ncfa newsletter august 2, 2013 -...

NCF C ONNE X ION ! Being Real, Relevant, and Racially Diverse! Rev. James H. Lee, Pastor Of AUSTIN (P.C.U.S.A.) 1507 WILSHIRE BLVD, STE. 6 Austin, Texas 78722 (512) 334-3041 Volume 8, Issue 30 August 4, 2013 AT A GLANCE NCFA’s Director of Children and Youth Ministry for the past 5 years Thank you for your wonderful service and dedication to our church, children, youth, and families. We Love You!!!! INSIDE THIS ISSUE: “Sunday at NCFA” 2 “Sermon” 3-6 “Praise & Petitions” 7 “At the End of the Day” 8 “Youth Connections” 9 “NCF Calendar” 10 “Announcements” 11-19 “Celebration” 20 Session Members *Rev. James Lee Pastor/Moderator *Elder Kathy Smith Clerk of Session/Children & Youth *Rev. Bill Harris Administration & Personnel *Elder Tim Lenz Buildings & Grounds *Elder Danita Nelson Congregational Life *Elder Cathy Angell Discipleship *Elder Caly Fernandez Evangelism *Elder Tracey Lenz Finance & Stewardship *Elder Nikkie Lee Lay Ministry *Elder George Washington IV Men’s Ministry *Elder Vernon Bailey Missions *Elder Jane Mack Women’s Ministry *Elder Charles Robinson Worship & Membership Deacons Connie Jones, Chair Jimmy Bohn Ulysses Cox Destiny Edwards Mike Herrington Benton Hooks Brandi Palacios Ricky Palacios Lucy Oglesby Carol Saddington NCFA Sunday Schedule 8:00am - Worship Service Waller Creek Chapel 41st St. and Red River 9am Adult Sunday School 10am Fellowship 10:15am - Worship Service 1507 Wilshire Blvd. 10:45am - Children’s Church

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Page 1: NCFA Newsletter August 2, 2013 - N… · 3Give us each day our daily bread. 4And forgive us our

NCF CONNEXION! Being Real, Relevant, and Racially Diverse!

Rev. James H. Lee, Pastor



Austin, Texas 78722

(512) 334-3041

Volume 8, Issue 30 August 4, 2013 AT A GLANCE

NCFA’s Director of Children and Youth Ministry

for the past 5 years

Thank you for your wonderful service and dedication to our church, children, youth,

and families. We Love You!!!!

I N S I D E T H I S I S S U E :

“Sunday at NCFA” 2

“Sermon” 3-6 “Praise & Petitions” 7

“At the End of the Day” 8

“Youth Connections” 9

“NCF Calendar” 10

“Announcements” 11-19

“Celebration” 20

Session Members *Rev. James Lee Pastor/Moderator *Elder Kathy Smith Clerk of Session/Children & Youth *Rev. Bill Harris Administration & Personnel *Elder Tim Lenz Buildings & Grounds *Elder Danita Nelson Congregational Life *Elder Cathy Angell Discipleship *Elder Caly Fernandez Evangelism *Elder Tracey Lenz Finance & Stewardship *Elder Nikkie Lee Lay Ministry *Elder George Washington IV Men’s Ministry *Elder Vernon Bailey Missions *Elder Jane Mack Women’s Ministry *Elder Charles Robinson Worship & Membership

Deacons Connie Jones, Chair Jimmy Bohn Ulysses Cox Destiny Edwards

Mike Herrington

Benton Hooks

Brandi Palacios

Ricky Palacios

Lucy Oglesby

Carol Saddington

NCFA Sunday Schedule

8:00am - Worship Service Waller Creek Chapel

41st St. and Red River

9am Adult Sunday School

10am Fellowship

10:15am - Worship Service 1507 Wilshire Blvd.

10:45am - Children’s Church

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invites you to join us for worship service!

Every Sunday 8am - 9amNCFA Chapel at the Waller Creek School

4100 Red River St.

Enter through the 41st Street Gate

NCFA Chapel Hancock Center

41st St




The Rev. James H. Lee, Pastor, New Covenant Fellowship of Austin (PCUSA)1507 Wilshire Blvd., Ste.6, Austin, TX 78722-1100, 512-334-3041,

Coming Soon to a Chapel Near You

(...that is, the NCFA Chapel at Waller Creek, located at 41st and Red River )

You are invited and encouraged to come out to hear the messages of our upcoming speakers at the 8am worship service on any of the following Sundays:

August 4th - Elder Danita Nelson

We would love to have you and your family come share in the CELEBRATION OF THE GOOD NEWS!

We are worshiping in the Fellowship Hall of

Genesis Presbyterian Church on the Wilshire

Campus starting at10:15 a.m.

New Covenant Fellowship of Austin PC(U.S.A.)

is a racially diverse community informed by the Bible, empowered by the Holy Spirit, and motivated to share God’s love with all. In response to God’s love, we are called to equip disciples to faithfully serve, to encourage seekers to joyfully commit, and to implore all to worship our Lord, as we love our neighbors, grow in grace, and live by faith.

8:00am - Worship Service Waller Creek Chapel 41st St. and Red River

9am Adult Sunday School

10am Fellowship

10:15am - Worship Service 1507 Wilshire Blvd.

10:45am - Children’s Church

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THE MESSAGE Charlie Shin

“Lord Teach Us to Pray”

Scripture Luke 11:1-13 1He was praying in a certain place, and after he had finished, one of his disciples said to him, “Lord, teach us to pray, as John taught his disciples.” 2He said to them, “When you pray, say: Father, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come. 3Give us each day our daily bread. 4And forgive us our sins, for we ourselves forgive everyone indebted to us. And do not bring us to the time of trial.” 5And he said to them, “Suppose one of you has a friend, and you go to him at midnight and say to him, ‘Friend, lend me three loaves of bread; 6for a friend of mine has arrived, and I have nothing to set before him.’ 7And he answers from within, ‘Do not bother me; the door has already been locked, and my children are with me in bed; I cannot get up and give you anything.’ 8I tell you, even though he will not get up and give him anything because he is his friend, at least because of his persistence he will get up and give him whatever he needs. 9“So I say to you, Ask, and it will be given you; search, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened for you. 10For everyone who asks receives, and everyone who searches finds, and for everyone who knocks, the door will be opened. 11Is there anyone among you who, if your child asks for a fish, will give a snake instead of a fish? 12Or if the child asks for an egg, will give a scorpion? 13If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will the heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!”

Sermon Summary

The disciples ask Jesus, “Teach us to pray, as John taught his disciples.” Maybe the disciples were asking for Jesus's “method.” Maybe the disciples just did not know how to pray to God. They might have been asking, how do you approach the royal of royals? The one due respect? The one whose very name is unspeakable? After all, they were Jews, and it was forbidden to even say the name of God. How do you pray to this one? Jesus says, address God as “Father.” We know that Jesus called God “Father”—not just “Father,” but “Abba.” Trish has told us that this is more akin to “Daddy.” Jesus is calling God “Father, Appa, Daddy.” This is a father that is not distant but is present, loving, nurturing. A father that responds. Jesus says, “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name.” Another translation says, “Let your name remain holy.” This one that Jesus calls Father is the one that is in heaven, and in calling God “Father,” God's name remains holy. It is God's very presence and love that enforce God's holiness. There-fore, what follows makes sense. Jesus asks for things on this earth, in our lives, to be according to what this loving and capable God would have things be. He prays for daily bread – our everyday needs. We begin to see that Jesus is naming the most basic hopes each one of us has for our individual lives. We want to be forgiven when we do wrong. We want to forgive others as well. We hope that bad things do not come our way.

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THE MESSAGE Charlie Shin

“Lord Teach Us to Pray” When they do, we want to be delivered from them. We did not need Jesus to show us that this should be our prayer. This is the prayer that exists in our hearts already. In this prayer, Jesus not only teaches us how to pray, but also reveals who we are. Having these requests before God demonstrates what lies at the core of humanity. And when these prayers are an-swered, God's kingdom is present. Our God is good. Our deepest desires are also God's will for us. When we pray this prayer together, we hope for a community and a world in which this prayer can find answers for everyone around us. When we pray this in our congregation on Sundays with many other churches around the world, we are praying that God's kingdom will come to the whole earth. It is a prayer for the whole human family. This prayer creates the goals we should seek after in the governance of our communities and our lives together. Our laws should be written in order to honor and preserve the full humanity and integrity of each beating heart. Since February 26, 2012, our country has experienced a wakeup call. We were awakened to how far away we have come from living God's kingdom on earth. On that day, a normal young teenager and an ordinary man met each other in a neighborhood for the first time. They had a fight, and the teen was killed. According to official reports, neither was doing anything illegal leading up to their fight. The police were said to have followed up according to protocol; and in the trial that followed, the man was found not guilty. The jury, the judge, and the lawyers all did their jobs according to the law. I know you know this story of young Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman. Today we are left wondering: How can an unarmed teen be shot and killed, but the one who killed him be innocent? How is this possible? How have we allowed this to happen? Something's broken. I'm not going to talk about the details of the event or the case, but I want to talk about what this event has revealed about us and our country. We are finding that what is legal is not necessarily right. It took the death of Trayvon for us to real-ize that Stand Your Ground laws are problematic. Problematic, because they protect a killer but not the one who is killed. In addition, in practice, they are a form of institutionalized racism. Racism that is ap-proved, legalized, and protected. It is racism of the highest level, and it is the most violent. No racial slurs need to be said. No mention of race needs to be given. The system now takes care of all that. You may disagree with me here, but nonetheless, there is something terribly wrong and unequal in the application of these laws. These laws do not affirm the full humanity of all in our society. Then, we open our eyes to the daily lives and experiences of young men in our country who are black- or brown-skinned. They may be young and reckless, and they also may be the future president of the United States of America. No matter who they are, they are treated as a problem. And this deeply shifts their experience of life away from what it should be. For those of us who do not have any idea of what their lives are like, we are beginning to see a glimpse of what they see. For a long time the world has said that their problems are their own and of their own making. Or it is the problem with African American communities, or Latino or Hispanic communities, or minority com-munities. But no. We are finally seeing what ails these young men are not their own issue. No, this “problem” is a problem 400 years in the making, since the birth of this nation. This is a distinctly Ameri-can problem, and it is just as much a problem of “power” and “privilege”—enforced by those who want to maintain their position by creating a scapegoat of the weak in society. It is how there is a good or bad part of town. It is how there is no justice for one killed while carrying fruit juice and Skittles.

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THE MESSAGE Charlie Shin

“Lord Teach Us to Pray”

Can these young men pray, “Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil?” and expect that this prayer will be answered “on earth, as it is in heaven”? Can they say, “Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us?” If they cannot pray these prayers, and believe they will be answered, they can have no real hope. If there is no hope for them, we're finding, there is no hope for anyone. Because our prayer, that our Lord taught us, was meant to be prayed together, was meant to enact and bring the kingdom of God on earth. If there is no hope for our young people to pray a simple prayer to God, and believe that their prayers can be answered, there is no hope for us all. But in this case, the ones who would have the least hope, the ones who had their hope taken from them, are the ones who have shown us the meaning of our Scripture today: Sybrina Fulton and Tracey Martin, the parents of Trayvon. Sybrina, after learning of her son's death and the lackluster fol-low-up, worked to get the national media's attention on the loss of her son. She did not allow her son's death to fall through the usual cracks. She created a petition on that received the most num-ber of signatures to date. She sought. She knocked. She did this, believing there would be an answer from her neighbors and her friends. Because Jesus tells us that if we are persistent, even with a friend who initially has told us to go away, we would get a response. They persisted to get the attention of the whole nation. Through their efforts, a trial was brought to court. Of course, we know the result. But that didn't crush their hopeful spirit. Trayvon's parents are still seeking, still knocking. In a recent speech at the National Urban League, Sybrina said these words, “I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that God is using me and God is using my family to make a change, to make a difference.” Their son died. But, this tragedy is helping us to see more clearly the systemic ine-qualities, injustices, and broken governance that affect us all daily, from the past to today. Although greater insight into the dire situation of institutionalized racism and systemic injustice does create a feel-ing of hopelessness and despair, Trayvon's parents are also showing us that awareness is the beginning of change. Their ability to hope when all hope is lost is contagious. Their seeking and their knocking, their persistence to get the attention of our whole country is a gift to us all. Their petition, we're learning, is our petition. Their efforts and their persistence are helping us to see the truth of Scripture, that when we pray the Lord's Prayer, even in the midst of a complete loss of hope, God's answer to our prayer is being realized if even in a very slow and gradual way. Through their loss, our nation is mobilizing for positive change. Because they sought, and they found. They knocked, and our doors opened to them. We are the friends who did not want to answer. But they demanded, and we did. This is the living out of Scripture itself. It is still hard to hope, to believe that the changes that need to happen ever will. But when the dis-ciples asked Jesus to teach them to pray, maybe they did or did not fully realize who they were asking. Jesus was like John, a teacher, a rabbi, a religious leader; but Jesus is also God. Jesus, who taught them to pray, could say God is Father, God is close, because Jesus was in their midst and Jesus is God. Jesus teaches us to pray, and he is able to answer that very prayer. The prayer we have been taught was not just a petition, but it is also a promise. And so, we continue to follow the lead of Sybrina Fulton, and try to believe, without a doubt, that change will happen. That God is delivering on God's promise. Every time we pray this prayer, we are reminded of our hopes and the promise that they will be fulfilled. This is our prayer.

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THE MESSAGE Charlie Shin

“Lord Teach Us to Pray” And I almost forget….that here I am, talking to you all. This church, what is happening here, weekly, yearly, is a bulwark against the ravages that I have spoken of today. I know that your love for one another is genuine because I have felt that love from you for me. You are the living out of the simple prayer that Jesus has taught us. It looks easy, but I know it is intentional. Intentionality requires work. May you con-tinue to be ambassadors demonstrating God's kingdom on earth in your workplaces and communities as you already are, I'm sure. But my prayer is that your influence grows and the particular gifts that you have been given through the work you have done in this congregation may be shared with the broader Austin community and the connectional church in greater ways. You are leaders in this effort already. There is hope in that. Amen.

For Further Reading

Sybrina Fulton's Speech to the National Urban League on YouTube:

Hobgood, Mary Elizabeth. Dismantling Privilege: An Ethics of Accountability. Cleveland: The Pilgrim Press, 2009.

West, Cornel. Race Matters. Boston: Beacon Press, 2001. 1 . whathappensin3d, “Sybrina Fulton Speech National Urban League,” (Accessed July 27, 2013).

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Praise and Petitions August 4, 2013   








Praise for Debbie's commissioning to go to Medical School.

Lift up guidance for the career path of a son recently returned from a tour of duty in Afghanistan.  

Ask God to "make a way out of no way" for the veterinary mission team to be able to go to Su‐dan.  Lift up the important logistics planning meetings.  

Lift up a family dealing with severe illness of a beloved member.  Lift up the care givers for peace, strength, and endurance.

Lift up Kathy for relief from Shingles pain.

Praise for a friend who is recovering well after a foot amputation.

Praise for a friend who is now alert and talking after being in an extended coma.

Lift up a friend whose 44 year old husband died of a massive heart attack.

Lift up Frances.  

Lift up Ellis and family for traveling mercies over the next several weeks.  May the Lord make their path straight.

Lift up people in mission fields‐‐both the locals who live there and the missionaries who go there.  

Happy Birthday to all June, July, and August birthdays!

Praise for NCF being a wonderful faith community.

Praise for the recent youth group enjoying the biggest turn out ever!

Lift up NCF young adults as they go off to college and beyond.  May their faith stay strong.  

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At the End of the Day with Pastor James Lee

This is one of Pastor James Lee’s favorite sayings. He usually uses it to tie up a discussion that is real and relevant for whom-

ever he’s talking to.

It seems like weekly I am speaking with other Christians who question their Christian-ity. They have acknowledged that Jesus Christ came into the world and has paid the ultimate price for humanity’s sin. Furthermore, they have taken it to the next level and have acknowl-edged that Jesus died for their sins. For some folks, the individuals’ statements are all I have to be concern with hearing; however, my burden is helping us all to walk in our Biblical freedom.

Two texts, which I have plucked out of their contexts, have great meaning to me John 8: 35-37: 35Now a slave has no permanent place in the family, but a son belongs to it forever. 36So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed. 37I know you are Abraham's descendants. Yet you are ready to kill me, because you have no room for my word. Galatians 5: 1: 1It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. As children of God, we belong to God and are in the family forever.

We also need to recognize that although the power that sin and death have over us is great; however, the victory we have in Jesus Christ over sin and death is greater. When we be-gin to better understand that we don’t have to succumb to sin, then we can begin to experience more freedom in Christ Jesus. Yes, I am tempted like everyone else. We may be challenged in different areas, but we will all be challenged as long as we are on this earth, where the “prince of this world” is at work. Our call is to own our freedom rather than to act like tenants in the freedom sharecropping system. We don’t have to rent our freedom and work the process to realize it. We need to walk in our liberty, and when we fall short, confess our shortcomings so God’s strength can be perfected in our weakness.

I am most thankful for the Galatians text when my humanity comes alive. I have a choice whether to succumb or to stand firm. To have the capacity to choose, is a freedom like no other. I may not always like my options or choices, but I thank God for the privilege to choose. You may ask, “James, what’s your point?” My point is that we may fail to make the rich choices or we may succumb to our desires, but it doesn’t mean that we are no longer Christians. Our salvation is secure so now we must savor the moment.

At the end of the day, savoring our liberty helps us to overcome our humanity. Other-wise, we give more power to our humanity, and we find ourselves yoked as slaves.

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Step 1: Tear out or Step 2: Place refrigerator Print out Youth Page magnet here.

This is the Youth Page Calendar of the New Covenant Youth Connection News! Please use this page as a reference for our youth, their parents, and stake-holders in the development of healthy, wholesome, spiritual, fun-filled youth here at New Covenant Fellowship!! WELCOME!!!


Sun, August 4, 2013 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time 8-9 am NCFA Waller Creek Chapel 10:15am Worship-1507 Wilshire Boulevard Sunday School-K-5th-during worship 12:15 pm Middle/High Sunday School

Wed, Aug 7, 2013 First Wednesday Night Ministry Meeting: Dinner at 6:30pm; Individual Ministry Meetings at 7:00pm

Fri, August 9, 2013 A-Team Meeting-High School & College Folks 7-9pm here at NCFA!

Sun, August 11, 2013 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time 8-9 am NCFA Waller Creek Chapel 10:15am Worship-1507 Wilshire Boulevard Sunday School-K-5th-during worship 12:15 pm Middle/High Sunday School

Wed, Aug 14, 2013 Churchwide Fellowship Diner at 6pm. Deacon Meeting at 7pm.

Youth Director-Nikkie Lee, you may contact her at [email protected], or via phone @ (512) 705-4443

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3rd Prayer Warriors-Youth Room 8:30-9:30am. Everybody welcomed to join!

4th 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time 8-9 am NCFA Chapel on the Waller Creek Campus 9-10 am Adult Sunday School 10:30am Worship-1507 Wilshire Boulevard Sunday School-K-5th-during worship

6th Men Study the Word; dinner at 6:30pm, study at 7:00pm in the kitchen.

7th First Wednesday Night Ministry Meeting: Dinner at 6:30pm; Individual Minsitry Meetings at 7pm.

9th A-Team Meeting High School & College Folks-7-9pm.

10th Prayer Warriors-Youth Room 8:30-9:30am. Everybody welcomed to join!

11th 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time 8-9 am NCFA Chapel on the Waller Creek Campus 9-10 am Adult Sunday School 10:30am Worship-1507 Wilshire Boulevard Sunday School-K-5th-during worship

13th Men Study the Word; dinner at 6:30pm, study at 7:00pm in the kitchen.

14th Churchwide Fellowship Dinner at 6:30pm. Deacons meeting at 7pm.

17th Presbyterian Women’s Fall Cluster Gatherin– 9am-Noon

18th 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time 8-9 am NCFA Chapel on the Waller Creek Campus 9-10 am Adult Sunday School 10:30am Worship-1507 Wilshire Boulevard Sunday School-K-5th-during worship


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2013 Matching Grant

Last Week’s Donation $3,400.00 Current Weeks $3,450.00

What are the ways I can give? Mail a donation to the church office

Leave a donation during one of the services, or events. Online

**Designate: “Funds for the Matching Grant.”**

“Women’s Bible Study at

Connie Jone’s home is can-celed during August and will resume on Thursdays

(not Wednesdays) at noon in September beginning on

the 5th.”

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You have a Voice! Share it!Who are the future leaders you see? Let us know!

Deacons… persons who keep in touch with other members and offer care and support in times of sickness, death, or other needs.

They might do any of the following for their assigned members: call or email a member to follow-up on a prayer request, coordinate food for a new parent or mourner, mail an anniversary or birthday card, honor a member during worship or present a Bible or gift from the church, have lunch with a member, arrange

holiday gifts and food baskets for families who need them.

In general, deacons are to be persons of spiritual character, honest repute, brotherly and sisterly love, warm sympathies, and sound judgment.

The Nominating Committee is requesting your recommendations for Elders and Deacons in our next class. “What do they do?”, you ask??

Page 18: NCFA Newsletter August 2, 2013 - N… · 3Give us each day our daily bread. 4And forgive us our

You have a Voice! Share it!Who are the future leaders you see? Let us know!

Elders... members of the church leadership who make decisions on behalf ofthe congregation, administer the church’s finances, education, and lead the church in mission, evangelism and congregational life.

They might do any of the following in accordance with their gifts: encourage others in worship and service, equip the people for their tasks in

the Church or their mission in the world, visit and comfort and care for the people (the sick, lonely, oppressed), cultivate the ability to teach the Bible,

exercise leadership, and serve as commissioner to higher governing bodies when elected.

In general, elders are to be persons of faith, dedication, and good judgment.

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I have a Voice! How do I share it?

Three options… Until August 8th you can:

(1)Fill out that sheet laying right next to you! Then give to the usher to submit with offering.

(2) Tell a member of the Nom Comm:Deacon Connie Jones Member-at-Large: Stacy LewisElder Nikkie Lee Member-at-Large: Nancy HarrisElder Vernon Bailey Ex Officio Parish Associate: Trish Holland

OR (3) Email [email protected]

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Vision Statement New Covenant Fellowship is a racially-diverse community informed by the Bible, empowered by the Holy Spirit, and motivated to share God’s love with all. In response to God’s love we are called to equip disciples to faithfully serve, to encourage seekers to joyfully commit, and to im-plore all to worship our Lord as we love our neighbors, grow in grace, and live by faith.

AU G U S T C E L E B R A T I O N T I M E ! I F W E M I S S E D Y O U R S P E C I A L D A Y , P L E A S E S E N D U S T H E D A T E S O W E C A N

I N C L U D E I T I N T H E N E X T I S S U E !

NCF ConneXion!

NCF ConneXion! Is a weekly publication of New Covenant Fellowship, PCUSA, Austin, Texas. If you would like to

submit an article for consideration of printing, please send article via e-mail in MS Word format to [email protected]. Thanks for reading and God Bless You!


2nd Elijah Agbattoh 17th Mary Mojica 3rd Michael Palacios Charles Nemir 4th Alexandria Washington 24th Zachary Ryan Castilleja Carver Washington 25th Rev. Rick Oglesby T’ahna Daniels 27th Abraham Weaver 5th Safia Essien 29th Tyler Weaver 7th Aaron Lee 8th Roxann Vallejo 9th Ben Hooks Chica Cortez 11th Katasha Williams


5th Jimmy Bohn and Kimberly Hall 25th Bill and Nancy Harris 20th Larry and Jane Mack 28h Bill and Edna Parish 25th Vernon and Doris Bailey