natr's -ia. ppli gad 1i -...

jLJ IIUATIONAL. M as. LNOSaDA1s PeSL WILL OPEN BER SCHOOL POR.TOUN• LADIES O. Meadcr, Setebehmr StI. In the BEmet of Peal Church. the corner of Per Prpeea apes a e•rhae m's eokore. Na. camp rt. GENEtRL RElen SMITE'S MILITARY ACADEMY. At rewemetle HENRY COUNTY, IEETUCKT. A MILITAET ACADEIY FOR BOYS. at shoout tro houn travel by rai l from Lo re lle. Th. Academy buildings, oed by himself, rev of moder •nstrauo dmerably ndapted fr sotl purposes, and lo ied fin the suurb of the town. The ntadasrd of •euttoo e strict1ly military, requiring puutn•l•l• nd prerptlses it il b. eondaed w ,ith care and lrUherlf ly s eto sor•e the health, eomfort and atenlt t of the , era. Toe oehet astic session Is divided Into two terms of twoenty weeks sach the first commencing ou September Lkh. The charges for everything. excepting uniform, books and nldcol attend ense. will be thee hundred ad venty.flve dollars In U carrenry for the ett e session of iorty week. payable in tao equal I.stallmeut, one ee the heiae le o each her o1 the canted No deducare from these mcharge will e made for ahdseos daring the term, except in prdaucuded bletneus or ho orrale discharge, end eve isn 1 a tuition heeof SII per currtct term well be re•qtred Uniform urniased osa the most e rasab de ru eooks and eoltO•tary at Losnsvtiles Ic. pLAs the tansmbr i ba imitoed, those wlehsa to 5ermr pi rer•s In the istltutio a uld apply Lat one. In thou laeIb oi te ermanent ree demns K• tucky, snd devoting himself to the edSePti-n of Its youth, the lronpaf ho to ae the cto-operlon of hten hn ndo In thlis Commowesth Pltdala will leavet the coas at Emeinence, em the onani isl fad Porarthe r btelh d whence otnihe u e l -oKIY . them S AT. ."i:AEP INSTITUTE- DOARDINi C. MEatlr 'vRANCtbion and 10c Boarbon street. The ('oure of Stud e of thtn IutitutO are in full operation since the DIt of e trember To the abie corpe of Moase Teachers attachor to lLe IratltWe the sDreotros be added r otgeto i'rsoust, to whom SMaftegle, Harm ny and Singing we usn. fded. This smlnlnt Profesor will resume htis ler•o on the let f •ctoer Young ladles, not pupiwuof the imllatse may be adoi•ed to that esons. ror terse or crculae apply i the I lritute or through post odoe box of ;{he Seaslesor, loTer If . P A SCHZA.STIAN UOLLt E. PASS CHRISTIAN. MISSISSIPPI. Baeorpoamted ba Let ob he Lstale f Lma 150.ea DIRCTED BY CSISTI aIN 3ROTHEBI Th sColeg e hs eme obe the most emr itl, oavlont ned b•althy Ioeoetle• i the country, beong sltuoted on the Gall of Mexico d aew miles d stant from ew Orlans, affordtng ai frlltles for bathing cod all other heaithyexercisee. The coarse f Ietde is that pursued In all oullOs, eprled no. e, the Col'e•itat, lommercdal ad Preparatory Deupatmant Tuasa-(ltvad blI In advance.) Board, Washing. Tuitlos Casd Doctm' . feeo$10ntreashee(paud .. ne only) 10; ias ataion, Itf spent at Colleu. d10; Reutr umelnta Muter s. Dratwing orm extra charges $1 deposled for tCsdeatd Ox re;aonUnexosad1d aarned.l st rBE. ISAIAH. Prestdent, PesnCkr ltla1r, Nis . MRS. 0. H. CALlDWNWLL TEACHER Or ALL BEAlOHE -. of- A Tareao•g Nugitolls Educ.att . Madere Lsmmagoee mad Emade. Ootal sad InramaL DRAWING, LANDSCAPE AN D POIRETAIURE. No. 11 Chartre Stroeet l ew Orilma IRe. Dr. Les lew O,ieae, L.; Pret S. H. Duxos, Charleeto, a. 3.; Hnl. Treaitmod LanIdry Lolatina; Boen Judge lmo, Now Orlans; Pref. T. L. CldwoelL Traulsyivaia Univerlity. Oe IliIAM"S STATS SZR/g R I.d EAER ALA NDRIA. LOUISIANA, Puandel sad Happened by tbhe tate of L~rss.tu os m•tes aan tte ee. eg• r Septemer 7th, tI, aid bues JUe lMts. 181. PMoULo-u treles of a ull r rpe el a Istrucro o ad Lab soeso ao d Lleas ed eies uesuay taught Is tbo ber Oelles ad Unlvernetm Oosu or Pronr-Em-brces a Prr yartory sad as Aoet. male Dps aetl tueiditng a L ter ry, ldeife ad Op tUu•l C ours. 8epeial School of C dl Engineerng and Thsall-e ial exIpemsa, except o lothtag, $410; $10 pay able in advance, balJnoe in equal payments Jeaeary tlt and Apt oil l Colesl rolqeO~d at say Mime daring the semlOee, sad charge/ Rum date of entranoe Addro D. P. qorYD, luoeetaLdeaet I.IM MH 1, ;OAL, 'AOOD. COUAL .... .......................... COAL.. C. TYLER, Wh fleale and Retail Dei1r in DltElab g. LAthrAclte A ad Ca•mOel CoI, Oe l t, No 15 ('orondolet street, Is prupard nto spply at shortet no01ie, at lowest market rdesrs leaoliae. F antao ls. Foundr(es, Cotten Prnes. N re elptwl rtecrbat, rtetI' "ls 1 01lOH A. eMITH- DIEALER IN COAL. Olee C•al Yard--Fooet of 'ollope street, ltw Oe.i.eseo (I &.r0 I. rIUSO.- DEALE IN WOO . AND COAL. Cornr Sixthb and Megianoe Street. Blfeetbee Buwarte. Ordersc. with Ed. In flr, II tamp s ert. ad Alhed H. Piersn. i- Grayiec stret •ill be prohptliy at eddl t. WHLeLWRITcTL, ( -ABINFi ANOD HOUSE WIIITEOAK. hell. HICKORY, I-OPLAR, WALNUT, CYPRESS. YELLOW PINE, Of al1 dim itos, os•tently or bead d for sale hy JOet .. a BdROWN. Lumber ater, blerllo sad I(aye street, * us squar below Cstsrmhb., s aoln lclrcular wort of ever desrciption dome with lis- kTHYIM M. Jd. •.. TRP P.CAL RI(H)FP O MLONUFACTORY, DIALEd Il i (OAL, 'IiA5I'<fAL. COKE, WIIFE A iACD AND I11 F(1 WOD. Neg 32M6 Ultt empsls as-reet, C'grseg at asls (lgokrs lel ttt pthe nlir dl. or ('-5 (3 Mechallo' eg rehor., will orre •.lq A Tr BLE 00AlLv~v,,,n PAROI•R, DsIWIOINOOU. 6ANI) CfAWIE A ALN'dT NANUP'ACtOT AJID WRBEAO WI. dea. O5 cad ON l•ns Hfesae satreet. Betwsee Berry ad sCa Aasue Et" TORE. Rets(lllsg at Ianufa•alpme' Wralema. ALL. ( Oit'uiS WAR R~NTD. R~eT. DLAC'-• Ab CO.I-W1HOLAI&d ANl D1aleII rs sad t 1. t. 'ttorere a Ne. IBOWRItY--Near ANALSt., Mew _rht __ Nteamkoi. tlone8 i P, hllu Sulldlge ursthed ead as reosl•e ssed Dmseb e eeeersm ,- wu re emeo cdeat - I eul e m sa O se lMo AYnSa. min.&i - - s ~PD Warneo ~aur Dk1IV TOrE EDIUAL. s . .. -u R. ... . •-, 0* ea(d ie adif dllsme Berm s: viSed er Hme-Prm i t e F. ~S~ectt SPla.e qa P it, r ofithe n* Sor d perse,and to hsrmle ssms Pevie Pl. I be l oe a nt for t e Orles ai ofd rtsae d o . boo.reesdea ss 0 Ns. T otrs o.r "- D. ppli e IW O Oi"me•n-I hav d xmmiUs dt Mu t tha wBs s a t' N,, I hi e or NL emaIy D I el to ds r eai t W I- TA ..I THI vIEN ltn w1 Dr. &. MER•e K ]• be . i im ra r~ll Irosoon~ bny wn ma rq ar hmadId Odmll iS td tlir m tOe,tad Temples. a.les, O)eae, Brea, Ba* r. ,Lorn Bides, itps, Abd Leg, A iles PeIt, oies. luternal O *trra ac. , camos l Old Uo Freshr Wounds e Cetn r -tu• er sse, all pbsan h anyd canee i heau m!tl, Nluorgic, hrou a mosquito IM-to to moot Intene Lapre PaIes-e quick aes Paui Paint, or reduceluflmmttor as rapIdly. bosel parmg y as sootw so pn i n Ie ao Oplicatlon. wheterpplied to thw t Infst or the meal I te Sv Oplondat Peprtat RIDIAUT CIUAt C8O CHENIBTL, PAAIN Sol Agent for iw lrleoansp d an Stt -Le oA e Oeautry Deales. and Drongthswaotplid. t AvrS :- Urn N. Eisr a Helanie, Bs. U wes ~dss frt a . c ab* o tohen Usbak sintse :o oentlemena-I have eaminat the palest that wos gmyrunte you by the U. aU Oreruimwt for msufact the Lealakofl BItteh sand pdfound In Oh oedmIsat aplyd a aepounM rea•la de WaeIsem' l do e o• ora dr. Manluit hl culated to bexcite an ear in lo o rde rche digestive eruns. I have prescribed said BlMts several, and I. every itZsa I bad eesea orn Is•athlaiD their beOeea ac. I imai, en vei repecf'illy, yourT moA ebedistsI.rat S IA. YkE, 3 D., 13 Canal mtres I have enupined ohes e hold far the manuftote be alkrfl Blme, aousd And ns •thsba n e dea clleale usealisms a. s leh sla imere , lmms. oaesi, uns "goarol aroma -- lr 0f P L w llnta ay the IUI~b.SOIIDYipmuUI PA•( IIY O lT•w sed . lte ee L to o m d com s at gotoIn ean Ongndleto rsIoSe iesith d vi, nrd to beseste stb crlansedb onemis ad e odrroes tocalodIs are TlYo aa . O•a fOlea l, I. D. A OO DE T"N " 'rTunE" T"' J. BALDWIN DUrPEs YEEATIE ON PRIVATA D1. BAolO. Impolwency, Les t i o Pwew, Nervoua iDekU t with Notes on Imdiuei o YY soboul be e•d by iu oln- leoliales u Trhl ct• m•ll on Brpare tl eh seies. byen D t a n e OGRII ClO• , N arew 0oredm as edal Isofalhsee 35r o munaasr stress, Wheron all ovte eteates ar e deeesfamlv es l o~ Sou•u ras rda t er- GRIMAULT D CO., CHEMISTS, 43 RUB BICBELIEU. PARIS. asthmam O ppneahle Dyatpen. INDIAN CIUGARETTEI O CANABIS INDICA, Puaureuno B p mOnonaL A 00., Cnerimn, Patl. Barese eperlmatIn Frsc, England and Germany have proved that these Clp rttea ioe a loverelg remedy tor tie atore dlstresasog affections, especially when Bh Ladoter. traoD atm d Opium ll failed to is reUief TgestiW AcI BlIr of Peas atn . GRIMAULr A Co.U CHEMIBST. PABI. PPo , trhe latst seottlot discovery of Dr. Oerviart, bsicnto maesty the Emper or of t he but O tho Fu• , is the LGa rnc Jules eelf, er, nrier. the eprInciple purited wbic digset foso n the mech When, by some cansn irt othe, the upply of digestive rtuds too small the Inevitabl seadu foess are bad dt gestiv. ghntmdt na g•ilrse lt th tm- eati of t ms.. om ts cu t el rosach d bowen, ear banten pli, anemla, le of atrngth oand (In fyIroelel cl.oroIls. lThe Elir of Pepsine, which is sanctioned rby t e drronetlon of thl Perem Academy if ddisl all oeesdllyenros aloh dsses and po vepm vomiting dPelng pe nancy. APPROVED BiY Tr P ARIBs ACADEY O MEDTCIUE. Warle dm Untessnac Iohdie of Irom mad Kan. gnu... Pills. The treatment of ebleredi or Scrfulous affections It always eag and ldorane with the rsual prepare lone o iron, which ntt u baerunt atly ll, owing t., th .tomach not byng able to s apport tb m the rsearchse of Proemsso HaBnnuon. of Brussels; Weneoni nl so ind y of ltnsl; VersliIn and Troussea, of Palrt have dousatoUtd that Ltois laentadle llern I owing to the ansi of a s, which, r waell as Iron Is an eAoli element of the blooad Those Pulln therefore, aieply an Important deotciscy on therseutice. aid have, c. aesqsutly, received t• approbation of the Academ of odkitne end the plneipaI scientlec bodies They areon Pepled with Ma rain rty •a ucees against hbloroe• (re SIcke,) Stomach COmplalcat Prvy of the Blood and Ir- rear *o antru t oo. a are eOtri to the p o f ai io derdl aof Ironte alonale l •nlmc, scatrealer and eaopuerwa ales. No More Cpaiba- tad Cm bens,. GRIMAULI'U OCAPSULS AND LIXQUD BATEAUM CP WrhesIK e. odidntere havealed ten preparyolowt till elay efl ect a curs. rse tun rapidr and entrsarmdae y isn of e asul an nomd hrle eese of private die theae ued ibun the hpital li Parts, by the oIeobraed I r. l'od and are found greaitly sopector to ell bortio knowsn mineral emodles and yepaih nd Caboe. The InjeciLn mis esed liso - ad epesise InD mere hrumlo. ss iy op Foern• o I mrk and iloon, GRIMAULT A 00., Obanmlie to B. to. Prince Napolson, Paris. bThIs medicinel presentsI, o an agreabe form the activel prlin c le r of Prruniao BarkL. tbe hnt or tonics, combiued with In,-n, one'.. the pr ncipal bees of the blood. It ia pro- srribod by the mon emninent phyrl.cine of Pools to cure blocosr. ((nreeo hicknee.) to facrilitate the developmet of n f ,and to restore health nd odvieto to the cytem -enertl. Itrupidly removes the distressing stomach corn- plaints causeo by anemia and i-ucorrhe, to which ladles are so oltoo tJrcji, reulai.-tes and foilitatos lia 1r. w of the eatmenia, and Is also ecellat for pale. lymphatic and acr.fulous children. Lestl. it excite, the o•etlte, promlpon a dgestihrn. ad to extrnemely benlcial to all p•son whtle blood bee been impovecrisbd by Illnoss. or long and difficult sonvalsrenos. Te slefids of thin Syrup are ls ie sceiao Depot Generol n Nrew Orleans ot F. DUCONCIS'S, 39 Chartres .lram. RO•ABT P. nUTTn . GENERAL ADVRTIIMING AGENCY, Vtrginia. O•eb , Elighth street, Lyncbbug, Virini, AdwertlasmesW lusted Ia all wape psbltshdIth i Ity u Md one si Pulishers w Mtes. We h•e cy•rrectd lists of all the Doly. w ol.WscLv, Smel Wkl and Wesklyr wadspepblIh" d hIn Mrluan Vir. go lnl, orth Cwtollu. South O hOnGeorgia lorda, Aln ham.t LolsUiana, MssppI, l woad eranoeu In addi liio to Obebs ofh er and Wsn lTenes.froml•. hisk parte sedIlcons ofledvyrth 'isany prtloale boosrlit'i sn makoe their mw welc• La laliors of numerofo journwll of atoodlog and on•po-,sl thrneLhbot Ohs Souhr r qloes, uad eser c nn eo hutly ole, hlirelc opcllly. It will relivie t hes. f •Ihl coors ooairo. aid rlirtbo poylicrton of thetr edot esuLieu huo tbo wtyic ach from aroad irgotfnli o dlloltwt. wll comaoDo1iitonal aidcreeas a hoce wll reconve po•r Pa hag eIave to ro lah. aftontlon or adyart lre the cob. ci. ed loocoalit Lotloe of tLab urocyg. ud upon whet ebutorc Aevartsiae Aenlti .- Wetube pleasnos in elatin taIl or ltoanir P. LTvrie, tor oment y.aou oinoar ol hal sleohtc o~reOrolaer lb . ionclihnrg icinco, end aleo Adoer Ssy recimmend hm to all perarn re-cl. rILe) AdrortIse and t•le-ter. No, P Bu A nvnvlsr.l W bnve rece tIke busin ond esotsU M •_liid hlmprompt practia.l nod terry Avv . Aeec -i Lar i. ea, is Lychbue, V.. General Newropepor and PuInessom lAnt wlll relcev e- isadese en trem o sYIve ~ Or Bader bed Di •. O. WL'TIIauEIMP •oaiPa v. Ca sW- ..... N........N.. Ne ma wa a . / A3W OLIAAI BTIAEMBP oOAJnY. WWNlY RAM OF 01 AMEO -iA. B.B Ka3 o the d t leg t ehe .atr u to. fear d er hem a U rard t hundre tl inty-eiht sad t tie htipe al t t ae Uale ntS Btw thr OiRLay Soed. TeelS ta, DI wa O Ivy. a its dpublic mrebabl ee t t th city i r W O d Ll ha e omter a theb tasm ee s eosa of the b•e• aon erpotiede t hin state, they ae e to bna n .t ,"'.s a d blb masm , d tles W. the aa ne a l, de of them eev ltoaed ealtas a me raeettm for ta sbtoa and eek nm od the mpalat eaa. regale m am ad obligen tecr atr me t aN e bl Ceow . ll b e ofr "Ethe ORLEAI SEAMBtHIP COUM ," snad t t do Is hereby seta bd Me he the adty ofd ew Orldu and it shall ie d eotau fr the term of twenty iv yea from the Beta of thsee irean unls seemer ditolved, a herlnafte provt her. sha all bt a e rpoN taeas wth ah devite aups te sme mdo a t te the Oompy up the mar ARTICLE U. ta ab ded at o ai ems b ~rt Daseh" eor otelose phe a apsd maintain na. or roestamohlpo, ted o ntotutne aMar o othees f aboaeetshe(l be owned ad b estretlad In the city of Nw Orlas to tabds betweena sid city and en port or rtem tic Matntle coast or (Intf of Menlo. sa ofsid eompenydhali be the proper pere oe whom to srve atatiaos, note-s and other ltel proaem where tbofe e ad osys may bo lnar add, SARTIOLE I, . e lr L ialtbee db. ut of tthe•nlaa ase, a am to h behd t th bound booeba tn the ams of tha Com. paet a ascrns record of the proceedinga, tranesatione, ec eean, property, bad sad as- wdluanafull and w e toseezI ef the end tb.rn+mmst thereof. He an rve e e t urar of theLo a nsy, ad e a aTeeoairemt o re of the bks or bt eo., the eet c rt, mbt to theo aroval of the Board of Coma&l, h the sees ad ie account of the Conmpa sad to besiee aso u rtsed and emrpowared to drw oehocksb to be ateeu edby the Leeretary oend te eramet al hnking imaesut and da•rtanr beloagdag to eed Compray, and also mbpstt to en as before te wettorth of tech month a eseid ot m ot oef thobea a• •b of te Oam mpany drtnL th paeding tn. Pe Ia thi event of the npatlca permsat asence s dret of ti es r, the Board of Control ehall Immo 4dt. c rsed e eompatt a Me r pro tem. who shall •i asm utll e rn• riene momn u a tteeaAter of the Stick alder. as bab meeting t mhe S holder shall poeed to seid " mans from ron themseLve whe shall bobject to etied. ennl thsew e;a n h the ae of the tempo- raY ebasae of tih Ban4eh. thel orem id Board of Control Srll have power to appotit a oM ager pro tern. Sut. L At the ma st meting of the Btockholdem of the O Yp the manager may mete a report of such matter, ndth ser eae may daenm expedirt end aoosary for te aters of the C •apany. at which meeting each share of oeL h the mId mpany seL be uttl'd to on vot on r' matir. br ought batsrs It. roe s. The said Maer shll have power to rapoint a ara , sna ed other empioy• annually, sud oie er II rume n aes d h se ar, sabject to the approval of the erd of(etrost; ato he may emove a aid Setortay, staetau aM et e a any time. without the eontita of id SARTICLE VIL T ihea riphtma of thel sai d term of twenty- yoarn, I•ramthefor agread pon forth a xist•e of ald Company, rnmeajorty o th astohokld ersn eapital shell have power mi datrmae as the mrl of Nllin ad disposing of ell Go property and ffsa beionglin to sid Company, ad also to dsaderpa and io x the terms asd condilton of the sale or dlpttis tahereof, and finally of winding up sad llquitatiln ats sirn to the bond advntoas. ARTICLE RIIL Threefoarth. of tohe tocbkhQ de in capital ehall heve the wer he wind up and ettle theo hste. and tairs of said empany at ny ttme during its oxlstohcd , or of makinl my m0Iedtlno. addltlion or chmine to this aet an viit AICLE IX. The si lial is f shadCompany he hereb fiel at the sam of TWO HUsDRED ARND ll T THO BAD Do. LASN, dlvided Into shaee of tldty Dolls each, all of which spa may be Increaed to an mount not exeerodinrg me m. Lare. if te ati od be requiled by •.we ihr sn ctapil ARTICLE IVT The mdae ef mdd O he ty oshll be Onet d ret s and man me of kdwrd HBLggnu who may at any time b•ns Ith priviloeg aessociatie with him mO or more per s ie rim n the stockholder the Compny, subject to the ap. proval of Board , Contro who sll act au aboard if Agent e to as•a I traUnactiog the buians of sd Company fARTICLE V. i1oato L regular meetings of texhe geo bolder of the Oomr•-ay ehall be hld nnually, corn mondnlae the bat Tuesday In February. la , at rolcb meeting may. eaptal shaI choose ave o their nes her to ows a eeer r he es `L e•a r w hall cor id•t a s•rm a Board of ControL of the said Manag shal& b Chairm and entitled to une voto on all mttr:,m houghtbefore It: and ontil the election of Dirotors o afre- d, tlhe folowUg named persons s-ll eousttote the first Board of Control, vi: K. .J 8rLTH, Wm . CIF.VY, J. PEMBERTON, J. ARESTB ONG, J. M I);lRIE0Y. Bud e The failure to elect Directorn. as slorved. o iall not dlseolve the said eorporation, bit the Board in ofcre l lo; ountinue to nrotee the functions, until a nr Boa*rd can o .S Bt. Three membes of said Board of Control shall coo idtutt a quorum for the traulcton of buines, and the said Beard h heeby invested wits full power to frame and idot inch by laws, ralee nd reg•l!ations a they may doem roquli ito end eceary tor the Company d the trrse;tlon of it, lairs ; provided, the same shll not ,niltct th the troue to tt and moaninl of this Act of Incorporation. or with the laws of thIs State. Au Ini the temporary aDsonc. of the Mon g w they may select a Chairman to preside at tbeir mettur They shall have power. and ase hereby aothoriaed to buy *;a sell teamohlt al rel estate, etc. fore the oe (if the Crmb pony; to make contracts, leesee, morigares, hvpotbeca.lio ad eomproiss; to fix salaries of ier, and moloyes. to bhrrow mnesy, and to oild or oena to be built satemahlpe fr the ee of sod Cempany. Bs 4. If any member of said Board shall cac to be Stockholdr of said Company during atl term of servicr, h's emde shall be dsled vacant; and In the evenat of the death, ermant abese or oreslgnation of any mombr of .sid ard OI ot, the sid Board of Control shall have power he i v.asete oceaioned thereby until the first rrcl r meting thereafter of the Beholdeo fr the election of easr of theo Company. Bea. 5. T• saId Board shll mee mlothly for the trUo ictiae at besnaer, and the Manager may eall thoem to Lbehr at any te, by grling six hour' notesa oIn writi. ARTICLE Vi. All toahem a s shai bh made he th oette o tris Oompeny, en4reoordelIns toot of tlrerf to te sept :or thet porpoe Te• lb ew stockholder btindin ilmlitl In sm: eat oft•ns fer o by li toe term,, enditlois nod silp ulatlou of this act end llior me, yu. rito o by-lows madesd edoptd a presnoca therof. Be otcoa shall ever be held liahle or Irespouslui for the ontracs, or fatLt of sad Crym•ny, to fInd tie ouinit of his sorn In sald C•Otpaii.y nor ofolhi sny mere Informailty in the ,.rcnlrttiit oh so Cowyony ha•e the effect of redeonnrt•h irciut chorter Fi;, or .t crn.o'or s Stortolier to ny gator liab•,ity isc "i ARflcLL Xl, Tie sa!d ('nmpany shall sIo nod he snooil I 't crri• ,'e aaieU rnd capcity, asd pleal aid he lmpsiird cm rmrdito ARI'CLE III, TIe uoloying oaned prlenr ar Ohcthk:o:dr, In arid ('ire pai.y, atd u iuch so rutitlrd tl, the oomber o' sisras plood Opbro, sto flir •smee respectilely, ti-wit' N. . Brmeth. Wi (Irey, Juo Armstrong, Tee B. Lea GO O. toar S S. , rieca, leo W. iioen, J ii UtecfferW A. Bhrlmpblr. John imberton Edw'd A. t,,ri larmon Donnse. (. hi Brndohiw, Daird MoC;so,.Keni.r., B Roll. Wm K. Perbins, A. Miitbeeerger Co.,, W.lheimiu Bogart. and otha. ARTIOLE XTI1. V•eI.ord lf Coitril rhnl! he riopowere- to reiveo .sriv ml.-rn;,t,*,( , ensd ic*ic'ti litoi. nutll thm oinoiln:oiob wer:sd sia.i see rosoed ie aforeaid sum ,,0 one m!lin ARTICLE XTV. ThIs Aonclatct sharll g Into orteritoo M corn as the s..m Ol 'iti) Tioisond DoIIl irs gli hero bee snoecrlbod io: Ltd. In conclnslont, the etoiukf.o.idrr hrecrieuerre nomod, (1 sootlrmistios t the aLorrtitd st;pnlatitlns coveria:lb agroemastl edarlned and esablbod by the preret act. ii, the plrpain hMrbiolore marinoed. and to that otch only, Is bero j Boe thei romeo rmepetively. Thus do end a citaty Now Ileerli eforen.t, ,eday, mnth end ear Ir hove wrtt, i the prever ofles CLakh d P. Icc. Swals eaateet wItnses. s. eroato tei saee with sa ptla and me. notary lohn Pembner ton E. nRInuy, tio. W. U soon, willam Croavy, Msohall I Smlth. C. H Brd•dhaw, Iar Nec('!fskry, A. Bdbrn . D.,Ldwrd iggiune lSue rmee ng r Bow. A. Yerbe, 31KW ORLEANS. FRENCh WEXLT C' ". rAtill. ewe Tas of Llateno ede Ia a inamtmhe la a I lam ase ci•onrt the contry the eW Orte Amercs pes the Intrmlag hfc fILouis th egm U teul nd commeri•'l a "-a-"e themn li Ico mmuntlythe m aret prtcecrras s La s ted all that pea s a a r s lmee _ed t hl vrs ia a e s e _ihesoneldl' aelidld KI, OGRAL' COWIP e . Ts' NATUSUAN. TiLIGRAPI COMPAl! A new eterprise, to be w as th NATIONAL TELE. I (GRAPH vOMPANY, has been oraaised, with vluableb fraMchier conferred by a mreaetam of COem es, for te p•a pose of estabUshing TRUBT LINES OF TELEGRAPH a r all the priactnal railroads nd mal routes n the Uelts t Staten The Stock is to be t~aed apon the sam peindple a, that of the Mercha• s' UaleO oprem OCmepam, whteh r sntUy commenced operatios The design is to unltrest th entire busloes community the enterprisf. This to do no I amt so much to dispose of the took as it is to seemre the am of the country through which the lines pas, The CapitalI to be In 100,000 Shares, of the per value of SI00 Per Sha.e I Bta the actual amount to be paid in Cash is ~3. Per share, And this amount is to be paid as follows: One per sent. at time of subecrlblng, and no more, unth thee ttire capital has bees sbscribed, and then cm calls to be made by t the Board of Directors, Instamets not to eoesd rve per cent. per month. When thirty-fve per salt of the per valu of the shares has bee paid. cer(ticates of stock will be is I sed. This will give the Comupay a paid up (csA CAPITAL Or a3,SLe.**, Which will be sufficient to duplicate lines to all, or neary a: the paying points reached by the present moonpoly. The present Telegrth Companies of the country have beet consolidated into one hlge monepoly, and are now earint ever six millions of dollars per year, or over one hundred pet cent. en the actual coet of their Ltes, their present capita having b waered over onehousand per t The NATIONAL TELEGRAPH COMPANY have a re colnition from the United dtates Government of the Impur tance of their enterprise, with a grant of the most valuable franchiss ever conferred opon a Telegraph Oompany. Ito competing lie ie over had the right o0w granted by Co- gres t tthis Company to oesrauc sad eperat lines over every rathead ad Mal Reass in the Uatsied Ses.. The position of this Company differs from that of any company ever before organised The questlen of the Right of Way if forever settled. The Stockbolders of this Oempay cannot be sold but a. transeferred to any other Company. The act of onamrees der which this Company has bee orgessld prohibits transfer of the franchises ranted, CALLS-HOW TO BE MADE. One per ceat of the Stock wil be mequred on subscribing, and subsequest calla, not to exceed five per moat will be made by the Board of Directors, from time to tame. a may be necessary, to supply funds to cuseteta and equIp the lines; bat as calls w'll be made ater the one per cent, Is paid natil the mattie Capital Sthck shall have been subleribed. ACt•P l Caital ReqahIed. The Company eoalsdently believe that thirty-dre per cr: of tLe Capital ctock will construct and fally eqlip TWENIY-FIVE TIIOUdAND MILEJ OP WIRL Whicbh will connect all toe commercial centerst and Imnor: "t places s the LUniteo tates. This opiulon rests apon t(h most reliable etmates ad repesonsible ofere to constru.z and equip she Inen The NATIONAL TELEGRAPH COMPANT Is rgaponlec ander the laws of the State of new York, asd irlnccl e con frred by a ou t f Cons , approved July , 14'd. preetdent--tEORti E B TENTE.R, of ilevand. Ohlio Viee.Irsndeot--RoBEtRT 'lUIE., f New Yorf w ',r , Secretry-- )loRGKE B. WALTEI, o0 New Y.rk i'.ty 303. AW ~O BROUlDWAT,. NEW YORK. A limited eoansltof the CDpital Stock of th lcmpny is llttrd th ality, a hd thoese ta8 so opportanlty, alnd c Ang. will be piaed apse equal tpre with lbs corpo. ro and will escre lahe l nterest to alU l anchises wicr he secrmed. er may hbereer More, to the Cospamy en ay ad all souress. Babcriptlons will be received by DANIIEL EDWARI). Besidnt Dlrector for the Sles of Alabama, Mastsalp4( Texas and Lotamiana. gB8 10 dod 32 New Levee street. Mew Oreans, -on- D. WEBSTER, At theofeo of O. DGan& Co., 70 enal street Peartes dlM ag tothe Stlk wll ammmols t byleteut rd Dker, BDAlUU WnAa• TUBDAY MORNING. IOVMBW 3. 188. omm. LAX1'r arWmr AT maw IWsem. t p We present our reades wth the foeawlag ex. tracts from Ge. Natr's qpeeoh at New York, on the 9th nlt, which they will ladM iretUg: g 1 hbav boen arraigned, my fellow-itieona, her a sad all onor tho eonstry l the oraters, great c and small, of thi ladiesi pa . for eertain exprea 0 moour of opinion which fCe fm seome time ago a ia referese to the reoe*roretosa acts. Ideclared " that in my optaio they were anoometituaional and ' therefore nul and void. (Applause d "Blly fo you.") For this aying, my fellow oitizens, for holding and expre a sing thin opides, I have been held up to my countrymen as a revolationist and *t one ready to renew the rebetllon. Now it is a I received doctrine and has beam the audenied do.- trine of all persons in this country, as far bank as my memory goes,that any law into violation of the 0 C'onsi utlon was null andvoid. (Avotee-"That's s so.") Nobody denies this. Yonucanot gad even a the hardest of tese Radicals who wlt deny that propl. lton, naked and simple; that if unconsti- . tutional they are noll and void; that Congress has P no muIe power to pare a law in violation of the a Conatitutlin than the same number of gent!emen selected out of this assembly and stting in this a ball. (Applause.) If that betrus, then, the ques. tCon to be inquired of before I am set down as a h revolutionist is. whether these acts are nooseti- a tuional or not? whether they are in derogation it of the Constitution or not? I contend that they a are, and I think I can prove to you not only 1I ti at they are palpably so upon their faee, but that the Radicass tlemselves confes themB to be s by their dtem, and thatihe espeme oeet a the United btates has decided the prinotples of those acts to be unconstituatonal n several ases d brought before the court. Now, na the frst place. d it weould seem to me prepeoatro to argue the t questkion that this establihting of a military desa- potism in the South Is not n unooastittueal act. t Where do they get the authority to make a milli- tary depotism to supersede the oivil governments P In the States and in their place to put a miittary a derpotism, an arbitrary military authority ? Where do they ofind it in theOostitntsea? Well, my fel- t l ow citisens, there are some of them silly enouth a to say rOat they have this right under that clause of the Constitution whlch says, "The government of the United States shall guarantee republican forms of government to seach of the States in the Union." I should think if anything were aeces- sary in addition to the palpable violatica of the Constitntion in erecting a military despotisrm. that the argument used in favor of it would saloe to I supply all other proof that it was uneostittionl. ii The idea that Congress can, under the clause I authoriaing the government to guarantee repebli- can forms of government, es'abhllh a military des- potism, they can go forward and do the thing s which is diametrically opposite to the thing that d they were required to do. A man might as well con- tend that when they are required by the Constirn. - tion to guarantee republican forms of government they ran set up a monarchy. What is the differ ence between a monarchy and a military des- pruusm. except in its duration? Perhaps the mil- tary despotism is the most arbitrary f>rm of des. i1 poetim of the two, but probably the monarchy would be of longer duration. The argument which they use shows It to be of longer doration. I saT. my fellow.cttizens, not only are these acts in palpsble violation of the Constitution, but they I are admitted to be so by themselves, and.have a been declared to be so by the Supreme Court of the United States. I hey say I am exceedingly a ledient to all these rebels, and want them all par- I doned. It is not so. I am willing that the gov- 5 ernuent should come forward and prosecute le-. gally, under the existing laws, any of them who are dangerous to the republic, or have offended, ard if they find them guilty that they should be punished. I w nold like to see a man by the name of Edwin M. Stanton ( tried under these laws, and In his case I think I would undertake t the prorecution myself, (laughter ) and I think I col Id prove that when he was a cabinet officer under President Buchanan, receiving a salary from the e goeri meant, and with the oath to maintain the t t cnstitution still on his lips, he met one Albert Gallat n brown, of Mississippi, who was coming a out in obedience to a call of the g rvernment of lis -late to fight against the goverrm-at of the United Sates, and he said: "Mr. Brown, go home; be with your people; stand by then, tand I think I can promise you that these black Abolitionsats of the North will concede every I thing yen demand." Now, here was a man, an officer under the goveranment, going to a man who was declaring his Intention of rindlig a war againet the United States, and patting him on the back and telling him it would be asncces. ( lisses and lanuh'er ) On another indictment I w.ull prote thit e tecame secretary of war, and nat t no the fortunes of this war trtoosands upon thou. sad-d. of ur soldiers tell into the hands of the enr my. std that he refused to exchange them for rebel captured unless the Southern government agreed to exchange also the negroes they had taken. More than that, men at the Sooth actually t c~me forward and offered to give us our wounded who were in their hanes without any compenas- tion t r excharge whatever; but he refused it, ant then they asked that our government would pro tide nIediclne and food and supplies for those wounded men, and Edwin M. Stantun refused that I aico. (l~Hrae.) Now, if any of those snldiere were on this jury against Stanton whbt do you suppose aould be their verdict? (Voices- I 'uilty ! guilty! guilty!") In the two cases there is this dilference, however-there is a law standing which prevents the bringing of any suit against Mr. Stanton or any indictment against him, and if that were laid aside I would like to see t this case tried. If you recollect this man Alex- ander S'ephens w.a imprisoned and throws into Fort Warren and Stanton turned the key on htm. I should like to see on which side of tae door the tralter stood when 8taton turned that key on him. (Applause.) In these remarks 1 have tried to show the eficts of this bill of at- tainder, and will say tbhat under it a trial miglht si.h, Il h.d I, this tian Butler- (oproarious shoot. of e rl tis." "poonrue," and laughter)-on this -it. It;ut I inm cposed to this principle or rnetboi I try ig a•n cnodemointg our citizens, because it t is uric' ntitulioral and because if a man on be Suntorhed by legislative enactment then no m.n, wonman or child is rafe. There is nothing to in- terlene ard shield us from malier if our enemles ate in power. If Iy legislative enactment men can t he punirhed in this way and attainted. I shoult be against it even in the case of Stantoo, whom I regard as the greatest felon in Aoerila. I would t citt have ;t done in this case, becausoe I would nu~ ,-ip p~ysell and lelow-cttizens of that shield I vhuh the Constitution guarantees to us, ani I Sbich inhit its any man frim being punished with iott a fair and itmpartilI trial, accordiog to the E ;aw as tI eaxrted at the time ot its coruniissin be- If-re a jury of his countrymen. For this reason n:y lellow-itizens, Ihave gone to this extent in iliustratinr in these cases. This reconstruction t tIll is iconrstitutiousal, because it punishes by dis franchihemeut more than three hundred thousand white nmen i.t the Sou:h, and that prtneipla ba 1 htc-n d•clcaora in the cases which I bh*ove mentioned to you. I out it it Ihe tte case that these law' are pial'i,;yv i n' oVio''n of the Consuiu:iont ir:d cot 1, t-r to be so by the itadi vis th m ,I, lvt , aid i, i rve.:td the c -uris fr,,m decidin~ t <i-e which came up bhfore it under the law it- r It. and iliown to be 'o b\ the 'wi -saes I har,- it: r.tirned, then, I ask yo., who ie the revou- i tuellst;? Lo-e wIlh. ield that lthi-se jaws were roulnd ,vod ard thir k th y elhou!d not be exe- c'ed. cr those auo ia\e peased these laws ii e'ercgtl, n c-f the Ccrstitu'on and put them in executlion ic. d, fnce of the will of the people sai I of the pltdgets ot the United States to the people I under the Conetitution Iand ia not upheld by the 0uoien:e Court itself? Are not the revlutionists 1 the D•alefactora 1--and is it not the greatest piece ot audacity and mendacity to turn round rad cl arge us, shto deire to maintalO the Constitu- ti n, wibh being the revolu:ianists, when they h ie slirost otrpleted a revol.tiei in our oun- Str3 ? Now. I do not know any Liemoerst who 'oir not ac knowledge the priniuple I have onuo- -lated. I do not Know any intelligent man wlto does not a'ckrowledgs it, that a law of Con- gres, in violation of the Conetitution, as nol an I otld. And whtafollosa? I can tell you some. thirg that ls not generally kn wo. When the EcArdle ease came betore the HSprems C art that was the timmsedhate and mova ilg cause of the ilmtrecbment of toe pres. dent of t"e nited States, and but four the case and the decision they expected the court would pronou-e on it, they never would Lhave tried hm. They had all pssemd upon this qsneln of imro, scoment ad Lad voted it friveloue and un- tenLable. w hen suddenly this thtna came before the nourt. Thee what was to be done ? The ooort had decided sahnost unanimously in the care. of Iulli- gan and Boyles that this trial of a civillrn be- tore a ilitacry comemission was une ostita* to nalull and void. They had so decided the very case, arising under the act itself, and hence it ws necessary that they should attempt to re. more Andrew Johnson from his seat, for the re - son that they thought sad the people thought hat when the Supreme Court had deeuided thum eot to dent to pot his foot opon it ud trgple it ae the dot. Aand I setumd hoLre a thatit bis my - lief that if that cam had not been 3etod ants after th election Mr. Joheo w•eal Lave tbe ae condemred, sad not evre on of thesven Radeal senators weold hve been foand in Coes a to suvs him from condemnatio on those rti•i a of impeachenat. Prdvoles a the ilpeac met w, a t w wed the o o m e~Vl Iean . t o 1 Hor io!H t•t notr40t F-mi' nthiar u the fen• h of th le e ei that ei str s pariah sft l awst a ra Co Seear. uaao adzI He t s e d tm o of the .. 13a i to ets tlhat e rat How whonid wepae It ore that Cofngr 3 rst tmit sidental el*ecti ow, •-entenea It do eot .theek it necesrty to seemenst apo a rase te palpable as that I never hrarl a Demofel or a1 rational Repblican contradict the view that I have take f en of s mtter; ad yet, fS r the uake of electioneeri a they hoot at, " Pranz Blair is a great revolutionist bhe is g to makre war and begia leother reb lion.' (ctbeersor Blatr.) Ibey say that he is golnn to renew the rebellion, and that as for themselves they are the most peaceable people i the world. (Laughter.) '" We are all for peace," may the Radls, " and here is tbhis violent fellow Blir, with horos on his head aLd full of porcuplae Q ls,determtned on re- bellion." (Laughter.) r ow, in the first place, here ty this party of pee, with the whole army and with the general de•lgnated by that pty as its candidate for the preetdeaey ommard that army. The commad has been taen away from the president in violation of the expressm provison of the Constitutien, whreh makes him comnadr- mhe f edet mry o p etd thehtoed (ates, and wthathe Ite sd el d bteye t ty ae; date for he prdency. He has got that army dow• &oth with its omy lt pointed at the throats of sight miUs a white people, pinion- leg them to the very gred, sad re ri them at the point of the byeonet t vote for him. Does not that look as i he was very muc favor of peace? (Laughter.) If I,or itnymanholdlng my sentiments. were to step forward and attempt to put aside the bayeonet. I am told to begone; that I am a revolutialst; that I want to make another war; while the ara who is uing the bayonet to compel the pegpIe of the South to vote for him exclaims, " t as have peace," and they all siog out t the same choro : " Let as have peace, anad by WU mesas let at get rid of this warlike fellow, Prank Blair." (Laughter.) Now, my fellow-eltites, I do not eommead a musket, not ose. A voice. Yoe have though.") I have done it in a small way. [iheert and laughter.] I do not at this time ooi a i- gle masket. A.d why s all this merable pre. text, this contemptible dea, that I am going to attempt to revelauloala, while I have no power, no authority. sad while eves if elected vice presi- dent of the United tslles I would be but a fifth wheel to the wago ? (Laughter.) The position which I took about it was, my fellow-citease, that if the Iemocratio candidate were elected to the presidency then reconetruction cets would be again denounced by the people of the United State•: that having already been denounced by the courts, and having already been denounced by the people in the election of 1867, that deaan. olatitn 'would be again leveled against them. And I wish to know now whether it is the laten. tion of those Radicals who claim that if the peo- ple again condemn those measures they are to stand in spite of that condemnation by the people of the United btates? (Cries of ' Never! never!") Do they mean to put the people at deiance? ( A voie "They do.") This govern- menet was made by the people, made for toe peo- ple, and there is no olearer doctrine, or one that has been acceded to more gerally thaen that the people have a right to role in this gov. ernrent of ours. Yet these men say "that would be revolution on Vie part of the president elected to carry eat the will of the people," thereby put- tihg up their will, the will of that fragment of a Congress. elected without asking the consent of the people to do that act which has been once condemned, and if agapi condemned they say that the will of those condemned representatives shall stand, at.d that the will of the people shall not avail at ell. I wish to know who are the revola- tioniisi-whether I am a revolutionist for desiring to carry out the will of the people, for desiring to maintain the Constitution, and for desiring to carry ona the de.:iaons of the Suprenme Court? Am I a evoltionist for that, or is it not that party wl'ich has deoled the people, violated the Constatuton and ,oatemoned the deetouns of the Iupreme0ourt the revolutioaist, and dose it act deserve be out dnwn? (Cheers-) lw w(ta tills re -lotion begitnif Mr. Seymour should be elected? (Cheers.) Suppose, when he is elected- that is tle way I put the proposition- (cheers) -that be .hould tate the ground that the decisions of the Supreme Court must be respected and must be executed, and that the will of the people rmost be carried out, and that those laws being declared unconstitutional by the courts, it was his bounden duty, having sworn to maintain the Constitution, to set them aside? B• pose he should do that thing, bwho woul begin the revolution? (A votee- They would."), Ah, I tell you they would not. (Laughter.) They would not begin it. They are very bold when' they have the power In their hands, but I can, tell you they are not quite so hold, and will not be quite so bold when the pow- er passes into the hpnds of another man. (Cheers.) 1 tell you they will not begin the revolunton. They will not lift their dlig-r. And I promise y•) on my sacred word 'mod honor that if Mr. Seymour does this thing I w;ll not revolutionize. (Cheers and laughter ) Now, may fellow citizens, this Is the bold, naked, cmntemptible pretext whobh these men have tet up and on which they have made almost their entire, canvass. They say that Frank laisr,backed by the rebel generals iouth, is going to revolutionite tht oountry by restorting the Qonsti- tot:o, carrylng ont the will of the peopre anod eret uting the deereesofthe Supreme Court. Tast is all there a of at. I do not propoe to do any. thug else; but, if elected, o help me Got, if I have the power toredlo It, I will carry nout thins. (Cbheers, loLg ad vehement, sad three cheers for that sentiment.) And I can promise you another thtig-that there will be no revolotlon; that thoses reconstruction laws will perish without one word belug slaid, if the people pot Seymour and Blair in the places for which they have been aomi- nated. ((:heer.) There will be no effort to keep life in their bodies, because these men knoew them to be noconstitutional, and they know that Mr, reymour will execute and main- tain the Conutitutoo when he swears to it. There Siil be no revoluton. And I can tell you• my fel. low citizens, that there a great danger if the people should cusent to and raily thse unconsti- tutional measures, for the, party which has com- milted them will not stopa short. The *ea who have esa:bllshed a military despotism in tea Ssetes are ready to establish it in ten more S'ateo. (Voices--' They are. That's so.") I speal of their wllingne s'o do it. Those who have put ep a despotism in teo tHtee will put it-np in all the Statue if they have the power acd it you put thst power in their hands. (Voioec-' We never will.") I tell y(I, fellow citisens, that the man who is deeignat(d by them as their candidate for the presrderocy. bd who has already put in exe- cution tJhose uc natitoutional laws aod bra exe- cuted thius military despotism in the 8igh. etanle reedy, ibthe power be committed to his hands, to establish cad execute the same despotism in tea ::ore-a)e, in ail the Etatrs 9f the Union. A voice-fle has got no policy. (eneral Blair-It will not do, my fellow citi. zens, to talk that way about him. I kow a heap better gthan thit. I tell you that be has a policy. I tell you he ha just as maeh polley as Cromu ell had-that be huas just as much poloiy u Lnois Napoleon lid, Bisl policy is to retain per- manent dictatorla power ain this country. That is his policy. If you think he hs not got a policy you are dreadfolly mlstaken, I can tell you, and tlo makig that mistake you are endoangerg your country, and all of us are endangering ouar coun- try who nmake that mistake. I reiterate, my fel- low citizens that it is mighty bad policy on our part to ttak that he hu no policy. He hus a polkcy, and the worst kind of a policy for this Contry end for the Colnstitutle. I do not believe that (;eleral Grant would accept the Constltu. tional presidency of this county for four or eight years and resg an office equarl Ialmoet La dignity, equal i salary, which ldts bii for hib life, and which is in accordarcce with hi billitary education tnd his melitary tuts. Pa would prefer the office which he now IAblds to be cor situttionnl pretsidrnt of the Untred States, espectally If he is ito be tied Up by ongro e as Mr.Johnbso o ha.been. He hat no ML of thc at alL e h the militiry instinct abret him. cad that mlthtry istIet huas told him sea the party which wa teey to make a militP.ry deerpotLt ia tea StatIs, h i to make iti raill tihe Bate; ead he hat wit at p'ity beceasse be bs as itbl that epot- I'.m which he ad they inten to establi he l n:eD deto be at the eed of t y l r my loal en SFor what poeble purpoe tank you, could the Badical haes gin a lat way theys hve gone o, votita evey 1m of the Couotlttlo , athey have vloce, t? Pr wlhat do you euppoee Sthey have gv a the aego me .ss One rno , of come, Ia At to epoe, they thlin, will vote s br thma . ~ r pw the byhve lout the coui. dance el tel w ylt e aud they ti they eot i si maitar l (be e;ae e of e n oes. Bt a fellow4ll e, te egres are st getttln g to eat how mes the carpet•hebaer ur, and the . anmees themelves have*aoatempfho trem now i Bt that t not all. They have a still deeper de. pt aIgan giving e blot to the negro. Their ob

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O. Meadcr, Setebehmr StI.

In the BEmet of Peal Church. the corner of

Per Prpeea apes a e•rhae m's eokore. rt.



At rewemetle



at shoout tro houn travel by rai l from Lo re lle.Th. Academy buildings, oed by himself, rev of moder•nstrauo dmerably ndapted fr sotl purposes, and lo

ied fin the suurb of the town. The ntadasrd of •euttoo

e strict1ly military, requiring puutn•l•l• nd prerptlses it

il b. • eondaed w ,ith care and lrUherlf ly s eto sor•e thehealth, eomfort and atenlt t of the , era. Toe oehetastic session Is divided Into two terms of twoenty weeks sachthe first commencing ou September Lkh. The charges foreverything. excepting uniform, books and nldcol attendense. will be thee hundred ad venty.flve dollars In Ucarrenry for the ett e session of iorty week. payable in taoequal I.stallmeut, one ee the heiae le o each her o1 thecanted No deducare from these mcharge will e made forahdseos daring the term, except in prdaucuded bletneus orho orrale discharge, end eve isn 1 a tuition heeof SII percurrtct term well be re•qtred

Uniform urniased osa the most e rasab de ru eooksand eoltO•tary at Losnsvtiles Ic. pLAs the tansmbr i pua.ieba imitoed, those wlehsa to 5ermr pi rer•s In the istltutioa uld apply Lat one. In thou laeIb oi te ermanent reedemns K• tucky, snd devoting himself to the edSePti-n ofIts youth, the lronpaf ho to ae the cto-operlon of htenhn ndo In thlis Commowesth

Pltdala will leavet the coas at Emeinence, em the onani islfad Porarthe r btelh d whence otnihe u e l -oKIY . them


C. MEatlr 'vRANCtb ion and 10c Boarbon street. The('oure of Stud e of thtn IutitutO are in full operation sincethe DIt of e trember To the abie corpe of Moase Teachersattachor to lLe IratltWe the sDreotros be added r otgetoi'rsoust, to whom SMaftegle, Harm ny and Singing we usn.fded. This smlnlnt Profesor will resume htis ler•o on thelet f •ctoer Young ladles, not pupiwuof the imllatse maybe adoi•ed to that esons. ror terse or crculae apply ithe I lritute or through post odoe box of ;{he Seaslesor,loTer If .


PASS CHRISTIAN. MISSISSIPPI.Baeorpoamted ba Let ob he Lstale f Lma 150.ea


Th sColeg e hs eme obe the most emr itl, oavlont nedb•althy Ioeoetle• i the country, beong sltuoted on the Gallof Mexico d aew miles d stant from ew Orlans, affordtng aifrlltles for bathing cod all other heaithyexercisee. Thecoarse f Ietde is that pursued In all oullOs, eprled no.

e, the Col'e•itat, lommercdal ad Preparatory DeupatmantTuasa-(ltvad blI In advance.) Board, Washing. TuitlosCasd Doctm' .feeo$10ntreashee(paud only) 10; ias

ataion, Itf spent at Colleu. d10; Reutr umelnta Muter s.Dratwing orm extra charges $1 deposled for tCsdeatd

Ox re;aonUnexosad1d aarned.l st

rBE. ISAIAH. Prestdent,PesnCkr ltla1r, Nis .



-. of-A Tareao•g Nugitolls Educ.att . Madere

Lsmmagoee mad Emade.Ootal sad InramaL



No. 11 Chartre Stroeet l ew Orilma

IRe. Dr. Les lew O,ieae, L.; Pret S. H. Duxos,Charleeto, a. 3.; Hnl. Treaitmod LanIdry Lolatina;Boen Judge lmo, Now Orlans; Pref. T. L. CldwoelLTraulsyivaia Univerlity.



Puandel sad Happened by tbhe tate of L~rss.tu

os m•tes aan tte ee. eg• r Septemer 7th, tI, aid buesJUe lMts. 181.

PMoULo-u treles of a ull r rpe el a Istrucro o adLab soeso ao d Lleas ed eies uesuay taught Is tbo berOelles ad Unlvernetm

Oosu or Pronr-Em-brces a Prr yartory sad as Aoet.male Dps aetl tueiditng a L ter ry, ldeife ad Op

tUu•l C ours. 8epeial School of C dl Engineerng and

Thsall-e ial exIpemsa, except o lothtag, $410; $10 payable in advance, balJnoe in equal payments Jeaeary tlt andApt oil l

Colesl rolqeO~d at say Mime daring the semlOee, sad charge/Rum date of entranoeAddro D. P. qorYD, luoeetaLdeaet


COUAL .... .......................... COAL..

C. TYLER,Wh fleale and Retail Dei1r in

DltElab g. LAthrAclte A ad Ca•mOel CoI,Oe l t, No 15 ('orondolet street,

Is prupard nto spply at shortet no01ie, at lowest marketrdesrs leaoliae. F antao ls. Foundr(es, Cotten Prnes.N re elptwl rtecrbat, • rtetI' "ls

1 01lOH A. eMITH-



C•al Yard--Fooet of 'ollope street,

ltw Oe.i.eseo

(I &.r0 I. rIUSO.-


Cornr Sixthb and Megianoe Street.

Blfeetbee Buwarte. Ordersc. with Ed. In flr, IItamp s ert. ad Alhed H. Piersn. i- Grayiec stret •ill beprohptliy at eddl t.




Of al1 dim itos, os•tently or bead d for sale hy

JOet .. a BdROWN. Lumber ater,blerllo sad I(aye street,

* us squar below Cstsrmhb., saoln lclrcular wort of ever desrciption dome with lis-



Neg 32M6 Ultt empsls as-reet, C'grseg at asls(lgokrs lel ttt pthe nlir dl. or ('-5 (3 Mechallo' egrehor., will orre •.lq A Tr BLE 00AlLv~v,,,n


NANUP'ACtOT AJID WRBEAO WI.dea. O5 cad ON l•ns Hfesae satreet.

Betwsee Berry ad sCa AasueEt" TORE.

Rets(lllsg at Ianufa•alpme' Wralema.

ALL. ( Oit'uiS WAR R~NTD.

R~eT. DLAC'-• Ab CO.I-W1HOLAI&d ANlD1aleII rs sad t 1. t. 'ttorere a

Ne. IBOWRItY--Near ANALSt.,Mew _rht

__ Nteamkoi. tlone8 i P, hllu Sulldlge ursthed

ead as reosl•e ssed

Dmseb e eeeersm ,- wu re emeo

cdeat -I eul e m sa O se

lMo AYnSa.

min.&i - - s

~PD Warneo ~aurDk1IV TOrE


s . .. -u R. ... .•-,0* ea(d ie adif dllsme Berm s: viSed er

Hme-Prm i t e F. ~S~ecttSPla.e qa P it, r ofithe n*

Sor d perse, and to hsrmle ssms Pevie Pl. Ibe l oe a nt for t e Orles ai ofd rtsae d o .boo.reesdea ss 0 Ns. T otrs

o.r "- D. ppli e IW O

Oi"me•n-I hav d xmmiUs d t Mu t tha wBs s a t'

N,, I hi e or NLemaIy D I el to ds r eai t

W I- TA ..I THI vIEN ltn

w1 Dr. &. MER•e K ]• be . i im rar~ll Irosoon~ bny wn ma rq

ar hmadId Odmll iS td tlir m tOe,tadTemples. a.les, O)eae, Brea, Ba* r. ,LornBides, itps, Abd Leg, A iles PeIt, oies. luternal O*trra ac. , camos l Old Uo Freshr Wounds

e Cetn r -tu• er sse, all pbsan h anyd canee i heaum!tl, Nluorgic, hrou a mosquito IM-to to moot InteneLapre PaIes-e quick aes Paui Paint, or reduceluflmmttoras rapIdly. bosel parmg y as sootw so pn i n Ie aoOplicatlon. wheterpplied to thw t Infst or the meal

I te Sv Oplondat Peprtat

RIDIAUT CIUAt C8O CHENIBTL, PAAINSol Agent for iw lrleoansp d an Stt -Le oA e

Oeautry Deales. and Drongthswaotplid.

t AvrS :- Urn N. Eisr a Helanie, Bs. Uwes ~dss frt a .c ab* o tohen Usbak sintse :o

oentlemena-I have eaminat the palest that wos gmyrunteyou by the U. aU Oreruimwt for msufact the LealakoflBItteh sand pdfound In Oh oedmIsat aplyd a aepounM

rea•la de WaeIsem' l do e o• ora dr. Manluit

hl culated to bexcite an ear in lo o rde rche digestiveeruns. I have prescribed said BlMts several, and I.

every itZsa I bad eesea orn Is•athlaiD their beOeeaac. I imai, en vei repecf'illy, yourT moAebedistsI.rat S IA. YkE, 3 D., 13 Canal mtres

I have enupined ohes e hold far the manuftote • bealkrfl Blme, aousd And ns •thsba n e dea clleale

usealisms a. s leh s la imere , lmms. oaesi, uns"goarol aroma -- lr 0f P L w llnta ay the


lT•w sed . lte ee L to o m d com s at

gotoIn ean Ongndleto rsIoSe iesith d vi, nrd to be seste

stb crlansedb onemis ad e odrroes tocalodIs areTlYo aa . O•a fOlea l, I. D.


BAolO. Impolwency, Les t i o Pwew, Nervoua iDekU t withNotes on Imdiuei o YY soboul be e• d by iu oln-leoliales u Trhl ct• m•ll on Brpare tl eh seies. byen

D t a n e OGRII ClO• ,

N arew 0oredm as edal Isofalhsee35r o munaasr stress,

Wheron all ovte eteates ar e deeesfamlv es l o~Sou•u ras rda t er-



Puaureuno B p mOnonaL A 00., Cnerimn, Patl.Barese eperlmatIn Frsc, England and Germany have

proved that these Clp rttea ioe a loverelg remedy tor tieatore dlstresasog affections, especially when Bh Ladoter.traoD atm d Opium ll failed to is reUief

TgestiW AcI BlIr of Peas atn .GRIMAULr A Co.U CHEMIBST. PABI.

PPo , trhe latst seottlot discovery of Dr. Oerviart,bsicnto maesty the Emper or of t he but O tho Fu• , is theLGa rnc Jules eelf, er, nrier. the eprInciple purited

wbic digset foso n the mech When, by some cansn irtothe, the upply of digestive rtud s too small the Inevitablseadu foess are bad dt gestiv. ghntmdt na g•ilrse lt th tm-eati • of t ms.. om ts cu t el rosach d bowen, ear

banten pli, anemla, le of atrngth oand (In fyIroelelcl.oroIls. lThe Elir of Pepsine, which is sanctioned rby t edrronetlon of thl Perem Academy if ddisl all oeesdllyenrosaloh dsses and po vepm vomiting dPelng pe nancy.


Warle dm Untessnac Iohdie of Irom mad Kan.gnu... Pills.

The treatment of ebleredi or Scrfulous affections It alwayseag and ldorane with the rsual prepare lone o iron, whichntt u baerunt atly ll, owing t., th .tomach not byng able to

s apport • tb m the rsearchse of Proemsso HaBnnuon. ofBrussels; Weneoni nl so ind y of ltnsl; VersliIn andTroussea, of Palrt have dousatoUtd that Ltois laentadle

llern I owing to the ansi of a s, which, r waellas Iron Is an eAoli element of the blooad Those Pullntherefore, aieply an Important deotciscy on therseutice. aidhave, c. aesqsutly, received t• approbation of the Academof odkitne end the plneipaI scientlec bodies They areon

Pepled with Ma rain rty •a ucees against hbloroe• (reSIcke,) Stomach COmplalcat Prvy of the Blood and Ir-rear *o antru t oo. a are eOtri to the p o f ai io derdl

aof Ironte alonale l •nlmc, scatrealer and eaopuerwa ales.


WrhesIK e. odidntere havealed ten preparyolowttill elay efl ect a curs. rse tun rapidr and entrsarmdae yisn of e asul an nomd hrle eese of private dietheae ued ibun the hpital li Parts, by the oIeobraed I r.l'od and are found greaitly sopector to ell bortio knowsnmineral emodles and yepaih • nd Caboe. The InjeciLn misesed liso - ad epesise InD mere hrumlo. ss

iy op Foern• o I mrk and iloon,

GRIMAULT A 00.,Obanmlie to B. to. Prince Napolson, Paris.

bThIs medicinel presentsI, o an agreabe form the activelprlin

cle r of Prruniao BarkL. tbe hnt or tonics, combiued

with In,-n, one'.. the pr ncipal bees of the blood. It ia pro-srribod by the mon emninent phyrl.cine of Pools to cure

blocosr. ((nreeo hicknee.) to facrilitate the developmet ofn f ,and to restore health nd odvieto to the cytem-enertl. Itrupidly removes the distressing stomach corn-

plaints causeo by anemia and i-ucorrhe, to which ladles areso oltoo tJrcji, reulai.-tes and foilitatos lia 1r. w of theeatmenia, and Is also ecellat for pale. lymphatic andacr.fulous children. Lestl. it excite, the o•etlte, promlpon adgestihrn. ad to extrnemely benlcial to all p•son whtleblood bee been impovecrisbd by Illnoss. or long and difficultsonvalsrenos. Te slefids of thin Syrup are ls ie sceiao

Depot Generol n Nrew Orleans otF. DUCONCIS'S,

39 Chartres .lram.


Vtrginia. O•eb , Elighth street, Lyncbbug, Virini,

AdwertlasmesW lusted Ia all wape psbltshdIth iIty u Md one si Pulishers w Mtes.

We h•e cy•rrectd lists of all the Doly. w ol.WscLv, SmelWkl and Wesklyr wadspepblIh" d hIn Mrluan Vir.go lnl, orth Cwtollu. South O hOnGeorgia lorda, Alnham.t LolsUiana, MssppI, l woad eranoeu In addiliio to Obebs ofh er and Wsn lTenes.froml•. hiskparte sedIlcons ofledvyrth 'isany prtloale boosrlit'isn makoe their mw welc• La

laliors of numerofo journwll of atoodlog and on•po-,slthrneLhbot Ohs Souhr r qloes, uad eser c nn eo hutly ole,

hlirelc opcllly. It will relivie t hes. f •Ihl coors ooairo.aid rlirtbo poylicrton of thetr edot esuLieu huo tbo

wtyic ach from aroad irgotfnli o dlloltwt.wll comaoDo1iitonal aidcreeas a hoce wll reconve po•r •

Pa hag eIave to ro lah. aftontlon or adyart lre the ed loocoalit Lotloe of tLab urocyg. ud upon whet ebutorc

Aevartsiae Aenlti .- We tube pleasnos in elatin taIlor ltoanir P. LTvrie, tor oment y.aou oinoar ol hal

sleohtc o~reOrolaer lb .ionclihnrg icinco, end aleo Adoer

Ssy recimmend hm to all perarn re-cl.

rILe) AdrortIse and t•le-ter. No, P Bu

A nvnvlsr.l W bnve rece tIke busin ond esotsU

M •_liid hlmprompt practia.l nod terry

Avv .Aeec -i Lar i. ea, is Lychbue,V.. General Newropepor and PuInessom lAnt wlll relcev e-

isadese en trem o sYIve ~ OrBader bed Di

•. O. WL'TIIauEIMP •oaiPa v.

Ca sW- ..... N........N.. Ne ma wa a

. /



B.B Ka3 o the d t leg t ehe .atr u to.fear d er hem a U rard t hundre tl inty-eihtsad t tie htipe al t t ae Uale ntS Btw thrOiRLay Soed. TeelS ta, DI wa O Ivy. a its dpublic

mrebabl ee t t th city i r W O d Ll

ha e omter a theb tasm ee s eosa of theb•e• aon erpotiede t hin state, they ae e to bna n

.t ,"'.s a d blbmasm , d tles W. the aa ne a l, de of them

eev ltoaed ealtas a me raeettm for ta sbtoa andeek nm od the mpalat eaa. regale m am ad obligen

tecr atr me t aN e bl Ceow . ll b e ofr "EtheORLEAI SEAMBtHIP COUM ," snad t t do Ishereby seta bd Me he the adty ofd ew Orldu and it shall

ie d eotau fr the term of twenty iv yea from theBeta of thsee irean unls seemer ditolved, a herlnafteprovt her. sha all bt a e rpoN taeas wth ah devite aupste sme mdo a t te the Oompy up the mar

ARTICLE U.ta ab ded at o ai ems b ~rt Daseh" eor otelose phea apsd maintain na. or roestamohlpo, ted o ntotutne aMar

o othees f aboaeetshe(l be owned ad b estretlad In the cityof Nw • Orlas to tabds betweena sid city and en portor rtem tic Matntle coast or (Intf of Menlo.

sa of sid eompenydhali be the proper pere oewhom to srve atatiaos, note-s and other ltel proaem wheretbofe e ad osys may bo lnar add,


e lr L ialtbee db. ut of tthe•nlaa ase, aam to h behd t th bound booeba tn the ams of tha Com.

paet a ascrns record of the proceedinga, tranesatione, eceean, property, bad sad as- wdluanafull and

w e toseezI ef the end tb.rn+mmst thereof.He an rve e e t urar of theLo a nsy, ade a aTeeoairem t o re of the bks or bt, the eet c rt, mbt to theo aroval of the Board of

Coma&l, h the sees ad ie account of the Conmpa sad tobesiee aso u rtsed and emrpowared to drw oehocksb to beateeu edby the Leeretary oend te eramet al hnking

imaesut and da•rtanr beloagdag to eed Compray, and alsombpstt to en as before te wettorth of tech month aeseid ot m ot oef tho bea a• •b of te Oam mpanydrtnL th paeding tn.

Pe Ia thi event of the npatlca permsat asences dret of ti es r, the Board of Control ehall Immo

4dt. c rsed e eompatt a Me r pro tem. who shall •iasm utll e • rn• riene momn u a tteeaAter of the Stick

alder. as bab meeting t mhe S holder shall poeed toseid " mans from ron themseLve whe shall bobjectto etied. ennl thsew e; a n h the ae of the tempo-raY ebasae of tih Ban4eh. thel orem id Board of ControlSrll have power to appotit a oM ager pro tern.

Sut. L At the ma st meting of the Btockholdem of theO Yp the manager may mete a report of such matter,

ndth ser eae may daenm expedirt end aoosary for teaters of the C •apany. at which meeting each share of

oeL h the mId mpany seL be uttl'd to on vot on r'matir. br ought batsrs It.

roe s. The said Maer shll have power to rapoint aara , sna ed other empioy• annually, sud oie er IIrume n aes d h se ar, sabject to the approval of the

erd of (etrost; ato he may • emove a aid Setortay, staetauaM et e a any time. without the eontita of idSARTICLE VIL

T ihea riphtma of thel sai d term of twenty- yoarn,I•ramthefor agread pon forth a xist•e of ald Company,

rnmeajorty o th astohokld ersn eapital shell have power midatrmae as the mrl of Nllin ad disposing of ellGo property and ffsa beionglin to sid Company, ad alsoto dsaderpa and io x the terms asd condilton of the sale ordlpttis tahereof, and finally of winding up sad llquitatilnats sirn to the bond advntoas.


Threefoarth. of tohe tocbkhQ de in capital ehall heve thewer he wind up and ettle theo hste. and tairs of saidempany at ny ttme during its oxlstohcd , or of makinl

my m0Iedtlno. addltlion or chmine to this aet an viit


The si lial is f shadCompany he hereb fiel at thesam of TWO HUsDRED ARND ll T THO BAD Do.LASN, dlvided Into shaee of tldty Dolls each, all of which

spa may be Increaed to an mount not exeerodinrg me m.Lare. if te ati od be requiled by •.we ihr sn ctapil


The mdae ef mdd O he ty oshll be • Onet d ret s andman me of kdwrd HBLggnu who may at any time b•nsIth priviloeg aessociatie with him mO or more per s ie rimn the stockholder the Compny, subject to the ap.proval of Board , Contro who sll act au aboard ifAgent e to as•a I traUnactiog the buians of sd Company


i1oato L regular meetings of texhe geobolder of the Oomr•-ay ehall be hld nnually, cornmondnlae the bat Tuesday In February. la , at rolcbmeeting may. eaptal shaI choose ave o their nesher to ows a eeer r he es `L e•a r • w hall corid•t a s•rm a Board of ControL of the said Managshal& b Chairm and entitled to une voto on all mttr:,mhoughtbefore It: and ontil the election of Dirotors o afre-

d, tlhe folowU g named persons s-ll eousttote the firstBoard of Control, vi: K. .J 8rLTH, Wm . CIF.VY, J.PEMBERTON, J. ARESTB ONG, J. M I);lRIE0Y.Bud e The failure to elect Directorn. as slorved. o iall not

dlseolve the said eorporation, bit the Board in ofcre l lo;ountinue to nrotee the functions, until a nr Boa*rd can o

.S Bt. Three membes of said Board of Control shall cooidtutt a quorum for the traulcton of buines, and the saidBeard h heeby invested wits full power to frame and idotinch by laws, ralee nd reg•l!ations a they may doem roquliito end eceary tor the Company d the trrse;tlon of it,

lairs ; provided, the same shll not ,niltct th the troue tott and moaninl of this Act of Incorporation. or with thelaws of thIs State. Au Ini the temporary aDsonc. of the Mong w they may select a Chairman to preside at tbeir mettur

They shall have power. and ase hereby aothoriaed to buy *;asell teamohlt al rel estate, etc. fore the oe (if the Crmbpony; to make contracts, leesee, morigares, hvpotbeca.lioad eomproiss; to fix salaries of ier, and moloyes. tobhrrow mnesy, and to oild or oena to be built satemahlpe frthe ee of sod Cempany.

Bs 4. If any member of said Board shall cac to beStockholdr of said Company during atl term of servicr, h'semde shall be dsled vacant; and In the evenat of the death,

ermant abese or oreslgnation of any mombr of .sidard OI ot, the sid Board of Control shall have power

he i v.asete oceaioned thereby until the first rrcl rmeting thereafter of the Beholdeo fr the election ofeasr of theo Company.

Bea. 5. T• saId Board shll mee mlothly for the trUoictiae at besnaer, and the Manager may eall thoem toLbehr at any te, by grling six hour' notesa oIn writi.


All toahem a s shai bh made he th oette o trisOompeny, en4reoordelIns toot of tlrerf to te sept :orthet porpoe Te• lb ew stockholder btindin ilmlitl In sm:eat oft•ns fer o by li toe term,, enditlois nod silpulatlou of this act end lli or me, yu. rito o by-lowsmadesd edoptd a presnoca therof.

Be otcoa shall ever be held liahle or Irespousluifor the ontracs, or fatLt of sad Crym•ny, tofInd tie ouinit of his sorn In sald C•Otpaii.ynor ofolhi sny mere Informailty in the ,.rcnlrttiit oh soCowyony ha•e the effect of redeonnrt•h irciut chorter Fi;,or .t crn.o'or s Stortolier to ny gator liab•,ity isc "i

ARflcLL Xl,

Tie sa!d ('nmpany shall sIo nod he snooil I 't crri• ,'eaaieU rnd capcity, asd pleal aid he lmpsiird cm rmrdito


TIe uoloying oaned prlenr ar Ohcthk:o:dr, In arid ('irepai.y, atd u iuch so rutitlrd tl, the oomber o' sisras ploodOpbro, sto flir •smee respectilely, ti-wit'

N. . Brmeth. Wi (Irey, Juo Armstrong, Tee B. LeaGO O. toar S S. , rieca, leo W. iioen, J iiUtecfferW A. Bhrlmpblr. John imberton Edw'd A. t,,ri

larmon Donnse. (. hi Brndohiw, Daird MoC;so,.Keni.r.,B Roll. Wm K. Perbins, A. Miitbeeerger Co.,, W.lheimiuBogart. and otha.


V•e I.ord lf Coitril rhnl! he riopowere- to reiveo .srivml.-rn;,t,*,( , ensd ic*ic'ti litoi. nutll thm oinoiln:oiobwer:sd sia.i see rosoed ie aforeaid sum ,,0 one m!lin


ThIs Aonclatct sharll g Into orteritoo M corn as the s..mOl 'iti) Tioisond DoIIl irs gli hero bee snoecrlbod io:Ltd. In conclnslont, the etoiukf.o.idrr hrecrieuerre nomod, (1sootlrmistios t the aLorrtitd st;pnlatitlns coveria:lbagroemastl edarlned and esablbod by the preret act. ii,the plrpain hMrbiolore marinoed. and to that otch only,Is bero j Boe thei romeo rmepetively.

Thus do end a citaty Now Ileerli eforen.t,,eday, mnth end ear Ir hove wrtt, i the prever

ofles CLakh d P. Icc. Swals eaateet wItnses. s.eroato tei saee with sa ptla and me. notarylohn Pembner ton E. nRInuy, tio. W. U soon,willam Croavy, Msohall I Smlth. C. H Brd•dhaw,Iar Nec('!fskry, A. Bdbrn . D.,Ldwrd iggiunelSue rmee ng r Bow. A. Yerbe,


ewe Tas of Llateno ede

Ia a inamtmhe la a I lam ase ci•onrt

the contry the eW Orte Amercs pes the Intrmlaghfc fILouis th egm U teul nd commeri•'l a "-a-"ethemn li Ico mmuntlythe m aret prtcecrras

s La s ted all that pea s a a r s

lmee _ed t hl vrs ia a e s e _ihesoneldl'





A new eterprise, to be w as th NATIONAL TELE. I(GRAPH vOMPANY, has been oraaised, with vluableb

fraMchier conferred by a mreaet am of COem es, for te p•apose of estabUshing TRUBT LINES OF TELEGRAPH a r

all the priactnal railroads nd mal routes n the Uelts t

Staten The Stock is to be t~aed apon the sam peindple a,

that of the Mercha• s' UaleO oprem OCmepam, whteh r

sntUy commenced operatios The design is to unltrest th

entire busloes community the enterprisf. This to do no Iamt so much to dispose of the took as it is to seemre the

am of the country through which the lines pas,

The CapitalI to be

In 100,000 Shares, of the per value of

SI00 Per Sha.e I

Bta the actual amount to be paid in Cash is

~3. Per share,

And this amount is to be paid as follows: One persent. at time of subecrlblng, and no more, unth thee ttire

capital has bees sbscribed, and then cm calls to be made by t

the Board of Directors, Instamets not to eoesd rve per

cent. per month. When thirty-fve per salt of the per valu

of the shares has bee paid. cer(ticates of stock will be is I

sed. This will give the Comupay a paid up

(csA CAPITAL Or a3,SLe.**,

Which will be sufficient to duplicate lines to all, or neary a:

the paying points reached by the present moonpoly.

The present Telegrth Companies of the country have beetconsolidated into one hlge monepoly, and are now earintever six millions of dollars per year, or over one hundred pet

cent. en the actual coet of their Ltes, their present capita

having b waered over onehousand per t

The NATIONAL TELEGRAPH COMPANY have a recolnition from the United dtates Government of the Impur

tance of their enterprise, with a grant of the most valuable

franchiss ever conferred opon a Telegraph Oompany. Ito

competing lie ie over had the right o0w granted by Co-

gres t tthis Company to oesrauc sad eperat lines overevery rathead ad Mal Reass in the Uatsied Ses.. The

position of this Company differs from that of any company

ever before organised The questlen of the Right of Way ifforever settled.

The Stockbolders of this Oempay cannot be sold but a.

transeferred to any other Company. The act of onamrees

der which this Company has bee orgessld prohibits

transfer of the franchises ranted,


One per ceat of the Stock wil be mequred on subscribing,and subsequest calla, not to exceed five per moatwill be made by the Board of Directors, from time to tame. amay be necessary, to supply funds to cuseteta and equIp thelines; bat as calls w'll be made ater the one per cent, Is paidnatil the mattie Capital Sthck shall have been subleribed.

ACt•P l Caital ReqahIed.

The Company eoalsdently believe that thirty-dre per cr:of tLe Capital ctock will construct and fally eqlip


Whicbh will connect all toe commercial centerst and Imnor: "tplaces s the LUniteo tates. This opiulon rests apon t(hmost reliable etmates ad repesonsible ofere to constru.zand equip she Inen

The NATIONAL TELEGRAPH COMPANT Is rgaponlecander the laws of the State of new York, asd irlnccl e confrred by a ou t f Cons , approved July , 14'd.

preetdent--tEORti E B TENTE.R, of ilevand. OhlioViee.Irsndeot--RoBEtRT 'lUIE., f New Yorf w ',r ,Secretry-- )loRGKE B. WALTEI, o0 New Y.rk i'.ty

303. AW ~O BROUlDWAT,.


A limited eoansltof t h e CDpital Stock of th lcmpny is

llttrd th ality, ahd thoese ta8 so opportanlty, alnd

c Ang. will be piaed apse equal tpre with lbs and will escre lahe l nterest to alU l anchises wicr

he secrmed. er may hbereer More, to the Cospamy

en ay ad all souress.Babcriptlons will be received by

DANIIEL EDWARI).Besidnt Dlrector for the Sles of Alabama, Mastsalp4(

Texas and Lotamiana.gB8 10 dod 32 New Levee street.

Mew Oreans,-on-


At theofeo of O. DGan& Co.,70 enal street

Peartes dlM ag to the Stlk wll ammmols tbyleteut rd Dker, BDAlUU WnAa•


omm. LAX1'r arWmr AT maw IWsem. tp

We present our reades wth the foeawlag ex.tracts from Ge. Natr's qpeeoh at New York, onthe 9th nlt, which they will ladM iretUg: g

1 hbav boen arraigned, my fellow-itieona, her asad all onor tho eonstry l the oraters, great cand small, of thi ladiesi pa . for eertain exprea 0moour of opinion which fCe fm seome time ago aia referese to the reoe*roretosa acts. Ideclared "that in my optaio they were anoometituaional and 'therefore nul and void. (Applause d "Blly foyou.") For this aying, my fellow oitizens, forholding and expre

asing thin opides, I have been

held up to my countrymen as a revolationist and *tone ready to renew the rebetllon. Now it is a Ireceived doctrine and has beam the audenied do.-trine of all persons in this country, as far bank asmy memory goes,that any law into violation of the 0C'onsi utlon was null andvoid. (Avotee-"That's sso.") Nobody denies this. Yonucanot gad even athe hardest of tese Radicals who wlt deny thatpropl. lton, naked and simple; that if unconsti- .tutional they are noll and void; that Congress has Pno muIe power to pare a law in violation of the aConatitutlin than the same number of gent!emenselected out of this assembly and stting in this aball. (Applause.) If that betrus, then, the ques.tCon to be inquired of before I am set down as a hrevolutionist is. whether these acts are nooseti- atuional or not? whether they are in derogation itof the Constitution or not? I contend that they aare, and I think I can prove to you not only 1Iti at they are palpably so upon their faee, but that the Radicass tlemselves confes themB to bes by their dtem, and thatihe espeme oeet a theUnited btates has decided the prinotples of thoseacts to be unconstituatonal n several ases dbrought before the court. Now, na the frst place. dit weould seem to me prepeoatro to argue the tquestkion that this establihting of a military desa-potism in the South Is not n unooastittueal act. tWhere do they get the authority to make a milli-tary depotism to supersede the oivil governments PIn the States and in their place to put a miittary aderpotism, an arbitrary military authority ? Wheredo they ofind it in theOostitntsea? Well, my fel- t

l ow citisens, there are some of them silly enouth ato say rOat they have this right under that clauseof the Constitution whlch says, "The governmentof the United States shall guarantee republicanforms of government to seach of the States in theUnion." I should think if anything were aeces-sary in addition to the palpable violatica of theConstitntion in erecting a military despotisrm. thatthe argument used in favor of it would saloe to Isupply all other proof that it was uneostittionl. iiThe idea that Congress can, under the clause Iauthoriaing the government to guarantee repebli-can forms of government, es'abhllh a military des-potism, they can go forward and do the thing swhich is diametrically opposite to the thing that dthey were required to do. A man might as well con-tend that when they are required by the Constirn. -tion to guarantee republican forms of governmentthey ran set up a monarchy. What is the difference between a monarchy and a military des-pruusm. except in its duration? Perhaps the mil-tary despotism is the most arbitrary f>rm of des. i1poetim of the two, but probably the monarchywould be of longer duration. The argument which they use shows It to be of longer doration. I fellow.cttizens, not only are these acts inpalpsble violation of the Constitution, but they Iare admitted to be so by themselves, and.have abeen declared to be so by the Supreme Court of the United States. I hey say I am exceedingly aledient to all these rebels, and want them all par- Idoned. It is not so. I am willing that the gov- 5ernuent should come forward and prosecute le-.gally, under the existing laws, any of them whoare dangerous to the republic, or have offended,ard if they find them guilty that they should bepunished. I w nold like to see a man by the nameof Edwin M. Stanton ( tried under theselaws, and In his case I think I would undertake tthe prorecution myself, (laughter ) and I think Icol Id prove that when he was a cabinet officer underPresident Buchanan, receiving a salary from the egoeri meant, and with the oath to maintain the tt cnstitution still on his lips, he met one AlbertGallat n brown, of Mississippi, who was coming aout in obedience to a call of the g rvernment oflis -late to fight against the goverrm-at of theUnited Sates, and he said: "Mr. Brown, gohome; be with your people; stand by then,tand I think I can promise you that these black

Abolitionsats of the North will concede every Ithing yen demand." Now, here was a man, anofficer under the goveranment, going to a man whowas declaring his Intention of rindlig a waragainet the United States, and patting him on theback and telling him it would be asncces. ( lissesand lanuh'er ) On another indictment I w.ullprote thit e tecame secretary of war, and nat tno the fortunes of this war trtoosands upon thou.

sad-d. of ur soldiers tell into the hands of theenr my. std that he refused to exchange them forrebel captured unless the Southern governmentagreed to exchange also the negroes they hadtaken. More than that, men at the Sooth actually tc~me forward and offered to give us our woundedwho were in their hanes without any compenas-tion t r excharge whatever; but he refused it, antthen they asked that our government would protide nIediclne and food and supplies for thosewounded men, and Edwin M. Stantun refused that Iaico. (l~Hrae.) Now, if any of those snldierewere on this jury against Stanton whbt do yousuppose aould be their verdict? (Voices- I

'uilty ! guilty! guilty!") In the two casesthere is this dilference, however-there is a lawstanding which prevents the bringing of any suitagainst Mr. Stanton or any indictment againsthim, and if that were laid aside I would like to see tthis case tried. If you recollect this man Alex-ander S'ephens w.a imprisoned and throws intoFort Warren and Stanton turned the key onhtm. I should like to see on which side oftae door the tralter stood when 8taton turnedthat key on him. (Applause.) In these remarks1 have tried to show the eficts of this bill of at-tainder, and will say tbhat under it a trial miglhtsi.h, Il h.d I, this tian Butler- (oproarious shoot.of e rl tis." "poonrue," and laughter)-on this

-it. It;ut I inm cposed to this principle or rnetboiI try ig a•n cnodemointg our citizens, because it t

is uric' ntitulioral and because if a man on beSuntorhed by legislative enactment then no m.n,wonman or child is rafe. There is nothing to in-terlene ard shield us from malier if our enemlesate in power. If Iy legislative enactment men can the punirhed in this way and attainted. I shoultbe against it even in the case of Stantoo, whom Iregard as the greatest felon in Aoerila. I would tcitt have ;t done in this case, becausoe I would nu~,-ip p~ysell and lelow-cttizens of that shield I

vhuh the Constitution guarantees to us, ani ISbich inhit its any man frim being punished withiott a fair and itmpartilI trial, accordiog to the E;aw as tI eaxrted at the time ot its coruniissin be-If-re a jury of his countrymen. For this reasonn:y lellow-itizens, Ihave gone to this extent iniliustratinr in these cases. This reconstruction ttIll is iconrstitutiousal, because it punishes by disfranchihemeut more than three hundred thousandwhite nmen i.t the Sou:h, and that prtneipla ba 1htc-n d•clcaora in the cases which I bh*ove mentionedto you. I out it it Ihe tte case that these law'are pial'i,;yv i n' oVio''n of the Consuiu:iontir:d cot 1, t-r to be so by the itadi vis th m,I, lvt , aid i, i rve.:td the c -uris fr,,m decidin~ t<i-e which came up bhfore it under the law it-r It. and iliown to be 'o b\ the 'wi -saes I har,-it: r.tirned, then, I ask yo., who ie the revou- ituellst;? Lo-e wIlh. ield that lthi-se jaws wereroulnd ,vod ard thir k th y elhou!d not be exe-c'ed. cr those auo ia\e peased these laws ii

e'ercgtl, n c-f the Ccrstitu'on and put them inexecutlion ic. d, fnce of the will of the people sai Iof the pltdgets ot the United States to the people Iunder the Conetitution Iand ia not upheld by the0uoien:e Court itself? Are not the revlutionists 1the D•alefactora 1--and is it not the greatest pieceot audacity and mendacity to turn round radcl arge us, shto deire to maintalO the Constitu-ti n, wibh being the revolu:ianists, when theyh ie slirost otrpleted a revol.tiei in our oun-

Str3 ? Now. I do not know any Liemoerst who'oir not ac knowledge the priniuple I have onuo-

-lated. I do not Know any intelligent manwlto does not a'ckrowledgs it, that a law of Con-gres, in violation of the Conetitution, as nol an I

otld. And whtafollosa? I can tell you some.thirg that ls not generally kn wo. Whenthe EcArdle ease came betore the HSpremsC art that was the timmsedhate and movailg cause of the ilmtrecbment of toe pres.dent of t"e nited States, and but four the caseand the decision they expected the court wouldpronou-e on it, they never would Lhave triedhm. They had all pssemd upon this qsneln ofimro, scoment ad Lad voted it friveloue and un-tenLable. w hen suddenly this thtna came before thenourt. Thee what was to be done ? The ooort had

decided sahnost unanimously in the care. of Iulli-gan and Boyles that this trial of a civillrn be-tore a ilitacry comemission was une ostita*to nalull and void. They had so decided thevery case, arising under the act itself, and henceit ws necessary that they should attempt to re.more Andrew Johnson from his seat, for the re -son that they thought sad the people thought hatwhen the Supreme Court had deeuided thum eot todent to pot his foot opon it ud trgple it ae the

dot. Aand I setumd hoLre a thatit bis my -lief that if that cam had not been 3etod antsafter th election Mr. Joheo w•eal Lave tbe aecondemred, sad not evre on of thesven Radealsenators weold hve been foand in Coes a tosuvs him from condemnatio on those rti•i a ofimpeachenat. Prdvoles a the ilpeac met

w, a t w wed the o o

m e~Vl Iean . t o 1 Horio!H t•t notr 40t F-mi' nthiar u

the fen• h of th le e ei that eistr s pariah sft l awst a ra Co

Seear. uaao adzI He t s e d tm o of the.. 13a i to ets tlhat e rat How

whonid wepae It ore that Cofngr 3 rst tmit

sidental el*ecti ow, •-entenea It do eot.theek it necesrty to seemenst apo a rase te

palpable as that I never hrarl a Demofel or a1rational Repblican contradict the view that Ihave take f en of s mtter; ad yet, fS r the uakeof electioneeri a they hoot at, " Pranz Blair isa great revolutionist bhe is g to makre warand begia leother reb lion.' (ctbeersor Blatr.)Ibey say that he is golnn to renew the rebellion,and that as for themselves they are the mostpeaceable people i the world. (Laughter.) '" Weare all for peace," may the Radls, " and here istbhis violent fellow Blir, with horos on his headaLd full of porcuplae Q ls,determtned on re-bellion." (Laughter.) r ow, in the first place,here ty this party of pee, with the whole armyand with the general de•lgnated by that pty asits candidate for the preetdeaey ommard thatarmy. The commad has been taen away fromthe president in violation of the expressm provisonof the Constitutien, whreh makes him comnadr-mhe f edet mry o p etd thehtoed (ates,and wthathe Ite sd el d bteye t ty ae;

date for he prdency. He has got that armydow• &oth with its omy lt pointed at thethroats of sight miUs a white people, pinion-leg them to the very gred, sad re ri them atthe point of the byeonet t vote for him. Doesnot that look as i he was very muc favor ofpeace? (Laughter.) If I,or itnymanholdlngmy sentiments. were to step forward and attemptto put aside the bayeonet. I am told to begone;that I am a revolutialst; that I want to makeanother war; while the ara who is uing thebayonet to compel the pegpIe of the South tovote for him exclaims, " t as have peace,"and they all siog out t the same choro : " Letas have peace, anad by WU mesas let at get rid ofthis warlike fellow, Prank Blair." (Laughter.)Now, my fellow-eltites, I do not eommead amusket, not ose. A voice. Yoe have though.")I have done it in a small way. [iheert andlaughter.] I do not at this time ooi a i-gle masket. A.d why s all this merable pre.text, this contemptible dea, that I am going toattempt to revelauloala, while I have no power,no authority. sad while eves if elected vice presi-dent of the United tslles I would be but a fifthwheel to the wago ? (Laughter.) The positionwhich I took about it was, my fellow-citease,that if the Iemocratio candidate were elected tothe presidency then reconetruction cets wouldbe again denounced by the people of the UnitedState•: that having already been denounced bythe courts, and having already been denouncedby the people in the election of 1867, that deaan.olatitn 'would be again leveled against them.And I wish to know now whether it is the laten.tion of those Radicals who claim that if the peo-ple again condemn those measures they are tostand in spite of that condemnation by the peopleof the United btates? (Cries of ' Never!never!") Do they mean to put the people atdeiance? ( A voie "They do.") This govern-menet was made by the people, made for toe peo-ple, and there is no olearer doctrine, or onethat has been acceded to more gerally thaenthat the people have a right to role in this gov.ernrent of ours. Yet these men say "that wouldbe revolution on Vie part of the president electedto carry eat the will of the people," thereby put-tihg up their will, the will of that fragment of aCongress. elected without asking the consent ofthe people to do that act which has been oncecondemned, and if agapi condemned they say thatthe will of those condemned representatives shallstand, at.d that the will of the people shall notavail at ell. I wish to know who are the revola-tioniisi-whether I am a revolutionist for desiringto carry out the will of the people, for desiring tomaintain the Constitution, and for desiring tocarry ona the de.:iaons of the Suprenme Court?Am I a evoltionist for that, or is it not thatparty wl'ich has deoled the people, violated theConstatuton and ,oatemoned the deetouns of theIupreme0ourt the revolutioaist, and dose it actdeserve be out dnwn? (Cheers-) lw w(tatills re -lotion begitnif Mr. Seymour should beelected? (Cheers.) Suppose, when he iselected- that is tle way I put the proposition-(cheers) -that be .hould tate the ground that thedecisions of the Supreme Court must be respectedand must be executed, and that the will of thepeople rmost be carried out, and that thoselaws being declared unconstitutional by thecourts, it was his bounden duty, having swornto maintain the Constitution, to set themaside? B• pose he should do that thing,

bwho woul begin the revolution? (A votee-They would."), Ah, I tell you they would

not. (Laughter.) They would not begin it. Theyare very bold when' they have the power In theirhands, but I can, tell you they are not quite sohold, and will not be quite so bold when the pow-er passes into the hpnds of another man. (Cheers.)1 tell you they will not begin the revolunton. Theywill not lift their dlig-r. And I promise y•) onmy sacred word 'mod honor that if Mr. Seymourdoes this thing I w;ll not revolutionize. (Cheersand laughter ) Now, may fellow citizens, this Isthe bold, naked, cmntemptible pretext whobh thesemen have tet up and on which they have madealmost their entire, canvass. They say that Frank

laisr,backed by the rebel generals iouth, is goingto revolutionite tht oountry by restorting the Qonsti-tot:o, carrylng ont the will of the peopre anoderet uting the deereesofthe Supreme Court. Tastis all there a of at. I do not propoe to do any.thug else; but, if elected, o help me Got, if Ihave the power toredlo It, I will carry nout thins.(Cbheers, loLg ad vehement, sad three cheers forthat sentiment.) And I can promise you anotherthtig-that there will be no revolotlon; that thosesreconstruction laws will perish without one wordbelug slaid, if the people pot Seymour and Blairin the places for which they have been aomi-nated. ((:heer.) There will be no effortto keep life in their bodies, because thesemen knoew them to be noconstitutional, and theyknow that Mr, reymour will execute and main-tain the Conutitutoo when he swears to it. ThereSiil be no revoluton. And I can tell you• my fel.low citizens, that there a great danger if thepeople should cusent to and raily thse unconsti-tutional measures, for the, party which has com-milted them will not stopa short. The *ea whohave esa:bllshed a military despotism in teaSsetes are ready to establish it in ten more S'ateo.(Voices--' They are. That's so.") I speal oftheir wllingne s'o do it. Those who have putep a despotism in teo tHtee will put it-np in allthe Statue if they have the power acd it you putthst power in their hands. (Voioec-' We neverwill.") I tell y(I, fellow citisens, that the manwho is deeignat(d by them as their candidate forthe presrderocy. bd who has already put in exe-cution tJhose uc natitoutional laws aod bra exe-cuted thius military despotism in the 8igh. etanlereedy, ibthe power be committed to his hands, toestablish cad execute the same despotism in tea::ore-a)e, in ail the Etatrs 9f the Union.

A voice-fle has got no policy.(eneral Blair-It will not do, my fellow citi.

zens, to talk that way about him. I kow a heapbetter gthan thit. I tell you that be has apolicy. I tell you he ha just as maeh polley asCromu ell had-that be huas just as much poloiy uLnois Napoleon lid, Bisl policy is to retain per-manent dictatorla power ain this country. That ishis policy. If you think he hs not got a policyyou are dreadfolly mlstaken, I can tell you, and tlomakig that mistake you are endoangerg yourcountry, and all of us are endangering ouar coun-try who nmake that mistake. I reiterate, my fel-low citizens that it is mighty bad policy on ourpart to ttak that he hu no policy. He hus apolkcy, and the worst kind of a policy for thisContry end for the Colnstitutle. I do not believethat (;eleral Grant would accept the Constltu.tional presidency of this county for four or eightyears and resg an office equarl Ialmoet La dignity,equal i salary, which ldts bii for hib life, andwhich is in accordarcce with hi billitary educationtnd his melitary tuts. Pa would prefer theoffice which he now IAblds to be cor situttionnlpretsidrnt of the Untred States, espectally If he isito be tied Up by ongro e as Mr.Johnbso

o ha.been.

He hat no ML of thc at alL e h the militiryinstinct abret him. cad that mlthtry istIet huastold him sea the party which wa teey to makea militP.ry deerpotLt ia tea StatIs, h i to makeiti raill tihe Bate; ead he hat wit atp'ity beceasse be bs as itbl that epot-I'.m which he ad they inten to establi hel n:eD deto be at the eed of t y l r my loal enSFor what poeble purpoe tank you, could theBadical haes gin a lat way theys hve goneo, votita evey 1m of the Couotlttlo ,athey have vloce, t? Pr wlhat do you euppoee

Sthey have gv a the aego me .ss One rno ,of come, Ia At to epoe, they thlin, will votes br thma . ~ r pw the byhve lout the coui.

dance el tel w ylt e aud they ti they eoti si maitar l (be e;ae e of e n oes. Bt

a fellow4ll e, te egres are st getttln g toeat how mes the carpet•hebaer ur, and the.anmees themelves have*aoatempfho trem nowi Bt that t not all. They have a still deeper de.

pt aIgan giving e blot to the negro. Their ob