nationalism in india

Moving Toward Independence India

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Moving Toward Independence


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After World War I

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2. The assassination on 28 June 1914 of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria, the heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary, by aYugoslav nationalist in Sarajevo, Bosnia

1. Imperialism

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After World War 1

People thought thatIndia would seize the chance to ask

for independence...

India remained loyal ally of Great Britain

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DiachyParliament passed the Government of India Act

Set up a double government


Gained greater self-

rule in domestic



Kept control overIndia’s foreign affairs

and policyand national security

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Acts of Terror Grew

Bengal and Other provinces

Consequence:Rowlatt ActIn March, 1999, Parliament passed this

law that allowed judges to try suspected political agitators without a jury

Double Standard

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Amritsar MassacreApril 10 crowd gathered inamritsar-Capital of Punjab

Reason: To protest theRowlatt Act

There were violence but peace was restored by the British

BUT 3 days later, thousands gathered for religious festival

General Dyer ordered his troops to fire on the crowd

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General DyerHundreds of Hindus were

trapped and killed.

Parliament and the British citizens were


“He acted to make a wide impression and to discourage further riot.”

He was forced to resign

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Anamorphic illusion

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Hind SwarajIndian Home Rule

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Humpty Dumpty

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.All the king's horses and all the king's menCouldn't put Humpty together again.

Boston Tea Party - USA

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Mohandas GandhiRowlatt Act and the Amritsar Massacre

Brought him to political area

Unlikely Heroby Western Standard

How do we measuregreatness?

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1893-1915 (South Africa)

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Non-violent Resistance“SOUL FORCE”

“Injustice was to be met with justice; violence with non-violence.”


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Hartal - Illegal Boycott

All economic activity came to a halt and the day wasdedicated to prayer and fasting.

He called for a nationwide Hartal

1. boycott offices2. refused to pay taxes

3. lay down across train tracks4. Did not fight the police...

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Destiny of India

“The destiny of India has chosen for its ally the power of

soul and not of the muscle.”

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Sentenced to jail

6 years

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“Great Soul”

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Gandhi’s MessageRiver of blood shed by the government

can’t frighten me, but I should

be deeply pained...if the people did so

much abuse the government for

my sake or in my name

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What are these women doing? And Why?Britain outlawed LOOMING :Thus, over a hundred people starved to death!!

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Civil Disobedience

He encouraged Indians to bring backhome/cottage industries such as spinning cotton

rather than buy from the British.

As a result:Great Britain was force to raise the tax on


and forbade Indians to process salt...

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Salt March

Gandhi and 70 of his followersbegan the 180-mile march to the sea on April, 1930.

15k Indians joined the march.

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Salt March

When he reached the ocean, Gandhi bent overand picked up a lump of

natural salt indeliberate defiance of

British Law.

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Gandhi’s Goals (General)Gandhi’s

goals:1. Equality w/t British

Later became Independence from the

British2. Hindu-Muslim unity,

thusNO division o/t country

into India for Hindus and Pakistan for Muslims

3. End to Untouchability

Gandhi’s goals:1. Equality w/t BritishLater became Independence from the British2. Hindu-Muslim unity, thusNO division o/t country into India for Hindus and

Pakistan for Muslims3. End to Untouchability

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Muslim League

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Jawaharlal Nehru

Nehru was an Indian nationalist leader and statesman who became the first prime minister of independent India in 1947.

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Political Dynasty

What are the pros and cons?

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Indira Gandhi

2nd Prime Minister of IndiaDaughter of NehruAssassinated by her Sikh bodyguards

But why my gulay?

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A Great LeaderBut what are the characteristics of a great leader?

During her term, corruption in India was rampant

Authoritarian Rule

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Voted out

1977, She and the Congress Party were voted out from office

Morarji Desai

Succeeded to the office, he’s the manIndira had jailed...

Leader of Janata Party

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Restored to power

December 1978, the Parliamentreinstate her

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Rajiv Gandhi3rd Prime Minister of IndiaSon of Indira Gandhi

Assassinated by fellow Hindus for his support of the Buddhist led gov’t of Sri Lanka?

Why naman laman?

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Why did India experience

political instability?

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Muhammad Ali Jinnah

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PakistanMuslim State

West Pakistan

East Pakistan

What could be the big

problem of Pakistan from 1946-71?

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death of M. Ali JinnahHe died a

yearafter the

founding ofPakistan

The nationsuffered a short-lived


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Zulfikar Ali Bhutto

In 1970, Zulfikar Ali Bhutto became the prime minister

International debt increases

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Benazir Bhutto

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Flags-former colonies of GB

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Can you correct history?

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Ganito Kami Noon, Paano na kayo ngayon?

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Ang Pipit

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Kalash Culture in N. Pakistan

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