neuroaxial anesthesia dr. m othman

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Neuroaxial Anesthesia:Neuroaxial Anesthesia:An overview.An overview.

Dr. Mahmoud Othman MD,Dr. Mahmoud Othman MD,

Professor Of Anesthesia and SICU,Professor Of Anesthesia and SICU,

Deart. of Anesthesia and SICU,Deart. of Anesthesia and SICU,

Mansoura !a"ult# Of Medi"ineMansoura !a"ult# Of Medi"ine

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The Advantages of Neuroaxial Anaesthesia: 


2.Patient satisfaction. 

3.Respiratory disease. 

.Patent air!ay.

".#ia$etic patients. 

%.&uscle relaxation. 


).*planchnic $lood flo!.

+.,isceral tone. 


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**Ph#siolo$#Ph#siolo$#: ………..: ………..

--Sensor# %lo"&Sensor# %lo"&  . ……………………………. …. …  . ……………………………. …. …--Motor 'lo"&Motor 'lo"&………………………………………………………………………………………………--Autonomi" %lo"&Autonomi" %lo"&……………………………….…… ….……………………………….…… ….


**Anatom#Anatom#: …….. ……………..: …….. ……………..

**Pharma"olo$#Pharma"olo$#: ….. ………..: ….. ………..………………………… 

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Today: PNS & spinal


Tomorrow: CNS

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Nervous system

Peripheral nervous syste/PN*0: nerves outside brain

and s.c.

Central nervoussyste /CN*0: brain &

spinal cord

*oatic N*: nervesgoing rom sense

organs to CNS & rom

CNS to muscles &


Autonoic N*: controls !eart" blood


ot!er organs

*ypathetic N*: or

vigerous activity

#ig!t or lig!t$


N*: vegetative"



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Periheral NSPeriheral NS

Somati" NSSomati" NS ::(Sense or$ansSense or$ans  CNSCNS  mus"les andmus"les and

$lands$landsSomethin$ tou"hes le$Somethin$ tou"hes le$  messa$e to 'rainmessa$e to 'rain

 messa$e from 'rain to arm mus"lemessa$e from 'rain to arm mus"le  'rush thin$ o) le$'rush thin$ o) le$

Sensor# stimulation Motor resonse 

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!''(%img%') !ttp:%%!ome.eart!,dayvdanls



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Bell-Magendie law:

The entering dorsal

roots carry sensory

information to the



the exitingventral roots

carry motor

information to

the muscles andglands

In other words:



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Dorsal root

(sensory in)

Ventral root

(motor out)


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The Spinal Cord *he Sinal Cord *he Sinal Cord

/igure 6.7" p89 !ttp:%%www.bcs.roc!,

now above terms #or let igure$ ; terms circled in red or rig!t igure<<

To be clear" =3: collections o cell bodies o sensory neurons> cell

bodies o motor neurons are wit!in SC

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Periheral NSPeriheral NS

Autonomi" NSAutonomi" NS::(S#matheti" NSS#matheti" NS: axons a"tivate or$ans: axons a"tivate or$ans

for +$ht or -i$htfor +$ht or -i$ht??

(  #  # *hora"olum'er out-ow *hora"olum'er out-ow$ :$ :T( toT( to


S#matheti" $an$lia are "losel# lin&ed andS#matheti" $an$lia are "losel# lin&ed anda"t +in s#math#/ with ea"h othera"t +in s#math#/ with ea"h other 


Short 0on$

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!acilitates energy



!ibers %short "re

long "ost 'T#(

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Periheral NSPeriheral NS

Autonomi" NSAutonomi" NS  :: (Paras#matheti" NSParas#matheti" NS: fa"ilitate: fa"ilitate

ve$etative, nonemer$en"# fun"tionsve$etative, nonemer$en"# fun"tions 

Para means +'eside/ or +related to/1 oositePara means +'eside/ or +related to/1 oositea"tion of s#matheti" NSa"tion of s#matheti" NS 


##Cranio sa"ral out-owCranio sa"ral out-ow$ :$ :Cr(-(9 & S9-6Cr(-(9 & S9-6 

"onsists of "ranial nerves and nerves of"onsists of "ranial nerves and nerves of

sa"ral SCsa"ral SC 

lon$ re$an$. shortost$an$.

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!acilitates energy




!ibers %long "re

short "ost 'T#(

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/ew eAceptions: 

sweat glandsstimulated by 2c!.

B!y does t!at matter =rugs<< DTC cold meds bloc+ parasymp or increase symp

activity b%c low o sinus luids is parasympat!etic. Side eect: in! salivation & digestionand inc E

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Sinal anesthesiaSinal anesthesia

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Sinal nervesSinal nerves





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M#elin SheathM#elin Sheath::

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 *#es of Nerve !i'ers *#es of Nerve !i'ers::

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Physiology of neuroaxial $locagePhysiology of neuroaxial $locage of differential $locone of differential $loc::

level $loc /sypathetic sensory oter 0level $loc /sypathetic sensory oter 0 

22..nervous systenervous syste *odiu channel $loc :*odiu channel $loc : nerve root 4spinal cordnerve root 4spinal cord 

33..cardiovascular systecardiovascular syste 

Autonoic denervationAutonoic denervation 


decrease venousdecrease venous


decrease C5decrease C5 


#ecrease 6R#ecrease 6R

..respiratory systerespiratory syste 

""..78 syste78 syste  parasypatheticparasypathetic 

increase $o!el oveincrease $o!el ove

 rupture of distened $o!elrupture of distened $o!el

%%..9iver and idney9iver and idney  ..

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0um'er 2erte'rae Anatom#0um'er 2erte'rae Anatom#

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Sinal Cord *erminalSinal Cord *erminal

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T!e spinal cord usually ends at the level of 91in adults and 93 in children.

 =ural puncture above t!ese levels is

associated wit! a slig!t ris of daaging the

spinal cord and is best avoided.

An iportant landar to ree$er is that a

line oining the top of the iliac crests is at9 to 9;" 

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0o"al Anesthesti"0o"al Anesthesti"::

) substance which reversibly inhibits nerve) substance which reversibly inhibits nerve

conduction when a""lied directly to tissues at non-conduction when a""lied directly to tissues at non-

toxic concentrationstoxic concentrations

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*ocal )nesthetics- +istory*ocal )nesthetics- +istory

,./ - cocaine isolated from,./ - cocaine isolated from erythroxylum cocaerythroxylum coca

0 1oller - ,2 uses cocaine for to"ical anesthesia1oller - ,2 uses cocaine for to"ical anesthesia

0 +alsted - ,3 "erforms "eri"heral nerve bloc4 with+alsted - ,3 "erforms "eri"heral nerve bloc4 withlocallocal

0 Bier - ,55 first s"inal anestheticBier - ,55 first s"inal anesthetic 

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*ocal anesthetics - Mechanism*ocal anesthetics - Mechanism 

*imit influx of sodium thereby limiting "ro"agation of*imit influx of sodium thereby limiting "ro"agation ofthe action "otential6the action "otential6

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Iec!anism o actionIec!anism o action

0ocal anest!etics bloc+ generation"0ocal anest!etics bloc+ generation"

propagation" and oscillations o electricalpropagation" and oscillations o electrical

impulses in electrically eAcitable tissue.impulses in electrically eAcitable tissue.

Mainl# '# a"tin$ on SodiumMainl# '# a"tin$ on Sodium


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*ocal )nesthetics - 7lasses*ocal )nesthetics - 7lasses  


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PE2I2CD=JN2I4CSPE2I2CD=JN2I4CSKK Clinically used local anest!etics consist o lipid-Clinically used local anest!etics consist o lipid-

soluble" substituted benLene ring lin+ed tosoluble" substituted benLene ring lin+ed to

amine group via al+yl c!ain containing eit!er anamine group via al+yl c!ain containing eit!er an

amideamide oror ester ester  lin+age.lin+age.

KK Type o lin+age separates local anest!etics intoType o lin+age separates local anest!etics into

eit!ereit!er aminoamidesaminoamides #metaboliLed in liver$#metaboliLed in liver$ oror

aminoestersaminoesters #metaboliLed in liver or by plasma#metaboliLed in liver or by plasma


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*ocal anesthetics - 7lasses %8ule of 9is;(*ocal anesthetics - 7lasses %8ule of 9is;(  

<sters<sters 7ocaine7ocaine










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Cinchocaine #Nupercaine" =ibucaine"Procaine" Sovcaine$. '.M !yperbaric #!eavy$

solution is similar to bupivacaine.

Aethocaine #Tetracaine" Pantocaine"

Pontocaine" =ecicain" @utet!anol" 2net!aine"=i+ain$. 2 (M solution can be prepared wit!

deAtrose" saline or water or inection.

&epivacaine #Scandicaine" Carbocaine"

Ieaverin$. 2 6M !yperbaric #!eavy$ solution

is similar to lignocaine.

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(upivacaine /&arcaine0. '.M !yperbaric#!eavy$ bupivacaine is t!e best agent to use iit is available. -."= plain $upivacaine isalso popular . @upivacaine lasts longer t!an

most ot!er spinal anaest!etics: usually 2>3hours.

9ignocaine /9idocaine;?ylocaine0. @est

results are obtained wit! M !yperbaric

#!eavy$ lignocaine w!ic! lasts 6-' minutes.

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9ocal Anaesthetics for *pinal Anaesthesia. 

0ocal anaest!etic agents are eit!er !eavier

#!yperbaric$" lig!ter #!ypobaric$" or !ave t!e

same speciic gravity #isobaric$ as t!e CS/.

 Eyperbaric solutions tend to spread below t!e 

level o t!e inection" w!ile isobaric solutionsare not inluenced in t!is way. 4t is easier to

predict t!e spread o spinal anaest!esia w!en

using a !yperbaric agent.

Eypobaric agents are not generally available. 

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 2==4T4OS TD 0DC20 2==4T4OS TD 0DC20


#($pinep!rine#($pinep!rine ::

KK pinep!rine added to local anest!etic maypinep!rine added to local anest!etic may prolong bloc+ prolong bloc+

increase intensity o bloc+ increase intensity o bloc+

decrease systemic absorption decrease systemic absorptionKK pinep!rine analgesia may act via interactionpinep!rine analgesia may act via interaction

wit! 9-adrenergic receptors in spinal cord andwit! 9-adrenergic receptors in spinal cord and


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Addatives to sinal anesthesiaAddatives to sinal anesthesia


##99$$Anal$esi"sAnal$esi"s:: ……

AOioids : .. .. . 5.. As : 6!entan#l


 %Nonoioids: 5555 As : 6

 *ramadol 7Mida8olam

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Advanta$esAdvanta$es ::

--"ost"ost. …………………………………... …………………………………..--Patient Satsifa"tionPatient Satsifa"tion……………………………………--9esirator# Diseases9esirator# Diseases. ………………. ………………--Dia'eti" PatientsDia'eti" Patients…………………………………………--Mus"le 9elaxationMus"le 9elaxation………………….………………….--Sur$i"al %leedin$Sur$i"al %leedin$…………………………………… --2is"eral *one2is"eral *one. ………………………... ………………………..--Coa$ulation3D2*, P4Coa$ulation3D2*, P4………………….………………….

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8ndications8ndications forfor Neuroaxial  Neuroaxial AnaesthesiaAnaesthesia:: 

AA-- Spinal anaest!esiaSpinal anaest!esia  isis $est reserved$est reserved  for for  operations $elo! the u$ilicusoperations $elo! the u$ilicus !ernia repairs. !ernia repairs  ""

gynaecologicalgynaecological  andand urologicalurological oper oper 

ations and any operation on t!e perineumations and any operation on t!e perineum or genitor genit


((- Spinal anest!esia applied or- Spinal anest!esia applied or All operations onAll operations on

the legthe legss /orthopedic>,ascular0/orthopedic>,ascular0 butbut anan

aputationaputation  ""  t!oug!t!oug! painless" may be anpainless" may be an unpleasunpleas

ant experience for an a!ae patientant experience for an a!ae patient.. 

C >C > 55lder patientslder patients andand t!oset!ose wit!wit! systemicsystemic

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C C 5  5lder patientslder patients  andand  t!oset!ose  wit!wit!  systemicsystemic

diseasedisease  suc! as c!ronic respiratory disease" !epatic" resuc! as c!ronic respiratory disease" !epatic" re

nal and endocrine disorders suc! as diabetesnal and endocrine disorders suc! as diabetes.. 

##-- 4t is suitable or managing patients wit!4t is suitable or managing patients wit! trauatraua i t!eyi t!ey

!ave been adeHuately resuscitated and!ave been adeHuately resuscitated and are notare not


<<-- 4n4n o$stetricso$stetrics" it is ideal or manual" it is ideal or manual reoval ofreoval of aa

retained placentaretained placenta #again" provided t!ere is no !ypovola#again" provided t!ere is no !ypovola

emia$.emia$. 2lso spinal anest!esia is best c!oice or 2lso spinal anest!esia is best c!oice or

casearan sectioncasearan section  andand instrumental dliveryinstrumental dlivery T!ere are deiT!ere are dei

nite advantages or bot! mot!er and babynite advantages or bot! mot!er and baby  inincomparison to general anest!esiacomparison to general anest!esia

  .  .

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Preoerative 2isitPreoerative 2isit::

Indi"ations of sinal anesthesiaIndi"ations of sinal anesthesia  ::

--;eneral sur$er#;eneral sur$er#  … … ….… … ….

--Orthoedi" sur$er#Orthoedi" sur$er#……………………… …….……………………… …….

--;#na"olo$i"al sur$er#;#na"olo$i"al sur$er#…………………… ………………………… ……

--O'estatri" sur$er#O'estatri" sur$er#……………………………….……………………………….--Urolo$i"al sur$er#Urolo$i"al sur$er#……………………. ……………………………. ………

--2as"ular sur$er#2as"ular sur$er#……………………………….……………………………….

Medi"al xaminationMedi"al xamination::

0a'orator# Investi$ations0a'orator# Investi$ations::

 Intravenous Preloadin$Intravenous Preloadin$::

i di i f i l

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Contraindi"tions Of NeuroaxialContraindi"tions Of Neuroaxial

AnesthesiaAnesthesia::..Inada<uat 9esus"itation !a"ilitiesInada<uat 9esus"itation !a"ilities. …. …

=#ovolaemia=#ovolaemia…………………… ………………………… ……

..Patient 9efusalPatient 9efusal………………………………………………

..seti"aemiaseti"aemia…………………… ..…………………… ..

..0o"al infe"tion0o"al infe"tion……………………………………

 ..Neurolo$i"al DiseasesNeurolo$i"al Diseases  . . …. . …

--Coa$ulation Defe"tsCoa$ulation Defe"ts………………………….…………………………...Infants and "hildern3exert anesthetist4Infants and "hildern3exert anesthetist4


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A$solute contraindicationA$solute contraindicationss::

11.. sepsissepsis 

22.. $actereia$actereia 

33.. sin infection at inection sitesin infection at inection site .. severe hypovoleiasevere hypovoleia 

"".. coagulopathycoagulopathy 

%%..increase intracranial pressureincrease intracranial pressure 

''..lac of consentlac of consent 

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Relative contraindicationRelative contraindicationss:: 

11..peripheral neuropathyperipheral neuropathy..22..uncooperative patientsuncooperative patients 

33..psychosispsychosis or eotional insta$ilityor eotional insta$ility..

..&ini dose heparin&ini dose heparin ..

""..aspirin or antiaspirin or anticoagulantcoagulant drugdrug  ..%%..deyelating CN*deyelating CN* ..

''..certain cardiac lesionscertain cardiac lesions /valve/valve stenosisstenosis00..

)).. prolongprolongeded surgerysurgery.. of uncertain durationsurgery of uncertain duration 1-1-@@.@@.infants and young childern /experience0infants and young childern /experience0..


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Pre>operative ,isit. 

Patients s!ould be told a$out their

anaesthetic during the pre>operative visit. 

4t is important to eAplain t!at alt!oug! spinal

anaest!esia abolis!es pain" t!ey may be

a!are of soe sensation in t!e relevantarea" but it will not be uncomortable and is

Huite normal.

T!ey must be reassured t!at" i t!ey feel pain 

they !ill $e given a general anaesthetic.

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Preedication is not al!ays necessary4 $utif a patient is apprehensive4

 a $enodiaepine such as ">1- g ofdiaepa ay $e given orally 1 hour

$efore the operation.

 5ther sedative or narcotic agents ay also$e used. Anticholinergics such as atropine

or scopolaine /hyoscine0 are


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Preparation for 9u$ar Puncture.: 

( . spinal needle. 

9 . 8ntroducer 

F . "l syringe or t!e spinal anaest!etic solution.

6 . 2 l syringe or local anaest!etic to be used or s+in


. selection of needles or drawing up t!e local

anaest!etic solutions and or iniltrating t!e s+in.

) . gallipot wit! a suitable antiseptic or cleaning t!e

s+in" eg c!lor!eAidine" iodine" or met!yl alco!ol.

' . *terile gaue swabs or s+in cleansing.

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8 . sticing plaster  to cover t!e puncture site.

T!e local anaest!etic to be inected intrat!ecally s!ouldbe in a single use ampoule.

Never use local anaesthetic fro a ulti>dose vialfor intrathecal inection.

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All patients !aving spinal anaest!esia must !ave a

large intravenous cannula inserted and be givenintravenous luids immediately $efore the spinal. 

T!e volume o luid given will vary !ith the age of the

patient and the extent of the proposed $loc. 2

young" it man !aving a !ernia repair may only need'' mls. Dlder patients are not able to compensate

as eiciently as t!e young or spinal-induced

vasodilation and !ypotension and may need ('''mls

or a similar procedure. 8f a high $loc is planned4at least a 1---ls should $e given to all patients.

Caesarean section patients need at least 1"--


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-T!e luid s!ould preerably be noral saline or6artanns solution. 

-Colloids li+e !etasrac!" deAtran" can be used.

>"= dextrose is readily metabolised and so is noteffective in maintaining t!e blood pressure.

COsinal !luidthra#

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11..9ateral / 9t lateral 09ateral / 9t lateral 0



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Postionin$ Of PatientPostionin$ Of Patient

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The sitting position is prefera$le in the o$ese 

w!ereas t!e lateral is better or uncooperative or

sedated patients. 

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Iales tend to !ave wider s!oulders t!an !ips and so

are in a slig!t Q!ead upQ position w!en lying on t!eir

sides" w!ilst or emales wit! t!eir wider !ips" t!e

opposite is true.

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11..edian approachedian approach 

22..paraedian approachparaedian approach 

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Sinal *e"hni<ueSinal *e"hni<ue::

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The sin.

*u$cutaneous fat..

The supraspinous ligaent

The interspinous ligaent

The ligaentu flavu

The epidural space

The dura. sac.

The su$arachnoid space. 

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0a#ers to 'e ier"ed0a#ers to 'e ier"ed::

(-S&in  :

9-S"tissues  :

F-Su Sin0i$:

6-Inter Sin0i$

-0i$ !lavum:

)-idural S.

7-Dura Matter 



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sinal anesthesia 

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Assessing the (loc. 

(. t!e patient is unable to lit !is legs rom t!e bed" t!e

bloc+ is at least up to t!e mid-lumbar region.9. 4t is unnecessary to test sensation wit! a s!arp


F. 4t is better to test or a loss o temperature sensation

using a swab soa+ed in eit!er et!er or alco!ol.

6. t!e patient can be gently pinc!ed wit! artery orceps

or ingers on bloc+ed and unbloc+ed segments

. Surgeons and patients s!ould be reminded t!at w!en

a bloc+ is successul" a patient may still be aware o

touc! but will not eel pain.

Assessin$ Of SinalAssessin$ Of Sinal

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Assessin$ Of SinalAssessin$ Of Sinal

AnesthesiaAnesthesia**-S. $r.3CS!4







!a"tors A)e"tin$ Sread Of!a"tors A)e"tin$ Sread Of

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!a"tors A)e"tin$ Sread Of!a"tors A)e"tin$ Sread Of

0o"al Anestheti"0o"al Anestheti"::

((--%ari"it#1 3heav#Iso'ari"4%ari"it#1 3heav#Iso'ari"4…..………….…..………….

99--PositionPosition……………………………. .. .……………………………. .. .FF--2olume ine"ted2olume ine"ted………… .. . ….………… .. . ….

66--0evel of Ine"tion0evel of Ine"tion……""" ……….……….……""" ……….……….--Con"entration Of lo"al anesthCon"entration Of lo"al anesth. … … .. … … .))--Seed Of ine"tionSeed Of ine"tion…….. . ... ….…….. . ... ….

77--A'domial ressure53asitesA'domial ressure53asitesre$nan"#tumours4re$nan"#tumours4 ..

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In the horiontal su"ine "osition hy"erbaric local anesthetic solutions

in>ected at the height of the lumbar lordosis %circle( flow down thelumbar lordosis to "ool in the sacrum and in the thoracic 4y"hosis6

$ooling in the thoracic 4y"hosis is thought to ex"lain the fact that

hy"erbaric solutions "roduce bloc4s with an average height of T2-.6

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pinal ane the ia: level and duration of








44 T1010 T44


eavy(0.50.5% )






8-(98-(9gg (6-9'(6-9'gg '-((''-(('


! obaric( obaric(


) bupivacaine




(-9'(-9' gg

(8'(8' inin

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Bactors Affecting the *pread of the 9ocalAnaesthetic *olution. 

•1>  The $aricity  of the local anaesthetic


•2> position

•3> #osage 4 concentration

•> volue inected

•"> the level of inection

•%> *peed of inection

•'> A$doinal pressure.

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Pro'lems Eith Sinal %lo"&Pro'lems Eith Sinal %lo"&::

((--NO 'lo"& at allNO 'lo"& at all…………………… .. ..…………………… .. ..

99--%lo"& is one sided%lo"& is one sided………… … ……. …………… … ……. …

FF--%lo"& is not hi$h enou$h%lo"& is not hi$h enou$h…… … ….…… … ….

66--%lo"& is too hi$h%lo"& is too hi$h…………………………..…………………………..--Nausea F2omitin$Nausea F2omitin$…………… . ….. ......…………… . ….. ......

))--Shiverin$Shiverin$………………………… ….. .………………………… ….. .

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4t is essential to monitor

10 Pulse

20 (lood pressure 30 Respiration

  0 Consiosness

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((--C; tra"eC; tra"e……………. .……………. .

99--=eart rate=eart rate…………"……………………. .…………"……………………. .

FF--Artial 'lood ressureArtial 'lood ressure. " "" .. .. .. … .. " "" .. .. .. … .

66--9esirator# attern9esirator# attern.." …""… .. . ...." …""… .. . ..

--Artial SO7Artial SO7…………"". ……………… .…………"". ……………… .

))--0evel of "ons"iousness0evel of "ons"iousness…""""……………..…""""……………..

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Disadvanta$es Of sinalDisadvanta$es Of sinal

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Disadvanta$es Of sinalDisadvanta$es Of sinal


((--Di)"ult# 3A$ein$Deformit#4Di)"ult# 3A$ein$Deformit#4….. … …….….. … …….

99--h#otension3hi$h level4h#otension3hi$h level4…………………….…………………….

FF-- *otal sinal *otal sinal……………………….… ……….……………………….… ……….

66--0on$er Sur$er#3more than 7 hs40on$er Sur$er#3more than 7 hs4…..…..………………

--Ps#"holo$i"al ase"t3sedation4Ps#"holo$i"al ase"t3sedation4………………………………

CONt SinalCONt Sinal

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CONt. SinalCONt. Sinal

Anesth.DisadaventAnesth.Disadavent..::))--Postdural un"ture heade"hePostdural un"ture heade"he.. ……… ….... ……… ….. 77--9is& of infe"tion3menin$itis49is& of infe"tion3menin$itis4…………….…….…………….……. 


88--9is& of heamtoma3"lottin$ defe"ts49is& of heamtoma3"lottin$ defe"ts4…......…......

--Neurolo$i"al inur#3"auda e<uina4Neurolo$i"al inur#3"auda e<uina4………… ….………… ….

('('--Urine retensionUrine retension……………………………......……………………………......

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11..8ediate coplications8ediate coplications ::


>>total spinal $loctotal spinal $loc 

>>systeic toxicitysysteic toxicity 

22..9ate coplications9ate coplications::

>>post dural puncture headache /P#P60post dural puncture headache /P#P60.. 

>><pidural heatoa<pidural heatoa..

>>focal neurological deficitfocal neurological deficit .. >>$acterial eningitis$acterial eningitis..

>  >


5ther Coplications5ther Coplications ::

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As theAs the sacral autonoic fi$res are aong the last tosacral autonoic fi$res are aong the last to

recover follo!ing a spinal anaestheticrecover follo!ing a spinal anaesthetic44 urinaryurinary 

retentionretention ay occur. 8f fluid pre>loading has $een exay occur. 8f fluid pre>loading has $een excessive4 a painful distended $ladder ay result and tcessive4 a painful distended $ladder ay result and t

he patient ay need to $ehe patient ay need to $e catherisedcatherised..

Peranent neurological coplicationsPeranent neurological coplications are extreelyare extreely

rare. &any of those that have $een reported !ere durare. &any of those that have $een reported !ere du

e to thee to the inection of inappropriate drugsinection of inappropriate drugs or cheicalor cheical

s into the C*B producings into the C*B producing eningitis4eningitis4 arachnoiditis4 tr arachnoiditis4 tr 

ansverse yelitis or the cauda euina sansverse yelitis or the cauda euina syyndroendroe !it!ith varying patterns ofh varying patterns of neurological ipairent and spneurological ipairent and sp

hincter distur$anceshincter distur$ances..

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1. <phedrine 9.-)mg titrated against t!e blood

pressure. 4ts eect generally lasts about (' minutesand it may need repeating.

4t can also be given intramuscularly but its onset time

is delayed alt!oug! its duration is prolonged..

2. &etarainol #2ramine$.

3. &ethoxaine #OasoAine$.

. Phenylephrine.". Noradrenaline #0evop!ed$.

%. Adrenaline;<pinephrine.

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Treatent of spinal 6ypotension. 

Eypotension is due to vasodilation and a unctional

decrease in the effective circulating volue.1.vasoconstrictor drugs 

9.2ll !ypotensive patients s!ould be given 5?D7<N by

mas+ until t!e blood pressure is restored.

F. raising their legs t!us increasing the return of

venous $lood to the heart. spinal anaest!etic !asbeen inected in t!e preceding 1" inutes as it will

result in t!e bloc+ spreading !ig!er and t!e

!ypotension becoming more severe.

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.8ncrease the speed of the intravenous infusion tomaAimum until t!e blood pressure is restored toacceptable levels .

. pulse is slo!" give atropine intravenously.

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Treatent of Total *pinal.: 

1. 6ypotension - emember t!at nausea may be t!e

irst sign o !ypotension. give vassopressors. 2. (radycardia - give atropine

3. 8ncreasing anxiety - reassure.

. Nu$ness or !eaness of the ars and hands"

indicating t!at t!e bloc+ !as reac!ed t!e cervico-

t!oracic unction.

". #ifficulty $reathing - as t!e intercostal nerves are

bloc+ed t!e patient may state t!at t!ey cant ta+e a

deep breat!. 2s t!e p!renic nerves #C F"6"$ w!ic!

supply t!e diap!ragm become bloc+ed" t!e patient

will initially be unable to tal+ louder  t!an a w!isper

and will t!en stop breat!ing.

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%. 9oss of consciousness. 

As for help - several pairs o !ands may be

useul<8ntu$ate and ventilate t!e patient wit! (''M


Dnce t!e airway !as been controlled and t!e circulation

restored" consider sedating t!e patient wit! a


6eadache6eadache /P#P60/P#P60::..

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/ 0/ 0

 A characteristic headache ay occur follo!ing spinalA characteristic headache ay occur follo!ing spinal

anaesthesia. 8t $eginsanaesthesia. 8t $egins !ithin 2>'2 hours and ay la!ithin 2>'2 hours and ay la

st a !ee or orest a !ee or ore.. 

8t is postural4 $eing ade8t is postural4 $eing ade !orse $y standing or even!orse $y standing or even

raising the head and relieved $y lying do!nraising the head and relieved $y lying do!n.. 

8t is often8t is often occipital and ay $e associated !ith a stiffoccipital and ay $e associated !ith a stiff

nec. Nausea4 voiting4 diiness and photopho$ia f nec. Nausea4 voiting4 diiness and photopho$ia f 

reuently accopany itreuently accopany it.. 8t is ore coon in the8t is ore coon in the young4 in feales andyoung4 in feales and

 especially in o$stetric patientsespecially in o$stetric patients..

8t is thought to $e caused $y the8t is thought to $e caused $y the continuing loss ofcontinuing loss of

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C*B through the holeC*B through the hole ade in the dura $y the spinalade in the dura $y the spinal

needle. This results in traction on the eninges andneedle. This results in traction on the eninges and


The incidence of headache is related directly to theThe incidence of headache is related directly to the

sie of the needle used. Asie of the needle used. A 1% gauge needle !ill cause1% gauge needle !ill cause

headache in a$out '"= of patients4 a 2- gauge needlheadache in a$out '"= of patients4 a 2- gauge needle in a$out 1"= and a 2" gauge needle in 1>3=e in a$out 1"= and a 2" gauge needle in 1>3=..

As the fi$res of the dura run parallel to the long axis ofAs the fi$res of the dura run parallel to the long axis of

the spine4 if the $evel of the needle is parallel to thethe spine4 if the $evel of the needle is parallel to the

4 it !ill part rather than cut the and therefore4 leav4 it !ill part rather than cut the and therefore4 leave a saller holee a saller hole..

Treatent of spinal headacheTreatent of spinal headache 

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((..emainemain lying lat in bedlying lat in bed as t!is relieves t!e painas t!is relieves t!e pain..


99.. T!ey s!ould be encouraged toT!ey s!ould be encouraged to drin+drin+ reely or" ireely or" i

necessary" be givennecessary" be given intravenous luids to maintain adeHintravenous luids to maintain adeH

uate !ydrationuate !ydration..

FF.. Simple analgesicsSimple analgesics suc! as paracetamol" aspirin orsuc! as paracetamol" aspirin or

codeine may be !elpulcodeine may be !elpul"" 

66..44ncreasencreasedd intra-abdominalintra-abdominal  and !ence epiduraland !ence epiduralpressure.pressure. #2bdominal binder$#2bdominal binder$..

..Caeine containing drin+sCaeine containing drin+s suc! as tea" coee orsuc! as tea" coee or

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Coca-Cola are oten !elpulCoca-Cola are oten !elpul..

))..Prolonged or severe !eadac!esProlonged or severe !eadac!es may be treatedmay be treated

wit!wit! epidural blood patc!epidural blood patc! perormed by asepticallyperormed by aseptically

inecting (-9'ml o t!e patients own blood into t!inecting (-9'ml o t!e patients own blood into t!

e epidural space. T!is t!ene epidural space. T!is t!en clotsclots and seals t!e !oland seals t!e !ol

e and prevents urt!er lea+age o CS/e and prevents urt!er lea+age o CS/..

4t used to be t!oug!t t!at bedrest or 96 !ours4t used to be t!oug!t t!at bedrest or 96 !ours

ollowing a spinal anaest!etic would !elp reduce tollowing a spinal anaest!etic would !elp reduce t

!e incidence o !eadac!e" but t!is is now no long!e incidence o !eadac!e" but t!is is now no longer believed to be t!e caseer believed to be t!e case..

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8t is !idely considered that8t is !idely considered that pencil>point needlespencil>point needles 

/Ehiteacre or *protte0/Ehiteacre or *protte0 ae a saller hole in the dur ae a saller hole in the dur 

a and are associated !ith a lo!er incidence of headaa and are associated !ith a lo!er incidence of heada

che /1=0 than conventionalche /1=0 than conventional cutting>edged needles /Fcutting>edged needles /Fuince0uince0

 *o minimi8e PDP=

=eada"he roh#laxis with sinal

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8f8f inadeuate sterile precautionsinadeuate sterile precautions are taenare taen $acterial$acterial

eningitis or an epidural a$scesseningitis or an epidural a$scess 

Binally4 peranent paralysis can occur due toBinally4 peranent paralysis can occur due to anterioranterior

spinal artery syndroespinal artery syndroe.. This is ost liely to affectThis is ost liely to affect elderly patientselderly patients !ho are!ho are

su$ected to prolonged periods ofsu$ected to prolonged periods of hypotension andhypotension and

ay result in peranent paralysis of the lo!er li$say result in peranent paralysis of the lo!er li$s.. 

Other"omli"ations :


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##99$$Ph#siolo$# G Anatom#G Pharma"olo$#Ph#siolo$# G Anatom#G Pharma"olo$#::##FF$$Preoerative visit.. : Indi"ationsPreoerative visit.. : Indi"ations ………. ……….xaminationxamination……….……….Investi$ationsInvesti$ations……..……..

Intravenous Preload of -uidsIntravenous Preload of -uids  ##66$$Contraindi"ations to neuroaxial anesthesiaContraindi"ations to neuroaxial anesthesia………..………..

##$$ *e"hni<ue of neuroaxial anesthesia *e"hni<ue of neuroaxial anesthesia..........................................

##))$$!a"tors a)e"t sread of neuroaxial sianl anesthes!a"tors a)e"t sread of neuroaxial sianl anesthes

##77$$Monitorin$ durin$ neuroaxial anesthesiaMonitorin$ durin$ neuroaxial anesthesia………….………….

##88$$Comli"ations and man$ement of neuroaxial 55Comli"ations and man$ement of neuroaxial 55anesthesiaanesthesia

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 *han&s !or Hour Attention *han&s !or Hour Attention

Dr.Mahmoud Othman