new-york tribune. «.old m np*t. by tfleiriph by …...rising in its favor andat mminute«past the...

NEW-YORK TRIBUNE. NiW-YOHK, M.iMJAY. JAN rfr In Uetnorratlr Whig l.eoeritl I omiril«- gaa.-Ba i«r.w»v H^i vr Jan :.". IM* -Th- foMowtn« rea- ©tullon» wire adopted Raaolrtd »fa. tl« r*i««tlon of th« r.-«r.*»t*d **att of th* eg«».«« who h«ve preae-t*-! et.SOdaM from th* B.xto Ward be referred hack to th* Ward for th»:* tat . Rf-laal. Th«l It '.« r*e >mm*n'*! t" t1-» IVhlg T. »c",rt of the Sixth Ward, to meet at in« North Am*rlcao Ho a«, * wn»r of laowy »nd Btytrdti, M WotaMOS», ih*2«a loai. to . ..- il ¦¦- Dalag*!** to raer.aai Ina Uem-er«. VV .- .-.« i aod j>«t toe poil of aa - it* lo *ui»et on »aid dar »nd that lltv»* W ( s. Owra 4\' .aiaaAB.aad Joan« »_M»Mp4*.mb.mM J 11 HUBAKT H4VV.«, C.'.a.r- »B BN HM Jottm R Tau ». Secretary pro ter. Latir tmom I ¦¦K'- t - '<''¦ ' _t_0*, Cspt if t< a«T v»r, wn ii \va» fi sau fi ¦ Harre on the Ml ¡ant. i.yw in her m i.teenth day If .n l, aod may he eanpaja»*. today. She hm.* days' ¡ster ai», n fnm Enr'at.d a rontinetii Ba_Tl 01 Ml Hki.i We BMW». gret, the announcement, under our Telegreph head of the death of I'avid Hat«. Ea* one of th* Kditori of the JtaVO. of CtmmaPM Though thla ha« long been a »pec led. toe new* will he received with unariected Borrow. ^_ Why deea fJongreaa Move «a »Inaii ' IM-- paaal of Privóte I leim». Correapondrnce of Tbe Tribune. MTeOtaawOOaa», Saturday, Jan HJ The People aik. and ahuuld aak, why a, is accomplished in i'onçreii.why daya, tasi weeks, and month» glide away, yet lea ¦¦ cord of Conerenional procreas.why M aiur ii time putee and so little else- It is due t and the public interest tl at the truth »honld ht to'd, so that the hlstne may rneasurabiy be place. where it beioiigs. I »lia.., m far as possible, trou giving cause for individual ottenee, thou'h 1 an not quite sure that may tot he a . -nmpromiie 0 dety. Yesterdsy the mornhag was devoted to »cttlini the Pacheco case, then lit teatft Private H. day, the bill creating a Board of Commissioners tr inTMtigite and report upon Private Claims wai taken up in Committee oi the Whole, and Mr Rot |tV__ of Cona. spoke an hour in cipiantlini «fita acope and, up what lomaioei r.f the time devoted to it» din union. He olote« a little before I g iock, snd it wm now time ti procaed toToting; on the vamui amendment! pro poied, under the hve mu.uto ruie An hourtheii' e forward, when the M em ben were anxioua to ad journ, miajht hare sufficed to psss upon half tin eections of tho bill. But a motion was made tl.s the Committee rite, prevsiied by a stand-o vote, the Committee roae, and,.apai.-itt | ent remonstrant «b Mr. VlOTOI, who is entitle' to deference at least trornthe majority,.the Housi adjourn«.! Tin« m.. iing, Private Btnli being gayaia th« or der, the Houfr WtBl lato Committee very early hardly twenty talnatta sltcr the BaMrofaMMtlng and ajrain took up the <'inun itioi.erg ,, ] ., . was now s reasonsiiJe pro«pei t that the bill B be carried through C-oinunttee and nearly prepared for th« final action of the House Btt imaadmanl WM piled on amendment, half thtin MBTI « aaruses for speakinir and M were withdrawn as soon as the Chairman . htMMtt fell to i it off tl.. hva-miinite «peei h m lull flow The rirat tot t, o wai finally worried UlYMfh, und the second there tre siB'.'Cn wir n, Mtaafls] I er lo: half an hour or eo. At '.' o clock an aniemlment we« r.'»i voted on, feller« were ordered, and be rum. The roll wai called ovei Mi inl.ei» oUBg runiiinc; in front tin'lohhie« and Irniriarii.a*-pin« c* a large iiiioiuin wan lound prêtent the >'ha.t_at reported the fart to _g ataaahor und tht II . relspsotl ¡ut" Committee ian_a, '1 bo .lull, sjroaiag butine«« ot pri].o«iiio amtadmanta whkm won eran civ he.'ded, Bjaktag It I minute ipOOcbog thai were not Hitened to, aad takin»' V'tr» vt hall voted, and hnl! ol tli.'ne « hod. vt ere il-iioi .|i,l . what the v were »oilin; upon, am BOdod B MS filteen ininute« Ion or, when the pat*.In !ort;tude of the House *,*».' way. ami a motion that the Committee nsd pie.ailed The and at om n motion to «d,eeirn was ira.le A cad lor the Yeai and Ns.vs was relused, oalj a doien W'hus and nrver th.. atoja o! s rising in its favor and at M minute« past the Houte ¡o«ed tin¦ BgrOB. vti.-k o! tin- Sag' B.ta leaving but *ix 111.10 tu MOM .The Trivato i'Uiui Coininiiiioiier» hili. I presume, is doomed I apprehend itvvil! never emerge from I.enmitteo»er,I it taoohl, u v.,:; probably be in such ahnpc as to «entre it» certain defeat. There «eiin» to he. on the pir! ol s large aeiiionof the aNOBB » ragae mid aliad btwtllilj to Prtratc Claim».-an Impteetitm that they aw be trumped up iaa< al:> prctrni e», bsBMMBM many are eo Tin» BBBBM to me WMSkf Vet a', must realize that Coiuiea« is a very bad toihaaal for the iett etnent of such claims.that they ran not bs propeily eoat de red here .that they inter fere too much with the proper hu»i MM Imu.and that a M. '.. B thhtafl«.It from his conatiluent* to limit alter caiuiot .!¦ gil duty to the whole people ».¦ thoro.diN aa he otli erwiae miarht do. I won'.I Iih.1 with, tcladne»» the passage ol any hill which would irttntfcr hi» hu». neaa to » mure Met. di.\n'. reliebte and tit tribu na' But to-day a 111.niaillt and BO pWgftM eoi. viore« me tint ktala_aj a IH he done. |y The H'.»*/. MtJ ton /'...'. re» It mucl over the pas»age of the hill to pay tor tbe Pacheco ne gro It ever did «t the defeat of a hill Intended for th* Intern«! Improvement of the country generally [hg l.dikoi» Idea of lb« l.egliltllon ol . tree country HBOM to be lb«I It »bould con*t»l* exclusively in voting public moosy to pay for dead human fleih -jutt he»r it ex pi*«« (M rtpture« in dead au i total !»nguage*. It **y*. " congratúlate tbe country on th« patvMge ,.f Baa bill * * O tl »n aaiBla Ifow »oon would etery raven note reate aud erery cloud ranitb Irom our glo- riout boriaoa." A»OTHIR Ilil'H lilMi.l! Aititn in.Mi, n »t Pombky, ti.of tb« lit»h r«tr: ta, arrived at tr.itptrt yesterday In th* thip St Su,k,ui In,m Havre He WM about llaty day» on tb* pa.*ge He wa* a lawyer practicing In tbe Iggggg t'ourt* ot ripperarj and ad Joining Counties. He contribited soine nue article» t.. tb« Dublin .Vanea, ¡ntk 1-tNJtaat, Ac and wa* the author of a book 00 The American Revolution " puhllthed In Daffy'» Library lie w an active member of the Irish I't'uledet «.:..i f**** Letters hav . been received tre-m tVilLIAM H Mitcubl He »i... in Mi.waukm% H««xpecutv Tttil New V.irk in tbe *yring Faoa At bam .The fkto**. hi» s .... al fron. Albany. dsteit.."!»ii.rd»T. which »ay* " Tbe Whig San «tor 1 held s »ecrel caucus last «reo lag Senator Cook bad dtwired Sen »lor* M »tgn t c»! ?or s.ioiat caucus it Wnig Member« of both _MBM but tbey refuted unid tbey bid an opp» itunity to .- t .all «acb other « Ttew« upon tbe tut-<-ct Hence tbu sworel aaaeaa *u h«!d .*»t evening The . Voiied State« Senator was the cause of an ex. bata. Ll'TMla Baacish. SosUVA SriNi««. JOBOI 4 CoLliia, and 11 liiirtnioi Siwajip, each bad their supporters The csucus adiourned till Wedoetd«., eveaing next, without agreeing to ggl . Joint cauc.t I hotk Houses. Nlvv.JkRSïT..¦- Tho v tl -.üaei.t« war« made 00 r nJay ta*l by th« LegitlaUre rv.4»r*r*.8am Mair». Karpar aj is« 5*«. /"va.a. Jacob B liaddla. /. e*. ter» »' is» *«. /Vt»x-«».J.ahm Wright. John 8 «.Cully, Join Ackeo. 1 m.ey O-de. Jsa»e»8kii . /.i*'«*»**. \\ m l»e Hsrt Cssax Oto.JtA/r-Hr Charle« Davt« if F!ir»heth UkOfCKSTIB Co ..'atlyr..iiaseph C Oil 1er tb« uti- expired termol Cbanea l.eeve». elected Senator ! «»Di.\ Co JaAtf*. J«rae» W I ami», for the uocx plred lorm ol Ch*i ,e« H 1 rrnch led. VW Guv Kanatii ol Math . »leu. Cans a own Slate.Is bis annual Mrs*».c. ;j»t »ubmited, astutnes .he »trtiageet po.ltih* ground aga n«t lb« extenden ot Slarery He look* uptia Slarery aa ¿politically. BB> ally «nd (..tally wroag' .quote« Thorn»» Je!*er*oii. to th« elect that H it « ¦. heavy reproach,'' aad an uomixed evil and ha roaclodrt, "If »uch he the acknowledged Character and aaadaactos of Haver7. »hould It be «uf Mired It extend » »regie lio« into territory now free The deep and a ! flog »rtatiment of ray« de lib'rate and setUed eonvietlna of my judgment, a.ikí retpond. n » oerer " Thl« will do very we'd for tee Loco rocu irjTernor ef «Jen l'un own Stat«. XST Hon. LlTTt,g»!ILn Tatlob, one 0: «hi Weprrenunve» from the SanborBtoa District fa the Ml Legl*vie_re, cUed at Concord oa the lt_ aa_ «.OLD IV m np*t. VER. WTI PROM i \UF0KMA' - Tslsajrapb bead a vt'ava«'»- . r.-¡ rts, ba«ed.m I OH I H The statements ran hflf, *.ed. VV A furnia at 00 t a ; * tho dark » . . it few aa ps. The , -.. -, ... « the wharfs or elsewl .ad »: : pel . I rmunt» li '.t i.ji-lt:,v. r 'ti.y; Item pour ior'.n «< a itr»h:;. ,.t «cd bar,«» gold, lei slayty : * <. r Yaaheai %!:..« «.. a Cower «. imie art a this , . em .t u.- a felley, wl tte 1 ..- ¡u »t i watbirug ut one man that doe» cot prod troy ouiicn 4 . sreM from tr..: aim -? . tali ». sets tte dl| prospecting. .tl a* ....... .-..-..¦¦ .. bee, for u I I . la mocea '., mi es of | .. » day. Our ;. a ... peeks «nd brknehet on tn»- > a.t t tr.» r. and one iMe d tte nan Joeqein in aay travels i hevi > rni n were »'...'. .ion. Boontnf or retrnr.ii «¦ tte I t .'. , * '. . it kt.oxAj. tot attaaaed t .- .;. th.- «an ¦- we not he 00 tinglas, i II» took a pan. hi: ed with i«.. wa-.- . I .; out and proda» . uteeè. <¦¦¦.' I asen > »a;, -. «» Band i -tni ttengbt « ap« it it t*ir th»; y our reader« atenld cam that bowevt-r plenty tn>- ~«cr»rrn-nt » Valley may »r* il ,- it- . bag . diaadn :a^-1 y.- ai ... , .. Baa M »rid »ru» - m'tteat tever, which ta*. » Item froa the Oral d»y ol liegina seal tte] :.a> teea am kna the pa-..r ¦.... t*'Dty day« In tte wastes rork In the wat»- xt Apr:; to »he a :. y one e a of dolían d pur* goid, or. more p' IBOart Bill p dialing mote HMO ¦.¦ in a wooden :-. «I or tr. ;,»ri » .t from the roete ta a»t» ake ". ee may r,.-» .- a- .t >.i nu h an th» larsa l... r .«-avintt ihe «mall »o.d :.r the next i-oi «¡rali at «i u max beMova me when (ty that for s time - a halt a mu.: a Ol QliBCBS m fold twenty two a . j . lCloul.d». «rry rr.. 1 Ma.-.x no r. who with « eapita now »how J.OOC to % S 000 1 »»w a man to dsy making pureh«*e» ol dry gooo« ir I ,r tot tami.y. MfeaOke counter eheg n.»'!.. d raw htOB. Well tewed taming one hundred oueeee. .' oltmrrad, that a *-o,..i w»y to park gold duat !;'- replied. a the ».r« brenghtd »we siwttei nay Ilka u.e Ms* r .vi- tu. h I.».« :r, V * '-, rk Would briri«r n»«r .io.i)v.»j ibis asan «eft hie family teat Ana M rkree .. D| and w».t..n¿ prodnclng al -.i iBceieael Is better aban tetef Bsala d » v.... a; -, la r m ,nln. as the man |. rtn--' y was. H « ioirip»miiii « .«li-xn»n. ateeamaed and «..rx».! a.m bun. u'.iv Lsu two or tl . In Ikls toei il true, gi idea t.;.'' yoe mutt not lei || ne t. -.! ... m n an- Sfljnal > i.e. »-.' :..-r.- ai. » .m.- ..! »ved ttei m la is » Basai ^ '-- the »umm'-r ami ttvi« fu«»d t. es ipaayof i i wmhera who had a -i a.-nine, and receive r day, tl at ret in > J to It.e ». t, BtOMB n BOl B vest BOcksl witk t sot to | Brchesi al and saddli and pay the.phyi a ata gold for ineonneeol «jalaine rotleead aad jalap la pro portion An all .:: r an > Xpf u oai., u A arall n.all I-, I ax) npena of gold «.¦tt 'n. nit »t 4 mea pm »t U ¦. i'lacer e - sail| r : , |] h;. .-.'- » w»»Iiiiik titty eeatl to . dollar a garment, many pre!» r tl-riix».iig aw.y their BSSd «p i nth», t paying th» aeAhorweaaao ttetli Ifthey intend retan n.- ni. i an, u ten thi an a As m etevtng, 1 have mvei «»him asan ai wh-. had tin. t- erform tl it operation Ttej aorkoi km «ant. Mon out the . .... ... tl at ill t!. a -la)' Rll.l tl .11 II.-.1 I. a weak, ara frota #100 to I gkt charge hx launch a a ease far three day a ran, t pnraavreL tVagoaen Batane $30 oa .105 ase load twenty to Blrj . ad r :n, in i.. x pi-a«, and bean* O'.'l a has .. ateoil «t,y i «, a a,: h a ii- ar know a phy. rt«n who i.-, «tun rannten, purchase i B aalii-r al I or - ti xt a ,¡'"h¡ ipnaa I Iteptotteflnf -am. m .,-, i tat re niel a xva. I tool.I tti" «rifgtnt with an iMiipty w Baton, distant »'. ut i.fy nun « In» x»a. won d i.ut la«..- up Hie inaci :. tadle eoaeoat «nd bided ate tira m i ana l< im rich In gold all on that Bleak d w i. t.-r» when the w»g.ner teil tick, called on hi» friend, thiid -tor. »n..»!-ti-it wat in sight iteeeetoreeoaae I ¦> not ».liiiini.trr the arel dorn eadei bas old taw which xt»« agre» 11... seder a pn v > that lha I a il I..-I »hou'd f.e turi"thi .1 more in. j, .¦¦ \\ bee a man » Mem la worth $100 b ae» m em « anaai ai, «at pet .11 .1 Blots or » »»..¡u can lion« m.o I, .. ol gold, m y. u may tut, lad aie not alow ta make their I .rtue» tu BheOO l. in»» in aaa frees Asm there wore ssestAeadtm sold BOSS in..nth.y tti»n 1.,-fore In a y. a: \ . .-.- . sels arrive land their cargoes, dis* at bag up tte dint and I»t up the ve.t» I, th.- crew in- .ooii »mon», the misting The inane«! clear whet- tte captan followed the erew Themen reeeeM m Baa ra «. :: at .. sncter, even wllh the »»»ittancc ol Ihn ghboriBfl . .. . » t a. -.' » or have no crew I- .1. :t r them I .me lets...» BOB t-.nuc t t BeawtakeaN n «. nt I pet ssonlk o a"»' n beads I them, »n i t»a a .lay. and drink , k and man patgne »t ha m one eat.n« ted »c« bread el I « w tie'., »ko ¦, til old Btraei tte peat »rum whence he «a ad «». » itioi-ih. pax;n< hit c .ok t ¦'-. »..,! oflMS B| inonih uw e eflewerd - . his mKti s. t » l n>'¦ I . . » inOJei » ::tt , the same wit. si thaii.-h tcey "-r ir.-m «hJJOOto 1800for Ihi npprebm »,on o! a data-: ,,'i Ita Otoo. koBeiQI bad BB the port el Meal 11 « tea ;: »hj lost ,-i . . . ..-»¦¦ eat of a hnadrod .1 wheta ban a in^. :. who arrlvod la M laM aaoatb h . M .'¦ »nJ wat nut ty t.:» m-u «I the edfB d the town to e»cri and B0WOI h.m ;nt, ma n 1 ha teptast « - faits sn.l ..\i t: tnraed Jr:vc;t. «i.,! gi M to the p.»cer Our worthy Uovoreor, Ci f IM a a a. . . . a -«,.:. « ft w« ¡cft, haï a.t.- . -ne, fut uu er better tl vaiiiagra. tor the saetead or tro.r.l time to tr.- t: and Ita c- uni;y and tue Jone lo h.t at aatry men or I lYm yeam ^atrlv »rrlveJ m M --tcr-v . . a I] '. t t r ,-:t \\ n.-ie h.« , .«r;. la, maybe ,.r. ,rt»:n .whether :n V : tour mule »».on tr«vr:ng ver BBS | '.1 ie«: r. *a w whether he»Jsu«rtcr« «re irrighii » war. .«. v r whether the Barge c. nti.ts ,1 blanket*. th.-tt ,\ t ihe suit-ring inliaot. for t».- ivn»\Watioo of fflOd a,. s:i butlhe pnncip.e ateald ta that If privâtes esa ar wl BtaklD«] the.: '.Cou-anis. WBO a:e t tier «. - BBM. a <M Litirakt Itiv. «ayi A new lii»tory .: the I ted :-:»te». inthr.t . , t«> .' t.-v ni the pen B j;.lii.g..'sht-J BBBBBtel Massachusetts h«r. ha» been conapi*ted aid.« in the henee d e Mea York pe il » herd Hi. dieth. Esq. of thUCM] IMtvdl Sites R*» ÍBBBBI BatM, who** »r<"*l*iou (rom ihe inurch of Leg '.and err au-o a g x'd de«; ot tee!.rug bota in .'c.-inJ »nd BatOn M written BO 00000* BB B the I Caere* a»j Sait, which w«* soon U- oe p."- »h»d la ... whrc thr '.«tt BBkttne* sa.ied T" .heet» el the w, »k »re already in the » -use in N-« v t Ni*v }\-Krs to in» Nobth A new bI terj tort has !«ren located r>y Pr«: inn P.- « eatteUpvoa Mi»t'ts.jt; ayoaelte me ro.'u:r>. tmOaarabtkS, s imal «tre«m rwanytag .c:.. the M:«s.» » ; ; v I the r»»t t:,'- . v I'row \V:ng R:»rr One ramper y ol th- On Ifce «r't-.g [joi'.-e- A : Ojo M m ¦aaMaamaBd oat taHOaaaOota the >,..:. Itetart when »nuhed. »ii he g».-rx»on*d by two coaapanles. i>ae ol Infantry and .ne ot dragóos»». - «tatatl Dl.vTH..líen. Jiî v k u «reemed einten d Mesim 0e NewJert... ni : *.ae PriaeeOne Beak en Tt...r«,isv ¦ aspired ¡le srmBhe fM Sapes 1 iiten de ut a. Kailroad. «ftflJAMI BATI FAI HI oístesrehmts wt:.ft BOOOOd the ..ttM :. B ea tte Mitt:«--, ¡i -"-ring the year .M' M gîtant .<r. »D.ut one antvsj ewry one and three quarter» o: an I ->u: eVonratoiAB vVaxtJ ¡a Ti\«> -T V m it;i AkaACeJ Thot «Vm Ward of Aa«nn o«* conmuenced h -. a,* « -v.-ected t-j pent trátelo the depth .-t M feri in » tntnig-.t ¦¦«B Wx-i:- ;v ABXaBOAfl -T at: ri i ttéft» rriKiri« .-t:»:». ... the strca3is A. ksn.a*. w¦. an 1 ?r< perty and eonip>te .topp«»'» x>t the mails »i e -u»»q* Tiit:vKAVv » A ::ew U. '.t.o.. ci the i i S a Haxnpsfc.'f wat last I ted .: fd ford on Friday. ''.:h Jilt und«r t».* UU« cl «.Vetiairipta ..¦. .... on ¦ ¦erilaaal Demnnetratina». i' " *'.. '¦*-« -..¦¦- a_d t tal i srrs 4 B ti t nal anl .A toa ... F that i Cb tbe 3 rithota . roatl « t i retalto. S ¦ s Bita Sometí.ei Btatei and I the .Soul -.. to I * . ementa .t . .n that dire i | « M II « ment with reapoct to tr.avrry where it to i. What that i , . -'-' the recent a . ¦ 'iiatia. ai M with the «.. .:. n tend ipint of Freedom in VV'iienmin. kbtindintly v the a V w Mexico, ai tii »» Teaaa sn.l v»a»reirr.". Mated bj the .Senate. . * ::mit- tee by a Strong vi te t « » New Meal r,,. Tie va »» defeated, and the . Committee ordered tt.reri.-t a b:.i putting an end to the I e.kvo-Trade. Bo fsr, the ¡rrei.t of . '-ini-res».. t I » I w«.»-;. I It ha» «ü,i-e been cheeked, Bad indeed back Tbi Territorial hols have fa ad to hi msle . orders, snd ti.ere is little li.'pe of tiieir pits- sage The t * '? '.in hss been recon » » « .-i!. the Ta, boCO did a. paiied And the potential cauie o! this reverie would»'. ' ire been a r* ¡thern pi.:ti...i .«« aa each i pan m « with a virtual threat of a d.t» ..t Pi rtfa did Dot recant and PI All this the People a.'« now Ihiahiag of They 'ti the propriety of sectional meet- itiBs of Cuntri'tsii .¦: . * txB.lare, with a BW I » ol the « boll srr« m. They are l me take form in m and tin i.' Let M be a NLW PU-'LICATIOffS. ft»* '7 101 t « Labi * I!.. .**. br fob i»ry ha» tat at m by H Long ft Brother! The illnatrtataaa kreaBMtsotlntca . I .1 «pr*»»ioo, »hand ¦..¦.' -ntin*. and the umal M !¦¦ t. _..» »-r km tsaoag the c tton» w. aarnataranaai by i * to tiiur .-»ni t Lmi lento by w 1, Btatms 'Tat atan Itatab al Km by Mu ; Wmot to lie Charm 1 ac«pit»i »tory, by Mr» ('«a. » 1 4.. r-, lam 1 I'.'*. rertoat non. bum M | ^ 's of ri'H.l.i g mato *,.., :,...¦ r:».i y Mgt to lalllfy all who p»y their 1.1 a yesr. sn ! I -I fgT Qbamab fa Pebre*ry, is by lour »tee! and mezr, tint SOgravtogg Home Ire» »ur«l a rJaanatog picture a, pretty but tAwdry tie Mt-ror of Lita," a beeall. letign. and a pelliait of Mil Dt» ¦* t. m tb. in« two lament ed impro'ltatnel 'I he number, which contain* twen ty tOMf p»?»-» it «n excellent one. In a l.terary point of i.. Amor»: the <-¦ .ntri'iu*. « we BOthM th.- name« ot Mr« - . '¦' a .'Wit Mrt Hua-tn MV. i'-own« j i; kaadtoi Hmmi H .mur Trt*. Alden, Papetta il Stoddtni. ead Hayaid layli.r The : t Tatii« ha», »moii»'other thing», a »prighlly ici :»h»m la hi» my .-:,ort fatCms_as.taCsasss,fravMttoa«adCam fy » 8h«w, M U k V\ ea.s 'la,., g ¦. |)r Shea « !,, an th» MtatoOM. which «u rep.,-: f .' tw .r three week« «go It» t ..'ge«t«4**. will be found of much intrrett and value to dh-r than Hi ii pal ¦.. -a»- »I .11 *a,euin I'nrket«. T a * Senate on Prtiiy ...... -it In »n» » the t -ihititt I have that a¡'ep»rtm*nt ,, ¦: peraatoot* atraami sarrytogsheaaaaIt ateatu packet* betw,, i. : , :. tbe In.ted >Ulil «nd tbr i * BtTtofl, I . -IT with the mpary. »tl.v. «-operan Btk »ervue m .-, twve« KO* V »r ,:.y, v.a ma I itustopl . . trart «a Edward M a e a monto .en.ce at âi< OOU per annum, with the privilege i ! runnn, » » :,tleaJ ol Bremer Haven, at t . ., apaBM the content the BMOBOt Tbemopthly .«rvice I:»» t>een aSarj pM :. peraM c «* »*>i_v* Italed. al I-" .- aaao. in« mi, «aaaataa Bol M. . « more MafaWBl I tha Mnua. am .ripoat- . * iban it contained in try Annu« MtaoPrm ¦--.». « The rwM reel for »au sj ., ... -. port or p rt» n that fta *ervrr retween ("htr'tvatoo ». in tre .ted Male« and Havana, in the . . » M M. rueca. .* '.ne t per annum 1 te irr* .-e e.-romer.cej -; . ta-rr » --e tween.d Havana a: » . -t . .. |-r«t .»'. f.'d in» t - » | .owed» »crag 3s arcah :n tne MOl s toperemiMarM t*»e been rect:red toen able tbe Pepartment to th, w »it: . ,, :: » its ». v- y . » ...*.... AL'"-; ....»..* ing tbe item» :n the CM and T:p:o«aar.c r before Coogre»* .-.tali, e ani :.-. M nhera .f' Clerks kB «. .r*M .x;fN«e» -.. ale. "5 Oun C©nt_gcnl c», Mil -». . .*. i r t*.ê Tne expense« ¦ rrtaatsoowpare a* m 4 -, t ."t-i urx 4r*enae« m Treat-.-y I'epartroent *. : * V. War DeparMMBI. . . v ecte« -¿i VV ».- '>» -lart.ent Ravi IVpartnirnt. ¿- at -aprese« in "*vy Oepajrti.>ct. :.t. a . » . N . . i S a rani. n;»r.e-n; vc-nrr-rt -: tJtaajM ! . rament. 583.300 1 _. V lfl,-,ei . Spec.», eiair.icert i jr .gi and m.era.« . * . . : u«*». Soi.500 por cosnpietx n of Marine H-»p:_» at P-.tts- sod, L CO.«go. Padu- Nalcaes. L»ud r-wrrcjl. .*, a- i Miniater* ..', ggtatata tMMOM * *.( tt-Teign intercourse and ..Jew Exp-cte ai to.reonrte with Fa.-*-«.-,? rr'.ncM.. .- juO Qbb____mM| Coasais, A;. *¦...; By Tfleiriph lo thf Sew-Torl. Tribonf. Laie aad Hlahly Impartaat free. I«llf«r«l« I oiliinnilin of lèeld Knm«r* OnVlal Arrásate. «Vf- a v :n »n «. rithdetea icvemSe- bboo -. every Ut] x: .ne and two » , a « .¦«' » . . AMOTHER DISPATCH a aoya that the. v » «a -, « . \ . i thai .- -.-...¦. « attacked wil » . rone ib i . « ". . THIPD DISPATCH, (.cien > e a ! . « tterf dated ttona m :v»d at the .-täte Depart- I fan ¦ M » v Lump* are found w- red been h»»- In r g »» high »« .nd one tre».ry/rr pontdi Many men who w> ; with the Indians A hundred do' s Isy th» ave. r«.-» »nu BBa rr». r»d lr- rr. J. y t. October Half the .... ... t th. ugh net many :. »¦ t urred »mi ng Ihr m The Indur« ¦ saame/§ ate. -..-er» ar» »elling « . »«ch in specie 1 g .Id region» extend over » t-« t ;: » ar. i t am n t known that it d.d not extend t thousand. a Mana trem Cemmeetee «leem i*ys things sre ma itp rsb.e r itid'.tloD »narchy prev»;:i i x.-n his ... i , .: BBOBBb FOURTH DISPATCH. Ml: y veOOale are desert, ! hx apta- ..-k and seamen Ihe .hip .'.«ac «.«. at n (Hatred discharged seldsara flfti loUereper month to go to ( »1 »o. which *u reluted 5he wa* » .. «rnmints«; tl I the Navsl vessels on the c ast »re short of bsods.theship Uhlo wants 1 Ota ::.«.« up her cumple ment Oregon and the Itianda are pouring their population ;nt , < »/.tnrnt» netrly the wbo> ,.i the Third Arti;>'y h«xe detert» d Provisions sre scarce snd high husrd #4 . day. w«th:ng »i\ d. i.srs s Ooeae merchant« clerks ç»t fr. ni | i « pana - »ouiliri n I surui. UtáiiiN-.r. n. Mn.d»y. J«n The Southern Cencae hi I armeetinf», and hOVO »i-ptel IBB Report dr«wn up by Mr Berríen Bf which ii Itr/al in rteroeam and ». i m leagnege and arcument, ad.lres.ed, In the »pint .1 .- , n alike to th« North »nd the .- "ith u.stesd of the ultra Report .I Mr '.'alhoun. Meeting of the l'enii«, U uil.i Whle »lei'iher« Of I ii.i|rr.. Wattn i a I Bdatj J,in l The V. i-»sm>'ii ol i' ivai.i i lie. I a » r»s IITnS to appelai tl ihe Treasury I'.'partm'-nt ».une etBOOB ln-m ti.. u .-täte. 1 hey also recommend Hti Lxntixr ,-ikx y\. s - r«ury lleatraciive lire. ¦isy. Jtn » a -, Water-st a at de ttr. ye,i by re last mshl. Tte MBB Is stid to BO ffTOd i the Mutii«' ln»ur»D. . Company «U.OQO BB the JttBO Haiti rd Sad .:. tt:» X tOATJ C BBOMO I Fraraa «nd |»r-i.h ItMMAtmUA Jan .' -, M \ n.aa BOJBOd Btl «a art »h t another name.I .ii «st night, with a platol Mr fed BM d«y Hi BsOBBBl bel aged O « w.a thy an.i letpccta I ,.i tei:.:^y 1 , B | I n »a» t.'.at .' . -.'W«rt lleuih of Out Id Mule. KatDiaiikSBiko, im Mr. David H . Invlt'iilon lo tira. Tarier. l.tlilM'RK Saturday, JH 10 to 'iay pasito » refl .'. .*n Isylor to vuit lo OBI ...' n his way to Washington The Malla. Ralti.moib. Sunday, Jan '.'I P «I Tt flvsjajt«. .t'.-Mt. ai roiled « A a lit« lit lim In Hi i oiita-rt'*»*». M K N'A TE VVtie»»- » l*n .*, 1 -cuate was tof » HOI «IK OF HH-HKraKNTATI» K-4. ratvATX el i The - «* «hi order w»t Ih* M proviiing fa : ¦ M ta'llihment of a Boar I ot . i , ri-.ate c airnt «¿».r..t the f If] H awgti H.ute re».,.v«d lUelt into a Comr* " a iba Plato lie I a a I a up the «a. i i foi BtoMtfOMam wen . -ed. some o! wain. * re erte.l On mol f the H we was .ailed, when a rity MtBIB.I aiiiwered to their oamet to. ,n after wh eh the C Bam MM I ..« tnd reported pro grett wfhout arrtvlm at . ronclu»ion er till M..n MiW.tOlih I.Pl.Iral.ATlKF. PI.tiPAVV. .-aturday tc ¦ ILL« llf'ITID . was reported t BMaad the charter of the | A. Mton \ »o. one rel»t:ve to remedie! at Isw as» r M " »' BM M I I -snies. collv.i-t: > r tax«» TOa bili to extead Oka t.n.e t.. c ...cet tfc* BM |OAjj\ tu ordered to . third reading, caivtiitAL r MMtm M The'- a.-.- rtai .' m . fc mm mm's , t : taxe -._..:m ; . ate» wa* rej The -. ling tl . the l'ty t New v. -a «a* ordered to a third reading. v. i .- ner» of I'rac . .? IMEOTL. sill« air am The r-enit« M ». re.»t.»*- t tee p*rd, ninj p .wer o! '' » »'..»ejeaenu wer« ... .:-: A Mil J*»:gn»t¡i-g «bit tot.ays »hsll r>« observed in acceptance sed payment uf Ulla, note« ic wa» a.eo TAX1NO »IXC BAMBA lettae » m . . h ux Pre« Ban a», to make up »he latataaatai I i »* watch h«d faaad i County Gen i .t . BtUI ^ra dccid To incorporate tne I .an*« lafta »i ¦' .repany axs L"t::m. htr< ar« « Mr Johtucs ¡aid . ta« us.* i ret>j.utico, rrqaeat- ;ng là* gg| -. to report the am, ur.t t m ,Eey drawn -y Hi H bertaon, tee Ctide Cumm.ti Ut M - .-vsiTH ta.d that be w.u.d tnoTe that the '«««rani. ta< aid rep. rl ntxl wee* r«i liiT r t: .ht ciaJTI. Mtv« to the payment of »Igbt draft* on priatBUt: c wa» ordered to a it:' t t-at eve-y :r,". li »wn tt t gtl »naL bereuter n praasataOon. and withcu: i at.mot the UM : 'f »:-. "¦».:-i»-i and Re_v . , ¦ in '.*w t jra. A kl .--w ii . ,i pwiaoaaJ lia.I ty v After wb:cb It» farther eonti i«r*n,-n wa« postponed Thi I.oi.gnjg *f iTHWAhD..-The New Or lili -it «ay teal. * tbougri * :»w BpamaniLc cases of the epidrrr.'c msr »* . «- : 1*1 I - th.t ttr»ng»r» may St.tag mtotj r city ar. i :.' . .t.r-ns «r« «»ready rerurnio/ in considérât,e nom . 4 ., tl k«**ra vi ,, , , 0( njalteri i i Ik .n tae Wiv of Met. ".-Vv-ral MM ' ti.acett h»T» .- _T**d during the prêtent wees, wheb . »tibited i.'tu.era lya-ptomt. Two or tbre* of tcete MM r it: r»t_ _¿_r circum*u ce« c«.cu'.»ted to -ajine«» evr-u amung ite reaent »ppeaxaaee* d0 not faror any »ppreher.« toe pravs.ence «J rb.ler» to Variant Here and tnere a person who hu gone out af me w»y to coart dite«*« . «: «rd w:tb cociera taorb. bal even tne«e cbms wnen earty »..aoded to are eas^y ret iT«red At J>>atv« La toe due.« is BM tne dec/ma . AfewcsM« ara said to hare oacorred fran*.it in tae same elate, three r lour ul w_et iraong taa .g.*0M have proved ta*_ Í BY THE lIDSIfiBT SOÍTHERV1 til Tklags la I'kllaHelphU. , "iremen are makinfr, préparât i. be . out A a man was »r-- . .' read, charged s » . street septa .... . .- Btned "iiaa Lets, aad com .. mark't w»i very * - reads s i - a « « . - » | . t a r»e « ¦'¦ -ar i'orn !n imi -, : a hrfcel i and I . i wit .t couch t \Vh:iky I Mpetke ¦ . - ...... | Bank. Aiming Hank \ \ . '..»ding f. -. . - «eh oy I kill X ... .... . ... - - Trem Notet 5 at » Bank. 11 ». err n tivia, 1.tetare«. ( nsrsnt.Ar. To-tlglt. r » .... »«.«i --. --.-,.-, r « ... r «4 « . Z . a H ..... I- X ... ... . , V |- tj v a.. ..... I' VI ... V . !. «1 a.» .-.. .. ... .. « a- . «, -, .- . . e w a . M«** . »»» r .t ¦: FaoctBali .We hove beard it mc- Bmt atom itrter», that another Ianey Preis Ball shiuid be got up at the Opera II >use. The loan ne Toe dec- a*., nt and b. .. which just over, ss it la order a > rernenl wh:eb beva remedied. We wee . .. i* that t c «BB Iwaat thirty be «p- lo take the matter iu han i that, in the arrange¬ ments the price ol a ticket sh. u'd Inetndo tte napper intte» 1 'th» enormous charges whiih have been made, that a fixed price should e set for each la.lx s ticket, »n I "tia.x ;h«r th» » ntrance t" the »inphith. »lie should be $i, instead of #1 Ita pleaeppeeroto Mtaaaaolo what tay you. Metsrs Opera goers > Tin H oa il i.« In spite of the 'itifsvorsble wrath»;, the new M-n: .«'. II.. wa» . .1 n Saturday night, by a 1er go ae datero, a i-.-it t Adile and i« HoBBSTeca The par tor m anees were dtte |heM etereetor, mdtt «rtitt» were cs.le.l out »It- r every ple.-e 1 he ( oin-ert overture, by Weber, wa» a Balead ¦' "'( »:t;on. »n.i ed with tirrat power and «kill be ¡teilen sir, p'syi'd by Mis« llohtistock, was an exquisite morceau "I melody the trrmoio in the QOBelednsg passages wa» eeeej to « of tho kind we ever heard the eveuing'i pott irinaiH-e was the duett fr- m B*| / r pian, »loi x.olln Ih. bur mrlatt m oa PasteeD -aie txrongOA dewa e »t rm ol »pplaute. and the »rust was Iwtm IBOOllod to re.pond to it Mme Iosia Bothi. tun in Eoglltb, y ri-n. h »roi Ita.ian, IxntbeBtts lltigll»h pleadl .'. ut lacks «xpreitlon, especially In the lower Ili'U'S - Roi .ii« .Tins redly maei v> r«, which ha» created a it in tile mutual w.r'i it repooaadto-alghl «Vbeeevei flutar pinion mty'-xi.t »» t" the individual n. the performers.evt ry or.»« «gri >.. that we have ne tr.- J.I .'a a O ..,,,[ .. ',,. and »ui-ci tt''. ,..., . ['|;l. Ihe OBIa'.ng i.- :-t:' Light,y rth ei.ti ii«i».tti.- laedlle, tad . t tr-.- perforas. «m ¦.! et* tte sterns and Baa edaalrahl asp, . la abort, tt e i . .... Op»-r« - Ufa . a ., will demonstrate to the ; * Sg St the Ts made. bm apela arrived Ht am eomposed e onnoaar ol n.w wi.t. ..». ti¦». > tyed on the a. - Cotesa Wo coll attrntatm to tte aiwdtâia B «t 11 la performance» in public have »ni t. ttiiy hit thor ugh know¬ ledge and command of the instrument OBâTtoa xvaiis-- We ora g lod to loon that tiia Oration n 1 by J. !.. Jcwsrr, deliver¬ ed at the late 1'rintert Ke«tlT«¡, w « .ed in pamphlet form In a lew days Tgvi Hm* Mil!:%'..'It.e T.a. tion it thi» t' Allocution wi.i.h number» at p*e»ent. among it» mem'.e'ri M War -, cacher», rporate, snd II PliraM, and other teach¬ er» ot .iitü' i,f leArning.held their r- .ular «SB. montr. .. - v ««iatarit g Ha i wa* «altod to prende I be regular order <d bu»lu««( having r>*en gone throurb with »n e»-. Ortmami w*» re«d by Mr BSBMt, After which there « I .. the tow . « to »n oae »< bo, to «'.other v, a are pleated It I ItM that there stem» t to tM Teeeton of oai City » toroa* and abiding briaraal a ward pi gram .> v-» ¦.¦lation.a body which ha» already O n* maet Mward seaaoM i. , .. and taorleod bm 4.. . amara Di* IValtera wa» aaBad to hold an bMjeari on latai i»y la»t »t the ,ty H.iapiU. Bpta tha iy 4 »n IrUnman named J nn Orühn. aged II y*art. who cam- to t i death from MM ot < which had 'ie«u administered to him with a «:. w .¦,.».... it .'¦¦. :,.'i while undergoing * turg'.eal operation. Pfl m the Mta* tppear» that . n employed a* . ie»u.An ;r. the N»vy. and -. k and waa taken B3 ta* I .ty II «,.:..». m tai I. aaf 1 tori v'W »ever», phytieian« had tett.ied, the Jury retu'ced a veri.'t tr.»t to» d>eea»ed came to bi»de»th t adm:n'»tr»tion of chl irof.rm. I b'e J.ry hi .t adminiitration .n lb:« cas* vu proper Chp.:-: - T t * ,..'their sodi» and mu»ic»! di»er»i ,(.t at tue Mecnanict 11».1 »totoned to by a crowd of never sutf.-iently admiring su!.tor* Their roca., b< ¦ :! perform anc. s sre .nurpasted. »nd th'ir »uccei« beyend any _taj ri toe hjftaj altataaad to .. .-*y*mg .hrougu the wees »od atol on .-»turday after - F.ri«...-About Sal » -- - a* out in to» 5«j4"m*Lt a »cc.,.,1 nouseln <;. f s*. resr of St Oeorge'i A: it» i:me, s ¡srg« qaaattty of lard wa« »tored in toe basement, but the . B . / d»m«ge bal ne_The g- y M rit. : * ,. BOT of .- aneanth «trect »ci Eighth «vent.* «udn eoeered on Ira . yeiterday morning, «cd befor« the fiama« c..m I Mbd t- «.. r.ter.*j Bmraatatroyed aadtta ba«_tofeoa> Ui:h:.i »i .L. N. Poo M « baa.a the ï._gM-.n» DcbMtag Pitutoiy. Tery int-r a fre«. iy u* co.imr.i i| will be aa*gj tari .£- V . :. i: '-. n taataOt, ftJtaMO, awe.. known eiuoiub.eiiL owned by me .'»me» MBB. at .,-*-r»d for .ease trotn tue let oi M»y next. r?" rhi .. » ¦.,,, A»»oc:«i. d. w to given :y t. young m»n .". »jC ington Chapter. No , . », , ' Ha [ntiaoa ».ntonaa h tha Patata . -eR.« to. reference to the paisenger ux, ran only either for or against the part*! taxed, tí/ the pas»«a ¦. See ReTlsed tJutute«, Chapter XIV To «ay ai : je .toxday tnat it., |a favor ol the .riant, who «r« not taxed at ail. remiLdim« of the decision ol th- famous Ditch Judge. wbodoa'.dedmtSTorof ta« - "--*.û»t tne Ceftabie itouldpayti-cotu t. - u.Kd -ute» Court ump'y .c_>i t_,t It- an« .**f*--ii»vt noatdtopay «_tg- X 1.1,tie Pal»'a I bane Hsv r.g remonta recent ehe r ,'.-. .. . ... Ma V » » . . . . w . be Judge is whSt « a I ta a. i tviw - . ... ... ¦ ... . Batata ... ... ....¦ . . .... . ¦.. .... ... ... M., . ... . ... ... ... a ... ..... M , ... . ,. ... , I ft** «..-n..i .o ti e otraaeera bow m tVoahiBpton -. a Oof -eward an 1 Hu.h Maxwell ht| d N Y Crawl ed of Ot ts (I n I'ratt ol Ml I « Ki »»motor M iw.. (-8a iiati.r Ba hi Cb»" Mona, t to the S on the tu t national t-xchr Br Hoe i m \f-, i; o 11 died at bio reoJeeaco i, '.. t ..<¦: | :.... I'h lint aged 11 year« \'yf FoHB I Ol BAM, Koq «A»« Max r t a kam «It*, on the l«t in«t .»no», rliitlona Hrrrlxed lo ihr Weekly Tri¬ bune ( lull« ot Three nod over. a Pr«ut lio.luw, N I. HooanJ r*..»i .N ',. H ..w»r. £<>. a ( Wyoming, da, . K-rav-r Liai. '.« . I.NetVtiiiS a..tman. t .. -v «| v ui.lo..1 aamrawm,M..-t:.- K.rt.ard, do. i lodivlduai »uberr ».' raff m Pel OflBBBB Bl Maaa«.-' ...::». Pennsylvania» :ut..Mary Bed. I . (anarta. 1 '«. ,. I Min.'.-sn.2 BUSINESS MOTICES. rav I a » ' .. .-ra:'-/ . at.hi » a «' ' 10 a :r»rl Olor» »-le-., «ri, » -i a M .-- ¦ . . «lia» air »ii [ila '-. .»r a 4 ne *'i'l I rar. I.» «»en al ail bean win arpaertflariiiajaf . - sOleat\Ownrrs, ac 6ti..' t- .ntakereeta a Brt.Eaü:ri ITxH.r.iT: e M I T - -«ut'.f'.. M »!». of Modem Jar.isa.ein, "n a iara-es--*.* -i r»r-/»4wood. a i now on exhlt. non at ice American Museum in i . fared BM tt ». flkl proprietor lialng a»« -¦,.« lo private 11'«. '.he Museum tiraet _ r%v N -:. t Bavapraveakimm pamaaako ia«; an lar.ea-: «kin are mo*i*xpo*e.i w ti.« diseaa- I an revera apa ¦-;«,.- ». » ..-. «. * «IL» r«|-..aí.y g*r,«r*..y io »«ripe ,i How .np.jrtent, ..»- » -»,..-. ... : ki e * .»r« te And - ». '/tir.teg ««..»--2 TM.iiok.'i. m t'rtc-; tl h,«t recently er*et*d t .. Ig l al ,r. \u h . h»ir-d rrauc,» ..> « ma - spm* favorably euh say in in* BBf _ rpr* The betvt p:«re ,o th* C.ty lo i »-t «-o.*?, e,,*,.. ,0j ¦ a > i Ar». M c»«r BM M'..».,ru P.rsi » PH » f fJr-**B.e.t* »4 "». B.S:r.»aJS B'au'. Ol. Prendí waier pr.ejf 'r',in |t > H i», ai I ,n-a ., .( _ B" raanmatawaai - -. H.,«i*rx.t.nder Bbina sxJ Drawer», ai a »maj advance f ¦ . m«r.u'«r:. zt »r- -, ' m-»1 thaï ai tie New Pfl I BOB BBOB r«c -.« rial ai '.¦ »* « .... , .-.a. -a- Sjs 8r«:»i. Tsiiir .For tie ties' ps:»rs of irtner c. a ..own« tiirounnoui uie eonmi * Ma r-r ,pr.- -. hiveap.oicied , o* pAi «,,. , . aisdatly raes -. uaecMoM ¦' . '1 rpr* Psi -t* - a r.«: ». an aanj «« arordini . « . i «a . .taOa . ,-,... .¦"..'- r ., ri« ta-* T*-.»«: .».- a RwOtsenre uf lait, pluipltx«. fi»' S««*. «t..uwrie*». realnaa«, r, i«rbr eu, erjt f».e», r*o»woraa. chat« SresO*, »»fa*, «.c i». uo- don->te<î y. QotTBAl1*0*1 Uot «i» iiad. rales' .*»o4/> »nil .«ta« wen eetaoïisCeU .lie fall ,:.«l ocis«' ii » rVaJ/r» wL.1 poei'.i'e.y erflictta «apeitTu u«.r Oc i .«t-n't J.u'- »,,.. ta pane a '»ty tofiae»* and OoeaBBl w* io tte si:n »>»*n-« « t>ol 0' Petto Oavaaaoyi a»nu ae pr*(i»/«.:.,,¦:. cao r. t ¦,* proa-urea al tua itieV-, !»ikii il f.i»l door from Sroad Wap, where may had. t.«o. I'M* lar.eou* Liquid Hair Ute. Si Pomades, for tians>c.i,y <3yeA0«r Ihe btir bisca, «Beere .¦ i fair. Lubie'i Lau-bcj, %da a »artety of tri««.a tor ihe louet. ,. . M m âi-isa ¦ « . ... n I ' 4 a . . 44 ' a - . » . t*. A . N . . fe*' » .; . u ... ,' _ t'OMMI nCIAL AN1» rtlUNI.T iwatti.m-* ' i c s .¦- | .., i a . :i » .4 , . t ... . a . a .. . I . - . - . . . .4 \ . wa» tak. -i . M | « . VA .. :; any to the I.egUlal * t VI,.-. nria the following part'.calar« < | 'or t! e raei MdlBg r ?. Dis»«».a . ... | , Road > a l » N ton 11 H : * v . ajasrtf .¦.¦-: ¦, n. ti at .na «i- n. b nie fa the fart. of the d. t \ a ,. ,| »t.,,k m the VV i.ett. r «i.d Naihui 11»:,' kd Company Bad It» ».', IM ark th ¿ lurthei 11 and the ».. .,, ta B POBJ « a hi. ti to loaded, and hat tl ihn' ¡."I t. i .,,. .. . t the loMpaay ! » e b«*« ma' B a«t t .o in. 'ti« »rd tn«t l»r» va tii 11 acreaead baataeM of tta load ta M the eeaooeltoa n..w ,.,¡ ete.i »nh sota Basta al VVoieeate wi,l nil.loi.Lie.I, y I.«tore t.. th I Mopert) the mbbm ri prospering, wbi.-n it *i gad pieu, m ta ttadr dteaatj ..«¦ awttkMm and Iron. wi.i. Ii it it n> «B | .«r Tht value ol no- » niporte I n.t . littil.-t, exceptin« th«t t.'t.t to Hie w«H lo.u*e. «.. «'iioiint it dutu » n.- i durlLg Ihe wi. » ... ,i. , | lll»t,.llt. f llip»l. d W.ttl l. a. toi the .Id tan'!, a* *i 7 ... | D ..!..¦. Is« I i< Spec « ..| I Cash received .... laiMofdal) i . i Toe I.low leg tal n » r the totportg m .1» At pert tht» week with the Ihote en', red and witli Ii o t,. m .. I Wan ai VV .ri IV ,«- '.«4»ll w ... «M * 'i !.".. i .1 .. .*»,». Lin*. I -in M B MMM » « Mi ktrahtm Haitaj baa received th« i rn.-l.t ..I. ! HM Not. I , a ol Kl A I'. Il iyc« r. gm i a N o-Yorl Booote, on Th«*radAj »«t. ».> « t.. t paste.1 e reiiiliiii.ii In lavarof agi baaaraBM la* There it a prupooif Now-Yorl I.egUlaturx |o tea Agencie« it foreign ai ¦jenem IVa Mtal tato to stoaa»t»wl peHcy, m tat may the withdraw«! ..f luralgn capital now employ . d líete Hi iii«ui un, .1. »ml wl.i.ii It it dMliattle . btv« tli.-r.. an lucultlclenry ..I New i»ik capita > ir ployed ,n that buaiiie*« fh* I BgtototBM BBO their attention to othi r ».. » itabiiabi I I.. ie> n «i MB !*w. TIio Auburn ai.d Syrienne II« !r ad hat eland a ».'ml «fiiiual divil. n' II.« Hank ol Poaghll Bpoto l,per,«i.r Mai i.aiitt I'ank, do I per rent larmer*' ant |_4W_etarWI ai k do '.) per c ..t ptaB I'lamt l'.»nit. lo peg caat 'lio- i»»u" of QoreraootBt st... _ l ¦ count, fr,.m .-..pteiii'ir to J«n II have been ali.iut flv« million*, of whir ii nul.inl took ahOOl m rae inilrl.». ii.'iniai.y tfsfJJ0 "¦< ir»n. .. |.. o.-'i, «nada » /' snd .-wit/er:«nd |¡i«i,n<«- 'i a gg beoa latro tote tha aVMOtaol aria Hato kfMi i'>,r i h.*»t Coaalff. It to aew to the hands ol try Com , a ........ .... . ...... ... * ........ ie a' at» ..t ma le ia a bbooiib a liartlord and New Haven Hal ¿0 «.». ...lion to nia»» a fa.r a a b| broom thi boo .1 .!¦ i... ..i. .". d a .'!.¦ ty '..- Hall « t., stem the Hea . »bai» A petjl .i. 1.1» been preoed « ture o: tteeeaeheeeOM by tte n»w h»»»ii «r, i s .nt ainoi.n < ,mp»r,y t.r «uthorl») to iti.eont.oua Bkatr, and to construit I rai.r- . I lr. m Bflfl i orjectJant MarOOOl the Weitem i-.»d «t «oiri- p ,iut ta \\.S' .-. B V\'.-»t -prln.leid Tbo a bctfl a Weiter» r .a-1 pre», i.t tí.» s'* ,rs 1 tl.a mpsny i. a , » ... nt ol view Coat at*road from Worcester toAlhaoy I '.« ,. » aaauaat ufdebt. Wftoie :.. -' » i'»s N«W Sftsre* «llir. f l-<\ a 5 . »rt Brill if created iM» year The rae»;pia from a.. |.,ii.«t BM ih* year »nd were . - uipeetx»« «»in» :. ne. N-it »arr.-.r.»!. *> iuct Ir.ierrtt on bier a ad A cyBo... .BV*a«,ian-T r».i lead« i pnr cent each > («eev «. a iurp.1« for th* year./ '" ¡. I J >U,t t : : .»«.,', .. Aod Ihe :.>u. «urp.u« «ppear«. .. |.«V> ,M H l'y a .aw p«t»»;J at li.» .««tie»«. :. t it- ' . . ¦'' »t»ru 1'« lr.«i w*t .-»d t.. mal« a payment» un ¡otin«- t u .- y to th* stek- BMJ lund. from tV t.ett Beie BflJB ' th* r »J t It"1 mak.n,; up the »ccourit* BB staO -. .. .¦.. n twelfths d » I « .. I a-1 . ' lor Ibis purp-sae \\ ith that («duello*, the imuxiMBB .Und . - ' -I « »M«».. etemtu i. itM eel Bee. " oaaaaoj teatetapjotl of the usury .aw» ». tar « nades* mer. hand.*» i.-.u-» and d:«lts. I r »uy period i. ( '* .. \ ridei .¦¦ t .as baefl declared ** the st"»k d (he Ntuml.t,- Msim OBBBB r exOwy . The aîTsln I th» Company A'* rrpresei tit» ' i condition Tte tBtll BOff « I ¦ ' ' operetli-i' »nd i - »< BOfaa » r.«s«tef I ta |ia*t year «wan u.. nl i "0( t*-« »r ». f ti.» ')-. «rare from !*...».*..' Trrr.'on. where U ut., cia.o»--t wita lb* ('*..»¦ to* Amboy r ml, by the r-p rt t Mr >Ve..n. tte E»l'»**' ¦ad ÉBSOJ . n...l Be and a at.'. . y . ,. BBBB r*** the road to which a loan el t.« t Camden and Amb'.y Company su tut^ni»» .all I.e.¡».at .re The l,i:na.i.'.r'ti.t W..iimi»*.,u en-» B**U*L** Ral road Company has submitted lo «V* P- eleventh lasual report. We anaes ike la»«»«»»« »*¦"

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Page 1: NEW-YORK TRIBUNE. «.OLD m np*t. By Tfleiriph BY …...rising in its favor andat Mminute«past the Houte ¡o«ed tin BgrOB. vti.-k o! tin-Sag' B.ta leaving but *ix 111.10 tu MOM.The


rfr In Uetnorratlr Whig l.eoeritl I omiril«-gaa.-Ba i«r.w»v H^i vr Jan :.". IM* -Th- foMowtn« rea-

©tullon» wire adoptedRaaolrtd »fa. tl« r*i««tlon of th« r.-«r.*»t*d **att of th*

D» eg«».«« who h«ve preae-t*-! et.SOdaM from th* B.xtoWard be referred hack to th* Ward for th»:* tat .

Rf-laal. Th«l It '.« r*e >mm*n'*! t" t1-» IVhlg T. »c",rt

of the Sixth Ward, to meet at in« North Am*rlcao Hoa«, * wn»r of laowy »nd Btytrdti, M WotaMOS»,ih*2«a loai. to . ..- il ¦¦- Dalag*!** to raer.aaiIna Uem-er«. VV .- .-.« i

aod j>«t toe poil of aa - it*lo *ui»et on »aid dar »nd that lltv»* W ( s. Owra4\' .aiaaAB.aad Joan« »_M»Mp4*.mb.mM

J 11 HUBAKT H4VV.«, C.'.a.r- »B BN HMJottm R Tau ». Secretary pro ter.

Latir tmom I ¦¦K'- t - '<''¦ '

_t_0*, Cspt if t< a«T v»r, wn ii \va» fi sau fi ¦

Harre on the Ml ¡ant. toot.fii.yw in her m i.teenth day If .n l,

aod may he eanpaja»*. today. She hm.*days' ¡ster ai», n fnm Enr'at.d a


Ba_Tl 01 Ml Hki.i We BMW».gret, the announcement, under our Telegreph head ofthe death of I'avid Hat«. Ea* one of th* Kditori ofthe JtaVO. of CtmmaPM Though thla ha« long beena »pec led. toe new* will he received with unariectedBorrow.


Why deea fJongreaa Move «a »Inaii ' IM--paaal of Privóte I leim».

Correapondrnce of Tbe Tribune.MTeOtaawOOaa», Saturday, Jan HJ

The People aik. and ahuuld aak, why a,

is accomplished in i'onçreii.why daya, tasiweeks, and month» glide away, yet lea ¦¦

cord of Conerenional procreas.why M aiur iitime putee and so little else- It is due tand the public interest tl at the truth »honld htto'd, so that the hlstne may rneasurabiy be place.where it beioiigs. I »lia.., m far as possible, trougiving cause for individual ottenee, thou'h 1 annot quite sure that may tot he a .-nmpromiie 0dety.

Yesterdsy the mornhag was devoted to »cttlinithe Pacheco case, then lit teatft Private, the bill creating a Board of Commissioners trinTMtigite and report upon Private Claims waitaken up in Committee oi the Whole, and MrRot |tV__ of Cona. spoke an hour in cipiantlini«fita acope and, up what lomaioeir.f the time devoted to it» din union. He olote«a little before I g iock, snd it wm now time ti

procaed toToting; on the vamui amendment! propoied, under the hve mu.uto ruie An hourtheii' eforward, when the M em ben were anxioua to adjourn, miajht hare sufficed to psss upon half tineections of tho bill. But a motion was made tl.sthe Committee rite, prevsiied by a stand-ovote, the Committee roae, and,.apai.-itt |ent remonstrant «b a» Mr. VlOTOI, who is entitle'to deference at least trornthe majority,.the Housiadjourn«.!

Tin« m.. iing, Private Btnli being gayaia th« order, the Houfr WtBl lato Committee very earlyhardly twenty talnatta sltcr the BaMrofaMMtlngand ajrain took up the <'inun itioi.erg ,, ] ., .

was now s reasonsiiJe pro«pei t that the bill Bbe carried through C-oinunttee and nearly preparedfor th« final action of the House Btt imaadmanlWM piled on amendment, half oí thtin MBTI «

aaruses for speakinir and M were withdrawn assoon as the Chairman . htMMtt fell to i it off tl..hva-miinite «peei h m lull flow The rirat tot t, owai finally worried UlYMfh, und the second theretre siB'.'Cn wir n, Mtaafls] I er lo: half an hour or

eo. At '.' o clock an aniemlment we« r.'»i

voted on, feller« were ordered, and berum. The roll wai called ovei Mi inl.ei» oUBgruniiinc; in front tin'lohhie« and Irniriarii.a*-pin« c*

a large iiiioiuin wan lound prêtent the >'ha.t_atreported the fart to _g ataaahor und tht II .

relspsotl ¡ut" Committee ian_a, '1 bo .lull, sjroaiagbutine«« ot pri].o«iiio amtadmanta whkm woneran civ he.'ded, Bjaktag It I minute ipOOcbog thaiwere not Hitened to, aad takin»' V'tr» vt

hall voted, and hnl! ol tli.'ne « hod. vt ere il-iioi .|i,l

. what the v were »oilin; upon, am BOdod B MSfilteen ininute« Ion or, when the pat*.In !ort;tudeof the House *,*».' way. ami a motion that theCommittee nsd pie.ailed The

and at om n motion to «d,eeirn was ira.le Acad lor the Yeai and Ns.vs was relused, oalj adoien W'hus and nrver th.. atoja o! s

rising in its favor and at M minute« pastthe Houte ¡o«ed tin¦ BgrOB. vti.-k o! tin- Sag'B.ta leaving but *ix 111.10 tu MOM.The Trivato i'Uiui Coininiiiioiier» hili. I

presume, is doomed I apprehend itvvil! neveremerge from I.enmitteo»er,I it taoohl, u v.,:;probably be in such ahnpc as to «entre it» certaindefeat. There «eiin» to he. on the pir! ol s largeaeiiionof the aNOBB » ragae mid aliad btwtlliljto Prtratc Claim».-an Impteetitm that they

aw be trumped up iaa< al:> prctrni e», bsBMMBMmany are eo Tin» BBBBM to me WMSkf Vet a',must realize that Coiuiea« is a very bad toihaaalfor the iett etnent of such claims.that they rannot bs propeily eoat de red here .that they interfere too much with the proper hu»i MMImu.and that a M. '.. B thhtafl«.Itfrom his conatiluent* to limit alter caiuiot .!¦ gilduty to the whole people ».¦ thoro.diN aa he otlierwiae miarht do. I won'.I Iih.1 with, tcladne»» thepassage ol any hill which would irttntfcr hi» hu».neaa to » mure Met. di.\n'. reliebte and tit tribuna' But to-day a 111.niaillt and BO pWgftM eoi.

viore« me tint ktala_aj a IH he done.

|y The H'.»*/. MtJ ton /'...'. re» It muclover the pas»age of the hill to pay tor tbe Pacheco ne

gro a« It ever did «t the defeat of a hill Intended for th*Intern«! Improvement of the country generally [hgl.dikoi» Idea of lb« l.egliltllon ol . tree country HBOMto be lb«I It »bould con*t»l* exclusively in voting publicmoosy to pay for dead human fleih -jutt he»r it ex

pi*«« (M rtpture« in dead au i total !»nguage*. It **y*." W« congratúlate tbe country on th« patvMge ,.f Baa

bill * * O tl »n aaiBla Ifow »oon would eteryraven note reate aud erery cloud ranitb Irom our glo-riout boriaoa."

A»OTHIR Ilil'H lilMi.l! Aititn in.Mi, n »t

Pombky, ti.of tb« lit»h r«tr: ta, arrived at tr.itptrtyesterday In th* thip St Su,k,ui In,m Havre HeWM about llaty day» on tb* pa.*ge He wa* a lawyerpracticing In tbe Iggggg t'ourt* ot ripperarj and adJoining Counties. He contribited soine nue article» t..tb« Dublin .Vanea, ¡ntk 1-tNJtaat, Ac and wa* the authorof a book 00 The American Revolution " puhllthedIn Daffy'» Library lie w a» an active member of theIrish I't'uledet «.:..i

f**** Letters hav . been received tre-m tVilLIAMH Mitcubl He 1» »i... in Mi.waukm% H««xpecutvTttil New V.irk in tbe *yringFaoa At bam .The fkto**. hi» s .... al

fron. Albany. dsteit.."!»ii.rd»T. which »ay*" Tbe Whig San «tor 1 held s »ecrel caucus last «reo

lag Senator Cook bad dtwired Sen »lor* M »tgn t c»!?or s.ioiat caucus it Wnig Member« of both _MBMbut tbey refuted unid tbey bid an opp» itunity to .- t

.all «acb other « Ttew« upon tbe tut-<-ct Hence tbusworel aaaeaa *u h«!d .*»t evening The .

Voiied State« Senator was the cause of an ex.bata. Ll'TMla Baacish. SosUVA SriNi««. JOBOI 4CoLliia, and 11 liiirtnioi Siwajip, each bad theirsupporters The csucus adiourned till Wedoetd«.,eveaing next, without agreeing to ggl . Joint cauc.t Ihotk Houses.

Nlvv.JkRSïT..¦- Tho v tl -.üaei.t«war« made 00 r nJay ta*l by th« LegitlaUre

rv.4»r*r*.8am Mair». Karpar aj is« 5*«. /"va.a.Jacob B liaddla. /. e*. ter» »' is» *«. /Vt»x-«».J.ahmWright. John 8 «.Cully, Join Ackeo. 1 m.ey O-de.Jsa»e»8kii . /.i*'«*»**. \\ m l»e HsrtCssax Oto.JtA/r-Hr Charle« Davt« if F!ir»hethUkOfCKSTIB Co ..'atlyr..iiaseph C Oil 1er tb« uti-

expired termol Cbanea l.eeve». elected Senator! «»Di.\ Co JaAtf*. J«rae» W I ami», for the uocx

plred lorm ol Ch*i ,e« H 1 rrnch led.

VW Guv Kanatii ol Math .»leu. Cans a ownSlate.Is bis annual Mrs*».c. ;j»t »ubmited, astutnes.he »trtiageet po.ltih* ground aga n«t lb« extenden otSlarery He look* uptia Slarery aa ¿politically. BB>ally «nd (..tally wroag' .quote« Thorn»» Je!*er*oii. toth« elect that H it « ¦. heavy reproach,'' aad an uomixedevil and ha roaclodrt, "If »uch he the acknowledgedCharacter and aaadaactos of Haver7. »hould It be «ufMired It extend » »regie lio« into territory now freeThe deep and a ! flog »rtatiment of ray« delib'rate and setUed eonvietlna of my judgment, a.ikíretpond. n » oerer

" Thl« will do very we'd for teeLoco rocu irjTernor ef «Jen l'un own Stat«.XST Hon. LlTTt,g»!ILn Tatlob, one 0: «hiWeprrenunve» from the SanborBtoa District fa theMl Legl*vie_re, cUed at Concord oa the lt_ aa_

«.OLD IV m np*t.

VER. WTI PROM i \UF0KMA'- Tslsajrapb bead a

vt'ava«'»- . r.-¡ rts, ba«ed.m I OHI H The

statements ran hflf, *.ed.VV A

furnia at 00 t a ; *

tho dark »

. .

it few aa ps. The


-.. -,


« the wharfs or »: : pel


Irmunt» li '.t i.ji-lt:,v. r 'ti.y;

Item pour ior'.n «< aitr»h:;. ,.t «cd bar,«»gold, lei slayty :

* <. r Yaaheai%!:..« «.. a

Cower «. imie arta this

, .

em .t u.- a felley, wl tte 1 ..- ¡u »t iwatbirug ut one man that doe» cot prodtroy ouiicn 4 . sreM from tr..: aim -? . tali

». sets tte dl|prospecting. .tl a* .......

.-..-..¦¦ .. bee, for u I I .

la mocea '., mi es of | .. » day.Our ;. a ...

peeks «ndbrknehet on tn»- > a.t t tr.» r. and oneiMe d tte nan Joeqein in aay travels i hevi >

rni k» n w» were »'...'..ion. Boontnf or retrnr.ii «¦ tte It .'. , * '. .

it kt.oxAj. tot attaaaed t.- .;. th.- «an ¦-

we not he 00 tinglas, i II» took a pan. hi:ed with i«.. wa-.- . I .; out and proda» .

uteeè. <¦¦¦.' I asen > »a;, -. «»Band i -tni ttengbt «

ap« it it t*ir th»; y our reader« atenld cam thatbowevt-r plenty tn>- ~«cr»rrn-nt » Valley may »r* il,- it- . bag . diaadn :a^-1 y.- ai

..., .. BaaM »rid »ru» -

m'tteat tever, which ta*. » Item froa the Oral d»y olliegina seal tte] :.a> teea am knathe pa-..r ¦.... t*'Dty day« In tte wastes

rork In the wat»- xt Apr:;to »he a :. y one e a of dolían d pur*goid, or. more p' IBOart Bill p

dialing mote HMO¦.¦

in a wooden :-. «I or tr. ;,»ri » .t fromthe roete ta a»t» ake ". ee may r,.-» .- a- .t >.inu h an th» larsa l... r .«-avintt ihe «mall »o.d :.r thenext i-oi «¡rali at

«i u max beMova me when (ty that for s m» time

- a halt a mu.: a Ol QliBCBS m fold twenty twoa . j .

lCloul.d». «rry rr.. 1 Ma.-.x no r. whowith « eapita

now »how J.OOC to % S 000 1 »»w a man to dsy makingpureh«*e» ol dry gooo« ir I ,r tot tami.y. MfeaOkecounter eheg n.»'!.. d raw htOB. Well tewedtaming one hundred oueeee. .' oltmrrad, that -« a *-o,..iw»y to park gold duat !;'- replied.a the ».r« brenghtd »we siwttei nay Ilka u.e

Ms* r .vi- tu. h I.».« :r, V * '-, rk Would briri«r n»«»j ibis asan «eft hie family teat Ana M rkree

.. D| and w».t..n¿ prodnclng al-.i iBceieael Is better aban tetef Bsala d »

v.... a; -, la r m ,nln. as the man |. rtn--' y was. H «

ioirip»miiii « .«li-xn»n. ateeamaed and «..rx».! a.mbun. u'.iv Lsu two or tl .

In Ikls toei il true, gi idea t.;.'' yoe mutt notlei || ne t. -.! ... m n an- Sfljnal > i.e. »-.' :..-r.- ai.» .m.- ..! »ved ttei m la e» is »

Basai ^ '-- the »umm'-r ami ttvi« v»

fu«»d t. es ipaayof i i wmhera who had a-i a.-nine, and receive r day,

tl at ret in > J to It.e ». t, BtOMB n BOl B vest BOckslwitk t sot to | Brchesi

al and saddli and pay the.phyi a atagold for ineonneeol «jalaine rotleead aad jalap la proportion An all

.:: r an > Xpf uoai., u A arall n.all I-,

I ax) npena of gold«.¦tt 'n. nit »t 4 mea pm »t U ¦.

i'lacer e - sail |r : , |] h;.

.-.'- »

A» w»»Iiiiik i» titty eeatl to . dollar a garment, manypre!» r tl-riix».iig aw.y their BSSd «p i nth», t payingth» aeAhorweaaao ttetli Ifthey intend retan

n.- ni. i an, u ten thi an aAs m etevtng, 1 have mvei «»him asan aiwh-. had tin. t- erform tl it operation Ttejaorkoi km «ant. Mon out the

. ....

... tl at ill t!. a -la)' Rll.l tl .11 II.-.1 I. a

weak, ara frota #100 to I gkt charge hx launchaaease far three daya ran, t pnraavreL tVagoaenBatane $30 oa .105 ase load twenty to Blrj .

ad r :n, in i.. x pi-a«, and bean* O'.'l a has.. ateoil «t,y i «, a a,: h a

ii- ar

know a phy. rt«n who i.-, «tun (¦ rannten, purchase iB aalii-r al I

or- ti xt a ,¡'"h¡ ipnaaIIteptotteflnf -am. m .,-, i tat reniel a xva. I tool.I tti" «rifgtnt with aniMiipty w Baton, distant »'. ut i.fy nun « In» x»a.won d i.ut la«..- up Hie inaci :.

tadle eoaeoat «nd bided ate tira m i ana l< imrich In gold all on that Bleak d w i. t.-r» when thew»g.ner teil tick, called on hi» friend, thiid -tor.»n..»!-ti-it wat in sight iteeeetoreeoaae I ¦>

not ».liiiini.trr the arel dorn eadei bas old tawwhich xt»« agre» 11... seder apn v > that lha I ail I..-I »hou'd f.e turi"thi .1 more in. j, .¦¦ \\ bee a man »Mem la worth $100 b ae»m em « anaai ai, «at pet

.11 .1 Blots or » »»..¡u r« can lion« m.o I, ..

ol gold, m y. u may tut, lado» aie not alow ta make their I .rtue» tu BheOO

l. in»»in aaa freesAsm there i» wore ssestAeadtm sold

BOSS in..nth.y tti»n 1.,-fore In a y. a: \ . .-.- .

sels arrive land their cargoes, dis* atbag up tte dint and I»t up the ve.t» I, a» th.- crew in-.ooii »mon», the misting The inane«! clearwhet- tte captan followed the erew ThemenreeeeM m Baa ra «. :: at .. sncter,even wllh the »»»ittancc ol Ihn :¦ ghboriBfl. .. . » t a. -.' »

or have no crew I- .1. :t !¦ r them I .me lets...» BOBt-.nuc t t BeawtakeaN n «. nt I pet ssonlko a"»' n beads I them,

»n i t»a a .lay. and drink, k and man patgne »t ha m one

eat.n« ted »c« bread el I« w tie'., »ko ¦, til old Btraei

tte peat »rum whence he «a ad «». »

itioi-ih. pax;n< hit c .ok t ¦'-. »..,! oflMS B|inonih uw e eflewerd - . hismKti s. t »

l n>'¦ I . . » inOJei » ::tt , the same wit. sithaii.-h tcey "-r ir.-m «hJJOOto 1800for Ihi npprebm»,on o! a data-: ,,'i Ita Otoo. koBeiQI bad BB the portel Meal 11 « tea ;: »hj lost ,-i .

. . ..-»¦¦eat of a hnadrod .1 wheta ban a

in^. :. who arrlvod la MlaM aaoatb h . M .'¦ »nJ wat nut ty t.:» m-u«I the edfB d the town to e»cri and B0WOI h.m ;nt,ma n 1 ha teptast « -

faits sn.l ..\i t: tnraed Jr:vc;t. «i.,! gi M to the p.»cerOur worthy Uovoreor, Ci f IM

a a a. . . . a -«,.:.« ft w« ¡cft, haï a.t.- . -ne, fut uu er better tlvaiiiagra. tor the saetead or tro.r.l time to tr.- t:and Ita c- uni;y and tue Jone lo h.t at aatrymen or IlYm yeam ^atrlv »rrlveJ m M --tcr-v . .

a I] '. tt r ,-:t \\ n.-ie h.« , .«r;. r« la, maybe

,.r. ,rt»:n .whether :n V :tour mule »».on tr«vr:ng ver BBS | '.1 ie«: r. *a w

whether he»Jsu«rtcr« «re irrighii »

war. .«. v r whether the Barge c. nti.ts ,1 blanket*.th.-tt ,\ t ihe suit-ring inliaot. for t».-ivn»\Watioo of fflOd a,. s:i w» butlhepnncip.e ateald ta that If privâtes esa ar wlBtaklD«] the.: '.Cou-anis. WBO a:e t tier «. -

BBM. a <M

Litirakt Itiv. «ayiA new lii»tory .: the I ted :-:»te». inthr.t . ,

t«> .' t.-v ni the pen B j;.lii.g..'sht-J BBBBBtelMassachusetts h«r. ha» been conapi*ted aid.« in theheneed e Mea York pe il » herd Hi.dieth. Esq. ofthUCM] IMtvdl Sites R*»ÍBBBBI BatM, who** »r<"*l*iou (rom ihe inurch of Leg'.and errau-o a g x'd de«; ot tee!.rug bota in .'c.-inJ »nd

BatOn M written BO 00000* BB B the ICaere* a»j Sait, which w«* soon U- oe p."- »h»d la

... whrc thr '.«tt BBkttne* sa.ied T".heet» el the w, »k »re already in the »

-use in N-« v t

Ni*v }\-Krs to in» Nobth A new bI terjtort has !«ren located r>y Pr«: inn P.- «

eatteUpvoa Mi»t'ts.jt; ayoaelte me ro.'u:r>.tmOaarabtkS, s imal «tre«m rwanytag .c:.. the M:«s.»» ; ; v I the r»»t t:,'- . v

I'row \V:ng R:»rr One ramper y ol th-On Ifce «r't-.g [joi'.-e- A : Ojo M m¦aaMaamaBd oat taHOaaaOota the >,..:. Itetartwhen »nuhed. »ii he g».-rx»on*d by two coaapanles.i>ae ol Infantry and .ne ot dragóos»».

- «tatatl Dl.vTH..líen. Jiî v k u «reemedeinten d Mesim 0e NewJert... ni :

*.ae PriaeeOne Beak en Tt...r«,isv ¦

aspired ¡le srmBhe fM Sapes1 iiten de ut a.Kailroad.

«ftflJAMI BATI FAI HIoístesrehmts wt:.ft BOOOOd the ..ttM :. Bea tte Mitt:«--, ¡i -"-ring the year .M' M gîtant.<r. »D.ut one antvsj ewry one and three quarter» o:an I ->u:

eVonratoiAB vVaxtJ ¡a Ti\«> -TV m it;i AkaACeJ Thot «Vm Ward of Aa«nn o«*conmuenced h -. a,* « -v.-ected t-j penttrátelo the depth .-t M feri in » tntnig-.t¦¦«B Wx-i:- ;v ABXaBOAfl -T at:

ri i ttéft» rriKiri« .-t:»:». ... the strca3isA. ksn.a*. w¦. an 1 ?r< perty and eonip>te.topp«»'» x>t the mails »i e -u»»q*Tiit:vKAVv » A ::ew U. '.t.o.. ci the i i

S a Haxnpsfc.'f wat last I ted .: fdford on Friday. ''.:h Jilt und«r t».* UU« cl «.Vetiairipta..¦. j».... on ¦

¦erilaaal Demnnetratina».i' " *'.. '¦*-« -..¦¦-

a_d ttal i



B ti t

nal anl.A


F that i

Cb tbe 3

rithota . roatl


t i retalto. S¦



Sometí.ei Btateiand I the .Soul

-.. to I


. ementa.t . .n that dire


a« | «

M II «

ment with reapoct to tr.avrry where it toi. What that i

, . -'-'

the recent a . ¦ ' M with the «.. .:. n

tend ipint of Freedom in VV'iienmin. kbtindintlyv the a V w

Mexico, ai tii »» Teaaa»a»reirr.". Mated bj the .Senate.

. * ::mit-

tee by a Strong vi te t « »

New Mealr,,. Tie P« va »» defeated, and the

. Committee ordered tt.reri.-t a b:.i puttingan end to the I e.kvo-Trade. Bo fsr,the ¡rrei.t of . '-ini-res».. t I » I w«.»-;.

IIt ha» «ü,i-e been cheeked, Bad indeed

back Tbi Territorial hols have fa ad to hi msle. orders, snd ti.ere is little li.'pe of tiieir pits-sage The t * '? '.in hss been recon

» » « .-i!. the Ta, boCO did a.

paiied And the potential cauie o! this reverie

would»'. ' ire been a r* ¡thernpi.:ti...i .«« aa each i pan m

« with a virtual threat of a d.t» ..t

Pi rtfa did Dot recant and PIAll this the People a.'« now Ihiahiag of They

-¦ 'ti the propriety of sectional meet-itiBs of Cuntri'tsii .¦: .

* txB.lare, with a

BW I » ol the « bollsrr« m. They are l

me take form in mand tin i.' Let M be a


ft»* '7 101 t « Labi * I!.. .**. br fob i»ry ha»

tat at m by H Long ft Brother! The illnatrtataaakreaBMtsotlntca . I .1 «pr*»»ioo, »hand¦..¦.' -ntin*. and the umal M !¦¦

t. _..» »-r km tsaoag the c

tton»w. aarnataranaai by i * totiiur .-»ni t Lmi lento by w 1, Btatms 'Tat

atan Itatab al Kmby Mu ; Wmot to lie Charm 1 ac«pit»i »tory, byMr» ('«a. » 1 4.. r-, lam 1 I'.'*.

rertoat non. bum M | ^ 's ofri'H.l.i g mato *,.., :,...¦ r:».i y Mgt to lalllfy allwho p»y their 1.1 a yesr. sn ! I -I

fgT Qbamab fa Pebre*ry, isby lour »tee! and mezr, tint SOgravtogg Home Ire»»ur«l a rJaanatog picture a, pretty buttAwdry tie Mt-ror of Lita," a beeall. letign. anda pelliait of Mil Dt» ¦* t. m tb. in« two lamented impro'ltatnel 'I he number, which contain* twen

ty tOMf p»?»-» it «n excellent one. In a l.terary point ofi.. v» Amor»: the <-¦ .ntri'iu*. « we BOthM th.- name« otMr« -

. '¦' a .'Wit Mrt Hua-tn MV. i'-own«j i; kaadtoi Hmmi H .mur Trt*. Alden, Papetta

il Stoddtni. ead Hayaid layli.r The: t Tatii« ha», »moii»'other thing», a »prighlly ici

:»h»m la hi» my .-:,ort

fatCms_as.taCsasss,fravMttoa«adCam fy »

8h«w, M U k V\ ea.s

'la,., g ¦. |)r Shea « !,,an th» MtatoOM. which «u rep.,-:

f .' tw .r three week« «go It» t ..'ge«t«4**.will be found of much intrrett and value to dh-r thanHi ii pal ¦..


»I .11 *a,euin I'nrket«.T a * Senate on

Prtiiy ......

-it In »n» » the t-ihititt I havethat a¡'ep»rtm*nt,, ¦: peraatoot* atraami sarrytogsheaaaaIt

ateatu packet* betw,, i. : , :. tbe In.ted >Ulil«nd tbr i * BtTtofl,

I . -IT with thempary. »tl.v. «-operanBtk »ervue m e» .-,

twve« KO* V r« »r ,:.y, v.ama I itustopl . . trart «a

Edward M a i« e a monto.en.ce at âi< OOU per annum, with the privilege i !runnn, » » :,tleaJol Bremer Haven, at t .., apaBM

the contentthe BMOBOt Tbemopthly.«rvice I:»» t>een aSarj pM :. peraM c «* »*>i_v* Italed.

al I-" .- aaao. in« mi, «aaaataaBol M. . « more

MafaWBl I tha Mnua. am .ripoat-. * iban it contained in try Annu«

MtaoPrm ¦--.». «The rwM reel for »au sj ., ... -.

port or p rt» n that fta *ervrr retween ("htr'tvatoo». in tre .ted Male« and Havana, in the

. . » M M. rueca. .* '.net per annum 1 te irr* .-e e.-romer.cej

-; . ta-rr » --etween.d Havana a: »

. -t .

.. |-r«t .»'. f.'d in» t :» - » |.owed» »crag 3s arcah :n tne

MOl s toperemiMarM t*»e been rect:red toenable tbe Pepartment to th, w »it: .

,, :: » its ». .» v- y.


AL'"-; ....»..*

ing a» tbe item» :n the CM and T:p:o«aar.c rbefore Coogre»*

.-.tali, e ani :.-. M nhera.f'Clerks kB «.

.r*M .x;fN«e» -.. ale. "5 OunC©nt_gcnl c», Mil -». . .*. i

r t*.êTne expense« ¦ rrtaatsoowpare a* m

4 -, t

."t-i urx4r*enae« m Treat-.-y I'epartroent

*. : * V.War DeparMMBI.. .

v ecte« -¿i VV ».- '>» -lart.entRavi IVpartnirnt.

¿- at -aprese« in "*vy Oepajrti.>ct.:.t.

a .


N .


i S a rani.n;»r.e-n; vc-nrr-rt -: tJtaajM ! .

rament. 583.300 1_.

V lfl,-,ei .

Spec.», eiair.icert i jr .gi and m.era.«.* . .

: u«*». Soi.500por cosnpietx n of Marine H-»p:_» at P-.tts-

sod, L CO.«go. Padu-Nalcaes.

L»ud r-wrrcjl..*, a- i Miniater*..', ggtatata tMMOM * *.( tt-Teign intercourse and

..JewExp-cte ai to.reonrte with Fa.-*-«.-,? rr'.ncM.. .- juOQbb____mM| Coasais, A;. *¦...;

By Tfleiriph lo thf Sew-Torl. Tribonf.Laie aad Hlahly Impartaat free. I«llf«r«l«

I oiliinnilin of lèeld Knm«r* OnVlalArrásate.

«Vf- a v :n »n

«. rithdeteaicvemSe- bboo


every Ut] x: .ne and two

» ,

a « .¦«'

» .



aoya that the. v

» «a

-, « . \ .» . i thai




attacked wil». rone ib i

. .« « ".


THIPD DISPATCH,(.cien > e v» a !

. « tterfdated ttona m :v»d at the .-täte Depart-

I fan


M » v

Lump* are found w-

red been h»»- In r g »» high »«

.nd one tre».ry/rr pontdi Many men who w>;

with the Indians A hundred do' s Isy 1» th» ave.

r«.-» »nu BBa rr». r»d lr- rr. J. y t. October Half the.... ... t th. ugh net many :. »¦ t

urred »mi ng Ihr m The Indur«¦ saame/§ ate. -..-er» ar»

»elling « . »«ch in specie 1 h» g .Id region»extend over » t-« t ;: » ar. i t am n t knownthat it d.d not extend t thousand.

a Mana trem Cemmeetee «leem i*ys things sre ma

itp rsb.e r itid'.tloD »narchy prev»;:i i x.-n his... i

, .: BBOBBb

FOURTH DISPATCH.Ml: y veOOale are desert, ! hx apta- ..-k and

seamen Ihe .hip .'.«ac «.«. at n (Hatred dischargedseldsara flfti loUereper month to go to ( »1 »o. which*u reluted 5he wa* » .. «rnmints«;tl I the Navsl vessels on the c ast »re short of

bsods.theship Uhlo wants 1 Ota ::.«.« up her cumplement Oregon and the Itianda are pouringtheir population ;nt , < »/.tnrnt» netrly the wbo> ,.i

the Third Arti;>'y h«xe detert» d Provisions srescarce snd high husrd #4 . day. w«th:ng »i\ d. i.srs s

Ooeae merchant« clerks ç»t fr. ni | i «

pana -

»ouiliri n I surui.

UtáiiiN-.r. n. Mn.d»y. J«nThe Southern Cencae hi I armeetinf»,

and hOVO »i-ptel IBB Report dr«wn up by Mr BerríenBf >» which ii Itr/al in rteroeam and ». i m leagnegeand arcument, ad.lres.ed, In the »pint .1 .- , n

alike to th« North »nd the .- "ith u.stesd of the ultraReport .I Mr '.'alhoun.

Meeting of the l'enii«, U uil.i Whle »lei'iher«Of I ii.i|rr..Wattn i a I Bdatj J,in l

The V. i-»sm>'ii ol i' ivai.i i lie. I a» r»s

IITnS to appelai tl ihe TreasuryI'.'partm'-nt ».une etBOOB ln-m ti.. u .-täte. 1 hey alsorecommend Hti Lxntixr ,-ikx y\. s - r«ury

lleatraciive lire.¦isy. Jtn

» a -, Water-st a at dettr. ye,i by re last mshl. Tte MBB Is stid to BO ffTOd

i the Mutii«'ln»ur»D. . Company «U.OQO BB the JttBO Haiti rd Sad

.:. tt:» X tOATJ C BBOMO I

Fraraa «nd |»r-i.hItMMAtmUA V« Jan .' -, M

\ n.aa BOJBOd Btl «a art »h t another name.I .ii«st night, with a platol Mr fed BM

d«y Hi BsOBBBl bel aged O « w.a thy an.i letpcctaI ,.i tei:.:^y 1 , B | I n »a» t.'.at .'

. -.'W«rt

lleuih of Out Id Mule.KatDiaiikSBiko, im

Mr. David H-¦.

Invlt'iilon lo tira. Tarier.l.tlilM'RK Saturday, JH 10to 'iay pasito » refl .'.

.*n Isylor to vuit lo OBI ...' n his way toWashington

The Malla.Ralti.moib. Sunday, Jan '.'I P «I

Tt flvsjajt«. .t'.-Mt. ai roiled « Aa lit« lit

lim In Hi i oiita-rt'*»*».MK N'A TE VVtie»»- » l*n .*,

1 -cuate was tof » .«

HOI «IK OF HH-HKraKNTATI» K-4.ratvATX el i

The - «*«hi order w»t Ih* M proviiing fa : ¦ M

ta'llihment of a Boar I ot . i

, ri-.ate c airnt «¿».r..t thef If] H awgti

H.ute re».,.v«d lUelt into a Comr* "

a iba Plato lie I a a I a up the «a. ii foi BtoMtfOMam wen

. -ed. some o! wain. *

re erte.lOn mol f the H we was .ailed,

when a m» rity MtBIB.I aiiiwered to their oametto. ,n after wh eh the C Bam MM I ..« tnd reported progrett wfhout arrtvlm at . ronclu»ion

er till M..n

MiW.tOlih I.Pl.Iral.ATlKF.PI.tiPAVV. .-aturday tc

¦ ILL« llf'ITID. was reported t BMaad the charter of the

| A. Mton \ »o. one rel»t:veto remedie! at Isw as» r M " »' BM M I I -snies.

collv.i-t: > r tax«»TOa bili to extead Oka t.n.e t.. c ...cet tfc* BM|OAjj\ tu ordered to . third reading,

caivtiitAL r MMtm MThe'- a.-.- rtai .' m . fc mm mm's

, t : taxe -._..:m ; . ate» wa* rejThe -. ling tl .

the l'ty t New v. -a «a* ordered to a third reading.v. i .- ner» of I'rac. .?

IMEOTL.sill« air am

The r-enit« M ». re.»t.»*- t tee p*rd, ninj p .wer o!'' » »'..»ejeaenu wer« ... .:-:

A Mil J*»:gn»t¡i-g «bit tot.ays »hsll r>« observedin acceptance sed payment uf Ulla, note« ic wa» a.eo

TAX1NO »IXC BAMBAlettae » m . . h ux Pre« Ban a», to makeup »he latataaatai I i »* watch h«d faaad

i County Geni .t .

BtUI ^ra dccidTo incorporate tne I .an*« lafta »i ¦' .repany

axs L"t::m. htr< ar« «

Mr Johtucs ¡aid . ta« us.* i ret>j.utico, rrqaeat-;ng là* gg| -. to report the am, ur.t t m ,Eeydrawn -y Hi H bertaon, tee Ctide Cumm.tiUt M - .-vsiTH ta.d that be w.u.d tnoTe that the'«««rani. ta< aid rep. rl ntxl wee*

r«i liiT r t: .ht ciaJTI.Mtv« to the payment of »Igbt draft* on

priatBUt: c wa» ordered to a it:'t t-at eve-y :r,". li »wn tt t gtl »naL bereutern praasataOon. and withcu:

i at.mot theUM: 'f »:-.

"¦».:-i»-i and Re_v . , ¦ in '.*w t jra. Akl .--w ii . ,i pwiaoaaJ lia.I ty v Afterwb:cb It» farther eonti i«r*n,-n wa« postponed

Thi I.oi.gnjg *f iTHWAhD..-The New Orlili -it «ay teal. * tbougri * :»w

BpamaniLc cases of the epidrrr.'c msr »* . «- :

1*1 I - th.t ttr»ng»r» maySt.tag mtotj r city ar. i :.' .

.t.r-ns «r« «»ready rerurnio/ in considérât,e nom. 4 .,

tl k«**ra vi ,, , , 0( njalteri i iIk .n tae Wiv of Met. ".-Vv-ral MM '

ti.acett h»T» .- _T**d during the prêtent wees, wheb. »tibited i.'tu.era lya-ptomt. Two or tbre* of tceteMM r it: r»t_ _¿_r circum*u ce« c«.cu'.»ted to

-ajine«» evr-u amung itereaent »ppeaxaaee* d0 not faror any »ppreher.«toe pravs.ence «J rb.ler» to Variant Here and tnere

a person who hu gone out af me w»y to coart dite«*«. «: «rd w:tb cociera taorb. bal even tne«e cbmswnen earty »..aoded to are eas^y ret iT«redAt J>>atv« La toe due.« is BM tne dec/ma .AfewcsM« ara said to hare oacorred tí fran*.it in

tae same elate, three r lour ul w_et iraong taa.g.*0M have proved ta*_


BY THE lIDSIfiBT SOÍTHERV1 tilTklags la I'kllaHelphU.


"iremen are makinfr, préparâti. be .

outA a man was »r-- . .'

read, charged s »


street septa.... .


Btned "iiaa Lets, aad com

.. mark't w»i very *


reads s i - a « «

.- » | . t a r»e« ¦'¦ -ar i'orn !n imi

-, : ahrfcel

i and I . i wit .t coucht \Vh:iky

I.« Mpetke ¦ .-



Aiming Hank\ \

. '..»ding

f. -. . -

«ehoy I kill X ...

.... . ...-

- Trem Notet5

at »

Bank. 11 ».

err n tivia,

1.tetare«. ( nsrsnt.Ar. To-tlglt.r » .... »«.«i

--.--.-,.-, r «

... r «4

« .

Z . a H ..... I- X... ... . , V |- tj


a.. ..... I' VI... V .

!. «1a.» .-.. .. ... .. «

a- . «, -, .- .. ew

a . M«** . »»»

\« r .t ¦: FaoctBali .We hove beard it mc-

Bmt atom itrter», that another Ianey PreisBall shiuid be got up at the Opera II >use. The loan :«

ne Toe dec- a*., nt and b. ..

which i» just over, ss it la order a

> rernenlwh:ebbeva remedied. We wee. .. i* that t c «BB Iwaat thirty be «p-

lo take the matter iu han i that, in the arrange¬ments the price ol a ticket sh. u'd Inetndo tte napperintte» 1 'th» enormous charges whiih have been made,that a fixed price should e set for each la.lx s ticket,»n I "tia.x ;h«r th» » ntrance t" the »inphith. »lie shouldbe $i, instead of #1 Ita pleaeppeeroto Mtaaaaolowhat tay you. Metsrs Opera goers >

Tin H oa il i.« In spite of the 'itifsvorsblewrath»;, the new M-n: .«'. II.. wa» . .1 n Saturdaynight, by a 1ergo aedatero, ai-.-it t Adile and i« HoBBSTeca The partorm anees were dtte |heM etereetor, mdtt«rtitt» were cs.le.l out »It- r every ple.-e 1 he ( oin-ert

overture, by Weber, wa» a Balead ¦' "'( »:t;on. »n.ied with tirrat power and «kill be ¡teilen sir,

p'syi'd by Mis« llohtistock, was an exquisite morceau "I

melody the trrmoio in the QOBelednsg passages wa»eeeej to « of tho kind we ever heard

the eveuing'i pott irinaiH-e was theduett fr- m B*| / r pian, »loi x.olln Ih. bur

mrlatt m oa PasteeD -aie txrongOA dewa e»t rm ol »pplaute. and the »rust was Iwtm IBOOllod to

re.pond to it Mme Iosia Bothi. tun in Eoglltb,y ri-n. h »roi Ita.ian, IxntbeBtts lltigll»hpleadl .'. ut lacks «xpreitlon, especially In the lowerIli'U'S -

Roi .ii« .Tins redly maei

v> r«, which ha» created a it in tilemutual w.r'i it repooaadto-alghl «Vbeeevei flutar

pinion mty'-xi.t »» t" the individual n.

the performers.evt ry or.»« «gri >.. that we have ne

tr.- J.I .'a a O ..,,,[ .. ',,.

and »ui-ci tt''. ,..., . ['|;l.Ihe OBIa'.ng i.- :-t:' Light,y

rth ei.ti ii«i».tti.- laedlle, tad . t tr-.- perforas.«m ¦.! et* tte sterns and Baa edaalrahl asp,

. la abort, tt ei . ....

Op»-r« -

Ufa . a ., will demonstrateto the ; * Sg St the Ts made.

bm apela arrived Ht am eomposed e onnoaarol n.w wi.t. ..». ti¦». > tyed on the

a. -

Cotesa Wo coll attrntatm to tte aiwdtâiaB «t 11 la performance» in public have

»ni t. ttiiy hit thor ugh know¬ledge and command of the instrument

OBâTtoa xvaiis--We ora glod to loonthat tiia Oration n 1 by J. !.. Jcwsrr, deliver¬ed at the late 1'rintert Ke«tlT«¡, w « .ed in

pamphlet form In a lew daysTgvi Hm* Mil!:%'..'It.e T.a.

tion it thi» t' Allocution wi.i.h number» atp*e»ent. among it» mem'.e'ri M War -, cacher»,

rporate, snd II PliraM, and other teach¬er» ot .iitü' i,f leArning.held their r- .ular «SB.montr. ..

- v ««iataritg Ha i

wa* «altod to prende I be regular order <d bu»lu««(having r>*en gone throurb with »n e»-.

Ortmami w*» re«d by Mr BSBMt, After which there« a» I ..

the tow . « to »n oae »< bo, to «'.other v, aare pleated It I ItM that there stem» t to tMTeeeton of oai City » toroa* and abiding briaraal a

ward pi gram .> v-» ¦.¦lation.a body whichha» already O n* maet Mward seaaoM i. ,

.. and taorleod bm4.. . amara

Di* IValterawa» aaBad to hold an bMjeari on latai i»y la»t »t the,ty H.iapiU. Bpta tha iy 4 »n IrUnman named

J nn Orühn. aged II y*art. who cam- to t i death fromMM ot < which had 'ie«u administered

to him with a «:. w .¦,.».... it .'¦¦. :,.'i whileundergoing * turg'.eal operation. Pfl m the Mta*

tppear» that. n employed a* . ie»u.An ;r. the N»vy. and

-. k andwaa taken B3 ta* I .ty II «,.:..». m tai I. aaf 1tori v'W »ever», phytieian« had tett.ied, the Juryretu'ced a veri.'t tr.»t to» d>eea»ed came to bi»de»tht adm:n'»tr»tion of chl irof.rm. I b'e J.ry hi

.t adminiitration .n lb:« cas* vu proper

Chp.:-: - T t "« * ,..'theirsodi» and mu»ic»! di»er»i ,(.t at tue Mecnanict 11».1»totoned to by a crowd of never sutf.-iently admiringsu!.tor* Their roca., b< ¦ :! performanc. s sre .nurpasted. »nd th'ir »uccei« :» beyend any_taj ri toe hjftaj altataaad to .. .-*y*mg

.hrougu the wees »od atol on .-»turday after-

F.ri«...-About Sal »

-- - a* out in to» 5«j4"m*Lt a »cc.,.,1 nouseln <;. fs*. resr of St Oeorge'i A: it» i:me, s ¡srg«qaaattty of lard wa« »tored in toe basement, but the

. B . / d»m«ge balne_The g- y M rit. : * ,.

BOT of .- aneanth «trect »ci Eighth «vent.* «udneoeered on Ira . r« yeiterday morning, «cdbefor« the fiama« c..m I Mbd t- «..

r.ter.*j Bmraatatroyed aadtta ba«_tofeoa>Ui:h:.i »i .L. N. Poo M «

baa.a the ï._gM-.n» DcbMtag Pitutoiy.Tery int-r a fre«.

iy u* co.imr.i i| will be aa*gjtari .£- V . :. i: '-. n taataOt, ftJtaMO, awe..known eiuoiub.eiiL owned by me .'»me» MBB. at.,-*-r»d for .ease trotn tue let oi M»y next.

r?" rhi .. » ¦.,,,A»»oc:«i. d. w to given :y t. young m»n .". »jCington Chapter. No , . », ,

' Ha [ntiaoa».ntonaa h tha Patata . -eR.«to. reference to the paisenger ux, ran only b«either for or against the part*! taxed, tí/ the pas»«a¦. See ReTlsed tJutute«, Chapter XIV To «ay ai: je .toxday tnat it., |a favor ol the .riant,who «r« not taxed at ail. remiLdim« of the decision olth- famous Ditch Judge. wbodoa'.dedmtSTorof ta«- "--*.û»t tne Ceftabie itouldpayti-cotut. - u.Kd -ute» Court ump'y .c_>i t_,t It- an«.**f*--ii»vt noatdtopay «_tg-X

1.1,tie Pal»'a I baneHsv r.g remonta recent ehe

r ,'.-. .. . ... Ma V

» » .

. .


w . be Judge is

whSt « a

I ta a. i tviw




... ¦


. Batata

... ...


. . .....



... ...

M., .






a ...



, ...

. ,.


, I

ft** «..-n..i .o ti e otraaeera bow m tVoahiBpton-. a Oof -eward an 1 Hu.h Maxwell ht| d N Y

Crawl ed ofOt ts (I n I'ratt ol Ml I «

Ki »»motor M iw..(-8a iiati.r Ba hi

Cb»" Mona, t to theS u» on the tu t

national t-xchrBr Hoe i m \f-, i; o 11 died at bio reoJeeaco

i, '.. t ..<¦: | :.... I'h lint aged 11 year«\'yf FoHB I Ol BAM, Koq «A»«

Max r t a kam «It*, on the l«t in«t

.»no», rliitlona Hrrrlxed lo ihr Weekly Tri¬bune I» ( lull« ot Three nod over.

a Pr«ut lio.luw, N I.HooanJ r*..»i .N ',. H ..w»r. £<>.a ( Wyoming, da, .

K-rav-r Liai. '.« . I.NetVtiiiSa..tman.

t .. -v «| v ui.lo..1aamrawm,M..-t:.- K.rt.ard, do.i

lodivlduai »uberr ».' raff m Pel OflBBBB BlMaaa«.-' ...::». Pennsylvania»

:ut..Mary Bed. I. (anarta. 1

'«. ,. I Min.'.-sn.2


.. .-ra:'-/ . at.hi» a «' ' 10 a :r»rl Olor» »-le-., «ri,

.« » -i a M .--¦ . . «lia» air »ii [ila '-.

.»r a 4 ne *'i'l I rar. I.» «»en al ailbean win arpaertflariiiajaf . - sOleat\Ownrrs,ac 6ti..' t- .ntakereeta aBrt.Eaü:ri ITxH.r.iT: eM I T - -«ut'.f'.. M »!».

of Modem Jar.isa.ein, "n a iara-es--*.* -i r»r-/»4wood.a i now on exhlt. non at ice American Museum in

i . fared BM tt ». flkl proprietor lialng a»« -¦,.« lo private 11'«. -....'» si '.he Museum tiraet


r%v N -:. t Bavapraveakimm pamaaakoia«; an lar.ea-: «kin are mo*i*xpo*e.i w ti.« diseaa- I

an revera apa ¦-;«,.- ». » ..-. «. *

«IL» r«|-..aí.y g*r,«r*..y io »«ripe ,i How .np.jrtent,..»- » -»,..-. ... : ki e * .»r« te And - ».

'/tir.teg ««..»--2 TM.iiok.'i. m t'rtc-; tl h,«t recentlyer*et*d t .. Ig l al ,r. \u h . h»ir-d rrauc,» ..> «ma - spm* favorably euh say in in*BBf_

rpr* The betvt p:«re ,o th* C.ty lo i »-t «-o.*?, e,,*,.. ,0j¦ a > i Ar». M c»«r BM M'..».,ru P.rsi

»PH » f fJr-**B.e.t* »4 "». B.S:r.»aJS B'au'.Ol. Prendí waier pr.ejf 'r',in |t > H i», ai I ,n-a ., .(

_ B"raanmatawaai - -. H.,«i*rx.t.nderBbina sxJ Drawer», ai a »maj advance f ¦ . a»m«r.u'«r:. zt »r- -, ' m-»1 thaï ai tie New

Pfl I BOB BBOB r«c -.« rial ai'.¦ »* « .... , .-.a. -a- Sjs8r«:»i. Tsiiir .For tie ties' ps:»rs of irtner c. -« a

..own« tiirounnoui uie eonmi * Ma r-r ,pr.- -.hiveap.oicied , o* pAi «,,. , . aisdatly raes-. uaecMoM ¦' .'1

rpr* Psi -t* - a r.«: ». an aanj «« arordini.« . i «a .

.taOa . ,-,...

.¦"..'- r ., ri«

ta-* T*-.»«: -» .».- a RwOtsenreuf lait, pluipltx«. fi»' S««*. «t..uwrie*». realnaa«, r, i«rbr eu,erjt f».e», r*o»woraa. chat« SresO*, »»fa*, «.c i». uo-don->te<î y. QotTBAl1*0*1 Uot «i» iiad. rales' .*»o4/> »nil .«ta«wen eetaoïisCeU .» .lie fall ,:.«l ocis«' ii » rVaJ/r»wL.1 poei'.i'e.y erflictta «apeitTu m» u«.r Oc i .«t-n't J.u'-»,,.. ta pane a -» '»ty tofiae»* and OoeaBBl w* iotte si:n »>»*n-« « t>ol0' Petto Oavaaaoyi a»nu ae pr*(i»/«.:.,,¦:. cao r. t ¦,*

proa-urea al tua itieV-, !»ikii il f.i»l door from SroadWap, where may b« had. t.«o. I'M* lar.eou* Liquid HairUte. Si r« Pomades, for tians>c.i,y <3yeA0«r Ihe btir bisca,«Beere .¦ i fair. Lubie'i Lau-bcj, %da a »artety of tri««.ator ihe louet.

,.. M

m âi-isa¦ «

. ...


I '

4 a . .



a -

. » .

t*. A .

N . .

fe*' » .; .

u ... ,'_

t'OMMI nCIAL AN1» rtlUNI.T iwatti.m-*' i c a« s .¦- | ..,

i a .

:i »

.4 , .



. a. a .. . I


- . - . . . .4

\ .

wa» tak. -i .

M | « .

VA .. :;

any to the I.egUlal * t

VI,.-. nria the following part'.calar«< | 'or t! e raei MdlBg !» 0» r ?.Dis»«».a . ...

| ,

Road >a

l »

N ton 11H

:*v . ajasrtf.¦.¦-: ¦, n.

ti at .na «i- n. b nie fa the fart.of the d. t \ a a« ,. ,| u« »t.,,k m the VV i.ett. r «i.d

Naihui 11»:,' kd Company Bad It» ».', .« IMarkth .» ¿ lurthei 11and the ».. .,, ta B POBJ « a

.« hi. ti to loaded, and hat tlihn' ¡."I t. i

.,,. .. . t the loMpaay ! » e b«*« ma'

B '¦ a«t t .o in. 'ti« »rd tn«t l»r»va tii 11 acreaead baataeM of tta load ta Mthe eeaooeltoa n..w ,.,¡ ete.i »nh sota Basta alVVoieeate wi,l nil.loi.Lie.I, y I.«tore t.. th I i» .«

Mopert) the mbbm ri prospering, wbi.-n it *i gadpieu, m ta ttadr dteaatj ..«¦ awttkMmand Iron. wi.i. Ii it it n> «B | .«r

Tht value ol no- » niporte I n.t .

littil.-t, exceptin« th«t t.'t.t to Hie w«H lo.u*e. «..

«'iioiint it dutu » n.- i durlLg Ihe wi. » ... ,i. , |lll»t,.llt. f llip»l. d W.ttl l. a.

toi the .Id tan'!, I« a* *i

'« 7 ... |D ..!..¦. I»

Is« I i<

Spec « ..|ICash received ....

laiMofdal) i . i

Toe I.lowleg tal n » r the totportg m.1» At pert tht» week with the v»

Ihote en', red and witli Ii t» o t,. m .. I Wanai VV .ri

IV ,«- '.«4»llw ... «M * 'i !."..i .1 ..

.*»,».Lin*. I -inM B MMM

» «

Mi ktrahtm Haitaj baa received th« i

rn.-l.t ..I. ! HM Not. I, a

ol Kl A I'. Il iyc« r. gm ia N o-Yorl Booote, on Th«*radAj »«t. ».> «

t.. t paste.1 e reiiiliiii.ii In lavarof agibaaaraBM la*There it a prupooif Now-Yorl

I.egUlaturx |o tea Agencie« it foreign ai

¦jenem IVa Mtal tato to stoaa»t»wl peHcy, m tatmay .¦ the withdraw«! ..f luralgn capital now employ. d líete Hi iii«ui un, .1. »ml wl.i.ii It it dMliattle . btv«a« tli.-r.. i» an lucultlclenry ..I New i»ik capita > ir

ployed ,n that buaiiie*« fh* I BgtototBM BBOtheir attention to othi r ».. » itabiiabi I I.. ie> n «i

MB !*w.TIio Auburn ai.d Syrienne II« !r ad hat

eland a ».'ml «fiiiual divil. n' II.«Hank ol Poaghll Bpoto l,per,«i.r Mai i.aiitt I'ank,do I per rent larmer*' ant |_4W_etarWI ai kdo '.) per c ..t ptaB I'lamt l'.»nit. lo peg caat

'lio- i»»u" of QoreraootBt st... _ l ¦

count, fr,.m .-..pteiii'ir to J«n II have been ali.iut flv«million*, of whir ii nul.inl took ahOOl m rae inilrl.».ii.'iniai.y tfsfJJ0 "¦< ir»n. .. |.. o.-'i, «nada » /'

snd .-wit/er:«nd |¡i«i,n<«-'i a gg beoa latro

tote tha aVMOtaol aria Hato kfMi i'>,r i h.*»tCoaalff. It to aew to the hands ol try Com

, a



. ...... ...



ie a' at» ..t ma le ia a bbooiiba liartlord and New Haven Hal ¿0 «.».

...lion to nia»» a fa.r a a

b| broom thi boo.1 .!¦ i... ..i. .". d a .'!.¦ ty '..- Hall

« t., stem the Hea . »bai»A petjl .i. 1.1» been preoed «

ture o: tteeeaeheeeOM by tte n»w h»»»ii «r, i s .ntainoi.n < ,mp»r,y t.r «uthorl») to iti.eont.oua, and to construit I rai.r- . I lr. m Bflfl i orjectJant

MarOOOl the Weitem i-.»d «t «oiri- p ,iut ta

\\.S' .-. B V\'.-»t -prln.leidTbo a bctfl a Weiter»

r .a-1 pre», i.t tí.» s'* ,rs 1 tl.a '¦ mpsny i. a , »

... nt ol view

Coat at*road from Worcester toAlhaoy I'.« ,. » aaauaat ufdebt.Wftoie :.. -' » i'»sN«W Sftsre* «llir. f l-<\ a 5

. »rt Brill if created iM» yearThe rae»;pia from a.. |.,ii.«t BM ih* year »nd;¦ were .


uipeetx»« «»in» :. ne.N-it »arr.-.r.»!. *>

iuct Ir.ierrtt on biera ad A cyBo... .BV*a«,ian-Tr».i lead« i pnr cent each >

(«eev «. a iurp.1« for th* year./ '" ¡.I J >U,t t : : .»«.,', ..

Aod Ihe :.>u. «urp.u« «ppear«. .. |.«V> ,M H

l'y a .aw p«t»»;J at li.» .««tie»«. :. t it- ' . . ¦''

»t»ru 1'« lr.«i w*t .-»d t.. mal« a

payment» un ¡otin«- t I» u .- y to th* stek-BMJ lund. from tV t.ett Beie BflJB ' th* r »J t It"1

mak.n,; up the »ccourit* BB staO -. .. .¦.. n twelfths d» I « .. I a-1 . '

lor Ibis purp-sae \\ ith that («duello*, the imuxiMBB.Und .

- ' -I

« »M«»..etemtu i. itM eel Bee. " oaaaaoj teatetapjotlof the usury .aw» ». tar a» « nades*mer. hand.*» i.-.u-» and d:«lts. I r »uy period i. ( '*


\ ridei .¦¦ t .as baefl declared **the st"»k d (he Ntuml.t,- Msim OBBBB r exOwy .The aîTsln I th» Company A'* rrpresei tit» '

i condition Tte tBtll BOff « I ¦ ' '

operetli-i' »nd i - »< BOfaa » r.«s«tefI ta |ia*t year

«wan i "0( t*-« »r ». f ti.» ')-. «rare from !*...».*..'Trrr.'on. where U ut., cia.o»--t wita lb* ('*..»¦ to*

Amboy r ml, by the r-p rt t Mr >Ve..n. tte E»l'»**'¦ad ÉBSOJ . n...l Be and a at.'. . y . ,. BBBB r***the road to which a loan el t.« t

Camden and Amb'.y Company su tut^ni»» .»

.all I.e.¡».at .re

The l,i:na.i.'.r'ti.t W..iimi»*.,u en-» B**U*L**Ral road Company has submitted lo «V* P-eleventh lasual report. We anaes ike la»«»«»»« »*¦"