news. lays corner stone neithei gets agent dish— … · 2016-07-27 · city news. death of h. b....

City News. Death of H. B. Houston— Harvey B. Houston died at his home, 418 Edmund street, yesterday. Mr. Houston was flfty- eight years of age, and has lived in St. Paul for many years. The funeral ar- rangements have not yet been completed. Eastern Star Bazaar —The women of St. Paul chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, will have a sale of useful and fancy articles at the Temple next Friday afternoon. A final meeting for work will be held Thurs- day with Mrs. Kemper, West Central ave- nue. Death of Genevleve Gavin—Genevieve Gavin, the eleven-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Gavin, died Satur- day at Watertown, Minn. The funeral will be held from the residence' of Thomas Flaherty, 775 Jackson street, at 2 o'clock this afternon. —o— Moving Pictures at Commons Social— At the Commons Social and Literary club tonight, Prof. Gustin Jungren will exhibit moving pictures. Music will be furnished by W. Waker and Mrs. B. Fink and the Misses Frank, Manton and Skous- gard. _ ZIONISTIC MOVEMENT CAN'T BE REALIZED Rabbi Ryplns Says It Is Visionary and That No Sultan Would Sell Palestine. "The contention of the more rational element among the Jews is that the Zion- istic movement is visionary, a dream, and cannot be realized," said Rabbi Ry- pins, of the Mount Zion Temple, last evening, when shown a cablegram stat- ing that France and Russia had stepped in to prevent the proposed sale of Pales- tine to the Jews by the sultan of Tur- key. "I have not heard of this action on the part of France and Russia," continued Rabbi Rypins, "but my idea has been from the start that even if the money to purchase Palestine could be secured, no sultan would sell the territory in opposi- tion to European powers. "It is a mistake to call those who do not favor the purchase of Palestine anti- Zionists; there is no such class. It is true there are Zionists who favored the purchase of the country, not as a return to a religious center, but for the purpose of colonization. There is a concerted ef- fort to scatter the thickly populated dis- trict of New York into different sections of the country, and this plan is being car- ried out with good results. I have been instrumental in securing homes for a large number of Roumanian, and Russians who were living in New York; but this plan of colonization along the line of the Palestine scheme is so large and vision- ary that in my opinion it will not and can- not be successful." FLOWER SHOW WILL OPEN THIS AFTERNOON Arrangements Are Completed for a Most Attractive Social Event. The, St. Paul flower show, which prom- ises to be one of the events of the sea- son, not only from the horticultural, but j from the social standpoint, will open informally at the Armory this afternoon. The formal opening of the show will not take place until this evening, when Goy. S. R. Van Sant and staff. Mayor Smith, of St. Paul; Acting. Mayor of Min- neapolis D. Percy Jones and the execu- tive committee of the Manufacturers' union will attend. The decorations for the occasion will be red. white and blue, and the hostesses will all dress in colonial costume. The daily programmes have been care- fully arranged. Each day will be featur- ed by representing some country in the customes of women attending. The col- onial, the Japanese and German costumes are among those which will be worn. The decoration of the big armory hall, in which the exhibition will be held, was nearly completed yesterday, and every- thing will be in readiness for the open- ing this afternoon. The show will be a brilliant spectacle, not because of the rare and valuable flowers exhibited, but particularly from the participation in it of the prominent society women of the city. CHINAMEN INDULGE IN A NEW REBELLION FOR A CHANGE Indemnity. PEKIN, Nov. 9. —A rebellion against taxation to meet the indemnity China is to pay to the powers has broken out in the southwestern part of Chi-Li province. Troops have been sent to suppress the disorders. They Resist Taxation to Meet That Huge FASTIDIO. It is Genuine Havana Tobacco. Dr Ryplns to Deliver Lecture. Rabbi Rypins, of the Mount Zion tem- ple, delivered the first of a series of Sun- day morning lectures to his congregation yesterday. The lecture was a preliminary one to the course, and was devoted main- ly to a review of the work which the congregation had done during the past year and an outline for the coming year. Deposit your saving's with the Security {Trust Company, New York Life Bldg. Australians Getting Exclusive. MELBOURNE, Nov. 9. —The common- wealth government is preparing a bill to exclude foreign-owned ships from the Australian coastwise service. WHY DESPAIR when a cure for Is at hand? Mild cases have been cured with one bottle. Obstinate cases with two and some chronic cases with three bottles of The Great Blood and Rheumatism Cure. We. have letters from promi- nent Wisconsin people to prove it and back it with OUR GUARANTEE We guarantee GO 88 to be free from all mercuries. Irons, cocaines, opiates, salicylates and all poisonous drugs. If, after using half a bottle, you are not satisfied, return the rest and get your money back. For sale b/ F. M. Parker, J. P. Jellnek, Conger Bros.. Water Nelson, Sever Westby, Olof Lee. LAYS CORNER STONE BISHOP EDSALL OFFICIATES AT A MOST INTERESTING AND SIGNIFICANT CEREMONY. LARGE ASSEMBLAGE WITNESSES THE EVENT Impressive Procession Follows the Bishop and Assisting Clergymen From the Old Church and Founda- tion Stone of New Church of St. John the Evangelist Is Laid. Amid impressive ceremonies and in the presence of a large concourse of people, the. corner stone of the new church of St. John the Evangelist was laid yesterday noon by Rt. Rev. Sam- uel C. Edsall, bishop of the diocese of Minnesota. The service in the church and those of laying the corner stone occupied nearly two hours and were followed with deep interest by the assemblage which gathered to take part in the exercises. In spite of the chilling wind, which blew out of the north, a crowd that blocked both Kent street and Portland avenue, participated in the services to the end and was constantly augmented by persons attracted by the ceremonies. The services in the church which preceded the laying of the corner stone, were presided over by Bishop Edsall, assisted by Archdeacon Haupt, Rev. E. P. Johnson, of Chicago, and Rev. Daniels, of the colored mission of St. Phillips. Bishop Edsall preached the sermon. His subject was "Christ, the Foundation Stone of Christianity." His discourse was woven about the theme that the church is the spiritual build- ing, visible and beautiful, founded upon Christ, and made by individuals in whom exists the Christ life. An Impressive Procession. At the close of the service in the church, a procession, headed by Bishop Edsall and his assistants, the clergy- men of other Episcopal churches in St. Paul, the vestry of the church, the choir, the congregation and the Sunday school, marched out to lay the cor- ner stone, the choir singing as the processional hymn "The Church's One Foundation is Jesus Christ, her Lord." The bishop and his assistant clergy- men gathered about the corner stone and the crowd arranged itself in a semi-circle and huddled together for warmth. Bishop Edsall read the first part of the ritual, the people respond- ing. Then with a sign of the cross he marked the stone with a trowel, say- ing: "In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. "O Lord, Holy Father, Almighty Everlasting God, vouchsafe tp bless and consecrate this stone for the foundation of a church in honor of St. John, the Evangelist; and grant that whosoever, with pure mind, shall assist in the building of the same by the help of his hands or by the offer- ing of.his substance, may obtain health of body and grace of soul, through Jesus Christ, our Lord." . Following this invocation came fur- ther reading of the ritual and notice of the contents of the corner stone. Corner Stone Is Laid. The corner stone was swung and low- ered into place and tapping it three times the bishop said: "In the name of th« Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. ."I lay the corner stone of this building to be here erected by the name of the Church of St. John the Evangelist, to be devoted to the service of Almighty God according to the belief, discipline and worship of the Protestant Episcopal church in the United States. "Other foundation can no man lay than that which is laid, even Jesus Christ, who is God over all, blessed for ever more, in whom we have redemption through his blood even the forgiveness of sins. Amen." Bishop Edsall then delivered a short address and offered a prayer, closing the services with his blessing. NEW TASK ON THE HANDS OF SENATOR KNUTE NELSON He Will Help Investigate Statehood Claims of Three Territories. CHICAGO. Nov. 9. —Senators Beveridge, of Indiana: Nelson, of Minnesota: Dill ing- ham, of Vermont; Bate, of Tennessee, and Heitfeld, of Idaho, will leave Chicago tomorrow nigfit for Oklahoma, New Mex- ico and Arizona to investigate those ter- ritories' claims to statehood. The five senators are the members of the sen- atorial subcommittee on teritories, and it is likely that their report will have much weight with the upper house of congress. The first meeting will be held prob- ably tomorrow afternoon. At this meeting plans will be discuessed and a rule that will cover all of the im- portant cities of the three territories will be mapped out. SUPERINTENDENT EGAN IS STILL MISSING Officials of the Great Northern Have Received No Report of His Whereabouts. Nothing was heard at the Great Northern offices yesterday regarding Benjamin F. Egan, superintendent of the Kalispell division, who has been lost in the mountain districts of Mon- tana for over a week. What has happened to Mr. Egan can only be conjectured. He may have fallen a prey to the grizzlies or other large game that inhabit the mountains, or may be lost within a few miles from where he was separated from his hunting party. C. C. Ponsonby, chief train dis- patcher for the Great Northern, said last night that nothing was heard yes- terday from the parties in charge of the search. A. H. Egan, a brother of the missing man, has gone to Mon- tana to take personal charge of the hunt. KALISPELL, Mont, Nov. 9.—The^e have been no developments in the Egan search, notwithstanding a reward of $1,000 has attracted more men into the district. Another party lef£ Col- umbia for Hungry Horse this after- noon. It is now impossible to get BISHOP EDSALL. Who officiated at the laying of the corner stone of the Church of St. John the Evangelist. through the country except on snow shoes and parties who have gone through the South Fork have been forced to use them. The return of two parties now out is anxiously awaited. One went up to the cabin on Pyramid Peak and another into the South Fork country- It will be at least three days before they can make their report. Dr. Houston spent part of the day here, returning to Bolton tonight. He has given up all hope of seeing Egan alive. Houston said that the last words of Egan were: "I am going off here and look around." As he made the above remark Egan pointed east and almost directly from the railway. Houston said regarding the time after leaving the car: "We stood on the track and exam- ined the compass. Mr. Egan remarked that Bolton was almost due north, and, thinking that he knew the locality, we did not question his judgment. Mr. Egan wore extremely heavy trousers and vest, my oiled canvas hunting coat, roll felt hat and rifle. He had at least twenty cartridges." REMOVE HAIRPIN FROM YOUNG WOMAN'S BRAIN Physicians Perform Successful Opera- tion and Miss Lindquist Will Recover. Miss Lillian Lindquist, the North St. Paul young woman who is suffer- ing from brain fever, as a result of running a steel hairpin into her brain, was somewhat improved yesterday. For several hours during the morning Miss Lindquist was conscious, al- though she suffered great pain. Yesterday afternoon the attending physicians operated upon the woman and removed the wire, which penetrat- ed her skull, and was broken off when the main part of the hairpin was re- moved by Mrs. Lindquist, the girl's mother. Immediately upon the removal of the wire Miss Lindquist appeared to get relief and for the first time in sev- eral days made an attempt to speak. While still in a serious condition, the physicians now have hopes of the young woman's ultimate recovery, al- though it will be several days before she is out of danger. Her fever is still high, and again last night she was delirious for over an hour. CROWD IN ST. LOUIS TRIES TO LYNCH MOTORMAN ST. LOUIS, Mo.. Nov. 9.—A wagon containing twelve persons was run into by a street car here tonight and eight were injured. The crowd attracted made an unsuccessful attempt to lynch the motorman and car conductor, but the police interfered. The wag-on was turned over by the collision and the occupants thrown in every direction. Loretto Sof- ton. a fifteen-year-old girl, was injured internally. The others received severe bruises. The carmen were taken to the police station for safety. BRIDEGROOM BEATEN TO DEATH, AT MARRIAGE CELEBRATION Clubs Figure With Deadly Effect In a Function In Pennsylvania. READING, Pa., Nov. 9.—While cele- brating the marriage of John Wojtkoa at the home of John Wrabel. of this city, today, John Mortura and John Odiajansky became involved in a quarrel with the bridegroom and Wojtkoa was beaten to death with a club. Several peacemakers were seriously injured. The murderers escaped, but Odiajansky was arrested two hours later. He is said to have struck the fatal blow. Mortura is still at large. Hurts Eight People. He Runs His Car Into a Wagon and NEITHEI GETS AGENT ARBITRATOR^ 1 DISALLOW THE CLAIMS OF DR. SCHADLE AND C. H. IVF. SMITH. ASK THAT T^EIR OWN COMPENSATION BE FIXED Famous Suit and Counterclaim Is at Last Decided by Three Arbitrators Agreed* Upon by Both Parties —Dr. Schadle Claims Result Is a Victory For Him. The suit of Dr. Jacob B. Schadle for $21,000 against Charles H. P. Smith, of the brokerage firm of C. H. F. Smith & Co., over the sale of 1,000 shares of Manhattan, elevated stock on May 9, 1901, has been compromised by the board of arbitrators to whom the controversy was submitted. By the terms of the award both the claim of Dr. Schadle against Smith for $21,000 and the counter-claim of Smith against Schadle for $15,000 are can- celled, and neither party recover any- thing from the other on account of his respective claims. The note and mortgage for $15,000 deposited by Dr. Schadle as security on margins remains a valid obligation. The findings close with a recommenda- tion that Emerson Hadley fix the com- pensation of the arbitrators. Dr. Sehadle brought suit in May this year to recover $21,000 damages for the alleged illegal sale of 1,000 shares of Manhattan elevated stock during a stock flurry on May 9. Smith de- nied that the sale was unauthorized TELLS MEN NOT TO BE ASHAMED OF FAITH Judge Seldon P. Spencer, of St. Louis, Addresses a Y. M. C. A. Mass Meeting. Seldon P. Spencer, a judge of the cir- cuit court of Missouri at St. Louis, ad- dressed a mass meeting at the Young' Men's Christian association rooms yes- terday aftern&on on "Men Who Are Not Ashamed." The meeting was attended by about 200 men and a sprinkling of women. W. M. Parsons, of the interna- tional committee of the Y. M. -C. A., pre- sided over J.he assemblage. Rev. George M. Morrison opened the meeting with prayer, and Rev._ W. B. Gray, of the Pacific Congregational church, pronounced the benediction. A pleasing musical programme was con- tributed by the Orpheus, quartette and the Globe Business College orchestra. Judge Spencer's address was a stirring plea for belief in the Bible as the in- spired word of God, and for a more open acknowledgment of religious faith. He said in part: "Ifever the nation needed men who are not ashamed of their faith, it is now. in this present age. Not only in the city and state, but particularly in the national life, we must look to them in this hour of need. The men who have faith must be the bulwark of the nation. "I am constantly reminded of the com- mand of the Apostle Paul: 'Be thou not ashamed of the testimony of God's word.' There has been in the progress of the world an inclination to throw doubt upon the inspiration of the Bible, upon the mir- acles, upon the story of the sun standing still, but all these little creations of man's puny brain fade from sight when <3od steps upon the scene. "When God told Noah to build an ark of gopher wood and gave him the dimen- sions, was there any apparent reason for it? Why Noah probably lived in a little valley, flowed through by a rivulet where there hadn't been high water within the memory of man. And when Noah started to build his ark, his neighbors laughed at him; made fun of him. The scientific neighbor told him that more than four inches of water couldn't fall in that valley in a year, and that the weather conditions never portended a flood. But Noah built his ark as God commanded, because he had faith. He was not ashamed." Judge Spencer made two addresses in Minneapolis yesterday, and is completing a tour of several states. and put in a counter-claim for $15,000 for an alleg-ed balance owed him by Dr. Schadle on^jthe-deal. Suit Was; Tried Twice. The suit wad twice tried in the dis- trict court and in both instances the jury disagreed. The parties .to the suit entered into a stipulation for an arbitration of vthe suit. Cyrus "Wel- lington was selected by Dr. Schadle and J. W. Lusk by Mr. Smith. Thc-se two selected a { third arbitrator, H. P. Upham. The matter was submitted Oct. 10 and the" award handed down Saturday. ••\u25a0' -•• MRS. D.C. SHEPARD DEAD Dr. Schadle when interviewed in re- gard to the detfisicn of "iie arbitrators said: "I claim this ; as a victory for my- self. If I had riot brought suit for $21,000 they w^ftild have sought to col- lect that $15,000 claim and I would have been out; that much. Now, al- though I do riot get my claim, neither do they get theirs, so it is a practical victory for me." The decision of the arbitrators is as follows: Decision of Arbitrators. Jacob E. Schadle, claimant, vs. Charles H. F. Smith, respondent. Before H. P. Upham, C. Wellington, J. W. Lusk, arbitrators. - - "The above matter came duly and reg- ularly on to be heard and determined by the arbitrators, selected in due form by the parties under the articles of sub- mission dated October the 10th, 1302. and \u25a0after-careful consideration of all the tes- timony submitted, and full and lengthy discussion of. aU the facts and law> the arbitrators found themselves unable to agree unanimously, or any two of thenj. ,on both ihe principal issues between the parties under"the pleadings; "The written articles of submission, to- wit, Article Four; iprovidee as follows: 'In making their decision the arbitrators are not to be bound by,.the strict rules of law, but may render such award as they may deem just between the parties and to that end may compromise matters in dispute.' "Acting undeit ithat clause and believing it or the interests -both parties that the differences r between- the parties be fully an finally settled.' we unanimously came to the conclusion to make, as a compromise, the following award: Berth Claims Disallowed. "First —We unanimously award and agree for and in behalf of both parties that the claim of said Schadle against said Smith be and the same hereby- - is. disallowed in whole and part, cancelled and extinguished. "Second—That the claim or balance claimed by said Smith as due him from said Schadle be and the same hereby is disallowed, cancelled and extinguished, and neither party have or recover anything from the other on account of their respective claims, note and mort- gage referred to in the articles to remain a valid obligation. "Third—That Emerson Hadley, .Esq., attorney at law.. -jWho has acted in this aribtration for \u0084bp|h parties, fix the com- pensation of th'f arbitrators. "Witness our.hands this Bth day of November, 190?, "i ,-rr'jHenry P. Upham, 'JJ. W. Lusk. -j—*?Cyrus Wellington, "Arbitrators." RUNAWAY KATE OBEYS HER MASTER'S "WHOA" SHE WAS THE WIFE OF THE VETERAN RAILROAD BUILDER During the Past Three Years Mrs. Shepard Had Been a Confirmed In- valid, Hence the Fiftieth Anniver- sary of Golden Wedding Was Not Celebrated—Was Seventy-Two Years of Age. Mrs. Frances Aurelia Shepard, wife of David C. Shepard, the builder of the Great Northern road, died yesterday at the family residence, 324 Dayton avenue. Death resulted from heart failure and came as the culmination of three years of illness, during which time Mrs. Shepard had been a confirm- ed invalid. Several times within the past year her condition became such that her life was despaired of, and it was only her great abundance of latent vitality that brought her through several spells of severe sickness. Began to Fail Two Weeks Ago. About two weeks ago there was a de- cided change for the worse in Mrs. Shepard's condition, and since then she sank rapidly, although at" times she rallied. However, little hope of her ultimate recovery was entertained by I the family because of Mrs. Shepard's j advanced age and her extremely weak I state. Mrs. Shepard was born in New York seventy-two years ago. She was the daughter of Phillip Parson's, a western New York pioneer. Miss Parsons was educated in the schools of her na- tive state.- In 1852, when twenty-one, years of age, Miss Parsons was mar- ried to David C Shepard, a railroad contractor. Five years later, when the railroad boom in the Northwest was just in its infancy, Mr. Shepard and his wife removed to St. Paul and since then have resided here. During her forty-five years of resi- dence in St. Paul, Mrs. Shepard had been prominently connected with the work of the Episcopal church, and also many charitable and benevolent insti- tutions. Married Fifty Years. Several weeks ago the fiftieth anni- versary of Mr. and Mrs. Shepard's marriage occurred. Owing to Mrs. Shepard's illness the event was not celebrated. Mrs. Shepard is survived by her hus- band and one son, Frank P. Shepard. The funeral will take place Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from the family residence. Rev. Charles D. Andrews, pastor of Christ Episcopal church, will officiate at the services. The interment at "Oakland cemetery will be private. Frightened Mare Gallops Madfy Through the Streets Until Halted by Her Owner. . "Whoa, Kate." Instantly obeying this command the wild runaway came to a standstill. The animal had covered a.half mile through the business district of the city, travel- ing at a high rate of speed. All attempts to stop the half-crazed mare proved fruitless until her master was called and commanded the atvimalto stop. As if by magic the word had" the desired effect and "Kate" came to a halt- Shortly before 5 o'clock yesterday morn- ing "Kate" broke away 'from where she was tied, near the old postofnce. Frank ODea, a Globe carrier boy, was in charge of the Before it had traveled thirty feet the wagon was upset and the rear wheels Separated from the box. Dragging the remnents of the wagon, the horse turned the cdtner at" Fifth and Wabasha streets and dashed down toward Fourth street. Here it again turned, running east until at reached Minnesota "Street. In front of.vihe Germania Life building the horse fell to-., the pavement, but before it could be secured, was again on its feet rushing madly down Third street. Almost exhausted, Kate continued her mad flight up and down commission house row. N. C. Murray, the owner, was informed of the runaway. He followed and found the horse galloping up and down Third street. As soon as he got within hailing distance he cried "Whoa, Kate." Without anothewjump, Kate stood still and then allowedSifir master to lead her home. The waa&i was completely de- molished but Kajg was as sound as ever. GERMAN AMERICANS HAVE A FEAST DAY CHICKEN'S HOME. A Well Run Place. At a children's home in Fort Wayne, Ind., they have entirely abandoned cof- fee because of the bad effect of it. Mrs.'Ttf. B. Gorsline, who is the mat- ron, is meeting with grand success. She was compelled four years ago to discontinue the use of coffee and after making several experiments concluded that Postum filled the bill and has used it ever since. She has charge of a family of chil- dren numbering from 22 to 30 and writes us: "I give Postum Coffee freely, using no coffee at all. The children are always well; we have had no sickness fcr two years, except such as they contract at school like whooping cough, measles, etc. No bilious attacks, no fevers, no skin dis- eases. The children are all plump and in good condition. Clear complexions, no sallow or muddy looking faces, such as result from the use of coffee. We always make Postum strictly accord- ing to directions and it gives pleasure and health to all." Deutscher Tag Observed for the First Time in New York City—A Ger- man Prirfce Present. NEW YORK, Nov. 9.—"Deutscher Tag," a German festival which has been celebrated in other parts of the country for over twenty years, was observed for the first time in this city this afternoon and evening. Ten thou- sand Germans gathered in Madison Square garden and made festival in memory of the first landing of Ger- mans in America. The ceremonies were honored by the presence of Prince Henry yon Pless, the representative of the German em- peror at the dedication of the new Chamber of Commerce, accompanied by Herr Herman, representative of the Berlin Chamber of Commerce. The family of the late Gen. Franz Sigel occupied a box as special guests of honor. L. A. Wienian, president of the Baltimore Saengerfest association, accompanied by a delegation of Ger- man Americans of that city, took part. The garden was decorated in the Ger- man colors, black, red and white, al- ternating with the American colors. Dr. H. A. C. Anderson, president of the United German societies, under whose direction the "Deutscher Tag" was given, delivered the address of the day. He called attention to the fact that other nationalities' in the city have a distinctively national holiday, while the Germans make no such demonstra- tion. He said a German day such as the Irishmen's St. Patrick's day was. the design of the Deutscher Tag. He declared that since the days of Herki- mer and Steuben in the Revolution," and Sigel and Carl Schurz in the Re- bellion, Germans had done their duty to the adopted fatherland in war and peace, in science, art, music and agri- culture. Dr. Anderson reviewed the flag-bear- ers of all the societies, and to the ac- companiment of orchestra and band, the entire audience sang the German anthem, "Deutschland, Deutschland Über AUes." Machinists to Take a Walk. ' STEUBBNVILLE, Ohio. Nov. 9.—The machinists at the National Steel compa- ny's mill at Mingo Junction are out on a. strike. They have, just organised, and presented their scale, but it was not signed, and one member of the committee was discharged, so they walked out. The finest winter breakfast dish— Brookfield Farm Sausage Made from choicest selected pork-ham trimmings—wrapped in white parchment paper and packed in one-pound cartons Swift & Company ECLIPSE HIT THE BAR SALOONKEEPER INTERESTED IN LUNAR TALK "Bross," the Barber, Explains Just What an Eclipse Means, and Cites a Few Figures to Make His Mean- ing Clear—Meanwhile the Crowd Drinks on Him. When Jack, the negro janitor, went Into the Ralph avenue saloon in Brook- lyn, he found Bross, the barber, ex- plaining to Kuh-nee-kamp, the boss, just what an eclipse meant. It was almost midnight. Salvo, the bootblack, was asleep in the corner. Three tired letter carriers, having com- pleted their day's work, were at the end of the bar purchasing postage stamps with froth on. At a table in the rear room old Con- stant Reader was sipping beer from a glass held in his left hand, while with his right he steadied a newspaper file. Pinochle Pete and his pal, O'Dono- van, were making the lunch counter look like a subway station of Fourth avenue on a rainy day. They had tun- neled the cheese and were hoisting the scrap material with both hands when they heard the barber say: "Sure a eclipse is 4er shadow from der moon across der earth's eliptical." "Ter hissing like a senseless goose," chimed in O'Donovan, backing from the bologna dish to spear a hunk of bread. "No matter how high a thing Is, if a goose passes under it, th' goose'll duck his head. And you're ducking under th' moon." "I gues I know vhen I talk," roared the barber/ his voice awakening every- thing that slumbered in the place. Then, as he assumed the pose of a Ro- man gladiator ready for battle, he con- tinued: "Vhen a boy on school I learned eclipses. Mebbe you tink I didn't studies grammar." "Aclipses ain't grammar," remarked O'Donovan. "Are they, Peter?" "No," answered Pete, "eclipses is ge- ometry." Constant Reader laid down his paper and adjusted hjjsr spectacles, as he started toward the bar. The letter carriers ordered up anoth- er delivery and moved nearer to the barber. "Eclipses come under the head of gastronomy," said one of the carriers. I "An eclipse ain't the same all the I time, 'cause some of them are what j you call total eclipses, and such as that. They only come once in thirty years, while we have the others every three or four months." "Dey only come vhen der observa- | tory discovers dem in der kenescope," remarked the barber. "I alvays believed it's tail vould fall | off, und den ye have a sign of var," chimed in Kuh-nee-kamp. "We're not talkin' about comets," I said O'Donovan. "We're discussin' eclipses." . . "Pardon me, gentlemen," remarked Constant Reader, as he joined the crowd. "Pardon me, gentlemen, but I can probably add something to what has been said on the subject When I I was at Vienna two years—" "Ye didn't ask you to speech some- ! ting," interrupted the barber. "Ye are j disgusting it among ourselves. Ye are not trying to learn somet'ing which ye understand; ye know it!" Constant Reader showed his indigna- i tion by going to the other end of the bar and ordering a drink for himself. "How far did ye disgust der eclipse?" continued . . "Yell have to ax the man in the mcon that question," replied Pete. "I think none of you know what an eclipse .is. What do you think about It. Hennery?" "Well," said Kuh-nee-kamp, "it is vhen somebody, mit a spy glass sees between der moon vhat ye can't see vhen it ain't come out on der almanac" "What is they, anyhow?" inquired Jack. "Do de clouds sho^'o de moon around like them-'ere football players? I heed' about Geogi' pickin' cotton. Dey's hard luck; de is! Do dey hab dem in Italy, Salvo?" "Naw," said the bootblack. "Dey make a de too much troub'. We gota not lika dat. We gota plent' earth- quake." "Let us hear what his whiskers has ; ter say about it," remarked Pete, mo- j tionlng to Constant Reader. "As I was going to say, gentlemen." I remarked Constant, "it is simply the i I obscuring of one celestial body by i another." "Who killed dem Chinamens?" in- I quired Kuh-nee-kamp. .i'What Chinamen?" asked "He nam«s Celestial bodies like those in the sky," explained O'Dono- van. "We're not talking a-bout Chink corpses." "Yes," continued Constant. "And in speaking of the lunar eclipse limits I j want to tell you gentlemen that they! are somewhat wider than those for i solar eclipses if . penumbral lunar i eclipses be counted. It is well to re- j member that in every period of 21.600 ' lunations there are on an average 4,072 J solar eclipses and 2,614 lunar eclipses —or In other words 4,231 lunar eclipses including penumbral ones." "I guess I don't sweep nocsawdust on. Dat man's shoes no mo' when I clean up de floor." whispered Jack. - "He smarta man; be Pres' Unite' State' some day," said the bootblack. Then Kuh-nee-kamp set ,up the drinks. He was just saying, "Here's good luck," when the front door opened and Happy Hahn rushed in and shout- ed: . \u25a0; . "Hey, fellows, come out on tb,e side- walk arid see the eclipse! Quick, I got a pair of opera glasses!" The crowd dashed out. Hahn whis- pered to half a dozen friends. Each in turn then took the glasses and aim- ed them at the mooH. It was easily seen that Hahn was planning some- thing.. " The crowd finally called for Kuh- nee-kanro to come out. He was the last to leave the barroom. They hand- ed him the glasses. And while he stood gazing at the moon two men talked eclipse to him and the crowd sneaked around the corner and enter- ed the saloon by the side door. For 15 minutes Kuh-nee-kamp re- mained on the street gazing at the sky. For 15 minutes the crowd helped themselves to drinks in the saloon, smoked Kuh-nee-kamp's * cigars and cleared off the lunch counter. Then they sneaked back to the sidewalk. "Now comes a black cloud der moon, over," said Kuh-nee-kamp. "I guess we go back in der saloon." He led the way. The crowd fol- lowed. "Ach my, vhat is here der matter?" he shouted, glancing at the empty bottles. "Looks like der bar vere mit lightning striked. Vhat?" "Must have been hit by dat 'ere eclipse," suggested Jack, and the crowd guessed it had.—Chicago Inter Ocean. KING AND EMPEROR ATTENDING CHURCH Edward and His Imperial Visitor Hear the Bishop of Rlpon at Sand- ringham. SANDRINGHAM, England. Nov. 9.— The weather here today was perfect and mild and the bright surshine brought crowds of visitors to Sandringham on the chance of seeing Emperor William. The approaches to the church were lined with spectators. Queen Alexandra, the Prince of Wales and Mrs. Chamberlain arrived at the church together. Half an hour later King Edward, Emperor William, Prime Minister Balfour. Colonial Secre- tary Chamberlain and other distinguished persons arrived and stood chatting out- side. King Edward talked with Mr. Chamberlain for a few minutes. Then the emperor of Germany approached and for a quarter of an hour the emperor and Mr. Chamberlain stood apart and conversed earnestly. The service had begun and the anthem had been reached before the royal party entered the church, the king taking the emperor's arm. The bishop of Ripon preached on the possibility of the disappearance of race distinctions and the attaining of the grand brotherhood of man. He referred to King Edward's recovery from his ill- ness, to the visit of his kinsman monarch and to the ties which have long united Germany and Great Britain. The bishop said that however these countries were divided by the German ocean, a race blended cf both people was continuing to grow on the other side of the Atlantic where Germans and Englishmen were be- coming one nativity. The services were closed by the singing of the national an- them. Afterwards the two monarchs walked together through the gardens. During the day King Edward received a host of birthday congratulations and gifts. Emperor William gave him a valuable vase. After dinner at the pal- ace the royal party heard Jan Kubelik, the Austrian violinist. \ BOYD DETERMINED NOT TO BE OUSTED Superintendent of Public Works of Hono- lulu Suspended on a Charge of Embezzlement. HONOLULU, Nov. I.—James H. Boyd. local superintendent of public works, has been suspended by Gov. Dole and arrested on a warrant charged with the embezzlement of $1,060 of public funds. The ousting of Boyd makes vacant a third important territorial office and has involved Gov. Dole in another legal tan- gle as to his powers of suspension of officials. Boyd was in San Francisco, when his chief clerk. B. H. Wright, was arrested on a charge of embezzling over $8,000 and when Treasurer Wright was accused of absconding with $18,000 of public money and Auditor Austin was suspended under grave charges. Boyd returned here on Oct. 22 and was handed a letter from the governor notifying him of his suspension. The superintendent declared he would remain ia charge of his office, and Gov Dole Placed police on guard to keep Boyd \u25a0f", 4-!. .>Y. hen Bo>'d appeared at the capi- tol building and attempted to enter his offie* there was a violent struggle in the corridor. Boyd finally gave up by ask- ing the courts by a writ of mandamus to compel the governor to allow him to resume charge of the office, asserting that the governor has no power to sus- pend him without the consent of the senate. It is said the governor presented the situation before President Roosevelt A tragedy occurred here last Tuesday night, when the home of B. F. Friel in Nunhal Valley was burned to the ground and his wife and fifteen-year-old daughter perished in the flames, while another daughter, Mrs. Nigel Jackson was so se- verely burned that she died in a few hours after fearful suffering. The fire is thought to have been incendiary and Nigel Jackson, husband of one of the victims is in custody under suspicion of having committed the deed. Jackson had just been sued for divorce. We doubt if any French mot or repartee ever surpassed in delicacy the reply made ! by an East Indian servant of Lord Duff- j erin, when, he was viceroy of India. "Well i what sort of sport has Lord had?" | said Dufferin one day to his "shikarry " | or sporting servant, who had attended a young English lord on a shooting excur- ! sion. "Oh!" replied the scrupulously po- J lite Hindoo, "the young Sahib shot di- I vinely, but God was very merciful to the birds. —"Saturday Evening Post. God Was Merciful. Again a Failure. "Do you think this train will get through on time?" asked the nervous pas- senger. "I'm trying to think it." answered the conductor. "I've t»een trying to think it ever since I went to work. But mental science doesn't seem to do much good on this road."—Washington Star. In its advanced and chronic form a cold in the head is known as Nasal Catarrh and Is the recognized source of other diseases. Having stood the test of continued successful use, Ely's Cream Balm is recognized as a specific for membranal diseases in the nasal passages. It is not drying does not produce sneezing. Price 50 cents at druggists or by mail. Ely Brothers, 56 Warren St.. New York. Give up prejudice and try it. Messrs. Ely Bros.: —I have been af- flicted with catarrh for twenty years. It made me so weak I thought I had consumption. I got one bottle of Ely's Cream Balm and in three days the dis- charge stopped. It is the best medicin* I have used for catarrh. FRANK E. KINDL.ESPLRH. Proberta, CaL js§Ss§?rf"»''^c - vl»-.1"' Si r T'*TPHW^^^BB|^B^^^^^yfff^ji^^^^S^s^yMWuCj^KSff£^^^aj^ JT s^^ v""—"*^."1 ilvjlH I' : :;:S-: ' :::-::: '..:\u25a0 '': ifs£§| ':' <S ' '' Wbߣ£^ >:v-'' '\u25a0''\u25a0'\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0 :;JS : . %.' .. . .r. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.:' '- i |HBEg^^^^^j-:-::;^>^>j^^^R;^-:<-jM^^^Bh: :: ... m :v>-\u25a0:.:.;.: : ::aBHBBH|; \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0' HBbI - ""'^^\u25a0HB

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Page 1: News. LAYS CORNER STONE NEITHEI GETS AGENT dish— … · 2016-07-27 · City News. Death of H. B. Houston— Harvey B. Houston died at his home, 418 Edmund street, yesterday. Mr

City News.Death of H. B. Houston— Harvey B.

Houston died at his home, 418 Edmundstreet, yesterday. Mr. Houston was flfty-

eight years of age, and has lived in St.Paul for many years. The funeral ar-rangements have not yet been completed.

Eastern Star Bazaar —The women of St.

Paul chapter, Order of the Eastern Star,

will have a sale of useful and fancy articlesat the Temple next Friday afternoon. A

final meeting for work will be held Thurs-day with Mrs. Kemper, West Central ave-nue.

Death of Genevleve Gavin—GenevieveGavin, the eleven-year-old daughter ofMr. and Mrs. Patrick Gavin, died Satur-day at Watertown, Minn. The funeral will

be held from the residence' of ThomasFlaherty, 775 Jackson street, at 2 o'clockthis afternon.

—o—Moving Pictures at Commons Social—

At the Commons Social and Literary

club tonight, Prof. Gustin Jungren willexhibit moving pictures. Music will befurnished by W. Waker and Mrs. B. Finkand the Misses Frank, Manton and Skous-gard. _ZIONISTIC MOVEMENT


Rabbi Ryplns Says It Is Visionary and

That No Sultan Would SellPalestine.

"The contention of the more rationalelement among the Jews is that the Zion-istic movement is visionary, a dream,and cannot be realized," said Rabbi Ry-pins, of the Mount Zion Temple, lastevening, when shown a cablegram stat-ing that France and Russia had steppedin to prevent the proposed sale of Pales-tine to the Jews by the sultan of Tur-key.

"I have not heard of this action on thepart of France and Russia," continuedRabbi Rypins, "but my idea has been fromthe start that even if the money topurchase Palestine could be secured, nosultan would sell the territory in opposi-tion to European powers.

"It is a mistake to call those who donot favor the purchase of Palestine anti-Zionists; there is no such class. It istrue there are Zionists who favored thepurchase of the country, not as a returnto a religious center, but for the purposeof colonization. There is a concerted ef-fort to scatter the thickly populated dis-trict of New York into different sectionsof the country, and this plan is being car-ried out with good results. I have beeninstrumental in securing homes for alarge number of Roumanian, and Russianswho were living in New York; but thisplan of colonization along the line of thePalestine scheme is so large and vision-ary that in my opinion it willnot and can-not be successful."


Arrangements Are Completed for a Most

Attractive SocialEvent.

The, St. Paul flower show, which prom-ises to be one of the events of the sea-son, not only from the horticultural, but jfrom the social standpoint, will openinformally at the Armory this afternoon.

The formal opening of the show willnot take place until this evening, whenGoy. S. R. Van Sant and staff. MayorSmith, of St. Paul; Acting. Mayor of Min-neapolis D. Percy Jones and the execu-tive committee of the Manufacturers'union will attend. The decorations forthe occasion will be red. white and blue,and the hostesses will all dress in colonialcostume.

The daily programmes have been care-fully arranged. Each day will be featur-ed by representing some country in thecustomes of women attending. The col-onial, the Japanese and German costumesare among those which will be worn. Thedecoration of the big armory hall, inwhich the exhibition will be held, wasnearly completed yesterday, and every-thing will be in readiness for the open-ing this afternoon. The show will be abrilliant spectacle, not because of therare and valuable flowers exhibited, butparticularly from the participation in itof the prominent society women of thecity.



PEKIN, Nov. 9. —A rebellion againsttaxation to meet the indemnity China isto pay to the powers has broken out inthe southwestern part of Chi-Li province.Troops have been sent to suppress thedisorders.

They Resist Taxation to Meet That Huge

FASTIDIO.It is Genuine Havana Tobacco.

Dr Ryplns to Deliver Lecture.Rabbi Rypins, of the Mount Zion tem-

ple, delivered the first of a series of Sun-day morning lectures to his congregationyesterday. The lecture was a preliminaryone to the course, and was devoted main-ly to a review of the work which thecongregation had done during the pastyear and an outline for the coming year.

Deposit your saving's with the Security{Trust Company, New York Life Bldg.

Australians Getting Exclusive.MELBOURNE, Nov. 9.—The common-

wealth government is preparing a billto exclude foreign-owned ships from theAustralian coastwise service.

WHYDESPAIRwhen a cure for

Is at hand? Mild cases have beencured with one bottle. Obstinate caseswith two and some chronic cases withthree bottles of

The Great Blood and RheumatismCure. We. have letters from promi-nent Wisconsin people to prove itand back it with

OUR GUARANTEEWe guarantee GO 88 to be free from

all mercuries. Irons, cocaines, opiates,salicylates and all poisonous drugs.If, after using half a bottle, you arenot satisfied, return the rest and getyour money back.

For sale b/F. M. Parker, J. P. Jellnek,Conger Bros.. Water Nelson,Sever Westby, Olof Lee.




Impressive Procession Follows theBishop and Assisting ClergymenFrom the Old Church and Founda-tion Stone of New Church of St.John the Evangelist Is Laid.

Amid impressive ceremonies and inthe presence of a large concourse ofpeople, the. corner stone of the newchurch of St. John the Evangelist waslaid yesterday noon by Rt. Rev. Sam-uel C. Edsall, bishop of the diocese ofMinnesota.

The service in the church and those

of laying the corner stone occupiednearly two hours and were followedwith deep interest by the assemblagewhich gathered to take part in theexercises. In spite of the chilling wind,which blew out of the north, a crowdthat blocked both Kent street andPortland avenue, participated in theservices to the end and was constantlyaugmented by persons attracted bythe ceremonies.

The services in the church whichpreceded the laying of the corner stone,were presided over by Bishop Edsall,assisted by Archdeacon Haupt, Rev.E. P. Johnson, of Chicago, and Rev.Daniels, of the colored mission of St.Phillips. Bishop Edsall preached thesermon. His subject was "Christ, theFoundation Stone of Christianity." Hisdiscourse was woven about the themethat the church is the spiritual build-ing, visible and beautiful, foundedupon Christ, and made by individualsin whom exists the Christ life.

An Impressive Procession.At the close of the service in the

church, a procession, headed by BishopEdsall and his assistants, the clergy-men of other Episcopal churches in St.Paul, the vestry of the church, thechoir, the congregation and the Sundayschool, marched out to lay the cor-ner stone, the choir singing as theprocessional hymn "The Church's OneFoundation is Jesus Christ, her Lord."

The bishop and his assistant clergy-men gathered about the corner stoneand the crowd arranged itself in asemi-circle and huddled together forwarmth. Bishop Edsall read the firstpart of the ritual, the people respond-ing. Then with a sign of the cross hemarked the stone with a trowel, say-ing:

"In the name of the Father, of theSon and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.

"O Lord, Holy Father, AlmightyEverlasting God, vouchsafe tp blessand consecrate this stone for thefoundation of a church in honor ofSt. John, the Evangelist; and grantthat whosoever, with pure mind, shallassist in the building of the same bythe help of his hands or by the offer-ing of.his substance, may obtain healthof body and grace of soul, throughJesus Christ, our Lord." .

Following this invocation came fur-ther reading of the ritual and notice ofthe contents of the corner stone.

Corner Stone Is Laid.The corner stone was swung and low-

ered into place and tapping it threetimes the bishop said:

"In the name of th« Father, and of theSon, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.."I lay the corner stone of this building

to be here erected by the name of theChurch of St. John the Evangelist, to bedevoted to the service of Almighty Godaccording to the belief, discipline andworship of the Protestant Episcopalchurch in the United States.

"Other foundation can no man lay thanthat which is laid, even Jesus Christ, whois God over all, blessed for ever more,in whom we have redemption through hisblood even the forgiveness of sins. Amen."

Bishop Edsall then delivered a shortaddress and offered a prayer, closingthe services with his blessing.



He Will Help Investigate StatehoodClaims of Three Territories.

CHICAGO. Nov. 9. —Senators Beveridge,of Indiana: Nelson, of Minnesota: Dill ing-ham, of Vermont; Bate, of Tennessee,and Heitfeld, of Idaho, will leave Chicagotomorrow nigfit for Oklahoma, New Mex-ico and Arizona to investigate those ter-ritories' claims to statehood. The fivesenators are the members of the sen-atorial subcommittee on teritories, andit is likely that their report will havemuch weight with the upper house ofcongress.

The first meeting will be held prob-ably tomorrow afternoon.

At this meeting plans will be discuessedand a rule that will cover all of the im-portant cities of the three territorieswill be mapped out.


Officials of the Great Northern HaveReceived No Report of His


Nothing was heard at the GreatNorthern offices yesterday regardingBenjamin F. Egan, superintendent ofthe Kalispell division, who has beenlost in the mountain districts of Mon-tana for over a week.

What has happened to Mr. Egan canonly be conjectured. He may havefallen a prey to the grizzlies or otherlarge game that inhabit the mountains,or may be lost within a few miles fromwhere he was separated from hishunting party.

C. C. Ponsonby, chief train dis-patcher for the Great Northern, saidlast night that nothing was heard yes-terday from the parties in charge ofthe search. A. H. Egan, a brotherof the missing man, has gone to Mon-tana to take personal charge of thehunt.

KALISPELL, Mont, Nov. 9.—The^ehave been no developments in theEgan search, notwithstanding a rewardof $1,000 has attracted more men intothe district. Another party lef£ Col-umbia for Hungry Horse this after-noon. It is now impossible to get


Who officiated at the laying of the corner stone of the Church of St. Johnthe Evangelist.

through the country except on snowshoes and parties who have gonethrough the South Fork have beenforced to use them. The return of twoparties now out is anxiously awaited.One went up to the cabin on PyramidPeak and another into the South Forkcountry- It will be at least three daysbefore they can make their report. Dr.Houston spent part of the day here,returning to Bolton tonight. He hasgiven up all hope of seeing Eganalive. Houston said that the last wordsof Egan were:

"I am going off here and lookaround."

As he made the above remark Eganpointed east and almost directly fromthe railway. Houston said regardingthe time after leaving the car:

"We stood on the track and exam-ined the compass. Mr. Egan remarkedthat Bolton was almost due north, and,thinking that he knew the locality,we did not question his judgment. Mr.Egan wore extremely heavy trousersand vest, my oiled canvas huntingcoat, roll felt hat and rifle. He had atleast twenty cartridges."


Physicians Perform Successful Opera-tion and Miss Lindquist Will


Miss Lillian Lindquist, the NorthSt. Paul young woman who is suffer-ing from brain fever, as a result ofrunning a steel hairpin into her brain,was somewhat improved yesterday.For several hours during the morningMiss Lindquist was conscious, al-though she suffered great pain.

Yesterday afternoon the attendingphysicians operated upon the womanand removed the wire, which penetrat-ed her skull, and was broken off whenthe main part of the hairpin was re-moved by Mrs. Lindquist, the girl'smother.

Immediately upon the removal of thewire Miss Lindquist appeared to getrelief and for the first time in sev-eral days made an attempt to speak.While still in a serious condition, thephysicians now have hopes of theyoung woman's ultimate recovery, al-though it will be several days beforeshe is out of danger. Her fever is stillhigh, and again last night she wasdelirious for over an hour.


ST. LOUIS, Mo.. Nov. 9.—A wagoncontaining twelve persons was run intoby a street car here tonight and eightwere injured. The crowd attracted madean unsuccessful attempt to lynch themotorman and car conductor, but thepolice interfered. The wag-on was turnedover by the collision and the occupantsthrown in every direction. Loretto Sof-ton. a fifteen-year-old girl, was injuredinternally. The others received severebruises. The carmen were taken to thepolice station for safety.



Clubs Figure With Deadly Effect In aFunction In Pennsylvania.

READING, Pa., Nov. 9.—While cele-brating the marriage of John Wojtkoaat the home of John Wrabel. of this city,today, John Mortura and John Odiajanskybecame involved in a quarrel with thebridegroom and Wojtkoa was beaten todeath with a club. Several peacemakerswere seriously injured. The murderersescaped, but Odiajansky was arrested twohours later. He is said to have struckthe fatal blow. Mortura is still at large.

Hurts Eight People.He Runs His Car Into a Wagon and




Famous Suit and Counterclaim Is atLast Decided by Three ArbitratorsAgreed* Upon by Both Parties —Dr.Schadle Claims Result Is a VictoryFor Him.

The suit of Dr. Jacob B. Schadlefor $21,000 against Charles H. P.Smith, of the brokerage firm of C. H.F. Smith & Co., over the sale of 1,000shares of Manhattan, elevated stock onMay 9, 1901, has been compromised bythe board of arbitrators to whom thecontroversy was submitted. By theterms of the award both the claim ofDr. Schadle against Smith for $21,000and the counter-claim of Smithagainst Schadle for $15,000 are can-celled, and neither party recover any-thing from the other on account ofhis respective claims.

The note and mortgage for $15,000deposited by Dr. Schadle as securityon margins remains a valid obligation.The findings close with a recommenda-tion that Emerson Hadley fix the com-pensation of the arbitrators.

Dr. Sehadle brought suit in May thisyear to recover $21,000 damages forthe alleged illegal sale of 1,000 sharesof Manhattan elevated stock duringa stock flurry on May 9. Smith de-nied that the sale was unauthorized


Judge Seldon P. Spencer, of St. Louis,Addresses a Y. M. C. A. Mass


Seldon P. Spencer, a judge of the cir-cuit court of Missouri at St. Louis, ad-dressed a mass meeting at the Young'Men's Christian association rooms yes-terday aftern&on on "Men Who Are NotAshamed." The meeting was attendedby about 200 men and a sprinkling ofwomen. W. M. Parsons, of the interna-tional committee of the Y. M. -C. A., pre-sided over J.he assemblage.

Rev. George M. Morrison opened themeeting with prayer, and Rev._ W. B.Gray, of the Pacific Congregationalchurch, pronounced the benediction. Apleasing musical programme was con-tributed by the Orpheus, quartette andthe Globe Business College orchestra.

Judge Spencer's address was a stirringplea for belief in the Bible as the in-spired word of God, and for a more openacknowledgment of religious faith. Hesaid in part:

"Ifever the nation needed men who arenot ashamed of their faith, it is this present age. Not only in the cityand state, but particularly in the nationallife, we must look to them in this hourof need. The men who have faith mustbe the bulwark of the nation.

"I am constantly reminded of the com-mand of the Apostle Paul: 'Be thou notashamed of the testimony of God's word.'There has been in the progress of theworld an inclination to throw doubt uponthe inspiration of the Bible, upon the mir-acles, upon the story of the sun standingstill, but all these little creations ofman's puny brain fade from sight when<3od steps upon the scene.

"When God told Noah to build an arkof gopher wood and gave him the dimen-sions, was there any apparent reason forit? Why Noah probably lived in a littlevalley, flowed through by a rivulet wherethere hadn't been high water within thememory of man. And when Noah startedto build his ark, his neighbors laughedat him; made fun of him. The scientificneighbor told him that more than fourinches of water couldn't fall in that valleyin a year, and that the weather conditionsnever portended a flood. But Noah builthis ark as God commanded, because hehad faith. He was not ashamed."

Judge Spencer made two addresses inMinneapolis yesterday, and is completinga tour of several states.

and put in a counter-claim for $15,000for an alleg-ed balance owed him byDr. Schadle on^jthe-deal.

Suit Was; Tried Twice.The suit wad twice tried in the dis-

trict court and in both instances thejury disagreed. The parties .to thesuit entered into a stipulation for anarbitration of vthe suit. Cyrus "Wel-lington was selected by Dr. Schadleand J. W. Lusk by Mr. Smith. Thc-setwo selected a{

third arbitrator, H. P.Upham. The matter was submittedOct. 10 and the" award handed downSaturday. ••\u25a0' -•• •


Dr. Schadle when interviewed in re-gard to the detfisicn of"iie arbitratorssaid:

"I claim this ; as a victory for my-self. If I had riot brought suit for$21,000 they w^ftild have sought to col-lect that $15,000 claim and I wouldhave been out; that much. Now, al-though I do riot get my claim, neitherdo they get theirs, so it is a practicalvictory for me."

The decision of the arbitrators is asfollows:

Decision of Arbitrators.Jacob E. Schadle, claimant, vs. Charles

H. F. Smith, respondent. Before H. P.Upham, C. Wellington, J. W. Lusk,arbitrators. - -"The above matter came duly and reg-

ularly on to be heard and determined bythe arbitrators, selected in due form bythe parties under the articles of sub-mission dated October the 10th, 1302. and

\u25a0after-careful consideration of all the tes-timony submitted, and full and lengthydiscussion of. aU the facts and law> thearbitrators found themselves unable toagree unanimously, or any two of thenj.

,on both ihe principal issues between theparties under"the pleadings;"The written articles of submission, to-

wit, Article Four; iprovidee as follows: 'Inmaking their decision the arbitrators arenot to be bound by,.the strict rules oflaw, but may render such award as theymay deem just between the parties andto that end may compromise matters indispute.'

"Acting undeit ithat clause and believingit or the interests -both parties thatthe differences r between- the parties befully an finally settled.' we unanimouslycame to the conclusion to make, as acompromise, the following award:

Berth Claims Disallowed."First—We unanimously award andagree for and in behalf of both parties

that the claim of said Schadle againstsaid Smith be and the same hereby- - is.disallowed in whole and part, cancelledand extinguished.

"Second—That the claim or balanceclaimed by said Smith as due him fromsaid Schadle be and the same hereby isdisallowed, cancelled and extinguished,and neither party have or recoveranything from the other on account oftheir respective claims, note and mort-gage referred to in the articles to remaina valid obligation.

"Third—That Emerson Hadley, .Esq.,attorney at law.. -jWho has acted in thisaribtration for \u0084bp|h parties, fix the com-pensation of th'f arbitrators.

"Witness our.hands this Bth day ofNovember, 190?, "i

,-rr'jHenry P. Upham,— 'JJ. W. Lusk.-j—*?Cyrus Wellington,




During the Past Three Years Mrs.Shepard Had Been a Confirmed In-valid, Hence the Fiftieth Anniver-sary of Golden Wedding Was NotCelebrated—Was Seventy-Two Yearsof Age.

Mrs. Frances Aurelia Shepard, wifeof David C. Shepard, the builder of theGreat Northern road, died yesterdayat the family residence, 324 Daytonavenue. Death resulted from heartfailure and came as the culmination ofthree years of illness, during whichtime Mrs. Shepard had been a confirm-ed invalid.

Several times within the past yearher condition became such that her lifewas despaired of, and it was onlyher great abundance of latent vitalitythat brought her through several spellsof severe sickness.

Began to Fail Two Weeks Ago.About two weeks ago there was a de-

cided change for the worse in Mrs.Shepard's condition, and since then shesank rapidly, although at" times sherallied. However, little hope of herultimate recovery was entertained by

I the family because of Mrs. Shepard'sjadvanced age and her extremely weak

I state.Mrs. Shepard was born in New York

seventy-two years ago. She was thedaughter of Phillip Parson's, a westernNew York pioneer. Miss Parsonswas educated in the schools of her na-tive state.- In 1852, when twenty-one,years of age, Miss Parsons was mar-ried to David C Shepard, a railroadcontractor. Five years later, when therailroad boom in the Northwest wasjust in its infancy, Mr. Shepard and hiswife removed to St. Paul and sincethen have resided here.

During her forty-five years of resi-dence in St. Paul, Mrs. Shepard hadbeen prominently connected with thework of the Episcopal church, and alsomany charitable and benevolent insti-tutions.

Married Fifty Years.Several weeks ago the fiftieth anni-

versary of Mr. and Mrs. Shepard'smarriage occurred. Owing to Mrs.Shepard's illness the event was notcelebrated.

Mrs. Shepard is survived by her hus-band and one son, Frank P. Shepard.The funeral will take place Tuesdayafternoon at 2:30 o'clock from thefamily residence. Rev. Charles D.Andrews, pastor of Christ Episcopalchurch, will officiate at the services.The interment at "Oakland cemeterywill be private.

Frightened Mare Gallops Madfy Through

the Streets Until Halted by

Her Owner.

. "Whoa, Kate."Instantly obeying this command the

wild runaway came to a standstill. Theanimal had covered a.half mile throughthe business district of the city, travel-ing at a high rate of speed. All attemptsto stop the half-crazed mare provedfruitless until her master was called andcommanded the atvimalto stop. As if bymagic the word had" the desired effectand "Kate" came to a halt-

Shortly before 5 o'clock yesterday morn-ing "Kate" broke away 'from where shewas tied, near the old postofnce. FrankODea, a Globe carrier boy, was incharge of the Before it hadtraveled thirty feet the wagon was upsetand the rear wheels Separated from thebox.

Dragging the remnents of the wagon,the horse turned the cdtner at" Fifth andWabasha streets and dashed down towardFourth street. Here it again turned,running east until at reached Minnesota

"Street. In front of.vihe Germania Lifebuilding the horse fell to-., the pavement,but before it could be secured, was againon its feet rushing madly down Thirdstreet.

Almost exhausted, Kate continued hermad flight up and down commission houserow. N. C. Murray, the owner, wasinformed of the runaway. He followedand found the horse galloping up anddown Third street. As soon as he gotwithin hailing distance he cried "Whoa,Kate."

Without anothewjump, Kate stood stilland then allowedSifir master to lead herhome. The waa&i was completely de-molished but Kajg was as sound as ever.



A Well Run Place.At a children's home in Fort Wayne,

Ind., they have entirely abandoned cof-fee because of the bad effect of it.

Mrs.'Ttf. B. Gorsline, who is the mat-ron, is meeting with grand success.She was compelled four years ago todiscontinue the use of coffee and aftermaking several experiments concludedthat Postum filled the bill and hasused it ever since.

She has charge of a family of chil-dren numbering from 22 to 30 andwrites us: "I give Postum Coffeefreely, using no coffee at all. Thechildren are always well; we havehad no sickness fcr two years, exceptsuch as they contract at school likewhooping cough, measles, etc. Nobilious attacks, no fevers, no skin dis-eases. The children are all plump andin good condition. Clear complexions,no sallow or muddy looking faces, suchas result from the use of coffee. Wealways make Postum strictly accord-ing to directions and it gives pleasureand health to all."

Deutscher Tag Observed for the FirstTime in New York City—A Ger-

man Prirfce Present.

NEW YORK, Nov. 9.—"DeutscherTag," a German festival which hasbeen celebrated in other parts of thecountry for over twenty years, wasobserved for the first time in this citythis afternoon and evening. Ten thou-sand Germans gathered in MadisonSquare garden and made festival inmemory of the first landing of Ger-mans in America.

The ceremonies were honored by thepresence of Prince Henry yon Pless,the representative of the German em-peror at the dedication of the newChamber of Commerce, accompaniedby Herr Herman, representative of theBerlin Chamber of Commerce.

The family of the late Gen. FranzSigel occupied a box as special guestsof honor. L. A. Wienian, president ofthe Baltimore Saengerfest association,accompanied by a delegation of Ger-man Americans of that city, took part.The garden was decorated in the Ger-man colors, black, red and white, al-ternating with the American colors.

Dr. H. A. C. Anderson, president ofthe United German societies, underwhose direction the "Deutscher Tag"was given, delivered the address of theday. He called attention to the factthat other nationalities' in the city havea distinctively national holiday, whilethe Germans make no such demonstra-tion. He said a German day such asthe Irishmen's St. Patrick's day was.the design of the Deutscher Tag. He

declared that since the days of Herki-mer and Steuben in the Revolution,"and Sigel and Carl Schurz in the Re-bellion, Germans had done their dutyto the adopted fatherland in war andpeace, in science, art, music and agri-culture.

Dr. Anderson reviewed the flag-bear-ers of all the societies, and to the ac-companiment of orchestra and band,the entire audience sang the Germananthem, "Deutschland, DeutschlandÜber AUes."

Machinists to Take a Walk.' STEUBBNVILLE, Ohio. Nov. 9.—The

machinists at the National Steel compa-ny's mill at Mingo Junction are out on a.strike. They have, just organised, andpresented their scale, but it was notsigned, and one member of the committeewas discharged, so they walked out.

The finest winter breakfast dish—


SausageMade from choicest selected pork-hamtrimmings—wrapped in white parchmentpaper and packed in one-pound cartons

Swift & Company



"Bross," the Barber, Explains JustWhat an Eclipse Means, and Citesa Few Figures to Make His Mean-ing Clear—Meanwhile the CrowdDrinks on Him.

When Jack, the negro janitor, wentInto the Ralph avenue saloon in Brook-lyn, he found Bross, the barber, ex-plaining to Kuh-nee-kamp, the boss,just what an eclipse meant.

It was almost midnight. Salvo, thebootblack, was asleep in the corner.Three tired letter carriers, having com-pleted their day's work, were at theend of the bar purchasing postagestamps with froth on.

At a table in the rear room old Con-stant Reader was sipping beer froma glass held in his left hand, while withhis right he steadied a newspaper file.

Pinochle Pete and his pal, O'Dono-van, were making the lunch counterlook like a subway station of Fourthavenue on a rainy day. They had tun-neled the cheese and were hoisting thescrap material with both hands whenthey heard the barber say:

"Sure a eclipse is 4er shadow fromder moon across der earth's eliptical."

"Ter hissing like a senseless goose,"chimed in O'Donovan, backing fromthe bologna dish to spear a hunk ofbread. "No matter how high a thingIs, if a goose passes under it, th'goose'll duck his head. And you'reducking under th' moon."

"I gues I know vhen I talk," roaredthe barber/ his voice awakening every-thing that slumbered in the place.Then, as he assumed the pose of a Ro-man gladiator ready for battle, he con-tinued: "Vhen a boy on school Ilearned eclipses. Mebbe you tink Ididn't studies grammar."

"Aclipses ain't grammar," remarkedO'Donovan. "Are they, Peter?"

"No," answered Pete, "eclipses is ge-ometry."

Constant Reader laid down his paperand adjusted hjjsr spectacles, as hestarted toward the bar.

The letter carriers ordered up anoth-er delivery and moved nearer to thebarber.

"Eclipses come under the head ofgastronomy," said one of the carriers.

I "An eclipse ain't the same all theI time, 'cause some of them are whatj you call total eclipses, and such asthat. They only come once in thirtyyears, while we have the others everythree or four months."

"Dey only come vhen der observa-| tory discovers dem in der kenescope,"remarked the barber.

"I alvays believed it's tail vould fall| off, und den ye have a sign of var,"

chimed in Kuh-nee-kamp."We're not talkin' about comets,"

I said O'Donovan. "We're discussin'eclipses." . • .

"Pardon me, gentlemen," remarkedConstant Reader, as he joined thecrowd. "Pardon me, gentlemen, but Ican probably add something to whathas been said on the subject When I

I was at Vienna two years—""Ye didn't ask you to speech some-

! ting," interrupted the barber. "Ye arej disgusting it among ourselves. Ye arenot trying to learn somet'ing whichye understand; ye know it!"

Constant Reader showed his indigna-i tion by going to the other end of thebar and ordering a drink for himself.

"How far did ye disgust der eclipse?"continued . .

"Yell have to ax the man in themcon that question," replied Pete. "Ithink none of you know what aneclipse .is. What do you think aboutIt. Hennery?"

"Well," said Kuh-nee-kamp, "it isvhen somebody, mit a spy glass seesbetween der moon vhat ye can't seevhen it ain't come out on der almanac"

"What is they, anyhow?" inquiredJack. "Do de clouds sho^'o de moonaround like them-'ere football players?I heed' about Geogi' pickin' cotton.Dey's hard luck; de is! Do dey habdem in Italy, Salvo?"

"Naw," said the bootblack. "Deymake a de too much troub'. We gotanot lika dat. We gota plent' earth-quake."

"Let us hear what his whiskers has; ter say about it," remarked Pete, mo-j tionlng to Constant Reader.

"As I was going to say, gentlemen."

I remarked Constant, "it is simply the iI obscuring of one celestial body by ianother."

"Who killed dem Chinamens?" in- Iquired Kuh-nee-kamp.

.i'What Chinamen?" asked"He nam«s Celestial bodies like

those in the sky," explained O'Dono-van. "We're not talking a-bout Chinkcorpses."

"Yes," continued Constant. "And inspeaking of the lunar eclipse limits I jwant to tell you gentlemen that they!are somewhat wider than those for i

solar eclipses if . penumbral lunar ieclipses be counted. It is well to re- jmember that in every period of 21.600 'lunations there are on an average 4,072 Jsolar eclipses and 2,614 lunar eclipses—or In other words 4,231 lunar eclipsesincluding penumbral ones."

"I guess I don't sweep nocsawdust on.Dat man's shoes no mo' when I cleanup de floor." whispered Jack. -

"He smarta man; be Pres' Unite'State' some day," said the bootblack.

Then Kuh-nee-kamp set ,up thedrinks. He was just saying, "Here'sgood luck," when the front door openedand Happy Hahn rushed in and shout-ed: . \u25a0; .

"Hey, fellows, come out on tb,e side-walk arid see the eclipse! Quick, Igot a pair of opera glasses!"

The crowd dashed out. Hahn whis-pered to half a dozen friends. Eachin turn then took the glasses and aim-ed them at the mooH. It was easilyseen that Hahn was planning some-thing..

" The crowd finally called for Kuh-nee-kanro to come out. He was thelast to leave the barroom. They hand-ed him the glasses. And while hestood gazing at the moon two mentalked eclipse to him and the crowdsneaked around the corner and enter-ed the saloon by the side door.

For 15 minutes Kuh-nee-kamp re-mained on the street gazing at thesky. For 15 minutes the crowd helpedthemselves to drinks in the saloon,smoked Kuh-nee-kamp's * cigars and

cleared off the lunch counter. Thenthey sneaked back to the sidewalk.

"Now comes a black cloud dermoon, over," said Kuh-nee-kamp. "Iguess we go back in der saloon."He led the way. The crowd fol-lowed."Ach my, vhat is here der matter?"

he shouted, glancing at the emptybottles. "Looks like der bar vere mitlightning striked. Vhat?"

"Must have been hit by dat 'ereeclipse," suggested Jack, and thecrowd guessed it had.—Chicago InterOcean.


Edward and His Imperial Visitor Hearthe Bishop of Rlpon at Sand-


SANDRINGHAM, England. Nov. 9.—The weather here today was perfect andmild and the bright surshine broughtcrowds of visitors to Sandringham on thechance of seeing Emperor William. Theapproaches to the church were lined withspectators. Queen Alexandra, the Princeof Wales and Mrs. Chamberlain arrivedat the church together. Half an hourlater King Edward, Emperor William,Prime Minister Balfour. Colonial Secre-tary Chamberlain and other distinguishedpersons arrived and stood chatting out-side. King Edward talked with Mr.Chamberlain for a few minutes. Thenthe emperor of Germany approached andfor a quarter of an hour the emperorand Mr. Chamberlain stood apart andconversed earnestly. The service hadbegun and the anthem had been reachedbefore the royal party entered thechurch, the king taking the emperor'sarm.

The bishop of Ripon preached on thepossibility of the disappearance of racedistinctions and the attaining of thegrand brotherhood of man. He referredto King Edward's recovery from his ill-ness, to the visit of his kinsman monarchand to the ties which have long unitedGermany and Great Britain. The bishopsaid that however these countries weredivided by the German ocean, a raceblended cf both people was continuing togrow on the other side of the Atlanticwhere Germans and Englishmen were be-coming one nativity. The services wereclosed by the singing of the national an-them. Afterwards the two monarchswalked together through the gardens.During the day King Edward received ahost of birthday congratulations andgifts. Emperor William gave him avaluable vase. After dinner at the pal-ace the royal party heard Jan Kubelik,the Austrian violinist.



Superintendent of Public Works of Hono-lulu Suspended on a Charge of


HONOLULU, Nov. I.—James H. Boyd.local superintendent of public works,has been suspended by Gov. Dole andarrested on a warrant charged with theembezzlement of $1,060 of public funds.The ousting of Boyd makes vacant athird important territorial office and hasinvolved Gov. Dole in another legal tan-gle as to his powers of suspension ofofficials. Boyd was in San Francisco,when his chief clerk. B. H. Wright, wasarrested on a charge of embezzlingover $8,000 and when Treasurer Wrightwas accused of absconding with $18,000of public money and Auditor Austin wassuspended under grave charges. Boydreturned here on Oct. 22 and was handeda letter from the governor notifying himof his suspension.

The superintendent declared he wouldremain ia charge of his office, and GovDole Placed police on guard to keep Boyd

\u25a0f",4-!. .>Y.hen Bo>'d appeared at the capi-tol building and attempted to enter hisoffie* there was a violent struggle in thecorridor. Boyd finally gave up by ask-ing the courts by a writ of mandamusto compel the governor to allow him toresume charge of the office, assertingthat the governor has no power to sus-pend him without the consent of thesenate. It is said the governor presentedthe situation before President Roosevelt

A tragedy occurred here last Tuesdaynight, when the home of B. F. Friel inNunhal Valley was burned to the groundand his wife and fifteen-year-old daughterperished in the flames, while anotherdaughter, Mrs. Nigel Jackson was so se-verely burned that she died in a fewhours after fearful suffering. The fireis thought to have been incendiary andNigel Jackson, husband of one of thevictims is in custody under suspicion ofhaving committed the deed. Jacksonhad just been sued for divorce.

We doubt if any French mot or reparteeever surpassed in delicacy the reply made

! by an East Indian servant of Lord Duff-j erin, when, he was viceroy of India. "Welli what sort of sport has Lord had?"| said Dufferin one day to his "shikarry "| or sporting servant, who had attended ayoung English lord on a shooting excur-! sion. "Oh!" replied the scrupulously po-

J lite Hindoo, "the young Sahib shot di-I vinely, but God was very merciful to the

birds. —"Saturday Evening Post.

God Was Merciful.

Again a Failure."Do you think this train will get

through on time?" asked the nervous pas-senger.

"I'm trying to think it." answered theconductor. "I've t»een trying to think itever since I went to work. But mentalscience doesn't seem to do much good onthis road."—Washington Star.

In its advanced and chronic forma cold in the head is known as NasalCatarrh and Is the recognized sourceof other diseases. Having stood thetest of continued successful use, Ely'sCream Balm is recognized as a specificfor membranal diseases in the nasalpassages. It is not drying does notproduce sneezing. Price 50 cents atdruggists or by mail. Ely Brothers, 56Warren St.. New York.

Give up prejudice and try it.Messrs. Ely Bros.: —I have been af-

flicted with catarrh for twenty years.It made me so weak I thought I hadconsumption. I got one bottle of Ely'sCream Balm and in three days the dis-charge stopped. It is the best medicin*I have used for catarrh.


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