ndvi parta mayo

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  • 8/11/2019 NDVI PartA Mayo


    The normalized diferencevegetation index (NDVI)

    GreenSeeker handheld sensor:Toard the integrated eval!ation o" cro#

    management $art %: &once#ts and casest!dies'ram GovaertsInternational Maize and Wheat Improvement Center(CIMMYT) [email protected]

    Nele Verh!lstInternational Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT)

    Katholieke niversiteit !e"ven (K..!e"ven) n.verh"[email protected]

    #erh"lst$ %.$ &ovaerts$ '. *. The normalized di+erence vegetation /

    Tale o" contents

    Introd"ction .....................................................................................

    A.2lant re3ectance and normalized di+erence vegetation inde,...............................................................................................

    B..................................................%-#I and remote sensing0 4 sma...............................................................................................

    C.......................................................4 case st"d5 in the Me,ican hi...............................................................................................


    #erh"lst received a scholarship 6rom the 7esearch 8o"ndation 9 8landers. Thepresented research 1as 6"nded b5 CIMMYT and its strategic partners.Introd"ction to the %-#I &reenseeker/ sensor and scienti:c backstoppingand e,change 1as provided b5 'ill 7a"n at ;klahoma tate niversit5 and

    the :nalization and reprod"ction o6 this training doc"ment 1as madepossible thanks to the < 4I- !inkage 8"nds.

  • 8/11/2019 NDVI PartA Mayo



    - RRed

    *esid!e +e#t*emoved +e#t *emoved


    A.$lant re,ectance and normalized

    diference vegetation index (NDVI)

    7e3ectance is the ratio o6 energ5 that is re3ected6rom an ob=ect to the energ5 incident on the ob=ect.pectral re3ectance o6 a crop di+ers considerabl5 inthe near in6rared region (4 > ?9* nm) and inthe visible red range (4 > AA9? nm) o6 theelectromagnetic spectr"m (K"mar and ilva$ *

  • 8/11/2019 NDVI PartA Mayo


    $arameter 7#timal heat &onditions at 4l 7#timal maize &onditions at 4l$ossile


    oil temp.

    im"m da5 temp.

    Mean night temp.

    Mean da5 temp.

    9A CO L9G


    *A9 C 9A C

    G mm

    2eriods o6 dro"ght

    2eriods o6 e,cessive


    *G9*D CO A9 CO

    P* CO QLA CO

    L mmO

    *A9 C 9A C

    G mm

    2eriods o6 dro"ght

    2eriods o6

    e,cessive rain6all







    W>1heat$ M>maize.7otation0 MM>contin"o"s maize$ WW>c1heat$ WM or MW>5earl5 rotation o6 m

    The soil R"alit5 concept

    4s a 1a5 o6 6"rther introd"cing the case st"d5$ 1e1ill present some soil R"alit5 res"lts 6rom the long9term e,periment. When eval"ating an agric"lt"ralmanagement s5stem 6or s"stainabilit5$ the centralR"estion is0 1hich prod"ction s5stem 1ill note,ha"st the reso"rce base$ 1ill optimize soilconditions and 1ill red"ce 6ood prod"ctionv"lnerabilit5$ 1hile at the same time maintaining orenhancing prod"ctivit5S oil R"alit5 can be seen asa concept"al translation o6 the s"stainabilit5concept to1ards soil. Karlen et al. (*

  • 8/11/2019 NDVI PartA Mayo


    Tanner and 7aemaeker$ B O 7istanovic$ B OO a5re$ K. -. personal comm"nicationL

    8"rther reading'arrios$ .$ 7.F -elve$ M. 'ek"nda$ F. Mo1o$ F. 4g"nda$

    F. 7amisch$ M.T. Tre=o$ 7.F . Thomas. G. Indicators

    o6 soil R"alit50 4 so"th9so"th development o6 a

    methodological g"ide 6or linking local and technical

    kno1ledge. Geoderma*A0 LD9A< -oran$ F.W.$

    T.'. 2arkin. *

  • 8/11/2019 NDVI PartA Mayo


    in crop development "nder di+erent tillage practicesare scarce$ b"t some reports 1ere 6o"nd thatcoincide 1ith o"r :ndings. 7ile5 (*

  • 8/11/2019 NDVI PartA Mayo


    It can be concl"ded that tillage$ rotation$ and resid"emanagement practices in3"ence crop development.Eo1ever$ more research is needed to 6"ll5"nderstand the "nderl5ing mechanisms. 4s mostpractices and kno1ledge are c"rrentl5 based onconventionall5 tilled cropping$ it is important tomonitor and "nderstand crop gro1th "nder di+erentmanagement s5stems to select the right varietiesand ad="st timing and practice o6 inp"t s"ppl5(6ertilizer$ irrigation$ etc.) in a holistic 1a5 6or eachs5stem.

    More details on the case st"d5 can be 6o"nd in

    #erh"lst$ %.$ '. &ovaerts$ K.-. a5re$ 2. -e Corte$ F.

    Crossa$ F. -eckers$ !. -endooven. *. The e+ects

    o6 tillage$ crop rotation$ and resid"e management on

    maize and 1heat gro1th and development eval"ated

    1ith an optical sensor. Field Crops Research


    8"rther reading7aimba"lt$ '.4.$ T.F. #5n. *

  • 8/11/2019 NDVI PartA Mayo


    there6ore be considered a reaction to ineJcient"se o6 critical plant gro1th reso"rces ind"ced b5an "ns"stainable management o6 these reso"rces.

    4s s"ch$ it can serve as a so"nd indicator o6 crop

    mismanagement and can help to correct this. The&reeneeker/ %-#I sensor can be "sed as a toolto 6ollo1 the spatial variabilit5 in crop per6ormancethro"gho"t the season.

    &ase st!d0 "rom the 1exicanhighlands

    Materials and methods

    %-#I meas"rements 1ere taken in the same 1a5as the meas"rements o6 the crop development st"d5in the L$ A$ and G gro1ing seasons. TheC# is de:ned as the standard deviation e,pressedas a percentage o6 the mean res"lt (teel et al.*

  • 8/11/2019 NDVI PartA Mayo



    Meas"rements o6 C# thro"gho"t the crop seasonre3ected the gro1th and senescence c"rve o6maize (8ig"re ). ;nce the canop5 began to close$leaves 6rom larger plants covered the leaves and1horl o6 smaller plants$ e,tending 6"rther into thelinear ro1. 4s these leaves began to :ll the ro1$intersecting 1ith$ and in some cases covering "pleaves 6rom smaller plants$ soil coverage increasedthe amo"nt o6 green vegetation. Comparableres"lts 1ere obtained b5 7a"n et al. (A).

    There 1ere signi:cantl5 higher C#s thro"gho"t theseason in the s"stainabilit5 trial 6or both maizegro1n in monoc"lt"re as 1ell as in rotation 1ith1heat 1hen planted 1ith zero tillage and resid"eremoval (2Q.A). 4ll plots managed 1ith one o6these treatments sho1ed higher C#s thro"gho"tthe season and as s"ch higher 1ithin9plotvariabilit5. These same treatments have beencharacterized b5 lo1 5ields ("p to A 5ield loss) inall past 5ears o6 the e,periment$ compared 1ithzero tillage 1ith resid"e retention (&ovaerts et al.$A). The same t1o treatments 1ere alsocharacterized b5 lo1 soil R"alit5 and bad soil healthcompared 1ith other treatments (&ovaerts et al.$GbB ?a$bB D). When the e,periment 1asstarted in *

  • 8/11/2019 NDVI PartA Mayo


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    the :eld held more 1ater so that 5ield prod"ctionreached a level at 1hich the potassi"m content1as inadeR"ate and limited prod"ction. Machadoet al. () reported a positive e+ect o6 soil %;9%on sorgh"m grain 5ield in a 5ear 1hen 1ater 1asab"ndant$ b"t a negative e+ect in a 5ear 1hen1ater 1as limited.

    !inking spatial variabilit5 in crop per6ormance todi+erences in soil attrib"tes co"ld identi65 thelimiting 6actors driving the s5stem. 2atterns o6 cropper6ormance 1ill 6ollo1 the spatial variabilit5 o6 the"nderl5ing limiting soil attrib"tes. The sensordetects Ncold and hot zonesN o6 plant per6ormance$

    1hich can be correlated to :eld spots o6 di+eringsoil R"alit5. This allo1s a detailed investigation o6"nderl5ing soil processes and ho1 the5 might bea+ected b5 di+erent management practices.

    &ase st!d0 "rom the 1exicanhighlands

    Materials and methods

    %-#I meas"rements 1ere taken as a meas"re o6plant per6ormance 1ith the &reeneeker/Eandheld ;ptical ensor nit (%Tech Ind"stries$

    Inc.$ 4) DL da5s a6ter planting in the G cropc5cle (the beginning o6 tasseling 6or maize and thebeginning o6 grain :lling 6or 1heat). 8or maize$ %-#I1as meas"red in all ro1s$ e,cept border ro1s$giving a total o6 eight ro1s. 8or 1heat$ 1e meas"redG strips that 1ere .G m 1ide$ 1ith the :rst andlast one at *. m 6rom the border and the remainingones at eR"idistance. oil attrib"tes 1ere onl5meas"red spatiall5 in plots 1ith crop rotations o6maize and 1heat (D treatments). oil attrib"tes1ere determined in D points 1ithin each plot$ l5ingon a grid o6 A.A b5 .A m$ leaving a border o6 m atthe so"th9east side o6 the plot and a border o6 .A mat all other sides. The 6ollo1ing soil attrib"tes 1eremeas"red0 vol"metric soil moist"re contentB directs"r6ace in:ltration (time9to9pond)B aggregatedistrib"tion and stabilit5 b5 dr5 and 1et sievingBand total %$ organic matter$ pE$ electrol5ticcond"ctivit5$ content o6 Ca$ Mg$ %a$ K$ andinorganic %. To e,amine the 1ithin9plot patterns o6crop per6ormance "nder the di+erent treatments$maps o6 %-#I 1ere prod"ced "sing 4rcMapso6t1are$ version

  • 8/11/2019 NDVI PartA Mayo


    When 1ater is the limiting 6actor$ more available1ater makes the plants gro1 better$ res"lting inhigher 1ithin9season %-#I levels and higher end9 o69season crop and root biomass at the north91est sidecompared to the so"th9east side o6 the :eld. 46terharvest$ more remnant st"bble and root 1as le6t onthe :eld at the north91est side. This ca"sed organic

    matter levelsZand conseR"entl5 soil str"ct"re$retention o6 1ater b5 organic matter$ and in:ltrationZto remain higher at the north91est side o6 the :eldthan at the so"th9east side "nder zero tillage 1ithresid"e removal. In that 1a5 soil 1ater content atthe north91est side improved 6"rther compared tothe so"th9east side and conseR"entl5 plant gro1thand crop per6ormance 1ere better at the north91estside. ;ver the 5ears$ this incorrect agronomicmanagement$ i.e. zero tillage 1ith resid"e removal$increased the spatial variabilit5 in soil properties andcrop per6ormance since spatial variabilit5 1as lo1 inthe :eld 1hen the e,periment 1as started (!opez9%overola$ *

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    4damsen$ 8.F.$ 2F. 2inter$ .M. 'arnes$7.!. !amorte$ &.W. Wall$ .W. !eavitt$B. 4. Kimball. *

  • 8/11/2019 NDVI PartA Mayo


    &I112T6I t ti l M i d Wh t I t C t