natural approach to first aid for dogs & cats...4 creating your own natural first aid kit create...

1 NATURAL APPROACH TO FIRST AID FOR DOGS & CATS Table of Contents 1. General Guidelines & Vital Signs 1 2. Strengthening the Immune System 2 3. Creating Your Own Natural First Aid Kit 3 4. Bladder/Urinary Issues 4 5. Ear Issues 5 6. Eye Issues 6 7. Skin Issues 7-8 8. Gastro-Intestinal Issues 9-10 9. Oral Issues 11 10.Respiratory Issues 12 11.Pests, Stings & Bites 13-14 12.Trauma 15-16 13.Wounds & Injuries 17 14. Acupressure page 18 15.References 19

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    Table of Contents

    1. General Guidelines & Vital Signs 1 2. Strengthening the Immune System 2 3. Creating Your Own Natural First Aid Kit 3 4. Bladder/Urinary Issues 4 5. Ear Issues 5 6. Eye Issues 6 7. Skin Issues 7-8 8. Gastro-Intestinal Issues 9-10 9. Oral Issues 11 10. Respiratory Issues 12 11. Pests, Stings & Bites 13-14 12. Trauma 15-16 13. Wounds & Injuries 17 14. Acupressure page 18 15. References 19

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    General Guidelines

    This information is not meant to replace proper veterinary care.

    In the case of emergencies, seek veterinary care immediately.

    Feed at least twice a day and always exercise before you feed. If you feed first, wait at least 2-3 hours before any exercise.

    The products and any amounts listed are only guidelines. It is best to muscle test to determine if the product should be used on your animal and if so, the proper amount. One size does not fit all.

    With herbs, use a liquid extract or tincture when possible. Liquid herbs are generally given 2-22 drops, capsules ½ capsule – 4 capsules and herbal teas 1 tsp – 3 tbsp.

    Flower essence blends are created by putting 2 drops of each remedy in a 30ml bottle then adding spring water. Best is muscle testing to create a custom blend.

    It is best not to use essential oils directly on cats. Hydrosols are recommended. Oils should be administered to dogs and horses by placing them in a carrier oil such as olive oil or a spray bottle with water.

    To make a salve with oils, you can melt either shea butter, coconut butter, coconut oil or bees wax, then add your oils, stir it well and let it reset.

    Homeopathic single remedies are normally given to animals in 30C potency. Try to give directly into their mouth and if that is not possible, you can put on a small amount of food.

    Remember to make holistic care a way of life, not a last resort.

    Vital Signs Normal Heart Rate Normal Respiratory

    Rate Normal


    Dogs 70-160 beats/minute 10-30 breaths/minute 101-102.5

    Cats 160-240 beats/minute 20-30 breaths/minute 101-102.5

    Horses 28-50 beats/minute 10-24 breaths/minute 99-101

    Animal Poison Hotline: ASPCA 1-888-426-4435 Pet Poison 1-800-213-6680

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    Strengthening the Immune System

    Prevention is the best approach to first aid and by stimulating and strengthening the immune system you can fight infection and prevent many issues.

    Diet Great health starts with great nutrition. The key is to muscle test to determine what type of diet is best.


    Fish oil (omega 3) liquid 2-3 pumps; capsules 1-2 caps

    Probiotics such as Probios 1/8 tsp – 1 tsp or Mitomax ¼-2 capsules

    Diatomaceous earth (DE) – food grade 1/8 tsp – 2 tsp

    Raw, local honey ¼ tsp – 1 tsp

    Medicinal mushrooms (Reishi, Maitake) dried or tincture


    Blue-green algae or spirulina (comes in tablets or powder)

    Burdock root

    Echinacea (liquid extract) – use only when needed (not with weak or irregular heartbeat)

    Yellow dock


    Vaccinations can weaken the immune system. Always evaluate whether you need to vaccinate.

    The DHLPP vaccinations are generally only needed as puppies or kittens and then at one year of age. Rabies is given at 3 months and then a series. After that, in most areas it can be given every 3 years. It is best not to do multiple vaccines at the same time.

    If you need vaccination records for boarding purposes, consider having a pet sitter instead or look for a holistic focused boarding facility that will accept a letter from your vet. Some holistic vets will do titers on your dog or cat, showing that the vaccine antibodies are present in your pet.

    Only vaccinate with a killed virus rather than a modified live.

    NEVER vaccinate a sick or weak animal or one that has just been dewormed. This can be detrimental, even ultimately fatal.

    Any time vaccinations are given, give the homeopathic remedy thuja before and afterwards. If a rabies shot is given, give lyssin before and afterwards.

    Acupressure Points GV14, Li11, Li4, SP6, St36

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    Creating Your Own Natural First Aid Kit

    Create your own custom first aid kit containing natural remedies and items from your own kitchen.

    Kit Contents:

    2 ounce plastic squirt or dropper bottle for essences, herbs and oils

    2-4 ounce spray bottle for apple cider vinegar, Willard’s Water and oil sprays

    1-2 Ace bandages or Thunder Shirt

    Activated charcoal tabs for vomiting, diarrhea, gas, poisoning

    Adhesive tape and sterile gauze pads

    Apple cider vinegar

    Bag balm for cracked paws and feet

    Benzonite clay

    Calendula, colloidal silver, arnica or aloe vera ointment for wound dressing and relief

    Cinnamon powder

    Cotton swabs, balls

    Essential oils – Lavender, Chamomile, Frankincense, Peppermint

    Flower essences – Rescue Remedy, Agrimony, Aspen, Crab Apple, Hornbeam, Mimulus, Rock Rose

    Goldenseal powder to stop bleeding

    Halo ear wash

    Herbal tinctures – Slippery Elm, Valerian, Ginger, Chamomile, Black/Green Tea, Echinacea, Garlic

    Homeopathic kit (50-100 remedies) 30C potency (kits come with some 200c


    Homeopathic Remedies: Aconite, Apis & Arnica 30c & 200c (If you don’t

    purchase the entire kit)

    Honey (raw, local)

    Light blue towel, sheet or blanket

    Rectal thermometer

    Tinkle Tonic or UTI-Free

    Willard’s Water

    Witch Hazel

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    Bladder/Urinary Issues Causes Many UTI ‘s are because of bacteria that has spread to the urethra, others just an inflammation of the bladder wall and some urinary problems are due to bladder stones attributed to dry food or kibble as a diet. Bladder and urinary issues are a symptom of a kidney disorder because the kidney and bladder are sister organs.

    Solutions Diet - Cats need 85-95% moisture in their diet and dry food only provides @ 12% moisture. Diet plays a major role in prevention for dogs and cats. A raw or canned (wet) grain-free diet is essential to keeping bladder issues from moving into kidney disease. A high protein diet helps to acidify the urine, which can dissolve stones and prevent recurrence.


    Ester C 500mg – 3,000 mg (Use when stones or crystals are present)

    Willard’s water

    Wysong Biotic Ph- -supplement designed for cats or dogs needing assistance generating and maintaining an acidic urine to help prevent struvite/triple phosphate crystal formation

    Wysong Biotic Ph+ -supplement designed for cats or dogs needing assistance generating and maintaining an alkaline urine to help prevent oxalate, urate or cystine crystal formation


    2 tbsp cinnamon powder and 1 tsp honey added to 4 oz warm distilled water destroys germs in the bladder (can add to food at meal time)

    Hydrangea tea dissolves stones

    Apple cider vinegar 1 tsp – 1 tbsp per pint of water or in food

    Marshmallow (Tinkle Tonic is an excellent herbal tincture containing marshmallow.)

    Kidney Support by Pet Alive Flower Essences Gorse, Hornbeam, Mimulus, Olive, Star of Bethlehem

    Homeopathic Remedies

    Cantharis for urinary infection without blockage

    Thalaspi bursa pastoris for urinary obstruction

    Apis for concentrated urine passed in small amounts

    UTI-Free by Pet Alive (homeopathic blend) Acupressure Points Bl23, Ki4, CV3, CV4

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    Ear Issues

    Signs Constant shaking head, constant scratching the ears, foul smelling discharge, redness and tender to the touch

    Causes Most often an underlying allergy is to blame, but moisture or water left in the ear can cause infections allowing bacteria and yeast to grow. Diet can also be a contributor to yeast in the ears.

    Solutions Diet Muscle test diet to see if allergy related


    Clean ear with vinegar or witch hazel

    Aloe vera oil soothes

    Garlic, sage and thyme have anti-fungal properties (taken orally)

    Yellow dock (taken orally)

    Flower Essences Crab Apple (taken orally to cleanse and detox)

    Essential Oils

    Calendula, bergamot, geranium, lavender, niaouli, roman chamomile

    Halo Ear Wash

    Homeopathic Remedies

    Chamomilla when very painful

    Hepar sulph when inflamed

    Graphites when smelly discharge

    Rhus tox when infection is chronic

    Traumeel ear drops

    Acupressure Points TH21, SI19, GB2

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    Eye Issues

    Signs Red eyes with yellow or green discharge, chronic watering, squinting, rubbing the eyes, swelling, cloudy appearance

    Causes Bacteria and allergies can cause conjunctivitis. Ulcers, cataracts and glaucoma can cause issues.

    Solutions Herbs


    Brew black tea and place 3-4 drops in each eye 3 x a day

    Equal parts apple cider vinegar and distilled water dabbed around the eye or dabbed at the nape of the neck on puppies and kittens

    Homeopathic Remedies Euphrasia

    Acupressure Points Bl1, St1, GB1

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    Skin Issues

    Fungus Solutions Supplements

    A mouthwash like Listerine in a spray bottle can get rid of fungus on the body easily and cheaply.


    Equal parts honey and cinnamon powder applied to area can get rid of ringworm.

    Equal parts water and apple cider vinegar in a spray can be applied topically.

    Garlic and oregano capsules/tinctures taken orally or sprinkled on food daily.

    Flower Essences Aspen, Crab Apple, Holly, Mimulus (Crab Apple can be applied topically to area)

    Essential Oils Ajowan, Tea Tree, Oregano, Red Thyme for fungus

    Homeopathic Remedies Bacillinum, Sepia, Sulfur


    Causes Tiny mites are always present on the body, but when the immune system is not working properly these microscopic mites multiply and begin attacking the body. Immediate treatment is necessary so that a secondary skin infection does not occur. Demodectic mange is a viral infection like a herpes virus and is usually brought on by stress or emotional upset.

    Solutions Diet

    Immune suppressed dogs need a high quality, natural or raw diet. No grains except rice.

    Dark green, leafy vegetables (blanched and pureed)

    Fish 4-5 times a week (not tuna)


    Ester C 500mg – 3,000 mg

    Sesame oil daily 1/8 tsp – 2 tsp

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    Bee pollen ¼ tsp – 1 tsp

    Milk Thistle 5-20 drop

    Grapefruit seed extract 75mg - 450mg daily

    Kelp powder or liquid 1-3 drops

    Olive leaf extract

    Cat’s claw

    Valerian can be given to calm the dog and keep them from irritating the sores

    Flower Essences A blend of Agrimony, Beech, Cherry Plum, Crab Apple, Walnut. Can apply Crab Apple to affected areas.

    Essential Oils

    Helichrysum, lavender, niaouli, sweet marjoram

    Topical Remedy #1 - one part lavender oil, one part neem oil, 9 parts almond or jojoba or coconut oil. Apply to infected area 2 x a day.

    Topical Remedy #2 - 10 drops of yellow dock extract and 10 drops echinacea extract added to 4 oz spring or distilled water – spray on spots to ease itching (May substitute calendula and aloe vera oils)

    Topical Remedy #3 - 3 tbsp lemon juice, 2 oz witch hazel, 4 oz grapefruit seed extract, 6 drops tea tree or olive oil. Dab on spots 2 x a day (keep refrigerated)

    Homeopathic Remedies Sulfur

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    Gastro-Intestinal Issues Gastro-intestinal issues (upset stomach, gas, IBS, diarrhea, indigestion)

    Causes Many things can contribute to an upset stomach and to gastro-intestinal issues. Most commonly, your pet ingested something that was toxic. Other causes could be medications, vaccinations, parasites, food allergies, pancreatitis, kidney/liver disease, thyroid disease, diabetes, and others.

    Solutions (upset stomach, gas, IBS, toxicity) Supplements

    Willard’s water

    Activated charcoal comes in tablet or powder form and is a natural “alka seltzer”


    Peppermint tea – brew a cup of tea and allow to cool and put in their food (they may drink it like water)

    Honey sprinkled with cinnamon powder before meals 2 tsp for gas and indigestion

    Alfalfa dried or as a tea 1 tsp.

    Apple cider vinegar 1 tsp – 1 tbsp in water or food

    Kelp and spirulina kelp 1-3 drops

    Chamomile and dandelion tea

    Ginger - give ginger and chamomile before traveling as it helps with motion sickness

    Homeopathic Remedies

    Nux vomica

    Cocculus for motion sickness

    Acupressure Points Bl17, BI20, LI4, St 45, CV12

    Acupressure Points for IBS: BI121, GV1, St36, CV8

    Solutions (diarrhea) Supplements

    Ground flax

    Canned pumpkin puree (NOT pie filling) - 1-2 tsp for cats and 1-2 tbsp for dogs a day

    Probiotics Probios 1/8 tsp – 1 tsp or Mitomax ¼-2 capsules

    Activated charcoal

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    Apple cider vinegar 1 tsp – 1 tbsp in water or food

    Aloe vera juice 1 tsp – 6 tbsp

    Cinnamon powder ¼ tsp


    Slippery elm


    Sage with honey


    Flower Essences Aspen, Crab Apple, Vervain, Vine

    Homeopathic Remedies

    Arsenicum when vomiting is also present

    China when large amount of bodily fluids lost

    Phosphorus for chronic diarrhea

    Acupressure Points Bl20, St25, St36, SP6, SP3

    Solutions (constipation – if bloat, go to vet ASAP) Supplements

    Canned pumpkin puree 1-2 tsp for cats and 1-2 tbsp for dogs a day

    Willard’s water


    Apple cider vinegar 1 tsp – 1 tbsp in water or food

    Aloe vera juice 1 tsp – 6 tbsp



    Slippery elm


    Flower Essences Aspen, Crap Apple, Vine

    Homeopathic Remedies

    Bryonia when stools are large and hard

    Carbo veg when accompanied with gas

    Nux Vomica when straining and slight elimination

    Silica when no elimination Acupressure Points – same as diarrhea

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    Oral Issues

    Causes Oral issues can be caused from bacteria, teeth and gum infections, loose or broken teeth, mouth ulcers, bad breath, abrasions and cuts.

    Solutions Supplements

    Colloidal silver as a liquid extract to use orally (natural antibiotic)


    #1 - Myrrh resin wash for teeth/gums = 1/3 tsp Myrrh resin to 3 oz. hot distilled water - steep for 30 minutes. Use syringe to flush gums and teeth 2-3 x a day until soreness, redness or infection is gone. Keep refrigerated for one week, then make a new batch.

    #2 – 1 tsp honey and cinnamon powder mixed in hot water every morning removes bacteria from the mouth and tongue

    Homeopathic Remedies

    Hypericum before surgery or in emergency situation if nerve is exposed

    Phosphorous immediately after surgery after 15 minutes to 2 hours to help recover from anesthesia

    Ruta before surgery when there is an extraction involved

    Thuja before and after any procedure

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    Respiratory Issues

    Causes Allergies and colds can contribute to chronic respiratory problems and asthma can create chronic issues with the lungs

    Solutions Herbs

    Cayenne pepper


    Golden seal


    Peppermint and eucalyptus together

    Licorice root

    Slippery elm

    Kelp and blue-green algae kelp 1-3 drops


    Red clover

    Sniffing a cinnamon stick helps relieve coughs

    Flower Essences Asthma – Clematis, Crap Apple, Hornbeam, Larch Coughing - Crab Apple, Hornbeam, Mustard

    Essential Oils Eucalyptus, myrhh, ravensare

    Homeopathic Remedies Asthma

    Aconite when first occurs

    Arsenicum when improves with warmth

    Carbo veg when gagging, vomiting or wheezing Coughing

    Bryonia when dry, hacking cough or kennel cough

    Drosera when animal can’t catch breath

    Phosphorus when dry cough that is worse when in cold air

    Acupressure Points Acute cough GB20, Bl10, Bl13, Li4, LU7, Ki27

    Chronic cough Cv17, Lu9, SP6, St40

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    Pests, Stings & Bites

    Fleas, Ticks, Flies, Mosquitoes and other Pests or Parasites

    Causes Flea and mosquito bites can cause hot spots and allergies if not prevented. Worms can cause digestive disorders and lead to heart failure and death if not treated. These pesky pests can be difficult to get rid of once you have them and conventional prevention or treatment may be necessary. However, these natural methods can deter and prevent if used regularly and BEFORE the pests arrive!

    Solutions Herbs

    Apple cider vinegar 1 tsp – 1 tbsp in water or food

    Garlic can repel fleas (1/4 tsp per every 10lb. for dogs and 1/8 tsp for cats daily)


    Clove buds

    Supplements Diatomaceous earth: Food grade DE36 or other food grade DE can eliminate internal parasites when offered in food. When taken internally DE can absorb toxins within the body and can be used as a detox, digestive aid and colon cleanser. For external parasite control you can liberally sprinkle the DE powder into the pet’s coat, bed, carpet, outside doors and in yards and on patios. Regular DE is ½ tsp per 10#. DE 36 is 1/8 tsp – 2 tsp in food

    Flower Essences Crab Apple topically

    Essential Oils Using certain essential oils such as citronella, cedarwood, clary sage, eucalyptus, geranium, lavender and lemongrass diluted in spring water as a spray can repel and prevent flies, fleas or mosquitoes from getting near your pet.

    Homeopathic Remedies

    Apis when redness and swelling

    Sulfur when dry skin and scratching

    Stings/Bites Caused by mosquitoes, fleas, bees, wasps, spiders, ticks, etc.

    Solutions Supplements

    Willard’s water

    Colloidal silver (topical cream or oral liquid)

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    Aloe vera topically

    Apple cider vinegar topically

    Essential Oils

    Frankincense, lavender

    Make a poultice of benzonite clay, baking soda or flour with eucalyptus and peppermint

    Flower Essences Crap Apple topically

    Homeopathic Remedies Aconite, apis, belladonna, ledum

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    Trauma A sudden onset of injury, shock or extreme conditions

    Capillary refill Lift lips and press your finger on the cat or dog’s gums. If the gum color does not quickly bounce back to a pink or red hue in 3 seconds the animal’s vital signs are in danger and go to the vet.

    Body Wrap Wrap the dog in a Thunder Shirt or you can use saran wrap or an ace bandage (will need 1 or 2 depending on size of dog) to create the calming wrap. Wrap in a figure 8 around the chest, across the back, under the tail and back around. You can also go around each hind leg. If a dog is sensitive with their hindquarters, you can just do a half wrap. Make it secure enough where they feel “hugged” but where you do not pinch their skin or catch their hair. Tie the ends or pin them with diaper pins. Do not leave dog unattended.

    Color Therapy Put a light blue towel over the animal to calm and keep warm.


    Flaxseed oil 1 tbsp per 50 pounds daily will help to minimize seizures. Herbs

    Valerian or hawthorne to calm and sedate

    Taurine may stop seizures taken twice daily. 400mg/40 lbs of body weight for a dog and 500mg per cat

    Cholidin for dogs - 1-2 capsules daily for small dogs, 2-4 capsules daily for large dogs for seizures

    Essential Oils Allow the dog or cat to breathe the aroma of peppermint oil to induce breathing and release shock.

    Flower Essences Rescue Remedy

    Homeopathic Remedies

    Aconite is #1 for trauma, shock, injury (and during seizures)

    Arnica when pain

    Belladonna when fever, paralysis or seizures

    Traumeel when injury (comes in tabs, drops, ointment and gel)

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    Acupressure Points Gently apply pressure between the nose and the lips (GV26) to pull the dog or cat out of shock or press on the back just past the shoulder blades toward tail (Bl18/Icing point) with ice to end a seizure. While applying both points. hold the dog or cat’s chest with your other hand. (You can rub your hands with lavender oil first.) Stroke the insides of the ears several times. Seizure Points Bl18, Liv3, CV15, BI60 (aspirin point), Ht7

    Shock Points GV26, Ht9, Ki1

    Unconscious After 5 minutes of CPR, give Arnica on tongue. Give Rescue Remedy in mouth, on nose, behind ears, on paw pads and stomach. Wrap body in blanket and get to vet.

    Internal Bleeding Give Arnica 3 times every 15 minutes. Give either powdered cayenne pepper, hot pepper sauce, yarrow tincture or power with milk or water. Wrap body in blanket and get to vet.

    Heat Stress/Heat Stroke Brain damage occurs at 106-107 degrees. Wet animal or towels and apply. If access to ice, apply to head, body, feet and rub on gums. Give Rescue Remedy. Give homeopathic Gionoine; Bryonia if nauseated. Acupressure point SP6.

    Hypothermia/Frostbite Temperature may go to 94-96 degrees. Soak a towel in warm chamomile or calendula tea, comfrey powdered or dry leaves, or aloe vera juice or gel and place over affected areas. Give Rescue Remedy. Wrap body in blanket and get to vet.

    Poisoning If poisoned and alert and ok to vomit, give 1 tsp – 1 tbsp salt in 1 cup warm water every 15 minutes. Give Rescue Remedy. If poison is caustic, do NOT induce vomiting. Give activated charcoal – mix in water to make liquid 1/8 cup – 1 cup. Can give homeopathic nux vomica only 3 times every 15 minutes. Wrap body in blanket and get to vet.

    Snake Bite If not venomous snake, treat as a puncture wound. If it is venomous, apply echinacea tincture over bite and give orally 1 tsp – 2 tbsp. Can also apply lavender oil. Give Rescue Remedy. Give homeopathic Aconite 3 times every 15 minutes. Apply ice in cloth on and off for 5-10 minutes. Wrap body in blanket and get to vet.

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    Wounds & Injuries Any cut, burn, puncture wound, scrape or abrasion

    Solutions Supplements

    Colloidal silver gel or cream

    Willard’s Water

    Bag balm


    Apple cider vinegar applied topically diluted with equal parts spring water

    Aloe vera juice or gel topically (removes heat from burn)

    Calendula topically (removes heat from burn)

    Chamomile topically (removes heat from burn)

    Comfrey topically

    Red clover topically

    Cayenne pepper powder, golden seal powder or yarrow powder on wound stops bleeding. Golden seal tincture and chlorophyl can heal wounds when applied topically.

    Honey is great to apply to a burn after you have removed the heat.

    Flower Essences

    For burns – Agrimony, Rock Rose

    For cuts – Rock Rose, Star of Bethlehem

    Rescue Remedy cream

    Essential Oils Roman chamomile, frankincense, helichrysum, labdunum, lavender, niaouli, sweet majoram, ravensare. Remove the heat from a burn by applying lavender oil.

    Homeopathic Remedies

    Arnica & Aconite for fear, stress and shock

    Phosphorous when electrical burn or bleeding

    Silica helps to heal

    Hypericum when nerves and tissue involved

    Ledum for puncture wounds

    Ruta grav when scalds

    Urtica urens when burns

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    Products Supplements Probios can get at feed stores (loose powder probiotic without lactose) Mitomax (premium capsulized probiotic but with lactose) 10% off by using the coupon #IT08077 indefinitely DE36 Diatomaceous Earth

    Herbs HEB liquid tinctures Petco Halo Ear Wash

    Native Remedies If order by phone, give them our number. Kidney Support Animal Essentials Tinkle Tonic Neem Tree Farms Neem Oil (can get wildcrafted oil or made up pet products)

    Flower Essences Whole Foods

    Essential Oils Earth Angel Oils Gritman Oils

    Homeopathy HEB Whole Foods Native Remedies If order by phone, give them our number. UTI Free and other special blends Washington Homeopathics for individual remedies, special remedies and kits.

    Books The Natural Remedy Book for Dogs & Cats by Diane Stein Encyclopedia of Natural Pet Care by CJ Puotinen Natural Health for Dogs & Cats by Richard H. Pitcairn, DVM Holistic Guide for a Healthy Dog by Wendy Volhard & Kerry Brown, DVM