new models transporting the shrinking parcel …...postal 2020 - washington dc march 22nd, 2017 gil...

Postal 2020 - Washington DC March 22 nd , 2017 Gil Perez SVP IoT & Digital Supply Chain SAP SE New Models Transporting the Shrinking Parcel Journey 3D Printing & Blockchain Enablers of the Digital Parcel Journey

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Page 1: New Models Transporting the Shrinking Parcel …...Postal 2020 - Washington DC March 22nd, 2017 Gil Perez SVP IoT & Digital Supply Chain SAP SE New Models Transporting the Shrinking

Postal 2020 - Washington DC

March 22nd, 2017

Gil Perez

SVP IoT & Digital Supply Chain


New Models

Transporting the Shrinking Parcel Journey3D Printing & Blockchain

Enablers of the Digital Parcel Journey

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SAP Confidential

The Market

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The Macro Market Figures








2015 2017 2019 2021

3D Printing Industry Growth ($ Billions)




Category 1

Est. Value of Global Inventory($ Trillions) Global inventory over $10T

Reducing global inventory by just 5% would free up to $500B in capital

Less waste, increased efficiency

20 years to reach $1B 5 years to reach the next $1B 2014 and 2015 each saw $1B in growth Expected growth ~ 400% through 2021

$256B Global economy is ~$80T Manufacturing is ~16% or $12.8T If 3D Printing captures just 2% of

manufacturing, it creates a $640B+ market opportunity

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Industrial 3D Printing is Ready to BreakoutFirst Mover Winners Established in the Next 12-24 Months

Our customers have validated the opportunity

Big investments are being made

Enterprise 3D Printing

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2016 Market Developments

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GE and 3D Printing

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Product Lifecycle – Current State

Prototypes3D Printing

Standard Manufacturing Approach

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Standard Manufacturing Approach

Product Lifecycle with 3D Printing

Prototypes3D Printing

Prototypes3D Printing

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Cost Drivers

Production BOM

Manufacturing Costs

Storage & Warehouse

TaxesImport, export, etc..



Standard Manufacturing

Additive Manufacturing3D Printing


+ + +-

- - -

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American Messenger CompanyJames Casey - 1907

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$ 6 1 B R e v e n u e1 0 8 , 0 0 0 Ve h i c l e s

~ 2 1 0 0 D a i l y F l i g h t s1 9 . 1 M D a i l y D e l i v e r i e s

4 3 4 , 0 0 0 e m p l o y e e s s e r v e o v e r 2 2 0 c o u n t r i e s / t e r r i t o r i e s a n d e v e r y a d d r e s s i n t h e U . S . a n d

E u r o p e

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T h e P a c e a n d S c o p e o f D i g i t a l Tr a n s f o r m a t i o n i s I n c r e a s i n g & G r o w i n g

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C u s t o m e r s t o d a y d e m a n d m o r e


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We’re accelerating into a future shaped less by countries than by connectivity. Mankind has a new maxim – Connectivity is destiny – and the most connected

powers, and people, will win. – Parag Khanna

The way the buyers & sellers connect and interact continues to evolve and change over time

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The Vision…Global On-Demand Manufacturing CapabilitiesManufacturing optimized for time, cost and carbon

Proprietary and Confidential: This presentation may not be used or disclosed to any person other than employees of customer, unless expressly authorized by UPS.

© 2014 United Parcel Service of America, Inc. UPS, the UPS brandmark, the color brown and photos are trademarks of United Parcel Service of America, Inc. All rights reserved.

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UPS + Fast Radius + SAP/Ariba complementsnetwork of over 60 UPS Stores with 3D printing capability

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W o r l d E c o n o m i c F o r u m ( W E F ) & E a r l y A c c e s s P r o g r a m

From 12 to 45 companies

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SAP Distributed ManufacturingThe Modules: Assessment & Digitization, Collaboration & Approval, Production

Assessment & Digitization

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Primary Use Cases

1. The ‘long tail’ & spare parts

2. Lot size of 1 & mass customizations

3. Temporary replacement part • Product recall and/or SLA commitment

• Net new ‘Native 3D’ printing parts and adoption by engineering, quality and procurement teams

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Getting Started with Digital Manufacturing – ‘Pre Production’ Phases

Part Approval &



(In-house or 3rd party)

SAP Distributed Manufacturing + Ariba Network

Manufacturer‘Design Authority’ of

selected parts

[2] New Part Approval & Collaboration[1] Part Assessment & Digitization

1. Run report on Material Worklist – SAP ERP

2. Visualize a long tail problem

3. Analyze the long tail problem (Funnel)

4. Select parts to be tackled

SAP Leonardo

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The End-to-End ‘Production’ solution

SAP Distributed



(In-house or 3rd party)

Logistics Providers

CustomerSAP Distributed Manufacturing + Ariba Network


& directly from OEM

SAP Leonardo

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How it begun

Satoshi Nakamoto posted a white paper to a cryptography mailing list describing a "peer-to-peer version of electronic cash [that] would allow online payments to be sent directly from one party to another without going through a financial institution.“*Satoshi Nakamoto identity is still unknown



Blockchain, the technology behind the Bitcoin is viewed as one of the most important and promising technologies in the market today, that can address internet security and privacy problems.

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Top 10 Emerging Technologies of 2016

“Perhaps the most encouraging benefit of blockchain technology is the incentive it creates for participants to work honestly where rules apply equally to all.”

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A new digital medium to securely store and reliably exchange goods without a ‘middle man’/clearing house

Trust is not established through a third party but with code and mass consensus using a peer to peer network.

The Blockchain Novelty

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What is Blockchain?

Distributed database/ledger, using a state of the art cryptography that runs on millions of computers.

Public Blockchain is an open source, editable by anyone, transparent to everyone, enables true peer to peer transactions, can record any structured information.

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What is blockchain (cont.)?

A blockchain is a shared ledger to process and store transactions across Peer-2-Peer (P2P) decentralized networks. Data is replicated across all users, and security and authentication are enforced automatically through cryptography.

Blockchain ensures the ledger is permanent and secure, and radically reduces the need for trusted 3rd party or central authority.

Traditional Network Blockchain Network

P2P Network

Replicated Ledger

Digital Assets

Consensus Protocol


Smart Contracts

Connected users able to access and add new transactions to a replicated dataset

Complete ledger copies stored independently by each user

Virtual tokens generated on the network and transacted between users

Process for submitting edits and collaboratively updating the database

Rule set enabling users to computationally verify network activity

Code initiating transactions based on activity on the blockchain (not in all blockchains)

Key blockchain components are:

Central Ledger

Node #1



Node #2 Node #3Ledger replicated across

all nodes


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Blockchain Technology Growth & Potential

During 2015/16, bitcoin & blockchain

firms raised over $1 & $2 billion in

funding respectively

In comparison, in 2014 bitcoin &

blockchain startups raised around

$314.7 million.

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Blockchain Applications / Use Cases

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Sweden is conducting tests to put the country's land registry system on blockchain

The blockchain technology works by creating permanent, public "ledgers" of all transactions that could potentially replace complicated systems such as clearing and settlement with one simple database.

Land & Property

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Online Voting

“By casting votes as transactions, we can create a blockchain which keeps track of the tallies of the votes. This way, everyone can agree on the final count because they can count the votes themselves, and because of the blockchain audit trail, they can verify that no votes were changed or removed, and no illegitimate votes were added.”

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Track & Trace - Diamonds

Using Blockchain technology, the unique attributes of each diamond is recorded to creates a sort of DNA. The global ledger of the diamond provides transparency to the origin and authenticity of each gem.

This process can help insure that blood diamonds don’t make their way into consumers hands.

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Anti Counterfeit

“If the concept takes off in other markets, title registration and authenticity

verification may be one of blockchain’s killer apps as any valuable property,

from bikes to cars to even gadgets, such as phones or laptops, can

be secured by a global and decentralized tamper proof blockchain.”

Item has Smart Tag PKI Chip (public key infrastructure)

Stores an encrypted digital certificate issued from

the PKI provider along with other relevant information

on the Ethereum’s block Chain.

Buyers can verify authentication by

Scanning the tag with their phone.

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Supply Chain - Skuhain

Skuchain brackets are smart contract that governs all phases of a typical trade agreement from order, shipment and invoice to final payment.

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Examples of blockchain activity

Launched “Next47” incubator (Jan ’16) with $1B funding to support startups developing IoT “Autonomous machines” and “decentralized electrification” with blockchain (Smart-grids).

Pursuing anti-counterfeiting use-cases. Partnered with Chronicled to install sneaker “smart tags” that encode authenticity and link to unique “digital presence” on Ethereum network. Available for purchase as of Jul ’16.

Announced prototype blockchain product for secure sharing of academic records/test scores (Feb ‘16). Planning 2017 pilot as part of SONY’s annual Global Math Challenge, a competition with ~150K participants.

Joined R3 (Jun ‘16) as one of few non-banking members. Immediate interest is financial use cases (e.g. auto loans, insurance) but sees long-term potential in manufacturing and connected cars.

Released a report (May ‘16) outlining many use cases, including parcel tracking, cross-border remittance, and ID validation. Suggested creating a USPS private blockchain and “Postcoin” cryptocurrency.

Partnered with IBM (Jan ’15) for ADEPT project (Ethereum-based IoT for connected appliances), now folded into broader “Artik” IoT solution. Also invested in Blocko (Jul ‘16) to continue IoT use-case development.

Partners with Tierion (Blockchain record-keeping startup) and launched blockchain R&D lab (March’16). Partners with Gem to build private blockchain for medical records.

Invested in Filament (connected devices startup) in Sept ’15. sees potential for blockchain to re-purpose existing mobile network for IoT. Also considering smart contracts for multi-carrier roaming agreements.

Partnered with (Feb ‘16) to build electric car charging stations capable of autonomous micro-payments to/from smart cars. Also Incubating startups targeting other use cases through innovation hub.

Major R&D at Bangalore lab (750 HC). PoCs in car leasing (with DocuSign), remittance (with Epiphyte). Backing, which just released first protocol for Visa-level transaction volumes (>20K/sec).

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Thank you.

Contact information:

Gil PerezSVP, IoT & Digital Supply ChainSAPEmail: [email protected]