 'a- A -

rlurfcl «. [M »-t-. 1» H , l« » M--

Hani i Mi "« i>«.'

l> Mr. M * . . Mr I. HalftMl .¡»«liai, M. Instan- i r. Hllta-a )' 'i

.... ipr« Mr» >«. ¦»

t I..«- M .

..,«'«.¦- . «....-

I A XI s .1...' »I " I. M ¦

». H. M. O I art..

-.. . »


»I -a-


...1 V .- « - «'|...a' Il I- la-ha J M ' . 4


Tin. ix.iiam:?: vaniiNAi. ihm«: nr i.udi«ir.|. I« rr.".l t IU affair» »III, ,». ' P.- t,«;¡

. . a .In tcr,n4i: .-. *|. 'Ii« ,«., etti-'¦. r. If a ...» I r»1 > :.¦ ', ,

P< T." i JN.i G "V.IIT a*Iil«rCM ¡: lvi».

NEWSIES SCORNCHARITY TURKEYStreet Capitalists Preferto Buy ThanksgivingDinner at Restauran».


'Ra^ed Dick' Type Has Passed.

Leaving Home for Orphansand Store Clerks.

V e.t/h'.ecii »Juntos to »is. lasti ighl Eddie Keliy watches! the last

pai/cr of his las', armful disappear into

a Flatbuah Avenue car, in the pocke*of its n«*-v owner."Now for «I*« tmkey." he sighed."Newabojrs' Home*'' was suggested"Ne cisss." saisi Eddie. "Ne class.""Where will yon chow, ther ."The sewoie casually meat«one*J an

uptown r«"ftHurHr.r *\hich .«eh»es a 914table d'r.ote

.| ain't a rcg*ular boarder, there," heexplain«-«!. Witt n grm. "hu' I've nun-

Hated '-o *nake de urHde on T'anksiri'.'T'it,"and i'hristmas :!e !*.«,t »*vo or f'rer

jreara It «lon't break n.e. i-xactly."The nr'.t minute, hit hoüdn\ patent

leather«* '"inkling, Kn«*i*ed Dich'l plu¬tocratic incceasor had evertnheo a

itreotcar rambling toward his Thanhe*srivitig »uri.eySomewhere or ".her nr! somehow o*

s Eddie's s-" erp.l thousand NewVori: ncwsie-s got ths»:r tuikey yester-«1ft;, Oui "f the thoneeada, just te--were amone the .r.00 boys who con

sumad MO |>oundi <»f the great nation«!bird in Brace Memorial House in New

I hamber« Street the old "News'iHome."

Por, se far aa the busine.-? ««:' tel

raps is concerned, Ragge«! 1attered Tun,, are

I....; who madiffeod day. slep

I .ir; goo .< J«- / i lived on Sii the bout] of h

la ithropists, ha^ faded

liv'oti with hoi ;f cur« and the ell»ST * .

.««. *'sn«|s a s«'1 :'-r»-!';-

proa« . ;«¦¦ little capitalist, with .< si

ble bai t ..

. and aa sari ing cap

(real an that of the aven¦ doctor or lawyer. And. since

Newsbo« .' H ¦ endowed.«.it ¿f capitalists, the new

»- eund «ji-lur beadquartera.William L. Butcher, superir :«" id«

home, found time te talkEel . 't somewhnl astonished

t" i'«-: ai-ctisintanc«'. ;>-. he directe-1 t

i iffhl oí er pro ided I¦.

I .

fitter," i btrt, -four fears ige Mr. «hater I

augúrate«! his «»ttOtetn ot" stufflng 0

boys with turkey on Thankbgivng Da>Mr Butcher said "He hasn't missed

><»ar since OUI heu 'he boys hac

changed' A-. RrM the\ were most

Mikes ar.d P.v.« and Terrys. Hn' ?!

present great preponderance of Ton'I Nidores is the least part of a

change.''Officially thil is still the Newsboy

Horn«.', but of 'h«> tT5 boys who 1 i*-

her? less tha.i s dozen sell newspepeifor a I{vine. And they sre not typict..'..¦¦...-s rhej are «ither rtusr.ts a

victims of the hard luck that is the Isof a few in every calling.

In these lime*, srltE big type an

hourly extras particularly with the wa

supplying a score of new thrills ra«*l

day there is something wrong wttl

the newsboy who less 'han $3

day. It is nothing for a lively boy 's

maks $."« or Jfl in a couple o" hours "r

Saturday Bight selling the early atree'

editi« ,-unday paper' at «

premium. Be we don't see much ot

the here Hny more. The newsboy il.... longer ÜB object of charity. He haj

money to »pend and proferí to spend it.

'For :he mo»r part our boys of to¬

da) are employed In »torea and office«

and make from 13 to t¡3 a week. Someare orphan», others have been unablet« get along with then home folks, anil

others have been put in our charge byI the courts."

Shippina Information andMarine News of the World

Vessels Arriving at and De¬parting from Port or

New York.

Hir.Il WOT****A M t M

-, Um* I" 11Ooternor'a bland UKIUI <;«.« I-' I- "¦.


l'NH - .' '

"Ha II«. ,--.I i.ia lili.: Ilsr ....

S .

. phlai .... ir 11. Oil .' -a- Km »

»« ... rira lia ........ N »'

¦¦ U-.|la-i.. l". Sat 1«I'uiSc .Bsrbsiiat .Net ll

Sov IKaupauiSW .«4|||»M«S I

«t .<¦

' . S "¦ i .a '¦

I « . I'«laV. r

II .¦-<¦¦.V«ra iru« Ket II.I.reniit» .


R*n iscini i,«i»--!..ii' Si I/illI» ?.. a \

.'l '

' '«. A: .a ;»i .No» 1Jy-f..t n»r me Be» i-

«¦ah ni'Av. Nomma -7

vi*a««B*eUs Ot*sS»I.«.laraflll«, .

Oarrli» .Ces 'itNevll'¦ . «'a!i!ln»a, I'lraau* N I

., rtall ".«...V . .

S«-- l all T'a a

.J*-k<«n*li> Ko» 14>>:f«ilk M

>l M'Ai NO* 1 MB H Mi -. l.t»«n>" : Sm M

«.-¦.-II. L.'.'i.-».". ar II '.'¦.-. «a d Nit 1«

. No» 11Matti :>. . RaHU. i»m No» l«"V#| . i N« ... « Nu« Il-.-a . i . «

\i . ... . i otoai .» .

-an- ah I'avaiir.aJi .\ -.¦¦.f.i'.k . No» 17

i nut« iiaii ..-. Lu u \ » it

¿- i:al!



Ktfpti-j 1:1*1A.laa . 11:3* em

i-»- la« I

11 ,.r>.«.V SOI I.JlliiR -"

'. l-f[ «I

II AMU ¡ail. «:J* .ii.. I. M ni

Heron .ü ¦>" «r.i!-».«. 12:00 ¦

llr.-a-i I'«,¿i,a. «. 'i ain II I at..

ian.K .*" am,- A a ..... 1 ..' 0" m

M -at.»: M»»11 i . I '"J «mluasV » » 30 »in II on m

,...It:«* SI.

'I.i tal H« ..

i ;»!.i-.'..n.-M«».. Tami.» .-Ara; al.«». Ja- KmhhII;« -

' IN l^.iil«. sa'.amiati_-M "-:<¦»'.« I- 00m

i,«:«». U KO ai

si M.Ai. MiVr.Mlii p. HPI t MbSSB, Ia.i in.

AtRivr.i»«ra.a» I* liuayrs KO» H. Puerta Cabelle

«i-« «.. i- ají-i Saa Joan M. la Bit**. l»»i'.et« a.

«'¦', >'l'h mslls »r.rt nvtfc Bar at s s ni

, ; , B ¡Htm* ..... .*. t.. .1 II WtOthMMA fa !«.?« «jus- si » M a n. _

Irir Pr it.-- N«*» * 10 Paul F

¦-: \ .. liar s* mHi'.if'.». MUa.Vor (iit.rsltsr Nos '-. l" HMih»m *

Honata Par si : p m. Mitl'Un WiMsni I Irnir-t*.. a.ate-OaSs »n * w

' n." .«. ..Ith tntlis an.l m.l»s Bsr at

19 p ¦ Î4II..i ... Dutrt RotUf ,:. No» 1!, to th«

Ho tad AflMrteaa Une, »»«h mMe »sr at 3io

»a _

Finland. !. silrn Xot 11 to th» A'lsntl.- Trans-

port Uns »r r.-i.l*- Ijttt U'.ar s'. I '-' s m.

T/a-i At Balt.wra Sos -"¦ I H W.¦star .v a Qaai st I a ¦lit! OS All.-..« It. sir-'I'i« Beet M «'l'in '*»

I't Said .". (>raa N« « I, sn-l Rosum tt.s .- A.* Arri».sl st th«

!.. It I M s si.Gtnar- M'i.'barri l*r1stobal Nos ' lo D ¦

ir ... srllti ulss liar «« S s ni

M I HamUl IDaj A.berg ««.. > um A«r Se*| u- |ti t' Bar ar un

... Vos '. Ul !>*»« 1 I,. ..- II. SI

v.Icatu N «s .'" . '!¦¦ S..'1'iierti

Parid t .-¦ sj .- «» : l«« s m.

«. Itsl ¡ara- M 0« It. to

llar al <s < i S'os 1? Porro roi Tn'.la

sa , \i -total i« sn.i KliiiMonItfd I r i« «I'll msi:« snl .vi

s !. la m. l « i |«| ' MO. No» 1«, to til«

'« A Cuba Ma: .1» «'«. s_ »u«sr A-

iWrl ai «lie |«sr a. '.. 13 p -n

Ma.u« n. -; *>>¦¦. »o«] Narfsla la th»[I ilnla Sa « - l's«ss«l in

tliarai tire ar .1 p ru».....-:¦ ..»is lisrl«*.ion :".s. s ., Mit, assist Paattd la U'itr

« « : u i..

v Gaita I. to Um s..utii-m p»lib I Ps.«t<"l in gSSrtsMM s"

.) .'' s in.

Li» Port Arl.jr Olli llffnlm l'o.

.Uli .-.: Paattd la guar«:ittn«. st 1:11 s m

N'ttbtrbl Hall «Br«. n-aj Net : QuartiHlne si

¦; p ¦î.-^ v , 1rs* \ .a.;iir Trsn»p.-rt

.. n- i.* llar a' < il i. m

Tht-ntslocl« 'Grtek«. Alft.'r« Nos I »n<i Alm-ri»\ v i.a >. n Ut liar a* '. p m

* t. s..» ; ... Um A-iï!"-Am»T-s » "i « o llar ai ', M I «t.

Har-a- I- -...:. Ma a Not 1». to III*i .- . » mit itth fl if liar aT I "..» p m

,-. II-. (I-»-. S ,. .' -.. .

a, 1- «'.' rai- l'a setlantttpM, vil'li ml" B t- i.

sAii.rmII «.as Rf «'arlifT. CUNOS 'Br- MaMtOatUr;

t Tlrrt liai 9ot*U M«ratal 11« il- «. »ettUi BiW «. Kit« il

. iti of Bristol U- v.jii»...-, a.

>r« BshlS SIS :¦ !i Il,

-1,s>j.i_r. :. liTtrpool «ii UsJlfas; El soi. ualsttini.. \(« st) III ¦

IMtS [»SI .s .\

I Nesrs: l lataiI Il H I.a »lui P I .1 Al

v .'ai -. ît- Il .- Amalia. l'un Arthur


.¦ «. .n- Se* \-:Ilr S s Vrk: l'aurlie Br S

r«>rfeIMo» M.a ai -...«. It» Hr.. Nrw- York.

Il H krt Util Hr.. Kam y,-,k »«.ts- Luda ai .|

. *r«»i>lial N..« K -Zacspa i'sr«s»»ri» for N. |.r,.-^r.«r,l,, r,,;, .,. \, a v.-k ...s

* < *rts*ri a

BAaaaDMai u [¡ ..:; iir \>%« ratk, .

v lias 'Hr.. Boauo M N

Ko» n p«-« ineaa), Sam TaitPsri.sslos. Vf.» :«~U»_«iikla iNorl (fr.rm N>*»

\«»rki.,Mar lis N. » J« FMI ,. Un. N,..»- \,,rt«. -.t- « * « i i - Br», N.« |

n «s :« i.i- _n.«*i.i .|«r«. \>>i rati¦. . . Not .' 1« mal Bf '¦ m V-v. Tort

n rtoll« A\rr.. Set U Kl . l'a-.'. N'a* y..*',

V~ », a \c V..rk I I.»-.. Nerfs k.


f ..'H .1..! r. P CO-Sairo* ¦'.¦ f th* County ol No*«

fork, nolle* Fi Berebj tri", lo ail peraoai.,- elalnu iiiii<« William «>. Bail

\ete of t.- Count) of ".¦ i i ork. decae sad,-... pr ¦ -.- tl tema «»lih vanehers thereof

ibaerll era a' their | .f iran»-it the .nl - f their atn.r-

ii'«-. Krank i. n lit Broadway,Doroasb »I N-itl a. N« ¦¦ v irB City, on01 efort IB« "i. da) '

ii it..i. flee Torb tbi ::.'. -i.«« of N'ovem«prWII.I.l V O 1AXTON,


FRA K I. HOLT. It«""*

iwi -¦ fork

IN i-i HSlAN'i; OF AN ORDER OFti.-. -., '.. I- ¦.¦-..: I, I

¦! 11 .¦ c* I] of Nee rock.Ni »TICE ... «. .--. -....:¦,¦

ha, a» claim* aaalnai Fraah r. Tesson, tat*,,f -,!. if New Ti

¡. li«r« . ti»-re. f i 0ibaci - ; ¦ I tt:.n«iactlri-c,II»?« .! c ..ftl. «. ¦: ."t- ¦. *r' .-.- sr..-.,r.««.«.. -. -ii of Manhattan,-11 -.- r St* fork, on or i.«f..r.: thetSddayof «.prit, ai .»-t

Im-..-.' Now Vnrr. the 12th '

ANDREW «... GOWIN,« -r..r

STEWART i SHEARER,Attorna i » (<¦. a Imtalsti

« «.«..ittan "..-.> I i

i»; n usi ami: of »ï order ofHonorable Jobs P Cabalan, h Surroga-»

r of Na i fork, Kel - Is li«r.

by ell «-!...,.. | «»ain«'Deniel v De st« "f lb« r.nant:. of Ne«Y»>rk. >l»eeaa*-i .- M ...... arlth....ij.->«i. thereof to ih< - ¦¦ plaoe«.f tranaai Un* Roti»j .-. - Street, la the i*l< I '.-». Y..rk. as

tora Sai "f April ne»t'..-¦-. New York. .¦./-¦. I October

tilll'A\ 11« I) LAVIS.


CHARLES BECKETT i;,.i \>'..rn»...¦¦ itora Broad « j '.«» y .r«

IN PtmSl' IN''! ' lll'l II , .[.-Hainoi P ne-*»..r f« .-..m.:-. ..r Ne« v..ik Ni'ii'i: .»

given to all pora-.n« I .

Ban - lata ..f .!,»<.i N'en fork, «-.«». .1. ¦. prraaut

th. «a- n h-¡ » ihei -f le il..- «un-striker, a- hi» pi«« ..f traaaaetlag Baal.t.»«» a», til» <.ffl. ef Mener* Murr..) Pua»liée *¦ Il «al..t. Ne i; Wali ,-:r..»i IgTl.a» ' ' ea ..i I- Iist «la af Mai *«t

Dated Ko* Terfc, Um i»»h .la« afOet*.bar, lllâ


INSTRUCTION.fnc Berlitz School of Laoguaret,

em I8-2:) WEST 14th STREET TJ jllt-tttS Ilr. n h I i Assaut

R-oosl.n Braii.ii "IS ISO :»1ra-s':j:i St.Philadelphia, A I'haatnul S;». 'Rik-r Bids.I

. « I'... «. .1«.IIIMIM..

DANCING CARNIVAL. SggS^S.. tnlns 'i'ii: * tends«*, Grand Central¡.a a« », I »Inaton ¦.¦¦ ui>- 4-ith Ft entrance.

Ns, I st, or Ssslsl.

»SCHOOL AGENCIES.Anierlcon uml K«irei/;r. Teachers" Afrnr.r...

Supol * Profooaera T aeOare. Totorasi arneaoeo, at« r,, Colltgaa, Sebeóla an.i

¦-« Apply :.. Mrs i; j TOUNO*PULTON. II Dasoa t-'iusre


rr-apnuttd t'r. »tram, "r aa flr..r I'Mt:i _-M «til »I '«IE A UilAMiT

JÏI Î.TH1KAPII TYI'I «MUTTl N r.KTnCR». 3«J».tl » 1 O«"'«. 11 ;" IS.SSS. 10 i;E«>. ft

IVK-THKRr'ORD, Vit ll-.-ad»»: LiJlUbl» Bid«.).B<~m 1 131. * «''

TfTvTT« K MT.iT «T.IANINU «.VDRkft0l4ast _**asM, M.<-t Hadara

fi\i; arus Usai.*. raoM «..'i» caarna.p, lira 1 Sri 'r,. «ircsila-.

r p- » 4 ; «.u Wstt isth ;t

WORK WANTED._f'emaie.

» vmitin«; ootekoibb »sry »oaaaaaM with. watt 'i '". -»'--..¦«.» A!.lfm Ml». I.

14 Irtlt.« Pit.-». «!tr_DOME-TIC «HTOATIONS WANTED.'l I. HAS Qtrma Id i.'-'an'!» fumar*.»su- ai as- 'm »...-is «;,.» nbof : 3d a»

t. >T m¡ UP.RMAN «'««siK and pAririsiHRK nr»t.. «.s Ir-r-. I,, Btûrtisb, dttlias potitlo«.

Ml". Isiall». »«m referai)»*«*« llermuii. W»l»s. Hsj-\ . ..: ttoaat


MR FINAN« 1AI. PUN IHR PIRi'llASK OFhorns« «»p.«li .1 i- Lots «s'l.if. M,«s

r . i'ssjnll* Il "11- I.»Sut No. 4.» We*»« ,l*d r.«..,«rpr /.-NI« I!.. M MSS Mil «Jq

ri KMSHED ( OTTAI.ES TO LET.tu r or < iry.

I^ntn COTTAOI*« 'or r»n« In TAÎ-MKI.Ai'll for «ht ".»aaon «Ail«« r»nsilr»*a»nls «o

«. EKELIND. Boi n. »Vast Psim lira... PI rida.


/Movies and Athletics AreThanksgiving Pleasuresfor Men of the Fleet.


Few of the Bluejackets BecomeOverexhilarated When on

Shore Leave.

Ju»t a« the young; junior lieutenant

of the Rhode island on duty at tho

ia.-riir.c- stage at Nlootjr-ofghth Street

>estcrday remarked. "No. »ire*, »ailorsdon't get drunk any more," a cry of

"Two. »ir," came from one of th"

marines on duty. " 'em," orderedthe lieutenant laconically. The two

jackies. sieglog and shouting in bliss¬

ful IgaeraoOs of what the morro«

WOOld bring, wer* aided aboard »

launch and started toward their ship.N'everthelesM, indication« point to the

fact that the trite «xpre«»ton. "drunk«s a tailor." no longer i« accurate. In

the navy con»u"*»»ition of drink« is now

reckoned in term«, not oí giog, but of

he-r. Hill, barkeeper at a dingy drinkaraporiom near the waterfront, had t hi a

te «ev: "The boy» is all on the front

seat of th' brewer;, boat now. Whv.'en v»ar ago. even tive year" A

¡ilanee el what the few tar« were drink¬ing confirmed hi« word». The two e\

liilarnted sailors at the landing «tage

were half of the total for the Batter*noon.Many things have helped in the up

!:i the opinion of several oilier«,movies have played th*» mont important¦»art, at «*a and on shore. Nearly BOOT*/light, after me««, a film entertuiiimentis given on board -«hip, and dearly themarines and the seamen love it. Theyare all movie fan... When ÜM1 getsshore they hurry to the ROOreet Chap¬lin comedy. After Chapiin ss a choicecome the lurid red poster thrillers one

sees on Third Avenue or VV'esl Hroad-WO**.

Won't Stand for Society Films.

"Action is what the boys want," saidSB officer on one of the big gray ^hips."They won't stand for society films.*J» go» them the best thrillers we cm»

for our ship «hows. They eat themup."

'ither thing« than the movie», how¬ever, help in the weaning away of Jackfrom drink. More nnd more the men

are being encouraged to Take part InBthletiee, in study, in entertainment» ofvarious sorts. Athletics ha.-; been themost fertile field. Football and base¬ball team« abound.

Yesterday the Minne-iot.".'« eleven,accompanied by score* of supporter*,weal to Patorson to play a gone."1 filin: from -n'Nt-ral of the >hip.4 prac¬tised di'igently. Saturday the, Vir¬ginia's eleves will play the t.-am' fromthe New Hampshire, if that vesselrearhe-i port in time, in an importan'game in the »eries for the Atlanticfleet champion«hip. Al a recall theJaekies are little interesied in the gamemost of the officers will «oe. that be¬tween the Army and Navy,"Our guv« ilon't. play a ger.'.le

game." OB« Jackie remarked, with a

pronounced accent on the word.Another popular -port is boxing, al-

way« 'he pride of the tar. Wrestling,potete rae« s r.i.d boat race« between»hips' erewi are liein,: fostered morethan ever.

Better men «re coming into the navynowadays, it la ««aid fh.' oavja'.way« had little trouble in tilling itscomplement, and the renewed interea-

in warfare ha» enabled recruitta» e*.cer» to pick and choo«e. with »»SIrea.ilt« than ever, »inee ther« ett m¡Zapplicant*7. An increase in oppe^,,"-*fie» to rise bnr.g» a batter tlmt» 0fmen. N'ot men;- year» ago. to fc^", '

a varrant officer »a* the most to -«rtii^-, serman could ai t j, ^siblc to work up to almo»; an>- pe-,[tion.

I.lttlr Interest Taken in «A,,The urn' scrosi - 'ittie ij.

teresl for the men now. Only ti,officer«, folloo it to an\ extent, a,

m ihe Ji.ckir.a talked eagerly »f j,'but hardly « whisper about ft «j, .jbe heard yeiterda>. "We ain't goi-.' »,have a«)' l'*r; in it, and er» »h»-»¿worry." »aid a sailor from the Arbaoeoe

Despite their confidence in thiOsOSO.try's freedom 'ron: war, the »sil«-,have a »igntticant new name fer i;v.worahipa of th* Atlantic tleet Th»are "Wiison's petrel«.""You see," «aid * orporel Bu«k«n«-

of the marines on the Virginia, in a*.planstior. "i" the North Atlantic .),,.,are three rorietiei "f petrel. l^eJk aup in the books. The) are the »tcrr-lpetrel, the northern I.each'» and th.Wilson We're the Wilson.-'At Thanksgiving dinner y.-»t«rda»

more than five thousand Jarkles en¬gaged with more than ten thoumUnounds ef turkey on board the tenships of the fleet. The Jackie« menvictoriea«. The iur«:c\«. .hough rur-forc*d i)', cranberry «suce, old Vir-gloia ham. asparagus, cake, nine* pi»tints, frolte, ke cream, relety «,«,4mvrii d« of pickle» and nli\e. %ttfhelpless before the deterrr. ,.r.\ or.»latsch I of I'ncle Sam'« fighting fore«"Which remind* me," «aid an oldlir

on the Texas, "of u dinner w» had or.»Thanksgiving at Trinidad. It vu t* nround the world, in 1907. Th,cook's boiler« or something bl««- u>j'i't before dinner. And there w# menstarved, away from home We »te co!4biscuit, cold ham. cold everything Itweeol like to-day."The b'g chow-»ime WOC o\«r with

ample time to make things shipahap*before the little family partie» befinon board all the vessels. Owner« «(small loonehe« reaped a harvsit efquarters f'oni \isifor« to the «hip»



Slips and Stabs Himself.Oliver Humphrey, a stock broker, of

'J7 William Street, arho arcirJontallyfe'l upon a bread knife at f t m. BB>terday in his home, at U?0s Brotdviy,««as reported to be improving last ntfhtat the Knickerbocker Hospital, wh«r-hs had been taken so >r. after the acci¬dent.

Mrs. Humphrey ««id tiist h«r hm-band wanted to lea\c the hospital to-day, but that «he and the atttndinrphysician advised that he remain untilSaturday.

"I was in bed when the accidert h«f-pened." said Mr«. Humphrey. "Mvhusband felt hungry and »aid he BOJgoing to the pantry to make s und-wich. The ti sen oi!*d th»»day and was slippery, lie had the in«;brea., knii'e in hi« bsnd and was reach¬ing high for «omething is the pantrvH«.«et when he «lipped and fell, wi;hthe knife under him. The blade, th«surgeon« «aid, had penetrated «boutto o loches, and they think l.i» liverhai been slightly eut I!.' expects tobe at hi«i office on Ñenday."

FIRE RECORD.A M: .'¦ I' «I '!- 4 w« .; ». in » K -

I IS .i-i U.. !.

' 1 T'fialr.r-, inrl-irI« 1.7 It,« iroeti «. ,ni,ir )»... intiai

--¦- .:. 1 <3 47, '.-, «.-.'.r a« |. i'har/«., rifl'.-.a-I J« 111 Amale-alta. a> «r ruta l'un 1


RI a« Il ' Il <". Il '- li W« . «'-»irr:-.j»| * 1»

.r'*u«1 last 115th Wetd a lai,m t_


To Fa-mouth and London

American Steamer580 Feet Lore ^^¡Ml^iyt/J'' 22<°00 Tons DispltNMit60 Feet Broad lllllCtllU 12,185 Tons Register

Thursday, December 2, N.0NFrom Pier 61, North River, New York


Island ofEnchantment

Visit wonderful Porto Ricowith its unsurpassed cli¬mate, its luxuriance ofstriking, tropical scenery.Palm shaded beaches;quaint cities with the fas¬cinating life and customsof old Spain.16-Dav Ciaba $(M 50 andAll Expensea %/mo up

To and around Porto Rico,.topping at principal porta

You make this enchanting voyag*eon large IG.OOOton ateameraetpecall)built tor service in the tropics and¦ailing under the American Flag.Spaciou« deck«, large «tateroom«.some with private bath. The steameri« your hotel (or the entire cruise toand around the island and returning toNew York. A »ailing every Saturday.

Writ* fer bookletCruising Department

PORTO RICO LINEGeneral Office«. 11 Broadway. New Yeck


¦tig iv. Piar 14, N R. '. Pulioa «t.slat, .-st 5 00 P. M Musis-Mast I onsjoa Lit»«, «tr I. Pier 4«. N. U..

(t. «...:. at. ll'k <*.»> *..-..-.. I 10 P Hipit ;o. h h. n. ». :ia at., «es p.New Has-en Line. t«r Iv Pl»r I«. K It.

ft. Cathur'.na St «»«tk »laya only, lit P.M Pl«r TO. ft. 1 :*d It» JtSS P. Ma«, Break «laya only. air. If.Plor M, I K It «0 A. M . Pl«r It. ft- fi. |*ld et. lili A. y .

CUNARDBelit9Hehe4 ttV

EUROPE via LIVERPOOLOrduna .Sat., D?c. 4.10AM.CAMEftONU ...PRE., _:'«. IS, 11\ 1»AXOWU .SAT.. DEC II, Il A. HOROI7NA .sat JAN i II A. S

.tin Itcsjte tn UlttgosrK«)l Ml THK mIK I.I» TOCHA

riiroujh rxxsi.u.«» t.: sil c.-lr Ioai r-r.» «f ths ssr.»company's oVrice : ti-fcsWl st..H

FRENCH LINEI «im-iisir.* Se_SSale TritnaatlaaUl«)«*»

TtMTTAl m;ki i« r.

Sailings for BORDEAUXLA TOURAINE, - - Not. 27,3P«*lROCHAMBEAU, * * Dec. 4, 3 P. *LAFAYETTE. - - Dec. 11. 3 P. M-ESPAGNE, * - - Dec 18.31*

I""!. DCPOHMATION aPPLTCOMPANY'., OFFICE, ftgfr&ttRED "D" UNE '..:.- r '"¦

i "R poaro hi« rt'iiA« A" » 'Nr*-f_**,,s'AI.Asa.-, I««r lPilll AI MUÍA Ott »MAKA« All«, I*-. SZI I-IA ""¦ ¦

Huju-ricr Atretnrs -;.- . :*. ».¦r'«"s.Bi.iNH iiAi.iirr _««..«..; ^tr*.

Tit: a 117i liar it. II '.' »¦ 5._-

BRAZIL dA-SSaV&Mdsi.. «> rarr-, '*r aasti M

LLOYD BSAii'LtiaO. 17 Slst» .« «. '»

STEAMSHIP 1HKK.TM HI ANT runt(ifBclal Scots all Hoe«

. ...l:_»| * W Is II.. ..m. «.o.îïi Mfc A'**

The puHIc be plfastd

BOSTON $2.65tl» Boat and Kail. HOOD THIV ** '»

PROVIDENCE V M*koi'M» nur. is se.

Colonial Linefirst claa« «trvls-e. »*»«»* ri»>t an

d->a «.t i P M from Pit *¦'. ._.foot W»at Houaton St All Outa.da .**"¦*

SI 00 to Wlrrl.». equlpaata' .'

town Olfl.-e, Mrs.a. .-.a. aoU il*-« .*» ^ ""^lSpr'.r.

È WARSHIPS BS. YACHTS_»»«¦» »stier» Pter. IS it, Me. T«_ .."'¦I,*"tl