
IPJBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBiBiiiiBiBBBiBi'iBiiaW'ii'. Uj HIJ THE SUN, MONDAY, JUNE 10, 1882. . Hify FltEE FORUM FOR ALL MEN. K Ml NASV TOPICS MHCUkHKt) llKVOHU AN Hfr fll AVMESVi: OF A MILLION, Hfr Letler from Mm nnd Women Corrpond- - Bf B enta of The Nun rko llu Hornet h In In 1 W tercttlnv to Hy-I)l- ver lhne HU ! MR. KELLT'B DEAL WITH HOT. CORNBtL. Hi m, To the Editor of Tub Sun Sir: In tho , KI A r 4pch of John Kelly, made at 475 Mntli atemifi on II ThuMlayn!Ktit,lthefuUuwlnjtt "AUhe(Krlt)) had to W ff aaoftue Cornell Kelly combination wai ttiat lip H ttetiUor Cornell but twtco lulus lite, and lia4 oken Ki K to once f m The toe may lie true VrierthtUii It Utruethtt V w Jim nKlon Jim Ilichinftnil ami Ueoru mist, on the H. M idle of A H Cornell, anJIM Kearney. iln Mplnota, and B V one Strahan, a lawyer did b the aJWce and content ot H ' H John Kelt) , on the other l 1. niter into an arrangement H 9 In tlii fall of 1870, whereby (lumblMon was to be inula H m County Clerk, Robert. Sheriff, wild Crokrr Coroner. In H S return for voti for Cornell In thti transaction tho H K party of the flrft part tuhl liutillil not deliver the isoodi H Uelden, Richmond and JnXe hharptdid the tmMnem V fl for Cornell during the last legtflatlre aeifllon, white B fflj Hjdnola Mcholi, and Keumej did the tame for John E H Kellv Itwii to ally unnecessary for Hie latter tn see V' i H or know Cornell The three diplomat on th iart of Bu B Kellr were appointed h Mm solelt, and not by the Tain K flVAl main Ci.inuiiltee on Orttantatl m The diplomat H Wm tiareln thilrposw m.oii allthe. letter iaur, nuclieri H H nl telegrams retatUe to thu netiutlatloiit irunt.ulod at BBBBBJ Albany, slum in that nolhliu ntiK d ne that did not HH 4fM meet the apnnnal of the llnm Hv the sellim? of three mmmm WB Henators mil seen Asstmhl)tneu Ij Ketlr to CommJI K )Hfl the (Ioi-rnn- r rectiii-- tin Mnde, and had th ue of lflflflflj jmMt them, but uoull not pa fur them, lie ha thetn jet on H H hi han In doe not wnntthe in and does not know how H V to iret ri nf them Kell I tu the aaina Ax, dotftn t want B . thft Roodn back and thlnk he hap twen anuuvnt by tit F X iltpbmiatR and I now rcpihtlalliiL' all that ha beui v 9' done by them HawsOn ft M; w okk, Juno 1H H V A lloya Wuriilnc to Iloye H To tub KniTon of The Hun Sir: Wishing H j S to nrn other boi,who maj bo br Blmple as maelf I H w endou my otorj 1 am not quite to earn old One HH day last week, while rt tins n velocipede atHKthae Htt. ft uueamtort Hrft xtreet, a abort, thkk-e- t man, wear Hf K ln dark clutlui and h lerb. hat RtoiKil me and tald "Bonny, can ou do nn errand for me to lorti fifth HJt m Ktreet 1 11 itlo ou twenty tent ' I sail,' Via" He r ft aald, " Ml rlsht I will utep Intomy employer a for aonie BE t flr nioncj , ou wait hero lie then went In a Rtor and P . S came out in ft fw mlniite with an envelope and what 1 M looked like h roll of I ill lit. Hun raid onny, here t" Mf B $7," pnttliiR thj roll in ths finelopo ' Von are to ko to Hil ' tortj flfth (lre.t and t rln' nn uw lochiede I tue e fr M lected A ou cannot rminiikf two I will taWt eire of K B h yoitra till on come back Now run aln! " I Marled Uf H and he called me ha k nntl sal I ' I ink here, bn , ) our tft S machine Uutwurlh (7 nn 1 don t know nu wivmi 1 S lmd better leave wturwaUh with me an itctiril " I Hm V lia Hooked at the Hun when I kturted 1U reai hutl over (f V to take It, but I put m ban t orr It and toll him Mjl W mnnima w mil hit like mo to take that otT In the ttrert MB1 IletheiiRnll ' W ell mhi look bonet Illtrutjm lit K V dttl' I btirrbd un to tu ajIdrefH on the eueht' hii HQ - mt hatinsdelhircd U lenruid that I hu I I ein swludltl itx B& V the nipi mom turiu d out to in fn td Ptnui from BL B Uer kin Of lourfe, on my return to t irt tlrM Mre-- t C B I found m man v one and with htm m elnilide It BK V 1 a leMon that cont im. dmr, and I hut e till UtUr will HL S aie othi rx frm bcintr nit badl fooUd ui I wa P Bt,Rj 9 ?t.w oKk,Jun 17, H K Hough ICIdliiff. B& K To the Editor of The Sun Sti : As one ho B MR diih patronles the Third acnue surface road I delre H Mf to call the attention of thii fat and robuit i or) oration to Hj ' B v the dliraceful condition of Hu rwltcht on I'flrk, row HL ( H It In like ridliitf orr the Kock MnutitRlin To one In Hr 't Bh perfect henlth It I aimoltu to ono In delicate lienlth mmTL .ff Ba " becmnea dltrenliitr I ut to otlur, eticlull women wmml if wM who truel oer it It fti u btcome tcecdtniU dauber mmm WM niu et T" stM hln nn th.e irooke and potrh B H laid trackn mi I turnout vnrrh the liavo ma le mu w HT B H enou.h In the pact to at lemtht th i ublii toleratlv H!' R H eeiitrackto ride over A nwd to the wlu I em 11U1 B E H M.h ohk, Juno - t BHnW The Hoop Nuakc Quratlon, 1 II To the Kditoi: of The bus Sir; Of course Bp k'M there are hooj) Hiiakfn M) elster un d a t,lrl fru tid wire H B.B tn the wood oppoitc our hoiid and the Raw n Riuki Bv SI One of thi in llrtd a Hone at It when to their riiti riRe Hi an terror, the snke took th shape of a hoople, an Wm Btarte! for them The tlcw RhrUkiiic ocr the fleM to R ',' the tioi'nc, and In btreUtutertd and cloe I the door B when the snake strtuk It on the outside with a fearful flrfr ' thud, canslns tho clrW to lmmedinttl fall fainting on Mm-- B the floor The mm z lnlioi nretr IndUnaut if ant ' , B onodoitbtR the ntor nn don t hecitnte to ahow audi B V, ft one tiic donr,"ln ordir tn (rove the tale My liith B iBi fflrloiie da) lost ber houple and while Rlie wa crritur B B I oter her 1ok under i tr- - fhe ta what ho u i uet to Bf &m benleautlfiii bougie rH eltilh cirtliiu aruund her, at mmt9 ) B If temptlm: hT to pluj with it h. dried her tear an I BX 9L wl1n ,ier Kllv rihtto'itd lio)to nick rolled thix new Hfr 'B found boople lor a wIiIIl, but ere rIh rev 'nd the hoiiie Bw 'BI the bouj b mi ldenl dixapf tired tor fMrl i k ho WWWWhW BE lame boiiK telllm: of hir I tiuitlfttl hooide until onedaj Vilr V lean brrrollitu It an jidnliu h(r, discovered to m HkF 3U horrttr thdt it wa a hoop i tkf Ha H I Imir been attic.M b r larka while nwluiminz, line Bff ' JjH rat down on a nent of tkt while !llnru, hat had a KTI BB aunke fall ntiitiRt luy fatu while up a cherr trie, limv iiHR )v nu Ritakt1 nwullowiii? auitlit rume nulbavt ba iiHf kj BEh man) othvr ndcnturtii I ut thu rolling nf a ho p Miake B V vfl r,le ln0 more fright thin rll tho otheri If hm one iiV m Wfl doubta the Rfr IwotiM ) pie mcl to show the hoopk iiB vfl atit k which I bae canfull) reiered B Lff BB JJoMitUH June 10. II C IIodck iBly ifl To tiik Itit m or Tmi- sii Zr Hattle ' rati the iH n 3 boop snake Mtntf i m t poisonous It U an I will pro mmmt ' 9 duce death (ubkl) tor the benelltof K S I will iHr ? ' liB BaJ that thcc reptlM can be fuim In the lowland of LH i ttl the rutli Mien alarmed the) nuke a perfect hoop mMM b BB vlth their tail In tbtlr muutli, ainl roll fast toward the objeit the wIaIi to atta k On the en of the tall is a MB j aharp bon iiibntaiue like n lan:e The) hae teen known to Rtrike i tree with amli force a to becomi mm X m fntlrned there until Hie; died H B 1 iw ork June M H The Street of.Nfw York H . j I TotheKuitor or The Sun Sir: Will ou B ' tv t acoiuparatiettranCr tolmiulre whether B i ' there are Paving Coi iim;ioner in New ork If there t t Bi are, the) certain!) n blect tlulr duty, for, with the tx B ' , J ceptlou trhapR,of Antwerp and the roal from 1'arli B, v to VrnaiUei lnecraw wore pain? Thwa the Bl i are lai U einun'i to make the atuuea of NenorkriRe B tip and muttti) It in i) be that New ork cannot afford fl ' i: i tube irop?rl) pnid if ot anaraiictR are Uece the mm ( 1 think bowt er, that If tho authorities were to la) their B too tlnr oine wo t nement mUht I e prol U B 7 ' JCti an that which make Oxford street London, ftiuh H i ) leatant trim Mm V M DoAirLLr B t ' ' w on June 17 E tt B , Ileer and CItfnra un the Pulo Orountli, n i To Tne 1Ixitor of The Sun Sir: Why Hl fj . doesn't tlie mtnaement of the I'oli Urouuls tho m ' J I pe-- l Itini: of beer an I mcar during the ( rnre of a f ! 'f, ' KJiine! It UluijooKiblL KoinotlineK to luir the decision B ' 'I i t l'10 nmplrt on aciuut of the noite male b) the mWi ' waitem sutnetbitu ill juld I l done to Rtnp It He .Nrw 0Kk Juno 15 J Ants MoiTAGir R it v Hh j , Policeman Vlltlnms und the Ia. K; j 4 Tothe KditorofThe Kus Sir; I enclo-- c H I Sr an Intenlew with 1'oliieuian illiam, w herein he tta) R , M " The Idea that an arrest tannoi be made without a war B !j ,m rllt lfl a" nonsense A pi diet man can am ft am one If iB V1 lie s'iomh his st ir That it decidcdl) coot, to rb) the h SI leatt The Rernc Nw orkir wai not aware that the 1" ' W 1 J olict were thin sikh absolute power Mil' It I not r il ,rile Mieu a olU man arrcit an) one unlaw full) he i V I J i reRpotiidhk 'T JfiB I aw an Incidtiit eeral eveninss ao which ihowet ;. U if B that an or linaryiolkMiiati kiaw the law much better '1 t. li than Willi mil ( juuutf ma t wim pthed i liutl) out ; I in ttickward throUptimtwiuuliij door an I the remit i iH? nil that b was blammrd upon the pnem-n- fclriklnj hi" Br V f I lienl anl ttie ropri.tnr felliiu t ipof him The owner B Jr B f tbeitHlJoii went Inside and llm )oun man u Wmr li '"a tJ beljedup li hat win ftlllin tli snlo m an I be wi,i K 'J I ti clainorou ab ut Tin wroiudmie hlin In a moment n Bf t i li if tollteuiau taint) up w ut Into the taloon an I ncoxernl B, T ITIa! la lint aid tell him Mstnp talktmr for If be wanted to B( 1 III arrest the pro) iuu"t -- tt a warrant Wmy M aS Now, either ih a olm umu kin w thn law much ht (Mr B 'l VI Dun William or n tin kei pern hio fptLinl B it B ) rhlietR that nn deml (oothir citbetn Br ;! BfJ tTtwiKUDHAJiina u dmklW MtPaiuy rlftpl Arkansau , by Act of IeiiUlulure, b b B l To THE Kditor OF The Scs S,t Will JOII Bj j m Lht a few realer the j rouuntiation of the nana Arkiin H C ffl( sivf ll the Arkaum I eiiiature nsed au law r m ," ,fi kardimftht camt J ft , ttt .Nn WniK June i H I F g A Scivlni tilil'. AiMM'til. B I; c A' TotheKuitor of Tin. suv s ; Ocpnsion- - K S "' ' "09,' le nncrouti i n uln trill) ( hnstian pir BI j rl launth b il 11) out in di It n e or the poor unfortniiat B (.1 B lowlutfiilrl, an I then farf with lr un I nil I still m I B nifiln liu-- thin Iin rmi I her hit lliuuic he UiUitt m t ' I btin I shu thtreforc hapj On Ma ioninr) it K' 'i 'I makea her writUicd lot tcirnl UuralU and In i B f3 ill broken down mrvmiH i r ii a Rliuck iHtiiiua B ii! t a uti ex eriiiu i akin In th iti f lauti'u H f ' V Nor U tlie Ittttoi) tori in., nbj ct nf inliiUlUerM H L tlull .Nn th, 'twin' kill who mitt m Ihe m il u tin I I lj nut in nhu tin ik riu th cheap llin Htiii'ture htu H I ." Jofitn wellidiKttid hji I touil take htr i lutihi blul m I ! 1 a the di tk or in mouiu i f the j ih li nirti e now m m o j f r Lt& li"d a kiittMirot b) tltu f.iMire I f tv who kiKiw mt 1 lt "If It iii fr h r (n i fur niah u j ofwm 1 r i him in I ut t new nn, irl 1 1n1 in mu H l m lion In tlid liime of all I'iM iri ri.'hlenu will iml f ' if- tome t f tli ft tv to whom i, h io , ( u i rah r e 1 I i f' tn Ukcl titifurtiin iti i utit ti oli mki rn )lai tin H t x ,f llU (!lV( them .i tn tl u w u ttiL n li an I ower Sf , i 5 I'll an who with a mjit ut rr r i ti Mre i la In it MM fit i 9 Mn.i.rm tliix wa Ihiv nm-- t work the mimtllvt HI. i A but li efittri bnw XL ftt H w main ah fu will Mu!i illi rnt it n le how I J iii4in eh tiuri I fr inn ait nuitu li urt will unokt 'J IB ti Mln.t upon tlut n hnuiiwh'M itnetith irmd Ub i 1 Nui Kh, Jum. 17 A ( iroM IIIIIT Ukl-- Li Afarllihn'sUlfr, ej1 a j fi Tothe r.niTOR of Tiir si's- -. m him- - fe if Itnu li i In lii Cr fmii )eirn a drlur on thy diHeruit Jj f 4 car hue i (this iit at fro nl 'JtufJn Itn Hut rtr ifiiu u cardrlwrknons th-- arc ncrr ullowt l to make ful Mrfa Jj tun o b) wurniii fr mi fuurt en to itrin lu.n v' fs Jl"- - i,u" J ' tniltitkl , ban iavr airraid mi.r j F th in flu nr VI I a wik i di i n toi l thlrt mire Hut i I, Tj lioul ial( In iiirrwn. hiidtum r an t mi r to a r t 2 S tItlh ,,u,t Ml xitK ''"nti. whu li ta at i nl an hour an LI 1 a ha fad uf mv Imir I wmi I im t t omp am if la t ft V Inc illthlH neiniill kit tit n lut un I M hub 1 1 " nn I wan n t a ii kl) m in t in it wu il I n iitr mor I than llm r t iikth c f a In rte tu w iki i enr in mi mil 4 Mi t with the Ih, k of imiir l tnv f o I ten when i ro f ft intuit, wtie t de ipr .n!i nut wet f r a fu ml nf four 3 eltaetwii lullrMi-tt- ii i ro i r dirt m s we hte B Jf K h ,""1 " ' K ointitim tl i hoi I t but oitti d jjft w V . '"' "' " " ' ' n " " i' J J Ifl ' l "t w UK m l r it tri ill oi mt frhs Vf, i l" ' lr l w i.t i ii , . if la I it I j i w t rt t n t mmmW.- - ' HHpHpfliflBHHpflBBfl hours for sUdars and hare Sunday to rest I cannot nut on paper all the hardships we suffer It would take avhll mind to Imsitlue them A Car Duitkr s With Naw uitft, June 17 Further PntcllUtlo tlfTers. To TnK EniTon or The Bun Sir: John L. Kulll an offers to tlftht me for from 11,0m) to 10 000 and haa named Joseph I.lllott of the 'raid as stakeholder, referee, an 1 the one to name the place of flchtlni All this suits me If Sullivan means business) but I am sure he does not I am willing, to fight Mm In a room, one man on each side, for from 1 U tofiorxx), and Ifl don I make him try enouh I will lone the money Or I will right him fur ?i'ou a side nccordtnjr to the rules of the bondon prire rln. the unlit to take plac In four or al weeks, Kulltvan a own time. I will put In the hands of Mr Flllolt as the first deposit, and wilt meet Hullivan or his representative at the office of the lUIrr 6oi' on Tuesday the Ji'thlns ., between I and J I' M. Aa I know that Kulltvan dare not fight ine, I am re adv to fight any man In America for Wmi at any time from tux. weeka to alt months JiMM FLtiorr, Champion of America AuItIi tho Tenor. To the Hmtor of The Sun Sir: Whon I uaM to hear Halvl, the (treat tenor, alnjr In New York over thirty years bbo, t titulirstniKl that his rial name was Mined an that, besides slntrlnir he carried on the bimlntsi of candlo makliiK on Htalen Island Can the Hignor Muncrl who occupies Garibaldi a house be the great batvl nrbowlatblsr sIohbiion Fajiib AtLiv(.iiaar Citv,Juiio 1ft Oprnlns the I.thrntlea on Nundnr To the V.niTtm of Tiik Hun S'ir: I am crr Kla.1 to not Ice the inrllm tit Frontal of MarkTaple), Jr , tn todav'afluif, forthcopenhiK to the put He on Hun la) a an I bolldn)a of the Astor and Leuoa Uhrarles, nnd other fro called free InMltutlnns The present hours nf the Aator I ibrarv are from in utitlH, I Wlitae.on week davs (U Is netcr open on holidays), hour at which it Is not poeoiblo for any but pi raons or leisure to at all thorn tchvaof tbebeiullln of that treat collection of books an I manuscrliiU The onh koj le of leisure are tho rich, and surely freo hi raihs are nut established oxclii si civ for them Certain!) the bmeou ntdesltfiiRof the founder art frustrated b the enforr mont or rnlea prac ticall) jirnblbitorv toinechaiilrs ilerka and all buineM nun hot ut ajfiate this OConnell woiill sav r 1' Nkw urk, June 17 The Jem nnd their Klrnls. To the KniTon or Thf Sun Sir: In somo riuarters there 1' oprosition to the Jews coinlnfi to this countr) lu tarc numbers Various objections are ode red such as the supposed impossibility of Jews be coming an Integral part of the American people, And that the) will not continue here to be farmers and nachatitcs, but will all lecoine iiturors and sharp traders Our countr) m Us short career has shown a wonderful Influence in blending Its citizen of different nationall ties together and softening their prejudices buch being the fact wh shout I we not anticipate tho same happv result In the cai of the Juwlsh Immigrants and their descendants f We shoutl t tcnd a helping hand tothe pit Rtd It ws of Russia, that tin ma) be able to nettle In thUcoiiutr) Thin ma) Martha of Muco) ecome Hi hUmli In merica It ma) nut be ut of place lo sa that the popular Idea that the Jews are the greatest mone) .ettirs In the world is on error Theilneks If not their enuals are at leant not far hthhil them In the matter of tra le Ihe WilniM ar full) thtirettiali If not tlielr superior for the) are nugnol at tra le and een more frugal When tltu Chlnete throw oil their sop irlflt. tradliionn and ac d t the chlliratlon of merlc i and I uropc, tticlr latent powerMwIll iUeop tnawa) tint wilt amare Furoo, i pei lall) In the matter of tra le There Is another race credit. la thoit whi know them with belli superior fo tin lews intra ling I uitan the Armenians Huth the (Irtok an Armmlius ire t hrlstlaiis ant belouifto the Artau race hi Turkey aul the far Kasttratels mono dtled by the AruietilaiM, Jews andOntks In Ihe ordernaned A recent truelhr lu the l.ust sa)s that at Kagda t the w bob tra le Is carried on by the rat cs lat named the Ariuenl ins espcclallv being ervrich 11 rt tales that a derm in tamo to that cit) a short time nzo and ittempte tot arr on huMius lut not being nble to stall the (onipetitioti, f ilUd Tlaru Is n TurkUh proverb tint rnn thus It takes two Turks to client one (.nek. two (Irtekt tu cheat ouu Jew, and two Jews to t beat one riiieulan It r not a crina that am race of people shonl I en ileiwor to better their con litmu and accumulate mone) Die kn from the time thai the resist el fie 1 gt) tlnu tak nmlrrs to the present have stcnlll) resisted ttraltimpt to tnliothem an I lu iti of Rtrnng upptMillou havt risen ntoo their eiumies The Jew m lint male tn be servant Tlie Itws ant lriih tlmu.h not alike in some tilings an ilike In others lbth have In comiuoti the gift of vol til lift i ami assurance to a Urte degiec Ipil, Nkh ukk Juno Id Air C'oii and Sir. Iturmim. To the Kihtor oi Tin; Sus Sir : IhnMut toda) be?u infitruied t'nt a Mr I T Rarnum, a resident of Hri tgej t rt ( unu above thows I originated, organ ized managed, aul partly owned up to a recent date, pul lihed no in" da)s kiui card In Tiir ari, wherein, pnfaclng an a trtUuneut of his ' Jumbo" that he brought ov ir here for ' truJlng purposts," lie alleges that in) agents have been idvirtiilng me as a son In law of his Tl Is is a mistake Di 1 an agent of mine o far forget himself and what Is due me as to I lace me lu I rint at-- the son in law, mother In law, 1 rotner In law, father lu iw, or anv other nlntlve of V T Humum's, I wiiitltl not oul) dUmlfS linn instantly, tiut Id hate him shot if could No one know a I ellir than Una Mr that no at,eutof mv exhibition evtr had the au daciti to i uhlish me a la relative, but, having irut alt the free n1vcrtliu be la likelr to get out of his cle ptitut, he turns to hUoi inckifcard writing on In 11 vtduaM druvim; atateuieiit that were never made and resorting to aimllar dodt to secure addltmiiHl atltu tlou from the public When I organize and managed the Harnuui Hi) podrome u alvaucett all the Ideas he his Rlnce In in makluif moite out of Rarnum r nn in Itw travillvd with tu and manv persons loufouuded me with Mm The pni ular error trouble and anmi)rd mi. I will vtuture to sa, much more keetil) than it could f llarmim for one especial reason th I show nan understnu I iojle auaious enouzh to delvo Into pnrtuulars coulJ casll) hnve avctrtaLned that Mr Bar limn a sou In taw was certainly not W C cotr t iiicaco, June S C'ul. Inffortoll In the War To the Editor or The Bus Sir: In The l of thboth lust I asked the following questions On what blooj stiiued battlefiell was Col Ingersoll con splcnoiu In lea ling hit troops to victor) t ' What are the solf sacrificing labors of his life that entitle htm to the proud distinction of patriot an) mor than the or- dinary law abiding an I littertv loving cltUen f ' InTuv Mf of the Mh lust .Mr I tl Feabody n plies b) point lug to the I olou-- l a dereat In an unimportant affair In a rtuiott) comer of Kentuckv Mv sicond (aiestion ho die not attempt to answer at all thinking pottiihly It is full; met in the noble and generous sacrifice lb Cotonel made lu ban llntf over his artlller tu the rebels Now, as the Colonel has ottm been mentioned in t ruts compll ititutarv lohlm both aasoblier and a patriot in) object wan to learn if j ossible, on what his claim to auchdis tiuctl m worn baed J M M w orw June 15 What ym Said at ii Conference To the Editor of The Sus Sir; On returni- ng to the cit) ft friend called mv attention to the communication signed ' J A' In Tut fit of Thursdav The report of what occnrrel in the meeting n furred to has afforded mattrlalfcr several articles To prevent further misconception let me sa), ascontrar) tu the nolo of' J A Hrst The "good man who unler took to read a paper" was not Interrupted b) an) one second A sentence quoted bv "J A ' was never used Ihlrl That conference was not broken up" to accept in Invitation to have a goo square meal" and it did not cb se until the regular hour of a Ijournment, As tn tho fads thenifelven pleaelet me suite On the iuvllatiuti ol the i oufriice to readaiaptr a uilnlster rea I a ittrm )ii giving the orthodf view of a great dor trluu That doctrine was a ftmillnr to bib clerical In arers a to himself at fuuilliar as the multiplication tabh to n k hoot teacher It was not possible upon this subject that anv to upetetit minister could be Informed of ait) thing before uuknow u Aftt r the paper h been real an brethren bat crllictewl in rLiouso to the roll call, taking hu turn the writer said in iff tct this ' I have the same respect and n verencc for and faith tu thti doctrlnu as have vou nil I believe our lime could be more roufahl) Improved lure than In dis cussing themes about w Inch wecati learn nothing Huh Jectn shoit , U choeu lor debate that will help us I his ten morning the worll Is thilllcd by the iiewn from In fin I of timst inonriifiil nsassiiiatioiiM, nn sa Idened b ilu rt ort of tin aiimhil ttiou uu loim of the De Long i npolttlou llils hour t mild buv been prolltablv aieut uj on these l,ii the t'oiiferuue Kubct tu ics about which wi are not allasret I If tostihle" Attt r lhi an aunoum inn nt w is in t le of the ' open ing of a religion') j ul iibhtnic bouse regret to remove tit chimi of so nun h mivtiro td zeal Hi 1' Nh oiik, Juia t The ritgllk lloate fI ( tiiiunon Ilooui. To thf r.ntToit of Tin. Sun Str I notlco that unvof )otir ( orrtspon leuttt speaks of Mir (harks llirr) h' mUcilculatlon In unking the I.ugllsh llouf-- i f Common room u small as to ai.rummodite out) about two thirds nf the tne ml t re who are consequent I) oh k'td to hie in. Hair tunt for init n sting dobatia bv vending their h its to e put lu Ihe t litilr- beforehand llitin wan no miscall illation about it, lu the con trm thiii of the room Ihu architeit was n niirt to suriutu ecrvthliu' elctoeiiibl all the on uputitx nl the rnom to te au Inar i a h other dlstint llv This m il ft in i. s ir to retrii t tin dimensions lo the ut urn. i mid for thi il wad d ci I. I to take the bold sti) of a lai tlug tlie ca acitv not lo tin full but to the avcraue itieiidutae which noi uinfud) dvtermiiud for th pit M ( Rootuh June 10 Halt I I u l ii ar un Nmula), To thf I.niTon of The Hun Sir I would r ti tfullv ak w h) thcr Is no place tn the cit) of New ork where bos c in pliy ball oil Muuda) If there were Ciere would l ftwtr bova lu salrnint on sunda) plavlng pool If the iU atitlmritus w ml hi low bov b lo pi tv be v t ml vintn th "trtet It would do a .riat deal of good tor tan Ab for working hos tin v cannot get r ft anv otherd i)b ut suit la and hoIid) Join r IUiin Nh vuk June Id A In who Wiinf to Soar with Sullivan, To tiik Kditor of The hu.s Sir I liao Jut drptblhd with tho (dltorofthe Poller Gasttte the sum of as a forfeit at aret tih lit to spur Willi lohn I. sullivan f r tin sum of J si am time lusidt of thirl) da)s trout Mils d ilu the it e lo Im allied iipiuiu the i ttj or New lork FiU i ui.LHt IJaiAvetiueA SW t,Hk Juuu 13 II diophottta, To the KniTou or The Hun So: In The sin ricmll) I reil a lommuiilcatioti on h)iliohu Lit au a sug.tstioti for its revt nliou I am mlu led of tbetmt that in th Miidwuli Uliu Is the u ith is, for Ih treveiilion of h)dnpli hia whin mie is bitten, t ip lure the bg ait lract fiom Its moiilb Ihe still frothing si (iv a an in n t or api Iv Ihe su in to tin wound re un in ber litis lr alnienl ir in v self jiarsngo vht u a ho ii nl rt hi lint, tin n llnsisoutlu irihiih of In mtro a i a id a) , e in. ip iir n l t n tlt I tin inn re ttiiti i d II ul sin plv rail im it teullnii nf meilau) o ut to sil i in ihe b pi 'i I uu) muhtdlsto ir mi Mim tit os- - hie erdiiu euro of iliat most Irialfnl ', Imbia Cnviaiill 1 ociik U I VvllK JUIIV 10. Vtmtrrt-'-cmalrt- f. AllVKHTIMKKH M.y ! I.vori for Tmf mux t tli. onlr iithnru.d up town dvrrtlitmrnt omrf,. 1.S3M Hroulwiur, corner Jlrt at , till o I' M SUM Mt IM t , tointt mh t , till f4 1" M nao M v .ntraiir. on 47th it . till P. M la t Mt Hth it . curn.r Union (quart, till B r M. o trchn. ltndfrw,r-IT- O ptrlnf. A overstori on A Wllnnn W A () ui.cliln.i jai'oii liOfHULil I l.u, iiu wiiitim WANTKn-Fntitrknc- M Intnl. on lace good., A none but Ilrnt ili lianrti ncM ipb 1) M.AUHHtA tt). 44 Uipinarilat operator, on ladle.' undir nrarsitrnd worki l.rlitK in'le A IIOSI'.NHAUM.( Walker at MAN 1" operator., W A W itiaclilne. for AdOUD and tlannel ahlrl. anil ilrauir. nnlited, constant work. OUHroadwa). Itrooklyn BONXAr,.-Thir- ty operator, wanted; .toady piece i learner, uusht tor siu Ii UK MAP.SHNMt, 27 Wnolter.t 15t.t.t thlnl AnounTAII.UUlMMonpatil. UIIYI1WW operator on .hlrt., W. A Mfll AFinMT.eijAH HNOWllltN S.iiTKIre.nwIch .1 (II III for kllohen work, ininl wMhaml Iron A with t.fireiic. 1.' hail Will .1 ,W Y A HMAUT errand slrl. at IM luth at. IIAKKIM nn fin. ruitnm BUTTUNIIOI.K marker. IIKNIIKIMON'rt, CIS Hikthav NIIITM.-- A foir kooI hand, wanted BATIII. corner Oonconl .t.. lirooklyii MAI1TIN BKIC1IIT, noat, Mile ulri to bo errand, an.1 be uw room I3J7 Hroadwat, room .rT BANTKICN and proe.nian on cnitotn pant. ISO cor M orth and Mott .1. MAKi:iCM on ladle.' under BII'ITOMIOI.i: bant wih. t lOMAZ.-Uondliati- d. wnli4 Ki nlkrr ut C1I.OAIC IIA.MN.-lloinri- tlc operator, on Lite.' cloak. Call at M l rile tr . llrookl) n DKl'.SHtlAKIilCfi aul improter. wanted 213 EXI"KHir.M!KIotirtor on I.cckooI. wanted I nnd 4f 1,iXI,i:itlJ'.M!i:i operator, nn chillrcn'. calico I I.UIJJd .flratllonr I,"'XI,i:itir.MJi:il oierntnr on Mieeler A Wllion prtforred J,'t2ild a operator for Y A WIIon machine. ' uncloak., (teal) work 4JI Piwt mh t joiin riiMssixiKn Sewing MftChlnpcllont,openlnll frouiOlnri, atiilrl. IiiUine llouw , J7M M.rk . laic, nth .t II tMH on wor.ted hood, and .lie iie.i (1(1(11) ri(iilnil, n au experienced h&u 1. nn nullied llli.. A U inaclilluB. lu or out the hnu.e. .loaly work J MIC1II l..aililtrii.lwa GOOII operator, on chit Iron', and infant.' white KhtllM.k. J7 Hnlker.t I. Son MuthiL-- nnd rurlllni.pi Gilt KUKMII.l HTMIU ( O, llm South riha GlItliHun U r l7toH-art- i a trale.pnid while learn work 101 South rlh lit C i"TllilHV.VVri:irin card buttoiTiT'ipcrlenced Ihaud.onlt 4M Murra) .t Gl It I. S for llBht workTal.o .cart lian Ap at 14 llownrl .1 II drcuiakir. wanted. I'.iuK .icon I lu.ll k Mllll .leaii work rati all wrek MI.TKOrol.ITA1 1ME X!;K il tt oo.ter .1 HA I l.llttolihnle lnnkr. on Due alpttca coat., olili clan turn, I. IT I'th ay , .ycou I lufl LA11IK.H fur homo fancy wurk etia.1) an I profit or . etui c for .ample lludiou Manufac liirliiK t'u , 3.UU.1I1 av , ne Unlit MKN and wi men on Hue all acn coat, .ni Jiih.t , Wloft. OSTItlcTl 'i:Tili:us.-Hnte.- t. experlenco.1 alio pftrrioro atnl eirr MAI Ml 1I1IIH . HO IllfeoVrr.t. 0eKlt A'Fci its Tn I flnl.lie a wanlml on llanuel A ply loll UHIIMANT, 101 tauat .t .ecuud tloor. front OI'llltA'rOltH for porketi, llnliik'n. an I .le.'.., sewer toplloor OSTItH'll rKl'l'IIKIIN.-(no- .l preparer, al.o I" (I I.UsT t f 0 . tgr. llrcen. .1 OmitATOIIs, halter, mni.liera, and a tailor on .near arlck .t OIKltATOIt-S- , lllteTI.aiid cutt'er wauteHl at li York, .tealy work 0 VI'-HT- iterator. an I ha.ter.,e..y and.teavl) work 7 roliimbia placi1. Hth .t'rollN t on WilFcot A Olbt.. machine al eu OI'KKA'ril .1 Ut wanted oil U.UJrun .hoe. at UT PVl'F.U IIOXi:H.-Want- r.l eiperleuced Eirl. on pa.ta work, alaoayounu luauou.he.r. 1X1 K..t 22U .1 AMTM riNIMIIPRN wanted Mini, 1, 115 liow.ry SKWINO MAC1IIM-.- S New Home Dome.tlf. WIIhiii humr. UiUroi A Uit.h, Rr. . (J warranted 5 lear. , .ecotid hand.f tu. f 13, flit, rent cd, tl an per month liHOWf., a tir.nd t..near Por.yth SKIVnn MAtllllMCM Rrrate.t h.riraln.. New Home. tic nllleox A illbh. (Ill up lot $7, rented fi'' 1 We.t 10th (t , near JeSer.ou Mar kel or 1J7 Put Kroadway SKWIM1 MAC lfi KH-- AII kind. 7, warranted JiM al Hroadwa Junctlull of Oraud .1 SM Al.l, sirl to run errand, and Jo light houwork nth at riVTlK ivilKKIMl WUIIKN'M PIIOTKC- - 1 IHK 1 MliS, L Uleeckir .1 .upplie. all tlai.ea uf ecwtnit and tra le.women with emploi incut, and collect, their wajte. Ull h OK tllAHtlh WANTKD-Hoo- d fur .ewer, and one Rood hand on machine Inquire for Hire dav. at 4JU ultoll at , llrookh II I P O LIMHFIt WANTK1I (loud fur liner, on aqulrrel cloak., and a .ewer 011 Uotand .fur marhiii. 1 JJ ( linn hrt H H ll.AFI.IN A CO .irA.NTKM-Pxperinic- ed ni,r.tor. on T A O ma f T chin.. , w nrk Kit en out lit. I. MIF.PI.IK A t'OSHO Broadway WAM'KII-rir.tcla- i.. htittonhole maker, on fine tho.e who citl cut buttonhole, pre ferr.J top floor W' ATKl-lir.tcl- a. operator, on Wheeler A WiT .on and Mliicox A (libl . macliine. for fin. white work all) ear hat .villi it WrATKIl l're.aer on uu Irrijanmnt. al.o oper TT atur. on M in No H machine 1. Li.penard .1 , .econd loft irAVri!l llr.t-clii,- . tailor... on fluo cu.toin TT coat., MUterina..him. , ,leal) place Apply at 111 Hlxlliav lirANTKIl Urnt-cia.- . dre.. maker, alio npprcn VTtlce. I all allweeP. at Mine fAHTUt H,(WJ(ilh a ir AT!I Uni.her. on fine .hop coat. Apply to T I. 1'IIILI.II-- , I'.J Atli.rnei it . third rloor WATF:l-Hlll.h- o on curium .hlrt. TT JANS ItUTl'IIINoOS 1.JJ1 Broadway irATKll Ojierator. aul flniiher. 011 donk., TT jacket., uUlei. Ap at 177 l.owi, .t ,2d Hour rA IS "I'K onerntor. on Ilicox (i"ltibind Tf nlnuer machine, ru1 Hioalwai, room J" WANI'Kll oiiuz ludiM to lenrn tn curl o.trlch term. 1110 If rate !1 e.t J.I .1 WAM'HII-Learn- er, on te.t., paid while leariiin? TT I nil nt HI Park lit , Brooklyn WrAVriJll l.irl In do general hou.ewurk .mall TT faiullt t all nt 3.11 eat I4lh. I WANTKII-Su7- .il rlToTnlliTachiur, .leep home" at llr.t ttoor VrAN'ri;i 1 11eriet1ced hun U on cambric .carf. TT nt HI Howard. I WAVI'Kll tinerator. 011 lilie. .ml. Iiuiuiru at WAM'DII- - Aglrlfori;eneralhouiework ItHiaM r ivi'KII-su- ft .Ilk winder, JliiCaual.t fourth TT rloor YOI .MlTTiTtl.S can nl.laln Mlilatlnni free lo Ik all uu al. at 0 cent, each, at the l.irl.'iiU Hollm , J7 M Murk', place one block eal of Cooper lu .tltlllo under or I hlldrell .Ail MKiet)l YIII'Mll, lluiiilirl Hi ".jrnt arcoinTl. with ibn ul. Ill iit Ad. Ire., to letter No ll.lsnuth'.thal OH i:xl'K!tn:Ti:i callio slilrt Iriiuer. wanTid W al Kit riltnul .oil ,t Aplilt a I Ihe wi ek 1Tanttrt-$uiil- c. A A. Wool rout. ?J earh wool tit.t. rt nut. en li ut Oltlls Itutvitil Itiiur H7lHhjt nud lel Stttnlhut nneprh.ouly $1 .ull. for 7 T'l'TKH oil hlrl trluiiiilu:. nuuti.l AKMI'i: I 01 Mil I.I It s ,lt till h ay AIIO lu work in a p lint .hop Applt to h N 1.1 II. I lit. rtent llrondway Alrlll'l OI1ICAIMI I'.lt tvalilrd, also a oiiiik urn Applt ul iul I niton el llroi.kltu okk i:i:i'i:hh, tut imiikh, luiitttor.TTir- - JJttlilir. ilriikihrk I utterillHkir I UU In r nmili man iktiitnr riiuuir uroitr) iltrk poiur., walttre, took wanlid 7 ii lirimdtt it W NTi:irm.e II oTlTriaiTln J. wTTlin. iludiiik. hiiolnt km to ri n r ran I. Ai , ttnue., ft j ir ttuk Aldru.. II, I 1.1,1-i- t box H.i siinulllrt. BOs WAM'KIl, from I Tin lit tear, oil a.ni7 bt AMI Kit AS HIslKUl fr I.I lilt tl'il to ''2 south at iikt. fl luli )'ir tuet HOI, from I Mo 17 In mil .ir an I inak.i liliu.Tlf 11. rul t uli for data, bcltietll In un IJ M ul I Alli.tll .1 VKIlllH.-want- uI a k'uml hau I on mid 1J an I Hike A ilj In .lull N I'l.KIN .11.' I a.l .1 Mil .1 Bit ASH WUIlK.i:itH -- The irklllar nuellnu" In ut -- il liott.rj llnpoituiit hii.iue.H I)OOK OMl'ONlTOKM." Vj.tlillM CtOHIl HOI s waimd on pliimlnr. hrtuitturk n 41 inn .t ;i i:i'.K WAN'l'i:ili TrTriiuiiL"gieiiTii I J uue laiiiilnir wiih puiii) , an I 1111 1, l.tnu li in .ti 11111 intiiiii ttljiuu .mlu. lu nipiir link, intikiujf tMul jciiiii. uu u,it ilpi, untiiie Und iitu.t be ..iter and n lull. h Sin h .1 j rr.ou mat n 1n.. K bo isl Sun 0 h, c atui 111 .l ir tii.1 I nu I if pr p in.l lu in a e tn uu 1 I.i.ll'llllll M I.O iipirulni. un Im 11. nutcr. rah to nht him l .'li I ixixlrl.t ,1I1K,.MI 1U1 , it 11. ul .1. nu j . r r. IU '1 ll.ll.l. V I'ill.H.N .111.1 Vnjntcn-tntj- f. .'ACYF1:AT1IKr'iYKIX.-- A good po.ltlon X1 upen fur a llr.t ula. dyer of fancy feather., good i.l.rt Addre.. by letter, with reference M I It, box 173, Fun office IIIINT-C'fiaH- prcman on cu.toin pantaloon, by at!4Mi nathanut JOHN PA1.1.QV foreman cako bakers no other Call ' at L ltollKKTHON'rl, IW Hate, av , Brooklyn GOOD o.tnch feather dyer i none hut one who under builue.i Addreea 1)1 hit, box Id), Hun oitlca plumber, and onewholia. Jti.t .erted hi, CiOtlll Call In ninriiiiic 241 l.t .t , Brooklyn. 11 I) HAIl AnimicilATIOt.-Th- ii liiectliuy will be held Mil. Monday, tlM Jd ay , at H P. M Important bmitiea. will be Iran. acted HAlIt Wi:AVi:n wantMlt .teadrwnrk JOHN J BKUK. aiLl.p.nardat HOllnlXmiTII flnlah.ri and rood out.ida men fire.. cape, IT2 Preen, .t nOUNicNlTointN wanted, llirjulre of OhOKUE war Co .table. 'j Oil It UI.KK wanted at WI John It 1) VPI'.lt IIOXM A flr.t-cla.- a paper cutter want-c- l MAWtllll MfKK A 1IINOII AM, 0 Howard It 1 ) ll'KIl IIANOKU and painter wanted, reatly to work MUI.I.BW, IM I at Wllut PRINTIa. Broadway. Two third lob or book compo.itor UUiril r.n.INwantd. 0 KRT.HEY. W 3d ay, SIIOKMAKKKM can liny po.ltlvely Hi. eheapeat A. tIAI.KWHKI, 01 Henry at. SIIOE"TnAIlv5)pe7ator.on men'analtem , near l'lke tt QIIOi: UllTTKHM meet at 475 Pearl ,L,TueaJay, Oup. N AlllnylliHl WANT. II, A MOII.VTKIt-- A tltoroiiRhly com. man to take chame of mountiiiK room, on frame, and moultlliiK., will payattooJ .alary, and alva periuaiiriit emiioment to Ihe right mant mu.tbrimr l refercucaa. Addrcaa, taliuK wragea aud reference,, L. I) . box ITU, Bun office WAftTfll An experienced etlltnr or reader for a pajr mti.t he fully aciualnted w Ith Ihu reiulrtuiMil. of a aerial publication j cominunlo. tliMK.lrlcIl) confidential AdJree. IOok Box J4, Phil alrlphia Pa WANTKII A good reliable man .marl rtoalgnrr arll.tlc furniture, working drawing, a .prclall), aul .kelrhe. Ad Ire.. A CO , JIWe.1.1 , llo.lon, Mui WANTi:il-- A tlr.tcla.. blank book and Job work rmplotment. cool nay Addre... wlthrrrerrncea.JOIINC MOOItl.. blank book manufac Hirer. Itochi.ter. N WAMTKII Itrong errand hoy in printing oiTice, worked attliebu.ine.. preferretl s T llhhli, I.TJ Broadway WANTKII All p.r.nn. not paid for their labor or at AN HoriiNHMKI'H ollke, 4 New l iiauibcr. .1 ; legal adtlce freeot charge WAM'i:il-2)oun- g men a. waller., from lHto2a, accu.lomed to waiting need apply. No 210 Spring at WANTI'.n 0 flr.lcla.. pal er .orter. Apply at T McM h.31! Spring .t. WANTKII Two hor.e.hocr., fireman and floor at 2.S Beach .1 lll'KI.h WANTKII 2 tailor, on .hop an I custom coatl. nth av , betwein Jl.t and J2d .1. WVNTKII- -J g'ood blark.mllh-- . heTpera at JON s X. OJ2 Hreenwleh it WANTKII llr.t cla.. hu baud .awyer. none but hau I. need apply HU) Monroe at WANTKII ltov. to feed I' re..e., at A hTM Kb .X, Mil Poarl .1 , near Kim WANTKII A fir. tela., trimmer one accu.louied up cabinet wurk 2IH e.t Smh .1 WANTKII A hoy lltlng with parent, below Canal with reference, at 147 I ulton at WANTKII A good tm.nilth tnuat bou.edto heaty al Jt.lrut'.Mh.t irANTKIISmaTt,lnlilllgeniLoy about 17 year, ot TT age & Broatl way, room J'i WANTKII A youtii man who can drive a furniture at MM loth av "lirANTKIl A Tniiiigmau who ha. worked at wagon TT painting 1H0 Pl.t (Hill .1 irANTKll A .mart vnung man a. waiter In dining TT aaloon 3.14 ha.t JHli .1 WANTKII . voting man a. .ale. man In a boot and at 41H 3d at W ANTKII-- A wheelwright on tnnk work, al 103 Pearl .1 Brookhn y AMTKII-- A gotl whtelwrlsiilatSSOVti.llilh.t I y AMTKU-Plumb- er. ami luTper. at U7S2d at YOHN44 M ART a blark.mllh . heIKr goott chance .hip and machine blatkaiuitliing tUMalQ .1 Brooklrn 2 PA N T.H IIA.NII wantl H BKANAOAN, Beat New York. K IMIUMwan. lea for l 4" worlhJ0t), n rounl. O aoo tx lltv for tuc , worth I N) TIIK lANTOM TtA CO., Ill' Chamber, .t.. near Vi e.t It l'O UN list pure lea.f I; ft pound, roa.ted coffee, O Hlli'l.b TKA IH). Ptarl and 4i Pulton it Of, I.ATIIKIIS wanted Apply at new building iiJ between .Ulh and 3Tlh at. , on "lb av tSitiiatioiifl y'antnl. AlOt'NU M .N Jnet from the countr) df .ire. a a. driver ot a milk wagon gno.1 refer t.ncr-- . given If required Addre.. A ANUKKW, IU0 VTe.t.nth.t , lop floor AKKttl'KOTAIII.K man (3i wl.he. a .Ilu. Hon beat of reference Addre., P. P car. of Itehoe, J14 Kaitmth at. woman would tike todo waahiug and Ironing, oiiui.le or at home 111 Past 3d at.Jd rloor AHTKAIIY job wanted by a flr.l cla.. brea.1 and no objection lucounlry 35J H 44lh .1 AOKK&1AN man wl, he a .llualiou a. foreman at Inquire al 127 Bieecker .1 CAKE HA K Kits, confeclloner. anl pa. try A POllLS, Lincoln Hall, corner Allen and llou.ton .t. SITVATIOX wanletl by a Orel cla.. brea.1 baker bread to lake charge on bread alone or bread and cake Call or a Idre.b JJ3 P.a.t 4.1th .1 SITUATION wantetl by a baker a. foreman or brea I, city or country Call tor Hire, 3t IW e.t 40th it rjM) IIOHH IIKKItn.-iluatl- on wantetl by a x flritt el... leun rial bakt ri can take charge on all other kin I. of bread . bt ,t of reft rence. Plea.e call or aldrr.. for Hire. da. HAKi-.K- 4tj Adilphi at , near rullou rear, Brookl)ii rpo IKIS IIAKKIIH.-- A tlr.t-cla.- . fnrrmati. a Jl ol .etonl haul, and a third hand on brea.1, cakel, and I ie. want .Ituatlon. Call or addre.. 011(1 Kill. II OKI M AS.N, 7 Clip .lie H rpo BLANK IIIMIK HIN IlKItn.-- A practical X llul.heraud forwarder wl.he. a .Ituatlon, will work for reasonable wage. Please addre.. HINtlhH. box 174, hun Office rpo IIOHH IIAKKItH.-iiituatio- ii. wanto.1 ht anrat Jl and arcnud ban on I read. cake, or pie. , both aober und .teal) men, cit) or country Call fur three da), at No 1114 Orchard.! VirAN'TKll Position as acamstrc. In private fain TT II) h) aglrllatilt l.n le.1, Prolc.lant would help at housework or mind children, highly re.pect able; cihj.1 Inline mure an object than wage. bKAMaTKKHA, No .'I'M at II r fell point, I. I gHmtufl. rpiIK IIOHH IIOItNI4IIOKItH ot th. city of X New ork are rtqueeted to attentl a meeting to be etening June Jti at llerinaula As.tmblt Boom, .'i.l h ul aii.l7lhnv II) order of AMlltl'.tt 1.0 IIA1, Pre.ilent J MONIIAN, hrcrttary gtTiiT&tnte. "" 1.1KKK KXOI'ICHIONN TO KI.I'.HIIINO. I ruttlest tillage in Ami rlca. H.I. Ml I Ml Shade Tn is anl Shruhbcrt H.I.MIIMI Pul lie sclit ol. aul (hurrlii. H.IMIIMI llsbiiig Sailing and lliithliig II.I.miiino .to Minute, from tiih.t I I.l Mil VI line hour from City Hall I I I MUSH own )our Hiiiiu there lll'SHIMI Map. mil laasr. tree llirCIICOCK A lll'NTlIN 14 CHAMBMIS RT Ijlllt NAI.K A rnmfnrlahtfl housf aul lot coultnts, ritk ha.tmi nt un large garden luiiilru ut.lrj South I.l at Brookllll I, II (KIOII ItOOlH aul lelronm. !H I.n.t Uth kt Mper iiionih earh tUOlllfjO (L'lUUKCS. I) V It'l'N IMC ttilh .."iiiui inako fpiitHI utolntiu Iiiiiii. M ttl.llllKOOh JlJIIonirt I.IorrlJM UI'.Tll. 41ICOI :ic fWturn, gin I lorn hti.iuyss tuiite lor ketlliig No.biut No rr, Isi at C II OKU VKl'lt'H lll.lnn.hop for fnle it ith .tick Oun I IIMlirt" on uu tm ut of kh km., .ml 47llil iio.urt nnil jHooiusf. ("JI'NTI.KllliN am. iiuitiliittd with ton I bonnl, ir diiulie I lullo bath .1 I Mil II. uu. I Cl- - NIMll.i: ItOOII, null l.nrd aUnu.uiall i,7)(roni l n. ton. 1110 liituui. rr las Indie. I11I le buarl H'.l wteklt I n.' laiull) Iil Vol I'lllel 11ml 14IHT I at) . lotktt, containing two ttul)pc bt Cuiiitl nn.l iliLimie .1. aul Bower) I.tttard ill III. lllll K.i 47 llrllgo.l JJlKitUlCtiOll, Al.lir.lllt k, hoikkitilug peiiinaliihlp, iirllhmu t ut 1.(1011 pupil, half rit e PAIM., i..' Ilottir), I .11 lliroii.lita) yooftf unrt horo. HI.HT nud li. t tip it. 111 tin sn amp lluu 111. work a bitlalt) HI Ml AS lisilloll.t Ol' $Hll 4 vii'j niitsvi.r ii ,iit ut 1, m .s iam V LI JLloal UJIVrJi N 11 CxcuwtonjJ. 1 f f.jjvaj f TV t AN II ATTAN II EACH, VIA 0BKLNP01NT. The (learner SYLVAN OIIOVE leave, tlia pier font of 23dat.,KA8T BIKlt. for the Company'a Depot, ilre.n-poin- t connecting with train, for Manhattan Beach, at h 4, III UAIi, and halt hourly from 11 13 A. I 10 HUM M TIIAINB I.PAVR MANHATTAN BKACII at 7 TS, HI, II 1 A M.l U 3D, IO I JO P. M , .lid etrry fifteen and thirty minute, past tho hour to II Ji) P. II , and at lu, 10 3J V M. VIA BAY IlIDOE Th, st.miers I) It. MAItTINand HAM RLOANleava foot of Mhllehall at .termlnu. of all the Kl.vated Kail way., halt hourly from Htin A, M tot. lop. M TKAISHI.KAtl. MAMIATTAN BI'AOII at 7lll. 10. P lOA.M,and half hourly from IU.10 A. M. lo 10 11) P M Train, marked Ihu. do not run on Sunday. PXrUnSH)1 TICKETS IOB SAM! AT AU, DOWrf. THAI K STATIONS' OP TUP KI.HVATLK 11AIMTAY8, I'llll P. 00 CKNT8, INULUDINU KM ATKH HAILWAY PAIIPM APTKBNOON AND KVKMNO CONOKItTlI HT OIL MOI1K H BAND AND P.MINB.NTBOI.UIHTM I.KIi 1' A It It and HleambnatOompaiiy. r,iOHT ' OIIANII DAILY KXCIIICXIONH. Moat DBLUIHTPUI. HUM MBit KPUOItT near New York. PORT WI! PAUK IIOTIII. AND UltAND PATIMON now open by Ixmls BchultrotNew York at thn Pall.adei. withmagiiiHcent view, of Ihe llndaon, Bay Opper New I ork, and I oug Island Sound , Or. nil Old Tree,, Has lo l alka, line Iawiib, Coolnoas, and Mhade fur l.ouu piixnis, Bowling Alley,, Billiards. Boat, leave Canal at dally Bnal, leave Port Leo, land landing at 21 and aiUi Hit al 3ilh and jadst. at. Iilandlolidn lalcrt 0 4.', A. M. 3HAP.M. 10 A M M'.M 4 4JIMI. HAM OP.M llsaJA.M nmp.M. 1 P. M .... TP. M I24HM , 7SHIP.M, IP. M ,. .. OP.M 2 Ml P. II., . ..H.JP. X, 3, UP M . ....,- - Th. 0 4f, i 45, II 30, J 15, The 10,2,5,0, T, n up n, 7J). and BJn down boala make all l.ndlnga boat, make all landings. .inclal adverllmMneut. KX0UHS10N TIUKhTH, 2i 01! NTH Pleasant Talley Orove to 1( t lo Bunday Bcliools. Ac C11,K IHI.AXI), STAKIN'H Ixmg Island Hound, TUB DAY 8UMMKII llliSOItT. TWO OBAND CONdKUTS DAILY ORAPULLA'S (lltLKBIIATPIIIIAND DILLIiR'SOLAS 8H1AI. OOIINKT gilAHTP.T. California vocal quartek Kuiierlor dinner., a la carte Old fashioned Rhode clam bake. hl.KIN IIP.UTRCH1,ANI. Herman music, boer. and tvlirtlel. TIIK liAIKY. Pi.hliif, boating, bathing, biUlard,, bowl- ing, rlfleiauge 1KIATH BUN AB POI.UIUli Leave Pier IB, N Jewell a harf, Thirty third at , It Brooklyn I! It t Bill A M R,A II 8 tr.A II. 1111.1 A M 10 13 AM. 10 45 A M. 1 O) P. M I If. p M, I 45 P. M. 2 TO P M 2 45 P. M 3 15 P M U 00 P. M. Iteturnliu, leate 01.1'N ISLAND 10 II A If , 12 M , 3 30 P M , f. ) P M ,B 10 P M LXClllthlON TIUKHTH, 0 Oli.STH 1 HON NTKAMIIOAT COMl'ANV FOR CONI.Y ISLAND IRON PIUH DIRECT. ONLY ALL VTAThll lIOUTh-N- O CIIANHPI Istett 211 at hourly. II JO A M to 7 'U P.M. leave Pier No lhourl),IOA M ft 8 P. M Returning, boats leate Iron Pier, alternately every hour from II 15 A M toO 15 P M I.MKA TR1PH ON SI NHAV, JUNE 25 rxcurslon tlckeu for sale at all lleated Itallroad atatiuli. HRAND CONCMITS ON PIKR 1 byCAPPA'S KUNT1I RUdlMKNT BAND, etery afttruoon al 3 and evening at H o'clock. ADMISSION 10 PAWI.ION, 15 CENTS rer.ons liolditLf pa.sage ticket, for boat, admitted free. JATKW TO It It AND HKA IIK.K'II It. 11. bllORThlT I QUICKhsft BoaU leate WEST I0TII CIIHtPI IT I ST Zi A M . and PIKR II. 30 MINUThS N It, 9 A. M , and hourly TO until IJ.Vl P IL, and half- - CONFA ISHND hourly until 7 Ml P M b) .learner. IIP tllKNIMJ train, leave SW.VAN DP.1,1. and CONKk ISL4NHT 40 aiidll Tnll.HlHT, A M, and hourly unlll 2 connecting ot P M .and half hourly until 11A KIIMIK with OP II N Y A 8PA IIKAI'll R It C W DOCOI.AS. EXLI'RSION TICKLTti, Ueueral Manater. 40 CKNT8 Third a.ason 8EA BEACH PALAOK I10TEU One hiiudri I room., I.esi 91 Table d Itoie dinner, au pirlor restaurant POPULAR PKHU'S OH A It Ll-- A. MhltKITT. Proprietor CIOOl. ANU IIKI.IfIITIrUI. HAH. UN TIIK ATI.4N1I0 IOII I.ONO BIlANCH, (K'lAN (IKOP, AND ARI1URY PAltk. TIIK ONLY DIUI'CT BOAT TO TDK OOPAN PIPU TWO (IIHNH KX0URS10NN DAIL, BUNUAY8 INCI.l'DKH The new, fall, and elegant ateamer 'cm OP ItlsJIIMOND. combining 8aet), Hpeed, and Comfort, will commence htr regular trip. ON AND AITKH THURSDAY. JUNE 22, Prom lint -- M.t. t V . A M Sll' H Prom Pier J, N II Hum A M. 3.3UP u. Ill TURNINII Ive. Iinc Branch Iron Pier 12,10 P M 5 15 P. M l n.urpard Surf Bathing modem Improved Bathing Houm . Phstaiit Drive, and Promenade. Hlnglo Trip . . ;ncnt. Excursion Ticket, (good only date Usiiedl . OOcenl. Inc uding admi..iou to the Iron Plor OIIKAYVATIIKAdll. NKVT 1011K, MOtlilllAVKN AND HOOKAVTAY ItAII.ROAD Commencing May Mil, lM2 train, leavedatly lluulrrs Point and Hush wick A. M, OJI... b, 9JS3, ll, p K.I.2J0 4 10. .Ill natVu.hav A.M,13, ti 40, II, P. M , 1 10, 1X, 4 l, 5 ,10 Kail New York-- A. M , B 47, 9 52, II II, P. M , 1 22, 2 -- i3 4 28 5 U Train, leave Rockawat Beach daily for Hunter's Point and Buatiwtck-- A .M , B, 9 JO, II. P. M , I. 3, 4 30, 5 JU. T 30 Inrllatbuah ar.-- A II ,8 35, 0 40, 1120, P M , 1 JO, 2 55. 4 i, 6 l I.XOUIISION TIOKKT. 50c .TIMh.30 MINeTTKH V 6nu liiLitTi". Loave NRVT YORK, commencing HATlillHA,JiinelT, Daily (except Sunday! FOOT KAT 3ITI1 8T --7 "i 0 50, 10 50 A. U , I 50, 3 20 4 J) ' ., O.l P M JAJIF8 SLIP 7 JO, 9 JO, 10 30 A M , I JO, 3, 4, 5, 5 3ii O JU P M ANNKX BOAT foot ol Pine it .K R --7 30, P 9A M , 3 IX), 4 US, 5 JU P M 8UMH1S ONLY Foot East 31th t rt A, tf 20, 10 50 A M , 12 50, I 50, l3,yi,10H -- FIHIIINU IIANKH.-- A sail ot 7S miles. B hours on Hie Atlautic Ocean and plenty of fish every day. except Saturday Pa.1 ea learner J II HOHUil.hR, leat Inguew landing. 32d it , K It. 7 Ji, JJ St. K It. 8, Peck flip. K It. 8 JO. Iraiikhn .1 , Pier 35. N lauding UAM dents1 ticket., 76c , ladle.', 50c rlsh ing tackle, bait, Ac . on board AL. FOSTER. Manager. MANHATTAN VI X.I.K AND lORTI.KK FPU aljoilung Park ground., half, hourly trip, from 0 A M to 91' M Take elevated roadi to IJ.lh.t T HYKKV KXl'VIISION OPFH'K. t7T Wesl. corner Morton t , steamer I ONU BIIANCII, barges, Lroves, Ac , to charier for picnics and excur .ions FSl.WYhKACO .ucce..or. -- KCtlltHION' TO Ml ST POINT (allowing""? . hours for sight seeingl and NUH'BUIKIII (l hour.i Se. ALBANY D IUMT8' aJvertl.ement umtufr 5fj3ortji. Ctl.AVKltAI'K, N. rceort, elkht comuiaiidlng fine lew. of the mt utitain. 20 acre, of grnund. .hade! lawn, Hue. t drive, in the Slate, mountain air, no malaria ever knuwii or a inoftquito Board, to J7 a w eek Addn s. A II I LACK LONU JJltANt'II. LliLANDS' OC1 AN HOTEL JUNE JULY, Allll'Br. and SEPTEMBER. CHAKLKS A AKRP,.N I. II. AND, Jr Sthnicnl gnsmimniw. A I.AKUK A8S(IUTMPNTOPSKt7)ND HAM) AMI UPKIIIIITb OP U OWN MAKE Al WillY Ill'ASONABI.h PIIIUPS ON PAS ThltMH SOMh OPllUiM USUI 111 TIIK AKTH1SOK MAPLK SON S Ol'EIll IHUPAM CM I. AND I'.XAMlMi WI.BPK WARMtOOMH, fiTHlAND MIST lliTH ST 1KTI'TI'4 OIK1ANH, 27 slops" ., planoiT IJ.u7vi lactory runnliigilat ami night Catiilogue tree AdJre.. DAN'IKI, I BE (, a.hingtou N J BklU.lAIN-f.- il rosewood 7 oct pianoforte .toid" porfcclordir Re.itleini, JJ1 fail IP1I1 .1 near 2.1 at GJ It i: IT II A 11(1 A "n h" lu set on I hand laTitTa" f..! li ward. 7 octuti.,lui ui'ttanl. noit jilaiios uu lliltallmelit. fliiinnntlM) new orkaus $' luonlhl) HOIUlK HAri Its A 10 s.S. Broadway MIWVKI.I.'K Ni it sloraite Pianos fur buga2t' Adtiitirts a sptclallt P111110. boiikht .oil rente..) and retailed Olllet, SJ I. a.l I llli rl mar llli ut rpilKM SO .fc II Ml I, IN OHO AN CO., Ifl I In.tMlhsl (l mini .tiiirri olTrrMOKI. I HAN ni SIM I Sot Ihcht.t anleh, BINI roll I'AKI (lit lllll) INs In the world at n ihi7 .kI 7J mI, ia, fin nt' JIH2 iflui.lo tv.ilau.l upiiard Alan fur KVM 1MI Nfi oruuorgjti will birtuied until lent ii)s for it l ala!nur In f rt.ewtiol W11.1. LirK- - till, JJJ orkilli. 4Jtl, lilauu., ttrgali. rt lilod ifl 1111 llll)()l L 7Kmt lllh st CTfi I I'ltlOHTl'I M) Sl nut f 5il (1IIKH0N 8, 13 1 at I Ith. I 3ttiiud. A l.l ll'.l.l thottil lllie.t Billiard lr. nt J V tl will! Hi. Willi. lelttl! MIINAI.l II Mill, k eil.llliilis loittel rut. all te terms fin J M llrillisitlek A II tiki Co 7.1 Unu lit h) AlllllIK N .Hill irl hilliarl 111 pool tahli imw t Inn I tit real btr.'iiiii. uu la.yltrina tl.ll illlllHlll A o vii BruiUa) uiriier Juihst DltlUI'.U'S piiilniil liillluril tablt. thehi.t madu, Martriitims 7.'.' Brua 11 a) JloitOf UtuUhiltri. f MIWPKKI'IIWA! I"H, m, 113, a'u I 117 Chal Vyhiin at, Sew lurk 41M, 410 and 4IJ Hilton t , Bin lurniluro Carpet. HedUuu, stuns, Ae liu nn ust H.atirtmeiii Ion priti.,en.) it nn. I llAilll 1n7v f 0llTnnl'iu"sTnTir rirneT XJ. .Ultli.l-HIKN- III 1(1 , CARPI' 8 and llhDDINII, nl a n I11eil.11 nf 40 ci NT fur, ur ouia.) wteklt ur mouth!) ut 111. lit. lor tin. wtek on!) lOcntiMvi). ( IH llIIMH'l'l:ttl'.ll NIMH IMIO.-r- x VA Hiiitnu HH' iirllllel il tu Ci Ji, iii 110 chal go for strut Inu wh n urn urdrn t ml I lining, il up lit iiiing an I uaiitidiii. iinliit tl 1, . it. '.1 lt .,,.,. sun I it. 1111 r uu ill s i in.,. Ir.lilh ilill IlklM C 11.11111-- I ill II .null il.liuiht' sli '" ,N " ttli tt n iinm diy or itniiiu 7x p , Miiim I.l i sin isiicmitisj Nu JtJsili.ii ,aobeluw .'Jtnst D. (. t. xuu.Umi ijjr ItlUjKmtrttit. TII KATnr, Bowery below Cnalsl. WI.NIISOR OENUINB 8ENHATION COMMKNCINd MONDA1, JUNI5 III The delightful new 1 act drama, from Mm Black', r novel, A PRINCESS OF THULE, and entitled ' j THE MAID OF ARII1N ! i AN IRISIl' 11)11. Adaotetl for the stage h LOUIS F I1AUM rrotluced with new and nia;ulflccnt acener), and a great cast of metropolitan fat urlte. hatinfes Wednesday and Saturday avkui.vh t4tii t. tiieatkk. TIII8 IMOHDAI) KVPMNd, JUNK In HATINHUa WEDNESDAY AND UATUItDAV, OU8 lYILLIAMS OU8 WILLIAMS tn hl new oharacttr, " JOIIN MIKIII.KR" (the Herman pollcemaui. "(INK OF TIIR HNK8T," "ONK OF TIIK PINKHT" the new cmiilc pla) by Joseph Bradford STANIAltl"TliKATltK. .. TO N10IIT. JOHN IIOnsiiN By nermla.lonof Htrmanialheatrc DOHA UILKY HTANDARD OI'liltA CO. JOHN HOW NUN. in DOHA WILEY r ATI KNOB JOIIN HOWsoN The grandest prndiictlon in (he DORA VtlLHY. city. JOIIN HOWSON Magnificent cn.tumei. DORA WII.K1 Enlarged orchestra Kit MAN I A TilKATICK, ll'war ant nth St. IHKIUJMIMIINTII. T LAST WI.I K I.AS1 VtKKK, II BLOOM) MONTH. IM)RA UILKY K T HARLETOX. ULLlt 0O11NALHA. M PUIL BALLET. JUNK 20, A JUNE 211, TIIK IIPRBY B TIIK IIEIllV MAK. O UAH. N0RCKO-.- OITIIA 0 COMPANY. HhOUIlli SP.ATH T IN AD1ANCE. AVKItl.Y'N NIIII.O'.H tlAltlll'V. n Till. VtKI K, ONK 11 KEK ONLY. Closing hngagmentpf the ritvorito Actor. PRANK I IRA1NK. tn hi. Highly hen.atlouat and Successful Drama. The Dig Jack ISI SLOOUM ia Potterful Coniponr. Acting Bear Bruno St SLOl I'M Wonderful Wile Simla New Seiner) si SLOOUM I A Beautiful Drnluit MATINLPS UPDNKsDAlS AND BATL'ilDllH Popular Prices. A Reserted seal oil first tluor for 50ots siT,iriii:AitTN Ml IXIIIIIITIUN. At TURN HALL, Ot) AMI 08 EAST 4THRT.N' V. Opt 11 tlnlly, incluilliig Sundays (mil) tor a .hurt time), from 0 A M till 10 P M Shuw. all proocta, friiui hatching .Ilk worm egg. to the .Ilk tires. Now coin P'1 ADMISSION, 25 CENTS CHILDREN, 10 CENTS Institutions In a botlyonl) half price riMINY rAHTOIfH Kv"l4TirST' tJm'ATRE X Flr.t appearance nf the AMY Lh K COMI 111 ( Oil Tonight, PAN1 In tho.parkllng mu.iial oddity. Every Etening The Two Miilalllou. Ml.. Amt Leu 11. and Matlnci. llene. and all unequalled ca.t Themoet iileaalng of musical coiuetliia New and and Iri.lav beautiful an I .cenery FIRST Ml'DA .LION MATISH. TO MORItOlV AT 2 OI'KKA IIOI'.HI PATIL.NCK BIJOU UNPARALLELED HUCCFSU LILLIAN lU'htrLL. Al (U'HTA ROCHE PAflfc.NCI. PATIKNCF Other character, by Marian I ambert l.mltv Law renco, Be.sle Hret. Fd P Temple, Hurry Pepper, Jno h, and Harry bt Maur AVKIt 1.1 S" FIFTH AV. THKATItK. P tery et cuius Matinees and Saturday (lltPATST ADAdltAY UOOLPsr BLtCPsS in THEATRE KNOWN I IX NEW 10I1K ALLACll'll. Broatlwav and 30th IL LAST NKIIITS ot the present season nnd of the New Pla), LA BELLE KUssE Every evening at 8. and Snturda) Matinee at 1 30 lfrUUPUI.ITA.NATvAZA It , 41ST ST AND BROADWAY Kter) etening 8 so to II ORCHESTRAL CONl I tlBNMtlL ADMISSION, 5ll CI .NTS ABIKO.i'kQI! VltK TIIKATIti:, Ilrnatlwar auJiHIi.t. MATINKKSATUKDA1 ElP.NINI.s8 JO ESMPItAI.DA . JWTII Tlllh 01 PSMKIlll.DA LSMhltALDA hSMP.KAI.DA ENriKE AUDITORIUM lOOLKD 111 ICED Allt Ss. srHIK 1VIiri.THFT,KTC'HKK will lee lure all t ure-l- Hull. .n- - lultun si, Brookl)ii, 011 lledne.tla).Junc2l, at 8 p M subject " British In. tice, or Iwelte Mouths In an I nUMi Prison " Adtui. lun, 25 cent. t P"Al7lI TlAKIIKN, IJ8 and 140 Lust 14th st This gartlt ha. been considerably enlarged, an 1 llirough the removal nf its glass roof has become one of our coolest summer resorts in tliiscltt tuucerl etery etening Ad mission frtv jflif eurf. ISI.A1II .lOOIl KY CI.ITIS. CONKY JUNE Mhl UNO IMH2 13th, 14th litis ITlll. JOIb 21SI 221 .'4th 27lh, 28th Kuccs loiniiielice prt mt III at J o'clot k J0 K LlWHLNtll, LLONAKD W JhKOMF., secretary Prt.ltleut ON KY ISLAND .KXIKl-.- CI,I' II It AtT Si 1IA MANHATIAN Bl Al II IIAII.W Al The only dinct route from Nt wl ork with unsurpassed facillliea for transportiiig large numbers quickl) and comfortatilv All trains stop at tho entrance to race course Sie adtcrtisement and lime table In excursion column of this paper TKIOIITON MKACII ItAC'IJ. ThLs ilsv flte races Brookl) n Haniticnp, stcejl. chase, and three other r.cte Atliuis.ltui n, t.rau.l si.titl fl, la.1)'. ticket, M0 , Held trie Race, at J u clock ItOBI'ltT ROBINSON, Pr.sldout. JAMES McOOWAN.Kecrelar) tf mnboKtg mul lailroiuls. I. II ANY HAY HO NY AND C. A TIBBARD Dally (Sunda). excepleili, leate lestr) st Pier 8 J5 and W ij.l at. at I' A l (Brookl)nby Au nexats A. M ), landing at Ntnck lerr). West Point. Newbiirgh, I' Rhinebeck Catskill and Hut sou Lonuectlng at Khtneheck (hi ferrt) with J 4". P M Iraln on Ihe I later and Del Railroad, and at ALBANY wllh train, fur th. NORTH and WtsT, and M'bCIAL BAIIATOOVKXPltl-Ss- -- "MAKY IMIW'KIiL" leate. lestry st pier dally (Sunda) s excepted) at 3 15, and 22d st atak) P M , making bar usual lauding. Cuuuvcu at Pough kee sie with etening train, for the north OltWICH LINK TO nilSTOV. W orce'ter. Nashua, Portland, and the Last the new lrou steamer CITY OF WORCESTER, without exception the most elegant boat on the Sound, and the favorite CITY OF NEW IORK. leate I'ter40 North Rlter, foot of Watts su (next plor above st I err)), dally, except Sunday., al 3 PltCIVIsI KNt'K LINK, to Protidence direct, con Worcester and all points North and East. -- Magnlllcent .learners RHODE ISLAND anl MAsa 0HUM.TTSal5P M dallt (except bunda)sl, from Pier 2i, North Rltir, foot of Warren st LIKTOilOHTON. Steamers sTONINHTONanJNAKRll.ANSErr (ex cept suutta).) from Pier J.1 North Liter, foot of Ja) st, al 3P M arritingln Boston aid 1 M rilltOY HOATN- -I Itirens' I Ine -- New a earners X SAKATOl. I and I ITI Ol TKOY Irate Pier 44 N 11, foot t hri.lopher .t . tlailt it xct 1 saturda) ), at 0 P M 11KNNOYLVANIA lt.VI I.HO V1K liine '. ISmJ IIRPAT TRUNK LINh AND U.N1IPD STATES MAIL ROUTE Trains leate New lurk, t la De.brussc. and CortlauJt Street. crrie,, A4 follow . bPECIAL. THE FAMOUS NEW YORK AND CHICACO LIMITED," composed cxclusltel) of PARLOR. DININtl, SMOKI.Nd AND SLEEPING CARS, leate New 1 ork etert da) alOA M Meals, on the table d hole plan, are served on the train in the NFW AM) I LI (1ANT DININH CARS, which have Just been plate In sert Ice nnd passengers will fin I breakfast rial) when the train star!. a special convenience fur thu.eof limited lime ur who lite at a distance from the ktation The ordi r of meals Is as follows III. LAM AST. Ii TO II A M LUNe.ll, 1.' Ill 2 P. M DINNER 1 TO 7P M MllhAKrAHl, 7 TO 9 A M. lralu arrliei at Chicago enr) ilat ul lo 40 A. M A NEW I.ATUIth Is Ihe Smoking Cir made for this train ttlileli for elc gauce of a poliiluielit. Is not equalled llarrl.biirg. itiei.urjli the West aul South Willi Till! man Palace Cir. itlitthed HA 11,11 an I 8 M dill) Wllllamsport, Lock Hateu, 8 A M.8P M , lorry und Irle at 8 P 11 comits'llng at Curry fur ruiiaiill.., Pilioleiiml litre and Hie oil Kegioii. PaUiuiore Washington anl the soulh ' LlmltctWash liikton tf Pullman Parlor Car. tlailt exitpt sunda) lu A M arrin W rtslungtoii 4 p RiuUr nt3jtiaulK IA M I 4.1 7 and P M and 12 ul. lit. Sunda) '. llA II ,7 an I UP 11 nu I.' night x reskfor llalllmort exiept stiuJat 1 P It lor All mile ill), with car, IP M, except Sllllitlll Boats ot ' llruokltn Annex 'connect with all through Inius nt Jerstv lit) nifordin u speedy and tlinet lr insfcr fur Brookl) n trut Train, arrito trom I'ltlkbiirgh (120 and II 20 A M 7 maud III 40 P M tlailt 1 ruin W lliliiglon 1111 Bill Ihnore (I m u sn A M I Mi 5 in ti it 111 11 aul I0MIPM sillidat. II fl 11 .1 A M II li, in I anl 10 vip 11 Iruni 1'liilaltlj.hli '.1 11.11 n 1.1,11 .1 ti m 11 in, III vi, 11 10 a 11 I .'11 j J 'i ', ti 11 .'I 7,m 8 '.1 n t 10 111 aul in P 11 -- iiudai I ) II J el JO. 0 M, 10 1 II , ei 20, V Jj, to 10, und 10 jO rpo imiilaiiki.imiTa. TIIK OLD bsTAII Islll.D KOI Tl. AND SIIOIll I INE 20 TII11NS p 1CII WAY Wllh' DAIS INtl J ON SUN DAI JSIIIIONS is I'llll WILLI Ull, J I.N Nl.W 1 DOl'BI.l- TRAfK 1 Hi: MOM 1MPII0M.1) Qt'Il', AND llli, isll si mil. I ONalslL.NI wiih iusui.i iii sin. a Exrress trnln. leate New 1 ork tit san I ton strt ei. ht rrli. a. f illow . .'. .1.7 .M H s II 10 luiiti I II A II I l.'i Ul r, 11. 7 H, 1111,1 11 r 11 anll.'uUlit Sun la. j s a , 111 A II "ill 7 8 an IBP II allj 12 lllklil I xjless trains hatt Ntn lork dull), exit , t sun 1) at 7 .si 1 M aul 4 1 l running thruii.h u Ireiit an 1 am I. ti lleluruiiik Irslus lonte Hr.ial street Station Plulilel plua I J l i i. J . .1 4 m 7 in s .11 k in mil II A M I limit I I nut I li' 11 4 , 7 1.8 anlsjn P tl on sun tut I J til, lui, I 8 J I 4 M 4 1. 7 il 8 an I 8 .11 ' M im, PhlUJtlplila tia eaiuJui, u 1 M and I JO P II dall) exiept "Mill la) llekeioillet. 81 lan IOII llrnalmv 1 A.lor II uue aul foot or De.brus.e.uiil ( orll tu It .1. , 4 ( ..tirt .1. aul llriiokliu llillfs .1 tlioti f it nt salt ill .1 Brink liu 111 lln mil lis Hi Ui .t Hoiok.ii stitiou Jersr) fill I inl.rant rit k 1 oitlet- - 8 Batter) lite. I ho Nun lork liuinfir (iiuiuii) will e ill tor uu J cheik lia.'kafeiruui hotels llld lisiltm 1. HUNIt IllllMsllN I II WOill) Heittriil tlnna-c- iltneral l'u..'i jtii 41lhrf Uanrou'j. 1,1 1SIIION STI I) I'llCll, a St lllltill s, iteiiii 11 ,r , (., o I lhs I M i.tll ,U flui H..N V IMIISlIf "N .lni l),iI , siirn iirs j.,.1 Mans noi pri.Miia wiih foil un) lc riluriiid Un st atn.iui 11 , r , i.,r uti , ' I or tic ii a in ni ni om . .. I siiii .11 II I will r nt SI II N SMIIII i v han.i li t N tt 1 .1 DIWIRl I'.s im tl . . . 1. st 111 HEN u, r ,o7 j, ,,j VJ K frk sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssMVaaBBaiBBSsssssHaiBssI In Antioipatioii Of Closiug Our RETAIL SALES On June 30, 1832, The Remaining Goods In All Our Departments ARK OFFERED AT Extraordinary Bargains THE INTER! r.NINU PERIOD IT.Stewart&Co BROADWAY. 4TI1 AV, (ITH AND IOTII STS mnvM tch1Ct LAXATIVE. JHQS ' THE RICH EST OF NATURAL APERIENT WATERS." Baron Lieblgr. "SPEEDY, SURE, & GENTLE." Dr. Roberts, Univ. Coll. Hosp., London, England. Ordinary Dote, a Wineghssful lefort htafiut. Of all Vrvggitts ana" Mineral Water Dtaltrt, .lune ftniulne hut lsltk n Illne l.uliel. ti ci.osi: Tin: CARPET BUSINESS, 7I 1SUOABDWAY, THE ENTIRE STOCK WILL HE lORCASIl AT PRICLS THAT WILL INSURE IMMEDIATE S II L, Ilegnnllcss ot Cost1, CONSISftVl OF 1KLVKTS BODY BRUSSELS, TW'FsTRY IIRlSsri.a, ai'LlK. AND 1.N0KAIS CWIPI.IS, OILdOTIIs, AND MATTINGS TOl I1KOAIIWAY, M:AH 4TII ST., NEW IORK. CLOSING-OU- T SALE .t, PEIOE TO STOCK TAKING. wi: wilIj hu.h norm MTitM-ui.N(- i nit coons IM I.UIHNU White nt r,t 7 ?- -' J 2 vt and .limited per pair lied a, rtmls at 4jc tu $7 IkJ comforter ile tnf' Tnbl i! llnenn HA Kinn lowel nm Ulto cnople anj notlltiRH Maitri"fn raprlmrlmlrJ fntMrro an I tick!. it. Ac Tuhlo and llnor oil cltli Wlnlun liHiles i n hunj and m(li to drdfr, alo aliaili Imllmid and (dialing n terlat Maklni aliogethcr a most Ufiirablt nioi.k from which to select 100,000 yards of China Straw Mattings at prices that My roiniiefilion. II. I Wli.MAUK & CO., SWO CAN A I. KT. A CEUTAIN CUIIF. for Iitadacho, convtlpation. pllu, itoinach, lh er, Kldne) , or skin discanns, ner ous e xhaui tlon, wcakncn, lon of manhood, and all dltcaseiof. tht urinary paKRa?K. OMcr chronic cao pronounced In curable solicited and cur I Price 15c VL $1, nnUU Sample bottle and circular free A idiwiclaii ad vice of S'tjeara practice fnc froniH to IJ A M nnd Stnrt p M all nther huiirn conmiitatlon fee J emit e wl tt rot 4th it. Send forllrouiihton'tf pamphlet, Our National ettknok." Boker's Bitters TUT. NAMK AH KVIHl. NE1ER BE WITHOtTIT NUTIIPR AT IIOMI NOR Esl'l ClAl.Ll WHEN Till! I l.LINll MjK I B HB BUB M lor nn) case nf III In J, "FjabSr"Kr" Blee.Ilns Itrhlni; HI OTiil.-i- l cir I nilru.llMS PILI-- that HI HIM. . PILB RE1IED1 fall, to cure New lorle tieix t 111 I llllon si AIClCODtI r!lsSSVAKls. IMMENSE ASSORTMENT BOTTOM PIlllFs LOW Will RORKI 111), 40 I1A1.CI.11 hTREl.r !,i!l!l'n!W- - AMJIIOU I.INK.-- II VlIAII. NTh WIEBS AIL Ell HI sill Rllll TO 0LAS0OW LoNllONDEHHl, (lit LllCltPOOf. Drafts is. ne.l at loerest rates at alile (fnueif char;)) HireiuUifiut 1 ne.tnn I .scotl tilt), an In Ian 1 lor honk, nf inftirinatitin i inns Ac a pi) to HENDERSON IlllOlllPH- - 7 ll.inhni! l.reen Sett Vork M4IVAIU II Mill NLW KIRK AND lOSDOX I net,rat .teaniers Icaio tluek. atjoiniui Paennlalerrt Jer.e e.itj Per.liin Monarch Tiiesln Mine .1 i'BM Han Miniarcli saiurlsi Julys A.sjrlan Monarch 'Hlil.l .J. Jul lJ Ml.t rlor art t.luuliHlallons fi r sal. in n.p.eii,er. Preiiud sletrajtt in kel. f . i Inn. - l"er than by ani oilier line lh totlit (.Plural rf.nls. PAffoN lh LUisA i u tiliroalnay I 'I ION ll.l.INi: IIIII- M- I'll It II. NUlllll N IlllHi III I OSHOS liitnrliDiicka) IlltU.CI Jiiut -- t I P II MUNI I' lull H II A SI Kill I IM'III'OOI ISI) OLLENMOWN HUN Hint .'I Ul M Isl'WN JuneJl II 1 M Caliin tiitti7i. nunt irtlllckti. fJ() I .leer ave tiekel. $JS l. i tier f.' less than on inns! llm t I W I lltlll, isianWI llrnaln i vai. m n. to tiiT. i: rii i:ki. i n im" sleauieisUaei'l t. .t.ier foosuH.esl Jtr.e. lily KIR AMsTI KDA1I Fa I DIM Wi i Jum Jl J 1' M . si HII Dill Itnlnasiliii, June.'-- i . I M , KIR 1.(11 II. KlMM s. lllUTI IIIU'I Wt, Int .liu lull 1 JP II ' In r. bin f 7t .' ICa'iiu,.'.! Meern e -- '" i ret.jiJ f.'l HINCH Hill WU I W MOHlils S7h Win t Irnislit 1 l '') Rival i.eii I i Ifnt STATE 1,1 I'.-- I'II I. I imr (li I 11 tl sf Nil nt Itienuol lle.fiil 1c M Pl.NNsll.l INIi IlllleJ.' 10 I M M I I (ll.llll lint - IP Cublll HI st i nil I I .tl.lll 'SII sl,,ii.e li tirt),., F.e) si. nn ri .In not e irn t iilll. slit.i i r i,t Al IN II ll.llll IN I 11 l. in, .1 111 ill It N 1 "lru, cOootto. t i ( tssniKin.s, riiNMi.s, ) t it II till. II It llielnri, st tiffortiiuiiL an II . . r I III n. l I truer Nile eh in ir. an t II C II i: V i' II I. Ms I 'I S A Ml I I 11WI'- - lliii iiik pun hum I it luit iiiii rl" ' lailket. HI nul. uti I It III i I k, u (..III. I. itll till, lilt k llli ttlll to tl t ' Tl iJei uir lieaii .. nut urn il i i" iar.1 WM M Villi - llnlir.U. a ru i' UN ( rut: r r in iii - n .V ilt. hloiii it h in r K In. s r I' ..u.esliiill.lloti itealllt , ..tlluti III ' Inn . Itnu num. ir p - ' lit .r i hronit t ii.t . rt.tiouiii . in in i ' hi. (He nu I tin ii ur. fr. t n ' I.' 11 mil iii nP II ull. ii .M li) ill lru,.ll. nn I II l rl'lnil n- ' " L -- int. smith, i ii . .i . t .ei oil I'liialt til, a., s tin r '" . .Iliiluri. Ililliiiiiiu id n li. tt ' tiirts inrioii. .I.tiliti rt.t.rt. i ' . rt al .in fail In Hi . li- ... Hi i in I.l i . '' TTI'.l I ION. -- II in - I' ' i ' ' .1 .mi im j. it .1 irj.ti. .. it , . uu I ).. .f ii iihiol i loll i n. uu . t( r. lit.el It ton. u I i nlr.. i It 111 ' A TI'l'.N'l ION, Pail. HI. -I- I II "I '" "' JV PHliriN fuim luri. I.. H n " '", 'k .,- - or.l r. ml in nuns tlililii) nil a ; mei - csptrleuet A IIOTTI.Iiof HiTl I I s f'i kill' ' . V -- )rilu.t t. ml III I l.lti i li i ' j unu. toll, mi iit i 1r - .' I'M ', ' ' - 4 Sl7lal(l ITI! IIISl'lSl'NI k ' .1 Diiii; sii r . ft I't'k .' i' ' t l ' ' ni'Nis i. ii.wis ii lS ; nminiii Ki IM l .In III u n anl .k n I se. , M.t , in s. ( i.t. . ' t' . I. lie uu I ii t . ill 'i al nisr m sui' ii in ' ' ' ' ii . . ' i. i Di-- i iti . . , i i i, i - ni 'ti H

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Hfr Letler from Mm nnd Women Corrpond- -

Bf B enta of The Nun rko llu Hornet h In In1 W tercttlnv to Hy-I)l- ver lhne


Hi m, To the Editor of Tub Sun Sir: In tho,KI A r 4pch of John Kelly, made at 475 Mntli atemifi on

II ThuMlayn!Ktit,lthefuUuwlnjtt "AUhe(Krlt)) had toW ff aaoftue Cornell Kelly combination wai ttiat lip

H ttetiUor Cornell but twtco lulus lite, and lia4 okenKi K to once

f m The toe may lie true VrierthtUii It UtruethttV w Jim nKlon Jim Ilichinftnil ami Ueoru mist, on the

H. M idle of A H Cornell, anJIM Kearney. iln Mplnota, and

B V one Strahan, a lawyer did b the aJWce and content otH ' H John Kelt) , on the other l 1. niter into an arrangementH 9 In tlii fall of 1870, whereby (lumblMon was to be inulaH m County Clerk, Robert. Sheriff, wild Crokrr Coroner. In

H S return for voti for Cornell In thti transaction thoH K party of the flrft part tuhl liutillil not deliver the isoodiH Uelden, Richmond and JnXe hharptdid the tmMnem

V fl for Cornell during the last legtflatlre aeifllon, white

B fflj Hjdnola Mcholi, and Keumej did the tame for JohnE H Kellv Itwii to ally unnecessary for Hie latter tn see

V' i H or know Cornell The three diplomat on th iart ofBu B Kellr were appointed h Mm solelt, and not by the TainK flVAl main Ci.inuiiltee on Orttantatl m The diplomat

H Wm tiareln thilrposw m.oii allthe. letter iaur, nuclieriH H nl telegrams retatUe to thu netiutlatloiit irunt.ulod at

BBBBBJ Albany, slum in that nolhliu ntiK d ne that did notHH 4fM meet the apnnnal of the llnm Hv the sellim? of threemmmm WB Henators mil seen Asstmhl)tneu Ij Ketlr to CommJI

K )Hfl the (Ioi-rnn- r rectiii-- tin Mnde, and had th ue oflflflflflj jmMt them, but uoull not pa fur them, lie ha thetn jet on

H H hi han In doe not wnntthe in and does not know howH V to iret ri nf them Kell I tu the aaina Ax, dotftn t wantB . thft Roodn back and thlnk he hap twen anuuvnt by tit

F X iltpbmiatR and I now rcpihtlalliiL' all that ha beuiv 9' done by them HawsOnft M; w okk, Juno 1H

H V A lloya Wuriilnc to IloyeH To tub KniTon of The Hun Sir: Wishing

Hj S to nrn other boi,who maj bo br Blmple as maelf I

H w endou my otorj 1 am not quite to earn old OneHH day last week, while rt tins n velocipede atHKthaeHtt. ft uueamtort Hrft xtreet, a abort, thkk-e- t man, wear

Hf K ln dark clutlui and h lerb. hat RtoiKil me and tald"Bonny, can ou do nn errand for me to lorti fifth

HJt m Ktreet 1 11 itlo ou twenty tent ' I sail,' Via" He

r ft aald, " Ml rlsht I will utep Intomy employer a for aonie

BE t flr nioncj , ou wait hero lie then went In a Rtor andP . S came out in ft fw mlniite with an envelope and what1 M looked like h roll of I ill lit. Hun raid onny, here t"

Mf B $7," pnttliiR thj roll in ths finelopo ' Von are to ko toHil ' tortj flfth (lre.t and t rln' nn u w lochiede I tue e

fr M lected A ou cannot rminiikf two I will taWt eire ofK B h yoitra till on come back Now run aln! " I Marled

Uf H and he called me ha k nntl sal I ' I ink here, bn , ) ourtft S machine Uutwurlh (7 nn 1 don t know nu wivmi

1 S lmd better leave wturwaUh with me an itctiril " IH m V lia Hooked at the Hun when I kturted 1U reai hutl over

(f V to take It, but I put m ban t orr It and toll himMjl W mnnima w mil hit like mo to take that otT In the ttrertMB1 IletheiiRnll ' W ell mhi look bonet Illtrutjm lit

K V dttl' I btirrbd un to tu ajIdrefH on the eueht' hiiHQ - mt hatinsdelhircd U lenruid that I hu I I ein swludltl itxB& V the nipi mom turiu d out to in fn td Ptnui fromB L B Uer kin Of lourfe, on my return to t irt tlrM Mre-- t

C B I found m man v one and with htm m elnilide ItBK V 1 a leMon that cont im. dmr, and I hut e till UtUr will

HL S aie othi rx frm bcintr nit badl fooUd ui I wa PBt,Rj 9 ?t.w oKk,Jun 17,

H K Hough ICIdliiff.

B& K To the Editor of The Sun Sti : As one hoB MR diih patronles the Third acnue surface road I delreH Mf to call the attention of thii fat and robuit i or) oration toHj ' B v the dliraceful condition of Hu rwltcht on I'flrk, rowHL ( H It In like ridliitf orr the Kock MnutitRlin To one InHr 't Bh perfect henlth It I aimoltu to ono In delicate lienlth

mmTL .ff Ba " becmnea dltrenliitr I ut to otlur, eticlull womenwmml if wM who truel oer it It fti u btcome tcecdtniU dauber

mmm WM niu et T" stM hln nn th.e irooke and potrhB H laid trackn mi I turnout vnrrh the liavo ma le mu w

HT B H enou.h In the pact to at lemtht th i ublii toleratlvH!' R H eeiitrackto ride over A nwd to the wlu I em 11U1

B E H M.h ohk, Juno - tBHnW The Hoop Nuakc Quratlon,

1 II To the Kditoi: of The bus Sir; Of courseBp k'M there are hooj) Hiiakfn M) elster un d a t,lrl fru tid wireH B.B tn the wood oppoitc our hoiid and the Raw n RiukiBv SI One of thi in llrtd a Hone at It when to their riiti riRe

Hi an terror, the snke took th shape of a hoople, an

Wm Btarte! for them The tlcw RhrUkiiic ocr the fleM to

R ',' the tioi'nc, and In btreUtutertd and cloe I the doorB when the snake strtuk It on the outside with a fearful

flrfr ' thud, canslns tho clrW to lmmedinttl fall fainting onMm-- B the floor The mm z lnlioi nretr IndUnaut if ant

' , B onodoitbtR the ntor nn don t hecitnte to ahow audiB V, ft one tiic donr,"ln ordir tn (rove the tale My liithB iBi fflrloiie da) lost ber houple and while Rlie wa crriturB B I oter her 1ok under i tr- - fhe ta what ho u i uet to

Bf &m benleautlfiii bougie rH eltilh cirtliiu aruund her, atmmt9 ) B If temptlm: hT to pluj with it h. dried her tear an I

BX 9L wl1n ,ier Kllv rihtto'itd lio)to nick rolled thix newHfr 'B found boople lor a wIiIIl, but ere rIh rev 'nd the hoiiie

Bw 'BI the bouj b mi ldenl dixapf tired tor fMrl i k hoWWWWhW BE lame boiiK telllm: of hir I tiuitlfttl hooide until onedaj

Vilr V lean brrrollitu It an jidnliu h(r, discovered to mHkF 3U horrttr thdt it wa a hoop i tkfHa H I Imir been attic.M b r larka while nwluiminz, lineBff ' JjH rat down on a nent of tkt while !llnru, hat had a

KTI BB aunke fall ntiitiRt luy fatu while up a cherr trie, limviiHR )v n u Ritakt1 nwullowiii? auitlit rume nulbavt baiiHf kj BEh man) othvr ndcnturtii I ut thu rolling nf a ho p Miake

B V vfl r,le ln0 more fright thin rll tho otheri If hm oneiiV m Wfl doubta the Rfr IwotiM ) pie mcl to show the hoopkiiB vfl atit k which I bae canfull) reiered

B Lff BB JJoMitUH June 10. II C IIodckiBly ifl To tiik Itit m or Tmi- sii Zr Hattle ' rati the

iH n 3 boop snake Mtntf i m t poisonous It U an I will prommmt ' 9 duce death (ubkl) tor the benelltof K S I will

iHr ? ' liB BaJ that thcc reptlM can be fuim In the lowland ofLH i ttl the rutli Mien alarmed the) nuke a perfect hoopmMM b BB vlth their tail In tbtlr muutli, ainl roll fast toward the

objeit the wIaIi to atta k On the en of the tall is aMBj aharp bon iiibntaiue like n lan:e The) hae teenknown to Rtrike i tree with amli force a to becomi

mm X m fntlrned there until Hie; died H

B 1 iw ork June M

H The Street of.Nfw YorkH .

j I TotheKuitor or The Sun Sir: Will ouB ' tv t acoiuparatiettranCr tolmiulre whetherB i

' there are Paving Coi iim;ioner in New ork If theret tBi are, the) certain!) n blect tlulr duty, for, with the txB '

, J ceptlou trhapR,of Antwerp and the roal from 1'arliB, v to VrnaiUei lnecraw wore pain? Thwa theBl i are lai U einun'i to make the atuuea of NenorkriReB tip and muttti) It in i) be that New ork cannot affordfl ' i: i tube irop?rl) pnid if ot anaraiictR are Uece the

mm ( 1 think bowt er, that If tho authorities were to la) theirB too tlnr oine wo t nement mUht I e prol U

B 7 ' JCti an that which make Oxford street London, ftiuhH i ) leatant trim Mm V M DoAirLLrB t ' ' w on June 17E ttB , Ileer and CItfnra un the Pulo Orountli,

n i To Tne 1Ixitor of The Sun Sir: WhyHl fj . doesn't tlie mtnaement of the I'oli Urouuls thom ' J I pe-- l Itini: of beer an I mcar during the ( rnre of a

f ! 'f, ' KJiine! It UluijooKiblL KoinotlineK to luir the decisionB ' 'I i t l'10 nmplrt on aciuut of the noite male b) the

mWi ' waitem sutnetbitu ill juld I l done to Rtnp ItHe .Nrw 0Kk Juno 15 J Ants MoiTAGirR it v

Hh j , Policeman Vlltlnms und the Ia.K; j 4 Tothe KditorofThe Kus Sir; I enclo-- c

H I Sr an Intenlew with 1'oliieuian illiam, w herein he tta)R , M " The Idea that an arrest tannoi be made without a warB !j ,m rllt lfl a" nonsense A pi diet man can am ft am one If

iB V1 lie s'iomh his st ir That it decidcdl) coot, to rb) theh SI leatt The Rernc Nw orkir wai not aware that the

1" 'W

1 J olict were thin sikh absolute power Mil' It I notr il ,rile Mieu a olU man arrcit an) one unlaw full) he

i V IJ i reRpotiidhk'T JfiB I aw an Incidtiit eeral eveninss ao which ihowet;. U if B that an or linaryiolkMiiati kiaw the law much better'1 t. li than Willi mil ( juuutf ma t wim pthed i liutl) out

; I in ttickward throUptimtwiuuliij door an I the remit iiH? nil that b was blammrd upon the pnem-n- fclriklnj hi"

Br V f I lienl anl ttie ropri.tnr felliiu t ipof him The ownerB Jr B f tbeitHlJoii went Inside and llm )oun man u

Wmr li '"a tJ beljedup li hat win ftlllin tli snlo m an I be wi,iK 'J I ti clainorou ab ut Tin wroiudmie hlin In a moment nBf t i li if tollteuiau taint) up w ut Into the taloon an I ncoxernlB, T ITIa! la lint aid tell him Mstnp talktmr for If be wanted toB( 1 III arrest the pro) iuu"t -- tt a warrant

Wmy M aS Now, either ih a olm umu kin w thn law much ht (MrB 'l VI Dun William or n tin kei pern hio fptLinlB it B ) rhlietR that nn deml (oothir citbetn

Br ;! BfJ tTtwiKUDHAJiina u dmklW MtPaiuy

rlftpl Arkansau , by Act of IeiiUlulure,b b

B l To THE Kditor OF The Scs S,t Will JOIIBj j m Lht a few realer the j rouuntiation of the nana Arkiin

H C ffl( sivf ll the Arkaum I eiiiature nsed au law rm ," ,fi kardimftht camt J ft

, ttt .Nn WniK June i

H I F g A Scivlni tilil'. AiMM'til.

B I; c A' TotheKuitor of Tin. suv s ; Ocpnsion- -

K S "' ' "09,' le nncrouti i n uln trill) ( hnstian pirB I

j rl launth b il 11) out in di It n e or the poor unfortniiatB (.1 B lowlutfiilrl, an I then farf with lr un I nil I stillm I B nifiln liu-- thin Iin rmi I her hit lliuuic he UiUittm t

' I btin I shu thtreforc hapj On Ma ioninr) itK' 'i 'I makea her writUicd lot tcirnl UuralU and In i

B f3 ill broken down mrvmiH i r ii a Rliuck iHtiiiuaB ii! t a uti ex eriiiu i akin In th iti f lauti'uH f ' V Nor U tlie Ittttoi) tori in., nbj ct nf inliiUlUerMH L tlull .Nn th, 'twin' kill who mitt m Ihe m il u tin

I I lj nut in nhu tin ik riu th cheap llin Htiii'ture htuH I ." Jofitn wellidiKttid hji I touil take htr i lutihi blulm I ! 1 a the di tk or in mouiu i f the j ih li nirti e now m m o

j f r Lt& li"d a kiittMirot b) tltu f.iMire I f tv who kiKiw mt1 lt "If It iii fr h r (n i fur niah u j ofwm1 r i him in I ut t new nn, irl 1 1n1 in muH l m lion In tlid liime of all I'iM iri ri.'hlenu will iml

f ' if- tome t f tli ft tv to whom i, h io , ( u i rah r e1 I i f' tn Ukcl titifurtiin iti i utit ti oli mki rn )lai tinH t x ,f llU (!lV( them .i tn tl u w u ttiL n li an I ower

Sf , i 5 I'll an who with a mjit ut rr r i ti Mre i la In itMM fit i 9 Mn.i.rm tliix wa Ihiv nm-- t work the mimtllvt

HI. i A but li efittri bnwXL ftt H w main ah fu will Mu!i illi rnt it n le how

I J iii4in eh tiuri I fr inn ait nuitu li urt will unokt'J IB ti Mln.t upon tlut n hnuiiwh'M itnetith irmdUb i 1 Nui Kh, Jum. 17 A ( iroM IIIIIT Ukl--

Li Afarllihn'sUlfr,ej1 a j

fi Tothe r.niTOR of Tiir si's- -. m him- -

fe if Itnu li i In lii Cr fmii )eirn a drlur on thy diHeruitJj f 4 car hue i (this iit at fro nl 'JtufJn Itn Hut rtrifiiu u cardrlwrknons th-- arc ncrr ullowt l to make fulMrfa Jj tun o b) wurniii fr mi fuurt en to itrin lu.n

v' fs Jl"- - i,u" J ' tniltitkl , ban iavr airraid mi.rj F th in flu nr VI I a wik i d i i n toi l thlrt mire Huti I, Tj lioul ial( In iiirrwn. hiidtum r an t mi r to a rt 2 S tItlh ,,u,t Ml xitK ''"nti. whu li ta at i nl an hour an

LI 1 a ha f a d uf mv Imir I wmi I im t t omp am if lat ft V Inc illthlH neiniill kit tit n lut un I M hub1 1 " nn I wan n t a ii kl) m in t in it wu il I n iitr morI than llm r t iikth c f a In rte tu w iki i enr in mi mil

4 Mi t with the Ih, k of imiir l tnv f o I ten when i rof ft intuit, wtie t de ipr .n!i nut wet f r a fu ml nf four

3 eltaetwii lullrMi-tt- ii i ro i r dirt m s we hteB Jf K h ,""1 " ' K ointitim tl i hoi I t but oitti djjft w V . '"' "' " " ' ' n " "i' J J Ifl ' l "t w UK m l r it tri ill oi mtfrhs Vf, i l" ' lr l w i.t i ii , .

if la I it Ij i w t rt t n t


' HHpHpfliflBHHpflBBfl

hours for sUdars and hare Sunday to rest I cannotnut on paper all the hardships we suffer It would takeavhll mind to Imsitlue them A Car Duitkr s With

Naw uitft, June 17

Further PntcllUtlo tlfTers.

To TnK EniTon or The Bun Sir: John L.Kulll an offers to tlftht me for from 11,0m) to 10 000 andhaa named Joseph I.lllott of the 'raid as stakeholder,referee, an 1 the one to name the place of flchtlni Allthis suits me If Sullivan means business) but I am surehe does not I am willing, to fight Mm In a room, oneman on each side, for from 1 U tofiorxx), and Ifldon I make him try enouh I will lone the money Or I

will right him fur ?i'ou a side nccordtnjr to the rules ofthe bondon prire rln. the unlit to take plac In four oral weeks, Kulltvan a own time. I will put In thehands of Mr Flllolt as the first deposit, and wilt meetHullivan or his representative at the office of the lUIrr6oi' on Tuesday the Ji'thlns ., between I and J I' M.Aa I know that Kulltvan dare not fight ine, I am re adv tofight any man In America for Wmi at any time from tux.weeka to alt months

JiMM FLtiorr, Champion of America

AuItIi tho Tenor.To the Hmtor of The Sun Sir: Whon I

uaM to hear Halvl, the (treat tenor, alnjr In New Yorkover thirty years bbo, t titulirstniKl that his rial namewas Mined an that, besides slntrlnir he carried on thebimlntsi of candlo makliiK on Htalen Island Can theHignor Muncrl who occupies Garibaldi a house be thegreat batvl nrbowlatblsr sIohbiion Fajiib

AtLiv(.iiaar Citv,Juiio 1ft

Oprnlns the I.thrntlea on NundnrTo the V.niTtm of Tiik Hun S'ir: I am crr

Kla.1 to not Ice the inrllm tit Frontal of MarkTaple), Jr ,

tn todav'afluif, forthcopenhiK to the put He on Hun la) a

an I bolldn)a of the Astor and Leuoa Uhrarles, nndother fro called free InMltutlnns The present hours nfthe Aator I ibrarv are from in utitlH, I Wlitae.on weekdavs (U Is netcr open on holidays), hour at which it Isnot poeoiblo for any but pi raons or leisure to at all thorntchvaof tbebeiullln of that treat collection of booksan I manuscrliiU The onh koj le of leisure are thorich, and surely freo hi raihs are nut established oxcliisi civ for them Certain!) the bmeou ntdesltfiiRof thefounder art frustrated b the enforr mont or rnlea practicall) jirnblbitorv toinechaiilrs ilerka and all buineMnun hot ut ajfiate this OConnell woiillsav r 1'

Nkw urk, June 17

The Jem nnd their Klrnls.To the KniTon or Thf Sun Sir: In somo

riuarters there 1' oprosition to the Jews coinlnfi to thiscountr) lu tarc numbers Various objections areode red such as the supposed impossibility of Jews becoming an Integral part of the American people, And

that the) will not continue here to be farmers andnachatitcs, but will all lecoine iiturors and sharp traders

Our countr) m Us short career has shown a wonderfulInfluence in blending Its citizen of different nationallties together and softening their prejudices buch beingthe fact wh shout I we not anticipate tho same happvresult In the cai of the Juwlsh Immigrants and theirdescendants f We shoutl t tcnd a helping hand tothe

pit Rtd It ws of Russia, that tin ma) be able to nettleIn thUcoiiutr) Thin ma) Martha of Muco) ecomeHi hUmli In merica

It ma) nut be ut of place lo sa that the popular Ideathat the Jews are the greatest mone) .ettirs In theworld is on error Theilneks If not their enuals are atleant not far hthhil them In the matter of tra le IheWilniM ar full) thtirettiali If not tlielr superior forthe) are nugnol at tra le and een more frugal Whentltu Chlnete throw oil their sop irlflt. tradliionn and acd t the chlliratlon of merlc i and I uropc, tticlr latentpowerMwIll iUeop tnawa) tint wilt amare Furoo,i pei lall) In the matter of tra le There Is another racecredit. la thoit whi know them with belli superiorfo tin lews intra ling I uitan the Armenians Huththe (Irtok an Armmlius ire t hrlstlaiis ant belouiftothe Artau race hi Turkey aul the far Kasttratelsmono dtled by the AruietilaiM, Jews andOntks In Iheordernaned A recent truelhr lu the l.ust sa)s thatat Kagda t the w bob tra le Is carried on by the rat cs latnamed the Ariuenl ins espcclallv being ervrich 11

rt tales that a derm in tamo to that cit) a short time nzoand ittempte tot arr on huMius lut not being nbleto stall the (onipetitioti, f ilUd Tlaru Is n TurkUhproverb tint rnn thus It takes two Turks to clientone (.nek. two (Irtekt tu cheat ouu Jew, and two Jewsto t beat one riiieulan

It r not a crina that am race of people shonl I enileiwor to better their con litmu and accumulate mone)Die kn from the time thai the resist el fie 1 gt) tlnutak nmlrrs to the present have stcnlll) resistedttraltimpt to tnliothem an I lu iti of RtrnngupptMillou havt risen ntoo their eiumies The Jew

m lint male tn be servantTlie Itws ant lriih tlmu.h not alike in some tilings

an ilike In others lbth have In comiuoti the gift ofvol til lift i ami assurance to a Urte degiec Ipil,

Nkh ukk Juno Id

Air C'oii and Sir. Iturmim.To the Kihtor oi Tin; Sus Sir : IhnMut

toda) be?u infitruied t'nt a Mr I T Rarnum, a residentof Hri tgej t rt ( unu above thows I originated, organized managed, aul partly owned up to a recent date,pul lihed no in" da)s kiui card In Tiir ari, wherein,pnfaclng an a trtUuneut of his ' Jumbo" that hebrought ov i r here for ' truJlng purposts," lie allegesthat in) agents have been idvirtiilng me as a son In lawof his Tl Is is a mistake Di 1 an agent of mine o farforget himself and what Is due me as to I lace me luI rint at-- the son in law, mother In law, 1 rotner In law,father lu iw, or anv other nlntlve of V T Humum's, I

wiiitltl not oul) dUmlfS linn instantly, tiut Id hate himshot if could No one know a I ellir than Una Mr

that no at,eutof mv exhibition evtr had the audaciti to i uhlish me a la relative, but, having irut altthe free n1vcrtliu be la likelr to get out of his cleptitut, he turns to hUoi inckifcard writing on In 11

vtduaM druvim; atateuieiit that were never made andresorting to aimllar dodt to secure addltmiiHl atltutlou from the public When I organize and managedthe Harnuui Hi) podrome u alvaucett all the Ideas hehis Rlnce In in makluif moite out of Rarnum r nn inItw travillvd with tu and manv persons loufouudedme with Mm The pni ular error trouble and anmi)rdmi. I will vtuture to sa, much more keetil) than itcould f llarmim for one especial reason th I shownan understnu I iojle auaious enouzh to delvo Intopnrtuulars coulJ casll) hnve avctrtaLned that Mr Barlimn a sou In taw was certainly not W C cotr

t iiicaco, June S

C'ul. Inffortoll In the WarTo the Editor or The Bus Sir: In Thel of thboth lust I asked the following questions On

what blooj stiiued battlefiell was Col Ingersoll consplcnoiu In lea ling hit troops to victor) t ' What arethe solf sacrificing labors of his life that entitle htm tothe proud distinction of patriot an) mor than the or-

dinary law abiding an I littertv loving cltUen f ' InTuvMf of the Mh lust .Mr I tl Feabody n plies b) pointlug to the I olou-- l a dereat In an unimportant affair In artuiott) comer of Kentuckv Mv sicond (aiestion ho dienot attempt to answer at all thinking pottiihly It is full;met in the noble and generous sacrifice lb Cotonel madelu ban llntf over his artlller tu the rebels Now, as theColonel has ottm been mentioned in t ruts compllititutarv lohlm both aasoblier and a patriot in) objectwan to learn if j ossible, on what his claim to auchdistiuctl m worn baed J M

M w orw June 15

What ym Said at ii ConferenceTo the Editor of The Sus Sir; On returni-

ng to the cit) ft friend called mv attention to thecommunication signed ' J A' In Tut fit of ThursdavThe report of what occnrrel in the meeting n furred tohas afforded mattrlalfcr several articles To

prevent further misconception let me sa), ascontrar)tu the nolo of' J A Hrst The "good man who unlertook to read a paper" was not Interrupted b) an) onesecond A sentence quoted bv "J A ' was never usedIhlrl That conference was not broken up" to acceptin Invitation to have a goo square meal" and it didnot cb se until the regular hour of a Ijournment,

As tn tho fads thenifelven pleaelet me suite On theiuvllatiuti ol the i oufriice to readaiaptr a uilnlsterrea I a ittrm )ii giving the orthodf view of a great dortrluu That doctrine was a ftmillnr to bib clericalIn arers a to himself at fuuilliar as the multiplicationtabh to n k hoot teacher It was not possible upon thissubject that anv to upetetit minister could be Informedof ait) thing before uuknow u Aftt r the paper h beenreal an brethren bat crllictewl in rLiouso tothe roll call, taking hu turn the writer said in iff tctthis

' I have the same respect and n verencc for and faithtu thti doctrlnu as have vou nil I believe our limecould be more roufahl) Improved lure than In discussing themes about w Inch wecati learn nothing HuhJectn shoit , U choeu lor debate that will help us I histen morning the worll Is thilllcd by the iiewn fromIn fin I of timst inonriifiil nsassiiiatioiiM, nn sa Idenedb ilu rt ort of tin aiimhil ttiou uu loim of the De Longi npolttlou llils hour t mild buv been prolltablv aieutuj on these l,ii the t'oiiferuue Kubct tu ics aboutwhich wi are not allasret I If tostihle"

Attt r lhi an aunoum inn nt w is in t le of the ' opening of a religion') j ul iibhtnic bouse regret to removetit chimi of so nun h mivtiro td zeal Hi 1'

Nh oiik, Juia t

The ritgllk lloate fI ( tiiiunon Ilooui.To thf r.ntToit of Tin. Sun Str I notlco

that unvof )otir ( orrtspon leuttt speaks of Mir (harksllirr) h' mUcilculatlon In unking the I.ugllsh llouf--

i f Common room u small as to ai.rummodite out)about two thirds nf the tne ml t re who are consequent I)oh k'td to hie in. Hair tunt for init n sting dobatia bvvending their h its to e put lu Ihe t litilr- beforehand

llitin wan no miscall illation about it, lu the contrm thiii of the room Ihu architeit was n niirt to

suriutu ecrvthliu' elctoeiiibl all the on uputitx nlthe rnom to te au Inar i a h other dlstint llv Thism il ft in i. s ir to retrii t tin dimensions lo the uturn. i mid for thi il wad d ci I. I to take the bold sti) ofa lai tlug tlie ca acitv not lo tin full but to the avcraueitieiidutae which noi uinfud) dvtermiiud for thpit M (

Rootuh June 10

Halt I I u l ii ar un Nmula),To thf I.niTon of The Hun Sir I would

r ti tfullv ak w h) thcr Is no place tn the cit) of New

ork where bos c in pliy ball oil Muuda) If there wereCiere would l ftwtr bova lu salrnint on sunda) plavlngpool If the iU atitlmritus w ml hi low bov b lo pi tv bev t ml vintn th "trtet It would do a .riat deal of goodtor tan Ab for working hos tin v cannot get r ft anvotherd i)b ut suit la and hoIid) Join r IUiin

Nh vuk June Id

A In who Wiinf to Soar with Sullivan,To tiik Kditor of The hu.s Sir I liao

Jut drptblhd with tho (dltorofthe Poller Gasttte thesum of as a forfeit at aret tih lit to spur Willi lohnI. sullivan f r tin sum of J si am time lusidt of thirl)da)s trout Mils d ilu the it e lo Im allied iipiuiu thei ttj or New lork FiU i ui.LHt IJaiAvetiueA

SW t,Hk Juuu 13

II diophottta,To the KniTou or The Hun So: In The

sin ricmll) I reil a lommuiilcatioti on h)iliohuLit au a sug.tstioti for its revt nliou I am mlu led of

tbetmt that in th Miidwuli Uliu Is the u ith is, forIh treveiilion of h)dnpli hia whin mie is bitten, t iplure the b g ait lract fiom Its moiilb Ihe still frothingsi (iv a an in n t or api Iv Ihe su in to tin wound reun in ber litis lr alnienl i r in v self jiarsngo vht u a hoii nl rt hi lint, tin n llnsisoutlu irihiih of In mtro

a i a id a) , e in. ip iir n l t n tlt I tin innre ttiiti i d II ul sin plv rail im it teullnii nf meilau)o ut to sil i in ihe b pi 'i I uu) muhtdlsto ir

mi Mim tit os- - hie erdiiu euro of iliat most Irialfnl', Imbia Cnviaiill 1 ociik

U I VvllK JUIIV 10.

Vtmtrrt-'-cmalrt- f.

AllVKHTIMKKHM.y ! I.vori for Tmf mux t tli. onlr

iithnru.d up town dvrrtlitmrnt omrf,.1.S3M Hroulwiur, corner Jlrt at , till o I' M

SUM Mt IM t , tointt mh t , till f4 1" M

nao M v .ntraiir. on 47th it . till P. M

la t Mt Hth it . curn.r Union (quart, till B r M.o trchn.

ltndfrw,r-IT- O ptrlnf.A overstori on A Wllnnn W A () jai'oii liOfHULil I l.u, iiu wiiitim

WANTKn-Fntitrknc- M Intnl. on lace good.,A none but Ilrnt ili lianrti ncM ipb1) M.AUHHtA tt). 44 Uipinarilat

operator, on ladle.' undirnrarsitrnd worki l.rlitK in'le

A IIOSI'.NHAUM.( Walker at

MAN 1" operator., W A W itiaclilne. forAdOUD and tlannel ahlrl. anil ilrauir. nnlited,constant work. OUHroadwa). Itrooklyn

BONXAr,.-Thir- ty operator, wanted; .toady piecei learner, uusht tor siu

Ii UK MAP.SHNMt, 27 Wnolter.t

15t.t.t thlnlAnounTAII.UUlMMonpatil. UIIYI1WW

operator on .hlrt., W. A MfllAFinMT.eijAH HNOWllltN S.iiTKIre.nwIch .1

(II III for kllohen work, ininl wMhaml IronA with t.fireiic. 1.' hail Will .1 ,W Y

A HMAUT errand slrl. at IM luth at.

IIAKKIM nn fin. ruitnmBUTTUNIIOI.K marker. IIKNIIKIMON'rt, CISHikthav

NIIITM.-- A foir kooI hand, wantedBATIII. corner Oonconl .t.. lirooklyii MAI1TIN

BKIC1IIT, noat, Mile ulri to bo errand, an.1 be uwroom I3J7 Hroadwat, room .rT

BANTKICN and proe.nian on cnitotn pant. ISOcor M orth and Mott .1.

MAKi:iCM on ladle.' underBII'ITOMIOI.i: bant wih. t

lOMAZ.-Uondliati- d. wnli4 Ki nlkrr ut

C1I.OAIC IIA.MN.-lloinri- tlc operator, on Lite.'cloak. Call at M l rile tr . llrookl) n

DKl'.SHtlAKIilCfi aul improter. wanted 213

EXI"KHir.M!KIotirtor on I.cckooI. wantedI nnd 4f

1,iXI,i:itlJ'.M!i:i operator, nn chillrcn'. calicoI I.UIJJd .flratllonr

I,"'XI,i:itir.MJi:il oierntnr on Mieeler A Wllionprtforred J,'t2ild a

operator for Y A WIIon machine.' uncloak., (teal) work 4JI Piwt mh tjoiin riiMssixiKn

Sewing MftChlnpcllont,openlnll frouiOlnri,atiilrl. IiiUine llouw , J7M M.rk . laic, nth .t

II tMH on wor.ted hood, and .lie iie.i(1(1(11) ri(iilnil, n au experienced h&u 1. nn nulliedllli.. A U inaclilluB. lu or out the hnu.e. .loalywork J MIC1II l..aililtrii.lwaGOOII operator, on chit Iron', and infant.' white

KhtllM.k. J7 Hnlker.tI. Son MuthiL-- nnd rurlllni.piGilt KUKMII.l HTMIU ( O, llm South riha

GlItliHun U r l7toH-art- i a trale.pnid while learnwork 101 South rlh lit

Ci"TllilHV.VVri:irin card buttoiTiT'ipcrlencedIhaud.onlt 4M Murra) .t

Gl It I.S for llBht workTal.o .cart lian Ap at 14llownrl .1

II drcuiakir. wanted. I'.iuK .icon I lu.ll kMllll

.leaii work rati all wrekMI.TKOrol.ITA1 1ME X!;K il tt oo.ter .1

HA I l.llttolihnle lnnkr. on Due alpttca coat., oliliclan turn, I. IT I'th ay , .ycou I lufl

LA11IK.H fur homo fancy wurk etia.1) an I profitor . etui c for .ample lludiou Manufac

liirliiK t'u , 3.UU.1I1 av , ne Unlit

MKN and wi men on Hue all acn coat, .niJiih.t , Wloft.

OSTItlcTl 'i:Tili:us.-Hnte.- t. experlenco.1alio pftrrioro atnl eirr

MAI Ml 1I1IIH . HO IllfeoVrr.t.

0eKlt A'Fci its Tn I flnl.lie a wanlml on llanuelA ply loll UHIIMANT, 101 tauat .t .ecuud

tloor. front

OI'llltA'rOltH for porketi, llnliik'n. an I .le.'..,sewer toplloor

OSTItH'll rKl'l'IIKIIN.-(no- .l preparer, al.oI" (I I.UsT t f0 . tgr. llrcen. .1

OmitATOIIs, halter, mni.liera, and a tailor on.near arlck .t

OIKltATOIt-S- , lllteTI.aiid cutt'er wauteHl at liYork, .tealy work

0 VI'-HT- iterator. an I ha.ter.,e..y and.teavl)work 7 roliimbia placi1. Hth .t'rollN ton WilFcot A Olbt.. machine al eu

OI'KKA'ril.1Ut wanted oil U.UJrun .hoe. at UT

PVl'F.U IIOXi:H.-Want- r.l eiperleuced Eirl. onpa.ta work, alaoayounu luauou.he.r. 1X1

K..t 22U .1

AMTM riNIMIIPRN wantedMini, 1, 115 liow.ry

SKWINO MAC1IIM-.- S New Home Dome.tlf.WIIhiii humr. UiUroi A Uit.h, Rr. .

(J warranted 5 lear. , .ecotid hand.f tu. f 13, flit, rentcd, tl an per month liHOWf., a tir.nd t..near Por.yth

SKIVnn MAtllllMCM Rrrate.t h.riraln.. NewHome. tic nllleox A illbh. (Ill up lot

$7, rented fi'' 1 We.t 10th (t , near JeSer.ou Markel or 1J7 Put Kroadway

SKWIM1 MAC lfi KH-- AII kind. 7, warrantedJiM al Hroadwa Junctlull of Oraud .1

SM Al.l, sirl to run errand, and Jo light houworknth at

riVTlK ivilKKIMl WUIIKN'M PIIOTKC- -1 IHK 1 MliS, L Uleeckir .1 .upplie. all tlai.ea uf

ecwtnit and tra le.women with emploi incut, and collect,their wajte. Ull h OK tllAHtlh

WANTKD-Hoo- d fur .ewer, and one Rood hand onmachine Inquire for Hire dav. at 4JU

ultoll at , llrookh II I P O LIMHFIt

WANTK1I (loud fur liner, on aqulrrel cloak., and a.ewer 011 Uotand .fur marhiii. 1 JJ

( linn hrt H H ll.AFI.IN A CO

.irA.NTKM-Pxperinic- ed ni,r.tor. on T A O maf T chin.. , w nrk Kit en out

lit. I. MIF.PI.IK A t'OSHO Broadway

WAM'KII-rir.tcla- i.. htittonhole maker, on finetho.e who citl cut buttonhole, pre

ferr.J top floor

W' ATKl-lir.tcl- a. operator, on Wheeler A WiT.on and Mliicox A (libl . macliine. for fin. white

work all) ear hat .villi itWrATKIl l're.aer on uu Irrijanmnt. al.o operTT atur. on M in No H machine 1. Li.penard .1 ,

.econd loft

irAVri!l llr.t-clii,- . tailor... on fluo cu.toinTT coat., MUterina..him. , ,leal) place Apply at 111

HlxlliavlirANTKIl Urnt-cia.- . dre.. maker, alio npprcnVTtlce. I all allweeP. at Mine fAHTUt H,(WJ(ilh a

ir AT!I Uni.her. on fine .hop coat. Apply toT I. 1'IIILI.II-- , I'.J Atli.rnei it . third rloor

WATF:l-Hlll.h- o on curium .hlrt.TT JANS ItUTl'IIINoOS 1.JJ1 Broadway

irATKll Ojierator. aul flniiher. 011 donk.,TT jacket., uUlei. Ap at 177 l.owi, .t ,2d Hour

r A IS "I'K onerntor. on Ilicox (i"ltibindTf nlnuer machine, ru1 Hioalwai, room J"

WANI'Kll oiiuz ludiM to lenrn tn curl o.trlchterm. 1110 If rate !1 e.t J.I .1

WAM'HII-Learn- er, on te.t., paid while leariiin?TT I nil nt HI Park lit , Brooklyn

WrAVriJll l.irl In do general hou.ewurk .mallTT faiullt t all nt 3.11 eat I4lh. I

WANTKII-Su7- .il rlToTnlliTachiur, .leep home"at llr.t ttoor

VrAN'ri;i 1 11eriet1ced hun U on cambric .carf.TT nt HI Howard. I

WAVI'Kll tinerator. 011 lilie. .ml. Iiuiuiru at

WAM'DII- -Aglrlfori;eneralhouiework ItHiaM

r ivi'KII-su- ft .Ilk winder, JliiCaual.t fourthTT rloor

YOI .MlTTiTtl.S can nl.laln Mlilatlnni free lo Ikall uu al. at 0 cent, each, at the l.irl.'iiU

Hollm , J7 M Murk', place one block eal of Cooper lu.tltlllo under or I hlldrell .Ail MKiet)l

YIII'Mll, lluiiilirl Hi ".jrnt arcoinTl.with ibn ul. Ill iit Ad. Ire., to letter

No ll.lsnuth'.thalOH i:xl'K!tn:Ti:i callio slilrt Iriiuer. wanTid

W al Kit riltnul .oil ,t Aplilt a I Ihe wi ek

1Tanttrt-$uiil- c.

A A. Wool rout. ?J earh wool tit.t. rt nut.en li ut Oltlls Itutvitil Itiiur H7lHhjt nud lel

Stttnlhut nneprh.ouly $1 .ull. for 7

T'l'TKH oil hlrl trluiiiilu:. nuuti.lAKMI'i: I 01 Mil I.I It s ,lt till h ay

AIIO lu work in a p lint .hop Applt toh N 1.1 II. I lit. rtent llrondway

Alrlll'l OI1ICAIMI I'.lt tvalilrd, also a oiiiikurn Applt ul iul I niton el llroi.kltu

okk i:i:i'i:hh, tut imiikh, luiitttor.TTir--

JJttlilir. ilriikihrk I utterillHkir I UU In r nmiliman iktiitnr riiuuir uroitr) iltrk poiur., walttre,took wanlid 7 ii lirimdtt it

W NTi:irm.e II oTlTriaiTln J. wTTlin.iludiiik. hiiolnt km to ri n r ran I. Ai , ttnue., ft j irttuk Aldru.. II, I 1.1,1-i- t box H.i siinulllrt.

BOs WAM'KIl, from I Tin lit tear, oil a.ni7bt AMI Kit AS HIslKUl fr I.I lilt tl'ilto ''2 south at iikt. fl luli )'ir tuet

HOI, from I Mo 17 In mil .ir an I inak.i liliu.Tlf11. rul t uli for data, bcltietll In un IJ

M ul I Alli.tll .1

VKIlllH.-want- uI a k'uml hau I on mid1J an I Hike A ilj In .lull N I'l.KIN .11.' I a.l .1 Mil .1

Bit ASH WUIlK.i:itH --The irklllar nuellnu" Inut -- il liott.rj llnpoituiit hii.iue.H

I)OOK OMl'ONlTOKM." Vj.tlillM

CtOHIl HOI s waimd on pliimlnr. hrtuitturk n41 inn .t

;i i:i'.K WAN'l'i:ili TrTriiuiiL"gieiiTiiI J uue laiiiilnir wiih puiii) , an I 1111 1, l.tnu li in .ti 11111

intiiiii ttljiuu .mlu. lu nipiir link, intikiujf tMuljciiiii. uu u,it ilpi, untiiie Und iitu.t be ..iter and nlull. h

Sin h .1 j rr.ou mat n 1n.. K bo isl Sun 0 h, c atui111 .l ir tii.1 I nu I if pr p in.l lu in a e tn uu 1

I.i.ll'llllll M I.O iipirulni. un Im 11. nutcr.rah to nht him l .'li I ixixlrl.t

,1I1K,.MI 1U1 , it 11. ul .1. nu j . r r.IU '1 ll.ll.l. V I'ill.H.N .111.1

Vnjntcn-tntj- f.

.'ACYF1:AT1IKr'iYKIX.-- A good po.ltlonX1 upen fur a llr.t ula. dyer of fancy feather., goodi.l.rt Addre.. by letter, with reference

M I It, box 173, Fun office

IIIINT-C'fiaH- prcman on cu.toin pantaloon, byat!4Mi nathanut JOHN PA1.1.QV

foreman cako bakers no other Call' at L ltollKKTHON'rl, IW Hate, av , Brooklyn

GOOD o.tnch feather dyer i none hut one who underbuilue.i Addreea 1)1 hit, box Id), Hun


plumber, and onewholia. Jti.t .erted hi,CiOtlll Call In ninriiiiic 241 l.t .t , Brooklyn. 11 I)

HAIl AnimicilATIOt.-Th- iiliiectliuy will be held Mil. Monday, tlM Jd ay ,

at H P. M Important bmitiea. will be Iran. acted

HAlIt Wi:AVi:n wantMlt .teadrwnrkJOHN J BKUK. aiLl.p.nardat

HOllnlXmiTII flnlah.ri and rood out.ida menfire.. cape, IT2 Preen, .t

nOUNicNlTointN wanted, llirjulre of OhOKUEwar Co .table.

'j Oil It UI.KK wanted at WI John It

1) VPI'.lt IIOXM A flr.t-cla.- a paper cutter want-c- lMAWtllll MfKK A 1IINOII AM, 0 Howard It

1) ll'KIl IIANOKU and painter wanted, reatly towork MUI.I.BW, IM I at Wllut

PRINTIa. Broadway.Two third lob or book compo.itor

UUiril r.n.INwantd.0 KRT.HEY. W 3d ay,

SIIOKMAKKKM can liny po.ltlvely Hi. eheapeatA. tIAI.KWHKI, 01 Henry at.

SIIOE"TnAIlv5)pe7ator.on men'analtem, near l'lke tt

QIIOi: UllTTKHM meet at 475 Pearl ,L,TueaJay,Oup. N AlllnylliHl

WANT. II, A MOII.VTKIt-- A tltoroiiRhly to take chame of mountiiiK room, on

frame, and moultlliiK., will payattooJ .alary, and alvaperiuaiiriit emiioment to Ihe right mant mu.tbrimr

l refercucaa. Addrcaa, taliuK wragea audreference,,

L. I) . box ITU, Bun office

WAftTfll An experienced etlltnr or reader for apajr mti.t he fully aciualnted w Ith

Ihu reiulrtuiMil. of a aerial publication j cominunlo.tliMK.lrlcIl) confidential AdJree. IOok Box J4, Philalrlphia Pa

WANTKII A good reliable man .marl rtoalgnrrarll.tlc furniture, working drawing, a

.prclall), aul .kelrhe. Ad Ire.. llKNItYA.TUItNP.ltA CO , JIWe.1.1 , llo.lon, Mui

WANTi:il-- A tlr.tcla.. blank book and Job workrmplotment. cool nay Addre...

wlthrrrerrncea.JOIINC MOOItl.. blank book manufacHirer. Itochi.ter. N

WAMTKII Itrong errand hoy in printing oiTice,worked attliebu.ine.. preferretl

s T llhhli, I.TJ Broadway

WANTKII All p.r.nn. not paid for their labor orat AN HoriiNHMKI'H ollke, 4

New l iiauibcr. .1 ; legal adtlce freeot charge

WAM'i:il-2)oun- g men a. waller., from lHto2a,accu.lomed to waiting need apply.

No 210 Spring at

WANTI'.n 0 flr.lcla.. pal er .orter. Apply atT McM h.31! Spring .t.

WANTKII Two hor.e.hocr., fireman and floorat 2.S Beach .1 lll'KI.h

WANTKII 2 tailor, on .hop an I custom coatl.nth av , betwein Jl.t and J2d .1.

WVNTKII- -J g'ood blark.mllh-- . heTpera atJON s X. OJ2 Hreenwleh it

WANTKII llr.t cla.. hu baud .awyer. none buthau I. need apply HU) Monroe at

WANTKII ltov. to feed I' re..e., atA hTM Kb .X, Mil Poarl .1 , near Kim

WANTKII A fir. tela., trimmer one accu.louiedup cabinet wurk 2IH e.t Smh .1

WANTKII A hoy lltlng with parent, below Canalwith reference, at 147 I ulton at

WANTKII A good tm.nilth tnuat bou.edto heatyal Jt.lrut'.Mh.t

irANTKIISmaTt,lnlilllgeniLoy about 17 year, otTT age & Broatl way, room J'i

WANTKII A youtii man who can drive a furnitureat MM loth av

"lirANTKIl A Tniiiigmau who ha. worked at wagonTT painting 1H0 Pl.t (Hill .1

irANTKll A .mart vnung man a. waiter In diningTT aaloon 3.14 ha.t JHli .1

WANTKII . voting man a. In a boot andat 41H 3d at

W ANTKII-- A wheelwright on tnnk work, al 103Pearl .1 Brookhn

y AMTKII-- A gotl whtelwrlsiilatSSOVti.llilh.t

Iy AMTKU-Plumb- er. ami luTper. at U7S2d at

YOHN44 M ART a blark.mllh . heIKr goott chance.hip and machine blatkaiuitliing tUMalQ

.1 Brooklrn

2 PA N T.H IIA.NII wantlH BKANAOAN, Beat New York.

K IMIUMwan. lea for l 4" worlhJ0t), n rounl.O aoo tx lltv for tuc , worth I N) TIIK lANTOM TtACO., Ill' Chamber, .t.. near Vi e.tIt l'O UN list pure lea.f I; ft pound, roa.ted coffee, Hlli'l.b TKA IH). Ptarl and 4i Pulton itOf, I.ATIIKIIS wanted Apply at new buildingiiJ between .Ulh and 3Tlh at. , on "lb av

tSitiiatioiifl y'antnl.AlOt'NU M .N Jnet from the countr) df .ire. a

a. driver ot a milk wagon gno.1 refert.ncr-- . given If required Addre.. A ANUKKW, IU0VTe.t.nth.t , lop floor

AKKttl'KOTAIII.K man (3i wl.he. a .Ilu. Honbeat of reference Addre.,

P. P car. of Itehoe, J14 Kaitmth at.

woman would tike todo waahiug andIroning, oiiui.le or at home 111 Past 3d at.Jd rloor

AHTKAIIY job wanted by a flr.l cla.. brea.1 andno objection lucounlry 35J H 44lh .1

AOKK&1AN man wl, he a .llualiou a. foreman atInquire al 127 Bieecker .1

CAKE HA K Kits, confeclloner. anl pa. tryA POllLS, Lincoln Hall, corner Allen and

llou.ton .t.SITVATIOX wanletl by a Orel cla.. brea.1 baker

bread to lake charge on bread aloneor bread and cake Call or a Idre.b JJ3 P.a.t 4.1th .1

SITUATION wantetl by a baker a. foreman orbrea I, city or country Call tor Hire, 3t I W e.t 40th itrjM) IIOHH IIKKItn.-iluatl- on wantetl by ax flritt el... leun rial bakt ri can take charge onall other kin I. of bread . bt ,t of reft rence. Plea.e callor aldrr.. for Hire. da. HAKi-.K- 4tj Adilphi at , nearrullou rear, Brookl)ii

rpo IKIS IIAKKIIH.-- A tlr.t-cla.- . fnrrmati. aJl ol .etonl haul, and a third hand on brea.1, cakel,

and I ie. want .Ituatlon. Call or addre..011(1 Kill. II OKI M AS.N, 7 Clip .lie H

rpo BLANK IIIMIK HIN IlKItn.-- A practicalX llul.heraud forwarder wl.he. a .Ituatlon, will work

for reasonable wage. Please addre..HINtlhH. box 174, hun Office

rpo IIOHH IIAKKItH.-iiituatio- ii. wanto.1 ht anratJl and arcnud ban on I read. cake, or pie. , both aober

und .teal) men, cit) or country Call fur three da), atNo 1114 Orchard.!

VirAN'TKll Position as acamstrc. In private fainTT II) h) aglrllatilt l.n le.1, Prolc.lant would help

at housework or mind children, highly re.pect able;cihj.1 Inline mure an object than wage. bKAMaTKKHA,No .'I'M at II r fell point, I. I

gHmtufl.rpiIK IIOHH IIOItNI4IIOKItH ot th. city ofX New ork are rtqueeted to attentl a meeting to be etening June Jti at llerinaula As.tmbltBoom, .'i.l h ul aii.l7lhnv II) order of AMlltl'.tt 1.0IIA1, Pre.ilent J MONIIAN, hrcrttary


1.1KKK KXOI'ICHIONN TO KI.I'.HIIINO.I ruttlest tillage in Ami rlca.

H.I. Ml I Ml Shade Tn is anl ShruhbcrtH.I.MIIMI Pul lie sclit ol. aul (hurrlii.H.IMIIMI llsbiiig Sailing and lliithliigII.I.miiino .to Minute, from tiih.tI I.l Mil VI line hour from City HallI I I MUSH own )our Hiiiiu therelll'SHIMI Map. mil laasr. tree


Ijlllt NAI.K A rnmfnrlahtfl housf aul lot coultnts,ritk ha.tmi nt un large garden luiiilruut.lrj South I.l at Brookllll I, II

(KIOII ItOOlH aul lelronm. !H I.n.t Uth ktMper iiionih earh

tUOlllfjO (L'lUUKCS.

I) V It'l'N IMC ttilh .."iiiui inako fpiitHI utolntiuIiiiiii. M ttl.llllKOOh JlJIIonirt I.IorrlJM

UI'.Tll. 41ICOI :ic fWturn, gin I lornhti.iuyss tuiite lor ketlliig No.biut

No rr, Isi at

C II OKU VKl'lt'H lll.lnn.hop for fnle it ith .tickOun I IIMlirt" on uu tm ut of kh km., .ml 47llil

iio.urt nnil jHooiusf.

("JI'NTI.KllliN am. iiuitiliittd with ton I bonnl,ir diiulie I lullo bath

.1 I Mil II. uu. I

Cl- - NIMll.i: ItOOII, null l.nrd aUnu.uialli,7)(roni l n. ton. 1110 liituui. rr las Indie. I11I lebuarl H'.l wteklt I n.' laiull) Iil Vol I'lllel


14IHT I at) . lotktt, containing two ttul)pc btCuiiitl nn.l iliLimie .1. aul Bower) I.tttard

ill III. lllll K.i 47 llrllgo.l


Al.lir.lllt k, hoikkitilug peiiinaliihlp, iirllhmut ut 1.(1011 pupil, half rit e

PAIM., i..' Ilottir), I .11 lliroii.lita)

yooftf unrt horo.

HI.HT nud li. t tip it. 111 tin sn amp lluu a bitlalt) HI Ml AS lisilloll.t

Ol' $Hll4 vii'j niitsvi.r ii ,iit ut 1, m .s iam

V LI JLloal UJIVrJi N 11

CxcuwtonjJ.1 f f.jjvaj fTV t AN IIATTAN II EACH,


The (learner SYLVAN OIIOVE leave, tlia pier font of23dat.,KA8T BIKlt. for the Company'a Depot, ilre.n-poin- t

connecting with train, for Manhattan Beach,at h 4, III UAIi, and halt hourly from 11 13 A.


II 1 A M.l U 3D, IO I JO P. M , .lid etrryfifteen and thirty minute, past tho hour to II Ji) P. II ,and at lu, 10 3J V M.


Th, st.miers I) It. MAItTINand HAM RLOANleavafoot of Mhllehall at .termlnu. of all the Kl.vated Kailway., halt hourly from Htin A, M tot. lop. M

TKAISHI.KAtl. MAMIATTAN BI'AOII at 7lll. 10.P lOA.M,and half hourly from IU.10 A. M. lo 10 11)

P MTrain, marked Ihu. do not run on Sunday.



I.KIi 1' A It It and HleambnatOompaiiy.r,iOHT' OIIANII DAILY KXCIIICXIONH.Moat DBLUIHTPUI. HUM MBit KPUOItT near New York.

PORT WI! PAUK IIOTIII. AND UltAND PATIMONnow open by Ixmls BchultrotNew York at thn Pall.adei.withmagiiiHcent view, of Ihe llndaon, Bay Opper NewI ork, and I oug Island Sound , Or. nil Old Tree,, Has lol alka, line Iawiib, Coolnoas, and fur l.ouu piixnis, Bowling Alley,, Billiards.

Boat, leave Canal at dally Bnal, leave Port Leo, landlanding at 21 and aiUi Hit al 3ilh and Iilandlolidn lalcrt 0 4.', A. M. 3HAP.M.

10 A M M'.M 4 4JIMI.HAM OP.M llsaJA.M nmp.M.

1 P. M .... TP. M I24HM , 7SHIP.M,IP. M ,. .. OP.M 2 Ml P. II., . ..H.JP. X,

3, UP M . ....,- - Th. 0 4f, i 45, II 30, J 15,The 10,2,5,0, T, n up n, 7J). and BJn down

boala make all l.ndlnga boat, make all .inclal adverllmMneut.


Pleasant Talley Orove to 1( t lo Bunday Bcliools. Ac

C11,K IHI.AXI),STAKIN'H Ixmg Island Hound,TUB DAY 8UMMKII llliSOItT.


8H1AI. OOIINKT gilAHTP.T.California vocal quartek Kuiierlor dinner., a la carteOld fashioned Rhode clam bake. hl.KINIIP.UTRCH1,ANI. Herman music, boer. and tvlirtlel.TIIK liAIKY. Pi.hliif, boating, bathing, biUlard,, bowl-ing, rlfleiauge

1KIATH BUN AB POI.UIUliLeave Pier IB, N Jewell a harf, Thirty third at ,

It Brooklyn I! It t

Bill A M R,A II 8 tr.A II.1111.1 A M 10 13 AM. 10 45 A M.

1 O) P. M I If. p M, I 45 P. M.2 TO P M 2 45 P. M 3 15 P MU 00 P. M.

Iteturnliu, leate 01.1'N ISLAND 10 II A If , 12 M ,3 30 P M , f. ) P M , B 10 P M




ONLY ALL VTAThll lIOUTh-N- O CIIANHPIIstett 211 at hourly. II JO A M to 7 'U P.M.leave Pier No lhourl),IOA M ft 8 P. MReturning, boats leate Iron Pier, alternately every

hour from II 15 A M toO 15 P M

I.MKA TR1PH ON SI NHAV, JUNE 25rxcurslon tlckeu for sale at all lleated Itallroad


byCAPPA'S KUNT1I RUdlMKNT BAND,etery afttruoon al 3 and evening at H o'clock.

ADMISSION 10 PAWI.ION, 15 CENTSrer.ons liolditLf pa.sage ticket, for boat, admitted



bllORThlT I QUICKhsft BoaU leate WEST I0TIICIIHtPI IT I ST Zi A M . and PIKR II.30 MINUThS N It, 9 A. M , and hourly

TO until IJ.Vl P IL, and half- -CONFA ISHND hourly until 7 Ml P M

b) .learner. IIP tllKNIMJ train, leaveSW.VAN DP.1,1. and CONKk ISL4NHT 40 aiidll

Tnll.HlHT, A M, and hourly unlll 2connecting ot P M .and half hourly until


EXLI'RSION TICKLTti, Ueueral Manater.40 CKNT8

Third a.ason 8EA BEACH PALAOK I10TEUOne hiiudri I room., I.esi 91 Table d Itoie dinner, au

pirlor restaurant POPULAR PKHU'SOH A It Ll-- A. MhltKITT. Proprietor



The new, fall, and elegant ateamer'cm OP ItlsJIIMOND.combining 8aet), Hpeed, and Comfort, will commencehtr regular trip.

ON AND AITKH THURSDAY. JUNE 22,Prom lint --M.t. t V . A M Sll' HProm Pier J, N II Hum A M. 3.3UP u.

Ill TURNINIIIve. Iinc Branch Iron Pier 12,10 P M 5 15 P. M

l n.urpard Surf Bathing modem Improved BathingHoum . Phstaiit Drive, and Promenade.Hlnglo Trip . . ;ncnt.Excursion Ticket, (good only date Usiiedl . OOcenl.

Inc uding admi..iou to the Iron Plor


ItAII.ROADCommencing May Mil, lM2 train, leavedatly

lluulrrs Point and Hush wick A. M, OJI... b, 9JS3,ll, p K.I.2J0 4 10. .IllnatVu.hav A.M,13, ti 40, II, P. M , 1 10, 1X,4 l, 5 ,10

Kail New York-- A. M , B 47, 9 52, II II, P. M , 1 22,2 -- i3 4 28 5 U

Train, leave Rockawat Beach daily for Hunter'sPoint and Buatiwtck-- A .M , B, 9 JO, II. P. M , I. 3, 4 30,5 JU. T 30

Inrllatbuah ar.-- A II ,8 35, 0 40, 1120, P M , 1 JO,2 55. 4 i, 6 l


V 6nu liiLitTi".Loave NRVT YORK, commencing

HATlillHA,JiinelT,Daily (except Sunday!

FOOT KAT 3ITI1 8T --7 "i 0 50, 10 50 A. U , I 50,3 20 4 J) ' ., O.l P M

JAJIF8 SLIP 7 JO, 9 JO, 10 30 A M , I JO, 3, 4, 5,5 3ii O JU P M

ANNKX BOAT foot ol Pine it . K R --7 30, P 9A M ,3 IX), 4 US, 5 JU P M

8UMH1S ONLYFoot East 31th t rt A, tf 20, 10 50 A M , 12 50, I 50,l3,yi,10H

-- FIHIIINU IIANKH.-- A sail ot 7S miles. Bhours on Hie Atlautic Ocean and plenty of fish every

day. except Saturday Pa.1 ea learner J II HOHUil.hR,leat Inguew landing. 32d it , K It. 7 Ji, JJ St. K It. 8,Peck flip. K It. 8 JO. Iraiikhn .1 , Pier 35. N UAM dents1 ticket., 76c , ladle.', 50c rlshing tackle, bait, Ac . on board

AL. FOSTER. Manager.

MANHATTAN VI X.I.K AND lORTI.KK FPUaljoilung Park ground., half,

hourly trip, from 0 A M to 91' M Take elevated roadito IJ.lh.t

T HYKKV KXl'VIISION OPFH'K. t7TWesl. corner Morton t , steamer I ONU BIIANCII,

barges, Lroves, Ac , to charier for picnics and excur.ions FSl.WYhKACO .ucce..or.

-- KCtlltHION' TO Ml ST POINT (allowing""?. hours for sight seeingl and NUH'BUIKIII (l

hour.i Se. ALBANY D IUMT8' aJvertl.ement

umtufr 5fj3ortji.

Ctl.AVKltAI'K, N. rceort, elkhtcomuiaiidlng fine lew. of

the mt utitain. 20 acre, of grnund. .hade! lawn, Hue. tdrive, in the Slate, mountain air, no malaria ever knuwiior a inoftquito Board, to J7 a w eek Addn s.







1KTI'TI'4 OIK1ANH, 27 slops" ., planoiTIJ.u7vi lactory runnliigilat ami night Catiiloguetree AdJre.. DAN'IKI, I BE (, a.hingtou N J

BklU.lAIN-f.- il rosewood 7 oct pianoforte .toid"porfcclordir Re.itleini, JJ1 fail IP1I1

.1 near 2.1 at

GJ It i: IT II A 11(1 A "n h" lu set on I hand laTitTa"

f..! li ward. 7 octuti.,lui ui'ttanl. noit jilaiios uulliltallmelit. fliiinnntlM) new orkaus $' luonlhl)

HOIUlK HAri Its A 10 s.S. Broadway

MIWVKI.I.'K Ni it sloraite Pianos furbuga2t' Adtiitirts a sptclallt

P111110. boiikht .oil rente..) and retailed Olllet, SJI.a.l I llli rl mar llli ut

rpilKM SO .fc II Ml I, IN OHO AN CO., IflI In.tMlhsl (l mini .tiiirri olTrrMOKI. I HAN niSIM I Sot Ihcht.t anleh, BINI roll I'AKI (litlllll) INs In the world at n ihi7 .kI 7J mI, ia,fin nt' JIH2 iflui.lo tv.ilau.l upiiard Alan fur KVM

1MI Nfi oruuorgjti will birtuied until lent ii)sfor it l ala!nur In f

rt.ewtiol W11.1. LirK-- till,JJJ orkilli. 4Jtl, lilauu., ttrgali. rt lilod ifl 1111

llll)()l L 7Kmt lllh st

CTfi I I'ltlOHTl'I M) nut f 5il (1IIKH0N 8, 13 1 at I Ith. I

3ttiiud.A l.l ll'.l.l thottil lllie.t Billiard lr. nt

J V tl will! Hi. Willi. lelttl! MIINAI.l II Mill, k eil.llliilisloittel rut. all t e terms fin J M llrillisitlek AII tiki Co 7.1 Unu lit h)

AlllllIK N .Hill irl hilliarl 111 pool tahli imwt Inn I tit real btr.'iiiii. uu la.yltrinatl.ll illlllHlll A o vii BruiUa) uiriier Juihst

DltlUI'.U'S piiilniil liillluril tablt. thehi.t madu,Martriitims 7.'.' Brua 11 a)

JloitOf UtuUhiltri.

f MIWPKKI'IIWA! I"H, m, 113, a'u I 117 ChalVyhiin at, Sew lurk 41M, 410 and 4IJ Hilton t ,Bin lurniluro Carpet. HedUuu, stuns, Ae liunn ust H.atirtmeiii Ion priti.,en.) it nn.I llAilll 1n7v f 0llTnnl'iu"sTnTir rirneTXJ. .Ultli.l-HIKN- III 1(1 , CARPI' 8 and llhDDINII,nl a n I11eil.11 nf 40 ci NT fur, ur ouia.)wteklt ur mouth!) ut 111. lit. lor tin. wtek on!)


( IH llIIMH'l'l:ttl'.ll NIMH IMIO.-r- xVA Hiiitnu HH' iirllllel il tu Ci Ji, iii 110 chal go forstrut Inu wh n urn urdrn t ml I lining, il uplit iiiing an I uaiitidiii. iinliit tl 1, . it. '.1 lt .,,.,.sun I it. 1111 r uu ill s i in.,. Ir.lilh ilillIlklM C 11.11111-- I ill II .null il.liuiht'sli '" ,N " ttli tt n iinm diy or itniiiu 7xp , Miiim I.l i sin isiicmitisj

Nu JtJsili.ii ,aobeluw .'Jtnst D. (. t. xuu.Umi ijjr



The delightful new 1 act drama, from Mm Black', r

novel, A PRINCESS OF THULE, and entitled'


AN IRISIl' 11)11.Adaotetl for the stage h LOUIS F I1AUM

rrotluced with new and nia;ulflccnt acener), and agreat cast of metropolitan fat urlte.

hatinfes Wednesday and Saturdayavkui.vh t4tii t. tiieatkk.TIII8 IMOHDAI) KVPMNd, JUNK In


tn hl new oharacttr," JOIIN MIKIII.KR" (the Herman pollcemaui.


the new cmiilc pla) by Joseph Bradford

STANIAltl"TliKATltK. .. TO N10IIT.

JOHN IIOnsiiN By nermla.lonof HtrmanialheatrcDOHA UILKY HTANDARD OI'liltA CO.


JOIIN HOWsoN The grandest prndiictlon in (heDORA VtlLHY. city.

JOIIN HOWSON Magnificent cn.tumei.DORA WII.K1 Enlarged orchestra






AVKItl.Y'N NIIII.O'.H tlAltlll'V.n Till. VtKI K, ONK 11 KEK ONLY.Closing hngagmentpf the ritvorito Actor.

PRANK I hi. Highly hen.atlouat and Successful Drama.

The Dig Jack ISI SLOOUM ia Potterful Coniponr.Acting Bear Bruno St SLOl I'M Wonderful Wile Simla

New Seiner) si SLOOUM I A Beautiful DrnluitMATINLPS UPDNKsDAlS AND BATL'ilDllH

Popular Prices. A Reserted seal oil first tluor for 50otssiT,iriii:AitTN


Opt 11 tlnlly, incluilliig Sundays (mil) tor a .hurt time),from 0 A M till 10 P M Shuw. all proocta, friiuihatching .Ilk worm egg. to the .Ilk tires. Now coinP'1


Institutions In a botlyonl) half price

riMINY rAHTOIfH Kv"l4TirST' tJm'ATREX Flr.t appearance nf the AMY Lh K COMI 111 ( Oil

Tonight, PAN1 In tho.parkllng mu.iial oddity.Every Etening The Two Miilalllou. Ml.. Amt Leu 11.

and Matlnci. llene. and all unequalled ca.t iileaalng of musical coiuetliia New and

and Iri.lav beautiful an I .ceneryFIRST Ml'DA .LION MATISH. TO MORItOlV AT 2


PAflfc.NCI. PATIKNCFOther character, by Marian I ambert l.mltv Law

renco, Be.sle Hret. Fd P Temple, Hurry Pepper, Jnoh, and Harry bt Maur

AVKIt 1.1 S" FIFTH AV. THKATItK.P tery et cuius Matinees and Saturday


ALLACll'll. Broatlwav and 30th ILLAST NKIIITS

ot the present season nnd of the New Pla),LA BELLE KUssE

Every evening at 8. and Snturda) Matinee at 1 30


Kter) etening 8 so to IIORCHESTRAL CONl I




ENriKE AUDITORIUM lOOLKD 111 ICED AlltSs. srHIK 1VIiri.THFT,KTC'HKK will leelure all t ure-l- Hull. .n- - lultun si, Brookl)ii, 011

lledne.tla).Junc2l, at 8 p M subject " British In.tice, or Iwelte Mouths In an I nUMi Prison " Adtui.lun, 25 cent.


P"Al7lI TlAKIIKN, IJ8 and 140 Lust 14th st Thisgartlt ha. been considerably enlarged, an 1

llirough the removal nf its glass roof has become one ofour coolest summer resorts in tliiscltt tuucerl eteryetening Ad mission frtv


13th, 14th litis ITlll. JOIb 21SI 221 .'4th 27lh, 28thKuccs loiniiielice prt mt III at J o'clot k

J 0 K LlWHLNtll, LLONAKD W JhKOMF.,secretary Prt.ltleut


The only dinct route from Nt wl ork with unsurpassedfacillliea for transportiiig large numbers quickl) andcomfortatilv All trains stop at tho entrance to racecourse Sie adtcrtisement and lime table In excursioncolumn of this paper

TKIOIITON MKACII ItAC'IJ.ThLs ilsv flte races Brookl) n Haniticnp, stcejl.

chase, and three other r.cte Atliuis.ltui n, t.rau.l si.titlfl, la.1)'. ticket, M0 , Held trie Race, at J u clock

ItOBI'ltT ROBINSON, Pr.sldout.JAMES McOOWAN.Kecrelar)

tf mnboKtg mul lailroiuls.I. II ANY HAY HO NY AND C.A TIBBARD Dally (Sunda). excepleili, leate lestr)

st Pier 8 J5 and W ij.l at. at I' A l (Brookl)nby Aunexats A. M ), landing at Ntnck lerr). West Point.Newbiirgh, I' Rhinebeck Catskill and Hutsou Lonuectlng at Khtneheck (hi ferrt) with J 4". P M

Iraln on Ihe I later and Del Railroad, and at ALBANYwllh train, fur th. NORTH and WtsT, and M'bCIALBAIIATOOVKXPltl-Ss-

--"MAKY IMIW'KIiL" leate. lestry st pierdally (Sunda) s excepted) at 3 15, and 22d st atak)

P M , making bar usual lauding. Cuuuvcu at Poughkee sie with etening train, for the north

OltWICH LINK TO nilSTOV. W orce'ter.Nashua, Portland, and the Last the new lrou


without exception the most elegant boat on the Sound,and the favorite

CITY OF NEW IORK.leate I'ter40 North Rlter, foot of Watts su (next plorabove st I err)), dally, except Sunday., al 3

PltCIVIsI KNt'K LINK, to Protidence direct, conWorcester and all points North and East.

-- Magnlllcent .learners RHODE ISLAND anl MAsa0HUM.TTSal5P M dallt (except bunda)sl, from Pier2i, North Rltir, foot of Warren st


cept suutta).) from Pier J.1 North Liter, foot of Ja) st,al 3P M arritingln Boston aid 1 M

rilltOY HOATN- -I Itirens' I Ine --New a earnersX SAKATOl. I and I ITI Ol TKOY Irate Pier 44 N 11,

foot t hri.lopher .t . tlailt it xct 1 saturda) ), at 0 P M



Trains leate New lurk, t la De.brussc. and CortlauJtStreet. crrie,, A4 follow .



composed cxclusltel) ofPARLOR. DININtl, SMOKI.Nd AND SLEEPING CARS,leate New 1 ork etert da) alOA M

Meals, on the table d hole plan, are served on the trainin the

NFW AM) I LI (1ANT DININH CARS,which have Just been plate In sert Ice nnd passengerswill fin I breakfast rial) when the train star!. a specialconvenience fur thu.eof limited lime ur who lite at adistance from the ktation

The ordi r of meals Is as followsIII. LAM AST. Ii TO II A M

LUNe.ll, 1.' Ill 2 P. MDINNER 1 TO 7 P M

MllhAKrAHl, 7 TO 9 A M.lralu arrliei at Chicago enr) ilat ul lo 40 A. M

A NEW I.ATUIthIs Ihe Smoking Cir made for this train ttlileli for elcgauce of a poliiluielit. Is not equalled

llarrl.biirg. itiei.urjli the West aul South Willi Till!man Palace Cir. itlitthed HA 11,11 an I 8 M dill)

Wllllamsport, Lock Hateu, 8 A M.8P M , lorry undIrle at 8 P 11 comits'llng at Curry fur ruiiaiill..,Pilioleiiml litre and Hie oil Kegioii.

PaUiuiore Washington anl the soulh ' LlmltctWashliikton t f Pullman Parlor Car. tlailt exitptsunda) lu A M arrin W rtslungtoii 4 p RiuUrnt3jtiaulK IA M I 4.1 7 and P M and 12 ul. lit.

Sunda) '. llA II ,7 an I UP 11 nu I.' nightx reskfor llalllmort exiept stiuJat 1 P It

lor All mile ill), with car, IP M, exceptSllllitlll

Boats ot ' llruokltn Annex 'connect with all throughInius nt Jerstv lit) nifordin u speedy and tlinetlr insfcr fur Brookl) n trut

Train, arrito trom I'ltlkbiirgh (120 and II 20 A M7 maud III 40 P M tlailt 1 ruin W lliliiglon 1111 BillIhnore (I m u sn A M I Mi 5 in ti it 111 11 aulI0MIPM sillidat. II fl 11 .1 A M II li, in I anl10 vip 11 Iruni 1'liilaltlj.hli '.1 11.11 n 1.1,11 .1ti m 11 in, III vi, 11 10 a 11 I .'11 j J 'i ', ti 11 .'I7,m 8 '.1 n t 10 111 aul in P 11 -- iiudai I )II J el JO. 0 M, 10 1 II , ei 20, V Jj, to 10, und 10 jO

rpo imiilaiiki.imiTa.TIIK OLD bsTAII Islll.D KOI Tl. AND SIIOIll I INE


Nl.W 1

DOl'BI.l- TRAfK 1 Hi: MOM 1MPII0M.1) Qt'Il', AND llli, isll si mil. I ONalslL.NI

wiih iusui.i iii sin. aExrress trnln. leate New 1 ork tit san I strt ei. ht rrli. a. f illow ..'. .1.7 .M H s II 10 luiiti I II A II I l.'i Ul r,

11. 7 H, 1111,1 11 r 11 anll.'uUlit Sun la. j s a ,111 A II "ill 7 8 an IBP II allj 12 lllklil

I xjless trains hatt Ntn lork dull), exit , t sun 1) at7 .si 1 M aul 4 1 l running thruii.h u Ireiitan 1 am I. ti

lleluruiiik Irslus lonte Hr.ial street Station Plulilelplua I J l i i. J . .1 4 m 7 in s .11 k in milII A M I limit I I nut I li' 11 4 ,7 1.8 anlsjn P tl on sun tut I J til, lui,I 8 J I 4 M 4 1. 7 il 8 an I 8 .11 ' M im,PhlUJtlplila tia eaiuJui, u 1 M and I JO P II dall)exiept "Mill la)llekeioillet. 81 lan IOII llrnalmv 1 A.lor II uue

aul foot or De.brus.e.uiil ( orll tu It .1. , 4 ( ..tirt .1.aul llriiokliu llillfs .1 tlioti f it nt salt ill .1 Brinkliu 111 lln mil lis Hi Ui .t Hoiok.ii stitiouJersr) fill I inl.rant rit k 1 oitlet- - 8 Batter) lite.I ho Nun lork liuinfir (iiuiuii) will e ill tor uu J

cheik lia.'kafeiruui hotels llld lisiltm 1.HUNIt IllllMsllN I II WOill)Heittriil tlnna-c- iltneral l'u..'i jtii

41lhrf Uanrou'j.

1,1 1SIIION STI I) I'llCll,a St lllltill s, iteiiii 11 ,r , (., o I lhsI M i.tll ,U fluiH..N V IMIISlIf "N .lni l),iI ,

siirn iirs j.,.1Mans noi pri.Miia wiih foil un) lc riluriiid Un statn.iui 11 , r , i.,r uti , 'I or tic ii a in ni ni om . ..

I siiii .11 II I will r nt SIII N SMIIII i v han.i li t N tt 1 .1DIWIRl I'.s im tl . . . 1. st

111 HEN u, r ,o7 j, ,,j VJ K frk


In Antioipatioii


On June 30, 1832,

The Remaining GoodsIn All Our Departments


Extraordinary THE INTER! r.NINU PERIOD




Baron Lieblgr."SPEEDY, SURE, & GENTLE."Dr. Roberts, Univ. Coll. Hosp.,

London, England.Ordinary Dote, a Wineghssful lefort htafiut.Of all Vrvggitts ana" Mineral Water Dtaltrt,

.lune ftniulne hut lsltk n Illne l.uliel.

ti ci.osi: Tin:



Ilegnnllcss ot Cost1,CONSISftVl OF




PEIOE TO STOCK TAKING.wi: wilIj hu.h norm MTitM-ui.N(- i nit coons

IM I.UIHNUWhite nt r,t 7 ?- -' J2 vt and .limited

per pair lied a, rtmls at 4jc tu $7 IkJ comforterile tnf'

Tnbl i! llnenn HA Kinn lowel nm Ulto cnople anjnotlltiRH Maitri"fn raprlmrlmlrJ fntMrro an I tick!. it.Ac Tuhlo and llnor oil cltli Wlnlun liHiles i n hunjand m(li to drdfr, alo aliaili Imllmid and (dialing nterlat Maklni aliogethcr a most Ufiirablt nioi.k fromwhich to select

100,000 yards of China Straw Mattingsat prices that My roiniiefilion.


A CEUTAIN CUIIF. for Iitadacho, convtlpation. pllu,itoinach, lh er, Kldne) , or skin discanns, ner ous e xhauitlon, wcakncn, lon of manhood, and all dltcaseiof. thturinary paKRa?K. OMcr chronic cao pronounced Incurable solicited and cur I Price 15c VL $1, nnUUSample bottle and circular free A idiwiclaii ad vice ofS'tjeara practice fnc froniH to IJ A M nnd Stnrt p M

all nther huiirn conmiitatlon fee J emit e wl tt rot 4th it.Send forllrouiihton'tf pamphlet, Our National ettknok."

Boker's BittersTUT. NAMK AH KVIHl.


MjK I B HB BUB M lor nn) case nf III In J,"FjabSr"Kr" Blee.Ilns Itrhlni; HIOTiil.-i- l cir I nilru.llMS PILI-- that HI HIM. . PILBRE1IED1 fall, to cure New lorle tieix t 111 I llllon si


LOW Will RORKI 111),40 I1A1.CI.11 hTREl.r

!,i!l!l'n!W- -


TO 0LAS0OW LoNllONDEHHl, (lit LllCltPOOf.Drafts is. ne.l at loerest rates at alile (fnueif char;))

HireiuUifiut 1 ne.tnn I .scotl tilt), an In Ian 1

lor honk, nf inftirinatitin i inns Ac a pi) toHENDERSON IlllOlllPH- - 7 ll.inhni! l.reen Sett Vork

M4IVAIU II Mill NLW KIRK AND lOSDOXI net,rat .teaniers Icaio tluek. atjoiniui

Paennlalerrt Jer.e e.itjPer.liin Monarch Tiiesln Mine .1i'BM Han Miniarcli saiurlsi JulysA.sjrlan Monarch 'Hlil.l .J. Jul lJ

Ml.t rlor art t.luuliHlallons fi r sal. in n.p.eii,er.Preiiud sletrajtt in kel. f . i Inn. - l"er than by

ani oilier line lh totlit (.Plural rf.nls.PAffoN lh LUisA i u tiliroalnay

I 'I ION ll.l.INi: IIIII-M-

I'll It II. NUlllllN IlllHi III I OSHOS liitnrliDiicka)IlltU.CI Jiiut -- t I P II MUNI I' lull H II A SI


Caliin tiitti7i. nunt irtlllckti. fJ() I .leerave tiekel. $JS l. i tier f.' less than on inns! llm t

I W I lltlll, isianWI llrnaln i

vai. m n. to tiiT. i: rii i:ki. i n im"

sleauieisUaei'l t. .t.ier foosuH.esl Jtr.e. lilyKIR AMsTI KDA1I

Fa I DIM Wi i Jum Jl J 1' M. si HII Dill Itnlnasiliii, June.'-- i . I M ,

KIR 1.(11 II. KlMMs. lllUTI IIIU'I Wt, Int .liu lull 1 JP II '

In r. bin f 7t .' ICa'iiu,.'.! Meern e --'" i ret.jiJ f.'lHINCH Hill WU I W MOHlils

S7h Win t Irnislit 1 l '') Rival i.eii I i IfntSTATE 1,1 I'.-- I'II I. I imr (li I 11 tl sf Nil

nt Itienuol lle.fiil 1cM Pl.NNsll.l INIi IlllleJ.' 10 I M

M I I (ll.llll lint - IPCublll HI st i nil I I .tl.lll 'SII sl,,ii.e li tirt),.,

F.e) si. nn ri .In not e irn t iilll. slit.i i r i,tAl IN II ll.llll IN I 11 l. in, .1 111 ill It N 1

"lru, cOootto.

t i ( tssniKin.s, riiNMi.s,) t it II till. II It

llielnri, st tiffortiiuiiL an II . . rI III n. l

I truer Nile e h in ir. an t II

C II i: V i' II I. Ms I 'I S A Ml I I 11WI'- -lliii iiik pun hum I it luit iiiii rl" '

lailket. HI nul. uti I It III i I k, u(..III. I. itll till, lilt k llli ttlll to tl t 'Tl iJei uir lieaii .. nut urn il i i"iar.1 WM M Villi -

llnlir.U.a ru i' UN ( rut: r r in iii - n

.V ilt. hloiii it h in r K In. s r I'..u.esliiill.lloti itealllt , ..tlluti III '

Inn . Itnu num. i r p - ' lit .r

i hronit t ii.t . rt.tiouiii . in in i 'hi. (He nu I tin ii ur. fr. t n '

I.' 11 mil iii n P II ull. ii .Mli) ill lru,.ll. nn I II l rl'lnil n - ' " L

-- int. smith, i ii . .i. t .ei oil I'liialt til, a., s tin r '" .

.Iliiluri. Ililliiiiiiu id n li. tt '

tiirts inrioii. .I.tiliti rt.t.rt. i ' . rtal .in fail In Hi . li- ... Hi i in I.l i . ''

TTI'.l I ION. -- II in - I' ' i ' '.1 .mi im j. it .1 irj.ti. .. it , .uu I ).. .f ii iihiol i loll i n. uu . t( r.lit.el It ton. u I i nlr.. i It 111 '

A TI'l'.N'l ION, Pail. HI. -I- I II "I '" "'JV PHliriN fuim luri. I.. H n " '", 'k

.,- -or.l r. ml in nuns tlililii) nil a ; mei -csptrleuet

A IIOTTI.Iiof HiTl I I s f'i kill' '

. V -- )rilu.t t. ml III I l.lti i li i ' junu. toll, mi iit i 1r - .' I'M ', ' ' -

4 Sl7lal(l ITI! IIISl'lSl'NI k '.1 Diiii; sii r . ft I't'k .' i' ' t l ' '

ni'Nis i. ii.wis ii lS ;nminiiiKi IM l

.In III u n anl .k n I se. , M.t ,

in s. ( i.t. . ' t' . I.lie uu I ii t . ill 'i al

nisr m sui' ii in '

' ' 'ii . . 'i. i

Di-- i iti . . ,i i i, i

- ni 'ti H