nce article on quantm desktop

20 NEW CIVIL ENGINEER 18.11.10 | PLANT: ROUTE PLANNING EQUIPMENT T rimble has launched a desktop version of its successful Quantm align- ment planning system after two years of development. The new tool – on sale in the UK and Ireland through surveying equipment specialist Korec – is aimed at consulting engineers. It can be used to identify the best horizontal and vertical align- ment for small road schemes. The original version enables users to find the optimum vertical and horizontal align- ment for major road and rail schemes, or to compare options and identify which would be the cheapest to build. It has been used on projects over 1,000km long. Access to the complex algo- rithms that compare thousands of potential alignments is sold as a service, with users buying a licence that enables them to send their information to the Quantm server for computation. The licence price is calculated as a function of the length of the proposed scheme. This has been immensely popular with owners and promoters of major infra- structure projects around the world, including the Portuguese government, which has been using it for route optimisa- tion on the Lisbon-Madrid high speed rail project, and the Louisiana department of trans- portation during planning of its I-69 corridor project. But, while the pricing scheme is viable for massive projects like these, it puts the system out of reach of many consultants, who tend to invest only if mandated by their clients. It is this market that Trimble now hopes to tap into with the desktop version, which is sold as standalone software that runs on the user’s own PC. Unlike the service version, the new software is only designed for road align- ments, and the firm is aiming at consultants who design small schemes such as bypasses. The processing power of the average PC is not sufficient to do the massive computations that enable 1,000km of route to be analysed in just 10 minutes. Instead, the desktop version is able to look at a 20km x 20km area in any single study – “more than enough” for most bypass and road improvement schemes in the UK, according to Trimble Quantm channel manager for Europe Bill Lazaris. The software – just like its more powerful sibling – allows the designer to enter the start and end points of a new road and all the factors that might affect the horizontal and vertical alignment, including ground conditions, existing buildings, no-go areas (eg SSSIs), power lines, rivers and topography. You can also choose the type of materials to be used in the road construction and the design of the pavement, as well as your preferred construction method for road, rail and river crossings. Costs can be entered for all of these parameters, and Quantm then works out the most cost effective options for the alignment and displays them all visually, with all the costs broken down. “Its purpose is to catch everything in one system,” says Lazaris. “At the moment designers can come up with a route, but the costs are on a separate spreadsheet, so it’s quite a task to compare the cost of different routes.” It can be used either to start from scratch on a greenfield site or to compare different align- ments within a pre-existing route corridor. Or, says Lazaris, “if the horizontal alignment is fixed you can just do vertical optimisation”. The software can also be used during value engineering on a road project, as the operator can add construction criteria such as the location of material sources along the alignment, or adjust the vertical geometry to ensure a cut and fill balance is achieved. While the system can tell you the cheapest option for any new road, Lazaris is keen to empha- sise that Quantm should be seen as a decision-making tool – not a replacement for engineering judgement. “The cheapest route is not necessarily the best,” he says. “Design is an iterative process – it’s not just about putting a line on a map.” However, Quantm’s speed allows designers to reach a deci- sion on which routes to focus on far earlier than they do at the moment. Lazaris also envisages the system will have great potential during public consultation, because designers and high- ways authorities will be able to demonstrate the relative cost of each proposed route, and also show that they have considered the various stakeholder interests in reaching their decision. They would also be able to respond very quickly to any stakeholders who suggest an alternative route during the consultation or plan- ning stages. Savings of up to 25% in the cost of building a new road can be achieved by getting the route optimisation right. Margo Cole reports on positioning technology firm Trimble’s latest offering. ROUTE PLANNER Xxxxxxxx xxxx: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Lazaris is keen to emphasise that Quantm should be seen as a decision making tool, not a replacement for engineering judgement Fixed link: The Quantm system helps designers work out the optimum alignments for roads or railway lines

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Post on 19-Jun-2015




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Trimble Quantm Alignment Planning solutions support road and rail planners and engineers through the complex process of selecting and generating 3D corridors and alignments. Its unique route optimization technology generates millions of alternative alignments and returns a range of 10-50 of the best options for review by various stakeholders. The Trimble Quantm solutions enable planners and engineers to reduce project planning time, substantially lower alignment construction costs, and deliver improved alignments that meet environmental, heritage, urban constraints, and design standards set by each project. The Trimble Quantm system enables a holistic approach that integrates design standards, terrain, geological, and hydrological data, environmental areas, property ownership, and cost information in a simultaneous optimization process. This delivers a range of optimal alignment alternatives that can be analysed quickly to address project owner and stakeholder concerns and maintain the momentum of the project.


  • 1. 20 NEW CIVIL ENGINEER 18.11.10 | ROUTE PLANNING EQUIPMENTSavings of up toXxxxxxxx xxxx: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx25% in the cost ofxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxbuilding a new roadcan be achieved bygetting the routeoptimisation right.Margo Cole reportson positioningtechnology firmTrimbles latestoffering.Fixed link: The Quantm system helps designers work out the optimum alignments for roads or railway linesRoute plannerTrimble has launched a portation during planning of its than enough for most bypass fixed you can just do verticaldesktop version of itsI-69 corridor project. But, whileand road improvement schemes optimisation.successful Quantm align-the pricing scheme is viable for in the UK, according to Trimble The software can also be usedment planning systemmassive projects like these, itQuantm channel manager for during value engineering on aafter two years of development. puts the system out of reach ofEurope Bill Lazaris. road project, as the operator canThe new tool on sale in the UKmany consultants, who tend to The software just like itsadd construction criteria such asand Ireland through surveying invest only if mandated by their more powerful sibling allows the location of material sourcesequipment specialist Korec is clients. the designer to enter the startalong the alignment, or adjustaimed at consulting engineers. ItIt is this market that Trimbleand end points of a new road the vertical geometry to ensure acan be used to identify the bestnow hopes to tap into with the and all the factors that might cut and fill balance is achieved.horizontal and vertical align-desktop version, which is sold asaffect the horizontal and verticalWhile the system can tell youment for small road schemes.standalone software that runsalignment, including groundthe cheapest option for any new The original version enables on the users own PC. Unlike the conditions, existing buildings,road, Lazaris is keen to empha-users to find the optimum service version, the new softwareno-go areas (eg SSSIs), powersise that Quantm should be seenvertical and horizontal align-is only designed for road align- lines, rivers and a decision-making tool notment for major road and railments, and the firm is aiming at You can also choose the type ofa replacement for engineeringschemes, or to compare optionsconsultants who design small materials to be used in the road judgement. The cheapest routeand identify which would be the schemes such as and the design of is not necessarily the best, hecheapest to build. The processing power of the the pavement, as well as yoursays. Design is an iterative It has been used on projects average PC is not sufficient topreferred construction methodprocess its not just aboutover 1,000km the massive computationsfor road, rail and river crossings.putting a line on a map. Access to the complex algo-that enable 1,000km of route to Costs can be entered for However, Quantms speedrithms that compare thousands be analysed in just 10 minutes.all of these parameters, and allows designers to reach a deci-of potential alignments is sold Instead, the desktop version isQuantm then works out thesion on which routes to focus onas a service, with users buying able to look at a 20km x 20kmmost cost effective options forfar earlier than they do at thea licence that enables them toarea in any single study more the alignment and displays moment.send their information to thethem all visually, with all the Lazaris also envisages theQuantm server for computation. costs broken down. Its purposesystem will have great potentialThe licence price is calculated as is to catch everything in oneduring public consultation,a function of the length of the Lazaris is keen to system, says Lazaris. At the because designers and high-proposed scheme.emphasise that moment designers can come up ways authorities will be able to This has been immenselyQuantm should be with a route, but the costs aredemonstrate the relative cost ofpopular with owners andon a separate spreadsheet, so its each proposed route, and alsopromoters of major infra- seen as a decision quite a task to compare the cost show that they have consideredstructure projects around the making tool, not of different routes.the various stakeholder interestsworld, including the Portuguese It can be used either to startin reaching their decision. Theygovernment, which has beena replacementfrom scratch on a greenfield sitewould also be able to respondusing it for route optimisa-for engineeringor to compare different align- very quickly to any stakeholderstion on the Lisbon-Madrid judgementments within a pre-existingwho suggest an alternative routehigh speed rail project, and the route corridor. Or, says Lazaris,during the consultation or plan-Louisiana department of trans- if the horizontal alignment isning stages.