new arl( rost

Post \ Vhee1cr & over GO years e nt for making Singer stores. G g or tres torbidden. JOHN J, NEW ARl( ROST VOLUME II NEWARK, DELAWARE, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 30,1911 NUMBER 32 R . G. BUCKINGHAM HAS NARROW ESCAPE A GOOD MOVE STATE!fARM NEWS LIGHTNING KILLS SUPERINTENDENT SARGEANT l;. Iluckillgham all I J.Ran - tlie si n ke r e ll d of tile car, At J(ill ,\ rlllstro ng have ret urn ed first he th ug ht t hey were round- frtl i ll t lie (; . A. R. co nv n ti n ing nc of the h ar p c ur ve fo r a t la t week. Th ey which the ro ad i ' famo us ' bu t- he soon v.:red they jarring IL eaI'd addresse by the P re ident over r aLi . H e fo ll o we d th e e x- i thl' L'nited States , the Go ve r- amp le of other in the ca r and nor of \ e v York, i\ l ayor of the pp ed to the A oo r. Upon ru sh- citl'. Cl!m;ral Cra ll t and t he Na- lllg- out th ey aw a gr eat ga p in I i l); I:l1 leader of the G. A. R. t he train mad e by thr ee mi ing UII h i:; r et urn trip M r. Hu ck- ca rs, two of whi ch were in the ing'hal11 lI' a. travell in g 0\ 1 . , th e river and one lyi ng on lra ill tha t was wrecke d so chsas- bank . - Irtlusly on the Leh ig h Va ll ey Di- lVI r . Buckingham wa so [ortu- visi pn last week. io' o rt unately he nate as t II · tain no injur ies ex- chai r which' was t he \ ce,Jl a bru ised arm, c.aus d by the third Irol1l th e I car. At the tIme frantIC h old of a fnght en d fL '- lht acci dent occ urred he was in I w passenge r. PERSONAL AND SOCIAL Il is s . Iar ie G. La ff er ty i' vi si t- i\ l iss Elsie 1'. W ingate h as re- in'" frie nd 3 at the New Sheldon, turned home afte r visi ti ng rela- Wildwoo d, N. J .. tives at Brandywine S um mit :'I II' S. \\'m. A. l \l u ll dy, iVl r . Mar- 'a mp. tin l;orcl, I is s Eliza' beth Lynch, i\ Irs. R. G. R uth e rford and Miss alld , I i" Jalle Laffe rty were en- Trixy Ru therf ord, of Wa hing- Itertained alt lunche on to day 'by ton , D. ('., ar e visiting Ir s. R. A. III' S. l'a trick Fre e ma n, of Wil - W hitting ham at Linden Hall. millg t 1 1. J n the afte rno n t he y I r . . gnits I I ill er a nd Rodney attellded th e rac at the l- alr. iller wer e' Pihiladelphia visito ri :\ 1 r. W illia m Va n neman i visit- last 1\ Irll1ctay. 1 , in'" at Surf 'i ty, N. J. Alb ert H. visiting II'. "'Prof. R. F. l"J' iede l and family A. K. Ib uh. 1;' rof. Ra ub h as ju t have re Ul'll d fl" 111 t he ir fa r m a1: re turn ed fr o m ·a broad. Viola . Geor ge Pe mb e rt on visited At - ll is s L vuer and ;\ [r , I. lantic City Ia t week. . \'alla ndigham, of . lid lIetown, Dr. J seph W. lo re and wife ha ve returne d t thei r h me in from vVay n esbo r , t a ., ar e gu ests that place. . f the ir siste r: 1\ I r . Ge or ge L. Ir. Ce r oo Gri ffi th, of Bal tl- r t h, ?; ewar k. 111 0 re , been visiti ng his si ter, 1i se Res.,i\ and Edythe Whit - :\Irs. ,\ g-ne He nry, ting'ham h ave ret urned from a liss J ane Laffer ty h as re- visit al ng' the Siulue hanna at turned to her home, l apl e hur t, All ton Ridg lVt d. , aiter visi incr I r . j hn j . Ca rt- 1\ l id hipl11an Hor ace WatL land at her c ttage in Atlantic l'ill bu ry i. gu es t 'Of 'l'is City, N. J. . Dor thy 1-' rt e r. ,H e is enr li te .\Ji,s annel11an I spend- fo r l'\ew Engla nd, Il aving' ju t ill'" a [ rtni 'ht at J ott tow n, Pa. landed at nnap oli :ro l11 t he r. ancl .\ 1 r , . J e ph Kelly and summer cr ui . e . daughter, of Ph il adelphia, ar e th e ;\Ii ' Be. ie , \lar s n. oi Che- gliC. ts of I' dI'. an l it ... l ame A. ter, Pa., pe nt la. t week with the taif t!rty, L Cll t C;r ve Farm. i\ 1 is e W il, o n . :'Ilr. and El worth B. \Irs. Freud enbe rger ,I xe are on th eir vacatio n vi it- left ye te ' day for Bethleh em, Pa . ing' relative in Pe nn ylvania. :' l i5 Ruth an I Da vi , l is Franc H urc! has ret ur ll- a r e visi ti ng fr ie nds in VVilmi ll gt on. cd :r0111 a ay at \ tla ll ti e 'ily, Ir . Elli 'ttlle,l has ret urn ed N. j. . . after a with his br th er, at , \I It I\r i 'C e, o[ W t! - Lew: ville, P a . C' I f I I'd- l11 i llgt n, wa: the week end guest 1\ 1 i' Patt on uc Iran, 0 of .\11', . .\ gne H enry. rl let wn, IVa . t lt e gu e ·t of . ] . J. P. Wr ight is regi stered B. l il le r la. l wel· k. at l hl: J I enlopen, Reb bot h, Rev . Rankin I I u t n ,a grad- ,. .' [ ' V I ud le frol11 J) elaware . liege , cia \\ ilbam urt l , 0 v 1- . I In iligtO I1, vis :t' d \c wark relative I 4, was, th e. gu e t of .\Ir. anc the 'Iat:er part If lhe \\' ee k. . '\ Ir . j . h, al1 kll1 rmstr nf{ Oil ,\Ir. a iHI .\Irs . n., o[ Loclt , .'I inday. , r eturne d II l\,J ond ay I :111'.. ]. >"11 \\ has nf\l'" il Inlsin t'. s trip to 0J e wark. I tJ her hOlll.e In Newa rk aftel, a \I i,w i I ;ranc e an d Katherine . hort 111 Eu rope. She hrk <111.1 Curtis, of was acc () mpanled UI ). n her Will1lin g' tr lll, ae r t he guest. f J\. 1r. I by her mOlher, who I.' expecte,l !u !Inri .\Ir, . Cla rk, W a:hi ngt o n. 1 fo r a le ng thy . RI"v. and .\11' .. j. W. LUlVde n, ,\'r,s. H. Campi>ell :Ind ,\Iaid;! ;Ind LOlVden, .\Ir ,I dall1{n t er. i\ l anon, J hn :-;. Il ig-ign and o n, 'Iare nce I fr Olll :tn at and j am e, Br o wn lVere e ll -I amph ell I la. t 'yV (' dn e.c1ay by i\ 1r. .\1 I.lford .. fnends. ' . :t lltl .'II r,. J ",e p i1 i{r ow n. I ue imp and. C,O I a 1.111, III \ 'Cl ohell, n f Wi .lmi ngt o.n , Ii the wl'ek en d WIth . .. . ., . I ': . I'utt.,. I'vVdllllng-ton, we re the ot ;\1, :lnd :-'1 1' .. I l al' vey Il o ffec k er Il a r vt;y II fTc ker and . almly last ,'i"'nl F,.:,Jay at Will ow (; 1' ve. wee k. T he lat e.t all1bit io n 0: thl! lin- II haha Tribe of Red I I en-a g'o o d hand - pr m:se t be reijlized. T lte r anizati n ha been ef- 1\1 is: Lotti e v . I:laker, , 'e cre- ta ry of the E xperimeilt 't ati on, wa ' called t ll o ust n o n Sa t ur- day by the illnes ' of itt I' aunt. Ceo rge ' argeallt, aged 36 years, 'up coI' intendent of lhe Rb plant f the Cil e. ler ' . Elec tric Co., was killed while on duty at the p vcr huu e late Sat u rday nig ht . J ust hu lV he l11el llea th is uncertain, but it th ught Lhat light ning st ru ck the wires on the out ide and cal11e into the build- inside alI(I :ound Sargeant partly on hi kllecs ncar the . wit 'hbo ard and with hi. hand on a lig'ht ning ar re te r. He reluark ed that he wa all r ight and ju ·t thell f 'I I o ve r to the 1 '10 r. \ hen his picl cd him up he wa dead, E. [ec ted and the following ffi ce rs elected: ' Iifford il on wa. noti fi ed a nd rem ved th e b dy to the late hOl11e of the decca . cd n ear Mc- of the heavy s'to I'f! I t he ·Ie llandsv'i ll e. II Ie wa. lIn m n\r - Pre ident, 1I arvey Per k in ; 'fie.: pr eside nt, E l'll tst T. i\ lullin ; sec- r eta l 'i,Y, I; r a nk Je tel'; 't r eas u re r ,) I' r r i ' ; hu s in cs ma na - ger, Fr a nk '. Wid doe ; leader, \{ I·vlan d 'a me rc n ; b oa rd of d i- rect o rs , Th oma A. lullin, l't' a nk l. S mi th, C eorge W. Griff in. l\ l eeti ng'S arc he ld on Thur s cl ay even ings on the seco nd fl oo r of (;. W. Griffin's carpe nt e r; shop . David C nstanti n e, of Wil l11ing- t n, ha b ee n ell1pl yed as in . tr u c': to r. The car 1 , d of live st oc k tha t the Colleg Farm h as been iti ng' at the [;ai rs on the Ea stern Sho re f lal') land, r etu rned Su n- day l11 mi ng, and after a day's rest were rei ad ed with s me ad- diti ons, and se nt to th e \oVUmi ng- to n Fair, where they will be on exllibition thi wee k. Th e exhibit at W illllingt on includes 3 l' er- che r on h r. e , a Hackney- r ab, ia n fill y, 7;u ern sey ', [ Jer sey and 2 Abe rd een-Angus Catt le, I p ure bred Yo rk shire, and G regi tere d Berkshire h g , an d 13 shee p o[ the Shr p. hire, Rambouill et and Ameri 'a n Meri no hr eecl s. plant had been : hut d wn. :_ 1'- I ri e I but is survivt: c1 by two siste rs geant, with seve ral ot lt er men who \ and thr ee br titer '. work there, wa sitting on a litt le Th e tiL:ceased ha lived in the p rch at the po wer house for viicnity of ewa rk all his li fe a nd me time . The forme !" ab ut · wa s in the t wn ea rl y ,at urd ay Th e memh ers and their a sig n- ment f 1I0w: E. H. Il as s, Es mr e W ilso n. B. B. Ha s, E rn est T. M ulli n. Tl'o nLiJOnes, Fr ank G. WiddQ es, F rank '. J este r, fl arvey PCfkill S, Russell i\ l or r is. Alt os, 'larence Je te l' , D a vid .'t e wart. Ce rge Cullen, Charles IJ .) rter . Harit lIe , Edward ingles. . rnet s, Rowland Camer on, Ar- ch ie [)e mp ey , Ir a Shelle ndc r, Hu gh i\ lo rris. Ernes t J amison. Ciari o ll ets. Ru fus Ro berts, j al11es Law. Edwin i{ eesitie, J as. I well. I' ic c la , D a n ie l Kra p f. l:l:t s D ru m, Erne t Kimble. -'nare Drum, Millo rd Mo rr is . Cymh al , William Mars . ExpeDlin Storm. I\ ccorciing t C unt)' Eng inee r l ame Wils on, the heavy storms f the pa t few clay 11 ave cost New 'a ' tle c unt )' ab out $8 , 000; that is, th at ll1 uch money will be re- qu ired t pay f I' repa ir t r aJ , b r id ge, &c. This e. timate in cl ucie only the upper hu ndred, Bra ndywi ne, ' hr i tiana, White 'Iay Cree k, Cr e k anci 1 'e ncad er, the remain J der f the c unt y having not been heard frOl11 a to Ihe full e xtent uf th l! damage. '1 he work of mak ing r epa ir has bee ;! wh e re it wa po. ible III sta rt, bu t it may bc nece s ary I I) d .O I1l C addi tio nal w rk that I as n ot yet been ar ran ged f r, in orde r to ma ke the r epair per- Roamin, Cattle 1\ l uuch trouble ha. been experi - ence cl un the P ome r y J{uad all ,U I11 111e r by cattle wa.ndering on the tracks . Th ere arc a number of s harp turn . in the road, and fa rm er. have been n tified of the c1anKcr in allowing th e cattle l roam at will , bu t the warn ing' h a: had litt le effect. On th e rcturn trip fro ln I' 111- er y tl lu ncla y after no n, in turn- ing a sh arp curve, n ca r Land en- be rg', I'a., Engine er 1'1 , I r:ln n ght int o a herd f ab o ll t 30 c \·s graz- ing on and near the tra c ll .. T here was no pporhllllty to avoid runn ing' into thelll and the were scatte red in all dir ec- I,'i l'c of them were killed. 1\ 1 r. Oa key, o[ t he H ea l E tat c I)epa rt mcnt of t he Gir ar d T r u I Co .. was an in tere ted vis ito r at the College farm las t wee k, ' as was '\ Ir . Ma rion, a from Clay- 1l10nt. Prof. a nd 1\ lrs. Grantham are entertaini ng Prof. Gra ntham's par- enL, from St ockwell l ndiana. Mr. E. C. P o well, edit r of Th e Fa rm and H l1l e, of Springfield, ., wa the guest of P rof. anu rs. H aylwa r d, <lIt lu nchc n on Fr iday f last wee k. Pr f. Mc 'ue a ddr essed a fi eld meeti ng of the 1: enins ul a H o r ti cult ur al S ci ety at the famous ll arrisol1 l UI' eries at Be rl in, last Wed nc day, Among th e many vi sitor ' at the . liege Fa rm, la t week, wa a fa rm er fr om [' eb ra ka, who ex- Jl re sed him elf as very well p leas- ed with what he saw. The fo llowi n!i:' ci rcu lar lettfar 11 b ee n sent by the Stat e Ho ard f Agri culture to every teach er in the tate: Assuming that yo u will tea cf l i'fi lJ e lawar e aga in till year, the ' tat e Hard o[ Ag r icultur e ask ' yck.r active C0- perat ion in making boy" day, Sat u rday, 'e pt e ll1bc::r ..!3 ' SI ll , at the D elawa re Expel' l- IIICllt ' tati II, at 0:ewar k, a great success by ar using an intere t in the day all1 0 ng yo ur p up ils and the pe pie in your sc h I district. It wil l be an int er es ti ng day, not nly f I' boys, but fo r me n, wo- me n and gi rls and 'cho I tea c her shJ ll ld b e especially inter e'ted. U p n their arr ival at ewa r k, the b ys will be divided int c n,. panic and placed in charge f th e variou pr fe 's rs and memb e rs uf the station . taff. In the [o re- 1 10 II, I 'r f. Haywar d, d ir ector o[ th e s ta ti n, will shuw the live cq ll ipme nt of the farl11 and COl! duct a c1as in judging dairy cat- til:, ho r 'cs and llIulc,. L 'llller the gu idan ce t" I'ro f. r 1. 30 o'cl ck gat up' and went 1 11- ' I evcning. II e had bee n e mp loyed si de. He was cautioned by the at the R evi ll e plant o nly th r ee ot her to he ca re fu l. and it was ' o r f ur mo nth s, having been se nt only a few seco nd. late r when they th ere 111 one of the c ll1 pan y' s hea rd s l11et hing fa ll. T hey we nt other pl ants. AND T he , ' t ate Cam p of the P. O. S. . met in annual ses ion at La ur el on Tu es day . [ ichard G. Buck- ingham , W. G'ra.n c< Fraylo r a nd . Lewis .I VV. 'o lmery Ll ni n Camp o. 25. Me mbe rs o[ the Levy Co ur t will in peet the Depot Ro ad on I ;r iday. The re- urfacing being done by the 't wart & Donah ue Co. will be c I1lpl etc by -that time . The a nnu al W. C. T. U. upper will be held in the banq uet hall o[ Ih ' Op e ra Hou:e the even ing Septe mber 14th . A pa rty o[ Newar k mcn attend- edt he an nual Volk fe : t of the Del- awa re Sa e nge rbund at Brandy- wine Springs Park, la. t i\ 1 nday eveni ng. Th e ti l vVi lso n, la k land, ente rtained a lllu ll ber of th e ir friends last Wednesd ay at a br iclg p. Illnche II . (;·ue t · we re pr esent fr om Wash i 19 ·tO ll , Philad el ph i:l, New Yo rk , Baltim ore, Cheste r, W il mingt on and Newa rk . Th e State Biard lf Educatio n ha , d ecide d that wh ite, chool in th e district kno wn a. rura l cl i'- are n t compelled to o pei1 this ye ar bef I' Sept .: mber 1 8. Th ey can o p n at any time during the fal l. Th e scho L for black childre n l1lu st be open ' cl 0 11 or be- i re the fi r t l'li on lay in Oc to ber, and all the ch Is in til e large tow n m ust pen on or hefore Septembe r I I. I{ ev. C. E. Wr ight, of Il ckes- sin :'-.1 . E. Chur h prea ched last Sunday in the Newark i\1. E. C hurch, o wi ng to the ab o en e of the pa sto r, Rev, G. T. Ici er o n, wh o tak ing a two weeks vaca- ti,ln. D r. C'. II . Illak c has p ur chased a new Stanley . teamer. Dr . W . J. I{ wa n an I ;ami ly have retllrncd fr m their SUl1lmer vacation. C mm cnci ng' with Sun- clay, S ep t ell1be r 3, ser vice, will be hel d in the Pr eshyte rian Church at lhl' usua l hOll rs. Sl:e Directu r y.) T he exccutive office or Kover - lion. W. O. C lIie r, f Edst on Fair, has p ron unced lhe exhibit fr o lll the Co ll ege F arm the fi n est ever exhibited II t he ?,rou nds, :\ i IS J o. ephinc Fulton has been dllpoint ed assist ant matro n at t he \. ew Ca tic co un ty wo rkhouse, :-i lle will enter upon her ne w duties ah out the middle 0 ' Se ptember. The 'o ll1pa ny E bo ys at Camp Perry have bee n g r eat ly ha ndi- capp ed with seve re co ld s whi ch forced tltem into the hospital te nt for a n umb er o[ da y. Service wil h ie held at Head of Christiana and Ch ristia· na Chur ches hereafter in the mo rn - ing and aftern i,. Next Su nday there will be se r vices at H ead of Ch ristiana in the mo rn ing and in the afterno on at 2.30 at hr istiana. T hey will be alte rn ate-mo rning and afte rn oo n, hereafter. T he tor k vi'ited the home of Th omas A. .P tt, laot Satmda V and le.t a fi ne baby b y. . T he New astl e Co u nty Fa ir was pro nounced ye te rday the best prepa reti anti t he best ma nage d of any li ke affair held und er tl.. aus- pices of the ci atio n. The one t hing neces ary is th e smile ot t he weat her man. 'r he ew Cas tle ounty Fair .\ ssociation is the ou tg ro wth o[ a plan fo rmulate d by . me me ll1 bers of the [' omo na Grange. Ab ut thirteen yea rs ag'o th e fa rlller. of ew Ca tie l:O U LHY at a fa ll meeti ng de ci de d to display tlteir p roducts at the ir pi cnics. ,\b o ut ei ht years ago the exhibit had gr OlVn in size un- t il it IVa. realiz ed that a fa ir was neede d. Tw o yea rs later th e lead- er. of the grange o rganiz"d a nd had in c rp0 rated the pre se nt Ne w . llnty F air \ ss caiti n. Next i\ l on day b ei ng' a lega l ho li - da y, b oth of th e ha nb will c lo s e and all legal pap.:rs will be pay- a bl e n Tu esday the day follo w- ing , be 'ausl' I.ail r J) ay fa ll s Oil j l onday f II wing the .'aturday !lalf holiday. An othe r :rOlll th e r.lnks of thc I hclielor Cirh! They do say it's the second the club d isbande ci for the . Ulllmer. ,\Ic 'ue, a : tucly will IIlade o[ the c mll1 ercial the r e- Sll itS -, btaill ed frOIll diff erent 'me- of tillage, fertilizers : /r ld prun ing: a study of the different varieti .: of p tatues alld to ma toe . There ar ' 4\)5 varietie s of fruit on OIde.tlMember Of Elkton Bar Die. the coliL:ge farm. n r's suite in the J) ela ware 't at e Il o u:e, where he will her eafte r transa ct the husine. s of the -' tate and g ive aud icnces to d elegati n:, art: he in ,. rcnovate d and retlo r<:d with hardwoo d so th at they will I,c thc 111 0. t COll1l11 di II. and at- tr:lctivl' offices at th e capi to l. Dr. Cou k Spl'lll I:rid ay ill the vici llily Vi Iia anci Dove r, as- si. ling t it\! fanllers in t hei r fig- ht with the. w.:ct potato I{ellhen Il ailles, the o ld es t ll1eln - l 'rof. Cran t halLl wi ll e x p lai n the her of lhe 'ecil coul1ty ba r, alld a wc )rk that he is doing on 450 plant dire cto r o f the National Ilan k o f in the agro n umy fie ltr, (levoted t I MPROVING CAMPUS I ,: J..tUlI anci tile SUlI f' .ank of c rll, ' oy Reunion Of General Allembly I abu, died of il cart tr .J uhlc, follo w- bean,;, alfalfa and and lo '1' 1 1)1 ';11 )er, ()f the Gellcral As- a fa ll, a t il i: hOll1c, n tile a I)' of the <'ect of · BASE BALL NEWS ' I tl) hi s h l!d for ulle wce k. hln eral . we r e ill , t he Newar k \1. 'hurch last II i I It ,Id thei r annual re- :'-. 1 i.,s I:' Cla rk, the l ;ia . go\\' l' oa 0· n car alld ditfcr cnt r ut ations. In the 'e . Tl1e"da)" ag-ed 7' 111>1 .lI'lfe alld other lI' a YS the II'hnle f r e- 11 Ii 'II 0; 1 (, at 'Iunc o- land - ca p(' an:hitect of I'h iladcl- alld t\l U daug'hll:r." the Il oon lI'ili be full 0: vall1ahle act! trat:lll, \ ·a. Th is d ate and pla ce phia, WIH' i.., . p Cllrii n r the C '. and Estella Il aine,." ,.,1Il'- ill tercsti llg' exercises. hl'l'n fixed by th e join COI11- at h er h Ol lle h en:, ha bee ll ell- vi ve h illl . A lunch will be sen' ed ab o ut [ m'lt 'C' 01 Ih" .'ena't(' and Il o l1 se on g-ag 'd by Ikla\\'al'( : . l liege to lay u'clnc k, an d lht.:1l there will 1> ' ad- Th c :\ l' lI'a rk .\ 11 Star, weil l to Thursday mO l" lIing, lR ev! F. C. 1.:llHienburg, la. t alld ', lacSur ky , (If \\, illl1il1"'tol1, o ffi- I ' 1\ 1 _. 1 . I eiatil1g'. Illlel'ln ent in 1; lin t [l ill ill'at th' 111 If) to 3· I ·ellleterv. n ca r l'a ir Il ili. I\I d, "II ancl Ilo:ices t l) that ('ffect out a plan for the Impr Ol'elllent or Launch Trip To Betterton drl' sses b,l SOl1le of tht.: l1l0st prol11- are I, 'Ill g' "ent t il till' member ' o f th e 'olleg'e g-roI1IHb. lhroug il ' Ull! tlli"scs I ,atherine . ·tee l ami inent l11 e n in the co untr y wit will jl 'l,h h ,11,e. proper pla lli in g of 'I)c hran , 0: ciiscl1"s Ihe advancell1ellt o[ agr!' on the 1lI0UIHI fn r Stan.. li e I Th e 11fe oi the deceased was allt)\vcd only hu r lil t and Sl' lIt . pr actically sJl III ill this loca LIt y. tll'Ch" men tn the h l' nch hy the : ll e lived ;or IIlan ), un lire thre e " wiLlg ro ut e. Rigler for I ( Ii fa 1'111, lI o rth ul', i\ lc- l ,and el1ill1rg was halled all 0\ I I fl e tltallgillt in l Th'l 11l1m:ttee c()llsish of Se na- p lanl" and trces at suc h pOI nt a ',."rs . 'harks I \l edill, i\u l'lnan cultu re, its it. in- t Ir, ,\ lt lil' r ;'lIci Wa lls and I{e pre- to enha nce the nal ural bea uty of I) I illl l' n Ce' ul lon the 1> 0)" .• til" 11 ee(1 ' d \\, illis, Ralph I )awsun, c awar e " , ent. ll ll'l· , T. (l . '( 11 'per, T ('ho an the and to as L(, I' ell an d C; ilfillan, of [railled farmer .. IJ ·ll h. to h icle I f Ifll t It hOI>t'd lh at a la rg'l' dckrra " t tOg'l'lher wi th a nlll11 H:r oJ '. ' on '" '11 ' tri p II ill h' taken by ra il to 'Ia rk r1el 'isl' c1 an altrne Ive enjuyed a lauli h tl'l[J t l i. 1 will he fr 111 ever "' ;lnl'1I1 City, Va., and lhel1 by alld thi, wcek was en- I: 'tt er nn 1 in the St .1 c. Thi sll 'l Id IH.a1 10 Ih" i land. g'ag'l'd ill the ___ ___ he a great rlay for Ik agri- --- - -- Emil ia I'), p lanllng' near .\Iec han lcdl \ '.·h·1e In ill! tll han i"h hee, Cllll tun:; and D claware 'olle e Notice II ·tll. thl' lihrary allrl . other frol11 tile of h i, baL'll, hy alld the 1:,larci of .\ g'l'ir ll lt Llre 'I I I I lint I' v nl'xt It IS hoped. Ille:III. ' of .lllo kl', \ Villial11 n rer, aLlci thl' (If the II'nrk- "t 'l'\I'ar, one al' l' )' ,. '. . '11 1.' ., 1 ' 1.1>- ' ' I, (I, Il lpta." ph \\" I,:ex.ce llcnl (If Wit ite ()ak, I,a nca:ter count.I, illg' l 'g'l'lher t,) that l'nrl .hlltld ( )11 'I ' ning- fl ' \\ ' l'ci ll csrlay, S .: p' . ta ll1l:: l, anci l'V:I): ,:I' lll' bri ll ' nlll' day Ia t Il' el: k, fa lil'd tn COI I- hil'c agTicullllrl' all ill1 pdll s Ihat tr llliJ I' (,th thlr(' will be hu si n es: P e:lsl ll g' til Illl ,', 1 trol the hlazl' wlLlch c1 l' ,trn)l'd t he will 1 '(' . lilt ill I,dler h llles, "i II llch 'iLll) ,rta llc e I)f thc l'.'lllcrete I ,d o ng' \I itil e I (ll, i I('r rur ;d Iii" hl'lll'r scholl ls, h ette r that larh and every tll!"ll wllh gra cef ul (lIIH, a I,t ,f ... ocid ('Ii IIrrhl''', a .Ill)rt' pr <J'iper Ill' II" r of t urI! '1', v\ '('wuulrl abul11 C O l11pll'll' ci and f I hll. H'b of II le,Lt, a a I lllor' I,rog'r '""Ive and nl'lre co n- II;., hill 'l1 lll li lt 1)11 that day. cell .\' I) lhe: :;-' lI l'ra l app a l.Ln cl' 0 I pig' , r ;lI1 ,,;IIg' a tnlJI In.,,, Il f :ji 1500. It'nl 'd alld h ,l PPY peo ple . I'. C. \ Vid d I tltl' gor )11mb . rura sc 10 ant Ir l1 l1g I 11 lI S the h,t. ' Halle r ieS-i, \I 1 S lar ... - life was deeply illtere . ted ill ed ll - :1l1r1 Crowe; La ncl ellhmg catiol1. - J. Rigler ahd W. Ri gler. Of latl 'r jl'ar he Ill ove d t .(\ew- . \n acco u nt of the Newar k F. ark, whcn:: hl' a: of '. vS . I r 11 J I ill is g-i ven in t he the I 'eace alill aKain as , ter. I r. Smith \\'ell in II il l e\ S. the loca l hi"tor) of tiri . r('gi 11. Death Of W, H. Smith Will i am r I. Sl1lith, of 5 11 7 Ra ce I'hilarl clphia , rl ie d at h is h Olnl' ill thaI city last Saturday. ;' Ir. who wa . 80 ) ear . of a:1l', I." d b 'Cll in faili ll ), j'l"lllh for Sd lll e lilll ', h ill lVas only co nfined ,\ Ianv III th is I ca lity 11101'1; d ,'at ll. ,\ \life alld live ehiltirclI, Willard Sm it h, of Lake ,(,it)', tah, I Jr. I .. I). Sm ith, of Il unting·tol1, I 'a ., W illial1l I '\Ir .. 11 l'\lll1rn and ,\m<Llld ;1 Smith, ('hil:ldelphia, Sl11'- vive.

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Page 1: NEW ARl( ROST


\ Vhee1cr &

over GO years ent for making Singer stores.

• G

g or tres





J(ill ,\ rlllstro ng have ret urned fir st he th ught they we re ro un d­frtl ill t lie (; . A. R . conv n ti n h~d ing nc of the harp curve fo r

at R~)C he ste r la t week. They which the road i ' famo us ' bu t- he soon di~c v.:red they wer~ jarring

IL eaI'd addresse by the P re ident over raLi . H e fo llo wed th e ex-i thl' L'nited States , the Go ver- amp le of other in the ca r a nd

nor of \ e v Yo rk, i\ layor of the ~I r pped to the Aoo r. Upo n ru sh­citl'. Cl!m; ral Cra ll t and the Na- lllg- out th ey aw a gr eat gap in I il);I:l1 leader of t he G. A. R . the t rai n made by three mi ing

UII h i:; ret u rn tr ip M r. Huck- cars, two of whi ch we re in the ing'hal11 lI' a. travell in g 0\1 . ,th e riv er a nd o ne wa~ lyi ng o n t h~ lra ill tha t was wrecked so chsas- bank. -Irtlusly on th e Lehigh Vall ey Di- lVI r . Buc king ha m wa so [o r tu­visi pn last week. io'o rt un a tely he nate as t II ·tain no injuries ex­! o~.k ~ chai r c~r wh ic h' was t he \ ce,Jl a bru ised arm, c.a us d by the third Irol1l th e I car. At the t Ime frantIC hold of a fnght en d fL'­lht accident occurred he was in I w passenge r.

PERSONAL AND SOCIAL IT~MS I l iss . Iar ie G. La ffe r ty i ' vi si t- i\ l iss Elsie 1'. W ingate has re-

in'" frie nd 3 at th e New Sheldo n, tu rn ed ho me afte r vis iti ng rela-Wildwood, N. J .. tives a t Brandywine S um mit

:'I II'S. \ \ ' m. A. l\l u ll dy, iVl r . Mar- 'amp. tin l;orcl, ~ I is s Eliza'beth L ynch, i\ I rs. R. G. Ruth erford a nd Miss alld , Ii" J alle Lafferty we re en- Trixy Ru therford, of W a h ing­Itertained alt luncheo n today 'by ton, D. ('., are visit ing Irs. R. A. I II'S. l'a t r ick Freema n, of Wil- W hittingham at Linde n H a ll. millg t 11. J n the afte rno n they I r . . gnits I I ill er and R odn ey attellded th e rac at the l-alr. ~I'i ille r we re' Pih iladelph ia visito ri

:\1 r. W illia m Va nneman i visit- last 1\ I rll1ctay. 1 ,

in'" at Surf 'i ty, N. J . Alber t H. l{~uu i~ visiting II'. "'Prof. R. F. l"J' iede l a nd fa mily A. K . Ib uh. 1;'rof. R a ub has ju t

have re Ul'll d fl" 111 t he ir fa rm a1: re turn ed fr o m ·a broad. Viola . Geo rge Pe mberto n visited At-

l l iss J ~ nnie L vuer and ;\ [r , I. lantic C ity Ia t wee k. . \ ' a llandigham, of . l id lIe to wn, Dr. J seph W . lo re and wife

ha ve returned t thei r h me in from vVay nesbo r , t a ., are g uests that place. . f their siste r: 1\ I r . Geo rge L.

Ir. Ce r oo Gri ffi th, o f Bal tl- I~ut terw r th, ?; ewark. 1110re , ha~ been vis iti ng his si te r, 1 i se Res .,i\ and Edythe Whit-:\Irs. ,\ g-ne H enry, ting'ham have ret u rn ed fro m a

liss J ane ~ 1. L affer ty has re- visit al ng' the Siulue hanna at turned to her home, lapl ehur t, All ton Ridg lVt d . , aiter visi incr I r . j hn j . Ca rt- 1\ l id hipl11an H orace WatL land at he r c ttage in Atlantic l 'ill bury i . tl /~ gu est 'Of 'l'is City, N. J. . Do r thy 1-' rt er. ,H e is enr li te

.\Ji,s ~Iary annel11an I spend- fo r l'\ew England, Ilaving' ju t ill'" a [ rtni 'h t a t J ott tow n, Pa. landed at nnapoli :ro l11 t he

~I r. ancl .\ 1 r , . J eph Kelly and summer crui . e . daughter, o f Philadelphia, are th e ;\Ii ' Be. ie ,\lars n . o i Che­gliC . ts of I'dI'. a n l it .. . l ame A . te r, Pa., pent la. t wee k with the taift!rty, L Cll t C;r ve Farm. i\ 1 is e W il, o n.

:'Ilr. and l\1. r~. El worth B. \Irs. K atl. ~ r i n e Freudenberger , I xe are on th eir vacation vi it- left ye te 'day for Bethle hem, Pa. ing' relative in Penn ylva nia. :' l i5 ~ Ruth an I ~ I a r ia n Davi

, lis Franc ~ H urc! has retur ll- a re visi ti ng fr ie nds in VVilmi ll g ton. cd :r0111 a ~ ay at \ tla ll ti e 'ily, Ir. Elli 'ttlle,l has re turn ed N. j . . . a fter a v i~it wit h his br ther, a t

,\I i.i~ I~h.ab(: It I\r i ' C e, o[ W t!- Lew: ville, P a . C' I f II'd-l11 i llgt n, wa: the week end guest 1\ 1 i ' Patto n uc Iran, 0 of .\11', . . \ gne H en r y. rl let wn, IVa . t lt e gu e ·t of ~ I r . ] .

,\ Ir ~, J. P. Wright is registered B. l il le r la. l wel· k. at lhl: J Ienlopen, Reb both, lJ ~1. Rev. Rankin I I u t n ,a grad-

,. .' [ ' V I ud le frol11 J) ela wa re . liege , cia ~ I r,. \\ ilbam urt l , 0 v 1- . I In iligtO I1, vis:t'd \ cwark relative I 4, was, th e. gue t o f .\Ir. anc the 'Iat:e r part If lhe \\'ee k. . '\ Ir . j . h, al1 k ll1 rmstr nf{ Oil

,\Ir. a iHI .\Irs . ~im n. , o[ Loclt , .'I inday. , W i ' l'IJn~i n, returned II l\,J o nday I :111'.. ]. >"11 \\ al k~r has rclurr~ ';CI nf\l'" il Inlsin t'. s trip to 0J ewark. I tJ her hOlll.e In Newark aftel , a

\I i,w i I;rance an d Katherine . hort vacatlol~ 111 Eu ro pe. She hrk <111.1 ~Ii ~ Iary Curtis, o f was acc() mpanled UI). n he r r e tl~rn

Will1lin g' tr lll, ae r the guest. f J\.1r. I by her mOl her, wh o I.' expecte,l !u !Inri .\Ir, . l ' r~d Cla rk, W a:hi ngto n. 1 ,~ay fo r a le ngt hy ~IS I t. .

RI"v. and .\11' . . j. W. LUlVde n, ,\'r,s. H. ~.1. Campi>ell :Ind ,\Iaid;! ;Ind ~Iarsha ll LOlVden, .\Ir ,I dall1{n ter. i\ lanon, h~ve, r et (~ J hn :-;. Il ig-ign and o n, 'Iarence I frOlll :tn e~tend~d 5la~ at Reh~ and ~Ir,. j am e, Bro wn lVere ell - I b ()~h: ~ 11 5S I ~t h ~l amphell I ~crtaine rl la. t 'yV ('dn e.c1ay by i\ 1r. vi~lt .\1 I.lford .. fnends. ' . :t lltl .'II r,. J",ep i1 i{row n. I ~ 1 155e . ue ~ imp ~ n and. C,O I a

1.111, III \ 'Cl ohell, n f Wi.lmi ngto.n , 1 \C~'K:', ~I~~;./\ (jla Ii ande~'I~~Il,'ll~l ~i'~11t the wl'ek en d WIth ~I I. ~II.. ~lld . .. . ., . ,\I ~rianna I': . I'utt., . I'vVdllllng-ton, were the . g u ~st ot

;\1, :lnd :-'1 1' .. I l al' vey Il o ffec ker Il a rvt;y II fTc ker and .almly last ,'i"'nl F,.:,Jay at W ill ow (; 1' ve. wee k.

T he late.t all1bit io n 0: thl! l in­II haha Tribe o f Red I I en-a g'ood hand- pr m:se t be reijlized.

T lte r a nizati n ha bee n ef-

1\1 is: Lotti e v . I:laker, , 'ecre­ta ry of the E xperimeilt 'tatio n, wa ' called t lloust n o n Sa tur­day by the illnes ' of itt I' aunt.

Ceo rge 'argeallt , aged 36 yea rs, ' up coI' intendent of lhe Rb e~ille

pla nt f the Cil e. ler ' . Elec tric Co ., was killed whil e o n duty at the p vcr huu e late Saturday night . J ust hu lV he l11el llea th is uncertain, bu t it i~ th ught Lhat lightning st ruck the wires on the out ide and cal11e into the build-

inside alI(I :ound Sargeant partly on hi kll ecs nca r the . wit ' hboard and with hi. ha nd o n a lig'htning ar re te r. He reluarked t hat he wa all r ight and ju ·t thel l f 'I I o ver to the 1'10 r. \ hen his friend ~ picl cd him up he wa dead, E .

[ected a nd th e following ffi ce rs elected :

' Iifford il o n wa. no ti fi ed and rem ved th e b dy to the late hOl11e o f the decca . cd near Mc-

I ' u s~ of the heavy s'to I'f! I the ·Ie lla ndsv'i ll e. II Ie wa. lIn m n\r-

P re ident, 1I a rvey Perk in ; 'fie.: president , E l'll tst T . i\ lull in ; sec­reta l'i,Y, I; ra nk J e tel'; 't reas urer ,) I~u sse ll I' r r i ' ; hus in cs mana­g er , Frank '. Widdoe ; leader, \{ I·vlan d 'a me rc n ; boa rd of d i­recto rs , Thoma A. lullin , l't'a nk

l. S mi th, C eorge W . Gr iff in. l\ l eeti ng'S a rc held o n Thurscl ay

eve nings on the second fl oo r of ( ;. W. Gri ffin' s ca rpenter; s hop. David C nstanti ne, of Wil l11ing­t n , ha bee n ell1pl yed as in . truc': to r.

T he car 1 , d o f live stock tha t the Colleg Fa rm has been exhi~ iti ng' at th e [;ai rs on the Easte rn Shore f la l') land, retu rned Sun­day l11 mi ng, and a fte r a day's rest were rei aded with s me ad­d iti o ns, a nd sent to th e \oVUmi ng­to n Fair, wh ere t hey will be on exl libitio n thi wee k. The exhibit at W illllington includes 3 l'er­che ron h r. e , a H ackn ey- rab, ia n fill y, 7;uern sey ' , [ J ersey and 2 Aberd een-Angus Cattle, I pure bred Yo rk shi re , and G regi tered Berkshire h g , an d 13 sheep o[ the Shr p. hi re, Rambo uill e t and Ameri 'an Meri no hreecls.

plant had been : hu t d wn. :_ 1'- I ri e I but is surv ivt:c1 by two sisters g ea nt, with seve ral ot lt er men who \ and three br t iter '. wo rk th ere, wa sitti ng on a litt le Th e tiL:ceased ha lived in the p rch at the po wer ho use fo r viicnity o f ewa rk all his li fe a nd

me time . T he fo rm e!" ab u t · was in th e t wn ea rly ,aturday

The me mhers and thei r a sign-men t f 1I0w:

E. H. Ilass, Es mre W ilson. B. B. Ha s, E rn est T. M ulli n. Tl'o nLiJOnes, Fra nk G. W iddQ es,

F rank '. J este r , fl a rvey PCfk ill S, Russe ll i\ lorr is.

Altos, ' la rence J e te l', D a vid .'tewart. C e rge Cullen , Charles IJ .) rter.

Harit lIe , Edward ingles. . rnets , R o wland Cameron, Ar­

chie [) emp ey , Ira Shellendc r , Hug h i\ lo rris. Ernes t J a miso n.

Ciario ll e ts. Ru fus Ro berts, j al11es Law. Edwi n i{ eesi tie , J as. I well.

I' icc la , Da n iel Kra p f. l:l:t s Dru m, Erne t K imble. -'nare Drum, Millo rd Mo rr is. Cymha l , Willia m Mars .

ExpeDlin Storm. I\ ccorciing t C unt)' Enginee r

l ame Wilso n, the heavy storms f the pa t few clay 11ave cost New 'a ' tle c unt)' abo u t $8,000; that

is, that ll1 uch mo ney will be re­qu ired t pay f I' repa ir t r a J , b r idge, &c.

T his e. timate incl ucie only the ~i v e up pe r hundred, Bra ndywi ne, 'hr i tiana, White 'Iay Creek, ~" ill

Cr ek anci 1 ' encader, the re mai nJ d er f the c unty having no t been heard frOl11 a to Ihe full extent u f th l! damage.

'1 he wo rk o f ma king repair has bee;! ~tartecl, wh ere it wa po. ible III sta rt, bu t it may bc nece sary I I) d .O I1l C addi tio nal w rk that I as not yet been ar ran ged f r , in orde r to ma ke th e repair per-

Roamin, Cattle 1\ l uuch trouble ha. been experi ­

encecl un th e P ome r y J{ua d all , UI11 111e r by cattle wa.ndering o n the tracks . Th ere arc a number of sharp turn . in th e road, and fa rm e r. have been n t ified of the c1anKcr in allowing th e cattle l roam at will , bu t the warn ing' ha: had litt le effe ct.

O n the rcturn trip fro ln I' 111-

er y tl lu ncla y afterno n, in turn­ing a sha rp curve, nca r Land en ­be rg', I'a., Engineer 1'1 , I r:ln n ght into a he rd f aboll t 30 c \·s graz­ing o n and near the tracll ..

T here was no ppo rh llll ty to avoid runn ing' in to thelll and the 'ow~ we re scatte red in all d irec­

I,'i l'c of them were killed .

1\ 1 r. Oakey, o [ the Heal E tat c I)epart mc nt of the Girard T ru I Co .. was an in tere ted vis ito r at the College fa rm las t week, 'as was '\ Ir. Ma r ion , a ~arme r fro m Clay-1l10nt.

Prof. a nd 1\ l rs. Grantham a re entertaini ng P rof. Granth a m's par­enL , from Stockwell l ndiana.

Mr. E. C. P o well, edit r of The Fa rm a nd H l1l e, of S pr ingfi eld, ~ 'l as ., wa the guest of P rof. anu ~ I rs. H aylwa rd, <lIt lu nchc n on Fr iday f last wee k.

Pr f. Mc 'ue addressed a fi eld meeti ng of the 1: eninsula H o r ti cultural S ci ety at the fam o us ll arrisol1 l UI' e r ies at Be rl in, last Wed nc day,

Amo ng th e many vi sito r ' at the . liege Far m, la t wee k, wa a

fa rm er fr o m [' eb ra ka, who ex­Jl re sed h im elf as very well p leas­ed with what he saw.

The fo llowi n!i:' ci rcular lettfar 11 been sent by th e State Hoard

f Agri cu lture to every teacher in the tate:

Assuming that you will teacfl i'fi lJ elaware aga in till year, the ' tate Hard o[ Agriculture ask ' yck.r active C0- peratio n in making boy" day, Sat urday, 'eptell1bc::r ..!3 ' SI ll , at the D elaware Expel' l­IIICllt ' tati II, at 0:ewark, a g reat success by ar using an intere t in the day all1 0 ng yo ur pup ils and the pe pie in your sch I di s tri ct. It wil l be an inte res ti ng day, not

nly f I' boys, but fo r me n, wo­men and gi rls and 'cho I tea cher s hJ ll ld b e especially inte re'ted.

Up n their arr ival at ewa rk, the b ys will be d ivided int c n,. panic and placed in charge f the vari o u pr fe 's rs and members uf th e s tati o n . taff. In the [o re-110 II, I'r f. H a yward, d irector o[ th e s ta ti n, will shuw th e live " ~cock cq ll ipme n t of the farl11 and COl!

duct a c1as in judging dairy cat­til:, ho r 'cs and llIulc,.

L'llller the gu idan ce t" I' ro f.

r 1.30 o'cl ck gat up' and we nt 111-' I evcning. II e had been employed side. He was cautioned by the at the R evi ll e plant o nly th ree other to he ca refu l. a nd it was ' o r f ur month s, having been sent o nly a few second. later when they there ~ r 111 o ne of th e c ll1 pany's hea rd s l11et h ing fa ll. T hey went o ther pl ants.

N~WS NOT~S H~R~ AND TH~R~ T he , ' tate Cam p o f the P . O. S. . met in a nnual ses io n at Laurel

o n Tu esday. [ icha rd G. Buck­ingham , W. G'ra.n c< Fraylo r a nd . Lewis .IVV. 'o lmery d~presented Llni n Camp o. 25.

Members o[ the Levy Co ur t will in peet the Depot Road o n I;riday. T he re- u rfac ing be ing done by the 't wart & D o na hue Co. will be c I1lpl e tc by -that time .

T he a nnual W. C. T . U. upper will be held in the banq uet hall o[ Ih ' Opera H o u:e th e evening o ~ Septe mber 14th .

A pa r ty o[ Newark mcn attend­edt he an nu al Vo lkfe : t of the Del­awa re Saengerbund at Bra ndy­wine Springs Park, la. t i\ 1 nday eveni ng.

Th e ti l i ~ se vVi lso n, la kland, ente rtai ned a lllu ll ber of the ir frie nds last W ed nesday at a briclg p. Illnche II . (;·ue t · we re present fr o m Wash i 19·tO ll , Philadel ph i:l , New York, Baltimo re, Cheste r, W il mingto n and Newark .

The State B iard l f Educatio n ha , decided that wh ite, chool in th e district kno wn a. rural cl i '­t r ict ~ are n t compelled to o pei1 this year bef I' Sept.: mber 18. Th ey can o p n at a ny t ime during the fal l. The scho L fo r black children l1lu s t be o pen ' cl 0 11 o r be­i re the fi r t l'li o n lay in Oc to ber, a nd all the ch Is in til e large tow n must pen o n o r hefo re September I I.

I{ ev. C. E. W right, of Il ckes-sin :'-.1 . E. Chur h preached last Sunday in the Newark i\1. E. C hurch, o wi ng to the ab o en e of the pasto r, Rev, G. T . Ici e r o n, wh o i ~ ta k ing a two weeks vaca­ti ,ln.

D r. C'. II . Illakc has purchased a new Stanley . teamer.

Dr. W . J. I{ wa n an I ;ami ly have re tllrn cd fr m their SUl1lmer vacation. C mm cnci ng' with Sun­clay, S ep tell1be r 3, service, will be hel d in the Preshyte r ian Church at lhl' usua l hOll rs. Sl:e Directu ry.)

T he exccutive office o r Kover-

lion. W. O. C lIie r, ~·cre tary f Edsto n Fair, has pron un ced

lhe exhibit fr o lll the Co ll ege F arm the fi nest eve r exhibited II the ?,rou nds,

:\ i IS J o. ephinc F ulton has been dllpointed ass ista nt matro n a t the \. ew Ca tic co un ty workho use, :-i lle will enter upo n her ne w du t ies aho ut th e middle 0 ' September.

T he 'o ll1pa ny E boys a t Camp Perry have bee n g reat ly handi­capped with seve re co lds whi ch forced tlt em into the hosp ita l tent for a numb er o[ day.

Servi ce wil h ie held at H ead of Ch r isti a na a nd Ch r ist ia·na Churches hereafter in the morn­ing and aftern i,. Next Su nday there will be se r vices at H ead o f Christiana in the mo rn ing a nd in the afternoo n at 2.30 at hr is tian a. T hey will be alte rn ate-mo rning a nd a fte rn oo n, hereafter.

T he tork vi ' ited the ho me of Thomas A. .P tt, lao t Satmda V and le.t a fi ne baby b y. .

T he New astle Co unty F a ir was pronounced ye te rday the best prepareti anti the best managed o f any li ke affa ir held und er tl.. aus­pices of the ciatio n. The o ne thing neces ary is the s mile ot the weat her man. 'r he ew Castle

o un ty F ai r .\ ssociati o n is the o utgro wth o[ a plan fo rmulated by . me mell1 bers of the [' omona Grange. A b ut th ir teen yea rs ag'o th e fa rlll e r. of ew Ca tie l:O ULHY at a fa ll mee ting decided to display tltei r products a t the ir pi cnics. ,\bout ei ht years ago the exhibit had grOlVn in size un­til it IVa. realized that a fa ir was needed. Two yea rs later th e lead­er. of the grange o rganiz"d and had in c rp0 rated the present Ne w Ca~tle . llnty F air \ ss caiti n.

Next i\ lon day bei ng' a lega l ho li ­day, both of th e hanb will close and all legal pap.:rs will be pa y­a ble n Tuesday the day follow-ing, be 'ausl' I .ail r J)ay fa ll s Oil j londay f II wing the .'aturday !lalf ho liday .

An othe r c1e~l'r t l'r :rOlll th e r.lnks of thc Ihclielor Cirh! They do say it's the second ~;Ilce th e club d isbandeci for the . Ulllmer.

,\Ic 'ue, a : tucly will b· IIlade o[ the c mll1 ercial orchard~; the re­Sll itS -,b ta ill ed frOIll d ifferen t 'me­thod~ of t illage, fertilizers :/rld prun ing: a study of the different varieti .: of p tatues alld toma toe . There a r ' 4\)5 varieties of fruit o n

OIde.tlMember Of Elkton Bar Die. the coliL:ge farm.

n r 's suite in th e J) elawa re 'tate Il o u:e, wh ere he will hereafte r transact th e h usine . s of the -' tate and g ive aud ic nces to delegati n:, art: he in ,. rcnovated and retlo r<:d wit h hardwood so that they will I,c thc 111 0. t COll1l11 di II. and at­t r:lcti vl' offices at th e capi to l.

Dr. Cou k Spl'lll I: r iday ill t he vici llily o ~ Vi Iia anci Dove r, as­si. ling t it\! fanllers in thei r fig- ht with the. w.:ct po ta to d isease~.

I{ ellhen Il ailles, the o ldes t ll1eln - l'rof. Cran thalLl wi ll e xplai n the her o f lhe 'ecil co ul1ty ba r, alld a wc)rk that he is doing o n 450 plant directo r o f the National Ilan k o f in the agro numy fie ltr, (levoted t

I MPROVING CAMPUS I,: J..tUlI anci tile I,U~ ing' SUlI f'.ank t.:~ti ll g' I' arictie~ o f c rll, 'oy Reunion Of General Allembly I abu, d ied o f il cart tr .J uhl c, follo w- bean,;, alfalfa and cJ.)Ver~; and lo

'1'1 ~ 1)1 ';11 )er, ()f the Gellcral As- I'I~ a fa ll, a t il i: hOll1c, n tile a ~t u I)' of the <'ect of ·

BASE BALL NEWS 'I tl) hi s hl!d for ulle wce k. hlneral . crviCl~'" we re It ~ ld ill

, t he Newar k \1. I ~. 'hurch last

';~'lll,,)' II i I It ,Id thei r annual re- :'-. 1 i.,s 1 ~liza l> eth I:' Cla rk, the l ;ia . go\\' l'oa0· ncar 1 ~l kt ol.L. ~ 'I I all d ditfc rcnt rut ations. In the 'e . Tl1e"da)" ag-ed 7' yl'ar~ . 111>1 .lI'lfe alld other lI'a YS the II'h nle f re-

11 Ii 'II 0;1 ~ l' J>tcmb\: r (, at 'Iunco- land -ca p(' an:hitect of I'hiladcl- a lld t\l U daug'hll:r." the ~ 1 1:.,es Il oon lI'ili be full 0: vall1ahle act! trat:lll, \ ·a. Th is date and place ph ia, WIH' i.., . pCllrii n r the ~ llll1l11er ~ Ia ry C'. and Estella Il aine,." ,.,1Il'- ill tercsti llg' exercises. ha\'(~ hl'l' n fixed by th e join COI11- at her hOl lle hen:, ha bee ll ell- vi ve h illl . A lun ch will be se n 'ed abo ut [ m'lt 'C' 01 Ih" .'ena't(' and Il o l1 se o n g-ag 'd by Ikla\\'al'(: . l liege to lay u'clnc k, an d lht.:1l there will 1> ' ad-

Th c :\ l' lI'a rk .\ 11 Star, weil l to Thursday mO l"lIing, lR ev! F. C. 1.:llHienburg, la. t Salu~day alld ', lacSurky , (If \\, illl1il1"'tol1, o ffi-

I ' 1\ 1 _. 1 . I eiatil1g'. Illlel'ln ent in 1; lin t [l ill ill'at th'111 If) to 3· ~SS le(T~la I ·ellleterv. nca r l'a ir Il ili. I\I d,

r ~lIL1 "I I ancl Ilo:ices t l) that ('ffect out a p lan for the ImprOl'elllent or Launch Trip To Betterton drl' sses b,l SOl1le of tht.: l1l0st prol11-are I, 'Ill g' "ent til till' member ' o f th e 'olleg'e g-roI1IHb. lhrougil 'Ull! tlli"scs I,atherine . ·tee l ami inent l11 en in the country wit will jl 'l,h h ,11,e. proper pla lli ing o f s h n~bbe ry, 'I)c hran , 0: ~ I i~hildown , ciiscl1"s Ihe advancell1ellt o[ agr!'

o n the 1lI0UIHI fn r t h ~ Stan.. li e I Th e 11fe oi the deceased was allt)\vcd only hu r lil t and Sl' lIt . practically sJl III ill this loca LIty. tll'Ch" men tn th e h l' nch hy the : ll e lived ;or IIlan ), )'ear~ un lire three "wiLlg ro ut e. R igle r fo r I (Ii '~ l lI ith fa 1'111, lI o rth ul', i\ lc­l ,andel1ill1rg was halled all 0 \ ~r I CI'lllalld~I' villlt:· I fl e tltallgillt in

l tl l ~e

Th'l 11l1m:ttee c()llsish of Sena- planl" and trces a t such pOI nt a ~ I ',."rs . 'harks I\l edill, i\ul'lnan cultu re , its poss i bilitic~, it. in-t Ir, ,\ lt lil' r ;'lIci Wa lls and I{epre- to enha nce the na lural beauty o f I) I illl l' nCe' ullon the 1> 0)" .• ~ n ( 1 t il" 11 ee(1 ' d \\, illis, Ralph I )awsun, c aware " ~ , ent. ll ll'l· , T. (l . ' ( 11 'per, T ('ho an the call1Jlu~ , and to ~e r\'l;~ as s(' r e~ n L(, I'ell and l ,a~ larlin e C; ilfillan , of [railled farmer .. IJ ·ll h. to h icle 1I11.,i~r11lI y vie\\'~. ~ I.I· I f If ll t It i~ hOI>t'd lhat a la rg'l' dckrra " t tOg'l'lher wi th a nlll11 H: r oJ '. ' o n '"

'11 ' tri p II ill h' taken by ra il to 'Ia rk ha~ r1el'isl' c1 an altrne Ive f r il'lId~ enjuyed a lauli h tl'l[J t li.1 will he pre~l' nt fr 111 ever "' ;lnl'1I1 City, Va., and lhel1 by ~chcl11e alld thi, wcek wa s en- I: 'tter nn la~ t ~at llrday . ~cllO 1 in the St .1 c. Thi sll 'l Id IH.a1 10 Ih" i land. g'ag'l'd ill ~lIJ1~rilltending' the ~r:- ___ ___ he a great rlay for Ik awa r~ agri-

---- -- Emil ia I'), planllng' near .\ Iec han lcdl \ '.·h·1e In ill! tll han i"h hee, Cllll tun:; and Dclaware 'olle e Notice II ·tll. thl' lihrary allrl . a~ other frol11 tile ~avc . of hi, baL'll, hy alld the ~t<ltl' 1:,larci of .\ g'l'ir ll lt Llre

'I I I I lint I' v nl'xt ~prillg' It IS hoped. Ille:III.' of .lllokl', \ Villial11 n rer, aLlci thl' teachl'r~ (If the ~tate II'nrk-"t 1IIlI nhl't·~, 'l'\I'ar, o ne a l' l' )' , . '. . '11 1.' ., 1 ' 1.1>- ' ' I, (I, Il lpta." ph ~ . \\" I,:ex.ce llcnl r l'~ ltlts~I'1 rl'II~('~~e:llade (If Wit ite ()ak, I,a nca:ter count.I, illg' l 'g'l'lher t,) that l'nrl .hlltld

( )11 'I 'ning- fl ' \\' l'ci ll csrlay , S .: p ' . ta ll1l::l, anci l'V:I): . I ~ ,:II' lll' bri ll ' nlll' day Ia t Il'el: k , fa lil'd tn COI I- h il'c agTicullllrl' all ill1 pdlls Ihat tr llliJ I' (,th thlr(' will be hu si nes: P e:lsl ll g' til Illl ~)e. ,', 1 tro l the hlazl' wlLlch c1 l' ,trn)l'd the will 1'(' . lilt ill I,dler h llles, ,~b el­"i II llch 'iLll) ,rta llce tra ll ~acled I)f thc l'.'lllcrete walk,,-:-s~lll:e~:, I ~trllrtu r l' ,do ng' \I itil e · ~r.d I (ll, i I(' r rur;d Iii" hl'lll'r scholl ls, hette r that l', ncl'rll~ larh and every tll!"ll wllh graceful (lIIH, " ~ I ": h a~ , a I,t ,f ... trall',.~I'ty ocid ('Ii IIrrhl''', a .Ill)rt' pr<J'iper u~, Ill' II" r of t I~ urI! '1', v\'('wu ulrl abul11 CO l11pll'll' ci and 'H~ ~ I. n~~r" f I hll. H'b of II le,Lt, a Iil~lfl' r ;~ Ild a I lllor' I,rog'r '""Ive and nl'lre con-II;., hill 'l1 lll lilt 1)11 that day. cell .\' I ) lhe: :;-' lI l'ra l app a l.Ln cl' 0 I pig' , r ;lI1 ,,;IIg' a tnlJI In.,,, Il f :ji 1500. It'nl 'd alld h,lPPY peo ple .

I'. C. \ Vidd Il~ . I I <.~. tltl' gor )11mb .

rura sc 10 ~ ant Ir l1 l1g I 11 lI S the h,t. ' Halle r ieS-i,\I 1 S lar ... - life was deeply illtere. ted ill edll ­~Ie~~ick :1l1r1 Crowe; La ncl ellhmg catiol1. - J. R igle r a hd W. Rigler. Of latl' r jl'ar he Illoved t .(\ew-

.\n acco unt of the Newar k F . ark, whcn:: hl' ~er\ed a: Ju~lLce of '. vS . I r 11 J I ill is g-i ven in t he the I 'eace alil l aKain as l'o~tlLl as-

, ter. ~ I r. Smith \\'a~ \\'ell ver~e cl in I I il l e\ S. the loca l hi"tor) of tiri . r('gi 11.

Death Of W, H. Smith Will iam r I. Sl1lith, of 5 11 7 Race

~tl'l't.:l, I'h ilarl clphia , rl ied at h is hOlnl' ill thaI city last Saturday. ;' Ir. ~ ,lli th, who wa . 80 ) ear. of a:1l', I." d b 'Cll in faili ll ), j'l"lllh for Sd lll e l illl ', h ill lVas only confined

,\ Ianv fril' lId ~ III th is I cality 11101'1; It i~ d,'at ll.

,\ \life alld live ehiltirclI, W illa rd Sm it h, of ~alt Lake ,(, it)', tah, I Jr . I .. I). Sm ith, of Il unting·tol1, I 'a ., W illial1l ~llI i th, I 'htlad \!~ phia, '\Ir .. I ~ rank 11 l'\lll1rn and ~ I iss ,\m<Llld;1 Smith, (' hil:ld elp hia, Sl11'-


Page 2: NEW ARl( ROST

J .

C1101'I'E I) PI ·KLE.

(lile pcck gTLTII IJllwtlle • pecq r i p ~ Ill'.-, I d 7.ell onio n~, l - ~ dl7.l'lI grl'l'lI pepper., 1-2 doz. r ipe I)(: pper" I peck cUCll1llbcrs. Cut tillC. ~pri llk le with nC pint f

alt :l11d le t ~tand over lIight. Squc.:zc lI" ell the ne xt 111 m ingo put in a keltlt: alld add 2 p unds s ugar, L leacup grat ed h r :e rad­j h, 1-_ P ulld white IIlU tard . ced, 1 b x groulld nltlstard, 1-3 teacup g-r lind hlack pepper, I ounce cel­ery . ecd, 1- o Ull ce gro ulld cililla-111 n. I oUlice tUll1e ric. . vc r well with I·ill cga r and hai l t ill t ender.

(;1{1 ~ 1': t\ TO ;\I .\ TO L 'ICl'L[~ .

(Jn t: peck £ gree n t Illatae', wa hed «lid sliced ery thill. Spr inkli: with salt alld allow to dra ill ~4 III Hlrs. t the end of t hat tillie pres.; o ut all th e wa ter and put in a pre_e rving' ke ttle in layers , with a Illixture as £ 1I0ws: 6 o r 7 IIi li S cut ill . lice, 1-4 lb. lI1ustard seed. tah le p n :ul cl ves, nearly _ tabksp 0 11 ful o£ hl:l ck pepper . ~ tablesp ns£ul all pice, 2 o Ull ce. celery .eed, and I ta~le-p nrul gil!"'er. Cu ver with vin­

egar alld boil very 51 wly unt il the t III a t es look clear.


FOlir qllart. ell pped g reen to­mat e_ , I quart lima beall, I 'It. C rIl, 1 pint ch pped n i ns, I pint cll- pped p.:ppel", .l or 4- quarts

mall CUcUl ll be r_. 2 tablesp n £u l musta rd ~ed, I table"p o llful cel­ery seed. _ Ihs . IIgar, a little curry p wc1 e r. 'on :r with vin egar, add J table. po n£ul g-r und mustard , H3 ;1 ullt il tL'nde r allc\ seal wh ile

NEWAJlK POST, NEWARK, DEL., AUj(G:11UU:SS~Tr ~30~, ~J,::9J~J _____ ------------

l: 'un ties, but Ihe cr p will be Ull ­d"r the average. Th e l:anta loupl! i ~ killg' II th e Delaware-lVlaryland I' enin"ula lh i. year, Thi i known a" cantalollpe year . P ta­t )es art hl'illg del ive r ' tI, anu are IlJW aim st over, at a rati of 5 ,(J/4 barrel~, th i, year , t 157.34 barrels last ycar,

C;rapc_ I ill · h w lip we ll, par­t i ularll' £1' m the grape farm , all d pay up £ I' S Ille £ the los e in pI' Wilde r and £ rage cr ps on lhe fa rllls,-l\1 iddlet wn Tran,,-cript.

KembleniUe Matinee Race. T he lIlatinee ra ce at Kemble­

ille Dr ivillg 1'ark yeste rday at" tral'll'd a larg'C cro \\'d alld som e in­

e ven L wcre decided.

I"ree-£o r-all-~'i llge rly 'v ilkes, h lk, ., I\ lcn­

de llhall " .. "" ,."" " ,, 1 I

l ack 'tart, b, goo L(err"", ,2 2 ' I·e xa . lJ 11, " s., Se llers, ., " ·3

T illle, 2.2! 1-2. 2.25,

2.3 5 Class-B illy W o d, b. g. , Hal1lo11d" , I I

Norman H" s, Ill" \tVier" ." ,3 2 It 1-1 ., b, :., II ulden """,,2 4 Allen L)" b. g" I~win g , " , , , , ,4 3 T illle , 2,36. 2.301-2,

2.30 '101 ,-:\Iadina • I" b, 111., nr Wll" t 2 I H o ke Elizabeth, h. Ill"West.2 I 2 l. inll C , h, g., Cro .. all '" ,3 3 dr

Tillle, 2.29 1-4,2.323-4,2,32,

Powell's Restaurant Just a word about our


3 i\ l illut e las,- I t"l tlt '" b. ,;1., ' rot hers."" 1 t 1 0 Il o ke,", Lll l:,Y, b , ' II. . F sler".2 ~ I\luc IIdl. S, Ill" Hen t 11.,., ,3 3

Tilll ' , 2.573-4, 2·55,

2,40 Clas.-

; ~ ncral '" b, goo Challdlcr", J 1

\ ' era Tal' i1 r . h , Ill., Renshaw,,2 2

K illg- B.: h . It " 1)elll 11(1. ·· , ,· 3 3 T illlc . - .3°, 2,- 9,

CLlit Race-

Ea :te r, b. h" I) ll g-h ," , .". J I \ ' ernon '1'" b. h., l\lcV ug·h,. 2 2 Elk t 11 Hoy. b, g., Karl " ,·,,35 H Ille r Direct, b, h ., Pugh, , ,4 3 I)r inee , b, g" Daily, , , , , , , . , ·5 4

Tillle, 2.56, 2,58.

Heavy Haulihg ahd Carting ALL WORK CAREFULLY DONE

Light Livery Attached,

Heiser's Stable Phon~ 142


w. L. DOUCLAS 53.00,53.5 -4.00 &. 55.00 SHOES Best In the World


Boys' Shoes $2.00

and $2.50

frut Color Eyelet. Used

;ee~t Reduction Sal~ 90 Cents Buys

a Dollar'S Worth


On all goods excepting Auto-mobile Tires, Portland Ce­ment DuPont Explosives, White Lead. Lucas' Paint. We allow 10 per cent dis­coun t on all Cash purchases amounting to $1.00 or over. This makes---1 30 cent Broom 1 30 cent Washboard 48 yards Clothesline

h ot. Quick service at reasonable prices

W. 1.. Doualaa ahoea are the low .. t price, quality conaidered, in the world Their ellcellent atyle. eaay fittina and lona wearlna qualiti.. ellcel thou 01 other make.. If you ha"e been payina hiah pricea fo .. your ahoea. the nellt time you need a pair ai.e W, L Doualaa ah_ a trial. You can .. "e money on your footwear and aet ahoea that are juat .. aoocl in every way aa thoae that have been coatina you hiaher pricea.

All For 90 Cents S\tVr': ET C L1CL',\l I! E R 1'[ ' I(LE Tha ts the r easo n we have in-

One hUll dred 11Iall cucumbers, 1 quart cider villegar; add o ne­hal£ o Ull ce ea ch £ cinllamon, ~I­spice alld cl I'es , I I und bI'OI n sugar. ~ slll al l red p 'pper . Le l th e p ;c kl e ~ "tand I'e r n igh' in s::i1t and water: the n pu t on ill cold vin ega r and le t cOll1 e to .a b oil ; boil til" or three Illinute. ; then fill .\' 1Ir jars and seal hot.


H alf peck ripe t matoe ', peeled and -'iced , 1-2 teacup grat ed horse rad i~h , I ta hle sp ,) n iul b lac k pep­per, 1-2 cup llllistard seed, (ha ll ~I'hite and hal£ b13ck), 2 red pep­p I'S cut till~, 2 table, po n £ul cin­nam n, I tabl espoo nfu l cl o ~'e 1

ta le."p o n£u l Illa ee . I large bun ch cele ry cut fin e: .l p in t g od vine­g·ar. Thi _ d c_ not I' quire any

kin_~· . Put away in sealed jars,


Thinly slice tl\' gall u n of green 1 nUl es (n t peeled), alld twelve 15 od iu:d o ni liS. Add I quart 0: I ' i n ..: ~:a r, I !> und of suga r, 2 !able ,,!> \ nful, pepper, 2 table-

po nsful gr und mus tard, 1 table­sp o n£ul all-spice , 1 table-spoonful cl I'C_ , ~ ta hlesp nful aiL Mix a I t gc h,!r tho r u <Illy and tew sl wi)' unt il the t ma t e and on­iom, are tender. : ti r fr equentl y, l'ut in wide mouthed b ttle or pint jar


Ch p I'e ry fine on c peck £ green mat e=" six 'reen pepper ' and ur n iO Il~, ~t i r a ll together

with a 'up of oalr.. and kt th e mix­ture ."laJld o l'e r ni h . J n th e mo rning' pour off the wa te r a nd C \'l'r II ilh I'i nega r, add ing I cup hor:e radish, I Cl ip su ar I tabl e-pLlon£ul o£ c OI' C;' , I tahlesp on fu l

cinnal11 ,)n, I ta ble ' pol nful all -pi e, Couk ~I \)I\'I.\' unt il tender,

ta ting Ht th~ 1:1 t and add ing m rl' ~all if ll.:c tll:d, 1) up in w;dc III luth,'11 h(ltl :e,<.


L'ar..: with ,\ kn ife, 12 larD" r ipe lllat l';', chop fine, l'~cl 2 good

i7ed onion;. , ch p tine: 4 medium iZl'd green I cpper" a., ch pped

fin c, 'lit e,leh \'eg-e tablc sepa r-a eh. :-; ir t" g'ethe r and add as f Ill;II'o: 'I'll' tahk~p n,ful salt, 2 ta ,lc,poOl.,flll >u, a r, J table­~P l n 'lIl innal11 n, 3 teacllp vin­e, ar. 1\ il an h llr and a half, 5 ;rr in g" well, I!ot tlc the sallie as cat-lip,

Farmers Pleased With Crop. :\" tll'ith, amEli' the fact tha t

Udall ,' rc ha~ ,uffered £rolll the eifel' - lI£ th~ dr~ and extreme ly h t Ileather, ;. 'llIe crdp" ha\'e pull ­et! thl'l>lI dl and are he in y rrown II'i h 1l11I~h - lIe·lT-;' t 1 the r 'P il -

c!eased our t rade over two fo ld during t he las t year.

OUR CREAM The day o f L:e Cream is here,

You know w hat Oll r cream is, We are m aking t he sa me th is seaso n- if an y d ifference, i t is better.

Orders proUl ptly filled ,

If you could "iait our larae factoriea at Brockton, Ma .. " and aee for youreelf how carefully W. L Doual .. ahoea are made. you would then underatand why they hold their ahape. fit better and

~~Ji~Ir:~ -:~~ .. °J~~~~~:,.~nd price t. Att\1111>ed 0 11 I,he bott.o 1l11 0 prOlef~ 1 the ,,,,"I\ler I\,,_tllll&

~:~~~~r\r?~J'.lt~ ~~7.~~;!la!~~~; 1\;:: ~I~ro~ r:l:i:,'~"c!l!; ~~~~~~~~r MAU IJrcl~1' C!lllltO'f. W • 1. DougLu.

(HARLEY NORO\vS~f, Walter R. Powell Sole Agent for Newark.

I>:" &, A. Phon~ 31 -D (entel' Hall Building If' ----------------------------------------'


Willfiive You Best Work for your Money Because our Carriages are made from

the ground up.

Always know what is under paint as we start from the raw material and paint afterwards,

21 years of successful manu­facturing and there is a reason why our fl l'st customers 21 years ago are sti ll onr customers and why eur bu ine has grown until we now hip our work to every state in the union,

If we cannot give you better work for your llloney than you 113,,13 beeu getting we do not want your patronage, but we do know we can the reason we want you to write UB, You can pay U'J ca h 0 1' you can secure from us any Oarriage on most liberal terllls, Distance from u or whether we know you or aot mak s no diference. All we want to know is that you are honest Write us now for catalogue of our ilifferent tyl and pricos,

Bupns Bpos. HAVRE DE GRACE, M.D.

Ball Mason Jars, 54c dozen for quarts, Gasoline-5 g~l­Ions for 54c, Kerosene---5 gal­lons for 36c. Gasoline and Kerosene change to us.

prices subject to in Refiners' prices

Make Up A List From These:

Nails, Bolts, Screws, Tacks, Hinges, Window Screens, Watering Cans, Galvanized Buckets and Tubs, Hay Rope, Hal ter Ropes, Scythes and Snathes Axes, Hatchet, Saws, Spotzoff Metal Polish, Wyan­dotte Cleaner and Cleanser, Chair Seats. Aluminum--Funnels, drink­ing Cups, Salt and Pepper Sets, Spoons. Window Glass, Putty, Paint Brushes, SCissors, Razors, Pocket Knives, SOiloff and Flash Hand Cleaner, Axle Grease, Harness Oil and Har­vester Oil.

Remember--90c buys a dol­lar's worth. Return the goods and get your money back if not satisfied. We want only satisfied customers.


GO SEE " BILL" P. S.- Give us your order for auto tires and supplies.


n ell' sc possibi . ei~ hth the Hi mcn tio llc ( room beil High Sell been fltt b~l ; lt:'ng

mercial CO !11 m e rc etc" ma plete . course S,lI11C til

received ~ bu iness

to make t as those


chools, in typewri mercial

Ali pl1 des ir,ing t themselves 5f ptel11ber for pa si n g be givcn o n

A co mp tions to be th e e\ev en t lew:

II' l' - "il I",t II <' cn t he I ><-Ia I'a 1'1.' and l 'hl',apeakl' I:a~ -, \\1 l' 'c!hlllge ,ay, II heat Ila" cl'r t,l in!y better than I.I - t \ ('ar, .1IHI man\ £armcr h \'e ',ne l\' l'r th irty and m e th ir: \~tin~ bu-hd a\'l'l:a e to the aer ',' Th~ C, 'I'll cr I p ha beeh h ':pl'd hi rl'cenl raill~ in the lIVer We sell Diamv d d Good ' n an rIch T ires at City PrIces

Page 3: NEW ARl( ROST

L" a t City Prices


TNf OPfNING Of SCHOOL 1\ 5 Septcll1ber days approach,

th ' interes t of multitudes t urn ' to afT;lIrs in th e rea lll1 of Schoo l illc. In our ow n locality t he pros pect for t he coming year " ems to b e a bright o ne. , ' ev ' r OI l add itiona l roo'1I1s ha ve bec n provided in th e !l ew sc h 01 blli lding to re liev £II.)

possi bility o f o\'e rc rowdi n,.,. Th cl> lIth grade has b ee n ta ken fr om th~ I Ligll '-c hool bui lding, t o t h e mentioned new qllartLl'~, III or e roo!ll heing thll . ass u red 10 the lIi gh ·c lloo l. . Two r,:>om, have bcen (Iqed up II I t h t: 1IIhh School b:I; I(:' ng to be u ,;cd I~~ the ~ om-111 crcial teac her. J ype~vfl.t e rs, c !11!11crcia l . chool furnl h1l1gs, etc., !Ilake the eq ll ipmen t COlll­plete. 'J he I~ oard in te nd the coursc ~ hall gll'e to tile Pllpl ls the sallIe Il lo ro llgh in~trtlclion t ha t. i rece il'ed in the large ~lnd sp cla l business co lleges. .I t IS prupu ' cd to !1Iake th e requi r ements the same as those d maud ed by the regu lar ,c\lllols. Courses will be offered i'n t'l C\\ r itinCT, bon k-keepil1O', COIll­me;'c lal banking', ;, hor t-han d, et c.

All pllpils fr u m outside dlstnct'; desiring to cn.le r sh~u ld ~r~ ent lhl'1I1,el\'l's th l. c mlllg I' mIay! ~fptc!llber 1St. A n. oppo:tunlty fur pa~sillg off condItIon ' WIU a lso IJ e gi\c n on th e same ~I ay.

A cUll lpldC hst 0 1 a ll promo­tiQI IS to be made fro 1ll lhe tir t to [he elevcnt h grad e~ is given b e­Itw :

l'Rll .\IUTI.-:LJ FRU.\ I F1h.ST CI{ r\I)E TO ' 1.-: '0:-':1).

J~obert 'ook, I I amid 'oo k, 11 er­bert II ~l lIl i ng, lJ ayard LI:ldell/

l ' I<Oi\IUTE\) "' Iu .n l \; l FTlI T S I T lI C HADE.

Alfred Cro \\ e, David 'ingles, Da vi t! C halme rs, J oseph ]\Ioo re, Vv illia m C lossa ll , J ra S tee le, J£1-N od l)l':l n , Norris Sm ith, scar E wing, I avi d Cianc, H erman Wolla'S ton, Il arry Sanb rIl , 'Ivde I:'oolc, Halph Ho b ins·o ll, rl al;do Smit h, j awl I!illett, l; eorge Challlbcrs, Ca rl H.ilc)" P ,a ul I<ho des, "arl j Olles, E llller Enlc r­so n, I I ele ll C lI rrint\e r , Li lli~ Cet­t \I, Blanche Edman 'O II. Ethel ~1.l'ppan l. l; ertn!(k H ill, Ad elaide Le\\ is, l; er t rutie Willis, I1 ele n L ea k , tl lary 'Ianey, Edna Cun­nin g·ha m. ~ad ie Cra )" Alph o llsa 1\ lrkrson, J\ l argarc t \)oyl e, C;er­lru de I):1 Y.

I' IWI\ IOTE D liRO I S IXTH. T O '- I ~V I ':N TI J C I~AI)I:<: .

Eugcne " en ned)', [;ra lll: is L in­del l, Walter H o lton ,) l ;ilber-t Chaml ers, L e roy CampiJell, C 11 -

rad I_ewis, 1< '<1 lph (;regg. A ll yn Coach, i':ewe ll Heed, Willia m :'derrick, j o eph I{h odes, Ernest Cornog, Ram ot h f\ Ild ersoll. j o hn I"osset l, j o hn Ri chards, l{a)lll oll(1 \-',adcr, An na Sanhorn, Florell ce " olber t, U oro th \' Lloyd, Jr n Ri c h a r d ~, I,a th arlne \viis on, FI 1'­

(' nce I\ loo re, Ida l,etty, lice Sin­g-Ics. .H a nn a h 1iu lt n, Francis Cla.rk, (> e llcva 1 ~l\rni t e, l\l argarct J rte r , I Ic1en l ' I' o urke. R ita ·in,.,lcs, erda C,("salllan . J\I;uud

[, ilm n, J\ lyrtie 'ampbell , 1 rma C0rn og·.

PROI\j( TED FRO \ I .'EVE:-':, TI.l TO E I c.; I JTJJ l; I{J\ D E.

Geo rgc Tweed, Cou rt land H uugh- Ka.Lhryn Llark, Ed) the \tVhil­ta ll , Gerlcl Di:wn, W illiam War- tingham, Ilelell .' h ppeard, Alyce pole, Leonard J'<.:~n ulds, L eonard ' h ephea rd, J\'lari o n Law, J\ lar­Fosset~, Arthur ,\ Ia)" <.: r, H erbe rt guerite ' rowe, lario n Iirow n,

ax\\cll , \Vill iam 'u ll ivan, j o h n j\ l yrLl Wakeland, H elen Slack, ce li ,t- William ey, *Ralp,h Helen Wollaston, Elhel J ack o n, ing, :' Chark .\ Ierc r, *Archl- S<l:rab. Pot ts, Ilary .'lewar t, Nora

ROII'a n, * 1< b e rt Hayes, Riley, Anna H.lChards, Harn et loll) G tty, "' \ ' io l e ~ R ow~n, Doys, J\ larion Smit h, Blan che

arKery R o1'c, ()III'e \ o rt er, 1,:0- Towso n , Rachel tl loo re, , I'iln ick, Ethd L o\'elt, EdIth 0 lJ .IT 10 ED,

nc. I,athry n j o hn s 11, .\Iarg;:re t , . 1m, :'Ilinnie Fulto n, Laura l ' u l- Rub~ Rob1l1son, Em1ly I1rrin-

I:t hcl Fullon Gertrude de l', I, atle . lo ntg o m ery, Nora 'n - Emma Ldvett Mary Riley, Els'ie '1'011', Flora Richards,

'Leah IJo Ie, Naon;i H.iley, I C;e rge Wilso n, Frank Tweed, .'leele, IUelle Ril ey, De le na ON TR IA L.

Alice lCurrindcr,1 Thcrest 'arrie Geo rge, I' ra nk J\ laekey. 1\ I a ry K eeley, AI ildred M a-

Ethel Anderso n, A nn ie An- FRO M E I GHTH TO NINTH so n, Iva \\Iolla ton. GRADE

Els ie l;rier, Edna Chambers, E'! i z abe t h S trond, Ceci lia O'Rourke, JJ elc n J\ l d~ea l ,tl J a r-

W illiam unninO'ham, H noy garet 'lee le, E lean r Fader, Leila man Frank Caratua, Frank Herben er, Grace i\ le rri ck, NaolT1; th, Alar. hall \\ ' h ite, j oh n tl la- S treet, Laura Steele, Elsie Tweed,

j()st'ph BrowlI, .I hn \) O'y le, Irma J aque tte, Ed iTh L f'wis , Hon"! red E ing, ' Ralp h Wqlllams, Hrow n. IJa lll Love tt , I-Jerm a n L it­ward IJ ah n , j o . eph Lafferty, ti c, H enry I\ lo te. l" rank l'vIote, I Lil1(~el1 , \\Ii ll is . I(en nedy, IAI- I I Ja rr .C ree n, Kn o wles Bowen ,

L eWIS, Royal . a n h o r~, ~or- R a lph Dawson and Ho dn ey MII-n Tw eed, 'h a rl e EmeIgh , In.

' l·\ford ,Barne~'. '!: Fral!k. ]'vlc- F H O II I I NTII TO TEl TH , .t l :1111.\ 10 Ie, .. Ch,arles GRADE .

ts, Ileulah L:1\\', Lil lIe buck­lam 11 azel ," en n edy, Zelma on . ';\ Iar y L ak .. \ Iabel . mit h,

1I1 inc \\' a"smer , \\' in s low lark, ctit ia \\'i l,o n , I':dna Walraven, nll a Frare r, I;:dith Chambers, ora \) ;n is .. \ Ia ry Cha lm cr , B e~­

Sh'w Verla I l allli ito n, J ennl~ li iams: * ~ eilic I'lacc.

IW .\I()TEI) 1; 1{l( ).\ 1 T IIJ RD (;I~ /\I I ~ TO FOL.; RTJl.

(;l'oq~c :\n de r, <l n, .\rllnah Arm­rang-. 'ha rl c~ I ll e~t" J\ icl2ard

, j oh n 'Iancy, I ~ arl Cun-ghalll , 1·.r1lc ,t 1·: III<.:ig-h, War:en nll,d) , .I al1lc ~ 1.(JIlg-fcllow, a l-1_"H'Il, Leo .\ Ino rc, J'aul Mer­

john Sulli\'a n , \\,illial1l .sin­j al11l"> Sm ith . I'aul . teol,

renl'C Tlverd, \\ ' a lk n Shell 11-jos('p h Seallla n . j o hn I Ju t­

cr.' (harlc~ \\ 'alravcn 1<:lCI' Il ilrna rd. 1·:I s i· I':\\'ing, Sara

elt, \ Iire L 'ak. l\nn a League, :\Ic( '')n:l ug-Ill'Y, \Iarion P el­

IlIllc '-mith. :\Iar)' Snyder, I f)\\'", n. Ile;ltri n: \'an;.ant, ret ( )' 1{IIu r ke, \ 'i rginia

e, Rub rta Bland, P earl IlIghalll, ~ .\ Iay D ClIlp . <.:y, Ir­

(·la rnlgl,"l d. I .ut'.\' :\1111.

l).\I( n I~\) I; IU ) .\ 1 1; ( )Lj In- II I () 1'1 1; '1'1 1 (;1< .\ I) I ~.

I ~d\\;lrrl ( age, Il arl'l'Y j o hn <J.n, 1'111\(111, 1': rI' int' I.auer, Wd­

:\Iilll'r, john \\'ill iams, j\ lvin . John " II Ho\\'an. \,yill ia1l1

\\ 'Ihu n .\ 1:11'1", Il arv y ,I "II \1'I1l~ t r ,ng'. I': rmont

\{;l\Illf)n rl Il arlll'\' , 1 ~c1w ard rr"- i·.i1 rl l{a lll'l'I' , '1'::11'1 Hob­,johll "('l' kl', I (arlan Tweed

liam 1:lalld, I {~)\' Segars , ,\ Iar­\\'ollaqlln, '.\ Iyrtle ,\Iiller,

th l ~dllla mr)!! , [Iizabeth Ic­I. I lillia n .lack. on, laria n etl, 'ara il Il row ll , i\ lanl1cli ta ~tr()Ilg-, (;Iad\,. i\ lcAlli 1 r, lia I 'illlirk, .\I ·arion C all a h e r,

\\ ill ia lll~ , "' i\ labe l Wassa -

J\ I argaret 'ook, Edna Cham­bers. \) o ra Law, Alice loo re . An­na Callaher, Ed it h .'pencer, EI:ie 'lack, JJ ettie Slack , j ulia J\ 1CJ\lul-

le ll . O live, I le iser and Edna 'hal­m rs: A rthm 11 olllewood, Geo rge Allcorn, j LIlian lark, Simpson J J o Hecke r.

I ~ROi\ 1 '1' 1<:. '1' J I TO ELEVEN­'I' ll (;HJ\ \)I ~S .

J\I ildred I\ lc ea l, E1can r Pi ll ­ing, 'arrie j ame 'on, 11ele,n '-teel , ()na Singl e-s, 1\ I ildred I, e rg-u so n, I ~ t h ·1 I 'ier 'C, Emil y \V o rrall; I:fa nce Alderso n, ll ubbard , \I der­so n, Oli ve r S uddard, Prtsly Ceo heg-a n, Wilbrrt I{allls cy . 'l' U n Tria l.

Pleasant Quarters At. County fair

Th r 1 ~ 1'(:' Library of Wilming­to n has in-augurated a 1I0vei schen lc fo r mak ing itself serve th public need, in th e establi s of a n.:ading lent on the I' alf gronnd . .; . ,\ separate tent abou t 40.( 2.1 f<.:ct, alloW's pl ent y of rOO1ll fo r the l'x hihit which has bee n a r-range d and for the vi~ito rs. .

fhe prin cipal Db)l'c t o.f . the h­brary in ha vi ng th is exh!lJl l i' lo prol'i <i<.: a reading roo lll for tho~e who become tir ed, and to ma ke plain ~()!ll' of th n 'SOIlfCl'S o f t ;<.: lih rary.

1\ slIla ll cnllcd i{l n o f t he be t bonks in the lihrary will he ' hel\'­eel ill lhe lent allcl there will h'. 011 file ~evl'r;!1 popular an ri t~chnlca l l1lag-azincs as wl' lI as the (~a li y pal~ ' ' rs o f Willllillg-to n , {'hlladelphl a

a nd I ew Yor k . Attendants fr 111 the lihrary will be '0 11 dllt) a ll day to exp lain th e vrtriolls p~1.1SCS ? f the library's act iv ili es. 1 hey wli l makt' it p la in that t Ill' reso llfccs o f the libra ry are :.t bsoill te ly ree to

e erylln' <Ind t hose who wish to like a nd a t t ract i e, ,;illt! i.t is ho ped becolll~ b rrowe rs ca n regis ter at ! .hat many will visit it. the tellt in. tead of at thc libmry. \ ,\Ian ', in the past, h ave thought New Game Law. tha t those \\ ho beco me borrOW- I I hrre ap pear. to be s Ille cun-ers III 11 st either ha ve property o r fn sio n 0 11 th e part Df a nUlllb I' f rder to o ther ' who wi ll guarantee pe l 'o n: as a r tsl lit of th e changr:.­the lihrary agai nst loss. T hc a t- I ~ l allc in the Delawa re gam\:' Ia N.; tendants wil l s how that this is no t b \ the last sessio n f the Gena:! 1 trill' . An yo ne ca n become a bor- ,\sse lllbly. In view of the fac t th ;-. t rll Wl'r silllp ly by as king' fo r the t hl sqllirrel season now pens on privi leg-<.:. ~l, ;'tclllber 15 instead o f 1'\0\" ' 111-

\ ' ariOlls printed lists o f bool !l :'er I5, as heretofll r e, so me p:: '- ' n specia l s lIbj cts, s l! ch a s ma- S\l!1S <lr o f lhe 01 inion that I hI..

chin ry, aer p la nes, Ill oto r boa ts, ~,: aso n :or rail allli reed hire pa inting', paper han gi ng. roads, ~ llo ting- opells Oll th am e dale. P lI lt ry and farmi ng will be di s- uch an idea is erron OilS, f,)r tr ibll te <l free to tho . e who a re in- ti ll' sea on for rail a nd r eed tnrrl te rc' ed. It \ ,ill be th e fror t o f I s lloo t 1Ilg- opcns as 11 . lIa l Oil -;ep, the library to ma ke the t enl ho me I, Ill! el I.


Auto Parties

Light Livery

Best C~b Service

Chas. W. Strahorn

For School Days


A nd the multitude of other little accessories that the

boy a nd g ir l mus t have ill order to be most s uccessful

a t s cb ool. W e have th e m a \1 at prices as low as you

expec t. Also a fllle line of Note Papcr b v the box or po und .

George W. Rhodes, P. D . . Newark, Delaware

'a m


CAPITAL 1600,000. 8unrLU8 "00,000.

The re a re R hundred and more waY8 In which this Company can be of &reat assistance to YOU. We 11'111 be nry &Iad to han you ~all on U8 at any Ume for Information and adVice concornlne your Bnnklng BUSIness; th. maklnl of your Will; the eettlement and distribution ot your E state; and any other matter In our II Of' .


Benjamin NleJda, J ames B. Clarl[80n.

SECR ETARY: T REASURER: John 8 . ROBsell L. Scott TowII BI'nd. -(


Gitchie Manito 2.09~ S IR E OF E LIZA L. , 2. 12 1.4

Race Record on a Half Mile Track

Will make the Season of 1911 at

Huber Drivill g Park, Newark, Del. Oltchle Manito is n benllti[1I 1 brown horse , 16 hnnds hi~h nnd .weighs

1250 pounds. He is si red by Jay Bird by (;eo . WlIkes, .and h, s dam IS ~ate Patchen (dllm of 3) by Mambrioo Patchen. H e obllllnerl his record In. a winnin g rare 0 0 a half m lle track . 1n the lost three yenrs he started In 34 m ces, winning 15 t-irst, 13 scconds, 2 thirds and 1 fourth . Come took him over. YOll wlll tlke bim .

Ser v ice Fee $25 . $5 Cas h at tim e of sel vice, t he remuini og $20 when the mnre p roves in fon l. A dc1rcss

HERMAN R. TYSON, Newark, Del.

At the Sign of the White Light

Ab~~::I~:~~akes th e heart grow ISO M E fonder , but t he me m ory of the

~~l~~.n t ~l~~l ~~~~11 t~ ;~;t\\~e a~~~ I S PEe I A l TIE ~ you r mind just how "HE" or 1------------­"SHE': wou ld loo k , ?ut th ere'~ a ' SOUVENIRS of NE W ARK mysterious someth ing whi c h . , d mak es thi s men tal picture impos- Talkmg Machmes an sible. ' Supp'jest Edisont Columbia

Bu t if you h ad a p ho topraph and Victor before you , then you cou ld reca ll P ictures Framed to Order the forgotten lace, yes, even til e ' (Ri~ llt Oil lbe PIAc~ wh il~ you wai l)

kind acts, the gen tIe worcl s. Souvenir Post Cards and Local Views in Wouldn' t that "ONE" so far I Great Variety.

away appreciate your photograph Any tiling Photopraphed Anywhere, in any size too. or style at short notice.

Wily not CA li t orJay Ilt tb e Nf!W STUDIO over f!rl. H erbe uers Post CRrd & !VI usic Sl Op. a nel I",ok ovor til e IHlest ED. HERBENERtS slyles.

United Portrait &: View Co. Post card & Music Shop .. Main St., Newark, Del.


~ +o+o+o+o+o+o+o+o+ooJ<o+o+o+o+o+o+o+o+o+o+ o

~ o "5 os

i ·S t t t t b or

Rich ,

Bullutiq CfRfSOTA


PILLSBURY FLOUR t both in stock now. Prices so low it I will pay anyone to buy here.


Hammond Dairy Foodt Malt Sprouts. Oatst Cement and Terra Cotta Pipe •

~ PHOSPHATE :I: We have tried always to encourage farmers to * study the analysis and commercial values so they can ~ make intelligent comparisons of different brands and :I: not be taken in to the extent of several dollars a tont as t many are. Little books explaining these things are to + be had for the asking. We are too busy to do any t canvassingt but have already had many orders given us. t Will have good goods at right prices and invite b any who want to SAVE MONE ( to submit their list i for prices.

i LUMBER TRADE + t has been the biggest ever.

~ ' l­o t t t t

Let Us Quote You Prices

Edward L. Richards ~ .~o+o+o+O+O+o+O+o+O+o+o+O+o+O+o+o+o+o+

IRA E. KIL~ION LiKht Lunch


Watch Annnuncement Next Week

12 YEARS Practical experience at

Sanitary Plumbing Steam and Hot Water Heating

Tin Roofing and Sheet Iron Work EsliUlales G lad ly G iven .

DANIEL S"rOLL Basement Armstrong's Store

Page 4: NEW ARl( ROST





Address all com munications to 'I'll I; I We want and invi te commun n~, NEWA RK POST. bu t they must be signed by the writer s

Make all chec ks to Ttll! NII WA RK Darue- not for publicati.on, but for our l'~~!lephone , Delnware nnd Atlantic 93. Information and protectIOn.

Entered as seco nd· class matter at New.u-k , Del. , under Act of March 3, 1879 .

The subscription price of this paper is $1.00 per year, in advance.

AUGUST 30, 1911

W E li ave bee n una ble to g-ive in t hi iss ue the ar t icle on the sewer agita tio n in 'ewark, as I~ , e nt i~ n ­eel las l II' ck. T he dela y )'; OW IIlg­to our inabi lity to SCC UTe tli e ne­cessa ry int erviews, o n account of the absence of 'eve ral 111 en. Vi c hope to have th e sto r)! 'C'O I11!Jlete for our rea ders in nex t week s IS­sue.

'I'll E qu e ·tion, " noe~ Newa rk Apprecia te her I,i ntl e rgartell " has b ee n asked. T he a tten tio n of pa r­ents is called to the a r ti cle in an­o the r co lu lll il di sc u. s ing Lh e sub­ject.

11 0 "V abou t N ewa rk 's con tri­bution to t he 1'\ew 'as tl e Coun ty Fai r ? Watch how man y blue r ibbons co ne to Oll r CJUl ct little tOll'n !


I' rout 's . 'eck, J\ le., Aug. 25, ' JI

E d iLo r t\'ewar k IJos t: _ . In company wit h ]\ Ir. ha rlc s E.

Wa rb urt on, of E lk ton, 1\j d ., we sa'iled fro m Kalt imor e on th e steamer H oward , o f the 1\ j er­chan ts' and ,\ Iiner. · Tran porta­t ion Co., at 6 p. m., Altgu t i l:> , fo r a sea tr ip to I:\ oston . We ha d a delight ful sa il down the bay, and when we cleared the capes, a'nd g UL uu t ill tu 01 I Ucea n IVC luUtltI the ~I a t e r a mou th a th e bay we had j lt ·t left. At 8 o 'cl ck. the nex·t morn ing We landed a t J'\ew­port News. W ha d a day for s ig ht-seei ng here, .a th~ boa t took o n freight at thIS pO.11t, and a t Nor fo lk al o. "\I e took the t rol­ley to O lr! Po·inL "omf.ort Iil ntl stopped at the I lmel ha mber­la in , and visited For tress j\ l? nroe just ill t ime t witness a milit ary fun era l proces. Ion ma rchlllg th ro ug h the . -t ree t. · on the ir way to ,th e boa t , wi th a dead oleli er wrapp ed in the s tar and tr ipe-

mea n i. ~l g- ill Indian iI "s t rrteh of wa ter IS 14 l1l il es long by II wi de. U n ou r way np the lake we pa s India n Islan d. and Fry 's I sla nd . 1\ it h its th ous,m d at; res of den e fore st. ' teami ng- up the lake we pass t he roc k 70 fee t high wher e Cap t. I ~ rye mad e hi s famo tl s lear­fr ol1l th e summit and swam across the I;l'ke to th e I land 11l 0 re tha n a quarter of a l1li le when hotly pursl1 ed by th e J ncli ans. U n the sides o f t he rock are cenes which we re pai nt ed by the J n elia n s~ whic h time ha s nea rl y 01 h tera ted, !Jut have bee ll re ta l-cd by r pa int -ing. 'ollle of the IllOs t intcre t-iner f these cene arc Ca l>t ai n FI~\ c Illakillg his leap fo r life to the 11·,tle r SC I en ty fee t below, a l~ Indian 1\ igwalll with t he ch ief o. Ihe 'trihe si tt ing' at th e doo rway, an Ilidiall lVa r da nce. a deer houndi ng ovc r rocks. ctc. . W hd:: passing th is rock an .India n In cos­lu me appears on the cliff ~nd give the Ind ia n I'arhoop and hre a sa­lute. We pass I nd ian 1' \ll p it a nd Hall'Lh )rne Cave, th e latter place being a fa l'orite boyhood halll~ t o f . ·a tha n it.:1 H awth urne, where It is 'aid that he wrote his 'carlet letk r. ['assing ou! of the. ebago Lake we n te r the "ong rivcr. I 'hich threa d ' her tor tu ous way up what is ·terilled the "c.rookedes t o f all ri vers." Thi . is bu t t vo and a ha lf mi le: as th e bird ni cs to the head of th e r iver , but we hal e to :ai l . ix miles an cl make t wenty­"Vt:l ' turns \\tilding' our wa y lip th is crooked tream , an d of ten \i th in lea ping d is tan ct.: o f the b,l1l ks. -I he stream i' ,110t any I icier tha n ur \ ,Vhite 'Iay creek. The water. were glassy and mODth an d th e fo r est lha t lined

the bay was r efl ected in 'm ost vivid colo rs. a nd dt.:l icate folia ge in th ' da rk mi rro r of <t he wa ters, with llla rvelo Li accuracy Lo ng­fell ow has beautifully c!escr ib d it ill t he:c l ords:

:\ owhere such a devious ·t ream .·avc in fa ncy o r in dream, Vv' inding slow th rou O' h brus h a lid

brake, Lill ks togethe r 13 ke hy la ke.

the process io n hei ng . Ied . by a Af ter five mi les sai ling we reach splendid band o f mu IC .cliscours- Lh e lock a t the con ll uence 0 ; Son­ing the mi lita ry air: suitab le lur go an d 'rooked Hivers. T he. water th e olcl11'n occa ion. '0ie took in the lock i' rai 'ed seven leet 111

th·e :err ) boat from O ld Poi nt order to lift the . teamer up over Com fort to Ocea n View, an d a the rapids fr om th e :ongo ri ver tro ll ey from thi poi nL to 1\ rfo lk , int ) Ihe I~a y of ,"aples whic h we where we boa rded our :tcam er now en ter. }\ t thi s point the In ­aga in for Ho~ to ll. We passt.:d dians ma de one of the mos t for­over the wa ters at Ilampt on l{ oads midable assault on the Eng-lish where the ti erce hatti e between eve r known in th e earl y ann a l of th e Monitor anc! the _\ Ier r illlac i\laine. The ind ians were leael hy was f 11gh!. \ \ ·c al. 0 \'i ~ite d V\' orrambus \Vh after de:perate ,the tr . ning . hip Fr ankli n a t ti rh ting f~1 1 mortally \\OtIlHlcd. P ort:mou lh. " 'e landeel in 1J0.>- de was lltriecl at th-e roo t o f an ton a t 10 o 'cll)'k a . Ill ., on 1\10'11- >I d tree . but a life sized ta tu e day. The cean lI'a, 'moot h all 11 )11' marks tL e 'Pd t wi th the chie f-


'1 ·tl i 111 \ t nants dct ng-so. I I NO"'l"11ICE IIlg on T o 111 , Dick o r Il a rry Up OIt b' , .- k ing f r a picce of I To Taxpayers 01

. I f tI e Illen Il'Il' l' cen ,I COI'II S, II' ho arc fn en( s () 1 . ' . f _ t of Ill\' p roperty H dred holcli ng- o ffice . 'a ll , if pub lic ~ tlrblng 1<11 ,I l~ n 'I ttt ~ II I ge t ' Pencader un

. It o 1 I or Sl' 'era \ C Irs, I o ffi cer eithe r with o r Wltll' U In II - ' Il cr ' '\sed t ~x.:s il nd a pov r ty dents of Pencader eta r) cons ider.ll lO n, ca nn ) 1 '1 \'" have no money I The taxable resl . bl to pay fcarle" lei hll11 r ~si gn in fa vor of CO.'ll P atil t. Wlil it be a lways tht1 s1- ' Hl1 ndred , and all persons ~a ~y noti. sO lll e o'n~ el.e who wi ll ac t fo rth e I h~~ year. ' 11 , t nbnrba n tow n tax in said Huodred, fi le ere 1911 fire pt1 blic good and not pla y favort.tes : I:~t~~ :~~l ' ~~I'er in ·tall ed. T hey fi ed th at the Taxes f~~ et~~:aeea; tax col. a . is cl olle. fo r f M o f. hur.ttll

g ~rt.:. , . atc that It means I n t:re~sed now dl1e, a~ d the u w ill be a t ,0111 C'bo(II" , f clings. L nul . lIch ''1>]>1 Cl:1 ty be ides bnng- lector for satd H nndred th ;11en ca ll -b ~ induced to take office, value to pr~p L' r TI'ey se t tle the re SUMMIT BRIOGE .. July 25th, August 29 , ) Ott lVill s uffer und ' r the pre . en t IIlg new p~ p (~ r It 'mea lls h a lth y b 26th October 24th November cOlHlilions. T he contlit io n of De l- pcn~l~ll~~;~ 11 ~~ , T h. tendency IS to Septem er, ' aware a ell lie :~ d ' cnb~d I ha ve st:nf, In agtown like t\'e l\ark , bltt 21st. called certai n l awn o ffiCia ls att "-I rc (( l; . t be tl 'ere Th row 1 10 To 12 A. M.

ti o n to th l~ umille r \Vhat have ;\\e t~~I 'Ii~r~l~~lI can as ihe cause KIRKWOOO.-July 25th, August 29th, September t he y done ' 1'\ oUl illg.. I fYc t a sewer b l! 1 21 t

- Iso othe r nu isances, e pcclal ly whl' we die no t ~he blame f.a ll 26th, October 25th, November s. 1) '1 '" I ens an c! slalll!htering-di rect pa;sed. and let . P M

,., n 1" 11C I'" it "I' ould, ','en if it IS \ ,tln- I 2 To 4 • • l'i()l a'h .) n ~ . I thi nk a pa rt o f the , , I ever d S fault o r a g rea t dea l o f it lie ' wi th ful. T he Illa ny ." an t t : c S C'ar- ' DArEn'S MlllS .. Juiy 261h August 23r l ep·

'1"1 I I I I and eventua lly will ge't It. 5th N vember 29th the -OLI lh il. ley. 1 u ( )e CO~ll - I)ag-c should be C lI ectec! and burn t tember 21~, October 2 , 0 . Jlell er! to find a \ ay to put con- at'ld no l a llo·.ved t he cartcd ~ -N a.y I 10 To 12 A. M. cr'l e gutt ers in front o f eve ry ., t JJres I

I I and fed to pig s as is uo ne a - 2~1h August 23rd hOll se an d th ell cOlllpe t le owners Ilt. · Ca n ' and 'b ,) ttles sho tt ld be BRYAN'S STGRE-July u, ' to conn ec t th e same wi th co ncrete t II v I b 25th Nov 29th drai ns fr olll the Iw usc-s . Fi ne a ny collected regu lar ly ~ nd no a o ld~ September 21th, Octo er , . . owner o r tena nt who is a resi,e1 ent eel to aCCttlllu la1 e In back . yar· " 2 To 4 P. M.

I k mal'i ng breeding spot s fo r fli es . b o f th e prcmises who wil no t . ' ee p , , Owner. GLASGOW .. July 27th, August 31st, septem er drai ns a nd g ut ters clean. T In sist

=':"'=":':~':"""----!.....--------- 1 28th, October 26th, November 30th.


Cor of Efficieqcg The Stanley Steamer is an automobile well

known in the more northern and western States and most highly respected by all motor drivers for its power and speed. ]n these features it acknowledges no equal in any car, at any price, or at any rated power; and the worse the roads or the steeper the hills, the more conspicuous is the excellence of its per­formance. Practically noiseless in operation, the entire absence of all fly wheels, clutches, speed change gearing and levets, transmission shafts, dynamos, batteries and all the compli­cated and delicate machinery of the gasoline automobile, makes it the most delightful car to drive, the simplest to keep in order and the least expensive to maintain. It is moderate in price because its parts are few.

1t is easy on tires from its light weight and smooth gliding motion.

It is barred from all races and hill-climbing contests on account of its speed and power.

Its control in dangerous or critical situations is absolc te, not relative.


2 To 4 P. M.

'r AX bills can be o bt a i ~ed by making er:onal appl ication to the Col.lect.or,

, ~r by sendin g written com m\1D1cat lOn


encl osin g stamps. Extract from the Laws of Delaware,

governing the collect ion of taxes of New Cflstle Conoty:


.l6rSection 3- That on all taxes pa id before the firs t cay of October there hall be an abatement of fi ve per

~e~t l1m. On all taxes paid before the fi rst day of December there shall be an abatemen t of three per centum. On all taxes pai d during th e month of Decem· ber there shall be no abatement what· ever. An d on all taxes un paid on tbe first dAY of Jan\1 ary, fi ve per centum thereof shall be added thereto.

JOHN T. WRIGHT Collector Of Taxes Of Pencader Hundred

NOTICE To tbe Taxpayers 01

White (lav (reek Hundred

The Taxpayers of White Clay Creek H IIn dred are hereby notifieo tbat 1 will be at lhe foll owing places Lo receive Count y, Poor, Road, Capilation and Dog Taxes for tbe year 1911

Will be at the following places BE· TWEEN tbe hOll rs of 9 to 12 and 1 to 4 P. M . :

Newark, Brown's Store July 27, Sept. 14, Oct. 19, Nov. 16, Dec. 7

Newark, Deer Park Hotel August 8, Novem ber 2

Newark, Washington House Aug. 17, Sept. 28, Dec. 14

Christiana Hotel Au[. 24 , Sept. 21, Oct. 26, Nov.23. Dec. 28

Newark, Lovett's Of£ic~ Sept. 7, Oct. 12, Nov. 9, Dec . 21


-IDcrease 10 Capital Stoc~

At a me'ting of th e Board o[ I irec to rs o f the ' cwark Tru .t a ll d . 'a fe I epo~it COlll pan) helll on "V eLine .day ,\ug tl st Il l, I~I I , it was deCId ed to cal l a SJlecial mee tin g o f th~ st ockh ilide r. o[ the

o lllpany 011 . ep t 'miJl' r .2Stl:, 191 I, fo r th e purl> s· f ~l)ll s:( lLnng the increasi ng of the cap ital ,t ack o[ the compa ny from. 30. to $50,. 000.


The Wan t Ad Coll1 ll1 J1 in this pape r js an in nuval ion 10 C.ntllll ry new!_ paper '. 'J he usual r~t ,s h'ghe r Ihan Ill ost pcpulc w:I'h to y ay fo r a slnall notice. Any It tlc thlll !;: } >u have to se ll il will pay Y'H' to run in a notice in i his C Illm n. L a t. FOtl nd, Want Ads, all come unde r this heading

Be ",re to alw:1Ys loo k ;ll Ihe Want ColUl11n . II has pa id other. IL will pay yo u.

Rat •• Onl, 1 Cent a Word

Juat the place for a sm.1I no t ice . Han

YO~o~:~~I:~df~; ':~llle1r l ~;te i ~~~~rh l'

WANTED. \ \' A NT E D-I\ ti r ,,1 class carpcll lcr.

. " 'acly ell1pi ' VI1l ~ nl. '\ I'ply tf) The COll linen lal ~f~~~,erk ~0d.

FOR RENT. FO R RENT-<:econd tory

warc hou e. J. P. Wil son.

FOR .· :\ LE-Unt: )t:ar IJ ld pure brcd bro wn leghorn cockerelS. chcap . ' '' ohe rt P otts, E<l ot Main 5t ree t. *aug 16

sale at I~ oad.

FO R SALE-15 sharc of Capi tal 'tnck of the Nationa l Ba nk of New.

ark. Lydia R. '.V. 'j l,on, Admmis­mar221j

A LE-Foltr fi ne six· I r\' in " 'h iteman,

altg. 16-t[';

F R ' A LE-Baby coach and chi ld' crib in fi r. t -c1a 'i ' condi tion. e;. T . A lder on . tf

L O TS FOR ' r\LE.-By the foo t on . omh Chapel treel. ~ Iiss II I artha Penningto n, 1\ ewark . Del.

F O I': . -1-\ L1 ~-To cl o , c alt es· ta te- I.W acre farm in :\ Iill Creek I-lun dr ed , kno wn as the "Dc. monti Farm" now o ccupied hy Frallk H. I I il l. vi ii be >.old a'l the Court H ouse d or, \v ilming't n, I I.. on -atmday, .' ept emher l il . 1\) 11 . • 1

10 a. m.- T his property i, . itltaleti O il 1 0 l1lero\' anel ,'cw ' rk I~. R .. n ar Yeatman anel T ho 111' . on .'ta-ti o ns.

I ani el J . Kell cher. I ~ x ec . 1\1 ;t1 h\' & I:rath'. .-\ t ll·s.

tlg 30-3t* - ..

A convincing demonstration of these facts may be arranged for by addressing

PL -l\1 B .XG.- J a m rea dy 10 ane d

' 0 any W0 1" y ou D\\k~rL' TOLL. FlI(E n::t;RAJ\ CE !-j'r, tee t your Rear basemen' of Arl11'lrom:'s ~ t ore. Bll il cI il' gs, . tro ck . !11l1I' c- hold Furni.

RICHARD R. WHITTINGHAM Ilire. Elc .. ill th e t' t cOl11p<lnie at

lowest rate,. Sec Peal Est:-:te Depart. Delau are C{)l lege ll1en t 'el,ark Tn" t a.,d ~<tic D po it V~ Cn.

the Ila\ and n!l l1e o i the passcn- la in 's dau.rhtcr ,\ Iinnehaha hold ing A I D I Ch L P . I g'ers sick . "'e pa~,e ~ 1 , l) llle 1,Irge n he r han d thc Cli p frolll whi ch gent lor e awate- esapea~e enmsu a sea g-oin" I' c" t l, wh ich ~aluterl- ~h c t!'<J ', e the dyin T ch iefta in his HO EA R. S. llTH .

',"' , "I~"" "n" I", w h" e. ''''' ,,,' , II' " I W, leL T h I, 1''''':'' ' N .. "k ' '''''' ' ''''' '' ' D.,,,,,, ."mn, •• " mlno """ f,""y "d thl ' "'" "" 'h" w"' to b, " " ",,"" "hl,h w, wm ",II"" ,,'" y ' ''' ' ''",O.k' ",l1,;"d, "'''''''y, J",. " '"" 24 , ,,' T',"',! ""pi Ih, ' ' '' OXp,,,,, ," I .. '" w"" I n,,, 11 "" "' ,, ' "Ii h I "II I",,, "" ,' W.dn. ,b y. ,'.p <em hoc " ",,' " , ocea n. "c pas-.:d Atlantic Ity I'll their ca no b in th l!i r ~avage. ."",-~~~~~~~~~,s..~~~~~~~~~~~,s;,.~~~.t\ .



an d the to I'n: aloll the cOast 24 ·tate. r.·· ~~~~~~~~~~~~.a-~'c":;:7.a- ."",~."", "!U .~. For atalllgl1e and oth r i!l fol'mntlon m ill- ' (Ju t at sea-the light a t Passin!; out of th t.: nay uf Na- • ENS E P L S ~ wri e to I1I ght not be ing \'i~ihle a t .this dis- I)lcs. we l'nte r Lo ng Lake . and • S U ~ GEO. A. HARTER,

" iter a ~ail of Ilin.: 111 1 es \1(, ar- ~Vll 'I tall ce . \\ e Ilacl e) 11 I)

.)a rd a la\\- '1 i.t.~ 1 (\1' President yer of nne oi tlte IHol1l i.nt!n t Ii nil . r il'l! at Br idgtu l1 J unc tio n a nel a ~. ~ DOLLARS" of \\ iltllin .rt I II whom It lI' a ~ my tra in hac k to 1'( rUand. U n thl .. ~. U hIt . g OlJd pi<:a>t1I'e t,) know. ' \ .t 1:0,- tri') we havt! a Trand ,ight uf the : • ~~:' !:': p 0 S erlng ton lIe spent tltc day itndn .ght at \'I titl' .\1 tlnta ins in the distance ~ Is a whole pl· Ie f'or SUC-th e I'a rker Ill1t,, ~· . anrl Ieit the with their t,i\\'cring pcaks. The ne;t ria I' a t I o· c!<) .:k, and rearht.:d wa ters arc tilled with black bass, ~

ScariJn r'rn ~ tati(l n on t lt e I-l o ·ton II hitl' perch or pickere l, so va ri ~d ~. ~ cess In this old world !' ""' " ,I,,, """'''', "I """,I 5 1', ;, ' he ',hl"K, " ,''',, "" b, ",,' : ~ : : 111 . ll ere we t o k the a tl tl) and it tltat it is a sportsman's paradise . ~ ~

o nr 1,)tl'1 ilt l irf)n l '~ :\ rc k to "lll'nd th :s a ral'tivl' 'pnt and then ~tarl I(V\!

Your Fall Uphols tering Carefully Attended To

r ick o f twentl' Illinntes tonk u.; to \' c wil l pcnd a fcw 1110rc day' at M.· t... of ours. !. '. al)lrlc ~t~·t, alt.:,il\pn::~I~c;)n ~lC~I:·~~(~~l.:; io r home . ~ YOU ADD $ $ TO SENSE (\1'

T . F. r\nmtrong. ~~ 'I Goods called {or Beac lt art' n lill ed after 'l id I:~si- ~. ~ I' d Cllt"thatl i led.her~'mcl'. lh e P I' (I'~ k .. .. ddt d fi rst (; 11.1,·rn ' l1 "l .\!allll' lVa~ ho r.n eop e S 0 urnn ~ ~ Whenever you rna e a new deposIt at thIS bank. (\1' an e ivete .

h e;~kl\":~I~r:!I;:',.~~, : :~gi a ndll~~~l:IY .. ' . ' ... -. -I"-,,t ~: ~ Interest works whether you are a wake or asleep, I:: A GOOD STORAGE ROOM surrounded 1)\' II a er will.:h 111ak~" 1.el1t o l . ~. \ ,11 ~I"I ". I f ' I . ~ d t ' 1 11 th t f t

- I ' Uca r 11"- 1C artie l' () .\ r . J!!-, an Ime .e S e S ory 0 a compe ence for days .. FleE i·t cnol and pit';hant . a nc a 'Itlll't I I I ,,:. . 'Inc! \'o tl r ecl itlJria l I(I I!-J BACK OF MY OF a,ncl deli rhtft!l. 1'I ,Il'l' tn n ·,t an.d f' \ ' r .It;on l 'h n )~ Will hal'c th e i~ to come. I' recll]>l' ral<:. Ilwre arc, ' l1l' \ l' l Y ': "lgtl.t :~'. , . 11 Tem n l'Oltll- ••

C 'p l'11.,i\'l: c,) tta!::;l" hert' and ' ( ~ I~ll' ~~ICl:~ ~~ f, ~." ' " tile lallL; • • 4 PER CENT. INTEREST ON SAVINGS " fin e h lltel~. ()11 r 1l1r"la \ II l' I'I - It- c, ,)1 .\ ('II (II n (;11 Jrcl. . ~ " •

cd I' ,rtland ,IIHI ton k ;; ,irk trip e'p l·cla ll y. ~ h()"e J' f<tl kllllg I"'ln~- i~ N k T t & S f D -t C $' fr nl thcre cwer tltl' ~ongo r iver tary cnncli t lOn~. - alll a )e Icvc r •• ewar rus a e eposl ompany' . lin e to the S\I ;tzl'rl ,tn rl o f ,\ t1ll'rica III cleanliness an d ttrthl'rlllnr'. an I . . " R T JONES 1I in :'Il ainl'. W e le-t the . tation l'n:lc t lo n nf all la ws an el the ng-iel ~ ••

P r ',' I " Wpm ml""" ' ' ''r ooK "''' 01 'h, """, h", 'h'I ' OPERA HOUSE BUILDING , , , , , . NEWARK DELJ •• :~ S~I~a~~ ( I '~ kc "t~ , '45'P 111 W e I 1ll0rlll(I way it is don in . • •.• '. ·~4~~.~ • • • '. '. I 'k I' g l "t' l ' S· .l'"g·o L' ake I ' ewa rk iS :I Joke, fo r fear of trcad- ,000~~W~~~~~~~.02.~ I Phone 22 A. too t lC loa 1ere. C ", , ~~~~~

Prices Reasohable

Page 5: NEW ARl( ROST

o clo. e a n es­rm in .'Ili ll C reek a~ tb e .. D es mond

cCllpied by Fran k H. olel at the Cour't

Vilmington, D e l., on ember ' 0, ' 9 11 , at property i. si tuated

anel , 'e war k R. R., and Tho mpso n Sta-



ReaSOhable .


heav v rains ha vc It' 'Illite a little dam <l J;c to IS, ctl.'.. in this vici n ity. r~. I{ . I I. Williams, ., ; i,;s J\d­

c \\ illiallls, an d ,\Ii,s i\ n nie F a n­'lIg are spe ndi ng a fn c1 a~·. in CII , 'or k ·i t . ~Iis, J\li ldre d 'un-i n lier, f iladclp hia, i~ vis:ti nJ; h er au n t rs . ) , '\111 ~lcE l lI'ce, at Grcen~ Ilk. Dr. I ~. 1.. I 1 Qffcckc r , D i ~t r i ct

rintcndcn t o f the V\ 'i llll ing to n rict. prl'ache rl in t Ie .\ 1. E.

nrc h o n S un day evcning. ~Ir. C;t' rge Webb a nd so n , oj IISllUbllckl'n, I'a ., have b een IIdilig a few da~ s w ith J I I". il n d

In,. \\ allt: r Fa nn ing . ~nis,; .Iacqu 'Uc ha s I)('c n the cs t of ,\Irs . . nn a i'li o t c.

II'. Walter VVols tcn ho lm e has the stock I) : h is g ro c e ry to re

to ;\Ir. Il an' ev Ila r r a t t , wh o ha s takl'n I' us"e.<s io n and i~ rea dy fo r bll · inl'ss.

iiiI'. and ,\lrs . W il liam \\ 'i l'e l, <Jf \\ ' il!1l illgt clII . were wec k c nd gue t s of [heir daugh ter , l\lrs . T. \ . Si!1lp'; ') I!.

WILLOW GLEN NEWS ;\Ir. and :'Irs. Cco rge D. C r a ig

and SO li l~dga r , of l' li il::J d elphia, alSll .\1 iss I ~c ' ,ic Trache nlJe r O', l w\t:~ (,lIju.Il'd a \\,cck·. I' isi t at Wil · lOll (;kn \\,;th the i01'l 11 r·· sit. er, ;\11':;. J. She rman Dayctt.

J. Shcrlna n Dayet t had a lar-1'01\ e:rape in the s to rm .\ Iondav even illg. ' hile o n h is lI'a l' hom~ iro l11 .'trick ersville t he' storm broke. O n onl' 0: th e h ill s t h e harn,, :;, bro k e o n h is ho r :e. J t became unmanageable in th dar k ­lIess . and \I hcn he r e a chcd t h e bridge a t tie iuo t of t h e hil l. th e wagull went o ff the b r idge t h rolV­ing .\lr. Da.\·ett o u t. ] Ie retained his hold o n hi, horse . Th e ha r · 1Il' ~' \las all brokell lip. so h I.! led the horse homc, Jl1i nll ~ a \I·agoll . H e is thankful hc an d his hor. e , (edar Chip, we re ullhurt.

:\Ii~s I(ath r ), ll ~ti ll\\' e ll , f I'h ila ­dcll,h ia. spe llt a few da l's with he r old sc hoo lmate, .\Ir.. j. :herma n li;lI c tt.

. \Iiss Ruth Il ol>:,on , or Fl k t n :\Id., spellt a few days at \\'i IlOl\: Clen.

Milford Cross Roads


ha rd jo: , to g'c t two a ma tcur team s KEMBLESVILLE ITEMS I ll e' l' e ve nly 111;,l chc tl . T h ba t- Scbool

:L I) [<' I' I ron Il ill will b j a c! son , ' ~l r s .. Litli~ K elley, I~' ho ha: beelll ' T~ ,c f"l l. tcrm o.r the Ik a cCH(' ~ a f(1 anc! JI NO I. ' corl' hy in- <Jll ite .s,ck,. ls s low!) 11111. 1'0 !".g:. 1' ~l slnes~ l o lkgr, SI~ lI ~t('d al W il-

n lng'S: .\ Irs. \ VJ!halll Can n IS 1~l t l ll g IIllng-IOIl . I) I. , ~1I1(1 Sa lIsbury. Id . I roll J J ill. 0 0 0 I OU 4 0 0 ,-6 fri~ I1 ~ls ill P hilade lphia , 1':lOli an d : I ) a y . ~c h nol 1\ ill hcg'i ll ,\I nd a) .\ .. 1' , ' .. 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 ° 0 5 I'lel1,lI t y" I a~ ld I u e~ c1 a). Scp tc llIh e r 4 and 5·

:111:1 1111011'): 3 base h it Da vis' '\ 11". . 1 arker O nc ke t t. 11'1:0 ha s 1 ~ lH olllll' nt s a rc uel ng l' nt ered a nd 2. base h it, .I . Slac k 2., i\ ianning ~ bec ll s.c k f~.r a I ll g tilll ". pa,;s(, :1 a ll \\:110. \' is h to c lltc r s ho uld ma k e struck Oll t, b y Cull ins, ' 7 ; b " a\\'a~' ll l ~ I ue,da) morn 111 g'. a pph-:at.lo ll at ne('. S ca ts a rc I' -

JacksO Il , .); I ) Robe rts,S; b ase o n \l1~ ' :"al11.e \\' lcker.I!<l 1ll h as ~l'n ,e d In the ~)r d c r o ~ tli e rccc i!)j h,lIls; b) Co ll ins, 2; by j a ckso n , 4 ; bec n., <)llIte Sick fO. r se~('.ral d a)s, u f t ~~~.a pp l!ca t lo l~ ~ .. ee u: abo n t by. I, tlbe r ts, I ; lefl o n bascs, lro n III~ . IS b l't t er a t thl. wntlllg. . th,e . I ~I al fl l o nt l ~ . ll eac?1ll l1u si-Htl l, 4 : Nc wark , 6; d Ollbl c p lay, I hl'1'e.secllis to l,>e vn)' li tl le n,(~~ , Seco ncl . .I ' lo( r dll -j ackso n . II n a~s i s t e d. . c~l ang l' In the cond it io n If Ir s. I, nt. 1{II J! dlll ~. W . 11. Beaco m ,

____ ____ l ,ract: I~osc, who ha,; b ee n suffe r- l rt'sl c! en t.

Strickersville j li~s. Ne ll C a r r e tt is s pend ing

:o:l1e tlillC \ It h hc r s is te r i\ lr s ; r eh g, a t Il ock css in. ' "

ing II it h typh id :ever for t he pa st tine or f llr II' e ks.

Tlwr will he a se r ies o f Ill ovi ng pic t1ll'cs s hnw n in VVillil rd' Jl all el'er) Sa l mday eve n ing . T he pi c­t11r('S <Ire ~a i d to be ve ry good .

J\ ~ rs: \Vo r l ~1 is visi'li'ng he r sis t er a t , tn ck e rsv·tll e .

Eliz,d a~ ~ h P enn ell, o . Wi lmi ng - A Home~And No Rent t l1 n, IS bC lng e n tert a ineu b y Iren e If yo u wou ld like to ow n yo ur Si ng les . olVn home, or sa you r money ,

1 1. I. C" ITt' t t i · sojollrn lllg in buy a lo t o n Nor th a en ue o n 1I1 -

I'hi lade lphi a. I stalllllen t p la n f ·,5 p er 1110nth .

A lb er t fl lo ff e tt , a ' 4 yea r o ld Qua rryv ille la d , was drow ned o nc da y las t wee k. wh ile s wimm ing' in a ho le o f a n nn wo rk ed qllarr )'.

DRUGS DRUGS Drngs and P a tent Medicines.

Onr line is cc mplete and prices all right.



FIRE INSURANCE Placed on Buildings, Household furniture and




~-"OR S~~l ... E AND REN'T

fOR SALE. 1'0 I~ A LE-A n ideal properly ,

sillted to pOIl :try raising. ix acres. Se~el! room d\\eiling; o the r Tood b : II I~ltlg s." pr ng wate r, ,llpply by gravity. J he early buye r will secure a bugai n. Par ticutars.

a I'ea-Penender Hun· ~ 1 1. t e a n l ll~lb t: r . attcnded 1he No int e res t an d no ta xes t tl l pai d

nH~;ISl1n n g SOC ia l at J. '. Van sant's for. W hy pay r ent all your hfe • )n S ,ltun la y e ve n ing . Alth o ng h whc n you ca n ow n YOllr ow n there was a hca vy clectr ic s to r m, homc? 'al l a nd ta lk the mat ter aboll t $ 10 was add cd to tl lC cCl11e- over wi th T . 1'. Armst rong.

dl'ed . We r es pectfll ll y so li cit a s h are P E ACHES,

of your patronage. EARS,

L UMS, ETC.,-For BRie chen p. f'O R RENT-Th e large - to re


tcr) [und of 1,' l i'nt J l il l. .\Irs . I,' ra nk Si ng les a'ltc nds cl W E

'" is . \ 111 . Uml ing's fun cral in est nd (lx ford, las t VVe dn esd a y .

Pleasant Hill News H· h 11\/,,1 ~s . f ~~i zf~~,~:\I~C :~~p~~t~~leI~\C~l~ I g t1:t: coun ty hosp i'ta l, spe n t las t

,\ eel- at the h 0 111 o f her cousi n I G d I'h0l11a5 iI :ool e and fa'11ily. ' ro u

.\Irs \\ '. I'. Still o n , I\lr~. '. T. I~a,thur n ,lIll l d;t ug- l1 t e r . lVii, wer e


Drugs of Quality

Up­to­Date LIVERY Finest Turn-Outs

In Town I --th guests of J\ l iss B e rth a H oop e ll

f l!\ e rbrook, I 'a., la . t wec k . . II'. and ;' Irs . il l a nse l Twc tl ant!

• n ll~ l'l a y to n an d L es t er , o f il la n­aynn k. a re vi iti nO' th ei r u ncl e, A l­han 1111 (' k in g- ha 111 a nd fami ly. Grocurl-us II ~TaUling~Carting



1IOURS 111 1' . R C . 1111 ck ing ha l11 has r e­

turn ed ho m e a L e r a t te nd i·ng- thc C . . \ . R . c nca ml, m ent ::I t R oches-t r , I'J. Y . H e was o n thc . Y. :111 <1 I' hil,!. I<:'xp r ess wh ich w as


",,,,k,J " ","' h,,,,,, ],,] F , ;- t ............ .--.--.--... t ~~~~lli)I~;~~.l ~~~~~~I~I~~;;~i~:~ : :; ;~ n:i~~ HOUSECLEANING MADE EASY • V~'tl')I' I'. Cn. ~ v~ · II~;~ ~~a ~~ i t l~t i. ~ ~ ~ ;:~l aj~1(~:~ t t

.. Vacuum Cleaners fOr Sale :+ il lr . an d l\ l rs. ] . W . W o r ra ll t t

have r et u rn e d hOlllc afte r vi si t ing The Ideal Vacuum Cleaner th.el r so n , l saac W o r ra ll , of E I- Hand Power. Easy to Operate 111l r a, . Y., f r two weeks. •

il lc . a nd M I .' T I~oma . J\'l oo re t A. F. FADfR, Newark, Del. t pent . lin day Wit h fri e nds a t Fa rn - I

h ll r ·t . , .++ ............................. ...

FOR SALE-'tx roo m dwelling, 1-2 Roo m in Newar k )per a House n r e of grouDcl. ost $'600. Loca ted at Gnilding. The be t locat ion a nd CownntoW D. No l'casonnLle offe r refused. lowes t II I crcantile Hent in t own.

]f You Wish To Sell Your F arm List It With Us Buyers W aiting

Newark Trust and Safe Deposit Co.


Newark Opera House Building, with all furnishings

Proper1y in First·c1ess Condition


Newark Trust & Safe Deposit Co.

~ ~ ~ \

B~.eLeS "Made to': . J;ger"

A General Electric Fan is equift}$t ' c:. a cooling breeze in any part of the house where there is an ordinary lighting socket. Just attach the plug, tum the switch, and you can have a breeze in any degree from a soothing zephyr to a strong and steady draft that will dry the "wash" indoors on rainy days.

A General Electric Fan gives all this com· fort and utility for the insignificant cost of less than a cent an hour.

The Oscillating Type turn. from side to .ide, and will uniformly vent ilate the large~ t room.

A commonsense regard for your comfort and efficiency demands the use of a General Electric F 1n- , product of the highest type of manufacturing slcill.

We have a complete line of General Electric Fan. displayed :r· QU!' 8how room. or we v t\ .cIIy h1ve a repretelllative call on you

l. B. JACOBS, Newark, Del.

Page 6: NEW ARl( ROST


I H!:!S~T~re ~uu U~IiSliU888U.i 1\ 1;,n y arc rej ic ing in thc fac t

th,.l dog days cndcd ycsterda ~.

'1 h I ~ irem ' n ' ' arnlvai rec<.!nll l' h,l d at W es t Cr vc for a period of \\\'(, wcek's hr ught over $r ,ooo to the com pan y. The $700 autolll -L' , I': which was chanced off Wcl,

WOIl b y J o hn O ' Hri en, who IV.\S

a lready th e 0 se SOl' o f a nnch inc.

Th e open cason for th e hoot­ing of rai l b ird s, r ee d birds black­b :rds and sql1irrcl in Ceci l 'cou nty ~· I ct., o pens o n September I st a nci

un t inLl cs Ilnt il D cccmber 24·

Arrangel11ent: f r the "Com­mell1 o ra tion o f th e ' hri t ian a Ri o t and Trcaso n Trial s of J8S I" arc progTessi ng-. The occasion, - ep­[eillber ~th , wi ll be ma rk ed by th e dedication o f a m o num ent. G v­e rnor T ener o f Pennsy lva nia, Gov ­srllor CrOlher , o f Ma ryland, ex­Govc rn o rs IJ ennypacker and Stuart, Cong-ressme n Griest, of L ancnster, Hutl er, o f Ch es ter , o.ln~stead~ o f ll arri burg. Lafean, 0 , l ork, Talbot of laryland, and man y other d istinguished p l~ blic men are expected to be I I' ' ent and spea k.

W. C. T. U. State C"Yeat •• The 32(1 annual convent ion 0:

t he /JrlalYarc ""ol11an 's C hrist(.a n TClllperance ' nion will bc hcld in Goshcn ['1'1 etl.ou is t E piscopal Church , ~ I ilt n, Scptcmbcr 27 th, 2 'th and 2SJt h . ~I rs. Ella Boolc, ' tal preside nt of CIY York, will p ak Wcdnc ' da y cvcning; th cre

\{i ll be a gold mcdal contcst, on Th ur day afternoo n , at 3.30

o'clock; dClllonst ration of depart­ment. T hu r ' r!ay evening; Loyal Tcmperance Legion demon ·tra­lion. I ~ r i day afte rn oon at 3 o'clock. l' roT. 'ha des . can Ion. field secre­lary of th e Pre byte r ian hurch wil l he the spea ker o n Friday even: Ing-. . 1\1l delegates expec ting en­tn lal11me n t are re qu ested to se nd their names, not later than Scp­tcmber !.jth, to II'. Lottie 11Iacl<, a t Milton. O n account of thc latc arri al o f trains, a ll dele­gates and i. itors are ex pecI {.d 10 t,:ke b ox IUllche on thc first d .I;'.

Severe Storms The last lYeek ha. been mad:­

d by an unusual nu mbe r o f sevel e storms, each o f whi ch Ira lef t a Irail 01 damage beh in d.

The I' ads were so wa: hed by the heal Y rains ,that in so me places th ey \ ere impassa ble . In el'ery direc t ion l lhere are d eep

The Tri ennia l reunio n o f th e holes making I11gh t t rave l most pupil s of ,the Tho mas Davi Aeacl- clangerous . \II/hi te la y, fr o m a emy a.t le w London, .Pa., W,IS qUIet. harmles ' tream, was turn­held In the grove oppos ite the ed into a ra!5ing t orr ent, car rying ' ~ew Londo n l'r esbyter ia n Church t r ee and bndges befo r e it. ~ece ntl y . It lI'a . the tenth r el1n-. ,\t Roseville the woode n brid e 1O~ and ~f th e sixty-three pupi ls ere cted for t em porary 11 e, wh~e el11 o ll cd, .:>4 are III· mg. About 75 the Ne l o n-1\Jeredith Co. is bui ld­peJ1so n ~, lIlcludlllg the ori gi nal pu- ing th e $ 12,000 concrcte b r i I e pll ~, . With children, granlchi ld ren across the stream , was par~ ~nd eve n grea t-grandch il dren were vas led away . 11y hard 0 k Y 111 a.tte l.Hlancc. 1\ 1r. Davis, the [ 0 1'- number o f me11 k ep t th e wb;id (Y~ m el schoolmaster, IS the we ll- fr o m bci ng- Ylashed o ut enti r ely b

kn own lawyer o f Vvilmingto ll . . ~luc h r epairing and st ren ath~n-A D o ll ar Socia l wi ll be held a t 111 ,.; . was n ece ary befor e ~ wa

;~l e H ead of C hristi ana Church o n agal1l ·th rown o p en to th e public ] hursday evening', . 'eptember 7th . I yesterday morni ng. T he los by lce cream, cake a nd othe r r efre. h - I ~e~ o n o f th e .sto rm is to the build-m e nts will be fo r sale. ~ r s o f the bndge. o During the to rm 0 ' I: 'd

ystermc n are maki ng cxten - Ii rhtn in O' . I . . fl ay, s ive arrangemen t' for the o pening sg I " trllc ( the ba rn o f Tho s. of the oyster ca n no w 'no t uite 1 i aune ers. nea r l'\ewar k , and th e two wee ks distant. SePtembe~ 1st I /ullclll~g an d al l Ihe con ten ls '",ere will see t he beginning of t,o n in' )l1 r;~('( . . o~erations, a lt hough the dr ed~er~ ing t~ r J~~~~lsre , ~lld a 11lul~ ~el o ll.g-Will be dela yed by law lu r se l'",}al , k·lI . 1 I) . ess, o f I"alr Hil i, wcek.s afte r that t ime. ere I e( (llfIng the same storm.

The. Delawa re branch of the In -ternati o nal SU1l'shine 'ocie ty wi ll WIlD T1 ~ (()) resU111.e. Its wor k early in Septem- jJ ~ JJJl ber. Ihe firs t m eetll1g wi ll be in the for111 of a fa ll rall y. The 1 ~t7 rrw~ 'iO) 10. n Branch suggests as a donatio n on UU ~ ll\l~~nLl:::? the part o. in ter es ted I,olk , a wheel I chall'. They a lr eady hav e. a num- ~ll'iO) ~ ~'1rIR\@ bel', but the r equests fo r the ame l..W ~~ .!.! ~~ a;e fa r beyo nd t he ir power 10 p ro-Vide. lP1r~IlI\\iJPl& '(mIl\1ri! ~Il"o

October ha's finally bee n set for' 00_ &&t1(\,)Il\1~ the G lidd en Nationa l automob il e I . run , and th e route has been chang- 1i<2lIl\1t1 A.~ If"_'''''''~''-' ed to ex~end fr0111 ew Y o rk to 'l..A:IDIW~"""'"J" Jackso nvil le, Flor ida, by way ,o f A.~~fiml~II\t\(\,)Il\1~ &100 h& Atlanta. With Southern boost- I e rs a t th e helm the run promises JPlll<C1iIUU rr~~ to be a s uccess . III lliI ~t1 • •

Rev. A. E. -'raig preached his ~ <Gl l.W'IlIn:lg tmIn:l@J m..~g fa r ewell se rmon a" Pas lo r o f Grace 1\.1. E . Church la sl S und ay. Auto 1'. Be I Dr. C ra ig ha s acceptcd the p r e i- I l\. leye es d~ncy o f j\ l orn 11lg~ lde Coll eg·~. S I ~ U X It)', Utah. . TIRES REPAIRED

fh ? al~nual reunion o f O ld . t. ! A~ln e ~ Church, n~ar tl liddletown, Bicycles Repaired Sold ahd wd.l be 1 ~~ ld 0 11 . 111lday , . cp te111- ' bell o. I hc ann la l se r vice is L1 - Hired uall y held ill J lllle, bu t was defcr-red thi S yea r 011 acco llnt o f the J. A srrZLlv.".AN bad weat~ler. :evera l cler.gymclI • • V.I .L1~' fr0111 a e1 1'slance wi ll probably be 302 South Chapel S present .. The anllua l r euni o n at ~Id nl o n ]\ 1. E. hurch, ncar lo:"nsc nd will I?e held o n . . eptem­b~1 .1 0. a lsoO. f he comm ittee in c a l g e o f the prog-ralll is hopi ng to hav e h~ e f J ustice Pelln ewjll s peak a t ni o n. .. R- 0 IDc/aware ""nue Newark,Dr/aware

~ Phone Connrdiolls .


Both Hand and

Electric Power

The Simple and Up-to-Date Way· The Sanitary and Economic Way The Easy Way



NEWARK POST, NEWARK. DEL.. A UGUST 30, 191 J ---------- ------Official Inspection of Brands of

Offered For Sale In Delaware in the Spring of

Fertilizers 191 I.

,:-. .... :. " 8y Charles L. Penny, ~tate Chemist.

Tb r following tables abow for each Brand the guaranteed and the actual analyslB expreBBed as percentageB, also the money valua_

tion of th .. Ingredients. hoth separate and combined. The "Guaranteed AnalYBls" glvea In order the Ammonia. Ava\lable PhosphoriC Acid and potash. except that. In the case of un-

treatrd Bones the Tolal Pbosphorlc Acid II meant InBtead of the Available. lirands tbat fall below the guarantee In one conlt1tuent but that make up the deficiency by excess In any other, thus giVing full

value, are marked "FV" at tbe rlgbt of the table. NItrogen, In whatever form It may be p\:ennt I. alwaYI reckoned ae Ammonia. In th9 case of untreated Bones (Bone Meal Ground Bones, etc.), and Bone Tankag., the Pho.phO~IC acid ,Iven Is the total, thouCh printed In the column beaded "Available," but marked with "T" In eacb caBe. "l"tne" bone 18 luch al will pan a Ileve of fiftieth-Inch meBhy, "Coa.rse," Buch a's will not pass. In Potash Fertilizers any chlorIne prelent Ie reckoned a8 "Muriate" up to the limit of the potash. In all of the Brands here reported tho Potash Is counted as Muriate. The Money ValuaUonl ,hoW flnt the leparate value of the Ammonia, the Total Pbosphorlc Acid and the Potash and tben tbelr combined value, In a ton (aOOO 11>,.) of fert1l1l8f. Then values represent the retail cost of the constituents wtthout

allowance for expenses of manufaoture, (relcht, commllBlonB. profit, eto. Hence the "Eatlmated Value per Ton" ,hould be understood rather as for the purpoBe of comparison tban as an Indication of a fair Belling price : tbe latter must vary with local conditions. The valuee are elUmated from the prloes ueed In most of the New England and Middle States. These prloel whlcb have been determined by adding twenty per cent. to th9 wholesale prloe to represent the retail are as follows : Ammonia In m'lxed fert1lh.ere "fine" bone and bon e tankage 16./50 per pound; In "coarse" bone, 12.4c. In aoldulated fertilizers, available pbospborlo acid 4.lII5o, and insoluble phospborlo aold 20. Total pbospborlo aold In "fine" bone 40, In "coarse" 3.5c.

u "The several brand. of Ground Bone were found to bave the following degreea of fineness, the flgurell denoting tbe percentage of Pot.ash as muriate 4.2/5c, aa lulpbate 110. Fine Bone, or that whlcb pal8e8 the fifty mesb alevel No. 877-/58 per centl No. 892--66 per cent; No. 89~58 per cent; No. 896-42 per

cent; No. 916-63 per cent; No. 940-/59 per cent; No. U9-68 per centh No. 9/58-l!7 per oent; No. 1012-42 per cent; No. 1017-66 percent.

~~r;e:5.oi9!f11.S bulletin may be had free of cost by applying to elaware Ool1ele, Newark, Delaware.

Pero'tages Found. Estlm·ted Value Per Ton .



IO:! I "! ,j' f'

Names of Manufacturers and Brande.

'~-:;' r!" :'1


Wbere Sampled.

New York. 801lDetrlck 'B Gold Basis ............. .... . ....• ••·••••· Selbyv111e .••.. 802\Canton Chemical Baker's Diss. Pboa .•...•..•.•••.• Millsboro ..••. 803 Canton Cbemlcal Eagle Pbospbate ..... .. ...• • ....• · IM11lsboro .•••• 1I04\Nlckerson's H . G. Vegetable Compound ... ... . .. ···•· Selbyv111e •••.• • 806 Sharpless & Carpenter's Sol. Tampico Guano . •. . .... \Mlllsboro .••• . eB7 \Acme Fish Mixture ....... . . . . ......... .. . .•...... Selbyv11le .•••• 888 Laza rello EX,celalor A. A. A . .... . . . ... . . . ····•··•·· · Selbyv11le .•••. 889lTygert-Allen s Star Dlss. S. C. Rock .......• ·· •··•·· Selbyv11le .•.• R90lMoro-Phllllps Standard Guano ... .. ···········•···· · lselbyv111e .•••. 8911D1ssolved AnImal Bone .. .. ........................ Selbyville .... . 8921F'tne Ground Bone ... ... . .. .. .. . ...•• . .•... . ..... . Laurel ...••.•. 89R Reese's Flsb, & Potasb ......................•.•.. · IMlllsboro ..... 1;94 Tygert-Allen s Star Brand Pbosphate ........ . ... ... Laurel ....•.. ~ 9 6 Pure Ground Bone .... . .... ..... ........... .•• ..••. Millsboro .... . 917 \Reese'S Grass and Grain .............•..... ······· 1 Newark .. .... . !1~0 Deluware Corn Grower .......... .. . ..•...•.•... •. Millsboro .. •.. 922lReese's nlssolved Phospha te of Lime ......• ···· ·· . /Newark .. .... . 9nlReese's Potulo Phosphate . ... ... .. : ........•...... Newark ... ... . 942lwheelcr's Pota to Ma nure .. . .. ... .................. I Georgetown .. . 943 Wheeler'~ Bone and Potasb .. ...... . ..... .. .. . ... . . Georgetown .. . 944 Detrlck's K. K. K . Kanga roo .. ...... •.. .. .. . .... .. .. Milton .. ... . ·· 946!Excelslor Potash and Phosphate .....• .. . .. ....... . Milton .. .... . ' 1i46 Wheeler's Royal Whel'll Grower ................... Georgetown .. . 947 )'Oem Alkaline Phospha te ........... .... .. ......... Millsboro .. . .. 1148 Diamond State Phosphat e ........ . ... . . . .. ...... ... Milton . . ... . · . 964 Moro-Pbllllps' Farm~r's Phosphate . ......... ·· · · ·· · · Frederica . ... . !l65 Special Tomato Compound .. . ... ...... ··.··········· Farmington . . . 9tl6)Detrlck 's Gold Eagle ...... . ........ ..... .......... Georgetown .. . 967 Tyge rt-All en Gold Ed ge Potnto Glluno ..... . .. .. · ··· De lmnr ..... . ·

m~I~:~k~;S~,:h~~~~I:I;: ::::::::::::::::::: : :::: : : : :::: ~~~~:;~~~::::: 1023\GenUlne Corbit Mlxtllre ..... . . ... .... ..... .. . . .. .. p o r t.e r . . ..... . 1024 Reese 's Special Crown Phos. and Potash ..... . .. .. · · Mirldletown . . . 102[, Special Potash Mixture . . .. .. ..... . .. ......... . ... Porter ..... . ·· IOn LaZllrptto Special Polnla ferUllzer . ... . .. .......... NUARlHI . .... . · 1062lWheeler'e Special Cro p 'Grower . . .. . ... .... ...... . . flridl'pvllle .. . 1063lWheele r's )4 % Acid Phosphute .. .... ... .. .... ..... Rrirll'!pv ille ... . 10641


Wheele r '8 H . G. 'romola i,"f"rtilizer . ... .......... .... RridJ!;ev ille . .. . AMERICAN PF.RTILIZING COMPANY.

7 - 6 -Ii o -14 - 0 1 - 7 -1 7 - 6 -Ii 4 - 8 -7 1 - 6 - S 1 - 7 -1 o -14 - 0 1 - 8 - 4 21f.a-12 - 0 8 -22.9- 0 2 - 8 - 2 2JA.- 8 - 8 4 -20JA.- 0 o -10 - 2 o - 6 - 8 o -14 -0 21f.a- 8 - 6 2'h- 8 - 3 o -12 - 8 2 - 8 - 8 o - 8 - 6 1 - 8 - 2 o - 6 - 8 o -12 - 0 1 - 7 - 1 1 - 8 - 4 3 - 6 - 6 2JA.- 8 - 6 o - 8 - 6

'Aa - 8 - 2 o -12 - 6 o - 12 - 2 1 - 9 - 7 1 - 8 - 4 2 - 8 - 2 o - 14 - 0 1 - 7 -- 1

I Baltimore, Md. 861 \AmerlCan Pish & Bone Com pound .. .... ........... Se~ ff'rrl .. .. .. . 2 - 8 - 3 862 American Specia l Compound Guano .... . . ...•... . .. C;.·nforrl . ... . .. 'h- 7 - 3

10611American Prlz~ Tru t: k ..... .' .... .... .... .. .. .. .. ... Sf'n fnrrl.. .. .. . 2 - 8 - 10

1062 A~~~~~~RSP;~I~~Ir~~~~ ~,'~~~~. ' B~itl~~~~: ·Md·.·· Sr aford .... . . · 0 - 8 - 4

846 Grain GrClwe r .... . ...... , . .. ...... . ..... .. ... ..... Lourf'I ...... . . 2 - 8 - 2 8471Uoyal Ammoniated .. . .. ....... ... ..... .... .. . ..... Lau re l. . . . . . .. 1 - 8 - 4

:::I~~i~o~;u~~ui . : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :: ~~~l~~~~·rrl·. ... .... 5 - 6 - 6 897 Bone, Blood and Potash ....... . .... .... . . . .. ...... Prankford . . . . 4'Aa - 22 - 0


% Truck9r ...... ............. .......... . .. .. ..... ,",." n kford .. .. 5 - 8 - 7 899 Star Pbosphate ... .. .. . .. .. . . .... ................. Prllnkford . .. . ~ = 1: - 6 991 Crop Groll'er ..... . ..... . . .... . .. . ..... . . ... . ... .. . Harrln~ton . .. 1 - 8 = ~ 9~2Frult ~ Root Crop S[)e~lol . .......•.•.... .. ... . . . . . Harrington ... 2 - 8 - 5

1006 High Grade Potato Fertilizer ....... .. .. .... ... .. ... wvom ln J!; . .... 2 8 ~ 1078 Sure Crop ........ ........ ................. .. . ..... l"H·rm lngton ... 0 ~ .... - 0

I 7.00 8.66

14.88 1.20 9.36 7.28 8.89 4.6810.21 1.47 6.84 2.47 7.39

14.00 1.22 8.27 2.7614.73 8.6924.64T 2.17 9.20 2.84 9.06 4.0020.67T



6.72 14.80

2.70 8.78 2.32 8.42

12.14 2.13 8.76

8.40 1 .01 9.61

6.45 14.61

1.16 7.76 1.43 8.33 3.17 7.48 2.67 8.8n

'8.65 0.82 8.75

11.85 12.00

1.36/ 9.38 1.3a 8.19 2.041 8.76

113.72 1.14: 7.27

\ 2.16: 9.35

~:~i ! ~:~~ I 8.94

2.21 1 9.72 1.26 9.60 6.021 8.05 4.57 122.84T 6.271 8.71 7.66 G.64

~~116 .05 .....

1.2 :-t:66 .:l 8.64

2.18 7.74 7.89

BALTIMORE PULVERIZI"'G CO., BlIltlmore, Md . ...-- - 8 - I) 1'67 Royal Tomato Compound ................ .. ..... R~l rl.,.(' vl).lli

1m ~~:~::: ~!:':e7b;~~:t.oC~~;;'?I~~:r : . .......... . ..... .. : Rrlt'pr;jlie :::: ! = ~ = ~ ::~~ ::!~ BAUGH & SONS COMPANY 0 1" 'BA'I~'riMO'RE' CI'TY' G~enwood ... · 2 - 6 - 7 1.76 7.67

Baltimore, Me\. , ,..- . . , 824 Baugb's Pure Dissolved Anima I Bones ... . 826 Baugh 's Pe ruvian Guano Sllb~tltut ~ ......... . S Ibyvl l1 o . . .. . 878 Baugh 's Gen er a l Crop Grower . ... ... ....... .. ::. Iby vill e . ... . 879 Baugh's 7% Putalo Guano ............... ... .. Lallre l .. . .. .. · 880 Baugh's Farmer's F ' . .. . . .... . .......... ....... F'rllnkford ... . SS1 Baugb's Flxeeillor Ouano ·· · ··· · ·· ····· · ·· ·· · 1 Frankfo rli ... . 914 Baugb's Hlg uano ..... ..... . . . ........ ..... . F rankfo rd ... . 916 Baugh's ., ade AcId Phosphate . . .. .. ... . ..... . F ra nkford .. . .

1124 Bau ' ,1 Ft~ ~~x~u~:a ~.: ::. : : : :::: :::::: : : :: :::::: ~~~,~~~i.t~~ ....... . ~_~mmaugh,s Potato and Truck Spe"ial . . . ..... .... ... . . . Newark . . . ... .

926BaUgb.! Soluble Alkaline Supe rphospha te ..... . . .... Newark .. . 927 Baugb s Special Potato Manure. .. .. ..... .. ...... Newark 1007 Baugb:s Grand R8?ld H . G. Truck Gllano . .. . ... :: : Wilmin 'l~~::: 1008 Baugh s Complele Animal Base Fe r ti lize r H, 'I I gt 1028 Baugb's Tomato Compound . . ....... . ... ::: : ...... . "I m ng on .. .

2'h- 13 - 0 Ii - 6 - 7 1 - S - 1 7 - 6 - 6

- 6 -- 6 - 8 - 4

o - 14 - 0 4%-21 %- 0 2 - 8 - 2 R%- 7 - 7 o - 10 - 2 2 - Ii - 10 3 8 - 3 2 - 8 - 6 2 - 8 - 2 o - 8 - 6

3.0415.21 6.17 7.37 1.41 8.10 7.64 (1.70 4.04 8.92 1.35 !l .17

,14 .53 4.59120.37T 2.55\ 9.48 3.72 7.65

10.42 2.361 5.96 '3.101 8.77 2.61 8.81 2.23 9.08

1057 Baugh's 8 & 6 Special Alkaline Superph08Phat~' ... .. LaI~ret .. . .... . 1073 Baugh'8 Special Potat.o Fe rtilize r . ........ . ... . . ..... .

THE BERG COMPANY. Ph ilade l hl~:" '" '' I~au l e t .... .. .. 2 - 8 - 10 2.06

9.38 8.87

1012 Berg's Raw Bone Fine . p H. P . CANNON,' B~ld ' 'e';iii~' D~I""""'" Wyomi ng .... .

1074 Pea Mixture K . K Kg , . 1075 Strawberry Top Dres~i'~~" """ " """ " " " " '" Br idgevi lle ... . 1076 Potato Phosphate ................ ... . . ..... Bridgevl!le ... .

ICONSOLIDATED AilJiiCULT'U RAi.; ·c i.i ~M icA· I~ · .... Bridgevi lle ... . I Wilmington , Del. CO. ,

- 20 - 0

- 7 - 6 - 7 - 0 - 8 - 6


2.02 8.69 4.14 9.74 2.92 9.39

.; ..; -cl rI <Ill ., 0 .!'i ~,

.e .<l 0\

~ ~ § ~ l>

....l ! 3 ! !! ~ 0

E-< 0 0

~ ~ E-<

1.17 6.73 $23.10 $ 7.75 $ 4.87 $36.7Z 1 .62 $13.21 $13.21 1.40 1.21 $ 3.96 $ 8.61 $ 1.03 $18.50 1.52 5.29 $24.02' 7.74 $ 4.60 $34.26 1.33 7.58 $111 .44 $ 9.21 $ 6.40 $31.06 1.47 3.89' 4.85' 6.40 $ 2.88 $14.13 1.20 3.08 , 8.16 $ 6.76' 2.62 $17 .53 1.16 $12.86 $12.86 1.89 4.56 $ 4.03, 7.59 $ 3 .88 $16.50 2.41 , 9.11 $13.48 $22.69

$10.89 $18.S8 $29.72 1.45 2.10 $ 7.16, 8.40 $ 1.79 $17 .86 1.48 8.22 $ 9.87 $ 8.29 $ 2.74 $20.40

$11.83 $16.60 $27 .48 1.28 2.38 $ 9.09 $ 2.02 $11.11 0.79 3.43 $ 6.03' 2.92 $ 8.96 1.19 $13.06 $13.06 1.16 6.39 $ 8.91' 7.92 $ 6.48 $22.26 1.34 6.02 $ 7.66' 7.70 $ U7 $19.68 FV 1.33 3.16 $10.86' 2.69 $18.66 1.16 3.25 $ 7.03 $ 7.90 $ 2.76 $17.69 0.97 6.02 $ 7.63 $ 4.27 $11.80 1.36 2.30 , 3.33 $ 8.71' 1.96 $14.00 0.91 3.36 $ 5.84 $ 2.86 $ 8.70 1.38 $12.97 $12.97 1.29 1.24 $ 8.83 $ 7.12 $ 1.06 $12.00 1.31 4.75 $ 4.72 $ 7.60 $ 4.04 $16.86 1.02 6.28 $10.46 $ 6.77 $ 6.34 $22.67 1.03 6.00 $ 8.81 $ 7.94 $ 6.10 $21.86 1.47 4.26 $ 7.94 $ 3.61 $11 .66 FV 1.10 2.32 $ 2.71 $ 7.88 $ 1.97 $12.66 0.89/ 6.62 $1Q.43 $ 4.69 \$16.12 FV 0.97 2.73 $10.691$ 2.32 $12.91 0.981 7.42 $ 4.46 $ 8.36 $ 6.S1 $19.13 1.431 4.46 $ 4.39 $ 7.63 $ 3.78!$15.70

I 0.851 1.99 $ 6.73 \$ 7.781$ 1.69 $16.20FV


0.961 $12.04 $12.04 FV 0.791 1.05 $ 3.76 $ 6.501$ 0.891$11.16

\ I I 1 2.071 3.73 $ 7.13 $ 8.78 $ 3.17 $19.08 1.161 3.60 $ 3.04 $ 8.34 $ 2.98 $14.36 1.241 7.89 $ 4.06 $ 8.12 $ 6.71 $18.89 1.31 4.I!! $ 8.12 $ 3.56 $11.68

1.18/ 2.30 $ 7.29 $ 8.73' 1.96 $17.98 0.90 4.76 $ 4.06 $ 8.62' 4.04 $16.62 0.821 5.76 $16.57 $ 7.17' 40891$28.68

$12.92 $16.96 .29,88 0.81i1 7.421!l7 .39! :i .IU '6.31$31.14 0.74 1'i .. 86 f\' ,,~.!I1i $ 5.94 $ 4.98 $36.87 1H'6 - $12.96 $12.96 1.16 2.49 $ 4.22 $ 7.74 $ 2.1 2 $14.08 0.77 6.92 $ 7.49 $ 7.66 $ 6.03 $20.17 0.98 10.88 $ 7.19 $ 6.97 $ 9.24 $23.40 FV 0.70 6.29 $ 6.99 $ 4.60 $11.49FV

0.75 2.75 $ 7.66 $ UO $ 2.34 $17 .20 0.431 4.31 $14 .03 $ 6.611$ 3.66 $23.30

I 0.871

7.29 $ 5.81 $ 6.871$ 6.20 $18.88 FV

I I 2.401 $1 u.03 $13.M9 $23.92 1.61 7.0G $17.06 $ 6.90 $ 6.99 $29.96 0.96 1.71 $ 4.65 $ 7.27 $ 1.45 $1192 0.68 !' 6.01 $25.21 $ 6.97 $ 6.11 $36:29 1.47 5.36 $l3.a3 $ 8.17 $ 4.66 $26.06 FV 2.611 4.11\ $ 4.46 $ 8.83 $ 3.49 $16.78 1.241 $12.851' $12.86

I $13.74 $15.56 $29 .29

2.H2 2.01 $ 8.42 $ 8.99 $ 1.71 $19.12 1.54 7.14 $12.28 $ 7.121$ 6.07 $26.47 2.01 3.03 $ 9.G5 $ 2.58 $12 20 1.9310.07 \1 $ 7.79 $ 6.B4 $ 8.66 $22:19 1.80 3.08 $10.23 $ 8.17 $ 2.62 $21.02 1.89 6.66 $ 8.61 $ 8.26!$ 4.81 $21.67 0.83 3.2& $ 7.36 $ 8.05 $ 2.77 $18.18 3.28 4.98 $ 9.28 $ 4. 23 $13.61 FV 1.6710.33 $ 6.80 $ 8.21 $ 8.78 $23.79

$12.29 $16. 95 \$29.24

0.82 4.89 $ 6.67 $ 7.72$ 4.1(1'$18.65FV 1.36 $13.66 $ 8.82 $22.48 0.40 6.39 $ 9.64 $ 8.H $ 6.43 $23.21FV

1013 ~1~~..Aiie~REl FERTILIZER COMPA'NY',' '6~~~~: ' ·D~ i. Stan lon . .. . .. · 9(8)BOne Tankage . ........ ... . - 13.7- 0 6.1813.20T $20.39 $10.66 $30.96FV

I L. E : 'p" DENNis' &. 'SC)N: c~i~fi·o·ld"M·d·.""" · Dover........ 1'Aa- 8 - 4 869 Truck Rnd Tomato ........ . . . ... ' 1.01 7.30 870 Klondike Flsb and Potash Mlxtur~ ... . .. .. . ........ Laure \. . 3 7 3 3 871 Special Round Potato Mixture .. .. . . . . .. .. . .. .. Laure L ....... 1 = 8 = 3 .10 7.77

1027 Flsb and Potash Mixture No ·2 · ............ · .. · .. · .. Laure l ........ 6 - 6 - 6 ~:~~ 8.69 1056Sweet Polato Compound ....... : ::::::: ............. Laure l ........ 2 - 7 - 3 2.14 6.20

1018 S(le~~~IH ·p~t.'\ra0;':r~;~~rO & CO., Coates~·lil·~ .. p.a: ..... Laure l ........ 2'h- 6 - 8 2.39 ~ :~~ 1019 Ammoniated Phosphate .. ............ . ... .. ....... Thompson .... 1 % 7 1020 All Crop Fertilizer ..... ::::::: ............ .. ....... Thompson .. .. 1 = 7 .- Ii 1.80 8.03

903 Fish M? .. ~~::'F.R. DAVlS & CO.: 'M; if~'rd',' i:i~I:" "'" Thompson .... 0.41 - 7 = ~~ ~ : ~~ : : ~~ :~: ~~~c~o :~:se~~~~~~~~~~::: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :: ~~~~;~r'd ":" : 90617% Special Truck Phospbate . ..... : .. ... ....... .. . Frankford ... . 950,Elght-Elgbt-Four . .. . ......... . .... . :: . .. ... ........ Frankford ... . 978 Draper, DaTI,S" Co.'s Wheat Spectal .. :::: .......... Milford ...... .

1009 H F~:ER~ PRESERVING CO .• Ris ing S·· ·· Ii .... Bridgeville ... . . Jos';3:: r: Bone Superphosphate ..... ~.n . el.

2 - 8 1 - 8 8 - 8 7 - 8 2 - 6 2 - 9

- 9

- 2 2.16 9.14 - 2 0.94111.60 - 5 3.12 8.76 - 5 4.481 8.76 - 8 2.14[ 8.81 - 2Y." 1.46 9.7 5

- 2'Aa 1.0410.42

- lJA.2.H 9.19 - 4 2.11 8.68

1015 Com. Ammon. 8~e~ Wp~HR~P, Kennett Square" p~ ... . Rising Sun .. . 1016 Special Potato Pb~Pb~~' or Corn, Oats and Whe~t Th 1017 l"tne Ground Bon Me ................ .. ompBon .. .. 1~- 8

GRIFFIT~ eal . .... . ............ ... • . . .. .. Thompson .... . 1 ~- 7 872 Grlllltb .. Boyd's F <\ B~YD CO., Baltlmor~·.·· · ····· ThompBon. ... 8 - 20 878 Grllllth .. So d' armer B Potato Manure 874 Grlllltb " B~d'~ ';::e~le!B Fertlll&er ... ... ::: .. .. . . .. Newark .. . .•.. 8711 Grllllth " Boyd', 8p 8

1 . Bone and Potalh ... . . . . . Newark •......

878 GrUllth ... Bo d' r ng Crop Grower .. . . .. ... ..... :'IIewark . ..... . In Ortlllth .., Bo~d': ~~~. #ICld Pboepbate .: : : .•. .... .. . Newark .. .... .

e ne GroWid BoDe I(~i: : : : : :: ~:::;: .... .. .

- 0 3.20 24.96T

0~5 =: - 9 1.38 8.12 1% - 2 0.78 8.94 2 - 7 - 8 2.20 7.80 I) - 6JA.- 4~ 2.28 8.18 • - 14 - 0 12.83

- - 0 4.2619.71T

0.71 6.00 $ 3.33 $ 6.49 $ 4.25 $14 .07

0.99 3 . 8~ $10.23 $ 7.00 $ 3.30 $20 .63 0.65 U4 $ 4.69 $ 7.52 $ 3.60 $16.71 0.74 6.83 $18.88 $ 6.67 $ 6.81 $30.26FV 0.66 3.54 $ 7.06 $ 6.62 $ 3.01 $16.69 0.54 8.95 $ 7.89 $ 6.36 $ 7.61 '$21.85 FV

0.69 6.211 $ 5.94 $ 7.07 $ 4,46 $17.47 0.83 3.32 $ 4.66 $ 7.29 $ 2.82 $14 .76F .... 0.82 3.67 $ 2.67 $ 7.14 $ 3.03 $12.74

0.92 0.87 1.20 0.64 0.80 1.49

2.94 $ 7.13 $ 8.14 $ 2.601$17 .77 2.28 , 3.10 $10.13 $ 1.94 $16.27 FV 6.87 $10.30 $ 7.93 $ 4.991$23 .22 8.67 $14.78 $ 7.71 $ 7.37 $29.86 7.42 $ 7.06 $ 7.81 $ 6.31 $21.18 FV 8.61 • 4,82 $ 8.89 $ 3.07 $16.78 FV

1.77 8.62 , 3.43 $ 9.67 $ 3.08 $16.08

1.28 2.87 $ 7.06 $ 8.iJ2 $ 2.44 $17 86 1.86 3.60 , 6.96 $ 7.88 $ 2.98 $17 :82 FV

1.98 1.68 1.96 2.27 2.06

$ 9.70 $19.12 '28.82

~:~ , 4.56 $ 7.69' 6.66 $18.90ll'V . '2.57 $ 8.27 $ 2.01 $1286

3.69 $ 7.26 $ 6.99 $ 3.06 U7:S0 4.72 • 7.361$ 7.82 $ 4.01 $19.19

$11.72 $11 .72 $12.68 $14.98 U7 .14

Page 7: NEW ARl( ROST





=\ . P'lrC'taKe


, • ..,d. ."".": V.," eo, "0.:

1'10 . \ N,m.~ ot M".too,.n" .Dd On,d. .::;;:.. ~ ! ~ ~~.... ! 1 ! ~ ~ Does Newark Appre­

ciate Her Kindergart.en DIRECTORY

,tfBMBBRS OF eOUNelL Mayor- J. H. II ss inger.

g ~:;. w~ ~ f.. ~ ~ --r--__ ------------------------\.-------�-----~---I-~~~~~II~~~~~~~ P3.IFI~b &~\~ta~E::n~r~~~~~~, .. ~~~I.~~I.P.~I~: ...... Stanton....... 2 2.16 8.70 1.28 3.17 $ 7.10 $ 7.9H· 2.69\_17.69 986 Special Compound .....•••••.•••••••••••••••••••••• Stanton....... 1 =: =: 1.22 8.36 ~:~~ g: : : : ~~: ~ :~~: ~ ::~ m:~!" 936\


r Potallb Mixture ........................... Stanton....... 2 8 10 ~.09 9.09 22 $ 904 $ 8 ' \

937 polatO & Truck Manure ............................ Stanton....... S = 8 = 6 , .74 1:::: ~:;~ 6 . $L3·.~t $ 4.44 :~~·.i~ 938 Soluble PhOBphate ................................. Stanton. ...... 0 -14 - 0 410 848 1.03 7.43 $13.53 $ 7.

621- 6.

321$27 .47

989 Special Potato ..................................... Stanton....... 4 - 8 - 7 3:3523'. 801' $ 9.96 $18.06 • $28.01 FV

::~~~~~~~ ~~~: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .......... ~~!~:~~: '. :: • -18.3. - 0 1.34 8.68 0.96 2.53 $ 4.42$ 7.7G \' 2.151$14.33 963 Soluble PboBphate & Potalh ....................... Milton........ ~ =1~ = ~ 10.42 0.94 2.22 $ 9.24 $ 1.89 $11.13

M. P. HUBBARD I: CO., Baltlmore.7.90 7.45 1.21 4.46 $26.07 \$ 6.81, 3.79 $36.67 FV 8177 '" Bermuda Guano ............................... Selbyv\lle..... 7 - 6 - 6 0.72 8.36 0.33 1.78 $ 2.38 $ 7.231$ 1.51 $1l.12FV

t066 Old Economy ...................................... Overbrook.... ~- 8 -:& 2.62 8.87 0.88 2.74 $ 8.32 $ 7.8UI$ 2.33 $18.54 t00

71!1xcelBlor duperpbolphate .......................... Wyoming..... 1 - 8 - 2 2.40 8.22 0.74 4,36 $ 7.92 $ 7.29 $ 3.71 $18.92FV

10681SP8Cl61 potato A Tomato Fertiliser •..•••••••••.•.•.• Overbrook •.• '12 7 6 937 212 204 $ 881 $ 173$1 V 1069 Rock & PotaBh .................................... Overbrook.... 0 =10 = 2 4.64 8:03 0:51 465 $15.31 $ 7'. 03$ 3·. 9r.\ $2~·.~! F 1070 Marylnn1 ~Pt'Clal Vegetable Grower •.•••.•••••..••• Overbrook.... 6 - 1 - 5 1.88 8.13 1.11\ 4.40 $ 0.20 $ 7.35 $ 3.711 \$17 .34 1071 Farmers cme ............................. • ...... '1 Overbrook.. .. 1 - 8 -. 17.23 0.43 $14.82 $14 .82 1072\Soluble PhOBphate ................................. Overbrook.. .. 0 -14 - 0



882 Hubbard's r,o/c Royal Seal ....•.•.••..•••....• • . ··· ·IDagsboro..... 6 - 6 - 6 6.20 7.08 0.57\4.96 $17.16 $ 6.26 $ 4.22 $27. G3FV 883 Hubbard's H'. Royal Seal .......................... IDagBboro..... 7 - 6 - 5 7.18 6.67 0.62 5.07 $2a .69 $ 5.88 $ 4.

311$33 .88

~84 \ Hubbnrd',8 Oriental PhoBpbate ••••••••. •• .... •.• ...• ,DagBboro... . . 1 - 8 - 2 2.13 8.16 1.36 2.69 $ 7.03 $ 747 $ 2.2!1 \$16.7 9 886\HUbbard,8 Farmor'B I XL ........................ . . \DagSboro..... 2 - 8 - 2 2.40 8.10 1.21 24l $ 7.92 $ 7.37 $ 2.0ul$17 .34 8S6 Hubbard s 16 'f< Acid PhoBphate •••••...•.•..•....••. Dagsboro..... 0 - 16 - 0 16.32 0.26 ' $13.97 1$13.97 9~~ Hubbard's Columbia Gem .. . ..••.••••...•.••..••••. Newark. ...... ~- 8 - 2 0.79 8.58 1.64\ 2.46 $ 2.61 $ 7.96\$ 2 IH' \'$12.65 9~4 Hubbard'B 14 '," Acid PhOBphate ...••...••.•.... • . • . \Newark...... . 0 -14 - 0 14.63 1.84 I $13 .09, $13.09 995 Hubbard'B BOlle & Potash ... __ .••.••.••••.... _ ..•• . Newark. ...... 0 -10 - 2 10.66 1.53\ 2.19 $ 9.68\'$ I.M61$11.44 996 Hubbard'!! Standard Pho8'pbate .................... .' Newark ...... , 2 - 8 - 3 2.94 7.83 1.49\ 3.12 $ 9.70 $ 7.211 $ 2 .. 65 $ I ,I ti l FV

1002 Hu bbard 'B Climax PhOBphate ..... _ ................. ' Dover........ 1 - 7 - 4 1.33 7.37 1.21 4.39 $ 4.39 $ 1i.74 $ 3.73:$14 .86 1003 Hubbard'B Jewel PhOBphate ........................ IWyomlng..... 1%- 8 - 5 1.38 8.23 1.45 4.96 $ 4.55 $ 3 .5& $ 4.21,$16.34FV 1004 Hubbnrd's Special Mixture ................. ........ .. \ Wyoming..... 0 -10 - 4 10.82 1.50\ 4.00 $ 9.80 $ 3.

401,13 .20

1068 Hubbard's JerBey Trucker . .. .. ...... ••. .... . ...•• . \CbeBwold_.. .. 2 - 8 -10 2.08 8.00 1.52\10.34 1 $ 6.8G\$ 7.411$ 8.79 \$2306

HUSTON, DARBRE & CO., Seaford, Del. \ \ 828 Special Strawberry Mixture ........................ Seaford....... - 7 - 4 6.04 8.35 1.22 5.10 $19 .93 $ 7 . 5~ $ 1341$3\.86 829\Crop Grower •.• _ ••...•.••..•.•••.•.••••••••••.••.. \seaford. .••••• - S - S 1.41 9.44 1.31 3.12 $ 4.U6\$ 8.64 $ 2.lif, '$15.84 8:l0\FIBb ~Ixture ...................................... Seaford....... - 8 - 3 2.96 9.96 1.24 3.89 $ 9.77 $ 8.IJIi\$ 3.311$22.04 ~31 \TrUCk Guano .. . .. ... ................ . ............. Seaford....... - 8 - 6 4.44\ 8.20 1.53\ 5.70 $14.65 ~ U8 $ 485;$27.08 H57 Special Potato Mixture ............................ Seaford....... - 8 - 5 6.12 9.34 \ 0.96\ 6.33\ $20.20 \$ 8.32 $ 5.38 '\$33.90

LISTER'S AGRICULTURAL CHEMICAL WORKS, 928/Llster'B Buyer's Cbolce Acid PboBpbate . . .......•.. Harmony . .... -1' - 0 16.44 0.54\ $13.3u $13.35 929 Llster'B Special Crop Producer •.•.••••••••. • •.•..•. Harmony . . . . . 7 1 110 7 65 071 121 $ 3 63 $

6781'$ 1 03 $11 44

930ILister'8 Corn & Potato Fertilizer .................... Harmony . .... = 8 = 3 2:20 8:77 0:70 3:16 $ 7:26$ 7:73 $ 2:691$17 :68 93 11.lster's G. Brand .................................. Harmony..... 1 - 8 -.. 1.15 8.67 0.71



$ 3.80 $7 .651$ 3.68\$15.13 932 Llster'B HarveBt Queen PhoBpbate ....•••••..••. • •.. Harmony..... 1 ',;- 9 - 2 1.89 9.29 0.99 2.78 . $ 6.24 $ 8.30 \$ 2.36 SIU.90 938 Llster'B DIBBolved PhoBphate & potasb .•...••.... .•. Harmony . ... . 6 -10 - 2 10.02 Q . 7~ 2.37 : ' , 8.81 $ 2.01 $10.82



ter'B Potato Manure ............................ Dover...... .. 4 8 7 407 8 lio 111 690 $1343 $ 801 $ 587 $27 31 FV 1069 Lister's Special 100/'0 Fertilizer ...... ... ............ Laurel. ...... · 2 = 8 =-10 2:00 8:34 1:07 9:97 $ 6:60 $ 7:52 $ 8:471$22:59 FV

D. B. MARTIN COMPANY, Pblladelphla. 1 \ I 860lc orn & Cereal Special .............................. Dagsboro.... . 2 - 8 - 2 2.24 9.35 1.54 2. 53 $ 7.39 $ 8.57 $ 2.15 $18.11 8610ne-Elght-Four ..................................... Dagsboro..... 1 - R - 4 1.62 9.09 1.12 3.87 $ 5.02 $ 8.18 $ 329\$16.49FV k62 Dissolved Organic Compound .••.•.•.•.••..•....•••. Dagsboro.. .. . 1',;- 9 - 2 1.57 9.6" 1.95 2.34 $ 5.18 $ 8.97 $ 1.99\$16.14 863 Sure Grower ............................ _ ......... Dagsboro.... . 1 - 8 - 1 1.29 8.37 1.08 1.55 $ 4.26 $ 7.54 $ 1.32\$13.12 864 Martin's IiJllrly Truck & Vegetable Grower .......... Seaford ...... · 4 - 6 - 8 3.93 7.69 2.00 7.94 $12.97 $ 7.26 $ 6.75i$26.Il7FV B66\Martln'B Acid PboBphate ........ _ .... ............. Seaford .. ... .. 0 -14 - 0 14.79 1.29 \ $13.09 \$13.09 866 Martln's 7% Guano •............... . .....•...••.•.. DagBboro . . ... 7 - 6 - 5 \7.24 6.16 0.74 5.34 , $23 .89' 6.05 $ 4.54 $34.48 867 \Martln'8 Potasb & Soluble PboBphate .. • ....•... • •.. Dagsboro .. .. . 0 -10 - 2 \10.77 1.24 2.22\ $ 9.66 $ 1.89 $11.65 868 Pure DlsBolved Animal Bone .............. . · .... ·. · Dagsboro ... . . 2 -12 - 0 2.2212.73 1.36 $ 7.33 $11.36 \$18.69 &

491 Pure Oround BOlle .•• . ....•. • .•.........•.... ... . .. Bridge ville.. . . 2 - 22.9 - 0 11.93123.541'\ $ 5.87 $18.12 $23.99 FV

1077 Special Compound ... ............... .. ............. Seaford.... .. . 2 - 8 - 5 2.09 (\ 8.71 I 0.84 4.98" $ 6.90 $ 7.74' 4.23


$18.87 FV


MARTIN & WHITE COMPANY. Baltlmor '.l. I I HI 2 M. & W. \:lone. Blood & Potasb ..................... Selbyv ille..... - 8 - 7 5.26\ 8.31 1.72 7.38 $17.36 $ 7.75 $ 6.27 $31.38 SI3 M. & W. 14 '/0 Acid Phosphate . ... .. ................ Selbyville . . . . . - 14 - 0 \ 1


\ 0.69\ \ $13.20 $13.20 814 M. & W. Gralu & Tomnto Grower . . . ..... .. . ..... .. · Selbyville .. . . . - 7 - 5 11.23 7.77 1.38\ 4.55 $ 4.06' 7.16 $ 3.87 $15.08FV 815\M. & W. Potato Special . .. .... ... ... .. . . . ..... . . ·· •· Selhyvllle..... - 8 - 10 2.19\ 8.60 1.9610.671 $ 7.23 $ 8.09 $ 9.07 \$24.39 816 M. &: W. Big Crop Grower .....• _ .... . ............. \Se lbyVi1le..... - 8 - 2 2.32\8.77 1.80 2.4:\ $ 7.66 $ 8.17 $ 2.07 $17 .90 866\M. & W. 7"/0 Trucker ........ _ .................... . Laurel. ....... - 6 - 5 7.16 8.34 0.85 4.56 $23.63 $ 7.43 $ 3.88\'S4.94FV

1042 M. & W. Phosphate & Potash ...... ... ....... ·· . · _., Clayton. .. .. . . - 10 - 2 110.83 I 0.48\ 2.61 $ 9.40 $ 2.22 $11.62 104alM. & W. High Grade PhoBphate & PotaBb .. .. . .... ... Clayton ... . .. . - 12 - 5 ,12.73 0.47 \ 4.91 $11.01 $ 4.17 $16.18FV


· • MILTON FRRTILIZER COMPANY, Milton Del. I \ \ ~64 Our All Crop G~ower ............................. . Milton .. ...... - 8 - 1 1.36 8.84 \ 1.47\ 1.71 $ 4.49 $ 8.10 $ 1.46 $14.04 965 Our Standard Phosphate .................... , ·· .. ·· Millon ....... . -_174 _- 03 2.12 7.33 1.3!) 3.92 $ 1.00\$ 6.77 $ 3.33\,17.10 \'56 Hlgb Orllde Acid Pbospbate •••.....•....•.•.••••... Milton.. ..... . \14.48 0.68 $12.68\ ,$12.68

• G. OBER & SONS COMPANY, Baltimore. I 1 \ 10260ber's Farmers' Tomato Mixture ..... . .. . ......•.•. Middletown . .. - 9 - 2 1.40\1 9.87 1.34 UO , ' .62 $ 8.93\' 1.87\$16.42

THE PEERLESS FERTILIZER COMPANY, • Cbestertown, Md. I 834 Peerlells Corn Fertilizer •.••••••••••••••••••••• •·••· Dagsboro. , _.. %,- 8 - 3 0.90 9.43 1.57 3.36 $ 2.97 $ 8.61>\$ 2.


8S6Truckers' Pride .................................... Dagsboro.... . 7 - 6 - 5 6.72 6.68 1.46 6.63 $22.18$ 6.17$ 4.70$33.06FV 8S6American Standard ................................ DagBboro..... 4 - 6 - 7 3.52 8.69 0.83 7.51 $11.62,7.72$ 6.38$26.72FV 837 PearleB. Tomato Fertilizer ........................ · DagBboro.... . 2' - 7 - 6 2.00 8.28 0.31 5.30 $ 6.60 $ 7.16\$ 4.61$18.27 888 peerlelll New procellll Peruvian ................... - Dagsboro.... . 9 - 0 - 3 8.76\ I 3.66 $28.91 $ 3.11 ,32.02 916 sweet Potato Manure ............................... Delmar...... . 2 - 6 -10 1.761 7.33 \ 0.7010.87 $ 5.81 $ 6.61 $ 9.23 $2Ui6l!'V

PIEDMONT-MT. AIRY GUANO CO., Baltimore, Md. 889 Piedmont Flllb Guano ............................. Frankford... . - 8 - 2 2.31 9.911 0.40\2.22 $ 7.62 $ 8.63 $ 1.89 $18.14 860 Piedmont Early Truck .......................... • .. Frankford .... - 6 - 5 5.17 8.49 0.92 6.20 $17.06 $ 7.&9\$ 4.421$29.07 841 Special Truck Fertilizer ........................... Frankford .... - 6 - 5 7.38\ 7.86 0.74 5.69 $24.85' 6.98 $ 4.84\$36.17 862 Piedmont Farmen' Favorite ••••••••••••••••••••• •. Frankford... . 1 - 8 - 4 1.08 9.63 0.53 3.78 $ 3.56 $ 8.40 $ 3.21 \$16.17 FV 843 DlBBOlved Animal Bone ••..•.•••••.••...•••••.•.••. Frankford .. _. 2'h- 10 - 0 2.96 \\ 11.87 0.59\ $ 9.74 $10.331 \,20.07

GEO. F. PIERCE, Milford, Del. 918 Pierce's Potato Pbosphate •.......•.••..••••••••..• . Georgetown. . . - 7 - 6 2.00 \ 7.01 0.94 6.66 $ 6.60 $ 6.34 $ 5.66\$18.60 919 Slmpson'B No. 1 Raw Bone PboBpbate • • ••.•••••.. . . . Georgetown. . . - 7 - 2 0.83\10.29 0.851 2.11 $ 2.74 $ 9.08 $ 1.79 $13.61 FV b Bridgeville - 8 - 4 '10.76 0.91 3.94 $ 9.53\$ 3.35

1$12.88I·'V m :::~B~n,:o:r:ck' Ph~~pb~i~' : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :: Green wood : : : : - 7 - 5 4.06\ 7.31 0.86 6.61 $13.40 $ 6.56 $ 5.53\$26.48

961 Plerce'B Flsb Mixture ........ .. • • . •.•.. .. .. . ..... ... Mlltord. .. .. . . - 7 - 2 2.64\ 6.35 I 0.65 3.66 $ 8.71 $ 5.UIj $ 3.11\\$17.48F'V

THE POLLOCK FERTILIZER CO., Baltimore, Md. . \ 817 Pollock's H. G. Cabbage & Onion •........... . .. ··· · Selbyville.... . - 7 - 8 4.06 8.21 1.89 7.91) $13.40 $ 7.74 $ 6.72\$27 .86FV 818 Pollock'B Early Truck Glol

ano .... . . .. . . .. _ ••....•... Selhyvllle . ... . - 6 - 5 740 7.49 1.75 5.43 $24.42 $ 7.

071$ 4.6



819 Pollock'B Accomac Trucker . ..... ............ . .. · ·· Selbyville. .... - 7 - 5 4:78 8.61 1.68\ 4.0 1 $16.771$ 7.99 $ 4.17


$27 .93FV 820 Pollock'S Special Corn Fertilizer ....... . .......... Frankford.. .. - 8 - 6 I 9.37 \.54 4 9fi \$ 8.58\$ 4.221$12. 811 F" 858 Pollock's Crop Invigorator ... . ........... .... ··.··· iJllgsboro.... . - 8 - 4 1.41 \ 8.91 0.81l\ 3.80 $ 4.61) $ 7.93 $ 3.27\$l5 .85F\' 859 Pollock'S Special potato & Tobacco Fert . ..... ... ·. · Dagsboro..... 2 - 8 - 4 2.281 9.05 0.77 4.17 $ 7.

521$ 8.001$ 3.541$19.06

913 Pollock'B DlBBolved Ammonlatt>d Bone . .... ... . ..... Selbyville. . . . . 2%- 12 - 0 2.81112.53 2.38 I $ 9.27 $11.60 \$20.87

LEWIS M. PRICE:, Smyrna, Del. \ \ \ I 1029 Price's Tomato Fe rtilizer . .... . . . .. .. ........ . ..... Smyrna . .. . ... - 8 -- 5 2.00 9.37 0.45 5 . 3~ $ 6.60 $ 8. 14 $ ~ . 5" $1U.28 1031 Prlce'B Potato Fertilizer .. , .. , .... . ..... ..... ... .. . ~myrn~ ....... - 8 - 7 2.8fi 7.75 0.4 6\ 7.74 $ 9.44 \$ 6.77\$ 6.53$22.79 FV 1032 Price'll Corn F ertilize r . .. ........ .. ........ . ... . .. . :smyrna ... . ... - 8 - 5 1.02\ !Ul2 0.6n \ 5.3il $ 3.37 $ 8.18\$ 4.':'1\5


• RASIN_MON UMENTAL CO. , Baltimor e. • .\ \ I 1 \' i 821 Rasln's I X L F e rtilizer .................. ..... .. .. Frankford . .. . - 9 - 3 1.54\ 9.60 2.24 3.n l $ 5.08 $ ~ . ~~ ~ 3.16 $17.3r, B22lRasln ' s Truckers' Mixture . . .... . . . ...... .... ...... · Fmnkford. . .. - 6 - 5 7441 f..88 2.04 5.47 : $24.56 $ b.III ,5 4.fl6




? Rasln's Special Formula for Corn & Toma toes .... . .. Fra nkford .... - 6 - 3 . \ 7.31 1.4!l 2.89 $ 6.81 \$ 2.4 6:$ 9.27FV . , Dag ' boro - 8 - 5 \ 8.87 0.50 5.30 $ 7.78 $ 4.511$ 12.29

980lRas ln'B Wheat potash Mixture ... . ... ....... . . .. ... . ~ . . . . . - 10 - 2 110.72 1.16\ 2.45 \' 0.58 $ 2.081$11.66

981 Rasln's Bone & potash F e rtil izer . .... ·· ·········· · · I Dag~boro. .. . . - 6 - 3 2.00\ 6.25- 0.99\ 32q $ 6.60 $ G.71

1$ 2.80 1 ~15.11 982 \Rasln's Special FIBb and pot asb .. . ..... ... . . . .... .. D»gsboro.... . - 7 - 8 4.10 \ 8.40 t.O~ l' 7.1 S $13.5:\ \$ 7.57\$ 6.10i$27 .20FV 98~ I Rasln's Irish Potato Special . ... . ······· · · ·········· Dagsboro. .. .. - 14 - 0 111) .41: 1.31 $] 3 .1;1; \$l3.fi6 984\Ras ln'B Actd Phosphate .... ....• ··· ·· · ··········· · · Dagsb~rod ···· - 6 - 7 2.06 6.23 1.08 7.89 $ 6.80 $ 5.n l$ 6.71.\$19.24

1035\Monumental potat.o Manure ... .. ... ·· ·· ·· · · ·· • · · · · . ,T o wnsen ..... - 12 - 5 112.17 1.401 5 . 8~ $l0 . ~l\* 4.96 1 ~15 . 87

1036 \Ra Sln'B H . G. Bone & pota Bh .... ........ .. .. .... . . · I ~ownselld .. , ., - 8 - 4 1.38 8.2 .1 1. 20\ 6. 15 $ 4.5[;:1 HG1$ 4.38 ~ lG .3g 10~7 Rasln'B Na tion a l Crop Co mpound . . . . · ·· · ·········· · 1 ow nse rl~ ..... - 8 - 10 2.02\ 8.41 1.15 992 $ 6.67 $ 7.61\$ 8.43 1 ~ ~2 .71FV 038 \Rasln'B Vegetable Sp clal ..... _ ...... ... .......... . ~ownsen d· ··· ; - 12 - 3 112.21 1.20\ ~ 75 $10.86 $ 3.191 $14.06

103.91, Ra8In'S Soluble Alkalln e Bono .. · ·· ... .... . . .... ... . · 11 ownsen .... \ \ I \ 1 I 1.. C. ROGERS, Frederica, Del. F d . l'h- 5 - 1%',1.12\9.29 0.83\ 3501

$ 3.70$ 8.231$ 2.98 $14 .1l1 FV

lO ll Roger 's Superior Bone Ph osph nte . ........... . .. ... r e ortca ... ·· 1 I \

F . S . ROYS'I'ER GUANO COMPANY, Ba ltimore, Md . I - 6 - 10 ' 4.08\ 6.76 0.4811023 $13 .46 $ 5.\140$ 1< .70 $28.10 R49 Royster'B Compl ele pot.ato Ma nure .. . . ..... .. .. . . . . ~eafor~. .. ... . - 14 - 0 I \14.54 0.

93\ 1 $12.731 \$12.73

1)0 Royster'B 14 % Acid Phos ph;tte .. ......... . ..... . .. ' I~e:t~~~o~:: :: :: - 7 - 1 1.66 8.00 0.54 2.62 $ 5.48 $ 7.02\' 2.23 $14.73 985 Hoyslt> r 's Un ive r sa l Crop Grower ... · ···· · · ······· Delma r . ...... - 8 - 4 \2.23 8.03 \ 0.51\ 5.47 $ 7.36 $ 7.03 $ 4. 65 $19.04 n86

lRoyster's Cha mpion Crop Co mpou nd . ... ······· · ·· · ·\ Delmar ..... .. 4 - 8 - 7 4.32\ 8.56 1 0.44 \ 7.76

1 $t4.26 \$ 7.4 li $ 6.601$28 .32

987 Ro yste r's Unive rsa l Truc k Fe rtilizer ... . · · · ·· ·• ···· · Ih- 8 - 2 066\ 8.28 0.361

2,20 $ 2.18 $ 7.1.8 $ 1.92 \$11.28 n88

1110yst r 's Farm/H!!' De light ............. · .. .... · .... ~~~:~~~ :::: :: 1%- 6 - 5 1:59\ 6.20 0.74 \ 6.50 $ 5.

261$ 1) .f07 $ 4.68 $15 50

n891Royste r's Prollflc pot a to Prorilic r ................. Laurel. . " .. .. 3 - 6 - 6 3.2R\ 5.87 0.96 7 11 $10.8 2 $ 5.371$ 6.04

1$22.23 FV UOO IRoyste r's BonanzO pota to & Tr,~ck Gu nno .......... Middl etown... 2 - 8 - 10 2.13\ 8.30 0.73 9871 $ 7.03 $ L15i$ 8.3\)1$22.77FV

I040lRoY Rte r 's Go ltl Seal PotHt.O And rohll t;CO Fort . .. . ···· Ch 6wold ... .. 0 - 12 - 5 \12.46 I 0.5r.\ 4.70 , $10.S1 ~ 4.00 \$14.81FV 106:! ItOyste r' s s uP(' rl o r p otnsh M.1~ture .. ......... ...... Cheswold ..... 0 - 10 - 2 \10.66 0.73\ 2.00 $ 9.2Ii\$ 1.70 $10 .9(; IOR 41l0yslll r' s P e rl ess Gra in &. Grass Growe r . . , .. , ... . . Ch eBWold. .. .. 1 - 8 - 4 1.37 \ 8.16 0.55. 4.161 $ 4.52 $ 7.1 G\$ 3 . 54 1$15.~ 2 10 5 1toys te r' s Impe r ia l Formul a . . . . .. . .. ........ .... . . \ THE SCOTT FEllTIl, IZ ER COM PANY. Elkton , Md IBrldgevllle .. .. - 6 - 10 239\ 8.83 2.491053, $ 7.89 $ 8.Gl $ ~ .9 6 1 $26 .3 6 ~r, l ' . ott's Potalo Grower . .... ........... .. . ... . ...... Bridgeville . .. · - 7 - 7 4'37 8.74 2.11 8.00 . $14.42 $ 8.27 $ G . 80 \ ~29.49

%2 !'lcolt's Su r e Growth Compound . .. .. .• ··· · ········ ·· Brldgevl11e. . . . - 21',; - 0 5·0222.45T \ $1 3.~9 $1.6.52\ . '$30.G 1 !If,3 Sroll's pure Ground Row Bon ..... .. ... . .... . . . .. . Oeorgetown ... 0 - 14 - 0 . \'17 .10 0.07 $14 .93 \$14.n3 '17 fi Scott 's T ip T op So lubl e p hosphate .... · ···· ...... .. 'I

Da sboro . . .. . ih- 8 - 4 0 90 904 2.r.6 4.8r, $ 2.fi7 $ 8.74 ~ 4.12 \$15.83

IIn scott's Grnln Specia l .......... . .... ....... .. Dn~Bboro ..... lh- 8 - 2 1'10 9:51 2.92 \ 3.16 $ 3.G3 \$ 9.251$ 2.69 \'15.5.

!t77'Srott's o rn & Oots Grower .. .... ... •. . . ···· · ·· · ·· 'Georgetown.. . 2 - 7 - 6 2'30 9.01 2.4 1 5.34 $ 7.59 $ 8.U2 \$ 4. 6<1 $20 .• 6

T h" qu cs t i II ha s ari.en, " \) o

the p:H~ lIl. f :\cwark appre 'I atc, as they should the adva ntages of k indeq;'a rt en in truct ion for child­ren belween the ages of th rc alld


Easle rn D iS l ricr- R obert B. Morrison, J seph Lutton.

Middle D is tr ict-Dr. Walt Sleele, E . 13 . Frazer.

Western Disrri cl- D . C. Rose, E. C. W ilson.

Sec retary and Treasurer- S. B. Herd­man.

The word k ind erg'arten mea ns "ch ild-ga rde n " , a nd origi na ted with the fir st ch 01 of this k ind, which w·as establi hed in 1840 by Frederick Froebel, the great Ger­ma n ed ucato r and lover o f ch ild-

Meeting o[ Council-1st Monday night of every month.


From poin ts South and 6:30 A. M. Southeast: 10:45 A. M.

3 :15 P. M . .. c n. F roeb el 's idea was 10 place tbe child amidst such s urrou n'<l ­ings as would assis t in the right

From poin ts North and 6 :30 A. M. West : 8 :30 A. M .

__ ._." .' ~ I. 9 :30 A. M. 5:30 P. M. _ "(pre. sian of every activity.

The unde rl yi ng p r inciples of the kind erg-arten are to use every im­pul e , d es ire, ho pe, inter est o r pur­pose of the child in ad va ncing hi s ski ll a long all lines of sel:-activity, through play to ·so trai n the ch ild that he will become famili a·r w ith the ord ina r y occupations of life; to t each ch ild ren to l·ove o ne a n­othe r and to b e k ind. These ends are secured by u e of ca re full y se­lected objects, called gifts, and b y songs a nd game. The gifts are ele ven in nu mber and were select-

For Kembleviile : 7 :45 A. M. and Strickersville 4: 15 P. M.

Fron. Avondale: 11 :45 A. M . 6 :30 P. M.

From Landenberg: lIAS A. M. 8 :30 A. M. 5 :30 P. M .

From Cooch' ~ Bridge :

MAILS CLOSE.: For points South and 8 :00 A. M.

West: 10 :45 A. M. 4 :30 P. M.

For points North, East. 8 :00 A. M. a::d West : 9 :00 A. M .

2 :30 P. M . 4 :30 P . M. 8 :00 P. M. ed h:1 I' roeb el with a view to giv­

ing expression to all of the child's d: :ferent acti vities.

The fir s t " g-ift" for the little kin­,i ergartner is six colored hall s; th e second is a wooden ba ll , a cy­linder, a nd a cube; thi s is occasion-

For K cmbleviile : lnd Strickersville

9 :30 A. M. 6:00 P. M.

ally replaced b y ha H in ch b eads stai ned in six co lo rs; the th ird consi ts o f eight wooden one-inch cube. ; the fo urth consists of ei ght wooden brick-shaped block ; the fifth is twen ty-seven o ne inch cubes; th e sixth is t wen ty-seven brick shaped blocks; the seven lh con is ts d wooden tabl ets, o m! inch in d i.1.l11eter. These consist o f circles, hat; circles , sCJ uar es, ha lf ~ qL!ares, etc.

T he e ig h th g if t co n is ts o f stick s or sp li nts from o ne to fi ve inches long; t he n in th is wire-ring, h a lf r ings, quarter rings o f var­io us \eng-th , the le ngth i of nat­ural objects contain ing po\i n ts . uch as pebbl e , lintel seeds and the like; the eleventh cun i ts o[ constructi on material. such as pelle ts of wax, cork cubes.

RlIral Free Close :

Delivery-8 :00 A. M. Z:30 P . M. Due:


President-D. C. R ose. Vice-President- J acob Thomas. TreaslIrer-Edward W. Cooch. Secret~.ry-W. H . T aylo r . . . j

eommlttees Industrial Financial

C. G. B land y J acob Thomas rI . G. M . K ollock E. 1.. Richard s G. W. Gr iffin T. F . Armstrong C. A. Short E. W . Cooch H. W . McNeal

statistics Bducatlonal

W T . Wilsor. G. A . Harter N: M . Motherall Dr. Walt Steele L . K. Bowen

Legislature Membership \. P . Armstrong P . M. Sherwood Dr. C. H enry John Pilling H. B. Wright Wm. H. Taylor

Municipal Transportation E.. M . Thompson J . W . Brown 1. H. Hossinger· F . W . Curtis Joseph Dean C'. B. Evans

B01lRD OF BDUe1lTION President ... . .. . Edward L. Richards Secreta ry and Treasurer

.. _ .. ........ . Dr. Joel S. Gilfillan William J . Holton

George F. Fcrgllson J . D avid J aquettc .

I.n addition to th e e gifts mater­ial is s upp li ed for occ upations. The soli d mate r ial con sists o f clay suitable for m o lding sand , card­board a n'<l wax. The s urface ma­t erial includes pape rs fo r fo lding in t sq uares, ob lo ngs, tri a ng les, an 1 othe r fo rm s, colored crayons a nd water colo r s.

The lin ear mate r ial in cl ud es slats for bas ketry wo rk ; m aterial ~o r weaving a nd materi a l fo r st ringing and pe rfo rati ng.

The kind ergarte n is not a school fo r in s tru ctio n , but o ne where a ll bar r ie rs b etween teache r a nd pu­pil are r e moved and where the greatest freed m prevai ls, though THE AcnVJTIES OF THE CHILDREN ARE SO DlRECl'­ED BY THE TEACHER f' S TO

NBW1lRK TOWN LIBR1IRY The Libra ry will be opened :

Monday ............ 3 lO 5:45 P . M. Tuesday .. . . . .... . . ... 9 to 12 M. E<riday . 3 to 5 :45 P . M . Saturday .... . ... . .... 9 to [ 2 M. Saturday . .. . ... .... 7 to 9 P . M.

B1INKS Meeting of Directors N ational Bank,

every Tuesday morning. M eetin g of D irectors o f Newark

Tru st Company, every W ednesday morn ing at 7 :30.

ECURE THE DESIRED E D. Kinderga r ten are now common

th ro ugh o ut all civi lized countries

o f th e world.

BUILDING & LOllN 1Iss'lII W . H . Taylo r, Secretary. Meeting fir st Tuesda y night ,>1 each

Th e wo rk was tirst intruduceJ syst e l11 atically in th e United States; in 1870, a nd schools are no w fo rm ­ed in all la rge cities a lld many Sl11all o ne, so that th e re a r e over 300 ,000 children r eceivi ng k inder­gar ten in tr ucti o n.

T h ' fath er s and m other s o[ Newark sho uld fee l g lad that our progressi ve schoo l board ha pro­vided fo r th e k indergarten train­in g of th ei r c h ildre n a a part o f lhe publi c school wo rk . 11 ex­pe ri e nced t ea hers agree tha t childre n who have r eceived th is trai n ing are brigh ter and more r e­ceptive t ha n th~e wh have not had the a d van tage f s uch trai n-

ing. A m other wh was recently be-

month .


Monday-Kni ghts o [ pythias. or K. of P. 7 :30 P . M.

Tuesday-Imp . Order T, ed Men, 7 :30 P . M .

Wed nesday-Heptasoph s, o r S. W. M., 7 :30 P. M .

Thursday-Lad ies' Circle, S. W. M ., 7 :30 P. M .

Fr iday-Modern Woodmen 01 Amer-ica. No. I0L70 7:30 P . M.


Monday-Jr . Order American Mechan-ics, 7 :30 P. M.

Saturday-Knights of Golden Eagle, 7:30 P. M .

Thursday-I. O. O . F ., 7 :30 P. M. Town. Council-1st Monday night 01

every month. . Aetn a F ire & Hose Company- 1st Fri­

day night o[ the mon lh.

PRBSBYTBRI1IN eHUReH Rev. Wm. J. Rowan, Ph. D.


Services Sunda y School, 9:45 a. m. Preach ing, II a. Ill .

in g- urged to se nd he r l iLLie b y t k ind e rgarten complained o f the tro uble of dre sing h im to go so me place to play-saying he could do that at ho me. After a n expl a natio n of th e tru e idea 0'[ kinde rgar te n she decicled to take th trolll Ie, at the pening of choo l next we ek. I hope this

m eage r e x pl a nati n may induce othcr th o ught' ul pa re nts of New-

Christian Endeavor, 6-45 p. m. Pra ise and ng Service, 7 ·3 ) I}· m. W l~I1 ~~~~Jck.evcali ng P raye r ·l11e c t;n!:.

ark to avai l th em elve of th i l11 ea ns fo r present happi nes and future s uccess o f w hat sh uld be th ei r most precious po ses io n-

child ren.

'r( ... c h er~' and Officers mc'; t" n3, ;0:30


Fire Alarm. [n case o[ fi re call the following tele-

phone nUJ\1bers in succession :

n9 .. colf'spot alo&Trllck per lal ... .. ... · · ··· · ··· · · · · Dover ..... . .. 0 - 10 _ 2 . 10.41 0.91\264\ $9.21$2.24 $11.45 1 0~O Seolt'H Ti p 'I'op & potash ........... .... . ........... \DOver . .. .. . .. · 1 - 8 - 4 11 62 8.39 3.47 4,4 2 $ 5.35 '1$ 8.G2 .$ 3.761$17 .63 10:13. ('olf'lI Stn nd nrd Ph osphate .. . ... .... ... . ... . ...... Dover . ... .. . • · 2 - 8 - 3 2'28 9.12 2. 18 3.42 $ 7.52 $ . il~ l$ 2 . fl l \ $ I ~.Ou I 34 !'lcol t 's S nrll Growth Snperph o~phnt e . .. ;. . ....... ... \ . I I ' 7!$14 'S F"


1. P. 'I'1I0MAS & SON COMPANY . P 1111ldelphl fl. Wyoming. ... . _ 8 - 5 118\ 7 5& 051\ 4.91) $ ') ~ li.I)2 $ 4.1 \ .0' 7 3

'S8 7' 84 0:61\ .li l ' $1 2. 0 S (l. ~ l"$ 7.32 $2 7 .0~1~V flH7 Vic tor PotA sh Manuro . . .......... ... ...... . .... .. .. 1 Wyoming .. , . . = ~ = 2 I l'~5i 9'3~ 0.96 3 :!6 $ r, .i8\ ~ ~ . ~G I ~ 2.'j7 1 ~ l G.91

The saies l invetl11Cllt is in real e~­lale . Buy a lot 50x l50 feet fo r $250.00. $10.00 down and $5.00 per month . No inte rest and no taxes. Lay the (oun­dation for a ho me ; o r, if' you wa~t to build a ho me calt a.nd see me.

l3eautiful 10ls on h igh ground on Norlh Avenu e. $5.00 per foot .

27 D 99 A 33 D 172 31 D ()9R1'rm'k e rs' H. O. Ounno .... .. ...................... ·I Wyomlng..... _ 8 _ 4 2' ~ 4 \ -'S'l 0.511 4.34 $ UH:$ G. ' 4 ' ~ 3.6\J!S17 .92FV

fl09 1mp r nveri s npp,rphoBpha to . . .... . .. . .. . .. . ....... .. . Wyoming ... ·· . / . I I I \ \ l OO O'rbn mlllo

n Phos phlltll ..... . ... . .. ... .. ... . ... ·Md····\ .. 7tLI ~ OO \l lU -~ \.II; ' \, .30 $1 11 .&0 ~ ~ :" ; ~ f,. ~(j ' $31 alP'v

\ WM . R 'I'lI .0HMAN COMPANY. SlIlIsbury. . Selbyville.... . - 6 -., 711 1 ' 0812'~3 O.U 1 ~ . j l ' $ 3.5 t1lI 0. -3 ~ 2.13 $1 6 62 ~Ofi Staton' !I trawbl'rry Special .................... .. .. \Se lbyville. .. .. - 10 - - 15'61\ f) ' 3~ 0.74 \ 4.'14 $1&.51 1' .~ ~ \ $ ;; . 7i l $~O . ~O F:\' fl7'Fl sh . l3one '" Pot/l~h Mlxtttrf' ... ... .. ........... . . .. Millsboro . ... · -_ 77 = 54 \3:82 ' : 9~ , 1 61' 4.1 ' $\ ~l: 1.~ . ~ ~ ,S 3 6~I S 2 4 .. \a l'V o ''I'li ghmulI'8 11 . 0 Early Truck ouono .. .... . .. . .... . Selbyville .... ·

,0' \Tllghman'B Mlxturc B ..... .. . , ... .. . .. .. . .

T . F. ARMSTRONG, 01 N ewark Trtls t & Safe D epOSIt C(l ..

Newark, ncl. By order of


E .I e to !\V

he il-

ve r­g, I -

~ .

11 -


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Page 8: NEW ARl( ROST


'ulllbillg" lo the lure I f ' Big llusi-ADVANTAGfS Of TNf STfAM-CAR

Il css'." . " Does th e S tanley car, differ

fr OI11 lhcm in its manner of steam generatioll ?"

l\ ~ \\ ill he ~e<:11 in Ollr .ld ver- " I~adl "aIJ\'; the Stanle cal i. ti~illg' C,)IUllln~, the ag'enc), f I' the - im ply a ~;n ,r11 IdclllllUtive us ill g Stankl' Steanlel' ha, beell lJ'( ~ 1I goa, for fuel in,t\:au o· e al. Like UI' .\1 1:. I{ichard 1<. \\ 'hiltin .-Ilam the 1)( >1n tive t ire engi ne acts d i-/' fer lire IJdaware-Chesapea l e pell- recti.\' lip Il Ihe whee l ~ with-


No.1 I

Namo. of Manufacturen lind Dral1d ••

- -- r j Where Sampled.


2 - 8 .. , Selbyville .... . 7 - 6 ... BelbyvlJle .. . ..

Frankford . ... 1 - 10 8 - 6 . .. MlJI.boro .... .

%,- 9 .. . WlImln,ton ...

0 - 8 .. . Smyrna . . . . .. . 1 - 8 .. . Smyrna ... . .. . 2t,t- 7 .. , Smyrna .. .. . .. 0 - 14 ... Smyrna .. . . .. .

t,t- 8 .. . Smyrna ...... . . . . Smyrna .... .. . 2 - 7 rll

2t,t- 8 ... I.Aurel .. .... .. 5 - 7 . . . LaureL .. . . .. .

- 6 . . . Laurel . .. .... . 7 ... Laurel ....... : 2 -8

2 - 8 .. . Laurel .... .. . 4 - 6 .. ' La urel ........ 0 - 10 ... Laurel .... ...

- 8 .. . Laul·el. .. . ... . 2 . . Laure~ .~ . . . ... 0 - H

. .. - .. _ .. H nl'd . . .. 0 - 10 Seaford . . . .... I Ih- 8 ..

1 - 9 ... I f' /',' •• . . .. - 7 .. Seaford . . ..... 3

.' I·a n " ford .. 7 - 6 : : : "" 'nn" fo rd . , 0 - 14 · .. Frankford ... 5 - 7 .. r I ",","0 .. ... 0 - 12 ... F'rankford .... 0 - 12 ... Mill sboro .... . 0 - 6

5 - 7 · .. 3eaford .. . . . .. 4 - 7

ill'llia. \\ ' hell ,'dl'. ""hilli ngham HIl the intervellt io n of all Ay- 810 Tilghman'. Standard Fish Mixture .. .• .......•... 11'<1, a,ked II'h\' he ~elcded the wheel ' , cilltche!>, challKe-speed 811 TllglJlUltn's 7% ..... ....... .. ..... .............. .

. sl1'lfl~ chain~ universal 8-14 TlIghmlln's HI,h Grade Corn .................. . >,L:1I11 rar when th~ market lI'a ' gear,. . .. . . , 962. TllghmanF·.swH.IIThuGNrNaEdeL~otoatoo.,'P' h'I'I'a'd'e'I'p'h'I'a'."' " II dl'd II ilh gasulille car~, com- joi nt.. l' electrical e luipl11enl. J n go

H:liil' fill' rl'pIT,cntat ion, hl' re- facl. lhe analoKY i ~ c lllplete and it 1010 Ammoniated Dissolved Bone" Potalh . . . ... . . .. . 11'" I g IIlUst be acknowledged lhat the 10- THE J . E. TYGERT OOMPANY, PhiladelphIa. I' 1.

7f ~kcidl'd thl: qUl:sl io l1 eJlli r 'IY / C.OI.l1otive is a fairly eR,icil'nt dnd I 1044Tygort·s Bli Crop Grower ...•....•.. . •.... ..... . on I hL' bas i, of efficiency. EAi- rl·lta lr le lIle~ns of gdtln " abo ut. ~~!~ i~::~~:: ~~~~~~ ~~~n~r~~~~ .:::::::::::::: : ::::: CiCllCI' i~ the prillle requi si'l<; t day Uf c (\ur~e, It g C'S With ut say lllg 1047\Tygert'8 Acid Pho.phate ....... . .... . .. . . .... . . . . of l'~L' r l' :Jllinla te l' illallilna e [.lrat It I I~nl}()"s,ble t s tall a 104STygert's Golden Harvest Phosphate ..... . .. .. .. . Lcrnlnl.· a nd when am ng' l11olor Sta nley engI ne and e. cry spced 1049lTygert'S Tomato FertilIzer ......... . . ..... . .... . o fir I I THE UNITED STATES FERTILIZER CO., Dlll tlmo car, .I'Lll l find it conliJilleci wilh th e 1.1' III t lat 0 tl e tortOise to nll~c 1 900 Farm Bell Crop Grower .. .... ..... .. ... ....... . 101l'e;,1 klll i I'n C(J~t of l1lailltc ll - I la te l' than yo u II'tI~ care to nd e 901 F n II T k • Id I alice. tire I 11 'L'st life , llnplicity I'e,' 1)C'tll:.en lll' fingers of th e 902F:~:: B:II 7~u~r~csker ~~ .. ::: :: :::::::::: ::::::: and !'In ol irn es. of opc ra ti n, lit- dl'lver. I a ke a rtde S lIle day, 9691Farm Bell AnImal AmmonIated .... .... . ... . . .. . tie i~ Idt to be dl'_ired. T h Slan- a nd \' u' lI see." 970lFarm Bell FruIt & Potato Guano .. ... . .... . . .. . . Ie.\' St~:alll l' r ;; clnbody all these iea- " Iillt d not tlH' pc pic object m ~:~:: :::: ~;~~I~~r~I~~:~:I~~ .::::::::::::::::::: 1llJ'l:s. t ta ke the til11e n cl!ssary fo r rais- 973 Farm Bell Standard Guano . . .......... .. ....... .

"Wil l'. lIrel l. do yo u . ee ~ few ing sleam?" 974 FaTr~EBeRIol :~~TP:o~t~~DRii:iGFi ·CO:: ij~lti~'o'r'e ·ta ltll' .l; ca rs and S l11an y g'a;; li ne " I' ro i>ably lhey would ir tlr ey '" I I I I S I . I 826 Wooldrldge's Ideal Grai n & Grass Proclucer . . ... . ca r ' -" lac to. )ut tIe lan ey I a way 853 Wooldrldge's Trlumpb Brand Phosphate ........ .

,. ' Il ig bu . ines . . is the answe r to r('ady 10 go on th e inSlant if the 854 Wooldrldge's Cbamplon Glnnt Phosphate tha l Cj ll esli ,Jl I. Tir e first ga line pilot i. al l wed to remai n li ghted, 855 Wooldrldge's Sure Shot Sweepstakes cars lI' ere In . tll' il11 por ted, and of an d a. thi . req u ir ~ . but thrce o r 907lwoOldrldge'S Golden Crown .. . .. . ..... . ..... . .. . '1"1'.1' 111·!.!·ll co'.l·. tll e.y II'ere s ,'z ~(1 f ur ce ll ts II' rlh of g'as li lle a day 908 Wooldrldge's FlorIda AcId Pbosphate .... . . .. . . .

L ~ 909 Woolllrldge's SovereIgn Trucker ..... . ......... . Ilpon a:' a lie" toy hy the very II I :it dr iver. d ' 0 lln le~s the ca~ 910/Wooldrldge's Uberty Bell Potash Mixture . ... .. . wealt hy a ll d ultra- Cn hi nabl e. i. t b II:-; ed only at IOllg .inter- 911 Wooldrldge'8 Old Sledge Phosphate .. ... ....... . Th e.I·, as alwa)'s , had th ei r h t v·t! .. In any c.ase t.he few m i llut~.~ 912IWooldrldgA''II No 1. Phosphate & Potash ....... .

I I A . S. WOOLLEY COMPANY, Seaford , Del. c r 8 2 Woolley's No. 1 Petato M xtUl'e . . . . . .... ...... .. . Ih is created wa ~ urged a nd stiim u- .... Ihle wh ell y u co nSIder tlral I~ O 8331Strawbprry Tr p Dressing . ... ... . . ..... .

-ll -6 -IS -8


- 6 -4 -7 - 0 -2 -5

- 3 - 8 -6 - 5 - 10 -- 8 -4 -2 - 0

- 4 - 4 -2 - 8 - 5 - 0 -I; -3 - 5 - 3

- 7 - 3

Pero·la ... round. Eet1l11'ted Value Pe;;:::-

• !

J ~ ~

U6 9.19 7.li4 Ull 1.68 11.57 2.611 8.78

3.80 9.00

8.71S 1.29 8.74 2.66 8.00

14020 0.95 8.95 2.19 7.80

2.88 8.80 6.03 7.73 6.62 7.94 2.96 8,42 2.41 9.28 •. 79 7.lI3

11.87 2.17 8.75


10.48 2.01 9.53 1.3ZrO.86 3.05 8.99 6.86 6.93

/12.33 4.50 7.98

/12.78 /12.83


4.46 7.00


~ 1 1.68 1.88 0.67 1.0a


0.68 0.88 1.19 1.10 1.11 0.91

0.89 0.96 0.79 0.88 0.60 0.83 0.110 1.01 0.26

1.66 1.22 0.79 1.13

1 2.64 11.09 1S .67 6.01


4.91 U9 6.98

2.47 4,98

3.16 7.84 8.06 3.2f 9.8f 9.12 lS.or





1 : ~ 0 ! Q..

1 I I , 7.131' 9.071, 2.241$18.44 '24.881$ 6.85\, 4.831$36.06 , 6.381$10.11, 4.821' 20.31 , 8.32' 7.86, 5.111$21.29F'V

$12.54 $ 7.91, 2.98 1~23' 43 $ 7.71 $ 4.17 $1l.88


, • . 26, 7.78, 3.901$15.94

, 8.181' 7.", '''1'''''''' $12.51 $12.51 , 3.u, 8.05 $ 2.10 $1 3.29 , 7.23, 6.99 $ 4.23 $18.54

, 9.60' 7.84 $ 2.69)S20.03 $19.90 , 6.94 $ 6.491$33.33 $lU5 , 7.07 $ 6.15 $30.77 , 9.H , 7.48 , 2.76 $19.93 , 7.95 , 8.09 , 8.38 $24.42 $15.81 , 6.48 $ 7.76 $30.04

$10.30 , 4.33


$14.63 2 .5~ , 7.16' 7.84, 2.19,$17.19

.... ,. /'"'' 3.91 $ 6.63' 8.59' 3.32 $18.54 F'V

F'V • . S: , 9'''1' .. " 112."

~:~; :1~:~~: ::~~ : u~lm:~: 1.48 5.1 ' l22.6(' 6.48' 4.341$33.46 0.79 . $10.80 $10.80


0.96 6.0' 114.85 ', 7.161$ 4.33 $26.34 0.92 2.8 ~ !$1l.2:Y 2.41 $13.64 0.56 4.98 '11.12' •. 2T 15.35 0.64 3.08 $ 6.34 $ 2.62 $ 8.96





· . . / Seaford . . , .. . .."/7." 11.73 ... ·1" I, 7 '''1' '.89 ,,,."" 1.81 3.83 ,14.72/, 6.67 ~ 3.26 1 $~4.65

' " Sl'aford .. ..... a -8 - 3 2.29. 9.67 2.17 3.64 , 7.56 S 9.00' 3.091$19.65

Of illliialors ,'ll1'l the l.OIJLrI ,·l r favo r I re.CJ lllr('( to raIse stea.1ll arc I,eg'h- 3 I I

lat ed hI' shrewd Il lallu fact ure r ' lii ne wtll he los t o n your tnp In 8 t,5 : Sp~ . .: lul "'tsh M'xture for Ppas and Truck

wh o sa'w t he tr el11C lldo ll S pI' fi t ~ crank ing it p ,'si h le ha lky In to r, I ===========================================~~=========::::::::::I Iyin o' d('rrna nt in th en elV fi eld. a lld th ey somet Ime, ca n he vcry, :: __

'i'he'" resl)o ll se was a lrll u<; t ovcr- vt: r .l' ba lky. It i this alwal's ready I f I I L" 'fi \ . . t t is ' the I)rodu ctio ll o f po tash. The I wheat o r po ta loe .. . - .. . .. . I . . 1- ' I . t· Il ee rs ail e rOlll t le ll10st recent .::>C le ll tl C mcnca ll p011l s OU , I. .

wh el ming a nd the I'll . h of unll 111lt- ~,l tUI e t lat ma , es t le ..:'Itanley I J . f I I:J • R' D . . . . .. . I IJrofi ts over cost as figured by t 1e I No . 18 Iss ll ed by Prot I .. I ' . I . I . . ca r a favo r ite wit h 1113ny Dh ysi- a ta C! tIe osl :ce . epa rtl11 ent unclc r the n ~cess l ty of Illlpo l tl ng . . 'fi A '. I to be' ,

P ( cdill ta . In to t le new l11 ( lI StlY .. , _ . ,. .'.,' and Itthograp lled In three co lors _ ". ." fl ' . ' _ , SClentl c lll enca n, nee( says: lllade pOSS Ib le a. cO llcentrall n or CI.a n: ~nd the} c In

p11.5 e an. UI1U - on a fin e ualit , o r )Iate Ja )er 28 ma ny 11I riit 01l o f c1 o ll<ll s . t liS 111. I eillarged ill order to make th e ex- "The Jota to . lalk" ' 0

studs a nd eX pen l11e ll t that ha re- u.t1I .1 la rge percentage o f Stanley b ' , , ~ , ) I I I, val uable u'bs tallce fro lll l,e rma n). I tra cti on of pota h profitabl e. Yet . I. . .I 11

suited in the exqu isite ly b a ut ifu l fJ lI'n er. . A nd e 111 one of them IS ) 'lr~ IIlC l e ~. '11 f H ence it lI'a ' tha t d llr illg th e pres- I lh erc lllay be Ille o thcr method us c nt a ln In sects kll I'll and c Illpli cate~1 I) i~ce of mac hin- 'l revelatio n to a ga . ca r wiler 115 mal p 11'111 bet 'et'nt_rlree

N_ to Cll t yea r a se rio ll s cont roversy lI'a ' hit UI)O Il that will O'ive better :':!_ to s ta lk borer. Th i" l et . . I fl · ' · I' all I' .. me II' 1 11'1 Wl'l CO le I a- . . . I I h...

cry t IS the m~d ern high cia j 'll1f.mtostf to I ~.l e l11 all el.~ n tl ~,e'y Ig- li 'na l T r ib lln e a nd en close 7 cents b:,t ll'eell Germa ny and t1 e SlIU ItS. At any rate . a fer tIlizer be k tlleu afl er it enler 6'a.:o,lrne aut~mobde. 1l01.11l 0 lell calla )1 Itle. . ill sta l11ps fo r po tage. L Il lted la te ' o:e r po la h CO I~ ~ iami ne will bc warded o ff b,l:' the

1'.01: . t.he Sta nl ey I3 ru th ers t.he \\' lr et lr er YOll o wn properll' ill tr~cl f the ~I erlna n sllppll.e l. illl'entil'e illgellll i'ty o f Amel'lcan pos Ibrlltles f t.he opp.o r t ul~ lty NEW MAP OF FLORIDA any pa r t o f 1'1 r ida, o r a rc m'e re- Wit h ~ h e An len ca ll ll se rs. L el- o r by the d isco ve ry of Il atura l re-1 ~~ld n ~ . t c n:l~ta :I Qn . hll ~ II: ~ n g I." inter sted in th c rap id deve lop- ~nallY ,I S ~oat l : l~ mal~ ~ conces I? I: S ,_ .llrces of the l11u ch-so ught-fv l' II t il t ir e su pe ll o l lty o f the sl a111 R~markablc Offer By The National Tribune, Illenl that i ' o' ilJO' on in tir e ['en- as th t: Ilatl .ve I eso l.1I ces o f po tas h ~o tl necess Ity. eng.l ll e a~ a prllne . ~n ove r fo r a insula S tate, "thi s"'nlap will he o f are bt.:colll lng rapIdl y exhau .ted, _____ _ I~e h lcle whe re. Aexlbrllty of ope ra- Th~ Great Washington Wukiy IJOr h interes t and valu e to 1'0 11 a nd and un kss th ere shall be d" co~er- The Potato-Stalk Borer have become in .'e ted.

::~ '~ I~" ;':~:~ ':~i ,:'~:;, ::~~~i :::~j; i" ~;~~, N S iO(,.", I i,:;b~'::, ~ I ::::k"~ :2,,:;0~, ,:~:,' i.. d;:',~~ ~~~ ;~oi: ~~ ;i~" ~~: ,'::~::::1y '~,'o~:,:,~"~~:::: [" 01 H. A. S" ,1m, Eoo ""'" ie I P ,", ii i " 01 Ih , ,i" "" Y or adve rti sement Irave eve ry. yea r published in th e Nati nal Ca pit al defral' ti le cost o f mailing. and' the ~ llIll ro r the Il alll'e artIcle fr0 111 Zo logist. l'ellna . ~epart~l1 e nt 0: I l' u-o peratio n by other l~II:lle~l . ~I t of , t11 ~l r fin ely eq ulppe."cl an d th e o rgan of the old s Id ier ma p '\I'i ll be ,' ent to ),0 11 at o nce. ~1 ~ rl11an .", that cOI~n.t.r ." wdl be Ag.ri clii ture, . ha gwen hIS 1I ual ~ thc ne ig hh rh ood, if thei r fdct I} .It i\ ell ton, . Ia .! hun- allrl the C .. R .. ha . jllst had prc- -ec lirei r rolled in a sti ff tuh e. IO l ced to p ll t the Udl.S .dow n. upon ac tlv e. att en.tlOn t Ihen n e l~ p ~at? · sta lks have bee n a ttackeu, circe!. fea rs 0 11 1.1'. II'hd e th e ga 0; pared a nell' map of F1 urida, t ir e A lell:e the expo rt to the L lilted State, pes t, a IV 1m fund 11 1 th e sUlks n1'1.I' he the o nl y lI'

a.l' to p hn ~ ca r l11ake l~_. ha ve I)ro~uccd .'ta te whi ch is no ll' th e ccnter f 1'f l r,: NAT IONA L TR[BUl\'E. and o ll e o f the graves t of pr~b" o f thl'! potato vllle ~. Severa! ill- ,'c ri o u o Ulb reak of the pe ls,

th c,' 1', hundreds 0 ; th ou ands.' inlerest all1 0 ng all wh o arc tired vVashing ton , D. C. le lll s \I'd I be creat ed for the Ulg-: fesled :;tal k, fr0 111 So uth ~'n Che - g rea t loss in t he next ycar. Hi . f,u t there a re o th er makes of <I.' the suelden challges frOIll to rr id ge~1 o f aOTIC lritural ll at ions. At te l' and L a ncaster coun tl e' hav(. compa rat ive ly ll el\ pest, and I

steal11 ca rs who see l11 to have turn - heat in SUI11l11 er t ;.\rctic c Id in tile pres 'nt ti ll1 e the ililpo rlcd (Jo- i bee n sent t Prof. Surface. The that such thing arc C l11i ed to gasol ill e ca r l11anufact ure." \\' inle r . an I wh o wa nt a h me I A Fertilizer Famiuiue tas iUll1 ca rri e ' as heavy a pri ce as 1 11'0 1'111. wh ic h appa can be fo re us mo re and III re,

"That i3 l rll . bu t un fort un a tely whe re the climate is hcalthful and A fe r ti li zer fa lnille may be fa r the us.: rs here ca n afford to pa y, I ~o ulld ill . al1l1 0 t a ny potato patch 1l1' c:lI' eful attent: n." they adopted fr ea k Ill et hods o f I)pportllllitic arc o ffered to ea rn I rcm oved in time , bu t the rapid de- a lld th e :¥Ippl.l' is lim it cI to speci- IS whIl e In c I r. a quarter of an

stealll .~·(, Il e rati II req uiring c1 efi- a livelihood o r acquire wealt h UII - piNion of s me o f thc act ive fi c contra t . illch 10 11 0', with br nz.: head. PI' f. cate a nd cOl1l plicaled apparat u riel' the m,)· t fa\' rable condit io ns. , .lgClll ' of tile . :1 that ar too The' Ta riff Coard calls fo r the Surface ay,' farmer have justi fi-for a utomatic c ntrol whicir wa The p pula tion o f florida ~1- ;.Iowly reo tu red by un a id ed nature creati n f a e mmi . i n to work ca~io n fo r thei r ,anxiety, a ~le I r

Il e o r abuse . T hen a.gai n, thei r la t cen LIS drcade, and will doub le ·titute s o ne or tire grave t pI' b- cable f oli ng t he pI' ce that is pest of th e po tato. [f farm er do aurance of Montpelier Vt. no t alw<I ."s reliabl e ullder ·t re of creased nearly 50 per cellt.. in the

l to l1lakc go d th e T O p d n con- ut t an eco no m ica l and practi- coun LS thi II' 1'111 the 111 0 t er io u auc~et~~~~nfe~~ ~~~h~~:~~~i(Ue

slockh )Ider .. d em ;lI l~led a hare o f in the next. 1t'1l1~ ill agricult llre present d in used t a n ex le nt ill conn ection n.ot use "plain C0l111110 n sense ag- When Urinking of Insurance have the goldcn tId e (j wIng lo the () f- T hi . map Th e Nati nal Tribune lh: ' counlry. Th e elem en't tirat i wi:h the p I' dLl Ct :OIl o f so me grades I'Icultural co-ope rati on," the time ~~;e:i:~~:r~~fore placing your fl" s of the gas car maker., and ha. hac! (' I11piled fr ol11 the latest diAicult to replace is p tassiu l11 , of cement to SCc ure pola siul11 is at ha ne! when they canno t rai se GEO D. KELLE'i. JR . , Newark , they ra n ha rdl y I:e bl a ll1 ed fl' . llC- Il rvey o f thc GOI-.:- rIll11 ent enig- I :lI ld Ihe ' nit cI States, as th e chl o rid e. Yet it i recognized that _________ . __________________ _

the cO'" t entai led makes the pro-

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tr~I1~ ~ ~1l~1It1 FrFI'HHN Int\\'S. 'Stol)-otT Wlthll1 IlIl1d allowt.!rl nl ButT llo rclllr l1ilJ t(.

JlIt I ~lI.:l.lcd B0.lliC!~.!!!!!.W.!l1L i li rOrlllR tj OIl ilia • h e ohtuillC,1 frO Il1 'I'lekel t\ Qt.! lI t~. l!:!4

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~~J~~~~~~r~[lcr=rl~I:'*~~~~~~~~~~~~ A B2~1~~~~nd Shortl,and School es tabli. bed in 1886. that ha. ma r< Ihan STUDENTS FROUMATES WITH 2 CONCERNS and that h .. rec .. :vcd 126

33 FAMILJE~ must be a GOOD school.

~~~ IN SESSION THROUGHOUT THE Cl, 700 students annually from S Cl, Individua l instructio E many tat"" and the W e. t Ind ie •. chortle.. n. "pert Teacher.. Excellent equipment. fudor Ie

Cl, 6 PAGE ILLUSTRATED C . formation. Writ. fo ' t t d ~TALOG gives interesting and compktc 1"-Add rIo- aY-lt. fr ••.

reo" OOLDEY COLLEOE, Wilmington, Del. ~~~~~~%%~.~~~~~~~

Facti III