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Wind turbines take to the skiesBy Lakshmi SandhanaTechnology reporter

Continue reading the main storyRelated Stories Wind farms: Generating power and jobs? Wind turbines, in graphics The race for 'green' technologyFor JoeBen Bevirt, the future of energy production is up in the clouds.The inventor is currently putting the final touches to a series of large kites, which he says will be able to harvest the fast crosswinds found at high altitude.His airborne wind turbines will take off and fly to around 2000 feet (600m), where they will float, generating power that can be transferred to the ground via a tether."Global wind is a tremendous source of energy - carrying nearly 870 terrawatts in global tropospheric winds," says Mr Bevirt of Joby Energy, which is developing the wind turbine technology."In comparison, the global demand is 17 terawatts. Harnessing a tiny fraction will transform the way we power our civilization."Aiming highThe notion of tapping into high altitude winds was first posed in the 1970s, but was not technically possible.However, recent advances in materials, computing resources and unmanned aerial vehicles have now made the idea viable.As a result, a handful of companies are now exploring different designs to generate cheap renewable energy from the skies.For example, Magenn Power's Air Rotor System called (MARS) uses a helium filled blimp design, Sky WindPower is building flying electric generators and Kitegen is focused on creating power kites.Joby Energy's technology resembles a large multi-winged kite.The autonomous structures are computer-controlled and can take off vertically before navigating to the desired altitude.Flight is controlled by an advanced computer system and the harnessed electricity is sent down the tether to a substation where it is converted from DC to AC power which can then be routed to a power grid.

The technology's inventors say the devices are portable and relatively inexpensive to build when compared to conventional wind turbines and can generate twice the amount of power."Operating at five times the height of a conventional turbine increases both wind speed and consistency resulting in more power, more often," said Mr Bevirt.And going even higher should, in theory, produce even more power."Going higher increases the velocity of wind that is available," says Professor William Moomaw, director at the Center for International Environment and Resource Policy at Tufts University in Massachusetts."The higher speeds at the greater altitudes should produce significantly more electricity."The technology can potentially navigate to altitudes of 35,000 feet (10,600m), but the company has had to restrict their flying altitudes to 2000 feet or less due to concerns expressed by the US Federal Aviation Administration.Air safetyAfter testing more than 20 different prototypes, the company has settled on a 30kW system, which it is using to evaluate the efficiency of the design. If successful, it intends to pilot test a 100kW prototype within the next year.The firm's goal is to create an initial line of systems with a power capacity of 300kW which would be capable of generating enough energy to power around 150 homes. Larger systems of 3MW or more could potentially power 1500 homes.Firms such as Magenn are experimenting with other approachesEventually wind farms containing several airborne wind energy turbines could be constructed to deliver power consistently, the firm says.However, there are several issues to be addressed."They need to demonstrate that the energy cost is not too great to negate the benefits," said Professor Moomaw.In addition, the firm must demonstrate reliable control systems and show that the entire system is safe."The tether wire, drooping diagonally to the ground, represents a larger ground area for which there is a hazard than that made by a normal turbine," says Professor Mick Womersely, director of sustainability at Unity College, Maine.Mr Bevirt says that the systems are engineered to be strong enough to operate in very strong winds and if the turbines ever encounter gale-force type winds, the system would land itself and be re-deployed when conditions improved."We've also engineered our systems with multiple safety attributes. If one motor fails, the system can continue operation because of its multiple-motor design," says Mr Bevirt."If the tether is severed, the system can be landed safely, powered by onboard batteries."From an electrical hazard perspective, the power also automatically shuts down should the tether be severed leaving it non-energised when it touches ground"The firm initially plans to deploy the technology in thinly populated areas with strong winds to road-test the technology thoroughly.If successful, Mr Bevirt hopes to deploy his technology around the world."Our goal is to deploy airborne wind turbines globally to produce cheap, consistent, and abundant electricity for a prosperous planet."More on This StoryRelated Stories Wind farms: Generating power and jobs?08 JANUARY 2010,BUSINESS Wind turbines, in graphics20 OCTOBER 2008,629 The race for 'green' technology15 AUGUST 2008,CLICK ONLINE New drive to harness wave power09 DECEMBER 2009,SCI/TECH Power station harnesses Sun's rays02 MAY 2007,SCI/TECH Meet green monsters of the deep09 DECEMBER 2009,SCI/TECH

Solar-Powered Glass Road Could Melt Snow AutomaticallyByJohn BrandonPublished February 02, 2011FoxNews.comFacebookTwitterlivefyreEmail

(Dan Walden)Its being calledsnowmageddon and for good reason. Snow and ice are wreaking havoc all across the United States with record wind chills and more precipitation than Siberia on a bad day. If your commute is taking three times as long as it usually does, go ahead and blame the archaic highway system.Thats right. In the 1950s, the idea of paving America with black asphalt seemed like a good idea. Now, 60 years later, were still using it -- and still sliding all over the road.ADVERTISEMENTBut what if the road itself could change?Thats the dream for Scott Brusaw, who has a novel idea for dealing with snowy roads: replace them with a glass surface embedded with solar cells that generate power form the sun and store it in batteries for use at night. In his view, such a proliferation of solar cells could also help solve our ongoing dependence on fossil fuels, because they could feed excess electric power into the grid. He has even developed illuminated lane markings that change according to current road conditions.His company, Solar Roadways is waiting for approval on a new $750,000 grant from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) that will help him build a large-scale prototype to test new materials and electronics, and hopefully prove that his invention works.More on this... Solar-Powered Glass Road Could Melt Snow Automatically

Solar Powered Toyota?

Intelligent highwaysMost automotive experts agree that something needs to be done to make U.S. highways safer, but some are skeptical about Brusaws plan. Thilo Koslowski, a respected automotive expert and vice president at the technology consulting firm Gartner, says that the government really needs to explore more intelligent roadways that provide clues about the conditions of the road and the upcoming traffic conditions.Automakers are also interested in intelligent highways, since it means sharing the burden for safety with the Federal Highway Administration and not carrying the load themselves.The idea of an intelligent highway system has been studied for decades, says Jeff Holland, a spokesperson for the American Suzuki Motor Corporation. The benefits include safety from illuminating the roadways, the ability to melt ice and snow, traffic management solutions and accident reduction.To this end, IBM has tested roadway sensors that can tell drivers about traffic conditions. At Lule University of Technology in Sweden, a project called iRoad uses LED lights embedded into the road that can send information about road conditions to drivers.Click here to read about Volvo's automated "road train."For Brusaw, the solar road is the ultimate answer because of the environmental benefits, the autonomous elimination of snow and ice and electricity generation.But getting funding for the project has not been easy. In 2009, Brusaw received an initial Phase One grant from the FHWA for $100,000 to develop a small solar road prototype, which he built in his garage. He has now applied for the $750,000 Phase Two grant. Last fall, he won a design competition run by General Electric and was awarded $50,000.With an influx of cash, Brusaw plans to build a 432-square-foot parking lot with the solar road panels -- about 12 feet wide by 36 feet long -- outside of his office in Sagle, Idaho. He will monitor the area 24/7 to determine the optimal temperatures to keep snow from accumulating.Think of the rear window of your car, he says. There would be a heating element [in each cell] similar to that. In the morning, when you go start your car, it pumps out about 15 amps and cranks it up to about 85 degrees to melt whatever snow and ice has accumulated overnight. If you kept the temperature at about 40 degrees you wouldnt have to do that because it would not accumulate.Brusaw has grand intentions, and a side benefit is that the embedded LED lights could also be used for warning messages to drivers. Brusaw says that a study in the United Kingdom found that LED lane markings could improve nighttime visibility by as much as 70%. But his most lofty goal has to do with electrical power generation.One example: say you decided to pave the road from Minneapolis to Chicago with a solar roadway. Brusaw says the 410 mile distance would require 721,600 solar panels for the four-lane road. Thats enough to generate about 5.5 billion Watt-hours of electricity per day (based on four hours of good sunlight), or enough power to meet the daily needs of about 175,000 homes.Objections to solar roadwaysStill, any major highway infrastructure change would require millions if not billions of dollars in funding, taxpayer involvement, and a massive undertaking to re-build the U.S. highway system.Koslowski says he likes the idea from a technical standpoint, but says his main objection has to do with the overall expense. He also notes that the maintenance costs for solar raods may be much higher than for traditional asphalt roads e..g, the construction crews and snow plows that are already in place.Brusaw says that the solar road would cost about $4.4M per mile, but those costs are offset by not needing to build coal plants, install utility poles, and build relay stations. The taxpayers are already paying for all of these. When a road needs to be repaved anyway, why not replace the oil-based asphalt and the coal-fired power plant(s) and utility poles with something that serves the same purpose, offers many more safety features, and produces clean renewable energy? he says.Meanwhile, the blogging community has not responded well to the solar road concept. called the solar road idea crazy and dubious while other bloggers questioned some of the engineering. Koslowski says any time you come up with an innovative idea, it has to be supported by a sound cost analysis. He says solar roads would need to be leveraged in a wide area.Another objection has to do with the glass material used for the roads. Brusaw says there are glass research projects where the material is strong enough to stop a bullet or can even be used as a shield against roadside bombs, so his surface could easily withstand the weight of an 18-wheeler. A textured surface would provide traction on par with blacktop.The thicker you make it, the more you laminate it, the stronger it gets, he says. The cells will be inside the glass. In our prototype we have the LEDs laying under the glass. We learned we could laminate the LEDs between two pieces. [This makes] the cells more visible to sunlight.Brusaw says keeping the roads clean enough for the solar cells to operate would not be a problem. He suggests using a chemical spray, such as titanium dioxide, which would prevent dirt accumulation and even turn oil deposits into a sandy mix.Worst case, we can use squeegee trucks to replace snow plows, he says.

Road network could become solar power gridTECHNOLOGY24 SEPTEMBER 10byKEITH BARRY 1inShare

A revolutionary idea that converts existing roadways into a national solar power grid is up for a major cash prize.Scott Brusaw (shown above) is working on aproject to encapsulate solar panels in high-strength glasscapable of standing up to thousands of cars and trucks passing by each day. He estimates that a single parking lot paved with solar panels -- even one where cars are parked -- could power the big box store it serves, and a cul-de-sac paved withsolar panelscould take an entire subdivision off the grid even on acloudy day.Eventually, LEDs built into the tops of solar panels placed on highways could move lanes around, create crosswalks, display speed limits and even detect and warn drivers about road hazards like stopped traffic and crossing wildlife. Best of all, the panels could be laid down over existing asphalt.The project might sound improbable, but hes got the ear of the Federal Highway Administration in the US and is currently in fourth place in theGE Ecomagination Challenge, a competitive funding opportunity that could get the project off the ground, so to speak. Voting for the Ecomagination Challenge ends next week.Weve gotten estimates from the universities for developingthe glassand it would cost about $50 million to complete the research and get ready for production, said Brusaw. If we could get part of that, it would get us going and help us finish our R&D.It all started a few years back when Brusaw and his wife Julie were gardening and talking about climate change. Scott had dreamed of transmitting electric power through roadways since he was a kid playing with slot cars and always thought an electrified roadway could be used as a solution to reduce emissions. Couldnt you make your electric road out of solar panels? Julie asked.That inspired the Brusaws. If they could only create a case for a solar panel thats similar to an airplanes crash resistant black box, a solar roadway could be possible. Plastic wouldnt work -- according to Brusaw, it yellows over time and blocks sunlight. Glass seemed like a solution, but Brusaw knew electrical engineering -- not materials.When we first started I didnt know if it could be done, he said. My experience with glass is a window. He did research with the University of Dayton and at Penn State, and the prospect of a non-petroleum based durable road surface interested the Highway Administration who gave him some money to prove his concept.Despite the energy benefits of paving roads with solar panels, its the glass case that could save serious cash for towns with crumbling roadways. The [Federal Highway Administration] is looking for some kind of paving material that can pay for itself, and thats where we came in.Brusaw said his initial target price is $10,000 for a 12 x 12 encapsulated solar panel. If it drops to $6900 during production, he said he could break even with asphalt. Thats not even counting the benefits of an LED display on the roads surface, or the benefits to providing a green energy source on land where there are no issues about rights of way.We can fix the power grid, build an intelligent highway and a smart grid all in one swoop and move into the 21st century, Brusaw said.Brusaw and his wife are currently testing solar panels in his backyard. Since panels are designed to be angled towardthe Sunwhich is impossible on most roadways, hes comparing the energy produced from two panels -- one angled, one flat. The odd thing we found is the one thats flat outperforms an angled one on an overcast day, he said.The next step for Brusaw is getting out of the backyard and into the lab -- and eventually into a parking lot, which he hopes will be made possible with funding from GE.We can make anything work under lab conditions, he said. But we know if we go to a Wal-Mart parking lot, well have leakage, well have breakage and well learn a bunch of lessons.Electric double-layer capacitorFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Maxwell Technologiesproduct series supercapacitorsElectrical double-layercapacitors (EDLC) are, together withpseudocapacitors, part of a new type ofelectrochemicalcapacitors[1]calledsupercapacitors, also known as ultracapacitors. Supercapacitors do not have a conventional soliddielectric. Thecapacitancevalue of an electrochemical capacitor is determined by two storage principles: Double-layer capacitanceelectrostaticstorage of the electricalenergyachieved by separation ofchargein aHelmholtzdouble layer at theinterfacebetween thesurfaceof a conductorelectrodeand an electrolytic solutionelectrolyte. The separation of charge distance in a double-layer is on the order of a fewngstrms(0.30.8nm) and isstaticin origin.[2] Pseudocapacitance Electrochemical storage of the electrical energy, achieved byredox reactionselectrosorption orintercalationon the surface of the electrode by specifically adsorbedionsthat results in a reversiblefaradaiccharge-transferon the electrode.[2]Double-layer capacitance and pseudocapacitance both contribute to the total capacitance value of a supercapacitor.[3]However, the ratio of the two can vary greatly, depending on the design of the electrodes and the composition of the electrolyte. Pseudocapacitance can increase the capacitance value by as much as anorder of magnitudeover that of the double-layer by itself.[1]Supercapacitors are divided into three families, based on the design of the electrodes: Double-layer capacitors withcarbonelectrodes or derivatives with much higher static double-layer capacitance than the faradaic pseudocapacitance Pseudocapacitors with electrodes made of metaloxidesorconducting polymerswith much higher faradaic pseudocapacitance than the static double-layer capacitance Hybrid capacitors capacitors with special electrodes that exhibit both significant double-layer capacitance and pseudocapacitance, such aslithium-ion capacitors

Hierarchical classification of supercapacitors and related typesSupercapacitors have the highest available capacitance values per unit volume and the greatestenergy densityof all capacitors. They can have capacitance values of10,000times that ofelectrolytic capacitors; up to12,000Fat working voltages of1.2V.[1]Supercapacitors bridge the gap between capacitors andrechargeable batteries. In terms of specific energy, as well as in terms of specific power, this gap covers several orders of magnitude. However,batteriesstill have about ten times the capacity of supercapacitors.[4]While existing supercapacitors have energy densities that are approximately 10% of a conventional battery, theirpower densityis generally 10 to 100 times as great. This makes charge and discharge cycles of supercapacitors much faster than batteries. Additionally, they will tolerate many morecharge and discharge cyclesthan batteries.In these electrochemical capacitors, the electrolyte is the conductive connection between the two active electrodes. This distinguishes them from electrolytic capacitors, in which the electrolyte is thecathodeand thus forms the second electrode.Supercapacitors are polarized and must operate with the correctpolarity. Polarity is controlled by design with asymmetric electrodes, or, for symmetric electrodes, by apotentialapplied during manufacture.Supercapacitors support a broad spectrum of applications for power and energy requirements, including: Long duration low current for memory back up in (SRAMs) Power electronics that require very short, high current, as in theKERSsystem inFormula 1cars Recovery of braking energyin vehiclesContents[hide] 1Concept 2History 3Construction 4Comparisons 5Materials 5.1Research materials 6Properties 7Applications 8Market 9See also 10References 11External linksConcept[edit]See also:Supercapacitor Storage principles

Principle charge storage of different capacitor types and their inherent voltage progression

The older picture of the comparison of construction diagrams of three capacitors without pseudocapacitors. Left: "normal"capacitor, middle:electrolytic, right: electric double-layer capacitor. Despite appearing to be separated in the image, the carbon "islands" at each electrode in the rightmost image form a continuously connected foam in 3D.In a conventionalcapacitor, energy is stored by movingcharge carriers, typicallyelectrons, from one metal plate to another. This charge separation creates apotentialbetween the two plates, which can be harnessed in an externalcircuit. The total energy stored in this fashion increases with both the amount of charge stored and the potential between the plates. The amount of charge stored per unitvoltageis essentially a function of the size, the distance and the material properties of the plates and the material in between the plates (the dielectric), while the potential between the plates is limited by thebreakdown field strengthof the dielectric. The dielectric controls the capacitor's voltage. Optimizing the material leads to higher energy density for a given size.EDLCs do not have a conventional dielectric.[citation needed]Instead of two plates separated by an interveninginsulator, these capacitors use virtual plates made of two layers of the samesubstrate.[citation needed]Their electrochemical properties, the so-called "electrical double layer", result in the effective separation of charge despite the vanishingly thin (on the order ofnanometers) physical separation of thelayers. The lack of need for a bulky layer of dielectric and theporosityof the material used, permits the packing of plates with much largersurface areainto a given volume, resulting in high capacitances in small packages.In an electrical double layer, each layer is quiteconductive, but the physics at the interface between them means that no significant current can flow between the layers.[citation needed]The double layer can withstand only a lowvoltage, which means that higher voltages are achieved by matchedseries-connectedindividual EDLCs, much like series-connected cells in higher-voltage batteries.EDLCs have much higher power density than batteries.[citation needed]Power density combines the energy density with the speed at which the energy can be delivered to theload. Batteries, which are based on the movement of charge carriers in a liquid electrolyte, have[5]relatively slow charge and discharge times. Capacitors can be charged or discharged at a rate that is typically limited by the heat tolerance of the electrodes.While existing EDLCs have energy densities that are perhaps 1/10 that of a conventional battery, theirpowerdensity is generally 10 to 100 times as great.[citation needed]This makes them most suited to an intermediary role between electrochemical batteries and electrostatic capacitors, where neither sustained energy release nor immediate power demands dominate.History[edit]See also:Supercapacitor HistoryThis section requiresexpansion.(June 2014)

Construction[edit] Styles of supercapacitors with activated carbon electrodes Schematic construction of a wound supercapacitor1.Terminals, 2.Safety vent, 3.Sealing disc, 4.Aluminum can, 5.Positive pole, 6.Separator, 7.Carbon electrode, 8.Collector, 9.Carbon electrode, 10.Negative pole Schematic construction of a supercapacitor with stacked electrodes1.Positive electrode, 2.Negative electrode,3.SeparatorEach EDLC cell consists of two electrodes, a separator and an electrolyte. The two electrodes are often electrically connected to their terminals via a metallic collector foil. The electrodes are usually made from activated carbon since this material is electrically conductive and has a very large surface area to increase the capacitance. The electrodes are separated by an ion permeablemembrane(separator) used as aninsulatorto prevent short circuits between the electrodes. This composite is rolled or folded into a cylindrical or rectangular shape and can be stacked in an aluminium can or a rectangular housing. The cell is typically impregnated with a liquid or viscous electrolyte, either organic or aqueous, although some are solid state. The electrolyte depends on the application, the power requirement or peak current demand, the operating voltage and the allowable temperature range. The outer housing is hermetically sealed.Comparisons[edit]This articlecontains apro and con list, which is sometimes inappropriate.Please helpimprove itby integrating both sides into a moreneutralpresentation, or remove this template if you feel that such a list is appropriate for this article.(November 2012)

Advantages of supercapacitors include: Long life, with little degradation over hundreds of thousands ofcharge cycles. Due to the capacitor's high number of charge-discharge cycles (compared to 200 to 1000 for most rechargeable batteries) it will last for the entire lifetime of most devices, which makes the device environmentally friendly. Rechargeable batteries wear out typically over a few years and their highly reactive chemical electrolytes present a disposal and safety hazard. Battery lifetime can be optimised by charging only under favorable conditions, at an ideal rate and for some chemistries, as infrequently as possible. EDLCs can help in conjunction with batteries by acting as a charge conditioner, storing energy from other sources for load balancing purposes and then using any excess energy to optimally charge batteries. Low costper cycle Good reversibility Fastchargeand discharge. Low internal resistanceLowESRand consequent high cycle efficiency (95% or more) Low heating levels during charge and discharge High output power High specific power/power densityAccording to the Institute of Transportation Studies, thespecific powerof electric double-layer capacitors can exceed 6kW/kgat 95% efficiency.[6] Improved safetyUses non-corrosive electrolytes and low material toxicity. Simple charge methodsno danger ofovercharging, thus no need for full-charge detection. In conjunction with rechargeable batteries, some applications use EDLC to supply energy directly, reducing battery cycling and extending life.Disadvantages include: Low energy densityThe amount of energy stored per unit weight is generally lower than that of electrochemical batteries (3 to5Wh/kg, although85Wh/kghas been achieved in the lab[7]as of 2010compared to 30 to40Wh/kgfor alead acid battery, 100 to250Wh/kgfor alithium-ion batteryand about 0.1% of the volumetric energy density of gasoline). Highdielectric absorptionhighest of any type of capacitor. Highself-dischargethe rate is considerably higher than that of an electrochemical battery. Low maximum voltageseries connections are needed to obtain higher voltages and voltage balancing may be required. Rapid voltage dropUnlike batteries, the voltage across any capacitor drops significantly as it discharges. Effective energy recovery requires complex electronic control and switching equipment, with consequent energy loss. Spark hazardLow internal resistance allows extremely rapid discharge when shorted, resulting in a spark hazard generally much greater than with batteries.Materials[edit]See also:Supercapacitor Materials

Ragone chartshowingenergy densityvs.power densityfor various energy-storage devicesIn general, EDLCs improve storage density through the use of ananoporousmaterial, typicallyactivated charcoal, in place of the conventionalinsulatingdielectric barrier.Activated charcoalis an extremely porous,"spongy"form of carbon with an extraordinarily highspecific surface areaa common approximation is that 1gram (a pencil-eraser-sized amount) has a surface area of roughly 250 square metres (2,700sqft)about the size of atennis court. It is typically a powder made up of extremely fine but very "rough" particles, which, in bulk, form a low-density heap with many holes. As the surface area of such a material is many times greater than a traditional material like aluminum, many more charge carriers (ionsorradicalsfrom theelectrolyte) can be stored in a given volume. Ascarbonis not a good insulator (vs. the excellent insulators used in conventional devices), in general EDLCs are limited to low potentials on the order of 2 to3Vand thus are "stacked" (connected in series) to supply higher voltages.Activated charcoal is not the "perfect" material for this application. The charge carriers it provides are far larger than the holes left in the charcoal, which are too small to accept them, limiting the storage. The mismatch is exacerbated when the carbon is surrounded bysolventmolecules.As of 2010virtually all commercial supercapacitors use powderedactivated carbonmade fromcoconutshells.[8]Higher performance devices are available, at a significant cost increase, based on synthetic carbon precursors that are activated withpotassium hydroxide(KOH).Research materials[edit]See also:Supercapacitor New developmentsThis section requiresexpansion.(June 2014)

Properties[edit]See also:Supercapacitor Comparisation of technical parametersThis section requiresexpansion.(June 2014)

Applications[edit]See also:Supercapacitor ApplicationsThis section requiresexpansion.(June 2014)

Market[edit]See also:Supercapacitor MarketThis section requiresexpansion.(June 2014)

See also[edit] Electric vehicle battery Types of capacitors Nanoflower Rechargeable electricity storage system Flywheel energy storage List of emerging technologies Lithium ion capacitor Self-powered equipment Mechanically powered flashlight Conjugated microporous polymerReferences[edit]1. ^Jump up to:abcB. E. Conway (1999) (in German),Electrochemical Supercapacitors: Scientific Fundamentals and Technological Applications, Berlin: Springer, pp.18,ISBN0306457369See alsoBrian E. Conway in Electrochemistry Encyclopedia:Electrochemical Capacitors Their Nature, Function and Applications2. ^Jump up to:abAdam Marcus Namisnyk."A SURVEY OF ELECTROCHEMICAL SUPERCAPACITOR TECHNOLOG"(in German). Retrieved2011-06-24.3. Jump up^Elzbieta Frackowiak, Francois Beguin, PERGAMON, Carbon 39 (2001) 937950, Carbon materials for the electrochemical storage of energy in CapacitorsPDF4. Jump up^Ktz, R.; Carlen, M. (2000)."Principles and applications of electrochemical capacitors".Electrochimica Acta45: 24832498.doi:10.1016/s0013-4686(00)00354-6.5. Jump up^Garthwaite, Josie (12 July 2011)."How ultracapacitors work (and why they fall short)".Earth2Tech. GigaOM Network. Retrieved13 July2011.6. Jump up^Prototype Test APowerCap press release: Results highly appreciated by Ultracapacitor Experts, 2006.7. Jump up^[1]8. Jump up^Laine, Jorge; Simon Yunes (1992)."Effect of the preparation method on the pore size distribution of activated carbon from coconut shell".Carbon30(4): 601604.doi:10.1016/0008-6223(92)90178-Y.