neuroshima tactics army book


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Army Lists for the Neuroshima Tabletop Game


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  • 2Neuroshima Tactics

  • 3armybook

    A good crew is essential in this crazed world.With a reliable team you can snitch horses

    from Texans, crash New Yorks Presidentparty or take a piss in Shultzs porridge

    in Detroit. In a word, you can conquer half ofthe Radiated States and have Moloch for dessert.

    Thats why the first step you must takebefore engaging in a battle is gathering a team.

    Usually youd wander from bar to bar, put upflyers on the crossroads or question your pals

    about people who might have too much time ornot enough gambles on their hands. We made

    things easier. With the faction guide and a

    bit of math, youll put up a team, thatll rockWrecked America in no time.

  • 4Neuroshima Tactics

    A lthough the rulebook explains the basic principles in detail, for your convenience we assembled the rules enabling you to create an Army List. If you haven't read the rulebook yet, read it first, as we will often refer to the rules we there described.

    ARMY LIMITThe Army Limit is the amount of Army Points which can be spent on your army. It defines how many and what type of units will you be able to put into battle. When creating your Army List, you cannot exceed your Army Limit is, but you can use up to 100 points less than the Army Limit. The Army Limit also specifies how many Points you can spend on equipment. In a standard game, it equals 10% of the AL.



    Starter set - 70 EP

    1000 AP From 900 to 1000 AP 100 EP

    1250 AP From 1150 to 1250 AP 125 EP

    1500 AP From 1400 to 1500 AP 150 EP

    2000 AP From 1900 to 2000 AP 200 EP

    RULE BRIEFINGVICTORY POINTS AT THE BEGINNING OF THE GAMESometimes you might not be able to precisely match the Army List with the Army Limit. If you have made a Army List with less points than your opponent, you gain a number of Victory Points equal to the difference between your opponents AP and yours. For example you play a game with a limit of 900 Army Points. You have made an Army List with 840AP, and your opponent used 860 AP, meaning your army costs 20 AP less than his. This gives you 20 additional VP at the start (860-840=20).

    HOW MANY SQUADS, SPECIAL UNITS AND HEROES? Your Army List includes Squads, Special Units and Heroes. The number of Special Units and Heroes is limited by the number of Squads meaning there cannot be more Heroes or Special Units than Squads. The number of Squads is limited only by the amount of Army Points. Heroes of a certain type can appear only once in a given list. Special Units and Squads can reiterate even if they are of the same type. You do not have to pay the cost of one of the Heroes. To sum it up: if you take e.g. three Squads into your Army List, you can add no more than 3 Special Units (even identical ones) and 3 different Heroes. From among your Heroes, you choose one, who will enter the list for free. That "freebie" Hero plays an exceptionally important role in the game. At the beginning, a versus Perception test between him/her and the costless Hero of your opponent will determine who starts the game as an Active Player and who'll be the Reactive Player.

  • 5armybook

    When buying expansions for the whole Squad, remember about the limits. If according to the limit you can buy only 3 expansions, but you buy them for a 4-person Squad, you will only get 3.

    UNITSThe units are described by the following characteristics:r Shootingr Melee Combatr Throwingr Constitutionr Agilityr Perception There's also the unit Cost you must pay to include the unit in your Army List. When referring to Squads, the Cost is given for a single unit. Special Units and Heroes move on the battlefield independently, but for the Squads it's very important to remain in Coherency with the other Squad units. The amount of units the Squad can consists of is given next to the unit Cost, including a minimum and maximum limit.

    TRAITSEach of the units in your Army List will have an unique ability. You will be able to use some of them at the very beginning of the game, some, though, take up an Action to activate. Each time a Trait contradicts the General Rules, the Trait has a priority over the Rules.

    GENERAL TRAITSThree of the recurring Traits have been listed as General Traits: Big when in Cover, such an unit gets only a -3 penalty instead of the usual -6 to enemy Attack rolls. Big unit can use a HMG without a -3 penalty for continuous fire. The effects of the tag Heavy do not apply to Big units. Small this unit is always in Partial Cover. Lousy chassis Applies only to Moloch units. It means that the chassis of those units does not allow for crossing obstacles bigger than 1", or for using ladders.

    EQUIPMENTFor the Squads, equipment is described per one unit. The equipment listed on a basic character sheet indicates what one unit brings into battle. For example, if an Assault Trooper unit has in its equipment 4 bullets and an armor, a Squad of 3 Assault Troopers will have 12 bullets in total (3x4=12), and each will have an armor. You now know how many points you can spend on your equipment. Time to describe the equipment limits:

    LIMITS (A, B, C, D)Each type of equipment has its limits: Limit A means, that no matter the size of your Army List, you can buy as many pieces as you want. Limit B means, that for every "started" 300 AP you can buy 1 piece of a given equipment. E.g. for a Army List of 600 AP you can get 2 pieces, but for an AL of 950 AP you can have up to 4. Limit C means one piece for every "started" 500 AP spent. Limit D means you can have only one piece of the particular equipment, regardless of the army size.

    AVAILABILITYYou need to care about this number only when you're playing in Campaign mode.

    TAGSEquipment is defined by the following tags: Basic equipment typical for a given type of units. This kind of equipment usually is the one your units already have when you buy them. Squad equipment this equipment can be used by any of the units in you Squad (as long as they stay in Coherence), no matter which unit carries it at the moment Heavy this equipment slows down an unit by 1, and you can toss it only up to 6. Those limitations do not apply to Big units. Areal weapons equipment dealing Damage over a specified area. The size of that area depends on the weapon type. Only for the living - this tag marks equipment or weaponry available only to non-Moloch units. Installed This kind of equipment or ammunition it uses cannot be Looted. Installed equip is marked by an asterisk *.

    EXTRA EXPANSIONSHeres something that will boost your effectiveness in battle. Borgo has his mutations, The Outpost Hi-Tec equip, Moloch can install modules, and the Hegemony has their gangsta spirit. Expansions are available only for a given faction, which means you can treat them as Installed equipment. A Ganger cannot use a Moloch module, and an Outpost member will not grow out a mutation, like one of Borgos boys. Obviously, you can use any of the Extra Expansions on the Heroes of your faction. The limits are the same as with regular equipment A, B, C or D, and just like with some of the equipment you can buy expansions for all units in your Squad at once. The price of the expansions is given for an unit/ Squad. Each of the expansions is available also in Campaign mode.

  • 6Neuroshima Tactics

    LIGHT INFANTRY 130 AP | 3-5 UNITS IN A SQUADSoldiers? You take a dude right from the wastes, he doesn't need any knowledge, just guts and will to fight. You give him a few instructions, a gun and send him out to the frontlines, promising some Gambels as an incentive. It's the Light Infantry most of the vets started out. In the beginning they're just a bunch of rascals, the only difference is they know which side of the rifle is for shooting. Later, they change squads to more elite divisions. However, no matter where they came from, each and every soldier in the Infantry knows the first and basic principle of a soldier,

    THE OUTPOST The Outpost is the last stand of humanity against the Moloch. They are brave soldiers, holding out the prevalent squads of machines, fighting to the last bullet to destroy the gigantic robots trampling the ashes of our civilization. The Outpost has access to the remaining military bases with pre-war equipment and weaponry. Among their ranks are the last surviving officers, battle-hardened veterans of the last war. The Moving City is a place, where even the most worthless scum is turned into a soldier. The Outpost has significant firepower, and their spec-ops are expert soldiers, giving you a significant tactical advantage on the battlefield.


    who wants to live to see tomorrow. It's a very simple rule: "Stick to Covers, dude." Light Infantry has one major asset: rifles. Pick a good shooting spot, keep your distance, and you'll be fine.

    TAKE COVER! - DETAILSPartial Cover gives a -6 instead of -3 penalty to the enemy's Sh rolls. With this Trait, you only need to have a Partial Cover between your soldiers and the enemy. It could be anything - a wall nook, a little fence or a car wreck - anything really, if it gives you a Partial Cover. You don't have to give such a priority to Covers, which gives you more mobility and cuts some slack at the battlefield. But don't get too careless with the Covers - the perk works only for enemy St tests. He still can get into melee combat and pin you down with a knife. It's better to always have a proper Cover - it will help you in case of throwing weapons tests, which are not affected by this Trait.

    EQUIPMENTAssault Rifle (4)

    Starter set NST-POS-058 (3 models) | Blister NST-POS-070 (2 models)

  • 7armybookASSAULT TROOPERS140 AP | 3-4 UNITS IN A SQUADTough guys in full battle gear: heavy guns, kevlar armor and inquenchable thirst for battle. There's no room for wusses among their ranks - they are the strongest regular Squads of the Outpost, a true elite. They carry out the riskiest missions, defend the most important strategical spots, on front-end posts, where the enemy is superior in numbers. Hardened in the heat of battle and very experienced, they are key Outpost unit. They can break the enemy resistance in a flash, and hold the seized zones for indefinite amounts of time. They're great in defense - perfect in attack. They're awesome shooters, and even if they get hit, their sturdy armor and great Constitution allows them to push through more, than anyone else could take.

    COVERING FIRE! - DETAILSAction: Covering fire. Place a 2 marker in unit's VF. Units in the marker's range cannot React with an Attack. There cannot be an allied unit in the Covering Fire's range. Cost: 1 ammo. Use this Trait to assure no-one will React to your Action by puttin neat little round holes in your boys. The Covering fire works miracles when used in Simultaneous Activation. You can just open fire at the enemy with the majority of your units, and have one shield the rest with a CF, and the opponent will do squat, not being able to fight back. You can also use the Covering Fire to secure your team's Movement in open field. Just one unit will be enough to prevent your troops from being sitting ducks. The Enemy cannot Attack even if the accompanying Shift would make the attacking unit leave the area affected by the CF.

    EQUIPMENTAssault Rifle (4), Armor

    SCOUTS 120 AP | 2-4 UNITS IN A SQUADThey're the ones on the frontlines, always at gunpoint, always first at the spot, securing the site. They move like antiterrorists, the gun close to body, running with a distinctive pattern. They communicate without words, take assigned positions in a flash, carry out missions faster than anyone else. The scouts secure your territory. They provide a substantial advantage over the enemy Squads, occupy strategical points and secure targets faster, than the adversary can give orders for move out.

    RECON - DETAILSScouts can React with Movement to any enemy Action (even if the Scouts didn't see it). Every Scout can React with Movement to any enemy unit Action. It's a really nifty deal, just remember that the Reaction points tend to run dry! If you use up your Reactions too fast, you will have no way to defend yourself against enemy Actions. It's best to plan out your Movements in such a way, that your units would end up in Locations. Then the Reaction points will fill up. And remember that although you can use this Trait to React with a Movement, it's not the same thing as Sneaking.

    EQUIPMENTMachine Gun (6)

    Blister NST-POS-064 (2 models) Blister NST-POS-065 (2 models) i Blister NST-POS-073 (2 models)

  • 8Neuroshima Tactics

    THE LIEUTENANT125 APThe Lieutenant probably has a name, but for you this guy's just "The Lieutenant", plain and simple. He's a battle-hardened son-of-a-gun, he has seen it all, and no bunch of stinkin' Hegemony punks is gonna make him budge. He keeps his cool no matter what, and always - regardless of the circumstances - commands his men with such an ease, as if he was in the staff tent, having his coffee (black, two sugars). The Lieutenant has a very useful ability - if he's on the battlefield you get an additional Reaction Point. This guy has two passions in his life - Cuban cigars and shouting at the top of his lungs at greenhorns. And he's a very dedicated person. If you can hear the Lieutenants shouts behind you - you just act immediately. "Fire, you moron, are you blind?! Fry him! FIRE!"

    MOVE IT! - DETAILSAdd one point to your Reaction Pool. The Trait works as long as the Lieutenant is not eliminated. If you whip up a team with a couple of Lieutenants, you'll get points for each of them. The additional Reaction points may be used by any unit, not only the Lieutenant himself.

    EQUIPMENTHandgun (6)


    DR QUINN90 APVoted number one front medic by Outpost soldiers - she's swift with a needle. Well, that actually might be the understatement of the year: dr Quinn is smokin' hot. There have been heresay of soldiers pitting minor grazes, just to get dr Quinn's attention. Dr Quinn learned from the best, so even if you put her with a big Squad, in an area heavily raked with gunfire, she'll carve it up and won't leave you hanging. The girl's the part efficiency, part beauty, whole awesome. A great medic, and an eyecandy. Do you really need any more recommendations?

    MEDIC! - DETAILSAction: Healing. Remove all Wounds from the unit that is in base-to-base contact with Dr Quinn. Movement +1'' if Dr Quinn has a wounded friendly unit in her VF. Healing can be used on any unit in base to base contact with the Doctor. If needed, she can also Heal herself, using her ability as a regular Action. Additionally, when at the beginning of a Movement (not Sneaking) she has an allied, wounded unit in her Vigilance Field, she can move 1'' farther.

    SPRZTHandgun (4), Deadline

    Blister NST-POS-024 (1 model) Blister NST-POS-029 (1 model)

  • 9armybook

    CPT. BERG150 APHis superiority shows in his training. Berg is an expert in sneak attacks, a sniper extraordinaire, knows his way around explosives and is also a killer in Melee Combat. He moves swiftly among the ruins, and exterminates enemies one by one. Berg is a very versatile unit, well-equipped and perfect for creating diversions behind the enemy lines. He's dangerous both in ranged and in melee combat.

    EX-MARINE - DETAILSGets one die for each opponent in a Melee Combat. He can detonate a bomb as a Free Action. Cpt. Berg gets one die per any enemy he's in Melee Combat with. He's also an expert on explosives. He can detonate a bomb at any time, as a Free Action. He can throw in a bomb and declare a detonation, as an Action accompanying the throw. The bomb explodes immediately after being thrown, in the timeframe of one Action.

    EQUIPMENTHandgun (5), Bomb, Medicine, Knife

    SCOPE170 APHave you heard of the principle "one shot, one kill? This guy has made it into his life creed. There's a good reason his mates call him "Scope". He aims, slowly, holds his breath for a second, pulls the trigger and they know for sure the tango's down. Scope's the most expensive Outpost unit. He's a true one man's army. But keep your eye on him - he's worth a lot of points and your enemy will go to any lenghts to take him down. One of the biggest chuck-ups you can make with the Scope on your team is getting him outed before he manages to rid the opposite team of a couple losers.

    TANGO DOWN - DETAILS-6 penalty in a Constitution roll for the enemy after a successful shot by Scope (works only with a rifle). This perk will probably eliminate the enemy unit, but it works only if the Scope shoots an assault rifle.

    EQUIPMENTAssault Rifle (5)

    Blister NST-POS-077 (1 model)Blister NST-POS-030 (1 model)

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    Neuroshima Tactics

    IR GOGLES (C, 10/25 EP)Trait: Through smoke. The unit gets +2 bonus to Perception. This gogles allows to reduce the penalty for a smoke or fire Cover by 2.

    LANDMINE (C, 20/- EP)Trait: Click... Works just like a Trap (vide: rulebook, general equipment), but when it explodes, units in the range of explosion get -3 in their Constitution test.

    INTEGRATED AIMING SYSTEMS (C, -/30 EP)Trait: There it is! The unit can use another units Aiming, as long as in Simultaneous Activations this marker doesnt provide a bonus for a Shooting test for a different unit. After the Attack the marker is removed the usual way. Two units cannot use the same marker. Aiming marker has to be on the table in the moment of the Sim. Activation. In other words you cannot place aiming marker with one unit and then use it with another in the same Sim. Activation.

    MOTION DETECTOR (B, -/20 EP)Trait: Beep, Beep, Beep. Enables Reacting to every Action carried out in an 6 radius, even if it is not visible to the Reacting unit. This Trait works also through walls.


    The Outpost strives to keep us up with Moloch in the arms race. If you want some really cool toys, have a look around the Outposts warehouses. This is the place where research is carried out tirelessly ever since the times before the war.

    MED PACK (D, 20/- EP)Trait: A steroid medicine. You can use a Med pack in the same way you would a regular medicine. An unused Med Pack is used automatically in a failed Constitution test, if the failure would eliminate the unit. No matter the amount of Wounds you had before taking the test, after failing it you have two, instead of being eliminated. A Med Pack is single use only.

    BETA (C, 15/30 EP)Trait: Adrenaline. Action: Ingestion. After consumption the unit gets +3 to all Characteristics, untill end of turn.

    BAYONET (A, 10/20 EP)Mode: strike, assault, dodge Wounds: HeavyTrait: Arm yourselves, bros! This weapon is similar to a knife, except you cant throw it, but you can install it on a barrel. If you have an assault rifle, you can now use it in melee combat without a penalty for improvised weapon, having a +1 bonus instead.

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    GANGERS 120 AP. | 3-5 UNITS IN A SQUADThey are members of notorious gangs roaming the wastes of Radiated States. Demoralized and violent, among their favorite past-times they have robbing settlements, bars and gas stations, stealing food and fuel, sometimes kidnapping people. They are very brave - but only when they outnumber and overpower the other party. They're not very precise gunmen, but since they've got shotguns, they form a very important unit in the army of Hegemony. Their main asset is their toughness - with that Constitution, they can receive a Wound and keep going. Oh, and they're not

    THE HEGEMONYThe Hegemony is a band of ruthless killers, violent felons, anarchists respecting only the law of club. They are degenerates, devoid of any kind of morality, surviving by brute strength, roaming the Radiated States in search of easy targets. Wherever they appear, they wreck havoc and destruction. They steal food, fuel and ammo, killing for anything of use or just for laughs. The troops of Hegemony are bands of more or less unruly dudes and dudettes, only kept together by a charismatic boss, who knows when to give an order and when a headshot. The Hegemony have a lot of improvised, stolen or scavenged weapons. Sometimes it's hard to distinguish whether their goal is to exterminate the enemy, or just to have a blast by hurting others.


    bad with a crowbar either, if you just give them one and point a target.

    CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE! - DETAILSAfter using up all of his Actions, a Ganger can make one additional Action - Attack. A fourth Action is a perk not to be underestimated, especially if it can be used for an Attack. It doesn't matter if it's one more shot, one more grenade or a swing in melee combat - it's all an Attack, and you can declare any of those.

    EQUIPMENTShotgun (4), Molotov cocktail

    Starter set NST-HEG-057 (3 models) | Blister NST-HEG-068 (2 models)

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    Neuroshima Tactics

    BLACK ANGELS150 AP, 3-5 UNITS IN A SQUADThe roar of engines and the heavy-set profiles of bikers spell trouble. When the Black Angels appear, you know you're in the doghouse. You rather take a shovel and dig your grave yourself, than let them get you. Yeah, you can try shooting them down, but their steroid-fed muscles and heavily drugged bodies seem to be imprevious to lead. Tough, mercilless, cruel. The deal is simple: You meet them, you kick the bucket. They rule in short-range combat: two blazing barrels and a killer Trait make them unstoppable at an 8" range. The only knack is to get the Angels close enough - and things take care of themselves.

    MAXIMUM PAIN - DETAILSIf they manage to Wound an enemy unit by Shooting or in Melee Combat, they deal two Wounds instead of one. If the attacked unit manages to pass the Constitution test, it takes not one, but two Wounds. Units with the Trait "Balls of steel", if they haven't yet used their Trait, take only one Wound (the Trait protects them from the first Wound, so the get only the second Wound, which causes Wound penalties the usual way) If the unit had equipped an armor or trash armor, which would help in the Constitution test, it is protected against both Wounds.

    EQUIPMENTHandgun x2 (6), Trash armor

    PUNKS90 AP, 4-6 UNITS IN A SQUAD"Live and don't let live" - that might be their motto, if they had one. They're loud delinquent junkies, looking for a fight. They love hardcore fun and easy rides, their lives are like a rapid fire from machine guns: fast, intense and brief. A band of Punks is dangerous in short and mid-range. they shower the enemy with bullets from behind a Cover, not shirking from hand-to-hand combat. If you choose to command the Punks, you choose quantity over quality: solo they're no big threat. But when strong in numbers, they can rock the battlefield.

    IT'S RAINING LED - DETAILSTake an additional die for every shot from a MG. More dice equals bigger chances to hit the bullseye. Punks shoot poorly but this perk increases their chances of hitting target, and sometimes they even pull of with multiple hits.

    EQUIPMENTMachine Gun (5)

    Blister NST-HEG-061 (2 models)Blister NST-HEG-060 (2 models) | Blister NST-HEG-074 (2 models)

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    SCAR145 APHegemony is a crew of tough nuts, and Scar is the toughest of them all. This guy could probably kick Devil's butt and take Hell over if he wanted to. He's not only able to provide adequate incentive for his gang of ruffians, but packs a wicked kick himself. Good with a gun, can curry anyone with his machete, and he's by no means a pansy. He's a true Boss.

    BLOODBATH - DETAILSAdd an additional die for each Shot from a Shotgun. This Trait puts the Shotgun to a better use even before you enter the 8" range. Additional dice increases your chances for hitting home. Moreover, should you shoot at 8 range, you can add two dice, one for this Trait, the other for the Shotgun's Trait.

    EQUIPMENTShotgun (5), Machete

    BUN125 APA keg backpack, chainsaw in hand, here he goes! Slice, dice, hack and slash! That's his favorite past-time. He's big, bad and strong. Some call him "Bun", but not to his face - unless they have a deathwish. He doesn't give a damn if he's injured, or not - he just gets close to his enemy and either blasts or chops him to pieces. Simple, effective and very entertaining.

    HEAVY FUEL - DETAILSAt the end of every round remove all of Bun's Wounds. Everyone has a certain dose of alcohol, that makes him invincible. Bun also does - but for him it's the default condition. This Trait doesn't work when the third, fatal Wound is dealt. If Bun gets killed, the Trait also fails - just like the brain, heart, liver, kidneys and all other Bun's bodyparts.

    EQUIPMENTHandgun (3), Chainsaw (4)

    Blister NST-HEG-008 (1 model) Blister NST-HEG-010 (1 model)

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    Neuroshima Tactics

    NUCLEAR135 APNuclear is like a grizzly bear - he demands respect by sheer size. A testosterone therapy and a diet of deep fried bull testicles made him hard like a rock, dumb like a doorknob and as vicious as a rabid dog. The more you piss him off, the harder he will bite back. If you try to gun him down, pray to dear God for the bullet to kill him in one shot, or else he'll only get stronger. Adrenaline makes him go barking mad - a wounded Nuclear is a pissed off Nuclear, and a pissed off Nuclear flattens out entire squads. Nuclear's biggest asset is the fact, that he's impervious to Wound effects. This means that even when hurt he's just as fast as normal, and instead of penalties, he receives bonuses. The third wound will kill him, true, but with two Hits his Shooting flies up to a whooping 15. A wounded Nuclear fights and shoots better, and his senses are honed to superhuman sharpness, so he'll spot even a perfectly hidden enemy. And then he will smash his head on the pavement.

    MACHETE125 APMachete is the Jason of Radiated States. This guy is never seen without his machetes, and if you tick him off, he'll mince you into very fine pieces. He's unmatched in melee combat. Even the fiercest Moloch unit the Hunter - will hesitate before coming into close range. On top of this, Machete is pretty tough, and will gladly take a bullet if it would get him closer to carve his signature bloody "M" on someone's face.

    WHACKING GREAT, BALLS OF STEEL - DETAILSFor every Attack with machetes he gets two additional dices. Ignores the first Wound. Additional dice come from the fact that this guy wields two machetes, and he's a genius in slashing. And he's so tough he can just kiss off the first Wound. Of course, you still need to account for the effects of a Hit (e.g. disrupting an Action), to which the regular rules apply. If Machete gets two Wounds as a result of the "Maximum Pain" Trait, he gets one of them the regular way, and the other he can ignore thanks to his own Trait (if he hasn't used the trait before). You can cancel the Wound only once per game, even if the unit is being healed (healing removes Wounds, but does not allow for the Trait to be used again).

    EQUIPMENTMachete x2, Knife

    Blister NST-HEG-009 (1 model) Blister NST-HEG-075 (1 model)

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    It doesnt matter that youre armed with a simple saw-off. What matters is youre with people, whod go to Hell and back for you. Together you have proved that theres something more to being a gang than flashy weapons its the Gangsta spirit.

    SPRAY (D, 5/- PE)Trait: Freddie was here. Action: Tagging. After carrying out this Action in an unpillaged Location, you receive 20VP, and the bonus doesnt decrease or dissapear if the Location is Pillaged later on. Works once per Location.

    GANGSTA CREED (D, 10/- PE)Trait: For the Gang. Each time when a unit with the trait Gangsta Creed gets VP, it gets 5VP as a bonus. They can be lost only if they were a bonus for a now lost Gambel.

    REVENGE (D, -/5 PE)Trait: Youre gonna pay for this. The last surviving unit in a given Squad doesnt suffer a penalty for Coherency loss.

    GANGSTA SPIRITBOOM-BOX (D, -/10 PE)Add a Boom-box to the equipment of one at the Squad unit. Trait: Crank it up. As long as the unit carrying the Boom-box is not dead, the units in its Squad keep coherence up to 4.

    RABBITS FOOT (B, 5/15 PE)Trait: The unit carrying the Lucky Rabbit Foot is not affacted by Friendly Fire.

    GREAT TEAM (A, 5/15 PE)Trait: When Throwing an item to an allied unit, you do not have to pass a Throwing test. The item lands safely in your palss hands without a test. Throwing must be tested to define which Action was carried out earlier, in case your Action could be interrupted.

    LOCUST (C, 5/15 PE)Trait: Looting and Pillaging can be carried out as a Free Action.

    NOW I'M PISSED.. - DETAILS+2 bonus to all stats for each Wound received by enemy Attack instead of the usual Wound penalties.Even a wounded Nuclear moves by 3", which enables him to get to his enemies fast. Nuclear also has his favorite protein shake - a pre-war, military combat drug, Deadline, which increases Constitution by 3 points for 2 rounds. When Nuclear gets his fix, the enemy's in trouble - you need a ton of luck to get rid of this meat-head in one shot, every non-lethal Wound only makes him more angry, and there's no way to ignore that raging heap of

    muscles. Nuclear has his Nuclear's heel, though. He only gets angry at the enemy Attack, not at the effects of his own stupidity. Every time he gets a Wound as a result of his own Actions (walks into fire or trap, falls due to a failed climbing test) or you jolt him with a Power Pack (the use of which is neither an Attack nor Action!), he gets a regular Wound, with no perks but all the penalties.

    EQUIPMENTShotgun (4), Deadline

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    Neuroshima Tactics

    MUTTS120 AP, 3-5 UNITS IN A SQUADMutts. Unnaturally bulging muscles give them inhuman strength. Ugly, scarred stomachs, marked by uneven stitches, sticking out tubes and other results of cybernetic

    BORGOS MUTANTSBorgos mutants are the children of Destruction. They were created by Moloch, and formed into an independent army led by a wired chieftain. The Squads of Borgo vary greatly, powerful thanks to the abilities gained by mutating different tribes. Hardened in the fire of battle, they are the creme de la creme of mutated society. They are the fittest ones, able to survive in this world of havoc - an intermixture of machine and human. From Moloch's point of view they are stronger, faster, more efficient. For humans, though, they are degenerated brutes and savage beasts. So, in the end, is a mutant a higher form of life, or a misfigured monster?


    manipulations, metal teeth in crooked jaws - is this how the new humans should look like? Those units have been created to be the multipurpose soldier - good in short and mid range, deadly in melee combat. What allows to turn them into deathmachines are the pheromones, a battle stench, enhancing their fighting capabilities.

    PHEROMONES - DETAILSAction: Pheromones. For each Mutt using Pheromones in a distance not greater than 3 another Mutt unit has +1/+3/+6 bonus to Attack in Simultaneous Activation. All you need to do is declare Action: Pheromones by one, two or three of your Mutts in your Attack phase. One Phero-emitter can only aid one Mutt. If the Phero-emitter is taken down before the Attack of the Mutt he's aiding, the Attacking Mutt's statistics will not change (he still gets the bonus) - they are calculated only once, at the beginning of the test. Since you need Simultanegous Activation, you can only use Pheromones in your Attack Phase.

    EQUIPMENTHandgun (4), Shovel

    Atarter set NST-BOR-056 (3 models) | Blister NST-BOR-069 (2 models)

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    CYBORGS150 AP, 2-4 UNITS IN A SQUADWith their skeletons and muscles strengthened, and cybernetic implants maximizing the efficiency of the body, those are the toughest Borgo units. They are supernaturally strong and have an exceptional ability of enduring damage, and believe me when I say it's really hard to take them out. In this aspect, they're worth more than even the toughest of the Moloch's machines. Cyborgs are dependable - if you send them in, you know they will not fail. If all mutated soldiers were similar, the Radiated States would be under Borgo's rule long, long time ago.

    BALLS OF STEEL - DETAILSCancel the first received Wound. Having the Balls of Steel Trait, there's nothing that could frighten a Cyborg. A Wound does not affect the test rolls, nor Movement or Sneaking distances. This means, the second Wound in Cyborgs is like the first one in regular units. The cancellation of the Wound does not affect the rest of the Hit effects (interrupting the Action, adding a point to the Power Pack). You can cancel a Wound only once per game, even if the unit has been Healed Healing removes Wounds, but does not allow for using the Trait a second time. Cancelling the Wound is not the same as cancelling Damage, obviously. In order for the Trait to work, a Cyborg has to pass his Constitution test first.

    EQUIPMENTShotgun(4), Trash armor, Machete

    CLAWS80 AP, 4-6 UNITS IN A SQUAD These mutts are strong, agile and savage. They have been enhanced by cybernetic implants, and their long, steel claws are a deadly weapon in melee combat. They are unpararelled to any other unit, except maybe some Heroes or Special Units. Don't think of them as ranged troops though, giving them a gun is wasting points. The Claws are exceptionally agile and fast, and if they can see their victims, they get an adrenaline surge, an additional boost to their speed. They reach and slice up the enemy in an instant.

    BLOODLUST - DETAILSDuring movement you can move the Claws by 4 or by 5 if you're entering Melee Combat with the enemy. The exceptional mobility of Claws is a revolutionary way of snatching Gambels and closing in on the opponent. Movement distance can be as great as 5 when, as a result of the Movement Claw would enter Melee Combat with an enemy unit. As a result of Wounds, the Movement distance decreases by 1 as in normal units. The Claws' Trait does not affect the Stealth distance.

    EQUIPMENTKnife x2 (*)

    Blister NST-BOR-062 (2 models)Blister NST-BOR-063 (2 models) | blister NST-BOR-071 (2 models)

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    Neuroshima Tactics

    SLAB135 APSlab is a natural born killer. He's the ruthless, wired cousin of Borgo, packed into an armor, he's the biggest fish around. He has at his disposal a sturdy shotgun and a machete - assembled from what he found in an old Moloch's factory. You can count on his combat abilities, but his true value will show itself only when you put him in charge of the troops. He'll pick a goon, change his life into hell, giving you what's best. Slab is rock-solid and will not fail you!

    MUTANT OF THE DAY - DETAILS The chosen Squad unit has +1 to all stats in this game. Slab's notorious reputation is what makes one of the mutants work double shifts and triple its efforts. Mutant of the day adds +1 to his stats. Before placing your units, select one model from any Squad and note on his sheet the bonus for this Trait. Once Slab is eliminated, the Trait vanishes, along with the memories of the despotic leader. If you have two Slabs in your army keep in mind that bonuses are not cumulative. At best, if one Slab gets outed, the Trait persists until the death the other one, so choosing one mutant as the whiping-boy of two Slabs is a real waste. Also, Mutant of the day is just a modifier. It does not affect the way draws are settled.

    EQUIPMENTShotgun (5), Armor, Machete


    BISON135 APYou see something that looks kinda like....a mutated bison. The Lord of mutations gave him a body that is twice the size of a regular mutant. Bison is big, strong, tough son of a gun, who can carry a HMG in one hand and use it with the same ease as a child's toy. On his back he has strapped his favorite sledgehammer, and on top of it all, he's so impervious, he can cancel the first Wound. He also has Balls of Steel, just like the cyborgs, but his are even bigger...

    BALLS OF STEEL - DETAILSCancel the first received Wound. Big. He can cancel the first Wound received. You know how it works, Cyborgs have the same Trait. When playing Bison, keep in mind he's Big, which makes hiding and using Covers a little more complicated. You can't have him Sneak he's more of a full-fledged assault squad. You can cancel a Wound only once per game, even if the unit has been healed Healing removes Wounds, but does not allow for using the Trait a second time

    EQUIPMENTHMG (8), Armor, Sledgehammer

    Blister NST-BOR-019 (1 model) Blister NST-BOR-018 (1 model)

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    MESMERIST130 APA Mesmerist can be easily overlooked. Grotesquely large head set on a disproportionately small, feeble body. You'd probably blast all you've got at a huge, charging mutant first, disregarding this little freak, but it's a huge mistake, that you'll realize you made only when your gang will be clutching their heads and trying to stop the bleeding from their ears and noses. A Mesmerist does not fight fair. If he can, he will try to strike while remaining hidden from sight. But when the pain starts bursting your skull, you can be sure that the Mesmerist is near.

    PSIONIC ATTACK - DETAILSAction: Psionic Attack. Place a Marker within the Mesmerist's VF. Enemy units within 3" range from the marker roll a Perception test. If they fail, they cannot React in this turn (if it's your opponent Reaction turn). This effect works through walls Additionally, a Psi-attack interrupts Actions. Range: 12". Action: Concentration -3 for your enemies Perception test for the next Psi-assault. A successful Psi-assault does not inflict Damage. It doesn't charge the Power Pack. All in all, despite some minor nuisances, it's an incredible weapon against.

    EQUIPMENTHandgun (4)

    SPIDER130 PAThe term having one's hands full gets a whole new meaning when applied to Spider. In his case it's not two, but four hands, and all of them hold tools useful in hurting others. One of his limbs is artificial, with an cybernetic machete attached. It cannot be Looted, as it is an integral part of the mutant's body. Spider is very fast, and can climb to great heights. This guy can get anywhere, claim any gambel, even if it's stuck on the top of a friggin' tower.

    TRAIL OF BLOOD - DETAILSYou can Move Spider up to 4". Up to 4 "Spider does not roll Agility tests while Climbing and Jumping. 4 Movement is a great bonus, which makes you reach the desired position before the other guy. Note, that these 4 are valid in all possible directions, even when Climbing or Jumping. And - more importantly - Spider doesn't have to take the Agi test when he tries to climb an obstacle more than 2 high. To put it simply - if you want him to get somewhere, he will.

    EQUIPMENTMG (6), Machete*

    Blister NST-BOR-076 (1 model)Blister NST-BOR-020 (1 model)

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    Neuroshima Tactics

    REGENERATION (D 15/- EP)Trait: Its just a scratch. At the end of the turn roll a Constitution test. If you pass, remove one Wound.

    BAT HEARING (A, 5/15 EP)Trait: Echolocation. Rear Vigilance Field is 8. All penalties for terrain elements apply.

    CANIBALISM (C, 5/15 EP)Trait: Nothing gets wasted. If you perform Action: Looting, remove all Wounds.

    CHILD OF THE NIGHT (C, 10/20 EP)Trait: In the shadows. An unit Sneaking under an overhead cover (roof) can Sneak up to 0,5 farther, than it usually would.

    BORGOS MUTATIONSThe world was taught an express evolution lesson. And Borgos mutants, who are the brightest kids in this particular class, learned that a wide array of mutation can open a whole new world of deadly possibilities. No unit can have two mutations. All of them have the tag Installed.

    ACID FLUSH (C, 10/25 EP)Trait: Steeleater. Unit hit in Melee Combat loses its armor or trash armor. The Trait doesnt work on the Exterminator or the Steel Police

    CAT EYES (C, 10/- EP)Trait: Vision mutation. In Spotting out tests the unit doesnt receive penalties for Covers.

    CHAMELEON HIDE (C 10/- EP)Trait: MAsking Colors. The unit can Sneak even when in plain view (without Covers)

  • 21


    STEEL POLICE160 AP, 3 UNITS IN A SQUADWhen they challenge the local gangs, the oppressed people of the Wastes take a deep breath only to realize, their lives, traditions and order ceased to exist. Neuronic links plugged directly into their brains make the Steel Officers the perfect soldiers - fast, strong, fearless, indestructible... Inhuman. They are always tense, always buzzing with adrenaline, ready to attack at all times - and the initial relief they brought to the villagers changes rapidly into horror. "Steel Police. We protect. You serve."

    STEEL ARMOR - DETAILSYou can enable one of the four modes of the Steel Armor, Plate Clash, Stealth, Energy Punch, Exoskeleton. The Steel armor can be used in one of four modes. Enabling a mode requires using one Power Cell. Among squad members power cells can be counted as ammunition

    STEEL POLICEElite troops, heirs to the most advanced military unit of the pre-war world, a heavy assault Navy SEALS. Exquisitely armed and protected by the power armors, the Steel Police sworn to mercilessly exterminate all who breach the law. Their law.


    (can be used interchangeably as long as the units remain in Coherency). Onr Steel Policeman can use only one power cell per round using more requires passing a Constitution test. If the test is passed, the adequate mode of Steel Armor is enabled. If not the power cell wears out without enabling the mode. All of the modes are disabled by end of turn. The Steel Armor acts as a regular armor even when not in one of the four modes. If you roll 1 to 5 on a Constitution test after being Hit, you receive no Wounds. The Trait works also when the Constitution is reduced below 5. The Plate Clash mode is enabled as an Free Action. It raises the range of an armor Hit to 10 in a Constitution test. Moving, Sneaking or using a ladder disables this mode. Thanks to the Stealth mode the enemy units have a -2 penalty to Shooting, Throwing and Perception rolls against the unit using this mode. The Energy Punch mode enables the unit to execute an Attack with a +3 bonus to Melee Combat, causing Heavy Damage and paralysis if Hit (-6 to all Characteristics as long as the units remain in melee range). This Effect is enabled before carrying out Melee Combat Attack. In Exoskeleton mode the unit gains Movement range of 4. This distance decreases in the regular way when the unit is Wounded. This mode is declared before carrying out an Movement Action, and lasts till the end of turn. NOTE: Power cell is not the same thing as Energy cell. Energy cells cannot be used to activate Steel Armor modes.

    EQUIPMENTSteel Armor*, Power Cells (2), HMG (6)

    Set NST-UNI-079 (3 modelas

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    Neuroshima Tactics

    STEEL POLICE MUTTS175 AP | 3 UNITS IN A SQUADThis is the Steel trophy of the most dedicated of Borgo's soldiers! Plug your mutated glands into his filtration system and give the armor a rocket boost!

    STEEL ARMOR, PHEROMONES - DETAILSAbility to launch one of the two modes of the Steel Armor: Energy Punch, Exoskeleton. Action: Pheromones. For each Mutt using Pheromones in a distance not greater than 3 another Mutt unit has +1/+3/+6 bonus to Attack in Simultaneous Activation Big. Thanks to this combination in a 3-unit Squad you will be able to shoot your HMG with a bonus of +3 if two of your units use Pheromones. This will help you save some ammo, which could prove lifesaving.

    EQUIPMENTSteel Armor*, Power Cells (2), HMG(5)

    STEEL POLICE AS A DIFFERENT FACTION SQUADThe Steel Police as a Squad joining any of the basic Faction, will keep the Characteristics of the Squad wearing Steel Armor and two out of four of the Steel Armor modes. Both the modes and the ways of enabling do not change. The Trait of a faction Squad unit also remains the same. What does distinguish them from a Squad without a Steel Armor is the equipment, amount of units in a Squad and their price. Col Callahan can be recruited as a Special Unit by any Faction except Moloch, but only if the player has a Steel Police squad in his army. In that case, Col Callahan's Characteristics, Trait and Equipment remain unchanged.

    STEEL POLICE SCOUTS160 AP | 2-3 UNITS IN A SQUADWe confiscated their armors. Don't think of it as stealing - it's more of a compulsory help in times of war. Now we can send our troops to hell and back!

    STEEL ARMOR, RECON - DETAILSAbility to launch one of the two modes of the Steel Armor: Stealth, Exoskeleton. You can React by Movement to any Action carried out by the enemy, even if unseen by the Scout. Big. The Scouts Trait combined with the Exoskeleton mode makes it very easy to move the Squad around the board in your Reaction turn a very valued ability, especially in the very first moments of the game.

    EQUIPMENTSteel Armor*, Power Cells (2), HMG(5)

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    STEEL POLICE GANGERS165 AP | 3 UNITS IN A SQUADAfter selling the caught Officers to the Slavers, part of the gang took care of working out what makes the armor tick, and the other started "pimpin' their ride" with graffitis.

    STEEL ARMOR, CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE - DETAILSAbility to launch one of the two modes of the Steel Armor: Plate Clash, Energy Punch. After using up all of his Actions, a Ganger can make one additional Action - Attack. Big. Thanks to the Gangers Trait, the third Action can be used for Aiming with a bonus. providing the bonus to the Attack performed isn't the fourth Action.

    EQUIPMENTSteel Armor*, Power Cells (2), HMG(5)

    STEEL POLICE DEFENDERSWARTO: 180 AP | 3 UNITS IN A SQUADTaking over independent steering circuits is Moloch's speciality. You should've seen the look on the Officer's face when his own rebelled Armor put his own gun to his head, and then pulled the trigger...

    STEEL ARMOR, SENTINEL - DETAILSAbility to launch one of the two modes of the Steel Armor: Plate Clash, Exoskeleton. Vigilance Field - 360 degrees. Big. Installing the Defenders control modules on the Steel Polices armors eliminated the most irritating Trait of the Defenders: Lousy chassis. Whats more, the Defenders wearing the Steel Polices armors still can raise their battle efficiency by using modules. Theyre installed on the Armor in the exact same way as on all other Moloch units

    EQUIPMENTSteel Armor*, Power Cells (2), HMG(5)

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    Neuroshima Tactics

    COLONEL CALLAHAN140 APColonel Callahan is one of the Officers and a symbol of the armored crime fighters. He's a legend among the post-apocalyptic ruins, the nightmare of the scum of the 'verse, and a frequent guest to the frontlines of the Outpost. His abilities with a gun are heard of even in the most rural areas of the Radiated States - when he's about to pull the trigger, even the true-born Hegemony killers mince their words.

    GUN WHISPERER - DETAILSColonels Aim works up to 2 from the marker. The bonus for Aiming is +4. After the Action: Shooting the marker stays on the board. All this is possible only when Callahan is using a Handgun. When Colonel Callahan marks his target, theres no going back. Its quite a funny sight when the guy in the middle of the Squad drops dead, and the rest springs away, as if thrown back by a grenade. Colonel Callahan is equipped only in a regular Armor, but with such a powerful Attack and great Constitution, hes not the one to hide behind a Squad.

    EQUIPMENTArmor, Handgun(5)

    Col Callahan can be recruited as a Special Unit by any Faction except Moloch, but only if the player has a Steel Police squad in his army. In that case, Col Callahan's Characteristics, Trait and Equipment remain unchanged.

    Set NST-UNI-079 (1 model)




  • 25


    HEROESWhen there's no hope left, no sound but the crackling of a Geiger counter and nothing moves but the falling dust, that's where the heroes of the Radiated States are most needed. They are the ones who set the course for scattered groups, who organize squads able to survive in the cinders and start a new era in the history of the world. It doesn't matter whether they see the future under a military junta, plan on subduing the survivors to their ruthless gangs, make room for their mutated brothers or act as yet another of the countless decision-making modules in Moloch's web. The only thing that matters is that the fate of the world is in their hands. Each hero, which you take into your Army List, allows for a reroll. If a hero dies before the reroll, the reroll is lost. The guaranteed rerolls are a feature of both Universal Heroes and the heroes of Moloch.


    RAT30 APNo, it's not a typo. Rat really is worth 30 points. He's much cheaper than the other heroes. He's so cheap that the opponent will not want to waste ammo on him. OK, it might not be very heroic, to have a Rat as a main character. The

    guy stinks, eats everything that's not creeping off of the plate, and is afraid of weapons. On the other hand, it may just be the right way to survive in the Radiated States forget social conventions and just try to go on. When your enemies ignore you, you get a chance to settle things quickly and easily like, for example, to snatch a gambel and get the hell away!

    DON'T WASTE THE BULLET - DETAILSThe Rat cannot Attack. The Sneaking distance is 3 until he performs Pillaging, Looting or does not carry a Gambel. The Rat can not perform any Attack Action. You can Sneak by 3, at least as long as you don't get your opponents' attention. When you see a guy with your friend's scalp tucked under his belt, or with a piece of valuable equipment in hand you stop being so indifferent. That is why after Looting or Pillaging the Rat loses his ability to Sneak by 3". He also loses this ability when he gets his paws on a Gambel, untill he drops it or gives away to somebody. In the case of Wounds, Sneaking distance decreases, just like the distance of Movement.


    Blister NST-BOH-044 (1 model)

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    Neuroshima Tactics

    MONTEUR120 APA real handyman. Fantastic guy, capable of instantly fixing everything. Give him a supply of tools and equipment for a DIY, and he'll make anything you wish for from a jet engine to a massage bed. But do not hold him in the workshop, better let him perform on the battlefield. When he is near you do not have to worry about having your weapon jammed. In the end , it's he who made all of those guns, and is around to fix'em. In addition, he can get some useful things from the Pillaged Locations, which you'd never think of caring about.

    HANDYMAN - DETAILSWithin a radius of 8'' around the Monteur the allies' guns do not Jam. Common or Faction Locations Looted by the Monteur bring 50 VP more. The first part of the Trait only works on friendly units that are in 8 radius from the Monteur when you roll a "20" on the dice. If the gun Jams, and the Monteur approaches later, there's no miraculous self-repairing - someone has to Reload the regular way. Locations being Pillaged by the Monteur bring you more than normal VP, 110 VP for Enemy Faction Location, 80 VP for common Location. Only Pillaging your own Location still gives you the 0 VP. Well, you don't steal from your own.

    EQUIPMENTMG (8), Burner (3)

    COURIER120 APSometimes you have something that someone else should have. Not everyone has the time to scoot around with stuff through half the city. This is where the Courier comes in handy. His ability to transfer things does not seem deadly, but a grenade in the right hands can pack a punch. The Courier is also useful when a gun jams the second before the charge of a band of Claws. The Courier will just put into your hands something that shoots. When you want to turn around to say thanks, the guy is gone.

    RAD-EX - SZCZEGYAction: Express Delivery by using this Action, the Courier can take any object (and any amount of ammo) from a friendly unit within 6 "and give it to any other allied unit within 6"radius. It's a good way of having all of your non-squad equipment exactly where it's needed. A Reaction can be made only to the Couriers' Action - both the unit whose equipment is taken and the one that gets the equipment do not perform any Action.

    EQUIPMENTHandgun (4)

    Blister NST-BOH-041 (1 model)Blister NST-BOH-047 (1 model)

  • 27


    PREACHERWARTO: 130 PAHallelujah, brother! Do you really think this wretched body is everything there is to this world? Do not blaspheme and sin no more! Invite the Preacher, he'll tell you how it really is. The Preacher has the power to destroy sinners. His word is able to change the fate of the battle even thrice! And when prayer is not enough, he still has his shotgun, which he wields with equal ease as the Word of God. Strict shepherd gave the Lord to his flock...

    PRAISE THE LORD! - DETAILSDuring the game, you can reroll a dice an additional two times, for units in a radius of not more than 8" from the Preacher. The Preacher brings a total of three rerolls into the game, one granted simply for his being a hero and two additional ones, as a result of his Trait. This feature allows you, for example, to flip a disastrous twenty, or try and reach for a success when it is particularly important. Reroll refers to only one die - so if you have a test on more than one die, other results are also important. You reroll each die only once, so if you had, for example, two "20" in a row, well it just might not be your lucky day. You can read more about the reroll rules in the rulebook.

    EQUIPMENTShotgun (5)

    CHEMIST125 APThe world champion in making useful blends with any kind of trash: sand, sulfur, petrol and other ingredients found just about anywhere. Example of a professional of our times, who instead of theoretical mumbo-jumbo puts his knowledge into practice. Useful wherever you need a smoke screen, a covering fire or maybe a cloud of poisonous fumes. He always has what you need on the battlefield. That's it. Just place your order and throw. And give your opponent a splitting headache.

    SEXY COCKTAIL - DETAILSBefore you throw a mixture, define whether it works as a Molotov cocktail, smoke grenade or a chemical grenade. When you want to use this Trait, specify exactly what you throw when declaring the Action: Throwing. You decide how you will use the options available. If you want, they can be only Molotov cocktails, or a more varied concoction. Thanks to this you can always use exactly what you need. If the Chemist dies, the mixtures cannot be used (unless your opponent also has this Hero). Mixtures can be passed to another unit, but the Chemist must determine what the mix is at the moment of exchange.

    EQUIPMENTShotgun (3), Mixtures (4)

    Blister NST-BOH-045 (1 model) Blister NST-BOH-046 (1 model)

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    Neuroshima Tactics

    GLADIATOR130 APBattle hardened, bulging with muscles, here's your champion, a victor at countless arenas. He is not afraid of death - the death is afraid of him. In Melee Combat he's second to none. He knows every dirty trick, every deadly technique, and in his hands every item becomes a lethal weapon. Get him a gun, and he'll handle it, but it's mano a mano when he's in his element. This requires a well-arranged situation and a swift approach to the enemy.

    MASTER OF THE ARENA, WHACKING GREAT - DETAILS In the Versus Test when the Gladiator is entering Melee Combat, his opponent has a -6 penalty to all of his Characteristics. -6 for the enemy works the moment the Gladiator declares a Movement Action, aiming to enter Melee Combat with the opponent. You see, the guy knows how to engage with the enemy in battle, so he's not easy to get rid of. His bluffing can confuse even the guy who tries to shoot the charging warrior. Once you're in Melee Combat, use the second Trait. The Gladiator's good with a blade, and wields two machetes, which gives him two extra dice when you perform an Attack in Melee Combat. Three Attack dice is something that would make even Borgo's Claws think twice before approaching.

    EQUIPMENTMachetes x2, Trash armor

    THIEF130 APNimble as a cat, he's not in the slightest bothered by obstacles, walls and pillars, able to sneak silently among the ruins, take by surprise the enemy feeling safe in a warm nest high above the ground and send a bullet in the back. He can snatch every Gambel, even hidden in an unaccessible location. That is why he's an excellent candidate for a leader. Do not focus on the means to an end, only on the essentials: to sneak up to where they are, grab Victory Points, and get back ASAP.

    LIKE A SHADOW - DETAILSStealth and Movement distance is 3". Instead of the standard distance, the Thief can sneak up to 3. If you receive a wound, the distance of Sneaking is reduced, just like the Movement distance.

    EQUIPMENTHandgun (4), Rope, Fishing rod

    Blister NST-BOH-043 (1 model)Blister NST-BOH-042 (1 model)

  • 29


    BODYGUARD135 APHe makes you feel safer and more confident. The man is a decent soldier: he wouldn't shame you neither at the shooting range nor at the frontline. But his true colours show when he's near a VIP he protects. He reaches a brand new level of determination, which you wouldn't suspect even existed. And you know what's best? It is you who states who the VIP is! How could you not love this guy?

    COSTNER - DETAILSSelect an unit. Till the end of the game the Bodyguard gets +2 to all Simultaneous Activation rolls with the selected units. At the beginning of the battle, during the setup of units, choose one of the Allied Special Units, or Heroes. This unit will be protected by the bodyguard mark this on his card. The Bodyguard has the right to perform Action in the Simultaneous Activation with this unit. Additionally, whenever he does this, and rolls a test he gets a whooping +2 to the Characteristic tested. For this feature to work, both units must be in Coherence. If you are out of Coherence, he doesn't receive any penalties - both units can freely operate separately. The Bodyguard's Trait doesn't allow for joint ammunition and/or equipment with the protected unit.

    EQUIPMENTHandgun (6)

    WARDOG130 APWardog is one of those rare tough, persistent and charismatic women. The guys try to impress her, the lassess try to be like her. You don't become a member of the Steel Police by chance, and Wardog's an important member of the team. Theoretically, she's just a member of the support squad, a prospective Officer. In reality, even Coll. Callahan takes her opinions into account. It's hard to say where this respect comes from - maybe it's her steel nerves, maybe the charisma. It also might be her female charm, peeking through from time to time, when she's not exterminating mutts, machines or renegades. For each person it's something different, but the effect is always the same - when in presence of the Steel Police gal, everybody tries harder. No-one wants to look like a wuss, and suddenly a gunwound or a knife sticking out of the stomach aren't a very big deal.

    IT'S JUST A SCRATCH, BABE - DETAILSAfter placing the units on the board, Wardog chooses a Squad. As long as she stays in Coherence with it, the Squad doesn't suffer Wound restrictions to Movement and Sneak, and the penalties from Wounds equal -2/-4 for one/two Wounds. Wardog cannot count her ammo or equip with the Squad, or Simulaneously Activate, but in terms of Coherence she is by all means a Squad unit. Wardog is one of those girls who prefer gunpowder over lipsticks. And if you keep her close enough, the Squad boys push themselves... harder. Try to have her around, and you'll see that a gunshot wound to the abdomen isn't such big a deal.

    EQUIPMENTArmor, Handgun (5), Knife

    Set NST-UNI-079 (1 model) Blister NST-BOH-050 (1 model)

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    Neuroshima Tactics

    Both Scoper and the Hologram can perform any Action, but if any of them succesfully performs an Action affecting the battleboard or other models (Opening/Closing doors, Picking up a Gambel, Looting, Pillaging, using a Location), the Hologram deactivates. If such an Action was performed by the Hologram, the result of the Action is not put into effect - it is as if it was never performed. The Hologram can Attack, but if it succeeds, it deactivates (instead of Hitting the enemy unit). If it doesn't succeed - nothing happens. Scoper's Hologram can enter Locations and acquire Power Pack points. Dealing Damage to the Hologram destroys it (it's not an unit, though, so the enemy does not recieve Victory Points or Power Pack points). If the Hologram comes into melee with another unit, it is also removed from the battleboard. If the Scoper performs a Simultaneous Activation Action with the Hologram and the Action has the same goal (picking the same Gambel, throwing a granade at the same place, Shooting at the same unit), the player can perform only one test (with the bigger of the two penalties). After such an Action, regardless of its success (or failure), the Hologram does not deactivate, since it cannot be determined which of the Scopers succeded or failed in that action. Both Scoper and the Hologram have their own, separate Vigilance Fields. Both Scoper's and the Hologram's Reaction require spending a Reaction point (two if the player wishes to react with both models).

    EQUIPMENTGun (5), Motion sensor (*)

    SCOPER135 APScoper specializes in machines and pre-war equipment. I'ts hard to find someone who knows as much about Moloch as he does. He makes a living by tracking and hunting Moloch scouts and he's so good ad it, that people are willing to pay quite a lot for his services. As a result, Scoper can afford even the most expensive, pre-war, high-tech toys. Like a hologram projector.

    HOLO - DETAILSAs an Free Action, Scoper can activate a holographical copy of himself, symbolised by the second model. While deploying your units, Scoper is set along with an activated hologram - meaning the player puts both of the models on the battleboard. The player also marks secretly the position of the real Scoper and the hologram, by placing a Trap marker on the board beside each of the models (empty - Hologram, real - Scoper). The Activation of the Scoper's Hologram can be performed as a Free Action. Each time the player makes a holographic copy, s/he decides which of the models represents the Scoper and which the Hologram, by putting the Trap markes beside them. The Hologram has the same equipment, Wounds, and is under the same Effects as Scoper was when the Hologram was created (Hooch, Net thrower, beta, etc.) At a given moment Scoper can only have one Hologram, and only after its gone, he can activate another one. Both he and the Hologram are treated as separate units, which have to stay in Coherence - if the Coherence is lost (during the Coherence check at the beginning of the turn), the Hologram deactivates. It can also deactivate as a Free Action on Scoper's part.

    Blister NST-BOH-080 (2 models)

  • 31


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    Neuroshima Tactics

    COWBOY155 APCowboy. A true Texas ranger. A real gunslinger, who can shoot two barrels with his eyes closed. Two large, deadly barrels. Real guns. In addition to being able to kill, is a master in milking cows. Gallons of milk in under 15 minutes, I kid you not.

    HIGH NOON - DETAILSAdditional dice for each handgun shot. Regardless of the mode he shoots, when the cowboy uses his pistols, (and not just his any gun at all), he gets an additional die. Well, they wouldn't forgive him if he missed in a crucial moment, would they?

    EQUIPMENTHandgun x2 (6)


    HITMAN150 APWorking from behind Covers, he's an expert in dirty work. He'll tango down whomever you want, before the target even thinks it might be one. Lethal and dangerous, difficult to trace, and a great sharpshooter Not only has he mastered the art of killing to perfection, but each murder winds him up like a little cuckoo clock. Once he starts killing, there's no stopping him.

    KILLING SPREE - DETAILSEach eliminated unit means regaining the Action spent for killing it. This Trait does not work in the Reaction round. The range of the gun the Hitman uses is 10". Once he starts killing, one death means another one's coming. No matter if it was your first, second or third Action every time you eliminate someone from the game, you can automatically take an additional Action, as if the previous one didn't take time at all. Additionally, you know your trade - it's easier for your to shoot far off targets. Each Handgun the Hitman uses has a 10 not 8 Range Limit.

    EQUIPMENT Handgun (5)

    Set NST-BOH-049 (1 model) Set NST-BOH-048 (1 model)

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    Set NST-BOH-051 (1 model)

    155 APHe knows his job - who pays, demands. He's a professional who knows how to make use of his shotgun. If you have assigned him a task, he will deliver. His brave nature makes it impossible to leave behind unfinished business and he always pays his dues. Even half dead, he'll still manage to take a shot at the opponent. Above everything else, he's a pro. You gave him an order to shoot, so shoot he will. He can get through a lot- he has a very sturdy build, expressed in his 13 Constitution. He's also alert and agile - and there are no weaknesses. Just the right man for the job.

    A MERCENARY ALWAYS PAYS HIS DEBTS - DETAILSIgnore the interruption of an Action (the effect of getting Hit). Since you don't care about interrupted Action, you should be more at ease about tests rolls. If only Mercenary passes the test, he'll Hit the opponent, take position, or do anything else you ordered him to. This feature works even if the Mercenary is shot and eliminated. He's already dead, but still manages to shoot one the last time. A real hero, right?

    EQUIPMENTShotgun (5), Armor

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    Neuroshima Tactics


    Spiders are stuff from Outpost soldiers nightmares. An invisible enemy, whose presence is only betrayed by the rattle of metal limbs, and the whistling sound of electric motors. They walk on walls with

    enormous speed, nothing can hinder them, and if they are not able to go around the building, they will walk through walls. And when they finally peek out from behind the cover, the enemy is mercilessly showered with bullets.

    Their size requires a change in thinking about the obstacles - what for most models is barely a Partial Cover, makes the Spiders invisible. Your job is to turn this into an advantage and approach the enemy as close as possible. Spiders are small, agile and deadly effective.

    PARKOUR - DETAILSAutomatically passes Agility test rolls when Climbing and Jumping. Small.Regular units must pass an Agility roll while moving vertically, if the height is more than 2. Spiders don't give a metal piece of hoot about this rule. They automatically pass all the tests associated with Climbing. Tests are needed only to determine the order in which the Actions are carried out, if the Spiders targeted by the enemy while climbing.


    MOLOCHMoloch is a mechanical and electronic formation, taking up the area of several states. Its the butcher of mankind, a powerful, ruthless AI making its way down south, crushing human resistance. From deep inside of Moloch, where many linked artificial brains devise tactical plans, come orders for the robotic squads. Responsible for the execution of those commands are smaller, independent brains, acting as field agents, coordinating new attacks, establishing shelters, and acquiring resources. Each of Molochs departaments is a specialized branch, and all of them complement one another. On their own, they lack versatility together, they act as one, bringing death and destruction to the surviving humanity. Machines need no food, they are unaffected by radpartial Coveriation or pollution, they don't mind the dark of night, and from the scraps of destroyed robots new ones are built. There's no doubt that in this great war for survival, Moloch is the strongest player.


    Blister NST-MOL-067 (2 modele)

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    HYBRIDES150 AP, 2-4 UNITS IN A SQUADThe intermixture of man and machine - every preacher'll tell you, that's a blasphemy, a grim and harmful combination. Harmful for Moloch's opponents of course, because Hybrids are its primary fighting Squad. Human brains provide a lot of intelligence and independence, and the mechanical bodyparts enhance their performance to the level of real robots. Hybrids also have great armor and weapons. No wonder that human soldiers desert their outposts at the very news of their advent. If only they could be produced with less expenses... Note: While using the Action Points provided by the heroes of Moloch, Hybrids, as they're not truly machines, can increase their Operativity only by 1.

    NO PAIN, ALL GAIN - DETAILSNo Wound penalties (no movement penalties and modificators). A system of total pain-cancelling and very effective self-reparation made Hybrids imprevious to Wounds. If you receive a Wound, ignore it's negative effects on the unit. You only mark them on your sheet because the third one regardless of the Trait puts the Hybrid down, and out of game.

    EQUIPMENTAssault Rifle (5)*, Armor*

    DEFENDERS130 PA, 3-4 UNITS IN A SQUADThe basic unit used by Moloch for guarding enclaves and escorting traveling groups of machines. Defenders have great firepower and armor, and they are relatively inexpensive to produce. At the same time, they're not very versatile: they have crude algorithms for melee combat and poor motor skills, but their most severe defect is the mass-produced chassis, that makes accessing higher located places totally impossible.

    SENTINEL - DETAILS360 Vigilance Field. Lousy chassis.Defenders have a Vigilance Field of 360 degrees, meaning they can respond where other units would be surprised. But forget about using them in an area, which requires passing obstacles higher than 1. If you hope to collect equipment and Gambels from atop of somewhere, you're gonna need a different unit.

    EQUIPMENTAssault Rifle (5)*, Armor*

    Starter set NST-MOL-059 (3 models) | Blister NST-MOL-071 (2 models) Blister NST-MOL-066 (2 models) | Blister NST-MOL-072 (2 models)

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    Neuroshima Tactics

    HUNTER120 APHunter. A mincer machine. It's software is pure and simple destruction. It's wired to get to the enemy and slash him to pieces. It has an armor, digits ending with blades and makes the prospective minced meat quiver with fear. Those are the three assets which will make your enemy rather waste all of his bullets, than let you get closer.

    FEAR OF THE STEEL, WHACKING GREAT - DETAILS When the Hunter enters Melee Combat or Attacks another unit in Melee Combat, the enemy gets -3 to all Characteristics. The Hunter gets two additional dices for each Attack with its machetes. The -3 penalty works for every Versus Test when the enemy unit engages in Melee Combat with the Hunter. Remember about them also when you declare Movement which will bring you into Melee Combat with the opponent even then the enemy unit will get the penalty. The modificators are used only in Versus Tests against the Hunter meaning e.g. Constitution tests do not get any penalty. This unit specializes in Melee combat. Using the blades and a chainsaw (described as 2 machetes in the character sheet), every Hit is calculated with two aaditional dice. There aren't many units that can take such a beating and survive.

    EQUIPMENT2 machetes*, Armor*


    MECHANIC110 APA Mechanic is kinda like a machine medic, only for machines it means a whole lotta more. It can not only remove Wounds, but a unit that was eliminated also back into action. Other Factions can only dream about an ability like this. The problem is that the mechanic can't really do anything else. In general, it has no system responsible for shooting. So sending it right out on the frontline is a stupid waste.

    FIX'EM ALL - DETAILS Action: Repair. Remove a Wound from the unit to which the Mechanic touches base to base or return an eliminated unit into the game (the opponent will keep half of VP). If you want to repair the eliminated unit, you can do so before it gets Looted. A fixed unit starts the game without any Wounds. Although the mechanic can remove the Wounds, it does not restore the units' equipment. If the Mechanic repairs the unit, the opponent loses half of VP gained by eliminating this unit. If the opponent kills the unit again, he will get its full value (i.e. a total of 150% points).

    EQUIPMENTArmor *, Burner (3)*

    Blister NST-MOL-034 (1 model) Blister NST-MOL-040 (1 model)

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    EXTERMINATOR160 APTrue heavy support. Towers over the rest of the machines, and this size didn't come out from nowhere: the Exterminator is a walking mountain of metal and plastic, more resistant to damage than any other unit. It is equipped with the best HMG, spitting bullets at the enemy in a deadly cloud. Thanks to clever recoil compensation and cooling systems, the designer eliminated all the disadvantages of heavy weaponry. But its greatest asset is also its weakness. It has a problem with finding a Cover, which makes it an easier target for those who it didn't crush.

    CANNED HORROR - DETAILSEvery passed Constitution test is treated as a Hit in the armor. The unit does not test for Light Damage. Big. The Exterminator can not be eliminated by the accumulation of Wounds. With that kind of Constitution, it can survive multiple hits, and only a failed Constitution test knocks it over. If you pass this crucial test, don't even mark the Wounds on the character sheet. Also, don't test Light Damage, as they don't pose a threat, test passed or not (although it still causes Action interruption, and a Power Pack point for your enemy). Watch out for that net thrower - although you can ignore the Damage dealt by it, the effects of the net still affect for you, taking away the opportunity to perform an Action/React.

    EQUIPMENTHMG (9)*, Armor

    Blister NST-MOL-039 (1 model)

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    Neuroshima Tactics

    The Heroes of Moloch are able to add Operativity to themselves and other units in your army, through the transfer of Actions. This feature works in a certain range, stated for each character individually. Each hero is different and so is the number of Actions you can transfer. You can add up to 2 points of Operativity to each of Moloch's units. You can do so only in your Action phase. Hybrids are the only exception - in their case you can only increase the Operativity by 1. Passing AP remember that there's a small bonus the Squads have. If but one unit t is in the range of the Trait of the Moloch's Hero, the rest of the Squad will also be able to get an extra Action (if they are still in Coherence).



    Cerebrum. Without it, the machines are an armed pile of scrap, packed with inadequate, inefficient algorithms. They need an intelligent unit, that will boost their performance and make them work at 200% efficiency. This is the role of the Cerebrum- the simplest of Moloch's commanders.

    STANDARD FEATURES - DETAILS5 Actions to be distributed within a 8 radius. Small. The Cerebrum needs to be in close range with other units to provide them with additional Actions and far enough from the enemy, so you don't lose such a valuable unit. The Cerebrum cannot defend it self remember this while sending mechanical soldiers into battle.


    Starter set NST-MOL-059 | Blister NST-MOL-052 (1 model)

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    FRIDGERATOR130 APThe machines probably have some kind of a code for this robot, but we simply call him the Fridgerator. Before you even feel the ground shaking under its caterpillars, you can feel the static in the air. The Fridgerator does something to the atmosphere, climate, I do not know what. But where there's the Fridgerator, there's a lot of funky stuff happening.

    ANALYST - DETAILS6 Action Points to be distributed within 12 radius. The Fridgerator doubles the Power Pack points earned by friendly units within 6. The Trait doesn't work in the Reaction Turn. Lousy chassis. Big. If you have two Fridgerators in your Army List, their effects are not cumulative. Since the feature works only in Active round, the Fridgerator does not help to recover Reaction points. For getting an extra point of Power Pack, you need to consider where the unit performing the Action is placed. For example, if the point is earned by killing an enemy unit, it doesn't matter where the killed unit is located, as long as the unit who killed it is in 6 radius from the Fridgerator.


    KASPAROVWARTO: 165 APKasparov's a battle brain. He's the battlefield terror, due to two things: firstly, he commands the machines, boosting their effectiveness. As a brain unit, it's able to handle even a whole team of machines on his own, and is very efficient. It's also a deadly killing instrument: armed, intelligent and dangerous. It has a turning turret at the top of its armor, and in direct confrontation is able to defend itself with its bladed digit. In one-on-one battle, he's second to no one.

    BATTLE FEATURES - DETAILS4 Action points to be distributed within an 6 radius. It's operative radius is much less than that of the Cerebrum, but Kasparov's more mobile, and more likely to get close to the fight and help other machines. Despite this, the Moloch's commander must be very careful not to accidentally lose Kasparov. It is worth a pile of points and the opponent should exert himself, before he can add them on his account.

    EQUIPMENTAssault Rifle (6)*, Machete*

    Blister NST-MOL-053 (1 model) Blister NST-MOL-078 (1 model)

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    Neuroshima Tactics

    the Constitution of the Repairing unit. Repair module does not have a limited amount of uses. Because medication is of no use for the machines, the repair module is the sole method of fixing your troops on the battlefield.

    SHOOTING MODULE (B, 15/30 EP)The unit receives +1 to Sh. If the unit didn't have the Characteristic Shooting or it equaled 8 or less, it is now equal 10.

    THROWING MODULE (B, 10/20 EP)The unit receives +1 to Th. If the unit didn't have the Characteristic Throwing or it equaled 8 or less, it is now equal 10.

    SENSORIC MODULE (C, 10/25 EP)The unit receives +2 to Perception. The module helps to reduce penalties recieved due to smoke or flames. If there's a Partial Cover resulting from flames, it will be only equal 1. If the unit was in a smokes from e.g.a granade, the smoke penalty is only -7.

    COMMUNICATION MODULE (D, 20/- EP)Action Points can be passed 4 farther, than states the unit's Trait.

    MOLOCH'S MODULESIn addition to a separate pool of Heroes, there's one more thing specific to Moloch only - modules. It's something, you can buy for your machines aside from regular equipment. An "exclusive" machine-only thing, you could say. All modules have the tag "Installed". This means that if you equip the unit with it, nobody will be able to Loot them. One machine can have only one module. Units in one Squad can not have different modules. Purchasing modules for the entire Squad, remember about the limits. If, in accordance with the limit you can take only 3 modules, but you buy them for a 4 -robot Squad, you will only get three such devices.

    COHERENCE MODULE (A, -/15 EP)Units equipped with this module remain in Coherence at 4 distance (instead of 3).

    WARRIOR MODULE (B, 15/30 EP)The unit receives +3 to MC points and a machete (which also is Installed). If before installing a warrior module, unit had 8 or less MC, it's MC equals 12. This module cannot be installed on a Hunter.

    SELF-DESTRUCT MODULE (A, 10/25 EP)The unit can perform Action: Detonation and explode with the force equal to a grenade (Heavy Damage radius - 1 Light Damage in additional 2). Detonation does not require passing a test, however, when determining the order of carrying out Action, roll an Agility test. The explosion may (but doesn't have to, depending on what the player decides) also occur without an Action when the unit is eliminated. The explosion does not affect Looting. Blasted scrap-metal is a bit warmer, but still pretty ok to Loot.

    REPAIR MODULE (A, 10/30 EP)The unit gains the ability to perform an Action: Repair (remove all Wounds). Repairing does not require passing a test, however, when determining the order of Actions, test

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