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Although it may be hard for you to believe, all of us adults used to be students just like you are now. This includes me! I know when I was a student in your shoes math didn’t always come easy to everyone, again including me! While some students just “get it” others may need a little bit more time to understand the basics. And as much as you might want it to, math won’t just go away as your get older! It will always be around building and building upon what you have already learned. This is why I know it is so important for you to learn multiplication and start to see and understand some of its applications or uses. If you do this, when you are done with 4th grade and move on to 5th, you will have your times tables memorized and will feel confident that you are ready to build upon your math skills.

A lot of students don’t like math because they often approach it from the same way, usually with a worksheet. So if you are having a hard time understanding the concept from one angle, no matter how many worksheets you do, you will probably still have difficulty with it. In this text set I have provided you with literature as an alternative way for you to visually see and work with multiplication and apply it to situations where it will be useful. I hope you enjoy all these texts in this set and more importantly I hope you give yourself the opportunity to learn multiplication and gain the confidence you need to tackle all the math the future holds! Good luck! You can do it!

Kristin RodriguezSomeone who’s been there too!

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Math Science English, Language Arts, and writing

2.4 B represent multiplication and division situations in picture, word, and number form

3.2 B collect and record data by observing and measuring, using the metric system, and using descriptive words and numerals such as labeled drawings, writing, and concept maps;

3.1 Reading/Fluency. Students read grade-level text with fluency and comprehension. Students are expected to read aloud grade-level stories with fluency (rate, accuracy, expression, appropriate phrasing) and comprehension

2.4 C recall and apply multiplication facts through 12 x 12;

3.2 C construct simple tables, charts, bar graphs, and maps using tools and current technology to organize, examine, and evaluate data;

3.3A summarize and explain the lesson or message of a work of fiction as its theme; and

2.4 D use multiplication to solve problems (no more than two digits times two digits without technology);

3.2 D analyze and interpret patterns in data to construct reasonable explanations based on evidence from investigations

3.4 Reading/Comprehension of Literary Text/Poetry. Students understand, make inferences and draw conclusions about the structure and elements of poetry and provide evidence from text to support their understanding. Students are expected to explain how the structural elements of poetry (e.g., rhyme, meter, stanzas, line breaks) relate to form (e.g., lyrical poetry, free verse).

2.6 A  use patterns and relationships to develop strategies to remember basic multiplication and division facts (such as the patterns in related multiplication and division number sentences (fact families) such as 9 x 9 = 81 and 81 ÷ 9 = 9)

3.2 F communicate valid conclusions supported by data in writing, by drawing pictures, and through verbal discussion.

3.11 A summarize the main idea and supporting details in text in ways that maintain meaning;

2.6 B use patterns to multiply by 10 and 100

3.13 A determine the sequence of activities needed to carry out a procedure (e.g., following a recipe);

2.11 A estimate and use measurement tools to determine length (including perimeter), area, capacity and weight/mass using standard

3.16 A write imaginative stories that build the plot to a climax and contain details about the characters and setting;

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units SI (metric) and customary2.11 B perform simple conversions between different units of length, between different units of capacity, and between different units of weight within the customary measurement system

3.17 Writing. Students write about their own experiences. Students are expected to write about important personal experiences.

4.14 A  identify the mathematics in everyday situations4.14 B solve problems that incorporate understanding the problem, making a plan, carrying out the plan, and evaluating the solution for reasonableness;4.14 C select or develop an appropriate problem-solving plan or strategy, including drawing a picture, looking for a pattern, systematic guessing and checking, acting it out, making a table, working a simpler problem, or working backwards to solve a problem; and4.14 D use tools such as real objects, manipulative, and technology to solve problems.

4.15 A explain and record observations using objects, words, pictures, numbers, and technology;

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Annotated Bibliography

An V. “Get Some Sleep!” TIME FOR KIDS. 8,October, 2010. Vol#16 Issue #5.,27972,2023284,00.html

Anno, Ma., & Anno, Mi. (1983). ANNO’S MYSTERIOUS MULTIPLYING JAR. NY. Philomel Books.

Davidson, L.L. “Biggest Chocolate Bar Ever.” SCHOLASTIC NEWS online. 27, September 2010.

Hutchins, P. (1986). The Doorbell Rang. NY: Greenwillow Books (2008).


Mr. R. (2009). My Dog, Multiplication. “Mr. R’s World of Math.” tiplication.aspx

Mr. R. (2009). Multiplying by Hen. “Mr. R’s World of Math.”

Petti, W. Copyright 2000-2010.

Schwartz, D. (1993). How Much is a Million? NY: Lothrop, Lee & Shepherd Books.

Schwartz, D. (2003). MILLIONS RO MEASURE. NY. Harper Collins.

Tang, G. (2002). The Best of Times. NY. Scholastic Press.

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Book: Anno, Ma., & Anno, Mi. (1983). ANNO’S MYSTERIOUS MULTIPLYING JAR. NY. Philomel Books.

Genre: Juvenile Fiction

Synopsis: This book is about a jar. This mysterious jar appears to have water inside, but when you look closer there is actually a whole sea inside. In that sea there is an island. On that one island there are two countries. On each of those two countries there are two mountains. On each of these mountains (six in total) there are four kingdoms. This pattern continues throughout the story. Once the final item is reached, it is up to reader to find out how many in total of the item are there? The second half of the book goes back to the beginning and walks through the story again, only this time showing the math step by step so you can find the answer.

TEK: Math: 2.4 B, 2.4 C, 2.4 D, 4.14 B, 4.14 C, 4.14 D. English, Language Arts, and Reading: 3.16 A.

Reading Strategy: Interactive read aloud. (Teacher) Read the book aloud to the students. Although it may appear simple, the students may need help comprehending how the multiplication follows through all the steps of the story. Walk then through and explain step-by-step after you have read through the book once.

Additional Activity: (Student) Create your own “multiplying jar.” Write a story using the same multiplying principles used in the book. Be creative. Your story can start with any enclosed object you choose, jar, box, jug, basket, etc. and can end wherever you choose. Include at least 10 steps in your story and show the math at the bottom of the page along the way.

Teacher Tidbit: You could use the additional activity as a reading/writing lesson and complete it together as a class or in groups. Each group could create their own book with drawings on large paper and everyone could present it to the class upon completion.

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Book: Hutchins, P. (1986). The Doorbell Rang. NY: Greenwillow Books.

Genre: Juvenile fiction.

Synopsis: Ma has just given Victoria and Sam a yummy plate of cookies she has made for tea when the doorbell rings. Some friends have stopped by just in time for cookies! Everyone is admiring how delicious the cookies look and smell when the doorbell rings again and again. With each ring of the doorbell each child will get less cookies than before. Soon there looks like there are more friends than cookies and the doorbell rings again! What will the children do? Hide their cookies? Leave the door unopened?

TEKS: Math TEKS: 2.4 C, 2.4 D, 4.14 A, 4.14 B, 4.14 C, 4.14D. Language Arts, and Reading TEKS: 3. 3 A, 3.17. Science: 3.2 B.

Reading Strategy: Quick write. (Student) After reading this story, write a paragraph about when you had to share something with a sibling or a friend. Did you want to share? How did it make you feel? How do you think it made your sibling/friend feel?

Additional Activity: (Student) Find your favorite cookie recipe, either from a cookbook or ask a family member. Count how many kids you have in your class and decide how many cookies each student will have. Then double or even triple the recipe if needed. Show all the math work to how you reached the new recipe that would feed your class.

Teacher Tidbit: This would be a good book to use to help introduce measurements. You could bring in flour or sugar and have the students practice measuring in cups and tablespoons and teaspoons. The students could also measure liquids (water or oil) in liters or cups. If allowed by the school, cookies would be a fun follow-up treat!

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Book: Schwartz, D. (2003). MILLIONS TO MEASURE. NY. Harper Collins.

Genre: Juvenile nonfiction.

Synopsis: This is another book with Marvelosissimo the Mathematical Magician. Some children want to have a race but don’t know how to decide where to race to, so they ask Marvelosissimo. The math magician takes them on a fun journey back through time to see how people long ago decided how to measure things. They learn about what people first used to measure distance, height, weight, volume, etc. The children learn about depending on the item they are measuring they may use different units. They also learn how these units relate to each other, such as kilo and kilogram. If you want to see where all the measurements that you’ve heard about came and how to use them, this is the book for you!

TEKS: Math: 2.11 A, 2.11 B, 4.14 A. English, Language Arts, and Reading: 3.1., 3.11 A., 3.13 A. Science: 3.2 B, 3.2C.

Reading Strategy: KWL. (Teacher) This strategy could be done as a class or individually. Create a three-column chart. The first column should be labeled with a “K” for “Know” the second with a “W” for “Want to know” and the last with “L” for “Learned.” So first write down everything you know about measurement. List all the types of measurements that you can think of. Describe when those measurements are used. Then come up with at least three questions that you would like to know about measurements. Then once the book is read, see if any of your questions were answered. Then make a new list under the learned column of five new things about measurement that were learned.

Additional Activity: (Student) Go around the room and estimate to the nearest inch how tall you think any ten items are. Then check your estimations with a ruler. Then convert your measurement to centimeters. Create an organized chart to store all your data.

Teacher Tidbit: Breaking this book up into sections could also be beneficial to go more in depth in each of the units of measurement.

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Book: Tang, G. (2002). The Best of Times. NY. Scholastic Press.

Genre: Juvenile Nonfiction.

Synopsis: If you need help learning your multiplication tables, this is the book for you. This book has a fun and easy rhyme to help you remember the rules of multiplication starting from zero all the way up to the number ten. This book is bright and colorful with great illustrations. The pictures are of silly animals to make things even more exciting and memorable. This is a great alternative to the monotonous memorization. If you are only in need of a review this book can help you too. The last couple of pages breaks down each number and shows you how the riddle works mathematically. With this book anyone can learn their “times tables.”

TEKS: Math: 2.4 B, 2.4 C, 2.4 D, 2.6 A, 2.6 B. English, Language Arts, and Reading: 3.13

Reading Strategy: Tea party. (Teacher) Make one copy each for each set of multiplication clues and create stations with one number at each station. Have students go around to each station in small groups or pairs. Have then reread that particular page and study how to multiply by that station’s number. Then have the students take turns asking each other multiplication questions of that number. Rotate around the room until every student goes to every station and has a chance to practice their multiplication tables from zero to ten.

Additional Activity: Choose one of the multiplication riddles and create your own drawing.

Teacher Tidbit: As with most things some students may struggle with this more than others. For those struggling students, allow more practice time. They may need to write out the math from each riddle to get to the final answer or may require extra practice.

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Book: Schwartz, D. (1993). How Much is a Million? NY: Lothrop, Lee & Shepherd Books.

Genre: Juvenile Nonfiction.

Synopsis: A group of children are traveling around in a hot air balloon with Marvelosissimo the Mathematical Magician as he tries puts into proportion the quantity of a million. Marvelosissimo takes everyday things like children, goldfish, and stars and talks about what it would be like to have a million of them. If you ever wondered what a million goldfish would look like, this book is for you! Marvelosissimo not only shows what it would look like to have a million of these objects but he puts a picture of a child next to it, to help keep it proportionate. Just to keep things interesting, at the end some of the items are discussed in billions, and even trillions! Do you know how long it would take you to count from one to one trillion? Read this book and you will learn!

TEK: Math: 2.6 B, 4.14. A. English, Language Arts, and Reading. 3.11 A.

Reading Strategy: Anticipation Guide. (Student) In your notebook, you will write down how much YOU think a million is. Use common things to make your comparisons to. If a million children climbed up on top of each other, how tall do you think they would be? If you had a billion goldfish how big would your tank need to be to hold them? How long would it take you to count from one to one million? To one billion? To one trillion? After reading the text, go back and compare your answers to what was learned in the book. Write down the correct answers from the book. Were you close?

Additional Activity: (Student) The teacher has a guessing jar. Before reading this book, guess how many items you think are in each jar. After reading you can change your guess or keep it the same. Then ask the teacher for the answer and see how close you were.

Teacher Tidbit: You will need to prepare a guessing jar. You will need a rather large jar that you can fill with small candies or another small object. You should fill it to capacity and try to get approximately 10,000. The students can then guess how many candies are in the jar. Once the answer is revealed you can then help them understand that it would take 100 of these jars to make one million.

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Genre: Juvenile nonfiction.

Synopsis: Counting bunnies has never been so fun! These silly bunnies are doing everything from magic tricks, going to the beach, and even misbehaving at school. While reading it will become apparent that these bunnies are in bunches and bunches. Each bunch represents the number that is to be squared (multiplied by itself). This book gives yet another fun way to review a different type of multiplication.

TEK: Math: 2.4 C. 2.6 A. 414. B.

Reading Strategy: All-About Books. This would be a great strategy to use if you have done a unit on rabbits/bunnies. Have the children write an all-about book using their prior knowledge of everything they know about bunnies.

Additional Activity: Create your own math problems about a real rabbit using your knowledge about rabbit’s behavior. (ex: One pound of pellets feeds approximately three bunnies in one day. How many pounds would be needed to feed 244 bunnies for one day? For one week?

Teacher Tidbit: As you can see from the reading strategy and the additional activity, the student would already need to have a good knowledge base on bunnies to complete these activities.

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1. Math Cats. Petti, W. Copyright 2000-2010.

This is such a fantastic website! There is something here for students of all ages and ability levels. Students can choose a category such as, “Math Cats discover the world!” Once inside they can then choose from different math games and activities. This is a fun way for kids to play around with all kinds of math including multiplication, aside from the usual worksheet. What I really love about this website is that there is a place for “older cats.” This is for parents and teachers. The website is broken down by mathematical category so the teacher or parents can see where there child needs to go for practice on a particular math skill. This is also a place when questions can be asked and advice can be given. This is a wonderful website for both parents and students. This is also a great website that helps students integrate writing with math. There are regular math writing contests held on this site. The students are to write math stories on given topics. Students can really get creative when given the chance and this website does just that!

2. The Math playground. (2008).

This website is called the math playground and it is exactly that. The students can go to this website and feel like they are playing instead of learning and reinforcing their math skills. This website offers games, puzzles, word problems and even math videos. There is something for every student. To the right of the site there is a list of grade levels to accommodate students of all levels. Struggling as well as advanced students can play around on this website and reinforce the skills they are learning in class, like multiplication. There is even a timed “flash card” game, which the students will find more fun than flipping through flashcards at their desk because here they are at the computer and seeing the numbers on the screen. There is truly something for everyone on this website.


Math Cats

discover the


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An V. “Get Some Sleep!” TIME FOR KIDS. 8,October, 2010. Vol#16 Issue #5.,27972,2023284,00.html

Synopsis: This is a great article about how much sleep kids need compared to how much they are actually getting. This article talks about two different students, one age 8 and the other age 10 who aren’t getting enough sleep. These students are much like the average student who is not getting the recommended amount of sleep per night. This has an effect on the student’s behavior and outcome in the classroom. Are you getting enough sleep?

TEK: Math: 2.4 D. 4.15 A. Science: 3.2 C 3.2 D 3.2 F. English, Language Arts, and Reading: 3.11 A.

Reading Strategy: Quick write. (Student) After reading the article you will do a quick write answering the following questions: 1. Do you think you get enough sleep?2. How many hours a night do you think you sleep?3. Do you think that sleep can really affect your performance in the classroom? Why or why not?

Additional Activity: (Student) Lets conduct our own sleep experiment! Without altering your sleep patterns, keep a sleep journal for one week. Then the next week, make a conscious effort to get the recommended amount of ten to eleven hours of sleep each night. Once completed find the average amount of sleep you received during each week rounded to the nearest half hour. Then find out how many hours you would sleep each month if you kept the first week’s sleeping pattern, then find the same for the second week. The next part of the activity will be to compare your average daily work grades from the first week to the second week. Was there any difference? Write a short paragraph explaining your results. Be sure to keep all your data organized.

Teacher tidbit: The additional activity could be compared as a class once everyone has done their sleep journals. You could make a class bar graph showing how many hours everyone slept.

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Davidson, L.L. “Biggest Chocolate Bar Ever.” SCHOLASTIC NEWS online. 27, September 2010.

Synopsis: The biggest chocolate bar ever?! At almost 10,000 pounds, the country of Armenia set a Guinness World Record for the biggest chocolate bar. This article gives all the delicious details of this gigantic treat.

TEKS: Math: 2.4 D, 2.11 A. English, Language Arts, and Reading: 3.11 A.

Reading Strategy: Interactive read aloud. (Teacher) This article is very short and “sweet.” This would be a good article to read together as a class and then work some math together on the board. The class could decide how many people they think should share the chocolate bar and then from there find out how much chocolate each person would get. If it is too much or too little, they could work the other way and say how much each portion should be and then find out how many people would share it. Then they could find how many more of those same chocolate bars would have to be made to make 100,000 pounds or 1,000,000 pounds.

Additional Activity: (Student) Based on the measurements given in the article fine the area and the perimeter of the chocolate bar.

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Poem: Mr. R. (2009). My Dog, Multiplication. “Mr. R’s World of Math.” tiplication.aspx

Summary: This is a cute poem about a dog named multiplication. It won’t take you very long to figure out how he got his name. This is a silly way to think about multiplication, but it’s a good way to practice just the same. You can multiply by how many dogs there are every day and figure out how many ears, and tails and paws you have with every dog that is multiplied.

TEKS: Math: 2.4 B, 2.4 C. 4.14 A, 4.14 B. English, Language Arts, and Reading: 3.4.

Reading Strategy: Reciprocal Questioning. (Teacher) Break the poem into paragraphs and read it one paragraph at a time with the class. Then ask the students questions after each paragraph to make sure they are comprehending how the math is working throughout the poem as well as enjoying the silly story about the dog. After the first break you could have them guess why they think his name is multiplication. After the third paragraph you could ask them if they knew the multiplication problem that created four dogs. Then at the end ask them to write all the multiplication problems for the ears, paws, and legs. Add more questions as you see fit.

Additional Activity: (Student) Notice that in this poem the dogs keep increasing by a factor of 2. How many would there be if they increased by a factor of 3? 5? Do the math and make a chart to keep track. Ex: Factor of 3.

On the first day 3 X my dog multiplication:

How many dogs? 3 x 1 =3

Draw a picture of the dogs:

How many ears? 3 x 2 =6

How many legs? 3 x 4 =12

How many tails? 3 x 1 = 3

How many toenails 3 x 16 =48

Repeat this for the next couple of days as your dog multiplication multiplies by 3! Then do it again by 5.

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My Dog Multiplication

Late last year,During winter vacation,

Dad got us our dog, Multiplication...

Multiplication's a good dog,But he's not without trouble,Because one day I woke up,

And saw that he'd doubled...Two dogs were there,They looked like him,

2 X 1,I had a big grin...

Two dogs were cool,But what about more?

The next day I woke up,And saw there were 4!!!!

4 dogs were a lot,But the fun was still great,

Until the next morning,When I saw there were 8!!

Eight dogs for walking,

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Was one of my fears,That's 32 legs,16 dog ears!!!

But 8 dogs were only,A small complication,

Compared to,16 X,

My dog, Multiplication!!!

 That's 64 paws,

And 16 long tails,32 eyes,

256 toe nails!!!Having so many dogs,

Has been a wild-fun ride,But it's time Multiplication,

Learns to divide!!!!

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Poem: Mr. R. (2009). Multiplying by Hen. “Mr. R’s World of Math.”

Summary: This is a poem about a man who has a hard time remembering how to multiply a number by ten. An old man tells him to ask the hen! Ask a hen? The man may not know how to multiply by ten, but he does know hens, and he knows hens can’t do multiplication. He was very surprised when he went to see the hen and the hen laid an egg right in the answer. Read the poem to find out if the hen was right.

TEKS: Math: 2.6 B. English, Language Arts, and Reading: 3.4. Reading strategy: Hot seat. (Teacher) After reviewing the poem and understanding its meaning, have one student sit in a chair in the front of the classroom, the hot seat. The other students then take turns asking multiplications problems involving ten. Take turns so other students have a turn in the hot seat.

Additional Activity: (Student) Choose one number to multiply by ten. Then draw a picture of how multiplying by Hen will help you solve this problem. (Draw a picture of hen laying the egg in your answer).

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Multiplying by Hen  Every time,

I 'timesed' by ten, Got it wrong, Tried again... Old man said, Hen can fix...

I laughed loud, Old man tricks!!!

Just go give,Hen a try,

Said the man, Winked his eye...

Took my math,To hen's pen, Looked at her,Laughed again, This was silly, I know hens,

Don't know fives,Don't know tens...

10 x 5 Hard for me,

Can hen solve it? Wait and see!!!

  Hen grabbed pen, Hen grabbed pad,

Wrote a 5, Looked real glad,

Around she turned, Egg she laid, Behind the 5, I'm amazed...

Read her answer, Right out loud, Old man's hen,

Felt real proud...


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I hope this text set has really helped you to feel comfortable with multiplication. The purpose of this text set was to help you review multiplication in a variety of ways. You should know all your times tables from zero to ten without question. I also hope that you are able to see how multiplication can be useful in a variety of ways when problem solving. I hope that each student was able to find at least one piece of literature that really helped something about multiplication click for them that they were previously struggling with.

I hope upon completing this text set your math confidence and your math ego has been boosted. You should be able to teach others what you have learned here. It is now your turn to reach out and try to help another struggling math student!

To learn even more about tricks to remember/using multiplication, please visit:

Kristin Rodriguez Someone who no longer struggles with math!