news letter october

Contents Page no. q University News 2 q Information Update 6 q SAF Scholarships 7 q Telecast Schedule 9 q Programmes in Focus 14 q Update on Study Centres 15 q From You to Us 21 q How to Study 22 q Profiles of Gold Medallists 23 Issue Highlights … q Website for FSI q Induction for July 2004 session q Date sheet – December 2004 Term End Examinations q Admissions to Academic Programmes Hon’ble Minister of HRD Sh. Arjun Singh inaugurating the new Academic Complex. To his right is Prof. H.P. Dikshit, VC, IGNOU and to his left is Prof. S.C. Garg, Pro-VC, IGNOU Hon’ble Minister for Foreign Affairs Sh. Natwar Singh at EMPC, IGNOU with VC, Prof. H.P. Dikshit on the occasion of the launch of FSI website VOLUME 14 ISSUE 40 OCTOBER 2004 - MARCH 2005

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News Letter October


ContentsPage no.

q University News 2

q Information Update 6

q SAF Scholarships 7

q Telecast Schedule 9

q Programmes in Focus 14

q Update on Study Centres 15

q From You to Us 21

q How to Study 22

q Profiles of Gold Medallists 23

Issue Highlights …q Website for FSI

q Induction for July 2004session

q Date sheet – December 2004Term End Examinations

q Admissions to AcademicProgrammes

Hon’ble Minister of HRD Sh. Arjun Singh inaugurating the new AcademicComplex. To his right is Prof. H.P. Dikshit, VC, IGNOU and to his left is

Prof. S.C. Garg, Pro-VC, IGNOU

Hon’ble Minister for Foreign Affairs Sh. Natwar Singh at EMPC, IGNOUwith VC, Prof. H.P. Dikshit on the occasion of the launch of FSI website





Inauguration of the NewAcademic ComplexHon’ble Union Minister for Human Resource Development(HRD), Shri Arjun Singh, inaugurated the new academiccomplex of Indira Gandhi National Open University(IGNOU) on 28th July 2004. He also addressed a nationallevel consultation workshop on education with academicsand educationists via teleconference at the Electronic MediaProduction Centre (EMPC) of IGNOU. Addressing thegathering, Shri Arjun Singh lauded the efforts of IGNOUfor democratization of education. He was optimistic thatIGNOU would continue in its efforts to create an EducatedIndia. Shri B. S. Baswan, Secretary, HRD in his addresshighlighted the role of distance education as the bestalternative for higher education in India. IGNOU’s use ofinformation and communication technology extended itsoutreach to remote areas of the country, he said.

Hon’ble Minister of HRD Sh. Arjun Singh inaugurating theNew Academic Complex with Prof. H.P. Dikshit, VC, IGNOU

Prof. H. P. Dikshit, VC, IGNOU in his address asserted thatIGNOU’s course material is well-recognized the world overand several countries have adapted it for their own use.With a student enrolment of 1.2 million, its academicprogrammes are spread over 26 countries, he said.

IGNOU develops website forForeign Service Institute (FSI)Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) hasdeveloped a virtual campus website for a mid-career trainingprogramme for Foreign Service Institute (FSI) officers. ShriNatwar Singh, Hon’ble Minister for External Affairs, Govt.of India inaugurated the training programme for Indiandiplomats and participated in a special teleconference at the

Electronic Media Production Centre (EMPC) of IGNOU on27th July 2004. Speaking on the occasion, the Hon’bleMinister highlighted the fact that over the years India hasstood by its foreign policy as formulated by Pandit Nehru.The twin phenomena of globalization and liberalizationhave put additional responsibilities on our foreign diplomats,and there is a need for lifelong learning, more so now thanever before, he stressed.

Hon’ble Minister for Foreign Affairs Sh. Natwar Singh at thelaunch of FSI website at EMPC studio. L to R: Prof. S.C.Garg, PVC; Prof. H.P. Dikshit, VC; Sh. Santosh Kumar,Secretary (MEA); Prof. A.S. Narang, Registrar, IGNOU

The Vice-Chancellor of IGNOU Prof. H.P. Dikshit, in hisaddress hoped that the IGNOU-FSI collaboration wouldfacilitate continuous professional development and enableour mid-career diplomats to project the interests of ourcountry.

Addressing the teleconferencing session, Shri SantoshKumar, Secretary, Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) andDean of Foreign Service Institute said that the Internetbased training programme for Indian diplomats will enableour officers scattered across the world in different timezones to undergo training without movement to headquartersor to another mission at different times.

Prof. S.C. Garg, Pro-VC, IGNOU, informed the gatheringthat the FSI website has been developed by IGNOU and hasbeen hosted on the NIC web server with 24 hour accessibilityand the potential to reach officers across the globe. Unlikeclassroom-based training, this IGNOU-FSI Virtual Initiativefacilitates individualized learning according to one’sconvenience. The learners can choose what content toaccess, based on their learning preferences and control thepace of their learning.

Independence Day CelebratedProf. H.P. Dikshit, VC, IGNOU, unfurled the national flagon 15th August 2004 at the Electronic Media ProductionCentre of IGNOU. Speaking on the occasion, he said that



the University has made considerable progress during thelast year and is steadily marching ahead in the direction ofproviding quality education throughout the country andabroad. The ceremony was attended by Prof. S.C. Garg,Pro-VC, Prof. A.S. Narang, Registrar, teachers and otherstaff of IGNOU.

IGNOU & Narayan Hrudayalayatie up for PG CourseIndira Gandhi National Open University and NarayanHrudayalaya, Bangalore signed a Memorandum ofUnderstanding (MoU) on 14th July 2004 for developing a 2-year Post Graduate Diploma in Community Cardiology formedical graduates. The MoU was signed by Dr. DeviPrasad Shetty, Chairman, Narayan Hrudayalaya, Bangaloreand Asia Heart Foundation, Kolkata and Prof. A. S. Narang,Registrar, IGNOU in the presence of Prof. H. P. Dikshit,Vice-Chancellor, Prof. S. C. Garg, Pro-VC, IGNOU andmembers of the Planning Board of the University. Theceremony was telecast live on Gyan Darshan, the EducationalTV channel of India.

Prof. A.K. Agarwal exchanging the MoU with Dr. DeviPrasad Shetty of Narayan Hrudalaya in the presence of Prof.

H.P. Dikshit, VC; Prof. S.C. Garg, Pro- VC and Prof. A.S.Narang, Registrar, IGNOU

Prof. H.P. Dikshit voiced his concern for the unreachedpopulation of the country and said that reaching theunreached is the mission of IGNOU and several steps havealready been taken in this mission in collaboration with theIndian Space Research Organization (ISRO). Speaking onthe occasion, Dr. Shetty emphasized the importance andrelevance of the cardiology programme in the country. We,in India, have only 60-70 cardiologists trained every year,whereas the demand is for 4,000 to 5,000, he noted. Hence,properly equipped coronary units with cardiologists arerequired to reach a wider cross- section of society.

On this occasion, Prof. S.C. Garg, Pro VC, IGNOU toonoted that there is a wide gap between cardiac health needsof the community and the availability of trained andexperienced cardiologists in the country. Prof. A. K. Agarwal,Director, School of Health Sciences (SOHS), IGNOU pointed

out that such a novel programme by IGNOU will developqualified and trained doctors in cardiology.

9th Annual Prof. G. Ram ReddyMemorial LectureDr. G. Madhavan Nair, Chairman, Indian Space ResearchOrganization (ISRO) and Secretary, Deptt. of Space, Govt.of India delivered the Ninth Annual Prof. G. Ram ReddyMemorial Lecture on “Development of Space Programmeand its Impact on Education” at IGNOU on 2nd July 2004.He announced that through EDUSAT, the educationalsatellite, all major Indian universities, IITs and medicalcolleges will be provided with multimedia, multicastingfacilities through which teaching by experts can be madeaccessible to the needy, in any part of the country, in realtime or offline basis. Edusat (GSAT-3), the first satellite ofthe Education Satellite System, will be launched by thethird flight of the indigenous launch vehicle GSLV in thesecond half of 2004, he said. The satellite is speciallyconfigured to have multiple beams covering different regionsof India and is expected to meet substantially the educationalrequirements of different parts of the country.

Dr. Nair added that the scarcity of qualified science teacherscan be overcome by beaming the lectures and transmittingthe notes on the tele-link to far-flung schools. Experimentsfrom science labs also could be transmitted through thismedia. The tele-education terminal at remote areas cantransform into adult literacy classes as well as imparttraining to farmers and artisans for improving theirknowledge base and skills. This will also enable interlinkingof database and libraries and effective dissemination ofinformation, he concluded.

Prof. H. P. Dikshit, VC, IGNOU highlighted the collaborationbetween ISRO and IGNOU in bringing about a qualitativechange in general, and higher education in particular, in thecountry. The programme was telecast live on “GyanDarshan” the educational TV channel of India from theElectronic Media Production Centre of IGNOU.

Dr. G. Madhavan Nair at delivering the Ninth AnnualProf. G. Ram Reddy Memorial Lecture


NewsletterPlacement Orientation in IGNOUThe placement orientation for students of Bachelor ofInformation Technology (BIT) and Advance Diploma inInformation Technology (ADIT) of the University wasinaugurated on 23rd May 2004 by Prof. H.P. Dikshit, Vice-Chancellor, IGNOU.

IGNOU has responded to the rapid changes in the area ofICT by providing massive training to very large groups oflearners through a variety of programmes such as Bachelorof Computer Applications (BCA), Master of ComputerApplications (MCA), Bachelor of Information Technology(BIT) and Advanced Diploma in Information Technology(ADIT). The BIT programme is offered in collaborationwith Edexel (UK) and provides a thorough and exhaustiveinsight into IT covering major aspects of IT componentsincluding practical skills, he informed.

Prof. Dikshit advised learners to apply their knowledge todiverse areas by looking for computer-enabled jobs, forexample. Currently, there is a dearth of professionals whoknow French or German though the jobs in these countriesare many. “As a part of the placement activities in IGNOU,the five best students of Bachelor of Information Technology(BIT) programme were offered placement in ICT ResourceCentre of IGNOU”, announced Prof. S.C. Garg, Pro- VC.IGNOU has also been bringing out a placement brochureand it has initiated the process of forming an AlumniAssociation of IGNOU Students.

PVC said that a large number of students of IGNOU aresuccessfully employed in IT based industries or institutions.IGNOU has emerged as one of the world’s largest universitiesin providing multi-level and multi-dimensional qualityeducation through open and distance learning mode.

Launch of Programmes in IPRProf. S.C. Garg, Pro-VC, IGNOU informed that IGNOU,through its National Centre for Distance Learning inIntellectual Property Rights, has launched a three-monthawareness course in IPR in June 2004. The course dealswith the basic components of IPR like Patents, Copyrights,Trademarks and Industrial Designs, with an emphasis onthe present scenario in India. This course is open forgraduates of any stream.

A one year P.G. Diploma Programme in IPR has also beenlaunched in collaboration with WIPO w.e.f July 2004. Thisis aimed at professionals involved in Intellectual PropertyCreation. It will equip the learners with the proceduralaspects of obtaining Intellectual Property Rights andexercising these Rights.

“Intellectual Property Rights have more relevance now thanbefore and act as stimulus for newer activities,” stated Mr.Pushpendra Rai, Deputy Director, World Intellectual PropertyOrganization (WIPO), World Wide Academy, Geneva,speaking in an interactive tele-conferencing session organizedby Distance Learning Research Centre for Intellectual

Property Rights, Indira Gandhi National Open University(IGNOU) on the topic “Demystifying IPR: Why and How”.

Prof H.P. Dikshit, Vice-Chancellor, IGNOU also addressedthe participants and emphasized that IGNOU is devisingdynamic strategies to meet the divergent needs of societyand WIPO and IGNOU have come together for majorinterventions in the area of Intellectual Property Rights.

MoU with Directorate General ofShipping (DGS) and NationalTrustTwo Memoranda of Understanding were signed by IGNOU,one with Directorate General of Shipping (DGS) forlaunching a Bachelor Programme in Nautical Sciences fromJuly 2004 and another with the National Trust for theBetterment of Persons with Autism, Cerebral Palsy, MentalRetardation and Multiple Disabilities on 29th February 2004.The memoranda were signed by Prof. A.S. Narang, Registrar,IGNOU with Ms. Alok Guha, Chairperson, National Trustand Capt. Saggi, Advisor, Nautical Directorate General ofShipping in the presence of Prof. H.P. Dikshit, Vice-Chancellor, IGNOU and Captain Khatri, Nautical Surveyor.

As a first step in this collaborative effort, IGNOU willlaunch a 3-year B.Sc (Nautical Science) in collaborationwith DGS in modular form, with lateral entry and exit.Those completing first year courses, comprising twosemesters, shall be eligible for award of a Diploma. Similarly,all those students who complete five semesters shall becomeeligible for award of the Advanced Diploma. This is aunique opportunity to upgrade their knowledge and careerprospects, as India is a major provider of work force for thisindustry the world over.

Prof. H.P. Dikshit, VC, IGNOU at the MoU document withSh. G.S. Sahni, Director General Shipping. Also seen in the

picture is Captain, Saggi, Advisor, DGS

IGNOU and National Trust will collaborate on thedevelopment, design and implementation of capacity buildingand leadership training programmes of persons with Autism,Cerebral Palsy, Mental Retardation and Multiple Disabilitiesand their families and caregivers, through the distancetraining mode. They will jointly undertake sensitization andin-service training of District Collectors/District Magistrates/Deputy Commissioners and local level Committee and allother field level functionaries on disability issues throughlive teleconferencing and other modes.



Induction for July 2004 sessionThe Induction 2004 interactive session of the fresh entrantsto the July 2004 batch of IGNOU students for managementand certificate programmes was inaugurated by Prof. S.C.Garg, Pro-VC on 21st August 2004 from EMPC, IGNOU.Speaking on the occasion, Prof. Garg announced that IGNOUwill shortly be launching new programmes in B.Sc.Ophthalmic Techniques, Advanced Diploma in ComputerIntegrated Manufacturing, PG Certificate in Copyeditingand Proofreading, Diploma in Aquaculture, Certificateprogrammes in Pottery for rural artisans, shoe making, etc.among others. He added that the course materials of allacademic programmes of the University are being revisedevery 5 years to keep pace with the rapid changes in theglobal scenario.

Induction 2004

Various Regional Centres of IGNOU in different parts ofthe country actively participated in the interactive sessionsand queries of students in those centres were answered bythe concerned faculty of the university.

Induction in Various RegionsA report from a study centre which had organised inductionprogrammes is given below :


Study Centre no. 0943, Bharuch, held an induction meetingof newly enrolled students. Sh. Rajiv Kururkar, Sr. Manager,IPCL, Vadodara, was the chief guest. IGNOU CoordinatorProf. Z.S. Sailed presented a brief profile of IGNOU to thestudents and dignitaries present on the occasion. He alsoinformed them about the student support service availableat the centre.

Induction Programme in progress at SC 0943

Award For Video Programmes

The video programme “Limits- A Glance Through History”produced by EMPC, IGNOU received the 16th CEC-UGCAward 2003 in the category of Mathematics & Technology.The video programme “Cherapunji- the contradictions”also received an award in the category of Environment &Development.

IGNOU at the Delhi Book Fair

IGNOU and Electronic Media Production Centre participatedin the 10th Delhi Book Fair organised by the India TradePromotion Organisation (ITPO) and Federation of IndianPublishers held at Pragati Maidan from 21st to 29th August2004 at Stall no. 23 in Hall no. 10. Students visited theIGNOU stall in large numbers and there was a record saleof study materials and audio video CDs.

Training Workshop at EMPC

ERT Unit of EMPC organised and conducted a 3 daytraining workshop from 20th to 22nd July 2004 for 23participants from various institutes for handicapped, speechand hearing, Centre for Disabled, Academy for the Blindand so on. The training programme was based on experientiallearning, interactive sessions and simulation exercises. Theparticipants developed conceptual notes, detailed content,presentation mode and graphics to be used.

Training Programme of PGDRP

The second training programme of the Post GraduateDiploma in Radio Prasaran (PGDRP) was concludedon 23rd July 2004 at the AIR Ranchi. During thisfifteen day programme the learners of the PGDRP hadlearnt the technical as well as other practical aspectsof broadcasting. The learners also had opportunities tointeract with many experts, technicians and theadministrative personnel who motivated and encouragedthem during the training session.

Participants of PGDRP Training Programme at AIR, Ranchi



Admissions to January -2005CycleAdmissions to Bachelor’s Preparatory Programme andCertificate Programmes of IGNOU have been announced.Please approach your Regional Centre for details. Allcertificate programmes listed below are of six monthsduration and commence twice in a year- in January and inJuly. The last date for the submission of application formsfor admission to these programmes commencing in January2005 is 30th September, 2004. The list of programmesoffered for the January 2005 cycle is as follows:

Bachelor’s Preparatory Programme (BPP) (Theprogramme is for those learners who have not passed 10+2but wish to do B.A/B.Com/BTS from IGNOU).

PG Diploma Programmes

1. P.G. Diploma in Library Automation and Networking(PGDLAN)

2. P.G. Diploma in Translation (PGDT)

3. P.G. Diploma in Journalism and Mass Communication(PGJMC)

4. P.G. Diploma in Audio Programme Production(PGDAPP)

5. P.G. Diploma in Radio Prasaran (PGDRP)

6. P.G. Diploma in Maternal and Child Health (PGDMCH)

7. P.G. Diploma in Geriatric Medicine (PGDGM)

8. P.G. Diploma in Hospital and Health Management(PGDHHM)

9. P.G. Diploma in Rural Development (PGDRD)

10. P.G. Diploma in Distance Education (PGDDE)

11. P.G. Diploma in Higher Education (PGDHE)

12. P.G. Diploma in International Business Operations(PGDIBO)

Diploma Programmes

1. Advance Diploma in Water Resources Engineering(ADWRE)

2. Advance Diploma in Construction Management(ADCM)

3. Diploma in Creative Writing in English (DCE)

4. Diploma in Creative Writing in Hindi (DCH)

5. Diploma in Early Childhood Care and Education(DECE)

6. Diploma in Nutrition & Health Education (DNHE)

7. Diploma in HIV and Family Education (DAFE)

8. Diploma in Tourism Studies (DTS)

9. Diploma in Youth in Development Work (DCYP)

Certificate Programmes1. P.G. Certificate in Participatory Management of

Displacement, Resettlement and Rehabilitation(PGCMRR)

2. P.G. Certificate in Copyediting and Proofreading(PGCCP)

3. P.G. Certificate in Writing for Television (PGCTW)

4. P.G. Certificate in Rural Surgery (PGCRS)

5. Certificate in Tourism Studies (CTS)

6. Certificate in Rural Development (CRD)

7. Certificate in Teaching of English (CTE)

8. Certificate in Guidance (CIG)

9. Certificate in Food and Nutrition (CFN)

10. Certificate in Nutrition and Child Care (CNCC)

11. Certificate in Disaster Management (CDM)

12. Certificate in Environmental Studies (CES)

13. Certificate in Participatory Forest Management (CPFM)

14. Certificate in Labour Development (CLD)

15. Certificate in Human Rights (CHR)

16. Certificate in Consumer Protection (CCP)

17. Certificate in Empowering Women through Self HelpGroups (CWDL)

18. Certificate in Women’s Empowerment and Development(CWED)

19. Certificate in Computing (CIC)

20. Certificate in Participatory Project Planning (SAVINI)

21. Certificate in Health and Environment (CHE)

22. Certificate in HIV and Family Education (CAFE)

23. Certificate in Laboratory Techniques (CPLT)

24. Certificate in Commonwealth Youth Programme (CYP)

Master’s Degree Programmes

1. Master of Computer Applications (MCA)

2. Master in Distance Education (MADE)

3. Master of Business Administration (Banking & Finance)MBA (BF). [The last date for submission of theapplication form is 29-11-2004]




Bachelor’s Degree Programmes

1. Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) (Nautical Science)

2. Bachelor of Science in Nursing [B.Sc. (N)]

3. Bachelor in Technology in Civil (ConstructionManagement) (BTCM)

4. Bachelor in Technology in Civil (Water ResourcesEngineering) (BTWRE)

Please note that the above listed Master’s Degree andBachelor’s Degree Programmes will not be available inJuly cycle. The last date for receiving application is 30th

September 2004. Further information is available at theIGNOU website

Revised MCA

The MCA programme of IGNOU was launched in 1994. Asthe area of computer science is constantly changing andthese courses were developed a decade ago, the School ofComputer and Information Sciences (SOCIS) felt the needto upgrade/ revise/ introduce new courses in accordancewith the emerging trends/ technologies and the feedbackreceived from various sources like experts, students,academic counsellors and the faculty. The revised MCAprogramme will be on offer from January 2005 onwards.The high points of this programme are :

(i) The first year courses are aimed at skill development incomputers using various technologies, the second yearis more focused on providing a conceptual frameworkalong with the practical component and the third yearprovides the specialisation.

(ii) The syllabus/courses reflect the emerging trends andtechnologies in the field.

(iii) The entire 6th semester is spared for the project- workwhere the student can go to any place and can workupon the project as per her/ his choice.

The broad objective of this revised MCA programme is toprepare graduate students for productive careers in softwareindustry and academia by providing an outstandingenvironment for teaching and research in the core andemerging areas of the discipline. The programme’s thrust ison giving the students a thorough grounding in theoreticaland application oriented courses relevant to the latestcomputer software development. The programme emphasizesthe application of software technology to solve mathematical,computing, communications/ networking, defence- relatedand commercial problems.

Visit the IGNOU Website, the official website of the Universityoffers a multitude of information to the general public andstudent support facilities to the learners. These include:

• Results of Term End Examinations

• Downloadable prospectus/application forms of variousprogrammes

• Catalogue of audio/video programmes

• Schedule of Gyan Darshan/Gyan Vani programmes

• Admission announcements

• Addresses of regional and study centres

• An update on the latest happenings at the University

• Checking of student’s mailing address

• Online submission of Term-End Examination Form

• Entrance test results

• TEE date-sheet

• Examination Hall Ticket

• Course Completion Status

Revised date for MCA Project Reports

This to inform all the MCA final year students that the lastdate for the submission of MCA project reports at RegionalCentres concerned has been extended to 30th November,2004 instead of 30th September, 2004 for those projectsynopses which were submitted during 1st April, 2004 to30th June, 2004 slot and were approved.

MCA Project Synopsis Re-submission

This is to inform those MCA final year students whoseproject synopses were Not- Approved during 1st April, 2004to 30th June, 2004 slot, to re-submit them after necessaryenhancements/ changes/ corrections/ modificationsmentioned by the project proposal evaluator in the next slot,which will be from 1st October, 2004 to 31st December,2004.

SAF - Madanjeet SinghScholarships


SAF Madanjeet Singh Scholarships are being offered topromote regional cooperation and lifelong secular learningthat emphasizes humanism and celebrates the rich heritageof South Asia’s unity in diversity at all levels and sectionsof the society.

The following guidelines are meant for Indian studentsonly.


1. A student must be an SAF member.


Newsletter2. Scholarships are available to Indian nationals

permanently living in India only.

3. Young men and women who have been selected foradmission to a Postgraduate or Vocational TrainingProgramme being offered by the following Indian openuniversities are eligible for the scholarship scheme:

• Indira Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi

• Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Open University, Hyderabad,Andhra Pradesh

• Nalanda Open University, Patna, Bihar

• Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Open University,Ahmedabad, Gujarat

• Karnataka State Open University, Mysore, Karnataka

• Madhya Pradesh Bhoj Open University, Bhopal,Madhya Pradesh

• Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University,Nasik, Maharashtra

• Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University, Kota,Rajasthan

• Tamilnadu Open University, Chennai, Tamilnadu

• UP Rajashri Tandon Open University, Allahabad, UP

4. Students should not be above 30 years of age on thedate of selection.

5. Parental income including the income of the student, incase student is employed, should not exceed Rs.120,000/- per annum.

6. Students should not be engaged in other HigherEducational Programmes in other universities/institutes.

7. Eligible candidates must complete an application formfor scholarship. Download the form or contact the SAFMadanjeet Singh Scholarship Coordinator at theparticipating university where the student got admission.

8. The completed application to be submitted withsupporting documents to the SAF Madanjeet SinghScholarship Coordinator of the concerned universitywithin two weeks of getting admission.

Award Criteria

9. Selection will be based on academic excellence, socialand economic background and performance in theinterview.

10. If a learner engages in a business or gets employedduring the course of studies which increases the familyincome level during the relevant period this will resultin the discontinuation of the scholarships.

11. A learner will have to undertake to enroll at least 30new members to SAF membership, before he/she isawarded a diploma/certificate/degree.


12. Each scholarship will be for the Rupee equivalent ofUS$ 300 per annum.

13. Students selected for scholarships will have to open abank account to which scholarship money will becredited.

14. The tenure of the scholarship will be limited to theminimum duration of the programme for which thescholar is registered. (viz. Diploma – 1 year; MA/M.Sc. – 2 years).

15. Continuation of the scholarship is subject to satisfactoryperformance in the preceding year and good conduct,which will be monitored by the SAF-Madanjeet SinghScholarship Cell in every University, Chief ScholarshipCoordinator, SAF-Madanjeet Singh ScholarshipScheme, and SAF-India.

Selection Procedure

16. A student should

• Have been accepted to an appropriate programmeof an Open University.

• Apply for the SAF Madanjeet Singh Scholarships.

• Obtain proof of family income of the parentsincluding student’s own income if he/she isemployed.

17 The shortlisted candidates will then be informed aboutthe interview which will be conducted by the Universityand a SAF representative. Candidates will have toattend the interview at their own cost on the prescribeddate. No request for change of the interview date willbe entertained.

18. The names of candidates recommended by a state openuniversity will be reviewed by the Chief ScholarshipCoordinator for adherence to norms. The names ofcandidates finally approved by the Chief ScholarshipCoordinator of the award of scholarship shall be final.

19. The decision communicated to the student on selectionfor the scholarship shall be final. No applicant orparties on the applicant’s behalf can prefer any claim ofwhatsoever nature.

Reconstitution of the Editorial Board of ‘Newsletter’

The Editorial Board of the ‘Newsletter’ has beenreconstituted and the new Board comprises the followingmembers :1. Prof. Sunaina Kumar, Editor2. Registrar (SR & ED)3. Director, Regional Services Division

4. Dr. Anju Sahgal Gupta, Reader5. Dr. J.K. Srivastava, Lecturer




l Please note titles of the video programmes are available in the Gyan Darshan / Gyan Vani monthly telecast schedulebooklet available every month at the IGNOU Regional Centres/ Study Centres

l For any change in schedule please keep checking IGNOU website : under EMPC/ Gyan Darshan

This section provides the six month (October 2004 – March2005) telecast schedule of the IGNOU curriculum basedvideo programmes. To find the programme of interest,students should first identify their programme of study.Under the programme, courses are listed as far as possible.Whenever individual courses are not listed, the telecast forthat particular programme has been listed date/ month wise.

You will further note that ‘Date’ ‘Month’ and ‘TelecastTime’ for the telecast related to each course have beenindicated. Except the time slot from 6.00 a.m. – 6.30a.m., which is on DD-1, all other time slots are on GyanDarshan. Please note the telecast time and duration of thetime slot for each programme carefully as indicated in thebox below.

Abbreviation Used

P : Programme

D : Date

M : Month

TT : Telecast Time

Telecast Time Duration of Time Slot Channel

6.00 6.00 a.m. – 6.30 a.m. DD-1

8.15 8.15 a.m. – 8.40 a.m. GD-1

8.40 8.40 a.m. – 9.00 a.m. GD-1

4.00 4.00 p.m. – 5.00 p.m. GD-1

9.00 9.00 p.m. – 9.30- p.m. GD-1

P/Course Code D M TT

Master’s Degree ProgrammesMA EnglishMEG 18 3 8.40MEG - 4 22 10 8.15MEG - 8 17 12 8.40MEG - 8 24 12 8.15MEG 07 13 1 4.00MEG 10 19 11 6:00MEG 5 1 10 6:00MEG-09 5 11 8.15MEG-09 12 11 8.15MEG-4 15 10 8.15MEG-7 21 1 8.40MA HindiMHD - 3 10 12 9.00MHD - 4 3 12 9.00MHD - 5 31 12 9.00MHD-3 10 12 6:00MHD-5 5 11 9.00MHD-5 26 11 9.00MHD-5 11 3 9.00M.Lib Sc.MLIS 1-04 14 12 6:00MLIS 6-02 12 10 6:00MLIS-6-02 27 11 8.15MLIS1-04 22 1 4.00MLIS1-04 19 2 4.00MLIS6-02V93 22 3 6:00MLIS6-1-02 18 12 4.00MLISI-05- 18 12 8.15ManagementMS- 22 11 8.40MS-1 2 10 6:00MS-1 3 10 8.40MS-1 4 10 8.40

P/Course Code D M TT P/Course Code D M TT P/Course Code D M TT

MS-1 4 10 9.00MS-1 2 1 8:40MS-1 3 1 8:40MS-1 5 2 6:00MS-10 8 11 9.00MS-10 7 2 9-9.MS-10 5 3 6:00MS-11 8 11 8.40MS-11 14 2 9.00MS-11 12 3 6:00MS-21 20 12 8:40MS-22 6 12 9.00MS-22 21 2 9.00MS-22 28 2 9.00MS-26 6 11 6:00MS-26 4 12 6:00MS-26 27 12 8:40MS-26 27 12 9.00MS-26 13 3 8.40MS-26 28 3 8:40MS-28 7 3 9.00MS-3 9 10 6:00MS-3 11 10 9.00MS-3 3 1 9.00MS-4 10 10 8.40MS-4 11 10 8.40MS-4 1 1 6:00MS-4 9 1 8:40MS-4 10 1 8.40MS-4 10 1 9.00MS-42 13 12 9.00MS-42 28 2 8:40MS-43 6 3 8:40MS-43 7 3 8:40MS-44 11 12 6:00

MS-44 26 12 8:40MS-44 21 3 9.00MS-44 28 3 09.0MS-5 17 10 8.40MS-5 18 10 8.40MS-5 18 10 9.00MS-5 16 1 8.40MS-5 17 1 8:40MS-5 17 1 9.00MS-6 25 10 8.40MS-6 25 10 9.00MS-6 8 1 6:00MS-6 24 1 8.40MS-6 24 1 9.00MS-61 7 11 8.40MS-61 15 11 8.40MS-61 7 2 8:40MS-61 13 2 8.40MS-63 6 12 8:40MS-63 20 2 8:40MS-63 20 3 8:40MS-65 13 11 6:00MS-65 5 12 8:40MS-65 21 3 8:40MS-68 21 11 8.40MS-68 14 2 8.40MS-69 13 12 8.40MS-69 19 12 8.40MS-69 27 3 8:40MS-7 24 10 8.40MS-7 31 10 8.40MS-7 23 1 8.40MS-7 30 1 8.40MS-8 1 11 8.40MS-8 1 11 9.00

MS-8 31 1 8.40MS-8 31 1 9.00MS-8 12 2 6:00MS-91 14 3 9.00MS-92 16 3 4.00MS-92 29 11 9.00MS-93 14 11 8.40MS-93 15 11 9.00MS-93 29 11 8.40MS-93 20 12 9.00MS-93 6 2 8:40MS-94 22 11 9.00MS-94 21 2 8:40MS-94 27 2 8:40MS-97 12 12 8:40MS-97 14 3 8.40Bachelor’s Degree ProgrammesB.Ed.B.Ed 7 10 8.40B.Ed 14 10 8.40B.Ed 21 10 8.40B.Ed 28 10 8.40B.Ed 4 11 8.40B.Ed 11 11 8.40B.Ed 18 11 8.40B.Ed 25 11 8.40B.Ed 2 12 8.40B.Ed 16 12 8.40B.Ed 23 12 8.40B.Ed 30 12 8.40B.Ed 6 1 8.40B.Ed 13 1 8.40B.Ed 20 1 8.40B.Ed 27 1 8.40B.Ed 24 2 8.40



B.Ed.-01 7 10 8.15B.Ed.-02 14 10 8.15B.Ed.-03 18 11 8.15B.Ed.-04 25 11 8.15B.Ed.-05 2 12 8.15B.Ed.-6 30 12 8.15B.Ed.-07 4 11 8.15B.Ed.-08 11 11 8.15B.Ed.-09 21 10 8.15B.Ed.-10 28 10 8.15B.Ed.-11 9 12 8.15B.Ed.-11 31 3 8.15B.Ed. 13 10 6:00B.Sc.(N)HS1T2 1 2 9.00HS2T1 2 1 9.00HS2T2 1 3 9.00HS3T2 7 12 8.40HS3T2 1 3 8.15HS3T4 7 2 6:00B.Sc.CHECHE 1-1-01 30 11 8.40CHE 3 27 12 6:00CHE 3 10 1 6:00CHE1-1-01 11 1 8.15CHE1-1-01 18 1 8.15CHE1-1-01 24 1 6:00CHE1-1-01 21 2 6:00CHE3-02 12 10 8.15CHE3-02 18 10 6:00CHE3-02 19 10 8.15CHE3-03 22 11 6:00CHE3-04 14 12 9.00PHEPHE1-02-01 8 2 8.15PHE1-02-01 15 2 9.00PHE1-2-01 19 12 9.00PHE1-2-01 9 1 9.00PHE1-2-01 16 1 9.00PHE1-2-01 13 3 9.00PHE1-2-01 21 3 6:00PHE1-2-02 9 11 8.15PHE1-2-02 23 1 9.00PHE1-2-02 13 2 9.00PHE1-2-02 14 2 6:00PHE1-2-02 15 3 9.00PHE1-2-02 22 3 8.40PHE2-1-03 20 12 6:00PHE2-1-03 25 1 9.00PHE2-1-03 22 2 8.40PHE2-1-03 22 3 8.15PHE6-1&2-04 10 10 9.00PHE6-1&2-04 11 10 6:00PHE6-1&2-04 17 10 9.00PHE6-1&2-04 15 11 6:00PHE6-1&2-04 28 12 9.00PHE6-1&2-04 22 3 9.00PHE6-1&2-04 27 3 9.00LSELSE 2 9 11 9.00LSE-02-12 20 3 9.00LSE-11-(L)10 15 2 8.40LSE11(L)-10 11 1 9.00LSE11(L)-10 8 2 8.40LSE2-4-04 26 10 8.15LSE4 21 11 9.00LSE4 14 12 8.40LSE4 14 3 6:00LSE7-03 8 11 6:00

LSE7-03 14 12 8.15LSE8-05 21 12 8.15LSE8-6 12 12 9.00LSE8-6 25 1 8.40LSE8-13 28 12 8.15LSE8-13 8 3 9.00MTEMTE 6 28 3 6:00MTE 6-03 23 11 8.40MTE-09-08 17 1 6:00MTE-09-08 15 2 8.15MTE09-09 20 2 9.00MTE09-09 28 2 6:00MTE1-01 11 1 8.40MTE1-01 18 1 8.40MTE6-03 26 12 9.00MTE6-03 25 1 8.15MTE7-04 12 10 8.40MTE7-04 19 10 8.40MTE7-04 25 10 6:00MTE8-07 24 10 9.00MTE8-07 29 11 6:00MTE8-07 8 3 8.15MTE8-07- 14 11 9.00B.ComECO1-2-02 10 10 4.00ECO1-2-02 10 10 4.30ECO1-2-02 9 1 4.00ECO1-2-02 9 1 4.30ECO1-3-01V 24 10 4.00ECO1-3-01V 23 1 4.00ECO2-1-3-03 5 12 4.00ECO2-1-3-03 5 12 4.30ECO2-1-3-03 6 3 4.00ECO2-1-3-03 6 3 4.30ECO2-1-3-03 13 3 4.30ECO3-3-05 20 11 6:00ECO3-3-05 28 11 4.00ECO3-3-05 28 11 4.30ECO3-3-05 19 12 4.00ECO3-3-05 19 2 6:00ECO3-3-05 27 2 4.00ECO3-3-05 27 2 4.30ECO3-3-05 20 3 4.00ECO4-2-6 21 11 4.30ECO4-2-6 12 12 4.00ECO4-2-6 12 12 4.30ECO4-2-6 26 12 4.30ECO4-2-6 20 2 4.30ECO4-2-6 13 3 4.00ECO4-2-6 27 3 4.30ECO5-2-07 17 10 4.00ECO5-2-07 17 10 4.30ECO5-2-07 21 11 4.00ECO5-2-07 19 12 4.30ECO5-2-07 16 1 4.00ECO5-2-07 16 1 4.30ECO5-2-07 20 2 4.00ECO5-2-07 20 3 4.30ECO6-4-09 9 12 8.15ECO6-4-09 31 10 4.00ECO6-4-09 23 1 4.30ECO6-4-09 30 1 4.00ECO7-4-08 31 10 4.30ECO7-4-08 30 1 4.30ECO9-1-10 7 11 4.00ECO9-1-10 14 11 4.30ECO9-1-10 6 2 4.00ECO9-1-10 13 2 4.30ECO9-1-11 7 11 4.30

ECO9-1-11 14 11 4.00ECO9-1-11 18 12 6:00ECO9-1-11 6 2 4.30ECO9-1-11 13 2 4.00ECO9-1-11 19 3 6:00B.A.EECEEC 2&9-6 22 1 8.15EEC 2&9-07 13 11 9.00EEC 2&9-07 25 12 9.00EEC 3-05 28 12 6:00EEC 3-05 15 1 8.15EEC-1-01 1 1 8.15EEC1-02 12 2 9.00EEC1-02 12 3 9.00EEC2&7-6 2 10 8.15EEC2&9-6 27 11 9.00EEC3-05 11 12 4.00EECI-02- 23 10 8.15EEGEEG - 8 19 11 8.15EEG 03 25 3 6:00EEG 08 11 2 6:00EEG 3 24 12 9.00EEG-03 10 12 8.15EEG-08 3 12 8.15EEG-6 29 10 8.15EEG-6 4 2 8.15EEG-6 25 3 8.15EEG-8 26 11 8.15EEG-8 25 2 8.15EHDEHD - 2 & 3 31 12 8.40EHD - 6 7 1 9.00EHD 2 & 3 15 10 8.40EHD 2 & 3 31 12 8.15EHD 3 24 12 8.40EHD-1 8 10 9.00EHD-1 22 10 9.00EHD-1 18 3 8.15EHD-2 18 2 8.40EHD-2 25 2 8.40EHD-2 & 3 8 10 6:00EHD-2 & 3 8 10 8.40EHD-2 & 3 11 3 8.40EHD-3 3 12 8.40EHD-3 14 1 8.40EHD-3 14 1 9.00EHD-3 25 2 9.00EHD-3 4 3 6:00EHD-3 4 3 9.00EHD-6 7 1 6:00EHD-6 & 7 21 1 9.00EHIEHI 15 3 6:00EHI 01, EHI-05 /EEC-1-01 23 11 6:00EHI 1-05 18 12 4.00EHI-05 15 1 8.15EHI-05 19 2 8.15EHI-05 9 10 8.15EHI-6 19 3 8.15EHI-6 20 11 8.15EHI-6- 11 12 8.15EHI2-04 5 3 8.15EPAEPA 3-3-04 22 1 4.00EPA6-07 9 10 8.15EPA2-6 19 10 6:00EPA2-3-04 5 3 4.00

EPA3-3-04- 30 10 9.00EPA4&3&4-05 29 1 4.00EPA4&3&4-05 26 3 4.00EPA4-304 05 1 1 4.00EPSEPS 8-05 5 2 9.00EPS1-3-01 19 3 8.15EPS-1-301 (89) 1 1 8.15EPS-2-02 15 2 6:00EPS2-2-2-02 6 11 4.00EPS2-3-04 16 10 8.15EPS2-5-03 18 12 9.00ESOESO -09-09 5 2 8.15ESO04-10 30 10 4.00ESO-04-7-05 11 11 4.00ESO05-6 2 10 4.00ESO-6-13 15 1 4.00ESO-6-13 4 12 4.00ESO4-1-04 26 2 9.00ESO6-08 19 3 9.00ESO-6-08 26 10 6:00ESO6-13 19 2 4.00B.A./B.Com./B.Sc.AHEAHE-01 31 1 6:00AHE1 8 2 9.00AHE-1 13 12 6:00AHE1-01 12 10 9.00AHE1-01 22 2 8.15AHE1-02 19 10 9.00AHE1-03 16 11 8.15AHE1-03 16 11 9.00AHE1-04 18 1 9.00ATRATR 28 1 6:00ATR - 1 1 10 8.40ATR - 1 8 10 8.15AWRAWR 18 2 6:00FEGFEG -1 11 3 6:00FEG-2 1 10 8.15FHSFHS-03 9 11 6:00FSTFST 1 9 11 8.40FST 1 16 11 8.40FST-1 23 11 8.15FST 1 26 10 8.40BPPPCO1-1-01 3 10 4.00PCO1-1-01 16 10 6:00PCO1-1-01 2 1 4.00PCO1-1-01 15 1 6:00PCO1-3-02 3 10 4.30PCO1-3-02 26 12 4.00PCO1-3-02 2 1 4.30PCO1-3-02 27 3 4.00B.Lib.Sc.BLS-1-1-01V 30 10 8.15BLS2-2VR 23 10 4.00BLS3-04V 29 1 8.15BLS3-04V 26 3 8.15BLS3-05V 2 10 8.15BLS3-6V 13 11 8.15BLS4-09V 12 2 4.00BLS4-10V 19 2 8.15BLS4-10V 27 11 4.00BLS-4P-1-23V 30 10 4.00

P/Course Code D M TT P/Course Code D M TT P/Course Code D M TT P/Course Code D M TT



BLSI-1-OIV 22 1 8.15BTWRE / BTCMET-6 5 10 6:00ET-6 18 10 8.15ET-6 22 11 8.15ET-6 27 12 8.15ET-6 17 1 8.15ET-6 13 2 8.15ET-07 24 10 8.15ET-07 2 11 6:00ET-07 28 11 8.15ET-07 26 12 8.15ET-07 3 1 8.15ET-07 21 2 8.15ET-07 21 3 8.15ET-08 25 10 8.15ET-08 29 11 8.15ET-08 7 12 6:00ET-08 20 12 8.15ET-08 9 1 8.15ET-08 27 3 8.15ET-15 14 11 8.15ET-16 10 10 8.15ET-16 1 11 8.15ET-16 5 12 8.15ET-16 30 1 8.15ET-16 20 2 8.15ET-16 7 3 8.15ET-16 28 3 8.15ET356-1-01 3 10 8.15ET356-1-01 7 11 8.15ET356-1-01 13 12 8.15ET356-1-01 23 1 8.15ET356-1-01 1 2 6:00ET356-1-01 7 2 8.15ET356-1-01 13 3 8.15ET531-3-02 4 10 8.15ET531-3-02 8 11 8.15ET531-3-02 6 12 8.15ET531-3-02 4 1 6:00ET531-3-02 10 1 8.15ET531-3-02 28 2 8.15ET531-3-02 14 3 8.15ET532-1-04 11 10 8.15ET532-1-04 15 11 8.15ET532-1-04 19 12 8.15ET532-1-04 2 1 8.15ET532-1-04 16 1 8.15ET532-1-04 6 2 8.15ET532-1-04 1 3 6:00ET534-05 17 10 8.15ET534-05 21 11 8.15ET534-05 12 12 8.15ET534-05 24 1 8.15ET534-05 27 2 8.15ET534-05 6 3 8.15ET581-14 14 11 8.15ET581-14 /ET-15 31 10 8.15ET581-14 /ET-15 31 1 8.15ET581-14 /ET-15 14 2 8.15ET581-14 /ET-15 20 3 8.15BTSTS 18 1 6:00TS-01 8 1 4.00TS-01 2 10 4.00TS-01 23 10 4.00

TS-02 15 1 9.00TS-02 6 11 9.00TS-02 30 10 8.15TS-03 12 2 4.00TS-03 11 12 8.15TS-03 25 12 4.00PG Diploma ProgrammesPGDDEPGDDE 2-14 28 10 9.00PGDDE 2-3-04 30 12 9.00PGDDE 2-3-04 17 2 8.15PGDDE1-1-01 21 10 9.00PGDDE-311&318 30 10 3 8.40PGDDE-312-22 16 12 9.00PGDDE-313-27 8 12 6:00PGDDE-313-27 23 12 9.00PGDDE-314-16 7 10 9.00PGDDE-314-16 3 11 6:00PGDDE-314-16 29 12 6:00PGDDE-314-16 24 2 9.00PGDDE-314-21 10 3 8.15PGDDE-314-23 10 3 9.00PGDDE-315-25 31 3 8.40PGDDE-316-20 14 10 9.00PGDDE-316-20 24 3 8.15PGDDE-318-17 3 2 8.40PGDDE-318-19 17 11 6:00PGDDE-318-19 9 12 9.00PGDDE-318-19 10 2 8.40PGDDE-318-31 3 3 8.40PGDDE-318-31 24 3 8.40PGDDE-ES-311-18 2 12 9.00PGDDE-ES-314-26 18 11 9.00PGDDE-ES-315-24 20 10 6:00PGDDE-ES-315-24 25 11 9.00PGDDE-ES-315-24 3 3 9.00PGDDE-ES-319 22 12 6:00PGDDE-ES-319 16 3 6:00PGDDE-ES-319-36VTM 31 3 9.00PGDLANPGDLAN-01 5 3 9.00PGDLAN-01 6 11 4.00PGDLAN-03 5 2 4.00PGDLAN-03 1 1 9.00PGDLAN-04 29 1 4.00PGDLAN-04 24 11 4.00PGDLAN-04 4 12 9.00PGDLAN-05 16 10 9.00PGDLAN-MLI-00125 1 6:00PGDLAN-MLI-00530 11 6:00PGDMCHPGDMCH - 10 2 11 9.00PGDMCH - 4 5 10 9.00PGDMCH - 4 7 11 9.00PGDMCH - 5 2 11 8.15PGDMCH - 6 2 11 8.40PGDMCH-4 3 1 6:00PGDMCH-4 1 2 8.15PGDMCH-4 6 3 9.00PGDMCH-6 5 12 9.00PGDMCH-7 6 2 9.00PGDMCH-8 1 3 8.40PGDTPGDT-1 28 1 8.40PGDT-2 19 11 9.00PGDT-2 4 2 6:00PGDT-2 4 2 9.00PGDT-3 29 10 8.40

PGDT-3 29 10 9.00PGDT-3 28 1 9.00PGDT-3 25 3 8.40PGDT-3 25 3 9.00PGDT-4 18 2 9.00PGDT-4 17 12 9.00PGJMCPGJMC 2 2 9.00PGJMC 16 2 8.40PGJMC 16 2 9.00PGJMC 23 2 8.40PGJMC 23 2 9.00PGJMC 6 10 8.40PGJMC 20 10 8.40PGJMC 23 10 6:00PGJMC 3 11 9.00PGJMC 10 11 8.15PGJMC 27 11 6:00PGJMC 1 12 8.40PGJMC 14 12 8.15PGJMC 14 12 8.40PGJMC 25 12 6:00PGJMC 5 1 8.40PGJMC 5 1 9.00PGJMC 19 1 8.40PGJMC 22 1 6:00PGJMC 26 1 8.40PGJMC 29 1 6:00PGJMC 26 2 6:00PGJMC 9 3 8.15PGJMC 9 3 8.40PGJMC 23 3 8.15PGJMC 26 3 6:00PGJMC-1 30 10 6:00PGDRDRDD - 1 23 2 8.15RDD - 1 1 12 8.15RDD - 1 8 12 9.00RDD - 1 22 12 9.00RDD - 1 30 3 8.15RDD - 1 30 3 8.40RDD - 2 17 11 9.00RDD - 2 29 12 8.40RDD - 3 20 10 9.00RDD - 3 29 12 9.00RDD - 3 16 3 9.00RDD - 4 6 10 8.15RDD - 4 13 10 8.15RDD - 4 29 12 8.15RDD - 4 30 3 9.00RDD-1 25 3 4.00RDD-4 19 1 9.00PGDHEDHE-08 17 2 8.40DHE-10 6 10 6:00DHE-10 17 3 9.00DHE-302-04 17 3 8.15DHE-303-09 17 3 8.40DHE-303-12 9 12 8.40DHE-304-05 11 11 9.00DHE-ES-301-1-07 1 12 6:00DHE-ES-301-1-07 6 1 9.00DHE-ES-302-03 13 1 9.00DHE-ES-303-02 24 11 6:00DHE-ES-303-02 20 1 9.00Diploma ProgrammesDAFEDAFE - 1 20 10 8.15DAFE - 1 23 11 9.00DAFE - 1 8 12 8.15

DAFE - 1 14 12 9.00DAFE - 2 12 1 9.00DAFE - 5 16 2 8.15DAFE - 5 10 11 9.00DAFE-1 2 3 9.00DAFE-4 26 1 8.15DAFE-5 16 3 8.15DAFE-04 29 10 6:00DAFE-6 21 1 6:00DCEDCE 15 10 6:00DCE 3 12 6:00DCE 17 12 6:00DCE 14 1 8.15DCE 7 10 8.15DCE 11 2 8.15DCE 11 3 8.15DCE - 3 17 12 8.15DCE 4 31 12 6:00DCE 5 14 1 6:00DCE-3 12 11 9.00DCHDCH - 2 1 10 9.00DCH - 2 19 11 8.40DCH - 6 7 1 8.40DCH-2 22 10 6:00DCH-2 22 10 8.40DCH-2 12 11 6:00DCH-2 12 11 8.40DCH-2 26 11 8.40DCH-2 11 2 8.40DCH-2 4 3 8.40DCH-3 10 12 8.40DCH-6 5 11 8.40DCH-6 11 2 9.00DCH-6 18 3 9.00DDEDDE 10 11 6:00DDE 3 2 9.00DDE 10 2 9.00DDE/ES-318 27 1 9.00DECEDECE/ACC 26 11 6:00DECE/ACC 18 3 6:00DNHEDNHE 22 12 8.40DNHE - 1 27 10 8.40DNHE - 1 3 11 8.15DNHE - 1 3 11 8.40DNHE - 1 17 11 8.15DNHE - 1 17 11 8.40DNHE - 1 23 11 8.15DNHE - 1 1 12 9.00DNHE - 1 16 3 8.40DNHE - 3 6 10 9.00DNHE - 3 27 10 8.15DNHE - 3 27 10 9.00DNHE - 3 12 1 8.15DNHE - 3 2 3 8.40DNHE-1 2 2 8.15DNHE-1 2 2 8.40DNHE-1 23 3 8.40DNHE-1 23 3 9.00DPEDPE 15 12 6:00DPE-01 16 12 8.15DPE-03 23 12 8.15DPE-04 6 1 8.15DPE-04 27 1 8.15DPE-05 13 1 8.15

P/Course Code D M TT P/Course Code D M TT P/Course Code D M TT P/Course Code D M TT



DPE-ES201-02 20 1 8.15AFW-1 15 10 9.00AFW-2 28 1 8.15BIT/ADIT-01 4 11 6:00BiT/ADIT-03 11 11 6:00BIT/ADIT-04 18 11 6:00BIT/ADIT-100 9 11 4.00BIT/ADIT-100 7 1 4.00BIT/ADIT-101 10 11 4.00BIT/ADIT-101 7 3 4.00BIT/ADIT-103 11 11 4.00BIT/ADIT-103 8 3 4.00BIT/ADIT-104 12 11 4.00BIT/ADIT-104 10 1 4.00BIT/ADIT-104 9 3 4.00BIT/ADIT-105 11 1 4.00BIT/ADIT-105 10 3 4.00BIT/ADIT-107 15 11 4.00BIT/ADIT-107 13 1 4.00BIT/ADIT-109 16 11 4.00BIT/ADIT-109 14 1 4.00BIT/ADIT-11 25 11 6:00BIT/ADIT-110 17 11 4.00BIT/ADIT-110 14 3 4.00BIT/ADIT-111 18 11 4.00BIT/ADIT-111 15 3 4.00BIT/ADIT-112 19 11 4.00BIT/ADIT-112 17 1 4.00BIT/ADIT-112 16 3 4.00BIT/ADIT-113 18 1 4.00BIT/ADIT-113 17 3 4.00BIT/ADIT-114 19 1 4.00BIT/ADIT-114 18 3 4.00BIT/ADIT-116 22 11 4.00BIT/ADIT-116 20 1 4.00BIT/ADIT-119 23 11 4.00BIT/ADIT-119 21 1 4.00BIT/ADIT-12 2 12 6:00BIT/ADIT-120 24 11 4.00BIT/ADIT-120 21 3 4.00BIT/ADIT-121 25 11 4.00BIT/ADIT-121 22 3 4.00BIT/ADIT-122 26 11 4.00BIT/ADIT-122 24 1 4.00BIT/ADIT-122 23 3 4.00BIT/ADIT-128 25 1 4.00BIT/ADIT-128 24 3 4.00BIT/ADIT-129 26 1 4.00BIT/ADIT-129 25 3 4.00BIT/ADIT-13 9 12 6:00BIT/ADIT-130 30 11 4.00BIT/ADIT-130 27 1 4.00BIT/ADIT-131 28 1 4.00BIT/ADIT-15 16 12 6:00BIT/ADIT-16 12 1 4.00BIT/ADIT-16 11 3 4.00BIT/ADIT-16 1 10 4.00BIT/ADIT-16 1 12 4.00BIT/ADIT-16 28 3 4.00BIT/ADIT-17 2 12 4.00BIT/ADIT-17 1 10 8.40BIT/ADIT-18 23 12 6:00BIT/ADIT-22 3 12 4.00BIT/ADIT-22 31 1 4.00BIT/ADIT-22 30 3 4. 0BIT/ADIT-24 30 12 6:00BIT/ADIT-25 6 1 6:00BIT/ADIT-26 13 1 6:00BIT/ADIT-28 20 1 6:00BIT/ADIT-30 27 1 6:00BIT/ADIT-31 3 3 6:00

BIT/ADIT-32 10 3 6:00BIT/ADIT-33 17 3 6:00BIT/ADIT-34 24 3 6:00BIT/ADIT-35 31 3 6:00BIT/ADIT-48 6 10 4.00BIT/ADIT-48 1 2 4.00BIT/ADIT-48 31 3 4. 0BIT/ADIT-49 7 10 4.00BIT/ADIT-49 2 2 4.00BIT/ADIT-51 8 10 4.00BIT/ADIT-51 6 12 4.00BIT/ADIT-51 3 2 4.00BIT/ADIT-52 7 12 4.00BIT/ADIT-52 4 2 4.00BIT/ADIT-54 8 12 4.00BIT/ADIT-55 11 10 4.00BIT/ADIT-55 9 12 4.00BIT/ADIT-56 12 10 4.00BIT/ADIT-56 10 12 4.00BIT/ADIT-60 13 10 4.00BIT/ADIT-61 14 10 4.00BIT/ADIT-61 9 2 4.00BIT/ADIT-62 15 10 4.00BIT/ADIT-62 13 12 4.00BIT/ADIT-62 10 2 4.00BIT/ADIT-66 14 12 4.00BIT/ADIT-66 11 2 4.00BIT/ADIT-67 15 12 4.00BIT/ADIT-68 18 10 4.00BIT/ADIT-68 16 12 4.00BIT/ADIT-69 19 10 4.00BIT/ADIT-69 17 12 4.00BIT/ADIT-72 20 10 4.00BIT/ADIT-72 14 2 4.00BIT/ADIT-73 21 10 4.00BIT/ADIT-73 15 2 4.00BIT/ADIT-74 22 10 4.00BIT/ADIT-74 20 12 4.00BIT/ADIT-74 16 2 4.00BIT/ADIT-75 21 12 4.00BIT/ADIT-75 17 2 4.00BIT/ADIT-76 22 12 4.00BIT/ADIT-76 18 2 4.00BIT/ADIT-77 25 10 4.00BIT/ADIT-77 23 12 4.00BIT/ADIT-78 26 10 4.00BIT/ADIT-78 24 12 4.00BIT/ADIT-79 27 10 4.00BIT/ADIT-79 21 2 4.00BIT/ADIT-81 28 10 4.00BIT/ADIT-81 22 2 4.00BIT/ADIT-83 29 10 4.00BIT/ADIT-83 27 12 4.00BIT/ADIT-83 23 2 4.00BIT/ADIT-85 28 12 4.00BIT/ADIT-85 24 2 4.00BIT/ADIT-86 29 12 4.00BIT/ADIT-86 25 2 4.00BIT/ADIT-87 1 11 4.00BIT/ADIT-87 30 12 4.00BIT/ADIT-88 2 11 4.00BIT/ADIT-88 31 12 4. 0BIT/ADIT-89 3 11 4.00BIT/ADIT-89 28 2 4.00BIT/ADIT-90 4 11 4.00BIT/ADIT-90 1 3 4.00BIT/ADIT-91 5 11 4.00BIT/ADIT-91 3 1 4.00BIT/ADIT-91 2 3 4.00BIT/ADIT-95 4 1 4.00BIT/ADIT-95 3 3 4.00

BIT/ADIT-96 5 1 4.00BIT/ADIT-96 4 3 4.00BIT/ADIT-99 8 11 4.00BIT/ADIT-99 6 1 4.00BNS-002 1 2 8.40BNS-003 4 1 9.00BS3 9 3 6:00BS3/2026 25 11 8.40BS3/2112 23 2 6:00BS3/2188 2 3 6:00BS3/2217 5 1 6:00BS3/2217 12 1 6:00BS3/2217 19 1 6:00BS3/2218 2 2 6:00BS3/2289 9 2 6:00BS3/2289 16 2 6:00CD4-03 19 3 4.00CDHI-II 11 12 4.00CDM 1-10 12 2 8.15CDM 1-11 5 3 4.00CDM-01-09 16 10 4.00CDM-02 19 3 4.00CDM-04 21 12 6:00CDM-08 29 3 6:00CDM1-10 12 3 8.15CDM1-10 6 11 8.15CDM-1-6-01 8 3 6:00CDMI-6- 4 12 4.00CIC2-1-01- 7 10 6:00CIC2-1-01- 3 2 6:00CIC2-1-01 /CIC2-1-02 4 10 4.00CIC2-1-01 /CIC2-1-02 7 2 4.00CIC2-1-02- 14 10 6:00CIC2-1-02- 10 2 6:00CIC2-2-03 21 10 6:00CIC2-2-03 17 2 6:00CIC2-2-03 /CIC2-2-04 5 10 4.00CIC2-2-03 /CIC2-2-04 8 2 4.00CIC2-2-04 28 10 6:00CIC2-2-04 24 2 6:00CLD 16 11 6:00CLD 11 1 6:00CLD 8 2 6:00CLD-01 27 11 8.15CLD-01-09- 11 12 9.00CLD1-01-09 19 2 9.00CLD1-03 26 2 8.15CLD1-6 29 1 9.00CLD1-6 26 3 9.00CLD1-6 23 10 9.00CLD-4-01 22 1 9.00CPLT-01 29 3 8.15CPLT-03 23 11 9.00CPLT-03 29 3 8.40CPLT1-04 26 10 9.00CPLT1-04 22 2 9.00CPLT1-05 30 11 8.15CPLT-1-05- 30 11 9.00CPLT-1-05- 27 2 9.00CPLT1-07- 31 10 9.00CPLT1-07- 21 12 9.00CPLT4-03 28 11 9.00CPLT4-03 29 3 9.00CPLT4-6 21 12 8.40CPLT4-6 30 1 9.00CPR-01 7 3 6:00

CPR-02 7 12 9.00CTE 5 11 6:00CTE 7 1 8.15CTE 18 2 8.15CTPM1 28 12 8.40CWDL 9 2 9.00CWDL 13 10 9.00CWDL 23 11 8.40CWDL 22 12 8.15CWDL 5 1 8.15CWDL 19 1 8.15CWDL 26 1 9.00CWDL 2 3 8.15CWDL 9 3 9.00DEC 4 3 8.15DNE 24 12 6:00EFG3-05- 8 1 8.15ES 02-031 8 1 8.15ES03-II 20 11 9.00ES-102-01- (98) 17 2 9.00ES-102-01- (98) 24 2 8.15ES-102-01- (98) 23 3 6:00ES-102-01- (98) 30 3 6:00ES-102-02 27 10 6:00ES-102-02- (98) 4 11 9.00ES-102-02- (98) 3 3 8.15ES-102-02- (98) 24 3 9.00ES-333 (B.Ed.) 3 2 8.15ES-342 (B.Ed.) 10 2 8.15PFH3-04 25 12 4.00PFM-01 26 2 4.00PFM-01 9 10 4.00PFM-02 12 3 4.00PFM-02 20 11 4.00PFM-03 29 1 8.15PFM-03 26 3 8.15PFM-03 20 11 8.15PFM3-04 8 1 9.00PGCHRR-05 5 2 4.00PGCMRR 1-6 25 12 8.15PGCMRR 4-09 2 10 9.00PGCMRR-01 22 2 6:00PGCMRR-01 5 2 8.15PGCMRR1-05 15 1 4.00PGCMRR1-07 13 11 4.00PGCMRR1-6 27 11 4.00PGCMRR4-04 26 2 8.15PGCMRR4-09 8 1 4.00PGDHHM 3 10 9.00PGDHHM - 4 4 10 6:00PGDHHM - 4 5 10 8.15PGDHHM - 4 5 10 8.40PGDHHM - 4 1 11 6:00PGDHHM-4 7 12 8.15PGDHHM-4 4 1 8.15PGDHHM-9 4 1 8.40PGMCH-6 6 12 6:00PMT1-02 15 3 8.15PSS1-2-01 4 12 8.15PSS1-503- 1 1 4.00PSSI-02 13 11 8.15PSSI-5-03 5 3 8.15PSSI-5-03 16 10 8.15Savini-01 13 11 4.00Savini-02 4 12 8.15Savini-02 18 12 8.15Savini03- 25 12 8.15Savini-03- 16 10 4.00Savini-07 12 3 4.00Savini-6 23 10 8.15

P/Course Code D M TT P/Course Code D M TT P/Course Code D M TT P/Course Code D M TT





Programmes in Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)

IGNOU, through its National Centre for Distance Learningin Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), has launched a three-month awareness course in June 2004. The course dealswith the basic components of IPR like Patents, Copyrights,Trademarks, Industrial Designs, with an emphasis on thepresent scenario in India. This course is open for graduatesof any stream.

A P.G. Diploma Programme in IPR is being launched incollaboration with WIPO w.e.f July 2004. This Post GraduateDiploma Programme in Intellectual Property Rights is aimedat professionals involved in Intellectual Property Creation.It will equip the learners about the procedural aspects ofobtaining Intellectual Property Rights and exercising theserights. This programme is of one-year duration.

PG Certificate in Copyediting and Proofreading

Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) haslaunched a new academic programme viz. PG Certificate inCopyediting and Proofreading (PGCCP) to commence fromJanuary 2005 session. This Programme is meant to developeditorial skills of both newcomers and practicingprofessionals in the fields of editing and proofreading so asto improve their potential for income generation.

Eligibility Graduate with English as one of thesubjects. Familiarity with computers andword processing is a necessity.

Medium English

Fee Rs. 3,300/-

Duration Minimum duration of the course is 6months. However, it can be completed ina maximum of 2 years.

The Prospectus can be obtained from Regional Centres ofIGNOU at Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Bhopal, Chennai, Delhi,Jaipur, Kolkata, Lucknow, Pune and Shimla or from Registrar(SR&E), Maidan Garhi, New Delhi - 110 068, in person, onpayment of Rs.30/- in cash or through post by sending anIPO or Demand Draft of Rs.80/- drawn in favour of IGNOUpayable at New Delhi or at the city of the Regional Centreconcerned, from where prospectus is required. Last date forreceipt of completed application form is Nov. 30, 2004.

B.Sc. Nautical Science

The Diploma in Nautical Science leading to B.Sc (NauticalScience) in collaboration with Directorate General ofShipping (DGS), Mumbai is aimed at orienting the cadetsfor the life at sea providing by a vocationally orientedtraining programme which includes the combination ofstrong underpinning knowledge of marine subjects, practicalapplications of theory and correct attitude.

PROGRAMMES IN FOCUSSession 8th January 2005Commences

Eligibility 1. 10+ 2 with Mathematics, Physics andChemistry with not less than 55% marksin PCM, OR with Physics as an individualsubject in one of the years, B.Sc. inPhysics, Chemistry, Maths or Electronicswith not less than 55% marks in the finalyear, OR B.E./ B.Tech Degree from I.I.T.or from a college recognised by AICTE/UGC/ DEC, AND

2. Should have passed with not less than50% marks in English language as asubject, at either 10th or 12th standard or inthe Degree course, conducted by a Boardor any University.

Age Limit Not more than 20 years in case of 10 + 2(as on 1st passed. Not more than 22 years in case ofJanuary 2005) B. Sc. Degree. Not more than 24 years in

case of B.E./ B.Tech.

The age limit is relaxable by 2 yrs. in caseof female candidates.

Physical Medically fit as per the standards set byStandards M.S. Medical Examination Rules, 2000,


Eyesight – 6/6 in each eye without visualaids. Normal colour vision. Candidateshave to undergo a full eyesight test andproduce a certificate from a RegisteredMedical Practitioner, at the time ofinterview.

Selection Candidates will be selected on the basisProcedure of an Entrance Test followed by an

interview. The Entrance Test will be heldon 17th October 2004.

Last date for submission of application to Registrar (SRED),IGNOU, New Delhi is 30th September 2004.

Bachelor of Social Work (BSW)

IGNOU has launched Bachelor of Social Work (BSW)from the July 2004 session. The details of the programmeis as follows :

Eligibility 10+2 or its equivalent or BPP fromIGNOU

Medium English/ Hindi

Fee 1st year – Rs. 2,600/- ; 2nd & 3rd years - Rs.2,500/- each

Duration Minimum- 3 years; Maximum – 6 years.



UPDATE ON STUDY CENTRESThe University has established a number of new study centres. Students may shift to new study centres if they find themmore convenient, subject to activation of programmes they are enrolled for and availability of seats. The request for changemay be made as per the procedure laid down in the respective Programme Guides.



1. Agartala (2610) Sh. Birchandra Debarma CPEProgramme Incharge, IGNOU Prog. Study CentreDIET, Kakraban, Tripura South-799105, TripuraPh.Off: 03821-265227

2. Agartala (2611) Sh. Naraian Banik CPEProgramme Incharge, IGNOU Prog. Study CentreSCERT, PO Abhayanagar, Agartala,Tripura West-799005, TripuraPh.Off: 2354209


3. Ahmedabad (0953) Dr. R.J. Pathak MEG BPP BA BCOM PGDIBOCoordinator, IGNOU Study Centre DAFE DECE MCOM DNHE DTSR.R. Mehta College of Science & C.L. Parikh CPLT CAFE CDM CFN CIGCollege of Commerce, Opp. S.T. Workshop, CNCC CTE MPS MAH MHDNear Highway Cross Road, Palanpur, CWDL CICDistrict Banaskantha-385001, GujaratPh.Off: 02742-259957


4 Aizawl (1917P) Ms. Lalfamkimi BSC(N)Prog. I/C, IGNOU Programme Study CentreRegional Institute of Paramedical and Nursing (RIPAN),Aizawl-796017, MizoramPh.Off: 0389-2350521/2350855


5. Bangalore (1339) Dr. S.B. Hagaragi BPP BA BCOM BSC BTS BLISBasavaprabhu Kore Arts, MLIS MEG MHD DCE DCH CICScience & Commerce College CRD CCP CTE CTPM PGJMCChikodi, District Belgaum - 591201, Karnataka PGDRD CFN CIG DECEPh.Off: 08338-672176

6. Bangalore (1340P) Col. Gurdeep Singh DEMEProgramme Incharge, IGNOU Prog. Study CentreMEG & Centre Superintendent of Training (ST),Near Alsoor Lake, Bangalore, KarnatakaPh. Off: 080-56709619

7. Bangalore (1341P) Smt. Roopmala R. Koneri BEDProgramme Incharge, IGNOU Prog. Study CentreNew Horizon College, 100 ft. Road, Indira Nagar,Bangalore - 560008, KarnatakaPh. Off: 080-25261735

8. Bangalore (1342P) Dr. (Smt.) S.S. Desai BEDProgramme Incharge, IGNOU Prog. Study CentreKLE Society College of Education, Unkal Cross,Vidya Nagar, Hubli - 580031, KarnatakaPh. Off: 2372901


9. Bhopal (1557P) Dr. J.S. Chauhan BTCM BTWREProg. I/C, IGNOU Prog. Study CentreCivil Engg. Technology Development Centre,Sati Campus, Vidisha - 464001, Madhya PradeshPh.Off: 07592-250412


Newsletter10. Bhopal (1158P) Sh. S.K. Joshi BED

Prog. I/C, IGNOU Prog. Study CentreVidya Sagar College, 48-49, Barwani Plaza, Old Palasia,Indore-452016, Madhya PradeshPh.Off: 0731-2847670-71


11. Bhubaneshwar (2152P) Sh. Santosh Kumar Nayak BTCM BTWRE ADCM ADWREProgramme Incharge, IGNOU Prog. Study CentreUma Charan Patnaik Engineering School,Berhampur, District Ganjam - 760010, OrissaPh.Off: 0680-229186

12. Bhubaneshwar (2153D) Mr. Dillip Kumar Nanda BPP BA BCOM DHNE CFNCoordinator, IGNOU Special Study Centre-RA CNCC CRD CWDLSahaya, AT: Panchumu; Via Godipada,District Nayagarh-752092, OrissaPh.Off: 06753-265047

13. Bhubaneshwar (2154D) Dr. Sushil Kumar Dash BPP BA BCOM PGDRD DNHECoordinator, IGNOU Spl. Study Centre-RA CES CFN CIG CNCC CRD CWDLSocial Education for Women’s Awareness (SEWA), CWED CAFE PGCMRRAT/PO: Kolabira, District Jhansuguda-768213, OrissaPh. Off: 06645-285113

14. Bhubaneshwar (2155D) Sh. Lingaraj Misra BPP BA BCOM CLP CICCoordinator, IGNOU Spl. Study Centre-SC/STMalkangiri College, AT/PO: Malkangiri,District Malkangiri - 764048, OrissaPh. Off: 06861-230207

15. Bhubaneshwar (2156D) Sh. Jamoj Parichha BPP BA BCOM CLP CICCoordinator, IGNOU Spl. Study Centre-RAGramya Pragati, Balliguda, Kandhamal (Phulbani)-762103, OrissaPh. Off: 06846-243316

16. Bhubaneshwar (2157D) Sh. Buthi Behera BPP BA BCOM CLP CICCoordinator, IGNOU Spl. Study Centre-RASankalpa, Badatika, AT/PO/VIA: Loisingha,District Bolangir-767020, Orissa

17. Bhubaneshwar (2158P) Dr. Pradeep Kumar Danga BEDProg. I/C, IGNOU Prog. Study CentreDAV College of Teacher Education, Koraput-764020, OrissaPh. Off: 06852-41379


18. Chennai (2550D) Mr. Kumarasamy BPP BA BCOM CFN CIC DECECoordinator, IGNOU Special Study Centre-IN CES CTSCentral Prison, Tiruchirapalli, Tamil NaduPh.Off: 0431-420212


19. Cochin (1441 P) Dr. Biji James BCOM MCOMProgramme Incharge, IGNOU Prog. Study CentreMar Ivanios Instt. of Advanced StudiesMar Ivanios College Campus, Nalanchira,District Trivandrum - 695015, KeralaPh.Off: 0471-2543849/2543838

20. Cochin (1442 P) Sh. A. Kuttialikutty BCOM MCOMProgramme Incharge, IGNOU Prog. Study CentreFarook College, Calicut, District Kozhikode-673672, KeralaPh.Off: 0495-2440660/2440661

21. Cochin (1443 P) Sh. R. Jagadish BCOMProgramme Incharge, IGNOU Prog. Study CentreS.S.V. College, Valayayanchirangara P.O., Perumbavoor,District Ernakulam-683556, KeralaPh. Off: 0484-2656938

22. Cochin (1444 P) Dr. V.V. George Kutty BCOM MCOMProgramme Incharge, IGNOU Prog. Study CentreSt. Thomas College, Pala, Arunapuram,District Kottayam-686574, KeralaPh. Off: 04822-212317



23. Cochin (1445 P) Sh. V.P. Abdul Nasar BCOMProgramme Incharge, IGNOU Prog. Study CentreUnity Women’s College, Manjeri, Narukara,District Mallapuram - 676122, KeralaPh. Off: 0483-276142

24. Cochin (1446 P) Dr. C. Viswanathan BCOMProgramme Incharge, IGNOU Prog. Study CentreSree Narayana College, Mararikulam North Village,Cherthala, District Allapuzha - 688562, KeralaPh. Off: 0478-2864297

25. Cochin (1447 P) Sh. P. Ramadasan BCOM MCOMProgramme Incharge, IGNOU Prog. Study CentreSree Krishna College, Ariyannur, Guruvayur,District Thrissure-680102, KeralaPh. Off: 04885-235027

26. Cochin (1448 P) Sh. K.V. Sasivarma BCOMProgramme Incharge, IGNOU Prog. Study CentreSree Krishnapuram V.T. Chattathiripad College,Mannampatta, District Palakadd-697517, KeralaPh. Off: 0466-2261285

27. Cochin (1449 P) Dr. V. Gangadharan BCOMProgramme Incharge, IGNOU Prog. Study CentreNehru Arts & Science College, Kanhangad,Padanekat, District Kasaragod-671328, KeralaPh. Off: 0467-2284625/2280335

28. Cochin (1450 P) Sh. K. Riyas BCOMProgramme Incharge, IGNOU Prog. Study CentreW.M.O. Arts & Science College, Muttil, Kalpetta,District Wayanad-673122, KeralaPh. Off: 04936-203382


29. Delhi ‘1’ (0722 P) Dr. Gian Singh MCA MLIS BLISCoordinator, IGNOU Study CentreNational Institute of Science Communication andInformation Resources, 14, Satsang Vihar Marg,Near Qutab Hotel, New Delhi-110067Ph. Off: 011-26560162/26560141-43

30. Delhi ‘1’ (1029 P) Ms Navanit Kaur Mann CIC BCA MCAProgramme Incharge, IGNOU Prog. Study CentreGenesis Infotech, 258/1, Adarsh Nagar, New Railway Road,Gurgaon-122001, HaryanaPh. Off: 0124-2323388/2336688


31. Delhi ‘2’ (0778 P) Mr. Vivek Ranjan CIC BCA MCARukmini Devi Institute of Advanced Studies2A & 2B, Phase I, MadhubanChowk, Rohini, Delhi - 110085Ph.Off: 011-27867301 / 27864596


32. Dehradun (3707 P) Col. Sanjeev Bajaj DCLEProgramme Incharge, IGNOU Prog. Study CentreBeg & Centre, Superintendent of Training (ST).Roorkee, UttaranchalPh. Off: 01332-272461

GUWAHATI33. Guwahati (0446 P) Dr. Nipon Sharma PGDHHM

Programme Incharge, IGNOU Prog. Study CentreInternational Hospital, Lotus Tower, G.S. RoadGuwahati-5, AssamPh. Off: 0361-2347700-07


Newsletter34. Guwahati (0447 P) Dr. B.P. Chakraborty PGDGM

Programme Incharge, IGNOU Prog. Study CentreGuwahati Medical College, PO Indrapur,Guwahati-32, AssamPh. Off: 0361-2342323


35. Hyderabad (0131 P) Mr. P. Ganga Rao BEDProg. I/C, IGNOU Prog. Study CentreS.G.S. Govt. IASE Rajahmundry,District East Godavari-533101, Andhra PradeshPh. Off: 0883-2442628


36. Itanagar (0305) Dr. Prasidha Narayan Choubey BPP BA BCOM CDM BTS DTSCoordinator, IGNOU Study Centre PGDRD PGJMCIndira Gandhi Government College,Tezu, District Lohit-792001Arunachal PradeshPh. Off: 03804-22329


37. Karnal (1030) Dr. R.K. Gupta BPP BA BCOM BSC DCH DCECoordinator, IGNOU Study Centre BTS PGDRD PGDT DNHE CTER.K.S.D. (P.G.) College, District Kaithal, Haryana CPLT MAH MCOM MEG MPSPh. Off: 01746-222368 MHD CAFE DAFE


38. Khanna (2218 D) Mr. Hirday Paul Singh BPP BA BCOM CAFE DAFE CFNCoordinator, IGNOU Special Study Centre-RA BTS CIC DCH DCE CDM CHRGurbaksh Singh Nanak Singh Foundation CTE CTPMPreetnagar, District Amritsar-143110, PunjabPh. Off: 01858-274076

39. Khanna (2219 D) Sh. Kuldeep Singh BPP BA BCOM MEG MHD MPSCoordinator, IGNOU Spl. Study Centre-IN MAH CAFE DAFECentral Jail, Airport Road, Amritsar, PunjabPh. Off: 01858-2591973

40. Khanna (2220 D) Sh. Jagjit Singh Shinh BPP BA BCOM MEG MHD MPSCoordinator, IGNOU Spl. Study Centre-IN MAH CAFE DAFECentral Jail, Tajpur Road, Ludhiana, PunjabPh. Off: 0161-2660106

41. Khanna (2221 D) Sh. Gurusharan Singh Sidhu BPP BA BCOM MEG MHD MPSCoordinator, IGNOU Spl. Study Centre-IN MAH CAFE DAFECentral Jail, Patiala, PunjabPh. Off: 0175-2366546

42. Khanna (2222 P) Dr.(Ms) Jasbir Kaur BSC(N)Prog. I/C, IGNOU Prog. Study CentreDayananda Medical College & Hospital,Civil Lines, Ludhiana-141001, PunjabPh. Off: 0161-2441105/2442853/2442854


43. Kohima (2013) Dr. K. Nishena Nekha BPP BA BCOM MEG PGDHECoordinator, IGNOU Study CentreWangkhao Government College, Mon-798621,Nagaland,Ph. Off: 03869-221892

44. Kohima (2014P) Mrs. Lucky Bandag BLIS, MLISProgramme Incharge, IGNOU Prog. Study CentreCentral Library, Nagaland University,Kohima-797001, NagalandPh. Off: 0370-2270445/2270237


45. Patna (0575 P) Sh. Naveen Anshu CIC BCA MCAProgramme Incharge, IGNOU Prog. Study CentreCWRS Bihar College of Engineering, Patna, BiharPh. Off: 0612-2662611



46. Patna (0574 B) Sh. Arvind Kumar BPP BACoordinator, IGNOU Study CentreSir Newton Inter Science College, Near Palson Dairy,Amarpali Path, Digha, District Patna-800001, BiharPh. Off: 0612-2560892

47. Patna (0576) Dr. Panna Kumar BPP BA BCOM BTS PGDIBOCoordinator, IGNOU Study Centre PGDRD DTS DCH DNHE CTSPBS College, Banka-813102, Bihar CTE CHR CDM CES CFN CCPPh. Off: 0624-232246

48. Patna (0556) Dr. Kashi Singh BPP BA (History, Political Science,Coordinator, IGNOU Study Centre Hindi, Sociology), MAH PGDRBS.P. Jain College, Sasaram, BTSRohtas District-821115, BiharPh. Off: 06184-22178


49. Pune (5404) Sh. S.K. RathCoordinator, IGNOU Army Recog. Study CentreSC HRDC-I, C/o BEG Centre, Kirkee, Pune-411003Ph. Off: 020-25803019

50. Pune (1635 P) Dr. N.K. Hase PGDGMProgramme Incharge, IGNOU Prog. Study CentreLok Manya Tilak Municipal Medical College &General Hospital, Sion, Mumbai-400022, MaharashtraPh. Off: 044-24076381

51. Pune (1637 P) Col. Balraj Singh DCLEProgramme Incharge, IGNOU Prog. Study CentreBEG Centre, Superintendent of Training (ST), Kirkee,Pune-411003, MaharashtraPh. Off: 020-25803005


52. Raipur (3510) Dr. Sushil Chandra Tiwari BA BCOM BSC MP PGJMC DAFECoordinator, IGNOU Study Centre DPE DTS DNHE DCE DCH CESGovt. Digvijaya College, Rajnandgaon-491441 CFN CHR CTE CTPM CWDLChattisgarh CHE PGCR PGDRD


53. Shillong (1830) Sh. Stanley Sohlang BPP BA CICCoordinator, IGNOU Study CentreUnion Christian College,Barapani, RI-Bhoi, Meghalaya-793122Ph. Off: 0364-2570295


54. Shimla (1132) Sh. Rajesh Bhardwar BPP BA BCOM BTSCoordinator, IGNOU Study CentreG.G.D.S.D. College, Village Rajpur, Palampur,District Kangra, Himachal PradeshPh. Off: 01894-239041

Study Centres Closed and ShiftedThe following Study Centres have been closed and shifted. Students of the Closed / Shifted Study Centres should contact the respective RegionalDirectors for information about their new Study Centre.

Sl. Study Centre Closed Study Centre Name & Address of the NewNo. Code and Region Study Centre

1. Khanna (2213P) College of Computer & Imp. Tech. Er. Sarabjeet Singh(CCIT) Prog. I/C IGNOU Prog. Study Centre

College of Computer & Info. Tech.497-LX, Club Lane, Near Junj Ghar,Model Town,Ludhiana-141002, PunjabPh. Off: 0161-2425815/3111285

2. Delhi ‘I’ (0760P) 29/1, Double Story Indian Inst. of Computer Tech.Ashok Nagar, Jail Road AL-7, Hari Nagar, Main Jail Road, New Delhi-110058New Delhi-110018 Ph. Off: 011-5408638



Study Centres Closed


1. Delhi ‘2’ (0746P) Millennium 2000Gagan Vihar, Delhi-110051

2. Jaipur (2315P) Astha Training CentreNetaji Road, Sukhdevi Nagar,Via BaragaonBedala-313001, Rajasthan

3. Ahmedabad (0915R) Bharatiya Kelvani TrustVishwajyoti Ashram, Opp. GTCLVishwamitri, Vadodara-390011,Gujarat

4. Cochin (1433P) Regional Computer College1st & 2nd Floor, Statue Junction,Thiruvananthapuram-695001,Kerala

5. Ahmedabad (0945D) Adarsh Residential School (Boys)Behind I.T.I., AT & PO Nasawadi,District Vadodara, Gujarat

Activation of New Programmes in Existing Regional Centres






6. Bhubaneshwar BSW, MAH, MPS, M.COM,PGDAPP, PGDRB






12. Gangtok MAH, MPS, PGDRB13. Guwahati MAH, MPS, M.COM, PGDAPP,

PGDRB, CTE14. Hyderabad BSW, MAH, MPS, M.COM,



16. Itanagar MAH, MPS, M.COM, PGDRB17. Jaipur BSW, MAH, MPS, M.COM,





21. Kohima MAH, MPS, PGDRB22. Kolkata BSW, MAH, MPS, M.COM









30. Srinagar BSW, MAH, MPS, PGDRB

Sl.No. Regional Centre Prog. ActivatedSl.No. Regional Centre Prog. Activated


6. Ahmedabad (0946D) Adarsh Residential SchoolOpp. Sarkari Vasahat, Ota Road,Fort Songadh, District Surat, Gujarat

7. Ahmedabad (0947D) Adarsh Residential School (Boys)Near Lal Dungari College, AT & PODharampur, District Valsad, Gujarat

8. Ahmedabad (0948D) Adarsh Residential School (Boys)Behind Health Center, Masada Road,AT& PO Dediyapada-393040,District Narmada, Gujarat

9. Ahmedabad (0949D) Government SchoolGovernment Girls Hostel, College Road,AT & PO&TA Dahod, Gujarat

10. Ahmedabad (0950D) Dr. Baba Saheb AmbedkarBoys HostelBehind Vidyut Power Sub Station,New Bhaynath, AT&PO&TA: Bhiloda,District Sabarkantha, Gujarat





I’m interested in doing the P.G. Certificate in Copyeditingand Proofreading (PGCCP) of IGNOU. I’m a sciencegraduate and have English as a subject up to pre-degreelevel. But I have an MBA from IGNOU besides a engineeringdegree in electronics. Since you have mentioned English tobe a subject at graduation level for PGCCP, am I eligibleto do the course?

Deepak BhatiaChennai.

Dear Mr. Bhatia,

We regret to inform you that as per the University policy,once approval of the Academic Council has been obtainedit is not prudent to change the criterion for admission.


I have completed my MCA in the year 2003 from IGNOUand got a job in Wipro Technologies. I’m really thankful toIGNOU for providing me such good education and base onwhich I can go further in my career.

Faiz Ahmed.Bangalore.

Dear Mr. Ahmed,

Congratulations! We wish you all success in your life andcareer.


I’m a student of MBA vide enrolment no. 931188390. I needcertain clarifications regarding the choice of project workfor MBA. Am I supposed to choose a project work from thearea of my specialisation?

P. Adison Kakinada

Dear Mr. Adison,

You can select any project work from any specialisation asper norms of the project work. It has no relevance for thespecialisation you have chosen for MBA.


I have successfully completed my Bachelor’s in TourismStudies (BTS) from IGNOU in December 2002. But, tilltoday I’ve not received my grade card or provisionalcertificate. As I want to study further, I need these urgently.Can you please help?

Bhavesh Kumar.Manama, Bahrain.

Dear Mr. Bhavesh,

Congratulations! You have passed BTS in first division. Wepursued your case with SR & E and your grade cardalongwith the provisional certificate has been sent to you.We wish you all success in your future endeavours.


I came to know that IGNOU has started a course inIntellectual Property Rights (IPR). I’m a graduate andinterested to do a course in IPR. Am I eligible for that?Please suggest.

Arindam Jha. Ranchi

Dear Mr. Arindam,

IGNOU has developed two programmes in IPR i.e. P.G.Diploma in Intellectual Property Rights (PGDIRP) andAwareness Course on Intellectual Property Rights (NIP).You are eligible for both the programmes. You can havefurther details about it from our website from the Regional Centre.


I have done B.Sc. in Physics. I’m interested to do diplomain Civil Engineering from IGNOU. Can I do it?

Maninderjit Dogra. Jamnagar

Dear Maninderjit

IGNOU has launched two diploma programmes in CivilEngineering (DCLE) and Electrical & MechanicalEngineering (DEME) for army personnel from this year.We regret to inform you that you are not eligible to do theseProgrammes.


Thank you for taking speedy action in sending me the‘Academic Programmes’ of 2004. It would not only guideme in choosing a subject of my interest but would alsobenefit several of my friends and colleagues in IndianArmy.

Subedar Mridul Kumar Mishra.C/O 56 A.P.O

Dear Mridul,

We are glad to know that you have received our ‘AcademicProgrammes’ booklet and it was of help to you and yourfriends. Do stay in touch. All the best.

Dear reader,

It is always a pleasure to hear from you. Due to space constraints we cannot include here all the letters we have beenreceiving. Whenever you write, be brief; do mention your enrolment number and complete address so that we can takeaction on your requests. Good luck with your studies and keep writing.

(Sunaina Kumar)Editor



How to approach your studies: It would be good for you to go throughthe Programme Guides as well as the Handbooks provided by theUniversity. This will help you to know about the facilities being extendedand how you can make best use of these in your learning. That is, youshould have an idea of what to expect from the system and how best to usethe support being provided.

Quasi-permanent separation: To bridge your semi-permanent separationfrom your teacher and to enable you to take advantage of the flexibilitiesprovided in the DDL system, provision for Face-to-Face interaction hasbeen made. Moreover, you can contact your teachers at the Headquartersthrough phone and email. However, the onus for your learning is on you.You must make full use of the flexibility, facilities and innovativeness.

Adhere to schedule of operations: Various activities in ODL system aretime bound and the details are given in the programme guides and thehandbooks sent to you. Adherence to Schedule of Operations shall help youenormously in completion of the courses. As a thumb rule, if you studythree hours a day regularly, you should be successful in the minimumstipulated time.

Studying at your pace and place: You can learn at your pace and place,but it would help you if you periodically revise what you have learnt. Thiswould also enable you to assess as to how much remains to be done. TheDE system provides for an in-built teacher in the Self Instructional Materials(SIMs). Your pace of learning could be faster and more effective if youabide by the instructions given to you in the SIMs and follow the sequenceand steps suggested therein, as the objective of these access devices is toregulate your pace of learning.

Taking notes: In SIMs, some space has been provided to take importantnotes. You must answer/solve problems in SAQs or TQs yourself ratherthan looking for the solutions at the end of the units.

Using media effectively: Audio-visual learning is faster and can be moreeffective. That is why multi-media is one of the integral components of ourmultiple media instructional package. For complementing your learning withthe help of multi-media effectively, you should visit your study centre forcounselling and insist that your counselor show A/V programmes. Suchvisits will also help you obtain the latest information on broadcast andtelecast of programmes and tele-conferences being held. Now IGNOU has a24 hr TV Channel called Gyan Darshan and a countrywide network of FMradio stations. You should ask your cable operators to beam Gyan Darshan.(In case it is not possible for you to visit your SCs for some reason, you canprocure our cassettes/CDs from the University for convenient viewing.)

Preparing Assignment Responses: The separation between the teacherand the taught in ODL system is bridged through dialogue established bycontinuous assessment. Your assignment responses provide an opportunityto your counsellor to guide you and pace your learning depending on yourprogress. Therefore, you must write your assignment yourself, in your ownwords, depending on the scope of every question. In some questions, youmight be required to give a brief outline while in others you may be askedto give your justifications/demonstrate your skills and knowledge/givedetailed description, etc. It is also possible that you may be required to referto a particular source of information or data and present your analysis. Ifpossible, discuss implications and suggest application and/or give illustrations.

When you have answered the assignments, pause for a while and recheckyour responses to make sure that:

• the language is your own, simple and comprehensible;

HOW TO STUDY• it covers all the relevant aspects and with expected details;• the content is accurate and relevant;• the presentation is logical and clear;• the main points are well supported by examples/arguments/illustrations;

and• the response has been neatly typed or legibly written.

You must keep copies of each of your assignments and file them in order,separately for each course. While submitting your assignment at your StudyCentre / Programme Centre, you must insist on obtaining anacknowledgement. In case you send your assignment by post, keep theregistration slip as proof. In case of any difficulty or unconvincing responseat Study Centre, please contact your Regional Centre or the Headquarters.Normally, you should get back your Tutor Marked Assignment within 45days. In case you do not receive your evaluated TMAs with tutor commentsin the stimulated period, you should check with the Study Centre Coordinator.Once you receive the evaluated assignment responses, go through tutorcomments.. A careful reading of the comments should give you an idea asto how you can improve your responses in future.

Learning from Counselling and Peer Group: In order to make best useof the counselling sessions, you should read the relevant units before goingfor the counselling session. This will enable you to have useful interactionwith your counsellor and peer group. Participate in the discussion with anopen mind. Take note of important points identified by other peer groupmembers and the counselor. Do not hesitate to clarify doubts, even if theyare trivial.

Taking the Term-end Examination: In our system of education, careerprospects are influenced by the performance in examinations. So youshould approach examinations with some caution. However, these shouldnot cause anxiety.

Preparing for the Examinations: The surest way to success in examinationis to conscientiously employ effective study techniques over a period oftime. For example, if you follow the tips provided here your chances ofsuccess will improve. If you follow them, you will certainly remembermore, have a better understanding, and be able to organize your ideasquickly and effectively.

Revision of text materials plays a vital role in your preparation forexaminations. The two good reasons for doing regular revisions right fromthe start are:• You may not have enough time to revise everything you have studied

in a course/programme at the last minute.• You will find the later materials easier to study as you may have

already had a firm understanding of what precedes them.

On the Examination Day: When you receive the question paper:• Read the instructions and the question paper right through very

carefully paying attention to each question.• Be objective and don’t try to twist the question to suit your convenience.• Be sure of precisely what the questions demand of you. (Look at the

key verbs. They will tell you what kind of answer you are expectedto give).

• Budget your time i.e. you should carefully allocate your time accordingto the weightage given to each question.

• Plan your answer (if possible even before you actually present it, tryto have a logical well organized skeleton outline).

• Form a sense of priority i.e. you should begin by answering your bestquestion first.



We are pleased to publish some of the profiles of GoldMedallists of the 15th Convocation. In the last issue of the‘Newsletter’ we had already published the profiles of some ofthe gold medallists. Some more responses to interviews aregiven here to provide incentive and inspiration to our learners.

Chandrima ChaudhuriChandrima Chaudhuri is the gold medallistin Master in Arts in Distance Education(MADE). She was a hard working andsincere student who completed andsubmitted all her assignments on time.She believes that IGNOU’s learner-centricapproach and her regular hours of studywere the secret of her success. Sheconsulted books on Distance Education

from the National Library of Kolkata as reference material.She is of the opinion that one must inculcate self- confidenceto study on one’s own in the distance education system.

Deepa JoshiDeepa Joshi was awarded the gold medalfor Master in Library & InformationScience (MLIS). ‘I worked hard to achievethis’ says Deepa. As she was working ina school she dedicated the early morningand evening hours to study. She did athorough study of IGNOU’s study materialand consulted some additional referencematerial as well. She is satisfied with the

support services provided by the University. She is of theopinion that IGNOU’s study material is sufficient to acquire anin-depth knowledge of the subject. She intends to continue herstudies further with the University.

Dr. Kuljeet KaurDr. Kuljeet Kaur is a gold medallist in thePG Diploma in Maternal and Child Health.She believes that reading regularly at homeand at the medical college library besidesattending practicals is the key to hersuccess. She studied IGNOU’s materialthoroughly, reading from professionalbooks and viewing IGNOU’s TVprogrammes regularly. She feels thatDistance Education is a good way of

improving one’s skills and knowledge while pursuing one’scareer.

Pankaj Kumar MehtaPankaj Kumar Mehta received a goldmedal for PG Diploma in FinancialManagement. Though he was quite sure totop the list from his region, the goldmedal was a dream come true for him. Heused to study at night after working duringthe day. He made an in-depth study ofIGNOU’s study materials by taking notesof important points and also consulted

reference materials in the field of finance. He suggests thatsome current issues related to business and economics should

be added to the study material to make learning contemporary.He believes that IGNOU is one of the best universities in theworld.

Kiran BalaKiran Bala is the gold medallist in PGDiploma in Translation. Married andworking, she made it a point to study forfour hours daily. She went through thestudy material provided by IGNOU indepth and completed all her assignmentson time. Besides this she also consultedcertain reference material. As the studycentre was far away, she faced some

difficulties in commuting. She is of the opinion that there is noshort cut to success and one has to work hard for it.

Grace LoboGrace Lobo was awarded the gold medalfor PG Diploma in Higher Education. Sinceshe was not expecting the gold medal, itcame as a pleasant surprise. She studieddaily for two hours and prepared notesfrom her study material which she referredto during her preparations for the finalexamination. She also consulted differentbooks on the subject. She feels that thequality of support services could be

improved. She says that if you learn with conviction, you canwin.

Ram SinghRam Singh received the gold medal forDiploma in Tourism Studies. He says thathe studied by preparing notes andfollowing a routine. He consulted somereference books beside IGNOU’s studymaterial for the course. Unemploymentput certain hurdles in his way but heovercame them with determination. Hesuggested that IGNOU could improve the

support services by increasing the number of staff in the studycentre. He is of the opinion that only IGNOU can solve thequestion of distance by reaching out to the unreached in thefield of education. He intends to continue his studies furtherwith the university.

Kiranmayee ManchalaKiranmayee Manchala was awarded a goldmedal for PG Diploma in ComputerApplications (PGDCA). As she was puttingin sincere efforts by regularly devoting 3hours to study, she was quite sure of hersuccess. Though she did not face anydifficulty during her study from theuniversity yet she feels that if the studymaterial would be more timely available it

could be of great help to students. She is of the opinion thatthere should be consulting academic faculty persons at theRegional centres to guide the students.

Profiles of Gold Medallists of 15th Convocation



Example of Honesty !A student of IGNOU Regional Centre at Shimla inthe Study Centre 1113 has shown an excellentexample of honesty by depositing excess studymaterials which he received by post. The ‘Newsletter’team appreciates this honesty greatly and wisheshim all success.

IGNOU All The Way !Mr. Rohit Agarwal of Ghaziabad,U.P. has successfully completedmany courses from IGNOU i.e.Certificate in Tourism Studies,Diploma in Tourism Studies,Bachelor in Tourism Studies,Certificate in EnvironmentalStudies, Certificate in DisasterManagement and Certificate in

Guidance. He feels that IGNOU provides qualityeducation at the pace of the student and is the pioneerin multimedia supported education. The ‘Newsletter’team wishes him all success in his career.

Editorial BoardProf. Sunaina Kumar, EditorProf. Pardeep SahniDr. D.K. ChoudhuryDr. Anju Sahgal GuptaDr. Jitendra Kumar SrivastavaMs. Manasi Mishra (Consultant)

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Printed and published on behalf of the Indira Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi by Registrar, MPDD.Print Production : Mr. Rajiv Girdhar, Cover Design: Mr. K. Vishwanathan, Printed at : Dee Kay Printers, Kirti Nagar Industrial Area, New Delhi-110015, India.R.N.I. No. : 69669/99 IGNOU-MPDD/P.O. 220T/October, 2004


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